©ailp i¥laroonVol. 33. No. 9. UNiVERSiTY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1 932 Price Three Cents' MoleciulesAct inPictures ‘UNIVERSITY REDS | America Awaits a Leader,TAI If NflN.^PNSP ’ Sedgwick Declares! Seeks B lackfriars Stars 'UNIto Sing with Lopez i yp VERSin NOTisTiLE, sconELLS l-F GROUPRUSSIAN CLAIMS Man from Dormant WestjAtlanti(“ Mnnthiv Friitor iniiTnw imi i ninpiAT Milt Olin and Craig Brook.s, .star.sof last year’s 'Blackfriars production, _“Whoa Henry”, will be featured by TVincent Lopez Friday night at the ' Inew Joseph Urban room of the Con-Molecules dancinjr with never-endm},' motion, combining and re-com-hininj? in infinite patterns; delicate’•■actions inside a test-tube; plantstrrowins: and dyin^; rivers er()dinKtheir banks and l)uildinpr deltas; stars ;. Student League MeetingDisrupted byObjector Opens New MoodySeriesBy EDWARD W. NICHOLSONThe American commonwealthSuicide” was the handbill catch-uhirlinR' in their coursers through the i word which attracted 50 people to j tinder awaiting the divine spark of-ky: these and many other miracles the Student League Mass meeting to set it ablaze with theof our world that occur every day, ' l^'-^t night in the Social Science as- i fulfillment ot democratic ideals,unheeded by all save a few. will fur- i sembly room. But the gathering of i 9“.’’ tendency is away fromiiish plot and actoi-s for a series of this University chapter of a national ''’‘^^''’j^J’^'ulism and toward allowingeducational talking pictures, now j communistic organization was brok- ourselv(\s and our thoughts to be•eing made by the Univei-sity. which ' on up in confusion when a Russian guided by modern mechanism and UMPUS HORNER FORGOVERNOR CRMPRIGNwill be unique in their field.This announcement was made yes¬terday by Herman I. Schlesinger,professor of Chemistry, whoHarvey B. Lemon, professor ofPhysics, is preparing the films.Announce TentativePlan* for the Picture*Tentative plans for the project, a.-• nnounced last May. call for eightyone-reel picture.^, including a .series member of the audience repudiated i inventionsi statements praising the Russian So-! viet idea. ‘‘I’d rather commit *uicidewith ' return to Ru.ssia now; the lead-I er.' of the Student League shouldi study the actual working of the Rus¬sian ideal before presenting suer.• lisgusting nonsense as I have heardhere tonight,” the dissenter declared.i The Agenda, The 'cssioii of this communisticof twenty in each division. The Physi- ! duh had been called to consider suchcal Sciences films, two of which are -startling topics as lower tuition fees,completed, and three more in proce.ss ! academic freedom for .students andof completion, will be produced first, instructors, abolition of H. O. T. C..with the Biological Setences series i opposition to imperialist war, full so-• heduled to follow. !‘ ‘al and political equality for negroes This was the message of EllerySedgwick, editor of the AtlanticMonthly and first lecturer of the six¬teenth season of the William Vaughn•Moody lecture foundation, as hespoke to a Mandel hall audience lastnight on “Perspectives.”Lack of Real LeadersPointing out that by far the great¬est number of the country’s realleadt'rs and eminent men have comeout of the PiUst, Mi‘. Sedgwick la¬mented the fact that a great portionof .America, so fertile in other prod¬ucts. has been almo.st completelysterile when it comes to the produc- .Jerry Jontry, Delta Kappa Ep¬silon, chairman of the Dramatic as¬sociation and “C” man in track,.wasnamed president of the “Judge Hoim-er for Governor club” at a meetingof the organization yesterday.The purpose of the club, whichwas immediately recognized by theoffice of the Dean of Students, is topromote the candidacy of HenryHorne)-, who has been probate judgeof Cook county for seventeen years,for Governor of Illinois.The club is i-epresentative of bothgraduate and undergraduate men andwomen on campus who a)'e interestedin Horner’s candidacy. The campusgroup is working in close connectionwith the alumni ‘‘Univei’slty Inde¬pendent Horner for Governoi- .Asso¬ciation,” which is headed by twohundred members of the faculty.Among the niembers of last year’sclub still active on campus are Hen-The technical aspt’ct of this latest and oth<‘r minorities, and unemploy-I tion of that far more impoi-tantdevelopment of educational talking ment insurance for unemployed .stu- thing—a leader. ^ .pictures is being handled by the Bell dents ami unemployed workers. But ‘■'n •'<ixty-nve ot the liusts in the j.y Sulcer, abbot of 'Blackfriars, Pro-Telephone laboratories. Electrical Re- 'he dissenting, traitorous voice of the t*all ot Fame are those of eastern ! Jerome Kerwin, Don Birney,-earch Products, Inc., and Erpi Pic-! individual from the country where T'he We.st, claimed Mr. Sedg-i ^f the football team, Johntore Consultant-s. Inc., all subsidiaries i the communistic sentiment is strong- has produced very few paint- h. Kennan, Placement counsellor anduf the American Telephone and Tel- e.st disrupted the agenda.(•graph company. “Death Better Than Rus*ia”Profe**or Schle*inger This man had lived in Russia untilDi*cu**e* the Projfct | live years agii. and hus experiences“The primary purpose of the Physi- : under the Soviet regime have per-cal Sciences iiictures,” Professor | suaded him that death is preferable.^clilesinger said yesterday, “is to pre-1 to continued existence in a landent, before large group.-, material | “where personal freedom is nothingwhich cannot he a*lequately treated! ! but an ••mpty phra.so.” He declared,in any othei way. For example, I “I have been in .America for fivehave found that many experiment.', j years without c iice being molested byare clearly visible only to students in j u policeman. I am glad to be out ofthe first four or five rows of the hall, j Russia, where my experiences wereBy means of motion pictures the ex- i too horrible to describe. Before youperiment may he demonstratedthat everyone can follow thetion.“.Again, aniiiiati'd pictures ami dia-.Tam.s will ,'eive to clarify in th«!-tudents’ mind,- conceptions whicharc difficult to gia.-p. Molecular pres¬sure and .siz«‘ and number of mole¬cules may he illu.-trated in motionpictures more ertectiv«*ly than hy anyother mean'."Stop-motion or time-lapse photog¬raphy, showing -low physical andchemical change.- in nuiterial.- overa long period of filin', is a third fieldm which the talking pictures will heable to illustrate the miiterial with■j-raphic coiu*i.-ene>s impossible toachieve with hlaekltoai d diagrtini'.Two PicturesAre Already CompletedTwo of the talking pictures arepractically complete, according toF’rofessor Schlesinger. They are “The.Molecular Theory of Matter—.An In¬troduction” and “Oxidation and Re- iduction.” “Eleetricity and Magnet- jism”, “Energy and VVork" and “The jVelocity of Light” are rapidly near- i make statement.- about the Sovietreae- i rule, go to the U. S. S. R. and tlienbring your fiiiding.- hack here.”'Phe visitoi' advocated a trip toRussia a- a cun- for idealistic tend¬encies. for all hi- “faith in mankindwa- de.-troyed as a lesult of my con¬tact with that eounti'v und<*r the five-year plan.” ers. writers, scientists, and real lead¬ers. Its only figures in the day’s newsare politicians. .And yet it is in theWest that iv great .American con-^tribution to world society is takingplace—it 1- there that the country’shistory will he wrought, and in thenear future. / .Standitrdizatroa to BlameThe rea.son for the la6k of leadersin .America today. Mr. Sedgwick-tated, is the tondeney toward stand¬ardization of individuals. Our book-of-thc-month, r a d i o s. identicalmovies shown to thousands of peopleall over the eountiy, newspaper(Continued on page 2) iiuiei. /^ • A I *Lopez, who will play .several or- Liives Administration schestrations from the last Black- AttituHp Tn\A/;irrlfriar show, i„vit«l Olin and Brooks I OWarOto come down and .sing the num- FratemitieShers. He has been playing at theUihan room since its opening a week* Intel fraternity Council’s first meet-ago, coming to Chicago from the St. j ing of the year last night was fea-Regis hotel in New York. The Ur- j tured by Dean William E. Scott’sban room is the revised and redec- i floor-talk defining the University’.sorated version of the old Balloon | attitude toward fraternities, and itsroom of the Congres.-. | requirements of the InterfraternityMilt Olin had the male lead and I Council.tiHe part in “Whoa Henry”, and his “The University,” Dean Scott de-Iq f the I elared, “is not antagonistic to fra-'I** shows. Brooks I ternities. In general it desires thatchorus last sea- | the Interfraternity Council consti-■ ^ tute a governing body over its own•w jf , I wiembers, and that its judgments iVillJViOn*1^0Tl PTirlc i honored in all cases where theyXVlltld I do not conflict with the University’sbroad administrative policies.Speaks of Ru*hing Rulesj “The present deferred rushingrules,” he continued, “may be chang¬ed at any time by the InterfraternityCouncil, providing that that body ad¬here.- to the general desire of theUniversity that freshmen do notcome under the definite influence offraternities until they have com¬pleted nearly a year of academicwork. If the present rules are foundunsatisfactory in any minor or ma¬jor respects, they may be changedwithin the limits set forth hove.”A good portion ot the meeting lastnight was occupied with a discussionof the somewhat ambiguous wordingResearch Workin Asia MinorJohn A. Morrison, instructor in thedepartment of Geography, returnedto the University this week after a.■’Ummer spent in intensive geographi¬cal research in Anatolia.Mr. Morrison devoted his time toa detailed field .study of Alishar, asmall village in the uplands of Asia-Minor. He was a guest of the Orien¬tal Institute Anatolian Expeditionwhich has spent the past five yearsexploring and excavating in this re-Lawrence Schmidt, former chairmanof the Student Committee on StudentAffairs.A great deal of enthu.siasm wa.s.shown last year bv both the studentsand faculty. Similar clubs have been environment in a small type 'rushing. A committee, consisting ofgion. The object of Mr. Morrison’sinvestigation was the analysis of the I articles 2 of the rushing rulesrelations of human activity to the ' ^’ule does not mention summerorganized at the University of Illi¬nois. Kent Law school, Northwesternuniversity, .Armour Institute andother schools throughout the state.ENROLLMENT SHOWSNOMINAL DECREASEIN TWELVE MONTHSHutchins’ ClassBegins 2 - Year“Swvey”AgainI’re.-ident Koheit .M. Hutchins’ andDr. .Mortimer J. Adler’s renovatedHonors course in classical literaturemet last night tor the second timethis year. The couise i- being givenagain during the next two years to Enrollment af the end of the firstweek of school totaled ,5,14(1, aecoid-itig to figures released by Roy Bix-ler. University registrar. This showsa drop of only .’B) compared withthe paid registration at the samelime last year. Most of the decreaseoccurred in the undergraduate sec¬tion of the Divisions.The total number of undergradu¬ate.- registered is 2,(181 as eonqiared purpose of the tour. Lieutenant Wil-Inaugurate Seriesof ReconciliationTours Saturday.A tour of the municipal courts |and the areas whicli breed criminalswill be held Saturday morning as the 'first of the year’s Reconciliation ■Tours, conducted by Frank Orman jBeck. A charge of fifty cents will he jmade to defray expenses. area previously uninve.stigated. James F. Simon, Zeta Beta Tau,The village, its a.ssoeiated agricul- ^^^'"’'*^*^! Marvin Simon, Tau Deltatural lands, and the geology, topog-i^hi; Byron Evans, Beta Theta Pi;raphy and soils of the area were care- ' Herman Odell, Kappa Nu, wasfully mapped. The social and eeo- appointed to frame an amendment tonomic life of the village was record- i article 2. This committee will reported through interviews with the vil- Wednesday night at a special meet-lagers. The as.sociation of the villag-ers with the members of the Orien- President Whitney reqested all vi¬tal Institute exiiedition caused themto he friendly and helpful to .Mr.Morrison.tour are asked to meet at 9:30 atthe Cential rourts and Police build¬ing. The groups will first as.semble in olations of the ru.shing rule.s be re¬ported either to himself or to DeanScott. The name of the person mak¬ing the report will be withheld inany action taken.Consider BaliA discussion of the InterfraternityBall centered around the questions ofreducing the price and inviting fresh-I he New Plan After Oiu* Year”, iiicn. While the Council has taken no- the subject scheduled for discus- official action on this matter, it ision at the first meeting of the De- probable that the Ball will be heldhold first MEETINGOF DEBATING UNIONTONIGHT AT 7:30Tho.'te iiitei in makin,- thn iiatiiia I tiion which will be held at foe liieniltclw of all classes, at a price7 :.{0 tonight in Reynolds cluli. Room of from $2.50 to $3.00. In connec-'I’entative planmg completion. All these pictures are i thoroughne.ss. Inone reel in length, and are ! ,.^.,„e<Iy this defect, in part to 2,793 last year at this time, while1,525 students enrolled this year inthe professional schools, comparedwith 1,413 last year. 'The graduateiLs many of the original twenty mem- •‘‘Ki-'^tration decrea.sed from 1280 to1245, while unclassified students in¬creased from 55 to 58.Divinity school gained 1*/, Rush(Continued on page 3)liers as wish to enroll.One of the chief objections to theclass procedure was the fact that noone assignment was covered withorder to. ..V. , ... , at least.the 35 millimeter Western Electricsupplementary eour.se in Aristotle-ound-on-film projector. However, , inaugurated for the classhey will al.-o he available for theportable K; millimeter projector, .-e-I Aristotle’slected by the I nivei.-it.\ as most j ggntence by sentence, re-i the “show-up” room where Director | tion call for a radio debate with anBeck will di.-cuss “('rime: A Social |ca.stern university, and Intramural de-Responsibility” and will explain the J bates on subjects pertaining to thepresidential election. Further plan-will be drawn up at the meeting to¬night, which is open to everyom* in¬terested in debating. Erik Wahlgreiiis chairman of the Debating Union.Last year the organization engag¬ed in a successful program whichseveral1- actory for classioom use.When it is completed the PhysicalSciences series of pictures will con¬tain twenty ti'ii-minute illustrateddi.scussions of important points inchemistry, physics, astronomy, andgeology. Professor Schlesinger willolan the pictures dealing paiticularlyAith chemistry. Professor Lemon willoe in charge of the pictures onphysics, and Associate professorfarcy Cronels of the Geology de¬partment will direct the films in thatfield.Rian Picturesfor College StudentsThese pictures have been plannedprimarily for students at the col¬lege level, and especially for use inthe general couises given in the Col¬lege of the University. However, itis the opinion of President Hutchinsand the faculty members in chargeof the project that the entire Physi¬cal Sciences film can be used in anycdllpge without the adoption of a gen¬eral “survey” course. maining on each sentence until it is ithoroughly understood. j•At the present time the class in¬cludes twelve men and women, only ]nine of whom are part of the orig- jinal twenty who began the course 'two years ago. Since that time the ,(Continued on page 4) jW. A. A. SCHEDULESYEAR’S ACTIVITIESThe schedule of W. A. A. activities jfor the coming year, compiled by jMary Virginia Rockwell, w'ill be is- .sued today. Girls who have already 1joined the association will receive 'copies of this through the mail. :Others may obtain copies at the W. jA. A. desk in the Trophy Gallery of iIda Noyes.A cozy in honor of transfer stu- |dents will be given by W. A. A. to- imorrow from 3:30 to 5:00. At this |meeting, to which every one is in- ARE YOU CONCEITED,SNOGBISH?Don’t pass The Daily Maroonnewsies with a cold shoulder.Don’t act as though they wereenemies. When you see onethere is but one thing to do..Act friendly, give the gentle¬man the necessary three cents,receive your Daily Maroon, and.say so long, or I’ll see you liam A. Balswick, secretary to thechief of detectives, will describe “AModern Police Department”, afterwhich the grouji will make an inten¬sive inspection of the building. Theywill visit the Boys’ Court, the Wom¬en’s Court, the Speeders’ Court and I included debates againstthe P.sychiatric Institute of the j American universities.courts. ILuncheon will he served for the tion with the <iuestion of the Ballol the organiza- | President Whitney suggested a post¬ponement of the Psi lI-.Alpha Delt-l)eki‘ “thiee way” party.Mauiice Bame, Pi Lambda Phi,chairman of the publicity committee,reported a satisfactory liaison be¬tween the ('ouneil and campus publi¬cations as well as the metropolitanpapers.The meeting was well attendedwith the exception of representa¬tives from A. T. O., Sigma Chi, PhiKappa Sigma, and Deke.'which Dr. David B. Roliinan, head of ' Bretz Explains Mystery of Nature!the Psychiatric In.stitute, and Erwin ^ i r rr\ ilohnston, superintendent of the So , KeSUlt Oj I TemendOUS t lOOd; eial Service department of the Boys’' Court, will speak. ‘.After a walk through the Latinj (Quarter of the near-North Side anda visit to McKinlock Campus whereI (Continued on page 2) l),‘;j NAME NINETEEN, tp:.,"USHER AT CONCERTS Thehistory :ieate.-t flood in the earths width varying from a minimum ofe.xplains one ol nature s a maximum of five miles.mo.st puzzling mysteries, the origin ^^rough basalt, the canyon nowot Grand Coulee, a fifty-mile can- typical features of a streamagain.THEvited, the ping-pong tournament un¬it will also be-'^possible for second- j der the direction of Lou Williams(Continued on page 2) 1 will begin. BuyDAILY MAROON3c I Nineteen women have been ap-I pointed by Madeline Strong, head^ ushe^r, to usher at the Chicago Sym-j phony concert series to begin No-I vember 1 in Mandel hall. The series' will include four concerts by the Chi-1 cago Symphony Orc’nestra, under the! direction of Frederick Stock, and twoconcerts by guest artists.! The women appointed a.s ushersare: Lorraine Ade, Rebecca Hay¬ward, Margaret Graham, Rita Du-kette, Lois Cromwell, GeraldineSmithwick, Helen Keller, Mary Krev-itsky, Maxine CrevistonJ EstherFeuchtwanger, 'Beth Johler, MargaretWillis, Martha Miller, Ruth Willard,Eleanor Wilson, Elizabeth Buckley,Ethel Foster, Bettyann Nelson, andLydabeth Tressler. yon in the state of Washington.This answer to a problem whicTi ge¬ologists have been studying for acentury has been advanced by Dr.J. Harlen Bretz, professor of geol¬ogy at the University, who hasworked in the region for ten years.Bursting of a glacial ice dam thatimpounded a lake of 500 cubic milesloosened a torrent that created acataract .seven times the width ofNiagara Falls and more than fivetimes as high. Professor Bretz con¬cludes in a study, “The Grand 'Cou- channel, with hundred-foot deeppotholes, dry falls 400 feet high, andliver bars 200 feet thick.The coulee has two parts, thelortheiTi, a notch about 25 mileslong, and the southern or lowercoulee, a 17-mile trench, with a gapof .<ome six miles between the twosections. Hundreds of square milesbordering the coulee, equal in areato the state of Maryland, is “scab-land,” stream bottom topography.In the late Pleistocene period, ap¬proximately 100,000 years ago inlee,” issued as Special Publication | the earth’s history, the great iceNo. 15 of the American Geographi-! sheet dammed the Columbia River,cal Society. The cataract, retreating . which normally drained the region,upstream, cut through .solid rock to The glacial waters were forced toa depth of approximately 1100 feet e.scape across the plateau and ulti-for twenty-five miles to create what mately produced Grand Coulee,is now known as the “upper coulee.” In the thirteenth and fourteenthGrand Coulee, which is roughly miles of the upper coulee the gorgemidway between Spokane and ' doubles in width to approximatelySeattle, is fifty miles long, nearly three miles, and sixteen mile.s upa thousand feet deep, and has a (Continued on page 4)Page Tw o THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932iatlg i®ar00ttFOUNDED m 1901The Daily Maroon is the ofTirial student newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago, published mornings except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University avenue.,Sub.'cription rates : $2..50 a year ; $4 by mail. Single copies :three cents.No rt'siKmsibility is assumed by the University of Chicagofor any statements -•ipj'earing in The Daily Maroon, or fcr anycontracts entered into by The Daily Mart>on.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Marcsm ^xpressly reserves all right of publicationof any material aptiearing in this paper.BOARD OF CONTROLWARREN E. THOMPSON, Editor-in-ChiefEDGAR L. GOLDSMITH, B\i.siness ManagerRUBE S. FRODIN, JR., Managing EditorJOHN D. CLANCY, JR., Circulation ManagerMAXINE CREVISTON, Senior EditorJAMES F. SIMON., Senior EditorCHARLES NEWTON, JR., Student PublisherAS.SOCIATE EDITORSJane BiesenthalMelvin OoldmanWilliam OoodsteinBetty Hansen Robert HerzogDavid C. LevineEdward W. NicholsonH. Eugene PatrickBUSINESS ASSOCIATESWalter .Mtuitgomery Vincent NewmanEdward Schaller itimwinnintiHMMrMMtNight Editor: Melvin L. Goldman.Assistant: George DasbachThursday, October 13, 1932A VERY POOR STARTThe Interlraternity Council met last night forthe first time this year. Problems of the gravestimport awaited its consideration, and the presi¬dents of twenty-six fraternities had been notified ofthe fact. An optimist would have predicted thattwenty-six fraternity presidents would appear, andthat most of them would have something to sayon the extremely serious matters scheduled for dis¬cussion.But the optimist would have been wrong, asusual. Five houses were not even represented atthe meeting, and more than half of the others wererepresented by men who either could not or wouldnot “get up in meeting”.; Next Wednesday night has been set as thetime for a special meeting to consider some ofthese weighty matters that begged for solution lastnight. Perhaps the lethargy and indifference man¬ifested at the first session were not symbolic of theInterfraterntiy Council', nor truly indicative of thefuture. W’e hope not; and we suggest that theremay be some truth in the homely words of Ben¬jamin Franklin:“Gentlemen, if we do not hang together, weshall all hang separately!”—J. F. S.MAJORING IN SCHOLARSHIP(Reprinted from the columns of theChicago Daily News)Education is becoming a major student activityat the University of Chicago under the new sys¬tem of voluntary classroom attendance and com¬prehensive examinations, according to DeanChauncey S, Boucher, who spoke for the facultyin a recent interview.The attainment of such a goal in student in¬terest long has been the ambition of educators.Much public criticism, in part exaggerated, hasbeen directed toward the fact that anything butscholarship seemed to be the aim of thousands ofyoung men and young women who attended col¬leges and universities.A year’s test of Chicago’s experimental depart¬ure has brought gratifying experiences and results.Students who entered the University under thenew plan have proved to be 10 percent higherin scholastic apptitude than the average of threeprior classes at entrance. The health authorities ofthe institution give them a better physical rating.That the old instructional and examination systemwasted time for some students has been demon¬strated by the fact that in the last year fourteenpas.9ed one or more of the comprehensive exam¬inations without taking the courses which led upto them.One gratfying evidence of student interest is tobe found in the fact that although attendance atclasses is no longer required, regularity in attend¬ance has not suffered. Demands for tests, ad¬ditional lectures, longer library hours, and tutorialconferences with professors have given furtherproof that the new educational methods arewhetting the student appetite for scholarship. Ob¬taining enough' credits to get by, an endeavor towhich much lazy ingenuity has been applied inthe past, gives way to desire for the real valuesof education. The Travelling BazaarBy Charles Newton, Jr. and John Holloway. . . REVELATIONS IN RETROSPECT . . .Perceive the busy Campus Heeler—heIs aimed at ultimate celebrity.He’s come from freshman insignificanceTo justify the Greek beneficenceThat places gawky freshman ruralsAs helpers in the whirl of intramurals.And now he is a soph’more manager.As haughty as a scarlet tanager!Why not? Who knows but that, some distant day.The very chairmanship will come his way?More mortal men have found such lasting fame—Why can’t our Carnpus Heeler do the same?.\nd if he does—O Hail!—ye campus king.';!As ’round our Prince the regal clamor rings,He’ll have a nine-month-long and juicy romp.4midst his final intramural pomp!Prestige and Profit! Powers in close relation!Our hero almost swoons in contemplation.Besides, he may not even stop with this,For other palmy honors may be his;He may invade the arc that desecratesThe tree within the ghostly gloom of Gate.s;Or, if he sweats himself sufficiently.Support, on gently heaving breast, the “C”;—Or edit things, and mold the thoughts of foolsWithin the Anglo-Gothic land he rules.And crush to earth, with mighty vei-bal vim.Gaunt terrors like involuntary gym!And such a name the Heeler’s name will beThat, wh.en he takes time off from destinyAnd seeks awhile the buzzing Coffee Shop.The dewy eyes of campus queens will dropDemurely, as eacn woman, nean-in-muuih.Has breathless hope the great will seek her out.O Temporal 0 Mores! You are sweetIn any shape, when worlds are at one’s feet!And then, will come that final, tender dayWhen all his growdng glory finds its wayTo an awesome culminationIn the crown of Convocation!But hold! What is this solemn tragedyI see within the globe of destiny?Have all these fellow throats he’s cut in twainReceived their studied slicing all in vain?It’s true—alas!—this honor unsurpas.sedVV’^ill live awhile, but at the very last,About the Heeler’s ears will fall his fame;The yearbook will viinspell hix unrred uanie!. . . DO YOU KNOW ANY MORE? . . .If you get about at all in polite society, youhave heard at least one Dorothy Parker story.But you probably don’t get about in polite so¬ciety, so w'e will tell you what is it a Parker story.It’s a story about Dorothy Parker. We can’tteji you who she is; if you don’t know that, youare illiterate and probably blind, and should beshunned by self-respecting people. Now, one ofMiss Parker’s many talents is a penchant forfiguring in off-color .stories. She does, so to speak,the damdest things. And people tell about them,and the stories spread, and pretty soon people aregetting together in small groups and asking eachother, “Have you heard the latest Parker story?’’We don’t get around an awful lot, and so we’veonly got four. There is one about bobbing for ap¬ples, and there is one about the sign on her officedoor, and there is one about l)eing too busy, andthere is one about “throw her a bone.’’We want to amplify our collection. We’ve justabout exhausted the possibilities of what we’vegot. And so we’re issuing a public appeal. Willthose who know any Parker stories please write?... IF HE COULD ONLY COOK . . .You know' about the Diehl-McMahon merger, ofcourse. If you don’t, you have no one to blamebut yourself. Our operatives have now reportedon how the household is run. It’s simple. Jimjust gets up at crack of dawn and cooks break¬fast. Then he tidies up and prepares for lunch.And the same for dinner. Good old Olive is withhim every inch of the way. She appears just be¬fore each meal and coos: “Oh, is it all ready?How lovely!”. YOU COULD HAVE KNOCKTD HIM OVER .. . . WITH A PIN . . .Bud Newman is taking Anatomy. They pass outstiffs in that class. In Bud’s class, everybody gota cadaver; and Bud got the only lady corpse inthe class—a beautiful blonde who had attainednineteen summers before going for her swim inthe phenol tank.Pleased (as who wouldn’t be) Bud started cut¬ting. He worked all through the period. Then,tired but happy, he went home. The next day, heset to work again, Ha worked along and workedalong. And then, all of a sudden, he keeled overcold.Surprise!. . . YAH FOR YOU, BOB GRAF . . .Two years ago, in Art Howard’s Bazaar, BobGraf inserted a story about us. It was to thegeneral effect that we were engaged to ConnieRountree. It was just a bit embarrassing, inview of the fact that Connie married another guya short time later, and still later ratified the mar¬riage with a baby boy.We take great pleasure, therefore, in announc¬ing that Bob is at present more than a bit in¬flamed over Blanche Hunt.We are not lightly to be trifled with.. ..RANDOM . ..Women don’t read . . a Freshman girl namedEleanor Wright has come all the way from Ari¬zona to panic the campus . . . University Adds Many Volumes toSwell Size of Rare Book CollectionSince the end of the summer ses¬sion at the University on August 20,a large number of new books, man¬uscripts, newspapers, and photostaticcopies of interesting and valuabledocuments have been added to thealready large collection in the RareBook Room of Harper library. Sev¬eral volumes published by the Lim¬ited Editions Club were al.so re¬ceived.To the collection of books on re¬ligion, five volumes were added; a1629 edition of John Preston’s “TheSaints Daily Exercise,” a Latinmanuscript by Erasmus, and anothevby one Ga.sparo Contarini, cardinalof the Catholic Church, and two of¬ficial-looking documents, one by Mat¬thias Abcle, the other by LazzaroSoranzo.A comparatively large group ofbooks was acquired for the Univer-.'iity’s collection of early Americanliterature, a collection which wasstarted a few years ago when theUniveivity received as a gift an ex¬tensive li\)rary of American playsand novels, most of which were pub¬lished before 1800. The titles of thenew books follow; “A Remedy forSedition Wherin are Conteyned•Many Thynges,” wrongly attributedto Sir John Cheke; “A Wife of Sev¬en Husbands”, a two-act play byGeorge .Almar; “Mon.sieur Jacques”,a musical piece by Morris Barnett;“Temora,” an ancient epic translat¬ed from the Gaelic by J. MaePher-son: ".A Traveller’s Guide throughthe U. States.” j)ublished in 1825;and "Historical Collections consistingof State F’apers.” a contribution tohistory made by Ebenezer Hazard in1794.’In the miscellaneous group ofbooks is a large volume which has init a collection of the portraits ot I Shakespere. This volume, besidesI containing many pictures of the dra-I matist himself, also contains excerptsi from early editions of his plays, es-1 pecially in the way of illustrations, of various scenes. A manuscript byG. J. Wallenberg on “Mathematiks”' and scattered numbers of the NewYork Gazette, the Weekly Mercury,and the Virginia Gazette or Ameri-! can Advertiser completes the list of; newly arrived documents.As a subscriber to the Limited Edi¬tions Club, a club organized to pub-I lish twelve classics from literatureevery year, the University has mostrecently received beautifully-boundi and illustrated editions of “The LastI of The Mohicans,” “South Wind,”! “Batouala,” “Alict* in Wonderland,”: and “Kwaidan.”Moody Lecturer Says' America Must LookI to West for Leader Molecules Act inTalking Picture(Continued from page 1)ary .schools to u.se the motion pic-tures. particularly the Phy.sical Sci¬ences series. Professor Schlesingeipointed out that “although the pic¬tures are planned /or college stu¬dents;, they should be used withprofit by high-.school.s, since there i.-no indivi.'iible gulf between a high-school senior and .a college fre.sh-man.”In affirming his faith in the ef¬fectiveness of this new medium ofinstruction President Hutchins say.s.“Should other in.stitutions, includinghigh-schools, care to adopt the Uni¬versity of (’hicago Physical Sciencefilm course in its entirety, it shouldbe possible to arrange to give stu¬dents who have done thisr work theregular Chicago comprehensive exam¬ination in that field, and to admitthose who pass to advanced standingin the University.”(Continued from page 1)1 headlines, inventions which do awaywith the neces.sity to think—all areworking to destroy individualism.“Our educational system today with' its high schools that are palaces andi its colleges that are places to won¬der at, gives no encouragement tothe unusual and individual student.An unusual student is ushed ahead,not to a class of superior students,but to a superior class.’’ the .Moody' lecturer declared.Subscribe toThe Daily Maroon Ina ugurofte Seriesof ReconciliationTours Saturday(Continued from page 1)David Tollman will tell “What Radi¬cals Think of the Scientific Treat¬ment of Crime”, the group will a>-semble for dinner at a Hobohemiaiirestaurant. Dr. R'n Reitman willpreside and introduce the principalspeaker, a reformed convict whuserved twenty-two years in penal in¬stitutions.The trip will conclude with a visitto a number of night clubs locatedon the North Side.OR CAMPUS CORDS?IVIucH OBLIGED, Sherlock, but your services aren’tneeded. University men are great detectives when it comes to discover¬ing the real buy in corduroy trousers.Wherever songs end with "alma mater”, you are almost sure to findthe style-wise undergraduates wearing light-colored Campus Cords of cor¬rect shade.Gentlemen, scholars and judges of good corduroy appreciate the hip-fit and straight-hang of Campus Cords. Distinctive, but not extreme.Campus Cords resist age stubbornly, and easily withstand the countlessordeals by cleaner or laundry. Let your own eyes convince you.CANT BUST EMCAMPUSAff CORDSSAN niAMeiSCO CALirORNIA CAMPUS CORPSWhat a BUY at their new, low price $4,95Henry C. Lytton & SonsState and Jackson—CHICAGODAILY MAROON SPORTSTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 1932 Page ThreeMAROONS EYE KNOXAS CHANGE TO SHOWNEWLY-FOUND SKILL Dee s Dottings.... By WILLIAM E. DEEPete Zimmer is continually getting | campaign of terror. Monday after-embarassed. Every time in practicehe misses a tackle or a pass or al¬most anything, he comes back to thePolish Plays for BreatherSaturday; Backs RunThrough Line noon as the freshmen were scrim¬maging in the field house, Deemstried a kick-off. The ball dribbled out MASTER DEGREE INSWIMMING OFFERED Students HavePurchased Only ENTRIES CLOSE THISAFTERNOON FOR FALLI-M GOLF TOURNEYCoach Stagg’s Maroons continuedright along yesterday in their prep¬aration for the breather with Knox.'Saturday, and kept up the same con¬fident spirit that has marked theirwork from the ..opening of the .sea- huddle covering his face and pro- about ten yards directly into theclaiming in a mournful voice^to the 'hands of another freshman, but be-world in general, “Am I coveredwith consternation!” Now he’s gotthe whole team doing it, and any fore he could take a step, or lookaround, Tarzan hit him with the fullforce of his 200 odd pounds and thentime something happens that wasn’t ! they helped the fellow off the field,written into the play, someone isbound to come backconfusion”. ‘overcome with.After showing again.st Yale thatthey had the stuff necessary to makea winning football team, but lackedthe polish to put it over complete¬ly. the Maroons began the work of-moothing off their play and gettingtheir offence down cold.Divide SquadThe Maroons were divided upagain ye.sterday as they were Tues¬day running .plays against the fresh¬men. The first .‘string line worked onopening up holes in the freshmanline for one set of backs to runthrough, while another backfieldworked with the .second varsity lineon pass plays and buck variations.Working with the first string linewere Gabel and iKellstrom at ends,Cassels and John Spearing at thetackles, Maneikis and Patterson atiruards and Zenner at center. Birney,t’ullen, John.son and Mahoney werem the backfield, but had consider¬able trouble getting anywhere withline bucks against the tough fresh¬man line. Cullen got away occasional¬ly and Birney made a couple of goodgains, but it took the varsity almostan hour to put over a touchdown on-traight bucks. No gains at all weremade through the left side of thefreshman line where Tarzan Deemsand Bob Perretz were invitingtrouble. Nacey, freshman quarterback fromConcord prep .school in Massachu-** ** j setts, figured ye.sterday he was inNotice shouhl be given to the fine | training to run all the lap.s on adefensive work of the Maroons j quarter mile relay team. Taking theagain.st the Elis. Time after time [ ball on five almost successive playsBellstrom and Gabel either knocked j he alternated running one end anddown the interference coming atthem or managed to get the ballcarriei- himself. Patterson and Flinnbacked up the line with a ferocityseldom exhibited on the gridiron.Pat’s playing looks a great deal likethat of lastFlorwitz. .At then the other, and got away everytime. TO TANK SCHOLAR! 500 “C” BooksProfessor E. W. McCillivravAnnounces NewCourse Photographs for “C” bookswill be taken in Bartlett today,tomorrow, and from October 18to 21 during the hours of 11and 5. hJntries for the ninth annual fallIntramural golf tournament* wdllclose at 4 this afternoon, accordingto Arthur Grossman, sophomoremanager for golf. Applications can bemade at th ? intramural office inBartlett gym.In the three weeks that “C” booksMaster of swimming, a new de- have been on sale, only .51,'j havegree, has been added to the curri- j been purchased by a student bodyAnd now we’ll wind this up witha little fairy story. It seems thatwhile in New York after the game.year’s captain Sammy i.John Spearing, Carl Gabel and Pom-the beginning of the eo Toigo met a doctor. The doctorgame while he was playing in the seemed to be a very n‘|e fellow andline. Pat was able to break through I became interested, during the coursethe offense consistently.•Anyone watching practice knowsthat «Vin Sahlin is a hard imnnei’,but few know just how hard. Satur of the conversation, in Spearing’shad heart. Inasmuch as this fellowwas a doctor and John is pre-med,they went up to the fellow’s officeto talk things over. The doctor gaveday at Yab*, while returning a punt, 1 him a thorough examination and be-.Sahlin was hit head on by a Yale ' came quite friendly with the boy’s,guard weighing in at about 21 (I , especially John. In fact, he came topounds. The result was one less Yale ; take such a fancy’ to Spearing that,man and a gain of ten extra yards ' after the other fellows had suddenlyfor the Maroons. remembered an appointment, he♦♦ ** wanted John to spend the night.And Tarzan Deenis continues his there Oh well.Ramblers, Barbarians,Alpha Tau OmegasWin Touchball Tilts 68 MEN FROM HALLSENTER I-M TOURNEYZimmer ShinesPete Zimmer was outstanding dur¬ing the workout. He made continualgains through the other freshman'earn on some beautiful power plays,ran around the end.s and snatche<ipasses from places it is supposed tobe impo.s.sible to snatch them. He alsodid his bit in throwing out the ballfor others. His pa.s.se.s all around thefield were another feature of his 'work. .A1 Summers, I^at Page, Vin iSahlin, and Tommy Flinn also show- ;••(I again the worth of the Maroonbackfield as they participated at either 'end of the pa.s.ses, a surprising num- ;her of which were completed. Baker,working at end, pulled in some hardchances in the last two workouts..A feature of the day’s practice was ithe fact that LaGrange high school’sfootball team took a day off withtheir coach and came over to seetheir three alumni take a work out. ;The former LaGrange men are El- lmore Patterson, Caspar Hilton andPete Zimmer.Smith On Crutches |Dr. Molander, who attended thet4?am at Yale and looked after BartSmith’.s broken leg ob.serv’ed yester¬day that Smith was completely tak¬en care of before the train pulledout of New’ Haven. Smith was rush¬ed from the field, an X-ray taken,the cast set, and even a pair ofcrutches furnished for him, althoughthe train had to be held up five min¬utes so that he could get on. Smithshould be out of the hospital today,or at lea.st by tomorrow.The only other man not with theteam is Cecil Storey, ineligible full¬back. Although keenly disappointedthat the re-reading of his compre-hensives failed to prove his eligibil¬ity, he plans to stay*in .school theremainder of the quarter and againre-take the exams in the hopes ofbeing eligible for basketball. Kamblers, last year’s runns-up,won a close game from Phi SigmaDelta. 12-0, in one of the threetouchball games played ye.sterday.Barbarians beat Kappa Sigma, .SO-L’I. That Inti’anuiral athletics aie be¬ing well received in the .Men’s resi¬dence halls is indicated by the factthat G8 entiies have been receivedfor participation in the Fall Tennistournament. .Arrangements are beingand Alpha Tau Omega trouced the accommodate the large num-Wolves, 20-0. in the other twogames. The ZBT-Phi Kappa Psi, PsiI’-Delta Tau Didta. and Phi Kappa.‘^igma-t'hi Psi games were i>ostponedo!i account of rain. her of men who desire to paiticipatein the tournament.Walter Hebert, general managerof I-M activities, anticipates theformation of a league of six iouch-The Ramblers made a touchdown ball teams within the next week, toin each half and were about to makeanother one when the final whistle•sounded. A fumble and an intercept¬ed pa.ss, each near the goal line, ac¬counted for the touchdowns. Duhl andGranert scored the jioints for thewinneis.The Barbarians led at the half.2 1-0, and the two-touchdown rally bythe Kappa Sigs in the second half fellshort of making up the difference..Shenvin starred for the Barbs. ATOma<b“ I I points in the first half andIG in the second half. be composed exclusively of dorm¬itory residents. Meetings will be heldsoon under the direction of the resi¬dent faculty adviseis to form threeteams. culum of the University with Coach | that numbers over five thousand. InE. W. McGillivray as the profe.ssor, ! other words only 10 per cent of theand 'Bartlett Gymnasium pool the i total student body have subscribedcla.ss room. Training courses and ex- ; for this year’s “C” book,aminations will begin immediately. ; There will be no closing date onThere are no pre-requisites, and the ! the sale of athletic books this yeai-,course will be run .strictly’^ within the 1 according to the Athletic department,spirit of the New Plan. ; However, students who wish to buyAccording to Professoi- McGilliv- i season books have only two weeksray, it will be very difficult to quali- j more in which to have their photo-fy as a master swimmer. Four divi j graphs for them taken free. .Aftersions are included in the final exam- October 21. students who purchaseination—speed swimming, fancy div- 'books will have to pay for their pho-ing, life saving, and endurance . tographs. and take them somew’heresw’ims. The Ilniversity will be glad {else. Books will not be issued with-to give a master .swlmmei’ an “.A” i out pictures.in non-compulsory physical educa- cheering section for footballgames has been moved farther downPoint Award System the stands so that it is now directlv.A mimeographed outline of re- ; behind the “C” beiich and muchquirements and a point award sys- I closer to the field. Books foi’ thetern is now posted on the bulletin ' “C” section will not be sold on Sat-board of the pool. Master .swimmers urday^s, but will be issued on thatmust obtain a staggering total of day until noon only to those who2..500 points. Only 21-50 points are ; have had their pictures taken theasked for the degree of “expert j preceding Friday..swimmer.” Students who buy books will beThe speed swimming tests include ; paying an average of only ten centsevery official distance in four differ- | for each athletic event this year. In-ent strokes. A i-easonable number of j dividual tickets for each footballminutes and seconds are given to ! game are $1.G.5 including tax while ^covei- each distance. Twenty-seven | each basket ball game will cost $.75.dives aj e included in the diving tests, j In addition ownei's of books arewhich are scored by the Olympic entitled to use of the University ten-Standard. A test in life saving, more I nis courts.difficult than that of the Senior Red j At the end of this (juarter, “C”Cro.ss, is listed, and long distance | books will be turned in foi- theendui’ance tests, ranging from a j athletic events occurring next quar-quarter of a mile to a mile, complete |ter. These events will include basket- I The entries consist of two-manI teams, and each team entered mustplay an eighteen-hole qualifyinground at Jackson Park by next Mon-! day. The medal score for each teamwill be totaled, and the eight team«with the lowest gross scores will en¬ter an elimination match play toui-nament. Those who have high quali¬fying .scores may therefore enter theelimination if their partners have lowenough scores.I There is no limit to the numberof teams an organization may enter,but entrance points v.;!’ be given toI only one team in each orgaization. Atrophy w’ill be aw’arded to the win¬ners, and the runner.s-up w’ill receivemedalettes. A gold medallion will begiven to the man with the lowestscore in the (|ualifying round.' Last fall, the winners were Howeand Freehling, unattached, and Lc*eand Porter of Phi Delta Theta werethe runner-ups. The qualifying med¬al was given to Lee of Phi DeltaTheta. In the spring tournament, Si¬mon and Freehling of Zeta Beta Tauwere winners, and Henning andReed of Chi Psi were runner.s-up-Freehling of Zeta Beta Tau won thequalifying medal.the “comprehensive examination” inswimming..Any swimmer who can swim the100 yd. freestyle in one minute, the10 yd. backstroke in thirty .seconds,and the 200 yd. breaststroke in thi’eeminutes will have a good chance ofachieving his master’s degree ,inswimming. He will have to show’ goodform at least four dives of the twen¬ty-seven suggested..A life .saving test, consisting oftwelve different points includingfour “canies” and nine “holds” pe-(Continued on page 4) ball games, swimming meets, trackmeets, water polo games, and gym¬nastic competition. In the spring thebooks will be exchanged for tennistickets foi- the third quarter.ENROLLMENT(Continued from page 1).Medical gained 2G; School of Busi¬ness, 10; Graduate school of SocialService administration, 4G; SouthSide medical school, 5; and the Grad¬uate .school of Library Science, 2,The Law’ School showed a decreaseof 24.Book Sale StartingSaturday!.New Storagt Lot and PiivateLibrary Literature. Biography,Travel, Philosophy, Religion, Sex,History, and many other subjects.Good Standard Sets.200 Books on Sociology andEconomicsA. PUTZ4122 Cottage Grove Ave. Joe ZolineEditor of the PhoenixSuggests“CAMPUS CAVE““as the name for the new roomatYankee DoodleInn1171 E. 55th StreetHAVE YOU SUGGESTED A NAME?Room NameSuggested ByAddress Professor orStudentYou’ll enjoy the quiethome-like atmosphere oftheWoodlawnApartments5238-40 Woodlawn Ave.1-2 rooms completely furn¬ished including maid serviceand G. E. refrigeration.35-»45TWO STUDENTS ATTHE SAME RATE features:O H. C. A. Licensed• hull R. M. A. Guarantee• Spotlight illuminatedtuningO Superphonic diode triodeand pentode tubes• Full' sized dynamicspeakerINSTALLED COMPLETEOther Radios from$10.95 to $25.00STANLEY RADIO SHOP1345 E. 47th St.Phone: KENwood 3103'‘Editorial Enterprise”is the new standard of The Daily Maroon of 1932. New features, more interesting col¬umns, a greater number of pictures, and more ably edited pages are achieving this standard of“Editorial Enterprise.”Become a Regular Reader of the MaroonSUBSCRIBE BY THEYEAR — $2.50 PURCHASE SINGLE COPIESFROM NEWSTANDS. 3cHiiiA \N yRAW FURY"Nature in the Rau'”— as por¬trayed by \leissonier’5 jamouspainting (1855)... inspired by thesavage passion held in check byHenry IV’s stern edict againstduels among the nobles of his court.Pace Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1932F'reshman Class SelectsLaw, Medicine, Teachingas Preferable Vocations MASTER DEGREE INSWIMMING OFFEREDTO TANK SCHOLAR!N'nt^tv-fivc Per Cent ofStudents AnswerQuestionnaireMore than fifty per-cent of theFreshman class have electcnl the’hree major pro Sessions, law. teach-injj, and medicine, in that order astheir choices of vocations, according:to statistics compiled by the Boardof V'ocational Guidance and Place¬ment. These results were obtainedfrom questionnaires which the en¬tering class filled out during: Fresh¬man week.Of the (578 students who turned inblanks, representing; ninety-five per¬cent of the class, 78 men and eig:htwomen expressed the desire to en-t(‘r law. Prospective teachers number‘J1 men and 56 women, while medi¬cal education will be sougrht by 57men and elg:ht women. On the per-1.1 ntage basis, 27 per cent of themen and 4 per cent of the woment hose law, 7 per cent of the menand 31 per cent of the women elect-( il teachiiifr, and 20 per cent of themen and 1 per cent of the womenwant to study medicine.Two-Thirds Make DecisionsFurther study of the statistics re-\cals that only 68 per cent, a triflemore than two-thirds, have made vo¬cational decisions. The remainingthird has come to no definite deci-'ion. In comparison with past studiesfewer of this year’s class have chos¬en vocations than was true of thefreshmen of recent years.Proportionately fewer women thanmen have nuule choices, the inform¬ation indicates. Only 64 per cent ofthe women reported decisions, while71 per cent of the men did so. Therelation of ag:e to decision is dis¬closed by the fact that 70 per centof those over eig:hteen years old haveselected their life’s work, while but<■>6 per cent of the fieshmen undeieig-hteen have done so.List 21 Classific itionsTwenty-one cla.ssifications, in all,were listed tor the freshmen tocheck. Science, liiisiness, and joinnal-ism rated as the next three. The pro-fe.ssion of science will claim 17 percent of the men and four per centof the women. In a survey of voca¬tions conducted for hig:h school grad¬uates this piofession was rated first.Fourteen per cent of the men and-ix per cent of the women hope toenter business, and four per cent ofthe men and 1-') pei' cent of thewomen will enter journalism.The lifteen other vocations pickedIty freshmen, in their jiioper ordei'.are archaecdogv and anthropology,foreign service, advertising, socialservice, aid and ilecoration. mu.sic.library wotk. dietetics, engineering,(i!amatic,', translation, religion, farm¬ing, nursing, and a miscellaneousgi-oup..4pproximatel\' 74 per cent ofthose who bad if ceived pievious vo¬cational guidance in high school havemade their decisions. Reading wasthe popular method of obtaining in- jformation. Other means by which in- jormation had been acquired are ahigh scho<d course in vocations, a jcourse in civics, and their patents. iFreshmen Desire GuidanceThe Universit.v wanted freshmento repl.v to the (luestions, in ordetthat plans foi- vocational counsellingmay be made. Thirty-two jter cent ofthe freshmen desire .such guidance.Assistance will be given this year 'through published material, some ;thirteen leaflets, -ndividual confer- |ences, and a course in vocations. !This course will be given during 'the Winter quarter in Haskell lecture 'hall. Supplementing this cour.se, a ^series of lectures will be presented ;by prominent tilumni on the oppor- 'tunities in specific vocations. The |i-ourse in vocations will concern the i.'tandards of evaluating vocations, !ways of analyzing individual intei'-ests. the elements of vocational sue- 'cess, and the procedure to b(; fol¬lowed in -eeking employment. SCiENTIFIC RESEARCHIS FIRST CHOICE OFHIGH SCHOOL GRADS' High .‘■chool graduates who choosej ciertific research as their future vo-! "’ation rate first in theii- classes inI o^ychological tests, and those whoI h ose journalism late second, ac-I cording to a stud.v made by Roy W.! Bixler, legistrai’ of the University.! .Mr. Bixler compared the scholasticI recerds of 7600 hoys and gii Is whoI graduated from high schools in theI Uhlcago area la.st yeai' with theirj performance in psychclogical te-tsj and with their choice of vocations, ini twenty leading fields of work.! The prospeciive scientists achieveda median score of 165.00 on th»- test,vhich was devised by Professor L. U.Thurstoiie of the University of Chi¬cago and is now used to predict thei scholastic aptitude of freshmen in. more than 150 colleges throughout.he country. The scientists rated sec-, nd in their ability to get goid classroom marks.Those ."ith ambitions tt) be newspa-^ oei' men and women scored 164.14 onthe psychological test.^, and rated■fouit’n in grades. Those who chosei engineering were third on the tests,with a median score of 147.63. andsixth in grades, and tho.se who chosei medicine were fourth in the testswith 141.33, and eighth in grades.' First in the ability to make goodgrades, but fifth in the intelligencetests, came those who chose religiouswork as a vocation."Ir is interesting that scientific re¬search, journalism, engineering andreligious work, four of the highgrade professions, rank in the upperthird on both indexes," Mr. Bixlersaid yesterday. “The teaching pro¬fession ranks third in the ability to' get grades in school, and tenth in in¬telligence. The prospective engineers,lawyers, journali.sts, phy.sicians, re-.search workers, librarians, ministers,and public servants, are more intelli-^gent than the prospective teachers,lull only the prospective ministers■ and research workers excel them inthe ability to make high schoolI grades.”The (.rder of rating, according tomedian scores on the psychologicaltests, i.s as follow.s; 'Scientific re¬search. journalism, engineering, medi¬cine, religious work, law, librarywi'ik, teaching, music, art. dentistry,printing, architecture, social service,liusiness, home economics, pharmacy,miscellaneous trades, machine tradesand nursing. The ci'der, according toability to make good high school•grades, is as follows: Religious work,-cientific re.-earch, teaching, journal¬ism. library work, engineering, archi-ectuve. medi-ine, law, business, homeeconomics, music, printing, machinetrades, art, miscellane us trades,nursing, social service, pharmacy,anil dentistry.CLASSIFIED ADS (Continued from page 3)culiar to drowning persons, must bedemonstrated perfectly. Disrobing indeep water, resuscitation practice,writing an essay and oral question¬ing comprise other pa»’ts of this test.To test the swimmer’s endurance aone mile freestyle swim must becompleted in thirty minutes, withquarter mile swim in the sidestroke,breastroke, and backstroke.This swimming program is one ofthe notable attempts of the athleticdepartment to make physical educa¬tion interesting. I Today on the! OnadraeglesHUTCHINS’ CLASSBEGINS 2 . YEAR“SURVEY” AGAIN(Continued from page 1)class has read and been examined onsome sixty-five outstanding pieces ofliterature of western civilization.The Old Testament was discussedat last night’s meeting, and the pro¬ceeding week the class talked aboutHomer’s Iliad and Oayssey. The dis¬cussions are on a distinctly higherlevel of sophistication than they weretwo years ago, inasmuch as theirbackground is a reasonable workingknowledge of the significant litera-tui-e of the last three thousand years.The next assignment is a selectionfrom Herodotus’ “History”, and fol¬lowing that the class will readThucydides, Plato, and the Greekcomic and tragic poets. The Daily MaroonNight editor for the next issue;Robert Herzog. Assistants; TomBarton and John F, Dille, Jr.Music and Religious ServicesDivinity Chapel, Joseph B(uulChapel, 12. “Politics and ChristianIdealism: The Christian and HisParty Affiliations.” Associate Pio-fessor Colwell.Organ Music, the University Cha¬pel, 5.Phonograph (foncert. Social Sci-j ence Research Assembly. 12:30.(Quartet. D Major, by Cesar Franck.MiscellaneousSurgery Seminar, Billings S. 427,8 \. M. “Report of the Physiological'Congress in Rome,” Dr. Huggins,Radio lyocture: “International Re¬lations. Bases of the Western StateSystem. II.” .Assistant ProfessorSchuman. Station VV’MAQ. 11.Chorus Tryouts, second flooi- Mit¬chell Tower. 11:30-12:30. 2:30-4:30.Rehearsal 3:30-4:30.Delta Sigma Pi. Room D. ReynoldsClub. 12:45.Tryouts for freshman plays, Mit¬chell Tower, 2:30-4:30.Dames Club. Ida Noyes. South Re¬ception Room. Bridge, 2.00-5:00.Astratro, Ida Noyes. .Alumni Room.Bridge-Tea, 3-5.Lecture, “Jurispiudence: A Com¬parative View,” by Professoi' Hrnst Bretz Explains Mystery of Natureas Result of Tremendous Flood(Continued from page 1)coulee the width of the great chan¬nel in the solid rock broadens tofive miles and so continues for adistance of ten miles. On the post¬ulate of cataract recession, this in¬crease in width requires an enorm¬ous increase in volume of water,and on the basis of Niagara Falls,it is known that this four-fold Proad-ening of Grand Coulee required atleast twelve times :is much water asflowed thiough the channel in itsearlier stages.The source of this greatly in¬creased flow of water. ProfessorBretz concludes from the geologicevidence he has found, is a gieatglacial lake of 506 cubic miles, atleast 2,000 feet in depth. This wa¬ter was impounded in the mountainsto the east, in the neighborhood of } Missoula lake, by the great ice sheet.! A retreat of the glacier for a dis-! tance of but a mile or so, with the: coming of warmer climate, allowedj part of the lake’s waters to escape.: The weakening ice, under enormousj strain, finally burst under the hydro-I static pressure, and loosed the tori rential flood.This water, roaring southwestward.(sweeping huge boulders along likepebbles, had so mighty force thatj within a brief time it cut back the, cataract ten miles, creating the'' present five-mile wide gorge. But sogreat was the flow of water that thewidened channel could not carry allthe flood, and the excess cut con¬tributory falls and scoured the country to the east, creating the .scablandtopography.b’reund. Social .Science .\,ssemblyRoom, 4 :30.Le ('(Mcle I'rancais. 5810 Woodlawn avenue, 4 :30.The Physics Club, “Positive IonKxcitation of Gases,” ProfessorDempster. Ryerson 32. 4:30.Intercollegiate Dinner. Y. W. if.A. room. Ida Noyes. 6..4rian dinner. Ida Noye> Sun Par¬lor. 6.Public Lecture (Downtown) :“Lo(»king to Business Recovery. .An¬other Diagnosis of the Present .Sit¬uation.” Professor McKinsey. (’liib Room, The .\rt Institute. 6:45.Meeting of the Debating Union.“The New Plan After One Year.”Reynolds Club Room A. 7:30.League for Independent Political.Action. “The Coming Election”Professor Holt, .A.s.sistant ProfessorStaley. Harper .Assembly Room, 8.SUBSCRIBE TOTHE DAILY MAROONFOR SALESeveral beautiful dre.sses. $2 to $15Size 1.6. Atlantic 4480. Apt. 319.BE AUTIFU LL Y|, FURNISH ED—light room for gentleman. Home at¬mosphere. Re'’eiences. 6150 Green¬wood -Ave. Fairfax 896;).WANTED: mOMH .TO RENTHave you .sleeping or hou.sekeepingrooms to rent? Phone Dorchester0399.SOUTH SIDE ROOM RENTINGSERVICEMEN, WOMEN wanted for THE CHORUSto singGlee Club Repertoires; Part-Songs, Folk-Songs,"Madrigalsand The Brahms "Requiem” with the University Choir andthe University Symphony Orchestra.The Choru..* Mill .NOT siriK “The Owl and The Pussy-Cat”Try-outs 11:30-12:30, 2:30-4:30, 2nd floor MitchellTower, except MondayRehearsals Tues., Thur., Fri., 3:30-4:30 Oopr., i»ss.Ths AdtericanTobacco Co. —and raw tobaccoshave no place in cigarettesThey are «<?/ present in Luckies. . . the mildest cigaretteyou ever smokedWE buy the finest, the veryfinest tobaccos in all theworld—but that does notexplain why folks every¬where regard Lucky Strike asthe mildest cigarette. The faais, we never overlook thetruth that “Nature in theRaw is Seldom Mild” — so these fine tobaccos, afterproper aging and mellowing,are then given the benefit ofthat Lucky Strike purif)ingprocess, described by thewords—“It’s toasted”. That’swhy folks in every city, townand hamlet say that Luckiesare such mild cigarettes.“It’S toasted”That package of mild Luckiesa^tttr^k.prtacha brtttr snrnon, or make a htttor momt-trap than h,s neighbor, tho hebutldhu b^e in the vmds, the worU wtll teuke a beaten path to his door. "—RALPH WALDO EMERSON.Docs not this explain the world-wide accepunce and approval of Lucky Strike.>