.WEATHERColder today and possiblyshowers. Fresh south to south¬west winds shifting to north¬west. ^ iiatlp iWiaroon COMMENT GOESON SALETODAYV'ol. 35. No. 32. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1934 Price Three CentsGERMAN FUGITIVE Name Seven Seniors to Serve onTALKS TODAY TOSOCIALIST CLUBAustrian Leader WillDiscuss RevolutionTomorrowWith both “The Life of a Politi¬cal Prisoner in Nazi Germany” and“The Fall of Red Vienna” to be dis¬cussed from cam¬pus platforms thisweek, the Univer¬sity community isreceiving an op¬portunity to ac¬quaint itself with(irst hand inform¬ation on contem¬porary European•situations. Underthe auspices of theSocialist club, Ge-hart Seger, fugi¬tive anti-Nazi, andDr. Julius Deutch,Austrian Schutz-bund leader, will Committee to Supervise Choiceof President of Graduating ClassInterview Juniorsfor Friars PostsCandidates for junior positionsin Blackfriars will be interviewedin the Blackfriars’ office, thirdfloor of the Reynolds club from1:30 to 3:30 today. Announce¬ment of the names of the juniormanagers selected will be made inThe Daily Maroon next week. Select David Kutner asChairman; CroupMeets TodayMAROON CANDIDATESCOMPETE TOMORROWFOR STAFF POSITIONSGehart Segergive public ad-(ires.ses, Seger in Social Science as¬sembly today at 3 :30 and Deutch to¬morrow night at 8:30 in Mandel hall.Herr Seger formerly was a mem¬ber of the German Reichstag, repre¬senting the Social-Democrats. With¬in a few weeks after his re-electionin the 1933 Hitler landslide, he wasplaced in the notorious Oranienburgconcentration camp. After his es¬cape from the camp, he came toAmerica. He will portray personalexperiences as well as describe thegeneral brutal treatment of politicalprisoners in Germany today.Deutch Is Outstanding FigureDr. Deutch is on a lecture tourand will speak next Wedne.sday nigh*at the Jewish People’s institute aswell as at the University tomorrow.Deutch has been an outstanding-figure in Central Europe since thewar. He was one of the foundersof the Austrian Republic and a lead¬er of the Schutzbund, until he waswounded and forced to flee fromAustria following the Februaryputsch by the Dollfuss’ Fascist gov¬ernment.-Announcement was made yester-,day by Mann that the Student Union'.Against Fascism and War, wTiichwas recently outlawed by the Univer-1sity after a violation of rules, hadnow been allied with the Fellowshipof Socialist Christians of the Chi¬cago Theological Seminary. Petitionswhich were distributed asking for thereinstatement of the organizationhave been signed by a large numberof students and will be submitted tothe Dean of Students’ office soon,according to Mann. The Daily Maroon training schoolexamination, required of all aspir¬ants to the newspc.per staff, will begiven tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 inHarper Mil. It will be open to allfreshmen whether or not tiev haveattended the course and to transferstudents who wish to try out for TheDaily Maroon.The quiz will cover such points asthe organization of the Maroon staff,methods of getting a story, and themanner of writing a story. Underthe latter important subject will becovered such material a.s writingessentials, preparing copy, lead.', andthe story.Candidates will also be examinedon their knowledge of The DailyMaroon style. They will be expectedto know how to use dates and figures,capitalization, punctuation, and ab¬breviation.Knowledge of UniversityThe exam will also hold the stu¬dents responsible for knowledgeabout the University administrationas well as for information concern¬ing student organizations.As soon as the papers have beengraded, an announcement of thosewho have been taken on the staff willbe made in The Daily Maroon.This will be the first time thattransfer students have been enabledto join The Daily Maroon staff. A re¬cent change in policy made this pos¬sible.Members of the Board of Controlof The Daily Maroon, who hav:? de¬livered the training school lectures,will be available for consultationanytime today by those students whowish further clarification on any ofthe points covered in the talks. Announcement of the names ofseven seniors to serve on the elec¬tion commission to supervise thechoice of a senior class president wasmade yesterday by the office of theDean of Students. The appointmentswere made through John Rice, chair¬man of the Student Social commit¬tee.The commission includes DavidKutner as chairman and Agnes Spin-ka, Hal James, Peggy Moore, Vir¬ginia Eyssell, Bruce Stewart, andRobert Keats. Noel Gerson willserve as graduate advisor.A meeting will be held this noonin the office of Mrs. Harvey Carr,assistant to the Dean of Students, tobegin preparations to set up electionmachinery. The committee will sup¬ervise the registration of voters,nomination of candidates, and theballotting.Must Have PetitionEach nominee will be required tohave the names of 50 eligible vot¬ers on his petition, which muslt besubmitted to Kutner at the officeof The Daily Maroon in the after¬noon or the Zeta Beta Tau house atnoon. These nominations must bein by Thursday at 4.Registration will take place thisj afternoon and tomorrow and Fridayj until 5. Booths will be set up ini Cobb hall, Mandel, the Law school,I and the School of Business. The finalelection date has been set for Tues-(Continued on page 3)Ogbum, Douglas,Palyi and Wei toSpeak This WeekMusic, Comedy, Dance Combinedin Reinhardt’s Latest ProductionBy LAWRENCE GOODNOWIt is fortunate that the programof “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,”being presented at the Auditoriumtheater, informs the audience thatthe production is a “comedy by Wil¬liam Shakespeare,” for it woulrl beimpossible to recognize the fact bywhat is shown on the stage. What isactually seen and heard is a musi¬cal-dramatic fantasy by Shakespeare-Mendelsohn-Reinhardt. It can not beconsidered, however that the pUy isinjured in any way by the treatment,for even Shakespeare himself wouldundoubtedly revel in most of ihe ad¬ditions which have been made tohis brain-child by the Messrs. Men¬delsohn and Reinhardt.The production is indeed a delightto the eye and the ear, done in amanner that one expects fcy such amaster of stag-ng as Max Reirhardt.Per slightly less than three hour's, theaudience is royally entert'ained byfne of the best shows that has hitChicago in some time. As a triumphfor the combined arts of music,drama and the dance, “A MidsummerNight’s Dream” swept the old Audi¬torium as nothing has since the per¬formance of “Romeo and Juliet”marked the end of the Chicago CivicOpera Company’s long reign in thathistoric theater.Only once did the action drag, andthat was during the final scene,which could very well be complete¬ ly cut from the performance, as itadds nothing to the plot and changesthe mood of the play so distinctlythat it comes as a complete let-downafter the magical transport to fairy¬land which had taken place. At allother points the mystical mood of thepiece is maintained so skilfully thatone is easily led to believe that heactually is among the delightful for¬est sprites which Shakespeare haspresented in his comedy.The performer who stole the showwas none other than Mickey Rooney,who has been featured in the “OurGang” comedies for several years.As Puck he was perfect, and keptthe audience in a constant state ofmerriment as he performed the dev¬ilish pranks which rank Puck withTill Eulenspiegel and the other not¬ed troublemakers in literature.The dancing in the performance isexcellent throughout, and the per¬formances of Nini Theilade and Rob¬ert Bell as the soloists entirely de¬lightful. The actual stagecraft is un¬usual, with a green mantle coveringa slope which ascends in the back,and continues forward across thefootlights until it covers the entireorchestra pit. The sides of the pros¬cenium arch are raised so that theentire proscenium is available for thescene, making a huge stage whichis, in spite of its abnormal size, justlarge enough for a Reinhardtian per¬formance. - \ Dr. Francis Cho-Min Wei, presi¬dent of the Hua Chung college ofChina, will open his series of sixlectures on “Confucianism and theCultural Development of the Chin¬ese” with “The Chinese CulturalComplex before Confucius’’ this eve¬ning at 8:15 in the lecture room ofthe Oriental Institute. He will alsotalk at the same time and place onNovember 22, 23, 26, 27, and 28on further aspects of the subject.Thursday at 7:30 in Social Science122, William Fielding Osborne, Se¬well L. Avery distinguished profes¬sor of Sociology, will speak on “Re¬construction and Recovery .n 1934and After.”As the fifth in his series of sixlectures on the general subject of“Can We Control Business Depres¬sions,” Paul M. Dou^as. professorof Economics, will speak on “Priceand Wage Policy. Unemployment In¬surance” tomorrow at 3:30 in SocialScience 122. According to ProfessorDouglas, “Unemployment Insurance,if properly designed and managed,can be used to strike at businessdepressions themselves.”Melchior Palyi, professorial lectur¬er in Economics, will speak on “Cur¬rent Economic Problems. MonetaryWarfare” Friday at 6:45 in Fuller¬ton hall of the Art Institute.MUSIC DEPARTMENTHOLDS TEA TUESDAYLeaders of all campus organiza¬tions have been invited to a teasponsored by the music departmenton Tuesday from 4 to 5:30 at themusic building, 5727 University ave¬nue, according to an announcementmade yesterday.The Music department is ap¬proaching these leaders in an effortto obtain their opihions and coopera¬tion in establishing the UniversitySymphony Orchestra as a studentactivity and to secure the backingof students for their quarterly con¬certs.Barbara Block! and Lois Holz-worth, students in music, will pourfor the tea.Announcement of the studentushers for the concerts to be givenDecember 7 and 9 will be made nextweek. LECTURE SERVICEIFindKeUeyGREFUNDS MONEYON STEIN TICKETSAlexander Woolcott toSpeak, in Seriesin AprilTicket refunds for the GertrudeStein lecture that was cancelled havebeen proceeding rapidly, the StudentLecture Service announced yester¬day. But those still holding ticketsare urged to make arrangementsfor refunds or change to the nextlecture this week, either by mail orat the box office. The box office isopen this week from 12 to 2. Mailrequests should be addressed to theService, box 241, faculty exchange.In an effort to substitute some lit¬erary figure in the series, the Stu¬dent Lecture Service has secured theconsent of Alexander Woolcott tospeak early in April. Mr. Woolcottis a noted author and critic, writingin the lighter humorous vein. Thecancellation of the lecture by Ger¬trude Stein was necessitated becauseof a misunderstanding between MissStein and her agent as to the condi¬tions under which she would lecture.Child 1« Second SpeakerThe second in the series of sixlectures sponsored by the Service isthe talk by Richard WashburnChild, noted diplomat, in Mandel hall,December 5.Besides having been dramaticcritic of several of the New Yorkpapers, Alexander Woolcott haswritten a number of books. Amongthem are included “Shouts and Mur¬murs,” “Enchanted Aisles,” “Goingto Pieces,” “Two Gentlemen and aLady,” and “The Command Is For¬ward.” His latest book, “While RomeBurns,” is at present listed as oneof the best sellers. In addition Mr.Woolcott writes for periodicals andappears on a regular radio program. uilty of ViolatingCity Ordinance; Drop ChargesAgainst Other Two Defendants'Comment Admira hie *^President Hutchins“There is a definite need for aliterary and critical publication atthe University. Comment meetsthis need admirably,” was thestatement that President RobertM. Hutchins made to a reporter ofThe Daily Maroon yesterday.President Hutchins is but oneof the numerous faculty membersthat have praised the current issueof Comment that appears on saletoday. Student Denies Guilt;Starts AppealingProceduresDEBATE UNION HOLDSSYMPOSIUM ON GOD;NAMES NEW TEAMBigelow ReviewsOpportunities inLaw ProfessionDean H. A. Bigelow of the Lawschool answered the question “Whatare the opportunities for the Lawschool gi’aduate?” in his lecture pre¬sented as the fourth of a series ofsix by the Board of Vocational Guid¬ance and Placement delivered yes¬terday in Haskell hall.The speaker explained that thereare two main divisions in the lawprofession; that consisting of officework, and that of general court prac¬tice. Of the latter are a number ofspecialized fields of work open to thegraduate.Enumerating some of these astrust work, bankruptcy practice, realestate law, and criminal law. DeanBigelow emphasized the fact thatrarely if ever does the student decideupon what particular specialized fieldhe will enter before taking the barexamination. The choice is mademore often by chance, brought aboutby the kind of employment the grad¬uate receives.“Don’t let any one ever tell youthat your standing in the Law schooldoes not count,” the Dean broughtout, speaking intimately. “Probablythe most important single factor en¬suring future employment is yourLaw school standing. Personality andcommon sense, as well as the win¬ning of undergraduate honors countmost in securing a position.” “A symposium on God” will beconducted tonight by the UniversityDebate Union at 7:45 in room A,Reynolds club with both invitedspeakers and the audience partici¬pating in the discussion.Various phases of religion andtheology will be presented by Wil¬liam Gregory of the Chicago The¬ological Seminary who will give theliberal conception of God with Wal¬ter Oberholtzer, Divinity School,presenting the orthodox conservativeview. Arthur Foote and WallaceRobbins, Harvard graduates, will in¬troduce Unitarianism. Lewis Sofferhas been invited to defend the ag¬nostic attitude. In addition there willbe representatives to defend atheism.Debate Against ManchesterFirst echoes of argumentation forthe fall quarter will be heard Sat¬urday when the University debateteam meets Manchester college ofManchester, Indiana, in two campusencounters. The Maroon affirmativeis scheduled to oppose the visitorsat 2 with the negative appearing at8. Both debates will be held in theSocial Science assembly hall.Members for the University squadswere announced yesterday by JohnStoner, director of debate. The neg¬ative will be upheld by Irving I. Ax-elrad, Barney Kleinschmidt, andJoseph Witherspoon.Jacob Ochstein, Kenyon Lewis, andWells Burnette will oppose the af¬firmative presentations of Manches¬ter. The question will be concernedwith federal aid to education. Augustus Kelley, a senior at theUniversity who was arrested thenight of October 16 charged with lit¬tering the streets with advertisingmaterial, was found guilty and fined$10 and costs late yesterday after¬noon in the court of Judge HaroldO’Connell. He has entered an appeal.Lloyd James and Bernard Brand-schaft, implicated with Kelley, weredischarged when it was demonstrat¬ed that they had no part in the sup¬posed distribution activity. Jamesis a freshman at the University;Biandschaft, although he testified tothe contrary, is not now enrolled onthe quadrangles.Defendant’s ClaimKelley was found guilty of violat¬ing a city ordinance in littering thepublic sidewalks with circulars andpaper. The defendant, in his testi¬mony, claimed that he passed out nopapers of any kind. An appeal willbe granted upon the posting of a$100 bond by Tuesday.The major witnesses, the threepolicemen who made the arrest andthe three defendants, differed ma¬terially in their testimony. The of¬ficers charged that there were cardslittering the ground and that theyhad observed the distribution in oneinstance. The students were agreedin their testimony that no cards hadbeen issued, but that the papers usedas evidence were found on the per¬son of Kelley when a search was con¬ducted after the arrest.O’Connell Explains StandAfter returning his decision. JudgeO’Connell amplified his feelings onthe matter stating that, since theconflicting testimonies were consist¬ent in themselves, he accepted thestatements of the police officers asunbiased, and judged those of thedefendants as motivated by self-in¬terest.The original arrests were madeearly in October on the corner of43rd street and South Park avenueat 11:30. Kelley denies that anycharge was made at that time, butthat one was forthcoming with therecognition of the group as connect¬ed with radical activities.Kelley, after having been foundguilty, insisted when questioned byThe Daily Maroon reporter, that hehad not overstepped any ordinance,but that the charge was pressed asthe only means of curtailing the ac¬tivities of certain groups in opposi¬tion to the party in power.First Issue of Cbmment AttainsSuperior Intellectual StandardsBy DAVID KUTNERComment, featuring Max Schoen’s“Science and Religion,” appears to¬day for the first time this quarterand with a fanfare of intellectualglory which might well be the envyof any like magazine in the countryIt includes, besides Professor by A. E. Fisher, already an authorof note. “Music and Emotion,” writ¬ten by Herbert Schwartz would re-cile the musician and the layman.Sid Hyman writes, “The Boy IsDead,” a story which, truly reveal¬ing Hyman’s writing ability, tells ofSchoen’s critical analysis of a much j the emotional conflicts of a “late’PLAN DATING BUREAUFOR DORM RESIDENTSA temporary dormitory datingbureau under the guidance of Dr.Brooks Steen, “500” entry head, W.K. McDavid, and H. Maschal, resi¬dents, has been formed for the pur¬pose of providing partners for theoccupants of the Men’s Residencehalls for the oncoming fall dance,November 24.The “date facilitators” have pro¬vided themselves with the names ofa large number of eligible women,but have as yet had but few demandsfor their services. The success of thisventure will determine the use ofsuch a system for ensuing dances atthe halls. disputed subject, five shorter articlesand stories as well worth while con¬tributions to the field of glory.Mr. Schoen, himself a mogul inthe nations galaxy of psychologists,disagrees with the principle propon¬ents of scientific theology, notablythe Messrs. Eddington, Jeans, Comp¬ton, and Millikan, in his interpreta¬tion of science and its connectionwith religion. He believes in religion,not as some magical formula of the¬ological invention, but rather as a“search for that self in one’s ownbeing that is also the self of man¬kind.” He believes that the materialand the spiritual are inseparablefrom each other and that when thespiritual does not manifest itselfmaterially, “it is but a delusion, aself-deception.”It is rather, he claims, religioustruths which science, imbued witha spirit of search, would seek.A. E. Fisher Contributes“Cannibalism in the Home,” acurious account of a still more curi¬ous bird which even in death passeson to his owners a non-sensical dis¬ease is written in an infectious style individual. James Kingham andGeorg Mann contribute also in keep-(Continued on page 3)SPONSOR TEA FORFACULTY MEMBERSKelly and Foster halls are joint¬ly sponsoring a faculty tea tomor¬row from 3:30 to 5:30 in their re¬spective lounges. Invitations havebeen sent to 250 faculty membersand their wives.The teas are sponsored each fallquarter to permit the members ofthe halls to meet and talk to theirprofessors personally.The persons in the receiving linein Kelly hall will be Mrs. Maymeogsdon, head of Kelly, and the stu¬dent .president, Maxine Bernstein.Eight faculty women have been se¬lected to pour.Miss Janet McDonald, head ofFoster hall, and Helen Ann Littig,student president, will be in the re¬ceiving line. Foster hall has alsoasked seven faculty women to pourduring the afternoon.//rage Two ’ THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1934iailg ilarnnnFOUNDED 11^ 1901MEMBERf^ssociated gollrgiatf-^1934 1935 e-moiscm wiscoMSMThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published morningrs except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday durint; the autumn, winter, and sprinjrquarter by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Avenue.Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: business office:Room 15A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.1 ; ;—Subscription rates: $2.50 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Iffie University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Dally Martwn. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under the act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon • expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon, I^xington hall. University of Chicago. Letters should^ limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will be withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefW’lLLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H, BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth Greenebaum Raymond Lahr Jeanne StolteHenry F. Kelley .lanet Lewy William W. WatsonRalph W. NicholsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr.EDITORIAL ASSISTANTSGeorge Felsenthal June RappaportZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman George SchustekJames SnyderEkiward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Raymond LahrWednesday, November 21, 1934ONE GUILTY, TWO DISMISSEDKelley, Brandschait, and Jaes have had’ theirtrial. The latter two were dismissed while Kelleywas found guilty of distributing communistliterature. Kelley will appeal which is the rightthing for him to do.Unforunately the trial did not bring to lightany more facts of the case. The three studentsstuck to their story, that they were not guilty ofany unlawful action, while the police officers in¬sisted that they had seen the students passingthe pamphlets. Evidently the truth is still unknown.It has also been said that the main evidenceagainst Kelley was his communistic leanings.Probably emotional prejudice did enter into thecase, but the defence seemed to be asleep in notovercoming this disadvantage.We had hoped that the trial would shed lighton the alleged policy of the police of illegally ar¬resting radicals because they are radicals. Wesuspect that the police have been making thisa practice, yet we have no evidence to supportthis view. Apparently bringing the matter to trialhas muddled things even more.The Daily Maroon has been interested in thiscase only from the position of protecting therights of students to walk the streets of Chicagounmolested. We have felt these three people weretreated unfairly and we would like to see Kelleyprove his innocence. Primarily, we are curiousabout the police situation in Chicago.The so called radical element on campus couldperform a real service if it would gather concreteevidence about the situation and fight, ratherthan protest, the evil.—H. P. H.WE EXtISiD THE ChTcAGO PLANThe recent action of The Daily Maroon inpermitting transfer students to obtain positionson the paper w’as inevitable under the spirit of theChicago plan. For we are interested primarilyin having the best writers we can find to workon the Maroon and in giving everyone who de¬sires it a fair trial.The Daily Maroon was the first student activ¬ity to remove class barriers, when, two years agoit permitted staff members other than seniors tobe on the Board of Control. This progressivemove has been followed since by other groups.But to make the Chicago plan a reality on TheDaily Maroon, we cannot deny students whohave spent one or two years on other collegenewspapers the opportunity to work on the paper.While we are loosening our requirements weare not cheapening our stands. Therefore wethink we are justified in discouraging studentsfrom applying who have been at the University i for some time without evincing any interest inthe Maroon. To aliow them an equal positionwith the rest of the staff would not be fair to themen and women who began work on the Maroonupon entering the University.But we have no compunction in submitting ourstaff to the test of quality (and we believe theyare willing to face the extra competition) so thatany transfer student who is a good reporter willbe given every chance to advance on The DailyMaroon.—H. P. H. Letters tothe Editor Faculty lunch. South receptionroom in Ida Noyes hall.Student Settlement Board. Studentlounge in Ida Noyes hall at 3:30.Y.W.C.A. meeting. Y.W.C..A.room in Ida Noyes hall at 4:30.Fh-ench circle. Y.W.C.A. room at 7:30.MiscellaneouaSocial dancing in the Ida Noyestheater at 7:30.Business .staflF of Cap and Gown.Picture and meeting. Cap and Gownoffice at 3:30.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISTODAY (IN THE STYLE OF, AND WITHAPOLOGIES TO: ARTHUR BRISBANE)THE FOREIGN TERRORA MOST INTERESTING CASEA DAY OF THANKSBUY AMERICANA TRIP OF INSPECTIONTHIS IS THE WEEKThe grav’e peril to the United States seems to beincreasing daily. Unless we urge Congress tospend twice as much for armaments, we are alost people. News signs of dire foreign assigna¬tions and plots against the land of the free and thehome of the brave were uncovered yesterday, andall TRUE AMERICANS should help in stampingout these evils. At Interuational House at theUniversity of Chicago, it was discovered thatChinese chop suey is being served in the dining,hall. Insofar as China is practically a suburb ofJapan, we can see that the fine, upstanding youngstudents who reside and eat at InternationalHouse are being-fed foreign propaganda in largedoses.* ♦ ♦Never say die is the watch-word of Joe E.O’Brien of Okmulgee, Oklahoma. For the pasttwenty-five yeai's, Joe, who takes his proverbsseriously, has been trying to build a better mouse¬trap. He gave up his family, friends, and live¬stock to continue his experimentation in the nameof science. He even thought he would help science. along a little, and build the road to his door sothat the world wouldn’t have any trouble findinghis mouse-trap. Like the noble, ired-bloodedAMERIC.\N that he is, Joe finally perfected hislittle machine. Today he is sitting in his whitestucco home in Okmulgee, waiting for the worldto come to him. It has not done so yet, but likea real AMERICAN, he has not given up HOPE.* * *Next Thursday all people within the boundariesof our land will celebrate a day of thanks forwhat happened to some Pilgrims in 1620. It isnot really w’hat actually happened to these earlyAmericans (who now’ have 16,000,000 directdescendants) but the spirit of the thing thatcounts. At the University of Chicago, for in¬stance, there will be no school that day. This willenable many people to go to the InterfraternityBall the night before, and everybody w’ill have achance to sleep on Thursday morning. It is anOLD AMERICAN CUSTOM for the natives toeat themselves into a stupor on that day. This isa custom which we heartily endorse. The onlypeople w'ho do not eat themselves into a stupoirare graduate students who waste the wholeTHANKSGIVING DAY, and study from sun-upuntil sun-down, and then some. It is a viciouscycle, and should be discouraged.* * *For several years the Worst newspaper syndi¬cate has been advocating a policy of BUYAMERICAN. It is not the fault of this syndicatethat nobody does go nuts and buy American. Thetrouble lies almost wholly in the fact that thespirit of patriotism is no more. In fact, in a w’ay,we cannot blame you. The R. 0. T. C. was for¬merly a fine institution. But we see before us nowa living example of the terror of it all. As Sher¬man aptly said, “War is hell.” Howard M. Richis standing before us in full R. O. T. C. regalia.But no person living in these forty-eight statesshould forget that preparedness is next to God¬liness, and we must arm against a foreign in¬vader.♦ ♦ *President Roosevelt is engaged on a tour ofgovernment projects at the present time. He is afine man. He is an AMERICAN. The TV A pro¬ject is a fine one. It too is typically AMERICAN.Also, Ken Rouse is working for it, and it isbetter to work fur the government than be apoliceman. As the sage, David Hume once de¬clared with a far-seeing eye; In the winter quar¬ter elimination tournaments are held in both sin¬gles and doubles. Entrants are divided into threedivisions of fraternity, dormitory and independ¬ent, and the winners of each division meet to de¬termine the University championship.” A word..from the wise is sufficient.* * ♦This is the w’eek’of many AMERICAN fratern¬ity parties. AMERICAN youth is resilient. Welike youth and wish we could see more of it. Itis a great boon to OUR GREAT NATION. Thepart'/s are; The Delta Kappa Epsilons, theIllinois Beta of the Phi Kappa Psis, the IllinoisTheta of the Sigma Alpha Epsilons, the SigmaChiers, the Alpha Omicron Delta of the ChiPsiers, and the Phi Gamma Delters. “All workand no play makes Jack.” Youth is the life bloodof AMERICA. The stars and stripes forever andoh say can you see. Da. dahhhhh!♦ * *COMMENT out today TISH, TISH! iNovember 16, 1934.There seems to be a tradition held |by the staff of The Daily Maroon |that only day-old news items areworth printing. Therefore, accordingto the information I found available,anything of importance occurringFriday, Saturday, or Sunday must re¬main in oblivion.To hear anything as stirring asSenator Nye’s review of the Senate iMunitions Inquiry on Friday, Novem- |ber 9, and fail to see any mention iof it in Tuesday’s paper, Novem-13, was quite an unpleasant shock.Has The Daily Maroon been fright¬ened into silence? I hope the arm ofthose against whom the senator di¬rected his attack hasn’t stretched thatfar.Before I continue, may I add thatthis is not an accusation; it is a repri¬mand.We Americans are in the habit ofexcusing our military expenditureswith the reasoning that if Europewould only stop being the lunatic, wewould follow her most thankfully.W’hat would loyal Americans answerif it were revealed to them that overa period of a few years, leading Eu¬ropean nations increased their arma¬ment expenditures 30 to 44% w'hilcover the same period of time UncleSam increased his expenditures197%? What would Americans sayif they knew that while the nationwas having spasms of fear over Ja- |pan’s increased naval budget. Uncle jSam was increasing his four times as |much? !What would they say if they knew 1that in the event of a war with Ja- ipan, .\merican citizens would face jthe danger of being blown to pieces Iby munitions manufactured by fcl- ]low American citizens? And ail of!that is done for profit—the Lister ,the blood flows on the battlefield, the ;faster the profits flow' into the peck- jets of “fellow citizens.”Senator Nye remarked with atouch of irony of his surprise upon |discovering that “steel” in UnitedStates Steel Corporation was still |spelt with an “e.”What is the matter with this pa-;per? Afraid to print these things? *For the sake of humanity and thoseyoung people on this campus, who ;bear the burden of any future returnto barbarism, don’t let anything as Ivital as Senator Nye’s revelations ;miss print again. |Miriam Fine.Today on theQuadranglesMusicPhonograph concert. Social Sci¬ence 122 at 12:30.Carillon recital. The Universitychapel at 4:30.Lectures“The Life of a Political Prisonerin Nazi Germany.” Gerhart Seger,former member of the Reichstag.Social Science 122 at'3:30.“Student Problems.” Dr. DouglasCampbell. Ida Noyes hall at 4:30.“Confucianism and the CulturalDevelopment of the Chinese. TheCultural Complex Before Confucius.”Dr. Francis (1. M. Wei. Oriental In-situte at 8:15.MeetingsB. W. 0. North room in Ida Noyeshall at 12.PUBLIX CAFETERIA(Formerly Hill’s)1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket to the Illinoisgame with the money you save eat¬ing the Pul)lix way.”Latest Models in Formal Dress SuitsTO RENTFITWELL DRESS SUITRENTAL COMPANY6312 Cottage Grove Plaza 7310— Open Evenings —TheUniversity of ChicagoTypewriting OfficeREASONABLE RATESAll Work GuaranteedIngleside HallRoom 201956 Elast 58th St.“West of Press Bldg.” TO A FUTURE METALLURGISTBausch & Lomb Optical Instruments are theworking tools of metallurgists the world over.Completeness of the line, intelligent design,dependable accuracy and efficient operationhave earned for them their enviable reputa>tion in the metal industry. Bausch & LombOptical Co., 635 St. Paul St., Rochester, N. Y.Bausch & LombWED. - THURS. - FRI.Passion Without BunkJean DonaldFrom the BookbyM Uir Gladys Hastings Carrol Woodsa As the Earth Turns”a stirring drama of real peopleDREXEL THEATRE858 E. 63rd St.It is now time to do thesetwo things1. Order personally engraved or printedChristmas Cards2. Place your own or your giftMagazine SubscriptionsAll orders given prompt attentionat theU. of C. BCX)K STORE5802 Ellis Ave.USE THEDAILY MAROONTHEATRE BUREAUWEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1934 Page ThreeHelen de Werthern • Virginia EyssellLEADING LADIESMusic . . . orchids . . . sparkling beauty . . . will lead theGrand March at the Interfraternity Ball . . . And therewill be gowns from Field’s . . . breath-taking in their love¬liness, sweeping across the room to lead in brilliance . . .as they do at all formal events.Whispering black taffeta is worn by Helen de erthern.Wings billow out from the shoulders; the black is slit tothe waist. White flowers cluster at the front decollete. $22.75After the manner of the Greeks is the softly drapedbodice of the chalk white crepe modeled by Virginia Eyssell.Pencil silhouette lines flow into a decorous train. 1’here’salso a jacket with dolman sleeves caught on a girdle ofbrilliants that match the straps of the gow n. $19.75FIELD’S AFTER-FIVE ROOMSIXTH FLOORIT’S FUN TO WEAR A BRAIDYou’ll feel like quite a different person at theInterfraternity Ball with a braid worn halo¬like around your head. The Lanchere BeautySalon at Field’s has them at $5, and higher.Lanchere Beauty Salony Fifth FloorMARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYSETTLEMENT BOARDHOLDS TEA FOR 33STODENT WORKERSThirty-three University studentswho have been rendering volunteerservice at the University Settlementwill be the guests of the Student Set¬tlement board at a tea this afternoonin Ida Noyes hall at 3:30. Other]jitudents who are interested in learn- jing of opportunities for volunteer jservice at the settlement are invitedto attend the tea this afternoon inorder to meet members and becomeacquainted with the work of this so¬cial institution.The students who have been par¬ticipating in social service projectsat the Settlement are as follows:Ruth Rudolph, Frances Russell, MaryLee Johnson, Virginia New, JeanetteOhner, Sarah Paris, Betty MooreDavis, Edith McCarthy, Virginia(’arr, Irene F’ord, Henrietta West-phal, Yanita Cook, Tess Loth, SophiaFogelson, Louise Burr. Marian Herr-hurg, Josephine Beck, Ruth Shapiro,P'lorence Miller, Celia Sherow, BettyDavis, Emma-Jean Martin, AdelineRosoburg, Helen Ann Leventhal,Dorothy Rosa, Sonja Kosner, HelenW’oodrich, Ruth Balderston, HopePetersen, Mrs. E. R. Reebles, EvelynKndriz, Mrs. 1. M. Parker, and Paul¬ine Turpin.This will be the first time that a |joint meeting of the Student Settle¬ment board and student volunteers !at the Settlement has been held. Miss.Mollie Ray Carroll, executive headresident of the Settlement, and Dr.Dudley Reed of the University Set¬tlement board, will be pr<>:ent. Comment Appearson Campus Today(Continued front page 1)ing with the high tone of the publica¬tion.Winston Ashley, Fiske prize win¬ner of last year, and Robert Stall-man, who shows considerable prom¬ise, write poetry for the issue, theformer, an impressionalistic enic,!“The Personality of a Rainy Night,” |and the latter, a collection of short !poems. i BEGIN PREPARATIONFOR SENIOR ELECTION(Continued from page 1)day.Old plan students who have beencredited with 30 or more courses areeligible to vote or to sign nominat¬ing petitions. New plan students areeligible if they have passed the sevencollege comprehensive examinationsand, in addition, have received S orR in nine courses in excess of thecollege requirements.“The Campus Drug Store”61st and ELLIS AVE.Hot Ham Sandwich with CandiedSweet Potatoe and Raisin SauceDrexel Installs WideRange Sound SystemRepresenting a new and distinctimprovement over previous methodsof sound reproduction, a new WideRange sound sy.stem has been in-'tailed by the Drexel Theater. Mr.Ted .Morris, the manager of theDrexel, says that the new system pre¬sents the human voice, particularlythe high and low notes, in a muchdearer manner than ever before.Because of its convenient locationat HaS East 63rd street, the Drexelhas always catered to the students jat the Lniversity.CHURCH PRESENTSGEORGIAN SINGERSThe Georgia Jubilee singers, form-1erly of the “Green Pastures” com- jpany, will sing at the Hyde Park '•Methodist Episcopal Church, 1449Last 54th street, Sunday evening at7:30. The famous sextette will pre-1sent a widely varied program, in |which there will be numbers pleas- ,ing to any lover of southern chorus 'singing. jThe Music department at Yale uni- jversity places the singers second tonone in America or Europe for ac¬curacy of pitch, and perfection of ;hlend in unaccompanied singing. Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $ 1 2.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blacks tone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr.See Carole Lombard in‘‘NOW AND FOREVER.” her latest Paramount Picture. V * • wv*iti(uu auwCOMMENT Out TodayPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1934MAROONS LOOK TOILUNIGRIO GAME ASCLIMAX OF SEASONChicago Holds Edge OverOrange and Blue inFormer CarnesChicagro and Illinois are meeting:this year in the thirty-ninth game ofa series that began in 1892, and hasdeveloped into what probably is themost important game of the yearto both teams. The scheduling ofthis game to close the season wasdone in recognition of the naturalrivalry that existed.The Maroon team holds an edgeof 17 games to 16, with three tiesfiguring in the series, but if the ,8.A. T. C. game of 1918 be counted,the two teams are even. There isanother disputed game in the rec¬ord, that of 1894, in which Chicagoled 10 to 6 when the contest was |called because the Maroon team re¬fused to permit “Bucky” Vail, Illinicoach, to play.1924 Game Most NotableMost notable game of the longseries is the famous 21 to 21 tie of1924, in which Illinois was the out¬standing favorite. Chicago’s sma.sh-ing attack, headed by “Five Yards”McCarty, Gene P’rancis, and HarryThomas, scored two touchdowns be¬fore the Illini had a chance to car¬ry the ball. Then Grange brokeloose for a touchdown, and againChicago marched down the field toscore. In the second half, Grangescored twice more on brilliant runs.Also notable was the game of the“big rain,” when the new Illinoisstadium was opened in 1923. Playedin a cloudbhrst, the game set an all-time record for discomfort for spec¬tators, who were not only soaked,but lost shoes and rubbers by thou¬sands in the clay that surrounded theunfinished stadium.Chicago’s last victory was scoredin 1931, by a score of 13 to 6. Lastyear, the Maroon team gave the Il¬lini a bitter fight, but three timeslost scoring chances on the goal line,and one of the Beynon-Portmanpasses won the game for Illinois, 7to 0. GraduatingGridmenBy JOHN BALLENGERThis is the second of a seriesof articles dealing with thegraduating members of the 1934Maroon football team.One of the real spark plugs of theteam this year has been TommyFlinn. Tom learned his football fromK. Stockton who coached at the Red¬wood Falls, Minnesota high whereTom also participated in track andbasketball. He won 4 letters quar¬terbacking on the football team,three playing guard in basketball andone in track. In addition to this Tomwas president of his high school classfor four years.At the University Tommy has wontwo letters in football and two inbasketball, having played quarter¬back for four years in the formerand guard and forward in the lat¬ter.Next Year’s TeamTommy said in regard to the 1935possibilities, “Outside of Chicago,Ohio, Wisconsin, and Minnesota willbe the strong teams in the Confer¬ence.” And he predicts Chicago will“beat the Illini” next Saturday.When Tom was asked what his“biggest thrill” in football was hesaid he didn’t know, but then aftersome time he said he guessed it waswhen “Berwanger made the last Chi¬cago touchdown after an 80 yardmarch in the Purdue game this year.”Captain Patterson“Father” Ell Patterson, captain ofthis year’s team and called “the bestcaptain in the United States” by |Coach Shaughnessy, naiis from LaGrange high where he played foot¬ball, winning one letter, under 0.C. Stenger. At LaGrange “Pat” also won 4 letters in tennis.He spent one year at Lake Forestacademy where he played football,basketball and participated in ten¬nis, winning one letter in each. Inhigh school Pat played guard andend on the football team and was'a guard on the basketball team.Biggest ThrillSince entering the University in, 1931 Pat has won two letters in foot-j ball and tennis, being on the Confer-j ence championship teams for the last! two years in the latter sport. Hei played guard on the football teamas a freshman and sophomore andhe has been a center since then.Captain Pat says he got the big¬gest thrill out of football when hewas a sophomore and startedagainst Yale. However, he addedthat the satisfaction of really whip¬ping Michigan was “something hewon’t forget for a long time.”DRIZZLE PREVENTSPLAY IN INTRAMURALTOUCHRALL TOURNEYThe steady drizzling rain whichenveloped the Midway yesterday ina thick film of water wet the intra¬mural fields so badly that two gamesscheduled, between the Dekes andPhi Psi’s, and between C. T. S. andthe Barristers, had to be postponed.After a preat deal of fretting andfuming the fraternities decided toplay today at 2:30. Their gamepromises to be one of the best andmost interesting of the season. ThePhi Sig-Phi B. D. game will also beplayed today.The fraternity finals are scheduledfor tomorrow, as is the final dormgame between Burton 700 and Jud-son 300. The independent finals willbe played Friday.=GET READERS DRUG STOREVESS A1Dry CingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda KUNZE CONFECTIONERY <tE 61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th Street • • • rt '(VcvaXiT HE EMPHASIS ON INTELLECTUALACHIEVEMENT AT HARVARD ISPARALLELED BY A DISCRIMI-NATING INSISTENCE UPON THEBEST IN CORRECTLY TAILORED CLOTHES.Harvard men, alike in college and as alumni, arealert to all that makes for progress in apparel;they were among the first to discover and adoptthe Kover-Zip closure for trousers — they werequick to see its many advantages over the exposedmetal of the ordinary zipper.Leading Harvard tailors, creators of fine clothesfor college men, are fully aware of Kover-Zip'ssuperior qualities.• • • famous Boston tailor to JiartvrJmm, says—“When our patronsspecify trousers or slacks equipped with a slide fastener, we areprepared to provide for this preference. It is obvious thatthe Kover-Zip closure in which no metal shows is more inkeeping with the requirements of good taste than an ordinaryuncovered zipper with its strip of exposed metal.“college lailot^, atldet* di^le,a> the onit^ AiJ-ecustom clotlte^• • •WALDES KOH-I-NOOR, INC., LONG ISLAND CITY, N.Y.rAXIS PXAGUE DRESDEN WARSAW BARCELONA LONDON KOH-LNOORK^oyettk* FINEST and MOSTEXPENSIVE bIScU loitonaeBerwanger Shares inFour - Way Tie forBig Ten Scoring LeadAlthough there were many pointsscored on Big Ten gridirons last Sat¬urday, and though Jay Berwangerdid not share in the scoring, he stillclaims a portion of the conferencelead. Three others now have part ofthat honor coming to them.Dick Heekin and Frank Boucher ofOhio State each scored in the Michi¬gan rout, and Julius Alfonse ofMinnesota got across against the Ma¬roons to bring their totals up to 30.Berwanger had been credited with31 points on an error in counting hisgoal kicks against Missouri, a non¬conference opponent. Actually he hasscored two touchdowns and three ex¬tra points against Michigan, onetouchdown and one point after touch¬down against Indiana, and one andtwo against the Boilermakers. Thisgives him his total of 30.The standings and records of thesix leading scorers are as follows:g td pat tpBERWANGER 4 4 6 30Alfonse, Minnesota 4 5 0 30Heekin, Ohio State 5 5 0 30Boucher, Ohio State .... 5 5 0 30Wetzel, Ohio State 5 4 0 24Beise, Minnesota 4 3 1 19PETERSON, BILUARDEXPERT, EXHIBITSTRICK POOL SHOTSCharles C. Peterson, one of theworld’s outstanding billiard players,yesterday gave an exhibition of trickbilliard and pool shots at the Rey¬nolds club. Mr. Peterson challenged,“Show me a billiard shot I can’tmake” and the way he made thebilliard balls do everything but talkwas proof that such a shot would behard to find.Mr. Peterson comes firom St. Louisand is the originator of the Inter-col¬legiate telegraphic tournaments inwhich the Reynolds club participateseach year. After the exhibition Mr.Peterson gave free instruction in bil¬liards and pool.The Reynolds club announced thatthe registrations for the draw pooltournament will close Saturday nightat 10. Games to be played include14-1 pocket billiards, rotation, bottlepool, cowboy pool, 200, pocket-apiece, and line-up. y . there are just as manythere are kinds of foilsA bale of aromatic Chest¬erfield Turkish tobacco.® 19J4, Liggett & Mye*s Tobacco Co. long • short • thickheavy • dark • lightall kinds and styles. . . but it takes mild ripetobacco — Turkish andhome-grown—to make amilder better-tasting ciga¬rette.... and that’s the kindyou get in every Chester¬field package.Down South in the tobaccocountry^ where they grow andknow tobacco—in most placesChesterfield is the largest-sell^ing cigarette.Mild ripe home-grown tobaccoused in Chesterfield Cigarettes,