W:PROGRESSof the New PlanAfter One Year18. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932 PRICE TEN CENTS[AKESlE)ut Singleg Newses:iiERolleserodin, Jr.)it months theaged in carry-"w e<lucationalich Individualr-reaching ap-not generally1 in this conn-the plan canThe successIts conceptionler manifestedhe reorganlza-le factor con-s of tho Uni-oi (iinRer like Instltu-sfled with justought after Inle Unlvei-sltybest ways of1 secured onceended. Oncent day e<luca-usk of puttingthe new ideasly easy,tinizedthe Universityhouse-cleaningjrrkrulum wasf capable menplace eachollege. Somehe curriculum, where it wasout of placeAt the pres-iie eighty oddin> of the Col-r being in theobing done in'ge, each part>een surveyedn during thele, in severalit h.aa beenrliange somelimiting onelother.Scopeas been placedLhe College isvhat the Uni-:o do in rede-tion. In thee number oflents has beenvill, with not for the stu-:tive systems9 last decade,o the conclu-browslng intos, no matter■est way to se-n.blem of defln-1 the Univer-ourses in theleal Sciences,'sical SciencesThese gen-scope of gen-' are followedear sequenceseparation forlition to com-catlon of thek^ear sequenceg of the depthstudent mustof his chosenily the effortsr in the newthe changings. There has3)VIovies^ork ofCoursesfqr the firstnew plan theesterday thatid movies re-the four gen-ade within aenty films ofjrse will startm w'ill maken the country! of the Unl-1 unprecedent-ch will extendonnel of thenited number)ssible by thelU Telegraphwith the Uni-felephone andling the Initialants, Inc., aif A. T. & T.,ts of research3 the Unlver-ell TelephoneiltctricaJ He-4) C..4LEStudy PhysicalScience as Wayto Plan WorkBy HENRY G. GALEDean, Division of the PhysicalSciencesIt is quite Impossible to say at thepresent time what effect the newplan will have ». the stude.its In theDivision of the Physical Sciences be¬cause we have had this year no stu¬dents under the new plan in the divi¬sion, and we do not expect tu havethem in any considerable numbersuntil after the June examinations in1933. It is our hope and our beliefthat students working under the newplan will be working to secure knowl-edge instead of to acquire credits,with a resulting change in their at¬titude which will be altogether bene¬ficial.The members of the faculty In thedivision have already come in contactwith the new planin helping to for¬mulate the newgeneral coursewhich has beenoffered to thefreshmen thisyear. The enthusi¬asm with whichthis work has beenundertaken andthe very helpfuli^^-operation whichhas been securedeverywhere it hasb e e .1 requestedhas l)een very en¬couraging.Members of the faculty in the va¬rious departments in the Divisionhave been Interested In formulatingthe regulations which are to governthe work of the students under thenew plan. Students will be receivedin the Division only when they havecompleted the requirements for grad¬uation from the College or when theyhave completed satisfactorily two ormore years of college work in an ac¬credited institution. If the studenthas not had at least one year of col¬lege Work In the department in whichhe wishes to specialize he will ordi¬narily be expected to take a se¬quence of three courses approved bythe department in further prepara¬tion for his work in the Division.Broader CultureIn order to secure a Bachelor’s de¬gree a student must complete anamount of work ordinarily requiringtwo years or six quarters in re.si-dence in the Division. One-third ofhis work (his principal sequence)must be In one department in theDivision, one-third (repre.sentlng hissecondary sequence) in the Divisionor in some closely allied departmentsof other divisions, and one-third ofhis work may be entirely elective. Astudent must pass final comprehen¬sive examinations in work represent¬ed by his principal sequence and hissecondary sequence, and must havebeen reported as having done satis¬factory work In all courses offered aselectives. Students will also be ex¬pected to demonstrate that they havea reading knowledge of either Frenchor German unless excused in excep¬tional circumstances by the Dean.Candidates for the Master’s degreeand the F'h. D. degree will find thatthere is very little ciiapge from thepiesent requirements. Such clmngesas have been made are In generalalong lines which offer greater free¬dom to the student.Offer FYeedomWhile each department will bequite free to handle students in ac¬cordance with its best judgment, thepresent spirit of the faculty seems toindicate quite clearly that opportuni¬ties w’ill be freely offered to ambitiousstudents to proceed at a rate consid¬erably more rapid than has been pos¬sible In the past. There can be littledoubt that the new plan will be de¬cidedly advantageous to ambitiousstudents of exceptional ability. Thegreat majority of students will prob¬ably find that the amount of worknecessary to secure a Bachelor's de¬gree under the new plan will not dif¬fer essentially from the amountwhich was required in the past.OFFER l.B.DEeEBy SHAII.ER MATHEWSDean of the Divinity SchoolThe Divinity school has been a grad¬uate school of the University. It hasnow been reorganized after the gen¬eral model of the Divisions, and isprepared to give the A, B. degree inaddition to the graduate degrees ofA. M,, D. B., and Ph.D.Candidates for the A.M. degree musthave In addition to the eight coursesproposed for examination, six of Lhepreliminary theological courses, threeof w’hlch must be biblical and onlyone of which is in the student’s de¬partment of specialization.Those who plan to take the D.B.degree must have had the GeneralSurvey Courses, or their equivalents,and twelve preliminary theologicalcourses. Otherwise the requirementsare the same as formerly. This Istrue, also, of candidates for the Ph.Ddegree, detailed requirements forwhich relative to passing the foreignlanguage examinations, preparing athesis, and passing the final examina¬tion are not changed. Generally, how¬ever. the candidate for the Ph.D. de¬gree is required to pass a preliminaryexamination over the range of his the¬ological study before taking the oralexamination in t>e reld of bis thesis.A candidate fo- the A.L. degreemust be a graduate of the College andI'.ave taken three courses in the Divi¬sion of Humanities, three in the Divi¬sion of Social Science, and three In(Turn to jage 4) ALL BIOLOGICALEIndependent Work, ResearchGoal of All MedicalDepartmentsM1.LIEBy FRANK R. LILLIEDean of the Biological SciencesDivisionThe Editor of the Maroon has ask¬ed me for a statement concerning theeffects of the “New Plan" within theDivision of the Biological Sciences,and some forecast of its operation Intho future. If we understand the“New’ Plan” broadly conceived tomean emph.asis upon the liberalizingfunctions of the University, it is insome sense a return to the best ofold University traditions. This Uni¬versity has always possessed and pro¬duced men of tho t' ue liberal type ofscholarship, and a good part of itshistory might be written around theattempt to make liberal policies pre¬vail. The “NewPlan’’ in Its broad¬est aspect Is avindication qf thatstruggle, cast inan effective andfar-visioned form.It includes anattempt to formIn our students ahabit of mind thatshall last througliout life, “of whichthe attributesare freedom, »qult-a b 1 n ess, calm¬ness, moderation,and wisdom.” This is the aim of a“llberar’ education.During its first year the immediateeffects of the new’ plan have beennaturally most patent in the College,whore it could be Immediately applied.This College plan has been also, natur¬ally, the subject of grea popular In¬terest and concern: but as It lies out¬side of the Divisional work proper, 1shall only say that we are looking for¬ward with great Interest and highhopes to receiving the students train¬ed under the new plan in the Collegea little over a year from now.Independent ScholarshipWithin the Division the New Planhas been an incentive to new legisla¬tion the ffects of which vill be onlygradually apparent. The aim of thenew rules adopted and contemplatedis in all coses a liberalization o* previ¬ous conditions freeing both studentsand faculty for better and more Inde¬pendent scholarship.The student is admitted to the Di¬vision after completing the require¬ments for graduation from the Col¬lege, the second year of College workIn Biology and three specified coursesIn Chemistry. After admi.ssion heselects his major department, withinwhich he is required to spend one-third of his time; another third isdesignated for related departments,and the remainder is open for free(Turn to page 12)C. and A. CurriculumRevised to Fit NeiuUniversity ProgramBy UTLLIA.M H. SrSNCERThe School of Comoie/ce andAdministrationSince its reorganization in 19ljB, theSchool of Commerce and Administra¬tion has been noted among schools ofbusiness here and abroad for its dar¬ing experiments in collegiate educa¬tion for business. The present facultyis carrying on that tradition. Theylike to think of the School as an ex¬periment station in collegiate educa¬tion for business.In keeping with this attitude, thefacility in 1925 adopted a plan forcomprehensive examinations. Thetimes, however, were not ripe for theexperiment and its inauguration hadto be postponed.The Scliool therefore W’elcomed theproposals of President Hutchins forthe reorganization of the work of theUniversity, and the faculty of theSchool Iniineiliately began a revisionof its 1)1. ns to fit them into the largerprogram of the University. '• In thefirst place tlie faculty has acceptedthe assumption underlying the re¬organization of the University thatstudents complete their general edu¬cation in the College and that whenthey come Into the School they areready for genuine professional workin business.The faculty, in the second place,has approved the broad general prin¬ciple that graduation from the Schoolshall be based upon attainments astested by comprehensive examinationsrather than on course requirementsand course examinations.In the third place, the plan adoptedby the faculty sets forth the attain¬ments which a candidate for theBachelor’s degree in business shallpossess—ability to use the Englishlanguage effectively, an appreciationof the physical and social environ¬ment of modern business, a w’orkingknow’leuge of basic subject matter —such as law, psychology, accounting,and statistics — which the studentneeds for tho advanced study of meth¬ods and problems of management, anappreciation of methods and problemsof management, and specializedknowledge in the field of concentra¬tion.In the fourth place, tho plan pro¬vides as conditions of graduation that(Turn to page 8) Freshmen Evaluate CurriculaAfter First Year of OperationThe table below contains the re¬sults of the Freshman C^ueatlonnaireon the New Plan, which was sent outby the Freshman Council in co-op¬eration the Dean of Students and theUniversity Examiner. The percentagesindicate as accurately as possible theopinion of exactly 66% of the Fresh¬man class on how the New Plan hasworked this first and experimentalyear.AVIthout the hearty co-operation ofDr. George /, Works, the question¬naire would have been Impossible. Mr.William Reitz of the Dean of Stu¬dent's office and Miss Ruth Petersonof the Board of Examinations, wereresponsible for the actual framing ofthe questions from a preliminary copysubmitted by the Freshman Council.The analysis, computation, and tabu¬lation were done by Mr. Reitz andthe University Tabulating Depart¬ment. Members of the FreshmanCouncil who worked on the question¬naire are: Violet Elliot, Gertrude Law-ton. Ethel Swanson, Grace Graver,Charles Greenleaf, Bill O’Donnell,Charles Merrifield, and John Barden.923 ItemsOn each Individual questionnairethere were 923 possible items to betabulated, which does not take in ac¬count voluntary comments. A grandtotal of 389,506 items were tabulatedin all the questionnaires.As some of the questions were notadaptable to distinct classification,they do not appear on the table. Thefollowing includes a summary ofsome of these points,66% of the Freshman class turnedin questionnaires; 6% of these did notsign their names. 53% were men, and47% were women.62% of the class are taking the Bio¬logical Science course. In the Human¬ities are 71'%, Social Science 89% andPhysical Science accounts for 37%.35% of the Freshmen took part inathletics, and 12% in the publicationswith an equal number in musical anddramatic organizations whereas partic¬ipation in literary and debating so¬cieties was down to one per cent.All percentages in the table w’ereworked out in reference to the totalnumber taking the particular coursethey are under, except for the gener¬al questions which are based on thetotal number of answers received.Testifying as to which courses weremost satisfactory, it appears that 90%of those taking the Biological Sciencecourse were completely satisfied withthe present arrangement. 87% foundthe Physical .Science course to theirliking; 55% of the students in SocialSclen'e and only 42% in the Human¬ities found the.se courses satisfactory.Space was given in the question¬ naire to suggest desirable topics whichcould be added to the general courses.There w’ere many suggestions in thisfield, but it is to tho purpose of thissummary to mention only the mostunanimous. In the Biological Sciencesthere was a big plurality for morepsychology than at present. In theHumanities the greatest number werefor Including more material on fareastern culture, and demands forn ore muoic, literature, and modernart were evidenced. In Physical Sci¬ence the demand w’as for a better or¬ganization of study in mathematicsand more chemistry. The social sci¬ence students pleaded for more eco¬nomics and a reorganized sociology andanthropology section.Popular CoursesIn another place in the question¬naire, space was reserved for indicat¬ing the most valuable part of thecourses. As before, only the outstand¬ing comments can be mentioned, butt'.ierc was wide variation. Physiologywas rated the highest in the Biologi¬cal Sciences with the study of evolu¬tion close behind. In the Humanitiesthe literature division was highlypraised. Chemistry and geology wereconsidered most valuable in the Phys¬ical Science course, and economicswas given the best rating in SocialScience.In response to direct questions, theSocial Science course encouraged orig¬inal thinking more than any othercourse given to the Freshman. Thelectures of the Biological Sciencecourses were judged the best fromthe standpoints of organization, In-teresc, and material Inc.i ded. TheBiological Science general course wasconsidered the best organized by amajority of the freshmen, and theirdiscussion sections were Invariablynamed as the most eff'eient. TheHumanities were indicated as not so\ ell organized and the discussion sec¬tions of Social Science w’cre foundleast valuable in a majority of all an¬swers to the qiiestif'nnalre.It was recommended that cell-chem¬istry be simplified or dropped fromthe Biological Scien.’e course, thatthe sociology o* the Social Sciencecourse be shortened .'nd condensed,that mathematics be dropped com¬pletely from the Physical Sciencecourse, and that history in the Hu¬manities be simplified without so muchreference to small details.The data listed in the table and inthis article do not by any meanscover the entire questionnaire. Theseare only some of the more spectacularand significant phases of a verythorough investigation. The completeresu’ts of the questionnaiie will beseparated and sent to the heads oftho departments to which they ref or.Bio. Scl.Was the amount of work requiredToo much? i 13%About right? 84%Too little? — 2%Did you do work beyond that required?None 25%A little 47%Considerable 26%Are you Interested in takingaddit.onal work in this field?Ves 58%No 35%Do you do the optional readings? 'Most of them 9%Some of them 63%None of them 28%Should discussion sections meet oftener?Yes 43%No 56%What type of exam do you prefer?Objective 84%Essay 15%Should you like-to have weekly quizzes?Yes 82%No _..16%,AA'as the material too difficult?Yes 21%No 77We4-e the required readings too long?Yes 11%No 87%>Did the exams have too much emphasison minor points?Yes 40%No 68% Humanities Phy. Sci. Soc. Sci.60%38%1%35%48%1F%61%34%9%45%44%45%54%75%23%58%40%16%54%54%43%64%33% 11%78%8%46%3913%7051%43%14%35%49%28%70%89%11%70%37%29%69%11%86%32%64% 56%42%1%42%43%13%,67%30%5%42%00 Vo43%57%,73%25%58%39%20%78%58%41%,42%56%GENERAL (II'ESTIONSYesWould you like a choice of Introductory, general courses? ..51%Do they cover too w-lde a field? * 07Are foui courses too heavy a program? _._67%Dl.. you make use of your freedom in class attendance? 64%Did the courses get easier as you went along? 1.187%Was your adviser of assistance to you? 83^Do you plan taking one of the comprehensive °exam.nations W’lthout taking the course? 23%Were the Freshman Library facilities adeq'uate?'IIIIim”81% No49%73%,33%36%13%,17%73%17%Questionnaire Reflects Interest ofFreshmen in University's New PlanBy JOHN B.ARDENAgain the Freshman class haveshown themselves alive to the in¬terests of their class and the NewPlan. After working for a year un¬der the freedom ol the University’snew educational system, they haveexpressed themselves through thisquestionnaire.The table of percentages shows howthe freshmen feel on many signifi¬cant questions which were asked inthe questionnaire. After answeringthe written questions which w’ereprosontod th« Bev<'" psge, printedquestionnaire, each freshman wasgiven the opportunity to put downany original observations, remarks,criticisms he might have as a stu¬dent under the New Plan. Three-quarters of the Freshman classavailed themselves of this opportu¬nity, some putting down a statementOr two, some writing out two fullpages of material.These remarks—which nust havebeen important to each Individual. Division Leads in Change ofRequirements forAll Degrees1.AIN0By GORDON J. LAINGDean, Humanities DivisionThe curriculum committee of theDivision of the Humanities, uponwhich fell a large part of the reorgan¬ization of the work of the old juniorand senior year and of the graduateschool, completed its work last fall,and the Division is now ready to takecare of students under the new plan.To a certain extent It is operatingunder the new plan now. For al¬though the number of students whotransferred from the old to the newplan Is as yet small and the greatmajority are exercising their privilegeof finishing their work under the reg¬ulations w’hich ob¬tained \yhen theyadministration ofentered, yet thethe old curricu¬lum during theyear now closinghas been conduct¬ed largely in thespirit of the newplan. Probation,for example, hasbeen abolished, andin the matter ofrules and regula¬tions in generalmore freedom hasbeen allowed the students and at thesame time more recponsibillty hasbeen placed upon them.Bachelor’s ExaminationThe reorganized curriculum hasmany features of Interest. A stu¬dent on entering the Division maynow plan his program for either Bach¬elor’s degree. Master’s degree or Doc¬tor’s degree. He need not take aBachelor's degree in order to qualifyfor either a Master’s or a Doctor’s de¬gree. Doubtless most students willcontinue to take the Bachelor’s de¬gree before becoming candidates foreither of the others, but under thenew curriculum of this Division it isnot necessary. It looks as if thisplan would ultimately result In thetaking of the Doctor's degree at -anearlier ago than at present. Nowthli; degree may be taken five yearsafter entering the junior year of agood college: under the new plan, witha doctoral program planned from thetime of entering the Division it willin all probability frequently be takenin four yeai-s. It is obvious that thispossibility depends on the characterof the work in tlu first two years ofthe Division. If there is no change inthe methods of instruction in the.setwo years, there is not the slightestchance of a student being ready forhis final examination for the Ph.D.degree earlier than under the old sys¬tem. In most departments, however,changes are being introduced: the ele¬ment of constructive and independentcourses required of the student has(Turn to page 12)Law School ReviewsPlace in UniversityUnder New Conditionsor he w’ould not have taken the trou¬ble to write them out—will be com¬piled into separate lists. They willthen be sent to the various depart¬ments of the Kew Plan to which theyapply.It is from the general trend ofthese original remarks as Well asfrom :he questionnaire as a wholethat the organizers of the New Planmay get the student point of viewwhen they revise certain mechanicalphases of the discussion groups, lec¬tures, and examinations.T,et ns see what .a ciirsnrv- danceover these statements will show.The most unanimous of all observa¬tions was enthusiasm for the NewPlan and *the new Intellectual fieldsit had opened up. Questionnaire aft¬er questionnaire contained a state¬ment or two in the Individual’s ownhandwriting expressing his apprecia¬tion of the educational opportunitiesunder the University’s new system.These same people often had con-(Turn to page 10) By HARRY A. BIGELOWDean of the Law SchoolSince the new plan under whichthe work of t'ne University has beenorganized has been in operationonly fo. one year, it is impos¬sible as yet to make any state¬ments as to the direct result that willbe produced upon the training andequipment of men for the Law Schoolas a consequence of this reorganiza¬tion. The men who began their workin the Autumn Quarter of 1931 willhowever finish their college work Inthe first half of the year 1933, andif they have it in mind to study law’they will naturally be Interested inknowing what possibilities will the.ibe open to them. The same ques¬tions of course exist for all futurestudents.The organization of the Universityinto the College and the Divisions ibased upon the theory that duringthe first tw’o years of a man’s Univer¬sity career his work shoul 1 be braadand diversified and so arranged as togive an opportunity for the develop¬ment and growth of various kinds ofintellectual interests; that he shouldget as broad and varied an outlook aspossible, partly for its own sake,partly with the thought that he maythereby be enabled more Intelllgeptlyto make a decision as to the lines fwork in which he is later to con .i-trate. The relation of the divisionsto the college is based upon the the¬ory that after the end of the first tw’oyears a man’s Interests w’ill or shouldbe to a considerable degree focused,not that he neces-sarily then beginsa narrow specialization, but that hiswork should for the most part beginto form itself upon the assumptionof some rather definite purpose.This general scheme of organiza¬tion naturally suggests the questionas to the relation of the v’ork of theLaw Bcnool to the work o: tlie col¬lege.4.1 a man, during his two years ofcollege work, has acquired definite in¬tellectual Interests in any one or tw’ofields of thought so that he w’Ishesto pursue them with a certain degreeof specialization for a longer timeit is desirable that he should so do.The fact that he has found an in¬terest so attractive that he wishes toI (Turn to page 8) Rl MLDivisionUnitesAll Fields ofSocial SciencesBy BEARDSLEY RUMLDean, Social Sciences DivisionBefore the Inauguration of the newplan the several social science depart¬ments, which later comprised the Di¬vision of the Social Sciences, were al¬ready trgaged In co-operative attackson various problems. In the field ofresearch the Social Science ResearchCouncil and the Social Science Re¬search Committee had been for anumber of years planning and direct¬ing projects, many of which necessi¬tated the co-ordination of two or moredepartments. In the field of policy andeducation the Social Science Confer¬ence, consisting of all of the mem¬bers of social science and related de¬partments, met from time to time todiscuss ways of broadening the back¬ground of students w’orking tow’ardadvanced degrees.Besides those inclusive organiza¬tions there were several inter-depart¬mental committeesW’orking on cur¬riculum and re¬search who wereendeav o r I n g torelate educa 11 o nand investigationto a field ratherthan a depart-ment. The Har¬ris Found a t i o nCommittee had al-read r reached thepoint where it w’asoffering degrees Inthe field of Inter¬national Relationsunder a committee representing theInternational interests in economics,history, political science, sociology,geography and others. Another com¬mittee created before the reorganiza¬tion went into effect and now work¬ing actively to develop a field ofstudy and investigation Is the com¬mittee on the Doctor’s degree in law,which is not only Inter-departmentalbut Inter-divislonal.Create Executive Committee•With this history it was relativelysimple for the Division of the SocialSciences to develop a formal adminis¬trative organization and get underway. The earliest legislation of theDivision gave official recognition tothe inter-departmental committeesand created an Executive Committeeconsisting of 'the chairmen of theeight departments in the Division, theDean and the Associate Dean, thefunction of this Committee being todevelop and to co-ordinate activitieswithin the Division. This Committeehas been actively at work planninga revised curriculum and administra¬tion in harmony w’ith the spirit ofthe new plan. The curricula for theBachelor’s, Master’s and Doctor’s de¬grees will be worked out so that theymay go into effect on July 1, 1932.Add Divisional ExamStudents will be admitted to theDivision of the Social Sciences oncertificates from the college of theUniversity of Chicago or its equiva¬lent. The equivalent will be the satis¬factory completion of two years’ workin an accredited institution. In orderto-make the requirements for entranceto the Division Intellectual ratherthan formal, students with neither acertificate nor two years of satisfac¬tory work in an accredited college,may be admitted to the Division uponthe passage of the comprehensive ex¬aminations given in the College. Inother words, the Division wishes to beassured that students entering Ithave a certain intellectual backgroundand are not very much concerned asto how that background was secured.Once the students are in the Di¬vision they are treated as adults inconformity with the spirit of the NewPlan. In order to be certain that theireducation shall be broad as well asdeep they will be required to pass notonly a departmental but a divisionalexamination. The divisional examina¬tion will cover basic material in all ofthe social sciences, while the depart-(Turn to page 4) SAYS HUTCHINSPoints Out Achievement inThorough Revision ofAdministrationHUTCHINSREVISED CURRICUUT .S,i,By EDITH ABBOTTDean, Graduate School of SocialService AdministrationThe School of Social Service hasgladly availed Itself of the opportunityto revise its program of work In linewith the general changes being madein the University organization underthe new plan. The School will continueto grant three degrees, the A.B. de¬gree, the A.M. degree, and the Ph.D.degree. For each degree, however,there will be a comprehensive examination that will cover that portion ofthe professio.ial field, or in the caseof students who are candidates forthe Baccalaureate degree, the pre-professiopal field which the student issupposed to understand. The Schoolof Social Service Administration hasalways been a professional school withclass room and field work planned togive an understanding of the funda¬mental principles of dealing withhuman beings whose social needs arenot being met. Students are expectedto approach their work In a profes¬sional spirit, and emphasis is laid uponthe responsibilities that must be as-sunieu oy inenibers of the profession,which demands high qualities of char¬acter and a spirit of public service aswell as scientific training. These re¬sponsibilities can b© carried only bythose who are serious in purpose, dis¬interested In their motives, and genu¬inely concerjied about the problems ofsocial welfare.The curriculum is planned alongthe broad lines of the other profes-^Turn. to page 8) By ROBERT MAYNARD HUTCHINSPresident of the UniversityIf we now turn to education andexamine the Chicago plan, we havesome causes for satisfaction withwhat has been accomplished In thepast year. From the standpoint ofadministration the reorganizationhas been an unqualified success. Tliedeans have become w’hat It washoped they might become, vice-presi¬dents In their divisions and schools.They have admirably handled thepreparation and revision of budgetsunder conditions under which Itwould have been Impossible to handlethem in the old style. They have at¬tempted to educate the president asto the needs Intheir divisions andhave educatedthe departmentsin the formulationo f a divl s i o n a 1policy. The depart¬ments in turnhave educated thedeans as to de¬partmental needs.We have obtainedalready, I think,a divisional con¬sciousness whichsupplements butdoes not s u p-plant departmental consciousness.The few meetings of chairmen of de¬partments in various divisions whichI have attended seemed to me so im¬portant as to justify without lorethe divisional organization. The reg¬ular meetings of the deans afford anopportunity for mutual education,the effects of which are already dis¬cernible throughout the University.Freshmen Best Y’etThe educational reorganizationwhich the faculties undertook simul¬taneously with the administrative re¬organization is definitely superior toanything we have had before. In thecollege the freshman courses are asa group the best in the United Statesa.nd reflect honor on the men andwomen who devoted themselves un¬selfishly to their preparation. Thesecond-year courses are intelligentlyconceived. Although the advisoryservice can be Improved It is cer¬tainly better than it ever has been.The co-operation between the examin¬ing and teaching staff has been beau¬tiful to behold, and so effective thatI venture to say that the tests givenin the general courses at t'ne end ofthe last quarter w’ere the most care¬fully prepared examinations evergiven in this University and perhapsin any other.None of the horrid results predict¬ed for the new plan has yet arrived.The fears of parents that the studentsare working too hard so exactly bal¬anced the fears of the faculty thatthey are not working enough that Ican’t believe that they are doingeither. The range of our selection ofstudents has been greatly extendedby the Increase in the number of ourapplication, which occurred in theface of all prophecies that the newplan would frighten away allbut the most reckles.s high-schoolgraduates. All tests for Intelligenceshow that the students are markedlysuperior to their predecessors, andyet they are attending classes withan almost excessive ardor. I havenever heard anybddy express anydoubts as to the merit of the ideasunderlying the new plan. All doubtshave been directed to the possibilityof carrying them out. We no knownot only that the ideas are good, butalso they can be carried out, andcarried out here and now’.Ideas to Be ExtendedSince these ideas seem intelligentand practical in dealing with collegefreshmen, it is inevitable that theyshould be extended to the upper divi¬sions and the professional schools.The divisions have already adoptedthem for candidates for the bach¬elor’s degree and are proposing themfor candidates for higher degrees atthe next meeting of the senate. Thecurriculum for candidates lor thebachelor’s degree will doubtless ex¬perience some modification as time(Turn to page 4)Daily Maroon IssueSurveys Progress ofUniversity’s New PlanThis May 25 issue of The DallyMaroon has been edited and pub¬lished to provide a comprehensivesurvey of the attainments and prog-re } of the University’s new educa¬tional system after one year of opera¬tion. When the new plan was an¬nounced, the Maroon produced a spe¬cial issue containing a full descrip¬tion of the contemplated features ofthe plan, as well as many predictionsa C evaluations of its merits. To¬day’s issue supplements this first edi¬tion, contains the answer to theseprophecies.Faculty members fp"m many U"’-verslty departments, Including eachof the Divisions and the College havew’ritten for the columns of this DallyMaroon.The middle four-page section is de¬voted to news of the alumni associa¬tion and its homecoming programnext month.A complete review of the year's ac¬tivities among -students is presentedin the last section.Mary l ou Cctt m, devoteeI . ,\cr ilall’' Thursdayri:;l)t I in' i -idC'-ades and afiin'^or *‘t 'ierriM' ies herself,^\rari dark I'lut* Terrv clothnaiaitia' f>ca-t>ng the ne’bolero whm Field's ReviewWornBetty Tressler, Chairman ofIntcrclub Council and leader ininaugurating Deferred Rushing,selects an imported pure dye crepefor campus wear ... a cop\ ofMainbocher ... with smart jacketof plain crepe lined with match¬ing print. Sizes: 11-17. $25 ActivitiesCampus activities . . and the seven tvomen who lead them!Whether it be a swimming suit or a formal , . a golf outfit or anafternoon frock, Field’s has anticipated the needs of the Universitywoman and has offered for her selection, fashions suitable to her taste.W ritten by Margaret Egan^ la3rwaager of "All’s fair" and Chair¬man of the Board of Women'sOrganizations, attends Thursdayafternoon dramatic teas in peri¬winkle blue chiffon. ^?izes; 11-17.Priced at $25et en-Lorraine Watson, racthusiast, discovers the newestthing in t< nnis ... an importedwhite linen crash . . . copy ofLucile Paray. Straw bell, sus-1 pender be k. ijizes 11-20. $19.73 Jackie Smith, leader of the LeftW ing of the Military Ball,in soph¬isticated white crepe—a daringcopy of Mainbocher. Sizes 11-17,priced at ... . $32.50 Mary Lou Forbrich, *tar ofTarpon’s 1932 Spring Exhibit,models the smartest in Beach ap¬parel. An import from the Rivierawith new suspender back, $9.73Terry cloth beach robe, $2.95 up.Mildred Hackl, 1931 Women’s golfchampion, and serious contender for the1932 title, chooses a two-piece white cot¬ton boucle. Sizes: 14-20, $18.75Her cap is the new Madcap, $1.25MARSHALL FIELD & COMPANYCLOSELIobjectives of Higher Education Defined in Neiv College DivisionTHE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932 3‘'®®*’’TaMY*MTOi*eeocoLChesterfield Radio Program ^MON. & THU*. TUES. « f*1 WE D. & SAT.Bosweli Alex RUTHSisters Gray ETTINGWiSOp.m, E.O.T. K):30p.m.E.D.T. lOp.m.E.D.T.SHIIKRET'S ORCHESTRA every night but SundayV Norman BROKENSHIRE, AnnouncerA- COLUMBIA NETWORKiLEGE TAKESililALSTEPIN Dean of Students Works toCoordinate Student Relations5ucher Points Out SingleFactor Guiding NewFlan Courses(Continued from paffe 1),n a decided shift in student motlva-T With an appreciable alteration In, relationships between studentsin'^tructors. Under the new Col-plan students no longer try to!cat the Instructor out of a grade”'order to Ret a necessary major,ey realize that the Instructor main¬'s his position In order to showcm how to achieve the maximum Inparticular field in a certain amounttime.An int»’rest!ns example of student: tude croppe<l up during the pa.stjr wi-h regard to the laboratory sec'5 i.f the Biological Sciences geni! course. Laboratory work had.-rn I'l-.oed on a purely voluntaryand the work was not necessary■ satisfactory completion of the exnation In the course. Yet the dl-,'tor.« of the course found the laboraV sections fillecl, showing that allthe ."tudents wanted the lab work.Attendance at cla.ssea under theplan has been the same as undere old system. With no checkups onriiether or not a student Is In his seatan V o'clock—the Idea soon ba¬tes this: the character of the lec-irers and the type of work they arepresenting actually attracts the stu¬nts to their cliisses. They feel thataey ran t afford to miss them.Of course, there still remains thepe of .student who says. "Well, here*m. Now educate me.” The Unl-rs;:/ is not endeavoring to forceeducation on any student. Instruc-ral advice and every facility isa.labie to the student. All that is;es‘.iry for the student to do Is toout an.l use the opportunities af-lid h;m. The student waiting tofilucated will soon be found be--d the crowd, u.nd outside the en--I'ns of the University.h.vIlHhi Keflrct ( hangesD'jr'.i'g the past year the courses Ins Ci'llfge have been stuJIeil contln-usly witiv an eye to revision forxt year. Instructors have kept••?s On how various parts of their.rsfs have gone over; and how stu-ts react to them. The syllabi forxt year will reflect these changes.A word about the syllabi—the veryct that they are requlrd In everyiege course Is sufficient evidencetheir worth. They have proven tothe backbone of each course, arting point for every student In. study of a subject. The preliml-■y edition, which wi^ published• September, has had a circulationover the country and abroad. EJdu-rs have all been vitally Intereatedt!ie steps the University has takenttie field of general education.The University of Chicago has taJeene Initial step In changing the out-k on higher education throughoute country. The Initial success ofe new plan will only be amplified ase goes On and the workings of Itmanifested In more and morei’s. The result can be nothing buthigher education on a much more■ind basis. An outgrowth of the new education¬al plan has been the creation of a newUniversity administrative office—thatof Dean of Students and UniversityExaminer, which George A. Works,formerly of the School of Education,was chosen to fill. In Mr. Workshands has been placed the admin¬istrative direction of all phases of theUniversity’s relations with .studentsnot embraced In the w'ork of the fivedivisional deans. Within the scope ofhis office falls admissions, administra¬tion of entrance, placement and coi.i-prehenslve examinations, educationaland social direction of clubhouses andresidence halls, the direction of stu¬dent social affairs, student organiza¬tions and student publications, admin¬istration of scholarships and of thestudent advisory service.In the following paragraphs, writ¬ten for The Daily Maroon, Dean Worksdiscusses the purposes and accom¬plishments of the program which heIs endeavoring to carry forward.ny GEORGE A. V ORKSDean u( iStiiilent.s and LniversityExaminerThe creation of the office of Deanof Students represents an effort onthe part of the University to Integratethe work of the several persons andoffices that previously had to do withstudent relations. The activities car¬ried on by this office dufing the pastyear were for the most part In exIstence before the position of Dean ofStudents was created. There are someexceptions to which reference will bemade later.The flrrt efforts of the office of theDean of Students were directed towardmore clearfy defin¬ing the responslbliItles and relationships of thosepersons deal 1n gwith student relatlons. There Ustill room formuch Improve¬ment In this re¬spect but certainlyprogress has beenmade toward thedevelopment of anorganization with ~the functions def- WORKSInltely enough es-tabllsheil so that one Interested In stu¬dent activities and relationships Isable to locate readily tho.se personswho can help him with his questionsand problems.Steps have been taken toward recurIng a closer co-ordin.itlon of the student advisory service In the Collegeand the Divisions. A dean of studentshas been designated for each of theDivisions and the College and plansare being developed for making avail¬able to these persona the personneldata gathered with reference to tjiestudents during t* elr period In college. The deans of students in thedivisions will be in position to furnishdepartmental counsellors with Informatlon regarding their advisees and toco-ordinate the activities of the coun¬sellors In each division to the degreethat seems desirable.The University Health Service andthe student counselling have beenmore closely related. The experienceof the year has definitely proved thedesirability of the development of aneven more Intimate relation than obtains at present. Steps have also beentaken loo''lng toward closer relation¬ships between the Health Service andadmissions and the supervision of theresidence halls. This Is not so mucha matter of regulation as of understanding oii the part of those chargedwith the several ri -ipnnalbllltles.Bringing Into one office the admin istration of scholarships, loan funds,tuition remissions and other financialassistance for students has made pos¬sible a closer Integration of these sev¬eral activities designed to assist capa¬ble and needy (students. This has beenespecially Important during the pastyear when many students have ^enIn need of financial aid.Among the new activities under¬taken In this field by the Universityduring the past year Is the arrange¬ment by which several members of thefaculty have lived with the studentsIn the Men’s Residence Halls. Underthe leadership of Mr. Fred B. Millett,a beglrnlng has been made' In the de-velopmen a nore intimate rela¬tionship between those students livingIn the halls and faculty members.Plans are being made to Increase nextyear the number of faculty memberswho are living In the halls.A consistent effort has been madethroughout the year to Increase theresponsibilities borne by the studentsIn connection with their activities.The Student Committee on StudentAffairs Is perhaps the most strikingevidence of the effort that has beenmade In this direction. The steps takenthis year, however, arc to be regardedonly as beginnings.N.4ME SCOTT ASSIST.ANT DE.VNWilliam E. Scott has been namedas assistant to Dean Works, and Isparticularly concerned with the Uni¬versity’s relations with fraternities,the social program for the entireschool year, and general supervisionof residence halls.A significant Interpretation andevaluatlor of the new office of Deanof Students was recently made In theeditorial columns of The Dally Maroon.Several paragraphs are reproducedherewith'’ Those Interested In student affairsat the University cannot but havebeen gratified this Fall at the quietand effective way In which the officeof the Dean of Students, under GeorgeA. Works, has begun to handle affairs concerning the multiplicity of relatlons entered Into by the Universityand the undergraduate. The officewas especlaUy created to eliminatethe duplication In functions which hadpreviously existed In the administra¬tion of these affairs, and the confusionwhich has often arisen from suchduplication.’"The creation of the office has filleda need which has been felt for sometime. Llrks between the Universityadministration and the undergraduatebody have been forged In the past,but have In the main been Inadequate.Additions and substitutions created amaze of educational and administrativemachinery that was extremely un¬wieldy.“The attitude of the University to¬ward the fraternal groups In generaland their social affairs In particularwas complicated by the fact that therewas no one Individual directly respon¬sible for the relations between Uni¬versity and fraternity. The duties of(Turn to Pape 4) ORGANIZE NEWL[ndividual Students AssignedTo Advisors in TheCollege Board of Examinations Is Oneof Most Important New BodiesUniversity of Chicago MenWantedNew York Life has a number of openings as lifetinilcrwrilcrs for Seniors—preferably those who haveha<l some business or organization experience, in orout of college, and have been wholly or partly self-supporting. No previous selling experience is re¬quired. Initial training prepares for earning, withlittle delay.The life underwriter assists his clients, by con¬tracts of life insurance, to guarantee the fulfillmentof some of their most important plans in life. Theseinclude:The Creation of Retirement FundsSupport of DependentsEducation of ChildrenRetirement of Home Mortgages, Conservation of Business Interests. Speedy and Economical Estate AdministrationI Tlii.s career is worthy »)f any man's steel. Some ofthe advantages:'* .You work “on your own’. Earnings correspond to production• You control your own advancement. you begin work as soon as you like. A regularly increasing monthly income aftertwo years in addition to full commissions^ , A fixed life income after 20 yearsIf you are interested, we should like to talk it overwith you. Convenient interviews arranged.NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY|S1 Madison Avenue New York, N. Y.L. SETON LINDSAY, Vice-President «New York Life Ins. Co. ■New York, N. Y. iI should like to have an interview with one of your Agency JI Directors regarding the career of the life underwriter. iIF IliVome - a II Present IiAddress a ■tddreSs *after Graduation ■I By AARON J. BRUMBAUGHDean of Students in the CollegeStudents who contemplate enteringthe University of Chicago will be par-ticul trly Interested in the advisorysystr in which the University main¬tains. It Is the belief of the adminis¬trative officers of the University thatfreshmen as well as upperclassmenshould be "placed on their own.” ItIs expected, however, that on manyoccasions students will desire adviceregarding their courses, campus activitles, outside employment, finances,living arrangements, health, and otherpersonal problems.in mind,|||H||||^BBHB^Hm e m be rsof the .acuityare particularly interested in s tdents and thelr^HHproblems, and whii^^Tj^^.are well lnformed^^E^F^^^[|^Hregarding manphases student^^^^^ta|^^^^Hs tuden th a Vbeen app o i n t eto be advisersstudents in the bri-mbavchCollege.Each freshman Is assigned to anadviser upon the basis of his profes¬sional or vocational interest. Tho.sewho plan to enter medical school areassigned to a pre-medical adviser;those preparing for law, to a pre-legaladviser; likewise, special advisers areavailable for pre-teacher, pre-science,and pre-commerce students. Thosewho are still undecided regardingprofession, or field of specialization,will have ’’general” advisers. All ofthe advisers are specialists in someparticular field, and by experience andtraining are fitted to give friendlycounsel.Each freshman has his first con¬ference with his adviser duringFreshman Week. Tlie whole pur¬pose of Freshman Week is to aid stu¬dents to get an advantageous start Inthe University. The conferences withadvisers provide an opportunity forthe formation of a mutual acquain¬tance as well as an occasion for plan¬ning the academic program of stu¬dents. Subsequent to Freshman Weekoccasions will arise from time to timewhen further conferences will be held(Turn to jxuie lOl Inasmuch as the achievement of astudent under the Nexv Plan Is meas¬ured chiefly by his ability to pass aspecified number of examinations, oneof the most important bodies createdby the reorganization Is the Board ofExanimations. This committee con¬sists of a representative from the Col¬lege aud from each of the four divi¬sions, a representative from each pro¬fessional school that decides to usecomprehensive examinations, threepersons appointed by the President ofthe University, and the University Ex¬aminer who Is ex-officio Chairman ofthe Board.The group to which Is entrusted theresponsibility of actually making outthe examination questions in the Col¬lege is known as the "technical itaff,”under the direction of Professor L. I.Thurstone as Chief Examiner. Thisstaff Is composed of one Examiner foreach of the four divisions, whose re¬sponsibility It Is to attend the meet¬ings of the general courses and co¬operate with the i.aculty members informulating- examination questions.It is self-evident that a group offour examiners could not be technical¬ly competent in the many subjectswhich are represented in the examina¬tions conducted b> the Board. Thefaculty are depended upon for the ex¬amination material, the course out¬lines, and for the proper balance ofsubject matter in the examinations.The Examiners assist the teachingstaff in writing questions, in checkingthe reliability and validity of exam¬inations, and in ascertaining the rela¬tive difficulties of successive ex. mina-tlons that are intended to be com¬parable.Objective ExaminationsThe objectivity of an examinationrefers to the consistency with which•several equally competent readers cangrade the examination. For example,if two equally competent readers dif¬fer markedly in the grades they as¬sign to a paper, then it is evident thatthe grade is largely a fortuitous mat¬ter. It one reader should grade thesame paper several weeks apart, indif the grades he assigns to the p.apershould differ markedly, then the grad¬ing criteria are vague or the pro¬cedure is otherwise so uncertain thatthe grades are unstable. In Board ex¬aminations, these factors are elimi¬nated as far as possible.If a student should take two ex¬aminations that are Intended to becomparable, then he should make prac¬tically the same grade in the two com¬parable examinations. If studentsvary in thj grades that they attain onseveral examinations that are sup¬posed to be comparable, the tests aresaid to be unreliable. The examina¬tions made by the Board of Examina¬tions are being studied to make ex¬aminations truly comparable tliat areIntended to test achievement in thesame subject.The validity of an examination re¬fers to its agreement with the abilityof the stii.l ent ill llie -iilijeet concern¬ ed. If a group of .students of superiorability and another group of studentswith Inferior ability In some subjectare given the same examination Inthat subject, and If the grades do notclearly separate the two groups, thenthe examination Is said to have lowvalidity. It Is possible for an examina¬tion to be quite reliable, 1. e., con¬sistent In the scores assigned by differ¬ent readers or In the scores obtainedby the student on 'everal forms of theexamination, even though the examina¬tion Is of low validity. Such an ex¬amination ’s useless. On the otherhand, an examination which has lowreliability must necessarily also havelow validity. It Is also useless.Validity of ExamsThe examinations sponsored by theBoard are inspected for reliability andvalidity by experimental tests. For ex¬ample, several readers have been ask¬ed to grade the same set of papers,and comparisons have been made ofthe grades obtained by the studentsin the several parts of the examina¬tion. Comparisons are also made ofthe ratings with examination gradesin order to make sure that the typesof examination used may have thehighest possible validity and con¬sistency.The Board of Examinations prefersthe use of objective tests whereverthe subject matter lends Itself to thistype. An examination Is said to beobjective when it is so arranged thatthe grade does not depend on the per¬sonal judgment of the particular read¬er who happens to be grading thepaper. The grades assigned to suchexamination papers are the same nomatter which of several readers hap¬pen to grade them. Examinationswhich are not objective usually ihowconsiderable variation in the gradesassigned by seieral equally competentreaders so that the reliability or con¬sistency of the grades is thereby re¬duced.Prefer Objective TestsThere 's frequent misunderstandingof what is meant by objective tests.Sometimes these examinations arethought to be only of the true-falseform, thnt Is, a series of statementsabout which the student indicates foreach one whether it Is true or false.As a matter of fact, this is only oneof thirty or forty different types ofobjective examination. For example,a problem which has a definite numer¬ical answer and which can be scoredeither right or wrong is an objectiveexamination question. Another equallyfrequent misunderstanding about ob¬jective tests Is the common belief thatthese methods are suitable only fortesting factual knowledge and thatthey are unsuited for testing the stu¬dent’s ability to think. It is alsorather commonly believed that ob¬jective test methods are limited to thetrivial aspects of a subject su 'h asdates, numerical values, definitions,and the 'ike, while the problems andthought questions require other test(Turn to page 10) Ravey ’^escribes Changes inFacilities SecuredDuring YearBy M, LLEWELLYN RANEYDirector of LibrariesThe University of Chicago has nev¬er been what you would call modestabout the amount of reading expectedof its college students. The late E 11witli its 15,000 volumes of locked andclocked reserves, as well as the Rent¬al Library, a Chicago device of 10.000titles or five times as many volumes,worn flO.OOO thin a year, are mon¬uments to this expectation. Neitherof these arrangements nor the presentthree in-one Harper Reading Room—reference, reserved, and browsing ma¬terial combined — is let down fromHeaven or, set up by the Devi*, butthey are eloquent of the fatf lUatthe undergraduate here has longfound it necessary to take his bookswholesale. (In fact, there’s the rub—when is there time for long thoughts?)And if he reached the Quadranglesvia the Laboratory Schools he gotinociil.i'ed with this Idea earlier stillA group of a dozen pundits arounda Quadrangle Club table recentlyfound their credulity taxed by thestatement that four year Frenchstudents In the University HighSchool had 1,000 pages a quarter toread at home, taking Les Mlscrablcsin the original and reporting on It Instride between basket ball dates. TheNew Plan Freshmen are gourmandsfor print, but the upper classmenhave known the same pains in themidriff.A College LibraryThis Is not to say that somethinghas not happened. It has, and more Iscoming. In a fashion. It can be saidthat the college students never camei’'io tbelr library own till tlioy beganto In the Autumn of 1931. Then forthe first time did they get readingspace devoted exclusively to them¬selves. But In getting separate libraryquarters they got much more thantables, chairs, shelves of books, andan attendant. In juxtaposition, as anessential part of the scheme, are fac¬ulty consultation rooms, whereinthroughout the day representative Di¬visional spokesmen are available asinterpreters, without the slightestelement of compulsion or schedule,however. There’s the region. Thestudent can go his own way or haveconduct when he chooses.It cliances that the Cobb Hall space^^IwrecerIniif diedierfielcL, them^toA ji’edk as ifijou came hy om'factory door /e 19)2, boom * MyoATotACco CoLY BOUND released for this purpose made Itpossible or necessary to split the col¬lection of books into five parts, aroom to each of the four Divisions ofmaterial—Humanities, and the Bio¬logical, Physical, and .Social Sciences,plus a stack for multiple copies. Thisdoes not make for quiet or conven¬ience, especially In a building nototherwise quiet or convenient. But,despite handicaps, this is a new anddecidedly healthy idea, to which thestudents have responded vigorously,as over 45,000 volumes checked outhere by first-year students in theAutumn and Winter quarters attest.It is not a big library but it Is asuperlatively precise one, each titlebeing chosen to a specific end as ahammer to a nail. There are out 444titles, represented by less than 5,000copies, running from one to a hun¬dred, but, as just seen, these titlesaveraged over a hundred withdrawalseach from October to mid-March.Scholars’ ToolsFor these students, there have notonly been precise tools at hand andpersonal counsel on the spot, supple¬menting the lectures, but in clear-cutsyllabi of from 200 to 500 planograpbpages each, they have had printeddirections for the use of the tools. Allthese unique features—separate quar¬ters, printed specifications, and expertsat hand—have made the College Li¬brary a workshop equipped as neverbefore.The books assembled this year haveconcerned the general courses, where¬in youth surveys the modern worldbefore alighting. Here lecture andlibrary are separate as usual—the lec¬ture to large numbers and next yearwith the aid of talking pictures, thebooks in other quarters and otherhands. But the scene shifts In thesecond season. Specialization enters,the group thins to a handful, and thelecture changes to a give-and-take(Turn to page 10)Discriminating menwho will make thecomparison mustfindthat Finchley Clothesat this price haveno equal in styletquality or value.19 EAST JACKSOI^THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 2'5, I§32Shf 0atlu iHaroutt* FOfND^IN’ -rTTr. ■■OFFIi'TAI- STLTENT NE i’A AER 'f '•i'NlVERSlTY OF ■'H" A't._ ^ Autumn,a .:■; ; rer >ear «tra. ^ ng.* copUs.f-j*-£•-■:-^pum^d by The bnivereit'pa-ly Mar.-^ i, or for ariv c^n ■^TTaao f" an' Fatem«mi\;ePT^M uA. .: Dallyi^:rji r.e I' rr. .“'>r MarchMa-'h ", l«''i.'Serves a'.l -:ght- -iie -UVm'rn (A A^--'■^^ XrKr )K\i^R. JR.. T'd- r^WIX ROSIA’BFRG. Ma-'ai;erv, \Rr''i' ri>AX. Asht. Ruhire- Mara':'": I- ( --Xl'R. Senior F.-l'A-.r:F' K T IF lOSFPIF Tr.. Sp-rt- Fdi*'-...IT. ,KS r. .-.N-.- 'n-MAX:-R' :B’ N .n 'HN' FFI'A ARMA IJA.'" 'W ' RR :E: - A.'.' n \i \ KA I • \ Au • ' VI\.v,.F\T N'.'VA^'.N\ - H \SFA-H.'M .'RFJ VNF FiA.VSF.AX•AN t \ 1 > ’. A .R-'- \ .'. \FAS'- \V :A aA*cf 'AI'- •’C- 'i r-f.ia'-*ra- ir'.a-' ■e arF'l'i:the T,sic:' sE- ie- THE END IS NOT YETr:rS' of the last aca.ler' c ear, i''p reorganization■-.-••V rva'^ ann'innced by a prear ; ."e ■ ’ attentionr f nat;.>r. During: the current yen", the membersV a--l the administration have been en: .'oer mTcranization into a livmo'.•'. ■re rvas an entire Freshman cla"CAi- aca.!'””ic freedom whichW :::> i„. m trans-'leathir.g ac-•'re; ared to de-iRoectn-Fe,' ot the new! U'.r-ng: the last nine mi'ntlis the new tleparture inh-A. ipparef'j, definitely pr..nved it« wort’' i the" .'tn ’Tmts, laoulty. and admini-tratifn alike, ar 1 it is. f th'X :d;t'on of The Daily Mari'.-'n ti> c'.; 'iiiile the’ ave Ivon taken, the progre.'S which ha? been madev. .system, and to chart, far a< po'-hde. the direc-furth.er chan^'e and development are likely to take,'e princirles behind the reorpanination are t!;' se to¬me. 1-..•'■'•nh nA'ilern hieher educational method is definitely trend-ve:i c-T sh'Avn since the ann<>uncement of t’te Uni¬'s new scheme by the adoption of similar plans h’- other•■■r-—nevertheless it required a bold inAt'‘uti'm and oneun'nam.pered by any tradition save that if its own excellence,bo-l'Fy *ar-nounce si-- sweeping a revision and discarding of aca-ce*"'.' Trar’ices and methods firmly grounded in h.'ary precedenta« Ae a F'nti'.'n .sf the new plan lyv the L’’iive"'i*v. 'Many oir"'t adrr-:nmtrations would have thrown up their hands in de-soa" ?• t'te idea ot «ettmg out on the uncharted seas which the.cade-' the new plan have begun to explore this vear, vet theL-". ersFy.- was considering the adoption of .'Uch a plan as farback as I A/. Alway.* a leader in educational meth. d, the Uni-vers:*y 'tas again pionted the way to a revision of universitypractice m.cre sweeping, •nerhaps, than that which followed theadve-* o: ‘he dynamic Harper as the first president of the Uni¬versity w'-'ich was then Cobb hall.The rP'.-gamzatii.-i. then, is a triumph for the Uni-.ersity, butt’^e .larger -emains th.at the faculty and administration, highlyphased w‘h tt'c satisfactory- manner in yvhich the first draft olt.ae new r Ian has operated, will rest content to run tlie Univer-fity -n^'e. Fely '’le lines of that first draft for the next forty'fci " s torhaps, a remote poss;t.)iljty, hut one yvhich mustand averted. The p-obability is small that the^ ^, S'' ^ ' C' iir^e,' are the best ot all possible genera! courses,t-at^the com.prehcnsive e.xaminations to be administered in Junei.e ,..e "es‘ ot all possible comprehensive examinations, and yett.-.e t-^m-ta-'. -^to continue to administer them along mni'.h thess-^ •-es^a'. t’-.-y have been given this year will be strong. Att-te --.p o: the reorganization the University took stock .-^itselftar^as possible the dead woo.! present Koth infaculty personnel and practices; such house-c.ea^-o., *"_ig’-.t we’!_ become a periodic necessity under the newf"'" ' ' ' V.;’;" has set out to do. as we understand‘....F.i / maintain the finest and mr.st progressive^ r- 'gyam in the country, and such an aim is one which. ?e'f-examination and self-improvement.I.undergraduate to criticise ther. this criticism has been."r'v " ' no'"-' ^--hman olas.; yve shall.1 .ect. What we w-sh to do i.s to congratulaten^the success of the tirst year of operation of theu ge the necessity of constant improvement.— BESIDEiE HILLSSIHIKE NEW NOTEIN SIODENT LIFEDormitories Become Center ofIntellectual, RecreationalActivitiesBy M.4BSHAIX M. KNAPPENAssistant Resident HeadThe new residence halls for men—whose corridors resound to footstepsof five hundred students and whosesheltered courts have formed at oncea retreat and frolic ground for all wholive there—formally opened their tallIron gates for the first time last Sep¬tember. Made possible through thegenerous donations of the late JuliusRosenwald, the Halls were erectedacross the Midway at a cost of $1,800.-000. Gothic In architecture, the newaddition to the University group issimilar in design except in snowy new¬ness.Probably few persons of matureyears whose memories are at all re¬tentive can honestly become enthusi¬astic about life in a college fraternityhouse or dormitorj-. It takes a dealof weaving ot the “crimson hue aroundthose dear old college days’’ to oblit¬erate the recollections of the crampedquarters, the lack of privacy, theshouting, the fighting, the slammingof doors, early and late, and the pre¬vailing state of dirt and disorder.However there are degrees of evil, aswell as of good. There w-as an earlyChristian heresy named Sabellianlsmwhich was known to the orthodox as“the least damnable of all heresies.”In that light, I think, we may discusslife In the new residence halls, for,along with similar structures in afew of the grreat eastern institutions,they occupy a position analogous tothat of Sabelllus among the heretii's.They are th'' least to be condemned ofall dormitories.Discussion GroupsThe credit for this belongs not onlyto the late Mr. Kosenwald whosemunificent gift made the buildin.gspossible, but to the architect, Mr.Jackson, and his associates who work¬ed hard to construct a student-proofdormitory-. 'The result was a structureof four or five stories built in the formof two quadrangles. Each unit con¬tains four sections, and has its fourthside devoted to a fine dining hall,lounge and library. No section maybe entered from any other sectionwithout going out doors, (always ex¬cepting of course, those devious means,such as fire escapes, which studentsso naturally discover or create).However, there is a .great deal ofserious work done in the residencehalls. W-hen they were constructedthe possibility was envisaged of for¬mal tutorial instruction being givenin them In connection with the newgeneral survey courses. This has notyet been instituted, but three of theFaculty Heads, Messrs. Millett, Shields,and Shaw, have conducted Informaldiscussion groups on topics more orless closely related to the work of thecourses in the Humanities, Social Sci¬ences, and Physical Sciences respect¬ively. In addition the Burton Courtlibrary has been stocked with the ref¬erence books for all four generalcourses, so that much of the Fresh¬man's work can be done on the southside of the Midway. Besides these es¬sential works there is a considerablecollection of books of general inter¬est including fiction and even detectivestories. ^ HHICHINS STIIESPoints Out Revisions That HaveBeen Made ThroughoutUniversityf ?. . •'i-.-eyr.G. R., Ir.Reorganize DivinitySchool; Prepare toOffer A. B. Degree Eighty Sound Moviesto Portray Work ofNew General Courses/r -7. o,-* j. /rc’>i page 1):;<? -.IvFce .'f I".;; ,Je-F '"3- a readingthese'-a- ral n;caiThe (Coniin til-4 from Page 1)-h Prrriucrs. Inc., whi j- -.-.g tech->rk.•-ure to be under*- .ren byL-nivf-r-.y reparde ; as cllmax-,. f .-.s •..v:M r’.meni in the educa-I nT.\ £- ir, . andad, i,I Ev- uslngifirm the findings ofpr. " ,r of edu-y ar the U erslty,lumbla-■ d r. . ;.ave hadcourse ^ uninari. rep-T'- cr recente- s^ j ,ri eas’err publicS' niFH-:-. hy T ie E-pi‘ un i pic'.jrcF-r-k N. Fr■ " ''A p >. ■ ..i'.gy ar"f'l r-“ .'f.. -nr R. D w... dI n■,n' ' ifa-:.,.. ai films on It.noi':d ii.e country.T.ven.y films, each taking- ' to iv. dot ic-inc theI'..,. ‘ ' il .> lence,* gp,’-. .he ri'ady hy next F-ii:.e.xppr.rr.pnt a,:- “'he dance orcu.p , ' 'he thermal agitationu.,-'.- ac-^m, which mu.=t р.' silentс.nlldren• n mln-work ofcourseich anmole-molec-demon-'-gy)---Bur C--to t'grot- InT' =■rion V.the .l.R za-■a eA tl.andresidfTheto ifi, I:. '■oaKere^;h.,,r.p.r. years’ -.raifri to each Individual .student un-daf ..'xis .ng conditions, will be E’riownr'no ! 11, xo a larg» group ar one^ ’ '■ '' ' P’'--i n-ation will be a■ d'-i: 'ra'' pliminatlrg all- fe an experiment.' o Fences sequer « of'or example, d scus-iv -onditions may le il-Flmr. of modern Rus-' . r projer-ts. Ir the-'rati.jn" of wor- be-i 6-ta! Inoiitute O.pedl-.'ir Eas' will prove nelp-u:a'i.-.ns of archa» dog-' d- . Picture* In the• .logo r,.l .Sciences willoJ. piiases ofon-: exa'mpi'—thu■un ' I rarely aff CContinued from page 1)goes on. Unless some common core ofdivisional material Is developed forall students entering the divisions andis refiected on the examinations forthe degree, the division becomes ae tothose students merely an associationof departments for administrativepurpbses. It is also, however, an as¬sociation of departments for researchand teaching and the sooner It be¬comes so In fact the better It will be.The School of Commerce and Admin¬istration has demonstrated the valueof the new plan In professional edu¬cation. The experience of that schooland the experience of the divisionssuggest the desirability of active plan¬ning of the same sort in the otherprofessional schools.There are two fundamental propo¬sitions which we must keep constantlybefore us as the new plan develops.The first is that the college was or¬ganized as an independent unit to ex¬periment in general education. Thecollege cannot proceed unless it isagreed that its faculty may determineits own course of action without in¬terference from the upper divisions.This is merely to apply to our collegea universal principle .applicable atevery level. The great task of educa¬tional administration in America is totake the organization above off theneck of the organization below. Theforces of experiment and progress inthe organization below can never bereleased if the organization above per¬sists in regarding the one below asmerely preparatory to its own efforts.Arrangements must be made, and Ilielieve have been made, to enable.Students to follow in the college In¬terests that they plan to pursue lateron. But with this proviso it must beunderstood that subject to the approv¬al of the senate the college faculty lean autonomous body charged withcomplete responsibility for the devel¬opment of its own program.The second proposition which I re¬gard as fundamental Is that our wholel)Ian is an experiment. It must bestudied, tested, and revised, and thenstudied, tested and revised again. AVehave no Intention of merely substi¬tuting new vested interests for oldones. The purpose of this experiment,moreover, was not simply to Improveadministration, research, and teach-j Ing at Chicago, but to offer some lead-I ership to education in America. Norjean our interest be confined to our sis-i ter-institutions of higher learning. Iti must spread to the whole education: system of the country and partlcular-' ly of the Middle AVest. AVe must ex¬tend and Improve our relations withthe secondary schools, for upon theirefforts the success of our own depends.In this process we must strive to elim¬inate that mutual disdain which hastoo often characterized the dealingsof universities with public schools.The educational system Is a unit. Itneeds leadership as never before. That' leadership the University of Chicagomust once again provide.The dining rooms are constructedon the model of the English collegehalls, although there is none of theformality about the evening mealwhich distinguishes an Oxford or Cam¬bridge college, and which certainAmerican dormitory units have triedto Imitate. There Is no high table, andno academic costume. However, therehave been weekly guest nights atwhich ladies and faculty members arecommonly present. DEAN OF STl DENTS’ OFFICE((Continued from. Page 3)the social director extended little be¬yond the routine ones of booking af¬fairs to which guests were invited,and seeing that chaperones were prop¬erly secured.“But with the creation of DeanAVorks’ job, title, office and associates,the University has announce<l its at¬tention of bettering the relations ex¬isting between the University and thestudent, as an Individual, and as amemlier of an undergraduate enter¬prise.”All Fields of Social SciencesUnited Under New DivisionX.,11 n:ex- • n -mall labor:.Hi '■ in the' r.-* '.ho .antaf--ded'.orylxg'-ne-;:!, in annourV ure, 8*.; in •'•grate■Mrs® 'wever,■\ havif teac , r.-g It (Continued from Page 1)mental examination will go as deeplyinto the field of concentration as thematurity of the average candidate forthe Bachelor’* degree warrants. Prep¬aration for the divisional and depart¬mental examinations should take notmore than two-thirds of the student’stime; the other third Is free timewhich, with the advice of the division¬al counselor, can be spent in anyfield of the student’s interest regard¬less of how remote that field is fromthe social sciences. Thus, the studentreceiving his Bachelor's degree in thesocial sciences will first have thebroad general education certified bythe college work in all fields, in ad¬dition to which he will know the basicmaterial In all of the social sciencesand a lot more than the basic mate¬rial In one of them. He should be ade¬quately prepared to take his place asa citizen or to go on with specializedwork In the field of his choice. Thecomprehensive examinations in bothcan be taken by the student any timeafter he has fulfilled the minimumdivisional and departmental fieldsresidence requirement. The averagestudent should take about two yearsafter entrance into the Division tosecure the Bachelor’s degree, but noobstacles will be put in the way of thestudent taking and passing his ex¬aminations and securing his degreein less or more than that averagetime. The usual method of prepara¬tion for the comprehensive examina¬tions will be through attendance atlectures, seminars and courses special¬ly designed to that end. Again realiz¬ing that a divisional student is oldenough to take care of himself he■will not be compelled to prepare forhis comprehensive examinations inthe usual way. If other more econ¬omical methods can be devised by thestudent, alone or in conference withhis Instructors, no formal obstacleswill be put in the way of hie so doing.The xiegree will be administered in.1' 11 a s^ay as to assure the faculty••( the Ixlvlsion that the student hasi iU of the intellectual attainments the Division feels he should have In orderto proceed to the next step, whetherit be his vocation or further prepara¬tion. The faculty of the Divisionthinks it knows the best way* forstudents to acquire those Intellectualattainments, but that faculty is al¬ways willing to learn and is •willingto admit even now, in advance of ex¬periment, that exceptional studentsmay learn more efficiently In lessusual ways.The work of advanced students,that i.s, post-haccalaureate. In theDivision will he so oriented as to de¬velop Intensive knowledge of a fieldand the ability to do research andteaching in that field. As with thepre-baccalaureate divisional studentsthe evidence required of proficiencyin research and intensive knowledgewill be on the basis of attainments,of production, and not course credit.In order to broaden the backgroundof advanced students the Division hasinaugurated lecture series In variousfields within the Division and occa¬sionally outside of It, which are opento all graduate students and membersof the faculty. There are generallyten lectures given In each series andno attempt is made to popularize thematerial presented. The response tothe series has been gratifying andhas indicated that the experimentwhich was tentatively put forth dur¬ing the Winter and Spring Quartersof the current academic year Isworthy of continuation on a largerscale. •Realizing the importance of breadthof view in teaching, the Division isplanning to offer courses in the teach¬ing of the Social Sciences at the highschool and college levels. The teach¬ing the Division hopes to train for isnot in economics, soclologj, politicalscience, et cetera, but in the generalfield Of liuman behavior and socialsituations. The Division in short i*attempting to carry out the implica¬tion of the new plan, to treat its stu¬dents not as boys and girls bur «<« menand women, and to develop upon abro'id fnii'id.Ttiori intensive training ina f.'jM ot specialization. This SALE is One Good ReasonWhy It Will Pay You To/:Our Entire Stock . .The Maker’s Entire Surplus . .Thousands of New Spring•32 ‘39 *44dhartcr BousieSUITS^ For University Men — Golfers anci Sportsmen ^ExtraTrousers,Slacks orKnickers3 "Switch to The Hub '-that is the word goingaround among Chicago men these days. TheHub is fighting the Depression with Qualitymerchandise at rock bottom prices. For ex¬ample, this Sale of Charter House Suits-where can you recall an event to equal it?In The Hub’s 4 Stores—Chicago, Evanston, Oak Park and Gary.Suburban Stores Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings.THEvt^HUBHENTRY C. Lytton & SonsStote and JacksonCHICAGO OrringtoR and ChurchBVANSTON Marion and LakeOAK PARK Broadway and FifthGARYCLOSELY B[Back to MidwayJune 10 and 11 Reunion Extra-The Daily MaroonWEDNESDAY, MAY 25. 1932 Back to MidwayJune 10 and 11LUMNI RETURN TO QUADRANGLESlelegutes of Sixty AlumniClubs from Coast to CoastMeet at Annua I Conferencejident Hutchins SpeaksOn Progress Made inPast Yearbet.L_ini|T« from the sixty alumniof tlie country and from the;i, toRether with alumni.tics In which there areor-ar <’lul)s. will meet withA- ft University on,10 m l 11. in the Second Annualnti-renee.•r.il theme of the Confer-ihe reorc-inlzatlon accom-r thi 1 <-<t year and the. n that can be Riven byjn; aU'i - ing prospective stu-in t;-. < :.llcKes, This r thcrlngr, a markable opportunity for: ;.R alomnus to discu.-i with• ni 1 Intimacy the plans andjr.in.' t':;c University, with thoseare r* ^lonsiWe for th“lr forma-tntl uiion.Mtitrhiii<t to SpeakHe .'.1 hi ar from PresidentIlf the developments of the.nul of the alma for the■an Boucher will tell of them l plan as It has oper. nil y« ir In fhe undergrad-Ihr.in Works will tell.1 the powers, prerogatives111 ■» f.i' D -.n of Students.will cxpU.in to the un-c multifarious duties of a1 hnpe', Amos Alonzo. ; ;Ik o the athletic -litua-n .\lir,T will tell briefly ofif. on the lir.■re will !— many others to■nt mend: and accomplish-t;. < iiiipui- The delegates,l>e Ilf id from, (duenilons' '■med, kURafstions will be-ms will be Invited, The' informal and intimate dls>■ L'aivtislty problems will:. not to y putictuated, byals in the lieautlful Jud-ke i ai -And t. Frank O’Hara IsRevue Producer;Uses Mirror HitsFrank Hurburt O'Hara’s "ReunionRevue"—the annual 'dramatic andtorpslchorean exhibition for alumni—will feature the afternoon proRram onSaturday, June 11. The curtain willrise promptly at 4:30 In Mandel Hall.This year’s show will Include hitsof campus dramatic productions dur-InR the past year, chiefly from the1902 Mirror production "All’s Fair.”A wide variety of satirical delicacieswill l>e presented In a shifting ofscenes from the campus to the SheddAquarium, the loop theaters, thena breath of the ocean and back againto the quadrangles.The Mirror Tappers, tap dancersfrom this year’s Mirror, will presenttheir best numbers. The Mirror Balletwill appear In the "The Dance of theSea Anemone." This dance utilizes nomusical accompaniment; only thedancers’ voices are relle<l upon tosimulate the swish of the waves, theirbodies represent the sea’s rise andfall, a sunken bell sounds in the dis¬tance as the nneone Is de.stroye»l bythe waves. This Is one of the moatbeautiful (Dnccs on the stage,I'niiervily Sing in NatireThere will lie a satirical picture ofthe University .‘<lnR, and satiricalsongs, one entitled ‘The Little Housein dary,” typical of the sentimentaltype as heard in all modern musicalci>m*-dles. and a real "blues’’ melody,"Someono Who Appreciates Me."Those who have taken their relativesfvn 8 nd friends about the city will enjoy1 iiinp lltKini, and by op-1 the burl.—tue on the She«ld Aquarium,to .. tin University at as well as a satirical conception of"Mourning Becomt-s Electra" as atypical Theater Guild pr')ductlon. Re¬turning to the quadrangles, a pictureof the I’niverslty "ballyhooln.g" itswares, and ikUs on the women’s clubsin prehistoric day.s. And then the greatnu-lotlrainatlc scone from "ShoreAcres." the ship-wreck and the fightin the lighthouse.Director and StaffThis i>risluctlon. tho best from Mir¬ror anil the I>ramntlo Ulub In theirfinest Interpretations, will be undoithe dlivctlon of Frank 11. O’Hara. ’16.The .Mirror Ta|ipers have lieen trainedby B.ii'bara Cook, ’31, with the as¬sistance of Edith Ballwebber, .VssistantUroie: - r of Physical Ctilture. . MissM irlan \’an Tuyl. Instructor In I’hys*Icul t’ulture. assisted In the GypsyDani-o training, and Berta Ochsnertrained fhe ballet. Music Is under thedirection of Mack Evans, AssistantI’rofessor of Music.-i.-;.- nil .'tings will be pro-i;.i discu- don o: suqh sub-' : .e 111. ; -ing problem, the ad-i '4u.r-ment:=. the fraternity■ ur athletic problctns, tfBr.j-, "d I'Miverc-ty ■ holarshlps. Itb-,- a tw-vday survey course ofI’ri I ;ity. (IS Interesting as it is■ning. The »■ -Ions of the con-will be held In Judson Courtihe new rt-=ild«nce halls forknd Beli-R.ilcs ill Doriiiitorirnt' iMii til' alumni clube: III-. ?J In tho University dor-and other returnliiR alumniMl tl --mselves of this same0. so long as rooms are toiv- m.-n will be located In the' - V fi iidence hall:-, and thenen will lie vvelcoineU to any of»« w men’s h.ills In which vacanciesSt. i’bw 1 o.st of thc-se rooms Is very-tid the advantages of being;sf-J on tho campus are manifest3d nnnifolrl. AH those attending theinre:c.".-;e will have the jirlvllege ofking their meals In the Judson)Urt Dining Room where the beautythe surroundings will add to thetm'-iivenei's of the food.The ar--sent conference Is an out-' I of the meeting of club dele¬te:- held on the morning of reuniono:i.> year ago. On that occasion,'cn: lUo alumni frotn t>olnts asr il 'ant as New I'ork and I’lilla-Phi.'i on the east. Xt-w Orleans one^'-iuth, -and I'ortland and .Salt Lake•y on the west, met for breakfastan Informal conference with mem-s of the Unlver.Hlty administration,pri-.id from every angle an Inter-Uiii:; :ind worth-while gathering. Ita. lilt- one out.<5tan<linR opportunitytiio l;i ; decade for representativesth ■ I'nivci-iity and members of theumnl t'l .lit down together, .and withprea’.i'it inforntallly talk over mat-1‘1’9 o; mutual intercut In connection*itli th-- l ork of the University.• o Be .Annual Eventd'.-legates recommended thatnference be made an annual1' a jiart of reunion week pro-with the result that this yearduling of a two-day con-ample time for a thor-.on of fhe many outstarfil-loimients of tho past year.• '‘ndance at the conference'■mit'jd to tho capacity of the■e room, there Is opportunity■'« alumni, in addition to the"'.ti s, to attend these two-dayApplications for guest cartls■ undo before June 4, toT. Heck, -care-of the alumni■toiiuiii from outside the Chl-•■•politun district will be glv-.n the allotment of guest E TO|th« iThi:■the 1hvenikrati',W.■n pircPHi Beta Kappa toMeet Monday, June 13•’’of'-si^or William A. Oldfather,head of the Classics department ofUniversity of Illinois, will be the‘■I'fuUer and guest of honor at theannu.tl banquet of I*hl Beta Kappa toheld Monday night, June 13, at■■''0 in the Judson Court Dininglliioni. There will also be an Initla-liiin of new member^.kV-d B, Miiiett, assistant professor01 Eiigiifc-ii, and Donald I’. Bean, nian-nf the publication department oflb' University Tress, are -In chargeof t le dinner. Any Inquiries shouldhe - dressed to Mr. Bean, c.'o The- . 'sLy Tress, 5760 Ellis Avenue,Cuicago. IT S.S.I,Elect Officers at Meeting inJudson Court Lounge onJune 9Tust, present and future of theSchool of Social Service Administra¬tion will lie surveycl In a series oftalks at Its annual dinner Thursday.June 9, at 6:30 o’clock, in the JudsonCourt Dining Room. Trofessor Sopho-nisba Breckenrldge will preside.Dean Edith Abl)ott will be the prln-cifial spe.'iker of the evening and willgive a formal report of the activitiesof the school tor the jiast year. Mrs.Kenneth Rich will spe.ik for fhe oldSchool of Civics and Philanthropy, thepredecessor of the present school Inthe University. Mi-s. Rich Is directorof the Immigrants Protective league,and assists Dean Abbott in a courseon immigration.Louis Evans will represent the mod¬ern School of Social Service Admin¬istration, speaking for the studentsand the more recent alumni. Mr.Evans is director of the Joint ServiceBureau, whose work is the placementof negro children committed by theJuvenile Court, ilarlan Hathaway, afellow In the school, will bring thegreetings of the Social Service Club,describing its work and plans.Immediately preceding the dinner,there will be a brief business meetingof the alumni association of theschool, for the purpose of electing of¬ficers for the coming year. The meet¬ing will be held in the Judson CourtLounge, and Mrs. Edwina MeaneyLewis, now president, will preside.Tickets for the dinner will be avail¬able at the door for seventy-five cents,but the committee In charge urgesthat reservations be made throughthe office of the school before fiveo’clock on Thursday, June 9, In orderthat jiroper accommodations can beprovided. Members of the committeeare Mrs. Edwina Meaney Lewis, chair-nrmn; Ruth Bartlett, secretary of thealUmni association; Edward Conover,lifiiiU Evnns, and Dean Abbott, ex-oBlclo. BEALE, FOUNDERL,Speaks at Annual Dinner atCongress Hotel onJune 14Professor Joseph H. Beale of theHarvard Law School, who founded theUniversity of Chicago Law School,will be the speaker and guest of honorat tho annual dinner of the Law-School Association to bo held Tueaday, June 14, at 6:30 o’clock, In theFlorentine Room of the CongressHotel. Special reunions will be heldIn conjunction with th? dinner by thecDsscs of 1907, 1912, 1917, 1922 and1927. Arrangements are being m.adeby Charles F. McElroy, .secret.-iry oftho association, 29 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago.Tho regular meeting of the .\lumnlAdvisory Board of the Law Schoolwill be held Tuesday morning, June14, at ten o’clock. In Room 105, SocialScience building, just south of theLaw School. Comjjlimentary luncheonwill be served following the meeting.Members of the bo.ord who expect to.attend have been requested to notifythe secretary not later than June 7,1932. Charles F. McKIroy is secretarytreasurer of the board.Board Terms ExpireThe terms of the following membersof the Alumni Advisory Board willexpire at the time of the annual dinnor; Area A. Tho geograjihlcal ter-iltory lying within the jurisrllction ofthe First, Second and Third CircuitCourts of Appeal of the United States,and all points outsble the continentalUnited States: H. Stanley Turnqulst,J. D. ’26, Fenton Building. James¬town, New York. (Holding over:Jerome Frapk, ’12, 25 Broadway, NewYork City; Lowell Wadmond, '24, 14Wall Street. New York City.)Area B. Fourth and Fifth CircuitCourts of Appeal and the District OfCuliimbia; Edgar .Tohn I’hillips, J.D. ’ll, Clearwater, Florida. (Holdingover: William P. MacCracken, ’ll, Natlonal Press Building. Washington, D,t’.; George Maurice Morris, ’15, Amer¬ican Security Building, Washington,D. •’.)Area C. Sixth Circuit Court of ApIH-jil; Dan C. Webb. J. D. ’06, BurvvellHuIKIing, Kno.xville, Tennessee. (Holding over: Herl>ert Barl'.our, ’05,First NalloiiJil I’.auk Huildlng, Detroit,Michigan: Hubert Gninther, ’15, Sec¬ond National Bank Building, Akron,Ohio.)Area D. Seventh Cfircult Court of•Appeal: Thurlow G. Ksslngton, J. D.’OS. 231 South LaSalle .Street, Chicago,Illinois. Judge Hugo M. Friend, J. D.'OS, 30 North Michigan .-Avenue, Chi¬cago. Illinois. (Holding over; HenryP. Cliaiuller, ’06, 30 North LaSalleStreet. Chicago; Laird Bell, ’07, 134South L:i.SalIe .Street, Chicago; CharleyF. McElroy. ’15, 29 South LaSalleStreet, Chicago; Charles P. Schwartz,'09, 1 LaSalle Street, Chicago.)Area E. Eighth Circuit Court of.Appeal: Herbert F. Schoenlng, J. D.'17, Andrus Building, Minneapolis,.Minne.sota. (Holding over: Harold F.Hecker, ’09. National Bank of Com¬merce Building, St. Louis, Jllssourl;Deloss P. Schull, ’12. Davidson Iiuild-ing, Sioux City, Iowa.)Area F. Ninth Circuit Court of Ap¬peal: Joseph L. Lowlnson, J, D. '07,Rowan Building, Los Angeles, Califor¬nia. (Holding over: G. W. Adams, '22,Rowan Building, Los Angeles, Cal¬ifornia; Delvy T. AVaJton, ’24, 458South Siiring Street, Los Angeles,California.)Area O. Tenth Circuit Court ofAppeal: Judge George T. McDermott,J. D. '09. Topeka, Kansas. (Holdingover; Julian P. Nordlund, '23, (2apltolI.lfo Building, Tienver, Colorado;Stephen L. Richards, '04, 47 EastSouth Temple Street, Salt Lake City,Utah.)A successor to serve for three yearswill be elected in each instance. Eachmember of the association voting mustcast a ballot for a candidate residingIn his area. Only graduates of theLaw School are qualified for office.Alumni Nine toPlay Varsity TeamAlumni baseball stars will againappear against the Varsity in theirtraditional game to be played Thurs¬day afternoon, June 9, at 3, on Green¬wood Field. Alumni players will con¬vene at 1:30 In Bartlett, and shortlythereafter be conducted by their lead¬er, H. O. “Pat" Page, of 1910, acrossthe Midway to the baseball field.Coach Page will start In the boxfor the alumni, with, probably,Arthur Cahill on the receiving end.Edwin C. "Ted” Curtiss, 21, will re¬lieve Page after the first few Innings.Others anticipated to appear are Clark.Sauer, '12; John Boyle, ’12; FritzSteinbrecher, ’18; Happy Rudolph, ’18;Elliodor Llbonati, '14; John McGuire,’24; Nelson Norgren, '14; Kyle Ander¬son, ’28; Fred Walker, '10; PaulHinkle, '20; Harold I’rless, '30; Hay¬den AVingate, '30; Marshall Fish, '31;and Wilbur Urban, ’31. Day by Day and Hour by HourProgram for Alumni ActivitiesTHURSDAY, JUNE 93:00 P.M. Altjmni-Varsitt Baseball. GameGreenwood Fiei.dTest of l>rain8 versus the affUity of youth, H. Orville C^Pat V Pape inchorine. Alumni players are requested to communicate with him (Address:Bartlett Oymnasium, 5640 University Avenue). Greenwood Field is onGreenwood Avenue at Sixtieth Street. Admission free.6:00 P.M. "C" BanquetHutchinson CommonsAnnual reunion of "C" men. All members of the Order of the C (alumniand underyraduates) are invited as guests of the Athletic Department.Coach Stagg makes all arrangements.6:30 P.M. Women’s Athletic Association DinnerIda Noyes Hall. GymnasiumFor all alumnae and undergraduate members. An interesting program willfollow the dinner. Reservations should be made through Miss Ruth Lyman,Ida Foyes Hall, 121! East Fifty-ninth Street. Buildings and Exhibits WillBe Open from 2 to 5For InspectionThe Reunion Revue committee com¬prises Frank H. O’Hara, '15, chair¬man; Geraldine Brown Gilkey, ’ll;Charlotte Montgomery Grey, ’23; Len¬nox Grey, ’23; and Donald Lockett,’25.6:30 P.M. SocLAL Service Administration DinnerJudson Court, Di.ninq RoomFor all members of the department—alumni, faculty and students.Reservations should he made through ihe Graduate School of Social ServiceAdministration, the University of Chicago. The entrance to Judson Courtis on Sixtieth Street, just cast of Ellis Avenue.FRIDAY. JUNE 108:00 A.M. Alumni Conference BreakfastJudson Court, Dining RoomA most informal gathering to which delegates from the alumni clubs areinvited—and where breakfast will be served at any time up to 9:30.9:30 A.M. Alumni ConferenceJudson Court, LoungeSecond annual round table discussion for alumni club delegates and visit¬ing alumni from unorganized centers. Open to a limited number of alumnifrom the city of Chicago. Representatives of the University trustees,faculties, and alumni organizations will participate in the discussion.12:30 P.M. Alumni Conterencb LuncheonJudson Court, Dining RoomGood food—good company—no formal addresses.2:00 P.M. Alumni ConferenceCampus ToursInformal Group DiscussionsA leisurely afternoon of visiting and sight-seeing. A chance to view theUniversity at work. An opportunity of meeting old teachers and makingnew friends. Friendly guides will lead the returning alumni to the thingsthey wish to see.6:30 P.M. Aides DinnerIda Noyes Hall. Sun ParlorAnnual dinner and reunion of all University aides—alumnae and newlyelected undergraduates. Alma Cramer Livermore is chairman of the com¬mittee in charge, and will make reservations. Her address is 801 ForestAvenue, Evanston Illinois. (Or, telephone Harrison 3200 in Chicago.)6:30 P.M. Class or 1907 DinnerGraduate Club HouseQuarter-centcnnlal reunion and celebration. Co-chairmen are Helen Norris,c/o Commonwealth Edison Company, 12 U’est Adams Street, Chicago; andEarl D. Hoatetter, 209 South La Salle Street, Chicago. The Graduate ClubHouse is at 5727 University Avenue./8:00 P.M. ‘‘Life on the Quadranoles”Mandel Hau,A non-acadcmic, visual and aural presentation of significant developmentson the campus. Talking pictures—a concert by the University SymphonyOrchestra—and a dramatic presentation of the University Round Table(a faculty symposium). Admission by ticket to the capacity of MandelHall. For tickets apply to the Ahimni Office.9:00 P.M. Class or 1912 PartySt. Clair Hotel, Roof GardenTwentieth Reunion. Starts at 9:00 sharp. An occasion of brilliant enter¬tainment. Midnight spread at twelve. Charles M. Rademacher, 6203 Kim-bark Avenue, Chicago, is managing the affair. Notify him that you .willcome. The St. Clair Hotel is at 162 East Ohio Street.10:00 P.M. The President’s Reception to AlumniThe Reynolds ClubAn opportunity for alumni from home and abroad to meet Piesident andMrs. Hutchins, the entire galaxy of deans and their wives, and representa¬tives of every class since 1893.SATURDAY, JUNE II8:00 A.M. Alumni Conference BreakfastJudson Court, Dining RoomMore informal, more leisurely, more intimate, than even Friday's break¬fast. Service until 9:30.10:00 A.M. Alumni ConferenceJudson Court, LounqeFinal session of Alumni Round Table. Free discussion of University’splans for future. Short talks by ihe Dean of the College, the Dean ofStudents, and the President of the University. Ample opportunity forgeneral discussion.11:30 A.M. Alumnae BreakfastIda Noyes Hall, The (Jloister ClubOpen to all alumnae and to women of the Senior Class. This is one of theoutstanding traditional events of Reunion Week. Barbara Miller Simpson,5842 Stony Island Avenue, Chicago, is chairman, and will make reserva¬tions.1:00 P.M. 1916-19K LuncheonHutchi.nson Coffee ShopFifteenth Reunion of 1917 with 1916 as guests. A gay party as usual.Arrangements by Frank H. Whiting, 435 North Michigan Avenue, Chicago,for 1916; and by Lyndon H. Leach, 132 South Michigan Avenue, Chicago,for 1917. Please notify respective secretary that you are coming. Hut¬chinson Coffee Shop is a modification of what was called Hutchinson Cafein their days.1:30 P.M. National Colleoiate A. A. Track and Field ChampionshipsStago FieldThis contest brings together hundreds of the best college athletes in thecountry. Listed as one of the preliminary Olympic tryouts, it promises tobe the outstanding intercollegiate meet of the year. Tickets can be pur¬chased at Stagg Field on the day of the meet.2:00 P.M. Registration and Campus ToursCircleThe returning alumnus may visit the Oriental Museum, with its pricelesstreasures from the Far East; the new Graduate Education Building, aresearch laboratory in modern educational practice; the new InternationalBuilding, opening in September as the Chicago home for foreign students;the University Clinics; the Freshman Physics Museum, including a pre¬showing of exhibits to be housed in the new Rosenwald Museum of Scienceand Industry; other laboratory exhibits; the Residence Halls for Men;the Field House; and the countless older buildings, rich in interest andassociations. Sure-footed guides will await the opportunity of leading thehesitant alumnus to the points of interest on the quadrangles. Opportunities to visit new, outstand¬ing and fascinating buildings and ex¬hibits In and about the campus willbe a feature of the afternoon pro¬gram on Saturday, June 11. Alumnimay. In each instance, wander aboutleisurely, examine unu-sual exhibitsand look upon priceless treasureswithout formality—although compe¬tent guides will be available to as¬sist, In each Instance. The buildingsand exhibits will be open on Fridayand Saturday afternoons from 2 to5.Seven special points emphasized thisyears are:A. The Oriental Museum, UniversityAvenue and Fifty-eighth, SoutheastCorner.Here are thousands of exhibits,ranging from the crude aves of theStone Age men, found in strata 100,-000 to 500,000 years old, to the verybeautiful paintings and sculptureswrought by the peoples of the fivegreat ancient cultures: the Egyptianthe Assyrian, the Assyro-Babylonian,the Hittite-Palestinlan, and the Per-slan-^loslem—each of which has ahall In the Oriental Institute. This Isthe world’s finest symbolization of themost ambitious research into man’srise from savagery.B. Internationa] House, Dorchesterand Fifty-ninth Street.On the site of the old Del Pradorises this magnificent structure, en¬trusted to the University by Mr. JohnD. Rockefeller, Jr., the donor, for useby students in the city of Chicago,without regard to religion, nationality,r.ace or color. This interesting con¬tribution to International friendshipIs the most recent acquisition on theMidway. Although not scheduled foropening until September, arrange¬ments have been made for a preshow¬ing to alumni during reunion.C. Graduate Education Building,Kimbark Avenue, North of Fifty-ninthStreet.Unique in the world in that its pur¬pose i.s to make education a scienceos well as an art, this new structurecontains an Interesting research lab¬oratory in modern educational prac¬tice. Of vital Importance in the newconcepts of teaching these exhibitsshould be of Interest to pai'ents aswell as to teachers. University Orchestra, Movie,Symposium on Alumni FillFriday Evening in MandelReunion Dinnerto Be on June 11in Commons, $1 “Life on the Quadrangles”Reproduces CampusActivitiesD. Freshman Physics Museum, Bel-fleld Hall.One hundred and twenty-fivefascinating exhibits of physical phe¬nomena, arranged by the Physics de¬partment. Many of the exhibits are tobo housed in the new RosenwaldMuseum of Science and Industry, nownearing completion In Jackson Park(reconstruction of the old FieldMuseum of Natural History.) Hereyou may listen to light, see yourvoice, visualize the invisible and ad¬mire the perpetual:^watch the danceof the molecules, see Mlchelson’svelocity of light apparatus and weighthe earth.E. Men’s Residence Halls, 1005 EastSixtieth Street.For the benefit of those who did nothave the opportunity last year, whenalmost five hundred alumni visited thisnew development across the MidwayF. The Field HouseSaid by many to be the finest,architecturally. In the world, and oneof the competitors In the 1932Olympics contest for the most beau¬tiful field house.G. University Clinics, 950 East 59thStreet.The Albert Merritt Bf’lings HospltilThe Bobs Roberts Memorial HospitalContinued to Page 8)President's ReceptionIs Friday Evening(Continued on page 6> President and Mrs. Hutchins, thoadministrative officers of the Univer¬sity, the deans of the divisions andgraduate schools, and many of thefaculty win be at home to the alumniIn the parlors of the Reynolds on theevening of Friday, June 10, at 10.Immediately following the programarranged for the early part of theevening In Mandel Hall, the alumniwill have the opportunity of greetingnot only the President and his wife,but many of the other outstandingalumni figures of the University com¬munity. It Is planned to have anofficial .host or hostess from each ofthe graduating classes since 1893, andseveral of the classes of the old Uni¬versity will be officially represented.They will cooperate in seeing that thereturning alumnus meets not only therepresentatives of the University, butsuch members of his cla.ss or genera¬tion us may be In attendance.The President’s reception will beone of the most Interesting events ofthe entire reunion week program, andall alumni are invited to be present—even though oth, r engagements maypreclude their attendance at theearlier evening prugiaiu. The annual alumni dinner will beheld on the evening of Reunion Day,Saturday, June 11, in Commons. Thepicnic or- buffet supper has been tab¬ooed and. a satisfying and substantialmeal will await the alumni. Themodest [irlce of one dollar will be thedinner charge.The reunion dinner will be one ofthe high spots of the day’s program.There will be special tables reservedfor the five year classes, and for anyother class organizations makingknown their desires to the AlumniSecretary.As soon as the curtain is rung downon tho final act of Frank O’Hara’ssuper-production “The Reunion Re¬vue,” the doors of Hutchinson willbe opened to seat 400 in the largerdining room and an overflow of 125may dine In the Coffee Shop adjoining.In order to make it possible for thecooks to have food In ample quan¬tities, it is most important that allalumni who expect to attend the din¬ner should make advance application.Payments for dinner tickets should bemailed to the Alumni Office, Universityof Chie.igro, and dinner tickets willbe mailed previous to reunion day.Hutchins to Review YearFollowing the dinner, PresidentRobert Maynard Hutchins will givehis annual address to the alumni Intho Hutchinson Dining Room. Notsince the stirring days of 1892 hasthere been ir. University annals a morestirring or significant year than thatjust closing. Revolutionary changeshave been made in the educationalsystem that have h^ld the attentionof the entire country. Great forwardstrides have been made in the housingof students, the development of abroader advisory service and the em¬phasis and recognition of excellencein teaclilng. Within the past fortnightthe press of the country has broad¬cast Chicago’s most recent forwardstep in educational development—theuse of sound-on-flim moving picturesto supplement the work of the class¬room. A kaleidoscopic presentation of lifeon the campus In Its most alluringphases will be offered to the alumnipresident Hutchins has much uponwhich to report in his annual ad¬dress to the alumni, and those alumniwho have been unable to keep abreastof developments on the quadrangleswill be able to obtain from the lipsof the President a comprehensive halfhour's survey of the University’scurrent achievements and its plans forthe future.Reservations Are PreferableThe President’s address will be de¬livered In Hutchinson, immediatelyfollowing the, reunion dinner, and pre¬ferred seats and priority rights willautomatically come to those makingdinner reservations. by the Reunion Committee In MandelHall, Friday evening, June 10, In atwo hour program, sparkling withheadline personalities and scintillatingwith wit. This happy mixture ofeducational Chautauqua and academicvariety show will provide an unpar¬alleled evening of entertainment tothe sons and daughters of Chicago.A cross-section of student life andactivities In the University has beenconcentrated In three reels of sound-on-fllm motion pictures, and will begiven Its first general alumni show¬ing on this occasion. So far as known,"Life on the Quadrangles” Is the onlyUniversity picture in sound. Produc¬tion of the picture began In October,and tho final print was not completeduntil the end of the Autumn quarter.Shown to 50,0(10 Student.sSince the first of the year, the pic¬ture has been shown to more than50,000 high school students, and tosome twenty alumni clubs outside thecity of Chicago. It has met with en¬thusiastic reception. Adequate re¬view of the entire University wouldrequire hundreds of reels, but In thethree reels making up the picture,there have been selected some 65scenes that give an interesting re¬view of life on the campus.President Hutchins talking to thefreshmen scholar.ship holders; the"Old Man” giving his team the finalword before It goes on the field;“Teddy" Linn lecturing: ThorntonWilder in informal session with astudent writer; the Mirror chorus Inrehearsal: the Daily Maroon in themaking: a swimming lesson In IdaNoyes pool: a Sunday morning serv¬ice in the Chapel; shots on the foot¬ball field; tho University Band onparade and many views of the quad¬rangles give a half hour of trueentertainment.Orchestra to PlayAfter the showing of “Life on theQuadrangles," there will be a halfhour concert by the University ofChicago Symphony Orchestra, a well-rounded organization of seventy-fivemusicians selected from the studentbody and from members of the fac¬ulty. Organized and directed by Pro¬fessor Carl Brlcken, the head of thonew department of Music, the orches¬tra is fast becoming one of the majoractivities on the campus. An Increas¬ing interest on the part of the publicthat has generously patronized thethree concerts of the organizationproves that It fulfills a genuine cul¬tural need in the life of the Univer¬sity. Professor Brlcken has developeda group of musicians who will givea most artistic and musicianly rendi¬tion of such ma.-iterpieces as Beethov¬en’s "Symphony No. 5 in C Minor,"Brahms’ "Variations on a Theme byHaydn,” or such a lighter number asthe "Wine, Women and Song Waltz"by Johann Strauss.Following the orchestral program,tho alumni will have a preview ofthe new sound-on-filin production ofthe Oriental Institute, where, under(Continued to Page 8)TO THE CHICAGO ALUMNUS;Whatever His Place of Residence:Whether you are one of the fortunate who can attend thisyear's Reunion, or whether long distances or short desires keepyou from the quadrangles on June 10 and 11, the Alumni As¬sociation needs you as a member,—it will only cost you twodollars per year. In return for that small sum, you will receiveevery issue of the University of Chicago Magazine—a definitetie-up with your University—and a number of privileges thatare worth much more than the cost of your membership.The backbone of .our finances comes from the nominal $2.00for dues—and because the work we are doing is worth whileand necessary we are depending on you to fill out the attachedmembership blank—and send us the modest amount of $2.00for a whole year’s membership.Do it today—we are depending on you!THE ALUMNI COUNCIL,Box 9, Faculty Exchange,University of Chicago,Chicago, Illinois.I wish to do my pait to promote the interests of the ALUMNI ASSOCIATION and the University and KEEP UNTOUCH by receiving the official alumni publication, the University of Chicago Magazine.For this I send my annual dues of $2.00.Name ClassStreetCityMake checks payable to the ALUMNI COUNCIL.THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932Five Year Classes Plan Varied Programs for June 10 and IA TT7 A A rv I ^ ^ I "" ^f IDS lEi IS1907 Has Dinner But 1912Plans Midnight FeedAtop St. ClairClass of 1897In celebration of its thirty-flfth an-jilver8ax>', the Class of 189 < will holda reunion tea Saturday afternoon,June 11, at 2:30 o’clock, in the torn-mon room of Eckhart Hail. The party■will be strictly of an Informal nature,and will not conflict with any of theprincipal events on the general re-•union proRram. It is anticipated thatMrs. Edith Foster Flint and Mrs. Her-vey Foster Mallory will pour.A special table for 1897 will be pro-Tided at the reunion dinner on Sat¬urday night, for those members ofthe class who wish to continue theirgroup identity during the evening.Donald S. Trumbull is chairman ofthe committee in charge of the re¬union. Other members are .Stacy C.Mosser. Mrs. Edith Foster Flint, Mrs.Hervey Foster Mallory, L. BrentVaughan, Gilbert A. Bliss and ScottBrown.Class of 1902“My Plans for Study, Work andPlay for the Next Thirty Years’’ willbe the theme of the thirtieth reunionof the class of 1902, to be held Satur¬day afternoon, June 11, at 3 at thehomo of Mrs. William Rainey Harper,5728 Woodlawn avenue. Samuel N.Harper, of 1902, will join his motheras host. Informal one-minute talksby all present will be the feature ofthe affair.Herbert E. Fleming, 140 SouthDearborn Street, Chicago, is chair¬man of the committee In charge. As¬sociated with him are Jessie Sher¬man Tuthlll, Margaret Coulter Yar-nelle, Earl D. Howard, Hasle BuckEwing, Lily Belland Fleming, EthelRemlck McDowell, Katherine W.Paltzer, Arthur F. Belfeld, Emery B.Jackson, Bertram O. Nelson andDouglas Sutherland.Class of 1907A dinner and celebration on Fri¬day night, June 10, at 6:30 In theGraduate Club House. 6727 UniversityAvenue, will opien the twentieth re¬union of the Class of 1907. Follow¬ing the dinner, the class will attendthe Friday evening program in Man-del Hall, and, later, the President’sreception to alumni in the ReynoldsClub.A private motor coach will conveythe class members In a tour to majorpoints of interest about the campuson Saturday afternoon, starting fromthe circle at 2:30. Headquarters dur¬ing Saturday will be the 1907 tent,to be pitched In the middle of theCircle.The committee in charge has forco-chairman Helen Norris, 72 WestAdams Street, Chicago, and Earl D.Hostetter, 209 South La Saile Street,Chicago. Other members of the re¬union committee are Donald P. Ab¬bott, Charles F. Axelsom, Arthur GBovee, Harley C. Darlington, GeorgeO. Falrweather, Nathan L. Krueger,Medora Googins Marx, Ethel TerryMcCoy, John F. Moulds, Paul O’Don¬nell, Katherine Gammon Pfemister,Adolph G. Pierrot, Winifred Dew-hurst Snyder, Harold H. Swift, Katherine Nichols Vail, Grace W’llliam-son Willett and William E. Wrather. W.A.A. Plans**Beach” PartyIn Ida NoyesAn evening on the beach is in storefor the alumnae and und. graduatemembers of the Women s .Vnlatlc As¬sociation, when they reunite at theirannual dinner, Thursday, J ;na 9, at7 In the big gymnasium of M4, NoyesHall. The undergraduate conuaittee ondecorations, headed by Lorratoe Ade,will have transfonned the echoingvastness into an attractive ^ne onthe breezy sea-shore. Guests are prom¬ised all the joys to the eye, miniuthe usual sand In the soup, v.ioaQultos,and ukeleles.The general motif of the eveningwill be swimming and although thecommittee insists that reali-^n la Itsaim in the decorations, it is not nec-esary for guets to come Jlad foraquatic sports.Speakers will Include t'jJfolU A.Swenson, instructor in the r-^/chologydepartment, and Profes^^'if PaulShorey, who will deliver the arinclpaladdress of the evening. Ethel Preston’08, will act as toastmlstress .ad MaryMurphy, ’28, will speak on t>ehaJf ofthe alumnae.Alumnae are urged by '-il* com¬mittee In charge to return and renewfriendships on this occasion. Ticketswill be $1.00. They may be < eured Inadvance by writing Miss Jana Brady,care of Ida Noyes Hall, 1212 EastFifty-ninth street.The committee for the dinner in¬cludes the following unde:arraduates:Ruth Lyman, general chairmag; MaryVirginia Rockwell, invitations and juro-gram; Laura Cook, tickets; LorraineAde, decorations; Mary Lou Forbrlck,reception ;Mary Badgley, dinner andseating.TDIIIED ON JDNE 9The twenty-ninth annual dinner ofthe order of the “C’’ will be heldThursday night, June 9, at 6 InHutchinson Commons. Coach AmosAlonzo Stagg is in charge of all ar¬rangements.The program will open with theIntroduction of new “C’’ men to theold members of the organization. Fol¬lowing the dinner, there will he a rollcall of the order, brief speeches bymen from afar. Initiation of new men,and an address of welcome to the newmen. The program will close with thesong of the “C” and Alma .Mater.Blanket ceremonies will be held atthe conclusion of the University SingSaturday night, June 11, in Hutchin¬son Court. Da.y by Day Program 1932 Reunion Committees(Continved from page 6)2.80 P.M. Class or 1897 Rbunion TkaEckhart Hall, Common RoomSSfh reunion. An informal gathering, - Donald 8. Trumbull, ISi SouthZja Salle Street, ia the contact man. Eckhart Hall, new home of theMathematics Department, adjoins Rgerson Physical Laboratory—on theeast.2:30 P.M. Class or 1907 Jot RtpeStarting from CircleA colorful ride to places of unusual interest, in a luxurious motor coach.For 1907 only. Do not miss this.2:30 P.M. 1916-1917 Baseball GameCampus 'Historic rivals in a creaking and groaning exhibition. Pitchers’ duel be-tween Frank Whiting and his 191B "pancake” ball versus Sam Rothermeland his 1917 invisible delivery,/2:30 P.M. Class or 1981 Dseueo ReunionUnder the Class Umbrella, in the Circle. Members of the class icill gatheraround the punch bowl at the appointed hour and drink a toast to theirfirst year of freedom.4:30 P.M. Reunion RevueMandbl HallThe annual dramatic and terpsiehorean exhibition. The best from Mirrorand Blackfrlars—the Dramatic Club in its most artistic mood. AH underthe direction of Frank Hurburt O’Hara.6:00 P.M. Alumni Dinner and AssemblyHutchinson CommonsAnnual all-alumni dinner, to be followed by an address by PresidentHutchins. A delectable repast and a talk from the President that no alum¬nus should miss. The dinner charge is one dollar, and tickets may bepurchased in advance through the Alumni Office, or at the registrationdesk on the day of reunion, in case all seats for the dinner have notpreviously been sold.6:30 P.M. Dinner—The Association or the Doctors of PhilosophyBurton Court. Dining RoomTwenty-sixth annual dinner of an Association, unique, in the world ofhigher education. Invitation has been extended to Professor Edwin B.Frosh to give the principal address and it is hoped he may be able toaccept. Other exceptional speakers are in prospect.Reservations must be made with D. Jerome Fisher, care of Universityof Chicago. Cost of Dinner, One Dollar—and worth ft.7:45 P.M. Universitt SingHutchinson Court •The University Band ConcertFraternity MarchesInduction of Aides and MarshalsPresentation of "C” BlanketsAlma MaterThe traditional colorful climax to reunion day, with more than 2000 mentaking part in the singing. Part of this program will be broadcast, butthe greatest enjoyment will be obtained by those who both see and hearthis unique event. _ General ChsirmanHarry R. Swanson, ’17.Assistant General ChairmanLyndon H. Lesch, ’17.SecretaryCharlton T. Beck, ’04.ArrangementsWilliam H. Lyman, ’14, chairman;Prank J. Madden, ’20.John A. Logan, ’21. Frederick E.Law, ’25, Robert T. McKinlay, ’29,Robert C. MacCormack, Amos AlonzoStagg, Jr.. ’23. John P. Howe, ’27.Alumni ConferenceHenry D. Sulcer, ’06; Schuyler B.Tt rry, '06; Renslow P. Sherer, ’09;John F. Moulds, ’07; Portia CarnesLane, ’08; Kenneth A. Rouse, ’28;Charton T. Beck, Secretary.SUNDAY. JUNE 1211;00 A.M. Convocation Religious SbrmceUniversity ChapelThe Convocation sermon will be delivered by the Reverend Charles Whit¬ney Gilkey, D.D., Dean of the University Chapel.4:30 P.M. University Vesper ServiceUniversity ChapelThe University Choir, under the direction of Mack Evans, Choirmaster, CLASS REUNIONSGeneralHelen Norris, ’07, chairman; DonaldS. Trumbull, ’97; Herbert A. Fleming’02; Earl D. Hostette-, ’07; Charles M.Kademacher, ’12; Lyndon H. Lesch,’17; John P. Howe, ’27; Alfred W.Brlckman, ’22.Class of 1997Donald S. Trumbull, chairman:Stacy C. Mosser, Mrs. Edith FosterFlint. Mrs. Hervey Foster Mallory, L.Brent Vaughan, Gilbert A. Bliss,Scott Brown.Class of 1902Herbert A. Fleming, chairman; Jes¬sie Sherman Tuthlll, Margaret CoulterYarnelle, Earl D. Howard, Hazle BuckEwing, Lily Belland Fleming, EthelRemlck McDowell, Katherine W. Palt¬zer, Arthur F. Belfeld. Emory B.Jackson, Bertram G. Nelson, DouglasSutherland.Class of 1907Helen Norris and Earl D. Hostetter,co-chairman; Donald P. Abbott, CharlesF. Axelson, Arthur G. Bovee, HarleyC. Darlington, George O. Falrweather,Nathan L. Krueger, Medora GooginsMarx, Ethel Terry McCoy, John F.Moulds, Paul O’Donnell, KatherineGannon Phemister, Adolph O. Pierrot.Winifred Dewhurst Snyder. Harold H.Swift, Hatherine Nichols Vail, GraceWilliamson, William E. Wrather.Class of 1912Charles M. Rademacher.Class of 1917Lyndon H. Lesch, chairman: ElsaFreeman Helfrlch, Harry Swanson.Iaw SchoolCharles F. McElroy, J. D. ’15.Rush Medical CollegeOliver S. Ormsby, ’95.CUss of 1922Alfred W. Brickman, chairman; Da-inaris Ames, Robert M. Cole. CUss of 1927John P. Howe, chairman; James J.Cusack, Jr.; Gordon F. Ebert, MiltonH. Krelnes, Esther Cook Pease, JoyVeazey, Ruth Burtls Webster, CharlesQ. Cowan.Assembly and ReceptionLyndon H. Lesch, '17, chairman;James W. Linn, ’97, M. Glenn Hard¬ing, '21, Kenneth R. Rouse, ’28.Campus ToursFrederick E. Law, ’26, chairman;Robert T. McKlnlaj-, ’29; Robert C.MacCormack, '30.Reunion RevueFrank Hurbert O’Hara, ’19, chair¬man: Geraldine Brown Gilkey, ’ll:Charlotte Montgomery Grey, ’23; Len¬nox B. Grey, ’25; Donald M. Lock¬ett, ’25.Alumni DinnerWilliam H. Lyman, '14, chairman;Frank J. Madden, ’20; John A. Logan,•21.University SingS. Edwin Earle, ’ll, chairman; Ar¬thur C. Cody, ’24; H. Allen Miller, ’26;William V. Morgenstern, ’20.The Interfraternity Council has ap¬pointed the following members of theundergraduate sub-committee: AlfredJacobsen, chairman; Marvin Barge¬man, William Hughes, Ashley Offlland Robert Sharp.Judges for the be.st singing will beMack Evans, Assistant Professor ofMusic; Carl E. Bricken, Assistant Pro¬fessor of Music; and a third judge, notyet selected.Alumnl-Varsity Baseball GameH. Orville Page, ’10, chairman; Nel¬son H. Norgren, ’14, J. Kyle Ander¬son, ’26.Women’s Athletic Association DinnerRuth Lyman, general chairman;Mary Virginia Rockwell, invitationsand program; Laura Cook, tickets;Lorraine Ade, decorations; Mary LouBorbrick, reception; Marion Badgley,dinner and seating.Social Service Administration DinnerMrs. Edwina Meaney Lewis, ’16,chairman; Ruth Bartlett, ’24; LouisEvans, a. m. ’29; Edward Conover,a. m. ’31.Aides DinnerAlma Cramer Livermore, ’23, chair¬man; Alliss Graham, ’27; ElizabethParker, ’32.Alumnae BreakfastElsa Schobinger, ’08, program; Bar¬bara Miller Simpson, *18, arrange¬ments.1916-1917 Baseball GameRoy W. Knipschlld. ’17, chairman;Frank S. Whiting, ’16; Ralph W, Dav¬is, ’16; Sam A. Rothermel, ’17.MONDAY, JUNE 13Class of 1912The Class of 1912 will hold Itstwentieth reunion celebration partyon the roof garden of the SL ClairHotel, 162 East Ohio Street, on Fri¬day night, June 10. at 9. There willbe a midnight spread at 12 sharp.The committee in charge, headed byCharles M. Rademacher, promisessparkling entertainment Inquiriesshould be addressed to Mr. Rade¬macher at 6203 Kimbark Avenue,Chicago.Class of 1922Returning members of the Class of1922 will join In a spontaneous cele¬bration around their class umbrellain the Circle on Safirday afternoon.June 11, at 2:30. The committee Incharge plans to furnish punch anddelicacies, and to join as a group Inthe general reunion program.Alfred J. Brickman, 3939 WallaceStreet. Chicago, is chairman of thecommittee In charge of arrangements.Ho will be assisted by Damaris Amesand Robert Cole. Dean Edith Abbott, of the School ofSocial Service Administration, will bethe speaker at the Aides Dinner onFriday night, June 10, at ;630 In thesun parlor of Ida Noyes Hall. A ehortbusiness meeting will be held followingthe dinner.Alma Cramer Livermore, *33, ischairman of the committee in charge. 7:00 P.M. Phi Beta Kappa Initiation and BanquetJuosoN Court, Dining RoomAH members, both alumni and undergraduate, are urged to attend. Allarrangements and reservations by Donald P, Bean, the University Press,5750 Ellis Avenue.TUESDAY, JUNE 1410:00 A.M. Law School Alumni Advisory BoardSocial Science Building, Room 105Complimentary luncheon will be served following the meeting. Membersof the Board who expect to attend are requested to notify the SecretaryCharles F. McElroy, 29 South La Salle Street, Chicago, not later thanJune 7. The Social Science Building is just south of the Law School. 11:00 A.M. ConvocationUniversity ChapelThe conferring of degrees in the Graduate and Professional Schools.President Robert Maynard Hutchins will dditer the Convocation state¬ment,3:00 P.M. ConvocationUNmmsiTT ChapelThe conferring of degrees in the College. President Robert MaynardHutchins trill deliver the Convocation statement.6:00 P.M. Rush Medical Collbgb DinnerCongress Hotel. Gold RoomAn interesting program is being arranged. Reservations through theoffice of Dr. Ernest E. Irons, Dean of Rush Medical College, 1758 WestHarrison Street, Chicago.6:30 P.M. Law School Assocution DinnerCongress Hotel, Florentine RoomProfessor Joseph H. Beale, of the Harvard Law School, will be thespeaker and guest of honor. Five-year class reunions by 1907, 1912, 1917,1922, and 1927. Reservations through Charles F, McElroy, 29 South LaSalle Street, Chicago.1EUROPEAN UNIVERSITIESefFer to Americans intending studyabroad complete courses leading to onACADEMICDEGREEGreetiugt, AlumniWoodworth's Boole Store is now 3tyears young! We're still dispensingboolts and students’ sundries, onS7th near Kimbark. Won’t you dropin if you attend the Reunion?To Uueatovs:Our Library Department eeneen-trete* its service to High Schooland College Libraries. Last yearcustomers in 32 different stateswere served by us.Here is why Weedwerth's shouldserve You:I—An extensive, specialized stockof both high school and collegelibrary books.2 If desired, many used bookscan bo supplied in the collooefield.3—A FREE Library Poster Serviceduring the school year to allHigh School customers.4—Prompt, intelligent and depen-dable service to all.WOODWORTH’SUNIVERSITY BOOK HOUSE1311 EAST 57th STREETCHICAGO. ILL Expert on European Universitieswill be at our Branch Office inCHICAGO June16to 23FOR DISCUSSION OF YOUR STUDYPROBLEM.Guide Books and other Literature Available. • INEW LOW RATES TO EUROPEBret CL from $146 .. Cabin CL frem $132ToMriel CL from $61 .. Third CL frem $41HAMBURG-AMERICANITpNe. MichiganAvenua LINE Chicago WELCOME TO REUNION!Your reservation. is cordiallyinvited Ideally located-for a stay of aday or moreCLASS OF 189735t/i Reunionreunion teaSaturday, June 11, at 2:30Eckhart Hall, Common Room(Eckhart Hall is just east of Ryerson)REUNION COMMITTEEStuey C. MosterMr*. Eidith Foster FlintMr* Hervey Foster MalloryDONALD S. TRUMBULL, Chairman134 South La Salle StreetChicagoL. Brent VaughanGilbert A. BlissSmU Brown 10 minutes to the city-center viathe Outer Drive or I. C. Electric Headquarters forUniversity of Chicago AffairsHotel Shoreland 55th AT THE UKEPhone Plaza 1000 CLASS OF 190230th ReunionREUNION TEASaturday, June 11, at 3at the home ofMrs. William Rainey Harper* andSamuel N. Harper, *025728 Woodlawn AvenueREUNION COMMITTEEHERBERT A. FLEMING, PresidentJESSIE SHERMAN TUTHILL, Viee-PresidsmMARGARET COULTER YARNELLE, SecretaryEARL D. HOWARD, TreasurerHazle Buck Ewing Arthur F. Bei/eldLily Belland Fleming Emery B. JaektonEthel Remirk Mr Dowell Bertram G. NelsonKatherine W. Paltzer Donglai SutherlandAddress any inquiries to Herbert E. Fleming, 140 S. Dearborn St. Chge,CLASS OF 190725th ReunionDINNER and CELEBRATIONFriday Night, June 10, at 6:30GRADUATE CLUB HOUSE5727 University Avenue1907 JOY RIDESaturday, June 11, at 2:30Starting from the CircleHeadquarters on Reunion Day1907 TentCenter of CircleREUNION COMMITTEEHELEN NORRIS EARL D. HOSTETTER72 West Adams Street 209 South La Salle StreetChiragoDanald O. AbbottCharles F. AxelsonArthur C. BoveeHarley C. DarlingtonGeorge 0. FairweatberNathan L. KrengerMedora Googins MarxEthel Terry McCoy CoJ',hairmen ChicagoWilliam E. WratherJohn F. MouldsPaul O’DonnellKatherine Gannon PhemisierAdolph G. PierrotWinifred Dewhurst SnyderHarold H. SwiftKatherine Nirhols VailGrace Williamson WillettLINES ON A MAPAlumni, this the gele dayWhen you return to sing end play;Relive the carefree days you hadWhen you were but an "undergred"—But ehi Imagine your dismayTo find that you have lost your way;For Alma Mater's growing fastAnd much is altered since the pest.In Sleepy Hollow's shady nookSwift Hell now holds religious book;Where once you lobbed a tennis bellNow stands the handsome Eckhart Hell;And many, many changes moreTo ewe you much end grieve you sere-To help in your predicamentA picture map was heaven sent,And with your dollar you investIn scholarsnips for'women, blessedWith many brains, but needing aid.This little purchase, quickly made,Will give you more than recreation.For truly it's a decoration.All this 100 cents will do—May we wrap up a map for you?JEAN SEARCY. '31Cut off coupon below—attach a dollar (plus ex¬change on out-of-town checks and 10c for mailing)and send todayMISS GLADYS FINN,Beg 66, Faculty Exchange,University of dhieago.Please send me copies of the ALUMNAE CLUB HAP ft$1.00 each. Enclosed find check—cash—NAMEADDRESSCITY STATETHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNISDAY, MAY 25, 1932ll'fotftwg Like Baseball toCool Off Class Rivalry1916 BalUet 1917 in AnnualGame in Front ofRosenwaldL.4TE bulletin ', 4* * late hour la»t nl»ht, J. CraigJmon. president of the CUm of!;!* wM discovered fast noleep In' hills of central Indiana. Up-i * risine from his chair, a flattenedI baseball was found on the seat.Klmon told detectives that he aasS-narlnit a "pancake" ball for the^6 1917 baseball (came. The ball washto feet in diameter and a half hich{Tick closely resemblin* a man-holeRedmon weighs 264 pounds.Th, ‘ftxoirdupols president was notktid.rifteen thousand sundry and sordidehsracters in all parts of the worldhave accepted Invitations to attendthe fifteenth annual beweball gam be¬tween the classes of 1916 and 1917. tobe held Saturday. June 11. at 2:80o'clock. A special sUdium for thisclassic and cruel conflict will be erect¬ed on the campus Just In front of|{osen»'ald Hall.Starting In 1916. this famous con¬test has been played every year, withthe single exception of 1918, when theseries was temporarily halted becauseo< the war. 1916 won the first con¬test by a score of 3 to 1, but spec¬tators at once sensed the preconceivedplan of 1917 to throw the game as agesture of sportsmanship toward 1916.then emerging from a life of ease onthe campus to the less romantic pur-luiU with pick and shovel."(irudge” Fight AnticipatedConflicting records are prodUvied byboth parties concerning the otherfourteen meetings, 1917 claiming four¬teen straight victories, mostly by enor¬mous scores; and 1916 contending thesxaei reverse. The argument has de¬veloped Into the stage of Insultingand rank personal charges and coun-urcharges. and a decided "grudge"tietnent is anticipated in the forthcom¬ing exhibition.An unofllclal committee of non-par-uaans conilsting of Roy Knlpschlld,IT; Sam Rothermel, ‘17; Harry Swan-ion. ’17; Jerome Fisher. ‘17; DunlapClark. ’17; and Frank Whiting. '16;after six weeks of constant dellbera FILBErJDBESREili ionBE’IB,’1/CUSSESCoffee Shop Is Scene of MeetingBefore Annual BaseballGame for BloodEmery T. Fllbey, acting vice-presi¬dent of the University, will be theguest of honor and one of the speak¬ers at the Joint reunion luncheon ofthe classes of 1916 and 1917, to bo heldSaturday, June 11, at one o’clock. Inthe Hutchinson Coffee Shop. Mr. Fll-bey is a member of the Class of 1917,and will not, therefore, be accordedthe ceremonies usually accruing tohis office. He will speak In his turnsnd will be limited to three minutesCelebrating Its fifteenth reunion, theClass of 1917 has Invited 1916 to shareIn Us celebration proceedings, r re¬ciprocal precedent established by thetwo classes many years ago. Favorsand special entertainment will be provlded. Following the luncheon, theannual baseball classic between thesetraditional rivals will be produced onthe campus In front of RosenwaldHall.Committees In charge of arrange¬ments are: for 1916; Frank Whiting,chairman; Oalg Redmon and RalphDavis; for 1917, Lyndon Lesch, chairman; Roy Knlpschlld and Harry Swan¬son. Reservations should be made toFrank Whiting, 435 North MichiganAvenue, for 1916; and to Lyndon H.Lesch, 122 South Michigan Avenue,for 1917.Rush Medics HoldAnnual Banquet atCongress June 14thDoctor Clifford G. Grulee will actas master of ceremonies at the an¬nual alumnl-faculty dinner of RushMedical College on Tuesday night,tien, haa laaued the following flndinga: June 14, at 6:30 in the Gold RoomTmr 1916 1917 of the Congress Hotel.1>I6 2 1 Dr. Edwin M. Miller, ‘13, president1»17 44 45 (if the Rush Alumni Association, will1»19 0 ;; J('llvcr the annual prealdent’a addressi3:o 4 8 and give the official welcome. Re-IJfl 0 44 siKin.-wrt will be made by Dr. Morris0 I I'lshlieln, '12, editor of the Journalij-jj 108 uf the American Medical Association,i»:4 II lu and by Donald It. Lntng, as a repre¬ID".! ‘27 28 sentative of the Class of 1932.IN 118 Professor Frank R. Lillie, dean ofis lU)i Mie Iflvision of the Biological Sciences19:.. will wpeak on behalf of the University,19:3 - Z2 and Dr. Ernest E. Irons, *03, dean of]93u 1 11 Kush Medical College, will talk on1931 0 80 Rush.A minority report of this committee«as (lied by Frank Whiting, and Isnow under consideration, and willprobably remain under consideration.Rolhermel Venus Whiting1917 will aga<n place Ps confldenceIn the twirling curves of Its prUnadonna pitcher, Sam Rothermel, whohas (or fifteen consecutive years turn¬ed down lucrative offers from the bestIn Hollywood. For 1916, Fr.ank Whit¬ing will again appear with his eele-t>rated "pancake" ball, which Is thedelight of his opponents. Mr. Whit¬ing takes a regulation ball and placesIt in a small Indentation in theground, specially arranged by thepitcher’s box, and jumps on the spherewith both feet, transforming It Intoa soft discus. This he attempts tothrow In a parabolic course towardthe batter. The 1917 batters by lustyswats then transform the "pancake’*Into a sphere once more, and theoperation Is repeated.Several stars of varsity teams willappear on both sides. An added stim¬ulus this year Is the unoffleisi an¬nouncement that a keg of choicebrew will be placed on third base atthe disposal of base runners reachingthat pivot. Some change In this planwill be nedessary. In view of the an¬ticipated instinctive turn of the bat¬ters toward third Instead of first. The annual alumni memorial addresswin b* delivered by Dr. John M. Dod¬son. '82, for twenty-five year" deanof medical students, who has selectedas the subject for hfs appreciationDeLaskle Miller.Urge Pnimpt ReservationsA reservation blank Is printed be¬low. The committee In charge urgesprompt reservation to assist the com¬mittee In its arrangements. Lastyear there were 213 reservations, and3SJ came. This brought about a verydifflcult problem, and delayed thedinner.Even second base is out of the ques¬tion, as a straight line Is the shortestdistance between two points. Furtherdetails will be taken up privately bythe Interested parties.The Probable IJneup1916 1917Moore, If Ijcsch.lfGetz, cf Levin, cfBrown, rf Newman, i fRedmon, lb Fisher, lbPlume, 2b Clark, 2bDefebaugh, 3b Mather, 3bMichel, ss Swanson, ssCornwell, ss Patterson, ssDavis, c Knlpschlld, cap., cWhiting, cap., p Rothermel, pUmpire; James Twohig. Rush Medical College Plans Full Week’s Program of EventsThe Clinics of Commencement Weekwill be held at Rush Medical College,1748 West Harrison Street; Presby¬terian Hospital, 1753 West CongressStreet: Cook County Hospital, WestHarrison and South Wood Streets;Billings Memorial Hospital, 950 East59th Street (South Side); Chicago Ly¬ing-In Hospital, 5841 Maryland Avenue(South Side). The two latter hospitalsare located on the University Campus.Thursday, June 9, 1932RUSH MEDICAL COLI,EGEDepartment of Medicine9K)0 to IIKK) Neurological Clinic.South Amphitheater. Dr. ThorRothsteln.Medical Clinic. "Nephritis.” NorthAmphitheater. Dr. W, E. Post.Department of Surgery9:00 to 11:()0 Operations—PresbyterianHospital—Surgical Staff (Bulletinto be Issued).11;00 to 1:00 Surgical Clinic. NorthAmphitheater. Dr. Gatewood.Specialties2:00 to 8:00 Laryngologlcal Clinic.Rush Dispensary. Dr. G. A. Tor-rison.2.'00 to 4.'00 Dermatological Clinic.Rush Dispensary. Dr. J. F. Waugh.3KK) to 4KK1 Ophthalmologlcal Clinic.Rush Dispensary. Dr. C. G. Dar¬ling.Otological Clinic. Rush Dispen¬sary. Dr. D. B. Hayden.COOK COUNTY HOSPITALO.-OO to 11H)0 Medical Clinic. “Tumorsof Lung." Dr. Arkln.3K)0 to 4K10 Ophthalmologlcal Clinic.Dr. Thomas D. Allen.Medical Clinics will be given dailyby the following members of the Fac¬ulty: Drs. Aaron Arkln, Harry J.Isaacs, LeRoy H. Sloan, Eugene F.Traut and L. C. Gatewood.Surgical Clinics will be given dallyby the following members of the Fac¬ulty: Drs. V. C. David. A. H. Mont¬gomery, Gatewood, F>. M. Miller, G. Q.Davis, R. T. Vaughan, E. J. Berk-heiser and R. B. Bettman.The time for these clinics will beannounced each day.RUSH DISPENSARY (CENTRALFREE DISPENSARY)The work of the various specialclinics and special departments willalways be open to visitors Includingthe Department of Physio-therapy InCharge of Dr. D. Kobak, and specialDispensary clinics In heart disease,diabetes, nephritis, gastro-lntestinaldiseases and allergy.BlLLI.NtiS MEMORIAI, HOSPITALDepartment of Surgery8K)0 to 10:00 Surgical ward rounds.Dr. Phemlster and Staff.9:00 to I2K)0 Operative Clinics. Sev-enth floor. Drs. Andrews, Bailey,Curtis, Dragstedt, Huggins andPhemlster.1:30 P. .M. Surgical AmphitheaterClinic. Dr. Phemlster.Divisions of Ophthalmology andOtolaryngology9HH) to 12:00 Visitors welcome In theOphthalmology Clinic and theOtolaryngology Clinic on the Sec¬ond floor. CHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITALDepartment of Obstetrics andGynecology9:00 to 12K)0 Operative Clinic, FifthFloor Amphitheater. Dr. Adairand Staff.Friday, June 10, 1932RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of Medicine9HM) to 11:00 Pediatric Clinic. SouthAmphitheater. Dr. C. O. Grulee.Heart Clinic. North Amphithe¬ater. Dr. Kelley.Department of SurgeryO.'OO to IIKM) Operations—Presbyteri¬an Hospital—Surgical Staff (Bul¬letin to be Issued).11K)0 to 1K)0 Surgical Clinic. NorthAmphitheater. Dr. Kellogg Speed.Department of Dermatology2:00 to 4:00 Dermatological Clinic.North Amphitheater. Dj:. E. A.Oliver.COOK COUN'TY HOSPITAL9K)0 to ll.-OO Medical Clinic. "Dia¬betes.” Dr. Traut. CTlnlcs as an¬nounced under program for June9.BILLINGS MEMORIAL HOSPITALDepartment of SurgeryS.'OO to 10:00 Surgical ward rounds.Dr. Phemlster and Staff,9KK) to 12:00 Operative Clinics. Sev¬enth floor. Drs. Andrews, Bailey,Curtis, Dragstedt, Huggins andPhemlster.Divisions of Ophthalmology andOtolaryngology9:00 to 12:00 Visitors welcome to clin¬ics in these Divisions on Secondfloor.CHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITALDepartment of Obstetrics andGynecology9K)0 to lld)0 Clinic Program withdemonstration of cases. Dora DeLee Hall, First floor. Drs. Adair,Dieckmann and Davis,Saturday, June 11, 1932RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of Medicine9K)0 to ld)0 Gastro-lntestinal Clinic.North Amphitheater. Dr. Abbott.Pediatric Clinic. Room 208, Raw-son building. Dr. F. W. Allln.Department of Surgery9:00 to 11K)0 Operations—Presbyteri¬an Hospital—Surgical Staff (Bul¬letin to be Issued).11:00 to 1:00 Gynecological Clinic.Sixth Floor, Corwlth OperatingRoom. Dr. N. Sproat Heaney.Department of Dermatology2:00 to 4K)0 Dermatological Clinic.Rush Dispensary. Dr. M. H.Ebert.COOK COUNTY HOSPITALClinics as announced under programfor June 9.BILLINGS MEMORIAL HOSPITALDepartment of Surgery8H)0 to lOKlO Surgical Ward Rounds.Dr. Phemlster and Staff.9:00 to 12:00 Operative Clinics. Sev¬enth floor. Drs. Andrews, Bailey,Curtis, Dragstedt, Huggins andPhemlster.Divisions of Ophthalmology andOtolaryngology9:00 to 12K)0 Visitors welcome to clin¬ics In these Divisions on Secondfloor.ANNU.4L DINNER RESERV ATIONFACULTY-ALU.MM DINNER/ Tuespat, Junk 14, 6:30 o’clockCONGRESS HOTELJamet U. Harper1758 H’est Harrison Street, Chicago, Illinois CHICAGO LTINO-IN HOSPITALDepartment of'Obetetrica andGynecology9.'00 to 12.-00 Operative Clinic, FifthFloor, Amphitheater. Dre. Adair,Dieckmann and Davis.Monday, June 13, 1932NOTE: All the work on Monday willbe given at Rush Medical College.There will be no work on the SouthSide on thla day.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of MedicineNorth Amphitheater9.'()0 to 12.'()0 “Unusual Forms of Coro¬nary Occlusion." Dr. J. B. Her¬rick."Intraperitoneal therapy In Pedi¬atrics." Drs. Grulee and Sandi-ford."Mineral Metabolism of Nephritis."Drs. Post and Hoffman.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of MedicineNorth Amphitheater9KMI to 12H)0 "Arthritis." Dr. Irons."Basophilic Adenoma of the Hy¬pophysis.” Dr. Woodyatt."Food Poisoning." Dr. GeorgeDick."Parathyroid Tetany.” Dr. Johan-nesen.Department of Surgery9KK) to lrt)0 North Amphitheater,Senn Hall.Peptic Ulcer Disease. Dr. ArthurDean Bevan.Dlverticulosls of Colon (LanternSlides). Dr, V. C. David.Indications for Open Operations InFractures. Dr. Kellogg Speed.Electro-Resection for ProstateGland; Indications and Demon¬stration of Resector. Dr, RobertH. Herbst.Fractures of Spine (Lantern• Slides). Dr. Carl B. Davis.Experience with Electro-Resectionof Prostate. Dr. Herman L.Kretschmer.Plastic Surgery. Dr. Frederick B.Moorehead,Anesthesia. Dr. Isabella C. Herb.Surgery of Meckel’s Diverticulum.Dr, Albert H. Montgomery.Results of Surgery in Carcinomaof Stomach. Dr. Gatewood.Surgical Complications of ScarletFever. Dr. Edwin M. Miller.Bad Results Following Radium inTreatment of Benign Disease, In the Pelvis. Dr. N. SproatHeaney.RUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of SurgeryNorth Amphitheater, Senn HallSpecialties2:06 to SKW Otolargynological Clinic.South Amphitheater. Dr. GeorgeE. Shambaugh.2.'00 to 4:00 Dermatological Clinic.North Amphitheater. Dr. Oliver S. Ormsby.2K>0 to 4K)0 Dermatological Clinic.Cook County Hospital. Dr. M. H.Ebert.8d)0 to 4:00 Ophthalmologlcal Clinic.South Amphitheater. Dr, W. H.Wilder,COOK COUNTY HOSPITALClinics as announced under programfor June 9.4H)0 Psychiatric Clinic. PsychopathicHospital. Dr! S. Kuh.Tuesday, June 14, 1932NOTE: All the' work on Tuesdaywill be given at University of Chicago(Billings Memorial and Chicago Lying-In Hospitals). There will be no workon the West Side on this day.BILLINGS RIEMORIAL HOSPITALDepartment of Surgery9K)0 to IIHM) Operative Clinics. Sev¬enth floor. Drs. Andrew, Bailey,Curtis, Dragstedt, Huggins andPhemlster.9A0 to 12.'00 Case Demonstrations.Surgical Amphitheater, Seventhfloor.Gallbladder Surgery. Dr. EdmundAndrews.Brain Surgery. Dr. Perclval Bailey.Surgery of the Spine. Dr, EdwardL. Compere.Joint Tuberculosis. Dr. C, H.Hatcher.Lung Surgery. Dr. W. E. Adams.Genlto-Urlnary Surgery. Dr. C. B.Huggins.Gastric Surgery. Dr, L. R. Drag¬stedt.Thyroid Surgery. Dr. George M.Curtis.Bone Surgery, Dr. Dallas B.Phemlster.Department of MedicineRoom 117The diagnosis and Treatment ofPneumonia. Dr. O. H. Robertson.The Diagnosis of Early Lesionsof Pulmonary Tuberculosis. Dr.B. P. Francis.The X-Ray Diagnosis of Primaryand Metastatic Pulmonary Neo¬plasm. Dr. P. C. Hodges.Diseases of the Blood. Dr. Er¬nestine Kandel.The Treatment of Essential Hy¬pertension. Dr. Louis Leiter.The Treatment of AuricularFibrillation. Dr. F. C. McLean.The Differential Diagnosis ofEncephalitis. Dr. Roy R. Grlnker.The Treatment of Peptic Ulcer.Dr. Walter L. Palmer.Department of PediatricsRoom 137to 4.'00 The Occurrence of theChvostek Sign in Normal SchoolChildren. Dr, Arthur Turner.Infantile Scurvy, Dr. KatsujiKato.Obscure Chronic Pneumonitis inInfants. Dr. W, W. Swanson.Dr. Joseph Brennemann (Subject2.-002:202:403:003:203:404K)04:20 to be determined later).The Double Malleolus; A Sign ofRickets. Dr. Bengt Hamilton.Dr. F. W, Schlutz (Subject to bedetermined later).Division of Dermatology2:00 to 3:00 Surgical Amphitheater,;>eTentb Floor.;>ractical Considerations of Cominpn Skin Diseases with Presentsion of Cases.3.-00 to 4d)0 Practical Aspects of Mod-im Sy philology. Drs. S. W,Seeker, E. B. Ritchie, M. E. Obermayer.Division of Ophthalmology9:00 to 12H)0 Visitors welcome in theOphthalmology Clinic on the Sec¬ond floor.12:00 to 1:00 Cataract Work In India,Dr. L. Bothman, Room 137.Division of Otolaryngology9:00 to 12K)0 Visitors welcome in theOtolaryngology Clinic on the Sec¬ond floor.CHICAGO LYING-IN HOSPITALDepartments of Obstetrics andGynecologyO.-OO to 12:00 Operative Clinic. FifthFloor Amphitheater. Drs. DeLee,Dieckmann and Davie.Demonstratlo nof RoentgenologicDiagnosis In obstetrical conditionswith special reference to the deter¬mination of the age of the fetusin utero, Drs. Hodges and LeDoux.Division of Roentgenology roomFirst Floor.2:00 to 4d)0 Moving Picture Demon¬stration. Dora DeLee Hall, FirstFloor. Dr. DeLee and Staff.Wednesday, June 15, 1932BUSH MEDICAL COLLEGEDepartment of Medicine9:00 to llrf)0 "Mechanism of Protei¬nuria.” Dr. W. A. Thomas.Moving Picture Demonstration ofHeart Agtlon with Formation ofElectrocardiogram. Dr. C. J.Lundy."Electrocardlographlq Studies inPneumonia." Dr. Kelley."Hypertensive Arterial Disease.”Dr, Stkglitz."Physico-Chemical Character! .-tics of the Blood." Dr. Schulhof.Infant Welfare Clinic. Pediatrics.Dr. Leslie. "lodln In the Treatment of Thjrold Disease.” Dr, Thompson.Department of Snrgerjr9KK) to 1:00 North AmphitheatmSenn Hall.Operations on the Biliary TraciDr. Colder L. McWhorter.Cervical Dislocations. Dr. E. iBerkheiser,Chest Lesions shown by Xray. DjCassle B. Rose.Spinal Cord Injuries. Dr. AdrleiVerbrugghen.Study of Bone Regeneration. DiHarry A. Oberhelman.Closure of Intestinal FlstulaiDr. Hllller L. Baker.Skin Digestion In Intestinal Plitulae. Dr. Francis H. Straus.A Survey of Breast Diseases liPresbyterian Hospital. Dr. EarR. McCarthy.Factors Influencing OsalflcatlonDr. Willis J. Potts.Ectopic Pregnancy. Dr. EdwanJ. Allen.Obstetrical Mortality. Dr, Car'Bauer.Diverticulum of the Stomach. DrMark Loring.Treatment of Varicose Vein Complications. Dr. F. V. Thels.Pulmonary Complications following General Anesthesia. Dr. BCanLyons.Post-Menopausal Bleeding. DrAaron Kanter.Specialties2:00 to 4.00 Ophthalmologlcal ClinicRush Dispensary. Dr. H. P. Davldson.2:00 to 4.'00 Dermatological ClinicRush Dispensary. Dr. M. H,Ebert.COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL2:00 to 4.00 Ophthalmologlcal Clinic.Dr. Earle B. Fowler,Clinics as announced under pro¬gram for June 9.BIIXINGS -ME.MOKIAL HOSPITALDepartment of Surgery8H)0 to 10K)0 Surgical Ward Rounds.Dr. Phemlster and Staff.9:00 to 12:00 Operative Clinics, Sev¬enth Floor. Drs. Andrews, Bailey,Curtis, Dragstedt, Huggins andPhemlster,Divisions of Ophthalmology andOtolaiyngology•;00 to 12K)0 Visitors welcome tocinics in these Divisions on Sec¬ond Floor.2K)0 "What A Plate"Beautiful Iteco Denturesconstructed by Iteco Technicians.They will Make YourCentral 4184 Patient Smile. Color foHarmonixowith Pationt’*ComplaxionDAYTON BUMGARDNER LABORATORIES24 NORTH WABASH AVENUE CHICAGO. ILLINOISNasik CLArs..\PDRE88 ^.. . ..Please reserve for me$2.00 each. Check for $ plates at the Annual Rush Dinner, at□ Hold tickets, will call. is inclosed.□ Mall tickets to above address.ALIEKT K. E9STEIN '12 MARVIN C. REYNOLDS lENJ. R. HARRIS ’22EPSTEIN, REYNOLDS & HARRISCONSULTING CHEMISTS and•CONSULTING ENGINEERS5 SOUTH WABASH AVE. CHICAGOTelephone CENtral 4286CLASS OF 191220th ReunionREUNION PARTYFriday Night, June 10, at 9St. Clair Hotel, Roof Garden162 East Ohio StreetARRANGEMENTS BYCHARLES M. RADEMACHER6203 Kimbark AvenueChicago »*«***East End Park CafeHyde Park Blvd. and East 53rd St.(EAST END HOTEL)A beautiful dining room,luxuriously appointed with superbcuisine and superior serviceEspecially catering to U. of Cbanquets, luncheons and dances.Facilities for delightfulBridge Luncheons for LadiesRegular Luncheons 50cDinners 75cAmple accommodations for 200 guestsFor special information addressANNA LYONi6>laiami68kra8al6anafifni'iil88WYlMlimwrfW6' RYVsjCLASS OF 191715th ReunionLUNCHEON, WITH 1916 AS GUESTSSaturday, June 11, at 1Hutchinson Coffee Shop(Formerly Hutchinson Cafe)1916-1917 BASEBALL GAMEIn Front of RosenwaldHostilities Begin at 2:30REUNION COMMITTEESFRANK S. WHITING, Chairman0 435 North Michigan AvenueChicago LYNDON H. LESCH, Chairman122 South Michigan AvenueChicagoJ. Craig RedmonRalph W. Davia EUa Freeman HelfrichHarry R. Swanson CHICAGO SPODE PLATESDEPRESSION STATISTICSOver 100 sets of these lovely University Platesof quaint soft gray Spodeware were sold duringthe last holiday season.We are now sending out sets from the secondissue. HAVE YOU ORDERED YOURS?$15.00 a dozen different viewsPOSTPAID IN U. S.University of Chicago Bookstore5802 Ellis AvenueCLASS OF 192210th ReunionSPONTANEOUS CELEBRATIONSaturday, June 11, at 2:30REUNION HEADQUARTERS1922 UmbrellaThe GrcleREUNION COMMITTEEALFRED W. BRICKMAN3939 Wallace StreetChicagoDanaria AmesRebert M. Cole CLASS OF 19275th ReunionREUNION ASSEMBLYSaturday, June 11, at 2:301927 UmbrellaThe CircleGordon F. EbertMilton H. KreinesEsther Cook PeaseREUNION COMMITTEEJOHN P. HOWE!, Chairman% The University of ChicagoChicagoJames J. Cusack, Jr.Ruth Barth WebsterJoy VeazeyCharlea G. Cowang THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. MAY 25, 1932Fraternity Men Plan to Turnout for Annual Sing JuneBiniflliSfiT I ^ .4 sing of Yesteryear IHLIIII TO IIIEIII Law School Reviews Place in C. Jill.9 11S. Edwin Earle Again HeadsCommittee ArrangingYearly EventThe twenty-second annual Univer¬sity Sing will be held Saturday night,June 11, in Hutchinson Court. Therewill be no change in the traditionalprogram. Twenty-si.x fraternities willparticipate and vie for two silver cups,one for the greatest number of menin line and the other for the best sing¬ing, as judged by Mack Evans. Uni¬versity Choirmaster, and two .assist¬ant Judges.When any fraternity has had itsname inscribed three times, not neces¬sarily in succession, on either cup,that fraternity becomes permanentpossessor of the respective trophy.Delta Tau Delta and Psi Upsilon eachhave one leg on t)ie present quantitycup, donated by Sigma Chi in 1930.Sigma Chi became the permanentowner of the previous quantity cup in1929, having had the largest turn-outthree years in succe.ssion. Alpha DeltaPhi, winning three times without in¬terruption. last year became perma¬nent possessor of the quality cup, andhas this year presented a new cup tobe competed for until three legs arewon by a fraternity.Program in DetailThe program follows:7:30 Band ConcertThe University Band8:00 Fraternity MarchesMembers of the InterfraternityCouncil1. Beta Theta Pi2. Phi Sigma Delta3. Tau Kappa Epsilon4. Chi Psi5. Tau Delta Phi6. Phi Beta Delta7. Sigma Alpha Epsilon8. Phi Pi Phi9. Phi Kappa Sigma10. Pi Lambda Phi11. Phi Kappa Psi12. Kappa Xu13. Lambda Chi Alpha14. Zeta Beta Tau15. Alpha Tau Omega16. Kappa Sigma17. Delta Kappa Epsilon18. Delta Tau Delta19. Alpha Delta Phi20. Psi Upsilon21. Sigma Chi22. Phi Delta Theta23. Alpha Sig . Phi24. Delta Upsilon25. Sigma Xu26. Phi Gamma Delta9:44 Induction of Aides and MarshalsPresident Hutchins9:50 Awards of Cups to W'inningFraternitiesThe Sing Chairman9:51 Song of the "C"C” Men9:54 Blanket AwardsCoach Stagg10:06 Alma Mater10:07 College YellEarle .4gain ChairmanThe Sing Committee will again haveas Its chairman S. Edwin Earle, ’llwho has acted in this capacity sincethe Inception of the event. His assistants will be Arthur C. Cody, ’24H. Allen Miller, ’26, and William V•Morgenstern, ’20. The InterfraternltyCouncil committee on the Sing comprises Alfred Jacobsen, Marvin Bargeman, W’illiam Hughes, Ashley Offiland Robert Sharp, all undergraduates.The University Sing is one of Chi¬cago’s famous traditions. Knownthroughout the country, many otheruniversities and colleges have copiedthe Idea in whole or in part. The at¬tendance figures average about tenthousand each year. The number of View of Hutchinson Court During Last Year’s Singfraternity men singing during each ofthe past ten years follows:1921 17201922 20'351923 19041924 20451925 17C91926 19611927 20341928 21821929 24511930 20761931 1998 Harvey T, WoodruffRecalls the QoadOld Days of ’99DO YOU REMEMBERTabl? board was $2.25 per week,i. meal ticket which was punchedat each mead, and only the SocialRegisterites in the fraternityhouses paid as much as $3.53 perweek ?Tuition for all the undergrad¬uate schools was $30 per qu.Tjrter?Subject of informal deba* waswhether it was nearer to 53th. andI.,ake Park or to 61st and CittageGrove? (You know the reasonwhy.)The Three Quarters Club, sinceInterdicted, was a non-secret society for freshmen who were notadmitted to fraternities until theirsopho lore year, but when Presi¬dent Harper called for the by¬laws, the sponsors had to sit upall night and write new oneswhich wuold fulfill the conven¬tions?The fooltball squad “took” ascourses Roman Law, Old .Xorseand Botany, and whe none everfailed, the courses become s'- pop¬ular with all students that it wasnecessary to limit the registration?Mrs. Ingham's pies, sold in ’TheShanty” at thv, corner of the thenMarshall Field, were the between-meals delicacy?Carr X'eel, western tennis cham¬pion, represented the Univeraltyon the courts?University of Michigan refusedto play any more Indoor footballgames against the Maroon becauseHerschlaerger was too deadly inhis drop kicking without a wind tohandicap him?The .Snell hauu record for "bluf¬fing” in a table game was *7.25on a pair of treys, and was heldby a student now a distinguishedprofessor? On Saturday EveningPh. D’s Plan DinnerThe annual dinner of the Doctors ofPhilosophy will be held on the eveningof Saturday, June 11, In the beautifuldining room o^ Burton Court in theResidence Halls for men, south of theMidway.A brilliant program is in prepara¬tion to inaugurate the second quartercentury of the association’s history.Among those who have been invitedto speak is Professor Edwin B. Prash,the world renowned astronomer anddearly beloved philosopher. It is ex¬pected that a large proportion of the2,500 Chicago doctors will be presentat this gathering.Secretary D. Jerome Fisher is incharge of arrangements and assuresthe returning doctors a notable pro¬gram and a satisfying tinner.The dinner charge is one dollar andit Is imperuiive that reservations bemade on or before June 10, throughSecretary Fisher in care of the Uni¬versity of Chicago.Students and FacultyRaise Large FundsTo Aid UnemployedMembers of the University—bothstudent and faculty—have had a largeshare in relieving unemployment dis¬tress during the past year. Under thedirection of the Chapel council a Stu¬dent Relief fund of $1,100 was raisedduring the fall quarter. The moneywas solicited exclusively from stu¬dents and was apportioned betweenthe University chapel's emergencystudent aid fund and the Board ofVocational Guidance and Placement.The Vocational office used its shareIn securing employment for students.The faculty fund—raised for thesecond time this year—reached a to¬tal of $27,000. Social Service SchoolRevises Organizationto Meet New Plan(Continued from Page 1)sional school of the University andincludes a well rounded understand¬ing of the various branches of theprofession and of scientific methodssional schools of the University andof studying and investigating socialproblems.The spirit of the new plan with itsgreater freedom for the student isparticularly helpful in a program ofwork that Includes arrangements madefor practical experience under carefulsupervision ‘n the field. Students areexpected when they leave the Schoolto be ready to assume the responsibil¬ities of deciding promptly and wiselyquestions involving the welfare ofhuman bein-^. They must be prepar¬ed for this work by carefully plannedpractice work in the field under Uni¬versity supervisors. This field work isvaried according to the qualifications,needs and Interests of the Individualstudent and is required of all can¬didates for higher degrees.An understanding of scientific meth¬ods of collecting data relating tomodem social conditions should bepart of the equipment of every socialworker and is necessary for studentswho must meet a rigorous thesis re¬quirement for the degrees of Masterof Arts and Doctor of Philosophy.Students are expected to secure thebasic statistical training for socialresearch and are encouraged to par¬ticipate in field investigations. The re¬search program of the School includesboth studies of social conditions inthe Chicago region and carefully plan¬ned Inquiries designed to throw lighton the present administration and pos¬sible improvement of public welfarelegislation and on the organization,policies, and practices of social agen¬cies both public and private.University Is Building New Music DepartmentAlthough it is the youngest de;iart-ment in the University, the De;jart-ment of Music is among tlie nostactive. Under the direction of CarlBrlcken, Assistant Professor of Mjslc,a symphony orchestra has been firm¬ed, chamber-music ensembles are be¬ing developed, and formal class in¬struction in the history and appr->oia-tion of music is offered.ALU.MX.4E nRE.4KF.4STtVomen of the Senior class will bewelcomed into the ranks of the alum¬nae at the annual Alumnae Breakfaston Saturday morning, June 11, at 11:30in the Cloister Club in Ida X'oyes Hall.This has been for many years one ofthe outstanding traditional events ofAlumni Day. The orchestra is perhaps the out¬standing achievement cf the de:»art-ment. Since its form.ation during theAutumn quarter. 1931, the orchestrahas grown steadily until it now is awell-balanced unit of sturdy propor¬tions, consisting of seventy-flv ■ play¬ers. Two concerts have already (cengiven, and a third is scheduled fornext Tuesday Voung as it is, theorchestra has con -iuslvely demon- rat¬ed its ability to perform such \\ irks as the “Coriolanus” overture ofBeethoven and the Cesar Francksymphony.Proceeds of next Tuesday’s concertwill be used to establish a scholarshipfund for talented students in the de¬partment. One, and perhaps two fullscholarsldps will be offered.“By beginning with a definite prac¬tical program such as the establish¬ment of an orchestra, as well as twogood chamber-music ensembles,” writesProfessor Bricken, “many loose threadshave been gathered together, andthose who had wondered where theymight give vent to tlielr abilities anddesires to play have come to servemore than a good cause. They havecome together to serve themselves.”This practical approach to the dissem¬ination of musical culture on campusAnchor9'eencesThe tlistihctivc iirtes atni dig*hificcl appcatuiice of AsithorWeld iron Tcnecs arc harmoniousto the atmosphere stirroitndingscipiois and collet’e,*. They arc fitcmnp.ihtons for the fine architec¬ture xvlikh often they are calledupon to set ofTAnc hor Chain Link Fences arccqualK arrraccivc and enduring.Send lor cataiogiic.Anchor Post Fence Company6i6 N. Michigan BoulevtrdChicago, llimo'u(a Piineibaf Citict has been eminently successful, in theopinion of student and faculty ob-Mr. Brlcken visualizes for th» futurea Department of Music having twoprincipal branches. The first will bemade up of the orchestra and othergroups which will give students op¬portunities to hear and play the bestmusic. In this connection the workof the Department of Music will be adevelopment of what has already beendone by Mack Evans and the Univer¬sity choir. Mr. Brlcken hopes that atsome future date the choir and theorchestra may be able to unite In per¬forming one of the great choral worksof Bach. Beethoven, or Handel In theUniversity chapel. Make Inspection of ExhibitionsFrom 2 to 5; Seven PointsOf Interest(Continued from Page 5)the guiding hand of Its director, Doc¬tor James H. Breasted, and with theco-operation of Executive SecretaryCharles Breasted and other memberaof the Institute, the story of the “Riseof Man” is told to the audience,through the medium of sound-motionpictures. "While only a small por¬tion of this epoch-making film will beexhibited, it will be a rare opportu¬nity for a glimpse of a pictorialpresentation of the rising curve ofman’s development that will long beunique in cultural circles.A Farnlty SymposiuiAThe evening's program will come toa close, with a faculty symposium orround-table, at which will be discuss¬ed some such weighty subjects as“The Greatest Handicap to any In¬stitution of Higher Learning, ItsAlumni” or "The Unknown Quantityin any University—Its Alumni."The definite subject for discussionwill not be divulged until the eveningof the melee, but the names of two ofthe participants are herewith herald¬ed to the world. In keeping withthe spirit of the evening, three menhave been selected from the Univer¬sity faculty, known to the world asoutstanding educators, and just aswidely known as sons of Chicago.The ParticipantsProfessor James Weber Linn, of theclass of ’97, is the Nestor of thetriumvirate. A professor of English,a newspaper man of national fame,a critic, a librettist, a novelist, a pub¬lic speaker of country-wide note, hewill bring to the round-table theaccumulated wisdom of the ages.Professor Arthur P. Scott, of theHistory Department, a graduate inDivinity—who foieswore preaching—a doctor of Philosophy who talks Inlanguage that can be understood bythe most athletic, who lectures mostInterestingly on the “Manchu Dy¬nasty” Or the “Rise of the Riffi,” andthen takes time to write a book onthe “Criminal Law of Colonial Vir¬ginia,” will be at the table.In the third seat, will be foundthe “Man of Mystery” whose name iswithheld that the surprise of the eve¬ning may be the greater. A stimulat¬ing teacher, outstanding educator tosparkling speaker he Is aw orthy mem¬ber of the triumvlrati.Hold Alumni Revue inMandel Friday Night(Continued from Page 5)for Children.The Orthopedics Hospital.Gertrude Dunn Hicks Memorial.Nancy Adele McElwee Memorial.The Chicago Lylng-ln Hospital.An Impressive list of famous has-pltals. Guides will be furnished tovisitors, upon application, at the deskof the Albert Merritt Billings Hospital.Exhibition of Stained Windows 9 heaSpecial attention has also been in¬vited to an exhibition of stained glasswindows to be shown on the secondfloor of Wieboldt Hall. In addition,many other of the older buildings,rich in varied eubjects, and otherlaboratories and exhibits, w'iU be avail¬able to alumni who are Interested.Specific Information may be securedfrom the headquarters table of theAlumni Reunion Committee in theCircle.It is anticipated that comfortableand frequent transportation facilitieswill be provided for those who wishto see the various buildings.Committee in ChargeWilliam H. Lyman, ’14, has beenappointed chairman of the committeein charge, with Frederick E. Law, ’25,and Robert C. MacCormack, ’30, asassistants.Buildings and exhibits by courtesyof Professor James H. Breasted, Di¬rector of the Oriental Institute; BruceW. Dickson, Director of InternationalHouse; FTofessor Charles H. Judd,Dean of the School of Education;Professor Harvey B. Lemon, of thePhysics Department, for the Fresh¬man Physics Museum; William J.Mather, Bursar of the University, forthe Men’s Residence Halls; AmosAlonzo Stagg, for the Field House;and Dr. Franklin C. McLean, Directorof the University Clinics.SECURITYGreater security for life and prop¬erty is the goal of all human effort.The success of men and their institu¬tions is measured by the degree ofsecurity they have attained.Insurance of human interests is themost effective way of attainingsecurity.MARSH & McLennan have in¬sured the success of many, men andinstitutions.MARSH & McLennan164 WEST JACKSON BOULEVARDCHICAGOMinneapolisNaw YorkDatroitPittsburghLos Angeles BostonDuluthDenverBuffaloSan Francisco SeattleClevelandPhoenixIndianepelisWinnipeg MontrealLondonPortlandVancouver University Under New Plan(Continued from page 1)pursue It farther In a fair guaranteethat he will get from hi efforts thhabit of hard and discriminatingwork, and aside from this, the factthat he is interested in the subject isperhaps in Itself the best reason forgoing on with it. Such a man maywell postpone his entrance to the lawSchool until he has obtained his Bach¬elor’s degree.On the other hand a large numberof students who plan to study Lawwish to begin their efforts to this endas soon as they can. Too earlyspecialization in the study of Law, asin the study of any other profession,is undesirable. It is, however, bothpossible and proper In the case of astudent who has no other pronounc¬ed Interests that he should, afterlea ing College, engage in studiesthat have a definite value as beingthe background for his future pro¬fessional work.During the present year the Fac¬ulty of the I..aw School has been en¬gaged in the consideration of the or¬ganization of work suitable for thepre-legal student of the kind last re¬ferred to. The whole matter Is stillunder advisement and no definite an¬nouncement can be made with re¬gard thereto until some time duringthe academic year 1932-33.rre-I.,eKaI WorkAt the present time It may proper¬ly be pointed out that work that isparticularly valuable to the pre-legalstudent who wishes to begin to laythe foundation for his legal work Im¬mediately after leaving College is oftwo different kinds. They may bedesignated as .“tool courses” and“background courses.”The too. courses are those that aredesignated to give the student certaintc .Uniques that are believed to bedefinitely helpful to a lawyer. Thesetechniques are not peculiar to thelaw and they do not necessarily hav*a legal content but their value is sogreat to the lawyer that they mayf'irly be termed his mental tools.Courses that may be regarded asbelonging to this category are thosein Accounting, In Logic, in Argumen¬tation, and if necessary. In English.Courses of this general nature aregiven at the present time In the Col¬lege. It is believed, however, thatthey can be made more helpful to thepre-legal student by using as tha ma¬terial upon which the train, r Inthe technique is based, either legalconcepts and problems of an elemen¬tary type or material and problemsrelated to the law.Background CoursesThe background courses are thosecourses that are designated to fur¬nish a background of information thatwill serve to make more valuable tothe student his subsequent law work.One or two illustrations will sufficeIn this connection.Perhaps the most Important singlegroup of courses In the curriculumof the Law School Is that made upof those covering the subject of Busi¬ness Law. It embraces the courseson Contracts, Sales, Insurance, Billsand Notes, Business Units, CreditTransactions and Administration ofDebtors’ Estates. The whole bodyof law In the subjects Indicated bythese named topics is Inextricablyinterwoven with and conditioned bythe facts of business organization. management, practices am the like.Obviously a valuable preparation forstrictly professional study that thepre-legal student can acquire is a con¬crete though necessarily elementarypicture o. the factual business ma¬terials which treated legalistlcally arethe basis of the corresponding legaldoctrines that are studied in the LawSchool.What Is true with regard to the re¬lation between factual business ma¬terial and the courses In the LawSchool dealing with the legal side ofbusiness problems is also true invarying degrees with regard to otherparts of the law. Thus the law ofReal Property and to a certain extentConstitutional Law can be made moreunderstandable and valuable to thelaw student if he has taken a coursein English Institutional History thathas been organized and prepared forthe purpose of giving him an under¬standing of and an interest in thoseaspects of the development andgrowth of English institutions thatwill serve best to make more under¬standable the law that is in part con¬ditioned by those institutions. Againthe relation between ConstitutionalI>aw and the whole constitutional andinstitutional history of the UnitedStates is, of course, obvious.Prartiral CoursesBackground courses of the kindsIndicated are not Intended to do any¬thing more than to give a generalunderstanding of factual material thatIn a general way underlies the lawcourses to which they relate. ThereIs, however, the possiblllt that aftera man gets Into the Law School andhas progressed beyond f « -st yearhis work In particular lines of busi¬ness law should be at that time sup¬plemented and broadened by one ormore courses designed to bring outIn detail business practices and meth¬ods corresponding to those with re¬spect to which his legal work is beingpursued. Thus in the study of lawof negotiable instruments a parallelcourse dealing with the factual prac¬tices of banks and collection housesin handling notes and drafts and sim¬ilar commercial instruments might beof great value. These possibilitiesexist, not only In the field of buslnew law, but in varying degree withall the Law School work.The possibility of using background(actual courses In two ways, that Is.both as a pre-legal work In a rathergeneral way and as concurrent withlaw courses In a more specializedform makes necessary the considera¬tion of two radical changes In th#present structure of the Law Schorl.The first of these is that th# LawSchool work should be begun In thethird year of the student's work Inthe University; that is, as soon as heleaves the College, and that the toolcourses and some of the general back¬ground courses should be co .dlnatedwith the elementary law work. Thischange would not result In exftndlngthe total amount of time that a student would spend In the Unlverslt>.It would still be possible to get theA. B., and the J. D., In six yean:.Th# difference from the present arrangement would be In the fact thatthe non legal material instead ofbeing given only In the first yearafter leaving the College would bespread over the whole four years Inwhatever way It beat correlated with C. H1. SCiOlPHM REVISEDTO FITContinue ExperimentTraining of StudentsFor Business m(Continued from page 1)each student a) shall have been en¬rolled in the School for at least oneyear, devoting substantially full timeto his work; b) 8h.tll have p.issed anexamination testing his mastery ofbasic subject matter; c) shall havepassed an examination testing hisappreciation of methods and prob-lems of management; and d)|shall have done satisfactory work ina field of concentration.When satisfactory arrangementscan be made, the student may substi¬tute an intemeshlp in business forhis work of concentration. Candidatesfor the Bachelor’s degree with Honorsmay substitute either an Interneshipin business, or research, for the workof concentration. This, It is hoped,will greatly a-ssist the student inbridging the gap which exists be¬tween the University and business.The Master’s degree, which is alsoprimarily a professional degree, hasbeen revised to meet the needs ofstudents who wish to concentrate In¬tensively in a field In which they areinterested. In the work for this de¬gree emphasis will be laid upon man-agement from the point of view ofcollective business rather than fromthe point of view of the IndivldUiUbusiness unit. A student may uponentering the School formulate a pro¬gram which will carry him throughto the Master's without taking aBachelor’s degree.The faculty has spent most of thepresent year In revising the contentof courses. When this work has beencompleted, the faculty will then giveattention to the preparation of de¬tailed syllabi, which will be of greatassistance to student# In preparationfor their examinations.The School will continue to offera program of formal courses. Stu¬dents will not, however, be requiredto register for them. They may. Ifthey choose, prepare themselves fortheir examination independently withthe aid of syllabi and with other aidswhich the School will develop fromtime to time.At this time, of course, no one canpredict with certainty how the>eptanj will work in actual practice.Undoubtedly during a transitionalperiod there will be some fumblingand confusion on the part of both stu¬dents and faculty. That, however, isa part of the price which must bepaid for any progress. The facultyis convinced that in the long run theexperiment will more than justify It¬self In the enlargement of the stu¬dent's freedom and participation inthe educational processes.the legal material.In alt the topics outlined above definite plans will be formulated inample time to be available to thestudents now working In the Collegeunder the new plan.ALUMNI !Stay Close to the CampusDuring ReunionWeekBROADVIEW HOTEL5540 Hyde Park$2.00 day; $9 week upThere ii a quiet, refined in*fluence about The Broad*view remindful of one's ownhome atmosphere . . . finelyfurnished, ideal surroundings... it is located at the northentrance to Jackson Parkwith the Lake and its mar¬velous South Shore Beachesbut a few moments' walkaway ... 10 minutes to Loopby I. C. Electric. Cafe inconnection-including a com¬plete Hotel Service. .•iiiiiiiniillllllllllltlliiiiiiiYour selection of anyone of these HotelHomes assures you ofbeing right in thethick of the REUNION' FESTIVITIES.FAIrfax 8800iirCORNELL TOWERS5346 Cornell Avenue2-3 Rooms, $20 week up8 minutes to Loop. Entera beautiful lobby, artisticallyfurnished, then high speedelevator service to your out¬standingly furnished apart¬ment . . . comes the finesense of true home comfort—then. Rest—in Real Beds.PLAza 5400 GET THIS!LOCATION;A Hop - Step - and ■Jump from the Cam¬pus.FACILITIES:The whole works—in-'cluding an extra collarbutton for your DressShirt.ENVIRONMENT:On a Par with yourJunior Prom.TRANSPORTATION:The I.C. a moment'sjaunt away—and fast¬er than Wallie Ecker-sall in the old FlyingWedge.’••••iiiiillllllllllllllllllimiiiiin*' THE DORCHESTERAPARTMENT HOTELHyde Park Boulevardand Dorchester2-3 room .apartments. Threeshort blocks from IllinoisCentral. Excellent garageservice within block. Ratesreasonable.DORchester 9100.11*TUDOR MANOR7416 Phillips AvenueSmall - Quiet - Attractive -Homelike - Reasonableprices. Hotel Rooms andApartments.REGent 1620THE VERSAILLES53rd and DorchesterAn address bespeaking quiet,dignity, culture, refinementand stability. Hotel Rooms.$12 Week UpI Rm. Kit. Apts. $15 WeekUp.Elegantly furnished. Full Ho¬tel Service; 3 minutes to I. C.Express.FAIrfax 0260Write or Wire Your Reservations Now ^th(CLOSELYTHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932 9Student Directing Committee Coordinates All Campus ActivitiesSimplification, ConcentrationAchieved by Dean’sOffice Publications Suffer Changesof Importance in Last Year LIFTING OF G1Bv W ARKKN F. THOMPSON■U'h.i; lias the new plan done toXhe p. ^-flniistlc prophecies and pre-• coiHcrnlng the fate of under-I'lJuate organizations and under-Mlii.ite life under the revised edu-system were many last Oc¬tober. There were tho.se who saw the^eatli I’f all pxtra-currlcular endeavor,the (lowrf.tIl of Intercollegiate ath--s. the w.asllng away of fraternities,tr.il the im.-islng of more or less every¬thin- once held sacred on the quad-nrc'.cs,lint nothing of th sort h.-ia hap-jened,1!, nt lift'—With Its dramatics. ItsP'jbl.oi- ’tis, :t.s committee meetings,, . ■ ty .anil Its excitement—stillBeont.nues to occupy the undergradu-tf o itslde of the clxs.sroom.But ha.< Ix’en a very obviousrend .and rh.ingc In student organlza-yns dtiri:;- the pa.st year. It hasb-'en a trend toward simplificationr.incentr.atlon. nn<l away from■jji'..cation, inipotency and uselc.ssne.^s.ilent councils have been eliminated,blii.itain.s have been co-ordinated..il a'tivitioa have l>een placed un-r the supervision of a single per-1, rind there h.a.s been a general re-esan.z .’.or of the physical systems,le;n:radu:ite activities at the L’nl-frsity s.ncB the Inauguration of thenew pi.in.Dean's Office I>ire<TsImpetus to this reorganization ofr.Jor-r.idu.itv life—not a diminishingi.i’ hfes activity — was giventil- I'nlversUy administration"eatej t!ie new ottlee of l)An ofidents, and p’ ced therein respon-for the direction of all phasess’.u.lriit lifi'—Us clubhouses. Us or-ar.;z.r..ons, its social endeavor. Usratcrn.t.os and clubs.W:!-) t.'te aim of reducing to a mln-.um ■ ampus politics, gaining for theni;r. ’'M; oti the sometimes valuablejdent I'iui ton on a matter of ad--n.str.T on, and simplifying as farthe present maze of stu-o got r-rning iKHlles, tiie otTlce Of the1". o' .'ttiidents has set up a new ji .'..i.pie machinery for the conductstudent aff.Urs and the arbitration |“’.ttdiiit di-putes. ITie folliiwing six.'Clflc changes iniI’.ad'- .Hid sfudent f.aculty organlza-i ns ..a'e taken iilace In accordancec’h tii.s pulley; (Many of them weretudent in/.iated; otlicrs were executes!!y of tlie Dean of Students’efli.p.Iliif’.t in (H'tol.er, ttie Hoard ofl’;il>).c.it:)!i^ voted It.self out of• t .x.stence. 11'ocmmending to itsurfr;or i..i,!y, the Hoard of Studenth:gan;z.Cions, UublicaUons and Ex-bibitiof.-i. tluit a faculty Director ofPuhi. ations tie appointed to discharge9 diCjcs (if the unwieldy Hoard ofPubiicatlrins. William E. Scqtt, as-•int I'e.in of Students, w.as namedto ti'e po-i-ition.^ The H'ard of Student Organlz.a-y t.o-.s, I’uhhcntion and Exhibi-ions. (-oiniirised of the heads oftil (.iiniuis orgiinizallons and theiricu.ty icUisors, and whicli was theeerning tody for nil student actlv-•ts at the L'nlvorsUy, was atiollshedo the Itniverslty Senate In February;t the same time, the Faculty Board? Admission.^ and of I'liysical Cul-Ittra and Athletics were done awayith and replaced by a faculty-senatetommlrtee which Is now determiningSee general policies relating to studentiSalrs. admissions .and athletics, fromfie University point of view.BA Student Committee on StudentAffairs was newly created inMarch, un it Is about this groupfat the entire reorganization ofItudent life has centered. Its meiri-•ershlp was .selected by the De.an ofStudents and is compri.sed of oneTiduato student, ‘wo Senior women,o Senior men, two .lutiiurs, and0 students from (he College. Theree no faoul'y ineinhers on the com-Jttee with voting power. It was saidthe time of its creation that thiscommittee would l)e empoweredinitiate and sugge.st changes In the[policy of the University relating toituJent affairs; that if would constl-Ituts a body reiircsentative of studentBpinion, to whom the Dean of Students^inht refer matters affecting students.which might itself refer matters^ Dean Works; that It might legls-Ws freely; and that it w.as subject tohe jurisdiction only of Dean Workss long as it stayed w'ithln the boundsf general policy laid down by th^enate committee. Whereas the oldloard of Student Organizations, Pub-cations and E.xhibltlons served moref the capacity of an arbitrary body>r all activities on campus, the new’roup has. since Us conception, as-jmed a (Jirectlng and an initiatory)Io In student ’’fe.I Shortly after the appointment oft the new Student Committee, that* • traditional ajid perennial Ixxly ofudents known as the Undergraduate)uncll—an organization that had(Turn to page 12) The Dally Maroon this year has ac¬complished—by Its own efforts Incr)stalllzing and collecting studentopinion—w’hat a generation of DailyMaroon editors have unsuccessfullyattempted: the repeal of the compul¬sory gym requirement tor undergrad¬uate students.The efforts of The Dally Maroonthis year are the culmination of morethan eleven years of editorial agita¬tion. In 1922 a prolonged campaignsucceeded In having the requirementreduced from ten quarters to six, butfor the last ten years, there has beenvirtually no change.Under the University's New Plan,based on the ideals of opportunityand self-reliance instead of systemand compulsion, the compulsory phys¬ical culture requirement loomed asthe only Incongruous clement of thereorganization. During the winterquarter two polls of student opinionshowed an overw’hehnlng sentimentagainst compulsory gym, and onThursday, May 18, 193'j, the Collegefaculty formally removed the require¬ment.The Dally Maroon w’.as also partlyresponsible for a broad reorganizationof student activities which includedthe abolition of the Undergraduatecouncil and the Hoard of Student Or¬ganizations, Publications and Exhibi¬tions; the creation of the StudentConuuittee on Student Affairs and thenew office of Student Publisher; andminor constitutional changes in thefields of student dramatics and publi¬cations.Elsewhere in the i.ssue thesechanges are treated in detail and pre¬sented In their proper relation to oneanother. It will bo sufficient here topoint out the part played by DallyMaroon editorials. Without excep¬tion, every major alteration in the stu¬dent actlvltie.s field wa.s recommendedby The Dally Maroon, and In manycases the movement for change wasInitiated by The Daily Maroon.Hardly content to rest on theselaurels, The Daily Maroon, during thewinter (luarter, .succes-sfully caiTlcdthrough it.s second training school forfreshni;in candidates to the staff.Hullding on the mistakes of the ‘931class—the tlrst In the annals of col¬legiate journalism—the staff was ableto present a course which adequatelyprepared the aspirants to take theirplaces on the publication. From thisgroup, w’ho seem to be better trainedand more capable than any previousgroup In the history of The DailyMaroon. It Is hoped a brilliant con¬tingent of Ji.iuinallsts w’lll emerge. Action of Senate Tomorro'wExpected to MakeMove FinalWilliam E. Scottposed of fewer pages, will containmore photographs and engravings,fully as many names and a completehistory' of the accomplishments of theirniversity during the past year. Therewill 1)6 365 pages In the annual, ascompared with 4S0 last year.The introductory page precedingeach division of the new Cap andGown will depict life on the quad¬rangles as seen by the photographer’seye. The undergraduate division willbo introduced by an engraving ofstudents gathered alx)ut the e.itranceof Cobb hall between morning classes.The division devoted to the seniorswill 1)6 jirecoded by a photogiaph ofmembers of the graduating class leav-In.g tho chapel, gowned and withdiplomas in hand.The educational accomplishmentsby the administration, during the firstyear of the new plan, a.s wtdl as slg-nlllc.ant activities and accomplishmentsof individual faculty meml'ers andundergraduates, will be featured In aspecial division. It is p!anne<l to havepictures represent.atlve of the class¬room and laboratory therein displayed.Adopt New ThemeFor Cap and Gown Woman Editor NowPublishes PhoenixTiie thirty-seventh annual C.ap andGown, to be published on June 1,departs from precedent In lolh editor¬ial and business policy. The 1932 yearl)ook W’lll have fewer pages. Its ad¬vertising has bs-en secured entirely bystudents Instead of by a commercialagency and the decorative art themeha.s been abandoned: In its place willappear a theme distinctly sugsestlvi*of the University.Whetlier or no! the Cui> and Gownwould cease to function was a inuclidebated question list fall, wlien onDecember 2, only hree d.iys remainedIn which to get -150 subscriptions. Tliequota to justify and guarantee thepublication of the book was sevenliundred, and only two hundred andfifty subscriptlon.s h.ad been secured.A circulation drive was organized; intW’O days. 610 ple.lges were secured.Gilbert I’. White, e<litoi-in-chlcf, andWilliam Custer, business manager,.agreed that this as suilieicnt evidenceof student demand for .i book andnotlfled William E. Scott, director ofpublications, that they would assumeall financial responsibility.At the advice of the luibllshcrs andengravers, the annual at.aff plans toedit a year book which, slthougli com- The I'hoeni.x. campus humor mag-izinc, liaa just ivas.sod tlirough one oftlie stormiest periods of its career asin undergraduate publication. AVithtlie May issue puWisIud one week lie-ii re we went to press, there havebeen eiglit numbers this year, and ofthese two were sent back to tlieprinters for clianges in content andillustration.In adlition, the (vlltor of the Phoe¬nix, Onn T'lvrov—wlio was also au¬thor of the book for tills year's Black-friar's sliow. "Whoa. Henry”- resign¬ed as a .ge.sture of protest to facultycensoi'sliii) of the "True Story” num-la’i’. Toviov iiad Iveen jilaying duckand drakes vvitii campus ’’public opin¬ion” ever since lie a.ssunied tlie editor¬ship l.i.st September.llow-ever. under .lune Paff. who Isthe first woman the Phoenix staff liasever seleetevl editor, steps were takento remove some of the antagonismaroused ag.uust the campus comicduring tho adniinistration.s of Tov-rov and liis jiredecessor, Julian Jack-son.•Mo.'t notaiilo step wa.s the recentaction by the Hoard of Women's Or¬ganizations lilting "wliatever banthere may have been” against thePhoenix. Interclub Council whichhifd "boycotted’’ the Phoenix, and IdaNoyes Advisory council, were expect¬ed to repeal restrictions tiiey had pass¬ed last year. The abolition of compulsory gym bycollege faculty action on Tuesday, May17—perhaps the most important singlecurricular change since the inaugura¬tion of the new plan—removes a re¬quirement which by nature of yearsIn operation has become almost aninstitution. The removal of the re¬quirement by a 35-22 faculty vote intho college and the placing of gymdepartment facilities upon a voluntarybasis to all undergraduates comesboth as a result of consistent studentagitation against compulsion concrete¬ly lliustrate(’ by tlie decisive resultsof the Daily Maroon poll, am* thenatural faculty trend toward co-ordi¬nation w’ith tlie academic and admin¬istrative policies of the new system.*Kntifleatiun by .SenateAlthough tho faculty action to re¬move the gym requirement must beratified by the University Senate atits meeting tomorrow, previous actionby the Senate has definitely Indicatedthat it is in accord with the college They Led Washington PromSylvia Friedman, Louis N. Ridenour, Alice Stinnett, and Scott Rexinger.Year’s Social Program HasInaugurated Many Eventsdecision and sanction is almost a certalnty. The recommendation that compulsory gym be abolished was presented to the faculty by the joint Cur¬ricular and E.xecutlve committees, andthe recommendation, as adopted, follow’s:1. For the entering class nextAutumn we adopt a progruniwhich provides:A. A fair trial of the experi¬ment of conducting PhysicalCulture on a voluntary basis;It. .Adequate facilities for, andinstriirtion in, Intra in u r a Iathletics;C. Physical exainiiiatiuns andhealth conferences for allcollege students at intervalsmore frequent than at pres¬ent.NOTICEAil Crew Members, Supervisors,ream Captains and Student subscrip¬tion salespeople who wish to availthemselves of the opportunity forfree scholarships, made possiblethiough tho courtesy of the LeadingMagazine Publishers again this year,are requested to apply to the nation¬al orgaiiiiei, iii. Anthony Steele, Jr.,Box 244, San Juan, Porto Rico, stat¬ing quallflcatlona fully. I^EAL GOODFULL COURSEDINNEP^Served Sunday/tow noon on*Wfeekdays 530 3b ^00HERBIEKAYajid hisOrchestri,^9^ OrSMJUCtFLOOR SHOW DORISROBBINSNO COVER CHARGENO MINIMUM CHARGECentiuuuniA,6^afL.IBIACKHAIM1)9 MORTH WABASH The removal of the requirementsmarks the culmination of a year'sstruggle on the part of the DailyMaroon to secure faculty action ofsubject. An active campaign w.as in¬augurated early In the Winter quar¬ter when Louis N. Ridenour, Jr., ed¬itor of the Daily Maroon, Introduceda motion into the, now extinct, Under¬graduate council recommending recon¬sideration of the existing gym situa¬tion. Taking matters more definitelyinto its ow’n hand.s, the Daily Maroonon January 22, held a one-day under¬graduate poll of tne question in hich303 out of 413 voted for abolition ofcompulsory gym. The poll was re-.locted by the college faculty for seri¬ous consider,!tion, because of the lim¬ited numbers of students voting, anda second and more comprehensive ref¬erendum w’as held beginning April 5.Lasting for four days, 1,427 ballots(7'wrn to page 12) The social program at the Univer¬sity this year again centered abouttho three major formal balls: the In¬terfraternity ball, the WashingtonProm, and the Military ball. In addi¬tion, the campus has enjoyed a num¬ber of minor dances and other eventssponsored by the new University So¬cial Program committee.The forma! se.ason was opened bythe annual Skull and Crescent dance,held November 7 at the Shorelandhotel The Louis XA’I dining roomof the Shoreland assumed a cabaretatmosphere for the occasion, withsmall tables lining the walls, shadylights, and Howd> Wendt’s six-pieceorchestra playing for this Sophomorehonor society dance.As a part of the Student Reliefdrive conducted last Fall by theChapel council, and as the officialhousewarming event for the newmen’s residence halls, the Social com¬mittee during the Fall quarter held adance In Judson court with DatusGoodwin's orchestra playing.The annual Interfrater lity ball,held for fraternity men and theirguests and sponsored by the Inter-fraternity council, was presented thisyear in the Crystal ballroom of theBlackstono hotel. Sleepy Hall andhis Victor-recording orchestra left theCongress hotel for an evening to pro¬vide the music. The Art floor of thehotel W’as reserved for refreshments.and for lounging rooms. The GrandMarch was led by Dorothy Farls,Charles Schmidt, Barbara Cook andJack Test, on the right and the leftwings re.spectively.The Winter season opened on Jan¬uary 29 with the Freshman formal,tho first of its kind to be held at the University. The’ refectory of IdaNoyes was rejuvenated as a Balloonroom for the evening. The freshmenwere hosts to all four classes and invited Donald Birney, Jerry Jontry,Frank Hardinr, Keith Parsons, andBernie Wien as their honorary guests.Art Petersen's orchestra played.Setting another precedent in Uni¬versity entertainment, the Social com¬mittee sponsored an art exhibit, In¬cluding water color, oil painting, char¬coal drawing, lithographing, photog¬raphy, and sculpture, in the libraryand lounge of Ida Noyes hall, for oneweek starting on February 22. Mrs.Maude Phelps Hutchins, ThorntonWilder, and Edmund Geisbert com¬posed the jury which chose the groupof selections representative of the bestefforts of the student body.Climaxin-g the Winter season, thetwenty-eighth annual WashingtonProm in celebration of the two-hun¬dredth anniversary of George Wash¬ington’s birth was held on February19 at the Drake hotel with HerbieKay’s orchestra furnishing the music.Sylvia Friedeman, .Vlice Stinnett, LouisN. Ridenour and Scott Rexinger werethe leaders. A chicken flipper wasserved at twelve o'clock in the diningroom and speci..l tables were reservedfor groups. At this time, a floor showw.as presented by members of the or¬chestra. There was a record attend¬ance of three hundred and fifty cou¬ples.Another charity party, this time fortho benefit of the University settle¬ment, was the all-Unlverslty Jamboree,a gallimaufr}’ of a cabaret, speak-easyand country fair, which was held InBartlett gj’mnasiuin on April 8.Blackfriar's orchestra played for danc-(Tiirn to page 12)OutstandingThe FinestBeauty Workin ChicagoRestful surrountTings of (Signified beauty, alert, well-trained operators,and the most modern equipment science has desigjied for enhancing yourloveliness.Our two locations provide for your utmost convenience—one a short threeblocks from campus—and the other in the heart of the Loop.Remember—individuality makes beauty—and Condos treats you as anindividual.Campus Shop1215 E. 63rd St.Fairfax 8822Loop Shop53 E. Washington St.Franklin 9301 Tile most Important action taken bythe Ir. erfraternlty Council this yearwa.s the drawing up and adoption ofdeferri'd rushing and pledging ruleswhich -vill go Into effect next year.The Council also made a minor changein Its constitution as effecting thenew r’jshing rules.The Greek council, made up ofalumni representatives of each of thefraternities, has petitioned the Uni¬versity to declare a one-year moratori¬um on the deferred rushing becauseof the poor financial conditions ofmost cf the houses. Definite actionwill be taken on this proposal as soonas the :raternlty representatives havegathered exact financial data on theirrespective houses. The text of therules as they now stand follows:Article IRush ng shall be defined as any actwhereby a fraternity, alumni, activemembei-s, or pledges, shall arrange byappointment to meet a freshman orshall have social functions at whicha freshman may be entertained orshall e.vpend money for the entertain¬ment of a freshman. There should beno contact by a fraternity with afreshmiui other than In a casual In¬formal manner..Article II—Orientation PeriodAfter matriculation and until Mon¬day of the seventh week of the Springquarter, a fraternity shall not at anytime rush a freshman, and a fresh¬man will not be allowed at a fraternityhouse except only on the followingregulations: (1) Each of the six Wed-ne.sday evenings of the Spring quar¬ter. No freshman may be entertainedon more than two Wednesday eve¬nings by the same house. (2) The first(Turn to page 12) IO. IC,By .MAJ. T J. J. CHRISTIANThe past year, marking the thir¬teenth anniversary of the Militarydepartment in the University, has inno wise been unlucky, as a brief re¬view reveals. 1931-32 was more suc¬cessful in many respects than any ofthe twelve preceding years.The enrollment last fall from theFreshman class alone almost reachedtwo hundred or approximately fiftyper cent of the eligible Fres’nmen,registered for Military Science. Thetotal enrollment of the Field Artilleryand medical units surpassed any pre¬vious years and taxed the facilitiesand equipment of the Department.Tlie new Armory in WashingtonPark has provided one of the mostmodern and up-to-date buildings inthe country for practical Field Artil¬lery training. The theory classeshave been conducted cn the campusin Ryerson Physical laboratory whichIs a vast Improvement over t’ne oldquarters in Lexington Hall This De¬partment of the Physical Sciences Di¬vision is perhaps more closely affil¬iated with the Departments of Phys¬ics and Mathematics than with anyothers, although our students are rep¬resentative of the four Divisions lathe new College plan.The academic work of the Mili¬tary Department Is conducted parallelwit’n that of other departments. Inorder to accommodate the War de¬partment program with the new edu¬cational plan, the basic course, or thefirst two years, will conform to physi¬cal culture credits within the collegeand within the Division. MilitarySciences course.? will become electivesor minor sequences.STEVENS-Under summer starsIt's a wise Co-ed who flaunts aPIQUE FORMAL!With its accent on the shoul¬ders and its novel belt, it'sthe most irresistible thingwe’ve seen! Wear it, thentub it, it will be crisp andfresh as new. White andpastels.Shgs It to 17JUNIOR DEB SALON —FIFTH FLOOR$15Chas. .1. Stevens & Bros.19-25 NO. STATE ST. STOKK OP€H StSO-SBOUNDITHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932Individual Students AssignedTo Advisors in TheCollege Initial Scries of Comprehensive Examinations Scheduled for June 8'11;Representative Set of Questions Published for Each of Four DivisionsDivision of fhe Physical Sciencestoiler;"?' P‘®ce a crora (x) In the blank before the one■ .v:r; 5'.PJations In the case where a car moves on ais free '-o rr.jve, ir.dependent of the ground.beir.r a"elerated forward, the track will;(Covt'nu^'i frnm vnpe 3'with advis<'rs, r:;her upon invitationfrom thf* ruiviser or at the request ofthe student.It should 1*0 added that the assign¬ments of indivMual students to ad¬visers is not absolute and unchange¬able. Ptu.K-nt.s v.lio. because of achange in iiror-ss;.‘r.al interests or forother special rt‘:is"ns. desire to trans¬fer from one ad\ ' " *'do so upon requadviser ni,.transfer a to another, mayOccasionally andeem It desirable totudent to another adviserIn order thru the most helpful counselmay be given.The advisers in the College, quiteobviously, cannot advise students re¬garding certain highly specialized mat¬ters. For this reason .specialists areprovided in some of the more tech¬nical fields, in .addition to the generaladvisory service.Through the University HealthService ea* h entering student is givena physical and me^hcal ex.amination.Health conferences are also heldthroughout tlie year. The informationavailable to a student from these ex¬aminations and conferences is veryvalu.able in .aiding him to keep phy¬sically tit for his work. Ilemedial phy¬sical culture and special medical serv¬ice is given when needtsi.The University also maintains aBoard of Vocatiimal Guidance andPlacement. It gives vocational infor¬mation thro’igh public lectures onvocations, through bulletins and lit¬erature dealing with specific vocations,and through personal interviews at-the request of students. The Board*lso aids students in finding part-timework and in securing positions upongraduation.Students in the College frequentlyface questions pertaining to religion.-While the advisers in the College arealways ready to give such counsel asthey can regarding these |^uestions,students will find the Dean cs- the Uni¬versity Chapel and his associates par-ticuiariy interested and helpful in aid¬ing them to think through problemsof this type.- - In addition to the faculty memberswho regularly serv-- as advisers tofreshmen, a selected group of upper-class women also aids entering wom¬en to feel at home on the Campus.The Federation of University Womenco-operates with the University admln-istr.ation in org.inizinc this programof upper-class counselors.The fact th.'ir special faculty andstudent a<ivi.-<‘rs are provided does notmean that other faculty members areunwilling to .advise students. In f.act,students w.Il tin.! all members of thefaculty quit-- wilhnc t** advise them.It is the re.-*])ons!''i;..'y of rhe specialadvisers to suppUme.at the informalcounsel given by faculty members andadministrative officers.. It should be empasized again, thatthe advisory agencies provided by theUniversity are in no sense designedto be crutches on which students maylean, but are aids .available to themIn the process of relating themselvesmost effectively to their academicwork and to University life. In each of thecorrect answer1. Consider tltrack whichal When the carn'-ve f'wwaranicve tuJ remain st.iticnaryb) While the car is mcvtr.g ''1th uniform velocity, the track will:move for'-vardmove backw.rrdrem.a.n stationaryc) While the car is slowing down, the track will:move forwardm.cve backwardremain st.aticnary2. Two bodies of different m.aasea are placed In Identical Inertia balances;the period of oscillat or, of the balance with the smaller mass will be:eijual to the period of the other balance.l.m.g^r than the period of the other l)alance.sl'.orttrr than the period of the other balance.S. Two revolvers .ire fired: the bullets are given the same velocity, butone of them is three times as heavy as the other. The revolver firing theheavier bullet weighs twice as much as the other. Then the recoil of(momentum imp.arte<l to' the heavier revolver will be:equal to the recoil of the lighter one.six tinms the recoil of the lighter one.three times the recoil of the lighter one.twice the recoil of the lighter one.- 3 2 times the recoil of the lighter one.2 3 time.s the recoil of the lighter one.4. The weights of a solid pi-cce of gold and a heap of feathers Just balancein an evacuated jar.a) Then the mass of the gold Is:equal to the mass of the feathers.gre.ater than the mass of the feathers.les.s than the mass of the feathers.b) If air is let into the jar, then:the scales will balance.the p.nn with gold on it will go down.- the pan with the feathers on it will go down.A horizontal force of fi'i poends Is exerted to roll a piano weighing 1000pounds a distance of 20 feet. How much work is done?foot poundsA man weighing ISO pounds runs upstairs, rising 20 feet In 5 seconds.What horse power does he develop?horse powerWhat would be the magr.itude of a star of which the brightness was 100times that of a first magnitude star?magnitude■Write in the bl.ank before each descriptive statement the numb..r of theplanet which it describes.DESCRIPTIVE ST.\TE.MENT; Largest planetSmallest planetPlanet nearest the sunPlanet with orbit nearest theearth's orbitPlanet farthest from the sunPlanet known to be inhabitedHost rapid rotationPlanet distinguished by encir¬cling ringsDensest planetList the three parts of a pure mathematical theory:(1)(2) -(3)2. Mark with the code lettc? of the element those properti.s wluc.i arecharacteristic of t'uat clemcr.t under normal condition.--. Announce Dates ofJune ExaminationsThe College Comprehensive Exam¬inations will be given in June accord¬ing to the following schedule;Approved Sequences June 6-7F’oreign Language June 6-7Mathematics June 6-7Physical Sciences June 8Biological Sciences June 9Humanities June 10Social Sciences June 11Notices have been mailed to allNew Plan freshmen stating that theirapplications for these examinationsmust be in the Bureau of Records,Cobb Hall 102, before May 14. Ifthe c.ards sent to them on whichthey are to make application are notreturned to this office before thatdate, the students will not be permit¬ted to take any examination thisquarter. Identification cards withsignature and picture must also beon file for every student taking ex¬aminations. Division of the HumanitiesPI.ANFT1. EarthJupiterM.arsMercuryNeptune.“^aturnUranusVenus1.a—oxygenb—sodiumc—nitrogend—chlorine solidliquidgasactive oxidizing .ageiuactive reducing agentinactive3. In an electrolytic ce'i zirc holds on to its electrons le.ss tightly thandoes copper.(at From which electrode will electrons be liberated to the external circuitor wire?(b) In which dii^ction will the positive Ions in solution flow?(c) In which direction will the negative ions in solutipn flow?Division of the Biological SciencesPlace crosses before the tw" statements which best complete the sentence.Herbivorous animals tend ta have longer intestines than carnivorousanimals because the former1. Are higher animals.2. Eat food tliat cor.tairs more roughage.Eat less easily digestible food.Are lower animals.Grind their food better TVITAl le H PUN 1.2.S. AeschylusAristophanesAristotleAtossaEuripidesHerodotusHomerNauslcaaPlatoSapphoSocratesSophoclesTheocritusThucydide#XanthiasXenophon(Continued from Page 31methods. This is Incorrect. The ob¬jective test methods are applicable toa wide range of problem solving ques¬tions of qu.antitative as well as non-quantltative kinds.In general, the objective examina¬tion methods are more reliable andmore valid than the so-c.alled essaytests. Tlierefore whenever the sub¬ject matter of an examination lendsitself to objective test methods, theiruse is encouraged. Some subjects,however, are of such a nature thatthe objective test methods seem tobo applicable only in part. In suchsituations, an effort will be m.ade toimprove In every way possible thegrading of essay tests.The Examiners have been chieflyconcerned this year with the construc¬tion cf tests for the four introductorycourses in the Biological Sciences, theHum.anitics, the Physical Sciences,and the Social Sciences, and with per¬fecting an examination to test thestudents’ ability to "write Englishwith clarity and accurticy.” A greatdeal of examination material has beencollected in these fields; voluntary ex¬aminations were given at the end ofthe Autumn and tVinter Quarters, aswell as sliort quizzes throughout theyear. A pamphlet of sample examina¬tions was compiled in the 'WinterQu.arter by the E.xaminers and dis¬tributed through the Bookstore.Since quite a number of students ex¬pressed the desire to take an examina¬tion in some of the approved second-year sequences this year, the Boardis sponsoring such examinations inseveral subjects.It is a definite policy of the Boardthat all its examinations should be¬come public property after the exam¬inations have been given. It is con¬templated that all of the examinationsgiven this year will be issued in book¬let form some time in the near futurefor the use of students and otherswho may be Interested in the new1 examination methods. Suppose the followingfoundBooks to Aid New PlanStudents Placental mammals have been more successful than marsupial mammalsbecause the former1. Have not been handicapped by carrying the young in a pouch.I 2. Have a, better means of nourishing their young....—.3. Appeare,! later in h;.-*;ory.4. Have well developed young preceding birth.I 5. Have not reproduced by means of eggs.Both male and female reproiuctlve organs may be expc-cte.l iIn an animal which' 1. Is of sedentary habts.2. Reproduces asexually.3. Leads a relativelv isolated life.Add Heading Rooms. More I I"::! b:;:;^r^.mm;;r" 'Place a cross before t'.ie statement which bes completes the sentence.The sporophyte of the fern ;s1. Absolutely dependent upon the gametophyte.; 2. Dependent on the gametophyte for water only.~ j 3. Absolutely independent of the gametophyte.on inurd from Page 3) i 4, During early develcp.-nent dependent upon the gametophyte.across the t.ao.f.. These conferences 1 A saprophvte lives onshould be in the presence of books, 1. Dead organic matter.whose au-hors tlius stand ready to I 2. Inorganic matter.enncii tin exchange. This is exactly 3. Living organic matter.A head is formed on both ecis of a small piece cut out very close to thehead of a r.atworm probably lecause1. The parts consist only of structures closely related to the headregion.2. There are no posterior parts remaining in the piece.3. There is little differ* r.ce in the rate of metabolism at the apicaland basal ends of the piece.4. The piece is too small to permit regeneration of both head andtail parts.(1) Below each statement write "True” if the statement Is true, andwrite "False” If the statement is false.(2) State clearly but briefly just what considerations led you to decidethat the statement is true or f Jse, as the case may be.(In the case of an actual exa aination, space will be provided for answers)Bryopnytes have many celled sex organs.Some algae contain red pigme.at Instead of green.A plant cannot live unless It possesses chlorophyll.A gr<'en plant in sunlight ta. es in more carbon dioxide than It gives off.The sporophyte of the moss is a saprophyte.Respiration stores up energy 'or the organism.The energy that man secures from coal has been stored up by photosyn¬thesis.A saprophyte subsists on ino-ganic matter.\ green plant ran grow iiid*^vit«ly in a jar of dUtiiied water, providedcarbon dioxide and sunlight are available.Dr X sprayed two potato plants with fungicide A. Thereafter, neitherpotato plant developed the disease known as “Late Blight.” This demon-stmes that fungicide A protects potato plants from "Late Blight.”The advantage cf differentiation of gametes lies in the fact that it enablesan alga to produce more offspring than otherwise.“"•'''■obe hunter” i the blank space beforeIS contribution, .'.ome of the men listed are not “microbe hunters."He developed the microscope Qiiestionaire RevealsFreshmen*s InterestIn Revised Systemwhat has )..fen hariprnlng in the Honors Cou.>-se provide*! twenty pickedentrants by the I’resident, tracing thedevelojiment of thought from Homerto Freud, in a private room chargedWith S'.io t<'xts. L;mitat;on of spacewill prevent <i*,.ng just this for 1,500students n- .xt .vea,*-, but this experi¬ment se.-ni> f.irec.'ist the need of acollege lil.j-.iry establishment whichwould contain lorge .sjKtce for gener-alia, .a r.umlj. r of sm.'ill discussioni^oms ei(i:pp>-.| witii a few hundred!books ea* h, .1 sta'.k more open than jclose*!, w.'h In.nkers in ciiarge. jThen t:i<**** another interestinglibrar.. inn*.v:r..iir; o: this year's vin-!tage. The n<'.v r** eicnee halls for men!have been given a live library equip-!ment, ami erni,,r feature is plan-1ned lor the pr ^.^.e* -i* .* h.alls for wom¬en. The f *'ir,d,*ition of 'his collection*s smgli. co;*;*:-: oi all the books iniCollege lit.i-ary, but to these have '3»een added an eq-jal amount of purelyrecreational reading, which the stu¬dents themselves 'lemand. The Gradu¬ate Library School has keiit an incon¬spicuous eye on this development ase adult reading tendencies,and the halls hold tlte leaven of afew spirits like Thornton Wilder tostir the lump.Tlius we have come full circle fromthe old days of text b*x.k and recita¬tion, througii the confusion of elecfives, to .Mark Hopkins and his studen*, on a log. with r ixiok Ijetween.tut the circle, seen on the horizonta18 a sijlral. The lecture is no substi^te for private thinking, and the^j >k will not speak if a dullard is oneither end of the log.• These three college library adven¬tures at the University of Chicagothis year have se -med of so muchmore than local significance that the-Carnegsi) Corporation favoredwith a grant of |;5,O0<i, while 310,000i ire Ih -f,Interiiaiioniii House. Lazzaro S-pallaoz-iniLouis PasteurPaul De KruifWalter ReedElie MetchnikoffAntony LeeuwenhfptkAntoine LavoisierRobert KochPaul Ehrlich and discovered bacteria.He disproved a contemporary(C. 1760) thory of the sp.ontan-eous generation of microbes..He developed salvarsan (606), aspecific treatment for syphilis..He demonstrated the transmis¬sion of yellow fever by mosqui¬tos.-He emphasized the importanceof phagocytosis in the protectlon of the body against disease-The outstanding figure in bacterlology. He was the first toemphasize effectively the relaHo* of >«o'"<>ria to diacMe.-He discovered the germs of tu¬berculosis and cholera. (Continued from itage 1)structive criticisms of tlie details ofthe New Plan inc'.uiei with theirenthusiastic approval of its theory.Next in unanimity came the state¬ment that there was too much workconnected with the New Plan. Manyadvocated a reduction in the outsidereadings, especially of the Social Sci¬ences and the Humanities. This isa common plaint at the Universityunder any plan, and may or may notreflect upon the present experiment.Prominent among complaints asto the details of the New Planwere criticisms directed at the dis¬cussion sections. Some said theywere absolutely useless. Others, be¬ing more constructive, suggested thatthe instructor systematic.ally reviewthe work of the previous week. Theypointed out that if left entirely toquestions from the students, the dis¬cussions were dominated by two orthree individuals, cutting out the restof the class. The discussions ap¬pear to be the most unpopularphase of the New Plan. Many fresh¬men stated that they rarely attend¬ed.after the first two or three meet¬ings. .Some declared that lecture con¬ferences, sui-h as there are now intlie Pliy.sical .Sciences, would be muchmore effective.Many freshmen felt that four cours¬es was too much for one person tocover thoroiiglily. Some disagreedwith one of the main points of theNew I’lan, and insisted that eachfreshman sliould be allowed to choosethe surveys he wished to take, omit¬ting the others. There also was aconsiderable number who thought thatthe old plan courses such as English,mathematics, languages, etc. shouldbo made to conform to the principlesof the New Plan.As for examinations many voicedthe opinion that the final examina¬tion should not count for everything.They do not like the "do or die” ele¬ment of a yearly examination. Theyrecommended that the yearly examin¬ation should count fifty per cent andthe quarterly exams count fifty percent in deciding the final "S” or ”U.”These original statements were notwithout a humorous touch. Onepleaded for less reading of poetry Inthe Humanities lectures, hinting thatthere are more desirable ways offilling up a lecture period. Anotherdolefully complained that the NewI’lan made him work so hard that hecould not enjoy his week-ends.However, all in all, these voluntaryopinions and criticisms showed a fineconstructive spirit .n the part of allfreshmen who took the trouble towrite them out, and their efforts,doubtless will not be in vain when t>i«uetaiis of the New Plan are im¬proved next „ear. .Such is the spiritof the questionnaiie. Before each of the following paragraphs, place the number of the in¬dividual'to whom It applies. Read the paragraph first, then find the cor¬rect number from the accompanying list of Individuals. Not all of thenames listed are needed.Nearly all her extant writing is personal po¬etry, in which the greatest simplicity of dictionserves to communicate an extraordinary flameof piassion.He was the greatest comedy writer of Greece.His Sicilian idylls have won a permanent placein the world’s literature.He is the typical idealist who, dissatisfied withthings an they are, cannot rest until ho hasprojected a new society baaed on justice, anequal opportunity for all, and government bythe best.By passing from the study of inorganic toorganic matter, he created the science of biol-ogy.IHis history contains much material which isnot strictly historical, for geography, myth, cus¬toms and manners, and earnest moral preach¬ment have a place in his account.He is the first thoroughly critical historian.His dramatic W’orks are marked by a depth ofreligious conviction, a moral austerity, and afullness of utterance which have never beensurpassed.Men afterward spoke of him as the perfectdramatist because '('ith a masterly control ofhis technical means he combined a point ofview which, by avoiding extremes, maintalne*!that balance proclaimed by the leading Greeksas their ideal.In his plays, he depicted men as they were.not .as they ought to be.By transforming much of the early history ofthe Greeks into a magnificent myth, he createdthe primer from which every Greek boy drewhis first mental nurture.She has been generally regarded as the great¬est woman poet of all time.He has been called the Father of History.statements had been presented to the typicaleducated Egyptian of the Empire Period (1600-1200 B. C.).1. If he would have agreed with the statement, mark it 1.2. If he would have disagreed with the statement, mark it 2.3. If he would have debated the proposition without necessarilyagreeing or disagreeing, mark it 3.4. If he would have found it meaningless, mark it 4.Use only one mark for each statement; (1) agree; (2) dL=.agree; (3) debate;(4) meaningless.Murder of a freeman is wrong.Slavery is wrong.The soul lives after death.Vitamins are necessary for normal growth.The earth moves around the sun.All property holders must pay taxes to the. government.Property left me under my father’s will is being mismanaged; 1 shalltake the matter to court.Naturalism is a possible objective in sculpture.The most logical and beautiful way of supporting a roof is by col¬onnade and lintels.Thou shalt not make unto thyself any graven images.Osiris is our principal deity.Marriage between close relatives is wrong.....Magical formulae are the best means to win a favorable judgmentwhen Osiris sits in court in the Hereafter.The chief aim of literature should be to amuse the reader....Comedy is a superior type of drama to tragedy.Chemical fertilization of soil is necessary for continuation of goodcrops.Irrigation is nece8sar>' for continuation of good crops.In each of the following, place a criiss (x) in the blank before the onecorrect answer.1. Considered structurally. Renaissance architecture relies largely onthe following element:pier.ribbed vault.column.flying buttress.2. Renaissance architecture has a close affinity with:the Gothic style.the Roman (classical) style.the Byzantine style.... the Romanesque style.3. Tlie architect who was largely instrumental in introducing the Ren-ais.sance style was:Donatello.Michael Angelo.Bramante.Brunelleschi.4 The finest cupola (dofhe) of the Renaissance period adorns.the Eanthec-n.St. Peter’s at Rome.St. Paul’s at Rome.the cathedral of Milan.5. The Renaissance showed a distinct preference for the building of:cathedrals.private palaces and villas.- public baths.mausoleums. 16. That the Renaissance tradition Is still alive among us in Chicago isindicated by the style of:the University Chapel.’.the Oriental Museum., - the Tribune Tower.the Art Institute on Michigan venue.Division of the Social ScencesIn each of the following questions, place a cross (x) before the ONEcorrect answer.The major cultural epochs are mostly commonly distinguished on the basisof;form of governmentliteraturetools..—..means of transportationclimatemoralsMalthus was concerned with the question of how a growing Englishpopulation could be fed from the produce of an island which remained thesame size. The problem was solved, for at least the century followingMalthus, because:The methods of agriculture were Improved so that the food productionof the British Isles increased much beyond the expectations of Malthusand much faster than the rate of increase of population.An accurate record of the growth of population in England showedthat Malthus had far overestimated the rate of increase.The development of industry and trade made it possible for Englandto exchange manufactured goods for food and raw materials,A custom Is considered in the MORES when:..it becomes accepted by the Inajority of the group.it is universally followed.It becomes stable and persists from one generation to the next.-——its violation is considered dangerous to social welfare.......It is enforced by law.it conforms to strict rules of logic.In the following question, place a cross (x) before EACH OF THE COR¬RECT ANSWERS. More than one answer may be correct.Considering the evidence for the relation of language to race and culture,put a cross (x) before each of the following conclusions which you believeare Justified. ,Language is a part of culture.......Races, languages, and cultures are distributed In parallel fashion.—.—A group of languages need not correspond to a racial group or toa culture area.Although language does not exist apart from culture, a specificlanguage Is not dependent on a specific culture.—.—Two distinct languages never share In one culture.The existence of two distinct cultures implies also the existence oftwo distinct languages.The distribution of race and culture is not necessarily correlatedwith the distribution of language.There is a profound causal relation between the development oflanguage and the specific developments of race and of culture.In the sense that the vocabulary of a language reflects the culturewhose purposes it serves. It is true that the history of language andth« history of culture msvs aieng parallel lines.The drifts of language and culture are non-comparable and unrelatedprocesses.Language is conventional, not natural. Place the number of the statement in the blank before the term to whi hIt applies. There are more statements than terms.ST.\TEMENTS1. The system under which the gov¬ernment is required to coin for_ ,every citizen any amount of the ^ |standard metal which he may , .bring to the mint. '2. Uncoined monetary gold or silver.3. The limits above or below whichIs will be profitable to meet foreigndebts with gold shipments insteadof with foreign exchange. TERMS4. A monetaryi system in which the standardvalue of the monetary unit is kept Legal tenderequal to the value of some defined Gold pointsweight of gold. • Quantity theory ol5. Any decrease in the volume of moneymoney accompanied by a fall in Free coinagethe general price level. Deflation6. An institution for long term fl- Commercial hanknancing. Investment bank7. The average number of times eachdollar is used during the year.8. Money which all creditors are re¬quired by law to accept In settle¬ment of debts owing them.9. Prices tend to vary directly withthe volume of money in circula¬tion, other things being the same.10. An institution for short term fi¬nancing.Using the code given below, write the appropriate numK,- before eaclstatement: 1—If it refers to MERCANTILISM2—if it refers to the I’HVSIOCR.-XTS0—if It refers to NEITHEREach nation believe*! that the well-I>eing of neighboring nations wasIncompatible with its own.Tjie Inhabitant.^ of a country may be divided into three classes pro.prietors, who hold the income, cultivators, who assist its formationother citizens, like officials, traders, and manufacturers, who do notproduce self-renewing wealth, and therefore, form a "sterile class. 'It is supposed that a nation can sell more than it buys, in a way toruin neighboring nations by ab.^orbing their precious metals bj thegreatest possible exportation and the least Impossible importation.Land is the sole source of wealth.No rights without duties, and no duties without rights.It shielde*! its domestic indu.strles from the competitive sale or exchange of the products of all similar foreign Industrie.s.Natural laws lead to the advantage of man.THE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYPEBBLESAXONIESthe new, soft woolens for Springwith an indistinct pattern weaveYou simply have to see and feel thisfabric to get the actual idea behindthis new material. Soft, yet not toosoft; plain, but with an indistinct pat¬tern best described as a pebble weave.Tailored (by hand in many places) infour models, each model available ina different shade. And look at thesesmart, new, seasonable colorings:Panatella Brown Platinum GrayOxford Blue Slate GreenEXCEPTIONALLY HNE VALUES AT$45THIRD FLOOR—Also in Suburban StoresSpecializing in Stanford Williams Company Clothes'•hichaclwajith« I THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932 ■T&iItTheGrandstandAthletebyHf RBEhX JOSEPH JR.thisf oi i««UE of The Dally MaroonL'„ri, the workinKs.of a New PlanKi*e education, and since newto be in the air. we thinkecod a time as any to point\h0 r.c‘>d a new plan In col-r’ate athletics.i mnk a- the records of several ofurce tiniversliles of the countryr, cive a clew to the trend which“ports have been taking. Cer-I Hrte institutions, which in earlyV were -it the top of things, are’s'-Uitshiifi mediocre."sc.ason after season. Other^.^1^ wh'se athletic history hasP been a blaze of glory, are nowr 1 f,',, thilr successes on various“ We need mention nopro-1ion, 1not! course there are bound to becles In the quality of the teams oflool. Hut why concern our-■Aitii inslgnlrtcant factors whenknow the main cause.fcvP-TAlN T'NIVERSITIES and col-“bive definitely set out upon a' build up teams. The ul--•.•tl would seem to be “the,i!. iet!,- mach ne.“ Various de-the way from so-called,;.rs, and scholarships with aade to much emphasis on athletic.oinpllcafHl arrangements.,r free tuition, a sizablepossibly, a trip to Europe.nre usei.1 to gain the ob-biidini-CA n iJive.he ir.TP between schools whose ad-i.crui n and ..liimnl are athletic« and those whose program1 not includo athletic supremacy5*tt!ni; wider every day. Some ofu-d>rdocs are beginning to seefu' hiv of their annual beatings•he h.oids of the athletic powers-t be.THE TIME TOME (walrus orfor the universities of thisntry to realize that they have en-■1 .1 rice in which no one can win.hs« be • ime a oomi>etltlon that by STAGG TRACESEXPANSION OFVARSITY SPORTSEach Year Saw Addition ofNew Team toProgram1 ve-y-J?ets tIlf!ea :n“vitit, ;'.-s Ims no finish line. And! ly •'ny place,ai’ the Ins’ltutlons of hlgh-c would agree to cease allnow employed to lure ath-to their campuses, university;!*t;, - w ould again reach a sane«: T » inflated athletics of someoils would drop to a normal, the‘ate.! squads of Other colleges■■'■1 a..:a;n get a proportionate sharet.he i- 1 m.''terlal.ilready s.ime of the smaller collegesal'i'i'lrg a program of playingy « . is In their class, and areppinc tra.I'.tlonal Iwttles with largever'.t.es. This step Is in the right:.t: n. but In the meantime theNapoleons go right on re-tug r.ew- .armies to win glory fori mater.THE ('A.MPr.“!E3 where theseMt p.achlncs exist, the students■tr.stv-,,oi, are beginning to look up-I'o pil.l athletes as somethingIru: 1 the student tody. They noe. r ta’ne the great pride they usedin the \ u tories of the home teams.•(• ihi. teams are made up of anrh ■ iiatry ches*-sl lad.s who sud-I''•i'Ud they needed a collegeIdNTHE r.MVEKSITIE.S THAT OWNprofessional teams need some-firg, a g.>i>l knock on the head, totke them up. The whole business|valu* ;. ss. so why ot cut It out.■ns win FEWMELS THIS EEIBBy E. \V. MrfilIXn'K.AY\ arsKy Swimming ('(i.ac’h|The I’nlverslty of CTilcago swim-team scored 107 points ns agaln.st‘•if otvponents 11C In the three Con-Tfrice meets allov.fsl this ye.ar. ThisI not a poor showing, although notkeeping with the long standingf'Jtaion of I'nlverslty teams. It Iseresting to note, however, that thisins team could beat any formerago tram In .my event, with thecgle exception of the 1927 relaykm which equaled the national rec-Tliis Is a proud statement, con-tig the number of Chicago’sinipions, both team and Individual.IJlie outstanding member of theEm is captain-elect John “Bud” .Mar-fancy diver, wiio accomplishedunusual feat of winning all hispsl meets. “Bud” U a fancy diverchampionship caliber; and severalues has been national InterscholasticI'ion. He wa.s somewhat unfor¬te in the Conference meet. losingunly a fraction of a point: but he^ <■ much better chance next year,htn Jerable toll has been taken bylisen-'e from compitition for two Fieldhouse Is Scene of QreatActivity During First YearBy A. A. STAGGDirector of AthleticsIn a couple of weeks, the AthleticDepartment will complete the 40thyear of Its history. During 1892-93,the first year of the University, foot¬ball, baseball, and tennis were organ¬ized and Intercol¬lege games wereplayed. Basketballwas added the fol¬lowing year, aschedule of gameswith Y. M. C. A.’sand local teamsbeing played. Ourfirst Intercollegiatecontests In basket¬ball however, didnot occur until1S96 when a twogame series wasplayed with theA. A. 8TAOO L’nlverslty of Iowa.Chicago's first competition In trackand field athletics occurred In theSpring of 1894, the year that theWestern Intercollegiate Athletic As¬sociation was organized. Fencing wasstarted in 1897-98 when F'red BurtonHellems, a graduate student, laterthe beloved dean of the University ofColorado, volunteered his services asInstructor.Gymnastics, fencing, and wrestlingfirst had recognition In an Inter¬collegiate way In what was called“Stagg's Circus,” held In the famoushorse arena called “Tattersalls” onMarch 5, 1898. However, previouslythe first “C” had been awarded ingymnastics in 1893 to Harry AVheelerStone wiio won the championship ofthe University In this event. This wasthe first award of the “C” In gymnas¬tics and Is the only award of theletter In any sport not for Intercol¬legiate competition.Golf was the ninth sport to be or¬ganized. A golf team was formed in1902 with a match between Michiganand Chicago. This was the first Inter¬collegiate golf tournament ever heldIn the west.On Thanksgiving Day, 1904. thefirst Intercollegiate cross country runin the west was held over a 64 milecourse la'd out in Jackson I’ark. CrossCountry running had been organizedin 1901 by K. L. (Bat) Henry who wasknown a.s the "father of cross coun¬try running at Chicago.” Judge Hen-r.v now presides over the Internation¬al I'ourt In Egypt.Swimming w's the last sport to beorganized at Chicago for intercollegi¬ate competition. The University’s firstclasses In swimming were held at theBalneum, t'ottage Grove and 60thStreet In the .Summer of 1900, butwith the completion of the .latatorlumIn B.irtlett Gyinna-slum In 1903-04,swimming classes were organized andIn the following ye.ar Intercollegiatei-ompetltlon started when Chicago metAVisronsln and Yale In dual contests.The develot>mrnt of the departmentIn the mat or of equipment progres-shel.v Is as follows: from 1893 to 1903,the "Old Gym” did yeoman service.Itartlett Gymnasium was finished In1903 (doiIlcal«Hl Jnnu.iry 29, 1904), andis still In splendid condition and muchused for Intramural purpi>ses. Thewest half of the present Stagg field,known then .is .Marshall field, was Inuse from 1893 to 1899, when It wasenlargtal to It.s present size by thepurchase of an additional block oflatul and the closing of GreenwoodAvenue.In 1912, the first permanent standholding lO.OuO people was built alongthe Ellis Avenue side of the field. Atthat time, next to the Harvard SLadl-itin, it was the largest permanentstructure of Its kind In the collegiateworld. At the same time a concretewall w.as erected around the Athleticfield, which caused the envious HullCourt professors across the street toexclaim In protest. “Millions for defence but not one cent for test tubes.”In 1926, a permanent steel and con¬crete stand was built along the northside of the field which, with bleachersIn front. Increased the seating capacityby approximately 22,000 seat.s. Withthe addition of collap.sible bleacherson tlij south and e''st sidc.s, the seat¬ing capacity of Stagg field was raisedto 5.8.600.AVlth the completion of the mag¬nificent new Field House last Decern-l>er, the present needs of the AthleticDepartment are now met. This Indoorplayground Is practically the samesize as a football field with the endzones, permitting the widest range ofsports under one roof. It being pos¬sible for certain features of baseball,basketball, football, tennis, and trackall to be ,goln , on nt one time. The University’s newest athleticstructure, the 8600,000 fieldhouse atthe corner of University avenue and56til street, has been In operationsince the Christmas Week basketballInterscholastic. On Its clay floor, 60,-620 square feet In extent, a full-sizedfootball field can be laid out; or abasketball game on a regulationwooden court can go on side by sideand simultaneously with a tennismatch, a track meet, baseball prac¬tice and handball games.During the 'Winter months. In fact,a melee of sports nearly as inclusiveas this did go on. As Coach NelsN’orgren pointed his basketball squadfop Conference games on a hardwoodfloor 110 feet by 62 feet. Coach NedMerrlam was clocking his runnersand hurdlers over a hard clay track,eight laps to the mile and fifteen feetwide; Coach Harlan Orville (Pat) Pagewas drilling his infield oft In one cor¬ner; Coach A. A. Stagg, Jr. was lob¬bing and volleying on clay courts withhis tennis team; and Director of Ath¬letics A. A. Stagg was showing foot¬ball candidates the proper way to boot’em between the goalposts.Friday and Saturday nights special¬ly built bleachers se.ated up to 4,000spectators at basketball games andtrack meets. A permanent balconyseating 2,500 was In the original plans,but It h.as not yet been built.To University athletics, the newGothic fieldhouse augurs a rebirth.Candidates for football, baseball, track,tennis and liasketball can train In andout of season without conflict andwith adequate facilities. Locker roomsIstanley Connelly gave “Bud” Mar-a close race for the honor of lie-If 'he team’s most valuable man.rnnelly, a sophomore, was high pointpn .‘•wininilng In the relay, the 440-■' '’’’ent, and the 220-yard swim.J “xcels In the backstroke. Inhe helped out wherever the■-5 weakest, without thoughti: ivldual honors he may have“ by 80 doing./I , Water PoloThe tiiiverslty has always had anw.’ceptlonally good team In the water^unes^ild style water polo, water^^ketball, and the latest development^International water polo. This year’st«Jim lost the championship to Hllnolaby a score of 3 to 2. This was thefirst time the team had lost in ourown pool playing the International^ me. The gimie was a heart-breakerbecause Chicago outplayed their op¬ponents two to ope and made half adoiien attempts at scoring that missedby inches. The score should have beenmore like 7 to 3. But the team was soon edge that they could not worksmoothly enough. This was the onlygame lost during the season■rrhree particularly good players aregrtiduating this year: Captain Kitten-house, Janies McMahon, and goalguard H.il Laufman. These men willbe replaced from the snn.nd nfrot), (ioodnow. .Stein, Sachs, Bellstrom.ailkli E..I laiidaoii. Twenty ‘C’ Men FinishCareers as Maroon AthletesTwenty “C” men have already fin¬ished their competition for Chicago,and more will be added to this listwhen announcements of awards forspring sports are made.Sl.x letternien in football playedtheir last game this.fall: Captain SamHorwitz, Charles Buzzell, StanleyHamberg, Paul Stagg, Joe Temple,Robert Walsh, and Bernard Weln.Alfred Kelly, captain and “C” manin cross-country graduated after fallquarter.Captain Harry Ashley, Paul Steph¬enson, Lewis Schlifke, Kenneth Fraid-er, and Scott Rexlnger are the gradu¬ating lettennen in basketball. Rexlng¬er was also captain and "C” man intennis last spring. Everett Olson,captain and all-around conferencechampion in gjinnastlcs, as well asLouis Alvarez will be lost to the gymteam next year. George Van der Hoef,captain and only “C” man In fencingwill graduate this spring.Gordon Rittenhouse, captain of thewater-polo team, and James MsMahonare the swimming lettermen whohave seen the completion of their ath¬letics on the Midway. Fred Louisfinished his first and last year ofe«mpetitlan a.“ a nxan In wre*-tllng, while Burton Sherre will also belobt to Hi it squad,Y BOUNDnrr' in the basement assure comfortableand convenient dressing quarters for500 athletes.Members of the athletic departmentfeel that already In the brief fivemonths that the fieldhouse has beenIn operation. Maroon teams have de¬rived perceptible benefit from the im¬proved facilities. They expect that thefootball team next Fall will point theway to a new line of victorious Maroonelevens.To track stars of other Universities,notably Indiana, the fieldhouse ovalhas been the means to remarkableperformances. Henry Brocksmith,Hoosler phenomenon, set fieldhouse,indoor Conference and middlewest rec¬ords in the mile and two-mile thisWinter, while Charles Hornboestl, alsoof Indiana, hung up fieldhouse andConference indoor records In the halfmile. Brocksmlth's mark of 4:12.5indicates the track is Ideal for record-breaking performances indoorsBeside varsity teams, the fieldhouseis available for certain types of Intra¬mural competition and for physicalculture clas.ses in basketball, tennis,baseball and track. Approximatelyfour hundred students used the build¬ing every week-day during the Winter,a total of nearly 2,000 a week.In appearance, the building Is anIndiana limestone structure of Gothictype, harmonizing with other Univer¬sity buildings. During the daytime,natural light reaches the interiorthrough win-lows running nearly theentire height of the walls, and atnight electric lights provide adequateillumination for every pa-t of thearena.OEFEITS in ’32Pat Page Uses Sophomores tojFill Gaps Left by |Graduation of 7 I Gymnasts CaptureBig Ten Title for3rd Straight YearBy HARLAN O. PAGEVarsity Raseh.iH CoachThe Varsity baseball squad of 1932to date has not been Messed with de¬cent weather or many victories, butthe team is a new one and full ofambition to finish strong. From lastyear’s near-Champlons. Capt. Urban,Fish, Cahill, H. C. Johnson, Jucius,O’Meara and Tlpler were lost by grad¬uation, while Capt. elect Bill Olson,an experienced 1stImseman, becameneliglble. The line¬up now IncludesHoward and Lewi.scatching. Henshawind Page Jr. pitch¬ing, Offll or Beeks,two new men on1st, Mahoney andJohn.son two Jun¬iors on 2nd andshort, with TedDecker or JoeTemple at 3rd, andBuzzell, I-ynch orWilkins or one ofthe pitchers in the outfield.Notable games to date were an 11Inning tie at Notre Dame—6 to 6darkness. A victor.v over the Japan¬ese University. Rlkkio from Tokyo .5to 3 and a 3 to 2 opening game fromOhio State.Good pitching by Sommerfeld ofWisconsin and McN'eal of Michiganupset our var.slty but return game.swith these opponents might make adifferent Jrtory.The annual Alumni game will beplayed Thursday, June 9th on Green¬wood Field at 3:00 P. M. just previ¬ous to the C banquet. Again JohnyBoyle. Skee Bauer. LIbonate, Hap Ru¬dolph. Hoerger, Cahill, Kaplan, Ur¬ban, Fish. Norg, and Andy will setthe varsity down.Freshman prospects are being devel¬oped by Kyle Anderson, captain ofChicago's 1928 baseball team. Mostpromising men include: GordonClarke and Fred Merrifleld’s son.Levin an outfielder, Lovett on theInfield, and McMahon pitcher.H. O. P.%(iB mCK OF BESEOVES40IH OBID TEAMFighting Spirit Brings But OneConference Victory toChicago CampChicago, 12Chicago, 0Chicago, 7Chicago, 0Chicago, 6Chicago, 6Chicago, 13Chicago, 13Cliicago, 7 Cornell, 6Hillsdale. 7.Michigan, 13Yale, 27Indiana, 32Purdue, 14Arkansas, 13liiinois, 6Wisconsin, 12Charity TournamentChicago, 6 Iowa, 0Cliicago, 0 Indiana, 6 Lack of Basket Shockers andHeight Causes Poor SeasonBy DANIKL I>. IIOIT'ERVarsity Gym CoachThe squad started tiic practice sea¬son minus four letter men but withvery good prospects and were fastdeveloping Into a great team wheninjuries just about put us out of therunning. On top of this, the confer¬ence had placed a limit of six mento a team making it nece.“sary for themen to enter extra events. This rul¬ing turned out to bo a handicap in¬stead of a help and we had a hardjob placing a well rounded team intocompetition.The team started out by defeatingthe St. Louis, Missouri Y.M.C.A.;.‘?outh Chicago y..M.C.A. and OhioState University without much trou¬ble although we were using substi¬tutes to .save our cripples. IVe thenjourneyed to Minneapolis and receivedthe worst beating that any ChicagoGyrq Team has received in twentyyears. Two weeks later with a muchimproved team we took second placein a three way meet with Illinois andMichigan, Illinois nosing us out bytwo points. The conference meetcoming a week later, the boys had abig job on their hands, rose to theoccasion and won the conferencechamplon-slilp for the third successiveyear, beating out Minnesot.a and Illi¬nois in the closest race the confer¬ence has had. The results:Chicago 11 S3Minnesota 112G.3Illinois 1124.7Michigan 884.6Ohio State 796.7Iowa 540.1Capt. Olson finished ills college com¬petition in a Maze of glory, retaininghis all around championship by tak¬ing second on horizontal bar, first onrings and first on parallel bars.George M’righte, a sophomore, startedaji Olson was finishing with a finedisplay of skill and Is sure f > up¬hold the standard set by former Ma¬roon greats.Scherubel and Nordliaus deserve alot of credit for the steady perform¬ance they gave In their first Confer¬ence competition when victory de¬pended on their effort. Tjie 1933 teamwill miss Olson, Alvarez, and Adlerbut under the leatiershlp of CaptainGeorge IVriglite will he up there mak¬ing a lot of trouble for our com¬petitors.Wrestlers Have Qood Season; WinThree, Lose One Conference MeetBy SPYROS K. VORRESVandfy IVrestling t'oachThe Maroon wrestling team had oneof the most successful seasons in thehistory of the sport at the Univer¬sity. In the conference it duplicatedIts feat of last year, winning threemeets and losing one. In seven non¬conference meets, the team won threetimes, tied once, and lost three timeswhile meeting some of the best teamsIn the country.Tw o trips to the East were includedon the team’s itinerary. On the firstof these, the Maroons won from 'West¬ern Reserve university at Cleveland,while losing to a strong Penn Statesquad. During the second easterntrip the team met four teams inthree days. They won easily fromMechanics Institute at Rochester,New York, and Brown university.The Harvard university meet result¬ed in a tie and in the final meet, theMaroon grapplers lost a close decisionto Franklin and Marshall college atLancaster, Pennsylvania.In the first meet of the season, theteam was defeated by Iowa StateTeachers college, while In the con¬ference the Maroons won from Min¬nesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Illinoiswas the single conference foe handingthe Maroons a defeat.The 145 pound division was thelargest group on the squad. WallaceDyer, brother of Bill, conference cham¬pion In this weight last year, Mar¬vin Bargeman, Rlchai-d White, andBlon Howard, captain elect, were allcandidates for the team In this divi¬ sion. Blon Howard proved to lie thebest wrestler in this group, althoughthe others gave good showings ofthemselves hen placed in competi¬tion.The 155 pound cl.ass was represent¬ed by Robert Howard, Archie Hub¬bard, and John Helde. John Heideshowed exceptional ability in thesport winning his letter in his firstyear of competition. He competed Inboth the 155 pound and 165 poundclasses. Howard and Hubbard wres¬tled well when they were entered inmeets. /Captain Carl Gable showed excep¬tional ability wrestling as a heavy¬weight this year. Although only ajunior he wa.s captain of the team. Director of Athletics A. A. Stagg’sfortieth football team, hampered bylack of reserve strength but bolster¬ed by an Indomitable fighting spirit,beat Illinois, Iowa and Cornell college,tied Arkansas and lost to Hillsdale,Michigan. Y'ale, Indiana (twice), Pur¬due and Wisconsin.In practically every game theJIaroons played championship footballfor the first half, and usually scoredat least one touchdown during thatperiod. But in the second half, facingopponents with limitless squads ofsuiistitute players, the Staggmen wilt¬ed and went down to defeat by a one-touchdown margin.Battling Purdue on Stagg fieldOctober 31, Chicago led at the half6-0 by virtue of a brilliant marqh Inthe second quarter. But in the finalperiods, the Boilermakers found the.Maroon resistance weakened and putover two tallies to win, 13-6.Likewise the Maroons drew firstb ood when they met the Badgers onStagg field November 21. Sahlin scor¬ed in the middle of the first quarterafter Wien recovered a blocked punt,but Wisconsin evened the count on adeception play and put the game onice later on an end run, 12-6.But at Michigan October 10, thetables were reversed. The W'olverlnesscored twice on passes in the secondquarter, after two Maroon errors hadgiven them the ball in the dangerzone. In the second half, however,the whole team seemed to take a newinterest in the grme, and held Mich¬igan scoreless while scoring one touch¬down on a pass, Wallace to Zimmer,in the third quarter.Yale and Indiana found the Stagg¬men practically helpless after the firsthalf. The injection of Alble Booth,“the mighty atom" of the Blue, in thesecond quarter put enough life Into•Malcolm Stevens’ easterners to putthe pigskin over once in that period,twice in the third, and onqe more Inthe fourth for an ignominious totalof 27 to 0.Against Indiana on October 24, the.Maroons matched Pat I’age’s knowl¬edge of Hoosler strategy againstsuperior manpower for three quarters,only to fold up in the final spasm,when the visitors scored three touch¬downs. The final score wa.s 32 to 6,the Maroons ringing up their onlyscore in the third quarter on a pair ofpasse.s, Stagg to Buzzell and Stagg toWien.High spot In the season was the13-6 victory over Illinois at Cham¬paign on November 14, the first since1922, and the first Conference victorysince the Indiana game in 1929. Themini scored in the first period on ablocked kick, but Sahlin tied the scorewith a fourteen-yard run In the sec¬ond period. Hamberg became the heroof the hour when he intercepted anIllinois pass near the forty-yardstripe, and, with Wien and Spearingmaking Interference, loped across thegoal-line. Wien scored from place¬ment for the extra point.A mid-season 13-13 tie with Arkan¬sas, on November 7 at Stagg field,showed the Maroons at their worst.Leading 13-0 at the end of the thirdquarter, the Staggmen allowed Led¬better, Razorback half, to slip throughtwice and tie the tally single-handed.In the post-season charity gamesthe team reached the finals of thecellar bracket by beating Iowa 6-0 onStagg field In a thirty-minute gameand then conceded a 6-0 wind-up toIndiana. Meanwhile, a slippery Pur¬due team was surprising Northwest¬ern with a 7-0 trimming at SoldierField to even the Big Ten standings.Michigan shut out Wisconsin 16-0 andbecame the third claimant for the Con¬ference championship.The Staggmen split a pre-seasondouble-header on September 29. win¬ning 12 to 6 from Cornell college, anddropping the second to a fast Hills¬dale team, 7 to 0.Winding up the season -with theusual round of banquets, the teamelected Don Birney captain for 1932.Sam Horwitz, 1931 captain, was namedthe Maroons most valuable playerand received honorable mention InThe (Chicago Tribune’s selection ofthe Big Ten’s most valuable grid star.“C” men in football were: Birney,Buzzell, Cassels, Sahlin, Spearing,Summers, Tolgo, Wallace, Walsh,Zenner, Zimmer, Hamberg, Horwitz,Parsons, Stagg, Temple and Wien. By NELSON H NORGRENY’arsity Basketball CoachTlie unsatisfactory season which theMaroon basketballers experienced thisyear was due for the most part to thehandicap of a lack In height and thelack of proper distribution of naturalbasket shooters. Despite the disheart¬ening prospect of meeting teams whosepersonnel was equal at least in tech¬nique as well as having the advantageof well distributed height, the Maroonsentered each contest with a determina¬tion to win if possible. That they didnot do so was due to the circum¬stances they unsucqessfully attemptedto overcome rather than to a lack ofearnest endeavor to be worthy of theirresponsibility.The non-conference games playedIn December were not Impressive fromour point of view for with two excep¬tions we displayed under favorablecircumstances only an ordinary apti¬tude for basket shooting. The firstgame, with Bradley, was won by amargin of four points. Both teamswere using some football men whohad not had enough practice to playa consistently good game. WesternState, Carleton and Marquette provedto be too strong for us although onthe whole the games were interesting.Meeting the formidable defenses ofConference competition the offensiveflash of the Maroons in the Carnegiegame simmered down to the effortsof Stephenson and Evans and, unfor¬tunately, these two did not have their"hot” nights rlmultaneously. Closegames were played in the first con¬tests with Minnesota and Wisconsinat CThlcago. Their advantage in heightwas an important factor in their vic¬ tories. lihe Ohio SUte game hereproved to jie our only Conference vic¬tory. ThisiwaB due to the fine scoringby Evans the excellent defensiveplay of hiJteam-njates. Our next bestgame was^th Purdue, the champions.Through itbe scoring efforts ofStepnensoii we were playing them aneven gameluntil the last eight minutesof p’lay when Purdue substituted ataller center, through whom theywere ab'e to control the ball con-sisten-iy the result ■was a flurry ofbaskets thgt won the game.Stephen son, asenior, and Evans,sophomore, weretied, with 63points, for fif¬teenth place In thelist of Conferenceplayers rated ac¬cording to scoringability. The othermembers of theteam rated fartherdown the list withmuch more mod-norOBEN erate totalsNext fi-ason, for the first time atChicago, -he team will be led by co-capUins Keith Parsons and JamesPorter. The steady development thisyear of these two leaders Indicates thatthey will set a lively pace for theirteam-mates. The depletion of thesquad thiough the graduation of Cap¬tain Harry Ashley, Paul Stephenson,Scott Rexlnger, Bernard Wien, Ken¬neth Fraider and Louis Schlifke willleave as a nucleus for the team Par¬sons, center; Porter, guard; Evans,(Turn to page 12)Track Team GainsStrength; ExcelsIn Field EventsBy NED A. MERRIAMVarsity Track CoachThe early outlook for the trackteam this year was perhaps thegloomiest that Chicago has ever faced.Captain Roy Black was the only let¬ter man on the squad. The reason forthe scarcity of material was duelargely to the loss through ineligibil¬ity of almost all the track men in theclass of 1933 who were developedfar enough to be of value early thisseason.However, the team has developed,very slowly at first, but finally show¬ed surprising strength against North¬western and AVisconsln May 14, get¬ting 66 points. Wisconsin, last year’sConference winners, won 88 andNorthwestern only 20. Unlike the 1931team whose strength lay largely inthe middle and long distances withLetts, Bralnard, Nelson and Herrick,the 1932 team is very weak In thoseevents but much stronger In the fieldevents having won 26 points In themagainst Wisconsin and Northwestern.The most surprising marks In thismeet were John Roberts winning thepole vault at 12’8”, Jerry Jontry’sclose race In the 440 which he wonfrom Heyne of Northwestern, whoplaced in the Conference last year,and repeating the victory over Heynean hour later in the mile relay, andJohn Brooks’ accomplishment In win¬ning the 100 and 220 yards dashes,the low hurdles and his specialty, thebroad jump. This versatile athlete haswon 52 Vi points In three meets, twoof them triangular affairs.Several of the track and field menhave shown great improvement—Hay-don and Goodrich in the hammer, Bir¬ney In the pole vault and javelin,Wallace and Calkins and Ramsey inthe sprints, Haydon and Black In thehurdles. Richardson and Simon In themile, Waldenfels and Colville in the440 and Schnur In the shot. Wallacewas rapidly developing into a star,having twice run the 220 In 21.5, whena leg Injury kept him out of compe¬tition. While we lose Goodrich, Col¬ville, Grimes, Lewis, Ramsay andCalkins by graduation the freshmanclass should make our team a littlestronger next year because they havesome men who have ability where weare especially weak this year. OFI-MDEP’lNew Policy to Place MowImportance onIntramuraUFPaul Stagg and Davidson ShowUp Well As DoublesCombinationTRY OUR SPECIALSUNDAY DINNERSpecial Mlddle-Nite LuncheonsSelected Quality FoodJ. & C. Restaurant13 7 E .5,3th St. Dor. 103(51 PERMANENTSfor Every TypeTuesday, Friday and Saturday9 A. M. ta 7 P. M. Possibly your features demand a soft,fluffy coiffure. Then again, more rigidwaves may bast become you. Ourexperts will know.There ere many shades of hair-blende, brunette, titian, golden blonde,silvery gray—and as many differenttypes!So, it is but reasonable to believethat in permanent waving each pre¬sents an individual problem.Wa study the requirements In eachparticular case and adopt the propermethods to assure a perfect, beautifulpermanent wave. Thus you are as¬sured a permanent with personality.Phone us for an appointment . . •today.Del-Ores Beauty SalonMrs. Frederick E. Havill6656 KENWOOD AVINUETelephone Dorchester 1975 MORE MEN ENTER SCHOOLDuring the past year the number ofmen seeking admission to the Uni¬versity under the new plan has mater¬ially increased, according to WilliamF. Cramer, secretary of admissions.In the class of 1935 there were fourmen to three women admitted, whileso far this year out of the 503 alreadyadmitted to the class of 1936, 316 havebeen men. This number representsG3% of the total.Despite the business depression thenumber of applicants for admission tothe University has not decreased thisyear. So far this year 703 high schoolstudents have sought admission to theUniversity of which 503 have been ad¬mitted. Last year by this time 525 stu¬dents out of 706 applicants had beenadmitted. By A. A. STAGG JR.Varsity Tennis CoachThe .Maroon tennis team was elim¬inated by Illinois from considerationfor the Big Ten conference teamchampionship, and, although the dou¬bles team of Stagg and Davidson wasconsidered a Conference contenderthe5' were beaten in the quarter finalsof the Big Ten meet.Of six regular meets played thisspring the team had won four, los¬ing only to Illinois and Western StateTeachers College at Kalamazoo. MaxDavidson, brilliant sophomore mem¬bers of the team, won three matchesin number three position, and threeIn number two position to keep hisrecord of victories perfect.In the first meet of the season, theMaroons broke even with WesternState Teachers. 3-3. Captain PaulStagg and Davidson won both singlesand doubles, while Herman Rles andLarry Schmidt lost both.On the home courts April 27, theteam scored a 6-0 slam against agreen Loyola squad. Faced with thistype of competition, all four menshowed championship form, and Inthe next meet against a mediocreIowa t'-am, they again displayedplenty ot power, winning 5-1. Rlesand Schmidt dropped their doublesmatch after carrj-ing the fight tothree sets.Northwestern, which had previous¬ly vanquished Iowa by a 5-1 score,met Chicago May 4 on what seemedto be even terms, but the Maroonsagain ran through their north sideopponents to win 5-1. Nelson Dodge,Wildcat captain, scored their onlypoint by downing Stagg in straightsets.Illinois on May 9 handed the Ma¬roons their first and only set-back ofthe season, 5-1. The match beganon the University avenue courts andended in the field-house when JupiterPluvius Intervened. Davidson againcrashed through with a victory Insecond position, beating Crawford instraight sets. Stagg lost to Lejek,an outstanding candidate for singleshonors in the conference meet.Notre Dame arrived from SouthBend May 11 to submit to a 6-0 trim¬ming. The Dally Maroon carried theheadline. “Maroons Run ThroughNotre Dame, 6-0,” but saved the dayjournalistically by adding, "But It'sa Tennis Match.” ,Rles, Schmidt, Holbrook, and Zo-Hne took the measure of Lake For¬est May 13, 6 to 0. Other secondteam combinations beat Northwesternand Ypsllanti on May 5 and 6, re¬spectively.The first team spent p pleasantweek-end in Columbus May 15 to 17,but a thunderstorm prevented theplaying of the match. Conference In¬dividual championships were sched¬uled for May 20 and 21 at North¬western. By LAWRENCE J, SCHMIDTSenior .Man ,ger of Intramural■AthleticsAt the beginning of the Wlnte*Quarter 1932, Intramural participa¬tion in athletics was made substitut¬able for required physical culture,with the result that approximately115 men took part In I-M sports dur¬ing this quarter to apply against re¬quired attendance at physical educa¬tion. This was more or less a transi¬tional step towards elimination ofcompulsory gymnasium, which becamaa fact at a recent meeting of thaCollege Faculty.The new policy of voluntary parti¬cipation in recreative sports will lika-ly go Into effect at the beginning ofthe Fall Quarter 1932. Just whatforms the voluntary policy will takais not known at present, but Inevit¬ably it will redound to increased par¬ticipation in Intramural activities. Todemonstrate that this change is soundand beneficial will be the task offuture Intramural managers.Since its Inception eight years ago,the Intramural Department has be¬come one of the major student ac¬tivities at the University. Primarilythe Department is interested in intra¬mural athletics, but in recent yearsthe policy of the department has beenbroadened enough to permit the pro¬motion and conduct of many othefactivities, social as well as athletic.In the early years there were aboutten sports offered, whereas at pres¬ent fifteen sports are participated Inwith some repetitions in differentquarters, augmented by fencing forthose who take It in classes, and polo,pistol firing, mounted wrestling, push¬ball, and a mounted relay under th*direction of the Military Science Dept.In addition to these athletic competi¬tions, the Department has helped tosponsor and to promote such socializ¬ing activities as the billiard and pooltournaments, and debating contest*in conjunction with the Reynold*Club: the May Festival with the Priz*Scholarship Examination Committee;the Jamboree with the Student Settle¬ment Board; the Class Rush and pepsessions in conjunction with the GreenCap Club; and Freshman Week pro¬grams under the guidance of th*Dean’s office. During the past year,the Department has expanded to In¬clude a group of men interested inconducting intramural sport* at theUniversity of Chicago settlement,(Turn to page 12)under the auspices of;PENNSYLVANIA RAILROADGREAT NORTHER.N RAILRO.SDAMERIC.4N .M.4IL LINEINTOLRIST (SOVIET BUREAL)SWEDISH .4MEBIC.4N LINETHOS. LOOK. * SON, LTD.NEW IN LOOPCAFE de ALEX80 West Randolph'StreetEverything is so different—the food, entertainment,Dance Orchestra.We fe?I sure you will like this unusual cafe.Evening Dinners to 9:30 — $1.50No Cover or Minimum Charge at Any TimeCafe de Alex OrchestraFridav night is Cuban Carnival Night.Tango Contest, Prizes, Souvenirs, andMiniature Horse Races.Dancing 6:30 onFloor Shows 7:30 » 9:30 • 11:30 12:30Telephone Andover 2438Management Daniel Alexander 1:30 Tour the entire world . . . withinyour summer vacation . . . andcomfortably! Special boat trainto Seattle . . . cross the mightyPacific to JAPAN . . . CHINA . . .MANCHURIA in the Palatial“President Cleveland” of theAmerican Mail Line sailing fromSeattle July 9. Thence by specialde-luxe train of the Trans-SiberianRailroad.TH’O WEEWLS IS BISSIAThrough steppes and Cossackcities and tlie new industrial re*gions of Siberia and the Ural toMOSCOW . . . and LENINGRAD.Then STOCKHOLM, COPEN-HAGEN and BERLIN.$1,280plus rail fares ia AmericaZnfiHrt fer tecrld map and oompUiaAMERICANMAIL LINE604 Fifth Avenue, New YorkB«fton PhiUdalpliU VaiUniton Chie«(*Portland, Ore. Seettin Oe-eJaiHl Petretlor your local agent12 THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1932ALL BIOLOCyIndependent Study, ResearchGoal of All MedicalDepartments Two Premieres^ a Revival onCroivdcd Dramatic Ass*n Bill(Continued from Page 1)election of courses. The progrram ofwork of each student is arranged withthe advice of the Counselor of themajor department. If the studentelects to take the Bachelor's degree,he is required to present evidenoe ofcreditable work in all courses abovethe College level, of ability to readand translate scie.itific German orFrench, and to pass a final compre¬hensive examination in his major de¬partment and related departments..May Omit BachelorsIt Is not necessarj' for the studentto take the Bachelor's degree in orderto qualify for one of the higher de¬grees, M.S., Ph.D. or M.D.; he isallowed to organize his work withdirect reference to a higher degree asBoon as he is admitted to the Division | years, hewith the advice of the departmentalCounselor, and with the farther safe¬guard that prerequisites for the high¬er courses and for registration for re-■earch tend of themselves to preventtoo narrow specialization. Each de¬partment thus determines for studentsmajoring in it the breadth of basicand correlated knowledge that thejtudent should acquire. It is antic¬ipated that under these arrangementsffork for the Master's degree will or¬dinarily require three years after ad¬mission to the College; a researchthesis is required by all departmentsfor this degree. Similarly it is ex¬pected that the student will requirefive years after admission to theDivision in order to complete the re¬quirements for the Ph.D. degree in¬cluding a thesis constituting a realcontribution to knowledge.Those who are familiar with theprevious administration of academicdegrees will realize that more freedomand fiexlbility of programs are pos¬sible under the new regluations. Thewall of separation between graduateand undergraduate students is actu¬ally broken down, and it is inevitablethat the more serious spirit of schol¬arship in the last three years ofdivisional work, representing the oldgraduate school, should permeate in¬to the first two years of divisionalwork, which corresponds to the formerjunior and senior years. It will beInteresting to witness the effects ofthis diffusion.Work for M. I).The Division also administers thework for the M.D. degree through pre-clinical and clinical departmentswhich are all University dep.artments.Our school of medicine on the Southside is not a separate school like the !Divinity School, the Law School, etc.,but is composed of departments underthe Division of the Biological Scienceswhich have the same relationships asthe non-medical departments to theDivision and to the University. Thisunique situation among Amer A world premiere, a '.'.'ICMfO pre¬miere and a revival of an Americanplay of 1892 all found their way ona crowded dramatic bill luring theyeat^ just concluded by the UniversityDramatic association. The success ofthe year was pronounced capacityaudiences enjoying each ’Bering pro¬duced during the year, s'^-tlng withMilne's delightful comedy “To Meetthe Prince’’ in November ifil conclud¬ing with Herne’s realistic melodrama"Shore Acres’’ just a month ago.If one were to catalogue .he dynam¬ics of the Dramatic associa’Jon duringthe past year It would be somethinglike this: first, there's that rreslstibleforce, Frank Hurbur O'Ha.'t, who fin¬ished another year as dinc’.ar of dra¬matic productions. Secondly, there’sthat immovable object—forceful soli¬darity—in the persons of lour scoreDramatic association workers headedby veter.ans of four years, .Mice Stin¬nett, Pat Magee and Gilbert 'White.But, contrary to the usual collisioninevitable when an Irresi'^nWe forceforqe meets an immovable o’Ject, therewas that winning co-opera;;on whichagain carried a su< cessful vanner upand down the aisles of the Reynoldsclub theater and Mandel hall.‘To .Meet the I’rince’A. A. Milne’s "To Meet tte Prince”was offered in the Keync>lds clubtheater on November 5 ard 6. PatMagee was the prince and with thecustomary ease which has narked hischaracter portrayals in tiio vast threelid completely in o the im¬poster-inventor role around vhich Mil¬ne’s play is based. Hester Ann Thom¬as, a newcomer into the rarks of theDramatic association this year, playedthe part of the prince's wife who hadlong been apart from the activities ofher husband. Fritz Leiber. Jr., sonof the famous Shakesi>e,i.''‘“an actor,Norman Eaton, a past president of theDramatic a.ssoclation. and .Mice Stin¬nett all carried significant roles.Thornton "Wilder, whose calef ambi¬tion In life is to have Marie Dressierappear in a play he has written, fur¬nished the script for the Decemberproduction of the Dramatic associa¬tion. He publisheii a book of one-actplays in the fall, one of which,"Queens of France.'’ was accorded aworld premiere by the Dr.arnatlc asso¬ciation. The other two plays on thebill for this production were "LongChristmas Dinner." the title play ofthe printed volume, and ' 4. HappyJourney to Trenton and Camden.” Thelatter piece was received so enthusi¬astically that it was repeated In theplaybill given for the benefit of theUniversity Settlement during the Win¬ter quarter.The Wilder plays, of course, werewell attended. There were those whowanted to see the plays which came from the hand of a famous novelist,and there were those who wanted tosee how the Dramatic associationwould handle pieces which were frank¬ly written In the experimental man¬ner. "Long Christmas Dinner” was amost difficult task to perform and yetthe Dramatic asaocl.ation did a com¬mendable job, as they did on the othertwo. Henry Sulcer, Jr., Sara JaneLeckrone, Hester Ann Thomas, andCharles Tyroler did a splendid bit ofcharacter acting in "A Happy Jour¬ney.” The play was produced withoutany scenery and the stage managerread all of the minor parts. Yet thevividness made possible by the master¬ful execution on the part of the play¬ers coupled with the wit of the lineskept the audience in laughter through¬out the performance. A novel plotIdea, good costume and scenery ef¬fects, and a well-directed cast per¬formed "Queenr of France” admirably.Early in January the Dramatic as¬sociation started to work on the an¬nual Playfest bill. Previous to thenight of production no one w.as ableto say whether or not the plays wouldachieve any degree of success. ITiequestion was: can an audience witnessthe first acts of three different full-length plays, understand them andcollect definite reactions to them? Theplays were: Edward Hirsch Levi’s“Call Him Joseph”; Fred Sills’"Broke”; and Carter Johnston’s "Re-Trial.” The result was very encour¬aging. Each first act was an entity,containing enough material to hold theaudience’s Interest throughout. Theusual comment after the show was,"I wish they would put on the rest ofthose plays.”Spring Revival .Following the annual Mirror showthe Dramatic board selected J.imes A.Heme’s "Shore Acres” for the Springrevival piece. The production, whichwas given In Mandel hall April 28,commemorated the fortieth anniver¬sary of the opening in Mc’Ylcker’stheater in the loop. “Shore Acres”was picked because it served as atypical melodrama of the 90’s. Theplay, despite its poorness, was per¬formed with unusual dexterity at thehands of the Dramatic association.Pat Magee concluded his four years’work under Frank O’Hara by doingan excellent bit of acting In the roleof Uncle Nat. the part played byJames Herne himself forty years ago.A word about the members of theassociation who never come on thestage—a score of workers on produc¬tion and business staffs contributedsplendidly to insure the success ofeaqh production. Gilbert "White hasbeen an excellent president and George"Van Derhoef has made a good yearout of a l>ad one in his capacity asbusiness manager.ViMEm IS Lislean Medical Schools, which we believeto offer many present and future ad¬vantages.These departments observe the samestandard.s as other University depart¬ments. However, they have their spe¬cial professional problems, the mostserious of which, on the educationalBide, is the overcrowding of the med¬ical curriculum, which has the effectof de-Iiberalizing medical education byconfining students very largely to re¬quired time-consuming courses. Thistendency persists in spite of well-in¬tended past efforts on the part of thefaculty to provide opportunity forelective courses and free thinking onthe part of the students.Clinical DepartmentsThis consideration and others haveled to certain modifications in exist¬ing regulations, and serious considera¬tion of others. In the first place, therequirement of the Bachelor’s degreefor admission to the medical schoolhas been abolished, and replaced bydefinite subject requirements, thusplacing the M.D. degree on the samebasis in this respect as the other high¬er degrees of the Division. ^ This willhave the immediate effect of enablingstudents, who desire it, to completethe combineil academic and medic-alrequirements in seven years insteadof in eight years as at present; anadditional interne year in an approvedhospital or a year of advanceij workin some medical science, will still berequired before conferring the degree.In the second place the requirementof a research thesis for the .\I.D. de¬gree has been abolished, bur it is pro¬vided that the degree of M.D. withhonors may be conferred on studentswho submit a thesis constituting anactual addition to knowledge in addi¬tion to completing the other require¬ments with distinction. In the thirdplace careful consideration is beinggiven to the possibility of organizinga minimum of required work for theM.D. degree in such a way that notmore than two thirds of the work ofa student will be so occupied, whetherby imposition of prerequisites or byimplication, leaving one third for freeelectives, it would be expected thatthe student would utilize this freetime for intensive work in one ormore subjects. It is believed that thecritical power developed by such moreIntensive study in a given field willmore than compensate for any defectof subject matter resulting from min¬imum general requirements.The Divisional organization of theUniversity, so far from being a far¬ther separation and sundering of in¬terests within the University, is al¬ready becoming a means of re-union."We have created units few in numberthat must both think and act, so faras there is a real process of individu¬ation within them, in more generaland catholic categories than a mul¬titude of entirely independent depart¬ments. The University as a whole is^coming more conscious of the spir¬itual unity that unites all of its parts,as a te-uU of the new divisional or¬ganization. (Continurd from page 9)were cast in the poll or a vote ofmore than one-half the entire under¬graduate body. By more than a 2-1majority, students again voted downcompulsory gym. The compiled re¬turns together with a recommendationfor abolition of the existing require¬ments were submitted to Ciiauncey S.Boucher, dean of the Colleges. "Withthe Daily Maroon poll as a gauge.Dean Boucher presented a rt-commen-dation for reconsideration o' the gymissue to the College Executive com¬mittee and from there it went to thefaculty- to be upheld by a 35-22 vote.Compulsory gym itself has been apart of the college curriculum since.\. A. Stagg came to the Uni"erslty in1892 and has been responsible for in¬creasing student agitation since itsinception. In 1922 the requirementw-as lowered from four to t.vo years,and since that time its rig.dity hasl>een attacked increasingly. In theFall of 1930, increasing numbers of-students put on probation ibr failureto attend gym clr.sses, centered fac¬ulty attention seriously upon the is¬sue. At that time a recommendationwas presented by tlie Executive com¬mittee for reconsideration of the re¬quirements, a recommendation whichwas voted down decisively by the col¬lege faculty. The University Senate,upon learning of the faculty vote, re¬ferred the matter back to the collegefor further consideration but againthe movement for abolition was voteddown. (Continued from page 9)ing, a Mexican orchestra, Tipica, en¬tertained with folk songs, nationaldances and Mexican music. Added tothis were the delights of a "Night inMonte Carlo,’’ an old fa-shioned bar,ring-the-cane, and other games ofchance.With the organization of the Soph¬omore class council, plans for a dancewere formulated which resulted in theKabaray hop, held on April 16 in IdaNoyes hall. The Cloister club, emulat¬ing a cabaret, stressed the night clubmotif in the decorations and in thesmall tables surrounding the dancefloor.The Military ball, with its arch ofsabres and roses, its flag-decoratedballroom, its military ceremony andtradition was celebrated this year atthe South Shore Country club on April22. I’aul Specht and his orchestra,the first dance band to make a vic-trola record and the first band to playover the radio, played from nine totwo o’clock. At 11:30 o’clock, RobertGaren, commander of Crossed Can¬non, and Betty Parker, honorarycolonel of the University R. O. T. C.,led the right wing and Keith Parsons,member of Crossed Cannon, and JackieSmith led the left wing. Behind thesetwo couples came ten honor cadetsof the military society escorting theten women sponsors of the ball.The last big social event of the yearwill be the Junior-Senior ball for mem¬bers of these two classes exclusively. NOT AFFECTEDSTODENT LIFESimplification, ConcentrationAchieved by Dean'sOffice(Continued from page 9)maintained Itself on the campus fortwenty-two years and had grown In¬creasingly impotent and less repre¬sentative of the student body witheach passing year—voluntarily a#id byunanimous vote of its members pass¬ed out of existence. The new Studentcommittee left it nothing to do, andreplaced a politically controlled, un¬wieldy, overly-large group with anappointed, efficient, capable organiza¬tion that more closely unified studentand faculty thought.5 Proceeding, upon its task ofeliminating di^plication and cen-• tralizing authority in student ac¬tivities, the Student committee’s firstdecision was to place all Universityextra-curricular activities into one offour divisions: Dramatic and Musicalorganizations. Publications, Socialevents, and "U’omen’s organizations.Already there existed a Board of Dra¬matic and Musical organizations, act¬ing as supervisor of this bracket ofstudent projects. There is also aBoard of Women’s organizations serv¬ing in like capacity for these groups.The Student committee has now ap¬pointed a University Social Programcommittee, under the chairmanship ofa Student Social director, who nowhas the sole authority to sponsor anall-University social event, of anynature whatsoever. A social programfor the year Is mapped out by thisgroup, and a uniform policy followed.This program includes such majorfunctions as the three formal ballsduring the University year, variousminor dances and mixers, department¬al teas, novel features such as a re¬cent student art exhibit, and all othercampus activities of a social nature.Unification of PublicationsFinally, the Student committee turn¬ed its attention to the unification ofPublications — the last of the fourmajor activity divisions. This monthit brought together the editors andthe business managers of the Cap andGown, the Phoenix and The DailyMaroon, secured from them nominations of Junior candidates for the office of a Student Publisher, and withthe advice of Willi.un E. Scott, facultydirector of Publications, has now filled this new campus office. The Student Publisher will act as the executive officer of n board composed ofthese editors and business managers.He will serve as a laLson officer be¬tween the individual publications, theoffice of the Dean of students, andthe Student Committee on StudentAffairs. It will be his task to unifyboth editorial and business policies ofthe five University publications, toprovide such common services forthem as will eliminate present duplica¬tion and competition, to generallysupervise all policies and activities ofthe staffs, and to be solely ••esponsibleto the faculty and the Student Com¬mittee for the conduct of all studentpublications on* the University cam¬pus. Three of the publications alreadyhave permanent, self-perpetuatingstaffs. It becomes one of the firsttasks of the new Student Publisherto organize similarly permanent staffsfor the Student Handbook and theStudent Directory—which, until thepresent time, have l>een Issued by in¬dependent University organizations,but which now will be brought underthe single authority of the new Stu¬dent Publisher. Mirror Show, *^AlVs Fair!'*Dedicated to Fairs of '93, '33"In love. In war. In the Mirror show,‘All’s Fair!’ ” This year Mirror be¬came fair-minded, departed from thestrictly local aspect of former years,and adapted an international outlook.The entire revue was dedicated to the1893 and 1933 World’s Fairs, and trac¬ed the forty-year period which hasintervened.The seventh annual Mirror went onthe Mandel hall boards February 26and 27. It contained in the mediaof lyric, skit, and dance, a dramaticsymbol of the University’s relationto the world—a relation which be¬comes more apparent as the nextfair time approaches. How fitting,then, that Frank Hurburt O’Hara,“father of Mirror,” should have direct¬ed, created this symbol.Each year as the steps have seem¬ed warranted. Mirror has altered somephase of its organization or pwlicy soas to retain that sparkle, sophistica¬tion, and effervescence w’hich charac¬terize the annual shows. One of theinitial revues, “"Where Are We Go¬ing?” proposed a question which willalways remain unsolved, unanswered,in that the ends to which each groupaspired, once attained, only served asthe basis of another quest. Last year,"What Hoi” challenged the campusto accept an Innovation: tlie introduc¬tion of men as guest artists. It wasa daring gesture, and the combinationof men and women opened a hithertountouched vein of artistic expressionin University dramatic organizations.It is phenomenal, however, that "WhatHo!’’ met with the greatest reception,financially and artistically, that anyMirror show had been accorded.This year Mirror confirmed the newpolicy, and included a dozen men inthe CJLst. But even so, the board w’asnot content and followed that boldstroke with another: the introductionof the first University orchestra! Onlyin the current year has the Universitypossessed a department of music, andan orchestra comjiosed of student tal¬ent—both of which are under theMrs. Mina Schmidt's Costume Work¬shop furnished Mirror with the mostattractive costumes of its career.BUCKFRi SHi.VInterfraternity Council PlansRules for Deferred Rushing(Continued from page J)Sunday after the coinmenct nent ofschool in the Spring quarter and thelast Sunday prior to the Monday ofthe seventh week of the Sp.-ng quar¬ter. Each house shall ma'ntaln anopen house between the hours of fourp. m. and 8:30 p. m. All freshmenshall be invited to all houses and nofreshman shall be-requires to staylonger than he desires In ^oy par¬ticular house.Article III—Rushing PeriodA period of open rushing shull com¬mence on Sunday o' the seventh weekof the Spring quarter and shall con¬tinue until its conclusion at midnightOn the subsequent Wednesday. (1) Ex¬act dates shall be arranged by thefraternities with the freshmen prefer¬ably by mail. (2) No more than oneengagement with any single friternityshall occur on the same day. (3) Untila freshman is officially pledgee in themanner hereinafter described, a fresh¬man should not enter into an^ agree¬ment or promise concerning a pledge..\rticle IV—PledgingAll pledging shall be done in thefollowing manner: By nine a. m.Thursday of Rushing week, th* frater¬nity shall present to the Dean of Stu¬dents a list, in order of preferenceof the .iien It iB willing to p'ede* stip¬ulating the number of freshmen itdesires. A freshman who is eligible shall register in the Dean’s office inorder of preference a list of frater¬nities from which he would acceptbids. The office shall honor these bidsand acceptances according to the re¬spective orders of preference and shallaward as near, but not more than thenumber of pledges the fraternity de¬sires.Article VAny student with three or morequartei-M residence here or Its equiva¬lent may be pledged at any time dur¬ing his first quarter In residencethereafter. All other students may berushed and pledged only at the here¬tofore described time and in the pre¬scribed manner.Article V'l(1) Each freshman shall make It hisown duty to see that these rushingrules are carried out with respect tohimself under penalty of being deniedby the Dean of Schools the privilegeof being pledged either to the offend¬ing fraternity or to any fraternity.(2) The officers of the Interfraternitycouncil shall constitute, with the rep¬resentative of the Dean of Students,a committee of which the presidentof the council is chairman to consideralleged violations of the Interfrater¬nity council rules, to determine wheth¬er the alleged violation has takenplace, and to recommend to the Deanof Students the appropriate action tobe taken. Four Directing BoardsAt present, to summarize these ac¬complishments in the reorganizationof student activities, there exist di¬recting boards of Dramatic and Mu¬sical organizations, of Social activities,of Women’s organizations, and ofPublications. Each is an autonomousstudent body, responsible to the Stu¬dent Committee, and thereby to theDean of Students. The Student Com¬mittee itself ia at once a co-ordinatingand supervisory body for these fourboards, and a court of appeal forstudent opinion and criticisms directedat faculty or student policies and ac¬tivities.This. then, is the trend and thechange in undergraduate life, whichhas coincided with the inaugur.itIonof the new plan. I have already saidthat it has been a trend toward sim¬plification and concentration, andaway from duplication, Impotencyand uselessness. It has accomplishedits purpose of simplication, and hasclarified the duties of each memberleft in the simplified structure. It wasthe suggestion of The Daily Maroon inan editorial several months ago thatthere must be achieved some suchunity of control of activities—"a unitywithin a given field, accompanied atthe same time by an independence ofone field from rule by the represent¬atives of the others.” The ideal iswell on the way to achievement.Pateriiali.sin?There is but one la.st aspect of thechange to consider. The new struc¬ture as outlined above places in thehands of the University administra¬tion many of the problems and thepolicies of the various activities whichwere formerly the concern of student-elected Individuals, or at least student-faculty boards.Is It a swing of the pendulum topaternalism In student activities?Obviously the tendency has been Inthis direction. But this has been ayear of reorganization, of new policies,in faculty and student committeemeetings alike. And W’illiam E. Scott,assistant Dean of Students who sitswith the new Student Committee andwho has become the faculty membermost actively concerned in studentlife at the present time, has this tosay about the changes: "The intentof the administration is to permitstudents to participate in as manyactivities as they may desire, and toplace restraints only where adjudica¬tion between activities is necessary,where exploitation of the student bodyby any single group is possible, orwhere ethical standards are violated.”Tt a policy of TInivor-aity gnidanconot of paternalism, which permeatesthe "new plan” of student activities. May 14 saw the completion of thelast of six performances of the Black-friar’s twenty-ninth annual production.“Whoa Henry.” A fast-moving satiri¬cal comedy based on the new plan atthe University, this year’s show canundoubtedly be ranked among theBlackfriar successes.‘The book for the production waswritten by Orin Tovrov, senior in theItniversity and former editor of thePhoenix. The sixteen musical num-liers and lyrics in the show were allwritten separately by students, underthe direction of Edgar I. Schooley.director, and H. Allen Stone, musicaldirector.Edgar Schooley, head of Schooley,Inc., producers, was acting in thecapacity of director of the Blackfriarproduction for the first time this year.Ho has had a long experience in di¬recting junior league shows, legitimatestage shows, reviews, and miislc.alcomedy productions, and he last yeardirected the Haresfoot show at theUniversit.v of Wisconsin.Chet I.,aing. Psi Upsilon. was abbotof the Friars this year and the othermembers of the Board of Superiorsincluded: Enos Troyer, Beta Theta Pi;Jack Test, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; andRobert Walsh. Chi Psi. Junior man¬agers were: Louis Galbraith, Chi Psi,publicity; Alfred Jacobsen, Sigma Chi,business; Henry Sulcer, Psi Upsilon,technical: and Ralph Webster, DeltaKappa Epsilon, company.Under the abbotship of Chet Laingtwo innovations were Introduced intothe .show. I'irst was the organizationof a Blackfriar or-'hestra of leadingmusicians to furnish the music duringthe performances. In previous years,a union orchestra has been hired atconsiderable expense. Second was thehiring of a musical director to helpselect and arrange the musical num¬bers for the orchestra."Whoa Henry” embodied two actsand three scenes. Twenty distinctnumbers appeared in the show, mostof them containing dances by the threechoruses. The costuming for thisprcHluction was the most elaborate ofany Blackfriar show. The costumesused exceeded f7,500 in value.In writing the book, Tovrov attempt¬ed to fit his characters to specificpersons on the campus, who for themost part had performed in previousBlackfriar productions. For this rea¬son then, the cast of this year’s showwas made up from a number of vet¬eran performers. The hero of theshow, Henry, was played by Milt Olin,Phi Kappa Psi. He was the hit oflast year’s production with his sing¬ing of "Gangster Blues.” Rol^ertBalsley, Delta Kappa Epsilon, filledanother lead part for the third timethis year. He has played previouslyas one of the leading characters in"Smart Alec,” 1930 and "CaptainKidd Jr.,” 1931. MIRROR STARSThe new spirit which has seizedMirror gaineii added impetus whendirection of Assi.stant Professor CarlG. Bricken. Mack Evans, director ofthe University choir, trained all voicesfor the revue; and William Carroll, astudent, completed all orchestrations,more than one hundred and fifty stu¬dents desired, and did participate inthe cast, chorus, and tap, as well asin the business and production phases.It was this group of students whichpresented a show that Included in Itsscope such unforgett.able numbers as"The Ineecapable Blues Bong” thatwas •rtitl'd "Someone Who .Vpprecl-ates Me”—a number which HerbieKay still features at the Blackhawk;"Fritz” in the Orient, with Pat Mageeas Vice-President Woodward. AliceStinnett singing "It's the Gypsy inUs,” the take-off on "Mourning Be¬comes Electra”: or some of those un¬usual dance effects wliich the famousBerta Ochsner created in the seaanemone ballet, and "Fair Architec¬ture.”The machlner>’ of the Mirror showwas set in motion, a rhythm andsmartness appeared, a feeling of ex¬pectancy and stir of curiosity met therise of the curtain on the seventh an¬nual production, and when the lastcurtain closed, the chorus sang "inlove, in war, in ’33, All's Fair!” Andit was . . . for a precetient has beenset.TODAYON THEQUADRANGLES posalbllitles whlnew plan openday one of oursix major creditter.. This was {to, her very specinformed that scrules were coneout of residencetutlon or contltDiyision Leads in Change ofRequirements forAll Degrees(Continued from Page 1)been Increased; the number of formalcourses has been reduced, and a greatdeal of work formerly done by routinemethods in the class-room is now tobe done through private reading bythe student Here again the stress islaid upon the independent efforts ofthe individual student. In a word thetrend of the changes is toward intro¬ducing into the first two years of theDivision a modified form of what isgenerally called graduate school meth¬od. The accomplishment of this willresult in a situation that will be theexact reverse of present conditions.For now In a great many universitiesgiving the Ph.D. degree a large partof the so-called graduate work doesnot rise above the collegiate level.The departmental statement.s and pro¬grams in the forthcoming .\nnounce-ment of the Division outline an educa¬tional plan that is far In advance ofanything that we have had before.Now for the first time we have, super¬imposed on the two-year college, acurriculum of a purely universitytype leading, through a command of■subjects and not of courses, to thethree degrees of Bachelor, Master andDoctor. I self, and then icomprehensiveBachelor’s degr“But,” someoneonly one year olslon is requireddegrees, what UUniversity beco;an examining bthat technicallyprevent it, butbe extremely dllprehensive exartraining furnishwill in most casIt is not likelywill attempt it.tional brilliancenary training c<One of the prenew plan is thefor a broader csible under thewhile studentsBachelor’s, Masgrees along themental specialtyfollow an interdThree program:been organized:in language anof culture.The first comprehensive examina¬tion for the Bachelor’s degree will begiven in June, 1933. Although thenuml)er of students who will take itwill probably be small, there are sureto be some. They are already prepar¬ing for it. The.se are either studentsof our own who have transferred fromthe old to the new plan or studentswho have come to us with advancedstanding from other institutions. Anyold-plan students may transfer to thenew with the consent of his counselorand Dean. So far a- students fromother institutions are concerned theyare admitted with advanced standingjust as they have always been. Theymay come in with as much as threeyears college credit and uke the com¬prehensive examination for the Bach¬elor’s degree after one year (threequarters) of residence. A year in theDivision, It should be noted, is theminimum residence for all degrees(A.B., A.M., and Ph.D.). One of ourold-plan students with twenty sevenmajors of credit may transfer to thenew plan and if he chooses drop outof the University and return at theend of the year to take his compre¬hensive examination. Having had ayear in the Division he has fulfilledhis residence requirement. The stu¬dents are already familiar with the In every waycan judge fromthe new plan pin the DivisionIts various po:clearer during t33) when we shiher of studentsfrom the old pi,till 1933-34 thatdents will be svable us to deteon the basis ofVoluntaryMore IniActivitie(ContinuedUnder this projiduring the lastclubs have partfree-throwing,and track eventStarting withdent manageme:Intramural l>epfpotrftion of mudlife. The etflclerhas oftentimesdent managers iinto other posit!its policy has riumns of The Dioccasions; its iother student acions are respectof almost everyis traceable to tactually set theage the Departeverlastingly ondent desires.CAGERS LACK HEIGH*'AND B.4SKET SHOOTERS(Continued from page 11)forward: and "Wegner, guard. The pos¬sibilities of the following sophomoreswarrant their consideration as poten¬tial members of the team: forwards.Pitcher, Wilcox, Kerr and Comerford;centers, Langford and Rlch.-rdson; andfor guards, Carr, Page and Reeks.Several likely candidates from thefreshman squad bid fair to give theupper classmen plenty of competitionfor preference. Chief among theseSaikley, and Ellis; centers, Pyle, Sea-borg, and Eldred; guards, Ixivett,Gotschall, Howard, Clark and Patter-ROSALYN'SPUCECOMPLETE LUNCH 35c58th at Cottage Grove The D.iily MaroonNight editor for the next issue:Rube S. Frodin. Jr. Assi.siant: RobertHerzog..Music and Religious .‘'erviresDivinity chapel, at 12 in JosephBond chapel. ‘'Christianity's Contrib¬ution to Democracy,” I’rofessor Wil¬liam Sweet.Organ music, at 5 In the Universitychajiel.Departmental t'luhsJoint meeting of t'.ie Mathematicsclub and the I’iiysics club, at 4.30 inEckhart 206. "Connections Betweenthe Calculus of Probabilitle.s and Diff¬erential Equations. Professor Rich¬ard Courant, University of Gottingen.The Zoological club meets at 4:30in Zoology 29. "Behavior of I.solatedand Group Cockroaches on a Sim, iMaze.” .ML«s M. F. Gates.The Theology club meets at 7:43In Swift Common room. “JonathanEdwards.” Professor Artliur Mc-Giffert.MiscellaneousRadio lecture: "United States His¬tory—Recent I’eriod.” Associate Pro¬fessor William Hutchinson. 8 A. M.,on WM.\Q.The Student League meets at 8P. M. in the Social Science Assemblyroom. "Revolution.” Marx-LeninDiscussion Group.Phelps &L PhelpsCOLONIALTEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn Ave.(TKS)Where a thrill awaits thenew-c o m e r and our oldFriends are always satisfiedWonderfully good food served in a distinctive EarlyAmerican environment. Cometoday—you’ll be a frequentguest.U. of C. LUNCHEON 35cWaffles, Sa’ndwiches, HomeMade Ice Creams6324 Woodlawn Ave.For Large Party ReservationsCall Hyde Park 6324 Creetings.AliWoodworth's Book Store is now 36 )We're still dispensing books and stidries, on 57th near Kimbark. WonIn if you attend the Reunion?TO EDUCATOOur Library Department concentreice to High School and College Libyear customers in 32 different <served by us.Here is why Woodworth's shouldI—An extensive, specialized stchigh school and college lib2—If desired, many used booksplied in the college field.3—A FREE Library Poster Servletschool year to all High Schers.4—Prompt, intelligent and deperice to all.Ask for a copy of our new DiscoiSchool and College Libraries. Pretions given on your list of library bWOODWORlUNIVERSITY BOOK H1311 EAST 57th STREECHICAGO. ILL.CLOSELY BOU