Vol. 32. No, 76. Bailp illaroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932 Price Five Centfdean works namesNEW COMMITTEE ONSTUDENT AFFAIRS TOREPLACE OLD BOARD Cooperation ‘OnlyKey to Education \Hutchins Asserts Guide Mirror’s Seventh RevueEight Undergrads FormBody to RegulateActivitiesfour senior membersTlu' nowly-crcatod Student Com¬mittee on Student Affairs was ap¬pointed yesterday i)y Georpre A.Works, Dean of Students and Uni¬versity Kxaminer. Fupfht underprrad-iiates were named to take theirplaces on the organization whichsupplants the Board of Student Or-iianizations, Publications and FLxhi-bitions, which was abolished hy theI'niversity Senate ten days ajfo.I.awrence Schmidt, Chet Lainpr,Marprart't Efran and Elizabeth Mer-riam are the four Senior memhersof the committee. Rube P'rtxlin, .Tr.,and .Molly Mason are the .Juniorrepresentatives, while F'uprene Fos¬ter and Rosemary Volk are mem¬bers from the Collejfe. One graduatestudent will be added to the c«>m-mittee later.Makeup of CommitteeSchmidt is a Senior manager ofIntramurals and a miember of theHonor Cornmi.ssion. I>ainp: is abbotof Black friars. .MiU'Afaret E>ran isa.'Sistant business manajft*r of TheDaily .Maroon, while Elizabeth Mer-riam is the president of Y. W. C.Frodin is an associate editor of TheDaily .Maroon and Molly Mason is amember of the .Student Social Com¬mittee. Eujrene P^oster is on the.Sophomore Class Council. RosemaryVolk is a candidate for Federationcouncil.This new committee i.s empow¬ered to reprulate student affairs andsuiTTrest chanAres in the policy of the1 niversity toward various campusorganizations. Faculty members, whowill sit on the board in an advisorycapacity, will have no voting jTower.rh(‘ leArislation of the committeewill he under the jurisdiction of theiJean of Students and the .SenateHoard on the Coordination of Stu¬dent Relations, which will be ap¬pointed Monday.The Senate BoardReplacing the old Board of Ad¬missions and the Board of Physical• ulture and Athletics, as well as thefaculty constituent of the Board ofDivanizations, the Senate body will<fcal with matters of University leg¬islation and settle differences ari.s-■LilT in the Student Committee.There will be an alumnus and an•dumna on the Senate board.The Student Committee on Stu¬dent .Affairs will be the mediumthiouAfh which differences arising-among campus organizations may be>ettled. The size of the body willLoiicdiate prompt action in matterscoming before it.It was not stated yesterday whateffect the appointment of this com¬mittee will have on the status orcontinued existence of the Under¬graduate council—only remaining^fadent governing body. “An educational system built onI cooperation is the only way to il¬luminate the educational scene forour people.’’ This was the keynoteof the speech given by PresidentRobert Maynard Hutchins before the’ Department of Superintendence ofthe National Education Association^ at its meeting in Washington yes-, terday.I’resident Hutchins declared thatthe work of all of the educationalenterprises in the United States isinter-dependent. He said: “The uni¬versities may develop ideas in high¬er education of striking symmetryand beauty; they are futile unlessthey penetrate the public schools.The integration of the elementaryschool and the high school has re¬sulted in great savings of time andmoney. Only through similar in¬tegration of the high school and thecollege can the problems of generaleducation be solved.”School* Unjustly ScoredP'eeling that public schools arereceiving undue injustice because oflocal political situations, he said:"We hear a great deal about frills.What are they? They appear to beteacher-s’ .salaries in some cities. Theplain fact is that the schools a.eunder attack because it is easier toget money from them than is is tocorrect the fundamental iniquitie-and antiquities of local govern¬ment.”Expressing the viewpoint that thebranches of education as generallyestablished today are dominated bythe “section” above them, PresidentHutchins maintained that the no in¬stitution can flourish unle.ss it i>free to determine its own ideals andits own methods of achieving them.He said: “If one thing is clearit is that the primary purjiose ofthe high .school is not to preparestudents for the colleges and uni¬versities. Hy behaving as though itwere the colleges and universitiesrepre.ss Ahe high schools, and to thatextent weaken themselves by weak¬ening the educational system towhich they themselves belong. Thegreat task of educational adminis¬tration in -America is to take theorganization above off the neck ofthe organization below. Our sloganmust be cooperation, and not dom¬ination.” “ALES FAir BOWSTO CAMPUS TONIGHT-SEVENTH PREMIEEIN MIRROR HISTORY1 50 Students ParticipateIn Cast, Chorus,ProductionFRANK O’HARA DIRECTSBarbara Cook Berta Ochsner Jane KesnerOchsner IntroducesDaring Effects in^^AlVsFair^^ BalletAtice Stinnett I Frank Hurhurt O’Hara >-1These experieneed students anddircetors hove united their talentsfor manij ireeks to produce a polish¬ed, ])rofessional Mirror revue.ALL’S FAIR’ IS TRUE TO MIRRORTRADITION, SAYS FORMER STARROBERT E. SPEERSPEAKS IN CHAPELSUNDAY MORNINGWeisse GivesFinal Talk TodayHans Weisse, noted compos-"ill conclude a series of lec-fuio.s at the University today with ak on “Problems of Rhythm,” toPtiven at 2:30 today in the Social‘Lienee assembly room. Wednesday^ di.scu.s.sed “Harmony and Count-*■'point in the Living Organism ofa Musical Work.”Weisse’s compositions have^'’^Ouently played by European.j and American audienceshear his works in New Yorkyear. He is a pupil of HenrichLt foremost theor-", present he is a lecturerColumbia. Robert FL Speer, .secretary of the |Board of Foreign Missions of the [Presbyterian church, will be the jspeaker at the chajiel services Sun- jday morning.Dr. Speer comes to the campusas an authority in the field of for¬eign missions; he has been activein interdenominational missionarywork since 1891, having been as¬sociated with Sherwood Eddy andJohn R. Mott in various internation¬al missionary projects. Dr. Speer isa gracluate of Princeton university,and has received degrees from Yaleand Rutgers. Although a layman, hehas a D. D. degree.P’rom 1920 until 1924, Dr. Speerwa.s president of the Federal councilof Churches of Christ in America,and from 1927 until 1928, he serv¬ed as Moderator of the Presbyterianchurch in America. BY GERTRUDE BROMBERGMirror ha.s grown so fast in thepast seven years that it is almostimpossible to recognize the timidinfant that came into being in 1920.The uncertain voice that once ak-ed, “Where Are We Going?” nowfirmly and confidently .says, “All’sP’air!”Watching the dress rehearsal lastnight, I thought back to a similarevening seven years ago, when agroup of sketches, songs and danceswere being welded into a somethingthat was a.s yet only an idea;—amusical revue of, by and with thewomen of the University. How aston¬ished we were when Mirror act¬ually proved tp be a success!Now, Mirror is an established in¬stitution. In the proceSvS of its evo¬lution, it has kept many of its orig¬inal ideas, and changed many. Chiefamong the changes, of course, isthe admission of men into its cast.But es.scntially, it i.s the same,an expression of student and cos¬mopolitan life as the student seesthem.“All’s Fair” is a typical Mirror show. It is timely; in fact, it is justa step ahead of the times. With theWorld’s Fair as its nucleus, it goesas far back as prehistoric times to.show us what Club Girls might havebeen like in one of the good old ZoicAges; takes in the Revolutionaryperiod to explain the real reasonwhy Washington Crossed The Dela¬ware, modernizes on the thealre ala Theatre Guild, and brings us backto Chicago and its favorite showspot—the Shedd Aquarium. Andthose of you who have taken thedear relatives about our^ fair citywill enjoy the latter .skit to theutmost.Mirror has never attempted toajie the big musical revues thbt ap-liear in loop theatres. Jt has a styloand purpose all its own. And thestudents who write for it, act in itand work for it have been trainedto perpetuate its aims each succeed¬ing year. Each Mirror seems to bea step ahead of its predecessor insome way. .At least, that* i^TiKe'wayI have found the seven-i Mirrrtri pro¬ductions that have h^ep| m’^ented(Continued on pue 2) Mirror has altered its policies this |year in four distinct phases of its |production—in the adaption of more jelaborate costuming, in the dance |arrangements, in the presentation of 'a student orchestra, and in thepublication of a score.Variety is the costume key-notefor “All’s Fair” in style, color, andi fashion, for the ballet and tap! chorus, the men and women of thej cast:The “architectural” ballet wearsI straight trousers, and heavy jersey, shirts with bright scarlet sleeves;eight of the costumes are in deepgray tones, the other ten in black,repre.senting the steel girders ofWorld’s Fair buildings.Shades and tints^ of green, color Ithe waves and anemone for the seaballet; they are tight of sleeve andbodice, flowing of skirt. The tap jchorus has a basic costume of black jand white knitted sweaters, whiteflannel skirts.The “Theater Guild Production”adapts co.stumes of the Civil W’arin the manner of O’Neill’s latestdrama.... and Pat Magee wears ababy hood. Another scene show.*;Norman Eaton and Francis Mayer- jOakes garbed in Prince Albert frock 'coats. .A take-off on Vice-president iWoodward’s trip in the Orient pre- jsents Pat Magee in a white ducksuit, carrying a white umbrella;others wear white sailor suits.Berta Ochsner introduced daringeffects for the dance numbers: prob¬ably the most outstanding ballet of(Continued on page 4)Y. W. HOLDS FIRSTSENIOR WOMEN’SDINNER TUESDAYENGLISH TESTSAll applications of students de¬siring to take the English placementtests, to be given March 5, must befiled with the Bureau of Records be*fore March 1. The tests are opento all undergraduates, includingthose who have failed the formerEnglish 103 Exemption tests. Stu¬dents who pass the test on March5 will fulfill the English require¬ments for the Bachelor’s degree. Students Speak atInternational MeetingIn an effort to promote a betterunderstanding of the problems andcharacteristics of the countries ofthe world, the International Stu¬dents association is inaugurating aseries of talks concerning foreignlands at its regular supper meetingSunday night in Ida Noyes hall.Mr. H. K. Karl of Korea, Mr.Hans Almgren of Sweden, Dr. FelixBrummer of South Africa and MrG. A. Pacheco of Bolivia will givefifteen-minute talks on the customs,government, politics and traditionsof their respective countries. Nosuch program has been given duringthe past two years. Hold Funeral ServicesFor Mrs. Moody'TddayI! -iDiM IFuneral services for MifS. J'V’C’illiamVaughn Moody, widow of the Uni¬versity professor, poet, artilt andplaywright, will be held this*‘after-noon in the Moody home ftt 2970Ellis avenue. Charles W- .,.Gill<ey.dean of the University chapel, willofficiate. Mrs. Moody died' of bron¬chial asthma in her home Mondaynight, after a short illness. /,» »Mrs. Moody came to Chicago in1899, and became an instructor inEnglish at the Hyde Park highschool. Mr. Moody, former professorof English literature at the Univer¬sity and author of “The Great Di-.dde,” died in 1910. In an effort to promote a unifiedclass spirit, the Y. W. C. A. has in¬vited all Senior women to dinnerTuesday at 6 in the sun parior ofIda Noyes hall.Ten hostesses representative oiwomen’s organizations will presideat the dinner. They are: RuthAbells, chairman of the Federationof University women, college aide,and member of Phi Beta Kappa;Barbara Cook, production managerof Mirror, and college aide; Mar¬garet Egan, assistant business man¬ager of the Daily Maroon, and mem¬ber of the Senior Executive coun¬cil, and the Chapel council; MargaretHill, president of W. A. A. and col¬lege aide; Sylvia Friedeman, chair¬man of B. W. O., Senior aide, mem¬ber of the undergraduate council;Jeanne Hyde, member of B. W. 0.,college aide, and upperclass coun¬sellor; Elizabeth Merriam, presidentof Y. W. C. A., Member of the Se¬nior Executive council, and PhiBeta Kappa; Betty Parker, memberof the Mirror board, honorary col-(Continued on page 4) BY MAXINE CREVISTON“In love, in war, in the Mirrorshow, ‘All’s Fair’!” That is thepromise of the 1932 Mirror, whichcasts its reflections tonight and to¬morrow night from Mandel stage, ina panoramic view of the World’sFairs—1893 to 1933.The Mandel hall curtain rises at8:30 tonight on an all-student revue,a revue which has, essentially, di¬vorced itself from all campus tradi¬tion, and “gone gadding” into theworld, for here is more than a meresurface of collegiate sophistication:the .scenes shift from the local aca¬demic situation, and the down-townaquarium, to the cave women ofancient, prehistoric periods, on to atouch of the days of ’77 and thespirit of W’ashington, a jaunt inthe orient, a breath of the ocean,fair architecture, and again returnto the quadrangles.Fifty-one In CastA large personnel produces thisseventh annual Mirror show: twelvewomen, and an equal number ofmen “guest artists” compose the castof Mirror revuers; eighteen womenform the ballet; there are six Mirrortappers; three percussionists. Produc¬tion and business phases have beenmanaged respectively by BarbaraCook and Jane Ke'sner. Nine wom¬en head the committees; approxi¬mately fifty others are committee-members. There are nineteen mem¬bers of the Mirror student orchestra.Some nineteen graduate and under¬graduate students ha’ve contributedthe skits, lyrics, and music for therevue. In all, more than a hundredand fifty men and women, under¬graduates and alumni have been re¬sponsible for tonight’s premiere.O’Hara DirectsFrank Hurhurt O’Hara, “fatherof Mirror” since its inception, anddirector of all dramatic productions,has directed “All’s Fair”, writtenlyrics and skits. The international¬ly known Berta Ochsner has createdthe more spectacular dance numbersin the show. Mina Schmidt, headof the Costume Workshop, super¬vises all costuming. Mack Evans,,director of the University choir,trains the voices, and with CarlBricken, chairman of the new de¬partment of Music, assists with themusic. Charles Buckley conductsthe first University student orches¬tra that has ever played for a cam¬pus production. Barbara Cooktrains the Mirror tappers.“All’s Fair!”Extend Time LimitFor Poetry ContestThe time limit within which poemsmay be submitted in the competi¬tion for the Fiske Pi-ize in Poetryhas been extended from March 1to April 1.The John Billings Fiske Prize wa.«.established thirteen years ago byHorace Spencer Fiske in memoryof his father. Any graduate or un¬dergraduate student at the Univer¬sity is eligible to compete for the$50 award.George Dillon, author of “Boyin the Wind” and “The FloweringStone”, and a.lfred V. Frankenstein,musical critic and author, have wonthe prize in the past.P&ge Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932iattg i®ar00nFOUNDED IH 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday,during the Autumn. Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 5831 University Ave. Subscription rates $3.00per year: hy mail, $1,50 per year extra. Single copies, flve-centaeach.No responsibility is assumed by the University of Chicago for |any statements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for anycontracts entered into by The Daily Maroon.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postoffice at Chicago, Illinois, ur.Jer the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all right of publicationof any material appearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationLOUIS N. RIDENOUR, JR., Editor-in-ChiefMERWIN S. ROSENBERG, Business ManagerMARGARET EGAN, Asst. Business ManagerJANE KESNER, Senior EditorHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr., Sports EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSMAXJNE CREVISTONRUBE S. FRODIN. JR.BION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSONSLEANOR E. WILSON BUSINESS ASSOCIATESJOHN D. CLANCY. JR.EDGAR L. GOLDSMITHSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSSTANLEY CONNELLYWM. A. KAUFMANWALTER MONTGOMERYVINCENT NEWMANEDWARD SCHALLERSOPHOMORE EDITORSJANE BIESENIHMELVIN GOLDMANWILLIAM GOODSTEINEDWARD NICHOLSONTASULA PETRAKISROSEMARY VOLKMARGARET MULLIGAN BETTY HANSENROBERT HERZOGDAVID LEVINEEUGENE PATRICKBERTHA BAKERROBERT ALVAREZJANE WEBERNight Editor: Warren E. ThompsonAssistants: Goodstein and GoldmanFriday, February 26, 1932EDUCATION AND TRAININGOnly recently have we run across an idea inAbraham Flexner’s excellent work on “Univer¬sities,” which impresses us profoundly. We area little disappointed that we did not have the witto formulate it independently. The thesis to whichwe refer is that training in technologic or manualskills has no place in a modern university. Oneof the prime businesses of a university is to pro¬duce educated men, and true education means abroad and deep cultural foundation—an acquaint¬ance with movements of thought and an abilityto think for oneself — the power of seeing thewood in spite of the trees. Once a given individ¬ual has attained this true education, argues Mr.Flexner, it will be a simple matter for him to ac¬quire a veneer of skill in certain activities whichlater life requires of him.Schools of journalism, of domestic “science”,of library “science,” of physical education, Mr.Flexner condemns unreservedly. TTie quotationmarks are his. America has been a pioneer land,and still retains the pioneer spirit. Almost any¬one can become anything: the bright office boyat forty is at the head of a thriving business; anobscure country lawyer becomes president. Yet,it is pointed out, the whole of American educa¬tion is based upon the opposite idea; viz., thatof training, in as short a while and as efficienta manner as possible, men and women to holdparticular jobs and to enter particular trades andprofessions. It has often been our feeling, and apparently itis also Mr. Flexner’s, that men who have earnedtheir Master’s and Doctor’s degrees in other de¬partments must look a little askance at the titlesof the theses offered for higher degrees in HomeEconomics. Some of the most frequently quotedare: “Photographic Studies on Boiled Icing. ‘AnAnalysis of Paring Knives in Terms of Time andMaterial Wastes in Paring Potatoes," and “ATime and Motion Comparison on Four Methodsof Dishwashing, ” all of which have been offeredfor the degree of M. A. at this University.The schools of journalism and of domestic sci¬ence have been cited at greater length merely be¬cause they are typical of the type of instructionwhich has grown out of the modern confusion ofeducation with training, and because, as Mr. Flex¬ner says, “as an inevitable result of the untimelyinvasion of the practical and immediate, they illu¬strate the low intellectual level at which the col¬lege may operate. I say ‘may’, for the same col¬lege which gives one youth a course in kinesio¬logy’ or ‘scoutcraft’, gives another the opportunityto study any substantial subject under thoroughlycompetent guidance.”—L. N. R., Jr.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifliuniiiinuiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiMSiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliuI The Travelling Bazaar jI BY FRANK HARDING jA little boy walked in to the Alpha Delthouse the other day with a basket of fudgeon his arm in the hope that he might be ableto sell some. He couldn’t get rid of anythere, but he was given a letter of introduc¬tion to the Prexy; a letter that read, “Thisyoung man is working his way through col¬lege in search of higher education and wethought you might buy some of his candy.Yours for a belly-ache, (Signed) Sam Eells,Hamilton ’32. A little later the small boycame back with a book under his arm whichthe President had given him . On the titlepage of the book, which was “Art and Edu¬cation,” was inscribed ‘‘Yours for a merryeducation, from Bobby Hutchins, Yale ’21.”« « ¥A young fellow by the name of GeorgMann who lives in the dorms was recentlytaken very ill, and had to be sent to the hos¬pital. A short time after he had gone theword got around of his death, so, of course,the members of the dormitories went intomourning. They draped his room, put hispicture in the window, had In Memoriamnotices printed, and prepared a funeral sup¬per. After everything had been all madeready, however, some medic student decidedit might be a good idea to call up the hospi¬tal and confirm the death report. The hos¬pital then gave out the information thatyoung Mann was much better, not dead atall, and he would soon be back on his feet. .In other words the reports of his death hadbeen greatly exaggerated.* ♦ ¥It is not presupposed that, when the appropri¬ate occasion arises, an educated woman will becapable of learning how to feed, bathe, clothe,and care for a baby; the whole process of hereducation at the university level is halted in orderthat she may be taught the proper methods fordoing so, “probably,” Mr. Flexner says with histongue in his cheek, ‘‘by spinsters.” It is nottaken for granted that a young man who has hada broad humanistic education and has learned towrite his native language with dignity, clarity, andaccuracy, who has learned habits of properthought, will succeed as a journalist. No, thetraining recommended for him is that of a schoolof journalism, which interrupts the developmentof his cultural and educational background toteach him the fine points of proofreading, makeup,and news writing (which last is, first and foremost,writing of good English, and need not be learnedin a school of journalism). When he has ad¬vanced a little, he will learn the proper techniquefor book reviewing and dramatic criticism—thisfor men whose first-hand acquaintance with booksand drama is little, if at all superior to that ofthe average senior in high school. A man with aneducation can turn his hand to anything; andmost of the skills which are taught in the schoolsnamed above could as well be taught in small !technical institutions to persons far below the col- |lege level. It is no part of the university’s business !to waste its time and spread its resources thinner |by administering su'rh training under its aegis and jat its own expense. John Elam had a rather unfortunate ex¬perience at the dedication of the new OhioState swimming pool. John was playingwater polo when some husky fellow missed astroke and broke the straps that held onJohn’s bathing suit, and the whole shebangslipped off without anyone noticing it. Whenthe whistle blew John stood up at the shal¬low end of the tank and fifty girls jumped inafter him.•p « «And speaking of swimming pools. ChuckRobey of the Sigma Chi house set what mightbe a new world s indoor record by swimmingfor half an hour in the Ida Noyes tank withnothing on but his birthday suit.}(■Someone please ask Pompeo Toigo whatmade him laugh so hard in Mr. Wilder’s nineo’clock yesterday... If this weather keeps upthe profs can start expecting the usual springcuts. We saw Caroline Brooks was startingthe black and white shoe season already. . ,Harry Moore says the weather has him outwriting poetry and essays on D. H. Lawrence.In winter Harry writes essays on D. H. Law¬rence. . .The Phoenix is right about God notbeing an Alpha Delt, for Jesus is a Phi Gamlegacy. . . The Esoterics are about to followup the Kappa Alpha Theta sorority by boy¬cotting Japanese tea. . .If you want to findout how dry colleges are just try workingyour way through one by selling hip flasks.// I “All’s Fair” True to |Mirror Traditions(Continued from page 1)I in the inteinm from ’26 to ’32.A story on Mirror wouldn’t bej complete without a mention of its; Director. Production Managers,! Bu.siness Managers, Performers havecome and gone, but Frank O’HaraI must stay on to teach each incom-I ing class the ideals he has createdi and imparted to the various Mirror’workers, .^nd I do sincerely think ij that ‘‘.A-ll’s Fair” will be another j; triumph for him. IShop TalkAdv.Spring is here and FJnster’s nearing ;Springg outfits are appearing 'Height new handbags tooled inleather \Help express the balmy weather. i.An individual case history of the ilovely new Moroccan bags that are !on display at the University of Chi- ;cago Bookstore would reveal .Arab |workmen, and designs that are oftruly Moorish origination and legen- :I dary significance. Besides having' Romantic Backgrounds, these bags' are exquisite pieces of workmanship.; Hand-tooled, leather lined, theyI come in a variety of shapes and[ sizes, and gorgeous, bright. Springi colors. The prices begin down atj $1.95—so they can be affordedI easily. You MUST stop at the U.! of C. Bookstore and see their won¬derful window display of the bagswhich have just arrived. Morocco—Arabs—ancient Moorish 'legends—! you’ll enjoy owning a bag with suchj a glamorous touch to it.Knit dre.sses and suits are thesmartest ever for Spring—'they fit, ;too, and give you that trig and trim 'appearance that is so very pleasing.Bradley Knit-wear is the finest you ,can possibly buy, and the Jane S.Adamson Old English Shop, 1007E. 61st St. has a wonderfully com- 'plete stock of the most unusual and attractive Bradley Knit outfitsone, two, and three piece—in gor¬geous Spring shades. Lugano Blueand Guardsman blue—star gold andbrown, dale green and turf greenare only a few’ of the colorful com¬ binations. A great variety of charm-ing styles—sizes from 12 to i2~~prices from $6.95 to $32.50-JtheJane S. Adamson Shop has exactlythe addition you need for yourSpring Wardrobe. g pMexican hand-blown glasswareis the vogueThe charm of old Mexico hasbeen l)rought to the smartesthomes and apartments in Chi¬cago. This genuine hand-blownMexican glassware has becomethe latest fashion in table ap¬pointments and decoration. Itsclear texture is filled with airybubbles, and its fascinating swirlsreflect the light like polished sil¬ver. Plates, howls, candle-sticks,saucers, and cups of unique de¬sign are fashioned in this unusualware. It is on sale now at theUniversity of Chicago Bookstoreat prices surprisingly low.This interesting Mexican glass¬ware is only a part of the as¬tounding collection of Indian andMexican arts and crafts that FredLeighton has collected at the In¬dian Trading Post. 619 \. Mich¬igan (in the Italian CourtL Mr. Leighton will be glad to showyou his collection, and perhaps tellyou some of the interesting storiesthat are connected with these prod¬ucts of the old and rich culture.^ ofMexico and the South-west.SivLl ike Pace IKEconomy ServiceEighth AnnualIntramural — Indoor — AthleticMarch 3Bartlett GymnasiumTHE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932 Page ThreeUGERS GO TO OHIOTOMORROW; ENGAGEIOWA HERE MONDAYHope for Second Win inReturn Game WithBuckeyesTw frames are on the card for('(la* Xcls Norfrren’s Maroon bask-etliaii team this weekend. Tomorrowthey PHct the Ohio State quintet ina n frame at Columbus and de¬fend th- home stand against Iowa3t th- fieldhouse Monday nifj-ht.The ' hicapo outfit hopes to re¬pea’ the triumph which they count¬ed afrain.-t the Buckeyes here lastSaturday, when they won 29-26, forBifT Ten N'<-. 1- The Maroons will tryte ii'venfr* an earlier defeat in theirframe with Iowa.f fh Kvans. who put the spark in•he hfiii. frame last Saturday to the:ur.‘ fifteen points, is not sched-ul.(i t<i start in the frame at Colum-luir Tem-'i-row. The slouchy centerha I- t n troubled by a bad lefr. and.\ ifrri'n doesn’t want him to in-the dangler of infection.Keith Pai ons will be back in theframe wi'h a Rood chance to Ret thetipcff.Thi rtst of the lineup will readSie h ii.->'n and Fraider at forwardsand -Ashley and Porter at Ruards.N' lrpren imed .Ashley at forward forpart of both the Ohio and Wiscon--iti tilt- and there is a chance thathe may do the same tomorrow niRht.bova will brinR a “dark horse”ts-am here -Monday. -AuRumented by^mie fla.-hy players at the .-•emestermark, the Hawks easily put down theMaro-'n.' at Iowa City a couple ofWfikr afro. Then, they travelled up•( -Minneapolis and nearly upset a-tronf: Minnsota team—one point.! :nR the difference in score. Tenday' aRo they dumped the then lead¬ing Northwestern outfit 2S to 29,Illy to lose to MichiRan the follow-uiL' -Monday by a fifteen point mar¬gin. IMoffitt, Iowa forward, is fourthhifrh. t scorer in the Bir Ten, with>eventy-two points in nine Rames.Kruniiiholz is his runninR mate. Ben- inett, one of the new recruits, is also jtianyerous. ! Favor Strong Michigan 'Trach TeamTo Win from Maroons In Dual MeetMichiRan’s track team will com¬pete ayainst Ned Merriam’s squadtomorrow night at 7:30 in its firstindoor appearance on the Midwaysince 1923. The Maroons havetravelled to Ann Arbor in the lasttwo years, winning one and losingthe other. Bud East led the Chi¬cago team to victory in 1930 bysco'ring a surprise victory overEddie Tolan. jThe result of tomorrow night’s |meet is not extremely doubtful. The !Wolverines, with a well-balancedoutfit, should win handily.The dash event will bring JohnBrooks and Bob Wallace, / ho plac- Ied second and fourth respectively in !the Quad meet, against Jack Camp¬bell and Donald Renwick. Brooks ;will also compete in the low hurdle , event. Captain Roy Black will teamup with Brooks in the lows and raceagainst Egleston in the highs.Captain Russell, Conferencechamp in the quarter mile, is a goodone to pick in that event, while EdTurner looks good in the half. Heplaced second to Letts last year.The Maroons have no two miler tocompete against Howell and Hill.Booker Brooks, Wolverine weightman, puts the shot 46 feet, which isa little better than any Maroon per¬formance.Don Birney of Chicago is as goodas Humphries of Michigan in thepole vault. Birney vaulted twelvefeet for a second place Saturday.John Roberts will put against a pairof six foot jumpers in the highjump. MAROON TANKERSFACE ILLINOIS INMEET TOMORROWPhi B. D., Psi U.,Phi Delts Win InIntramural Games Dekes Take ThreeFirsts in InitialI-M Carnival EventsIn last night’s series of Intra¬mural basketball games tbe semi¬finals of the “B” tournament wereplayed off. besides the remaininggames of the quarter finals in the“.A” tournament. Phi Delta Thetabeat Chi Psi and Phi Bt‘ta Deltadowned the Barbarian.^ to enter thefinals of the "B” division. Psi C.trimmed the King’s Horses, in theonly game in the “.A” division.Phi B. D., 27; Barbarians, 26-An unusually close contest mark¬ed the Phi B. D.-Barbarians clash.Phi Beta Delta won in an over-timepei iod. Davidson was the star of thegame, running up 12 points. Smol-er was high point man for theBarbs.Phi Delta Theta, 24; Chi Psi, 13In a well played game the PhiDelts outclassed Chi Psi. Their ad¬vantage in height contributed in nosmall degi’ee to their victory. Cim-ral starred for Phi Delta Theta andBrown for Chi Psi. Up to the halfthe game was quite close.Psi U., 43; King’s Horses, 20With the high score of 43-20 PsiUpsilon wiped out the future hopesof the King’s Horses. Jim Lewis washigh point man of the game, ac¬counting for 19 of the winningpoints. Delta Kappa Epsilon took three1 out of four firsts in the finals ofthe fieshmen and upperclass shot-1 put and high jump events yester¬day afternoon to lead the scoringin the intramural track meet.The shot put, for upperclassmen,was won by Zimmer, D. K. E., withWhittier, Phi Gamma Delta, second,and Cullen, Psi U. third with a dis¬tance of 38’ 6’’. In the freshmen' class. Storey, D. K. E. took first,Craemer, second, and Sie.sse, Barbs,third with distance of 34’ 6’’.. The uppercla.ss high jump was won, by Philbrick, I.,ambda Chi; Clancy,I Phi Psi, second; Hepple, 1). U.; third; height. .') feet 7 inches. Thefreshmen high jump was won byPeterson, D. K. E.; Heller, D. K.E. second; and Levy, Tau Delt,third; height. 5 feet 4 inches.In the .tO yard dash for upper¬classmen the men qualifying wereZimmer, D. K. E.. Pollyea, Barbar-ian.s, Cullen, Psi IJ, and WoodardRamblers. In the freshmen 50 yd.dash, the qualifiers were Walker,unatt., P’lynn, Psi U. Cayau, T. K, E..and Wlflle, Ramblers. In the 50 yardlow hurdles for uppercla.ssmen, thequalifiers were Dagneau, Ramblers; Conference Title GoalOf Water PoloOutfitThe water polo championship ofthe Big Ten will probably be decidedby the game between the Maroonsand Illinois following the swimmingmeet in Bartlett pool tomorrow af¬ternoon at 2:30. The Illini teamhas been the only Maroon rival todispute McGillivray’s men the rightto the Conference title since thegame was inaugurated, and lastyear cost the Maroons the champion¬ship.Inasmuch as the water polo sched¬ule is limited to four games no teamcan claim the championship excepton the basis of comparative results.If the Maroons win tomorrow theywill have defeated a team thatdowned Northwestern, the othercontender for the crown. The Illinitrimmed the Purple, 4-3. The Chi¬cago team has won two lopsided vic¬tories this year, trouncing OhioState 11 to 1 and Indiana 11 to 0.The Hoosier game was only half theregulation length.The swimming teams are fairlyevenly matched, indicating a closemeet. In the 100 yard free styleevent Hewitt of Illinois will offergood competition to Captain Earl-andson of the Maroons. Joe Brockof the Illini will race Stan Connellyin the 220 and 440 free styleswims. The Marron brothers lookthe be.st of the fancy divers, whileDon Bellstrom seems a likely win¬ner in the breaststroke.NEW IN LOOPCAFE de ALEX80 West Randolph St.Everything is so different—the food, entertainment.Dance Orchestra.We feel sure you will like this unusual cafe.Evening Dinners to 9:30 — $1.50No Cover or Minimum Charge at Any Time•GARCIA-SANDSORCHESTRAFriday night is Cuban Carnival Night.Tango Contest, Prizes, Souvenirs, andMiniature Horse Races.Dancing 6:30 onFloor Shows 7:30 - 9:30 - 11:30 - 12:30 - 1:30Telephone Andover 2438Management Daniel Alexander Larson, Phi Delt; Colson, Sig Chi;and Peterson, D. K. E. In the fresh¬men hurdle event the four qualifierswere Moulton, D. U. Storey, D. K.E., White, Alpha Delt; and La Rue,Beta.In the 300 yard run the quali¬fiers were Voohies, D. K. E,; Odell,K. N.; Pechukas, unatt.; Graff, PhiB<*te; Woodard, Ramblers; Vlieh,Alpha Sig; Maroon FencersCombat 3 TeamsIn Bouts TodayThe University fencers will meetteams from Northwestern, Illinois,and Michigan in a quadrangularmeet to be held in Bartlett gymna¬sium today and tomorrow. The foilbouts will be held Friday night, whilecompetition in the epee and sabrewill take place Saturday afternoonand evening.In the foil Chicago will be repre¬sented by Almond, Julian or Young,and Pettit or Levin. In the epeeCoach Merrill will use Gillies andYoung ,while in the sabre he willhave Captain Van der Hoef andeither, or both, Eiger and Elson."GERMAN UNIVERSITIESoffer to Americans intending studyabroad complete courses leading to onACADEMICDEGREEAlso, JUNIOR YEAR with full creditupon return, and SUMMER COURSES.Ail M * IMFOR G IDE BOOK to theGERMAN UNIVERSITIESand Programs of all thecourses availableAddress: Educational Bureau, Dept. 3- EHAMBURG-AMERICANCTiicagobm 00 orolitpTHE FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCHWoodlawn Avenue at 57th StreetVON OGDEN VOGT, MinisterSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28. 1932I :00 A. M.—"Youth and Vocation." The first of a seriesof sermons on the life of Jesus.4:00 P. M.—Channing Club Tea. Open Forum Led by Prof.Fred B. Millett. Vesper Service.Friday night — February 26 — 9 P. M.Dancing Party — Orchestra — 23c!VISITORS CORDIALLY INVITED UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF DISCIPLESOF CHRIST57th and UniversityMinister: Dr. Edward Scribner Ames.Director of Music and Education, Basil F. WiseSUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 19321 1 :00 A. M.—Sermon Topic, "Christ Reinterpreted for To¬day: His Forerunners." Dr. Ames.12:20 P. M.—Forum: Leader, Dr. Ames.5:30 P. M.—Wranglers: Program, Mr. Haydn ParryThomas.St. Paul’s Church50th and DorchesterParish Office: 4945 DorchesterAvenueTel. Oakland 3185REV. GEORGE H. THOMASSunday Services*Holy Communion, 8:00 A. M.Church School Service, 9:30 A.M.Morning Service, 11:00 A. M.Evening Service, 5:00 P. M.Young People’s Society6:00 P. M. The Churgb ofThe Re<liiemer(EPISCOPAL)56th and BlapkstoneRev. E. S. WhiteEpiscopal Student PastorSUNDAY SIpVICESHoly CommunioR. 8.00 A. M.Short Sung Euchainyt, 9:30 A. M.Choral Euchariit and Sermon,11:00 A. M.Choral Evensong and Sermon,7:30 P. M.Three services every week-day.Church open daily for prayer andmeditation. Hyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawn Ave.Norris L. TibbettsHolland W. SchloerbMinistersSunday, February 2811:00 A. M.—“What Does aReturn to God Mean?” R. W'.Schloerb.6:00 P. M.—Teas.7:00 P. M.—D i s c u s s i 0 nGroups.8:00 P. M.—“A Table Set ForHimself” by the Dram Club ofY. P. C. C.9:00 P. M.—Social Hour.CHRIST CHURCH (Epi«copaI)65th and Woodlawn Ave. ATTEND THE CHURCHESThe Rev. Walter C. Bihler, M. A., Rector.SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 28. 1932 THEY ARE INTERESTED7:30 A.M.—Holy Communion.10:00 A.M.—Church School. IN YOU1 1:00 A. M.—Morning Prayer.8:00 P. M.—Evensong..XPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1932FRIDAY NIGHT.OUlGE NiGiEnjoy a riot of Measure duringafter-theatre supper at Chicago’smost popular night club.DON PEDRO COLLEGIANSwill play dance music smoking hotDANCING till 1 A. M.Broadcast over KYW — N.B. C. ChainA LIVELY FLOOR REVUELIND’S TEA ROOM6252 University Ave.Special Luncheon 40cDinners 50c and 60cWRIGHT HAND LAUNDRYREDUCED PRICES1315 East Fifty Seventh StreetPhone Midway 2073FOR COFFFOE GIRESGraduates or Undergraduates. Six• • • months of thorough training — patinto a three months’ intensive course for girls toAoknow how to $tudy. Send today for Bulletin.Coarse# start October 1, JanuaryApril 1, July 15IO!>iEK TOELEUBThf BusxruM tntk a Univrrnty Atwut^phtrt*'116 South Michigan Ayenue, ChicagoPhone Randolph 4347HILL'S CAFETERIA63rd and Woodlawn Ave.Always Reliable for your Breakfast,Lunch or Dinner.General Price Reduction inkeeping with the times.WE DESIRE one or two out¬standing students classed asleaders to whom we will givea very attractive proposition,they to lease pleasantly furn¬ished rooms to their friendsand fellow students. Highly de¬sirable University location. At¬tractive new lobby. Full de¬tails on application. Send re¬plies to Daily Maroon, Box O,Faculty Exchange. TODAY\ on theQUADRANGLESFRIDAY, FEBRUARY 26The Daily MaroonNight editor for the next issuewill be James F. Simon. Assistantsare David Charles Levine and Ed-\ ward W. Nicholson,j Meeting of the Maroon editorialI staff at noon in the Maroon office.I Music and Religious ServicesDivinity chapel, at 12 in JosephBond chapel. “.A.uthority in Re¬ligions: III.” Prof. Arthur C. !Mc-I Giffert, the Chicago TheologicalSeminary.Rehearsal of the full UniversitySymphony Orchestra. 7:40, in theMen's Commons.Organ music at 5 in the Univer¬sity chapel.Victrola concert. From 12:30 to1:15 in the Reynolds club.Organ music by Porter Heaps at5 in the University Chapel. He willplay Bach’s “Prelude ad Fugue.VI”, Ferrata’s “Nocturne”, Brahms’“Chorale”, Thompson’s “Pastel".Dupre’s “Variations on a Noel”.Departmental OrganizationsThe Graduate Club of Economicsand Business. “Wicksell and Keynesand the Theory of Equilibrium."Erik Lundberg. Social Science 302.Undergraduate OrganizationsW. A. A. cozy from 3 to 5 in IdaNoyes hall.Y. W. C. party for graduate^from 8 to 12 in Ida Noyes hall.Kappa Sigma Mo'thers’ club meet¬ing at the fraternity house from 2to 4:30.MiscellaneousAlumnae tea from 3 to 0 in IdaNoyes hall.Radio lecture: “Colonial Litera¬ture: The Later Freneau.” Prof.Percy H. Boynton. At 8 A. M. onWMAQ.Public lecture, the Department ofMusic: “Johann Sebastian Bach.”Dr. Hans Weisse. At 2:30 in SocialScience Lecture hall.Public lecture. Division of the So¬cial Sciences: “Law and the SocialSciences.” A.ssociate Prof. Morti¬mer Adler. At 4 in Social Scienceassembly.Die Deutsche Gesellschaft. At 4in Ida Noyes hall."Public lecture, downtown: “OurCongress and an Economic Coun¬cil? The National Economic Councilof Germany.” A.ssociate Prof. Har¬old Gosnell. At 6:45 at the Art In¬stitute.Fencing meet. Chicago vs. Illinoisand Northwestern. At 8 P. M. inBartlett gymnasium.SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27Radio lectures: “News from theQuadrangles.” John Howe. At 8:30A. M. on WMAQ. “The Professorat the Breakfast Table.” .\t 9 on A Lot of These Will Appeal to Chicago MenSUITS and0 VERCO ATS atVs to 1/2 OFFYesterday’s Prices233 Suits 428 Topcoats 542 Overcoats off478 Suits 124 Topcoats 127 Overcoats off207 Four-piece Golf Suits offThis means NOT one-third to one-half off lastyear’s prices, but actually one-third to one-halfoff yesterday’s February Clearance Prices. Sucha severe reduction brings the prices of manysuits and coats down to one-third or one-fourthof the former level.Without question this is one of the most radicalreductions in the history of The Store for Men.Many under *20A great many under *258301 South Chicago Ave.Corner 83rd St. and Jeffery Ave.Dine and Dance to the Tune ofHolly Swanson and His Chicago Rhythm KingsNOTHING OVER TWENTY-FIVE CENTSNO COVER CHARGE NO MINIMUM CHARGEPhonesSouth Chicago 10566 South Chicago 10597BERTA OCHSNER INTRODUCES DARINGEFFECTS FOR “ALL’S FAIR” BALLET(Continued from page 1) the “All’s Fair” revue, the repcr-the entire revue is the “sea ane- toire ranges from Coralli’s “Pastor-mone”. This dance utilizes no mu- alle” to the type of jazz that Wagnesical accompaniment, only the danc- King plays nightly. The number ofers’ voice.s are relied upon to simu- instiuments varies from a quartetlate the swish of the waves; their I of harp, ’cello, violin, and flute, tobodies represent the sea’s rise and ; the full twelve-piece orchestra,fall, a sunken hell sounds in the dis- As announced yesterday in Thetance, as the anemone is demolished Daily Maroon, a score containingby the waves. the progi-am and hits from the pastStudent Orchestra six Mirror shows, will be given toAnother step in Mirror history is each person who attends either theachieved with the introduction of Fiiday or Saturday night perfonn-a student orchestra to accompany a I ances.campus production. Mr. Charles i Tickets, at $1.50, $1.00, and fiftyBuckley, director, has selected music ' cents, may still be obtained at thein accord with the general tone of j box office. WMAQ.Meeting of the University Sen¬ate. At 10 A. M. in Harper M-11.Dual sw’imming meet. Chicago vs.Illinois. At 2:30 in Bartlett gym¬nasium.Track meet. Chicago vs. Michigan.At 7:30 in the new Field house,6l50 jniversity avenue.Fencing meet. Chicago vs. Illinoisand Northwestern. At 8 in Bartlettgymnasium.Undergraduate Organizations■’Meeting of the Tau Kappa Ep¬silon Mothers’ club for bridge from8 to 1 at the fraternity house,ft A*- lian dance S'tar-ting at 8:30 ini J^a Noyes hall...^P.hi Kappa Sigma house danceI starting at 10:00.'l MiscellaneousAlumnae bridge party in Idaj Nttyes hall at 2 :30.SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 28! J University religious service. Rob-j m' E. Speer, I). D., LL. D., Litt. D.,I secretary of the Boaid of ForeignMissions of the Presbyterian church.jAt.ll A., M. in the University chaIY. W. HOLDS FIRSTI SENIOR DINNER(Continued from page 1)I onel of R. 0. T. iC., »nd college; aide; Jeannette Smith, member ofMirror board, and the Undergradu¬ate council; and Alice Stinnett, sec-I retary of the Undergraduate coun¬cil, member of Mirror board and ofthe Senior Executive^xjouncil. j The event will continue only a fewdays — then prices will be marked upSUITS, THIRD FLOOR — OVERCOATS, FOURTH FLOORTHE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD& COMPANY