GO FER THEGOFERS! Batlp ito)onVol. 35. No. 30. UNlVERiirriY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1934 Price Three CentsMaroons Leave for Minnesotain Attempt to Upset Gophers;Berwanger, Bartlett to PlayTeam Enters Came inExcellent PhysicalConditionThe LineupCHICAGOG. PeteraonWrightJordanPatterson (c)WhitesideBushWellsFlinnBerwangerBartlettNyquist I.Radi broadcast:I outlet. MINNESOTATennerWidsethJechSrendsenBevanBengstonLarsonb. Beiseh. Lund (c)h. Alfonseb. KostkaNBC with WLS SPARK PLUGBy EDWARD STERNUpset the Gophers!—or at least,try to upset them—was the cry of !the Maroon squad as it pulled out of |the Union station at 10:30 last eve-’ninjr for Minneapolis, Althougrh Min-1ne.sota is judged by most critics jto have at lea.st a three touchdown |advantage over the Maroons, the Chi- |cago squad had no thought of de¬feat.The Maroons lacked little of their Ifull strength, although it was still |very doubtful that John Baker, who ;received a fractured nose in the Ohio jState game, would .see any action on \the gridiron. But, Berwanger was in iexcellent .shape, and that was all that ■really counted.Berwanger in Shape |Although the odds against him aretremendou.s, the “Flying Dutchman”should put a great game against theMinne.sota powerhouse. His forwardwall will be outcla.ssed at all pointsby the Gophers; but Chicago is bank¬ing on Berwanger and his executionof its deceptive attack to keep it inthe ball game.The efficiency of the Maroon teamwill be greatly increased by the im¬proved physical condition of thewhole team. Ned Bartlett and Pres¬cott Jordan will turn in better gamesthan last week, when injuries hind¬ered them. “Tubby” Wright has comeback to the squad in better condi¬tion than ever, and .should show theGopher eleven that Berwanger is not(Continued on page 4) Captain Ell Patterson is the realbrains of the Maroon squad on thefield. Keen perception of the opposi¬tion’s plan of attack and an almostuncanny accuracy in outguessing theplays to come have enabled him tolead a successful defensive pro¬gram.WORK HORSESPRAGUE WOULDSEVER TREASURY,FEDERAL RESERVE ALLOV.' TRANSFERSTUDENTS TO JOINMAROy STAFFMust Take TrainingSchool ExamThursdayTransfer students and upperclassmembers of the University, togetherwith freshmen, may now be placedin staff positions on The Daily Ma¬roon as the result of a change ofpolicy negotiated yesterday by theBoard of Control.The change is made from the posi¬tion previously held whereby onlyfreshmen were admitted to the staff.The new policy follow's the lines ofliberalization followed by The DailyMaroon since the instigation of theChicago plan at the University,Mutt Pats ExamStudents who wish to join the staffmay now do so after passing thestandard comprehensive examinationgiven by the Board of Control. Thisexamination is required of all can¬didates to the staff. Howard P. Hud¬son, editor of The Daily Maroon,i will interview all candidates, trans-j fer students and upperclassmen whodesire positions under the new rul-j ing. He may be reached betweenI 3:30 and 5 in Lexington hall.The examination for both fresh-! men and upperclass candidates will■ be given Thursday in Harper Mil at! 3:30.i The Daily Maroon had previouslyliberalized its policy in order to meeti the needs of the new plan by chang¬ing the con.stitution in 1933 in order; to allow upperclassmen to hold se¬nior positions. Last year the provi¬sion calling for a set number ofwomen on the .staff was made moreflexible. Gertrude Stem Cancels Engagementsfor Lectures Because of ConfusionResulting from Booking ArrangementsEXPRESSIONIST CHECKS OUTNAME FRATERNITYTICKET SALESMENFOR I-F BALL“The Federal Reserve .system hasnot developed independence andprestige.” This statement was madeby Dr. O. M. W, Sprague, professorof Banking and Finance at Harvarduniversity, last night in Judson courtat the fall banquet of the Graduateclub of Business and Economics.Dr. Sprague further said the Fed¬eral Reserve .system should be en¬tirely independent of the Treasurydepartment, and that the Treasuryshould not be in complete charge ofmoney. In answer to the question ofwhether government control overcredit would be more effective ingood times than in bad. Dr, Spraguewas inclined to believe in the former.“It is desirable to watch whateveris moving rapidly,” and thereforeif the central banks are ready to takedrastic action it is quite possibleto moderate cyclical fluctuations. Jay Berwanger it easily the ouW |standing offensive pla^'er on anyMaroon eleven in recent years. Hisrunning and passing have gainedhim renown wherever conferencefootball it discussed. Berwanger’spunts have helped the Chicago teamout of a great many tense situations.START EDUCATIONALSERIES OF PICTURESThe University Press, in coopera¬tion with the department of Edu¬cation, announces a series of weeklyshowings of educational talking pic¬tures, to be given every Friday inroom 126 of the Graduate Educationbuildin.g. The series starts today at3:30 with a showing of five shortsubjects.The series is primarily intended todemonstrate to students of educa¬tion the value of talking pictures asan educational medium. The subjectshave been selected from many dif¬ferent fields. Haydon^ Professor ofReligion, to Speakat Chapel SundayProfes.sor A. Rlustace Haydon,chairman of the department of Com¬parative Religion, will speak on“The Challenge of Religion to theModern World,” in the regular Sun¬day Chapel service at 11.IVofessor Haydon is qualified tospeak on that subject since abouttwenty years of his life have beendevoted to the study of world re¬ligions. In addition, the departmentof which Professor Haydon is chair¬man is particularly interested in in¬terpreting the historic functions ofreligion in relation to contemporaryneeds.Students assisting in the serviceare Mary Elizabeth McKay, DanSmith, E. G. Youmans, and EdwardAlt.MIRROR MEETINGAn open meeting is being spon¬sored this afternoon at 4:30 in theTower room by the Mirror board forstudents interested in writing skitsfor the annual Mirror revue whichwill be presented during the winterquarter.Prominent alumnae skit writer.swill be present to help discuss thetype of material needed for theshow. Ticket salesmen for the Interfra¬ternity ball to be held November 28were appointed yesterday by DanGlomset, in charge of ticket sales.The bids, selling at $3.50 a couple,are also available at the men’s dor¬mitories and at the bookstores.The dance, the first of the Uni¬versity’s glamorous social events, willbe held in the large ballroom of theI..ake Shore Athletic club. CharlieAgnew’s orchestra will play for theevent.The salesmen from each fraterni¬ty are as follows: James Melville andBruce Stewert, Alpha Delta Phi;Howard Mauthe, Alpha Tau Omega;George Browning, Beta Theta Pi;Ray Lahr, Chi Psi; Henry Cutter,Delta Kappa Epsilon; Ed Wolfenson,Delta Tau Delta; Robert Milow, Del¬ta Upsilon; Irv Askow, Kappa Nu;John Bodfish, Kappa Sigma; andE. R. Williams.Others are I.^mbda Chi Alpha;Trevor Weiss, Phi Beta Delta; Wil¬liam Kendall, Phi Delta Theta; Ce¬cil LeBoy, Phi Gamma Delta; JayBrown, Phi Kappa Psi; WaldemarSolf, Phi Pi Phi; Alvin Goldberg, PhiSigma Delta; Nat Newman, PiLambda Phi; William Stapleton', PsiUpsilon; Francis Hoyt, Sigma AlphaEpsilon; Hilliam Orcutt, Sigma Chi;Everett George, Sigma Nu; NormanBecker, Tau Delta Phi; and HaroldSiegel, Zeta Beta Tau.Tickes have not yet been deliveredto the salesmen in the men’s dormi¬tories, but they will be distributedthere today according to RichardZacharias, working on ticket sales. Gertrude SteinFourth annual Freshman Plays at8:30 last night in the Reynolds clubtheater. The plays will be presentedagain tonight at the same time andplace, but with different casts.“Half-Way Jimmy,” directed byHOLD COLLEGE MIXERIN IDA NOYES TODAYStudents in the first and secondyears at the University will have oneof their first opportunities of thequarter to meet socially at the Col¬lege Mixer, an informal tea dance,which will be held in Ida Noyes thea¬ter from 3-5:30 today.Harold A. Swenson, assistant pro¬fessor of Psychology and an adviserto students in the (College, and Mrs.Harvey Carr, social adviser in theoffice of the Dean of Students, willchaperone the affair. The mixer is |being sponsored by the College iCouncil. I Freshmen Plays Enacted BeforeCampus Audience; Repeated TodayBy SIDNEY OUTRIGHT Jr.Amid a continuously arriving au- | Philip White and Edward Day, wasdience, some of whom didn’t an-ive ; the Hrst play of the evening, inuntil the last play, the University | which Robert Jones as Jimmy SheaDramatic association presented the , was the most outstanding member ofthe cast. The plac was the well-known gangster in love with unsus¬pecting girl who has a suspectingbrother; Marion Huff played the partof the girl in love and Lloyd Jameswas her brother. The audience didn’thelp the situation a bit by laugh¬ing at practically every line, none ofw'hich was amusing. Ambrose Rich¬ardson, Robert Janes, and RobertMay were fairly convincing as threegang men out to put Shea on thespot. Off-stage noise of a machine-gun made by a halloween rattlerbrought a laugh from the house.Excellent DirectionExcellent direction, a clever plot,and capable portrayal of characterscombined to make “Unto SuchGlory” the high spot of the evening.Charlotte Abbott and Helen Harten-feld directed the play, which con¬cerns the lives of a South Carolinafarmer, played by Ray Danow, hiswife, Sonja Kosner, and a smooth¬looking minister, Harrold Webber.The minister tries to entice the wifeaway from her husband by leadingher to believe that she has been chos¬en by the Lord to help him spreadthe go.spel. The husband seesthrough the plan of “Brother Simp¬kins” and foils his scheme by pre¬tending he sees a vision of the AngelGabriel who tells him the evil planof the preacher. At this point Broth¬er Simpkins makes a hasty exit. Irv¬ing Axelrad has the part of a neigh¬boring farmer and all four membersof the cast will undoubtedly be seen(Continued on page 3)Registrar AnnouncesRegistration Datesfor Winter QuarterNotice of advance registration forthe winter quarter was issued yes¬terday by the Registrar’s office.Registration will take place Decem¬ber 4 to 6 in Cobb 211 between thehours of 8:45 and 11:30 in themorning, and between 1:30 and4:30 in the afternoon.Before the registration begins, thestudent should consult with the ap¬propriate dean, then call at the of¬fice of registration in Cobb 211 tosecure class tickets and assignmentsof fees. The days of registration areas follows: December 4 for studentsin the divisions of the Humanitiesand Biological Sciences, December 5for students in the divi.sions of theSocial Sciences and Physical Sci¬ences and December 6 for those inthe professional schools.College students, who have alread.)registered for the winter quarter,must secure the class tickets thathave been reserved for them on Fri¬day or Monday, December 7 or 10.Those whose names begin with Ato L are requested by the Registrarto call for their tickets on Friday, |the others on Monday, in order to javoid delay.Students in the College who are Itaking divisional courses should reg- jister in the Colleee and not in the jschool or division. Further announce- |ments and details of the rpc'istration ' Cloudy and warmer Friday follow-appear on bulletins posted outside ed by probable showers and continu- jthe Registrar’s office in Cobb hall, ed mild Saturday. i Audience Was toLimited to 500Students BeGertrude Stein, eccentric author,has cancelled her two campus lec¬tures, according to an announce¬ment made yesterday by Henry T.Sulcer, manager of the Student Lec¬ture service. The talks, which wereto be given in Mandel hall onNovember 27 and 28, were calledoff because of a misunderstandingbetween Miss Stein and her agentas to the conditions under which shewould deliver the lecture.“The Student Lecture service hasbeen proceeding with the arrange¬ments for the Stein lecture upon ab¬solutely sound, business principles,”Sulcer said. “These difficulties haveall arisen subsequent to our definitearrangements for her lecture.Lecture too Technical“Upon her arrival in the country.Miss Stein made clear her positionthat she would give no public lec¬ture. She will, however, speak atuniversities only to students major¬ing in English or to graduate stu¬dents in the field of literature se¬lected by the English department ofthe university. She will not speakto a mixed audience of persons mere¬ly interested in her work because ofher plans to deal with the technicalaspects of writing in concentratedform.“The situation at the Universityin these respects does not fulfill theconditions she has placed, making itnece.ssary for the Student Lectureservice to call off the lectures.Therefore the Service has made ar¬rangement for the refunding ofmoney for tickets. Purchasers of sin¬gle tickets may receive their moneyeither by mail or at the box office.Ticket Refunds“Mail requests should be addressedto the Student Lecture service, box241, faculty exchange. The box of¬fice in Mandel hall cloisters will beopen every day next week from 12to 2.”Situations similar to the one atthe University have been created ateastern universities by Miss Stein’sconditions for lecturing. Whether ornot Miss Stein appears on the cam¬pus at all has not been definitely de¬cided.PLAN TEA FORLATE ENTRIES INFRESHMAN CLASSA tea for all freshman women thatentered the University after Fresh¬man Week will be given Tuesday at2:30 in the Y..W.C.A. room by theFederation Council according to anannouncement made yesterday byAlice Johnson, publicity chairman.The Council hopes that all fresh¬man women who have not been as¬signed to a counselor or been placedin a group will attend the tea so thatthe council members can meet thesewomen. The year’s work of Federa¬tion in orienting the freshman wom¬en will then be completed.Until these women are locatedthey have no means of contact withI the Freshman Women’s Council! which functions through the group! representatives.j Mrs. Harvey Carr, chairman ofI University Social Activities, and Bet-1 ty Saylor, chairman of Federation,j will preside at the tea and meeting.CCC AUTHORITIESBAN OGBURN BOOKTHE WEATHERFriday, November 16, 1934 A pamphlet written by William F.Ogburn, professor of Sociology, forthe workers in the CCC camps wasbanned by the authorities supervi.s-ing the conservation projects, it wasrevealed yesterday. The booklet waswritten to acquaint the workers withthe problems of the machine age withwhich they are confronted.Directors of the camps brandedthe book as “too radical” and yes¬terday had given Profes.sor Ogburnno more explicit reasons why thenamnhlet had been censored.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16. 1934iatlg iMarnonFOUNDED IH 1901|\55odntcii <i;bUe8mte_^^sHAOiSON wtscOHSMThe Daily Maroon is the oflTieial student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Avenue.Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: business office:Room 16A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates: $2.50copies: three cents. a year; $4.00 by mail. SingleT^e University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not ^ responsible for returning any uiTsoHcited manuscripts.Public letters 8h''uld be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon. Lexington hall, University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author'ssignature and address, which will be withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWHLLI-^M S. O’DONNELL, Business Manager'CHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOW^ARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRmh GrecnebaumHenry F. Kelley Raymond Lahr JeanneJanet Lewy WilliamRalph W. Nicholson StolteW. WatsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley Baker George Felsenthal George SchustekJohn Ballenger Zenia Goldberg James SnyderJack Bracken Ruby Howell Edward S. SternWells D. Burnette Julian .A. Kiser Elinor TaylorRussell Cox Godfrey Lehman Mary WalterSidney Cutright Jr. John Morris Campbell WilsonJune RappaportBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour Weinstein 11^4. a congenial one for members of the Amer¬ican Association of University Professors.. Anorganization which demands academic freedomor professors can not consistently oppose the fullexeicises of the constitutional rights of publicspeech and assemblage by students. It would be.ess troublesome, of course, if students wouldconfine their "agitating” to occasions when therewas no danger of collisions with the official de¬fenders of law and order. But American libertieswere won by persons who did not shrink fromsuch collisions and they are not likely to be main¬tained by a shrinking generation. The import¬ant matter is to establish fairly the respectiverights of student agitators ancf police when col¬lisions do unhappily occur, and to stand by thestudents, when they have kept within the law,and to indulge in no false sentimentality whenthey have failed to do so. Letters tothe Editor Freshman plays. Reynolds clubtheater at 8:30.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISNight Editor: Ralph NicholsonFriday, November 16, 1934.THE RIGHT TO AGITATE(The following excerpt from aneditorial by A. N. Holcombe in theOctober issue of the Bulletin of theAmerican Association of UniversityProfessors is timely in view of thesituation at the University. We printit as such and nob necessarily as theopinion of The Daily Maroon.—ed.)At several universities recently controversieshave arisen over the right of students to par¬ticipate in public political agitation and the at¬titude of the university authorities toward suchstudent agitators.At the University of Michigan, for instance,students participated in the Detroit May Daydemonstration, organized by so-called "radicals,"and were roughly dispersed by the Detroit police.Some of them were injured and all felt that theyhad been unjustly treated. They believed thatthey were demonstrating in a lawful manner andsome of their friends urged that they were en¬titled to the assistance of the University author¬ities in the protection of their rights. Othersargued that the students who took part in thedemonstration voluntarily assumed the risks ofthe enterprise, and that, if they did not know therisks of participation in such demonstrations, theUniversity authorities could serve their institutionbest by discouraging other students from assum¬ing such risks. Such discouragement would nat¬urally follow from a refusal of the authorities togive these students legal aid or moral support andmight even go so far as forbidding all studentsto take part in "radical” agitation outside theUniversity. j, . . Agitation in the abstract is doubtless cov-ered by the constitutional rights of freedom of .speech and of public assemblage, and universitystudents presumably have the same rights underthe Federal and State constitutions as other per¬sons. Agitation in particular cases, however, maybe associated with breaches of the peace, or al¬leged breaches of the peace, and the agitators,university students as well as others, may receiverough treatment at the hands of the police.. . . Under these circumstances there is a strongtemptation for University authorities to take apaternalistic attitude toward their students andto intervene for the purpose of protecting stu¬dent “radicals” against the consequences of theirrashness. It is easy to say that students mayproperly enjoy an untrammeled freedom ofspeech and assemblage on the campus, but shouldavoid situations in which they are likely to be ex¬posed to organized intimidation and officiousviolence on the part of over-zealous guardians ofthe public peace. Such an attitude, however, is MORE OF THE ETERNAL WISDOM OF FRIED¬RICH NIETZSCHEEx-Senator Roy WoodsI dislike him.—Why?—I am not a match forhim.—Did any one ever answer so?CleopatraIn revenge and in love woman is more bar¬barous than man.Steve BrodieWe do the same when awake as when dream¬ing.The Holy Institution of MarriageThe sexes deceive themselves about eachother.Oscar WildeIn intercourse with scholars and artists onereadily makes mistakes of opposite kinds.Herbert Clark HooverThe belly is the reason why man does not soreadily take himself for a God.The Co-Ed Who Doesn’t Dress According to StyleThat which an age considers evil is usually anecho of what was formerly considered good.George Herman “Babe” RuthAround the hero everything becomes a trag¬edy.Clarence DarrowHe who fights with monsters should be care¬ful lest he thereby become a monster.Evangeline BoothWhen a woman has scholarly inclinationsthere is generally something- wrong with hersexual nature.General Hugh S. JohnsonIt is not enough to possess a talent.George Bernard ShawOne no longer loves one’s knowledge suffici¬ently after one has communicated it.Humanity. . . .Homo SapiensThe thought of suicide is a great consolation:by means of it one gets successfully throughmany a bad night.Twenty-Six Fraternities and Twelve ClubsOur fellow-creature is not our neighbour, butour neighbour’s neighbour.Rupert BrookeLove brings to li.ght the noble and hiddenqualities of a lover.The Taj MahalWhat is done out of love always takes placebeyond good and evil.Theodore DreiserTo talk about oneself may also be a meansof concealing oneself.James JoyceTo vigorous men intimacy is a matter ofshame.Franklin Delano RooseveltOne loves ultimately one’s desires, not thething desired.Joan of ArcIt is inhuman to bless when one is beingcursed.Alfred E. Smith to F. D. R.I am affected, not because you have deceivedme, but because I can no longer believe in you.sonOne does not believe in the follies of clevermen.Mr. Postmaster-General.... Jim FarleyThe familiarity of superiors embitters one.Paul ShoreyWhere there is the tree of knowledge, there isalways Paradise.Edgar GuestPoets act shamelessly towards their experi¬ences: they exploit them.Reichsfuhrer Adolph HitlerOne must repay good and ill; but why just tothe person who did us good or ill?Irene Castle McLaughlinIn the eyes of all true women science is hos¬tile to the sense of shame. They feel as if onewished to peep under their skin with it — orworse still! Under their dress and finery.Mahatma GhandiIt is a dear price that a man pays for beingimmortal: he must die many times over duringhis life. NOT 100%November 13, 1934.I heartily recommend that you,who find it “needless to point out tocollege people the good work that theorganization does for the country,”that President Hutchins and that thestudents and faculty to whom he ap¬peals for support of the Red Crossread “Shady Business in the RedCross” an article by John Spivak inthe November issue of the AmericanMercury.Mr. Spivak’s clear account of thepurposes for which the funds of theRed Cross are used should be readby every potential contributor.Charlotte Abbott.A VOICE ENLISTEDNov. 14, 1934.I wish to enlist my voice in pro¬test to the treatment accorded theStudent Union by the administration.Regardless of whether or not theUniversity recognizes the StudentUnion as an organization, the pointnevertheless remains that the Unionis a group of University of Chicagostudents joined together by sincereinterest in a cause, and neither thepetty snubs of administrative recog¬nition nor attempts to quell theirwork can possibly negate the factthat they, as much as any campusorganization, are. representative of asection of the University’s thoughtand desires, either to a greater orlesser degree.Charles Tyroler 2n(l. SATURDAYAlpha Sigma Phi. Monte Carlo par¬ty, 9 to 2. Ida Noyes at 7.Pi Delta Phi. Alumni room of IdaNoyes at 7:30.SUNDAYProfessor Albert Eustace Haydon.University chapel at 11.Carillon recital. University chapelat 4.Musical vesper service. Univer¬sity chapel at 4 :30.British club. Ida Noyes, 4 to 6.Home Economics group. Y.W.C. A. room of Ida Noyes, 6 to 10.MONDAYPhonograph concert. Social Sci¬ence 122 at 12:30.Zora Neale Hurston. Negro folklore in America and some of her ownwritings. Mandel hall at 8:30.Arrian. Y . W. C. A. room of Ida |Noyes at 2:30. jPhi Delta Upsilon. North room ofIda Noyes at 7.Phi Beta Delta. Wicker room ofToday on theQuadranglesFRIDAYMusic and ReligionSpecial phonograph concert.Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony. SocialScience 122 at 4.Lectures“An Appraisal of the EconomicOutlook.” Professor Garfield V.Cox. Fullerton hall, the Art Instituteat 6:45.MiscellaneousSocial Service club. “ProfessionalStandards and Ethics grouj).” Dis¬cussion on “Case Workers and Budg¬et Cuts.” Social Science 302 at 8.College mixer. Ida Noyes theaterand sunparlor, 3 to 5:30.W. A. A. cozy. Y.W.C.A. roomof Ida Noyes, 3 to 5.Freshman Women’s council. Northroom of Ida Noyes at 12.Italian club. Alumni room of IdaNoyes at 2:30.Walther League. Student loungeof Ida Noyes, 8 to 11.PUBLIX CAFETERIA(Foimerly Hill’s)1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket to theMinnesota game with the moneyyou save eating the Publix way.”Lotels Windermereinvite you for any party, of any size.No matter what the occasion, hereyou will find everything you need forperfect enjoyment. For large gather¬ings— fraternity or sorority dances,entertainments, balls—the ballroomis complete. For smaller gatherings,private dining rooms are aveuledsle.Or, if there are just a few dining to¬gether, there is a la carte and tabled'hote service. Important, too, is thefact that it costs surprisingly little toentertain here.find ermere56th StrMt at Jackson Park • Chicago DREXEL THEATRE858 E. fiSrdFriday“RETURN OF THE TERROR'SaturdayJacK Holt—"ILL Fl.\ ir'Sunday and Monday“WAKE UP AND DREAM''Russ ColumboDaily .Mats. ISr till C:30 MAKE YOURRESERVATIONSNOW for the Camein MINNEAPOLISwithbathwrithoutbath ’2#$1^Stay at the friendly AndrewsHotel on a direct street carline from the University closeto everything worthwhile inMinneapolis.Theodors E Steltsn. .ANDREWS4 TH STREET ATHENNEPIN AVL HOTELSYMPOSIUMMAN AND HIS WORLD—LIVING IN THE UNIVERSEAncient Wisdom—Professor A. Eustace HaydonModern Thought—Professor T. V, SmithMonday, November 19,8:15 P. M.atSINAI TEMPLE T. V. SmithA. EustaceHaydon4622 SOUTH PARKWAY KENWOOD 5826ADMISSION 50 CENTSOpportunity’s knocking..Tonight under the leadership of that con¬genial master of ceremonies and orchestradirectorKAY KYSERNorthwestern stages its first eliminationcontest at the Blackhawk. You’ll be in¬terested in seeing just how favorably theirtalent compares with ours. In addition tothe weekly col lege entertainment,MAXINE GREY, leading the completeBlackhawk floor show, will be there tocomplete an evening of playful revelry.All your friends will be there so join themat theBLACKHAWKWABASH AT RANDOLPHTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1934 Page ThreeDRAMA CONTESTIn search of true Middle Westerncolor, the Cedar Rapids CommunityPlayers have announced a prize con¬test for a three act play which dra¬matizes the Middle West in any formwhich the writer chooses. Mrs. MaryLackersteen of Cedar Rapids, Iowa,is in charfje of the competition andall communications may be address¬ed to her.Requirements are few: the writermust be a Middle Western, that islivinp in a prescribed area; the playmust be original and unproduced;and that it must concern some phaseof Middle Western life. Mrs. Thorne Speaks at FormalOpening of Lincoln Room ExhibitBy JOHN MORRISAs the grilled oak doors of the, aiiangementLincoln room opened to the publicfor the first time last evening alllights save one were extinguished.This lone light shone on the GeorgeP>ederick Wright portrait of Abra¬ham Lincoln, whose simple majestydominated the. entire scene, andhu.shed the incoming gathering.Thus was sounded the keynote ofthe entire exhibition, for when thelights were turned on the whole roomwas seen to exemplify in its artisticIlllilllllVIl THE STORE FOR MEN rwwiQYou Can “See’* the MinnesotaGame Without Leavingthe CityField’s Grid GraphBrings the ActionRight Into theLoop!Ned BartlettIf you were one of the big delega¬tion who watched last Saturday sgame on our fifth floor, you knowwhat it is. And whether you were orweren’t you can enjoy the Grid Graphfor the big affair with Minnesota withthe same comfort and conveniencethat many of you discovered last week.You’ll want to watch the result ofBerwanger’s and Bartlett’s return tothe fray and you won’t miss one oftheir moves if you’re “seeing” thegame by the Grid Graph. Come downtomorrow. Both men and women arewelcome.You’ll sympathize with the sufferingrooters who had to brave Minnesota sclimate while you view the action fromthe warmth of our Fifth Floor.Kick off at2P. M.THE SPORTSMAN’S FLOORTHE FIFTHTHE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL HELD&COMPANY!I the simple beauty ofmasterpiece of portrai-this singleture.Previously Mrs. James WardThorne had addressed tTie audienceof more than 200 Friends of the Li¬brary assembled in Harper Mil onthe period rooms in miniature whichshe designed for exhibition at the1934 Century of Progress Exposi¬tion.Mrs. Thorne told how she hadbeen driven to this unique hobby byher insatiable desire for miniaturepieces of antique furniture. Havingonce collected these objects she hadto have something to do with them,and the miniature period rooms werethe result. Her talk was illustratedwith pictures of the room, in whichshe pointed out various detailed ob¬jects, telling the source of each,whether from the antique shops ofLondon, or continental Europe, orour own great American institution,the Five and Ten (cent store).Explanation of RoomFollowing Mrs. Thorne’s talk, M.Llewellyn Raney, director of Uni¬versity libraries, made a short ex¬planation of the arrangement andprincipal features of the Lincolnroom, for which he has been largelyresponsible. He pointed out the un¬usual qualities of the Wright por¬trait, emphasizing the lifelike fleshtints and appearance and color ofthe eyes. He also told how this por¬trait had been selected by Lincolnfrom a group of 15 painted of himby different artists at the same time.As one enters the room, which islocated at the east end of the sec¬ond floor of Harper library, the3500-volume collection of books isarranged in oak shelving on the left,and the collection of letters and doc¬uments is displayed chronologicallyin glass cases on the right. Most ofthe collection was purcha.sed by theUniversity from the estate of Wil¬liam E. Barton, noted Lincoln au¬thority. FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERFRESHMEN PRESENTPLAYS TO CAMPUS(Continued from page 1)in later dramatic productions at theUniversity.The comedy sketch of the eveningwas “The Lost Elevator,’’ directedby Joan Guiou and Charles Nicola.The dialogue is very clever in spots,but the explanation of the situationat the end of the play is entirely tooweak. Leslie Wilson’s “Gott! oh,Gott!’’ every three minutes amusedthe audience, as did her predicamentof having a stale fish that wouldspoil if she didn’t get it to a refrig- Phi Kappa Psiwas organizedin 1852 at Jeffer-son college, laterWashington andJefferson andsince then hasgr*own to include52 active chap¬ters, located atschools through¬out the country.The Chicagochapter wasfounded at theold Chicago Uni¬versity in 1865and in 1894 onthe present cam¬pus.Among themore prominentmen who are or have been Phi Psisare Woodrow Wilson, president ofthe United States; General TaskerBliss; John W. Davis; A. MitchellPalmer; Colonel William Donovan;the following college heads: Penni-man, provost at Pennsylvania, El¬liott, Purdue, Apple, Franklin andMarshall; the following writers:Clayton Hamilton, Elliott Nugent,James Thurber, Lloyd Lewis; thefollowing actors: Walter Hampden,George Fawcett, Richard Bennett,Buddy Rogers, Fiank Morgan, andothers.PHI PSIATHLETESAmong the athletes who are PhiPsis are Griffith, Mohler, and Brom-inski, football; Saling, Graber, Rock-away, track; McAllister, water polo;McMurray, golf; and others.Members of the University facultyare Robert Park, Algernon Coleman,Gerald Bentley, and Nels Norgren.$75 is the initiation fee of mem¬bers of the local chapter and thesum includes pin and life subscrip¬tion to the fraternity publication. Ac¬tive dues are $10 a month and pledgedues are half that amount. Roomand board for those living in thehouse amounts to $46 each monthand board for those not living inthe house—including five lunchesand two dinners a week—costs $13per month. Social fees are extra andaverage about $5 a quarter.The house, a comparatively new PHI KAPPA PSIerator. Robert Mozenfelder playedthe part of a small man in a hurry,and was that precisely. Despite thefact that they were all crowded to¬gether in an elevator, the charactershandled their parts with surprisingease. Clever property note: thehandle that controlled the elevatorwas none other than a handle on ameat grinder.JOE COLLEGE OFFERS A SUCCESTION-If you guys want to be a big shot like Iam around here you’ve got to get aroundwith the boys*—Boot the gong a bit,—givethe gals a break.—you know—like, don’tmiss theINTERFRATERNITY BALLYou freshmen can come too, so findyourself a dollie and make your plans now.CHARLIE AGNEWAND HIS ORCHESTRA$3.50 a couple 10 to 2November 28LAKE SHORE ATHLETIC CLUB850 Lake Shore Drive one, is rented from the Alumni As¬sociation. There are 33 actives inthe house at the present time as wellas three pledges.Officers of the house are WilliamO’Donnell, Hal James, Richard Hath- |away, Wilmot Palmer, and Frank |Davis. Activities of the members in Ithe house include five on The Daily |Maroon, including the business-man. |ager, three on the Phoenix, includ- jing the editor-in-chief, 11 in theDramatic Association, including thepresident of Gargoyle, two in Owland Serpent, including the president,two in Iron Mask, and three in Skulland Crescent. The Phi Psis have 15members in Blackfriars, two men jwho work in the Intramural division, Iincluding the general manager, five Iout for basketball, three out for foot- jball, and one cheerleader.Incidentally, the Phi Psis are the Ionly house on campus to have a host- !ess-house manager, who prepares themenus and looks after the condition Iof the house. i RECORDSfor EveryCampusOccasion24724—It’s All Forgotten Now—Lady of MadridRay Noble24/2/—Isn’t It A Shame—P>Iue In LoveJan Garberb973—'I'he Continental — ANeedle In a HaystackLeo Rcisman6'>74—Strange—It’s All For¬gotten NowHal Kemp6976—Stars Fell On Alabama—Day DreamsFreddy Martin6981—Rain—Old SkipperDon Bestor6983—HowMe? Can You FaceCasa LomaI Couldn’t Be Mean toYou Anson Weeks75c eachNew Victor RecordingRACHMANINOFFSECOND SYMPHONYby Minneapolis Orchestraand the new releases by Noel-Coward, Horowiti, Tibbett,OPFAr A RECORDCHARGE ACCOUNTLYON & HEALYWabash Ave. at Jackson Blvd.►►► NOTICE !THE► PALM GROVE INN \►►►►►►►►►►►►► 56th St. and the Outer DriveIS NOW FEATURING35c, 50c & 65c Special Luncheons75c and $ 1.009 CourseDe Luxe DinnersTRY TODAY AND YOU WILL BE PLEASED.Four kinds of Beer on Draught10 kinds of Beer in Bottles1 year old to 66 year old LiquorsFresh Sea Food and Delicious WafflesTender Steaks and Chops - And Midnight SpecialsOpen Until 3:00 A. M. Saturday 4:30 A. M.PLENTY OF FREE PARKING SPACE ◄iiiiiiii4iiiiMEMBERSHIP IN THE RED CROSS SEEMS TOMANY OF US ONE OF THE SOCIAL RE¬SPONSIBILITIES OF GOOD CITIZENSHIP INDAYS LIKE THESE — RESPONSIBILITIES THATREST ESPECIALLY ON A UNIVERSITY COM¬MUNITY LIKE OUR OWN.Dean Charles W. Gilkey.\\ \DAILY MAROON SPORTSPage Four 0 FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 16, 1934Maroon Football Squad Recovers Full Strength for PLAY IN INTRAMURALClash with Powerful Minnesota Eleven Tomorrow TOUCHRALL REACHESSEMI-FINAL BRACKETBerwanger, Wright Appearin Chicago’s OpeningLineup(Continued from page 1)the only Iowan of consequence in theChicago lineup.The Midwayites, who made thetrip to Minneapolis last night, fol¬low:Ends: Baker, Balfanz, Gillerlain,Langley, B. Peterson, G. Peterson,Wells.Tackles: Bush, Bosworth, Sapping-ton, Womer, Wright, Whittier, Wol-fenson or Marynowski.Guards: Jordan, Meigs, Perretz,Scruby, Whiteside.Centers: Patterson, Kelley.Backs: Bartlett, Bemanger, Cul¬len, Flinn, Hatter, Nacey, Nyquist,Runyan, Schuessler, Shipway, Skon-ing. Smith, Whitney, GUIDES MAROONS Many Star GopherWill See ActionChicago Came Backs Sport FlashesBy TOM BARTONTHREE MONTHS'COURSEFOR COLLEGE STUDENTS AND OtAOUATItA thorough, inUusivt, sttnogrgpkk eumrmMterting January 1, April 1, July 1, Oc$almt»IntartstiMg Boohlat aantfru, without ohUguUm—writa or phono. No soUcitort omptoyoi,moserBUSINESS COLLEOePAUL MOtll. J.O..PN.ft.MotulotComnoo,opomloHigkSd»ootOm^uatn only, may bo otartodany Monday. Agyand Eoaning. Eotning Courses opon to mom.116 S. Michigan Ave., Chicago, Randolph 4347 ! Tommy Flinn, midget Maroon quar-I terback, is a member of Psi Upsilon,I Owl and Serpent, and Abbot ofBlac'kfriars. His knack of calling theI right plays at the right time has gain,j ed much ground for the Midway elev.I en this year. Everyone concedes superiority toMinnesota in all the departments offootball, but great Gopher teamshave been upset before. Witness theirupset by Illinois in 1916 when theGophers had its other great team.Whereas most teams are glad if theyhave one backfield star, the boysfrom the Twin Cities are not contentwhen they have half a dozen.Led by Captain “Pug Lund,” thepowerful Gopher backfield containssuch outstanding men as SheldonBeise, Arthur Clarkson, Glen Seidel,George Rennix, and George Roscoe.All-American EndThen there is Stan Kosta, anotherone of the long line of great Min¬nesota fullbacks. Although this is hisonly year of eligibility in the BigTen, his smashing drives through theopponents lines have earned for himnumerous mentions for all-Americanhonors.In the forward wall, Frank Lar¬son, all-.4merican end, has receivedmuch competition for his positionfrom Maurice Johnson, a reserve forthe last two years. At guard. BillBevan shines with his driving playon defense and his decisive blockingw’hen his team has the ball. Phi Beta Delta Meets PhiSigma Delta; DekePlays Phi PsiTODAY’S 1-M GAMESToday, 4:00 |Judson 300 vs. Burton 700—dormi¬tory championship. iMonday, 3:30 !Trojans vs. Chiselers—independentsemi-finals.GETVESS AT READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61 $t and DorchesterDry CingeraleHi-Bal! SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda BELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th Street GRID GRAPH TO GIVEPLAY-BY-PLAY REPORTOF MINNESOTA GAMESTINEWAY DRUGSPRECISE PRESCRIPTIONISTS57th at KenwoodWhen you phone Stineway!Your order is on the wayWhether you want our soda fountain service, cosmetics,drugs, prescriptions, or a box of candy—Stineway willgive you prompt delivery service.PHONE DORCHESTER 2844 The Marshall Field grid graph willpresent a play-by-play account ofthe Chicago-Minnesota football gameSaturday. It will be located on thefifth floor, the game starting at 2.The grid-graph is arranged in sucha manner that one sees diagrams ofthe plays as they happen, instead ofhearing on oral description as overthe radio. There is a large boardshaped and marked off as a regularfootball field and behind the boarda light representing the footballmoves according to the movementsof the actual football in play at Min¬nesota. There is a list of all the Chi¬cago and Minnesota players and alight shine opposite a name to indi¬cate who is carrying the ball andgive other information.The grid-graph has proved verypopular this season, judging fromthe size of the crowds in attendanceeach Saturday. Last week the Ohio-Chicago football game was reported. The .smashing victory scored byPhi Beta Delta over the Psi U IPsWednesday put them into the semi¬finals of the irtramural touchballtournament with a good chance ofdowning Phi Sigma Delta to entera stiff battle for the championship ofthe fraternity division.Phi Psi, by virtue of their 19-0defeat of the Phi Delta Theta team,will mix with Deke in the other semi¬final game. They have a good chanceof coming out on the top side of thatfray to line up against what willsurely be a strong title contender.Teams Well MatchedIf these two teams conform to ex¬pectations and grapple one anotherin the fraternity finals the resultwill probably be so close as to makepredictions extremely difficult. ThePhi Psi’s play an entirely differenttype of ball from that displayed bythe Phi B. D. outfit, being inclinedmore toward a brisk, rushing gamethan the Phi B. D.’s, who rely moreon an attack which appears highly or¬ganized and calmly executed.The playoff in the dormitory divi¬sion this afternoon between the 300and 700 entries will probably see the.300 team on top at the end.I-M Swim Carnivalto Open December 3The chief Intramural event of theyear along aquatic lines, the annualswimming carnival, will be staged inBarilett on December 3, 4, and 5.All students at the University areeligible for the meet except thosedeclared by Coach McGillivray to beof varsity calibre.Fraternity, independent, and dor¬mitory teams compete in the events,which include the 40-, 100-, 220-yardfree style, 40-yard back stroke, 40-yard breast stroke, fancy diving, and160-yard relay. It begins to look like Ohio State’s :great team will conclude the sea.son !one point away from a Big Ten cham- jpionship and a claim to a national ititle. The Buckeyes to date have |showed one of the strongest grid ag-!gregations in the nation but sue-;cumbed to Illinois at one of Zuppke’s !homecoming frenzies 14 to 13 and 'it looks like that solitary point will 'mean the difference between a goodteam and a great one. jWhile commenting upon that onepoint we might also comment of the ;Illini tendency to eke out wins—• !which “ekeing” is probably as gooaa victory to “Illini Bob” as a defin¬ite and decisive whitewash. Even intheir first games against supposedlymediocre opponents the Illinois tribehave not accumulated over a fewJames R. Couplin, Chicago ’31,took the trouble to type a poem ex¬tolling the abilities of Berwanger.From the “Ode to Berwanger” wequote the follow’ing stanzas:“Of soldiers bold we’ve all been toldBefore Hector had his fame.But a man of men, worth easily ten.Jay Berw’anger is his name.When the spot is tight, ho gathersmight,Punts sixty yards or more,“American-All” he gets the call,Chicago to the fore.Of him 1 have now told you,Try not to hold the .sack.For when he hits that Orange line,It’s surely going to crack.”One of the Chicago columnistspicks his all-conference backfieldwith Beynon of Illinois at quarter¬back, Purvis and Carter of Old Pur¬due at the halves, and Jay Berwan¬ger at fullback. He then crypticallyremarks, “What does that make Min.nesota?” and we wonder too, withone of the greatest teams in footballGYM TEAM IMPROVESIN PREPARATIONS FORSTIFF BIG TEN MEET . . . w’hich we will admit until afterthe Chicago-Minnesota game.* * ♦Coach Shaughnessy is bringing afull squad of 35 men up to the Min¬nesota game, anticipating perhapsfrequent and much needed replace¬ments. No coaches, outside of thehead coach himself, will be takenin order to bring as much man-poweras possible to try and stem the muchvaunted Gopher gallopers.RItarR* CortMin Warner Br«,Preductian ittha “FIRE¬BIRD.”FofMenwhodress well—day and eveningWhere to WorshipTHE FIRST UNITARIANCHURCHWoodlawn Avenue and Elast 5 7th StreetOgden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSUNDAY. NOVEMBER 18, 19341 :00 A. M.—“Every Man His Own Song,”Dr. Vogt.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club Tea and Dis¬cussion. Mr. L. E. Evans, “The Co¬operative Movement.”Students cordially invited. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OFDISCIPLES OF CHRIST5655 University AvenueDr. Edward Scribner Ames, MinisterSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18. 193410:30 A. M.—Communion Service.1 1 :00 A. M.—Sermon subject: “Meliorismvs. Perfectionism,” Dr. Ames.6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Organ recital byMrs. Hazel Quinney.St. PauFs Church50th and DorchesterParish Office: 4945 DorchesterAvenueTel. Oakland 3185Rev. George H. ThomasRev. Donald W. Crawford, B. D.SUNDAY SERVICE:Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M.Church School Service, 9:30A. M.Morning Service, 11:00 A. M.Young People’s Society, 6:00P. M. Welcome to theHyde Park BaptistYoung People’sChurch Club56th and Woodlawn Ave.SUNDAY. NOVEMBER 186:00 P. M.—Tea.7:0O P. M.—Discussion group. “Pitcairn’sIsland” by James Norman Hall andCharles Nordhoflf. Reviewerl by Clar¬ence FSust. This concluding volume ofthe great Bounty trilogy is the mostremarkable of them all. It tells whathappened to the Bounty’s mutineers,how they established a strange king¬dom on a remote island, never discov¬ered until years later.8 :(>0 P. M.—Evening Service.9:00 P. M.—Social Hour. ATTEND THECHURCHESTHEYAREINTERESTEDINYOU Not 80 depressed as before abouthis team’s chances in Big Ten com¬petition, Dan Hoffer, coach of thegymnastic team, yesterday said hissquad was doing well in its pre-sea¬son practice.The team is not a good one yet,and the boys on the whole are notfast enough, he explained. Yet, hethinks the athletes are working hard,and he believes that anything is like¬ly to happen.Especially difficult is the job ofFred Fair, who is the man slated tostep into the shoes of GeorgeWrighte as all-around representativeof the University. Louis Schaeffer isalso a prospective all-around man.Snyder, I.«ird, Stein, and Schroeder,have been showing the greate.st im¬provement during the pa.st twoweeks. A man's evening jewelry standsout Proper styling and true qualityare important There are Swankdesigns for the sophisticated — theconservative — all are correct — allin good taste, fs.oo — othm lowrrand higher.Plan Bridge Tourneyfor Women in Dorms Swank daytime sets provide har¬monious jewelry accessories inmany designs of collar holders,cravat holders and cuff links. Maybe purchased separately or in sets.Set $3.50 — other! higher and loner.A bridge tournament scheduledfor next Wedne.sday evening at 7:30in Ida Noyes hall will provide oppor¬tunity for the residents of the wom¬en’s dormitories to display their skill.The competition will be under thesponsorship of the Interhall commit¬tee.Entries must be in the office ofMiss Orsie Thomson by 9 on Mon¬day morning so that arrangementsmay be made. Teams of two onlymay register, so the women are ad¬vised to find partners with whom toplay.According to a new ruling that nocompetition may be held unless thereare three halls entered, the bowlingtournament scheduled for yesterdaywas cancelled as representatives ofonly two dormitories showed up. Here is the new Bar Link, set withcabochon stones — an originalSwank cuff link creation.$2.50 — other! lorre-i and higher.AT JEWELERS AND SMART MEN'S SHOPSThe Baer A. Wilde Company, Attleboro, Mas$.SUIflnKJewelry Accessories for MenUSE THEDAILY MAROONTHEATRE ROREAUCOMMENT Comes Out on Wednesday