ENT DIRECTORYOES ON SALETODAY oPbe Battp iHaraon STUDENT DIRECTORYGOES ON SALETODAYNo. 29. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 15, 1934 Price Three Cents'his Sided the other)DEBRANDT and HENRYORE-BORN-COLLECTINGde Stein, who seems to ben the wake of her tour apen-mouthed student faces,dy created no small stir on»us. Her lecture tickets gone,s selling out, her opera and success, a Tyrolereanlub formed,—the Univer-suddenly become Stein. But as interesting as Ger-;in herself are the compari-•h we have heard drawn be-r work and the prose of lo-teur, Mortimer J. Adler, eo¬lith Maud Phelps Hutchinsmmatics. If we understandtly, the difference betweenand Diagrammatics is some,e this.tician Adler, as a dialecti-uld be, is interested primar-le form or relational struc-lis sentences apart from theor imagery involved. Ger-:ein on the other hand hasdivorced ail meaning fromds, but she has abandonedLical construction also. Thus• by Dr. Adler would differprayer of Augustine’s in thef words alone, the abstractthe two being identical. Anon of a prayer by Miss Steinrobably bear no resemblanceling. Her words have a pe-ilue of their own. They aremuch word or thought pic-they are sound pictures, or■curately, sound patterns,(ose no one asked a ques-hat would the answer be?”s Stein’s cryptic greeting tos upon her recent arrival inrk. Now the thought strikesno individual is more cap¬answering this query than iser. It seems to us that anthat an.swered everything inand nothing in particulare quite within the scope ofmatics. Not only that, buttchins could draw a nice pic-it. We suggest that they try:rvidPIRITve-pacifist student organiza-an attitude that we havefound difficult to fathom,ly’s mass meeting of the lo-lFW, protesting against ac¬ini the Dean’s Office, was a‘xample of blind enthusiasmty conflicting factions. Ap-there is a type of studentI to shout about something,inds that you leave your owm»r rut of rationalization—le over to his rut; that youging national anthems—and,e the Internationale. Deny-ommunistic affiliations suchleate the American LeagueWar and Fascism, t,h»> t.hir-nt program of SUAFW stillmore than one shade of red.rday’s meeting the only sanein the program was that ofr Schuman, but evidentlyunderstood him. “War andit hell. To hell with war and'—is, we believe, a compre-sumniary of the aims andof the SUAFW.efforts of the SUAFW whend with national peacesuch as that recently an-by Secretary of State Cor-11. A contemplated agreetween the United States anditions would set up a licens-1 publicity agency in eachto prevent manufacturersiking munitions without or-:enses and orders are to beublic at regular intervals,system would effectivelyContinued on page 3) 1934-35 EDITIONOF DIRECTORYAPPEARUODAYBooklet Contains Namesof Over 7000Students Mirror Board HoldsMeeting Tomorrowfor Writers of SkitsThe 1334-35 Student Directoryappears on sale today. Copies maybe purchased for 25 cents at theCobb hall desk, in Mandel hall, fromNew York Jim, or at either of theBookstores.Subscribers to the Cap and Gownmay obtain their copies free by pre¬senting their year-book receipts atthe office in Lexington hall. Thisoffer is good only for the week end¬ing next Thursday.The cover of this year’s Directoryis of black imitation leatherette withwhite print. The names of 7234undcrgiaduates and graduates arelisted in the book, and W'illiamW’at.son, editor of the Cap and Gownpublications, reports that specialcare has been exercised to excludeall inaccuracies.Deiignation*The book designates graduate andfreshman students, and gives cluband fraternity affiliations and thehome and campus addresses. A newaddition is the listing of names, ad-dre.sse.s, and phone numbers of thepresidents of all student organiza¬tions on campus.There have been 2000 copies ofthe Directory printed, and the in¬tensive sales drive will continue fora week. Students with Cap and Gownsubscriptions may sell if they wantto and will receive a small commis¬sion. They may obtain their copiesin the Lexington hall office.Delta Sigma still holds the leadin the Cap and Gown sales contest,its members having secured 34 sub¬scriptions. Among the fraternities.Alpha Delta Phi is at the top with15 subscriptions to its credit. A meeting will be held tomorrowat 4:30 in the Tower room of Mit¬chell Tower for all students inter¬ested in writing skits for the annualMirror Revue, according to an an¬nouncement made yesterday bySarah Gwin, member of the Board.The group will meet in an infor¬mal discussion to consider the writ¬ing of skits and prospects of us¬ing ideas suggested. Howard Hud¬son, editor of The Daily Maroon,and writer of several skits in lastyear’s show, will lead the discussionand will help to explain the type ofmaterial needed.Prominent alumnae writers of Mir¬ror skits will also speak, amongwhom will be Marguritte HarmonBro, Mrs. Gertrude Bromberg, andMaxine Creviston.SUAFWCIRCULATESPETITIONS TO REGAINUNIVERSITY FAVORSPRAGUE SPEAKSTHIS EVENING ONSPECIE OUTLOOKAs the principal speaker of theevening. Dr. O. M. W. Sprague, pro¬fessor of Banking and Finance atHarvard university, will talk on the“Outlook for Monetary Stability” atthe fall banquet of the GraduateClub of Business and Economics to¬night at 6:30 in Burton Court.In a recent talk Mr. Sprague stat¬ed that unless the United Statesworks itself out of the depressionwithin a year, drastic currency in¬flation of the greenback will becomean immediate threat. However hedoes feel “a little more hopeful”than he did a year ago when he re¬signed as financial assistant to theSecretary of the Treasury becausehe did not agree with the policies ofthe administration. Dr. Sprague alsostated that the greatest hope forforestalling extreme inflation lay inthe stimulation of the heavy indus¬tries. Petitions asking for the reinstate¬ment of the Student Union AgainstF'ascism and War by the Universityare being circulated today as a re¬sult of the organization’s protestmeeting held yesterday in Harper: Mil.Notice of the protest meeting,which was sanctioned by the DeanI of Student’s office, w'as given in; handbills which stated that “the! University administration by re-j stricting a movement actively oppos-i ed to war and F’ascism actually sup-^ ports those forces which make warand F’ascism a reality.”Speakers at the meeting includ-i ed Professor F’rederick Schuman w’ho' voiced an opinion that although the' University is exceedingly liberal inpolicy, it had erred in judgment in' refusing to grant permission for themeeting. He believed that a univer-•sal, non-discriminatory rule concern¬ing circle meetings should be insist¬ed upon.After considerable argument itwas decided on a motion from Ed¬ward Duerbeck to appoint a commit¬tee to draw up a petition asking forreinstatement. Announcement wasmade by Lewis Softer, chairman, tothe effect that “the Union is notdead, and will meet Friday at 12at the Unitarian church on F’ifty-seventh street.” FRESHMEN GIVE 3PLAYS TONIGHT INREYNOLD G L U BTwo Casts Selected forEach of InitialProductions Name Eyssell, de Werthem,Womer, Solf Leaders of1934 Interfratemity BallFirst-year students will make theirinitial bow in the Dramatic associa¬tion tonight when they present thethree annual freshman plays in theReynolds club. Two casts have beenselected for each of the productions,and an altogether new group of actorsand actre.sses will be given an oppor¬tunity to display their talents tomor¬row night.Two members of the organizationhave directed the casts for each ofthe plays. Philip White and EdwardDay have supervised the groupswhich will present “Half-way Jim¬my,” a drama written by T.Schw’artz. Jimmy, a character por¬trayed by Jack Schatz and RobertJones, is a gangster whose weak Ticket Supply forFriends of LibraryMeeting Is LimitedInterest in the ceremonies connect¬ed with the opening of the Lincolnroom on the second floor of Harperlibrary Thursday evening is so greatthat the available ticket supply isnearly exhausted, but applicationsfor tickets are still being (received atthe library office, Harper M25.Mrs. James Ward Thorne, eminentdesigner of miniature peiriod rooms,will speak to the Friends of the Li¬brary in Harper Mil at 8, afterwhich the Lincoln room will bethrown open to the public for thefirst time. Mrs. Thorne’s work wasexhibited in a special building at the l-F Committee MakesChoice on Basis ofActivitiescharacter has allowed him to lapse | recent Century of Progress Exposi-into crime. Jean Wells, with whom ! tion.he is in love, tries to lead him backto honest life despite the disapprovalof her cynical brother-reporter.Properties and CostumesProperties and costumes for “Half¬way Jimmy” have been in the chargeof Charme Lee Howard and MaryJane Stevenson. Jane Brunson hassupervised the collection of proper¬ties for “The Lost Elevator” andFrances Bezdick for “Unto SuchGlory.”Charles Nicola and Joan Guiouhave directed the casts for “The LostElevator,” a play which was writtenby Percival Wilde. It is a comedydrama of a crowded elevator, whichhas become lodged between twofloors of a building. With the com-prrtment filled with such charactersas the romantic old maid, the girlwith a dentist appointment, the Ger¬man house-maid, and the small manin a huiry, it is finally revealed thatthe elevator boy had been bribed byone of the occupants.The freshmen who will present“Un^o Such Glory,” written by PaulGreen, have been directed by Char¬lotte Abbot and Helen Hartenfeld. The collection of Lincolniana, con¬sidered one of the finest in the coun¬try, has as its nucleus the collectionof portraits, original documents, andbooks assembled by the late WilliamE. Barton, noted Lincoln authority.DEBATERS REACH NODECISION IN FORUMON N.S.L. ACTIVITIESMNINC CLASSweekly meeting of Thedaroon training school foren will not be held today,.dnally scheduled. The ex¬ion in the course will behursday, November 22, inMil at 3:30. The fresh-aff of The Maroon will beonly from those studentsike the examination. Theassigned for this weekbe turned in to the Maroon3y 4 today. Dissension CausesCrossed Cannon toAdopt ConstitutionBecause of dissension among themembers of Crossed Cannon con¬cerning the inactivity of those whohad received their certificates ofgraduation from the Military depart¬ment, the Military honor society, vot¬ed upon an entirely new constitu¬tion in a meeting yesterday after¬noon in Ryerson hall.The main point of the new con¬stitution concerns eligibility formembership. The ruling providesthat only cadet commissioned offic¬ers are permitted to join, that is,men in the second year advancedcourse who have been appointed tocadet offices. Concerning the gradua¬tion from the department of a mem¬ber of Crossed Cannon, it was de¬cided that all who had received acertificate would be declared inac-tive.A brief discussion of the eligibil¬ity of two men, whose names werenot disclosed, followed the adoptionof the constitution. No election willbe held until the next meeting whichis scheduled for Wednesday after¬noon. Zora Hurston toGive Program onNegro Folk LoreThe Renaissance society is present¬ing Zora Neale Hurston, noted au¬thor, in a program of Negro folk loreas well as some of her own writingsMonday evening at 8:30 in Mandelhall. The lecture is for the benefitof the program fund of the societywhich sponsors various exhibits dur¬ing the year in its galleries in Wie-boldt 205.Tickets are priced at 50 cents, 75cents, anil $1, boxes at $4.50, andare on sale at the galleries. Ticketswill also be sold at the Mandel hallbox office on Sunday and Mondayfrom 12 to 2.Miss Hurston is a membor of theAmerican Anthropological Society,and a graduate of Columbia Univer¬sity where she studied under thefamous Dr. Franz Boas. With the aidof a fellowship which she receivedfrom Ba(rnard college she has madeone of the most complete collectionsof Negro folklore in existence. With arguments fluctuating be¬tween activities of the National Stu¬dent League and the Student Unionagainst Fascism and War the Uni¬versity Debate Union open forumended last evening without any def¬inite decisions reached. The sched¬uled subject, “Is the NSL a con¬structive or destructive influence inUniversity life?” produced consider¬able interest among both liberaland radical groups on campus whowere well represented at the meet¬ing.The National Student Leaguepointed out that except insofar as in¬terlocking membership was concern-PKir'I ICU DD/'ZrC against F’ascism andLIyijLMiJMM rKitCiLdtj i War was not connected with otherr University activities. In defendingThe annual essay and poetry con- their protests made against the Uni¬tests, sponsored by the English de-1 ^ action concerning the Stu-partment of the University, will beLIST RULES OFCOMPETITION FOR Virginia Eyssell, Helen de Werth-ern, John Womer, and WaldemarSolf will lead the two wings in thegrand march of the Interfratemityball to be held at the Lake ShoreAthletic club November 28. CharlieAgnew will furnish the orchestra forthe first formal event of the Univer¬sity season.The leaders stand out in activities.Virginia Eyssell, who will lead theright wing with Womer, is co-chair¬man of the Student Social commit¬tee, circulation manager of Phoenix,and a member of the student Home¬coming committee. She appeared inMirror, was selected as a sponsorof last year’s Military ball, and wasvoted the ideal University woman.She is a member of the senior wom¬en’s honorary society and vice-presi¬dent of Quadrangler club.Activities ListedHelen de Werthern is the presi¬dent of the Board of Women’s Or¬ganizations and Senior Aide of theUniversity. She is also a memberof the Mirror board. Interclub coun¬cil, the senior women’s honorary so¬ciety and Wyvem.Womer is the president of the In¬terfraternity council. He is a letter-man in football and a member ofOwl and Serpent and Psi Upsilon.Solf has for two years been the busi¬ness manager of the Cap and Gownand is now a senior member of theIntramural staff. He is a UniversityMarshal, and a member of Owl andSerpent and Phi Pi Phi. He alsoserved on the Homecoming commit¬tee and is the secretary of the Inter¬fraternity council.Tickets for the ball are now onsale for $3.50 a couple at the book¬stores, and from fraternity and cam¬pus salesmen. The dance, the firstof the major University social events,is held, according to tradition, onThanksgiving eve.held this year according to the cus¬tomary procedure, it was announcedyesterday by the English office.Competition for the David BlairMcLaughlin essay prize of $50 isopen only to students in the College.The award is made for the bes/; criti¬cal essay on any subject pertainingto the Humanities or Social Sciences.Essays must be submitted not laterthan May 1.The John Billings F’iske prize, alsoof $50, is awarded the winner of thepoetry contest, which is open to all.students in the University, exclud¬ing those who have previously wonthe prize. There are no limitationsas to the length, subject, or formof the poem. dent Union, League members statedthat it wa.^ purely a matter of up¬holding free-speech traditions of theUniversity.Wilson Lectureson Recent NearEast Discoveries COLLEGE COUNCILSPONSORS MIXERTOMORROW AT 3J. S. F. Holds 1stReciprocity Meetingwith NorthwesternCHARLTON M. BECKSPEAKS TO ALUMNICharlton M. Beck, chairman ofthe alumni group at the University,left this morning for a trip of tendays to meet the alumni at Duluthand Minneapolis. In Minneapolis,tomorrow, Mr. Beck will be enter¬tained at a dinner where ProfessorJames Weber Linn will he .eruestspeaker. In Duluth, Keith Parsonswill be guest speaker. Motion pic¬tures portraying campus li^e will beshown.* The University Jewish StudentsF’oundation will be host to membersof the Northwestern Hillel Founda¬tion today at 4 in the first of the re¬ciprocity meetings of the year.Dr. A. L. Sachaar. national direc¬tor of the Hillel Foundations, willbe the principal speaker on the pro¬gram arranged by the Northwesterngroup. The members of the Univer¬sity group who will participate inthe program are Dr. G. G. Fox, ad¬visor to the Jewish students in theUniversity and director of theFoundation, Robert Shapiro, assist¬ant director, and Sidney Finkel, exe¬cutive chairman.The other officers of the Founda¬tion for the 1934-1935 year are Ir-v'ln Aoknw. vice-chairman. Kennethtvposiirer. end Bernece Kern,! Athough his topic is “AncientCivilizations and the Work of theOriental Institute,” professor JohnA. Wilson of the department ofEgyptology is going to deal mainlywith two recent finds made by theInstitute in his lecture before theMen’s Club of Hyde Park in the as¬sembly hall of the Oriental Institutetonight at 8.One of these discoveries was thatof a statue of Tutenekhainon foundIfcsit .Spring during excavations atMedinet Habu, near Luxor, Egypt.When found, this statue was badlybroken and members of the Institutestaff have been working for sometime to repair it.The other discovery to be discuss¬ed is that of the group of Sumerianstatues found recently by the Iraqexpedition and which, like the statueof Tutenekhamon, is now on displayin the halls of the Institute.A personally conducted tourthrough the Oriental Institute byProfessor Wilson will augment thislecture.THE WEATHER A College mixer and tea dance,sponsored by the College council, abody appointed to have charge ofsocial functions among students inthe first two years at the Univer¬sity, will be held tomorrow afternoonfrom 3 to 5:30, in Ida Noyes theater.Plans for the affair were com¬pleted at a meeting of the councilin the office of the Dean of Stu¬dents yesterday afternoon. Admissionwill be free.Members of the council empha¬sized the informal nature of the af¬fair, which was planned to stimulatefurther acquaintances among mem¬bers of the Freshman and Sopho¬more classes. The council intendsto hold a number of these mixersduring the remainder of the autumnquarter.Thursday, November 15, 1934. T. V. Smith ReplacesFrost in Lecture atSinai Temple ForumBecause of the illness of EdwinB. Fro.st, professor emeritus of As¬tro-Physics at the University, T. V.Smith, professor of Philosophy, hasbeen scheduled to take his place atthe Sinai Temple symposium; “Manand His World—Living in the Uni¬verse,” Monday at 8:15. A. E. Hay-don, professor of Comparative Re¬ligion, will speak on “Ancient Wis¬dom,” and Mr. Smith will take theother phase of thought, “ModernScience.”The symposium is being offeredwith the intent of presenting to thelayman the opportunity of discover¬ing his position in the intellectualworld, and how he partakes in thescheme of things as a result of re¬search in the fields of learning.On the followin,g Monday, NormanThomas and Governor-elect PhilipIncreasing cloudiness and warmer | F. LaFollette will lecture ontoday. Southwest winds becoming in- | “Thoughts on the Passing of ancreasingly fresh. * Age.”Page Two TUL : . . L; maroon, R URSDAY, NOVEMBER. 15, 1934iatlg iUarnflnFOUNDED IN 1901MEMOt«fXssociatgd golWgiatr ^rras-’1934 1935 •-Hie Daily Maroon is the official stmient newspaper of theUniversity ef Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by jhe Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University Avenue.Editorial office: Lexington hall. Room 16: business office:Room 15A. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates:copies: three cents. $2.50 a year: $4.00 by mail. SingleTbe University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under the act of March 8. 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not ^ responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor. The DailyMaroon. Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’swithheld if requested.signature and address, which will ^Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorW’lLLIAM H. BERGMAN, A'^^orticinfr ManagerHOW’ARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F. Kelley R.aymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W. Nicholson JeanneWilliam StolteW. WatsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey LehmanJohn MorrisJune Rappaport George SchustekJames SnyderEM ward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterCampbell WilsonPaul LynchAllen Rosenbaum BUSINESS ASSISTANTSHarold Siegel Roy WarshawskyRichard Smith Seymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Raymond LahrThursday, November 15, 1934AS OTHERS SEE US(Reprinted from the Student Pulse columnof The Daily Nebraskan.)This is the twentieth icentury. In this ageof speed and efficiency a student graduating froma university faces a different problem than didthose who started life in the easy going eightiesor "gay nineties.” Presumably his university isgeared to prepare him to compete in this speedierage. He spends four trusting years—four yearsvery unproductive financially—in the hope thathe will gain in the end. But will he be like theboy who learned to swim in the bath tub anddrowned when he was thrown into a rough sea?The world has made some fundamentalchanges in the last half century; many basic, so¬cial, and economic changes have occurred evenin the last four years. The university has addeda new department here and a new subject thereto meet the new order, but it operates on the samebasic plan it used in the gay nineties. The Ne¬braska education system is as old-fashioned asside burns and bustles. We still stick to dailytext assignments, sterotyped recitations, andmethods that teach students to be good puppetsif nothing else.This university could profit from the exampleof the more progressive Chicago university. Therethe student with ability is not held down by theless fortunate students, for every one is on hisown. Studying is largely left to the student’sinitiative. He may attend classes or not, as hechooses, for he is considered old enough to shapehis own life. For the first two years he studiesgeneral subjects, selected with only a slight em¬phasis on the field he intends to specialize in. Atthe end of that time, or sooner if he feels com¬petent, he takes seven comprehensive examina¬tions, each six hours long. If he has masteredthat material he passes on to a more specializedstudy. All grading marks are abolished, for theymay mean anything. Instead the only guage isthe success in the comprehensive tests.Are students at Chicago more mature on thewhole than here at Nebraska? The difference, ifany exists, is probably slight. Nebraska youthsare fired with enough ambition to succeed in workdone on their initiative. Chicago’s plan, whichhas had over three years of successful trial, couldbe applied here just as well.As a result students would learn early in lifethat success depends upon personal application.The better students would be free to advance,their speed determined only by their powers oflearning. No doubt a large number of students,who are able tip “get by“ undejr the present sys- li. ould find themselves unequal to the task of( piy.ng themselves, and would never graduate. '! hat would be unfo;tunatel loo many college |lauuates would be aither along if they had |c t the four years driving a truck.Chicago university reports that with the new je;n students have a better realization of thepurpose of university training, show more lespecto. the courses, and a large number are enthusi-islic, and do more reading. There is no reasonhy Nebraska students would not respond in theame manner.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISFRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE COMMENTS ON THEPRESENT ORDERFriedrich Nietzsche, you dopes, was (and is)a famous philosopher. As with all good andgreat utterances, his are apt for all time. If hewere alive today, he might have made the fol¬lowing observations. (Quod erat demonstran¬dum.)Philip Schuyler AllenHe who is a thorough teacher takes thingsseriously—and even himself—only in relation tohis pupils.Charles W. GilkeyWe are most dishonourable towards our God:he is not permitted to sin.William Jennings BryanIt is not the strength, but the duration ofgreat sentiments that makes great men.Ogden L. MillsMany a peacock hides his tail from everyeye—and calls it his pride.Major VanceUnder peaceful conditions the militant manattacks himself.The American FarmerIt is terrible to die of thirst at sea.InternationalismSympathy for all—would be harshness andtyranny for thee, my good neighbour!Margaret SangerWoman learns how to hate in proportion asshe—forgets how to charm.Feggy Hopkins Joyce and HusbandsThe same emotions are in man and woman,but in different tempo; on that account manand woman never cease to misunderstand eachother.Huey P. LongOne begins to distrust very clever personswhen they become embarrassed.Clark GableSo cold, so icy, that one burns one’s finger atthe touch of him! Every hand that lays holdof him shrinks back! — And for that reasonmany think him red-hot.City-Greeter GawIn affability there is no hatred of men, butprecisely on that account a great deal too muchcontempt of men.Aimee Semple McPhersonTo be a.shamed of one’s immorality is a stepon the ladder at the end of which one is ashamedalso of one’s morality.Nicholas Murray ButlerWhat? A great man? I always see merelythe play-actor of his own ideal.Henry FordWe all feign to ourselves that we are simplerthan we are; we thus relax ourselves away fromour fellows.John Jacob Astor 3rdDiscovering reciprocal love should really dis¬enchant the lover with regard to the beloved.What! She is modest enough to love even you?Or stupid enough? Or - - or - -Duke EllingtonBy means of music the very passions enjoythemselves.Benito MussoliniA sign of strong character, when once theresolution has been taken, is to shut the ear' even to Che best counter-arguments. Occas¬ionally, therefore, a will to stupidity.Mrs. Patrick CampbellWhere there is neither love nor hatred in thegame, woman’s play is mediocre.The Phoenix and William E. ScottOur loathing of dirt may be so great as toprevent our cleaning ourselves — “justifying”ourselves.Lady AshleyEven concubinage has been corrupted — bymarriage.Mortimer AdlerThe more abstract the truth you wish toteach, the more must you allure the senses to it.Harold E. “Red” Grange and Charles A. LindberghWhat a person is begins to betray itself whenhis talent decreases,—when he ceases to showwhat he can do. Tment is also an adornment;an adornment is also a concealment.Robert Maynard HutchinsOne is punished best for one’s virtues.« « s(to be continued in our next) Letters tothe EditorTHE SKELTON IN THE DRA-MATIC ASSOCIATION CLOSETNov. 1, 1934.To the Dramatic Association:I am not so stupid as to thinkthat every person with acting abil¬ity in the Class of ’38 can possiblybe represented in the Freshmanplays. I am fully aware of physicallimitations as to the size of the casts,the number of plays, etc., etc. TheDramatic Association cannot be heldresponsible for these things but theycan be criticized for their methodof recruiting these casts.You will recall that on Oct. 22 and23, the Dramatic Association sched¬uled so-called try-outs for FreshmanPlays and that in good faith a greatmany Freshmen appeared at thesetry-outs believing that they w’ouldbe given a fair test of their ability.A fair test of dramatic ability to myway of thinking is an opportunity toread a number of speeches of a cer¬tain character in a particular play,and an opportunity to move abouta stage to demonstrate pantomimicpower. The Dramatic Associationevidently entertains other ideasabout what constitutes a fair test.They are ardent advocates of the no¬tion that dramatic ability can bemanifested by sitting in a chair andreading an assinine speech wherein.some idiotic woman raves on aboutbuying bridge prizes. A single speechthat could scarcely provide materialfor character build-up by even themost skillful actor. After readingjust such a speech, the honorablecommittee then politely a.sked yourPUBLIX CAFETERIA(Formerly Hill’s)1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket to theMinnesota game with the moneyyou .save eating the Publix way.”MAKE YOURRESERVATIONSNOW for the Camein MINNEAPOLISwithbathwithoutbath ^2=$1^Stay at the friendly AndrewsHotel on a direct street carline from the University closeto everything worthwhile inMinneapolis.Theodore E Stelten. , Mana^HLa.ANDREWSHOTEL4 TH STREET ATHENNEPIN AVLChicago Coes Elite . .Every yearAs season nearsWe dressAs best we knowSo that weMay strideWith prideAs to the Ball we go.Interfraternity BallNovember 28Tickets from fraternityrepresentatives.$3.50 per couple *LAKE SHORE ATHLETIC CLUB name, allowed you to murmur a few ^ or a “small man in a hurry,” if you(what you hoped were significant) j were not the possessor of such physi-statements about your experience cal characteristics, no matter whatand then with elaborate courtesydismissed you from the board room.But the concluding chapters of your ability, you were “out.” Be¬cause the committee had over¬looked such fundamental dramaticthis farce are even better examples facts as that a not so beautiful per-of the inefficiency that characterizes the casting of Fre.shman Plays.On Oct. 29, such a large numberof Freshmen were summoned for asecond try-out that the Committeeitself was bewildered by its own in¬efficiency. And so, to solve its dif¬ficulties, it hit upon the brilliantscheme of herding the Freshmen, tenat a time, into the Board Rooms, andlooking them over. Looking themover in this instance I think is amo.st appropriate term since as faras I can see the only basis for a se¬lection wa.s looks. One had to ap¬pear bewitchingly beautiful or havephysical characteristics which super¬ficially might characterize a “niceold lady,” or “a big business man,” son with a good voice could be madeto appear more beautiful, that anice old lady could be created withgrea.se-paint magic, and that asmall man in a huiTy doesn’t alway.shave to be slightly over 5 feet inheight.H. R.DREXEL THEATRE I868 E. «3rdThursday and Friday“RETURNof theTERROR”No detective work is needed in locating the dealerwho sells what you want. Just look in the ”Whereto Buy It” section of your telephone book!There, local dealers are listed beneath the trademarks of many advertised products—such as Philco,Greyhound Lines, Willard Batteries, Buick andGoodyear. Besides helping you find the brand youwant, this service helps manufacturers check sub¬stitution, helps dealersincrease sales."Where to Buy It” isjust one of many servicespioneered by Bell Systemmen to increase the valueof telephone service. Why no! say "Hello”to .\\other and Dadtonight.^ Bargain rateson station - (o - stationcalls after 8:30 P. M.BELL TELEPHONE SYSTEMHUMANITY’SCHALLENGETHE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934 Page ThreeCROSS COUNTRY MENRUN AGAINST NORTHCENTRAL TOMORROW Shaughnessy to Pull Many TricksOut of Bag for Minnesota ContestThe University cross country teamwill enpafre the cross country teamfrom North Central Collepe in adual two mile team race Friday at4:30 on Stapp field.In this type of meet, accordinp toNed Merriam, coach of track andcross country at the University, bothteams start at the same time andeach person runs two miles. The firstman across the finish line scores onepoint apainst his team, the secondman scores two, the third three, etc.,low score winninp. Only the firstfive men from each team to finishare counted.The Chicitpo team, which has metwith two reverses to no wins alreadythis season, will be made up fromthe followinp men: Karasik, RayIckes, Kd Rapp, Henry I,,awrie,.Tohnston, and Keith Parsons. Thefirst defeat was at the hands of the.Milwaukee Y. M. C. A. and the sec¬ond by Wayne university, Detroit. Maroon Coach Clark Shaughnessyhas some tricks up his sleeve for thecontent with Minnesota’s GophersSaturday. In fact, Coach Shaughnessyhas the same tricks up his sleeve ashe did when he met Michigan in thesecond game of the season.He did not need them againstMichigan and Indiana, and Missouiriwas overpowered by straight foot¬ball. Then came Ohio State. Jay Ber-wanper could not play because of aninjured knee; and as a result anytricks which Shaughnessy had wouldhave been of no avail.Much Passing ExpectedThis w'eek, however, things are dif¬ferent, for all the Maroon backs arein condition to play, and laterals, re¬verses, “flea-flickers” and the likemay be expected. The Berwanper-Flinn passing combination will prob¬ably see a great deal of action whileGordon Peterson may be on the re¬ceiving end of some of Berwanper’slonger throws.The attack of the two teams prob¬ably will have much in common, forCoach Bernie Bierman was Clark Shaughnessy’s first assistant at Tu-lane, and then his successor whenShaughnessy moved over to Loyola.They played under the same coach atMinnesota, Dr. Williams, and theyshared the same ideas so long thattheir offensive ideas are almost par¬allel in many respects.Much Offensive DrillPreparatton for the Gophers hasconsisted mainly of an intense drillon plays, most of the time beingspent in the fieldhouse. However, yes¬terday the whole Maroon squad dum¬my scrimmaged, the third team us¬ing Minnesota plays againts the firstand second elevens in turn. Mean¬while the freshmen were learning Il¬linois plays which they will demon¬strate to the varsity next week.The Maroons leave for Minneapolistonight so that they may have timeto recuperate fully from the trainride befotie Saturday’s game. In Min¬neapolis they will stay at the CurtisHotel.CHESS 1EAMGETVESSDry CingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda AT READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT605Z Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. 57th StreetPlu4ln ANYWHERE! kr A- > ■ *MODEL59C with this new t935PHILCOThis powerful little Compart oper¬ates on either Alternating or Di¬rect Current! Approved by Under-writem. Latest featurca give ex¬ceptional tone and amazing per¬formance. Ideal for home, office,traveler or student.‘25—EASIEST TERMSCARR’S RADIO STORES847 EL 63rd Street Hyde Park 3990 The University chess team hasplanned an ambitious schedule forthis year. They have invitations frommany Big 1'en schools, includingNorthwestern university, Purdue uni¬versity, Wisconsin university, andfrom the non-Conference schoolsDartmouth, Cincinnatti, and Wayneuniversity of Detroit, for correspond¬ence che.ss tournaments.They also plan to appear person¬ally at Wisconsin, and at Lafayettewhere they will play round-robinwith Purdue, Northwestern, and Cin-einnatti. The team will also competein the city chess league. BASKETEERS ENGAGEIN EARLY WORKOUTSFOR WINTER SEASON Intramural HandballBegins Next WeekUnder West StandsWithin two weeks the 1934 foot¬ball season will be a matter of his¬tory, and Maroon supporters willturn their attention to Coach Nel¬son Norgren’s basketball squad.Most of the varsity and some fresh¬man basketeers have been workingout in the fieldhouse for nearly amonth.The Maroons have spent most ofthe time in getting into shape andsharpening their eyes for the bask¬et. During the last few days, how¬ever, Coach Norgren has begun toteach them the rudiments of the of¬fensive system they will use this sea¬son,Haarlow IneligibleAt present the chief worry of thebasketball squad is the eligibility oftheir star. Bill Haarlow. He is pre¬paring to take a December examin¬ation, which will determine whetherhe will play this year. Without Haar¬low hopes for a successful basket¬ball season would fall to a new lowas he was responsible for many ofthe Maroon points la.st year.Then too, Bill Lang, erstwhileguard of last season’s team, may notbe able to play this year becauseof an operation on his shoulder, ne¬cessitated by a recurrent injury.However, not all of Coach Norgren’sthoughts of the coming season areworries, for he is spending muchtime figuring out a way to includeWally Duvall, former U High scoi'-ing ace, in his plans for the contests.Duke UmversitySCHOOL OF MEDICINEDurham, N. C.Four teims of eleven weeks aregiven each year. These may betaken consecutively (graduationin three years) or three termsmay be taken each year (grad¬uation in four years.) The en¬trance requirements are intelli¬gence, character and at leasttwo years of college work, in¬cluding the subjects specifiedfor Grade A Medical Schools.Catalogues and applicationforms may be obtained from theI Dean. Phi B. D. Defeats !Psi U II; Phi Sig IWins I-M ContestaxifpuyutLT I HE ATTENTION GIVEN AT DART¬MOUTH TO THE DEVELOPMENTI OF FINE CHARACTER IS REFLECT¬ED IN AN INFORMED DEMAND FORWHAT IS FINE IN CLOTHES.Dartmouth men, instinctively conservative, arenevertheless responsive to all improvements in at¬tire which are sanctioned by good taste.It is natural that at Dartmouth the Kover-Zipclosure is preferred by well-dressed college menand by the leading tailors....CampiJLOtt • • • famous outfitter to Dartmouthmen, comments — “We arepleased to endorse Kover-Zip for use in our custom work.It shows a marked improvement over the exposed metal zip¬per, and we . . . use it whenever making trousers where azipper is required.”Gutitatuhn^ college tailing, utlilet*en Jiox.se K^ovet — 7v’ as llte oal^ sliJe ^aslenex^ox cttslom clotlt^• • • •WALDES KOH-I-KOOR, INC,, LONG ISLAND CITY, N. Y.FAXIS PRAGUE DRESDEN WARSAW BARCELONA LONDON COVERED ZIPPER NOWFIRST CHOICE FORCOLLEGE CLOTHES“Best-dressed” seniors at America’s lead¬ing colleges are definitely against the clumsyold-fashioned fly. Though they prefer thesmooth flat slide-fastened fly, they are alsoopposed to the uncovered zipper which dis¬plays a strip of bare metal. Kover-Zip, theinvisible seamline closure demanded bygood taste, has won approval in collegesfrom coast to coast. Here are a few typicalcomments on Kover-Zip by college menselected as “best-dressed”:Joseph A. LoweCalifornia, 1934“The fellow who in¬vented the covered zip¬per certainly knockedout a home run; it doesaway with the raw metalin the ordinary zipper.I want the covered zipon all my trousers.”Harold B. LocaaNorthwestern, 1934“The covered zipperhaa many advantagesover the button fly, Iam in favor of it. Everyday more college menrealize the value of thecovered zip, see for your¬self what they wear.”Matthew E. WelahPennsylvania, 1934“Give me a zipper flyevery time, though Iadmit the uncoveredmetal of the first type ofzipper was crude. Thenew covered zipper withthe invisible dosure isa natural for the fly.”Stanley L FlaheiColumbia, 1934“Kover-Zip is the rightdosure for trousers, itgives the smart smoothflat effect in front, yetunlike the ordinary zip¬per there is no unsightlystrip of exposed metal.I am for Koser-Zip.” Two victories, one the overwhelm¬ing, record-breaking win of Phi BetaDelta, the other an upset turned ini by Phi Sigma Delta, were outstand-I ing in the four Intramural touch-I ball games played yesterday atI Greenwood field. The games were the' quarterfinal playoff in the fraternityi division.In hanging up its 77 to 0 victoryagainst the Psi Upsilon second team.Phi Beta Delta made more pointsthan has ever been made before onan Intramural touchball field at theUniversity, said Wally Hebert.UpsetPhi Sigma Delta defeated the PsiUpsilon first team, 13 to 6, a teamwhich was “seeded” number oneduring the preliminary campaign andwas a heavy favorite to win.Delta Kappa Eppsilon registeredits expected victory over Chi Psi, 44to 0, and the intricate formations jof Phi Kappa Psi were too much for |Phi Delta Theta, who succumbed, 19 ]to 0. IAll Score jPhi B. D. lost no time in getting !its touchdown-making ways goingand was winnin.g 33 to 0 at the half. |Every man seeing action contribut- |ed to the score, Marver and Priti- |kin leading with 19 and 18 points, jrespectively.Depending not at all on long pass¬es, the winners seemed certain tomake a touchdown every time theyput their hands on the ball, usingshort novel passes and laterals withdecisive effectiveness.Psi U. 1, at first slated for vic¬tory, did not hesitate to put over ascore, Cochrane receiving a shortheave from Haarlow and runningover the goal line. Before the halfwas over, however. Wolf intercepteda pass, and, with a clear field, scor¬ed. Ed Krause, varsity trackman,seizing a long pass in the secondhalf, outran his opponents half thelength of the field and put the gameon ice.This Side(and the other)(Continued from page 1)check the peddling of ready-madearmaments and would reveal thosenations which are unduly strength¬ening their war machinery. This pro¬posed protocol coupled with a plansuch as Gerald P. Nye advocates,namely to reduce incomes to thevanishing point in time of war,would do much to discourage the ef¬forts of the professional war agita¬tors. If war would mean to them lossrather than profit, even the muni¬tion manufacturers might agitatefor peace.CLr\SSIFIED ADSFOR SALE—.Football coat, size38. Worn twice. Alpaca Pile fur.Original price $125. Selling now $50cash. Phone So. Shore 1696. Next week the Intramural depart¬ment will start its fall handball tour¬nament, John Flynn, sophomore man¬ager, directing the meet. The gameswill be played on the courts locatedin the west stands of Stagg field.Entrants must sign up by tomor¬row night in the west stands. Thetournament will be run in two divi¬sions, including both singles anddoubles play.Coach Shaughnessy coaches the nanaoaii leam alter tne lootball sea¬son and during the winter quarterand also runs handball as a part ofhis faculty athletics program.During the past couple years*iandball has experienced a rapidincrease in popularity. Beginninglast year the courts in the weststands were heated and locker roomswere made available. With the re¬moval this year of the locker fee, agreat many more .students haveavailed themselves of these facil¬ities. So great have the demandsbeen that a system of reservationshas been inaugurated.^^What is ity Joe, a new dance?'"ATo—ah underwear shakedown.”Don’t let your underwear make a shimmy dancerout of you. Change to Arrow’s Seamless Crotcbshorts — the comfortable kind, that allow for freeand easy movement. They’ll never twist, bind orcreep up on you. Here’s real comfort for . .. 65^ARROWTHE HUB is Chicago's HeadquartersforARROW SHIRTS 1, iii£C#)HbbHBIil^GI.YTyO«l A SOHSState and jackson—CHICAGOEVANSTON OAK PARK JNow for MinnesotaGo via C. & N. W. Ry.to the Big Game at MinneapolisSATURDAY, NOV. 17Be there with the team. Help them to “take”the “Gophers.” Give them a strong dele¬gation from home to cheer them throughthe tough spots and glory with them invictory. “North Western” makes it easy foryou to go. Low fares—the last word intravel comfort—fast schedules—and theChoice of 3 Fine TrainsOnly $||00 Round Tripin coaches. Go on any trainFriday, Nov. 16. Return byany train reaching Chicagobefore midnight Monday,Nov. 19.$16.30,round trip, first class.Go any day. Return limit 10day s. Pit liman charges reduced.3187 The VikingLv. Chicago 10:00 amAr. Minneapolis 9:00 pmFeaturing famous loungecoaches, with luxuriousreclining seats, uphol¬stered like easy chairs.No extra charge. North WesternLimitedLv. Chicago 8:30 pmAr. Minneapolis 8d)0 amSolarium Observationcar—bedrooms, drawingrooms, compartments,standard sleeping sec-Uoas.Comfortable coaches.The VictoryLv. Chicago 10:30 pmAr. Minneapolis .... 8:55 amCafe, limousine observation car. servingmidnight 1 unches and breakfast; drawingroom, companment, standard sectionsleeping cars; Comfortable coaches,EQUALLY FINE SERVICE RETURNINGThe Shortest, Smoothest Route to the Twin CitiesFor tickets, reservations and information, applyCITY TICKET OPHCE148 S. Clark St.. ChicagoPhone Dearborn 2121or Madison St. Station, Phone Dearborn 7060Chicago £-Northwestern Ry.Music and ReligionPhonograph concert. Social Sci- |ence 122 at 12:30. !Joseph Bond chapel. The Reverend IMr. Keithahn, “The Christian Meth- ,od: the Cross,” at 12. .Lectures J“The Outlook for Monetary Sta- jbility.” O. M. W. Sprague, professorof Financing, Harvard university.Judson court at 6:45. Annual din¬ner of Graduate club of Economicsand Business.“The History of Mythology.” Pro¬fessor Richard P. McKeon. Graduatehistory club. Social Science 302 at7:30.MiscellaneousMeeting of faculty of BiologicalSciences Division. Billings M 137 at4.National Student League meeting.Social Science 302 at 3:30.Social Service club in the Alumniroom of Ida Noyes at 7 :30.Dames in Ida Noyes theater at7:45.Jewish Student Foundation lectureand dance. Ida Noyes theater at3:30."i r"rPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1934FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERThe national PHI GAMMA DELTA, fraternity of PhiGamma Delta wasfounded at Wash¬ington and Jeffer¬son College in1848 and now in¬cludes 73 under¬graduate chaptersas well as activealumni chapters inmost of the largercities. The localchapter w' a sfounded in 1902and sprang froma n organizationknown as the Dra¬gon’s Tooth.Prominent mem¬bers of the organ¬ization includeCalvin Coolidge, former president ofthe United States; Newton D. Bak¬er, former Secretary of War; ThomasB. Marshall, former vice-presidentof the United States; PresidentsDavid Kinley, University of Illinois,Lotus D. Coffman, Minnesota, andGeorge B. Cutten, Colgate; HerbertLehman, governo.r of New York;Avery Hopwood, Charles Norris, Al¬lan LeMay, and Meredith Nicholson,writers. Donald Richberg, new headof the NR A, is a charter memberof the Chicago chapter.FINANCIALINFORMATIONA $60 initiation fee is assessedwhich includes the badge, life mem¬bership in the fraternity, and a lifesubscription to the magazine. Per¬sons living in the house pay $37.50a month, which includes all fees ex¬cept social. Men living outside thehouse pay $20 a month which in¬cludes $5 chapter dues, a $5 par¬lor fee, and a $10 minimum boardbill, allowing six meals per week.Social assessments are extra. TheChicago chapter formerly owned aToday on theQuadrangles house in the neighborhood whichwas sold at a profit in 1930 andthe money invested by the alumnicorporation. The present house, at5615 University avenue, is rented.Faculty members of Phi GammaDelta include Rollin Chamberlin,Lennox Gray, Frank O’Hara, RobertRedfield, Bernadotte Schmidt, W. T.Hutchinson, and William Chandler.OFFICERS OFCHAPTEROfficers of the local chapter areJohn Beardsley, Charles Butler, Rog¬er Baird, Cecil LeBoy, and Earl Sea-borg. Activities include four men onthe wrestling squad, two out forbasketball, one on the tennis team,one on the fencing team, two out fortrack, one man, the captain, on therifle team, two men on the pistolteam, two members of the DramaticAssociation, two men on the Maroonstaff, five in Blackfriars, and onemember of Crossed Cannon. Lastyear the chapter won their leaguetitle in intramural baseball and re¬ceived third place in intramuraltrack.There are at present 18 activemembers, and four pledges. Phi Beta Delta Members TakePart in Many Women *s Activities DAILIES TO SPONSORRADIO CONTEST FORCOLLEGE STUDENTSBy MARYPhi Beta Delta, established at theUniversity in 1898, is made up oftwelve active members, two pledges,and approximately five hundredalumnae. The association of alum¬nae of Phi Beta Delta awards ascholarship of about sixty dollarseach quarter to some member of theorganization.A pledge fee of five dollars, aninitiation fee of twenty dollars whichincludes the pin, and quarterly duesof seven-fifty make up the financialobligations of members. There areno special assessments for partiesor for rushing, thus the approximatetotal cost for the first year wouldbe fifty-three dollars.Members of Phi Beta Delta to befound in campus activities are Bea¬trice Rayfield, a member of the Dra¬matic Association; Jeannette Coch¬rane, a member of Dramatic Associa¬tion and Mirror; Cynthia Grabo, agroup leader of Federation counsel¬lors, and a member of the first cab¬inet of Y.W.C.A.Others are Verna W’inters, secre¬tary-treasurer of Inter-Club Coun- MacKENZIEj cil, a member of the Cap and Gownj staff, and of the Golf Club; Helenj Weinberger, a member of the Dra-! matic Association, of the Golf Club,I and an upper class counsellor; Emily, Peterson, a member of the Cap and! Gown staff, secretary of Tarpon, anI upper class counsellor, and a meni-' ber of Dramatic Association andI Mirror; Roseniary Becker, a memberI of Mirror and of Dramatic Associa-i tion, and Marion Gentz, a member ofi Dramatic Association.I Holds Weekly MeetingsI The group holds business meetingsonce a week with a social meetingevery other week. Social functions ofI the club are the customary dance aquarter, a Mothers’ tea, and an alum-I nae tea. 'I'be piir|)ose of the organ; ization is that of friendship and so-i ciability among its members.! Officers of Phi Beta Delta areVerna Winters, president; Beatrice( Rayfield, vice-president; RosemaryBecker, secretary; Jeannette Coch¬rane, treasurer; and Emily Peterson,! chaplain. Pledges are Jane Baranand Dorothea Merriam. A campus radio contest, sponsoredby The Daily Maroon and The DailyNorthwestern, and conducted by KayKyser whose orchestra plays nightlyat the Blackhawk restaurant, willbegin Monday afternoon wnen con¬testants from the University havetheir first auditions. A silver lovingcup and a sustaining broadcast overstation WGN will be the awards.The contest will be held at theBlackhawk each hYiday night forseveral week.-', depending upon thenumber of students who enter intothe comiietition. Contestants will beexclusively from the University andNorthwestern university, with thetwo schools alternating on Friday'nights by sending representatives.Friday, November 23, will be Chicagonight, and a week from that date willbe Northwestern night. FRIDAY NIGHTCOLLEGE NIGHTAnnouncing theBLACKHAWKsearch for talent contestNorthwestern will compete with Chicagotalent and the winner will receive a beau¬tiful loving cup and a sustaining contractto sing over WGN.Chicago’s first night of competition isFriday, Nov. 23rd. Register no later thanMonday the 19th at the Daily MaroonBusiness Office. MAKE YOUR NEXTPARTY THE TALKOF THE CAMPUS ••BKMnR(K n«TELCHICAGO" Kar^dolp^^ at La falloA Fashionable environment. . SmartService . . The Exclusiveness of aPrivate Club # You will And everyrequisite for a truly distinctive dance. . dinner-dance . . formal or tea . .at America's Finest Club # A beau¬tiful room for every party occasion #And at a cost no greater than youvrould pay for conventional hotelaccommodations # The MaitreD'Hotel will be glad to help youplan your next social function.CLUBOF CHICAGO505 North Michigan Blvd WHItehall 4100COPIESOFTHIS MONTH'SPHOENIXMAY STILLBE SECUREDDrop in for your copyat fhePHOENIX OFFICEin Lexington Hall