Wtft Bailp iikiroonVol. 33. No. 2. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932 Price Three CentsHARPER'S DREAMREALIZED AFTERFDURTH DECADE Maroons Score Point forEach of Stagg’s 41 Years,Crush Monmouth, 41-0 FIFTY ADVISERS I Students Come Here toCHART PROBLEMS | Leam, Not to Be Taught,OF CAMPUS LIFE! HutchinsTellsFreshmenAchievements of Last "I"•'•umph Marks Team asForty Years Are ^^st in Years; 24Discussed ServiceBy DAVID c. LEVINE By RUBE S. FRODIN, JR.„ . One point for each year of thehorty years illiam Ramey l Qjj ^^n’s career! This was the per-Harper, first pres.dent of the Um-1 Amos Alonzo Stagg’sversity of Chicago, characterized the forty-first Maroon football team asUniversity as another type.. .differ- tumbled a game but smalling essentially from the college of \fonmouth eleven, 41 to 0, in a sea-historic character... .It will, so far i opener at Stagg field Saturday,as man can tell, develop along lines Chicago team showed completees.sentially different from those fol- | superiority in every department oflowed by other institutions of this , game as they passed and plungedcountry and of foreign countries.” ; ^.^y victory.At that time the University was Twenty-four Maroon-clad playersone year old. Already the ^uca- | service during the game, andtional experiment conceived by Presi- ' combination was able to scoredent Harper had achieved a measure touchdown. After Monmouth hadof suwess although, as Dr. Harper ^ scare into the 18,000 fans atand his as.sociates well realized, the . start of the first quarter byexact form of the mature universitywas still problematical.Now, in the fifth decade of itsexistence, the University continues bringing the ball down to the Chi¬cago 9-yaid line, the Maroons wentto work. Scoring twice in the ini¬tial period, once each in the secondalong the lines of forward-looking ; ^hird quarters, and twice in theexperiment laid dowm by President | period, the Staggmen rolled upHarper. The reorganization of theUniversity culminating in the “NewPlan” of higher education, whichdeparts radically from older meth¬ods, forms a logical parallel with thefirst organization, iteelf a new de¬parture in education.A History of GrowthThe history of the University of 18 first downs to the visitors’ 6.Offense GoodThe Maroons showed considerableskill in using the new “whirlwind”shift which they have been practic¬ing for the last nine days. The was clicking fairly well ex¬cept in the first five minute.s, whenthe ends were being taken out byChicago in the forty years from its j the Monmouth blocking backs. Theinception to the present is a history i Chicago tackling was clean-cut andof constant, almost phenomenal accurate. The interference wasgrowth and development. A brief I good, and at times clearly paved theresume of this growth will lie at- i way for Maroon gains,tempted in this article. No outstanding backfield starsThe University of Chicago was | can be cited. Captain Don Birney,founded by John D. Rockefeller, who ' Pat Page, Pete Zimmer, Vin Sahlin,gave $600,000 of the million with ' a1 Summers, Ed Cullen, and Tommy Nose blowing MostDangerous ActivityFootball has alv,ays been adangerous sport. Nose-blowinghas never, in its long existence,been recognized as such. It tookWarren Bellstrom, candidate forvarsity end to make the discoverythat should prove a boon to man¬kind.Practice was well under wayone day last week, and the varsi¬ty was scrimmaging the Fresh¬men. In the midst of a play Bell¬strom felt something .strike hiseye. He ignored it.Calamity, in the person of“Tarzan” Deems, 200 poundFreshman tackle, struck duringthe afternoon practice and quilt¬ing bee, but Bellstrom’s eye re¬mained normal.That night the storm broke.While at dinner, Warren blew hisnose. Ah, fatal mistake! As heblew, his eye swelled. The hard¬er he blew, the more it swelled.Air entering the sinus pa.ssagesdid the work.Moral: Let your children playfootball, but not blow noses.which the University come intol»elng. An earlier University of Chi¬cago, now known officially as theOld University, was founded in 1857 Flinn all showed up well on the of¬fense and in backing up the line.Sahlin, Page and Birney took turnsin handling the punting in a moston a grant of land from Stephen A. i capable manner.Douglas. Due to overwhelming ' Pete Zimmer’s 87-yard run for afinancial difficulties the Old Univer- I touchdown, was the longest run ofsity was forced to close in 1886. ] the day. He made another touch-Four years later the present Uni-' down, and Birney, Sahlin, Summersversity of Chicago was incorporated, and Page each scored once. Pageand on October 1, 1892, a faculty of120 and a student body of 594 beganformal work on the Midway.A Baptist InatitutionLike the Old University, the Uni¬versity of Chicago was founded asa Baptist institution, through the made four out of five placementsand Capt. iIMmey made a drop kickto account for the points aftertouchdown.The play by play follows:First QuarterJohn Spearing kicked off to Wollefforts of Baptist leaders in Chicago who returned the ball to Monmouth’sand el.sewhere. The charter origin-145-yard line. Woll went around leftally provided that the President andtwo-thirds of the Board of Trusteesbe Baptists. It was later amended,however, and now provides thatthree-fifths of the Board of Trusteesof thirty be members of a Christianchurch, and that of this three-fifthsa majority, or ten, shall be Baptists. end for 15 yards. Boothby madethree through the line and thenpassed to Woll for a gain of 17yards. Woll lost two. After was incomplete another, Booth¬by to Woll was allowed because of The freshmen men’s OrientationProgram, under the direction ofRobert IBalsley, Student Chairmanof Freshman Affairs, will begin Fri¬day, September 30, with a luncheonat the Men’s Dormitories, at 12:30.All freshmen men are invited to theluncheon, for which a reasonablecharge will be made, to defrayexpenses.After the luncheon, the a.ssembledfreshmen will be introduced to theeight Senior Advisers, in charge ofdivisions of activities, each of whomwill explain the purposes and aimsof his particular activity. Thesenior advisers are: Social Affairs,Robert Dodson, chairman of the Uni¬versity Social Committee; Publica¬tions, Edgar Goldsmith, businessmanager of the Daily Maroon, andJohn Elam, business manager of theCap and Gown; Tours, Bion Howard,Student Director of FreshmenTours; Athletics, Keith Parsons, Co¬captain of Basketball and memberof the football team, and RobertHoward, Manager of Intramuralathletics.; Cheering “C”, HaroldDunkel, Chairman of the StudentSettlement Board, and Joe Zoline,Business Manager of the Phoenix;Dramatics, Robert Schoenbrun,member of the Dramatic Associationand production • assistant of Black-friars.Purpose of ProgramThe purpose of the OrientationProgram is to introduce the fresh-By AARON J. BRUMBAUGH men to the various possible activi-Daan of Students in the College, and to aid them in establishingStudents who are entering the- tflemselves in those they choose.University at the opening of the au- For this purpose, those freshmentumn quarter will be particularly i who are present will be divided intointerested in the advisory system | groups, each group to be nndei thewhich the University provides. | direction of one of the e’^iit seniorIt is expected on that there will be advisers, with whom they will meetProgram of OrientationBegins Friday atLuncheonPROVIDE ADEQUATEADVISORY PLAN FORCOLLEGE STUDENTS List Most ImportantEvents of Each Dayof Freshman Week Brumbaugh, Frodin AlsoWelcome IncomingStudentsoccasions when students will wantto confer with faculty members re¬garding their courses and othermatters.With this in mind, certain mem¬bers of the faculty who are particu-1 a r1y interested at intervals, and who will help themwith any difficulties they may have.In addition each of the seniors willact as a special adviser to studentsinterested in his own activity.The aim of the Orientation Groupis to take the place of the fratern-the questions ities, which have heretofore playedDean Brumbaugh regarding whichstudents seek ad¬vice, and who arewell informedconcerning manyphases of studentinterests and life,have been ap¬pointed to be ad¬visers to studentsin the college.In order thatinterference. Tinker was stoppedon Chicago’s 14-yard line after a each freshman may have an adviserThere is no requirement that the | gain of 4 yards. Boothby gained i who will be able to council withPresident be a member of the Bap- j five yards in two attempts but Chi- i him regarding his personal interestslist church. | cago tightened and Monmouth fail- j and his progress in the University,President Harper’s original plans ! ed to make their first down. Chica- i and in order to use to the best ad-outlined a university arranged underthree general divisions: the Univer¬sity Proper, the University Exten-(Continued on page 2) go’s ball. I vantage the time and resources ofPage and Sahlin made four yards. ' all advisers, students are assigned to.4fter an exchange of punts Chicago i their respective advisers. Those who(Continued on page 11) (Continued on page 5)CAMPUS LEADERSACQUAINT WOMENWITH ACTIVITIES WHAT THEY HAVE TO SAF-An opportunity to learn aboutstudent extra - curricular activitiesand the opportunities which theyoffer for participation in the life ofthe campus will be given to Fresh¬man women on Friday at 1:30 at theactivity meeting which follows theluncheon given by the Board ofWomen’s organizations.Rebecca Heyward, chairman of theBoard, is also chairman of theluncheon, which will be held in theCloister club of Ida Noyes hall at12:30, and of the activities meetingwhich follows the luncheon. Fresh¬man women will hear from the stu¬dent leaders a description of thenany extra-curricular activities ofthe University.Miss Gertrude Dudley, professorof physical culture, will welcome thewomen and tell of the work of thewomen’s athletic department. Mrs.Alma P. Brook, director of IdaNoyes hall, will describe the positionwhich Ida Noyes hall fills in the(Continued on page 9) To New Students:When you enter the University you enter a littleworld of itself. It is true this world is surroundedby a greater, outside world but the University world,in most respects, is entirely separate from the other.Its interests ai’e its own and are intensively different.Every day interesting happenings occur within thisUniversity world which those who belong should knowabout. The Daily Maroon is the only medium for telling them. There are two things every freshman should ; Asherdo if po.ssible: first, he should subscribe to the Daily ' mcL_ Fraser, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.(Continued on page 3)0%)er a HundredFreshmen Enteron ScholarshipsMore than one hundred membersof the Freshman class will enter theUniversity on .scholarships, accord¬ing to information released by A. J.Brumbaugh, dean of students in theCollege.Forty-nine students won Competi¬tive Examination scholarships lastMay; thirty-six were granted TwoYear Honor Entrance scholarshipsfor men; thirty-one were given OneYear Entrance scholarships; and tenwere granted Endowed scholarships.Those holding scholarships are asfollows:Competitive ScholarshipsMarjorie Brenner, Chicago; MorrisBrown, Oak Park; Charles Brown¬ing, Chicago; Jean Buchanan, OakPark; Nadreen Burnie, ILafisaa City,Missouri; Arthur Burke, Batavia,Illinois; Guy Carden,| Oak Park;Robert Clarke, Chicago; RobertCohen, Chicago; Philip'Davies, OakPark; Priscilla Elmer, Oak Park;Finkel, Chicago;' WilliamA. A. Stagg Maroon and second, buy a “C” book for admittanceto all athletic contests. Amos Alonzo Stagg.To the Class of 1936:The Daily Maroon proved conclusively last year thatit can be of real educational value to every memberof the University community. I found much of inter¬est and value in the series of articles continuedthroughout the year on the educational activities ofthe various colleges, schools, divisions, and depart¬ments of the University. Since the member of theMaroon staff who was responsible for this valuable fea¬ture last year is now Editor-in-Chief, we have assur¬ance that the educational value of the paper duringthe current year will be enhanced.C. S. BoucherDean of the College Dean Boucher John H. Giese, Chicago; ElsieGibson, Indianapolis, Indiana; Wil¬liam Ginsberg, Chicago; H ghGreenman, Chicago; Carl Hamilton,Portsmouth, Ohio; Adolph Hecht,Chicago; Donald Highes, Chicago;James Hoekstra, Chicago; ArthurJeffey, Chicago; Julius Josephson,Chicago; Marvin Kahn, South Bend,Indiana; Joseph Kacend, Cedar Rap¬ids, Iowa; William Kendall, OakPark; Gerhard Lessman, Cincinnati,Ohio; Wayne Marshall, Chicago; Ed¬win Meyer, Chicago; Regina Mitch¬ell, Chicago; M. Dale Moore, Ports¬mouth, Ohio; Jessie Nooney, Ander¬son, Indiana; Ruth Pardee, Highland(Continued on page 8) Freshmen are required to attendthe registration in Leon Mandel hallwhich will be held every morningbetween 8:30 and 12 and every aft-einoon fi'om 1:30 to 5. All regis¬tration is by appointment.Monday, September 26All freshmen and their parentsare invited to attend the Universityreception which will be held in IdaNoyes hall at 8.Tuesday, September 27An athletic meeting at 2 in theFieldhouse will hold the attention ofthe men. Alter short talks by Di¬rector A. A. Stagg and sever"! othercoaches, the football squad willscrimmage.Wednesday, September 28Motion pictures of life on thecampus and of the University singwill be shown in Leon Mandel hallat 8.Thursday, September 29A “Mixer” for entering freshmenwill be staged in the gymnasium of 'Ida Noyes hall at 8.Friday, September 30The attendance of all freshmenwill be required at the scholasticaptitude and other tests to be givenfrom 8:30 to 11. Place will be in¬dicated on appointment card.Dean C. S. Boucher and DirectorA. A. Stagg will address the fresh¬men in Leon Mandel hall at 11.There will be a luncheon forfreshmen women in the CloisterClub of Ida Noyes hall and one formen in the Men’s Residence hallsat 12:30.Campus leaders will explain thevarious activities open for incomingstudents at 1:30. Women will meetat Ida Noyes hall and men at theMen’s Residence halls.Ferdinand Schevill, professor ofhistory, and the Rev. Charles W.Gilkey, Dean of the UniversityChapel, will address freshmen on“Human Relationships of the Uni¬versity Student” at 2:30 in the Uni¬versity chapel. Vice-President Fred¬eric Woodward will preside.Sunday, October 2Dean and Mrs. Gilkey invite allfreshmen to a tea from 3:30 to 6at their home at 5802 WoodlawnAve.A musical program for all Uni¬versity students will be presented at5 in the University chapel. The pro¬gram will be followed by an inter¬pretative tour of the chapel underthe direction of the Chapel Council.Monday, October 3All classes meet.DO YOU FEEL LIKE\ LITTLE FISH?Do you feel like a little fishin a big puddle? Of course youdo. There is only one way out.You cannot shrink the puddle.You must grow. This can beaccomplished by reading theDaily Maroon from October 4to the end of the year. You canbuy this brain enlarger for $2.50.Subscribe toTHE DAILY MAROON Students under the new plan mustget out of the habit of thinking theyare here to be taught and realize; they are here to learn. This wasthe advice given this morning inI Mandel hall by President Robert; Maynard Hutchins as he welcomedj the eight hundred freshmen who'entered the University today.Aaron J. Brumbaugh, Dean of Stu¬dents in the College pointed out the: vast difference between a high schoolI and a college, both as a place ofI study and as a social community, and' the adjustments that must be madein order to fit into the new univer-I sity life. “To be able to make thesej necessary adjustments quickly and^ satisfactorily is an essential part ofa college education,” Dean Brum¬baugh stated, and went on to de¬scribe the advisory system throughwhich the University aids the stu¬dent in adjusting himself to his newenvironment.Make Use <yf OpportunitiesSpeaking to the freshmen on be¬half of the student body. Rube S.Frodin, Jr., chairman of the StudentCommittee on Student Affairs, urged, them to make use of “the opportuni¬ties awaiting each and every one ofyou as a student among students;as a man or woman among men aridwomen.”In welcoming the students to theUniversity at large. President Hut¬chins said, “You are the second cropthat has been submitted to the Chi¬cago plan and that has in large partresulted from it. Of last year’s! Freshman class, the best we had hadI until you appeared, a large percent-•&ge admitted that they had come; here because of the new educationalj program which we inaugurated withI their arrival. Although some ofthem were disappointed in it—theymust have been, because they failed—the confidence that we reposed inthe class was not in general abused.Their deportment on and off thecampus indicated that they realizedthat this was an educational insti¬tution. The unusual freedom thatthey received they justified by un¬usual effort and intellectual inde-penc^nce.”Students Study IndependentlyMr. Hutchins pointed out that theutopian idea of independent studyat a university had in a measurecome true with last year’s classwhen “eleven of them took examina¬tions in courses which they had notattended, and passed them with ahigher average than the generalaverage of the class. Still othersare making the same experiment bytaking the examinations this weekin subjects which they have studiedwithout the benefit of instruction.If they pass, and many of them will,it will not indicate that the facultyshould be abolished; it will show(Continued on page 6)GLIMPSE CAMPUSSOCIAL LIFE ATMOVIE AND MIXERToday,! Two evenings pa,Qked 'ffill ofdiversified entertainment are inprospect for freshmen who attendthe showing of the campus moviesin Mandel Hall on Wednesday eve¬ning at 8:30 and the Mixer at IdaNoyes on the following night at 8:00.Robert Dodson, chairman of theStudent Social Committee, hasplanned the affairs with the twofoldview of providing an enjoyable timeand initiating the entering studentsin some of the campus customs andtraditions.The campus film “Life on theQuadrangles” will be shown at 8:30,and it is expected that all fresh¬men will attend. Following themovie, Jerry Jontry, head cheer¬leader of the University, will explainthe yells and songs and lead theaudience in a pep meeting, whichwill last until approximately 10:30.Thursday night the mixer in IdaNoyes will commence at 8:00 witha program of dances, continuing un¬til 10:30.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1932PRESIDENT HARPER'SDREAM COMES TRUEWITHIN FORTY YURS AS CAMPUS LOOKED IN ’92Achievements of Last FourDecades Mark RapidAdvancement(Continued from page 1)sion, and the University Publicationwork. The University Proper wasto include Academies, Colleges, Affili¬ated Colleges, and Schools. TheColleges were to include the Collegeof Liberal Arts, the College ofScience, the College of Literature,and the College of Practical Arts,The Schools were to include theGraduate School, the Divinity School,the Law School, the Medical School,the School of Engineering, theSchool of Pedagogy, the School ofFine Arts, and the School of Music.The University Extension divisionincluded courses of lectures to begiven in and about Chicago, eveningcourses in college and universitysubjects (now the University Col-j»ge (, and correspondenc,e will be readily seen that theUniversity still retains many of the.speciiic features of President Har¬per’s plans, as well as much of theirbroad outline. This is an outstand¬ing tribute to the far-seeing educa¬tor to whom the University and thewhole world of higher education oweso much.President Harper lived long enoughto see the University enter upon agreat period of expansion and de¬velopment, but his untimely death,coming in his fiftieth year, preventedhim from seeing the full fruititionof his dreams. He died, after anillness of several months, on .Janu¬ary 10, 1906, after serving for rif-teen years as President of theUniversity of Chicago. Dr. Thomas\V. Goodspeed has written, in his“History of the University of Chi¬cago”, that President Harper’s deathmarked the “end of an era in theUniversity’s life...” The history ofthe first fifteen yc irs of the Univer¬sity is, according to Dr. Goodspeed,no more than a history of the admin¬istration of President Harper. Hisdeath was felt as a great loss, notonly to the University, but to allthe world.Four men have served as Presi¬dent of the University since Dr.Harper’s death. Harry Pratt Jud-ison. Dr. Harper’s successor, tilledthe office from 1907 to 1923. ErnestDeWitt Burton served from 1923 to192.5. Max Mason filled the Presi¬dent’s chair from 1925 to 1928, andin 1929 Robert Maynard Hutchinsbecame President.To return to the first years of theUniversity: The site of the campuswas fixed by means of a gift of tenacres of land by Marshall Field.This tract was located on EllisAvenue, between 56th and 57thstreets. Previously the site of theold University, at 35th street andCottage Grove avenue, had been con¬sidered, but it was rejected due toits excessive cost.The first buildings to be erectedwere Cobb hall and the dormitoriesadjoining it to the south. From thistime (1892) forward buildings werebeing erected continuously on thecampus. Wealthy individuals wereunstinting in their gifts to the Uni¬versity, and it is literally true thatconstruction activities went on un¬ceasingly until the campus assumedits present aspect.In the first quarter-century morethan ten thousand persons contrib¬uted to the funds of the University.The Rockefeller family gave sumsaggregating more than thirty mil¬lion dollars, while Martin Ryerson,Hobart Williams, Marshall Field,Julius Rosenwald, Helen Culver, andJVIrs. Emmons Blaine donated inamounts ranging from five hundredthousand to two million dollars.I.ack of space forbids the mentionof any but these few large contribu¬tors.But the history of the Universityis much more than the physicalgrowth of the campus. It is rathera story of constant leadership, con¬stant exploration of new fields ofthought. In the first forty years of.its life the University of Chicagohas made outstanding original con¬tributions to practically all of thesciences, as well as to the study ofancient and modern literatures andcultures.The University has been a pioneerin education, practical and theoret- Y.W.C.A. Gives Tea for table FOR WOiymFreshmen Tomorrow COUNSELLORS STARTEDY.W.C.A. is giving a tea forFreshman women to meet Universi¬ty leaders in social service and to ac¬quaint them with the more seriousaspects of the association’s work.The tea is being given in theY.W.C.A. room in Ida Noyes HallTuesday from 3 to 5.The speakers will be: Mrs. CharlesW. Gilkey, Miss Mollie R. Carroll,executive head of the UniversitySettlement Miss Mary B. Gilson, in¬structor in economics; Mrs. HarveyA. Carr, chairman of the Advisoryboard; and other members of theboard. Miss Marion Talbot, andMrs. George Goodspeed, formerheads of Ida Noyes hall will also bepresent. jPeggy Willis, chairman of theFreshman group of Y.W.C.A., is in Icharge of the tea. This is an inno¬vation in the Y.W.C.A. program, for ! Mixer for FreshmenHeld in Ida Noyes“Freshman Table,” a new featurefor Freshman Women and theirCounsellors, will be formally inaug¬urated Wednesday noon in the Clois¬ter Club. It is to serve as an intro¬duction to the table which ■w'ill bemaintained in the Cloister clubthroughout the fall quarter as ameeting place for entering studentsand counsellors.Members of Federation will bepresent at the table to serve as hos¬tesses, and upperclass counsellors aremen at lunch there at once aweek. At the first luncheon, whichwill be featured by music from Mir¬ror hits, Lorraine Ade, president ofMirror, and Marguerite Chumley,member of Federation, will be Ls the first time they have takenpart in the Freshman Week activi¬ties. ! All incoming freshmen are urgedj to attend a mixer which is scheduledfor Wednesday, 3 until 5, in the! Ida Noyes theatre. The affair.hasj been arranged by the Freshmanj Council of last year to introduce! the new freshmen to each other.Music will be provided by Jack! DeBacker’s seven piece orchestra,i familiar to all the campus, andj veteran of many a mixer. OtherI entertainment will be providedj throughout the Ida Noyes hall. There! will be cards for those who preferi bridge or rummy. Some real exer-I cise, however, will be provided atthe ping-pong tables.This ‘open house’ is the onlyentertainment of its kind and willbe an oasis amid the placement tests,registration, and scholastic aptitudetests which harass the new studentduring Orientation week.In this sivamp William Rainey Harper founded the University of Chicago iical, from the time of its organiza¬tion. A,s early as 1904 the Schoolof Education embraced a completeschool system, including as it did akindergarten, an elementary school,a high school, a college, and a gradu¬ate department. The high school,the elementary school, and the kin¬dergarten have served as laboratoryschools of the Department of Edu¬cation in which educational theoriesare tested with a thoroughness im¬possible to achieve by any othermeans.In Ryerson Physical Laboratoryand Kent Chemical Laboratory scien¬tists of the University have workedout numerous problems in physic®and chemistry which have been hailedas vitally important throughout thescientific world. Today, with theaddition of Eckhart and Jones I^abor-atories, the University of Chicagopossesses one of the most famous“laboratory rows” in the world.This article has of necessitymerely touched upon a few of thehigh-spots in the history of the Uni¬versity. How the University grewfrom the modest beginnings of 1892to its present pi’oportions is a sagaof modern education almost toogreat for anything less than epictreatment. From an endowment ofone million dollars to more than onehundred millions, from a studentbody of 594 to 14,500, from a facultyof 120 to 888—these bare figures cangive but a slight idea of the dynamicgrowth of forty years that has madethe University of Chicago one of theforemost educational centers in theworld. Dramatic Associationto Sponsor Tea forFreshmen ThursdayAll freshmen are invited to attendthe Dramatic Association tea, heldfrom 2:30 to 3:30> in the Towerroom of Mandel hall, Thursday.Though the Incoming student mayI have had absolutely no experience! in acting, directing, moving sceneryI or collecting properties, he will bej welcome. The only requirementI expected of those attending the teaI is an interest in dramatics at theI University.1 This will be an opportunity tomeet Frank Hurburt O’Hara, direc-; tor of dramatic productions, and thestudent officers of Dramatic Asso-I ciation. Members and officers of thej three divisions of Dramatic Associa-I tion, I Gargoyles, Tower Players, andj Mirroir will be on hand to talk over; every phase of their work. TowerI Players manage the business andI production end of dramatics; the! Gargoyles include the talented ac-' tors of the University, while Mirrori is strictly a women’s organization.Jerry Jontry, president of Dramatic '! Association, will discuss plans ofi this year’s hctivities. 'I The Association’s fii-st venture ;; will be the fall quarter Freshmen |: plays. Opportunities in the cast and 'production staff will be explained to !the iifreshmen, and all ■w'ho partici- ipate will receive memberships in the iDramatic Association. iMrs. Werner Invites You to Inspect theRESIDENCE HALLSFor Won^'^nFor many years Blackstone Hall and the BlackstoneTea Room (which is in the same building) haveserved the University women ^ who have been for¬tunate enough to select this cultured homelikeatmosphere as their University home. At reason¬able prices, Blackstone I lall offers the best accommo¬dation in single and double roqma^.that is obtainableanywhere. In addition the halls are, located so closeto the campus that they are truly .^‘‘another advan¬tage” offered to U. of C. student. ^BUCKSTONE HALLVerna P. Werner, Mgr.Phone Plaza 3313 5748 Blackstone Ave. Who sings it betterthan the Boswells?Every Monday and Thursday... Connie,Vet and Martha, in that bubbling Boswellrhythm ... as irresistible as 01’ ManRivuh himself!And while you listen, light up a Chest¬erfield. Enjoy their fresh fragrance, theirmildness and better taste.They’re mild . . . and yet they Satisfy.Chesterfield Radio Program—Mondays, Wednes¬days, F’ridays—10 p. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays,Saturdays—9 p.iu., U S. T., Columbia Network.THE CIGARETTE THAT’S MILDER. . . THAT TASTES BETTER© 1952, Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co.THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932 Page ThreeEight Senior Advisers to OrientMen to Various Campus Activities(C ontinued from page 1)a major part in helping freshmen tofind places in activities. Under thenew deferred pledging plan insti¬tuted by the Interftiittfrnity Council,fraternities may not make any con¬nections with entering freshmen.To reward outstanding achieve¬ment by freshmen in activities, theOrientation Group plans ‘to institutea Freshman honor society, similarto the three upperclass honor soci¬eties, to which freshmen who havedone exceptional work in one ormore activities will be elected. Mem-beis will be appointed during theyear by William E. Scott, Dean in theCollege, upon the recommendationof the eight senior advisers. Fur¬ther details of the new society, andplans for the year will be di.sclosedat the luncheon by Chairman RobertHalsley. HEADS WORK MUSIC DEPARTMENTOFFERS CULTURAL,PROFESSIONAL WORKAND MOREN-'w fabrics and pat¬terns perfectly tailoredand styled in the bestcustom manner, makeup the Finchley Col¬lection of Fall Clothes.We invite a comparisonof these clothes withany and all othersof the Better Class.TAIIOREO AT FASHION PARKrut19 EAST JACKSON (In the following article, writtenespecially for the Daily Maroon,Carl E. Bricken, assistant professorof music, outlines the work of theDepartment of Music and the Uni¬versity Symphony orchestra.)By CARL E. BRICKEN,Assistant Professor of MusicThe Department of Music offersthe incoming Freshmen class aschedule of courses designed to in¬clude those whose interest in musicis primarily supplementary to aHundred UpperclassWomen Take Dutiesas New Counsellors.Appointed by Federation (’ouncillast spring, 102 women counsellorshave taken up their duties as “bigsisters” to the host of incomingfreshmen women. The counsellorsare an honor group, chosen becauseof the work they have accomplishedsince they have Iw^eii at the Univer¬sity.The counsellors are: Loraine Ade,Charlotte Adland, Caroline .Alschu-ler, .Marian Badgley, Jane Biescn-thal, Elsiegay Black, Jane Brady,Clara Breslove, Helen Brown, Mar-' garet Brusky, Margaret Carlson,V’ivian Carlson, Evelyn Carr, JaneCavaLiaugh, Marguerite Chumley,Elaine Cleveland, Betty Comstock,Mary Ccrnelissen, Maxine Creviston,Wally Crume, Lily Mary David,Rosamund Dargan, Mary Dean. I.itaDicker-son, Katherine Dierssen, RitaDukette.Shirley Eichenbaum, Violet Elliot,Mary Ellison, Bertha Errant, Ger-* trude P'ennema, Esther Feuchtwang-: er, Camilla Folds, Mary I..0U For-brich, Alice Friend. Marian Gentz,Eleanor Gerber, Isabelle Goodgold,Margaret Graham, Grace (rraver,Sara Gwin, Betty Hansen, HelenHartenfeld, Viola Heitman, HelenHiett, Karin Holmlxie, Helen Holmes,Eileen Humiston.Shirley Jacobson, Helen Keller,Janet Kalvin, Charlotte Kline, MaryKrevitsky, Edna Krumholz, DorothyliC Fold, Esther Maretz, Mary Ma-wicke, Nora McLaughlin, MargaretMcLean, Natalie Merriam, Martha.Miller, Marie Molloy, Clara MargaretMorley, Rosamund, LillianNash. Bettyann Nelson, .MercedesOfficer, Betty Patterson, .MarianPedersen, Jeanne Price, Pauline Red¬mond. Sue Richardson, Anne Riddle,Peggy Rittenhouse, Mary VirginiaRockwell, Virginia Rus.scll.Betty Sayler, Mary Sheean, Doro¬thea Smith, Jane Sowers, .AgnesSpinka, Margaret Strid, .MadelineStrong, Ethel Swanson, Harriet AnnTrinkle, Ruth Urban, Janis VanClief, Margaret Van der Schaegh,Rosemary Volk, Elisabeth W'alker,Margaret Washburne, Helen Wason,Jane Weber, V'alerie Webster, Helende VVerthern, Lou Williams, Mar¬garet Willis, Eleanor W^ilson, IxrlitaWoodworth, Garnet W'right, MarieYeoman, Elisabeth Zeigler.Freshman counsellors are appoint¬ed every year to help the newcomers,especially those from out of town, toadjust themselves to both the socialand academic life of the University.It is customary for each counsellor tocorrespond with her charges duringthe summer, answering any questionsabout school that may arise. In thefall, the counsellor meets her Fresh¬men and acts as guide during Fresh¬man W'^eek. cultural background, as well as thosewhose aim is to make music theirprofession.The courses listed in the TimeSchedule for the Autumn Quarterare self-explanatory. They are de¬signed in such a way as to make itpos.sible for students interested inteaching composition and criticismto follow logically a sequence incourses to be added as the classprogresses.All those interested in courses inthis department are advised to callat 201 Ingleside Hall for completeinformation and advice.Symphony OrchestraThe University Symphony Orches¬tra has in the course of one yearestablished itself as a vital factor inthe University life. Plans for thisyear’s concerts are even more am¬bitious than last year. A BrahmsFestival is being projected besidesthe regular quarterly concerts. Thisorganization offers students whoplay orchestral instruments a superbopportunity to perform the master-works .of musical literature.It is strongly advised that allFreshmen (as well as others) whoplay orchestral instruments reportfor try-outs as soon as the scheduleis announced. There is a particu¬larly good opportunity for brassplayers. This is not an exclusiveorganization. Membership in theUniversity Symphony Orchestra re¬quires faithful attendance at rehear-.sals and an intelligent understandingof the ideals and purpose of theorchestra. Old members consider itamong the finest experiences of theirUniversity life.The Department of Music wel¬comes the Freshman class and hopesthat many members will become jbetter acquainted with it during thecoming year. IFaculty ResidenceHeads to ConductInformal DiscussionsROOMINGACCOMMODATIONSI University women who have re-j ceived assignments to rooms in theI Residence halls for autumn quarterj will be housed in Foster hall duringI dence halls. Rooms may be secured! Freshman Week. Additional room.sI are also available in the other Re.sT-j without reservations at $2.50 for theI week., Freshman men who have appliedfor rooms will stay at Burton andi Judson Courts during the week, ata charge of $6.25 for board. OtherI men may secure accommodations for! the week at a charge of $5.I Reservations for men and fori women should be made as soon as' possible at the Bursar’s office. Five University faculty members—Fred B. Millett, Albert E. Shaw,Harold G. Shields, Eugene A. Sta¬ley, and Frank Huburt O’Hara—areliving in the Men’s residence hallsthis year as resident instructors.They will teach no formal courseswithin the halls, but will devote apart of their time to informal dis-cu.ssions with individual studentsand with groups of men.Fred B. Millett, assistant profes¬sor of English, acts as head of Bur- ;ton Court. In addition to his workin the English department, Mr. Mil¬lett conducts a column in the Alum- ^ni magazine called “In My Opinion.” .Albert E. Shaw is the assistant head Iof the dormitories. 'Harold G. Shields is the Dean inthe School of Business, and assistant |professor ofi Economic and Business iEducation. Eugene A. Staley is as- isistant professor of Economics.Frank Hurburt O’Hara, assistantprofessor of English and director ofUniversity dramatic productions,completes the list of faculty mem¬bers who are to reside in the Men’s jresidence halls.INVITE FRESHMEN TOSOCIALIST BANQUETJames Maurer, the candidate of theSocialist party for the office of vice-president, will be the guest of honorat a dinner in Judson court nextMonday evening, October 3, spon¬sored by the Socialist club of theUniversity. The dinner is open to allFreshmen and other students of theUniversity. There will be a chargeof seventy-five cents.Philip Booth, president of the So¬cialist club, is to preside. Amongthe men who will speak on this oc¬casion are Roy Burt, Socialist candi¬date for the office of governor of Illi¬nois, and Maynard Krueger, former¬ly a member of the University ofPennsylvania faculty and now an in-stru tor in the Economics departmenthere. USED AND NEWLaw, Medical, GeneralTEXT BOOKSFor All U. of C. CoursesUsed text books are in greater demandthis fall. Get yours early.Complete Line of Students’VSupplies of All KindsStationery, Fountain Pens, Brief Cases,Laundry Mailing Cases, Tennis andSporting Goods, UniversityStationery, Jewelryand SouvenirsPortable and LargeTYPEWRITERSSold, Rented, RepairedOpen Evenings Open EveningsWoodworth’s Book Store1311 East 57th Street, Near Kimbark Ave.2 Blocks North of School of Education 2 Blocks East of Mitchell TowerA i \VPage Four THE DAILY MAROON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1932iatlg iMaruflnFOUNDED IN 1}»01The Daily Maroon is the official student newspai)er of theUniversity of ChicaKo, published morninKS except Saturday,Sunday, and Monday during the autumn, winter, and springquarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5S31 University avenue.Subscription rates; a year ; $4 by mail. Single copies;three cents.No responsibility is assumed by the University of Chicagofor any statements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for anycontracts entered into by The Daily Maroon.Entered as second class matter March 18. 19(i3, at the post-office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1879.The Daily Maroon exi>ressly rt'serves all right of publicationof any material apirearing in this paper.BOARD OF CONTROLWARREN E. THOMPSON, Editor-in-ChiefEDGAR L. GOLDSMITH, Business ManagerRUBE S. FRODIN, JR., Managing EditorJOHN D. CLANCY, JR., Circulation ManagerMAXINE CREVISTON, Senior EditorJAMES F. SIMON,, Senior EditorCHARLES NEWTON, JR., Student PublisherJane BiesenthalMelvin GoldmanWilliam GoodsteinBetty Hansen ASSOCIATE EDITORSKobert HerzonDavid C. LevineEdward W. NicholsonH. Eujrene PatrickBUSINESS ASSOdATESStanley Connelly \'incent NewmanWilliam Kaufman Enward SchallerWalter .MontgomeryMonday, September 26, 1932,--THIS MATTER OF ORIENTAtlONWith the opening words or \Velcome addressedthis morning in .Mandel hall ’ i more than eighthundred freshmen, there wa.s /^egun once morethe University's annual Freshman week—a periodduring which the entire campus and a large shareof the faculty and student personnel of the Uni- jversity are devoted to the task of “orienting” thenewcomer to the quadran,;ies.No more important University service is per¬formed by upperclassmen the entire year thanthat represented by this senes of activities exe- sellors would make clear at the beginning of Uni- ,versity careers the values of such participation.There will be many freshmen, both men and 'women, for whom this orientation program will ,assume the proportions of one grand party con- isisting of seven days of mixers, teas, tours and ;more mixers. But it is our belief that the StudentCommittee on Freshman orientation will do itswork sufficiently well this week to demonstrate to Ithe observing freshman that there is a more seri- 'ous purpose than entertainment in this round ofsocial gatherings. They will demonstrate thathere, at least, is a small group of uppercl'assmen 'who are themselves manifestations of the fact thatin the well-proportioned and well-rounded Uni¬versity life is to be found the real education thatcollege can give.And if the freshman of 1932 recognizes thisfact, the athletic teams, the publication staffs, thedramatic organizations and the student servicegroups of 1936 will have the student man-powerand the undergraduate enthusiasm which those of1932 so seriously need.—W. E. T.1 The TravellingBy Charles Newton, Jr. and John Holloway.. .IXITIA TORY GESTURE.. . .There is a little college in the hills down southwhere they say the President’s first duty is tocatch the freshmen as they come in and put shoeson them. We feel that this column, having yourinterests at heart and all, should perform somesuch graceful service for you young prattlers uphere.But somebody has been before us. What withteas and get-togethers and Splash Parties,the job is being weTT taken care of, and we areinclined to think that you will not only lose yourshoes, but your shirt and your mind in this shortweek.We can only stand helplessly by, waving ourhands and making feeble noises. Unofficially, wewelcome you. Take care of yourselves, don’t goMethodist if you feel Calvinist at heart, and keepyour nose clean. We are for you—we think.Bazaar Icuted for the freshman student..And no more important events than these willever occur in the University experiences of thesenew students.For several years the Federation of UniversityW omen has adequately carried forward a largeshare of this orientation program for the womanmembers of the entering class, assisted duringFreshman week by the various other women’s iorganizations. Again this year over one hundred jupperclass women are performing this counselling Jservice under the direction of its chairman, Ruth ;Willard. 'But the orientation program for men, duringthe past few years, has been another matter. It |centered for some time around the activities of ^the Freshman honor society for men, known as |Green Cap—an organization and an orientation jprogram that never achieved a great deal andwhich were dissolved and abandoned two yearsago.The reason has probably been, to a great ex- !tent, that fraternities have performed this work 'of orientation and the building of interest iu stu- 'dent activities for that part of the Freshman class,at least, which joined their ranks. But this yearthere will be no such activity upon the part offraternities, and, for the first time, there is a real'need for, and a great chance for the success of,an adequate orientation program for the Fresh- jman man, carried forward in an efficient manner 'by an upperclass group.The Daily Maroon watches with interest andoptimism the present plans designed to achieve ithis goal, which are being carried forward underthe supervision of Robert Balsley. His commit- 'tee and his group of counsellors have the oppor- itunity to achieve a successful, comprehensive pro- -gram that parallel’s that of the women’s group.That such a program be executed is of primary ;importance this year. iThe plans that begin to operate today includethe assignment of all Freshman men to one of |eight counsellors, each of whom is an outstanding jactivity leader. The upperclass leader is chargedwith the dual task of promoting interest in hisparticular student activity among all the Freshmangroups, and to encourage interest in all activitiesin his own group. The program will be culminatedby election of a selected number of the 'men towhat will probably be the first real FreshmanHonor society that this campus has seen.To the Freshman student who has been a leaderin high school affairs, these upperclass counsellorswish to say that here in this orientation programis an invitation to become leaders in the Univer¬sity world. And to the student who has not here¬tofore shared, in extra-curricular life, these cjoun-/ .. ..VEIL GODS....It’s all sort of dim now, but we remember thatwhen we were freshmen (it hardly seems possible,now) we had Idols. We judge that freshmenmust have ’em. Now', Idols are funny. For fresh¬men, they are usually hairy young men withlumpy shoulders who have nothing to recommendthem but a talent for enbosoming a football andrunning like all get-out. We don’t want you tocommit this error. It’s stupid. We present youthe first two of the year’s Gods: men who havereally done something to merit your admiration.They are Andy (Wrong-Bottle) Brislin and Wally(Let ’er Go) Maneikis, both members of Mr.Stagg’s select group of young men... ..VEIL GODDESSES....Freshmen are so helpless. They get all tiedup with Bessies before they realize it—girls withbuck teeth and gable-ears, girls whose heels stickout behind. We list, therefore, the pick of thenew' batch. You may take our word for it thatthey are very choice. If you must have a Friday-Night Radio Dream-Girl, have a good one on us.These are they (Eng. 101, sec. h.)—the newqueens:Blondes: Marge Dencer, Valerye Johnso-i, Doro¬thy Hogan, and Barbara Block! (sister of thecrystalline Jane).Brunettes: Marion Austin and Margaret Goes.One or the other, or both: Betty Fulton, Ethel-Ann Gordon, Barbara James, and Betty Walsh.Complete specifications, telephone numbers,and tastes of the above honeys are on file at ourprivate office. They will not be revealed. Care¬ful consideration of the question has convincedus that we’d better see more of them all beforehanding them over to your inexpert mercies.We’ll let you know... ..SO .VOIF SHE KNOWS. ...Such a lot happened during the summer thatwill have to take all autumn (thank God) to tellyou about it. One of the better (but certainlynot one of the best) incidents happened righthere on campus.Vera Ryan was tooting about the neighborhoodin her yellow chev with another girl who MadeHer Mark last year—a girl whom we mercifullydo not name. Now', these babes had heard ofthe Good Humor lad who stands at the corner of57th and Woodlawn, It seems he is a repositoryof extra-fine dirt.So they decided they would have themselves alark. They stopped and asked him did he knowanything about a couple of w'omen named—er—Ryan, and (they thought) Blank. He scratchedhis head and was sorry to say he didn’t. So theybought their Good Humors and w'ent on.A couple of hours later they careened by again.He hailed them. “Say,” he said, “I got somedope on those women.”They pulled up, all of a twit, and asked for it.“Well,” he said, “I didn’t have much time, andI wasn’t able to get anything on this Ryan babe.But the other—”. He rolled a knowing eye.“They say she’s sorta wild.”‘“Yes, yes, go on.”“And...well, I only saw a few guys...andthey say she’ll all right and all, but”—he polishedhis box profe.ssionally—“nothin’ much to hollerabout.”And we say, did she ask for it, or did she? II CLASSIFIED ADS 5703-7 BLACKSTONE AYE.rms. Usable as 6 rms. 2 baths. New¬ly dec. G. E. Refrig. Near I. C.,U. of C., Jackson Park. Agent, H. P.2525. EARN EXTRA MONEY NOW!$5 to $10 an hourSell CYPHERS Personal Christmaa Cards(also Box Assortments!. Some of our mostsuccessful representatives have been studentspayina for their own education. Daily pay,extra bonus. DeLuxe Sample Bo >k FreeWrite TODAY!CYPHERS CARD CO.261 Cyphers Bldg:., Buffalo, N. Y.Large, light room with sun-parlorsuitable for 2 or 4 people $10. Singlerm. $4.50. 6140 Ingleside.FRESHMANCHECK LIST□ Survey SyllabiO Rental Library Sets□ Waste Basket□ My Text BooksO A Fountain Pen□ Laundry Casen Ask about Library NucleusClub so I can save 10%Q New College Stationery□ Note books, pencils, pads,and other “tools”n Arrange for Typewritern Gym Dudsn Look at the New Books—maybe buy one—get thelay of the land anywayn Mom’s Birthdayn Blotter, etc, for deskn New Pillow Cover□ Couple of Magazinesn Postage Stamps□ If too busy, grab a sandwichn Dictionary□ Toilet ArticlesAsk for these and other thingsU. of C. BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis AvenueATnLA-”THESCOURGE OF GOD'Nature m the Ratv’ as portrayedby the great painter, Harvey Dunn. . . inspired by the barbaric crueltyof Asia’s most dreaded plunderer..."the grass could not grow where hishorse had passed'* ...433-453 A. D.THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932 Page FiveFaculty Counsellors Organized to Aid New Classj able in case it is needed.The University also maintains aBoard of Vocational Guidance andPlacement. The functions of thisI Board are sugjfested by the title. Itgives vocational information andcounsel through public lectures onvocations, through bulletins dealingwith specific vocations, and throughj personal interviews at the request ofi_ i- PN -u I students. The Board also aids stu-Dcan Brurnbaugn Describes dents in finding part time work, andPROVIDE ADEQDATEADVISORY PLAN FORC0LLE6E STODENTSBenefits of Systemto Freshmen(Continued from page 1)plan to enter medical school willhave a pre-medical adviser; thosepreparing for law, a pre-legal ad¬viser; likewise, special advisers are in securing positions upon gradua-I tion.Students in the University are fre¬quently conlronted with problem.swhich are religious or ethical inj character. While the advisers inI the college are always ready to con-! sider these problems with their ad¬vice, students will find the Dean ofappointed for pre-teacher, pre- tt • , -'cience, and pre-business sLauents. • diversity chapel, and his asso-Those who are still undecided re- interested andgarding a profession, or field of spe- them to think■iulization, will have “general” ad- Pj^’ ^lems.Upper Class Students As Advisersvisers. All of the advisers are spe- In addition to the faculty mem- 'j ialist, in some particular Relcl, and i,,."' whT'reguliriy Ter^e'^rad^faemK'-ouP ofticularly fitted to give friendly coun- ' »-cl.First Conferences With AdvisersFreshmen will have their first op¬portunity to meet their advisers dur¬ing Freshman week. At the open¬ing day of Freshman week each stu¬dent will receive an appointmentlard indicating when he shall meethis adviser to plan his program ofcourse for the autumn quarter. Fromtime to time throughout the year,occasions will arise when confer- upperclass men and women also aidentering students to feel at home on 'the camus. The Federation ofWomen’s Organizations and themen’s orientation group cooperatewith the University administrationin organizing this program of upperclass counselors.It should be emphasized again,that the advisory agencies providedby the University are in no sensedesigned to be crutches on which istudents may lean, but are aidsences will be held with the advi.sers, available to them in the process ofcither upon invitaton from the ad¬viser, or at the request of the stu¬dent.It should be added that the as¬signments of individual students toailvisers are not absolute, and un-I hangeable. Students whose profes¬sional interests change, or who forspecial reasons, desire to transferfrom one adviser to another, may doso upon request. Occasionally anadviser may deem it desirable totransfer a student in order that he relating themselves most effectivelyto their academic work and to Uni¬versity life.GREATER NUMBERSEEK ADMISSION;ADMIT OVER 1000Applications for admission to theUniversity this year will exceed thoseMwy receive any type of counsel he “">! Pf^iPP*nccording to,le,ire« or need,. If students, dPt” P»n>P'><Pi ''>u» far Inoom-plete returns from the Board ofwith less than eighteen majors of ad-tutions they also have the advantageof counseling with advi.sers. If theyenter with Iccs than eighteen majorsof advanced sU nding, they are as-.'igned to an adviser in the College,If they have more than eighteenmajors, they are assigned to an ad¬viser in the Division in which theyplan to specialize. In order to fa¬cilitate the proper a,s8ignment ofadvanced standing students, theywill each have an initial conferencewith the Dean of Students in thecollege.Special AdvitertThe advisers in the college, obvi¬ously, can not advise students re¬regarding certain highly specializedmatters, such as health. Thereforethere are provided, in addition tothe advisers in the college, special¬ists in these technical fields.Through the University healthservice each entering student will begiven a physical and medical exam¬ination at the opening of the quar¬ter. Health conferences will also beheld during the autumn quarter andthroughout the year. Moreover,special medical service will be avail- scientific research.Admissions on September 21 showeda total of 1310 applications thisyear, of which 1076 have beenaccepted. Both of these figures sur¬pass slightly the totals for the samedate last year, at which time 1306applications had been received, and1025 acceptevl. The total number ofapplications Igst year was 1381, butthe Board of Admissions believesthat this will be surpassed by lastminute entries this year.Judging from the statistics com¬piled on the freshmen of last year,about 55 percent of this year’s cropwill be residents of Chicago, an addi¬tional 16 percent from Illinois out-I side of Chicago, and 20 percent fromI the other 47 states, and foreig.ncountries.The vocational choices of thefreshmen differ in the majority ofcases from those of their parents,according to these statistics. Al¬though about 50 percent of themcome from business-class families,business ranks fourth among theirchoices. Almost 40 percent of thoseapplying for admission intend todevote their lives to education andWe invite you toThe Birch Tavern876 East 63rd Street77/r lu's tan unit laitli t'nc Xorth Woods . Itinosl'IicrcLANTERN LIGHT-COZY BOOTHSClub Breakfast, 20c to 25cLuncheon Served from 11 to 5 P. M., 35c up—From Soup to NutsA 7 Course Dinner Served from 5 to 9 P. M., 50c to 70cAn Introductory OfferFor University Students—Shampoo and Wave 75cDel-Ores Beauty Salon5656 Kenwood AvenueMRS. FREDERICK E. HAVILLPhone Dorchester 1975We Specialize in All Other Lines of Beauty Culture STUDENT HANDBOOKON SALE TODAY ATTWENTY-FIVE CENTS 1 The football schedule, the songs andI yells of the University, and thej examinatiton schedoile are also in-^ eluded.1 Although the book is designed to! be of particular value to freshmen,j it is used throughout the year by; upperclassmen and the faculty asI well. The staff responsible for thisI year’s edition of this vest-pocketStarting today, the Student Hand- i encyclopedia of University life wasbook, official Baedeker of campuslife, will be on sale at the Univer- composed of John Weir, editor, JohnElam, business manager, and Luke.. T, 1 X Tir J i.u> J ! Galbraith, advertising manager.s.ty Bookstore. Woodworth.,, and ,Readers’ Campus Drugstore, as well j at counters in Ida Noyes hall, j — —the Graduate clubhouse, and theReynolds club. The book sells fortwenty-five cents.The Handbook, a small, conveni¬ently shaped leather diary and mem¬orandum book, has been published; annually since 1908, and usuallyappears the first day of the fall jquarter. Not only does it contain [calendar pages for appointments and jclass assignments throughout the II school year, but it also is a handy jsource of information about the 1I student-service departments of the ij University. It contains a directory |: of all campus organizations and ;their officers, of the administration, jof fraternities, clubs, churches, 'hotels, and restaurants. A very i.serviceable feature, especially for'freshmen, is a map of the campus. ! This Is Our 14th YearQuality Food atReduced PricesOur Noon Luncheon at 25c. 35cand 40c is prepared to meetyour taste.Our Evening 7 Course TableD'liote Dinner.s at 40c. 50c and55c will always please you.ALo our Sunday Chicken Din¬ners for 65c.Rich I’arictv of SR A ROOD,and RSTRRRSComplete Soda Rountain SendeeThe ELLIS TEA ROOM“k'notvn for its Rxceilent Cuisine *940 East 63rd Streetnear Ellis AveTiue.—and raw tobaccoshave no place in cigarettesThey are not present in Luckies. . . the mildest cigaretteyou ever smokedWE buy the finest, the veryfinest tobaccos in all theworld—but that does notexplain why folks every¬where regard Lucky Strike asthe mildest cigarette. The factis, we never overlook thetruth that ’’Nature in theRaw is Seldom Mild” — so these fine tobaccos, afterproper aging and mellov/ing,are then given the benefit ofthat Lucky Strike purifyingprocess, described by thewords—”It’s toasted”. That’swhy folks in every city, townand hamlet say that Luckiesare such mild cigarettes.“It’S toasted”That package of mild LuckiesCopr., 1932.The AmericanIVibaoco Co. %"If a man write a better book, preach a better sermon, or make a better mouse-trap than his neighbor, tho hebuild his house in the woods, the world will make a beaten path to his door. ”—RALPH WALDO EMERSONDoes not this explain the world-wide acceptance and approval of Lucky Strike?Mayor Cermak SendsGreeting to FreshmenTo the Incoming Students of the University of Chicago:It affords me great pleasure to be able to welcome youupon your entrance for the coming year’s work in the institu¬tion of learning which you have selected for the pursuit ofyour studies, and to extend to you the greetings of the peopleof Chicago, who have a keen interest in the advancement andprogress of students availing themselves of the advantages ofthe city’s institutions of higher learning.Your stay in Chicago while you are pursuing your studieswill mean that, although you may later make your homes inother parts of the world, you will always have those fondrecollections of this city which attend your stay in the placeselected for your education, while on the part of the peopleof Chicago, who look upon the student body of the Universityas embodying all the civic virtues, they will always feel' thatyour association with them has tended toward a higher stand¬ard of citizenship.On behalf of the city of Chicago and its people I bid youwelcome and wish you the utmost success.Yours sincerely,A. J. Cermak, Mayor.^".iWlf.Jiii^ppiPf f!| wwpipppify.i^fftiif '■ ■^ IHflPage Six THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932Students Come Here to INAUGURATE CHANGELearn, Not to Be Taught, IN MILITARY SCIENCEHutchinsTellsFreshmen COURSES THIS FALL Hold CommemorativeService on Monday EATING PLACES FOR*STUDENTS PROVIDEDBrumbaugh, Frodin AlsoWelcome IncomingStudents(Continued from page 1)that able and independent studentsexist in at least one American uni¬versity.“Such students we believe you tobe. You are the larg’est, but alsothe most carefully selected Fresh¬man class we have ever had. Yourrecords indicate that you will thriveon the new plan. That plan wasnot designed to put you through theeducational process at top speed andto turn you out with a high, uniform,and superficial polish, like the prod¬uct of a modern automobile factory. Hutchins Is Knightof French LegionThe decoration of Knight of theLegion of Honor has been con¬ferred uponPresident Rob-e r t MaynardHut chins byPresident L eBrun of theFrench Repub¬lic, Rene Weil-ler. Consul forFrance, notifiedthe Universitylate last week. First Three Quarters WorkIntroduces Essentialsof R. O. T. C.It was intended to adjust a great ' outside woi’k break in upon a pro-:university to the needs of the indi- gram of study. As a consequence |vidual student. The brilliant stu- , these students need counsel. They !dent is not compelled to linger over , need to talk over their situation with isubjects with which he has become some one who can help them gain a :familiar earlier than his classmates, satisfactory perspective and aid them |The deliberate student of solid worth in getting under way. !is not expelled before he can adjust “The advisors to students in thehimself to a new environment; he College a.’*e particularly interested ,may proceed at his own pace as long in helping students to make the tran- jas he show's promise of eventual sition from high school to college !success. , -fquickly and easily. Each student“But the essence of the .plan”, j should look upon his advisor as thePresident Hutchins remarked in con ! one to whom he can go to discusseluding, “is in the new relationship ^ his problems large or trivial. He !of^JJeScher and student. The faciiJiy : may rest assured that his problems ;is not here to force an education will be held as personal and confi-upon you; it is here to help you get dential by his adviser and that the ;one. In this co-operative enterprise, adviser will aid him in any way thatI wish you all success.” he can.”Stresses Outside ActivitiesFrodin, bringing out the advan¬tages of extra-curricular activitiesand the benefits derived from becom¬ing a part of the social life of thecampus, quoted from the welcomingaddress he heard upon entering col¬lege: “Opportunities lie about us soabundantly in college that the onlyconcern is for the wisdom we mayhave in selection of these. Ourproblem is not a paucity of resourcesbut the intelligence to utilize thewealth of these to build ourselves uprather than to dissipate ourselves andto demean ourselves in frivolities orin inconsequence.”He claimed that “educators wholook upon college as a larger placethan four walls and a blackboarddesire that part of a student’s timeshall be devoted to expanding him¬self or herself”—even though somepeople still disagree with the state¬ment that “all that is in college isnot found in books”. Entering StudentsMake Chapel TourAn interesting introduction to theUniversity Chapel is offered to in¬coming freshmen through the inter¬pretive tour which will be conductedby the Chapel Council on Sunday,October 2, at 5:30.The tour, which will take placeimmediately after the program ofRussian music given in the Chapelby Mack Evans and the UniversityChoir, will be led by Francis Mayer-Oakes, chairman of the Council;Charles Hopkins, and Martha Miller,members of the Council. The his¬tory, size, architlectuie, and sym¬bolism of the building will beexplained in the accompanying talks. This fall marks the reorganizationof the University’s Military ScienceDepartment along the general linesof the New’ Plan. Under the lead¬ership of Major Thomas J. Chris¬tian, the University’s unit of theR.O.T.C. has arranged its courses inorder that its facilities may be moreaccessible than ever before.In general, the first two of theyear courses are concerned withInndamentals and are arranged insequence order, similar to othercourses offered in the College. Thefirst three quarters w’ork is designedto introduce the student to the es¬sentials of the Military as a whole,to the elements of gunnery, and tothe problems of mapping and com¬munications. It is taken as a partof the general schedule and firstyear students must pass a compre¬hensive examination.The second year sequence how¬ever, acquaints the student w’ith thepractical side of military service—riding, -instruction in command andleadership, and work in the field oftransport and maneuvers. It furtherdiffers from the previous year’s w’orkin that no examination is required.With the Basic part of the coursecompleted the student enters theAdvanced years as a junior andautomatically becomes a non-com¬missioned officer of the UniversityR.O.T.C. He receives, during thesetw’o years, a compensation of $100per annum from the United Statesgovernment and a summer campperiod of eight weeks at no ex¬pense.A student is not bound to gothrough the four year’s work assketched here, providing he has hadmilitary work in his high or prepschool. In this event he is asked toconsult Lieutenant Nicolo Galbraithin Ryerson hall or notify his Deanupon registration. On the basis ofhis former work he is given com¬mensurate credit and so allowed topass by certain portions of thecourse.As a member of the departmentno student is called upon for ex¬penditures. His uniform, which is In accordance with the customobserved annually by the Universitysince its beginning on October 1,1892. the Autumn quarter will openwith a commemorative Chapel serv¬ice on Monday, October 3 in the Uni¬versity chapel at 12 noon. The ser¬vice will be conducted by DeanCharles W. Gilkey and will not lastmore than a half hour. Membersof the University faculties and allstudents are urged to be present.Robert Maynard Hutchins,President. Eating accommodations will beprovided in the Cloister Club in IdaNoyes Hall, 59th and Woodlawnavenue. Men may secure their mealsin the dining room of Burton court. Learn to Dance Correctly—Takea Few Private LessionsTeresa Dolan Dancing School6307 Cottage GroveTel. Hyde Park 3080Hours 10 a. m. to 12 midnightof a new style issued this year bythe War Department, is furni.shed,as well as all the equipment, suchas horses and guns. In addition, allclasses the riding hall of the new124th Armory in Washington Park;as well a.s the guns, pistol ranges,and other facilities of the 124th In¬fantry. University Hotel5517-19 Blackstone Ave.Dorchester 4100100 rooms, all \vith private bath andA five minute walk from the University. Close toSPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTSBy the Week, $7.00—Single or DoubleDiscount if taken for the quarterNeed for Advisory SystemDean Brumbaugh, in showing theneed for an advisory system, saidthat “observations made in previousyears indicate students become con¬fused, perplexed and discouraged inthe beginning of their college car¬eer. Sometimes they are unable tobudfeet their time properly; oftenpoor study habits affect satisfactoryprogress; occasionally commiting $5.50 Meal Tickets forFountain $4.75. This Includes aPen FreeWELCOME STUDENTSTEN-O-FOUR RESTAURANTGood Meals Served at 35-40-45 cts.Table De Hote 50-60-70 cts.GOOD COFFEEPAGES AND PAGES OF ADVERTISING Couldn’t Begin to Tell the HALF OF ITIAND MUSIC LOVERSHAL KEMPAND HISORCHESTRADirect from Triumphs in London, Paris and New Yorkand aBrilliant New Floor Show Headed byDORIS ROBBINSChicago’s Favorite Torch SingerStarting Saturday, Oct. 1stTHE NEWBLACKHAWK139 North WabashFor Reservations Phone Dearborn 6267 ^ fist. In TheLytton College^The New Modified Drape mCharterTwo-TrouserSUITS$36.50CHARTER HOUSE has interpreted this new and dif-erent style in terms of the college man’s ideas. AndChicago men have taken to it with great enthusiasm. AModified Drape, it is especially smart in the Charter HouseD. B. (double breasted). Notice its soft graceful fullnessat the armpits, its full, draped sleeveheads. Notice thedistinctive cut and pleats on one pair of trousers; theother pair is plain. In fine, soft woolens, in new blues,greys and browns. A brilliant value.Fife If RY C. Lytton S SonsState and Jackson — CHICAGO)Kate Smith has “a word” for it—(and we’re borrowing it)Hello, EverybodySAY Freshies, if the upper classme”' start|)uttinK you throuKh your j 's atnothin>r-flat this week, just startj ‘‘king:southwest until you come to Lyon & .xcaly’s(it’s a friendly store) and let us play yousome of the new hits You knowwhat music “doth” to the ‘‘savage breast”.VVe’re always glad to see you atLYON & HEALYEverything Known in Music870 East 63rd Streetin Woodlawn THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932University Medical GroupMonument to Dr. BillingsDeath Ends Career of Noted tions. This publicity proved to be sPhysician Who Founded Pf’tent force in bringing about imMidway Center provement.During the later years of his lifePresident Harper of the Universityof Chicago desired above everythingelse to secure facilities for a com¬plete medical education on theThe death of Dr. Frank Billings aweek ago yesterday at the age of 78ended the career of one of the mo.stl.rominent men affiliated with the campus of the Universitv of Chicago.I „,vers,ty-a leader m niedica This idea was opposed by .John I),belds for forty years and founder ot Rockefeller, founder of the Univer-,he great group of medical buddings^ ,,ity of Chicago, and so far as this„„ the western edge of the campus „f ||,e concerned, .Mr. Har-llr. Billings was known as one of per died a disappointed man.the most competent practitioners of Between the years 1-107 and ISllfiniedicme in toe United .States. Bu : epiepjy teaching in the preclinicaladdition his has been the initial branches was developed at the Uni-, tfort and the guiding influence in de- versity of Chicago.veloping medico-scientific institutionsthroughout the middle west, and thefact that the University today hasone of the largest and most wellknown medical centers and clinicalgroups in the country is due primar¬ily to the pioneer endeavors of Dr.Hillings.With his uncle, C. K. G. Billings,and his brother, Charles, Dr. Billingsmade a family gift of $1,000,000 forthe election of the Billings MemorialHospital on the Midway. .Most of theother clinics which have been builtsurrounding the original hospitalhave come as a result of the friend-<hips and contacts which Dr. Bill¬ings had with prominent and wealthymen and women of the country.Dr. Fi*hbein’« EulogyDr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the In 1910, in an interview with Pres¬ident Harry Pratt Judson of the Uni¬versity of Chicago, Dr. Billings re¬quested a survey, to be made by theRockefeller P'oundation and the Gen¬eral Education Board, of the develop¬ment of institutions for medicalteaching in connection with the Uni¬versity of Chicago. Each of thesefoundations later subscribed $1,000,-OCO for the further development ofmedicine at the University of Chi¬cago, with the understanding that.oOO,000 would be raised by others..\ttempts to .secure this additionalsum of $.‘1,500,000 were not made un¬til after the presidential election of1910. Then a committee, of which Dr.Hillings wuis made chairman, was or¬ganized to make a financial drive.Between the date of beginning this.loiirnal of the American Medical .As- campaign and the first of May, 1917,'ociation, writing on the life of Dr.Hillings in the Daily News, said ofthe famous physician:Dr. b'rank Billings represented thehighest type of physician of the old'chool. His career in medicine passedthrough the period from saddle bagsto .science.His name is as.sociated with theluiilding of such institutes as Rush.Medical college, the .McCormick In¬stitute for Infectious Diseases, theOtho S. \r Sprague Institute for.Medical Research, the University ofChicago sch(M>l of medicine with itsmany hospitals and laboratories, thePresbyterian hospital of Chicago, andnois.The organizations with which hehas lieen associated actively as abuilder include the .American .Medical.Vssociation, the As.sociation of Amer¬ican Physicians, the Institute of .Med¬icine of Chicago and many of les.serimportance..A roster of his patients reads likea "Who’s Who in Chicago.” The $■{,500,000 was subscribed. Of this.sum Dr. Hillings personally securedcontributions of more than $2,500,000from ex-patients and other friends.The Albert Merritt Billings Memo¬rial hospital was erected in the latterpart of 1924, and in 1920, and wasopened to patients in 1927. Therehas been great development and anendowment for chemistry, clinicalmedicine and research at the Univer¬sity of Chicago. The board of trus¬tees of the university, in recognitionof his efforts, named the medical de- 'partment of the hospitals the F'rankBillings Medical clinic.In Interests Rosenwald1920 Dr. Hillings donated hisprivate medical library of about 2,900volumes to the University of Chicagomedical school and endowed with ita gift of $25,000. In 1928 JuliusRosenw'ald visited the library andwas .so interested in it that he madethe proposition that he would con¬tribute $5,000 annually for five yearsyoung men whom he inspired are pro- provided a like sum was contributedlessors of medicine, great practition- annually by others.els and medical leaders all overUnited States. theA Genial, Kindly ManHe was tall, with the impression ofbigness; he was genial, sympathetic,full of humor and human kindliness.He radiatinl power.Following his election to the presi¬dency of the American .Medical As- ^ . . ... ^ . ;. . , . , spent with philanthropists and lead->Dr. Billings devoted hisI iu i mg citizens of Chicago in the effortif with ^ ...This partial account of the devel¬opment of the plans for building the 'great medical institution on the :.Midway does not, of, begin toexpress the personal devotion thatDr. Hillings remlered to this project.Night after night he spoke in publicmeetings; day after day he sat irconferences; hour after hour he |sociation. Dr. Billingspresidential address, preparcithe help of Dr. George H. Simmons,then .secretary and editor of the as¬.sociation, to the subject of medicaleducation. Dr. Billings outlinedwhat he ladieved should be the pro¬ to raise the funds to bring thisproject to a successful completion.When Frank Billings died he was 'almost 80 years old. In his period ofinterest in medical science he saw a igram of the association in elevating method in practice that was perhaps,the standards of medical education. 90 P^*’ mysticism ^>^0 iAs a result, the Inwird of trustees of cent science pass to one which con-the as.sociation created the council on tains far more of science t an omedical education, w-hich began a magic. He was among the leadeis in isystematic survey of all the medical , making medicine moie scienti c an'schools of the country and published m removing from it as ai as pos- jannually the rating of these institu- ‘ sible the elements of chance Page SevenTHE TWEED SUITWITH 3/4 COA TIs the Suit You’ll LiveIn All Fall—$27.50MARSHALL FIELD COMPANYSixth Floor, South State, Sixth Floor, Middle, StateYou’ll w^ear it on campus . . . you’ll wear it in town. . . you’ll wear it as a topcoat over your little wooldresses . . . you’ll wear it for months to come. Whatcould be a sounder investment? Loads of styles tochoose from . . . everyone with interesting tweeds,furs, and details. And not a lot of any one style.Page Eight THE DAILY MAROON. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 26. 1932BEGIN SECOND YEAROF COLLEGE LIBRARYWITH LITTLE CHANGE Over a Hundred Freshmen.EnterI on Honor, Competitive Scholarships(CorAinued frcm page 1)Park; Edgar Post, Elgin, Illinois;Eugene Pyclik, Harvey, Illinois.Esther Rasche, Milwaukee, Wis-Increase Number of Books Chicago;^ I r' Daniel Schelly, Chicago; Samuelto bUppiy Courses ISchulman, Chicago; Otto Sindelar,Newly Added ioak Park; Carl Singer, Chicago;I Robert Sherwood, Springfield, II-^ . .... ilinois; Bertil Skoog, Chicago; Wil-The College library begins it. :second year without any radical ;change m the method of operation.M. Llewellyn Raney, director of the • Two Year Entrance ScholarshipsUniversity libraries, announced that ! Clarence Atkinson, Jr.; John Ber-while there was no need of any wanger, Dubuque, Iowa; RobertBoyd, Belleville, Illinois; LloydBush, Fullerton, California; RichartIchanges in the College library itself,it was necessary to increase thenumber of volumes in the library Dorsey, Streator, Illinois; CharlesFinson, Monticello, Illinois; JohnFlinn, Redwood Falls, Minnesota;Francis Garlinghouse, Topeka, Kan¬sas; O. Merle Giles, Tulsa, Okla¬homa; Larry Grandaki. Iron Moun¬tain, Michigan; William Haarlow, Tillotson, Coldwater, Michigan;Agatha Tosney, Dixon, Illinois; IreneVandenberg, Dolton, Illinois; Con¬stance Victor, Stambaugh, Michigan;Marian Wagner, South Bend, Indi¬ana; Roy Watterlohn, Chicago;Sarah Wright, Miami, Arizona.Endowed ScholarshipsAmerican Daughters of Sweden,Dorothy Olson, Chicago; ChicagoAlumnae Club, Miriam Prussi. g;Colby, Lologene Convis; CrerarFour Year Scholarship, James Olson.Chicago; Esoteric, Esther Robinson,Chicago; Morse Aid, Edwin Denton,Robert Herman, Norman Howard,Marcia Lakerman, and accommodate the freshmen whomust use the library, and to providefor the others in the second yearCollege courses.The north half of the third floorof Cobb hall, comprising eight rooms. FOUR HALLS FORWOMEN OPENEDFRESHMAN WEEKis devoted to the College library. Ch^ago; Richard Helmer, Kansa.,Four of these rooms are used f„. Missouri; Robert Johnson Bea-reading, three tor olTices of the Ifaculty advisor.s, and the remaining i [and. Ohio; George Kendall, fir a stack room. Paul. Minneso a; Leroy LaTowsky,, , , ,, I Omaha, Nebraska; Jack Lortz; Ver-Ten thousand dollars was oj-j „„„ Ly„„. Vermillion, South Dako.pended last year in obtaining books | Masterson, Long Beach,needed by the freshmen with a" , California; LaRue Morris, LaGrange,increased appropriation this year to |take care of the added demand.s ot j,jt,uist; Rob.the entire College. Chicago; Gordon Peter-10,000 Books in College Library ■ SCB;Twenty-five to one hundred copies ^ Raymond Pokela, Puritan, Michi-of each volume in the list of “indis- Leonard Reichle, Detroit, Mich-pensable” readings in the College jJohn Rice; John Schultz, El-syllabi are on the shelves of the | Illinois; William Spitzen, Chi-stack room, with a total of about I Everett Storey, Chicago; Ed-ten thousand books available in the ' Thompson, Fullerton, Califor-College library. Richard Trotter, Lake City,Libraries for the Biological Sci-i Carl Warns; Hall Wells, Longences, Social Sciences and the j California; Robert Whitlow,Humanities divisions, as well as a j Tulsa, Oklahoma; William W'right,reading room for the Phy.'ical Sci- ; Elwood, Indiana,ences are located in Cobb hall, with j One Year Entrance Scholarshipsadditional facilities for those in the j Annabel Abbott, Nebraska City,Physical Sciences available in Eck-i Nebraska; John Allen, Chicago;hart hall. j Lucy Bellegay, Chicago; EthelIn addition to the Collect library I Caann, Chicago; Robert Crane, Chi-ihere is a library containing Iromjcago; Philip Davies, Oak Park; So-750 to one thousand volunnn- m each phia Fagin, Cleveland, Ohio; Johnof the commons rooms of the men’s Ford, Bemidji, Minn'^sota; Evelynhalls. These, however, are limited Garbe, Maywood, Illinois; Jean Har-to the residents of each liuilding. '’oy> Des Moines, Iowa; KathrynThe special library for nieiniiers of Hummel; James Kasper, Chicago;'President Hutchins’ honi.r- course j Charlotte Klemme, Chicago; Albertawill be open again this year. i Lee, Mt. V’ernon, Ohio; James May,'Beside these librarie." whieii are Victoria Me-,intended primarily lor ineniiieis of i Detroit, Michigan; Rosalynthe College, all of the tuie million Chicago; Charlotte Olson,volumes of the Universitv liluaries Chicago; Ellsworth Power, Tacoma,are open to every studint in theCollege and University. .Alniut halfof these million voluiim.-~-w hichcomprise one of the greaie.'i librarycollections in the world.—am in theWilliam Rainey Harper .Memmiallibrary.Other LibrariesThe rest of the volume W’ashington; Stanley Reynolds, Wil¬ton, New' Hampshire; Charles Rob¬inson, Long Beach, California; An-netta Schreck, DeKalb, Illinois;Dorothy Silberman, Chicago; BettySchmacker. Springfield, Ohio; Johneconomics, political science andI sociology are reserved in the Socialaie dis-j Reading Room, Harper Ell,tiibuted among the othei libraiics [ modem languages inon the campus, '^he^e aie. tiie Law j Wieboldt hall. Books for the SchoolLibiaij, in the Law building, tlie | Qf .Business are in Harper W 61.Oriental Seminar collection, in dm j Sets of books for the generalOriental Institute, the g'ndurte (.Q^j-ses in the Biological, PhysicalM o d e r n Language lilirary. in Social Sciences and the Human-W ieboldt hall, the Biolugc and jties, history and the subject course.sMedical library, Cuhei hall. jj^ economics, and hundreds of indi-Chemistry libiaij., Jones lalioia- vidual co-pies lor many other course.s,tory’ Classics and Art, (. la.s.'ic.- including books, fiction and diction¬building, Divinity, Swift hall, hdu- -^ries in the various modern lan-cation, Emmons Blaine hall; (icol ^uages, may be rented for a smallogy and Geography, Ro.senwabi hall: at the rental libraiy located inMathematics, Physic.s, and .A.'tion Universitv bookstore,. 58th andomy, Eckhart, second floor; Billing.Medical library. University clinic s;Business library, Haskell Hall.Also available to University .-lu-dtnts are the volumes on the shelve-of the Chicago Public Library, New¬berry, the John Crerar Library, andthe Chicago Historical Society, andthe art collection of the Art Insti¬tute.Books reserved for undergraduatecourses in history, English, econo-mic'U political science, psychology,philosophy. Social Science adminis¬tration and sociology are in Harperreading room, third lloor. Booksfor graduate courses in history. To provide convenient living facil¬ities for the Freshmen w'omen andtheir counsellors during Freshmanweek, four halls, Foster, Kelly,Green, and Beecher — have beenopened. A nominal sum of $2.50for room and $1.75 for breakfastswill be charged to those taking ad¬vantage of the University’s offer.The counsellors are not required tobreakfast at the halls.[ The upperclassmen who are incharge of these halls are as follows:at Foster: Ruth W'^illard, studentfloor; Mary Virginia Rockwell, thirdfloor; Helen Hartenfeld, fourth floor.Several parties have been plannedby the upperclassmen for the Fresh¬men women who are residing at thehalls. Tuesday two card partieswill be held, one in Fister in.chargeof Peggy Rittenhouse, and the otherin Green in charge of Vivian Carl¬son. Wednesday, alter the Univer¬sity Sing, floor parties, in charge ofthe ndividual floor leaders, are sched¬uled.Women not living in the halls arealso invited.head; Marguerite Chumley, assist¬ant; floor leaders: Ruth Urban, sec¬ond floor; Grace Graver, thirdfloor; Helen Hiett, fourth floor;Margaret Willis, fifth floor.At Kelly: Cyntherea Snyder, stu- :dent head; Lois Cromwell, assist- .ant; floor leaders: Margaret Carl- :son, second floor; Mary Ellison, thirdfloor; Madeline Strong, fourth floor.Martha Miller Hea<I of GreenAt Green: Martha Miller, .stu- ,dent head; Geraldine Smithwick and 'Lorraine Watson, assistants floor ileaders: Katherine Dier.ssen, second ;floor; Jane Sowers, third floor; Alice iFriend, fourth floor; Beryl Brewer, !filth floor. —'jAt Beecher: Betty Tressler, stu¬dent head; Mary Voehl, assistant;floor leaders, Sara Gwin, .secondfloor; Mary Virginia Rockwell, thirdfloor; Helen Hartenfeld, fourth floor.Several parties have been plannedby the upperclassmen for the Fresh¬men women who are residing at thehalls. Tuesday two card paitieswill be held, one in Foster in chargpof Peggy Rittenhouse, and the otherin Green in charge of Vivian Carl¬son. W'ednesday, after the Univer¬sity Sing, floor parties, in charge *fthe individual floor leaders, arescheduled.Women not living in the hall.s «iealso invited.STUDENTS ATTENTIONSince it is our desire to helpthe .student fight the depres¬sion vve are reducing theprices. Our prices are thelowest in the neighborhoodand we shall not on ourquality work.WRIGHT HANDLAUNDRY1315 E. 57th St. Midway 2073 PROFESSORor STUDENTYou’ll enjoy the quiet home-like atmosphereof theWOODLAVyNAPARTMENTS5238-40 Woodlawn Avenue1-2 rooms completely furnished including maidservice and C. E. refrigeration.S35-S45TWO STUDENTS AT THE SAME RATE Six DistinguishedSpeakers Appearon Lecture ListStudent Lecture Service will bringto campus six distinguished s-peakers Iin the fields of art, literature, and !science for the 1932-33 season. This jnewly-organized service is under the |auspices of the University Board of IVocational Guidance and Placement. IStuart Chase, noted economist andauthor of “Men and Machines”,“Mexico”, and other books, will bethe first speaker. He is scheduledto appear November 8 in Mandelat 8:30.Second speaker w'ill be Profe.ssorJulian Huxley of the University ofLondon. Profe.ssor Huxley is one of the world’s foremost zoologists andthe co-author, with H. G. Wells, of“The Science of Life,” used as atext in the College for the Biolog¬ical Sciences. Professor Huxley willspeak on November 16 in Mandel.Rupert Hughes, author and mo¬tion picture director, will be pre¬sented as the third speaker. Mr.Hughes is known for his reinterpre¬tation of the life of Washington.He has also written many novels andplays, including “Clipped Wing.s,”“Ladies’ Man”, and “Tess of theStorm Country.”Dr. William Beebe, naturalist andexplorer noted for his under-sea !investigatioi^ of marine life, and iNegotiations are now pending for !the two speakers for the spring quar- !ter. They will probably be in the !fields of art and literature. I Season tickets for the series ofI six lectures will be placed on saleI today in Mandel Cloisters, the Uni-I versity Bookstore, Woodworth’s,Burton Court, and Ida Noyes. Pricefor the season will be $2.50 plus26c tax, making $2.75, or less than50c an evening. The ticket salesare under the direction of BionHow'ard, captain of the Universitywrestling team.HOLD ENGUSH TESTSI The English placement test to bej given from 10-12 and 2-4 today, willdetermine whether the fre.shmanmust take first-year or second-yearEnglish composition or will be ex¬empt from both courses. PapersW’ill be graded and re.sults given tothe Freshman advisers before the.students register. The placementtests are prepared by the Board oTExaminations.The Store for Men hasone of the most completeselections in town for Col¬lege Men. In fact, we thinkthe Topcoat and Overcoatsituation is so imp>ortantthat we’ve set ap>art oneentire floor to take care ofyour requirements.Here you’ll find everytype of coat you could askfor. You’ll find a new stylecoat tailored to our Deer-path requirements—whichmeans a loose, swagger,British type of coat thatcan’t be duplicated else¬where. You’ll find trimdouble-breasted polo coats,shaggy tweeds that shedwater (we call the coat ourRay-nor-shine)— and anew reversible coat that israin coat on one side andtopcoat on the other. Infact—.you name the kindof a coat you want—we’vegot it—and best of all thisseason’s prices are as low asA NewTOPCOATfor the restof the season*35Fourth FloorThe Store for MenMARSHALLFIELDCOMPANY{THE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932 Page NineSIGHT-SEEINGTOURS STARTFROM HARPER Map of Campus Shows All University BuildingsSijfht-seeing tours,which will acquaint enter¬ing' students with variousparts of the extensive quad-laiifrlcs. will leave HarperM 11 at 2 tomorrow and atiCilO Wednesday.The tours will beprin atHarper Library, erected inmemory of William RaineyHarper, first president of'he University. Walking;,a.'t from the Law .school,which is north of Harper,ihe sightseers will enter the; cently erected Social Sci-r. c e Research building.From Foster, Green, Kelly,and Beecher halls, women’sdormitories, they pass to•ho President’s house andI oxington hall, home ofI'he Daily Maroon.Still further east theI’hapel, which has been the. hject of much recent pub¬licity in connection withthe installation of the now‘ himes, will receive the visi-Dis. Cro.ssing WoodlawnAvenue the groups will seeIda Noye.s hall, clubhousefor University women, theI niversity high school, the■iiaduate Education build- r====-x=======r===================rr=======r======mg. Blaine and Belfield halls. .group, the University Bookstore,Returning along 58th street the Kt.nt Chemical I>aboratory, Ryersonnew students and their guides pas.s physical Laboratory, and EckhartI lean ( harles W. Gilkey s, the jpHl, the groups go through Hutch-I hicago Theological Seminary, the juson Court, where the traditionalIhoindyke Hilton Memorial (hapel, Cnjversity Sings are held, to Leonand enter the new Oriental In.sti- Mendel hall, the home of BlackfriarsMite, which is filled with the finds Mirror,f Dr. Charles Breasted, re¬nowned archaeologist of the Univer- Past the Coffee Shop into Rey-,tv and his staff. They will visit the campus touristsWalker Museum and ' Rosenwald glance at this club for men andHall. a.soending the tower of the lat- then at Mitchell Tower, reminiscentcr to view the instruments of the ot Oxford University. Acro.s.s thei. S. Weather Bureau. street is Stagg Field and BartlettThe itinerary then takes the cam- The sightseeing tours end atpu: tourists through Swift Hall, ‘^e Field House and practice field,IKi-st the Bond Chapel to Cobb Hall, "here football scrimmage will be inoldest building of the University.With hasty glances at the Medical One other trip is included for the I president of Mirror. The work ofI Y. W. C. A. will be told by Martha; Miller, president.The Daily Maroon, the Cap andGown, the Phoenix and the othercampus publications will be de¬scribed by Maxine Creviston, SeniorEditor of The Daily Maroon. Shewill also tell of the positions open to. freshmen on these publications.Grace Graver, chairman of Fresh¬man Women’s club, will tell of theactivities of that group, and willask for the support of this year’sFreshman vvomen. At the close ofthe meeting the women will have anopportunity to sign cards tellingwhich groups they wish to join.DIRECTOR OF PUBLICATIONS LAUDS MAROONTo the Class of 1936:The Daily Maroon will be essential to your life at the University ofChicago. It is the only agent which can inform you concerning all youractive or potential interests. You can do without it, but not without loss.It is the newspaper of the University community, and you can become anintegral part of the community if you know what is going on in it.William E. Scott Director of PublicationsOverhead costs cut!STETSONSFreshmen tourists, that on Satur¬day morning to the Stockyards.These excursions are in charge ofBion B. Howard and MadelineStrong, co-chairmen of the Commit¬tee on Sightseeing Tours, which isa cooperative enterprise of theBoard of Women’s Organizationsand the Student Committee onFreshman Orientation. Members ofthe committee are Clara MargaretMorley, Bettyann Nelson, Rita Du-kette, Eleanor Wilson, MargueriteChumley, Mary Mawicke, Noel Ger-son, Charles Greenleaf, Hubert Will,Herbert Richmond, Bill Traynor,Allan Marin, Charles Merrifield,Sidney Hyman, Leroy Ayres, and *Ed Nicholson. i CAMPUS LEADERSACQUAINT WOMENWITH ACTIVITIES(Continued from page 1)life of University women, and willextend to the freshmen an invita¬tion to make Ida Noyes hall theirmeeting place.Esther Feuchtwanger, presidentof the Women’s Athletic Associa¬tion, will tell the women how theymay join in the various activitieswhich are sponsored by W. A. A.,and participate in the program of“Play for play’s sake’’.Mirror and Dramatic Associationwill be described by Lorraine Ade, $ 5For Fall — and fallingbudgets—Stetson hats arepriced as low as $5. But\ there’s no compromise withStetson. Every hat is fash-' A 1 ioned from fine fur and silkand leather . . . with smart-stamina blockedin by hand, to baffle wear and weather.At $5, you may choose from a generous variety ofstyles and colors, both soft felts and derbies. OtherStetsons, at $7, $10, and up, hah'e dropped in pricebut not in pride!JOHN B. STETSON COMPANYPHILADELPHIA NEW YORK LONDON PARISThe Maid-Rite MannerThere are few budgets, even in these times, that do not allow at least one dollar a day for food.With this in mind, the Maid Rite Shops Inc. present to you a plan by which you can not onlyeat for one dollar a day, but eat well.The suggested breakfast of fruit, cereal, toast and coffee, for 1 5c, at the Maid-Rite SandwichShop, certainly supplies tasty nourishment in a sufficient quantity to begin the day properly.The 35c luncheon which is served in the Grill is a full balanced meal of 5 courses and includessoup or cocktail, meat, potatoes, vegetable, salad and dessert. Imagine the best in food servedin the usual tempting Maid-Rite manner for only 35c!Although the breakfast and luncheon menus are surprisingly large and good, it is in thefamous Seven Course Dinner that the Maid-Rite Grill really triumphs. Imagine a steak, chickenor turkey dinner, for only 50c. A steak, chicken or turkey dinner complete with cocktail, soup,potatoes, vegetable, salad, dessert and coffee, tea or milk.In other words, we suggest living in the Maid-Rite manner for only $1 a day.Where Good Food Always Prevails«Maid Rite Shops Inc.1324 E. 57th St. 1309 E. 57th St.LIVE ON LESS THAN A DOLLAR A DAY BY PURCHASING OUR MEAL BOOKSTHE DAILY MAROON, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1932 JiKi. wy.ifpiUvtMaroon CaptainsStage ExhibitionNet Tournament Around the CircuitSome half dozen captains of Ma¬roon teams have been invitedto play in exhibition matches thisafternoon on the varsity tenniscourts at 58th and University at3:45. To complete an active week cffreshmen orientation, an athletic pro¬gram has been drawn up. designed toinitiate an interest in sports and toafford a recreational prog:ram be¬tween examinations and lectures.Captain Herman Ries and MaxDavison, of the varsity squad, willoppose Scott Rexinger, Captain twoyears ago. and Paul Stagg, captainlast year.A singles match will be played be¬tween Sidney Weiss and TrevorWeiss, sophomores on the presentteam. Austin “Five Yards” McCar¬thy and ex-captain Art Franken¬stein. star alumni, will put on an ex¬hibition. All matches will bt refer¬eed by Coach Stagg and Wallie He¬bert.Tomorrow afternoon theie will bean athletic meeting for all F'reshmenmen at 2. at the Thisactivity is being sponsored by the“35” club, an oiganization of lastyear’s freshmen. Coach A. A. Stagg,director of athletics, will give theprincipal address, a stimulatingspeech on the meaning of collegeeducation. There will be short talksby team captains, and Robert How¬ard. senior chairman 'Intjamucals.As a conclusion to the program thefreshmen will be invited to witnessa varsity scrimmage.Swimming will attract all Univer¬sity men on Wednesday a" i Thurs¬day afternoons, when the i)ool inBartlett gymnasium will be openfrom 4-5. E. W. McGillivray, swim¬ming coach, will be in chaige.The Division of Intramural athle¬tics will sponsor informal games forfirst-year rrien Wednesday and Thurs¬day afternoons from 2-4. Tbe sceneof these games will be at (nt^enwoodF'ield, 60th Street and (IreenwoodAvenue. Equipment will b* on handfor playground ball, h'Jfse-s vie pitch¬ing. and touchball.An exhibition touchball game be¬tween Alpha Tau Omega and PhiKappa Psi, will be schedulc(i. With Purdue and Northwestern,Conference co-champions of last.season, suffering seriously fromgraduation, the Big Ten football raceis probable as open as it is possibleI to be. Michigan, a leading conten¬der in 1931, appears to have thei strongest returning aggregation,while Ohio and Minnesota may lineup as the teams to beat. The Boiler-' makers and Wildcats, however, areI capable of coming out on top ifthey can find a lew replacement.s to; fill up the present gaps. All the' other teams can be classed as dark‘ horses. Zuppke will be able to make histwentieth team any stronger thanlast season’s tail-enders. The I’eturnof Pete Yanuskus, ineligible captain-elect in 1931, is encouraging.Wolverine Backfield StrongAnn Arbor, Mich., Sept. 24—I Coach Harry Kipke began the work! of lining up a championship squadI with five exceptional backs fightingI for starting positions. Four ofthese, Newman, Everhardus, FayI and He.ston, are lettermen whileRegeezi is a sophomore. The onlypotential weak spot will be at thetackles. Veterans in Purple BackfieldEvan.ston, Ill., Sept. 24—WithCaptain Rentner, Olson, Sullivan,Kawal, and Potter in the Northwest¬ern backfield, the main problem willbe the filling up of places left bylast year’s veteran guards andtackle.s. Bill Riley, 225 pound brotherof Jack, will probably keep a tacklepost in the family. Potter, althoughout with a bad shoulder should beready for the Illinois game Oct. 15.Cramer Hurt at OhioColumbus, Ohio, Sept. 24—Hopesfor a Buckeye championship fellconsiderably when Carl Cramer,quarterback and spark plug of theteam suffered a recurrence of an oldknee injury. It is not known howlong he will be laid up.Purdue Loses Thirteen VeteransLafayette, Ind., Set. 24—Loss ofthirteen veterans w’ho carried theBoilermakers through to a Big Tenchampionship. a co-championship,and a second place in three years,leaves Coach Noble Kizer with a realprbblem in finding replacements.Fourteen lettermen are returning,including Moss, Pardonner, Oehler,and Horstmann, but the success ofthe team depends on the develop¬ment of sophomores and reserves tofurnish reseiwe power for a “suicide”schedule.Wisconsin Needs Line StrengthMadison, Wise., Sept. 24—Clar¬ence Spears, beginning his yearas Badger Coach, has the job ofrounding a squad of 60 average meninto a contending team. Seekingpower in the line, Spears shiftedJack Schneller, veteran fullback, toend and changed Kranhold fromguard to tackle. Bierman Stresses SpeedMinneapolis. Minn., Sept. 24—Berny Bierman has been working onspeed in starting and execution ofplays. One of the best men on thesquad is Captain Walter Haas,Gopher dashman, who plays quarter¬ Line WeakChampaign, Ill., Sept. 24—Sev¬eral sophomore backs wall have tobe changed into linemen before Bob Twenty Hoosier LettermenBloomington, Ind., Sept. 24—Twenty lettermen, filling every posi¬tion on the Indiana team, are re¬turning this season, bur they will bepressed for their positions by sopho¬mores. One of Coach E. C. Hayes’chief problems will be finding a goodquarterback, the weakness of his1931 squad. Veller, a sophomore,seems to be the best bet.We’re Perplexed;We’re in a quandary.Somehow, ideas came flowinggusher-like when we plannedthe show room for YankeeDoodle, but we ran dry abso¬lutely when it came to think¬ing of a suitable name for it.Here was a fix. The room wasconceived, developed and evenbeing used. Still no name sug¬gested itself. Good luck,though. Vin Newman poppeda thought that struck fertileground. Why not run a con¬test and let the campus choosea name.Okay. Chicago. A flock offolks are going to win-prizesfor suggesting a suitable name.Further details on the contestwill be printed later.Here’s the dope. Hal Laufmanhas caricatured the campus onYankee Doodle’s Wall ofFame. Lots of people havebeen included. Others aregoing to be added shortly. Theroom is a riot in rarity. Takea look. We’ll be seeing youlater at Jerry Mitchell, campus queen, and HalLaufman, artist, stop work to ponder overa name for the gallery of celebrities inthe new room of Yankee Doodle Inn.The Yankee Doodle Inn1171 East 55th StreetPatriotic Phone Fairfax 1776 Organize Band NextWeek; Play Oct. 15 Phoenix Presents First Event of .Social Season—All-University DanceOrganization of the Universityband, which will play during allhome conference football games willbegin with the opening of schoolOct. 3.The band, which was the inthe country to adopt sweaters andflannels instead of military outfits,continues during the winter andspring quarters as a smaller unit for ,concert purposes and plays duringbasketball games. Instruments anduniforms are provided by the Uni¬versity, and numerals and lettersare awarded at the end of the yearfor participation and interest.The first public appearance of theband will be in connection with theKnox game on October 15 at StaggField. On November 12 the bandwill travel with the team to AnnArbor to perform at the game withMichigan. I *As a service to University menand women, the Phoenix, campushumor magazine, will present an all-University dance next Monday nightin the former I.Antern Room of theDrake Hotel, from nine ’till one.Tickets will be free to all students.The University Social Committeewill work in conjunction with thePhoenix in making arrangements forthe affair. In order to make ade¬quate provision for all fieshmen, spe¬cial busses will be chartered fortheir benefit to take them to and fromthe Drake.Tickets for this opening event ofthe Autumn social season may besecured in any one of three ways:from upperclass counsellors, fromany member of the So-cial committee,or from the Phoenix office, in Has¬kell 14.The theme of the dance wil be “University Students in Italy”. Theballroom will be decorated in Italianstyle, using scenery ^prepared forthe Latin Quarter Fete, at an ex¬pense of $25,000, which is to be heldat the Drake Hotel Friday evening.An attempt will be made to repro¬duce the Latin Quarter of Paris,representing characteristic shops,cafes, and gambling rens.Stars of last year’s shows ofBlackfriars and Mirror, men’s andwomen’s dramatic organizations, willfurnish entertainment Monday night.Milt Olin, who starred both in “Cap¬tain Kidd Junior” and in “WhoaHenry”, will have charge of theentertainment. Other popular at¬tractions include Joe Saiek, BobBalsley, and Donnie Kerr.Clyde McCoy and his orchestrahave been engaged to play at thePhoenix ball.Magnussen Returns to IowaIowa City, Iowa, Sept. 24—Thereturn o; Marcus Magnussen, out¬standing center in 1929, should bol¬ster O.ssie Solem’s Iowa line con-.<iderably. Magnussen is not scrim¬maging at present because of a lameback. He was ineligible in 1930 andbroke his leg in 1931. Solem pickeda first team on the first day of prac¬tice. As Townley Goes—So Goes ChicagoThese Are the Furs fFouien Selectedon 2 heir lOWNLEV Coats in August34% Furred with Fox27% Furred with Kolinsky21% Furred with Fitch18% Furred with Other Furs2,500 Gorgeous NewTown LEV COATSTrimmed with the 3 Most Favored Furs—FOX, FITCH, KOLINSKYA* Townley goes, so goes Chicago. For Chicago has gone “wild**over Townley Coats. Their stunning lines, rich fabrics, marvelousneedlework and luxurious furs. Not only these three most fashion¬able ones but Canadian Beaver, Caracul, Marten, Natural Squirreland Blue Wolf. Look elsewhere and compare. You’ll understandwhy women go to The Hub for the quality they love at the pricethey can afford to pay.149.50 155 179.50College Women’s Headquarters for Coats, Suits and DressesTHEC!i)HUBHenry C. Lytton & SonsState and Jackson—ChicagoSPORTSMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1932 Page Elevenfreshman GRIDDERSEXHIBIT CLASS INEARLY SCRIMMAGE ' fTwohig Is Chicago’sOther "Old Man"Small Squad Gives VarsityTough Battles; UsesYale PlaysAlthough official Freshman foot-1,;ill practice is not scheduled to be-.rin until today, a full team of firstvi ar men has been working out withilu' varsity since the beginning ofpractice Sept. 15.I nder the direction of Freshman,,.ach A. A. Siagg, Jr., eleven menhave been learning Yale plays andrunning them against the varsityiluvens with considerable success.Kven in so small a squad, most ofwhom live far from Chicago, therea If rveral men with sufficient abil¬ity to be fighting for varsity posi¬tions. They will be extremely valu-al.le to the Maroons next year if andwhen they become eligible.(Jordon Petersen, six foot five cen-tir from Long Beach, Ca., whosebrother Bart is a candidate for theI urrent Maroon team, seems to be infavor of keeping height in the centerof the line next year and may provehi< point. Two high school team cap-•ains. Bob Perretz, all-Illinois stateflection from Hyde Park andThompson of Fullerton, California,have been lined up at guard, and ifthey continue coming through in theiiiarner in which they have been, theMaroons will have no worries aboutthis position for the next three sea->.ins.U‘fty Deems, all-Southern Cali¬fornia tackle from Long Beach•Iiinior college, ha.s already made hisaltiliiy sincerely respected by theright side of the varsity line. Al¬though probably the aggres--ive and most promising man on thequad, he has but one year of varsitytompelition remaining due to hisjunior college play. At right lackleI, Rice of Abilene, Texas, heavy,fairly fast and a shot putter duringitf-season, who has been in schoolI nee last winter quarter.Lined up at ends are two more po¬tential stars. Wells of l»ng Beachand Belfanz of Abilene. Wells, car¬rying aound the surname Rainwater,1' a specialist at snatching passestf his shoe strings or wherever elsethey happen to be. He was slatedfor an all-league position his senioryear at Ijong Beach when a bad heart■ ept him out of competition. Bel¬fanz, an all-state man from Texasind captain of his team, was a mem-hcr of the Abilene mile relay team(Continuad on page 12) Paralleling the career of A. A.Stagg, the “grand old man” of inter¬collegiate athletics, both in faithful¬ness to duty and in duration, is thelife work of Jimmy Twohig, who hasgroomed Stagg field for the pastthirty odd years.Jimmy has watched the Universityathletic situation change from thedays of the “nineties” when but ahandful of candidates turned out forteams to the pieak of athletic suprem¬acy lasting until 1924.’ And now,he has visions of a new era of suc¬cess. The giants of twenty-five yearsago, built like battering ram.s, haveyielded to light, fast players, Jimmythinks.Since February, 1900 has Jimmydisplayed loving care for the groundsot the athletic department. Thelittle Irishman’s memory really datesback to the old university, however.For nearly thirty-three years he hasworked for “the old man”, just’ they clicked so well.Jimmy and his staff of six menhave dressed the football field formany contests. Rain or shine theyare always prepared; in the formercase they resurrect the raincoat,tailored to fit the gridiron 300 feetlong, 70 feet wide. FACULTY ABOLISHESGYM REQUIREMENTSFOR ALL STUOENTSPhysical Culture Now onVoluntary Basis;Offer .CoursesTARPON CLUB STAGES“SPLASH PARTY” FORWOMEN IN IDA NOYES.4 “Splash Party”—a good oldrough and tumble swim—is plannedto entertain Ireshmen women in IdaNoyes swimming pool four days thisweek. There will be games of waterpolo, water basketball, diving, andracing, as well as time just to enjoythe water and practise that back-stroke.To all University women, who en¬joy swimming. Tarpon club extendsthe invitation to come and join thefun in the swimming tank on Mon¬day from 4:30 to 5:30, Tuesday,Thursday, and Friday from 4 to 5and Saturday from 2:30 to 4.30.Tarpon club welcomes freshmenwomen who are interested in sw'im-ming as members as well as guests.During the first two weeks of theautumn quarter swimming tryoutswill be held for all those who wishto join the club.Tarpon meetings are held in thepool every Wednesday from 12 to 1.Besides playing games and receiv¬ing instruction from Miss B^dithBallwebber, assistant profe.ssor ofPhysical Culture, the members carryon team competition and each springpresent a swimming exhibition. Compulsory physical culture,which in the past has been a pointof agitation among undergraduatestudents, will no longer vex them.Starting this autumn, --physicalculture at the University will nolonger be required for graduation,according to a decision reached bythe College Executive committeeand the faculty last May when “com¬pulsory gym” was abolished. Neitherstudents who entered under the newplan year nor students underthe old plan must continue with gymif they do not desire it. Those stu¬dents who have deficiencies in theirpast gym credits need not makethem up according to this new ruling.Although compulsory gym hasbeen dropped from the requirementsfor all .students in the College, theUniversity will continue offering thesame courses providing athletic in¬structions to both men and womenas it has under the old plan. Theathletic department feels confidentthat stu(ibnts will not accept theabolition of compulsory gym as anexcuse to stop exercising, but of them will take advantage ofthe various classes offered.Opportunity in IntramuralsIntramural sports will also the opportunity for freshmen' to participate in athletics. Last year1195 different men competed in the! regular Intramural program. Tothose freshmen who are thinking of' joining a fraternity. Intramurali sports will give them the chance ofI meeting men already in fraternities,I The abolition of compulsory gymw'hich was accomplished last May byj college faculty action was one ofI the most important curriculari changes since the inauguration ofj the "new plan and removes a require¬ment which by nature of the yearsI in operation had become anI institution. The removal of this oldestauiished requirement and theplacing of gym upon a purely volun¬tary basis to all undergraduatescomes as a result of consistent stu¬dent agitation, such the studentpoll sponsored and conducted by TheDaily Maroon.Action by the University Senatein lifting the requirements culmin¬ated a year’s struggle on the part(Continued on page 12) New Rules MakeAthletes Eligiblefor Entire YearNew eligibility rulings, recentlyformulated by the Senate Committeeon Student Affairs, and designed tomore nearly coincide with the spiritof the new plan, provide that ath¬letes shall be eligible for a full yearof' intercollegiate competition in¬stead of from quarter to quarteras under the old system.These new regulations, whichapply to all athletes except those intheir senior year, go into effect thisfall. The rulings were made to com¬ply with the statutes of the Inter¬collegiate Conference, which requireseach school to establish rules ofeligibility for athletic competition.There are no other extra-curricularactivities at the University whichhave eligibility requirements.With the inauguration of the newrules, a student becomes eligible forcompetion as soon as he has beenin residence three quarters and haspassed any three comprehensive ex-E.minations. Completion of threeconuprehensives before the threequarters are up will not provideeligibility because of the Big Tenone-year residence rule.Requirements for Second YearA man under the new plan be¬comes eligible for his second yearof competition, or his junior year,when he has passed three additionalcomprehensives. Requirements foreligibility for the third year of com¬petion will have been met when astudent has successfully carried atleast eight courses during his lastthree quarters in residence, andalter he has passed his seventh com¬prehensive which completes his workin the collie. The Dean of Stu¬dents and University Examiner mustalso judge whether or not he is gen¬erally qualified to assume additionalduties.In maintaining senior eligibility,a course in which an “R” is receivedas well as a course satisfactorilycompleted may be counted amongthe eight needed, even though the“R” is given when there is not suffi¬cient information to indicate thestatus in’ the particular course.Seniors were made eligible onlyfrom quarter to quarter in order toprotect the conference against thepossibilU^i in isolated cases anathleLe wocud not take his finalexaminations after he had completedhis Jiast year of competition. Maroons Score Point forEach of Stagg’s 41 Years,Crush Monmouth, 41-0m. I (Continued from page 1)j received the ball on her own 18yard line. Page and Zimmer gaineda first dofn. After Sahlin and Pagehad added six yards Birney got offa quick kick which was downed onMonmouth’s 2-yard line. (Boothbypunted to Sahlin who was downedon the Maroon 29-yard line. On thesecond play Zimmer passed to Cap¬tain Birney who ran to Monmouth’s9-yard line. Sahlin scooted alongthe side-line for a touchdown. Page’splacement was good. Score: Chi¬cago 7, Monmouth 0.Winbigler received Spearing’skickoff and was downed on Mon¬mouth’s 35-yard line. On the sec¬ond play Tinker fumbled and Spear¬ing recovered for Chicago. On thenext play Pete Zimmer w'ent aroundend for a touchdown. Page con¬verted. Score: Chicago 14, Mon¬mouth 0.After failing to gain on two playsBoothby punted to Zimmer. Threeline smashes and a penalty gave Chi¬cago two first downs, Birney andSummers brought the ball to Mon¬mouth’s 19-yard line. Zimmer madea first down. Three short gainsbrought the ball to the 8-yard line.Summers failed to gain and the ballwent to Monmouth as the quarterended.Second QuarterAn exchange of punte and an in¬tercepted pass by Birney gave theMaroons the ball on their own 44-yard line. Sahlin made three yardsand then kicked to Monmouth. Apenalty, two runs and a lateral passgained 25 yards for Monmouth andput the ball in mid-field. Boothbypunted to Zimmer who caught theball on his own 13-yard line and ran87 yards along the north side linefor a touchdown. Birney’s drop-kick for the extra point was good.Score: Chicago 21, Monmouth 0.Immediately after receiving the kick-ov Monmouth punted to Chicago’s39-yard line. 'The Maroons workedthe ball to Monmouth’s 20-yard lineas the half ended.Third QuarterFlinn received the kickoff for Chi¬cago and returned the ball to the32-yard line. With the aid of apenalty, a pass, and consistentslashes at the line by Cullen, Birneyand Flinn Chicago brought the ballto Monmouth’s 4-yard line. Birneywent over for the touchdown. Page’skick was good. Score: Chicago 28,Monmouth 0. Leads *32 MaroonsDon Bhney, Maroon football captainand halfback starAn exchange of punts after thekickoff gav€.^onmouth the ball ontheir 35-yard line. Chicago recov¬ered a fumble at this point but amoment later Woll intercepted a Chi¬cago pass. Boothby punted to Pageas the quarter ended.Fourth QuarterAfter eight minutes of play in thefourth quarter the Maroons scoredon a pass from Summers to Page.Page’s placement was low, the firstpoint after touchdown Chicago hadmissed. Score Chicago 41, Mon¬mouth 0. Four minutes later Sahlinwent over for another touchdownbut the score was not allowed, bothteams being offsides. A short timelater the game ended. Final score:Chicago 41, Monmouth 0.Startinc Lineups:Monmnuth ChicagoGrauer l.e. BellstromYork l.t. CasselsMcDaniels l.g. RappHamilton c. Parson.sGray r.g. ManeikisPressley r.f. SpearingWinbigler r.e. GabelWoll q.b. SahlinBoothby l.h. BirneyTinker r.h. ZimmerBrown f.b. PageTouchdowns—Sahlin, Zimmer (2t, Birney.Summers, Page. Points after touchdownI’aste (4i, Birney.BOOKSfor all courses IP,r»» HMti4 i nthuf-I'l NEW andSECOND-HANDalso GENERAL BOOKS V-' RENTAL LIBRARY SETSi*-TYPEWRITERSFor SaleRentExchangeRepairs on All Makes i Uv ,mv.POSTAL STATION STATIONERY SUPPLIESNote-booksPencils - PadsFountain PensTheme PaperFile BoxesDesk BlottersLocksAthletic GoodsKodaks - Films - ServiceUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Avenue•pc daily MAROC^J.Page TwelveonPhysical Culture NowVoluntary Basis;Offer Courses( Continued from page 11)of The Daily Maroon to secure fac¬ulty action on the issue. An activecampaign was inaugurated early inthe winter quarter when EditorLouis N. Ridenour introdttced intothe now extinct Undergraduatecouncil a motion recommending thereconsideration of the then existingre<juirements for physical culture.Finally The Daily Maroon took mat¬ters into its own hands and con¬ducted a compulsory gym poll inwhich 303 out of 4J3 voters fav¬ored abolition. Because of the lim¬ited number voting, the poll was re¬jected by the college faculty, where¬upon a new poll lasting four daysw'as conducted by The Daily Maroon,The undergraduate body againshowed its disfavor toward compul¬sory gymnasium by a 2 to 1 major¬ity. The compiled returns were sub¬mitted along with a recommendationfor abolkhment to the CollegeExecutive committee and from theretc the faculty which voted for aboli¬tion by a 35-22 vote.Compulsory gym itself has been apart of the University curriculumsince A. A. Stagg came here in1892. It has been responsible forincreasing student agitation sinceits inception. In 1922 the require¬ments were lowered from four totwo years. In the fall of 1930 in¬creasing numbers of stjidents puton probation for faiVure to attendgym classes caused the faculty tocenter more attention upon theproblem of compulsory gym. Con¬sistent attempts to have the CollegeCommittee and the University Sen¬ate adopt changes failed repeatedlyuntil the above action was under¬taken by The Daily Maroon. Pete Zimmer Bill CasseU Al Surtitmrs Keith Pa-rsem Vin Sahlin John SpenringMaroon Shirts, WornSince 1895, Discardedin Favor of WhiteTwo Regulars Lostfrom ’32 Mat SquadThe University’s wre^^tling teamfinished last season well up near thetop of the conference standirgs. Inthe face of an exceptional deJirth ofmaterial from which to select a win¬ning squad, Coach Torres developedan unusually good team. With onlytwo regulars lost from last year’steam, the wrestlers should be rightup at the front when the conferencetitle is decided next March.Last year’s Freshman team oughtto give some of the returning var¬sity men a battle for positions on thesquad. Freshmen have not been over¬anxious in turning out for wrestlingin the past two years, but this year’sFreshman class ought to include afew good wre^lers if some of theboys get over the fear of competingin the University's toughest sport.ThingsEveiyFreshmanShouldKnowcan he found in the STU¬DENT HAND-BOOK, a vest-pocket “handy-book” of in¬formation about the campu.s,published primarily forFreshmen.It ContainsA MAP OF THE CAMPUSCHICAGO SONGS AND YELLSA CAMPUS W’MO’S WHOTHE NAMES OF DEANS ANDMEMBERS OF THE ADMIN¬ISTRATIONFOOTBALL SCHEDULECHURCH, HOTEL AND RES-TAURANT DIRECTORIESFRATERNITY DIRECTORYDAILY CALENDAR, DIARYAND MEMO PAGESSPACE FOR YOUR CLASS AS¬SIGNMENTS, ADDRESSESAND TELEPHONE NUMBERSThe Handbook has 164 pages,yet fits in pocket or purse.You will refer to it every dayof the year.You can buy it for 25c at theBookstore or Woodworth’s,l Maroon jerseys, worn by Univer¬sity football teams since 1895, wdltbe discarded this season for whiteshirts with two maroon stripes onthe arm.s. The maroon stockings alsowill be replaced by white, withmaroon bands. The traditional Chi¬cago color will be continued 'n thehelmets and knit pants, which in re¬cent years have enabled Chicagoteams to have solid maroon uni¬forms. They will be worn for thefirst time in the Yale game, October ^■ IMaroon was adopted as the offi¬cial Chicago color on May 5, 1894.When the University opened in1892, the board of trustees, accept¬ing the suggestion of Charles L.Hutchinson, had undertaken to per¬petuate in the college colors thegoldenrod which grew in the prairiessurrounding the University. In thefirst year the Chicago teams w’oreyellow stockings and a yellow mon¬ogram, but opponents were notabove remarking on the symbolismof the color, and it was abandoned.The first Chicago team to wea’’maroon was the baseball team o^’ chespring of 1894. Left:Ray ZennerRight:Pomiieo Toigo Season Tickets forAll Home FootballContests Sell atConference football at less thanthe cost of a movie! This bigge.s:tbargain of these depression days isoffered for the 1932 home Chicagofootball schedule. Season books thisyear will cost but $6 for six games,four of which are against conferenceopponents.‘C’ Books Now onSale at Bartlett OPEN POOL FOR SWIMPRACTICE WEDNESDAY Season ticket^ this year offer un¬paralleled advantages. Season ticketholders, buying their books at theexceptionally low price of $5,00, Small Squad Gives VarsityTough Battles; UsesYale Plays( Continued from page 11)which broke the world's interscliolas-; tic record at Stagg’s meet last year.The quarterback position is ablyfilled by Nacey from Concord, Mass.Originally a Chicago boy, he is thefastest man on the squad, ishifty,and a good general. He played bothquarter and half in prep school. Twoother Chicagoans are holding downthe half tjack jobs, Goucho of Bloom,a fast blocking half, and GeorgeWatroms of University High andeg ' Hyde Park, fast, hefty, and up for: his fourth year of Freshman compe-' tition but his first as a freshmanChicago. Warren Champlain of Co-bern Classical Institute, Waterville,Maine has been playing a great gameat full back and augments this byaveraging .55 to 60 yards on hispunts. Besides starring at footballin prep school, Champlain wa.s cap¬tain of basketball for two seastmsand played baseball.With this squad as a nucleu.s andmore appearing thi.s week, Coach A.A. Stagg, Jr., .should ea.sily be ableStudent “C” berks, whichadmit the bearer to all homeathletic contests for the year1932-33, will be on sale everyday this week at the Athleticoffice in Bartlett gym for $5.Students must show tuition re¬ceipts.These books can be u.sed atall football, baseball, ba.sketbull,tenn»^, .swimming, and gymnas¬tic events. The price this year isa new low in “C” books. Therewill be no government tax onthe books. *■ Wednesday and Thursday ofFreshman Week the Bartlett Gym-‘ na.sium pool will be open to all menof the Class of ’36 who are inter-1 e.'sted in swimming.' This opportunity is provided bythe Division of Intramural Athletic.s,which later in the year will run offa swimming carnival for all Fresh¬men swimmers.. Acting as ho.sts to the freshmenI will be Coach E. W. McGilHvray,, Captain John Marron, and otherj members of the Univer.sity swim-! ming team.j Any freshman may try out for'the team this quarter. benefit to the extent of a three-turn out a Freshman team equaldollar differential under the cost of, better than those of the lasttickets purchased separately for all j years which were called thehome games. Secondly, the season greatest teams in gives preference in location,the purchasers being allotted thebest seats in the north stand. Sea¬son tickets are available to parentsof students and friend.s of the Uni¬versity and are not to be confusedwith *‘C*’ book.'^, which are available only to University students, andwhich include tickets to all sport en-eounteia.Ap>tdication for season tleket“tshould be made to the Football Tic¬kets office, 5625 Ellis avenue.‘'You'll like ourColonial Garls” HOWDYFRESHMENandUPPER CLASSMENA hearty welcome to all students. Weexpect to soon see our old friends,and hope to make many new ones.PHELPS & PHELPSCOLONIAL TEAROOM6324 WOODLAWN AVENUELuncheons, 11 to 2:30 35c to 50cAfternoon Tea, 2:36 to 5 p. m. a la carteDinner, 5:00 p. m, to 9 p. m. - - - 55c, 65c & 75cSunday Dinner, 12 noon to - 85c to $1.00Sunday Supper Special^UlK to 75cWe feature delicious home-cooked foods prepared bywomen cooks in the true Colontefmanner. Our wonder¬ful fried chicken and juicy temer steaks are the bestyou ever tasted, and our own special desserts, such as icebox cake, date torte, ice cream cake sandwich, andhome-made ice creams, will make you a steady customer.Ask the folks who eat here!PHELPS ^ PHELPSCOLONIAL TEAROOM6324 Woodlawn Avenue "fteu to&ie <di4 SmckiMXi,.. tobaccos made forcigarettes and pipes; granu*lated tobaccos. But therewas plenty of room for abacco made solely for pipes.If you look, you will findthat a great many tobaccopackages say ^Tor pipe andcigarettes.^ But the Grangerpackage says:GRANGER ROUGH CUTPipe TobaccoGranger is made by Well-man^s Method and cut rightfor pipes—^rougb cut. Bumsslower and cooler. Just try itiYOU CAN DEPEND ON A UCGETT Sl MYERS PRODUCT