W^t Batlp illaroon\ ol. 32. No. 67.irMUKAL OmCESOECIS MANAGERSFOR ANNUAL WINTERCARNIVAL MARCH 3iBetty Tressler Named 'Intramural Club |Chairman I UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1932 Price Five CentsTaft to Lecture onSculpture Tomortvw I DON’T WANT TO FIGHT JAPAN,SAYS AVERAGE CAMPUS MAN Freshman FormalEarns 21 NickelsBAND OPENS PROGRAMPhilip Shanedling’, Phi Sivrma Del-ta. .iophomove assistfjint on the In-tramural department was namedyesterday to manage the Eijfhth An¬nual Winter Carnival March S atBartlett pym. Frank Carr wasnamed to arrange the carnival pro-iriam and to edit the annual intra¬mural yearbook, while Robert How-;aid was selected as publicity man-airer tor the carnival.Treiiler Club ChairmanI.ydabeth Tressler. pre.sident ofthe Interilub council and member<if the underpraduate council, was-elected as tJhe Intramural clubchairman for the carnival. In thiscapacity, she will reprei^'nt thewomen’' clubs in arranjfinjr their^hait of the program.The (’arnival which marks theclimax of intramural activities foithe WinlfcT (luarter will present amimbtr of musical and comedy-kit-; tiy fraternity an<i club orjran-inaticr.' a track meet for fratern-itie-i and other independent campus |urbanizations, finals in the intra- jmural wi estlins: and boxinjf matches. ‘a club relay, and will conclude withtw hours of dancing.Band Opens ProgramThe Vniversity band under thefiiitction of Palmer Clark will bepre>ent to open the evening’s enter-tunment and also to play betweenthe diflferent numbers on the pro-LTiam. A twelve piece orchestra willte -elected by the Intramural de¬partment to play for the two hoursef <iancin>r from 10 to 12.FraCernitie.s and clubs who areI'lanninir skits for the Carnival mustpresent them before Palmer Clarkin the Reynolds club theatre for ac¬ceptance before they will be allow-' (i to show them at tihe Carnival.Appointments may be made withPalmer ('lark in the Reynolds club,and the deadline on all tryouts willbe February 18.Club RelayA lai-Lre loving cup will be pre->-ente(i to the club winning: tjhe club'elay. Kach club must make ar-ranfrement.s for the team which willrepresent it in the Carnival and aof the members must be pre¬sented to the Intramu(|al depart¬ment for acceptance. Last year thisevent was won by F’soteric, whileSitrnia was second.The track, wrestling, and boxinp:ecents will each be in charge of a‘'sophomore manager. Preliminariesill most of the track events will belun off a few days before the Car-ni'al. and only the finals will ap¬pear on the propFiam March .T.The track meet was won by thef'onies last year, while Phi Pi Phic^on the or^ranization relay for thefifth time in the last seven years,iiledals are awarded tio the winnersl^f each event in the meet and cups^’e awarded for first- second, andfhiid places in the number of totalIioinbi scored. Lorado Taft, the fifth speaker ina series of lectures on art. scienceand literature, sjFonsored h.v theWilliam Vaughn Moody foundation,will speak on “Some of the Mean¬ings of Seul()tui'e’’, tomorrow at8:1,t in Mandel hall.Mr. Taft is a prominent (^hicagosculiitor and is known for hi.s statueof the Fountain of Time at thehead of the Midway, the “Solitudeof the Soul” at the Art Institute,of ('hicago- “Klaekhauk” at Oregon,Illinois, the “(’olumhus .MemorialF'ountain” at Denver, a statue of“Lincoln” at I'rbana, the “Pi(on-eers” at F^lmwood, Illinois, and“.Alma Mater” at Champaign.He has written two hooks on theart of .‘^culpluie, a “History of-American Sculpture”, and "RecentTendencies in Sculpture”.icLii poini ININDIA IS DESPERATEHindu Student Thinks JohnBull Losing Ground“Fmgland is fighting with herback to the wall,” was the state¬ment of David .Malaiperumen. form¬er president of the Hindustan as¬sociation and one of the two rep¬resentatives of India in the Interna¬tional Students association, wh-'iiasked for his opinion on the pres¬ent condition in India.“The situation at present is an-alugous to that in 1929, when theNationalist boycott on Fmglishgoods forced the closing down offactories and widespread unemploy¬ment in the British Isles, with theresulting compromise between theBritish (lovernment and the folhtw-ers of (landhi. This year, however,the crisis is more acute. The Nation¬alist part.v has swelled to muchlarger proportions with the additionof the Liberals and Moderates-previousl.v pro-British in senti¬ment, hut swayed to the Gandhifaction by the strenuous imposi¬tions placed on the people by theBritish rule. Such unconstitutionalmeasures on the part of the Gov¬ernment as deposing Nationalististson mere suspicion, and convictingwithout trial, has caused anti-British sentiment to flame widely,and the resulting boycott on F]nglishgoods, prevention of the export ofgold bullion, and refusal on the partof the Indians to pay property as-sesments is hurting England vitally-especially in her already w'eakenedfinancial condition. It will not helong before the decline in exportsto India, together with the depress¬ing effect on the pound sterling dueto the scarcity of gold bullion, will(Continued on page 4) BY JAMES F. SIMONThe United States army wouldfind itself in a l)ad way for studentvolunteers in a war with -Japan, ifsentiment on this campus is indica¬tive of feeling elsewhere. Promin-, ent men at the University, inter-! viewed yesterday by The Daily Ma-; roon inquiring reporter, staunchlyfavored a program of non-partici¬pating in military activitie.s, exceptin a war for the defense of the na-i tion.■ Only two of those interviewedwould volunteer under any circum¬stances in a war to protect econom¬ic interests or the lives of the U.S. citizens in the Orient. They wereJerome Strauss, law student andcorrespondent for The ChicagoiAmerican, and George T. V’ander-hoef- business manager of the Dra¬matic association.Glamor Attracts StraussThe excitement of war appeals toStrauss, as well as the possibilitiesfor unusual experiences. “I can’timagine a more pleasant vacationthan being w’ith a gei.sha girl andeating chop suey,” he wisecracked.Vanderhoef would feel himselfimpelled by patriotic motives to itake up arms against the Japs, al- jthough he says he might feel hesi-;taut about volunteering under cer-I tain circumstances, which he declin- Ied to express. “I’d surel.v go if therewere a draft.” h« declared, “and I’d iwant to get into the aviation corps.” ^On the borderline between the jdesire to fight and fears fOr hissafety stood James McMahon, busi- :ness manager of the Phoenix. He jcame out with a characteristic jcrack, and ended with a plea to Ii “plug” the Phoenix. “ ‘I “I’ve been very patriotic lately,”Mc.Mahon confided, “and I’ye avoid¬ed wearing orange ties, because I’mafraid of all the Japanese lurkingin (Chicago. Besides- I’ve got Hatfeet, which eliminates me ft«m thearmy. However, I might go up inthe air about it. Of course I havemj' family to consider. The baseballmen say the Japanese women arehotcha ”Louis N. Ridenour Jr., author oithe famous Daily Maroon editorialpolicy, is unalterably opposed towars of aggression. His cure is sim¬ple: “I wouldn’t fight unless I weredrafted. The only war that’s justi¬fied is a defensive war on our ownterritory. If everyone realized that,there couldn’t be any war.”Harding Would Wait for DraftF'rank Harding, perpetrator ofThe Travelling Bazaar, avowed thathe would go if drafted. “I think theprospects of war are pretty thin,and the fracas in Japan is over, any¬way” he remarked, as he wearilypunched the wrong typewriter key,“War is a silly business, don’t youthink?” IThe Cap and (Jown twins. WilliamCuster and Gilbert White, who arerespectively business manager andeditor of the campus annual, hadideas about avoiding the drafi.W'hite revealed that Custer w’Oitldget married in case war were de¬clared, while Custer suggested thatW’hite has flat feet.“Seriously, though”, White said,“I think there will be a lot moreconscientious objectors in the nexlwar than there were in the last one.People with moral objections towar, aside from the desire to ke^p(Continued on page 2) Profit is profit, even if it’s onlyI one dollar and five cents. At least,■ this is the claim of John Barden! and Grace Graver after receivingthe financial report of the F'resh- ,man formal dance held in Ida 'Noyes hall .January 29. The dance, Iof which tf\ey .were co-chairmen,earned twenty-one nickels—morethan enough to keep the first ven¬ture of the Freshman class councilout of the red.The financial i-eport of the dance,released yesterday by Gladys Finn. *auditor of student organizations, 'showed that ninety-four tickets attwo dollars apiece brought an in¬come of $188. Art Peterson’s or- :chestra was engaged for $108, |while decorations, refreshments, iservice and publicity brought the to- Ital expenses to $186.95. ; 12 WOMEN, 12 MENWIN STELLAR ROLESIN AaiNG COMPANYOF MIRROR REVUE‘AlFs Fair’ Cast AreVeterans of CampusProductionsEXHIBIT OF MODERNFRENCH ART OPENSWherein a Bit of Humor Is AddedTo Walker Museum’s Staid Exhibits“HAPPY JOURNEY”PRESENTED BEFOREDOWNTOWN CLUBExtend Spirit of theHome,” l^ys Dr. Ames^ ^ nian s home is his spiritual'Hess against doubt and despair,”'I Dr. Edward Scribner Ames, pas-the University Church of'^'plcs and Chairman of the de-Partment of Philosophy of the Uni-i.-t-V'*'' sermon on Sunday.which you have towardf and the folks at home shouldextended to the whole world. Ifon’t feel at home in the Iworldoil page 4/ The Dramatic association willproduce Thornton Wilder’s “HappyJourney to Camden and Trenton”for a second time at the Fortnight¬ly club Thursday afternoon.’ Thisplay was one of the three given bythe Dramatic association the firstweek in November.The cast for the production atthe F^ortnightly club will be ident¬ical with that of the Reynolds clubperformance save the part of PaKirby. Norman Eaton, past presi¬dent of the Dramatic associationwill assume the role played by Hen¬ry Sulcer- who is ill. Hester AnnThomas takes the part of Ma Kirby,while Sarah Jane Leckrone andCharles Tyroler are the children.Phyllis Ferry and Hal James com¬plete the cast.No scenery is employed in theproduction and the properties con¬sist ot tour chairs. BY MELVIN GOLDMANIt seems that even anthropologystudents have a sense of humor.Walker Museum pussesses a veryrealistic skeleton of a prehistorictriassic enthrinierthiuc dicetherium—in other words, a primitive ape.Some anthropology students recent¬ly decided that this poor beast wa.slonesome in his glass case, or atleast cold. So they dressed him up.When Dr. Slocum, curator, arriv¬ed, he found the prehistoric trias.sicenthrinierthiuc dicetherium wearinga pair of pants, a vest and a coat.Around his bony neck was a flam¬ing pink tie. On his head was a bat¬tered topper; under one arm a copyof the Daily Maroon; and clutchedin one bony hand was a cigarette.• Dr. Slocum was loth to undressthe poor beast. In the first place,he thought that perhaps even a pre¬historic ape man might get chilly;and in the second place, he saidthat it was the first sign of a senseof humor that anthropology studentshad ever shown. He was unwillingto removed the evidence of this re¬markable development.Dr. Slocum is really quite proudof his museum.In many ways the Walker col¬lection is the outstanding one in the country. Through gifts- purchasps,and additions by expeditions it hasgrown to great size and prominenceiOne of its largest gifts was madeby John I). Rockefeller, comprisingsix whole carloads of specimens. Atthe present time the basement ofthe museum is stored with enoughmaterial to keep Dr. .A. L. Slocum,the curator, busy for several years.Some of the most important speci¬mens yet found were added to thiscollection two summers ago by theannual expedition of Paul C. Miller.Mr. Miller usually goes alone to themost deserted and savage parts ofthe world, only occasionally takingalong a helper or two. ..... Behind its thick walls arfddrawn curtains the museum carriesone back to the time when “youwere a turtle and I was a fish.” Dr.Slocum, the curator, is a gentlemanof four decades ago, with his silverVandyke beard, his neat wing collar-and his cheeful, ingratiating man¬ner. Open the door, and you are backin the present. The spell is broken.1932 automobiles flash down thestreet; new buildings with shinyhardware stand out whitely in thewinter evening. The museum ... itshorned reptiles and sea serpents! Lh .belongs to the past. ' Wieboldt Showing Continues'Until February 21The fifth annual exhibition ofi modern French art sponsored by the jRenai.ssance Society opened lastSunday in Wieboldt 205 and will ^continue until February 21. There 'are thirt.v pieces in the collection, iwhich was arranged by the ChesterJohnson galleries. j! Among the canvases of the more |j important French moderns is a !, painting of “Zola and Paul Alexis” ;i by Paul Cezanne. Interesting ab-, stractlions by Auguste Herbin andFernand Leger and compositions of ;Louis Marcoussis. Gina Severini,Leopold Survage, Degas and Renoir ,I are included in the collection. A dis¬tinguished work of Amadeo Modi¬gliani- “Self Portrait”, and a notedlandscape of Georges Rouault.“Sunset”, stand out among otherpieces.Included in the exhibition are inumerous examples of African :masks.Contemporary critics are of theopinion that these masks have had jan important influence on Euro- 'pean art of the last quarter cen¬tury. In distinct contrast to the imasks are a series of case exhibits !of “Mathematical solids”. The latter Ipieces were lent by the Mathematics jMuseum. These solids represent !abstract forms in nature and sci- !ence, jConcurrent with the exhibit ofmodern French art, the RenaissanceSociety is sponsoring a number ofinformal talks on the pieces in thecollection. Mrs. John B. Storrs andMrs. Inez Cunningham will speakin Wieboldt 205 this afternoon at3 :30.Unknown Quantity Evades Campus, ,Sleuths, Mailman: Seek Addressee HELEN NORRIS, ’07,TALKS IN CURRENTVOCATIONAL SERIESBY MAXINE CREVISTONMysterious specimen is nowknown to be about campus: letterreceived over week-end addressed to“Mr. Beecher Hall,” 5844 Univer¬sity Avenue, reads, “Dear Mr. Hall,Will you take a few minutes to dome a favor which will help greatlyin my work and give informationI can get in no other way? . . . .I have selected the names of repre¬sentative families for this part of mystudy, and, as I am mafling this let¬ter to a relatively small numbei*, Iam sincerely anxious to have youanswer it.”There fulluw.-s a lung questiunaire concerning Mr, Hall’s shopping'^hab-its in relation to Sears, Roebuck re¬tail store, and the amount andj kindof purchases his family makes bymeans of the Sears, Roebuck mailorder catalogue; personal questionsregarding his satisfaction with'saidpurchases; a desire for suggestionsas to how his patronage may be ob¬tained if he has never purchased.The lamentable situation "is thatMr. Hall cannot be located so as toanswer these details. Further, hishappy and assuredly “representa¬tive” family happens to consist ofsome forty-two young women whooccupy this one of numerdttfe Uni¬versity dormitories. Helen Norris, ’07, Dean of worn- ^en for the Commonwealth Edison !company, will speak on “Personnel” 1I tomorrow at 3:30 in room 108, Has- I1 kell hall. She is the seventh speak- ,, er in the series of vocational lec- ,I tures “Opportunities in Business”, ii arranged by the Alumni committee Ion Vocations in cooperation with ;1 the Board of Vocational Guidance 1I and Placement and the School ofI Commerce and Administration.Miss Norris speaks from long ex- ,perience in the personnel field w’ith ;the largest public utility of the mid- :die west. As Dean of Women of'the Commenwealth Edison company,she has solved the personnel prob- ;lems arising in an organization em- !playing a large number of women. IShe presents the work of a per- jsonnel worker in a large corpora¬tion, a topic of special interest to j(Continued on page 4) | IN REHEARSAL NOW“All’s Fair”: twelve women andtwelve men, representing each ofthe four undergraduate classes, aswell as the Law school, will com¬prise the acting company for the1932 Mirror revue, to be givenFebruary 26 and 27. Each member issociation productions, or has beenclosely affiliated with the organiza¬tion.Women selected for major rolesare: Charlotte Abbott, DorothyDunaway, Phyllis Ferry, CarlottaGoss- Edith Grossberg, Helen Hart-enfeld, Jane Kesner, Sara JaneLeckrone, Rosamond Morse, Jean¬ette Stein Noyes. Jackie Smith, andAlice Stinnett.The Male CastThe men are: Roy Black, NormanEaton, Hal James, Roy Janies, JerryJontry, Fritz Leiber- Pat Magee,George Mann. F’rancis Mayer-Oakes,Frank Springer, Ray Vane and GilWhite.Charlotte Abbott’s first experi¬ence with the dramatic associationwas in Carter Johnston’s “Re-Trial”which was produced for Playfest;she is a Freshman. Familiar with themusic phase of the 1931 revue, andpresent Junior chairman of theMusic committee, Dorothy Dunawayalso acts this time. Phyllis F'erry, •sophomore, was seen in the premiereof Thornton Wilder’s “The HappyJourney to Trenton and Camden”..A member of this year’s costumecommittee for Mirror, Carlotta Gossunderstudied roles in the Freshmanplays which were produced fallquarter.Edith Grossberg Is rememberedas Sarah Andran in the piayfestfirst act of “Call Him Joseph”- thatwas written by Edward Levy; sheunderstudied a role in “To Meet thePrince,” and is a sophomore. HelenHartenfeld entered the Universitythis year and has understudied roie.sduring autumn quarter and forPlayfest.Jane Kesner, business manager ofMirror- college aide, senior editor ofThe Daily Maroon, member of theSenior Executive council, was in the1929 and 1930 Mirror casts, and haswritten lyrics for the present “All’sF''air” revue. Sara Jane Leckrone.Phi Delta Epsilon, is recognized asthe “Little Eva” of “Uncle Tom’sCabin”, the 1931 annual Dramaticassociation revival. R., samondMorse has acted in several produc¬tions, including the 1931 Mirror, anddirected one of the Freshman plays.Known for her singing and actingin the 1930 and ’31 Mirror, Jean¬ette Stein Noyes again returns tocampus. Jackie Smith, Esoteric- andmember of the present Mirrorboard, has been in the last threeproductions, in “Uncle Tom’s Cab¬in”, and in “Cock Robin.” She is asenior representative on the Under¬graduate council. Alice Stinnett isvice-president of Gargoyles, mem¬ber of the Mirror board, of theSenior Executive council, and secre¬tary of the Undergraduate council.Men ExperiencedOf the five senior men in the cast,Roy Black, made his debut in Play-fest’s “Broke”; Fritz Leiber- Jr.,Lvas in 1931 Mirror and “UncleTom’s Cabin”; Pat Magee has starredin numerous Dramatic associationproductions; Gil White is presidentof the Dramatic association; andRay Vane acted in “UncK Tom’sCabin”, and has written lur ^All’sFair.” Jerry Jontry and Francis(Continued on page 4),\ diiilitaliiiri iHii m mmtrnPage Two(Bil? iatlg ilarnonFOUNDED 11; 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THEUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday,during the Autumn, Winter and Spring quarters by The DailyMaroon Company, 5831 University Ave. Subscription rates $3.00per year : by mail, $1.60 per year extra. Single copiea, five-centaeach.No responsibility is assumed by the University of Chicago forany statements appearing in The Daily Maroon, or for anycontracts entered into by The Daily Maroon.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the postotfice at Chicago, Illinois, ur.Jer the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all right of publicationof any material appearing in this pai>er.Member of the Western Conference Press .AssociationLOUIS N. RIDENOUR, JR., Editor-in-ChiefMERWIN S. ROSENBERG, Business ManagerM.ARGARET E(JAN, Asst. Business ManagerJANE KESNER, Senior EditorHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr., Sports EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSMAX.tNE CREVISTONRUBE S. FRODIN, JR.BION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSON2LEANOR E. WILSON BUSINESS ASSOCIATES•JOHN D. CLANCY, JR.EDGAR L. GOLDSMITHSOPHO.MORE ASSISTANTSSTA.NLEY CONNELLYW.M. A. KAUFMANWALTER MONTGOMERYVINCENT NEWMANEDWARD SCHALLERSOPHOMORE EDITORSJANE BIESENTHAI.MELVIN GOLDMANWILLIAM GOODSTEINEDWARD NICHOLSONTASULA PETRAKISROSEMARY VOLKMARGARET MULLIGAN BETTY HANSENROBERT HERZOGDAVID LEVINEEUGENE PATRICKWILLIAM WAKEFIELDJANE WEBERNight Editor: Rube Frodin, Jr.Assistant: David C. LevineTuesday, February 9, 1932POPULAR “KNOWLEDGE”An editorial writer on the Chicago Tribunelaments the “certain pedantic snobbishness” ofAmerican men of science, claiming that “our en¬dowment of learning in America has, for somereason we have not analyzed, created a classwhich has developed the weaknesses of a privil¬eged status and resists any conspicuous effort toshare its wealth' with the commonalty.” The Amer¬ican man of science who writes a book manifestlyintended for those who have not the technicalbackground fully to understand a scientific andcomplete exposition of his subject, falls into acertain academic disrepute. This, says the Trib¬une. is bad.To a certain extent, we suppose that it is neces¬sary to agree with this view. It is undoubtedlyvaluable that the public at large be acquaintedwith scientific ideas and theories which appear tobe pretty well founded and subject to little seriouschange. But at the frontiers of every science to¬day, there are groups of men moving forwardmore rapidly in the quest for knowledge than menhave ever moved before; every science is in astate of constant flux. Gone are the days in phy¬sics when men could say that the physical uni¬verse could be explained on the basis of the kinetictheory and electrodynamics, and that a final solu¬tion of any problem merely awaited the applica¬tion to it of the methods of kinetic theory and elec¬trodynamics—yet about the end of the last cen-ury men were saying just that.The same can be said of almost every field oflearning; and while this is the case, it is almostunforgivable to present to a lay reader generalhypotheses and shaky conclusions—which theirauthor meant only as temporary scaffolding for atheory to come—without being able to present atthe same time the reservations proposed with thehypotheses or conclusions.Men and women who are scholars in a partic¬ular field, say physics, must mentally wince whenthey attend a dinner at which laymen bandy half-truths gleaned from popular accounts of the re¬cent work in physics; yet Einstein, Millikan,Heisenberg, and Compton have become dinner- THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 9, 1932“WEDONTWANTIOGO TO WAR,” MENABOUTCAMPUSSAYI The Travelling BazaarJI BY FRANK HARDING |Bayard Poole tells us that he was up atthe Drake last Saturday and saw our oldfriend Art Howard. Bayard was with SueRichardson and we can’t make up our mindswhether in one statement the young ladyshowed the best of tact and poise, or wheth¬er it was just what she thought. Anywaysomeone girl kicked over a gin bottle underthe table ,making an awful racket, and spilledit all over. Miss Richardson calmly said“How could that girl have been so clumsy asto knock her ash tray on the floor?AA * ¥A young lady was telling us a story of oneof her smart boy friends the other day; butshe forgot to tell us who it was, so will theculprit please come around and confess.Anyway she was dancing with this fellow ata recent party and she thought she would benice to him so she said, “My, 1 think we’veboth improved since the dancing schooldays.” The clever young lad she was danc¬ing with answered, “Oh', you must be mistak¬en, I’ve never been to a dancing school—I’vealways danced as well as this.”^ ^ ^A few days ago Nels Norgren was havinga little basket ball meeting and was trying topound a few ideas into the boys’ heads. How¬ever just as he was beginning to get somesuccess in waltzed some pansy crying, “Ohmy. Oh dear, my lips are so chapped. Wherecan I get some mentholatum?” In any casethey tell us that it broke up the meeting. (Continued from page 1)body and soul together, will refuseto enlist, and the grtvevniuent willhave more difficuUy waging a sue- jeessful )iropaganda campaign than !they did iniXed Veateh. a member of the ,Officers Reserve (’orps, said he .gues-ed he'd “have to go anyway. ivo it doesn’t make mueh ditferenee jwhat I think about fighting inJapan.” jEnos Troyer, president of the :Undergraduate eouneil, said hemight go as a volunteer in ease ofa war of defeni-’e. but otheiwiso hewould wait for the draft. “I don’twant to be a common soldier—if Ihave to carry a gun I’d rather he inthe marine corps,” he said.1 James Van Nice, campus corre-j spondent for the T’nited Press, de-! elated that he doesn’t care “about iI* fighting for J. P. Morgan’s inter-j ests or raising the price of U. S.j steel,”j .\rchie Winning, captain of the ij fencing team last year, said, “I’d jI go if they paid me fifty cents anhour, even if the war were in .Tap-I an.” (Editor’s note: Winning sings i' Scotch songs.) Mexican hand-blown glasswareis the vogueriic charm of old Mcxicci hasheeii brought to tlic smartesthomes and apaituicnts iu Chi¬cago. This genuine hand-hlowti.Mexican glassware has becomethe latest fashion in table ap-lioinlments and declaration. Itsclear texture is filled with airybubbles, and its fascinating swirlsreflect ihc light like polished sil-ver. Plates, howls, candle-sticks,...aiicers, and cups of uniipio de¬sign are fashioned in this unusualware, it is on sale Itow at theUniversity of ('hicago Bookstoreat jirices surprisingly low.This interesting Mexican glass¬ware is only a part of the as¬tounding eolleetion of Indian andMexican arts and crafts that Fredl.eighfon has colleeted at the In¬dian Trading Post. 61<) X. Mich¬igan (in (he Italian Court). •Mr. Leighton will be glad to ' i.you his collection, and perhai'- •yon .«ome .of the interestingthat are ci>nnectcd with tlu'..e ,irnefv of the old and rich rnltnr-Mexico and the South-west.ONLY EIGHT MOREWEEAARRRREM!if. if DAYS. SO BE- I, Home economies enrollment atI Iowa .State college has increased! from 100 in 1011 to more than 1,000in 1931.Mirror is about here and we want to givesomeone a break in obtaining a couple of freetickets. The idea is to unscramble wordsand make some sense out of them and if youcan get two free main floor seats to the show.The first word is “YUFRABER,” but readthe following rqles and get it all straight.1. Beginning today, scrambled words willbe printed in the bazaar, and appear inconsecutive issues for the next twoweeks, the last words appearing Feb¬ruary 1 9th.2. These words, when correctly solvedand arranged In proper order at theend of that time, form a complete gram¬matical sentence.Each day the correct word appears inits proper form in the Mirror story onthe front page.A prize of two main floor seats to theopening night of the Mirror Show,“All’s Fair” will be awarded to the per¬son who turns in his or her correct solu¬tion of the contest first after the con¬test has closed,A desk will be established on the lastday for receipt of all soutions — theplace to be announced later.6. Daily Maroon staff members (and theirfamilies) are not eligible to enter thecontest.llllllllllllllllin'l!llll!IIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllIlllllllWI||jlllllllllll!lllllll|lll||ll:lltl|||IIIII|||||l|||||lilllll||||i|||||||||||||l|||ii|||||||||||||||i||||!|||| FOR €:OLFF€>F €slKFKGraduated or Undenrraduates. Siiof thorough trmming^putinto a three month*' intenaive courae for giri* ir4adenote kou' to $tudy. Send today for BulletinCouree* »tart f^rlobrr 1, January 1«April 1 • JhIv 1MOKKH BI KI.\CKd t'Ol.LKIGK' tni4 a116 South Miehigan Avesue, (.ibiragoPhone Kandolph 4347 Phelps & PhelpsColonial Tea RoomANNOUNCESLOWER PRICESU. of C. Special Luncheon . . ....35cFull Course 55cEvening Dinner 65c - 75cClub and T-Bone Steaks 85c - $1,00The siune fiuf jood served hi the same fine zva\'Come to6324 Woodlawn Ave.for the best food value on the south side.3.4.5.AthenaeumFebruary 5,Mr. Louis N. Ridenour,Editor-in-Chief, Daily Maroon.Dear Sir:I read most of your HUIUIIHI932table heroes since the deluge of popular books ' that they are worthwhile,on modern physics which has recently come from j is especially significant,publishers. The hero of today is not the warrior, | called the attention of editorials because 1 feelI think today’s editorialI think that you havestudents to a situationnor the saint, nor the stateman, but the savant in a which we have been trying to bring before themdirty laboratory apron. j for quite some time. I am tempted to ask allPerhaps it is better so. Certainly the savant is j registrants to read your editorial before meetingat least as valuable to society as the warrior, the ! with employment representatives.saint, or the statesman. The man in the street,however, need be concerned with modern scienceonly insofar as it directly affects his life. Thespectacle of a capable mathematical physicist tak¬ing time off to write a non-technical book on mod¬ern physics is a disappointing one, for the world, at large is being deprived of a good deal of thereally valuable work he might have done at theforefront of his field.We have previously said (“Savants andTeachers”) that the University is overstaffed withsavants and undermanned with teach'ers. We donot here retract anything there pointed out; ourpresent thesis is that the cobbbler should stick tohis last.—L, N. R., Jr. Your editorial gives one slightly incorrect im¬pression. One rather gathers from your edi¬torial that these notices were sent only for thepurpose of directing the attention to business reg¬istration. The notices which we sent to the Se¬niors proposed registration in this office for alltypes of positions, including teaching. This ofcourse is only a minor aspect of a very worth¬while point you were'making, I thought, how¬ever, that you would want to know the entire pur¬pose for which we have sent out tHs notice.Veryl truly yours,'• Robert C. Woellner,I I Executive Secretary,The Board of Vocational. Guidance and Placement Join the Neumode Hosiery Club. . . . Every 13th Pair is Free!^ Dll hccoHic a member with your first hosierypurchase . . . As soon as you have boughttwelve, choose a free I3fh pair. Ask to Ik*sent the Color-of-the-Month . . . keep in touchwith the newest hosiery shades. .Ask BettyMudgey Katheritie Dierssetiy Margaret Cirahamhow they like Neumode, Wear Campus Chiffons,89c . . . tissue chiffons, $i . . . Neumode nets,$1.15, exclusively. Join the Neumode Club withyour next hosiery purchase!nEUMODE HOSIERY SHOPNext to Huylers, 16 S. Michigani ITHE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1932 Page Threemakoons drop intoSOLE POSSESSION OFCONFERENCE CELARTake Decisive DrubbingAt Hands of IowaCage Teambig ten scoresLast Night’s GamesN.irchwostern. 2H; Indiana, 25.I’litdiM’. .‘IH; Ohio Stato, .‘L'l (ovit-linif.Minnesota. 24; Iowa, 22.\Vi:(()Msin. 18; .Marquette, 1«>.( hiiajio hopes for winnintr a BiACTf! name this year were definitely(linmied last Saturday eveninjr whenthi Maroon sipiad received its most(|.(i.'ive (IruhhinK of the season atric hand." of the Iowa Hawkeye^,\^|^. before the contest had share<is hicaATo the lowly cellarn.iti. The irame was one side<l fromth: tait; Iowa rollini; up a fiftetn;nt lead almost immediately an«ikc! pintr it intact throughout. Tt.efinal -'Core was 43-26.l oach .\el.s .Norgren startled a re¬vamped lineup with Schlifke, at for¬ward, and Parsons, at center, in theplai c of Rexinger and Kvans. InIc , than fifteen minutes Parsonswa- ejected on pei'sonal fouls andthe ojiposing center, Bennett hadii7i (i his -ix feet* five inches to ad¬vantage in scoring nine points.Kvans was) substituted for Parsonsand Rexinger replaced Schlifke.Stevenson led the Maroon attackthroughout although Kvans tookhigh -coi ing honors. Together theya>v..iinted for fifteen of Thicago’stwenty-five points. .MofTitt and Bennett, the mainstays of th*‘ Iowa teamwere aldy siqiportiLMl by three* tiew-cdiiHi- tf Big Ten competition, /.el-/ci. a forwanf, showed a surprising(Continued on page 4) Trackmen TrounceLoyola in FirstPractice TourneyThe Maroon cindermen wound uptheir pre-(’onference comiietition bythoroughly trouncing a weak Loy¬ola University squad in the field-house Saturday by a score of 81-14.Since the number of men to com¬pete in Conference engagementshas been limited this year to 1.5.the results of the Loyola meet willto a large extent deteimine who wiltcompete in the Purdue meet to beheld in the fieldhouse Friday.Captain Roy Black with 12 pointswas individual high scorer of tin*meet in which Chicago copped all 1 1of the first places and scored slamin four events. Black took the highhurdles, placed second in the lows,and tied for first in the high jump.Me wa-i followed in t.he s-oring liyJohn Brooks, who won bmh the low-and the fiO yard dasl\ in very fasttime, indicating that most of theMaroon strength this season will liein the shorter races. John Robertsal.*^) came through as an all-:»roundman tying for first with Black inthe high jumt> and with Birney inthe pole vault, be-ides taking :third in the highs..Although the .Maroon distancemen have been steadily improving,they are still far from Conferencestandards. Jontry lead the 440men in with a time of :51.0 whichis good enough to place in almostany dual meet, but the times in thelonger runs were not fast enoughto insure points in Conference com¬petition. .Moore won the 880 in2:04.7, Johnson took the mile fromO’Neil of Loyola in 4:47.0 and Ka-(Continued on page 4)//'i.i’.s- lifts Ilf time to HO ft you coreTill' i/iiir is lull of days.I'xt' II \’nliiitiiir IK lots of hrifi11 iionijt Hiihtle ways.I!i lievc it or not Valentines areI'i'ii.v impoitant things, and youmay as well get 'rouml to the Cni-vii.'iiy of Chicago Bookstore, to se-Ics! the few you're going to sendLARLV. So many methods andmean:, have been devised for say¬ing "Voii’ie the one I spend most"! my time thinking about”, that'Veil the most bashful and retiringpel oil can find a Valentine to“ peak his mind” for him (or herIt's leap yean. There’s everythingli'Mii a meek little squeak on the-iihject to a good old-fashioned,lacy affair boldly saying “I love.'■"u’ all over it. And if a bit ofpaper valentine seems inconsequen¬tial, you may get candy—appropri¬ately boxed, or one of the Boni-I'ooks that have proven so popularat the Bookst ore. A new supply ofthese books have just come in andhave been marked down to the ex-ticinely inexpensive jirice of 3 forti'I.OO; they are most attractively!hi'uiid. and are small but not tiny. ;^^‘‘11 known stories, essays andPociiis by the best-known authorsmake up the Boni-Book collection. ,I I' k your titles to suit your love or.'"III' state of mind.A lew very alert young women'Cll find—at the Jane S. Adamson‘*■'1 Knglish Shop—1007 E. 61st St.‘*'1 important item which meansleal savings for the Spring Clothesliiuljret. A limited number of Brad-i'.' .(-piece Knit Suits—values up to■>.._.;)() have been iilaced on sale‘b $<>.05. Carden Green, Coinell^iiie. ( oral and White—these area few of the new Spring shades"hich these Bradley suits blossom*"Uh. You’ll admire the w'eaves andI e lovely color combinations. At$6 .1.) these are really remarkable'a ues for of course yo* know [ladley Knit wear tops the flist. iB. a. I1 Let’s smoke aMAN’SSMOKE!WHEN the girls begin to cut cor¬ners in our cars and do backsomersaults in our planes and borrowour cigarettes —then it’s time totake to a pipe!Call it the laststronghold of mas¬culine defence—orthe one pet diver¬sion our littlefriends keep theirfingers off. Call itwhat you will —there’s something Her smoke—downright satisfy- aetgart «.ing, understanding, companionableabout a friendly, mellow, MASCU¬LINE pipe! It’s a real man’s smoke!And a pipe’s atits best when youfill it up with Edge-worth. There’s arare, mellow flavorto the Edge-I worth blend offine hurleys thatsimply can’t betouched. It’s cutlong—to give youA pipe's a a cool, slow-burn-man’s smoke smoke. Andyou’ll find it the favorite with smokersin 42 out of 54 colleges.You can get Edgeworth wherevergood tobacconists sell smokes. But ifyou’ve never tried it, we’d like the funof treating you to that first satisfyingpipeful. Just write to Larus & Bro. Co.,105 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va.EDGEWORTHSMOKING TOBACCOEdgeworth is a blend of fine old hurleys,with its natural savor enhanced by Edge¬worth’s distinctiveand exclusive elev¬enth process. BuyEdgeworth any¬where in two forms—EdgeworthReady-Rubbed and Edge-worth Plug Slice. Allsizes. 15^ pocketpackage to ^i.;opound humidor tin. I-M Games Tonight7:30Jud.^on Wolverines (800) vs.Burton Gophers (600).Phi Gamma Delta vs. Phi Sig¬ma Delta.Phi Kappa Psi vs. Zeta BetaWB”.8:15Burton Badgers (500) vs. Bui'-ton Hawkeyes (700).Phi Beta Delta vs. Tau DeltaPhi.Sigma .^Ipha Epsilon vs. PsiUpsilon I.9:00Delta Kajipa Epsilon vs. PsiUpsilon 11.Chi Psi vs. Phi Delta Theta..Alpha Tau Omega vs. ZetaBeta Tau “.A”. INTRAMURAL BOWUNGTOURNAMENT BEGINSTHIS AFTERNOON AT 3MAROON WRESTLERSDEFEAT MINNESOTAThe Maioon wrestling team camethrough with a lOTo to 17 >4 vic¬tory in their first Confert'nce meet,held with Minnesota in Bartlettgymnasium Saturday night. Thebest bout of the evening was thatin which Captain Gabel of the Ma-roons wrestled Croll, who ouweighedhim by 40 pounds to a draw in over¬time in the heavyweight class.In the other bouts matches, Sher-re and Louis won falls, Bion How¬ard took a decision, and John Heidegot out of the clinic long enoughto take an overtime decision. Bern¬stein, White and Horn last to Min¬nesota men by decisions. The qualifying round in the an¬nual intramural bowling tournamentwill begin this afternoon at 3 atthe Woodlawn Recreation parlors,.6225 Cottage Grove avenue. Theeight teams bowling the best scoreswill enter the elimination tourneyto determine the University cham¬pionship.In Older that different organiza¬tions may enter as many teams asthey desire- entries consist of two-man teams. Organizations enteringone team will be given five pointis,those entering two teams 10 points,and 25 imints will be awarded thoseentering three team.s. Eight extiapoints will go tio the winners, andfour and two points to the respec¬tive runners-up.In all matches total pins will de¬termine the winners. Three gameswill constitute a match. Chicago’s(Continued on page 4) aeaBiat.TO KENT Nicely furn. lar^refront living rm. and conn, bedrm.Twin beds. Nr. U. of C. F'airfaxt<4T6.WANTED - Man student to tutorshorthand, typing and bookkeep-inK in CAchanKe for room in priv¬ate home near the University.Hours of work 7 to 10 P. M. Fri¬days and Saturdays. Mr. Kennan. STUDENTS—Every automobileowner is willing to pay $2 for $15worth of service on his car. Crewmanager (rets half. For details .seeMr. Kennan.WANTED—Girl to wait tables inSouth Side tea room from 6 to8 P. M., daily. Compensation:Dinner, $.20 per hour and tips.Miss Robinson.25cFeature Luncheon TodayThe Green SpotSHORTHANDfor UniversityStudentsImagine how much easier it would beto take class notes in Shorthand.GreKjr Collefce offers special classes foruniversity students, meeting late aft.emoons or Monday and Thursday eve¬nings. Write, call, or telephone State1881 for particulars.THE GREGG COLLEGE225 N. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Hot Pork Roast SandwichCreamy Mashed PotatoesWith Gravy — CoffeeA big bargain in good food—our 25c SupperSpecials and 65c Sunday Dinners (4:30 to 8:30p. m.) At this new oasis in Campustown stu¬dents are finding substantial, home-cooked food.Opposite Men’s New Dormitories1025 East 61st StreetNOBQDY HAS MUCH MONEYTHESE DAYS—That’s Why WASHINGTON PROM Bids areLower Than Any Year in History!But it will be a better prom than anyyear in History!There will be a midnight supper. .Special Entertainment. .The Drake Hotel’s fine facilities. .Herbie Kay’s famous college band. .If you are trying to economize on good times, why notcut out the many little things and join the crowd in thisone and only big campus formal ball?EVERBODY’S GOING!Friday February 19th$5.50** h-.i' 'Bids may be bought at the Unviersity Bookstore, Wood¬worth’s, or the Information desk in the Bursar’s office.Copr., 1932, Th«Amtricao Tobacco Co.LUCKIES are.my standbyYour Throat Profction— agoinsf irritation ^ against coughAnd Moisture-Proof Collophano Keeps that **Toasted** Flavor Ever FreshTUNE IN ON LUCKY STRIKE—60 modem minutes with the world's finest dance orchestras and Walter Winchell, whose gossipof today becomes die news of tomorrow, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evening over N. B. C. networks*Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1932TODAYon theQUADRANGLESThe Daily MaroonNight editor for the next issue:Bion B, Howard. Assistants: MelvinGoldman and Robert Alvarez. MAROONS DROP INTOSOLE POSSESSION OFCONFERENCE CELLAR Intramural Bowling Select Twelve^ MenTournament Begins For ’32 Mirror Show(Continued from page 3)Undergraduate OrganizationsUndergraduate Council meeting.At 8 in Ida Noyes hall.Music and Religious ServicesDivinity chapel, at 12 in JosephBond chapel. “What Means Most to ;me in Religion. I.” Professor EdwinAubrey.Organ music, at 5 in the Univer¬sity chapel. 'Departmental Organizations |The Renaissance Society presents |two informal talks: Mrs. John B. |Storrs (in French) and Mrs. Inez jCunningham. 3:30, in \\ ieboldt 205. jMedical seminar, at 4:30 in Bill- |ings M. 301. ;The Graduate Classical club: “.A.,Trip to Greece and Italy.” Bene- jdiet Einarson. 8 P. M.. in Classics20.Extension lectures in Religion:“Later Egyptian Archaeology.” V is-iting Assistant Professor John A. .Wilson. 7:30, in the Oriental Insti¬tute. “Where We Get our ReligiousIdeas.” Professor Edwin Aubrey.8:30, in Oriental Institute 208.“The Finances of the Church.” Rob¬ert Cashman. 8:30, in Oriental In¬stitute 210. lack of stage fright anti scorer* eightpoints.Saturday evening. Johnny Wood¬en brings his Boilermaker team¬mates to Chicago in search of athird conference victory. Purduelost only (o Illinois and has yet achance at Northwestern who aloneremaina undefeated in the Big Ten.Wooden, who has averaged elevenpoints against Conference oppon¬ents, captains a ♦^eam that nasshown tfie well rounded abfTTiy ofthe gp’eat 1929 Purdue quintet onwhich he won all-American recog¬nition as a sophomore. The lest ofthe Conference, after a breathingspell for semester examinations,swings back into action next week¬end. Illinois meets Ohio state atColumbus on Saturday in a Con- |ference game while Wisconsin andMichigan are preparing for annualgrudge battles against Butler andMichigan State resfliectively. (Continued from page 3)team in Jhe Big Ten ConferenceTelegraphic Bowling meet will bechosen from the eight winners.A cup and gold medals, will beawarded to the winning team, whilesilver and bronze medals will be giv¬en the runners-up and third-placiwinners respectively.A singles tournament will be in¬augurated, with appropriate prizesoffered, if the attendance and in¬terest is large enough. Practicegames may be played on the tourna¬ment alleys at reduced rates. (Continued from page 1)Mayer-Oakes, are both juniors, theformer appeared recentl.v in“Broke”, the latter directed ah'reshman plu.v. Hal James andFrank Springer who have appearedresjeectively in the 1!)31 Mirror andin “L’ncle Tom’s Cabin.” are sopli-omores. Roy Jame.s and GeorgeMann both appeared in the Fresh¬man pla.vs and in Playfo..^t. Ne>rinanEaton, now in Law school, contril)uted lyrics and music this year, andwas last year’s chairman ot ,lie Dra¬matic association. ENGLISH POSmOM ININDIA 1$ DESPERATE;SAYS HINDU STUDENTTRACK TEAM WINS HELEN NORRIS, ’07,OVER LOYOLA, 83-12 TALKS IN HASKELL(Continued from page 3)din copped the two mile from thesame man with a time of 10:20.8.The high jumpers, while improv¬ing still have a long way to go, theevent having been won at 5’ 8” Sat¬urday. Roberts and Birney tied inthe pole vault at 11’ 6” and bothalmost cleaied 12’. The shot put i-;another weak spot, Tuttle’s best ef¬fort in winning having been 37’7”. (Continued from page 1)women because of the increasing op¬portunities in this field.She is the only woman represent¬ed in these lectures which anbrought to the campus each wee;,b.v prominent and acknowledgedleaders in various business fields.The lectures are open to all Univer-sit.v students and are offered partic-ularlv to seniors. (Continued from page 1)^OY<-o England to make concessions 'to the Nationalist party, much as she |was forced to do in 1929. Besidesthe noted decrease in industrial em- 'ployment. the steamship companieshave run into alarming deficits- dueto the great drop in sea-trade.”“India has always been Britain’s |chief source of income, and as soonas this source is impaired. England .will be forced to maintain her eco¬nomic and financial equilibrium h;.regaining the friendship, and " hat isvastly more imnorlant. t!ie trade ot iIndia.” ALL’S FAIR!Extend Spirit of theHome,” Says Dr. Ames(Continued from page 1)you are not religious.”Dr. .Ames went on to point outthe value ot fellowship. “Fellowshipis heaven- and lack of fellowship ishell.” he said.MiscellaneousRadio Lectures: “Colonial Litera¬ture.” Professor Percy Boynton, at |8 A. M. on WMAQ. “Readings.” jAllen Miller. 10:45- on WMAQ. “El¬ementary Spanish.” Associate Pro- !fessor Carlos Castillo. 4:30. onWMAQ. 'Public lecture: “The Organizationand Administration of the Munici¬pal Court.” The Honorable John J.Sonsteby, Chief Justice of the Mu- |nicipal Court of Chicago. 3:30, in .Cobb no.Public lecture (downtown) : “Dra¬matic Readings: If Winter Comes.”;Associate Professor Bertram Nel- ;son. 6:15 in the -Art Institute.Open house at Meadville Theolog¬ical school. Illustrated lecture. |“Russia—-A Personal Depression”, ,by Dilworth Lupton- pastor ofCleveland Unitarian church. At 8 inCurtis room, 5701 Woodlawn av- jenue.LIND’S TEA ROOM6252 University Ave.Special Luncheon 40cDinners 50c and 60cConsider ThisYOUR HOTEL"rXERYONK here—from door-man to manager—always has ahearty welcome tor University of-Chicago students. P'or generationswe'vT been frieiuL. Years of ex-pt*rience enable us to arrange yourdinners, luncheons, dances andparties just the way you want themand at prices to fit your budget, too.P. ?. -A convenient place to parkyour parents, also—not too near—vet not too far.^hicago56th Street at Hyde Park BoulevardWard B, James, ManagerFairfax 6000 MIRRORFORECASTfor1932 REVUEFifty Undergraduatesare on the stage.Skits, Lyrics andMusic are byStudents andAlumni.1893 to 1933PortrayedIn SongandDanceCHIP OFF THE OLD BLOCKCash in on Poppa's famous name!Not Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. I Formonths he labored os a five-dollor-o-doy "extra." Then hecrashed into a port like a brickthrough a plate-gloss window.Doug boxes like a pro, and wedon't mean a polooka ... hehas muscles like a wrestler. Whenundressing, he hongs his clotheson the chandelier. The box officeslike his latest FIRST NATIONALPiaURE,"UNION DEPOT."Doughas stuck to LUCKIES four yeors,but didn't stick the makers ofLUCKIES anything for his kindwords. "You’re a brick, Doug." **LUCK1ES are my standby. 1 buy them exclusively. IVetried practically'^ brands but LUCKY STRIKES arekind to my thrpat*^ And that new Improved Cellophanewrapper that opens with a flip of the finger Is a ten strike.”It'S toasted Mandel HallFebruary26 and 27