NVol- 32. No. 95. Batlp ittaroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932 Price Five CentsUNIVEKSITY GKOUPleads nahon-wideIIOVEMENT TO AH)MINERS IN KENTUCKYPlan Mass Migration toInvestigate MiningRegion Alumni DirectoryHas 10,000 Names ‘SHORE ACRES'’ HAS ITS HORSE!PRODUCTION MAY NOW GO ON Faculty MembersTo Publish BooksTen thousand University alumnilive in the Chicago area, accordingto the Fortieth Anniversary issue o1the Chicago Alumni club directorypublished this week. The new direc¬tory is the first one published intwo years.\ number of well-known campusscenes and a wealth of materialabout the University is contained inthe book, in addition to a completedirectory of all the alumni in theChicago area. There are picturesof the athletic team captains andA crusade of college students, articles about sports of 19.31 andbringing truck loads of food and! former years.rluthing to destitute coal miners of The work of the University’s forKentucky, and launching an investi- ty years of existence has beengation into the conditions that exist tiaced. Details about the Alumniin the coal mining regions of the ('ouncil and the Chicago Alumnisouth, is being organized on a na- club are among the many featurestion-wide scale by a group of thirty of the directory. Pictures and deUNITE 30 COLLEGEScampus students.Van Dyke PretidentIn the face of recent forcible ejec- scriptions of new buildings are in¬cluded.tion> and physical attacks which RotUrTlS tOhave greeted other student groupsCampus After TourOf Western Citiesthat recently invadeil the miningregion of Kentucky, these men. manyof whom are graduate students hereor members of Meadville Theologicalseminary, have formed a “Studentbureau for .MfFiers’ Relief." They i .James .\I. Stifler, Chairman ofare encouraging chapters of the or- the Hoard of Trustees’ Committeeeanization at thirty other univers- on Development, arrive*! home yes-ities throughout the country, will terday after a month’s tour of thegather quantities of food and cloth- West in connection with the show¬ing during the next month, and will, ing of the film “Life on the Quadm .June, lead a mass movement of , rangles’’ to alumni and .studentinterested men into the Kentucky • groups. .Mr. Stifler left Chicagohill district. It is planned to hold a; -March 1.') and arrived in Pasadena,hearing with government officials, California, on the 23rd.rniner.s. and coal operators on the The sound movie depicting stu- By RUBE S. FRODIN, JR.A horse has been secured for theproduction of Janies A. Herne’s“Shore Acres’’ which will be givenin Mandel hall April 28! The Mili¬tary Science department has agreedto furnish the equine for the role,but failed to guarantee that the saidanimal will drink from the w'atertrough at the correct time, a featwhich is necessary for the continuityof the play.The scene in which the horsefigures is a barn yard There mustbe a pump to furnish the runningwater for the horse trough, the tech¬nical details of which have beenmastered by the production staff af¬ter a few false starts. The multi¬tudinous hum of insects and the mel¬lifluous song of birds closely con¬nected with any barn yard will allbe faithfully repro*luced by the off¬stage manipulations of instrumentsproducing displays of an acousticalnature.There are three otlfer sets to beused in the presentation of “Shore.Acres’’. Of course, the productionwould be incomplete without a “ship at sea’’ scene. Rain, thunder, light¬ning, the wind, the waves, the wavesand the wind, and the sounds pro¬duced by the firing of the ship’sguns will keep the off-stage- crewbusy for twenty minutes.Inasmuch as the play is concern¬ed with an old lighthouse keeper.Uncle Nat, the interior of the water¬side beacon will serve as a scene forpart of the play. A “Way DownEast’’ old-fashioned kitchen is thefourth set which will be constructedby the Dramatic association produc¬tion staff. In accordance with thescript an “honest to goodness’’ tur¬key dinner must be eaten on thestage. Although fire ordinances pro¬hibit cooking on the premises, pro¬visions have been made to bring in asteaming hot turkey, potatoes, cran¬berries and pies from a near by del¬icatessen. The actors will consumethe meal during the act and thenical staff after the show.The play, a melodrama of the oldschool if ever there was one, is theannual dramatic revival stagedeach spring by the Dramatic Asso¬ciation.B.W.O. WILL HOLD iSCHEYER TO SPEAKOWN GYM POLL! ON ART TOMORROW'tene, in an attempt to secure re¬lief legislation and more humanetreatment for the families of min¬ers living in these regions. dent life at the University was ex¬hibited in Denver, Salt Lake City,San Piancisco, Los .Angeles, Tus-con, Huston and Little Rock. The Claim Revision, Not Abolition] Renaissance Society WillIs Department Need Sponsor LectureMavnard Van Dyke, a .student in . audience attending a show-the Divinity school, is president of' "’^ere 2009the bureau and leader of the move-1 •‘'tu<l^nts attended. Alumni group.of approximately 100 in the audi¬ences witnesses the film in each ofthe cities at which Mr. Stiflerment; Donald Thompson, a studentof .Meadville Theological seminary,is its vice-piDesident, while Frank•Manning is the executive secretary.The attitude of coal operators to¬ward unemployed or striking min-.rs, which ha» involved the with- Tech, I'nnaran, Sciipps .4ttzona andholdinit of relief aupplie, for their Ri" Tveh Mr. .Stifler was met withinterested queries itbout the newplan. All of the college men withwhom he talked expressed admira-•stopped.In visits to the University ofUtah. Leland Stanford, Caliiforniafamilies, the defeat of relief legisla¬tion for miners, and an extensive at¬tempt to prevent all outsiders frominve.stigating the conditions thatprevail, has motivated this projectupon the part of University stu¬dents.Predict MaM Movement•A similar inve.stigating group fromColumbia university was severalweeks ago prevented from entering GETSthe coal mining counties; last week, ^ C r%D A A'everal students and the president ^ AK i vlIN L/lxAlVlAof Commonwealth college, in Mena,■Arkansas, were Arst beaten and then Dr. F'red Eastman, professor ofdriven out of the region by coal op- religious literature and drama in theerators and local authorities. Chicago Theological Seminary, hasQuestioned' yesterday as to the | received over 210 letters from allmeans which will be used to avoid ! parts of the country as the result of(Continued on page 2) an article in the * Christian Cen¬tury’’ of March 9 entitled “How totion for the work being done atChicago. He stopped at the Inter¬national house in Berkeley, Cali¬fornia, where one of the three in-(Continued on page 2)DR. FRED EASTMANREPLIES TO‘Red’ Propaganda isSubject of Debate The Board of Women’s Organiza-!tions will hold a poll among ITniver- *I.sity women on tie question of abol- jition or retention of the system of |compulsory gymnasium. This course |was determined after the Students iCommittee on Student .AtTairs sane-1tinned the B. W. O. resolution that 'Ithe Daily Maroon poll was unfair inthat it offered no middle course.The Board feels that many who |voted for abolition in the Maroon |poll would rather have voted for a imodification of the present require-1ments of the gym department, andwould do so if a chance were giv-1en. Therefore, the ballots will have jthree statements, I am in favor ofabolition of compulsory gymnasium;I am in favor of retention of com¬pulsory gymnasium; and I am infavor of the retention of compul¬sory gymnasium with modifications.The poll will be held Wednesday,Thursday and Friday . Ballot boxeswill be placed in Ida Noyes hall, inCobb hall and will be distributed tothe woman’s dormitories. LorraineWatson, member at large of B. W.0. is chairman of the committee in icharge of conducting the voting. Her jassistants are Esther Weber, secre-:tary of W. A. A. and Evelyn Rit-tenhouse, member at large of the |(Continued on page 4) | The Renaissance society is spon¬soring a lecture on modern art byMadame Galka E. Scheyer, Californiaart critic, tomorrow^ night at 8:30at the Oriental Institute. MadameScheyer W'ill discuss “The Blue Fourin the Art of Today and Yesterday’’illustrating her talk with slides andpaintings. The Blue Four: Fein-iger, Jawlensky, Kadinsky and PaulKlee, painters of international re¬pute, have recently exhibited theirwork at the Chicago Arts club. TheRenaissance Society will show theirpaintings in Wieboldt 205 from.April 16 to 19.The Society will present an illus¬trated lecture by Daniel CattonRich, associate curator of paintingat the Art Institute, on Wednesday,April 20 at 8:30 in the Oriental In¬stitute.Both lectures will be presented bythe Society through the Rue Car¬penter Arts Club Memorial Fund.This fund was established in recog¬nition of the work of Mrs. John Al-den Carpenter, wife of the promin¬ent Chicago composer, in advancingall the arts in Chicago. Her nameis known internationally as artcritic and patron of the arts. Thefund is available to the Art Insti¬tute, the Field Museum, and the va¬rious art organizations of the Uni¬versity, among which the Renais-(Continued on page 4) Three books by University of Chi¬cago professors are in the processof publication at the UniversityPress.Professor WiTTiam A. Nitze, headof the department of Romance Lan¬guages and T. Atkinson Jenkins,professor of History of the FrenchLanguage, have collaborated to pro¬duce the first of two volumes on“PeiTesvaus, the High History of theHoly Grail”.A college text on “Projective Dif¬ferential Geometry of Curves andSurfaces’,’ by Professor Ernest P.Lane of the Mathematics depart¬ment, will be ready in June.The third book, by TheodoreYntema, professor of statistics inthe School of Commerce and Ad¬ministration, is entitled “A Mathe¬matical Reformulation of the Gen¬eral Theory of InternationalTrade”.Ruhinson AwardedPrize for Paper onLeague of Nations.Adolph Rubinson, president of theCosmos Club, was the winner of acash award of twenty-five dollarspresented to him by Clark M. Eichel-berger, director of the League ofNations Association, for the be.st pa- ipaper submitted in a contest con-'ducted by the League Associationrecently. Mr. Rubinson’s winning pa-per, ‘Political Disputes Settled bythe League Council’ , illustrated thesteady progress and achievement of ^the Council since its inception. It iwas selected by a committee com- jposed of Professor Quincy Wright, \Frederich L. Schuman and Mr. Eich-elberger.Commenting on the paper, Mr. iEichelberger said, “Mr. Rubinson iperformed a real piece of intelli- jgent scholarship in his article “Polit- jical Disputes Settled by the League jof Nations Council.” He not only joutlined these disputes but showed |knowledge of the evolution of the 1League of Nations as the years have jgone by and as it has perfected itstechnique. I hope it will be readwidely by people who really wish toknow how the League of Nationshas settled a very large number ofinternational disputes”. I-F COUNCIL ELECTSWHITNEY, MCGUIGAN,ABBOT, FINNEGAN ASOFFICERS FOR YEARMEDICAL FACULTT*GROUP TO ATTENDBIOLOGY MEETINGKill Religious Drama.” Dr. Eastmaninterprets these as indicating an in¬creasing interest in the drama bythe churches. !Resolved: “That communistic! In the article. Dr. Eastman iron-■propaganda should be suppressed in ' ically described the average churchthe United States”, will be the sub- production where the children act.Ject for^a dehate tonight in the Rey- the choir director manages, thenolds club. Room A. The debate equipment is less than nothing, and'Ponsored by the Debating union will the play itself is not worth puttingJake the form of an open forum in j on. If some such proceedure is fol-1which any University man who is ! lowed and a sermon added, pointinginterested in any phase of the ques- the moral Dr. Eastman predicts aJion may take the floor and express quick death for church drama,hi'^ views. Through a survey conducted inErik Wahlgren, chairman of the the middle west it was shown thatleliating union, will take the nega- a large majority of the churches’ ' e side of the question because he produced plays with an average of |feels the question is not one of the 3.2 plays per church. Most of them*>ierits of communism but one of indicated as their purpose “the in-1’'e(‘(lom of speech and unhampered' spiration of the audience”; yet only:' Npression As long as the Com-' 28 per cent had any kind of per-1^unists do not damage property manent equipment for production,they should be allowed to express i Dr. Ea'stman believes that modern 'Jf't’ir convictions. The surest way ^ American churches can achieve' re-:f^trengthen the movement is to i suits comparable to that of the i•orce it under cover for “Hidden fires ^ Greeks or of Canterbury cathedral jburn the deepest”, he said Conimun-1 if the drama is cultivated and giv- j' should stand on its own meiits en adequate equipment I Dr. Waples Reports Marked IncreaseIn Reading Activity Throughout EuropeReading activity in Europe hasbeen considerably accelerated in thelast few years. Dr. Douglas Waples,Professor of Library Science, saidyesterday. Dr. Waples has just re¬turned fi'om a seven months’ studyof popular reading abroad.“The worse the times the morethe average man reads,” ProfessorWaples said. The reasons for thisliterary activity, in writing as wellas reading, is due to the attempt toforget surrounding miseries and toundei’stand the economic and politi¬cal situations which are facing thepeople. Dr. Waples endeavored todiscover what contemporary ques¬tions most interested the ordinarycitizen, where he got his readingmaterials and how the stress of re¬cent years had affected the charac¬ter of this reading.It is interesting to note the dif¬ference in the reading tastes of thepeople in the socialistic countries and those in the capitalistic regions.The socialists are reading intensive¬ly and seriously on economic ques¬tions, while in the more or less cap¬italistic countries the reading be¬comes less intense and less serious.“The most socialistic are at pres¬ent the most miserable, but theyknow what they want and they arelooking for solutions through read¬ing. Reading interests are clear-cut, there is more writing, and thepublishing and distributing of read¬ing matter is relatively more profit¬able commercially than in capital¬ist countries. This is also due inpart to the more efficient organiza¬tion of the publishing industry inthe socialist countries.“Everybody reads in Moscow. Theonly thing that is harder to get intothan a Moscow street car is a Mos¬cow book-shop. This is due partlyto a real hunger for ideas, partly to(Continued on page 2) Thirteen members of the Univer¬sity medical faculty will attend theannual meeting of the Federation ofAmerican Societies for ExperimentalBiology, from April 27 to 30 at theUniversity of Pennsylvania.The University members going to ithe meeting include: from the De¬partment of Surgery, Drs. Lester FDragstedt, Charles B. Huggins, andH. E. Hammond; Department ofPhysiology; Drs. Anton J. Carlson, jVictor Johnson, Ralph Gerard,Broda O. Barnes, I-^uis Katz, andArno B, Luckhardt; Department of iPhysical Chemistry and Pharmacol¬ogy; Drs. Fred C. Koch, and HenryB. Van Dyke; Department of Pedi¬atrics; Dr. Fred Schultz; and De¬partment of Pathology; Dr. EsmondLong.The Federation comprises theAmerican Physiological society, the.American Society of BiologicalChemists, the .American Society forPharn^aeology and ExperimentalTherupeutics* and the .American So- jciety for Experimental Pathology.According to Dr. Arno B. Luck¬hardt, secretary of the .American ,Physiological Society, the program ofthis society alone consists of onehundred and fifty-two papers with.forfy-two demonstrations. The otherprograms will also include a number |of papers and demonstrations. Twenty-Five ChaptersVote for EightCandidatesPASS QUARTERLY DUESRoss Whitney was last night elect¬ed president of the Interfralernitycouncil at its monthly meeting inthe Reynolds club. Other officerselected at this time included: Gard¬ner Abbot, vice-president; FrancisFinnegan, secretary; and Dan Mc-Guigan, treasurer. Ross Whitney is'a member of Phi Delta Theta, Gard¬ner Abbot a member of Delta TauDelta, Francis Finnegan is a mem¬ber of Sigma Nu, and Dan McGu’-gan is a member of Alpha TauOmega.Two NominatioiuThe vote was peculiar this year'in that only two nominations weremade for each office. Jerome Jon-try was nominated with Ross Whit¬ney for president. The count ofthe ballots gave Whitney a 14 to10 majority. The closest ballotingof the evening was for the positionof vice-president, between KeithParsons and Abbot. The count was13 to 12.Edgar Goldsmith and Finneganwere the nominees for thesecretar3’ship which Finneganwon 15 to 10. The final voting wasfor the position of treasurer, be¬tween Dan Stok and Dan McGuigan,which the latter won 14 to 11.All but one of the campus’stwenty-six fraternities were repre¬sented at the meeting. The DeltaUpsilon representative was the onlyabsentee. Because one representa¬tive was late, only tw'enty-four vot¬ed for the office of president. Alto¬gether thirty-seven were present atthe meeting.The only business transacted atthe meeting besides the election ofthe new officers concerned thequarterly dues. It was moved andpassed that no fraternity dues becollected for the spring quarter be¬cause of a surplus in the Counciltreasury.OfFicert Take ChargeThe new officers took charge assoon as they were elected, and themeeting was adjourned after a no¬tification of the business that was tobe transacted at the one remainingmeeting of the year. At this timethe Council will make plans for theannual Interfraternity Sing heldeach spring in Hutchinson court,and they will also complete plansfor the pabfieation of a handbo*to be sent to the entering Fresh-(Continued on page 4)Tea Dance FormallyOpens Cloister ClubThe formal opening of the Clois¬ter club, which replaces the refec¬tory in Ida Noyes hall will be cele¬brated by an all-Univers5ity mixerand tea dance Friday from 3 to5:30.Jerry Jontry’s five-piece orchestrawill play. Tables will be placedalong the sides of the room forthose who do not wish to dance allthe time and tea, priced from fif¬teen to thirtj' or forty cents, will beserved.This tea is being sponsoi’ed by theUniversity Students Social commit¬tee under the direction of Jack E.Test, in an attempt to set a prece¬dent for other student organizations,which may do the same thing.Other members of the committeewhich sponsored several all-Univer-sity mixers during fall quarter areSara Gwin, freshman. Ora Felton,sophomore, JeiKome Jontfry, MollyMason and Eleanor Wilson juniors.»"ws!a35srs»ss^P&ge Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932Oilj? iatlg litarcun liiliiliili:iiiliiliiiFOUNDED 11; 19011 THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE' UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO“J Published morning-s, except Saturdey, Sunday and Monday,J during the Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters by The Daily' Maroon Company, 6831 University .\ve. Subscriptio,n rates $3.00per year: by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Single copiea, flve-centaeach.No responsibility is assumed by the University of Chicago for'I 4iny statements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for anyI contracts entered into by The Daily Maroon.i Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post' ofTice at Chicago. Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.j The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all right of publication1 •of any material appearing in this paper.Member of the Wt'stern Conference Press AssociationLOUIS N. RIDENOUR, JR., Editor-in-ChiefMERWIN S. ROSENBERG, Business ManagerMARGARET B3GAN. Asst. Business ManagerJANE KESNER, Senior EditorHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr., Sports EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSMAXINE CREVISTONRUBE S. FRODIN. JRBION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEfAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSONELEANOR E. WILSON BUSINESS ASSOCIATESJOHN D. CLANCY. JR.EDGAR L GOLDSMITHSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSSTANLEY CONNELLYWM. A. KAUFMANWALTER MONTGOMERYVINCENT NEWMANEDWARD SCHALLERSOPHOMORE EDITORSJANE BIESENTMMELVIN GOLDMANWILLIAM GOODSTEINEDWARD NICHOLSONROSEMARY VOLKMARGARET MULLIuAN BETTY HANSENROBERT HERZOGDAVID LEVINEEUGENE PATRICKROBERT ALVAREZJANE WEBERNight editor: Rube S. FrodinAssistant: Robert Alvarez i The Travelling Bazaar}BY FRANK HARDINGTO THE NEW PRESIDENT OF THEINTERFRATERNITY COUNCILFor some time, you will be elated over yoursuccess in getting the job of president, one alwayshotly contested. Why that job should be hotly jcontested has always been one of the major cam- jpus mysteries, unless it is because of the fact that!the president of the Interfraternity council gets to Ilead the Interfraternity ball and to take a trip to iNew York city to gather ideas for his council to |discuss and reject. Before long, however, you |should have recovered from the election and beready to do some real work.There will be plenty for the Interfraternity ■council to do next year. The advent of deferredrushing will mean that a good many more rulesthan have been observed in the past in connec¬tion with rushing will have to be rigidly enforced.It won t be easy for you to see that these rules areenforced fairly, without fear or favor; it is, indeed,a nasty job, but one that you ought to tackle ifyou intend to be a sincere and an honest presi¬dent.\our work, you will find, will be complicatedby the fact that no one has been much interestedin the ■ ‘work’’ of the Interfraternity council in thepast, with the result that a number of houses willnot attend your meetings at all, and others willsend over sophomores in order to avoid payingthe fine for non-attendance. This lack of eageranticipation of all the meetings of the council saveth ose on which elections are being held is easilyexplained; lor the presidents of fraternities are jusually relatively busy men, and so little is ever ■done in Interfraternity council meetings. The so- jlution is equally simple; if the meetings should be- Icome meaningful — and nothing but your ownefforts can make them so—you will find thatfraternity presidents, who are the ones who shouldattend your meetings, are beginning to come.You will be pretty discouraged by the generallethargy and inactivity of the group of which youhave been made the head, and your first impulsewill probably be to let things take care of them¬selves, not extending yourself at all. There are,however, a number of things which ought to betaken care of, and intelligently taken care of, thisfall. Some of them are:1. Honest and strict enforcement of the rush¬ing rules as they have been adopted this year.2. Revision of these rules in the light of nextyear’s experience.3. Adoption of some method of keeping dis¬honest salesmen and solicitors out of fraternityhouses, by licensing the honest ones or some sim¬ilar scheme.4 A careful consideration and discussion of theplace of fraternities in the reorganized University,with special consideration of the financial futureof the houses which already exist on the campus.There are a number of other avenues of activ¬ity for the group, but you may be sure that noneof them will be pursued unless you definitely takethe initiative and do some work. Don’t be con¬tent to be called “another politician”; do somework; great will be your reward in heaven. Con-•vrafiliations and good luck.—L. N. R., Jr. What will a Phi Bete Key open anyway?But that’s aside from the question for whatwe are concerned with is the fact that LukeGalbraith has a document which from all ap¬pearances states that he is a member of thatdistinguished organization (Sour Grapes!That’s what we get for being an unappreciat¬ed grind). Luke has a very nice letter fromFrank O’Hara congratulating him on havingmade Phi Bete. Luke has never receivedanything from Mr. O’Hara but condemna¬tion and has never come near Phi Bete, buthe thought the letter was very nice, so he hadthe thing framed. , The trouble rose from thefact Mr. O’Hara told his secretary to writea letter to Louis Alvarez and the secretarywas so accustomed to writing letters to Lukethat she got things balled up.4(1 VAnd the funniest thing we saw today wasan occurence over in Cobb in which a quar¬ter was dropped on the floor with a very dis¬tinguished ring. Some fellow immediatelypicked it up from under the feet of many peo¬ple and started to return it to some one. Heasked about three girls if they dropped it andeach one shook her head; and everyone elsehe asked felt the same way about it. Final¬ly we decided that since he was so determin¬ed to get rid of the darn thing and we beingso thirsty we claimed the small object as ourown. Be darned if he didn’t offer to give itto us. But, our conscience saved us just intime.¥ * * UNIVBtSITY CROUPTO BRING AID FORKENTUCKY MINERS(Continued from page 1)similar results when the Universitygroup enters Kentucky next month.Van Dyke stated that he believedthe great number and widespread in¬terest which would attach to theproject would as.sure them a hear¬ing. “Our primary motive is to bringrelief in the form of food and clothing to the.se families. Secondly, wewish sufficiently to dramatize, andto reveal information about, th?seconditions that will result of in gov¬ernmental action.”Students from Harvard. Univer¬sity of Pittsburgh, Univei'sity o'Michigan, Boston university. Carnegie Institute, University of Penn¬sylvania, and Union Theologica’seminary have already expressedtheir desire to join the Chicagogroup.Stifler Returns toCampus After Tour(Continued from page 1)stitution.'^ in, America of a similarnature are located. The recentlycompleted building on the Midwayand one in New York (*TIy are theother two.The work of exhibiting the moviiin'the middle west is being carriedon by Kenneth Rouse, whose workis part of the program on development of the University. Dr. Waple ReportsIncreased ReadingActivity in Europe(Continued from page 1)social pressure and partly to th^fact that the more intelligent com-rade.s have little else to do with their1 rubles.“If a workers group, whether ibe office workers, waitei-s or labor¬ers, finds that no manual of prac¬tice for its trade exists, it may callupon the State publishing organiza¬tion to produce one. The Union ofSoviet Writers is a mo.st efficientand prolific unit of the ('ommunistadministration. The censorship bu¬reau has three rules for its veto:nothing counter-revolutionary; nothing mystical; nothing pornographic.“The problem novel, which dis¬cusses current social issues, has hada great vogue in Germany. Everyphase of the unemployment situa¬tion is treated in novel form, indus¬trial clashe', nationalism versusrace, religion versus politicos, the sc.\’problems of the millions of youajpeople who cannot afford to marry,housing, tariff.^, and all other causeof distre.ss.Europe may very well emergefrom its pre.sent condition more lit¬erate and cultured than when itwent in. because of the use of en¬forced leisure for reading and <lis-cussion. Professor Waples said.Other diversion.s cost too much.America has mucTi to learn in the matter of making reading materialparticularly material concerning so.cial problems, available to the ordinary citizen, he believes.Swank/kjaiurjes XL newcollar holder andtie klip in theEnglishPin ideaHILL’S CAFETERIA63rd and Woodlawn Ave..'\l»ayt Reliable for your Breakfaat,Luneh or Dinner.General Price Reduction inkeeping with the times. TYiese newest and smartest ofdress assets crossed the ocean toadd the London style touch toAmerican collars and ties. Withtheir large, swagger, coiled ends,they look like English pins—butthey're not pins at all—they slipon easily—hold securely.At $m*rl m»n’$ thop§ mtd irmtUrt $J.OO upWalt appointad draM aaaata baar th* nam.SWANK—JiuigaM oi cocractnaaa—guarantorof quality.SWANKDress Assets for MenCOLLAR HOLDERS - TIE KLIPS - EVENING SETScorr LINKS - COLLAR lUTTONS - COLLAR PINS• • . • kum-a-part kufp buttons - - - -“What Should we do now Mr. Zilch?”45 « «IDon’t forget the Kabaray Hop and all the jgingerale that is bound to flow! jLetters to the EditorMr. Louis Ridenour, jEditor, Daily Maroon, IDear Sir: |Your recent statement of opinion concerning !the removal of Mr. Harris from the editorship of ,the Columbia University daily was characteristic iof your paradoxical efforts to be both conservativeand different. ,The admission that you did not know enough ■about the case to comment on it was admirable,and should have been a complete and sufficientstatement. Your further remarks, however, inwhich you refused to sympathize with Harrj.s, andsupported the action of the University in dismiss¬ing him, branded you as one of that annoyingclass of persons who are different for the sake ofbeing different. Certainly the natural response ofmost other college daily editors was one of sym¬pathy with Harris’ action and aims, but to takethe opposite stand, without factual basis or re¬flection, and merely to differ, reflects no creditupon your dignity as an editor or thinker.Your approval of the administration’s judg¬ment, as over against, that of Harris, marks youas a panderer to administration demands. Per¬haps Harris was in the wrong, but to accept theaction of a conservative institution, anxious tomaintain certain vested interests, without know¬ing the whole story is indicative both of a hide¬bound outlook and a desire to gain approbationfrom university officials. In the last few years theDaily Maroon has become a kind of rubber stampfor the University’s official acts and expressions ofTolicy. Even educational institutions may be inperfect, and some medium of criticism is neededto insure healthy growth as opposed to stagna¬tion. A college daily, it seems to us, is the idealvehicle for such expressions.Without a doubt, it would have been muchmore to the respect of the Daily Maroon, not tohave been childishly different and unduly favor¬able to university administration activity, as it was.but to have been completely non-commital, as thesituation required.Bernard Sang. “Hello, Hawaii 99Bringing Hawaii within speaking distanceof the United States is one of the latestachievements of the Bell System in its pro¬gram of telephone service extension.Five years ago the United States had tele¬phone connection only with Canada, Cuba,and the Mexican border. Since then, Bellengineers have so developed radio telephonythat handling calls to Europe, South America, Australia, Bermuda, Samoa, and Hawaii isdaily routine. Today more than 31,000,000telephones can be reached — approximately92% of all the telephones in the world!Making the telephone practically world¬wide in reach promotes understanding be¬tween nations. It has far reaching effects com¬mercially and politically. That’s what putsthe thrill into such Bell System pioneering.BELL SYSTEMA nation-wide system of intb r.connecting tblbphonbsTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 14, 1932 Page Three'•nt hundred nineteen teams awaitI ill beginning of matches today in jfirst round of the Intra-mural'I'Mihles tennis tournament, accord-i'lir to Frank Carr, manager of the j'port Play will he conducted on"II ' liniination basis, with all teamsl"'ing in the first round eligible forI'cmsolation tourney. A deadline'^ill be set for each round beyondwfiirh games can not be extended,\rith a penalty of disqualification>oi both teams doing so.I-M Tennis GetsUnder Way TodayChesterfield Radio ProgramMON. & THUS. TUES. & Ml. WEO. 4 SaT.Bosweu Aiex ruthSisters Gray ETTINGIO:30p.m.E.S.T. 10:30p.m.E.S.T 10p.m.E.\T.SHIIKRET'S ORCHESTRA every night but SundoyNORMAN BROKENSHIRE. AnnouncerCOLUMBIA NETWORKTheGrandstandAthletebyHERBERT JOSEPH JR.T n E “EVENTS TROPHIES”.vh T the trackmen at Wisconsinuo! in our opinion, quitea or.'ireable institution. They arehioMZt placques, donated by form¬er Biulper track stars, to be award¬ed ar.nually to the best man in eachtia> . and field event. The membersnt the W’isconsin team battle for thefourteen placques now in existencewith zeal ju.st slightly less than theydo for the Conference titles.<:nce these trophies were put incompetition seven men have wonthem in their specialties for three..^iieees.'ive seasons. Charles McGin¬nis, the Badger one-man team of26, and 27, won the highjump and high Tiurdles placques forthree years, and in addition won thepol, vault award for two years, notcompeting in that event as a soph¬omore.*****WE HAVE A REPORT that fiftyPurdue men have taken up archeryin a big way. The sport has been puton the Intramural schedules, annow its popularity with the men isthreatening to outdo its favor withthe women. Now arching is some¬thing wo might do well in here.What say we start it up here, andtht n get the Big Ten to take it up.and then be champion.s in it before■.omebody got started proselytingarcher- and put us at the bottom. PAGE NINE DROPSDUU CONTEST TODAVENPORT, 9 TOOGather Only Two HitsTo Eleven forVisitorsBOHNEN TO CUTGOLF SQUAD AT •TRYOUT MONDAY Chilled by a penetrating north ^w’ind and perplexed by the slants of 'a pretty fair pitcher, Pat Page’s jgrey-shirted baseball team dropped |a listless game 9-0 yesterday a**^er- |noon to the Davenport, Iowa, pro¬fessionals of the Mississippi Valley |league. The Maroon.s garnered only |two scratch hits to the visitors ^eleven. iPage started a number of secondstring men yesterday to break themin for the regular season, which be¬gins Saturday at 8 when the Ma-roons face Notre Dame on Greenwood field. On the mound were 'Langford, who allowed ten hit< i *seven innings, and Straske, whogave one in two innings.OfTill started back of the plate, |but was relieved by How'ard. wh('accounted for one of the Maroonhits with a scratch single in theninth. Decker, who began at third,.shifted to ^hort to replace Johnson.Beek.s. an aspirant for pitching hon¬ors, covered first until Joe Templeentered the game to knock the otherMaroon blow in the seventh. iPat Page Jr. filled in for Wilkinsin left field. Zimmer in right fieldplayed throughout the contest, dis- Itinguishing him.self by a ‘heautifn!diving catch early in the conte.stLynch handled the center gardenduring the entire game. Track SquadPrepares forMichigan Meet jWith the first meet a week* from |Saturday, Coach Ned Merriam faces jthe problem of rounding a mediocreindoor track squad into a contenderon the outdoor cinders. The Maroons ,face a strong Michigan State team iat Ypsilanti on April 28. jIThe Chicago team will again lack |all-around strength, although the jadded events will provide an outlet ifor some additional talent. Coach 'Merriam will have an abundance ofgood dash material, with Wallace,Calkins. Jontry, Brooks, and Ram¬say— w ho just returned to eligibil-1ity—covering the shorter routes.Wallace looked good yesterday run¬ning thiough a 220 in :22.Captain Roy Black will not be asgood over the 120 yard highs as hewas over the indoor distances, butBrooks wilt add strength in the 220low’s. Brooks ran :24.2 as a fresh¬man last year without any competi¬tion. He will also have the broadjump a consistent event outdoors,and is good enough to w’in mostConference meets. Haydon and(loodrich will also provide morepoints for the Maroons when thehan>mei-throw is included among theevents, Jontry, who ran a :51.8(luarter mile yesterday without ex¬erting himself will place highsteadily, hut the Maroon strength inthe longer races is very much lack¬ing. .Moore and Nicholson in thehalf. Richardson in the mile, andGroel)e in the two mile have pos.si-hilities, but will have to cut theirtime.s down to he considered con¬tenders. PSI U., TAU DELT, BADGERS, PHIB. D., AND MEDICS WIN I-M GAMES fifth inning the C. T. S.’s wereahead 5 to 3 but weakened to letthe Medics take the game.« Game Tomorrow ’3:15—Deke vs. Kappa Sig |The third day of Intramural play- ’ground ball saw victories by Psi jUpsilon, Phi Beta Delta, Tau Delta ;Phi, Medics, and Badgers. All Igames were in the first round. |Psi Upsilon swamped T. K. E.,13-0 in a lively and somew’hat hum-1orous game, featured by Biud Rat-1clitfe’s dancing around between 3d'and homo in an attempt to rattle the .opposing pitcher. The Psi U’s started hitting in the second inning when ithey garnered four runs, went!strong in the third inning when sixmen crossed the plate and then tookthings easy for the vest of the game.Aldrich and Baker were the con¬sistent bitters for the winning team:the Tekes left theirs at home.In another 13-0 rout. Phi BetaDelta defeated Sigma Alpha Ep¬silon. Red Bublick, the pride of thePhi Betes, had the S. A. E.’s so haf-fied with his fast tossing that theywere unable to score. Pitcherpitched for the S. A. E.’s.Tau Delta Phi managed tosqueeze out a 7-6 decision over Al¬pha Sigma Phi. At the beginningof the sixth inning the Alpha Sig.«were ahead by a 6-4 margin, but inthat inning the Tau Delts push'across three men to decide thegame. The bright spot of this gamewas -Andy Brislen’s urging on hicohorts. Danforth of the Alpha Sigs was high point man at bat.In another corner of the lot theBadgers won from the Ramblers byan 8-2 score. The Badgers lead wasnever seriously threatened but theycontinued to add to their score unti'the end.In the best played game of ti^eafternoon the Medics nosed out tb'^Chicago Theological Seminary by tscore of 7^ to 6. At the end of theIMPROVE YOUR DANCINGAttend Clas-ses atTERESA DOLAN STUDIO6307 Cottage Grove AvenueMon. & Wed. Evenings at 8:00 o’clockAdmission 6(ic Phone Hyde Park 3080Private Lessons Any Day or Evening Warner Bros.FROLICTheatre — 55th & Ellis Ave.STUDENT CUT-RATETICKETTHIS COUPON AND 25cPRESENTED AT THEBOX OFFICEFrolic TheatreEntitles bearer to one admission anyday including Saturdays and Sundays.Ciooii until April 17.Wed. & Thurs.. April 13-14•TRAPPED IN A SUBMARINE”Jian Harlow “3 Wise Girls”Ruth Chatterton“TOMORROW—TOMORROW”All on One ProgramFRIDAY NIGHTMARYLAND CAFEFond Excellent - Prices LowChinese - Ameeican Restaurant846 E. 63RD STREETCom,)leieBreakfast 15c - upLuncheon 25c - upDinner 35c - up .0\1EGE MiOiEnjoy a riot of pleasure duringafter-theatre supper at Chicago'smost popular night-club.DON PEDRO COUEGIANSwill play dance music smoking hotDANCING Daily till 1 A. M.Saturdays till 2:30 A. M.Broadcast over KYW — N. B. C. ChainWednesday Night is Celebrity NightA UVELY FLOOR REVUENOCOVER 'CHARGE in the MORRISON HOTELCLARK AND MAOlSON STREETS NOK COVfff. CHANGEThe fif-st try-outs for the golftciim will be held next Monday atiiiympia FieliLs, Robert Bohnen, golf' aptain announced yeaterday. Thetir>t cut will he made at this time -"f the thirteen candidates that re¬ported for the team at a recent meet jIIIL'. !The candidates , for the team in-j'lioie: Edward Mauerman, PaulSinth. Harry Baker, Robert 'Howe. I•lack .^mucker. Burton Young, PaulStiphenson, John (’oilman, Louis• I-?. Herman Chill, Rufus Reed, and |t'M'i lA'.saman, !Four meets have been scheduledO' • nitely according to Bohnen. and( V. ial more will he arranged. The’ ■ meet is a iiractice affair withI vo’a, April 9. The first conferenceI ' o’ is .scheduled for May 2 with• ■ ' a at Iowa City, and the otherare Illinois here May 9 and< onference at Minnesota, May ■nd 21.FRESHTENNISBALLSarc what you want^and we get themfresh every week.* < u varieties to choose from.35c and 40c.and they ARE FRESH'Yoodworth’t Book Store. 1311 E. 57th 8T.OPEN EVENINGSPHONE HYDE PARK 1690Near Kimbark Ave. The ciqarette that's MILDER . .. that TASTES BETTER.^^ O 1932. Dggitt Sc Myols Tobacco CoPage Foul THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY. APRIL 14, 1932NEW IN LOOPCAFE de ALEX80 West Randolph St.Everything is so different—the food, entertainment.Dance Orchestra.We feel sure you will like this unusual cafe.Evening Dinners to 9:30 — $1.50No Cover or Minimum Charge at Any TimeCafe de Alex OrchestraFriday night is Cuban Carnival Night.Tango Contest, Prizes, Souvenirs, andMiniature Horse Races.Dancing 6:30 onFloor Shows 7:30 - 9:30 - 11:30 - 12:30Telephone Andover 2438Management Daniel Alexander 1:30Del-Ores BeautySalonMrs. Frederick E. HavillPARISIAN CHIC•Approach your evening’s social ac^iviti**with the assurance, poise and allure of thetrue Parisienne.No need to show the fatigue of businesscares or shopping hours. Come to our beautysalon for revivifying, toning, okin and com¬plexion treatmenU—there will be a newsparkle in your eyes—the glow and charmof youth will be yours—delicate, delightful.Tuesday, Friday and. Saturday9 A. M. to 9 P. M.5656 Kenwood AvenueTelephone Dorchester 1975OH KAY!HERBIEWE ARECOMINGWe know ihe Blackhawk is themeeting place of Chicago students.DORIS ROBBINS and JACK LAWare our favorites. When DorisRobbins sings the house goes wild.The atmosphere is just what welike. The cuisine cannot be beat,and best of all we are insured of anexcellent time at a reasonable price.No Cover or Minimum ChargeThe BlackhawkWabash and RandolphWANTED (iirl to do 3 hours ofhoust'work in exchange for roomand board in private home onSouth Side. Miss Robinson.FOR RENTAM. RMS. $3.60 a wk. 2 rm.suites $7.00. First callers getschoice on this new plan. 3 sm.tme. 13.80 a wk. S02S inglssidcAve. W'ANTEl) Man to work fourhour.4 per night as night watch¬man in exchange for meals. Mustrent riKim in hotel. Mr. Kennan.WANTED -Girl to wait tablesin neighborhood restaurant from12 to 1 and 6 to 7 in exchange formeals. .Miss Robinson. ELECT OFFICERSFOR YEAR TOI-F COUNCIL(Continued from pace 1)man men.This handbook will contain thenew deferred rushing and pledgingrules adopted at the last meeting ofthe Council, as well as one page de¬voted to each fraternity. This pagewill contain a writeup of each fra¬ternity with pictures of membersprominent on the campus. TOD A Yon theQUADRANGLESB. W. O. Will HoldIts Own Gym Poll(Continued from page 1)Board.In the poll conducted by the DailyMaroon last week, the women voted331 to 186 in favor of abolition o'the present system.Scheyer, Art CriticTo Talk Tomorrow(Continued from page 1)sance Society is mo.st prominent.It is used to secure lecturers who areoutstanding in their fields and whiwill present “the liberal and mod¬ern point of view on any of thearts.”BEAUTY HINTSProbably one of the most seri¬ous hindrances to a woman’s beautyis difficulty with blackhead.s—yet acomplexion cannot achieve flawHess-ness until such blemishes are elim¬inated. Much can he done by theindividual to remedy these defects,but she should consult her beautyspecialist to find fne cause respon¬sible for the blackheads if she is tobe sure of a reliable treatment.Once the proper treatment is pre¬scribed, it should be followed care¬fully, and milady’s skin troubles willspeedily show improvement. In gen¬eral. careful washing of the facewith a mild toilet ^soap and lukewarm water, followed by a dash ofcold, or a quick application of ice,will prevent minor ca.ses of black¬heads.But when the blackheads which arealready in the pores do not comeout with slight squeezing, then yourbeauty specialist should be consult¬ed so as to avoid bruising the skin.She can then give you a series o^facial treatments which will remedythe condition.Is Your “House”PHONOGRAPHKeeping Up Withthe LatestRECORDSLet That Be a LeMon lo YouWhat a LifeSing a New SongLo and Behold!by COON^ANDERSRhymes, Parts I and 11by JACK HYLTONBetween the Devil and theDark Blue SeaGems from “Cat and theFiddle”Love, You Funny ThingToo Many Tearsby GUY LOMBARDOYon arc aheays welcometo stop in and hear the newrecords. Xo obligation.LYON & HEAIYWOODLAWN STORE:870 East 63rd St. The Daily MaroonNight editor for the next issue:Warren E. Thompson.Undergraduate ClubsThe Interclub council meets atnoon in Ida Noyes hall.The Debating Union meets at 7:30P. M. in Room A, the Reynoldsclub. “Resolved: That CommunisticPropaganda Should Be Suppressedin the United States.”Tarpon tryouts at 5:15 in IdaNoye.s natatorium.Ida Noyes .Auxiliary. Ida Noyesmemorial dinner. At 6 in Ida Noyeshall.Federation of University Womenmeets at 8 p. m. in Ida Noyes ha'l.Blackfriars’ rehearsal. Chorus at2:30 in Mandel hall. Rapp, Balsley,Bradley, Brown at 5 in Mandel hall.Cast at 7:15 in Reynolds theater.Music and Religious ServicesDivinity chapel, at 12 in JosephBond chapel. “Lives of Power: Rob¬ert Louis Stevenson.” Professor FredEastman, the Chicago Theologicalseminary.Organ music, at 5 in the L’niver-sity chapel.Departmental OrganizationsModern Language students’ tea.•At 4 in Wieboldt Common room.Surgery seminar, at 8 A. M. inBillings S 437.The Physics club, at 4:30 in Ry-erson 32. “Reflection and ResolvingPower of Calcite for X-Rays.” As¬sociate Professor Samuel K. Alli¬son.Le Cercle Francais, at 4 :30 in theFrench Hou.se. Causerie. .A.ssociateProfessor Henri David.The Bacteriology club, at 4:30 inRicketts North, room 1. “Impres¬sions of Health Conditions in Jam¬aica.” Dr. Edwin O. Jordan.MiscellaneousWestminster club tea. Professor B. G. Nelson will present a programof readings. At 4:80 in Ida Noyeshall.Socialist club, at 8 in Social Sci¬ence Assembly Room. “Life, Liber-1ty, and the Pursuit of Happiness in ^Kentucky”, by C. B. Ellis, editor of j“Industrial Workers”. IThe Military club wHl meet at j7:30 in Bckhart 133. Major T. J. J. IChristian will explain the war filmsto be exhibited.Radio lectures: “United States!History—Recent P?Tiod. The Rule ofthe Stalwarts, 1869-76.” AssociateProfessor William Hutchinson. 8 .A. ,M., on WMAQ. “Readings.” AllenMiller. 10:45, on WMAQ. lPublic lecture: “Life Insurance:Life Insurance Policies.” Associate 'Professor'S. H. Nerlove. 6:45, in theArF Institute. EXPERT TYPINGCorrect form and accurate typiuK or,abort or Iohk papers.Open day or evenint.MULLEN TYPING SERVICE1326 K. 57th 8t, Dor. 2496HERE BOYS!1004 RESTAURANTGOOD MEALS35 and 40 Cents• • also . •55, 65, and 75 CentsSpecial Sunday ChickenDinner 65 CentsTable d'Hote dinners1004 Elast 55th St.Graymont HotelKchwoikI District Convenient to Univcr.sity and Shopping DistrDINING ROOM SERVING EXCELLENT FOODI Home Cooking Kxrlnsively) at Keasonahlc Ka*es in ConnectionWe Cater Especially to Fraternity and Club AffairsCheerful Well Furnished Rooms at Extremely Low Rentals$7.00- 12.50Radio In Each' Room - Full Hotel Service - 1032 E. 46th StTHE MUSIC BOXCottage Grove at 64thChinese - .American KestanranfDINE and DANCEMusic hyCarl Schreiber and HisRoyal TroubadoursFull Course Dinner, $1.00NO COVKK CHARGEFor Reservations PhoneFAIrfax 5322Picture Yourself in Paris.... Sitting at the Cafe de la Paix,and watching the world pass by.You will meet everyone youknow at this cosmopolitan cafe.People from every country willbe around you — a most inter¬esting place..... Or exploring the out of theway places of the Latin Quar¬ters shrouded in mystery..... Or strolling the Boulevards, the Avenue de L’Opera, the Rue deRivoli, or the Champs Elysees, filled with interesting sights..... And don’t forget such places as Malmaison, favorite home ofNapoleon and Josephine, Notre Dame, the Louvre, Bank of France,/the Sarbonne, and the Palais de Luxenbourg.It doesn t cost much to be at all these places this summer. 38days cost, including all expenses, $353.00 and you travel the Canupus Way — designed to meet the special desires of the CampusTraveler. For further details, seeTed Curtiss University of Chicago RepresentativeDaily Maroon Office Lexington HallHours, 12-1 P.M., 3-4 P.M.Campus Tours, Inc. 310 S. Michigan Ave.Harrison 8633