WATCH FORPHOENAETODAY Batlp illatoon NOVEMBER ISSUEOF PHOENIX ISOUT TODAYVol. 33. No. 28. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1934 Price Three CentsFreshmanVocationalChoicesBy JANET LEWY.As a result of a three year surveyof the vocational selections ofFreshmen, Mr. Robert C. Woellner,executive secretary of the Board ofVocational Guidance and Placement,has made a comparative study of theinformation supplied.Inquiry blanks concerning voca¬tional selections were submitted tothe incoming Freshmen during theFreshman weeks of 1932, 1933,1934, in the hope that the replieswould aid the University in offeringvocational counseling to those whoindicated a need and desire for suchassistance. The questionnaires werereturned by approximately 95 percent of the class who matriculatedduring each of Freshmenweeks.Of the 1932, ‘Freshmen under con.sideration, 399 are men, and 279 arewomen; of the 1933 Freshmen, 410are men, 238 are women; of the 1934group, 377 are men, 254 are women.PROPORTION SEEKINGCOUNSEL INCREASINGThe following report is the resultof the study of the information sup¬plied. The percentages are given inround numbers.L The proportion of Freshmenwho have vocational decisions showsonly slight variation during the threeyears covered by the study.2. The proportion of the Fresh¬men who desire vocational counsel¬ing is increasing.3. Proportionally fewer freshmanwomen than freshman men have de¬cided upon a vocation. In 1932, voca¬tional decisions were made by 71per cent of the men, 64 women;1933, 66 men, 48 women; 1934, 68men, 54 women.4. There seems to be no directcorrelation between age and voca¬tional decisions. Vocational decisionswere made by 70 per cent of the1932 group under 18, 66 per centover 18; 59 per cent of the under 18, 62 per cent over 18;65 per cent of the 1934 group over18, 60 per cent under 18. Of thefreshmen under consideration 353were 18 years or over, and 320 wereunder 18; of the 1933 freshmen, 341were 18 years or over, and 307 wereunder 18; of the 1934, 355 were 18or over and 296 were under 18 years.CORRELATION BETWEENKNOWLEDGE, DECISIONS5. There seems to be a correla¬tion between knowledge of vocationsand vocational decisions. The basisof this generalization was madefrom the answers to the question"Were you ever taught about voca¬tions?” Of the 1932 freshmen under Iconsideration, 385 answered "yes”and 293 answered "no;” of the 1933 ifreshmen, 345 answered “yes” and !303 answered "no;” of the 1934group, 346 answered "yes” and 285answered "no.”6. Although in the order of fre-(luency of occurrence "A HighSchool Course in Vocations and Ca¬reers” dropped into fifth place as a.source of vocational information for1934, the percentage of freshmenwho checked this source of voca¬tional information remains rather(Continued on page 4) SELECT HARROLDTO PRESIDE OVERPRACTICj^COORTTry Criminal Case ofPeople vs. BaneTomorrow Hold Student ParadeThis Noon as Partof Red Cross WorkJames Picken Harrold, master inchancery of the Circuit court ofCook county, will preside over to¬morrow night’s session of the Uni¬versity Law school bar associationpractice court. The trial will open at7:30.A criminal case, that of the Peo¬ple vs. Bane, will be heard. Lawyersfor the prosecution include RobertCoul.son, Charles Stege, Thomas M.Thomas, and Lacey Catron.The defendant, Charles Bane, willbe represented by attorneys EdwardMayercord and Edward Arnold. Ajury of four non-legal students willbe picked to hear the evidence.Published PaperJames Harrold has been masterof chancery of the Cook county Cir¬cuit court since 1916. Previous tothat date he was an assistant statesattorney of Cook County.The Bar association in the, which sponsors the mootcourts, yesterday published the firstissue of a new student newspaperfor members of the as.sociation.The publication, a mimeographedsheet known as the Law SchoolNews, wli’ be distributed bi-month¬ly. Each number will carry a specialfeature article prepared by a .stu¬dent in the school. Yesterday’s is¬sue’s story was on the history of theI./aw school and was written by Al¬bert Wehling. A blare of bugles and a roll ofdrums will echo across campus atnoon today when a student parade,marking the University’s participa¬tion in the annual national Red Crossroll call, proceeds through thequadrangles.The Red Cross parade, led by theUniversity band, will begin at Hullgate, move to the circle, and con¬tinue to University avenue.Early returns yesterday from thestudent drive indicated that five or¬ganizations have completed theirquota already. Achoth, Delta Sigma,Esoteric, Quadrangle club, and PiLambda Phi fraternity have achiev¬ed a 100 per cent rating. Chi RhoSigma is reported working on itsquota. .The three subscription tables oncampus will be open every day thisweek. Today W. A. A. is sponsoringthe one at Cobb hall, Y.W.C.A.,the one at the Press building, andEsoteric, the one at the Coffee shop.STUDENTS WITNESSPLAY PRESENTED BYWENR CAST TONIGHT Faculty Says Study Plan COMMENT MAKESSuccess Lies with Students INITIAL ROW OF1934 WEDNESDAYAdministrationQarifies Standon S.U.A.F.W.“The University does not consid¬er demands; it does, however, re¬ceive petitions.” William E. Scott,dean of students, yesterday madeplain the administration’s attitudetoward the demands of the StudentUnion Against Fa.scism and War,campus organization which has lostofficial recognition since its directdefiance of an order prohibiting amass meetng last Friday in the cir¬cle.“The refusal of permission for themeeting in the circle was not a dis¬crimination against the Union, a.s hasbeen charged; permission has beengranted for a mass meeting in Har¬per tomorrow. The University willallow itself to be attacked but notin the circle. The Student Union atpresent is not recognized; howeverthis office hopes that an organiza¬tion with such a laudable aim willbe able to reconstitute itself so asto receive that recognition. To re¬ceive this the Student Union mustguarantee conformance to officialregulations. I am not sure that thepresent officers of the organizationare acceptable as guarantors.” Both the rehearsal and perform¬ance of “Lights Out,” WENR’s mid¬night ghost thriller will be witness¬ed by the University radio .speechclass tonight at the studio of thestation in Merchandise Mart. Theclass under the direction of AllenMiller, supervisor of radio, is madeup of a limited number of .studentswhose interest in the literary activ¬ities of the air have warranted theirparticipation in special work."Lights Out” is a product of Wil¬liam Cooper, continuity editor of theNBC studios in Chicago. Cooper,who has written script for many out-.standing programs such as “EmpireBuilders,” addressed the class in theMitchell Tower campus studios lastFriday on phases of radio presenta¬tion.Friday of this week, Hal Totten,sports editor and announcer forNBC and one of the foremost radiocommentators on football and base¬ball will review highlights of an¬nouncing before the group.Starting Monday, Miller will beginwork on the formation of a radiocast which will work over old broad¬cast .scripts, present original ones,and finally take part in local broad¬casts. "It’s just fine... provided,” seemsto be the consensus of opinion amongfaculty members in the Social Sci¬ence division in reference to thereading-conference period which thisweek has apparently thrown hun¬dreds of students and instructorsinto the ranks of the unemployed.The "provided” refers to the ques¬tionable amount of individual studythat will be accomplished by studentswhen not pushed by a daily routineof scheduled lectures, and the extentto which students will utilize theiropportunities for consultation withtheir instructors.Wirth ApprovesLouis Wirth, professor of Sociol¬ogy, pointed out that “if studentsreally utilize the period it won’tmean much leisure for the faculty.”I He went on to say that when stu¬dents go from one lecture to anotherthey tend to become mere sponges.He thinks that in the future lectur-*ers will serve as guide-posts, andthe more detailed work of search¬ing out the facts will be left to thestudents.Frederick L. Schuman, assistantprofessor of Political Science, stated:“The- vacation period is in my opin¬ion desirable, not because it givesfaculty members any less work to do,but because it necessitates systemat¬ic individual consultation with thestudents.Condense Lectures“It also has the merit of obligeing faculty members to boil downa great number of bad lectures into a small number of good lectures. Itsgreatest advantage, however, is thatit will compel students, under thesupervision of the instructor, to digout material from the sources, rath¬er than having everything handed tothem in pre-digested form.Contrary to the general opinion,Donald Slesinger, dean of studentsin the division, believes that even thelaziest students may benefit to someextent, as they may pick up a fewideas while vacationing. He expectsthat the more energetic students willhave an opportunity which theynever had under the old system topursue the tangential aspects oftheir subjects. In regard to the ru¬mor that certain students plan toget jobs for the period he thoughtthat e^en this would be to their ad¬vantage.Cole ConcursFay-Cooper Cole, chairman of thedepartment of Anthropology, con¬curred with the others, saying,“Whether the plan succeeds or notdepends on how students use theirtime. I think it may be valuable.”He further added that the new sys¬tem is similar to that in vogue atmany English universities.Many professors, including PaulDouglas and Lloyd Mints of the Eco¬nomics department. Miss BessiePierce of the History department,and Jerome Kerwin of the depart¬ment of Political Science, preferredto suspend judgment on the planuntil more tangible results could beviewed at the end of the month. Contains Best Lettersin Gertrude SteinContestAs One Celebrity to Another,Reinhardt Never Heard of SteinBy LAWRENCE GOODNOWMax Reinhardt has never heard ofGertrude Stein! Such was the amaz¬ing fact revealed at a luncheon giv¬en in honor of the veteran directorin the Hotel Sherman bungalow yes¬terday noon. Dr. Reinhardt con¬fessed complete ignorance as to per¬sonality and works of the amazingwriter who only last week took Chi¬cago by storm with her opera “FourSaints in Three Acts.”Dr. Reinhardt is in Chicago to di¬rect personally the opening ofShakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’sDream,” at the Auditorium tomor¬row evening. The effective stagingof the work won unanimous acclaimin California last summer, and thecompany is now on an extended tourwhich will cover, most of the largetheaters throughout the country.Chicago remembers Dr. Reinhardtfor his triumph in presenting “TheMiracle” some ten years ago. He has“Life” Issue of Phoenix Carries onHigh Humor Magazine Standardsdean case discusses religiousPROFESSION IN VOCATIONAL LECTUREShirley J., dean of the Di¬vinity school, discussed the oppor¬tunities in the field of religion in alecture given yesterday afternoon at3:30 in Haskell 108. The lecture wasthe third of a series of vocationallectures sponsored by Robert C.Woellner of the department of Vo¬cational Guidance and Placement.Dean Case declared that the op¬portunities in the religious field wereas numerous as in other professionalfields, and pointed out the advan¬tages of religion as a vocation, say¬ing, “Religion offers considerablemore stability in employment thando the other professions because ithas a great and strong institutionbehind it. Depressions do not affectworkers in the religious field as theyaffect doctors, lawyers, or execu¬tives who depend upon a privatepractice for their livelihood.”Qtialifications for MinisterDean Case stressed the fact that aminister must have a good ear for music, must be extremely well-read,and must have an excellent knowl¬edge of psychology—in fact, hemust be highly educated in allbranches of learning, that he mightdeal effectively with complicatedproblems that frequently ariseamong all classes of people. A mas¬ter’s degree proves itself a greatbenefit to those entering the religiousprofession.Following the lecture, a discussionwas held concerning the issues ofDean Case’s talk, and it was discov¬ered that some of the students wereparticularly interested in religiouswork in industry. The dean said thatthe study of this particular phase ofreligion was dealt with more intense¬ly in Social Service courses.The fourth lecture in the vocation¬al series series will be given by. Har¬ry A. Bigelow, dean of the Lawschool, next Tuesday at 3:30 in Has¬kell 108, and he will describe the op¬portunities for prospective lawyers. By DAVIDThe November issue of Phoenix,“A Clean Number—56/100% Pure,” ibids fair to carry on the high stand- jards of humor set by its predeces¬sor. In fact, it has reached ourears that the advance copies of theissue have been grabbed by outsidecritics and hailed as the most amaz¬ing example (whatever that means)0^ a college humor magazine thathas been put out in the last fewyears; the 44/100% impurity mustget them.As far as we can find, in the curs¬ory examination of the publicationallowed us, at least 43 of the44/100% of allurement is containedPhoenae ExposedWith the appearance of Phoenixtoday comes the revelation of theidentity of the mysterious Phoenae.She may be seen waddling aboutcampus today.Phoenae is a little brown duck.Her only relation to her big sister,the Phoenix, lies in her claim to aplace in the bird family. Phoenae isnot as versatile as Phoenix, indeedshould she once be burned, shewould probably be put to better usethan resurrection.A bar of Ivory soap will be dis¬tributed with each copy of Phoenixtoday. Whether this is to be usedfor Phoenix, Phoenae, or reader isnot stated. KUTNERin two cartoons. We’ll leave it toyou to find them!Football AgainIt seems just about every issueof Phoenix in the fall carries at leastone football story and the Novemberissue is no exception. Bill Stapleton,himself a loyal Psi U, we judge,comments on the private lives ofsome of his fraternity brothers onthe team as well as a few of theother boys. “Footballistics” is the ti¬tle of his expose.Lowell Sherman writes of hisscheme for clothing the modesty ofthe gods once and for always in thecurrent picture which he is to pro¬duce, “Night Life of the Gods.”Begins—LIFE, in all its aspects.■"Life Begins—So What,” by DonMorris,—good if you can understandit. We couldn’t. “Life Begins—AtBirth, or with Nettleschwaff at theBottomless Pits of Kent Laboratory,”in which Hal Block takes up wherehe left off last month. Inane humor,it is, which you will doubtless en¬joy, unless you have heard too muchof it already.Sid Hyman’s contribution to thelife issue is entitled “Life Begins,or with Lief Erickson and his Dogin the Arctic.” After reading his con¬tortion of the facts, we nominate himas our chief commentator."Professional Portraits” puts someof our well known campus figures onthe spot. The customary featurescomplete the issue, on the whole averyr worthwhile effort. so long been regarded as the ulti¬mate of perfection in stage direc¬tion that he has become almost amythological figure in the drama,with stories about him reaching theproportions of the Paul Bunyan sa¬gas. People have begun to ask, “Doeshe really exist?” Yesterday all doubtswere dispelled as Dr. Reinhardt, inflesh and blood, was presented tovarious members of the Fourth Es¬tate.AppearanceNot at all theatrical in appear¬ance, Dr. Reinhardt turns out to bea modest and rather shy individualof benign c ountenance and readysmile. He enjoys being with people,but resents being lionized. He de¬clined to make a speech at the lun¬cheon, but retired to the parlors,where he was quite willing to answerall questions that were addressed tohim. Whenever it was found neces¬sary, Joseph Brainin, who seems to behis right hand man, acted as his in¬terpreter, for Dr. Reinhardt’s com¬mand of English is limited. He re¬fused completely to discuss politics,and one was forced to suspect thathe was under the Hitler ban in Ger¬many, where he first achieved famein stage direction.He promises an interesting per¬formance in “Midsummer Night’sDream,” with stage effects neverdreamed of by Shakespeare. An or¬chestra of forty pieces will be con¬cealed behind the scenes, playing(Continued from page 4) Featuring material concerningGertrude Stein, Comment, literaryquarterly, will make its initial ap¬pearance on campus at 8 next Wed¬nesday morning, November 21.Announcement of members of theGertrude Stein club will be made inthe issue. Those who will be listedamong the membership of this organ¬ization are winners of a contest re¬cently run by Comment. Imttation.'?in 50 words of the style of the not¬ed authoress or essays on “Why IWant to Meet Gertrude Stein” fur¬nished the material for competition.Article by PhilosopherAn article by a nationally knownphilosopher and psychologist willalso occupy a prominent place in thisissue. Read by authorities in thefields of philosophy, it has been pro¬nounced as being of tremendous im¬portance. These appraisals of theitem will appear in an early issueof The Daily Maroon.Another great article is a curiouspsychological story by a famousyoung American who has already hadfive of his novels printed. The au¬thor has also made numerous lit¬erary appearances in Scribner’s,Harper’s, and other national periodi¬cals.An analysis of music that is con¬cise and accurate but neverthelessunderstandable by the la3mian hasbeen written by an authority in thefield. A representative presentationof a young poet of promise will alsoappear in the issue.The bulk of the material is fromcampus sources and includes ar¬ticles, stories, and poems.Publish 3 IssuesComment sells for twenty-fivecents a copy; there are no subscrip¬tions. To be published three timesin all, the quarterly will appear oncein the middle of winter quarter andonce in the spring quarter in addi¬tion to being on sale next Wednes¬day.Everett Parker, last year’s editorof the Cap and Gown, has beennamed associate editor of the quar¬terly.Club girls wishing to sell Com¬ment next Wednesday and Thurs¬day should get in touch with Fran¬cis Hoyt, circulation manager. Thoseinterested in working on the busi¬ness staff for future issues shouldconsult with John Auld, assistantbusiness manager.STUDENT UNIONDEBATES ON NSLISSUE TONIGHT“Is the N. S. L. a constructive ordestructive influence in Universitylife?” is the problem for discussiontonight in the University’s neutralverbal battleground conducted bythe Student Debate Union in roomA, Reynolds club at 7:45.In addition to the scheduled topicthere will be a discussion on the re¬cent withdrawal of recognition ofthe Student Union Against Fascismand War by the University. Becauseof the interest shown on campus, themeeting against war which was heldin the circle Friday against officialorders and the protest meetingwhich will be held today in Harper,the Debate Union decided yesterdayto include the matter on the pro¬gram.Members of the NSL, CosmosClub, ROTC, Socialist club, andothers interested either pro or conon the subjects will participate inthe open forum. Sprague LecturePostponed UntilTomorrow NightThe lecture by Dr. 0. M. W.Sprague, professor of Banking andFinance at Harvard university, on“Outlook for Monetary Stability,”originally scheduled for 6:30 thisevening at Judson court, will be heldat the same time tomorrow evening.Mr. Sprague, who resigned abouta year ago from his post as financialassistant to the Secretary of theTreasury because of his disagree¬ment with the radical monetary pol¬icies of the administration, is makinga special trip to Chicago for the lec¬ture. While ’n Chicago he will re¬main at th^;' Quadrangle club in thePresidential suite. He is expected toleave the city immediately followinghis talk.Dr. Sprague’s address is the fea¬ture of the fall banquet of the Grad¬uate Club of Business and Econom¬ics. Tickets for the dinner and lec¬ture may be obtained at the officesof the Economics department andthe School of Business for $.85apiece.THE WEATHERWednesday, November 14, 193^Fair and continued cold Wednes¬day. Moderate to strong northeastto southeast winds. Increasing cloud¬iness and warmer Thursday.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1934iatlg iUarnonFOUNDED IN 1901MEM3ER^sociated gbUeaiatf^1934 1935*-HAfiOON vitSCOM9HThe Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicagro, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Avenue.Editorial office; Lexington hall. Room 15; business office*Room ISA. Telephones; Local 46 and Hyde_Park_922LSubscription rates; $2.60 a year: $4.00 by mail. Singlecopiee; three cents.Tbe University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago. Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters sh'^uld be addressed to the Editor, The DailyMaroon, Lexington hall, University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will he withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOaATESRuth Greenebaum Raymond Lahr Jeanne StolteHenry F. Kelley Janet Lewy William W. WatsonRalph W. NicholsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengwJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Outright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey LehmanJohn MorrisJune Rappaport George SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterCampbell WilsonBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour WeinsteinNight Editor: Henry KelleyWednesday, November 14, 1934STRANGE THINGS ON OUR CAMPUSA college newspaper editor usually has a dulltime. Most of his work consists in boosting Uni¬versity functions, commenting on student opinion,or perhaps launching into a tirade against some¬thing or other to which not the slightest attentionis paid. But every once in a while something oc¬curs to cheer him up and he takes a new lease onlife.This week we are enjoying to the fullest theQuixotic struggle to the death between the Uni¬versity and the Student Union Against Fascisimand War. When this organization was formedwe gave it all the help we could. The membersseemed serious and sincere, though slightly misdi¬rected, in their purpose, and we gave them thepublicity they wanted.But they have proved to be just another “antigroup, publicity mad, with the pathologicalyearning for notoriety characteristic of their type.For a while it looked as if they were going to failfor lack of a real issue. Denouncing capitalismand calling the R. O. T. C. fascists gets rathertiresome even for the most rabid * anti.And then the University unwittingly set offthe powder barrel when it denied the organiza¬tion permission to hold a protest meeting in thecircle. What they wanted to protest about wasn’tvery clear, but the University’s action gave thema “cause.”True to the conventional method in thesecases, they are having a protest meeting to pro¬test against the University’s action in not allow¬ing them to protest! And so the tyrannous ad¬ministration is permitting them to protest againstthe University today in Harper Mil. Workersof the world unite.—H. P. H.ALL OR NONEStudents taking courses in the Social Sciencesdivision are now in the midst of their reading pe¬riod under the new system whereby they attendclasses for six weeks, study for four weeks, andreturn to classes for the last two weeks.The plan, advocated by the University Senatelast year for all the divisions seems to be a verysound and logical policy in view of the heavyreading required under the Chicago plan. Andfor those students who are taking all of theirwork in the division the extra time is provingwelcome.But the reading period loses its effectivenesssince only one division has it. Classes in otherdepartments continue so that students who aretaking one course in Social Sciences benefit very little. Only with the whole University under thissystem can the wisdom or folly of the plan betested completely.The Daily Maroon early endorsed a reading pe¬riod and the Social Sciences division is to be com¬mended on taking this progressive step. But theother three divisions, who are allowing the SocialSciences to do the experimenting, by their pas¬sive attitude are hampering the success of theplan.This is one time that the University depart¬ments need to act all together or not at all.—H. P. H.Students at the University of Illinois preferReader’s Digest, the magazine that condensesleading periodical articles, over other publica¬tions. Chicago students would be in favor ofa magazine that condensed the reading in thesurvey courses.The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISTHE UNIVERSITY DAY BY DAY (IN THESTYLE OF, AND WITH APOLOGIES TO;O. O. McIntyreDiary: Up at an early hour and to work on thedaily task. Dressed and out for a stroll withRover, window shopping on Fifty-fifth street.Cravats seem gaudier than ever. It must be theChristmas season. Home and to luncheon withthe little woman. My, but she has a shairp ton-grue early in the day! Out in the afternoon to aliterary tea, where a few authors were idolizedby too many elderly women. I think the day ofthe literary tea is passed. At least, it is in itsdotage. To a new cozy nook for dinner. Provedto be a great disappointment. Prices were muchtoo high for quality of the food. Ate to much.Thence to the opening of a new play, and after¬wards, mightily tired, straight home. Read a newmurder mystery for a few hours, and so to bed.* * •Thoughts while strolling: Chicago is never asnice as in the crisp, cold days of the fall. Thereis a tang to the air, and somehow the atmosphereis clean—how delightful not to breathe smokeand soot for a change. Ned Bartlett and TubbyWright look alike. One word description of JohnFord: unappreciated. The side-walk cafes, whichsprung up like dandelions used to in my littleold home town in Ohio, seem to be disintegrat¬ing just as rapidly. Perhaps the cold weatheris responsible. People don’t like to eat out-doors jwhen it is chilly. The ballyhoo for the Inter¬fraternity Ball has begun. That’s a good sign—the campus social season will really come into itsown on the 28th—a most goodly crowd should bethere. The night of the Illinois game should bethe most festive of gala occasions for those wholike to travel from pairty to party, or for thatmatter, for those who like to just stay in oneplace. There are four or five parties that night:Delta Kappa Epsilon, Phi Kappa Psi, Chi Psi,Sigma Alpha Epsilon, and Sigma Chi. And acomforting note for those who hate the boiledshirt as much as I do—all the affairs will beinformal.ii> « >i>Some people have all the luck. Maybe its fate,or in the stars, or something. But the cold factsstill remain. Howard Penn Hudson, editor-in-chief of The Daily Maroon (advt.) was one ofthe hundreds who went down to Columbus, Ohiolast Friday. For those who do not know him,Mir. Hudson is a quiet, efficient, personable chapwho prefers the company of a few chosen friendsto the adulation of the mobs. But Saturday heburst into the spotlight with a vehemence. He *so covered himself with social glory that it isdoubtful if the light will ever recede. Like an¬other hundred oir so of his fellow Chicagoans, he <had a blind date. Now think of the percentages. ^There was one chance m about a thousand thathe would get a girl who would knock the boysin the aisles. But that is just the type of womanhe did get. Mr. Hudson’s date had just been vot¬ed the best-looking female on the Ohio Statecampus the day before. Some people have allthe luck. This whole item is a testimonial of fsome sort that Ohio men can’t even pick thepeaches from right under their own very noses. IIt took one of our boys to do it. i* * *, IThe University campus is awe-inspiring late jat night, when the quadrangles are deserted andnight reigns supreme. One can stand in Hutch¬inson Court, ’neath the protective shelters ofMandel Hall. The deep, purple shadows casttheir silent sprays of light and dark intermit¬tently over small patches of green grass. Thesmall, quiet breeze sighs softly, perhaps as afinal farewell to those who have left the cloist¬ered walls of the University, never more to re¬turn. The silence is over-powering, and at firstis jarring to the ner^^es, but finally it envelopesall in its serene blanket of calm.♦ * *What price fame? Yesterday a charming oldlady stopped me on the street and praised mefor my diligence tact, perspicacity and judgment.I swelled up considerably. But the bubble burstwhen she said, upon leaving, “It was so nicemeeting you. I’ve always wanted to know Mrs,McIntyre’s husband.” Today on theQuadranglesMusicCarillon recital. The Universitychapel at 4.30. Frederick Marriott,carilloneur.Phonograph concerts. Social Sci¬ence Assembly hall at 12:30.Lectures“Is the N. S. L. a Constructiveor a Destructive Influence in Uni¬versity Life?” Debate Union, Rey¬nolds club at 7:45.“An Integro-Differential Bound¬ary Value Problem.” Dr. W. T. Reid.Mathematics club, Eckhart 206 at4:30.“The Future of Religion.” Profes¬sor A. Eustace Haydon. Avukah, IdaNoyes hall at 3:45. IMeetingsUniversity Socialist club. Open jForum: Social Democracy and Rev¬olutionary Socialism. Professor May-1nard Kreuger. Social Science 302 at3:30.Spanish club. Alumni room in IdaNoyes hall from 4 to 6.Golf club. Lower gym in Ida iNoyes at 4.Phi Delta Phi. Wicker room in Ida !Noyes at 3:30. iSigma Delta Epsilon. in Ida Noyes at 7:30.PUBLIX CAFETERIA(Formerly Hill's)1165 East 63rd Street jSECOND FLOOR |“You can buy a ticket to the |Minnesota game with the money Iyou save eating the Publix way.” I CLASSIFIED ADSFLY to the Minneapolis game. $20for round trip. W. T. Elliott. Mid¬way 3217.Introductory Humanities students.A few stenographic copies of all 2ndand 3rd quarter lectures for sale.Long Beach 6422.HELP WANTED—Male. Jewishstudent with car, living in SouthShore for afternoon work. Box O,Faculty Exchange.FOR SALE—.Football coat, size38. Worn twice. Alpaca Pile fur.Original price $125. filing now $60cash. Phone So. Shore 1596.f\D17Virf THEATREi/liJLAEiiiWednesday, Nov. 14“DOWN TO THEIRLAST YACHT”Mary BolandTheUniversity of ChicagoTypewriting OfficeREASONABLE RATESAll Work GuaranteedIngleside HallRoom 201956 East 58th St.“West of Press Bldg.” PLEDGINGSigma Chi announces the pledgingof J. E. Cornish of Arkansas City,Kansas, and of H. R. Carroll of SanAntonio, Texas.GOINGTO THEGOPHERGAME?Celebrate at the Hotel Lowry,j in St. Paul.... rendezvous ofI football fans in the TwinCities. Dine and dance in thei famous Terrace Cafe—featur-I ing Harold Stern’s brilliantI band, direct from New York.I Enjoy your favorite refresh-! ment in the Terrace Grill andHollywood Lounge. Only 25minutes by bus direct from theStadium.ST. PAUL'S GREATERHOTEL LOWRYPatronize the Daily MaroonAdvertisersSketched, Bright Cherryin a rib knit twin set —made for frosty morn¬ings. It boasts the favor¬ite crew neck. Price isunbelievahl V low. $3.50Sketched, The Bowery ,brought up-to-date inthis turtle neck andKelly green combina¬tion. A jN*rfcct modelcampus . $3.50sAnother campus classicfin the Peccary pigskinIslip-ons. You’ll appre-iciate their warmth and|(Jurahility.Black,hrown.fwhiteandnatural.$2.95Gloves,First Floor In answer to campus pleasfor the utterly different in^ sweatem, Field’s offers six newphases of a large assortment.THE SPORTS ROOMSIXTH FLOOR. \Severe lines in the softest woolen sweater of mustard color.The unusual and distinctive seam treatment makes it impossibleto tell it from its hand-knitted original $2.95Softly feminine powder blue with a lacy yoke treatmentthat is repeated in the long full sleeves. Three cartridge buttonsadd further trim $3,95Contrast in a very modern note! Its short-sleeved slipoveris very white and striking against the black of the cardigan. ^.50Good things come in threes. To wit—this emerald greenslipover with the triplicate bows. Be prepared to answer enviousqueries—“No, I really didn’t knit it” $3.50Skirts... in tweeds, plaids, soft brushed wxmiIs and velveteenare priced from $3.95 to $6.95MARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYrDAILY MAROON SPORTSWEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14. 1934 Page Three•X .v>\«anuTj'^Bh Cutpj.a a-“” ^'•ocessr tke , /'pesnioiy* t^p f. /J P‘P^~~bum'i'®erf>od a,■^Orec/lirkV-W ipmka^^^lOc4f "MyWT(»4«!:o Oo-USE THEDAILY MAROONTHEATRE BUREAUBERWANGER, WRIGHTWILL START AGAINSTGOPHERS SATURDAYShaughnessy Shifts BacksPreparation forMinnesotainBIG TEN STANDINGIllinois 3 0Minnesota 3 0Purdue 3 0Ohio State 2 1CHICAGO 2 2Iowa I 2Wisconsin 1 2Northwestern . . 1 3Indiana 0 2Michigan 0 4 pet1.0001.0001.000.667.500.333.333.250.000.000 Trojans Beat Barristers on Toss TREV WEISS TAKESof Coin in Last Independent Game pj|||j^[ |y|j^J()HPING PONG TOURNEY.\lthou.i;h they may not be in j?oodcondition after the srame, most ofthe injured Maroon rejrulars will beable to start the Saturday aprainstMinnesota at Minneapolis, and Chi-cag^o may be counted on to make abetter showing than it did againstOhio State last week.Jay Berwanger, the main cog inthe Maroon machine, has recoveredsufficiently from his knee injury toenable him to return to the grid¬iron. In the lineup, also will be Clar¬ence Wright, sophomore tackle, whohas been on the injured list since theMissouri game.Maroons Strong OffensivelyThe game with the Maroons willgive Minnesota’s Gophers their firstlaste of the strong offensive teamsof the Big Ten. So far this year theyhave met only Indiana, Michigan,and Iowa, none of which are strongwhen it comes to gaining ground.In order to meet Minnesota’s driv¬ing type of play, Coach ClarkShaughnessy will shift his defense tomake it more effective, but theMaroon’s main hope is not to keepthe Gophers from scoring, rather toscore more points than the Minne¬sotans.New Backfield SetupTo do this, it will be necessary forthe Maroons to get a backfield setupwhich includes both Jay Berwangerand Ned Bartlett, and this is the linealong which Coach Shaughnessy hasbeen working this week. Saturday’sgame will find Ed Cullen playing atblocking half a good part of thegame in order to relieve Berwangerand Bartlett.Since John Baker, chief pass,catching end, is definitely out of theMinnesota game on account of afractured nose, he will be replacedby Gordon Peterson.CIGARETTE WINNERSAs a result of predicting mostclosely the results of last Saturday’sgames, George Batruel is the win¬ner of 1000 cigarettes in the weeklyfootball score contest. Gilbert Sho-ger, runner-up, received 200 cigar¬ettes. After a heated struggle with theBarristers, which ended in a 8-6 tieyesterday, the Trojans won the tossthat decided first and second!places in the Epsilon league of the jintramural touchball tournament. |Darkness prevented an overtime |playoff. The 500 entry beat the 300 1entry 7 to 6, and Club 700 took the j600 entry 7 to 0.The game between the Barristersand the Trojans, marked by muchsquabbling, was to have decidedwhich team would occupy the firstplace in the league. It was a spiritedcontest throughout. Simon scoredfor the Trojans in the first half, andSasko intercepted a Trojan pass andtook the ball over for the Barristers’score in the middle of the secondperiod.Both Enter PlayoffsThe results of this game have nogreat significance in the final results,since both teams will get a chancein the semi-finals. The Chicago The¬ological Seminary team, winners inthe Sigma league, and the second-place Chiselers are the other teamsto play in the semi-final round.Leach made the touchdown forthe 500 entry in their defeat of the300 entry. Walter Eckersall chalkedup the winning point. Politz scoredfor the 300 outfit.Lindheim caught a pass behind thegoal line for Club 700 as they down¬ed the much-beaten 600 team, 7-0.Lindheim also kicked the goal forthe extra point.TODAVS GAMES3:00Phi Beta Delta vs. Psi Upsilon IIPhi Kappa Psi vs. Phi Delta Theta4:00Chi Psi vs. Delta Kappa EpsilonPsi Upsilon vs. Phi Sigma DeltaDaskais Wins Finalsof Resmolds ClubBilliard TournamentDaskais emerged victor yesterdayevening over Stafford to becomechampion of the fall Reynolds clubbilliard tournament. Stafford has a15 point handicap in all 50 pointgames so that in the final match,which was a 100 point game, he hadto play to 130 while Daskais onlyhad to reach 100.The Reynolds club announced yes-1terday that the services of C. P. Pe- jterson of St. Louis had been se-1cured for an exhibition of trick bil- ;Hard and pool shots and instruction inbillards and pool for Tuesday after¬noon at 2:30. Peterson is one of thecountries’ outstanding instructorsand trick-shot artists in billiards. Heoriginated the intercollegiate tele¬graphic billiard meets in which Chi¬cago participates. His visit is beingsponsored by the National BilliardAssociation for the promotion of bet¬ter billiards.AND WkeSpA.(Pi6324 WOODLAWN AVENUEAnnounce a New50c DINNERA Complete, Satisfying Meal—Ample Portions—Good VarietyServed on the Second Floor Only12 to 5 Sundays—5 to 8 Week DaysOther Dinners 55c to 90c Luncheon 35c up STANDINGS OFl-M LEAGUESAlpha Leaguew M wPhi Pm 5 Oj Delta U 2Pm U. II 4 ijPhi Kap 1Alpha Delt 3 21 Lambda Chi 0Beta LeaguePti Upsilon 5 0{ Beta 2Chi Psi 4 1| Sigma Nu 1Sigma Chi 2 3| Pi Lam 1Gam ma LeagueD. K. E. 4 0] Z. B. T. 1Phi Sig 3 1 Phi Delt 11 0Phi Gam 2 2!Delta LeaguePhi B. D. 3 0] Alpha Sig 1Phi Delt 2 IIS. A. E. 0Epsilon LeagueTrojans 4 0 Independ’ts 1Barristers 3 11 Disciples 0Chess Club 2 21Sigma LeagueC. T. S. 4 O N. S. L. 0Chiselers 3 11 Chemists 0Optimists 2 2Dorm League700 entry •3 0 Club 700 2300 entry •2 1j 600 entry 0500 entry 2 21 Victor Comes from Behind,Winning Last ThreeClose GamesPRESENT GOLFERSRena Nelson, president of theWomans’ Golf Club of the Univer¬sity, announced yesterday that thefuture program of the club wouldpresent some of the well-known wom¬en golfers of the country.The club meets Wednesdays at 4at Ida Noyes under the instructionof Miss Burns, assistant instructorin Physical Culture. Trevor Weiss came from behindyesterday to defeat Gordon McNeil,last year’s champion, and win thechampionship of the annual Rey¬nolds club fall ping pong tournament.Third and fourth places will be de¬termined by the outcome of a matchbetween Entin and Teles. Bernatwon the consolation finals from Cole.In the Weiss-McNeil match, Weissdropped the first two games to Mc¬Neil but Weiss’ steadiness, coupledwtih the fact that McNeil began toget careless, enabled Weiss to takethe last three games and the cham¬pionship. In the last game McNeilstaged a biilliant rally but it wasn’tquite strong enough. The scoreswere 11-21, 20-22, 21-18, 21-16,21-16. Weiss advanced to his posi¬tion in the finals by disposing ofTeles in the quarterfinal round andMcNeill won over Enti to assume hisposition as a finalist.Weiss will be allowed to choosebetween a pillow with the Universityseal on it and some metal bookendsfor first prize. The third placewinner will receive a University pen¬nant for his endeavors. Sport FlashesBy TOM BARTONThe struggles of impecuniou.sathletes who have to work their waythrough college causes occasionalpress comment, some sympatheticand some critical. Aid furnished tothe athletes is particularly scrutin¬ized for flagrant subsidization. Of arecent date the University of De¬troit has been so scrutinized, and itis as a sequel to that we write thefollowing.While we are extremely incredul¬ous of the gist of the story we passit on. The information furnished toLeo Fischer, columnist for the Chi¬cago American, by the Detroit pub¬licity bureau concerns several of theUniversity of Detroit gridders whoappeared on the platform before agrid trip sans overcoats. They w'erewithout overcoats because they didnot have the necessary wherewithalto buy coats, which may be an il¬lustration of the hardship of play-Students who did not obtain a'copy of the “Handbook for Students” |may call for one at the office ofthe Registrar. , University AthletesEngage in CarnivalContributing to the athletic carni¬val held Saturday at George Wil¬liams College, the University sentmore than a score of its athletes overto the school on 53rd and Drexelavenue.Being only one of several schoolsthat participated in the exhibition,the University was represented bysix wrestlers, including Ware, thetwo Finwall brothers. Winter, andHughes. Marks, Brodie, and Lemon,of the fencing squad, took the tripand several track men participatedin a number of field events. , ing college football or just a hard-i ship for playing football at Detroit,we comment.One of those more fortunate thanthe others had an overcoat—but itwas bundled (not the Pursuit ofHappiness type) tightly around hisneck. Well, it was discovered that un¬derneath the overcoat he did nothave any shirt. Then it was furtherdiscovered that he did not have anyshirt on underneath the overcoat be¬cause he only had one shirt and thatwas at the laundry. Sad if true.Leo related the story in a less face¬tious manner than we have but heconcluded, “Do you think this is ex¬aggerated. Then just talk to anyconference football coach.” Wemight believe the overcoatless part,but the athlete with only one shirt. . .we doubt.* * 0Jay Berwanger’s enforced “benchwarming” Saturday was the firstfull contest the Dubuque star has“watched” since he has been eligibleto play in high school or college.And his team-mates swear that hewore a smooth spot on the benchduring the fray.* 0 *After the game last Saturday weheard much criticism of CoachSchmidt’s high scoring affair of thepreceding Saturday—the 76 to 0win over Western Reserve. The OhioState first team played practicallythree quarters and left with a 67 to0 lead. The Ohio State criticizersdirected their critiques at what mightbe called “rubbing it in.” Schmidtsucceeded Willaman, Western Re¬serve coach, at Ohio State.Irage Foui THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 14, 1934FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNER7Phi Delta The¬ta was foundedat Miami univer¬sity at Oxford,Ohio, on Decem¬ber 26, 1848.and was one ofthe Miami Triadfraternities. Achapter was es¬tablished at theOld Chicago Uni¬versity in 1868and re-estab¬lished at the newUniversity o iChicago in 1897.It was the sev¬enth representa¬tive of a nation¬al fraternity toappear on thisPROMINENTMEMBERSAmong the more prominent menwho are or have been members of thefraternity are Benjamin Harrison,once president of the United States,Harold Ickes, present Secretary ofthe Interior, Rear-Admiral Cluverius,Dwight F. Davis, Eugene Field, Wil¬liam Allen White, Elmer Davis,Grantland Rice, Lou Gehrig, Chick |Evans. Wally Steffen, and Harvey iWoodruff. Ernest Quantrell, one ofthe University trustees, is a PhiDelt.The initiation fee of the fraterni- ity is $65, which fee includes a life 'Reinhardt ProducesShakespearean Dramain Auditorium Theater !PHI DELTA THETA ENROLL 45 UNDER NEWGLASSIFICATION ASSTUDENTS - AT ■ LARGE Men’s Dorms PlanFall Quarter DanceAfter Illinois Gamecampus.“A Midsummer Night’s Dream,”generally regarded as Max Rein¬hardt’s most inspiring and alluringproduction, will come to Chicago fora two week’s engagement at the Au¬ditorium Theater, beginning Thurs¬day evening, November 15. MaxReinhardt, whose last production,“The Miracle” attracted much at¬tention, has arranged to come toChicago to direct personally the per¬formance here.In order to have the stage set¬ting correspond as exactly as pos¬sible to that which Shakespeare’snimble mind imagined, Reinhardt hasarranged to make trips into the Cali¬fornia forests, there to pick outtrees of fanciful shape and size,which will be sent to Chicago for theperformance. membership in the organization andlife subscription to the fraternity pub¬lications, as well as the badge. Thecharges for a man living in the houseamount to approximately ?50 amonth, and for those living outsidethe house to about $16 each month.$9 pays for five meals a week for amonth and $30 is the cost of allmeals. Dues for the outside memberis $6.50 and for the man living inthe house, $4. The is rentedfrom the Alumni .\ssociation.PRESENTOFFICERSPresent officers of the local chap¬ter are Donald Bellstrom, CharlesLoomis, Paul Whitney, Joe Kacena,and Howard Chandler. There are 34actives and six pledges in the house.Three men are out for football, twofor basketball, four for baseball,four for wrestling, four for swim¬ming, four for track, two for tennis,two for gymnastics, and two forfencing. Seven men are in Black-friars, six in the Dramatic Associa¬tion. One man is on the business staffof the Cap and Gown and one is aUniversity Marshal.Author’s note; An erroneous state¬ment in a recent issue of the Maroonlisted the expenses of men living inthe Lambda Chi Alpha house at $35a quarter. The cost is $35 a month. Forty-five students are enrolled onthe Midway campus this autumn un¬der the new “student-at-large” clas¬sification, it was announced yester¬day by Roy W. Bixler, director ofAdmissions. At the University Col¬lege downtown another 245 studentsregistered as “students-at-large.”The new classification was estab¬lished this summer in order to re¬move academic admissions red-tapeand to open the University to any¬one qualified to profit by its educa¬tional opportunities. Intellectual ca¬pacity rather than academic creden¬tials were made the basis of admit¬ting as “students-at-large” those 1who want an education and are not |interested in degrees. |Among the new students-at-large ]enrolled on the Midway campus is iMr. Frank L. Moi-se, who retired inJune as principal of the Harrison |Technical High School after a longcareer in the Chicago public school isystem. Mr. Morse, who is 70 years !old, is believed to be the oldest stu-!dent ever matriculated at the Univer. |sity. He is taking two courses, “The ;History of Political Theory,” with iProf. Charles E. Men-iam, and “The |Peoples of Malaysia,” with Prof, jFay-Cooper Cole. IAlthough students-at-large are notenrolled as candidates for degrees,should they wish to acquire this for¬mal badge of education, they will bepermitted, under the flexible Chicagoplan, to take examinations testingachievement. Dr. Brooks Steen, head of the“500” entry, has been chosen chair¬man of the committee formed to ar¬range the fall quarter dance for theresidence Halls for Men. The dancewill be held Saturday- evening, No¬vember 24, after the Chicago-Illi-nois game. No arrangements havebeen completed at present, but theorchestra will be selected sometimethis week.Dean and Mis. A. J. Brumbaugh will be the guests of the men towhom Mr. Bnimbaugh is advisor, atdinner Sunday in Judson court. Thisdinner is the second in a series at¬tempting to adapt underclassmenmore completely to university life.Fred B. Millett, professor of Eng¬lish and senior head of the halls,will be host at a smoker for mem¬bers of the graduate English fac¬ulty and residents who are in Mr.Millett’s graduate courses, Sundayevening in the Judson court library.The residents of xhe “500” entry !and Dr. Brooks Steen, head, will |hold an informal radio dance in the |Judson court lounge, Friday, exclu-:sively for men living in that entry. FreshmanVocationalChoices(Continued from page 1)constant for the three year periodcovered by the study.7, Approximately 30 per cent ofthe freshmen of all three clas.seshave chosen one of the three majorprofessions—law, medicine, and ed¬ucation. Since 1933 the percentageof freshmen women who have chos¬en a career in Social Service hasshown a marked increase.O P. LorllUnl Co.. lac.Stein Unknown(Continued from page 1)music composed for the comedy byMendelsohn. Dancers wHl filter inand out of the properties. The stageof the Auditorium is being so en¬larged that the whole prosceniumwill be used. All in all, one gather¬ed, it will be as magnificent a spec-tace as Chicago has seen since “TheMiracle.”GETVESSDry GingeraleHi-Ball SpecialPulp Lime RickeyPlain White Soda AT READERS DRUG STOREKUNZE CONFECTIONERY61st and DorchesterBELCROVE RESTAURANT6052 Cottage CroveSARNAT DRUG CO.1438 E. S7th Street Old Golds taught me what throat-ease meanssaijs Cfcorqi^aftSee GEORGE RAFT in “LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS,” his forthcoming Paramount Picture.UNIVERSITY RECEIVESGRANT FOR SUPPORTOF GLAND RESEARCH$1,500 has just been received bythe University for the support ofspecial work being done in the de¬partment of Physiology by Dr, JuliusM. Rogoff, under the direction of Dr.Anton J. Carlson, chairman. Dr. Rog¬off has been cooperating with Dr.Carlson and Broda Barnes on theadrenal gland problem.This gift was voted by the trustees^of a fund created by CommodoreLouis D. Beaumont, a former resi¬dent of Cleveland now residing inFrance, for the purpose, amongother things, of aiding institutionsengaged in scientific and education¬al work.MAKE YOURRESERVATIONSNOW for the Camein MINNEAPOLISwith $0.25bathupwithout $1 .50hath 1 =upStay at the friendly AndrewsHotel on a direct street carline from the University closeto everything worthwhile inMinneapolis.Theodore f Stelten. . Manc^ANDREWSHOTEL4TH STREET ATHENNEPIN AVL WE SHARED NO EXPENSE IN BRINGINGYOU THE GREATEST COLLEGEMAGAZINE . . .LOWELL SHERMAN — Famous Holly¬wood director writes in his storyNIGHT LIFE OF THE GODS • • • •. . . .I’m going to put pants on them. And coatsand vests. And, if need be, even a brassiere hereand there. And when I say here and there, 1mean simply, here and there. . . .HAL BLOCK — Duke of Drollery writeshis LIFE BEGINS AT BIRTH. . . .First 1 got hold of my spies, (a great feat initself). I told them to garner information. Theycame back with no information but they did bringGarner. . . .GERTIE—the dirt disher-outer takes offon GERTIE STEIN in GERTIES’STEIN SONG.... I borke ripped snapped broke a shoulder strapso what. He said here hear here’s a safety pin safewhich was what she didn’t want did. . . .BILL STAPLETON — our own sportstooge writes in FOOTBALLISTICS... . . .Then there’s Wall Nyquist, the RockfordFlash, You will be able to identify him by hisblonde locks and he should have a violin. He isalso in love and color blind....AND ...We even give you a bar of soap with eachcopy.PHOENIX OUTTODAY 15cLittle Phofiae says “a mag in the hands b worth two onthe stands/* Things are under way—As is the case every year, the Universtiy of Chicagostarts off'its formal social season to the whirling tuneof theINTERFRATERNITYBALLARE YOU A WHO’S WHOER?If you desire to be a, so called, man about campus, youronly salvation is to be one of those present.The Date—November 28.The Place—Lake Shore Athletic Club.The Price—$3.50—Tickets obtainable atU. of C. BookstoreWoodworth’s BookstoreFraternity representativesAnd to top it all - - - -CHARLIE AGNEWAND HIS SENSATIONAL DANCE ORCHESTRAthose renowned artists of syncopation have beenselected to master the melody situation.GET THE TICKET FIRST AND THE DATE WILL BE EASY(&lle$ide BioestSECTION**National Collegiate News in Picture and Paragraph’*U •; TNAUFMARK StRIAL NUMBER 313412N ■ .•^FESTIVAL PRINCESS Mary Holbert, ^West Virsinia University (Morgantown)co-ed, attended the queen of the MountainState Forest Festival. WHAT'S IN IT i» Two Brooklyn Polytechnic Insti¬tute (N. y.) Thespians burlesque one of the moreserious scenes from Hemingway's Today is Friday.SAFETY PLANE.Licut.Metcalf, of Boston Uni¬tests his new "foolplane in a wind tunnel.R . PRESIDENT »Eliza-wen is president of theLea gue at. Oberlin(Ohio) and also quiteig enthusiast, as thisvill testify. She has wonyachting trophies, too. GEOLOGY GUSSIE » Dr. B.L. Miller and Prof. HowardEckfeidt, of Lehigh University(Bethlehem, Pa.), entertain thislifelike reproduction of a pre¬historic dinosaur. Phil Myers,geology research fellow, is the^^brains and brawn^^of the crea¬tion—but he refuses to eat theton of green plants which theherbivorous Sauropoda used toconsume at one meal. The ob¬jects held by Dr. Miller and themonster are dinosaur stomachstones recently excavated InColorado.Below4IT HASN'T SCRATCHED YET . But it will soon if this SanJos^ State College student isn't careful. This gridder isentered in his college’s 'A/hifkor.growing contest’37 AND ’38 may take theirclass battles seriously, butthey’re generally just a biglaugh to the spectators. Al¬most every institution has itsown traditional type of fight.They’re undignified—but lotsof fun!Bag rush at Kent State Col¬lege (Ohio), The sophs werevictorious.Disc rush at Brooklyn Poly¬technic Institute (N. Y.).Frosh’s first victory.Football rush at DartmouthCollege (Hanover. N. H.).Freshmen wonTug o’ war at Catholic Uni¬versity (Washington, D. C.).Fight greenics!Rope rush at Occidental Col¬lege (Los Angeles. Calif.).Froah and soph piesidents arebattling. OLD AND NEW.A student portrayingthe first president ofArizona State Col¬lege (Flagstaff) poseswith its present nead,Or T. J. TormeyRightYELL QUEENS »The co-ed cheer¬leaders at Valpa¬raiso University(Ind.) practice fortheir appearancesbefore pep crowds.LeftPET BEES . MaryComstock feeds thebees that make theirhomes in the pillarsof the Delta DeltaDelta house at theUniversity of Iowa(Iowa City).RightJIVARO HEAD .Less than two inches »in diameter, this In¬dian head is one ofthe prizes of Beloit,College (Wis.)anthropologistsTHE ROSE TECHNICl4!?ANNUALECM(:0IIVENTI0li7£RR£ HM71.IND.ENGINEERING EDITORS MEET The fourteenthannual session of the editors of engineering collegemagazines was held at Rose Polytechnic Institute(Terre Haute, Ind.).grandfather, Horace Arnold, of the class of ’89, and atis her mother, Lucille Arnold Hanson, of the class ofAll are living at the pteseiit timeTHREE GENERATIONS . Virginia Hanson (center) hasthe distinction of being the first third-generation student atthe University of North Dakota (Grar)d Forks). At left is hermiM•...-•aCupTrilht, 19m. R. J. KvniiihU T<ib«i-<-o CnmnuiyJAMES S. MacVICKAR ’35-PSYCHOLOGY.He says: "1 think there’s a great field for psy-thology—so I try to hit the books for all I’mvsorth. When I’m listless or ’low,’ smoking a( amel gives me a quick upturn in energy.Physical and mental fatigue drop away! Theenjoyment one gets from Camel’s fine flavorIS a psychological faaor in maintaining poise.”llow to get back vim and energy when '"played out”: Thousands ofsmokers can verify from their experiences the popular suggestion "geta lift with a Camel.” When tired, Camels will make you feel refreshed—as good as new. And science adds confirmation of this "energizingeffect.” Camels aren't flat or "sweetish,” either. You can smoke Camelssteadily.Their finer, MORE expensive tobaccos never get on the nerves!TIIMF INI CARAVAN with Glen Gray’s Casa Loma Orchestra, Walter O’Keefe,I 1'^ Cl 11'^ ■ Annette Hanshaw, and other Headliners—over WABC-Columbia Network.TUESDAY, 10 p.«. E.$.T.-9 p.m. C.S.T.-8 p.m. M.S.T.-7 p.n. P.S.T. • THURSDAY,9 p.M.E.S.T.-8 p.m. C.S.T.-9-.30 p.m. M.S.T.-8:30P.M. P.S.T.MOUNTAIN CLIMBER.Mis.s Georgia Engelhard says:“Plenty of times 1 havethought *I can’t go anotherstep.’ Then I call a halt andsmoke a Camel. It has beenproved true over and overthat a Camel picks me up injust a few minutes and givesme the energy to push on.’’PRO FOOTBALL ACE."Cliff’’ Montgomery of theBrooklyn Dodgers says:"After a tiring game, or anytime when I feel like it, 1light up a Camel and get aswell ’lift’—soon feel 100%again. I am seldom withouta Camel—they don’t interferewith healthy nerves.’’ LEAF-TOBACCOEXPERTS AGREE:Camels are made fromfiner. More ExpensiveTobaccos—Turkish andDomestic — than anyother popular brand.CAMEL’S COSTLIER TOBACCOSiLiEWCS A.! Y/MID MED\/CCIIISUN BAKES BREADMt. Wilson, Cdlif. ItSmithsonian Institute. with this apparatus perfected by Dr. C. G. Abbis called a solar stove, and was developed foWIDC WORLD ISCHOLARSHIP WINNERS » Here are the seven brightest students in thefreshman class at Mt. Holyoke College (South Hadley, Mass.) Each haswon a competitive scholarship for the yearip }w , Mf J^ JigTHREE OF THE “FOUR SWEDES’* >► OleOlson, of Olson and Johnson fame, dons afrosh cap with his daughter Moya and sonJ. C., students at Ohio State University(Columbus). KEYSTONE PHOTOm-x iSWEET SIXTEEN - Here are the younco-eds in the Pennsylvania State Col(State College) freshman class, MargHolloway, Ruth Linde, and Emily BlairIT’S A BULL'S EYE . At least it was after these University of Wisconsin(Madison) co-ed archers fired after taking this careful aim. In fact, it was six SHE GETS A UNIFORM >* Bess Lawton, Marshall College (HuntinW Va ) ba-^d spor>sor, gets all measured-up by the "hA” club for heroutfit.iRwni'in miugiw3W FAR COULD VOU KICK IT? . Mrs Robert Biddle,lid Stdt.’ Lollcge (Stdte College) student, didn t do so gct tkit sr-- was codcKed by State’s athletic director, HugoKEYSTONE PHOro CALL OF THE DESERT » A University of Arizona (Tucson) dancedrama class reaches a climax in its current production, which features acast of student artists.PUEFNS GRANDDAUGHTER EN-(OI LS AT CORNELL . Virginia Dominisf'i’ of Hawaii, is greeted by Marjorie.non her enrollment in the freshmanCornell University (Ithaca, N. Y.). WHAT’RE YOUR CHANCES COACH?asks Bennett Marshall, one of the nation syoungest sports writers, of Coach C. R.Propst, of Howard College (Birmingham,Ala.), whileLeck Smith, star tackle, listens in.“AH, MY PRETTY ONE” .. The villainstruts his stuff in the University of Minne¬sota (Minneapolis) Theater’s presentationof After Ddrk. >■1A HAPPY CROWD that qathers to welcome Coach Glenn Thistleth THEY DON'T HITCH' HIKE These James Millikin University (Decatur,Illinois) co-eds own their own 'station wagon’’ which they use to takethem to end from classes.defeat of_ _ . Jtge _ _^'Jffd his Untversity of Richmond (V^a.) gridders after theUniversity (Ithaca, N. Y,), 6 to 0g':gwi^4.HEM-ETCG0SH//7TTCSSi!AboveILLINOIS HONORS GRANGE » The Gallopmg Ghost IS sr,. tfdby Illinois Governor Horner upon the celebration of the tenth inm-versary of his spectacular runs to fame. ACMf PHOTOPRESIDENT VISITS PRESIDENT . Robert M Hutchins, head r theUniversity of Chicago, is shown coming out of the White House ift?ra recent visit with President Roosevelt keystone photoTHE KNIGHTES TALE£LE/\SE READ CHAUCER*^-“ THE KNIGHTE5VvtaleJ^ iWHO.ME?j HE QUACKS FOR DUKE » Joe Penner sducic, "Goo-Goo, ” is the new mascot ofDuquesne University (Pittsburgh, Pa.) ‘-rid-ders, for his master was voted the squid sfavorite entertainer. Above "Goo-C )0is shown writing the team a letter wishinsthem good lucic.THE SMOKER’S TALEP—S (JO telle the trewth,LVK a smoke THAT’3- MYLD AND MELLOWE.'.GUDE.OLDEALBERT/ WHYLOM.AS OLDE STORIESTELLEN US.THER WA:> ADUK THAT NIGHTE TMESEUJ;OF ATMENES/fSHE WAS—rAVETC. FOL OFTE A-DAV HAN THI6ETHEBANES TWO TO6IDRE ^AND WROGHT HIS FELAWE,UNHORSED HATH ECH OTHE^.AFTER EVERY CLASSIT RINGS THE BELL!THERE are two reasons why Prince Albert is called “TheNational Joy Smoke” by pipe smokers. The first — it is asecret blend of choice, top-quality tobaccos. The second—this excellent blend is treated by a special process whichabsolutely removes all “bite.” Get a big red tin of “P. A.”yourself and find out how good your pipe can really taste.Fringe Albert—THE NATIONAL lOY SMOJCEJ. Copyriftif. lUSI. H. J. RcyiioUN Toli.i, ¥Union College, Schenectady, N. V. Cortland State Normal School, N. V.Stevens Institute of Teclinology, Hoboken, N. J University of Minnesota, Minneapolis.Middlebury College, Vermont. St. John's University, Collegeville, Minn.Birmingham-Southern College, Birmingham, HPrinted by Alco Gravure Inc. Chicago, III. 4391.3-9BtooniTVigfon.IndianaUniversity of Nevada at Reno. < Purdue University, Lafayette, IndJ"ci'-.:auaaIT’S OVER » Drum Major Donald Strause strutshis stuff for University of Michigan (Ann Arbor)football crowds—and he never misses a step whenperforming a difficult feat like this. MINIATURE DRUM MAJOR » Larry Loftuis the University of Toledo (Ohio) bandHe performs with the 50-piece band dt fcgames.Suits for fall feature not only a rougher finish butdefinite although subdued patterns that are soeffective In these weaves . . . Shirts, too, at leastfor country wear, follow the pattern influence ofsuitings . . . For the spectator, the button-down Ihc Sportt-Spcctolor Pidurc For Fallcollar shirt is a university favorite as well as theround collar pinned shirt shown to the left . . .For town wear nothing so readily gives the desiredeffect as a laundered collar . . . Njeckwear followssuits with the favoring of rougher weaves, but the rep stripe still retains its desirability . . . Theblucher front shoe is equally at home in town orcountry while the wing tip shoe shown at the leftis a campus favorite.OOUMTtSV ARMOW AND OMARTf II HOUWcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwcwAnswer To Last Week's PuzzleBy David Barkman—Colgate UniveraityWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCWCUSE THE COUPON(USE PENCIL ONLY—PLEASE PNINTiAll American Editor—COLLEGIATE DIGEST SectionP. O. Box 472, Madison, Wis.Dear Sir: TWO WEEKS TO GO!The COLLEGIATE DIGEST Section All American FooMy selections for the 1934 COLLEGIATE DIGEST Section All .American Football Team are: II poll will closeEndsTackles Midnight, DECEMBER 1Guards j Ballots must be in the mail before that time and date.FullbackQuarterback CaptainHalfbacks |Center II(Name) (School) Make sure your selections will be “in the running.”Mail YOUR ballot Today!I