Followthe Team toGame at ColumbusVol. 34. No. 26. Mp iHaroon Setth^ Maroons Backon ; 'inning WaysUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934 Price Three CentsCHICAGO, OHIO MIX TOMORROWSENATOR NYE TOSPEAK TONIGHT ONMUNITIOJIS QUERYExhaust Ticket Supply11 Hours BeforeDeadline“The Senate Munitions Inquiry”will be reviewed tonight at 8 in In¬ternational house by the man whohas been in charge of this investiga¬tion and who has all the vital in¬formation at his fingertips, GeraldP. Nye, Renublican senator fromNorth Dakota.Eleven hours before the scheduled(leadline for distribution of the sixhundred tickets to the lecture, was exhausted, it was an¬nounced yesterday by the activitiesoffice of International house. Theaddress was originally scheduled forresidenUs, but the interest shown inthe subject and the numerous de¬mands from campus organizationsencouraged the department to ex¬tend the opportunity to hear thefiery opponent of “war agencies andpropaganda” to a limited number ofnon-residents.Njr* Arrives TodayNye, arriving from New York to¬day, is expected to bring with hima dirth of information which has cre¬ated glamour in newspaper headlinesand heated arguments in publicforums from to coast duringthe past few months since the Sen¬ate testimonials have been in Foremost in the activities ofthe committee wa.s the investigationof post-war profits of such com¬panies as General Motors, the Amer¬ican .\rmaments company, E. I. duPont de Nemours company, CurtissAircraft company, and the ElectricBoat company. Startling disclosureswere made of fabulous sums madethrough war sales of munitions.At the same time evidence wasproduced that these millions of dol¬lars in profits are still being amass¬ed through fear propaganda en¬couraged by these interests.Student Speaks for UnionGeorg Mann, speaking for theStudent Union Against Passcism andWar, believes that this work has for¬warded the anti-war action under¬taken on this campus and others toan untold degree. He states, “Dis¬closures made in the Nye investiga¬tion have proved that munitionsowners have looked upon war as ameans of forwarding their own in¬terests. We now have definite evi¬dence to work on in helping to pre¬vent war.”PLAN PROGRAMFOR ANNUAL REDCROSS ROLL CALLThe University will participate in♦he annual national roll call of theAmerican Red Cross next week.President Robert Maynard Hutchinshas proclaimed his support of theroll call.Clubs and fraternities on campuswill assist in the project. VirginiaNew’, president of Interclub council,has announced that the women’scubs will take charge of subscrip¬tion tables on campus. The W. A. A.and Y, W. C. A. will also assist wriththe tables.John Womer, on behalf of the In-terfratemity Committee, yesterdayexplained a program for fraternityparticipation in the roll call. Eachhouse is being assigned a quota tofill, the quota being determined bythe size of the active chapter andplaced low enough so that everyhouse can easily fill it. A similarplan has been arranged for theclubs. The Maroon will list organ¬izations as they turn in their quotas.Mrs. Edgar Goodspeed, wife ofProfessor Goodspeed, who has beenactive in Red Cross work on campusfor many years, will take charge ofthe faculty roll call, and generallysupervise the campus drive. Investigator Talkson Arms IndustryGerald P. NyeREVEREND MORRISONGONDOCTS ARMISTICEDAY CHAPEL SERVICEThe Reverend Charles- ClaytonMorrison, editor of The ChristianCentury for more than 25 years, willbe the guest speaker at the regularSunday morning Chapel service at11.It is significant that Dr. Morrisongive the address on Armistice daybecause of his notable work in hisefforts to destroy the war-.system. Inhis volume entitled “The Outlawryof War,” Professor John Dew'eywrites in the foreword: “I am gladof the opportunity to ally myselfin any possible way with the move¬ment which he has so convincinglyshown to be only way to get rid ofthe curse of the war-system.”Perkin* Cancel* EngagementDr. Morrison is w'ell known fordramatic power in his preachingwhich many regarded as unexcellediiT the American pulpit. This powerwa.s evident in his great .sermon on“The Crisis of Protestantism,” de-delivered to an audience of almost2000 people in the University cha¬pel last summer. Even though ap¬plause is not generally consideredfitting in a Gothic chapel, it wasfreely given in this service.Dr. Morrison is also well knownfor the now famou.s Rauschenbuschlectures which have recently beenpublished in the volume entitled,“The Social Gospel and the ChristianCultus.”Miss Frances Perkins, Secretaryof Labor, notified Dean Gilkey yes¬terday that she will be unable tokeep her recently confirmed engage¬ment as Chapel speaker November18.W. A. A. SponsorsAnnual Style Showand Tea November 21W.A.A.. will sponsor its annualstyle show on November 21 in thetheater of Ida Noyes hall at 12:30and 3:30.The models will be chosen nextweek after a series of brief tryoutswhich will be announced in TheDaily Maroon. The gowns to beshown will be from Charles A. Stev¬ens and company, and Carson, Pirie,Scott, and company.Elizabeth Scott is in charge of thestyle show and is assisted by MaryEaton in charge of tickets; Jaan Int-Haut in charge of the tea after the3:30 showing; Patty Weeks, pro¬gram; Kay Hoffer, musif:, andJeanne Stolte, publicity. kTickets may be purchased frommamhArA of the ^W. A. A. jt NAMES SEVEN AS!Injuries to Berwanger, Bartlett,CANDIDATES F0R| Wright Hamper Play of TeamAgainst Strong Buckeye SquadRHODESJWARDSStudents to Be GrantedHearings by StateCommitteesAs the University’s candidates forthe Rhodes scholarships, seven stu¬dents will be granted personal inter¬views with their state committeesmeeting during the first week inJanuary, it was announced yester¬day by Robert V. Merrill, in chargeof applicants at the University.Georg Mann, Louis Dexter, NoelGenson, Phillip Davies, and CharlesBane are the students appearing be¬fore the Illinois committee of selec¬tion. Sidney Hyman will appear be¬fore the Indiana committee andEwing Lusk before the New Mexicocommittee.Have Many Activitie*Mann is a member of the Social¬ist club and of the Dramatic a.sso-ciation, former Blackfriar star, andthe first student to graduate underthe new plan, Louis Dexter is a mem¬ber of the Debate Union and presi¬dent of the Cosmos club.Hyman is an a.ssociate editor ofPhoenix and also of Comment, aUniversity marshal, a member ofthe Student Social committee, andwas head of the Freshman Orienta¬tion committee. Gerson is co-editorof the Travelling Bazaar, a three-year graduate under the new plan,a member of the Student Socialcommittee, co-chairman of the Home¬coming, and a member of Zeta BetaTau.Davies is a member of Theta Kap¬pa Epsilon, Bane is a member ofPhi Kappa Sigma, and Lusk is aresident of Burton court. Each statecommittee selects only the two out¬standing candidates that appear be¬fore it. Opponents Finish Weekof Work forI nvadersToday Ohio State culminates aweek of intensive work on Chicagoformations. With a slippery fresh¬man back taking the position of Jay■Berwanger at left half, a yearlingteam has been gaining groundagainst the varsity.While the Maroons have been wor¬rying about the condition <Tf JayBemanger’s injured Knee, the Buck¬eyes also have been having theirtroubles. Trevor Ross, regulaa* end,who was the key man of the Ohioaerial attack, received an injury inthe Western Reserve game, whichhas confined him to the hospital forthe past week.Watch End RunsHis place will probably be filledby Sam Busich, a six-foot two giant,who has been snaring Dick Heekin’snumerous passes. At the other ex¬tremity of the line Merle Wendt willbe at hand to try to prevent thefamous Maroon end run from scor¬ing. Chicago line bucks will meetthe opposition of 230 pound ChuckHamrick and powerful Gil Harre,Buck tackles.Captain Regis Monahan, outstand¬ing lineman of the Buckeye team,will hold down his regular place atguard, and can be counted on togive the Maroon backs a great dealof trouble. In a similar position wnthe other side of the line, InwoodSmith, a sophomore, will try to fath¬om the Chicago plays. At centerCorner Jones the ball in anexcellent fashion. Star Halfback MayNot Play Tomorrow Chicago Faces Test in4th ConferenceContestTHE LINEUPCHICAGOB. PetersonBushPerretzPatterson (c)WhitesideSapping tonBakerFlinnHatterWellsNyquist l.e.l.t.1-g-c.r.g.r.t.r.e.q.b.l.h.r.h.f. b. OHIO STATEWendtHarreSmithJonesMonahan (c)HamrickBusichPincuraHeekinBoucherKabealoJay BerwangerOpening Performance of SteinOpera Wins Favor of AudienceBy LAWRENCE GOODNOWBefore an enthusiastic audiencethe Gertrude Stein-Virgil Thomp.sonopera “Four Saints in Three Acts,”opened Wednesday night in its Chi¬cago premiere at the Auditoriumtheater. The thirty-odd sainLs cuttheir capers through four acts anda prologue, and were themselves puz¬zled by the number of saints andacts contained in the work, for alarge part of the final act was play¬ed before the curtain by two of theperformers who argued betweenthemselves as to “How many actsare in it?” and “How many saintsin it?”The argument was never settled,and the audience itself remainedmystified, for the prologue and firstact telescoped into a single scene,and the closing act was simply a tagadded to the third act, following itwithout inteiTuission.Libretto Humorou*“Four Saints” is a thoroughly en¬joyable show, but it does not seemto add much to the musical anddramatic arts. The music itself isspotty, with several high points, buton the whole rather thin and color¬less. It is, for the most part, simplya background for Miss Stein’s text,which is a typical Stein text, pleas¬ing to some and infinitely displeas¬ing to others.Taken as entertainment the operais certainly worth seeing, for it is re¬plete with good humor and nonsensi¬cal dialogue, which kept the audi¬ence in almost constant laughter.Dramatically it does not hold togeth¬er unless one has complete under¬standing of all the typical allusionsin the libretto, but the apparent ir¬relevancy of the phrases which areconstantly thrown in only contrib¬utes to the nonsense which is theopera.Early in the third act, Mr. Thomp- .son’s score reaches what is probablythe highest musical point in thewhole opera. Beginning with thefamous song “Pigeons on the grass,alas,” continuing through an excel¬lent love scene between Commereand Compere, and closing with atremendous procession scene, themusic is of the highest order.Effective Choral Mu*icThe closing chorus to this act isone of the most effective pieces ofchoral music ever written by anAmerican composer. In the first actthe duet between St. Theresa I andSt. Theresa II, in which the perfonn-ers alternate in singing chromatical¬ly ascending series of arpeggios,Theresa I singing the rising notesof the scale, and Theresa II com¬pleting the phrase, with the orches¬tra occasionally lending a hand, wasan unusually effective melodic se¬quence.The scenery, however, w’as thegreat contribution of the opera tomodern staging. It consisted essen¬tially of a cyclorama and wings con¬structed of cellophane, with theproperties varied in the differentscenes. The shifting of lighting ef¬fects on the cellophane created some¬thing entirely new in the theater. TEFFT PRESIDES ATFIRST SESSION OFNEW PRACTICE COURTDISCUSS ELECTIONSIN ROUNDTABLE TALKSIn keeping with the activities ofthe University and the nation thisweek, the University radio round¬table, broadcast Sunday mornings at11:30 over NBC with WMAQ as thelocal outlet, will present the subject,“The Elections,” will feature Pro¬fessor William Spencer of theSchool of Biusiness; Senator T. V.Smith, professor of Philosophy; andDonald Slesinger, professor of Lawand associate dean of the Social Sci¬ences. The first trial of the newly cre¬ated University Appellate Court,fre.shman trial practice court of theLaw school Bar association, willopen Monday evening at 7:30 in thecourt room of the Law school.Sheldton Tefft, professor of Law,will sit as chief justice, and thetwo associate justices will be Ray¬mond Powers, senior in the, and Merwin Rosenberg, agraduate from the school last June.The case to be heard is that ofCapps vs. Judd, an appeal from thejudgment of the trial court refusingto award damages to Capps for abreach of contract. Counsel for theappellant will be Arthur Jens andMorris Porter, for the appellee, HughMatchett and Randolf Monroe.Cram SpeaksAmbrose Cram, president of theBar A.s.sociation, yesterday announc¬ed that Colonel Edgar BronsonTolman, alumnus of the Law school,veteran of the Spanish Americanand World Wars, and Editor of theAmm'ican Bar Association Journalsince 1920, will address the stu¬dents of the Law school Tuesday.Colonel Tolman will discuss sev-era topics of current interest. Histalk will be given in the northlounge of the Reynolds club at 8, andis open to all students of the and also to students planningto enter the school. Finishing an eventful week ofpractice in which many shifts in thelineup had to be made, the Maroonsleft for Columbus last evening. Inthe shakeup, which has resulted be¬cause of the long Maroon hospitallist, an effort has been made tostrengthen the center of the line.Chief interest among the playerswas whether Jay Berwanger andNed Bartlett would play tomorrow.Their injured knees had improvedgreatly, but fearing a more seriouscondition if they were aggravated.Coach Shaughnessy may keep themon the bench most of the game. AtBerwanger’s key post in the Maroonbackfield, Keith Hatter will attemptto fill his shoes, doing most of thepunting and running.Flinn to do PassingMost of the passing will be tak¬en care of by Tommy FWnn, midgetquarterback, whose excellent gener¬alship so far this season has arousednation-wide attention. In the lineBob Perretz, because of his sterlingdefen.sive work in the Purdue game,has taken over the assignment., atregular i-unning guard.Dark horse of the Chicago squad,but probably slated to be a regularin the near future is Earl Sapping-ton, who up to last week had receiv¬ed very little notice. Entering thePurdue game, unknown to most ofthe spectators, he quickly called at¬tention to himself by his alert play.Defen*e ChangedOn defense the Maroon eleven willpresent a new setup which will putPerretz into the secondary with Pat¬terson coming up to strengthen theMaroon line. Whether he plays atright half or at end. Rainwater Wells(Continued on page 3)CUT BUS FARESONE HALF FORCOLUMBUS TRIPInterview Candidatesfor Friar ManagerPositions WednesdayAll candidates for positions asjunior Blackfriar managers are re¬quested to come to the Blackfriaroffice on the third floor of the Rey¬nolds club between 1:30 and 3:30Wednesday, November 14. They willbe interviewed by Thomas Flinn,Charles Greenleaf, and William D.Watson.All persons interested in writingbooks to be considered for produc¬tion in the Spring, and who wereunable to attend the meeting lastWednesday afternoon, are urged tobe present at the meeting in the'Blackfriams office, 1:30 to 3:30.November 14. Writers for Black¬friar productions submit their workwith the understanding that the bookthat is accepted is the property ofBlackfriar until after the show. As a special service to Universitystudents and alumni, the DeLuxeMotor Stages company is providingspecial private buses for the trip toColumbus.The regular round trip rate is$12.15 has been reduced to $6.00.Buses will start from the circle at9 tonight, and will arrive in Colum¬bus at 8 tomorrow morning, after an11 hour hour non-stop run. Thebuses have the very latest equip¬ment, including reclining seats, andhave a capacity of 30 passengerseach.On the return trip buses willleave Columbus at 9 tomorrow eve¬ning, and will reach campus at 7Sunday morning. Reservations mustbe made at The Daily Maroon officein Lexington hall before 5 this af¬ternoon.THE WEATHERFriday, November 9, 1964.Increasing cloudiness and warmerFriday with moderate north winds.Partlv cloudv and colder Saturday.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON; FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9. 1934iatig MaronuFOUNDED IN 1901MEMBERfXssociated gbUeoiatf-^•934 (yiSf Diarai '935*-MAOSON WISCONSWThe Dsily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicafro, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarter by The Daily Maroon Company,5331UnivCTaityAvenufcEditorial office: Lexington hall. Room 15; business office;Room ISA. Telephones: Local 46 and Hyde Park 9221.Subscription rates: $2.50 a year; $4.00 by mail. Singlecopies: three cents.Tile University of Chicago assumes no responsibility for anystatements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for any con¬tract entered into by The Daily Maroon. All opinions in TheDaily Maroon are student opinions, and are not necessarily theviews of the University administration.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, under the act of March 8, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publica¬tion of any material appearing in this paper. The Daily Maroonwill not be responsible for returning any unsolicited manuscripts.Public letters should be addressed to the Editor, The DallyMaroon, Lexington hall. University of Chicago. Letters shouldbe limited to 200 words in length, and should bear the author’ssignature and address, which will be withheld if requested.Anonymous letters will be disregarded.BOARD OF CONTROLHOWARD P. HUDSON, Editor-in-ChiefWILLIAM S. O’DONNELL, Business ManagerCHARLES W. HOERR, Managing EditorWILLIAM H. BERGMAN, Advertising ManagerHOWARD M. RICH, News EditorDAVID H. KUTNER, News EditorEDITORIAL ASSOCIATESRuth GreenebaumHenry F, Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyRalph W, Nicholson JeanneWilliam Stolt*W. WatsonBUSINESS ASSOCIATESZalmon Goldsmith Robert McQuilkin Everett StoreyEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSShirley BakerJohn BallengerJack BrackenWells D. BurnetteRussell CoxSidney Cutright Jr. George FelsenthalZenia GoldbergRuby HowellJulian A. KiserGodfrey LehmanJohn MorrisJune Rappaport George SchustekJames SnyderEdward S. SternElinor TaylorMary WalterCampbell WilsonBUSINESS ASSISTANTSPaul Lynch Harold Siegel Roy WarshawskyAllen Rosenbaum Richard Smith Seymour Weinstein INight Editor: Ralph NicholsonFriday, November 9, 1934THE END OF THE NEW PLANFour years ago the University announced arevolutionary system of education which came tobe known as the “new plan.” This advance at¬tracted nation and world wide attention, raisingthe University even higher in educational circles.When the plan was in its first experimentalphases and the first class under the system en¬tered, the idea was still a debatable one withmany of the “old planners.” But the first groupsurvived the terrifying comprehensives and an¬other class followed.As the University began to become used to thechange, the quotes were removed from “newplan” and it became New Plan. Soon this be¬came unnecessary and ir official literature andin the columns of The Daily Maroon the capitalswere removed and new plan it has remained.Now we are in the fourth year of this system,other schools are favorable toward it, and thereseems little question of its permanency. And sowe say, why call it the new plan at all?It is no longer new, practically all of the Uni¬versity conforms to the scheme, and there is smallchance of a return to the old credit system. There¬fore we suggest that students and faculty hence¬forth speak of the new plan as the Chicago plan.This phrase is certainly more sensible, meansmore, and is just as simple. The University ad¬ministration already is breaking away from theantiquated expression, since the Chicago planmeans progress. *REINSTATED—WITH RESERVATIONSThanks to the publicity concerning the oustingof five students at the University of California atLos Angeles for holding an open forum on po¬litical questions, four of the five have been rein¬stated by the authorities.But the reasons advanced for this action byProvost E. R. Moore of the California school donot indicr.te that there will be any loosening ofthe restrictions in force. At the time of the re¬instatement he said “It is clearly the duty of thestudent council definitely to disapprove of stu¬dent societies and organized groups which in itsjudgment should not operate on this campus, andthe students of the university to back and giveeffect to the action of their council.” It was alsoannounced that students and local merchants arecontributing money to a fund to be used in com¬batting the radical element at the school.Despite the climate, we don’t think we’d likeCalifornia.—H. P. H. The Travelling BazaarBy RABELAISA BOUQUET OF PANSIES TO:Betty Kreuscher for carrying the torch as re¬gards “society” in her to-be writings in the OldBird. Are you one of “The Forty”?Chuck W. Hoerr ’ cause his middle name isWoofingham, which is an excuse for almost any-thing.Wally Solf because his folks are going to gethim a dress suit, maybe, so he can lead the I-Fball.Senator T. V. Smith because he is Senator T.• V. Smith.John Barden, to whom, incidentally, we aregiving too much undeserved publicity, becausehe at least gives the impression of going intel¬lectual.Jane Hempleman for her languid elegance atrest.Kay Trees for her at rest.Lois Klafter because she seems to gathermomentum as time passes.Hal James and Flip Ebert because they areturning into first class actors.Edgar Lee Masters because the lucky fellowis having his play re-wi'itten by a local literaryluminary.Dave Kutner for handling his love affairs withmore astute acumen and subtle finesse thanothers whom we could, but won’t, name.Ilo Carr because she doesn’t see anythingwrong about girls going up to Minnesota on asleeper with dates.Our Respective Mothers. Hello Ma, this is yourlittle .son. Remember?Pat Vail because she hides Watson’s Deke pinin the folds of her dress.Jack Kennan because he has a sense of humor.Rare!* * *A CORSAGE OF THORNS TO:Johnnie Davidson for the way he dances, andfurther for not being able to forget that he oncewent to Hahvahd in the east.Everett Parker because he has turned into themost thorough-going pest that we know of.Frank Gethro becauseSid Hyman because he doesn’t like half of ourhats.Howard M. Rich for an inexcusable big-shotcomplex.Harry Morrison because his sense of humor isperverted, his literary taste nil, and his letter¬writing atrocious. In spite of all of which, westill love yuh, Harry.Helen Wegg because she comes from theNorth Shore and can’t forget it.Lizzie Walker because she’ll always be Fannyto us. Her middle name. Dean Scott.Gertie because she’s trying to rival Parker inin the pest business and doing a good job of it.Norm Panama because not alone does he re¬mind us that our jokes are old and stolen, butthat he further informs us just where they firstappeared and where we swiped them from. Nicefellah.Tommie Glassford for affecting a southern ac¬cent when meeting people for the first time.Making an impression?Henry Allen Reese for smoking a pipe when¬ever he thinks it will make him look collegiate.Louise Kreutzer because when the lights areout her prospects usually become brighter.* 9 *PORTRAITHoward Vincent O’Brien deserves applausefor his priceless comment on the value of a col¬lege education. “The average college graduateonly derives three things from his four years.And ear for bad music, a flair for good tailor¬ing, and some degree of social sense.” We don’tremember how he spelled “sense.” It might havebeen “cents” and then again it might have been“scents” but the point still remains that Rabelaisalways eager to do his share towards makingthis world of our’s a brighter and more livableplace has composed a list of twelve individualsthat acquired all three of those knacks. Wegive you “The Twelve”, a list of those whomtheir parents can well be proud of as havingderived all from college that any sane parentcould wish for.“THE TWELVE”French Strother CaryChester W. LaingVincent NewmanRuth WorksBetty CasonJackie Smith J. Milton JontryBernard J. WienMilton E. OlinGeraldine MitchellLorraine WatsonBetty Ann Schmidtthis column is known as “catering to the public” Letters tothe EditorDO YOU CONCURMR. SUNDERLAND?The Student Union Against Warand Fascism wishes to defend itselfagainst the criticism voiced in yes¬terday’s Maroon by Riley SunderlandIII. His statements seem to be basedon total ignorance of the platformand objectives of the Union.In the first place, Mr. Sunderlandraises the objection that the programof the Union is a duplication of theprogram of the American Leagueagainst War and Fascism, implyingthat that organization is some formof the devil on earth.Mr. Sunderland accuses us of ‘in-against War and Fascism. If this istrue, and he condemns our program,we challenge him to submit at thenext general meeting of the Debat¬ing Union a more realistic program,whereupon we will argue the rela¬tive merits of the two.I He leads the the unsuspectingreader to believe that our programincludes an endorsement of classwarfare, yet a closer examinationwill confirm the fact that nowhere isthere even mention made of theclass war.Mr. Sutherland accuses us of ‘in¬citation to mutiny.’ Our positionbriefly is this: The armed forces fellmost heavily the cost of war. Sincethis is true, it is obviously correctto enlighten them upon the true na¬ture of war, and to win their sup¬port, without which no fight againstwar can be successful, to our pro¬gram. If this be mutiny, we acceptthe rebuke!Lewis Soffer, president,S. U. A. F. W.Today on theQuadranglesFRIDAYMusic and ReligionPhonograph concert. Social Sci-PUBLIX CAFETERIA(Formerly Hill’s)1165 East 63rd StreetSECOND FLOOR“You can buy a ticket to the OhioState game with the money yousave eating the Publix way.”READThe EditorialsThe Letters to the EditorThe Travelling BazaarToday on the QuadranglesandComplete Campus NewsEVERY DAYin yourDAILY MAROONSUBSCRIBE NOW$2=FOR THE REST OF THE YEARence 122 at 12:30. |Lectures j“The Consumer and the NewDeal.” Associate professor HazelKyrk. Fullerton hall, the Art Insti¬tute at 6:45.“The Munitions Inquiry.” SenatorGerald P. Nye. International housetheater at 8.Free Christian Science lecture.Church edifice, 6154 Woodlawn at 8.* MiscellaneousW. A. A. cozy. Y.W.C..A. roomof Ida Noyes, 3:30 to 5. Sponsoredby Tap club.FVeshman Women’s council. Northrom of Ida Noyes at 12.Italian club. Alumni room of IdaNoyes at 2:30.School of Business party. Y. W.C. A. room of Ida Noyes, 8 to 12.Lutheran club. Student lounge ofIda Noyes, 8 to 11.Armistice Day anti-War massmeeting. Graham Taylor hall of theChicago Theological seminary, 8:30.Admission 15 cents.SATURDAYDames club. Theater of Ida Noyesat 2:30.Southern university women. Thea¬ ter of Ida Noyes, 8 to 12.SUNDAYRev. Charles C. Morrison, editorof the Christian Century. Universitychapel at 11.Socialist club. North room of IdaNoyes at 8.MONDAYY. W. C. A. hospital group. Buffetsupper. Y.W.C.A. room of IdaNoyes at 5.Colony club. Lounge and librai-yof Ida Noyes from 4 to 6.Chi Rho Sigma. Alumni room ofIda Noyes at 7:30.Delta Tau Delta. Room D of theReynolds club at 8.Edna St. Vincent Millay. WilliamVaughn Moody lecture. Mandel hallat 8:15.DREXEL THEATRE858 E. $3rdFriday—ZaKU Pitts in “THEIR RIGMoment.’’Saturday—Bette Davis and GeorgeBrent in “HOUSEWIFE”Sun. & Mon.—David Holt and LeeTracy in “YOU BELONG TO ME"America’s OnlyOctober AleWinter is the season hr strong ale.And Drewrys October Ale is the strongest alebrewed in the U. S. A.Yet so mild and mellow, you’ll find it the gayestdeceiver you ever met.And you buy a whole case of Drewrys 24 fulLsized 12 ounce bottles—delivered to your home forless than the price of one good bottle of Scotch*For sole from coast to coast and from border to border.DrewrysdieDAILY MAROON SPORTSFRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934Hatter and Sappington Dated toTake Places of Injured Maroons Page ThreeShaughnessy Hesitates toPlay Jay Because ofInjury to Knee(Continued from page 1)will also be backing up the linewhen Ohio State has the ball.Also noticeable to the Maroon fol¬lowers will be a modified pass de¬fense which Coach Shaughnessyhopes will stop the many tosseswhich the Buckeyes are accustomedto make. Ajrainst the freshman theformation has worked with and more can be expectedSaturday.Forty Maroons made the trip toColumbus. They included most of thesquad except Tubby Wright, who hasbeen unable to play because of aninjury received two weeks ago.Those who made the trip are:Centers: Patterson, G. Peterson,and Jones.Guards: Jordan, Meigs, Perretz,Whiteside, and Scruby.Tackles: Bush, Sappington, Whit¬tier, Womer, Marynowski, and Wol-fenson.Ends: Baker, Balfanz, LeFevre,C.illerlain, Lanj^ley, ,B. Peterson, andWells.Quarterbacks: Cullen, Flinn, andRunyan.Backs: Bartlett, Berwanger, Hat¬ter. Nacey, Nyquist, Scheussler,Skoning, Smith, Whitney, and Ship¬way.Staff: Shaughnessy, Anderson,Shannon, Bock, Vorres, and Met¬calf.Tomorrow’s game will be the firstbetween the two teams since 1928although the Maroon-Ohio State ri¬valry began eight years before. TheBucks won the first two contests byscores of 7 to 6 and 7 and 0. Chi¬cago then won the next pair, 14 toy and 17 to 3, respectively. Thenthere were two years when thegames ended in 3 to 3 ties. In 1926the Columbus boys took an 18 to 0victory and repeated the followingsea.‘«on with a 13 to 7 triumph. MIDWAY LEADEREllmore Patterton, captainand leading linemen of the Ma¬roon football team, who is aleading candidate for all-Con-ference honors.Chicago Plays Hostto Pitt Panthers,Purdue Boilermakers to UNIVERSITY BANDMEMBERS GOES WITHTEAM TO COLUMBUS PSI U WINS, 2-0AS KAPPA SIG TAKESGAME BY DEFAULTClown Drummer, His LittleBertha, Also Co toOhio CameGILBERT REACHESFINAL ROUND IN1-M GOLF PLAY Stagg field yesterday played hostto the Pitt Panthers, who stopped offhere for a work out on the way totheir regular fray with the Univer¬sity of Nebraska on Saturday. BothPittsburgh and Nebraska have strongteams, boasting clean slates with theexception of their respective defeatsat the hands of the powerful Minne¬sota eleven.Purdue’s outfit, which was seen agood deal last Saturday on Stagg'field, is also using the field for adrill session this week-end. They willpractice here tomorrow, as they ipause in their journey to the Iowagame. A big OHIO spelled out in theform of a football will be the high¬light of the University band’s per¬formance at Ohio this weekend. Thisformation will be made between thehalves and will be preceeded by theword, ‘^Hi.”Before the game the band will doits regular Alma Mater march anda number of the better formationsthat they have done at some timeor another during the season.Take Maroon SpecialHoward Mort, director of theband, announced that the bandwould leave on the Maroon Special,which is taking other Chicago sup¬porters to the game at 7:45 Fridayfrom the Englewood station.The band arrives in Columbus Sat¬urday morning at 7:35 and leavesfor Chicago that night after thegame, at midnight, arrivin,g in Chi¬cago at 7:15 Sunday morning. Therewill be approximately 80 band mem¬bers on the train.Eicendrath GoingDavid Eisendrath, the clown drum¬mer, will accompany the band andhe will take Little Bertha, the smallreplica of the large drum, cradled inu baby carriage. David plans to com¬bine the best parts of the shows hehas been putting on here into one bigshow for the Ohio partisans.His big stunt will be when thebig drums runs over him and thenhe climbs on top and rides off thefield. Eisendrath injured nis back theSaturday of the Missouri game whilegoing through his antics and ithasn’t as yet fully recovered. Whenit does he plans to pull the mostdifficult stunt he has ever tried,namely being kicked through his Lit¬tle Bertha.WOMEN’S HOCKE/YIntramural golf reached the finalsin one bracket day before yesterday Iwhen Jack Gilbert upset John Auld, IAlpha Delt and favorite, in a close jmatch, 3 and 2. The winner of the jDudgeon and Hilbrandt match, to jbe played today, will encounterFunk, who is a semi-finalist. |Gilbert’s win places him a favor¬ite in the tourney. Junior Championof Montana, he “packs a meandrive—a hard hit ball,’’ in thewords of Auld, his latest victim; andhis putting is steady. The result ofthis semi-final match was uncertainuntil the closing holes, when Gilbertput on a spurt of accurate playing. Mid-we.stern colleges will sendtheir women’s hockey teams to com¬pete with the University team inJackson Park on Saturday, when theannual intercollegiate Play-Day willtake place.Following the games, the visitingteams will be entertained at a lun¬cheon at International House. PLEDGINGPhi Beta Deltla announces thepledging of William Kaye of Chi¬cago.Chi Rho Sigma announces thepledging of Harriet Elizabeth Arm¬strong of Elmwood. Play in Quarter-final Roundof Fraternity LeagueBegins TuesdayPlaying the final game in the fra¬ternity division of the Intramuraltouchball tournament, Psi Upsilon IItook a hard-fought game from DeltaUpsilon by a score of 2-0, and PhiKa^ppa Siig won by default fromLambda Chi Alpha. In the other twogames. Burton 700 beat iBtirton 600and Club 700 defeated )Btirton 500.The quarter-final fraternity gameswill be played beginning "Tuesday.Play in the independent leagues willbe finished next Monday and Tues¬day.Quarter FinalsCompetition in the quarter-finalsof the fraternity division is run asan elimination tournament, the first-and second-place teams in eachleague drawing for positions in thebracket.The Psi U II win over the D. U.’sput them into an unchallenged sec¬ond place in the Alpha league. IfDelta U had won, they, the Psi U’s,and the Alpha Delts, would haveended in a triple tie for the sec¬ond beilh.There was much protesting duringthe game, which was a bitter strug¬gle throughout. The Psi U secondsgot the final decision on the safetymade early in the second half.Young and Stevens ShineBurt Young and Jim Stevens werethe outstanding men on the winningteam. Johnstone turned in a credit¬able game for the Delta Upsilons.It took Club 700 an extra fiveminutes to get their 9-6 victory overiBiirton 600. Leach scored for the500 team and Lindheim made all theClub 700 points. He place-kicked afield-goal in the last minute of theoveiiiime peiiod.The quarter-finalists in fhe Alphaleague are the Phi Psi’s, who havea clean slate, and the Psi U sec¬onds, who lost one. Psi Upsilon andChi Psi participate from the Betaleague. Deltla Kappa Epsilon andPhi Sigma Delta are the Gammaleague leaders. Phi Beta Delta andPhi Delta Theta are the place-win¬ners of the Delta league. Women’s Halls BeginRace for Silver Cup inAthletic CompetitionWith their hopes on the silver cupto be awarded this year’s champion,the women’s dormitories are prepar¬ing for their second season of athlet¬ic competition. The first of this fall’sevents will be a bowling tournament,scheduled for 7:30 next Wednesdayevening.Other events for this quarter in¬ clude a bridge tournament Novem¬ber 21, a ping-pong tournament No¬vember 26, and a swimming meetDecember 4. Entries for the open¬ing tourney must be in Miss OrsieThomson’s office by this afternoon.Representatives on the commiteeare: Ruth Wolff of Green hall; Har-riette Nightingale, Beecher; GenevaFeamon, Gates; Carol Brueggeman,Blake; Dorothy Wells, Foster; andLucille Pfamder, InternationalHouse.lotels Windermereinvite you for any party, of any size.No matter what the occasion, hereyou will find everything you need forperfect enjoyment. For large gather¬ings— fraternity or sorority dances,entertainments, balls — the ballroomis complete. For smaller gatherings,private dining rooms are available.Or, if there are just a few dining to¬gether, there is a la carte and tjdsled'hote service. Important, too, is thefact that it costs surprisingly little toentertain here.Irind ermere36th Str*«t at Jackson Park • Chloar.o ONTOOHIOSTATESPECIAL.CHARTEREDBUSESROUNDTRIP $gjOUNIVERSITYSTUDENTSEXCLUSIVELYBuses start from the circle at9 P. M. FYiday and arrive in Co¬lumbus at 8 A. M. Saturday.Buses leave Columbus at 9 P.M. Saturday and return to cam¬pus at 7 A. M. Sunday.Make reservations for the tripat theDAILY MAROON OFFICEin Lexington HallBefore 5 P* TodayDe Luxe MotorStages, he. Going to Columbus?If not, you can still have a successfulweek-end at theBLACKHAWKto the rapturous music ofKAY KYSERand his sensational dance orchestra.MAXINE GREY will also be thereleading ,a complete floor show, thelikes of which cannot be found else¬where.TONIGHT IS CHICAGO NIGHT!!BOB CONNER, BOB FITZGERALD,MARY COODALb and ROBERTMcQUILKIN.They’ll all be there to make it a galaevening for those of us that can’t fol¬low the team.WATCH NEXT WEEK’S AD FOR ANIMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENTWABASH AT RANDOLPH fmmnmnri THE STORE FOR MENSo You Can*t FollowFlinn and Berwangerto Columbus? Too Bad— But Don^t WorryYou Can StiU “See” theGame at Field’s!Yes, it would have been nice to have made thetrip—but since things didn’t work out that way,here’s the swellest possible substitute imaginable—with Field’s new Grid Graph—Columbus is justa few short miles from your dorm or fraternityhouse on the Midway—and you really “see” thegame—no bungled announcements, static or con¬fused imaginings of what the scene really lookslike. It’s all before your eyes—every play—everymovement of the ball—and you’ll find a good manyof the brothers of other years—La Salle Streetsecond guessers and Monday morning quarterbacks—at your elbow to lend the accustomed atmosphere.In fact, you’ll find the whole set up just about likeStagg Field only not so breezy.Better come early for if previous weeks’ attend¬ance are any indication of tomorrow, we can’tguarantee seats for arrivals after game time.The game will not be broadcast by the net¬works, so the Store for Men is the only place toget the complete play-by-play picture! Every stu¬dent on campus—men and women—is invited!at 1:00 o’clock onTHE SPORTSMAN’S FLOORTHE FIFTHTHE STORE FOR MENmarshall FIELD & COMPANY IPage Four THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1934FRATERNITY FACTSBy DAVID KUTNERGamma Lambda Zetaof Lambda Chi Alphawas chartered at the Uni¬versity in 1920, growingout of a local organiza¬tion known as the Phoe-mix Club. The nationalfraternity lays claim tointernational scope, hav¬ing chapters in Canadaand alumni organizationsin several foreign coun¬tries. It was founded in1919 and now has 83chapters in this country,with 15,000 members.Representative of theversatility of Lambda ChiAlpha’s more famousmembers are James Al¬lred, newly elected gov¬ernor of Texas, WilliamKimmel, inventor of the radio tube,Gordon (Mickey) Cochrane, man¬ager of the Detroit baseball team,Donald Deskey, prominent interiordecorator, Harry Leslie, ex-govemorof Indiana, and such athletic immor¬tals as Welch of Purdue, Bernard ofMichigan, and Joe Pondelik of Chi-cao.CHAPEL HASRITUAL CHAMBERThe local chapter is located at5607 University avenue, and has aritualistic chamber at the rear of thelot The members living in thehouse at the present house numberten though there are 16 active mem¬bers and three pledges.The initiation fee is $40, whichsum, besides including national LAMBDA CHI ALPHAdues, entitles one to the Cross andCrescent, the national fraternity’smagrazine, for life. Chapter dues are$5 a month and the freshman pledgefee is $15. No dues are paid bypledges. $35 covers the expenses ofa man living in the house for onequarter, including meals and dues.ACTIVITIESIn activities two men are to befound in track, two in gymnastics,two in football, one in wrestling,three in dramatics, and five in themilitary department.Lambda Chi Alpha representativeson the faculty are, Forrest Kings¬bury, dean of Psychology, DonaldBond, professor of English, andSamuel Allison, professor of Physics.Grid-Graph Operatedfor Fans at StoreA gfrid-graph will be in operationat Marshall Field and company thatwill give a play by play reportal ofthe Chicago-Ohio State footballgame tomorrow. It is advisable forthose who want to use this means to“see” the game to get to MarshallField and company by 1. The graphwill be located on the 5th floor.Polo Team Plays1st Game SaturdayEngaging in their first game ofthe season, the University polo team,coached by Lieutenant Price, willplay the 106th Cavalry Blues at theChicago Riding Academy Saturdayat 8:15. Devereux, Mann, and Bod-fish, the starting lineup, will alter¬nate with Gustafson, Benjamin, andPowers.LUDWIG LEWISOHNWorld renowned literary figure whose famous bookswere burned in the German Bonfire of May 1933.Will speak onThe New Paganism of GermanyA Threat to Civilization ?Monday, November 12 at 8:15 P. M.SINAI TEMPLE4622 South Parkway Kenwood 5826ADMISSION 50 CENTSTickets on Sale at Maroon OfficeCLASSIFIED ADSi ITALIAN taught in 24 lessons. $1a lesson. F. Ricciardi. 82 W. Wash-! ington St. Dearborn 3049.FOR SALE—Royal upright type¬writer. Priced reasonably. M. F.Ahrens. 1018 E. 46th street. Oakland6034. Call evenings.STUDIO ROOMSFOR MEN6040 Ellis Ave.Phone Fairfax 3741Double rooms and three mealsa day for $7.25 per person. Reser¬vations taken.WHOLESOME MEALS in pri¬vate dining room for girl or menstudents. Dinners 30c; specialrates by week.Dinners served in private din¬ing room to fraternities, clubs andsmall parties.m 1Put your shoulder behind your clubor fraternity Red Cross Fund.JOHN WOMERChairman Interfraternity Council.VIRGINIA NEWPresident Inter-Club Council.E HONOR DEAN SCOTTAT DINNER SUNDAYIN MEN’S DORMITORY English Composition Course, First Sequence inMusic Included in List of New College SyllabiContinuing the policy of entertain¬ing various faculty members in aneffort to orientate lower classmen, jstudents in the men’s residence halls 'will entertain Dean and Mrs. Wil- jliam E. Scott at dinner in Judson Icourt Sunday. The guests will In-}elude men to whom Mr. Scottis advisor. jA new dormitoiry group to discuss |problems of the natural sciences un- jder the tutelage of various faculty Imembers is being formed under the {direction of Donald Boyer, instruc¬tor in General Biology, and AlbertE. Shaw of the Physical Sciencesfaculty. Dr. BTooks Steen of theSitudent Clinics will also supervisea discussion group.Drama Union HoldsParty for ActorsThe Drama Union, non profitprofessional theater group sponsor¬ed on campus by Robert Morss Lov¬ett, Frederick Schumann, and PaulHutchinson, is giving a party tonightat 4804% Vincennes avenue for thecast of Four Saint* in Three Acts.Ethel Waters and the ballet of RunLittle Children will attend the par¬ty. Entertainment by these guestsand refreshments will be provided.Students are invited. Admission is75 cents.Lewisohn to Present |Next Sinai Lecture |Ludwig Lewisohn, world-famous |author, and considered by many as ithe successor to Israel Zangwill, will'speak on “Jew and Christian—Can ;They Prevent the Return to Pagan-,ism?” at Sinai temple, 4600 SouthParkway, Monday at 8:15. Syllabi of the English composi- ^tion course and introductory se¬quence in Music in the College oc¬cupy prominent places in a list ofnew syllabi announced recently byChauncey S. Boucher, dean of theCollege.A drastic reorganization of theEnglish 102 course covering a periodof two years, was completed thissummer. The syllabus represents acompletely different approach to theteaching of English composition |from that found in any publishedtext. The work of revision was doneby a committee composed of Mrs.Edith Foster Flint, professor of Eng¬lish and director of the course, CHar-ence H. Faust, William K. Chandler,and Charles Kerby-Miller, instruc- ■tors in English.English ReorganizationThe work of the autumn quarterincludes a section on outline analy¬sis, the preparation of summaries,and the writing of examinations. Thesection on note-taking in the autumnquarter’s work last year has beeneliminated because of the great dif¬ferences in the way notes should betaken for different courses. The win¬ter quarter is spent in the prepara¬tion of original papers, and thespring period in a study of the va¬rious types of papers most frequent-THREE MONTHS'COURSEFOR coueoi STUDINTS AND OZADtUmA thorough, wrtmsfss; tUmetrmMtKtmrtmt Jamtmiy 1, A^J./mbl, Odtttrl, iInUratmg BookUt ttntfrm, wttumil tMIgitIm—imto sr Ms ssUdksft mrMvwImoserBUSINESS COLLCOePAUl MOtIt, J.D,ni.*.JhvahrOMNMiL Is Rif* Sdkswltta^andBvtmmt. EftnintCetinmopmHmmt. j116 S. Michigan Av*., Chicago, Rasdelp* 4347 IGETAT READERS DRUG STOREVESS KUNZE CONFECTIONERY61 tt and DorchsttsrDry Cingerale BELCROVE RESTAURANTHi-6all Special 6052 Cottags GrovePulp Lime Rickey SARNAT DRUG CO.Plain White Soda 1438 E. 57tli Street By JULIAN A. KISERly required of students. These havebeen selected from a classificationof the types of questions usuallyasked on examinations.The exercises, practice materials,and theme subjects are correlatedthroughout with the subject matterof the survey courses. The methodsof teaching by each instructor havebeen coordinated through an in¬structor’s syllabus, which outlinesthe presentation of each day’s workin detail. The tests given at the endof each section of work are plannedso that at the end of the year theywill form a practice English qualify¬ing examination.New Syllabus for MusicMusic 101, 102, 103, “History andAppreciation of Music,” presents theonly new syllabus this year. Cecil M.Stnith, assistant professor of Music,Alfred V. Frankenstein, and HowardTalley, instructor in Music, areauthors of the work. The materialpresented has been in the process ofpreparation for the last two years,during which time the staff has beenexperimenting with the best ap¬proach to the course. This is thethird year that the sequence ha.s beenoffered in the curriculum.Study of the history of music is described in the syllabus as “tracingthe evolution of musical art,” from1700 to the present day. The term“appreciation of music” is definedas “an analysis of the content, form,and style of individual musicalworks.” These factors are studiedchronologically in their relation toeach other.Weak Courses EliminatedThe continuous Improvement ofsyllabi, according to Chauncey S.Boucher, dean of the College, is aresult of two features of the newplan which have also effected theelimination of weak courses fromthe College program. These featuresare, first, the fact that syllabi arepublished and, second, the examina¬tion system, under which the instruc¬tor is entirely divorced from thepreparation of examinations whichare given to students. Published syl¬labi enable faculty members to studyand criticize the courses which theircolleagues present Under the Uni¬versity’s examination system, where-ever an unu.sually low standard ofattainment is spotted, a check-up ofsubject matter, organization, andmethods of instruction is in order,and a consequent reorganization andimprovement of the course follows.Dependable, stylish, roomy and giv¬ing full protection, TOWER’S FishBrand Slickers are the national choice ofthe collegeman. Ask to see the popular“Varsity”, “Topper” and “Kitcoat” styles.Look for thitFamout Label—' Osbbkk^A. J. TOWER CO. All Good DaalertCarry^^rUbBrami^BOSTON, MASS,Where to WorshipTHE FIRST UNITARIANCHURCHWoodlawn Avenue and East 57th StreetVon Ogden Vogt, D.D., MinisterSUNDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 1934I :00 A. M.—"Peace and Plenty,” Dr.Vogt.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club Tea and dis¬cussion. Play Reading by the DramaGroup.Students cordially invited. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OFDISCIPLl^ OF CHRIST5655 University AvenueDr. Ed^A’ard Scribner Ames, MinisterSUNDAY. NOVEMBER II. 193410:30 A. M.—Communion Service.1 1:00 A. M.—Sermon subject: "Our Com¬mon Faith" based on John Dewey’s bookon religion. Dr. Ames.6:00 P. M.—Wranglers. Tea and program.St. Paul’s Church60th and DorchesterParish Office: 4945 Dorchesi:erAvenueTel. Oakland 3185Rev. George H. ThomasRev. Donald W. Crawford, B. D.SUNDAY SERVICE:Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M.Church School Service, 9:30A. M.Morning Service, 11:00 A. M.Young People’s Society, 6:00P. M. Welcome to theHyde Park BaptistYoung People’sChurch Club56th and Woodlawn Ave.SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 116:00 P. M.—Tea.7:00 P. M.— Discussion. “How toRead the Newspaper,” Rev. A.G. Baker.®:00 P. M.—Evening Service.9:00 P. M.—Social Hour At thehome of Mr. and Mrs. N. C.Plimpton, 6027 University Ave. ATTEND THECHURCHESTHEYAREINTERESTEDINYOU