WEATHERProbably showers today andtonight; continued mild temper¬ature; moderate southerlywinds. Mp jUlamon TODAY’S LETTERSTO THE EDITOR1. Puzzle Department.2. Tyroler the Red.Vol. 35. No. 31. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1934 Price Three CentsRICHARD W. CHILDTALKS AT SECDNDSTUDENT LECTURE Judge O’Connell toTry 3 Students inCounty Court TodayFormer Ambassador toItaly Appears onDecember 5Richard Washburn Child, formerUnited States ambas.sador in Europe,will speak at 8 in Mandel hall De¬cember 5 in the second of the Stu¬dent Lecture Service series.Tickets for the lecture are on saleevery day this week at the box officein the Mandel hall cloister between12 and 2, and are priced at 55 cents,S.') cents, and $1.10. Holders of tick¬ets for the Stein lecture which wascancelled are notified that they maychange them for the Child lecture orhave their money refunded at the'ame place or by mail addressed tothe Student Lecture Service, box241. faculty exchange.Resigned This SummerEarly this summer, Mr. Child re¬signed his last diplomatic position asspecial economic advisor on Euro¬pean affairs to President Roosevelt.Besides this position the speaker hasheld various posts in foreign coun¬tries. From 1921 to 1924 he wasamba.ssador extraordinary and pleni¬potentiary to Italy, and w’as deco"-ated with the Order of the Crownof Italy. In 1922 he .served as chiefrepre.sentative for the United Statesat the conference at Genoa and atLaurennes. He is the founder of theCouncil on Foreign Relations.In this country he has also heldimportant positions, being once edi¬tor of Colliers W’eekly and also chair¬man of the national Crime Commis¬sion. Harvard conferred the degreeof LL. D. on him in 1924.Author of BooksHe is also author of several books,among them being “Potential Rus¬sia,” “A Diplomat Looks at Europe,”and “Battling the Criminal.” He alsocollaborated with Mussolini in thewriting of the latter’s autobiograpliy..4t present he contributes articles onpublic questions to various periodi¬cals.The Student Lecture serviceopened the series this year with an¬other ambassador, the first .Ameri¬can woman minister. She was RuthBryan Owen. In their series besides.Amabassador Child is scheduled alsothe Reverend Bernard Hubbard,known as the glacier priest and asthe only one to ever return f>"oin tak¬ing motion pictures w’ithin an activevolcano. Others in the group of sixlectures will be announced later.The scheduled appearance of Ger¬trude Stein next week had to be can¬celled because of misunderstanding. The trial of three University stu¬dents charged with distributing “ad¬vertising material” is scheduled for8:30 this morning before JudgeO’Connell at the county court. Theprosecution is started after numerouspostponements.The students, Augustus Kelley,Lloyd James, and Bernard Brand-schaft, were arrested October 16 andwere held incommunicado for 36hours. A hearing was set for No¬vember 7, but it was delayed untilNovember 20. The review of the caseat that time was sketchy, a full trialbeing set “sometime in the future.”Today’s hearing may settle the case.The arrest was made at the comerof 43rd street and South Park ave¬nue. The defendants claim that thecharge against them is a subterfuge,and that the only offense was theirpresence in the Negro district afterdark.EDUCATORS REQUESTREVIEW OF CANNINGOF OGBURN BOOKLETHarold ickes, secretary of the In¬terior, and Frances Perkins, secretary of Labor, are receiving requestsfrom educators throughout the na¬tion to investigate the censorship ofthe pamphlet, “You and Machines,”written by William F'. Ogburn, pro¬fessor of Sociology at the University.The booklet was written as partof the education program which wasto be introduced into the CCC campsas a result of a $40,000 grant madeby the Rockefeller F'oundation, andwa.s banned by Robert Fechner, di¬rector of the con-servation projects.No explicit reason has been givenfor the censorship of the book exceptthat it wa.'i too pessimistic in itstreatment of the implications of themachine.George F. Zook, head of the Na¬tional Council of F^ducation, hasthreatened to withdraw the supportof the Rockefeller Foundation forthe educational program of the CCCif the ban is not lifted. ProfessorOgburn’s pamphlet was the first ofa series to be used by the youngworkers in the conservation projects.The essential i.ssue involved in thecensorship. Doctor Ogburn stated,was whether a petty government of¬ficial was qualified to refuse a book¬let which had been approved by com¬petent educators.Hurston Points Out Tendmcy ofNegro to Dramatize in Poetry“In every phase of life the Negroadds some adornment, some drama¬tization, something with beauty,”said Zora Neale Hurston last nightin a lecture sponsored by the Ren-ais.sance society in Mandel hall. Shespoke on the subject of Negro folk¬lore illustrating her lecture withsome of the poetry and spirituals.And in the lecture and the recita¬tions one felt the sincerity and feel¬ing with which Hurston enter¬ed into the spirit of her subject.With the fellowship that she receiv¬ed from Barnard college she hasBy HENRY KELLEY3 FACULTY MEMBERSRETURN TO CAMPUSThree members of the faculty.Dean Edith Abbott, and ProfessorGrace Abbott, both of the SocialService division, and Paul H. Doug¬las, professor of Economics, relumedto the Universii.v the latte:’ part oflast week after participating r.i theNational Conference on FlconomicSecurity.Miss Grace / bbott, former headof the U. S. Children’s Bureau, whowas recently appointed by PresidentRoosevelt to the Council on Eco¬nomic Security, presided at the sym¬posium on child welfare. Miss EdithAbbott and Professor Douglas tookpart in the discussions on old agepensions and unemployment insur¬ance respectively. made one of the most complete col¬lections of Negro folklore in exist¬ence.“The poetry of the Negro is thatof imagery primaiily and not ofrhyme,” she continued, “and in or¬der to completely understand it, it isnecessary to understand the race.”To illustrate this point she resort¬ed to examples that show that theNegro is interested in the creationof beauty, and that he cares nothingfor rush and time.Greatest Poetry from Church“Although almost every phase oflife is treated in the songs, thegreatest of the poetry has come out■ the church. And today spiritualsare still being formed among churchgroups, spirituals that are moretruly real than the old ones in thatthey have not been written down andstandardized. Even in the re-singingof these spirituals they are seldomsung the same for there is a greatdeal of improvisation at each rendi¬tion.”The lecturer pointed out the one¬ness of music and the spoken w’ordin the poetry, the fact that the stressin the poetry comes the same as inthe spoken word.Ending her lecture the speakertold several tales of imagination sim¬ilar to the Paul Bunyan stories, il¬lustrating the tendency of the Negroto add color to life, which she re¬gards as his definite contribution toliterature. Comment Goes' on SaleTomorrow with FeatureArticle by Max SchoenContains Stories, PoemsWritten by FiveStudentsThe first issue of Comment, cam¬pus literary quarterly, will go on saletomorrow morning at 8. Copies maybe purchased for 25 cents from 40club saleswomen. New York Jim, ateither of the Bookstores, or in theCoffee shop.“Science and Religion” by MaxSchoen, with a drawing of him byCaroline Edmundsen, will be the fea¬tured article in the magazine. Schoenis the head of the departments ofPsychology and Education at Car¬negie Tech, and is the author of “Hu¬man Nature” and “Art and Beauty.”A comment on Schoen’s article byT. V. Smith, professor of Philosophyand newly elected member of theState Senate is also in the issue.Fisher ContributesArista Fisher, prominent youngauthor of five novels, writes a curi¬ous psychopathic story entitled,“Cannibalism in the Home.” He hasalso contributed a poem.“The Personality of a RainyNight,” by Winston Ashley, a sopho¬more, is a long impressionistic poem.Ashley won the Fiske prize for poet¬ry last year.Herbert Schw’artz, Ph. D. in musicfrom Columbia university, and a con¬tributor to the American Mercuryand Harpers, has written an articleabout “Music and Emotion.”A story of embalming and romanceentitled, “Spring Evening,” by JamesKingham, one of the promising au¬thors in Thornton Wilder’s composi¬tion class, is included in the issue.Comment also features a large pre-HOLD RECEPTIONFOR J. DEUTSCHTOMORROW NIGHT sentation of Robert Stallman’s versecalled “Moods in Verse,” which in¬cludes seven distinct poems. Stallmanis a junior at the University anti hashad his verse published in many poet¬ry journals throughout the country.Georg Mann, the first student tograduate under the new plan, hascontribul^ed an article on “Intellec¬tual Traditions,” which advocates abackground in the classics.Hyman Writes Satire“The Boy is Dead,” by Sidney Hy¬man, assistant editor of Comment andof the'Phoenix, is a satire on the typ¬ical reactions to a youth killed infull bloom. It further presents theinner reactions of a philosophicalfriend of the deceased.Comment has used the same make¬up as last year, with heavy ivorystock to permit half tones, and hasmodernized type heads. Deans of UniversityOppose Extension ofSocial Science PlanRECEIVE NO DEFINITEWORD OF NEW DEALPOST FOR HUTCHINSPresident to Attend PressConference in NewYork SundayMembers of the University facultyare participating in the reception ofJulius Deutsch, hero and leader ofthe February revolt in Austria, whowill talk tomorrow night at Orches¬tra hall.The members of the committeesponsoring the Chicago reception in¬clude Professor Paul Douglas, Pro¬fessor Robert Morss Lovett, andMary E. McDowell, director of theUniversity settlement.Deutsch, a noted scholar and lin¬guist, is making his first visit to theUnited States. His talk tomorrowwill be given in English on the sub¬ject “Fascism as a Menace to Peaceand Civilization.” He will relate theinside story of the unsuccessfulstruggle of the Austrian workersagainst the Dollfuss government.Deutsch acted as commander ofthe Schutzbund, the Austrian Re¬publican guard, during the strugglebetween the Social-Democratic forcesand the Dollfuss faction. He wasone of the small group of men whohelped to establish the Austrian re¬public following the World War.In the war he served as an officerin the Austrian army, and later wasthe first secretary for military af¬fairs in the republic. Deutsch wasexiled following the February revolu¬tions.Other sponsors of the receptionare Jane Addams, Alice Boynton,and Charles Clayton Morrison.DORMITORY TO HOLDANNUAL FALL DANCEThe residents of the Men’s Resi¬dence halls will entertain the cam¬pus at their annual fall quarterdance, Saturday evening, in the Jud-son court lounge with dancing from9 to 1 to the music of Gene Davis’orchestra. Tickets have been pricedat 40 cents per person and must besecured in advance from the officeof the court or from entry repre¬sentatives.Patrons and patronesses for thedance include Dean and Mrs. Wil¬liam E. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. W. E.Mather, and all the heads of the va¬rious entries of the courts. Dr.Brooks Steen of the “500” entry isin charge of general arrangements,while Tom Doyle of “800” is arrang¬ing the entertainment. No further word, either in con¬firmation or denial of the reportspublished in the metropolitan news¬papers over the weekend, has beenreceived by the president’s office inconnection with the possibility thatPresident Robert Maynard Hutchinsmay receive an appointment to somehigh post in the Roosevelt adminis¬tration.Unofficial dispatches from Wash¬ington, printed in various Chicagopapers, expressed the belief thatPresident Hutchins has been droppedfrom consideration as a candidate foran NRA post. It was felt that thereason for this change of attitudewas due to the president’s activityon a committee of the Social Sci¬ence Research council which has at¬tacked several of the New Deal pol- Little hope for the further exten¬sion of the new study plan in use inthe Social Science division into theother divisions of the University isheld by the leaders of those divisons,it was learned last week by TheDaily Maroon. It was pointed outby the deans of the divisions of Bi¬ological Science and Humanities, andthe dean of the College, that theteaching techniques employed inthese fields are necessarily so muchat variance with those employed inthe Social Scien,ce division as tomake the installation of the latter’splan almost impossible.Dean Frank R. Lillie, of the Bi¬ological Science division, said that itwould be impossible to apply the newstudy plan, involving a month’s lay¬off for reading and conferences, tomost of the courses in that divisionbecause of the fact that laboratorywork is emphasized, with relativelylittle time given to lectures andreading. He said, however, that in¬structors in a few courses have beengiven the option of adopting theplan, but so far none of them havetaken steps in that direction.Not Suited to CollegeGordon J. Laing, dean of the di¬vision of the Humanities, said thatthe plan would ^le impracticableall language courses, but admittedthat in some courses where there ismuch reading to be done it might dovery well. The faculty of this divi¬sion also have been given the privi¬lege of trying it, but so far onlyone professor has applied. DeanLaing said he preferred to see howsuch individual experiments will turnout before the plan is put into effectgenerally.Chauncey S. Boucher, dean of theCollege, said it would not be possibleto install this system in the College,as the courses there are now so widein scope that any further attemptto cut the time of the lecturerswould be disastrous. FRATERNITY CUPSSTOLEN F R 0 M 5CHAPTER HOUSESStudents Deemed to Bethe Perpetratorsof Theftsicies.Chairman of CommitteePresident Hutchins has served forover a year as chairman of the com¬mittee on national policy in interna¬tional economic relations. The re¬port of this committee will be pub¬lished next Monday in New Yorkcity, and the president will be inNew York Sunday to attend a pressconference in advance of the Issu¬ance of the report.Members of the committee haveinterviewed various classes of pro¬fessional men, business men, andagricultural leaders in different sec¬tions of the country on such mat¬ters as the tariff, war debts, mone¬tary policy, foreign investments,foreign trade, the agricultural pro¬gram, and immigration policies, andhave made recommendations onthese questions. The committeeurges a veering away from the pres¬ent policy of economic isolation.Francis Wei, NotedChinese Philosopher,Speaks on ConfuciusDr. Francis Cho-Min Wei, presi¬dent of Hua Chung college, China,will present six lectures on “Con¬fucianism and the Cultural Develop¬ment of the Chinese” on November21, 22, 23, 26, 27, and 28 at 8:15in the assembly room of Oriental In¬stitute.The lectures will be as follows:November 21—“The Chinese Cul¬tural Complex before Confucius;”November 22—“Confucius and HisTimes;” November 23—“Confucian¬ism and its Rivals;” November 26—“The Development of Confucianismas an Ethical System;” November27—“A Chinese Interpretation ofthe Confucian Ethics;” and Novem¬ber 28—“Confucianism and the NewChina.”Dr. Wei, who is one of the fore¬most Chinese philosophers, and anardent exponent of Chinese rightsand civilization, dresses in Chinesegarb when he lectures. He has, how¬ever, a fluent command of English. ‘XERXES’’ CHORUSWILL HOLD FIRSTMEETING TONIGHTThe chorus for the opera,“Xerxes,” by Handel will hold itsfirst meeting tonight at 7:30 in thetheater of Ida Noyes hall. All stu¬dents interested in participating inthe production are invited to attendthis first rehearsal and tryout.Unlike the opera, “Dido andAeneas,” which was presented lastspring, the chorus this year will bean integral part of the productionand will be coached by Mack Evans,director of the choir.The two performances of “Xerxes”will be presented February 16 and17 in Mandel hall. Five University fraternities, alllocated on Woodlawn avenue between56th street and 58th street, sufferedlosses early Saturday morning in theform of trophies and name plaques“removed” from the houses. The bitsof circumstantial evidence possessedin the case point to a conclusion thatthe person or persons who committedthe burglaries are students at theUniversity and are also fraternitymen.The houses affected by the inva-sian are: Phi Delta Theta, which hadnine trophies and the name plaqueremoved from the front of the house;Kappa Sigma, which lost fivetrophies; Phi Kappa Psi, which alsohad five trophies taken; and AlphaTau Omega and Sigma Alpha Ep¬silon, both of which had the nameplaques removed from the fronts ofthe houses.Police Lend AidThis is not the first time that sucha situation has occurred on campus,but it is the first time in a long seriesof petty thefts from houses that thecity and campus police have takenan active hand in the case.The only first hand evidence pos¬sessed in the case is that offeredby William Coleman, Phi Delta Theta,who returned to his house at about2:45 Saturday morning. According toColeman: “I was sitting in the libraryreading when I heard the front dooropen. I looked out into the hall andsaw a stranger. When he saw me, helooked so startled and left so quick-[ ly that he aroused my suspicion, soI started out of the house after him.On the way down the steps, I steppedon a piece of something that provedto be a small silver tennis racquetfrom a trophy won in a tennis tour¬ney.Found Trophies Gone“I ran back into the house anddiscovered that several of the trophieswere missing, so I hurried back tothe sidewalk, but the stranger haddisappeared. He couldn’t have gotpast the corner. I aroused severalof the fellows and we went out toinvestigate the situation, and wefound lights burning in only in the block, and a car infront of this house.”The Phi Delts called several fra¬ternities in the neighborhood, andthe other losses were then discover¬ed. Saturday morning, a member ofDelta Upsilon w'as leaving the chap¬ter house when he found a Phi Delttrophy on the D. U. front steps. Ithas been indicated that rewards willbe offered by the houses for 'he re¬turn of the stolen cups.Radio Engineer Builds $10,000Equipment for Campus ProgramsBy WELLS D. BURNETTEThe name: Malcolm Romberg.The place: Mitchell Tower radiostudios.The time: Whenever the signallight at the door burns red.With this essential information,any curious minded person mayseek, find, and examine one of theUniversity’s most important “for¬gotten men,” Malcolm Romberg,wireless operator, radio technician, time he has guided many importantprograms including the inaugura¬tion of President Hutchins, the RadioRoundtable, and the trans-Atlanticradio debate between the Universityand Oxford last year.According to him, the equipmentis worth about $10,000 and is one ofthe few setups which can “feed”three separate programs at one time.This is done by having three sepa¬rate receiving and amplifying stages.and equipment mechanic etc etc., | pQNDER OVER BANDwho IS the undisputed Holy Trinity |of the six by six engineering room inthe remote control radio studios inMitchell Tower.‘We’ Is ‘Me’Displaying the equipment sur¬mounted by tubes and dials Rombergunassumingly said when interview¬ed, “We built that.”“So the Holy Trinity is really a‘we’,” I replied. To which the ro¬bust master of the University waves FOR MILITARY BALLEdwin Irons, Delta Tau Delta,was elected to Crossed Cannon, mili¬tary honor society, at a meeting ofthe organization yesterday. Irons iscaptain of the pistol team and hasbeen active in the R. 0. T. C. unitfor three years.Plans for the annual military ballwere discussed at the meeting, dis-answered with a glint of self-satis-1 cussion centering on the selection offaction, “In radio ‘we’ always speak ' the orchestra. “It was tacitlyof ‘we’—but in this case it should agreed,” announced Cadet-Majorbe ‘me’ as I really built this equip-j Robert Lineback, “that we will getment.” j nothing less than Wayne King.Romberg has been on campus | Other possibilities under considera-since 1922 when the University be-1 tion are Fred Waring, Glen Gray,came radio conscious. During this' and Ozzie Nelson.”L IPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1934iatlg iiarnnnFOUNDED IN 1901f^ssoctatgd j^Uegiate 'ijlrtss-«I9S4 1935*-WtSCOMSWTTie Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831_Univeriity_AvenufeEditorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: business office:Room 16A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates: $2.60 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.'TTie University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the i)ostoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon, Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will he withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.HOWARDWILLIAMCHARLESWILLIAMHOWARDDAVID H. BOARD OF CONTROLP. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefS. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerW. HOERR, Managing EditorH. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerM. RICH, News EditorKUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F. Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W. Nichcrfson JeanneWilliam StolteW. WataonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey Lehman June RappaportGeorge SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour Weinstein the "good old days” when demolishing the presi¬dent’s house brick by brick was the highest formof “college humor.” Evidently the intelligencetests at the University have not been perfected asyet. Letters tothe EditorNo one objects to a little spirit on campus; wehave little enough of it. But what is there originalabout filching fraternity cups? We can think ofmuch better ways of gaining notoriety than that.The matter is the more hopeless, however becausethe perpetrator of this inane trick will not bebothered in the least by public disapproval butwill even gloat over this editorial as an indicationthat he has created a sensation on campus.—H. P. H.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISWRITTEN INDELIBLY ON THE SANDS OF TIMEThe ages tell us of the curious ways of Fate.We hardened cynics and bitter realists of thepresent day have been inclined to scoff at retribu¬tion and merit receiving its just desserts and allof the time-worn maxims of the past. This is anintroduction; we have a story to tell.The scene is the Yale Bowl....the year 1932.The Yale of the East v. s. the Yale of the West.Twelve minutes in the first quairter. A white-haired man jerks his head spasmodically on thevisitor’s bench. He has a Maroon coaching jacketand his team is playing his Alma Mater. TheGrand Old Man.Night Editor: William WatsonTuesday, November 20, 1934 A sudden shock is felt on the field and reverber¬ates through the stands. Sputtering females tearat their escorts’ sleeves. A Ma.roon player isprostrate on the ground writhing in pain. Train¬ers and players rush onto the field and carry himtenderly off the field amid the sudden hush thathad pervaded the stands and even the land formiles around. He is a sophomore... .playing hisfirst big game for his Alma Mater. And nowhis leg dangles helplessly at his side, broken, andhis lips are twisted and clenched cruelly in ex¬cruciating torture. His season is over....IVY LEE AND CAMPUS PUBLICISTSThe death last week of Ivy Lee, richest public¬ists in the country, representative of the Rocke¬fellers and other leading men, was of interest toevery one connected even indirectly with publicitywork. Ivy Lee is largely responsible fpr “human¬izing” supposedly impossible subjects and fordeveloping publicity to the extent that everyorganization with four or more members now hasa “director of publicity.”It was his unquestioned boast that he neverasked a newspaper editor to print anything andthat he gave out information helpful to hisclients and no more. We wish that more campuspublicists realized the soundness of this principle.At least ten times a day we interview peoplewho not only ask, but demand that The* DailyMaroon print several columns about the doingsof the United Association for the Disseminationof Propaganda on the Siam Situation, to use aridiculous example. And to add insult to injurythese people insist on an editorial commendingtheir group.Of course there is no question that The DailyMaroon gathers a good bit of its information frompublicists. Obviously any group whose activitieswould be of interest to our readers receives con¬sideration. But we prefer to judge for ourselvesthe news value of any particular press release.Much of the difficulty arises because theembryonic press agents have had no newspaperexperience. If they had they would know what apaper wants and would understand the correctform of presentation. They would spend the timethey usually devote to convincing us of the de¬sirability of printing their material, to giving uslive news written in an interesting fashion.No pressagent existed who didn’t think hisstories were of the utmost importance to the read¬ing public, but no good pressagent ever tried tostuff utterly worthless material down the throatsof newspaper men without at least making itappear interesting.So, campus publicists, study the reasons for IvyLee’s success, remember that we will help you allwe can if you bring us NEWS, and don’t feel hurtif we do not give you the whole front page ofThe Daily Maroon. We still need room for theweather report.—H. P. H. The year becomes 1933. The sophomore is ajunior now. He is a substitute, shifted from oneposition to another. He never quite .regains hisstride. Others have profitted from the year hemissed. He wins his letter and that is all.1934... .the season nears a close Chicago atMinnesota Chicago, hard fighting and prom¬ising.... Minnesota gigantic and invincible.. .un¬scored on in eleven successive playing periods.The fourth quarter. Chicago had long sinceshot its bolt. The score-board showed five touch¬downs for Minnesota and they were still un¬scared upon. The Maroon coach started withdraw¬ing his regulars, saving them for the next game.He knew when he was beaten.Twilight was settling down on the field in thelast few minutes of play. Minnesota had the ballin mid-field. A burly half-back dropped fifteenyards behind scrimmage with the ball poised onthe level of his head. Pass! Pass! Pass! He sawa teammate down the field and he sent the ovalspiralling down in his direction.A Maroon half-back toire for the oval, leapedinto the air and wrapped his arms around it. Thesophomore, now a senior, had the ball in his arms.It felt good and strange, too. He charged him¬self with elusiveness and started down the fieldlike a frightened jack-rabbit. One man after an¬other dove for those charmed legs of his but theywere untouchable. The last chalk mark was past... .he had scored... .on the unscorable....He had obtained his fame and recognition inone glorious moment.Now that deed belongs to the ages, andthis story, too; and the ages can use itto demonstrate to others like us in the future....curious and far-reaching are the ways of Fate.JOE COLLEGE COMES TO TOWNJoe College has put in an unwelcome appear¬ance on campus, it would seem, after Fridaynight s episode when five fraternities suffered theloss of various cups and trophies.Every once in a while we are made aware ofthe fact that some of our students still believe in MIDST DREAMS AND BUBBLES OF FANTASY. . .little things loom so big at certain times....take proofreading and one line here instead ofthere and it makes it all different and it justcan’t be and shift it from here to there please... .it’s gotta come out on Wednesday... .comment....comment... .comment... .on Wednesday... .onWednesday... .comment... .or take a glass ofbeer... .brad wile’s frinstance and how it can beso nice and how it can reminisce when it hasn’tfor so long....not the beer another i’mgoing to anway... .where is the.... be with youin a moment... .d’yuh think we can take illinois... .and why must one’s friend have such a swellwoman and does that make him a better or worseguy asks the curl-headed part of rabelais....good old rabelais.... here’s to ourselves.... goodfellows are hard to find... .well, if you insist, butjust one more... .don’t pour it flat for god’ssakes....i don’t think it will stain do you....and then i said to him now look here.... prettycrooked i’d say....i’d say....make this the lastthough... .walk the dog.... oh yes.... walk thedog... .many trees... .obstinate little cur... .takehim up after this block even if he doesn’t... .up¬stairs. .. .wipe his face in it if he does... .geeztthe rain sure knocks hell out of the finish....V. PUZZLE DEPARTMENTNovember 14, 1934.I A short time ago you stated thejNSL as having said that they were! not a communist organization or af-I filiated with any such. I questionI this.In an official NSL document en-i titled “Organizational Basis of the! NSL,’’ I quote, “The NSL, a massI REVOLUTIONARY body.’’I In the same document NSL mem-! bers are urged to penetrate otherI clubs and organizations with whomI they are to obtain control but notI affiliate with the NSL. “It is advis-; able to have one organization inwhich we have complete control.”In 1932 the Student League of theUniversity of Chicago endorsed thecandidacy of the communist candi¬date in the fifth ward along with theCommunist League of America andthe International Workers Union.The doings of the NSL are report¬ed regularly in the Communist News¬paper, the Daily Worker.I grant the right of anyone to holdany particular belief and I can seeno objection to members of the NSLbeing Communist but I charge thatthe whole organization is under dom¬ination from Moscow.You certainly have a decided Rus¬sian flavor to your organization andmethods of procedure.I see that you are intending tochange your name. It seems to methat that has ITappened before. TheUniversity is beginning to questionj you so it is high time to throw off1 the sins of yesterday as a cloak andi take up a new front.I Mr. Myers, there was a brief argu-^ ment with you at the forbidden cir-I cle meeting, will you reply to these!charges?Raymond K. Hirtch. Social Science 122 at 3:30.Vocational Guidance lecture:“Law.” Dean G. A. Bigelow, Haskell108 at 3:30.“Romanticism: Victor Hugo.” Pro¬fessor Algernon Coleman. Fullertonhall, the Art Institute at 6:45.“The Human Adventure—MuseumTours.” Assistant Professor Dr. N. C.Debevoise, Mr. Watson Boyes, Mr.R. M. Engberg, Oriental Institute at7:30.“Psychiatric Social Work withJuvenile Delinquents.” Miss RuthSmalley, of Billings and MichaelReese Hospital. S. S. A. Club. IdaNoyes at 7:45“Personality Development in Chil¬dren.” Professor E. J. Chave. “Chris¬tianity vertuf Communism.” Assist¬ant Professor Mathew Spinka. Swifthall at 8:30 p. m.MiscellaneousCosmos Club. Ida Noyes at 12W. A. A. North Room in Ida Noyesat 12.Inter Club Council. Alumri RoomIda Noyes hall at 12.Achoth. Wicker room, Ida NoyeS Idahall at 12.Y. W. C. Drama Group.Noyes hall at 3:30.Federation. Y. W. C. A. room IdaNoyes hall at 3:30.Wyvern Club. Alumni room IdaNoyes hall at 4.“Gehezte Menschen.” Motion pic-iture (in German). InternationalHouse theater at 4:30 and 8.Dr. Stephen Wise, New York. Au¬spices of Jewish Students Founda¬tion. Ida Noyes at 4.DREXEL theatre858 E. 63rdTuesdayMarlene Dietrich‘The Scarlet Empress’Daily Mats. 15c till 6:30PUBLIX CAFETERIA(Formerly Hill's)1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket to the Illinoisgame with the money you save eat¬ing tlK' Piiblix way.” THREE MONTHS* COURSErOK COLLEGE STUDENTS AND OSADUATItA thonufk. iNltiutN, tUmagm^kie etmmBtarting Janumry 1, A^ril 1, July I, Otgykml.Imurtsting Bookltt Btmtfim, wiUmA Mlgalkg—wrUfrpk0tf. N0 $oUeUtn mmgitytd.moserBUSINESS COLLEOeMWl MOSII.ftwiiirCIfillMliiisMtM Mb', mdt srartsdanyanti FtMmimg. Ev^ninx Comntt optm Os asssi.tl6 S. Michigon Ava.,Chicago,Kondolpk AjdZTYROLER THE REDNovember 19, 1934.I have always had respect forthose who hold to their beliefs andvoice them openly. On the otherhand, I have the utmost contemptfor those who pretend to be whatthey are not.This fellow who signs himselfCharles Tyroler the 2nd, seems tofall into the latter classification. Inthe guise of a self styled aristocrathe is undoubtedly at the present timemaking a bold attempt to furtherthe cause of communism.His defense of the Student Unionin a letter to the editor last Fridayis ample evidence of his underhand¬ed alliance with the teachings of KarlMarx. The Student Union while ap¬pearing to be partially liberal is asa matter of fact predominately radi¬cal. Tyroler, seemingly, would haveyou over-look this point, and by thusunwittingly “putting his neck out”has at last confirmed my suspicionsthat he is and has been for some timea Red of the most dangerous sort.B. F. W. STINEWAY DRUGSPRECISE PRESCRIPTIONISTS57th at KenwoodWhen you phone Stineway!Y our order is on the wayWhether you want our soda fountain service, cosmetics,drugs, prescriptions, or a box of candy—Stineway willgive you prompt delivery service.PHONE DORCHESTER 2844Today on theQuadranglesSci-Music and ReligionPhonograph concert. Socialence 122 at 12:30.Organ recital by Arthur Dunham, jF. A. G. 0., Organist. The Univer- jsity chapel at 8:15. {Lectures“Religion and Freedom.” Profes¬sor W. C. Graham. Joseph Bond cha- !pel at 12 M. ^“Race and Culture. The ‘In-Group Iand the ‘Out-Group.’ Culture andCivilization.” Professor R. E. Park. I CHRISTMAS BOOKSandarr-wARESare arrivingIllustrated EditionsPolish Decorated Wooden WareChinese Non-Tarnishable BrassItalian PotteryThree-Mountaineer Hand-WovenBags and Mats$1.00 specials for 25, 40, or 50Christmas Cards, with your name.It isn t too early to begin looking aroundfor gifts.Try it at theU. of C. BOOK STORE5802 Ellis Ave.Tomorrow at eight a.r* n iv/i iv/i m. comes17 M TThe University of Chicago Literary and Critical Quarterlywith art - criticism - satire - poetry - fictionby these distinguished writersMax Schoen T. V. SmithCaroline Edmundsen Winston AshleyGeorg Mann Herbert SchwartzRobert Stallman Sidney HymanArista Fisher James Kingham,4DAILY MAROON SPORTSTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1934 Page ThreeMAROONS BEGIN LAST iWEEK OF PRACTICE; |PREPARE FOR ILLINI iIPatterson and Baker Returnto Fold; Scrimmagesto Be ClosedReturning from their gallant at¬tempt to stop the Golden tide at jMinneapolis, the Maroons yesterday ]swung into their final week of prac- itice which will culminate in the II-lini contest Saturday.Traditional rivals, Illinois and Chi¬cago are evenly matched as re.gards jto man pow’er this year; and there is jno doubt that Maroon rooters will jrecall the 1924 contest between the !two teams when a Grange-led jOrange and Blue eleven tied us 21 jto 21.Regarding the Minnesota encount- 'er. one of the Chicago forwards ex- Iplained, “It was not that the Swedeswere so big and powerful, but thatthere were too many of them.”This decisive statement fully ac-'counts for the failure of the Ma-1roons to stop the conquering Min- jnesotans. Whereas Coach Clark ,Shaughnessy had one man to put in 'as a replacement for one of his reg- Iulars, Bernie Bierman had three |Gophers, one of which was as good ;a^ the other. jPatterson in UniformAlthough he received a shoulderinjury in the Minnesota game which iprevented his playing moat of thesecond half. Captain Ell Pattersonreturned to uniform yesterday as;did .John Baker who has been nurs¬ing a broken nose for the last week.The only regulars who did not en¬gage in yesterday’s practice sessionwere Bob Perretz and Ewald Nyquist'who had not sufficiently recovered:from minor bruises which garneerd 'during the Gopher combat. |Maroon regulars w'ill see littlehard scrimmage as they prepare for)the mini, but much time will be!spent in arranging an efficient passdefence in order to break up BobZuppke’s “flying trapeze” and “raz-1zle-dazzle” plays which have proved |very effective against opponents this (year. !There w’ill be no open practices ithis week and no one not connected Iwith the football squad will be al-1lowed in the fieldhouse. jGideonse Knocks !Pessimist View inGrinnell SpeechClaims that the economic and so¬cial experience of the havebeen rendered invalid by recent“deep-seated changes” were scoutedby Harry D., a.s.sociate pro¬fessor of Economics in an ad¬dress before the Grinnell CollegeConference on International Rela¬tions at Grinnell, Iowa, Saturday."There is no special merit in ‘ad¬vanced’ ideas if one is ‘advancing’down a blind alley,” he concluded.“Depressions are great days forpessimistic prophets,” Professor Gid¬eonse .said. “Every major collapsehas brought its Jeremiahs. It is al¬ways more convenient to blame animper.sonal ‘social order’ for certainundesirable happenings? rather thanto search for responsiblities that arenear home. In Chicago, for instance,we frequently hear that our bankfailures, our corrupt municipal pol¬itics, and our crime are ‘inevitableunder capitalism’.” | GraduatingGridmenBy JOHN BALLENGERThi* is the first of a series ofarticles dealing with the grad¬uating members of the 1934 Ma¬roon football team.John Baker, who has been holdingdown the varsity right end positionthis year, is a product of E. L.Moore’s coaching at Lindblom highschool. In the course of his careerat Lindblom, Baker won two lettersin football and played on the citychampionship team in 1929. Heplayed center in high school but waschanged to end here.At the University Baker has wonone letter in football and two inbaseball. In the latter sport he play¬ed first base his freshman and junioryears and he pitched his sophomoreyear.High LightsThe “big moment” of his footballcareer, .said Baker, occurred in thePurdue game last year when he andBill Langly went into the game atends with the ball in Purdue’s pos¬session on the Maroon 10 yard line.In the next four successive playsthey set the Boilermakers back fora net los.s of ten yards. Another highlight occurred when John and Ber-wanger collaborated on a pass that.started the rout of Indiana this year.Johnny says he feels he has gainedinfinitely “through his -associationswith the University with the coachesand players.” He says, too, that hethink.s we have one of the finestcoaching staffs in the country andpredicts that the Maroon “will finishfirst, second, or third place nextyear.”Ed CullenAnother Maroon who will play hislast game for Chicago Saturday is EdCullen, who comes from New Trierhigh in Winnetka. He participated infootball and basketball under W. As-chenbach and won two letters ineach sport. He played center on boththe football and basketball teams.Ed entered the University in 1931,after spending a year at Dartmouth.He has won one letter in footballand two in track, being captain ofthe track team last year.Help* Beat DartmouthAt the present time Ed is a quar¬terback on the football team but hehas played at one time or anothercenter, halfback, tackle, and full¬back. Ed said he received the mostsatisfaction out of football when hewas able “to help lick his, Dartmouth,” by interceptinga pass and running for a touch¬down last fall.Cullen agrees with Baker sayingthe Maroons have an excellent coach¬ing staff and that the team next yearshould be a good one. Both Cullenand Baker are members of Psi Up-silon. Cullen was a member of Owland Serpent last year.PLEDGINGPhi Sigma Delta announces thepledging of Alan Grossman of Mus¬kegon, Michigan.KEEFREY DRUG— SPECIAL —Hot Fudge Pecan Sundae15c1345 E. 55th St. H. P. 0526WE DELIVER1Plu^-ln AN/WHERE!with this new 1935PHILCOMODEL59C This powerful little Compact oper¬ates oo either Alternating or Di¬rect Current! Approved by Under¬writers. Latest features give ez-eeptional tone and amazing per¬formance. Ideal for home, oflke,traveler or student.'25—EASIEST TEEMSCARR’S RADIO STORES847 E. 63rd Street Hyde Park 3990 CHISELERS ADVANCETO SEMIFINALS BYDEFEATING TROJANSIn the only Intramural touchballgame played yesterday, the Chiselersdefeated the Trojans, 12 to 6. Thevictory in this game, which was thefirst play-off contest in the independ¬ent league, places the winners inthe semi finals in that division. DougVeith and Charles Hickok were thescorers for the victors. Simon putover a touchdown for the Trojans.Intramural horseshoes, startingslowly, has gained momentum thepast week, and play in the three di¬visions has reached the semi finals.In the doubles tournament, Duvalland Hilbrandt, Phi Psi representa¬tives, are in the finals, awaiting theoutcome of the Boehm and Dorsey(Phi Psi)—Harman and Whitten-berger (Optimists) match.In the independent singles, Sin-sheimer and Harman have reached |the semi finals in the upper bracket.Six players are still in the fraterni- |ty division. McIntosh, .Alpha Delt, ispaired with Frankel, Phi B. D.; Sil-verstein. Phi Gam, will meet Gran-nert. Phi Delt; and Bean and Holtz-borg, both of Delta Upsilon, are op¬ponents in the lower bracket. SportFlashesBy TOM BARTONOut at the University of California(Los Angeles) the students havebeen in quite a ferment because ofthe ineffectiveness of the footballteam. The Women’s union of organ¬izations after watching them losetwo games and barely win the othersby point margins decided upon dras¬tic means to bring their footballwarriors toward winning ways. Sothe young ladies decided, threev’eeks ago, not to allow any dateseither with football men or otherL. A. won by at least seven points,males at the university until U. C.W’ell, sad to relate, for two weeks3 Months* ShorthandCoursefor College Graduatesand UndergraduatesIdeal for takinj^ notes at college orfor .spare-t'ine or full time positions.Classes .start the first of October.Tanuary, April and July.Call, write, or telephone State i88ifor complete facts.The CRECG COLLEGE6 X. Michigan Ave. Chicago there wex’e no dates...U. C. L. A. were going to wait until next yearfailed to gather that point margin, i for dates California won 35 to 13Then last Saturday, when the worn- ! over Idaho. And all is serene on theen were wondering whether they i Pacific again.HERE’S GOOD NEWS TO EVERYSTUDENT ON CAMPUS!O You have one of Chicago’s finest men’s stores right inyour own back yard, anxious to serve your every desirefor fine clothes.We feature Hart, Schaffner & Marx and GGG Clothes,Knox & Mallory Hats; Manhattan, Arrow and KinglyShirts, Nunn-Bush Ankle Fashioned oxfords, in short,every item in the store carries a nationally known label,insuring your absolute satisfaction or your money will becheerfully refunded.Visit our fine store, look around, notice how reason¬able our prices are, then you will appreciate how conve¬nient your shopping can be, also, how much further yourclothing budget will carry.Erie Clothing Co.837-839 East 63rd Street(Maryland Theatre Building)OPEN EVERY EVENING OOO<►<►O<►o<►ooosoo<►<►o<►o<►oo<►o• • • EFE €Ecommon •sensepackage^lOc© 1934, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. doesn't clog a pipePipe tobacco madeby the Wellman Processand rough cut as Grangeris, does not clog the pipebut stays lit, smokeslonger, slower and cooler.We believe this process isthe reason for Granger beingmilder.We know it adds somethingto the flavor and aroma of thegood, ripe White Burley Tobac¬co that cannot be obtained inany other way.We wish, in some nay, wecouldget every man who smokesa pipe to just try Granger.Comment TomorrowPage Four THE DAiLY MAROON, TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 20, 1934FRATERNITY FACTS Dunham Gives OrganRecital at ChapelBy DAVID KUTNERPhi Kappa Sig¬ma was foundedin 1850 at theUniversity o fPenn sylvan iaand to date hasestablished chap¬ters in 37 of thecolleges and uni¬versities of thecountry. AlphaPi chapter wasbegun at Chi¬cago in 1905.Among themore prominentmembers of thealumni are thefollowing;Claude Swanson,Secretary of theNavy, ArthurWillard, president of the Universityof Illinois, Maxfield Parrish, painter,Thomas Gates, president of the Uni¬versity of Pennsylvania, WilliamDyche, ex-business manager ofNorthwestern university, George Ol¬son, orchestra leader. Major GeneralDavid Barrows, president emeritusof the University of California, theMost Reverend James DeWolf Per¬ry.Professors Charles C. Colby andJames 0. McKinsey are among thePhi Kappa Sigmas on the University-faculty at the present.The initiation fee of the fraterni- PHI KAPPA SIGMA As part of a program to bringI distinguished organists to the Uni-! versity, the University chapel pre-I sents Arthur Dunham tonight atI 8:15.Mr. Dunham, a fellow of the! American guild for Organists, who: had part of his study in Paris, pro¬ceeded Jesse Crawford at the organof the Swift bridge of service atthe Fair this summer. He was aisoan organist at Sainte Sulpicc cathe¬dral.The next concert on December 13will feature Mile. Renee N.zan ofMontreal. Dr. Stephen WiseSpeaks on Campus \Phi Delta Upsilon Members TakePart in Many Ida Noyes ActivitiesLaw School Library toRemain Open SundaysThe library of the Law school willbe open on Sunday afternoons from2 to 5 for the rest of the quarter,Harry- A. Bigelow, dean of the Lawschool, announced last week.Dean Bigelow explained that thisIS only a temporary ai’rangemcnt,and that future policy will depend,in part at least, upon the number ofstudents who use the privilege thisquarter.The action opening the library- fol¬lows the circulation of a petitionamong the student body asking thatit be opened.Latest Models in Formal Dress SaitsTO RENTFITWELL DRESS SUITRENTAL COMPANY6312 Cottage Grove Plaza 7310— Open Evenings — ty is $50, which Includes life mem-bershp in the organization, a lifesubscription to the fraternity publi¬cations, and the badge. All chargesfor a man living in the houseamount to $40 a month; $20 formeals, $15 for room, and $5 fordues. The members living outsidethe house pay $15 each month;$7.50 for seven meals a week—sixlunches and one dinner, $5 for dues,and $2.50 non-resident fees. Thereare no pledge dues. The chapterhouse, located at 5733 Universityavenue, is rented from the AlumniAssociation.Present officers of the chapter areJohn Havey, John Turner, FrederickFair, Claude Hawley, Lynn Stiles,and Paul Brown. There are, in total,16 actives and 2 pledges at present.One man is on the gym team, two inBlackfriars, two in the band, oneon the Chapel Council, one in theDebate Union, one in the DramaticAssociation, one on the footballsquad, one on the Student Lectureboard, one out for track, one forbaseball, and one man in the Uni¬versity Symphony Orchestra. talking shopbyjane and belleEDUCATIONAL MOVIESThe University Press, in collabor¬ation with the department of Edu¬cation, will present the second of aseries of educational talking pictureprograms next Friday at 3:30 in room126 of the Graduate Education build¬ing.The program for next Friday con¬sists of “The String Choir,” “Sta.gesof Child Growth,” “Pond Insects,”and “Sound Waves and TheirSources.”Live in Home-LikeQuartersWe specialize in attractiverooms for faculty members and studentsat the U. of C.Individual rooms or suiteswith or without bath.Ideally arranged for quietand study.Prices to suit your purse.Rates $2.50 to $1 2.00 per week.TheHarvard Hotel5714 Blacks tone AvenuePhone Hyde Park 2780Miss Grayce Naismith,Mgr. “Down the Old Ox Road”—well, |not exactly, but KRISE’S ICECREAM SHOP at 7112 Jetfry Ave. |is an ideal place to stop for lunch jany day. There is plenty of time to |get your crowd together and drive jover. It’s well worth your while.Reason? Those egg salad sandwiches |with bacon, an ingenious combina- jtion, steak sandwiches, and lucioustoasted cheese .sandwiches with orwithout a sliced tomato are just afew reasons to drive over any noonfor lunch. For those cold fall daysI vegetable soup hits the spot. Pis-! tachio nut ice cream is being fea-I tured this week. Also you can geti your favorite flavor ice cream atI KRISE’S. Phone Butterfield 4467I for deliveries.♦ * ♦Oh it’s “Betty Co-Ed” from theBEAUTY SHOP in the basement ohIda Noyes. She looks smooth withthat shampoo, set, and manicure, andyou will too. Just call Mrs. Hill, Dor-che.ster 7250 for an appointment. It’sa very convenient place to go be¬cause it is only 2 blocks from thequadrangles.“You’ll have“College Rythm”if you get oneof those knock¬out dresses atMIDWAYIFROCK SHOP¬PE. They’reha\-ing a specialsale of woolensfor $6.95 thisweek. The ad¬dress is 1515 E.59th St.“Raise the Stein for Dear OldMaine”—not quite, but the GREENSHUTTER TEA ROOM is an idealplace for a college get-together.After you have tasted that de¬licious home-made cherry pie toppedwith whipped cream you’ll be a“regular” visitor. It is made of thoselucious frosted cherries—the kindthat were exhibited at the World’s IFair. The address is 5650 Kenwood iAve. I Under the auspices of the P'orum |Committee of the Jewish Student jFecundation, Dr. Stephen S. M isewill speak informally on campus, to- |day, in Ida Noyes hall at 4. Dr. Wise,founder and rabbi of the Free Syna¬gogue in New York, is one of the out¬standing leaders in the Zionist move- |ment as well as a leader in the child ■labor agitation. By MARYPhi Delta Upsilon, made up ofeleven active members and one hun¬dred and eighty alumnae, was found¬ed in 1913. The group is the sup¬porter of the Elizabeth Chapin Me¬morial Loan Fund which may beused by members of the group whenrequested. The club also awards anactivities cup to the pledge who doesthe most in campus activities dur¬ing the pledge period.Representatives of Phi Delta Up¬silon to be found in campus activ¬ities are Ida Elander, a member ofIda Noyes Auxiliary, a member ofsecond cabinet of Y.W.C.A., andof the Y.W.C.A. Music Group;Betty Thompson, a member of IdaNoyes Auxiliary, the Music Group,and an upper class counsellor; Iso-bel Decker, an upper class counsel¬lor.In other activities are Mary AliceDuddy, a member of Tarpon and ofHOLD BENEFIT FORLYING-IN HOSPITALAT HOTEL SHERMAN MackenzieY.W.C.A.; Ruth Olson, a memberof the Y.W.C.A. Music and Dra¬matic Groups, and an upper classcounsellor; Alsie Tittman, a mem¬ber of Inter-Club Council, and anupper class counsellor; and GraceCoombs, a member of the SpanishClub.Finances of the group are sup¬ported by a pledge fee of five dol¬lars, an initiation fee of twenty-fivedollars which includes the pin, duesof five dollars a quarter, and an as¬sessment for rushing of approxim¬ately seven dollars. This makes thetotal cost for the first year fifty-two dollars.Social affairs given by the P. D.U.’s are a Mothers’ tea, an alumnaedinner, one formal dance each quar¬ter, and an alumnae tea. The groupholds its business meetings at IdaNoyes hall, and social meetings atthe home of the members.Officers are Alsie Tittman, presi¬dent; Mabel Walborn, vice president;Ruth Olson, treasurer; and GraceCoombs, secretary. The ofthe club is to promote friendshipamong women at the University.Settlement HoldsTea for VolunteerWorkers TomorrowAll men and women students in¬terested in volunteer service at theUniversity Settlement are invited toattend a tea as the guests of theStudent Settlement Board tomorrowafternoon at 3:30 in Ida Noyes hall.There will be an opportunity to meetstudents who are already wurking atthe Settlement, and to learn of newopenings in this social service pro¬gram for which additional men andwomen are needed.Although there are more than 20women students now rendering vol¬unteer service at the University Set¬tlement, a number of men volunteersare seriously needed, it was an¬nounced yesterday by the StudentSettlement Board. Student volun¬teers at the settlement are only ex¬pected to devote from two to fourhours a week, yet this contributionis of great assistance to this socialwork being carried on back of theyards, it has been pointed out by HoCarr, president of the board.Men volunteers may supervise ac¬tivities in the game room at the Set¬tlement, take charge of boys’ clubs,direct athletic groups and teams inthe settlement’s gymnasium, or as¬sist classes in the work shop. No par¬ticular training or experience isneeded for this work, which is large¬ly with Mexican and Polish children. Starting on December 1 and last¬ing for eight days, a Christmas Mer-ry-go-Round will be held at the Ho¬tel Sherman for the benefit of theChicago Lying-in hospital.Booths at which all types of ar¬ticles will be sold will provide thecarnival spirit, which will be furth¬er emphasized by the foor shows thatare being planned. The admissionfee of 25 cents will entitle visitorsto witness the entertainment.The bazaar will open at 11 in themorning and continue with increas¬ing gaiety until midnight every day.Since the affair is being held for soworthy a purpose as the hospital,society and university crowds are ex- ipected to throng the carnival.With Mrs. Ernst Freund, chair¬man of the hospital board, there willalso be numbered among the activeworkers the following: Mrs. MarcusHirschl, Mrs. W'illiam B. Hale, pub¬licity chairman, and Mrs. CharlesKing Corsant.Bigelow Talks Todayon Legal ProfessionThe fourth weekly vocationalguidance lecture, dealing with theopportunities in the field of Law,will be given today by Dean H. A.Bigelow at 2:30 in Haskell 108.The remaining lectures in the lec¬ture-conference series will cover theprofessions of medicine and busi¬ness. These will be given by Dr.Joseph Miller and Dean W. H. Spen¬cer, respectively, in Pathology 117and Haskell 108.GETVESS ATDry CingeraleHi-Bail SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th Street INCLUDEGREYHOUNDin yourThanksgiving plansFOR COMFORTABLEECONOMICAL TRAVELLeave your car at home Thanks¬giving, and go for less by Grey¬hound. Trips home, to footballgames, nearby or distant cities,popular resorts — all can bemade at a saving, in easy-ridingcoaches piloted by courteous,efficient drivers. Individual re¬clining chairs, deeply cushioned,and ample hot-water heat.Colorful Autumn highways,pleasant traveling companions,and schedules suited to yourconvenience in going and re¬turning. For complete informa¬tion, visit or call:Phone WABash 7700UNION BUS TERMINAL1167 South WabashLoop170 North State and Sherman Hotel6802 Stony IslandCampus Airent—JOHN STOCKSPress BIdK.—Ellis & B8thGREY/HOUNDxytitTHIS PICTUREmay have no relation or connection withwhat we have to say, but it attracted yourattention, so read further and you’ll be in¬terested to know that on November 28thThe Interfratemity BallStarts off the University’s formal socialseason at theLAKE SHORE ATHLETIC CLUB850 Lake Shore Drive$3.50 a couple 10 to 2