^' i U!jfp ii^'pyippii|fiij^iyi Miw.^i!i!P,yy.w*J'.">^wuH^ium-.!.!ifj. wi.ii.n| ffu^i||jWBppiii.|iyj i.i.,. ■.Vol. 34. No. 43. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 Price Three Cent*j70 PER CENT OFjSTUDENTS ENGAGEIN OUTSJK WORKBoard of VocationalGuidance EndsSurveySeventy per cent of the studentbody at the University is dependentupon part-time or summer employ¬ment to defray the expenses of col¬lege work, according to a surveycompleted yesterday by the Board ofVocational Guidance. Results of thestudy show that during the year1932-33 this university service madeover 3,200 student placements.The proportion of students need¬ing part time employment was notin marked advance over the figuresof 1931-32. The survey indicatedthat the Student Lecture service, es¬tablished by the Board of Vocation¬al Guidance, was meeting with theapproval of the University studentsas well as furnishing part-time em¬ployment to over thirty men andwomen.Unusual RequestsSeveral unusual demands wereasked of the Vocational service dur¬ing the past year. One person calledin asking for a palm reader, and an¬other wanted a magician to assist insome amateur theatrical. Both de¬mands were supplied by the depart¬ment.One of the window washers wasin such constant demand last yearthat the department began to inves¬tigate the reasons for his popular-iy. An employer, when questioned,frankly admitted that she was gladto have him wash her windows be¬cause he not only did his work wellbut possessed a fine voice and sangfrequently while he worked.Uttual EmploymentThe more usual employment giv¬en- men students ranged from mes¬senger work, fioor scrubbing, furni¬ture polishing, janitor work, and res-quit being outstanding and become I taurant service, to part-time sales,just mediocre. . typing, and secretarial work. TheSOP AND STUFF FOR ' Vocational Guidance and PlacementGERSON AND HYMAN ' has a list of tested persons used inThe fraternity was founded in j blood transfusions.1869 at the University of Virginia. Women do bookkeeping, research,and established at Chicago in 1904.1 demonstration, editorial work, mod-Some people say that there are too j elling, ushering, sewing and readirig,many chapters, and some people ; as well as musical teaching. StudentThe GreeksHave a Word_By HARRY MORRISON—KAPPA SIGMA“We’re a swimming fraternitynow and we always have been thatprimarily. Tell ’em that.’’ So saidDan Glomset, the president of thehouse and captain of the presentswimming team. And Howie Hudson.said, “We’re a well rounded group,not outstanding in any activity, butstriving to take part in all the ac¬tivities the University affords.’’What are you going to do withstatements like these? Let’s disre¬gard them and start all over. Let’sjust start.ATHLETICSThey do have their swimmers;they had a captain last year andthis year and one out of six of allswimming letters offered have goneto Kappa Sig. Their other sport isevidently wrestling, for they haveone letter winner and two sopho¬mores who show promise. Here theirathletics stop suddenly and onlystart again in Intramurals, wherethey usually have quite a few menout for the carnivals and touchball.ACTIVITIESThe frat club doesn’t have a veryoutstanding record as to big-shots,but the answer to that is of course,“What of it?’’ As things are meas¬ured these days, however, somepeople want to know, and so theyhave one man in the Blackfriars’chorus and two men working in theDramatic Association. So if you’relooking for activities, Kappa Sigisn’t the place for you.The case of Kappa Sigma is pret¬ty funny. They really have someoutstanding men. They have amember of Owl and Serpent, thesecretary of the I. F. council, andtwo men in Iron Mask. They havea couple of captains and a varsitybaseball player, two juniors on TheDaily Maroon, and then they havea fair sophomore class that shownpossibilities but very few accom¬plishments so far. But there they Freshman DanceCloses AutumnSocial ActivitiesBoyd Raeburn, former Universitystudent, will play at the FreshmanFormal tomorrow night in Ida Noyeshall. The all-University affair issponsored by the Freshman Woman’sCouncil. Tickets, priced at $1, maybe secured at the University Book¬store, Mandel hall, Reynolds club,and from members of the Council.Boyd Raeburn and his orchestraplay nightly in the Fred Harvey Em¬bassy Room, Michigan at Jackson, tocapacity crowds. Five or six timesa week he broadcasts over KYW, andnow has a large following among theradio listeners.Boyd came to the University fromPlatte, South Dakota, and immedi¬ately got into the orchestra business.All last fall and winter his orchestraplayed at dances afound campus.Nearly all the fraternities engagedhim for tea dances and parties.In the spring Boyd decided to gointo the orchestra business in earn¬est, and signed a contract to playduring the World’s Fair in the Em¬bassy Room at Fred Harvey’s.When asked if he ever thought ofcoming back to school, the young or¬chestra leader replied, “There’s verylittle chance of that. I’m too inter¬ested in the band. I didn’t even takemy exams last spring. At the timethey were being given I was downhere seeing Fred Harvey about thisjob.” Mirror Gives Teafor New Candidates.-^ay, “the more the merrier.” Any¬way there are 108 of the thingsscattered fairly well all over thecountry but stronger in the southand west than in any other locality.The money end of it is aboutaverage, being neither highest norlowest. For those living outsidethe house, the cost, without extraassessments, is about $17 permonth. For men living inside thehouse, the cost is $20 for room,$12 minimum for meals, and $2.50per month for dues. Thus the totalruns to $34.60. These figures do notinclude extra assessments for socialactivities or rushing, which wouldrun about $10 in all j for the entireyear. An interesting .feature of theirfinances is that, instead of givngan active, member the responsibilityof administering, the finances and,the chance of inevitable friction de¬veloping, the finances are run by ayoung alumnus, who lives in thehouse, taking full responsibility. Thenational dues are $10 and the initia¬tion fee is $50. The latter includes,of course, the inevitable pin, maga¬zine, and scroll.JUST A LITTLE DIFFERENTThere’s a bunch over at the Kap¬pa Sig house that make the groupa little different from the averagerun. They have an organization ofyoung alumni who meet every oncein a while with a more or less defin¬ite point in view. They actually ac¬complish something by carrying onintelligent discussions and exchang¬ing worthwhile points of view. Themeetings are rather spontaneous, andsince they aren’t forced they’re pret¬ty good. Hudson says that at timesthey do not end with everyone go¬ing out for beer.Another thing that is radicallydifferent about the group is thatthey do little or nothing about schol¬arship for their boys. They don’thave .study tables, and they don’tworry about it, and they don’t havea scholarship committee. The reasonfor this, Hudson again says, “noneof the boys ever get any very poorgrades, so why bother about raisingthem.” orchestras and musicians are in con¬stant demand for private parties,church, or campus dances. The bestsummer jobs, revealed by the sur¬vey, are stenographic work, sales,clerical work, and camp counselling.Announce Dates forSequence Examinations. Alfred Adler toPresent Series ofPsychology TalksDr. Alfred Adler, founder of theSchool of Individual Psychology, willgive a series of four lectures, De¬cember 26, 28, 30, and January 2 on“The Theory and Practice of Indiv¬idual Psychology.” All lectures willbe given at 8 in the Social Scienceassembly hall under the auspices ofthe Chicago Society for IndividualPsychology.Tickets for the series, priced at$2.50, are on sale at the Informationdesk in the Press building, the Uni¬versity Bookstore, and the StudentHealth Service.Dr. Adler will also give a lectureon “The Relation of Art to Life”under the sponsorship of the Renais-.sance Society, January 3, in the In¬ternational house theater. Ticketsfor this lecture are on sale in Wie-boldt 205 daily between 2 and 5, oron receipt of a check to the secretaryof the Renaissance Society. The priceof the tickets is 75 cents and all seatsare reserved.It has been three years since Dr. All women interested in aissist-ing with business and productionwork of Mirror are invited to a teatomorrow afternoon at 4 in the Tow¬er room of Mitchell tower. GeraldineSmithwick, chairman of the Mirrorboard, and the chairman of the tenproduction committees will be pres¬ent to enroll assistants for the 1934production.The committees which are open tovolunteer assistants are publicity,promotion, stage, box office, design,costumes, properties, scenery, music,and programs.Tryouts for the ballet were con¬ducted this week under the directionof Berta Ochsner, who will select thechorus members. Rehearsals will be¬gin early next quarter. Ogbum PredictsChange in LiquorControl by 1940N S i SPEAKER LAYSSTRESS ON GROWTHOF FASCIST GROUPS“The spirit of fascism is growingin America, and it cannot be disre¬garded,” declared Mr. Tom McKen¬na, secretary of the American CivilLiberties Union, in an address to thecampus chapter of the National Stu¬dent League. He pointed out thatthe growth of such groups as the Sil¬ver Shirts, Friends of New Germany,the Paul Reveres, and similar youthmovements in America indicates thespread of fascist sentiment amongyoung America.The speaker went on to say thatwhen the movement toward fascismbegan in Germany ten years ago itwa.^ regarded as unimportant. Atfirst the movement was unsuccessfulbecause no strong leader could befound. When Hitler became powerfula few years ago the movementspread tremendously until it reachedits present state today. Though thespeaker did not state his belief thatthe parallel trend in America at the “The return of the saloon is onemore ‘noble experiment’. It is almostcertain that in 1940, or sometimethereafter, a great wave of sentimentwill develop against the sale of jliquor. This may or may not result !in a return to Prohibition.” This was ithe statement made yesterday by Wil- jliam F. Ogburn, Sewell L. Avery dis- itinguished service professor of So¬ciology, in an interview with TheDaily Maroon.Drinking, which has a little of thefad about it, will probably followcycles, according to Professor Og-burn. This is not an unusual socialcondition, since marriage, crime,suicide, and many other social phe¬nomena are known to be more or lesscyclical. “In various counties instates which allow local option onthe sale of liquor, there has been aswing of the pendulum from wet todry, back to wet, and again to dry,”Mr. Ogburn added.“If the pendulum swings too fartoward intemperance now, it is like¬ly to swing correspondingly far inthe other direction. If people do notwant the return of Prohibition, theyshould see that the pendulum doesnot swing too far. There is consid-able danger of such an event,” Pro¬fessor Ogbum concluded, “since, inthe last 20 years, women and chil¬dren have learned to drink.” ANNOUNGE GIFTSTO UNIVERSITYFOR PAST YEARWhat Will It BeNow—A Class inExam Ensemble?.When you go to an examinationdo you dress for the occasion? Hadyou ever questioned whether the ap¬pearance you present might effectyour grade?A professor, at the Sorbonne inParis states: “Students should pay Chief Donation Coes toOriental InstituteExpeditionOver $230,000 in cash and num¬erous pieces of equipment have beenaccepted as gifts during the pastyear by the University, it was an¬nounced yesterday.Chief among the cash donations isa pledge of $16,000 from an anony¬mous donor for the continuance ofthe Persian Expedition of the Orien¬tal Institute.Among the other contributionsA pledge of $13,000 from an an¬onymous donor for the continuationof two-year honor scholarships in thecollege.Raymond DonationA gift of $12,000 from Mrs. AnnaLouise Raymond for the purpose ofestablishing a perpetual loan fundfor students, to be allocated as fol-loMTs: $7,000 to the Law School as afurther addition to the ‘*AnnaLouise Raymond Fiind” establishedin 1932 for loans to law students,and $5,000 to create a loan fund forgeneral University purposes, tobe known as the “Anna Louise Ray¬mond University Loan Fund.”A gift of $10,000 from Mr. JohnHertz which completes his gift of$76,000 paid during five years forthe support of research work on sexhormones and pituitary extracts.National Research CouncilTwo'grants from the National Re¬search Council of Washington, D. C.,totaling $21,000 for research in prob¬lems of sex, the amount to be divid¬ed as follows: $8,000 for investiga¬tion of the bio-chemistry of sex hor¬mones, under the direction of Pro¬fessor Fred C. Koch, and $13,000for investigations in the biology ofsex, under the direction of DeanComprehensive examinations willbegin * today with examinations inHistory 171, 172, and 173 being giv- i Adler has lectured in Chicago. Afteren. Tomorrow, examinations are I his lectures on the campus. Dr. Adlerscheduled in Geography 101, 102,and 103. Language examinations willbe given Saturday and next Monday. will return to the East and continuegiving lectures at various collegesand universities.R. R. McConnick, Tribune Editor,Defends Individualism at N. U. attention to what they wear at ex- iaminations since professors are of- R* Lillie'^present time would succeed, he point-I ten influence bv it.” I a ’ ^ed out that the situation might in Harry D Gideonse, associate pro-j SchoVorS'ser^ice AdminLra!time become serious if no measures fessor of Economics, believes that: | tion for the continuation of fellow-f ' particulaily attractively dressed j g^jpg psychiatric social work dur-The national anti-war convention young lady might cause me to think | inp.I before putting the grade on % pUre m.dOO from theher paper. We asked his opinion of 1 Rosenwald Family Association to-students who wore red ties or check- j ^ard the salary of a member of thefaculty for two years ending Sep-of the National Student League willbe held at Howard university inWashington, D. C., on December 26,27, and 28. At yesterday’s meetingthe local chapter nominated the fol¬lowing members to be delegates: Jos-j ceptionally vivid they would influ-eph Kepecs, Esther Gellert, Mel Pit- j ence me very little. And as to theed suits.“Unless their appearance was ex- tember 30, 1935.A gift of $4,000 from Mrs. Charleszele, Severn Provis, Bernard Brand-shaft, and Dorothy Copeldnd.University QuartetFeatures Works ofBrahms TomorrowBy JOHN BARDENDyspeptic Colonel Robert Ruther¬ford McCormick, editor and publish¬er of the Chicago Tribune, deliveredan address in defense of Tribune in¬dividualism yesterday in Harris hallof Northwestern University’s Evans¬ton campus.The colonel, graduate of Yale andNorthwestern law school, was ex¬pected to speak on “The Prospect forAmerica,” but his remarks had littleto do with that subject, except by im¬plication.McConnick described the tremend¬ous growth of the city of Chicagofrom 1890 to 1933, identifying him¬self with it. He attributed all prog¬ress of those 43 years to the forcesof profit motive and private prop¬erty.Queried the colonel, “Are you ofthe younger generation going to sitback and divide up the civilizationand advancement we have achievedfor you, or are you going to progresseven higher, as we did?”Asserting that profit motive andacquisitiveness are natural in men.Colonel McCormick continued,“Bankers want more money, manu¬facturers want larger factories, and even presidents of universities wantbigger universities.”The colonel cited severe instancesof governmental red tape from hisown war experiences, finishing withthe savage shout: “Governmentscan’t run anything!”.Then he grinned good naturedlyand said mildly enough, “Don’t tellme that the men who take luxurioustours around the country telling peo¬ple that the government can runthings are not doing it for the profitmotive.”Colonel McCormick’s address end¬ed, not on “The Prospect for Amer¬ica” which he designated by implica¬tion as a choice between Tribune in¬dividualism or chaos, but upon a noteof advice for the young, though hehad to reverse a policy of the Tri¬bune to do it.“Be constructive,” advised the col¬onel, “Ridicule of others will neverget you anywhere. Do not be a‘Maisie’.” (Here, the colonel appar¬ently refers to the heroine of an ob¬scure book by Rudyard Kipling).Feeling that this advice was per¬haps directed at us, we took it sorelyto heart and departed hence. The University String Quartet willpresent an all Brahms program to¬morrow afternoon at 4 in Cobb 110.The program, in commemoration ofthe hundredth anniversary of thecomposer’s birth, is the last concertof the quarter. Admission is 25 cents.Harold Freeman, first clarinetistof the Chicago Civic Orchestra, anda fohner member of the UniversitySymphony Orchestra, will play theclarinet part of the Brahms quintetin B‘minor, a work which is seldomperformed because of its unusual in¬strumentation. It is the last majorcomposition of Brahms, and has aslow movenient often considered oneof the most effective ever written forthe clarinet and strings. The Brahmsquartet in C minor, opus 51, number1, completes the program.A series of four concerts isplanned for next quarter by thequartet. The dates will be announc¬ed later.CHRISTMAS PARTYA Christmas Party, sponsored bythe Freshman Women’s Council, W.A. A., and the Y. W. C. A. will begiven tomorrow afternoon from 4 to6 in the Y. W. C. A. room. Theguests will be dependent childrenwhose names were suggested by Elea¬nor Flynn of the Social Service De¬partment.Bettyann Nelson will entertainwith a Christmas story, and SantaClaus will give presents and candycanes to the children. Esther Weberand Helen Keller are in charge ofthe party. loud neckties, I sometimes wearthem myself.”Jerome G. Kerwin, associate pro¬fessor of Political Science, is not inthe least affected by students’ dressat examinations. He believes how¬ever that, “By dressing comfortablystudents might aid in relieving thetension that is always present at ex¬aminations.”Leonard S. Cottrell, instructor inSociology, believes that “Somethingmust be said for the well dressed orappropriately-dressed student.” L. Hutchinson to be added to theendowment of the Robert RidgwayMemorial Fund of Bird Haven.Daily MaroonSubscribersThe remainder due onyour Maroon subscripntion is now due andmay be paid any after¬noon this week at theBusiness Office, Room7, Lexington Hall.IIf you haven’t sub¬scribed, do so now for$1.75 Skull and CrescentPlans All-CampusDance Next QuarterSkull and Crescent, sophomorehonor society for men, will give anall-campus dance in the Cloister clubof Ida Noyes sometime early nextquarter. January 19 is the tentativedate.The party will be kept on campusfor definite reasons. Skull and Cres¬cent includes in its policy the devel¬opment of spirit, especially in thefreshman class. According to Con¬nor Laird, president of the society,this objective can be attaine( bestby providing opportunity for con¬tacts in the University setting. Fur¬thermore, Ida Noyes is accessible toresidents of the dormitories.Among preliminary arrangementsis the provision of a separate tablefor each fraternity that expresses adesire for one. Freshman groups willalso be provided for. The price forbids has not yet been determined,noi has the selection of an orchestrabeen made.DORM SPEAKERJohn W. L. Adams, son of theWarden of All Souls College, Oxford,and John Kirk of Cambridge Univer¬sity, will be the dinner guests of FredB. Millett, associate professor ofEnglish and the Humanities group inthe men’s residence halls tonight. At7 they will speak in the Judson Courtlounge on “Student Life at Oxfordand Cambridge.”The Humanities group meets reg-' ularly throughout the year withj noted faculty men and visitors to theI University as their guests. ProfessorAlfred Whitehead and Doctor Alex-1 ander Meiklejohn have spoken.iatlg iMaronnFOUNDED IN 190\The Daily Maroon is the official student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, publiihed mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue.Subscription rates: (2.50 a year $4.00 by mail. Single copies:three ceuts.No responsibility is assumed by the University oi Chicagofor a.ny statements apiiearing in The Daily Maroon, or for anycfjntraets entered into by The Daily Maroon.Entered ns second class matter March IS. 1903. at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all right of publicationof any material appearing in this paper.BOARD OF CONTROLJOHN P. BARDEN, Editor-in-C hiefVINCENT NEWMAN, Business ManagerWILLIAM GOODSTEIN, Managing EditorWALTER L. MONTGOMERY, CirculationJANE I. BIESENTHAL, Associate EditorBETTY HANSEN, Associate EditorEDITORIAL ASSISTANTSTom Barton Howard P. Hudson Howard M. RichNoeJ B. Geraon David H. Kutner Florence WishnlckBUSINESS ASSISTANTSWilliam Bergman William O’Dot.neilWilliam Loventhal Robert SamuelsSOPHOMORE REPORTERSHope FeldmanCharlotte FishmanBdgrar GreenebaumRuth GreenbaumCharles HoerrHenry Kelley Raymond LahrJanet LewyCurtis MelnickRobert McQuilkenDonald Morris Ralph NicholsonVean TrussingPhilip RossHarker Stantonleanns Slolte 'William WrightSOPHOMORE BUSINESS ASSISTANTSJoel Alexander Zaimon Goldsmith Eldward SchaarRod Chapin Howard Gottschalk Gerald SternFrank Davis Stanley Hayes Everett StoreyEDITORIAL COMMITTEEMarie Berger Louise Graver Preston CutlerGeorg MannNight Editor: Howard P. HudsonAssistants: Donald MorrisThursday, December 14, 1933CONCERNINGNORTHWESTERNA visit to Northwestern University yesterdayridded us of several prejudices.One private little delusion that we had sharedwith everyone at the University was that North¬western was a rah-rah aggregation who thoughtfootball in the fall, basketball in the winter, base¬ball in spring, and reminisced about all three dur¬ing the summer.That delusion took its death-blow during ourone-day investigation by excursion.We were amazed to see two or three hundredeager students and guests pack little Harris hallto its last aisle space to disagree with ColonelMcCormick.Discounting two minor titters, they refrainedfrom heckling the colonel with admirable self-control, presumably dictated by impulses of polite¬ness and courtesy. And we somehow felt that,had they decided to heckle, they would have donea very fine job of it.Another of our suspicious prejudices was sadlyshattered when we found that Northwestern un¬dergraduates deplore the antics of graduatebiethern at the medical school on McKinlockcampus who engineered publicity-seeking demon¬strations against Chicago-Northwestern consolida¬tion proposals.All opposition to cooperation between the twoinstitutions has been so unintelligent thus far thatNorthwestern students in Evanston have sensiblyretained open minds and resigned composure.Since discussion on the question has been moreacute on their campus than on ours, their com¬posure deserves more credit than ours.If some intelligent opposition does develop(and there seems to be no hope for such devel¬opment), N, U. undergraduates may line up behind it, but at present they are willing to agreeto the possibility of one really great universitygrowing in eminence where two had been growingin mediocrity.—J. P. B.CONCERNINGASININITYThe editors of the Daily Northwestern haveheard not a few objections to the proposal tomerge Northwestern and the University of Chi¬cago. Some of these have carried the ring of seri¬ous thinking, but the greater number seem to bebased on emotional or sentimental grounds.However, it remained for M. M. Carson, Chi¬cago, Illinois, to ring the bell with asinine objec¬tions. Carson’s letter is printed elsewhere in thisissue for the edification of our readers. It violent-ly opposes the merger on the premise that Presi¬dent Hutchins of Chicago “is the most dangerousred in the U. S. A.” Carson also believes that thepresent administration in Washington intends touse the proposed merger as the first step in a THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14. 1933.program to regiment the nation’s thought.We are sorry that we cannot share Carson’sgreat fear of President Hutchins’ REDNE^SS, Butwe urge our readers to give careful attention toCarson’s letter. It is a fine example of one brandof contemporary thinking. Besides, the laughterit induces should aid digestion,—Daily North¬western. Lettersto theEditorI The Travelling BazaarjI By SIDNEY HYMANComes the middle of December and Exams withonly two more Bazaars so we reckon it’s abouttime we drag out our Christmas cheer and wishsome of you gentlemen—whom space kept frombeing thanked for Thanksgiving last—a MerryChristmas.Merry Christmas to: Charlie Greenleaf becausehe introduced Billie Watrous to campus society.To Eddy Irons because he has the nerve to weara hat that flops over his head like a tent. ToMerrill May because we hope he writes anotherMirror skit. To Dick Zacharias because he is re¬sponsible for most of the exchanges in Phoenix.To Robert Alvarez because he can live peacefullywith my friend Wiles who has a haircut like JohnWomer-President Hutchins. To Roger Baird be¬cause he so gallantly shields that young ladyfriend of his whose name we’ve been trying tolearn all quarter. To me friend Beardsly overat the Phi Gam house because he looks so seriousevery time Adler asks him a question.Merry Christmas to Kappa I'iu Factor who isno relation to Jake. To Max Davidson becauseonce, as a freshman, we won five points fromhim in tennis. To Herman Odell because hechecked up on every ticket we did not sell to theI-F Ball. To Jim Gold because he’s quite a gruntand tussle man. To Irving Strauch because heovercame the temptation of the warm southlandand remained at Chicago after his freshmanyear. To Hi Starr because he refused to allow usto hitch a horse to him.To Robert Hepple of D. U., Merry Christmasfor not stopping your horse every time you strikeat the ball in polo. To John C. Thomson becauseyou can forget your seniorial dignity long enoughto become amoured with Barbara Broughton fromJoliet. To Hobart Gunning because you hail fromPrinceton, Ill., which has the deepest well in theworld as well as the earth’s best sewage system.To Ed Holtsberg because you exhorted the teamto fight fiercely. To Bob Adair because you work¬ed so gallantly tacking up Blackfriar signs, only ,to have them taken down by buildings andgrounds, only to have you sent back to tack themup again. To Randolph Bean because your sing¬ing was not fully appreciated in Blackfriars. ToJohn Moulton, send my Merry Christmas to Pres¬ident Roosevelt when you’re in Washington thisChristmas.Merry Christmas to Dan Glomset for talkinglike my uncle Si from down on tke farm. ToDan MacMaster for holding up the pride of Kap¬pa Sigma in Iron Mask harangues. To Dex Woodfor shaving himself with a blow torch. To AshOffil for making the only Owl and Serpent touch¬down in the battle of the century. And we hope,by wishing him a Merry Christmas, that we cancollect that free dinner. And Xmas Merry to ChiPsi Donoghue for breaking all the windows inthe field house by heaving the shot a half mile.To Bill Traynor a Shona Tova for being insultedby having someone say he looked like us. And aMerry Christmas to Jim Henning because SantaClaus will have to be good to him this year andbring him a Good Book for Blackfriars.Merry Xmas to Norman Panama for writingall the funny gags, that appeared in the Bazaar.To Hal Block for knowing everybody at the Kap¬pa Sig house, including the cook. The only onewho recognized him was the dog who is a rela¬tion to Hal’s coat. To Phil Cole for being the onlyman to go thru the law school in two days. ToNoel Gerson for his off-color suits, pants, socks,and jokes. To Dave Kutner for never havingbought a cigarette in his life. To Bob Perretzfor getting these Maroons around so early in themorning that everyone's breakfast is spoiled. ToPete Hamburger for discovering that “lovemeans nothing’’, but only in tennis . To de Mau¬passant Bob Livingston for whom life is onecalamity after another.Noel Joyeux to Long John Dille, because theCoffee Shop has begun paying you dividends afteryour doing business with them for six hours aday these three years past. To Bob Macintoshbecause you enjoyed yourself so much at theThree Way party that you slept until five in theafternoon on the Sunday following. To DonnieKerr because you never were irked at my usingyour Blackfriar picture as one of the contestantsin the sweetest little gal contest. To Dexter Fair-bank for releasing on campus the greatest broth¬erhood ever conceived by the mind of a sane man.To you, Harvey Ellard, for never liking anythingthat we wrote.Merry Christmas to you, Joe Sibley, andcongratulations on being chosen tofill Ed Cullen’s place at the head of the PsiU's. You’ll have to do some tall stepping to keepup with Ed. But Connar Laird and Ed Ramsaywill testify to your ability. Remember the nightbefore the Psi TJ. party? To you, Guthrie Curtis,for not being able to sit down for a '^nth afteryou bought your new car.(To be continued) 1 for comment by The Daily North-I western on this letter.—ed.i * * *; Editor, The Daily Maroon,Dear Sir:To those of us who have seriouslyconcerned ourselves ,vith the organ¬ization of an anti-war league, andhave already devoted much time andeffort to the matter, your editorial ofthe 12th is of no little concern. As an Thus, when the United CommitteeAgainst War was instituted, it wasagreed that its main purpose was(1) to form a nucleus for organizedstudent opinion of those already be¬lieving that nonchalance is “Destruc¬tion thru Ignorance,’’ and (2) topresent the facts by which uninform¬ed students might be brought to feelthe same responsibility. Since waris an international force, it was fur-To The Daily Northwestern:Robert M. Hutchins is the most ^ *. ibEi iiaLiuiiai iuice, 11 was lUT-dangerous ‘Red’ in the U. S. A. Why i insult it is certainly unjustified, as a ther planned to bring these groups ofis he so interested in the merger? challenge it is ill-worded. students into cooperation with inter-b j • When one recalls the editorials national peace leagues.Why IS he h ewise in ereste in a appeared in the Maroon at the j This formulation was summarizedfederal department of education. i beginning of this very quarter it | in a communication sent to the Ma-There has been by this radical ad- I seems as though your principles had | roon on Dec. 5. The reason given forministration at Washington a regi-, been completely revised of late. One : not publishing this report was, thatmentation in industry, agriculture, I “'f,. f" “"“'I : "■ item."I least, a university publication might 'commerce and every other activity attempt to uphold a conviction. We ;of the American people; all being j might have expected that you would 'placed under domination of a radi-1 challenge the committee to hasten its ;cal clique in control of government, j efforts. However, your editorial of {Having seized control of every- ^ Tuesday seems destructive only,thing and set themselves up as die-by? Or perhaps we have miscal¬culated your views.Again, it is a bit curious, is it not,how very inconsistent and naivesome of us who consider ourselvesopen-minded can be? To be active-tutors, the problem now is to holdthe power they have seized. Hencethe feverish haste to get control ofeducation through a department ofeducation at Washington, and by any , .other methods available which would ■ ly interested in anything is to beinclude such a scheme as this merger i dubbed a “radical,’’ and thus to bethat before the expiration of their i summarily dismi.^sed. To be perfect-term at Washington, thought may be : ly complacent is to be harmless andregimented to enable them to retain ' thus no more than amoral—a sort ofcontrol of the nation. “Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no‘Chicago’ is more radical, more the jalien, more atheistic and un-Ameri- ^ \hen neither those jcan than would be Moscow if moved i ^’bo indulge in such rationalizations jto this city; Northwestern is the op- : ‘bose who know no better will be Iposite, typically American. Should , •they merge ‘Red’ Chicago would sur- | ~render nothing, it would merelymean a submerging of Northwesternand a greater Chicago with greaterpower to do harm.Your school owes a patriotic ob¬ligation to the American people tonot go through with this merger,which would be only another im¬portant victory for alien-mindedradicalism in the U. S. A. Loyal, sin¬cere, patriotic Americans in the mid¬west should pray, yes they shoulddemand this tragedy be prevented.It would be better that Northwesternbe destroyed than to become radical¬ized socially, politically, morally andspiritually by the—University ofChicago.M. M. Carson.(Editor’s Note: The dash marksa short, ugly Anglo-Saxon word notusually printed in the DAILYNORTHWESTERN.See editorial column on this page What reasons does the Maroonhave for attempting to hold back thework of the Student Committeeagainst War, even to the extent ofprinting statements which are whollywithout foundation? What reasonsdoes it have for not supporting sucha group, at least for not stating thetruth about it.Seymour Fried.My dear fellow, we are merelychallenging you.—ed.OREXEL theatre858 E. 63rdThnrs.-FrLVictor McLaKlen in‘Laughing at Life’Mat*. Daily iSc till 6:30the sfeaturing pagethe society columnfor men and womenthe famous woman’s articleswith hints for successthe every day events and activitieswe’re all interested inappears each WednesdayOnly Eight More Shopping DaysBefore ChristmasGifts purchased here wrapped for mailing free of charge. Sub-post office here for yourconvenience.CHOICE GIFTS ARE OFFERED BELOWTESTAMENT OF YOUTHBy Vera Brittain$2.50The poignant record of the gen¬eration which, young and untried,emerged after 1914 to build theworld anew,POOR SPLENDID WINGSBy Francis Winwar$3.50V/inner, Atlantic $5,000 PrizeNOVELS AND PLAYS by Saki, $3.00CHINTZ CHINAGenuine Royal Winton Chinaware with beautifulChintz patterns.Tea Pots at $1,50 and $2.00 Creamers at $1.00Tray for $1.25 Many other items 75c to $2.00BOOK ENDS EDWARDIAN ERA$3.00PROGRESS OF JULIUS$2.50ALL MEN ARE ENEMIES$2.50VANESSA$2.50A NICE LONG EVENINGBy Elizabeth Corbett$2.00TWO BLACK SHEEPBy W'arwick Deeping$2.50IDA ELIZABETHBy Sigrid Undset$2.50CHRISTMAS GREETINGCARDSQuaint, novel, moderniatic,conservative, etc., etc. Somein boxed aasortmenta, aomecellophane wrapped. Thou-aanda to chooae from.WORLD GLOBE. ON BASEAttractive 6" diameter, gooddetaila, latest map. 31.00.Others up to $20.00.HONEY. MAPLE SYRUP.ETC.By. the “Roycroftera.” Packedin pretty liftle brown jugaand crocks. Each $1.00 By Andre MauroinBy MaurierBy AldingtonBy WalpoleWRAPPINGSTissues, Cords, RibbonsSeals, tags, cards, in hun¬dreds of varieties. All youneed is here.STATIONERY IN WOODENBOXWith pretty Old World printson cover. Box may t>e usedafterward for dresser use.$1.00.5-YEAR DIARYGenuine "Line-a-Day.” Itealleather binding with look andkey. Each $1,00.TRAYS AND CANDLESTICKSTrays, $3.50; Candlesticks, $3.50; Bowls, $3.50;Book ends of penguins, eagles, and dogs in bronze, Book Ends, $2.50, etc,, in chromium and black, cop-verdi, and silver at $3,00 and $3.50. Beautifully per and brass. Modern designs. These are verysculptured. attractive gift pieces.WOODWORTH’S BOOK STORE1311 East 57th StreetDor. 4800—^near Kimbark Ave. Open EveningsI/THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933 Page ThreeDAILY MAROON SPORTS32 Teams Enter Scholastic Cage MeetStackler, WeisbergPlay in HorseshoesFinals TomorrowThe University horse-sho<> pitchingdoubles championship will be deter¬mined tomorrow when Sidney Stack¬ler and Seymour Weisberg, fraterni¬ty champions, meet the independentchampions, who are as yet undeter¬mined. Stackler and Weisberg ad¬vanced to first ranking through their21-17 and 21-4 victories over LarryGrandahl and John Turner of thePhi Kappa Sigma house. Stacklerand Weisberg represent Kappa Nu.Stackler and Grandahl are schedul¬ed to meet in the finals of the singlesdivisions. Arnold Schwab, Tau DeltaPhi, defeated Walter Duvall for thirdplace. NORGREN AND STAFFDIRECT TOURNAMENTOVER HOLIDAY WEEK Autumn IntramuralWrestling TourneyFinals CompletedThe University of ChicagoTypewriting OfficeOffers \'ery Low Rates to Students.Lexington Hall 15(nenr Oriental Institute) Field Restricted to ChicagoHigh Schools Due toI. S. A. A. RulingWith thirty-two teams listed onthe brackets for a perfect tourneyset-up. the 16th annual Universityinter scholasticbasketball tourna¬ment will get un¬der way Tuesdayat 1 in the field-house. Contestswill be played ev¬ery afternoon andevening with theexception of Sun¬day with the finalgames scheduledfor the evening ofNew Year’s day.Admission to eith¬NeU NorgrenCompleteSelection ofMIDGETRADIOSFor ChristmasPHILCO,$22.50CROSLEY,$18.50RCA VICTOR,$24.75ZENITH,$32.95KADETTE JR.,$12.50SPARTON,$29.95LYON & MEALYMany othermusical gift sng-gestions. er afternoon or evening sessions will; be 25 cents. On the evening of thej finals, however, the price will be' changed to 40 cents.For the first time this year the■ tourney will be directed by Nels Nor-gren, head coach of basketball, whowill be aided -by members of theI coaching staff. For the last fiteenI years of its existence, A. A. Stagg,I former Athletic director, was thej guiding spirit of the tournament.I Norgren and his assistants will draw'up the brackets a day or two before: play..Chicago District OnlyIn accordance with a request fromI the Illinois State Athletic associationj the entry list has been restricted to; schools within or very near the citylimits. With the field limited to the, Chicago district, city and suburbanI school coaches have been eager toenter their teams, since the tourney iwill give them ample advance oppor- |lunity to observe which teams are to |be feared in the wind-up of the city Iand suburban league competition, iThe regular league competitions run jinto the next two months. jSchools which have entered teams !include 25 of the best city squads and |7 ranking suburban outfits. The list jfollows: Austin, Bloom, Bowen, Cal-jumet, Crane, Englewood, Hyde Park,Lake View, Lane, Lindblom, Mar- \ With two falls featuring the eightmatches, the finals in the annualautumn intramural wrestling tourna¬ment were run off in Bartlett gymyesterday afternoon. The high-spotof the card was the wind-up betweenSappington, a freshman, and Pesek,a member of the varsity squad, whotussled in the heavyweight division.The opener, between Winter andBeclittle, 118 pound freshmen, alsoproved thrilling to the spectators.Summaries:118-lb. Class—Winter (f) defeatedBeclittle (f). Time advantage—2:45.126-lb. Class—Barton (v) defeatedFuges (f). Time advantage—6:00.135-lb. Class—Howard (v) defeatedBeHennassy (f). Time advan¬tage—4 :00.145-lb. Class—Friawal (f) threwGorman (v) in 8:00.155-lb. Class—Kracke (v) defeatedWoods (f). Time advantage—3:00.165-lb. Class—Giles (v) threw An¬derson (f) in 6.05.175-lb. Class—Block (v) defeatedMann (f). Time advantage—4:45.Heavyweight—Sappington (f) andPesek (v) drew. MAROON GAGE TEAMWORKS ON DEFENSEIN PRACTICE SESSIONHopes to Overcome Bradleyin Came Saturdayfor First Win Polo Team MeetsCulver Saturdayin 124th Armoryshall, Morgan Park, Morton, Parker,Proviso, Riverside, Senn, Tilden,Tuley, Blue Island, Fenger, Harrison,McKinley, Waller, Schurz, Roosevelt,Lyons, Maine, Kelly, iHirsch, VonSteuben, and Farragut.The champion and runner-upteams will receive full size silver bas¬ketballs for first and second place.CLASSIFIED ADSFOR RENT—Large double room.Well furnished. Reasonable. 6343Ingleside. Dorchester 9713. Mrs.Pears.FOR RENT—Clean, comfortableroom near U. of C. for two personsin private family. Economical planfor board if desired. Phone Midway9249.ROOM AND BOARD—Privatehome. Mod, rate. Quiet. Close tocampus. Fulghum, 5661 Drexel Ave.,3rd floor. The University basketball team, jafter its disappointing game with Ar- imour last Saturday, has gone Ithrough intensive defensive practice jand general floor work, in an at- jtempt to polish up the ragged spotsin the team’s playing. Limited byhis lack of first class material. CoachNorgren hopes to improve the teamconsiderably next quarter by the ad¬dition of capable men.Peterson, at center, is comingalong fairly well, and is learninghow to use his height to real advan¬tage in basket shooting and controlof the backboards. He together withKaplan, who has been weak on team- jwork, and Wegner, a hard worker jbut poor defensive player, are the !mainstays of the team. The latter !two are capable ball handlers, and !should prove quite valuable with a 'little more sea.soning. !Flinn RecoveredWith Tommy Flinn fully recoveredfrom a leg injury, one forward postis taken care of. Flinn, although apoor shot, plays a hard game and isthe spark plug of the team. Dorsey,Eldred, and Stapleton are fighting itout for the other forward job, withEldred most likely to get the callbecause of his height. Dorsey hasshown considerable skill however,and will probably crash into thelineup, as will Schmitz, a reservecenter who has been improving rap¬idly.The Maroons meet Bradley Insti- itute Saturday night, in a game that jshould be fairly even. Bradley, a !small school, took a thorough trim- !ming from Northwestern early in theseason, and might be the Maroon’s! first conquest. Bill Lang, a capableguard who was out with an arm in¬jury up to now, may be back withthe team in time for the Bradleygame.During the holidays, the Maroonsmeet a strong Marquette team on the29th as a special feature during thebasketball interscholastics. Marquettehas one of the best teams in the The polo team with Captain BruceBenson, Raymond Ickes, and BobHepple enter the hai’dest part oftheir indoor season schedule the firstpart of next quarter. The Maroonsstarted their season successfully bywinning the tournament given in con¬junction with the show at the stock-yards. They also defeated StalfordStables, 8 % to 7, and ElleringtonFarms, 12 to 6.After a stiff practice session heldlast night a new line-up, the smooth¬est working combination to date, wasdrawn up: Hepple at Number 1,Ickes at Number 2, and Benson atNumbei; 3.The squad, which has shown brightpromise thus far, tackles Culver Mil¬itary Academy in the 124th FieldArtillery Armory, 5200 CottageGrove avenue, Saturday morning at9. A battle with members of thefamed Black Horse troop of FortSheridan has been scheduled for Jan¬uary 13. Tentative plans have beenformed to meet Ohio State, Illinois,Michigan State, Iowa State, and Mis¬souri in their big meets. Princetonis also being solicited for a contesthere.Since the sport of polo has beenplaced under the direction of theAthletic department and is being rununder Big Ten rules as any othermajor Conference sport, the team,which was Big Ten champion lastyear, has attracted the largest fresh¬man squad in University history.However, men who are interested ineither freshman or varsity polo, butas yet have not reported to practiceare urged to see Manager Huffstetterin the military office in Ryerson.middle west and should not encount¬er too much trouble in the Maroongame.In January the Maroons embarkupon their Big Ten schedule. On thesixth Ohio State comes to the Mid¬way for the opener. The eighth theMaroons journey to Ann Arbor tobattle Michigan. After the Illinoisgame on the 13th Michigan returnsthe visit. Besides the Conferenceteams, the cagers meet Notre Dameat South Bend. Other teams to beplayed include Wheaton, Marquette,and Illinois Normal.HOLDBusinesses large and smallspend millions annually in ad¬vertising. Do they all advertisewith the same objective in view?No indeed, it is a matter of com¬mon observation that the adver¬tisers are divided into three dis¬tinct groups.The first group comprisesthose new businesses which ad¬vertise to get a start in the busi¬ness world. YOURThe second group includesthose businesses which advertiseto gain new customers, at thesame time holding their old ones.The third group is made upof businesses which have reach¬ed a point of developmentThe Saturation Pointif you will — when further ex¬pansion is unprofitable or evenin some cases, impossible. OWN . .Chicago merchants and moreespecially local business menhave found by experience thatthe best way to “Hold YourOwn“ is to adv/’ltise in the DAILY MAROON It is to this third class thatadvertising is of prime import¬ance. Businesses of this typeare obliged to wage a defensivebattle in the face of open com¬petition. Whether they willhold their ground throughoutthe years depends in large meas¬ure upon the extent to whichthey fortify their position withconstant advertising. You can’t go wrongon theseGift BooksRockwell Kentiana $3.75Collected Prose of ElinorWylie 3.50Anthony Adverse 3.00MacLeish—Poems 3.00Shaw—Homer’s Adyssey .... 3.50Powys—Meaning of Culture. 3.00Testament of Youth 2.50Short Bible 2.00Poor Splendid Wings 3.50(The Rossettis)Mary Borden—Mary ofNazareth 2.50Frost—An Astronomer’s Life 3.50Stevens—Garden Flowers inColor 3.75Sutherlnad—Arches of theYj:ars 2.75Kent—N by E 1.00Haggard—Devils, Drugs& Drs 1.00Only Yesterday 1.00Bulliet—Art Masterpieces 50c & 1.00Standard Authors—10 vol. set 3.95Artists in Music Today .... 2.50JKhiiChildren’s Books for All Agesat ail pricesNancy 1.75Engines and Brass Bandsby the “Bookdouse Lady”.. 2.50Color Text Books ofScience 12 for 1.50Pop-Ups 60c to 2.50Armer—Dark Circle ofBranches 2.50Traveling With the Birds ... 1.00(Wonderfully illustrated)Hillyer—Child’s Historyof Art 3.50See the New Typewritersas Gift SuggestionsMiniature Oil PaintingsGlobes $1.25 upLovely Pottery 30c upU. of C. Pictorial Mapsand articles made fromthe map.Decorative Boxes .50Fossil Book Ends 2.00Bantam Pen & Pencil Sets .. 1.50Distinctive Giftsat theU. of C. Bookstore5802 Elli< Ave.-■'age Four THE DAILY MAROCM'J, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1933SportFlashesThe “Beatt’* Writei—Merger, Merger—November 6, 1869—Missouri Mules—By TOM BARTON- PROFESSOR ALLEE EXPERIMENTS ONMARINE ANIMAL GROUP BEHAVIORWalter Maneikis, the Maroon’s“Least appreciated” football playerbroke into print in the current issueof Phoenix with a nice article onsome aspects of the past grid season.The “Beast” was very critical ofsome phases of the fall Pigskin Push¬ing sport and throughout the articleshowed that occasionally the “prim¬ordial urge” overcomes the defin¬itions of sportsmanship. In somecases a good kick in the face canmake up for the repeated incisionof a “knee in your solar plexus allafternoon.”Maneikis’ most pleasing memoryof the year was “the picture of BillBerg breezing down the field for a jtouchdown against Dartmouth.” Be¬lieve it or not that little incident af- iforded us the utmost pleasure too. 1Maneikis may have been a little hard :on the officials—some of them are ;not “blind in one eye,” they are blind |in both of them. !* * * ISports writers like to “ruminate,” !as our own J. P. B. puts it and while |“ruminating” on the merger we ithought of what a nice football team 1the “Chicago-Northwestern Amalga- jmated University” might have put on !the field this fall. A line with Man-1ske and Jans at ends, Deem and Ko- ipecky at tackles, Maneikis and Kawal jat guards, Patterson at center, anda backfield of Ollie Olson, Berwang-er, Zimmer and Sahlin would haveagitated other Big Ten teams consid¬erably . . . but then the “collegeswill never be discontinued.”* * *In answer to H. J. V.’s inquiry, theJEWISH STUDENTS'FOUNUm HOLDSSERVICE IN CHAPEL Overcrowding, conditions 'of theslums, and similar phrases are oftenheard in this modern day—but ap¬plied usually to the human species,and not to fish. Browsing around inthe zoology department, however,one discovers that fish, too, are sub¬ject to such problems. In fact W.I C. Allee, professor and secretary ofI the department, has even named hisI investigations into such realms; “Sociology among the Animals.”The effect of crowding on survi-j val and growth is perhaps the mostI important of the studies that Dr. Al-j lee has made. Fish will grow morej readily in water into which other an-1 imals have previously lived for 24I hours, he has found. The same tend-1 ency was exhibited by marine worms,i who lived but one hour in tap water,! three in sea water, and seven in wa-j ter conditioned by other worms.I More spectacular, but not so fund-! amental, is the analysis that has beendone in regard to social organization! among flocks of birds. Stringent andI very definite is the social order there' existing, with social supremacy dem¬ onstrated in their actions towardseach other. When banded so thatthey might be told apart, certainof the group pecked all of the others,while this degree of pecking varieddown to one who could peck none.Triangle systems, in which threecould peck those below and one oftheir group, seem the rule. The an¬alogy is found in our organization inwhich one person has greatest socialprestige and hence most contacts,varying down to the lowest who mustrun off, as do the birds, and be bythemselves.Rate of learning in fishes was alsodemonstrated. Given the right kindof problem, such as a maze, the rap¬idity of learning would increase withthe number of fish present. Groupinterference is exemplified in the op¬posite type of experiment, such asteaching a fish to jump for food ona green light and swim to bottom ona red. If another fish is put intoan aquarium just as the other isabout to jump, the former wfUnudge the trained animal so that thejump will not be completed.Gertrude Evans, research assistant,and Ralph Oesting, chemistry re¬search assistant, have assisted Dr.Allee in his findings. Today on theQuadranglesfirst intercollegiate football contestwas played at New Brunswick, NewJersey, November 6, 1869. Rutgersand Princeton were the contestants,and the Tigers lost 6 to 4. At thattime there were 25 players on eachteam and the goal posts were 25 feetapart.* *Frank Carideo, former NotreDame backfield star, and now coachat Missouri, is right in midst of some difficulties. It seems that Mis¬souri didn’t have much of a teamthis year and the campus paperhopped on the athletic setup there.In an editorial the paper stated thatunless the “attitude of Missouriplayers toward the athletic depart¬ment changes, we will be gracednext year with a team probablyworse than this year’s.” The Maroonsmeet Missouri in 1934 and Carideoseems to be “on the spot.” ! The Daily Maroonj Night editor for the next issue:I David H. Kutner. Assistant: RalphNicholson.LecturesI “Resurrection,” a dramatic read-I ing by Associate Professor Bertram'G. Nelson. 6:45 in Fullerton hall.The Art Institute.I “Abstraction.” Associate Professor! Mortimer J. Adler. Renaissance so-} ciety in Oriental Institute ’ectureI hall at 8:30.Radio Programs“Environment and Race.” Profes-I sor Griffith Taylor over WJJD at 10a. m.' Humanities general lecture. Pro-i fessor Ferdinand Schevill overi WMAQ at 1:30 p. m.1 “Interpreting Business Events.”’ KYW at 7:30 p. m.j Music and Religioni “The Shadow of Good.” Cecil M; Smith. Also a program of Christmasmusic by the Bond Chapel choir. Jos-! eph Bond chapel at 12.j Organ recital by Barrett Spach.I The University Chapel at 5.IMiscellaneousIda Noyes advisory council and:j auxiliary tea. Ida Noyes, 4 to 6.; University Rifle and Pistol club,Classics 17 at 5.“Producers Side of the NRA,”Professor S. H. Nerlove at the Grad¬uate Club of Economics and Businessin Haskell hall at 4:30.“Exploring in France,” Raymond Rockwood. Graduate History club inSocial Science 302 at 7:30.“Turkish and Byzantine Athens,”Professor Clarence G. Lowe, Archae¬ological Society of Chicago in Class¬ics 10 at 4. The Bric-a-brac ShopA Nice Selection of GiftsA LARGE ASSORTMENT OFCHRISTMAS CARDS1451 E. 57th St.Near BlackatoneKimbark HotelRates $5.50 Up24 HOUR SERVICE105 RoomsNewly decorated with private baths, tubsand showers6324 Kimbark Ave.Phone Plaza 4500VOTE FOR THE..SMOOTHEST MAN ON CAMPUSWrite the name of your S. M. O. C. on the dottedfine below and drop this coupon in the boxes in Cobb andMandel Cloisters, or take it to the Maroon office.RULES:1. He must be a Freshman.2. Only women, but women of any class,may vote.The Wnmer Will Be AnDoimoed at theFRESHMAN FORMAL^ $1 per cotiple*MY S. M. O. C IS Frt, Dec. 15FORiJAFFEE TO B6£THE WORLD’SCHAMPION SKATEI^The first annual service given un- !der the auspices of the liberal relig- jious group of the Jewish Students’ jFoundation of the University will be iheld in the Chapel next Sunday at j4:30. The service which will com- Imemorate the Maccabeam victory jover the Syrians will be reminiscentof the Feast of Lights. This will bethe first time a distinctly Jewish serv¬ice has been held in the Chapel.The outstanding events in the serv¬ice are the invocation by Rabbi Abra¬ham L. Lassen, president of the Chi¬cago Rabbinical association; thereading of the service by W. A. Gold¬berg, chairman of the religious com¬mittee; a response for the Univer¬sity by Charles W. Gilkey, dean ofthe University chapel; a response forthe Foundation by Rabbi G. GeorgeFox, advisor for Jewish students; thebenediction by Rabbi Louis L. Mann, iof Chicago Sinai Congregation. The jsermon which will be delivered by |Rabbi Felix A. Levy is titled “The jJew, a Victim of Cultural Conflict.” ISix undergraduate Jewish studentswill actively participate in the choir.Those taking part are Charlotte Ros¬enbaum, Dorothy Sampson, MurielSchaffner, Jeanette Stein, SidneyFinkel, and Kenneth Sachs.USE THEDAILY MAROON^STHEATER TICKETSERVICE IIRVING JAFFEE(At Right)—Again Jaffee makes a thrillingfinish as he speeds to victory! Winnerof 1,000 medals and trophies, includingthree Olympic Skating Championships,Jaffee has brought the highest skatinghonors to the U.S.A. Asked recently ifhe was a steady smoker, Jaffee said,“Yes—but that goes for Camels only. 1 haveto keep my wind, you know, andhealthy nerves.”CAMELS COSTLIERTOBACCOSYou’ve often seen his name and picturein the papers—Jaffee, the city-bred boyfrom the U. S. A; who beat the best thatEurope had to offer, and became theskating champion of the world! Speak¬ing of speed skating and cigarettes,Jaffee says: “It takes healthy nervesand plenty of wind to be an Olympicskating champion. I find that Camels, because of -their costlier tobaccos, aremild and likable in taste. And, what iseven more important to a championathlete, they never upset the nerves.”Change to Camels and note the dif¬ference in your nerves... in the pleas¬ure you get from smoking! Camelsare milder... have a better taste. Theynever upset your nerves. Begin today INEVfR CfT ON YOUR NERVES... NIVER TIRE YOUR TAST Coprrl(ht. 1933,B. J. Bajnokl* Tobaceo Comptiv