Vol. 31. No. 101. m Mp iHtooonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931 Price: Five Cent*MAROON NINE FAILSBEFORE ILUNl TEAM;SUFFER 8-6 DEFEATHazzard, Cahill Start;Replaced by WeissAnd HenshawFUSILLADE OF HITSFuzak Knocks Out HomerWith Two OnSacks-FromcalledBy Rube S. Frodin, Jr.Champaign, Ill., Apr. 29-the time that the umpireWitte safe at first after it looked asif second baseman Mandernack hadcaught a fly ball six inches fromthe ground until Howard struck outwith the tying runs on base in theninth inning. Coach Pat Page’s Ma¬roon nine took a sorrowful beatingfrom the Illini this afternoon to thetune of 8-6. The Illinois batsmengarnered thirteen hits, including ahome run by Buster Bill Fuzak,while the Maroons counted ten hitsoff of three Illini hurlers.An unfortunate play in the firstinning, when Mandernack caught theball but .failed to get the umpire’sdecision because he threw to firstand a balk by Cahill, gave the hometeam a tally to start the scor¬ing. The Maroons evened it up inthe first part of the second when H.C. Johnson got home on a passedball after he had^ singled and beenpushed along by Urban’s sacrifice.Haxsard Hurls For IllinoisHazzard started on the slab forIllinois and continued for seven inn,ings. He allowed nine hits, struckout six, and allowed one base onballs. He was responsible for three Funeral Services forProfessor Mead TodayFuneral services for ProfessorGeorge H. Mead, chairman ofphilosophy, who died Sunday, willbe held today at 2 P. M. in BondChapel.The services were originallyplanned for yesterday, and werepostponed one day in order topermit Professor James H. Tuftsto come here from Santa Bar¬bara, California, to attend. Pro¬year as departmental chairman,was a colleague of Dr. Mead atthe University for thirty-sevenyears. Professor Tufts’ daughter,Mrs. Henry Mead, is the wife ofDr. Mead’s son.Professor Mead had recentlybeen interested in the philosophyof science, and the bearing of thetheory of relativity on philosophy.During the Christmas holidays hedelivered the Cams lectures atBerkeley on the subject of theconsciousness of time. This lec¬tureship is regarded as the high¬est honor in American philosophy. Dedicate Lying-In Hospital AsNew Unit of University ClinicsMaroon NetmenTake First MeetFrom Purple, 8-1Captain Rexinger Runs IntoDifficulty With N. U.Sophomorefore he finally conceded victory,Chicago runs. Weis* ro|>laced-him , . .the eighth and pitched for an inn¬ing. He gave one hit, four baseson balls, struck out three and hitC'-ire Johnson. Mills was calledover from first base to retire thelast two batters.Art Cahill pitched three inningsfor Chicago, allowing four runs tobe scored on six hits. He struck outtwo and was chalked up with a balk,allowing Witte to score in the first.Fuzak hit his home run into deepcenter with two men on in the third The Maroon net team won five outof six singles matches and all threedoubles yesterday to overwhelmNorthwestern, 8-1, on the Universityavenue courts. Paul Stagg, whodropped the lone singles match, forc¬ed Bert Riel, Purple all-around ath¬lete, to three hard-fought sets be- The Chicago Lying-In Hospitalyesterday began a new phase of itscareer with the dedication of its new$1,900,000 building in the Univer¬sity Clinics group. The ceremony,attended by several hundred of theprominent Chicago men and womenwhose interest made the new build¬ing possible, was as much for thepurpose of honoring Dr. Joseph B.DeLee, founder of the famous insti¬tution, as it was to open the newbuilding.Within two weeks the hospital willbegin to receive patients and shortlythereafter the old building, in usesince 1915, will be turned over tothe Provident Hospital Association.The new building is the most modernand well equipped in the country,and its planning, as well as muchof its scientific equipment, was theresult of Dr. DeLee’s experience.The hospital will provide 157 bedsfor mothers, 20 of them in theMothers’ Aid Pavilion, a completehospital within the main hospital,and designed for isolation cases.The hospital will provide three typesof service, free, part-pay, and pay.The entire cost for families of mod¬erate means will be approximately$50 for the average case.President HutchinsParticipating in the dedicationprogram yesterday were Dr. DeLee,Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank, president ofthe board; Mrs. Harry B. Kempner,President of the Mothers’ Aid; Mrs.Charles H. Swift; Dr. J. WhitridgeWilliams of Johns Hopkins Univer¬sity, the Rev. Charles W. Gilkey, Dr.S. B. Freehof, and President RobertMaynard Hutchins of the Universityof Chicago.The building was presented on be¬half of the donors by Mrs. Swift,and Mrs, Kempner presented theMothers’ Aid Pavilion. Acceptance of the buildingrs and presentationof the teaching and research facil¬ities were made by Mrs. Fairbank,with President Hutchins avceptitigfor the University.I Roxenwald Telegraphs, President Hutchins, in a briefspeech of acceptance, read the fol¬lowing telegjam from Mr. JuliusRosenwald, one of the chief con¬tributors to the hospital buildingfVind: “Upon this, the crowningevent of a life typified by outstand¬ing, devoted, unselfish service, I de¬sire to extend through you to Dr.DeLee my congratulations upon therealization of his dream, not alonein the beautiful building but theproof to him that his work is firmlyestablished and will be continued inconnection with a great institution.My congratulations also to Mrs. Fair-bank and her associates who have soconscientiously and loyally stood byDr. DeLee and without whom thismonument to science would neverhave been possible.’’The importance of the affiliationof the hospital and the university inestablishing a center of researchand teaching in obstetrics and gyne¬cology was stressed by all the speak¬ers.The ideals of modern obstetrics,as symbolized in the new Hospital,“demand that every woman andchild be brought through the ordealwithout loss of life and withoutdamage, and that childbearing be di-ve.sted of a great deal of its painful-ress,’’ Dr. Joseph B. DeLee said inhis address.Dr, DeLee, recognized as one ofthe greatest of obstetricians, hasbeen dii’ector of the Hospital sincehe founded it in 1894 and is nowChaii’man of the Univer.sity’s Depart¬ment of Obstetrics and Gynecology.(Continued on page 4) Daily News TourLeaves TomorrowConclusive arrangements havebeen made by the University So¬cial Program committee in colla¬boration with The Daily Maroonfor the first all-campus event, atour of the Daily News plant.Members of the tour will meettomorrow at 3 at the office ofThe Daily Maroon. An effort willbe made by the committee to pro¬vide as many students with trans¬portation as possible; and acharge of twenty-five cents perperson will be collected to coverexpenses.Tables have been reserved formember’s of the trip to obtain aseventy-five cent dinner at EitelBrothers restaurant in the North¬western station Main Diningroom.Students desiring to take ' thetrip must sign the lists posted inthe Y. W. C. A. room of IdaNoyes hall, in The Daily Maroonoffice, and at the Reynolds clubdesk. MARION WHITE ISCHOSEN CHAIRMANOF MAY FESTIVALGala Affair to be HeldIn Bartlett GymOn May 22ALL-CAMIWS FETERidenour, Drummond, Sulcer.And Kerstein NamedAs AssistantsCrowd Cheers andJeers at “UncleTom ” Last NightTwo Hundred Shooed FromDoor at DramaticGroup RevivalBiggest surprise of the day wasthe stand Nelson Dodge, Purplesophomore, made against conferencechampion Scott Rexinger in the prin¬cipal singles encounter. Dodge, a na¬tive of California, led the Marooncaptain 5-2 at one time but Rexing¬er won the next two games. Againthe Maroon captain was in danger,as four successive times Dodge wentto setpoint, only to lose the game,and eventually the set, 9-7. In the 50 WOMEN ARENAMED AS NEWMIRROR MEMBERSEligible to Vote in ElectionOf 1931-32 Board rXKET E^IMANDS -INSURE SUCCESSOF SENIOR BALLSale Committee OpensCampus Drive Today„ . , j u ii • second set Rexinger ran through hisRoy Henshaw replaced Cahill in the i ^ o - ui-u \ v.f f I opponent, 6-0, to cinch the match,fourth and was tapped for a pair of 'runs in the fourth and again in the Heyman Triumph*eighth. Only eleven men faced himin the fifth, sixth and seventh. Hestruck out six men and gave onewalk in his five innings on themound.Fail In EighthThe .Maroons picked up two runsfrom three hits in the sixth and ral¬lied in the eighth, but to no avail.Hazzard was replaced after he had Herbert Heyman, playing thirdposition, was forced to go three setsin defeating Gil Sheldon, 6-4, 3-6,6-4. The Northwestern netsterpulled up from 5-1 to 5-4 in the firstset, and squeezed out the second onHeyman’s erratic playing, but in thethird the Maroon settled down to hisflat driving game to take the match.Stanley Kaplan, playing numberwalked H. C. Johnson. Weiss walk- four, beat Cliff Nelson in straighted Urban and Mahoney to fill thebases. Mahoney was caught off firstbase for the initial out. Howardand Cahill proceeded to strike out.In the ninth the Chicago nine wasable to pick up three runs and hadthe tying runs on base when thethird man was called out.Henshaw singled, Buzzell walkedand Clare Johnson was hit by thepitcher, filling the bases. Fish hita hard ball through the shortstopand Henshaw and Buzzell scored. H.(Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 3)COSMOS CLUB PICKSADOLPH RUBINSONAS FIRST PRESIDENTWomen’s Board PlansFall Freshman WeekThe Board of Women’s organiza¬tions will meet for dinner nextWednesday at 6 with the Women’sUniversity council at the home ofSylvia Friedeman, 7200 Luellastreet. Plans for the coming Fresh¬man week will be discussed; and ar^rangements for entertaining thefreshmen will be outlined.At the meeting of the Board yes¬terday noon at Ida Noyes hall,Sylvia Friedeman, chairmaii^, distrib.uted suggested topics for discussionto various members of the Board.The following topics will be discuss¬ed at the meeting next Wednesday:“Experiences as a Freshman” byLorraine Watson; “What the Fresh¬man Women’s club council will do”(Continued on page 2) Adolph Rubinson was yesterdayelected president of the Cosmos club,newly organized political science or¬ganization, which will sponsor theModel League of Nations to be heldin Mandel hall May 18 and 19.The club devoted their meeting tothe election of officers and a dis¬cussion of the integral mechanismof the League at Geneva. AlfredKelly was elected vice-president;Dorothy Blumenstock, secretary; andInstructor Frederick Schuman, spon¬sor. Dr. Schuman led a discussionof current international problemswith which the League is concernedand explained the purpose and or¬ganization of the League to whichfifty-five nations have pledged allo^giance.Its chief concern is the enforce¬ment of world peace and it is to thispurpose that the model League isalso dedicated. The members of the,model assembly will be delegatesfrom various colleges in the UnitedStates and members of the Cosmosand Internaitional clubs. Five groupsof people were appointed yesterdayto study five problems which theyi will be prepared to discuss on the(Continued on page S) Fifty women who appeared be¬hind the footlights in “What Ho!”are automatically elected to Mir¬ror membership with the payment oftheir three-dollar dues, and are eligi¬ble to vote in the election for 1932 ,Mirror board members which is ‘scheduled to take place from 9 to4:30 next Tuesday at Ida Noyes hall.The nine nominees running for of¬fice are: Barbara Cook and CeciliaListing, for production manager;Frances Alschuler and Jane Kesner,for business manager; and CalistaJackson, Sara Moment, Betty Par¬ker, Jackie Smith, and Alice Stin¬nett for three members at large.Include Production StaffIn addition to the women whotook part in the dancing, singingand speaking parts in the Mirrorskits, there are approximately the!same number who worked on vari-1ous production committees whosenames will be announced in Friday’sissue of The Daily Maroon. Partici¬pants in any business or productionphase of “What Ho!” who have notpaid their dues should see one ofthe present members of the MirrorBoard on or before election day.(Continued on page 3) By Edgar A. GreenwaldFinancial success for the Seniorball to be held May 20 at the Tri¬anon ball room was pronounced cer¬tain yesterday by Abe Blinder, busi¬ness manager of the affair. A briefsurvey of ticket demands made yes¬terday afternoon showed that a sol¬id backing was guaranteed the af¬fair by the campus.Numerous demands for ticketsmade at sales places yesterday indi¬cated the enthusiasm accorded thefirst all-University informal affair.The bids were received late yesterdayafternoon and the sales committeeplans to launch its opening roundof the drive today. One thousandbids have been printed, the sale ofwhich will insure the Settlementfund a sizeable addition.Ball Has Double PurposeAt an informal meeting of thegeneral Senior committee held yes¬terday afternoon. President ErretVan Nice emphasized again to themembers that all efforts should bedirected to aid the Settlementthrough the success of the dance.“We have a double purpose inmind,” Van Nice said. “The first is(Continued on page 4) j By Art HowardThey hung out the “standingj room only” sign and not much of; that last night at Mandel hall where' Frank O’Hara and Napier Wilt hadI their revival of the very fit “Unclei Tom’s Cabin”. An estimated crowdof two hundred, half-dollars in hand,were shooed away from the door andt serit ■fo‘"nfe *Ia?t everting 'perfdrm-I ance at the Frolic.Disappointed as the turned-down: crowd might have been, they wouldj have been more disappointed hadI they known what they were missing,for the performance was generallyconceded to have been the best thatthe English department and theDramatic association have yet col¬laborated on.The audience whistled and booed,jeered and yowled, and threwenough pennies to Old Shelby tohave made the selling of Eliza’schild look like a Stock Broker’s con¬vention, had he chosen to pick themup. Nor was A1 Arkules, as OldShelby, the only one hailed. YoungFritz Leiber, known to the playgo¬ers as Simon Legree, received a boo¬ing that would have brought blushesto the cheeks of Hack Wilson.About That Ice—If anyone in the audience claim¬ed that they weren’t seeinga finish¬ed production, they could not say(Continued on page 3)DEKES, D. U., PONIES,MACS, TAU DELTS,LEAD I-M LEAGUESI-M Golf Tourney Cap and Gown PhotoBegins This Week Contest Ends FridayForty-eight intramural golf teams,the largest entry in the history ofthe division, will swing into actionthis week in a qualifying round overthe Jackson park eighteen holecourse. The sixteen low-scoringteams will advance to the first round,in which they will be matchedagainst each other to determine theUniversity doubles golf champion¬ship.Chi Psi and A. T. 0., with fourtwo-man teams apiece, head the en¬try list. Pairings, announced yes¬terday by Ted Plann, golf manager,follow:Smith and Barnard, Tau Delt,play Resek and Winning, LambdaChi; Behrstock and Levy, Tau Delta,(Continued on page I) All snapshots foi; the Cap andGown contest must be in by Fridayafternoon if they are to'be includedin the contest, it was announced yes¬terday by Zoe Marhoefer, Woman’seditor. The snapshots should por¬tray some phase of campus activitiesand life on the quadrangles. Photo¬graphs showing life in fraternityhouses and dormitories are especial¬ly desired. The contest is op?n toall students and a prize of a copy ofthe Cap and Gown will be awardedfor the best pictures submitted.According to William Kincheloe,business manager all fraternitiesand organizations must pay for theirspace in the book by May 8. Therewill be a meeting of the-bueiness(Continued on page 4) I-M Schedule Today3:151. Medics vs. Divinity2. Lambda Chi Alpha vs. Ponies3. Phi Tau Delta vs. UniversityCommons4. Snell Hall vs. Toreadors5. Phi Beta Delta vs. Delta KappaEpsilon4:151. Barbarians vs. Delta Tau Delta2. Sigma Chi vs. Commerce Cats3. Tau Delta Phi vs. Alpha DeltaPhi4. Phi Pi Phi vs. Kappa SigmaDelta Kappa Epsilon, Delta Up-silon, the Macs, the Ponies, Phi Sig¬ma Delta, Tau Delta Phi, and theAll Stars lead their respectiveleagues after four weeks of play inthe Intramural playground ball tour¬nament. With only one week ofplay left, these teams seem to be wellon their way to compete in the play¬offs for the intramural championship.The standings follow:Alpha LeagueDelta Upsilon 4 0Psi Upsilon 3 1Kappa Nu *. 3 1Alpha Sigma Phi 1 3(Continued on page 3) Featuring a seventeen piece cam¬pus dance band and novelty enter¬tainment of night club variety, aMay Festival will be staged in Bart¬lett gymnasium on the evening ofFriday, May 22. Marion White,women’s editor of The Daily Maroon,has been named as student chairmanof the Festival.Planned for the entire campus,with an admittance charge of only50c, the spring dance and festivalwill be an innovation in the socialprogram of the University. The So¬cial Program committee of the Uni¬versity, the Undergraduate council,and the Intramural and band depart¬ments are uniting their facilities toproduce the Festival.Appoint Committee ChairmenMarion White yesterday made thefollowing committee chairmen ap¬pointments to assist her in the man¬agement of the event: Louis Riden¬our, publicity; Forrest Drummond,ticket sales; Henry Sulcer, stagemanager and entertainment; JuniorKerstein, chairman of the committeeon decorations.The dance orchestra, under the di¬rection of Palmer Clark, is compos¬ed of campus men who have had the¬atre or professional experience. Itis planned that this orchestra shallplay at two open dances in the Rey¬nolds club on the afternoons of Fri¬day, May 8 and 15, to enable stu¬dents to hear the group that willfurnish the music for the Festivaldancing and program.Ten Dance NumbersTen dance numbers will be offer¬ed at the Festival with specially ar¬ranged music. The entertainment isplanned for the middle of the even¬ing.High school students visiting thecampus on May 22 to participate inthe annual interscholastic scholar¬ship examinations will be the guestsof the University at this Festival inthe evening.Marion White, the Festival’s stu¬dent manager, is the chairman ofthe University social program com¬mittee. This group will be one ofthe sponsors of the event. MarionWhite is also women’s editor of TheDaily Maroon, and a member of the‘Board of Woman’s Organizations,Mirror, and the Dramatic associa¬tion. She is president of the Ander¬son society.Plan EntertainmentLouis Ridenour, publicity chair¬man of the Festival, is a member ofthe Undergraduate council, a junioreditor of The Daily Maroon, andmember of the Men’s Commission.Forrest Drummond, chairman ofticket sales, is one of this year’sJunior managers of Intramurals,and is a junior editor of the Capand Gown. Henry Sulcer is scen-(Continued on page 4)All Classes toRegister TodayRegistration will be held today forthe Undergraduate council electionswhich will take place May 14. Boothsare located outside of Cobb hall andin Mandel cloisters.All students with less than ninemajors credit are eligible to vote forthe sophomore candidates, those withless than eighteen, but more thannine for the junior candidates, andthose with less than twenty-sevenand more than eighteen for the se¬nior candidates.The election commission, appoint¬ed by the Undergraduate council tosupervise the elections is composedof Ray Vane, Jean Searcy, FrancisGale, and Wallace Fisher. The eligi¬bility of the candidates will be de-(Continued on page 4)age Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931iatlg iBar00ttFOUNDED IN IdOlTHE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO’ Published morniuKS, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University Ave.Subscription rates S3.U0 per year: by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, five-eents each.Entered sa aecond claes matter March 18. 1903,Ulinoia, under the Act of March .3, 1879. at the poet office at Chicago.The Dailyappearing in Maroon expreaaly reaervee all riichtathU paper. of publication of any materialMember of the Weatern Conference Press AssociationEDGAR A. GREENWALD, Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManagerJOHN H. HARDIN, Managing EditorMARION E. WHITE, Woman’s EditorALBERT ARKULES, Senior EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSMARGARET EGANHERBERT H. JOSEPH. Jr.JANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR. 11MERWIN S. ROSENBERGGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEFSOPHOMORE EDITORSRUBE S. FRODINBION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEGARLAND ROUTTJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSONSOPHOMOREDOROTHY A. BARCKMANMAXINE CREVISTON ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERSROBERT T. McCarthyJAMES J. McMAHONSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTS..OHN CLANCYEDGAR GOLDSMITHCHESTER WARDOMAN EDITORSINGRED PETERSENELEANOR WILSONNight Editor: Louis N. RidenourAssistant: Warren El. ThompsonSCHOLARSHIP EXAMINATIONSIn offering high school students scholarships on a competitivebasis, the University renders the high school students who partic¬ipate an opportunity which surpasses in benefit the returns obtainedby itself in capable scholars. It is difficult to acquire on an evenlevel uniformly excellent students; and it is just as difficult to de¬vise a means for determining such students. The examinations mayindicate proficiency in memorization, or diligence in one particularfield, but that is about all. The sole return on that large scaleeffort to obtain an intelligent student body is a group which mayhappen to be good because it can demonstrate on paper a certainminimum of attainment. Aside from that nothing concerning theindividual can be determined.But the participants do receive a marked benefit. It is a dif¬ficult task to choose an institution of higher learning when leavinga preparatory school. The average graduate should take numerouspoints into consideration—but unfortunately always fails to do so.Future fields of interest and endeavor, finances, types of friend-.ships, the proficiency of the university in desired branches of work,and the possibility of suiting one’s self to the institution are pertinentfactors in the success of undergraduate life. But a time schedule,a course book, and a handful of pamphlets fail to accomplish inthe way of acquaintanceship what is imperative. They give a me¬chanical prospectus which on paper is of a uniform level for all un¬iversities. The university is only revealed as an educational plant,not as an environment.An actual visit helps considerably in'the selection. While inthe case of the scholarship examinations, it is exceedingly brief andlimited to such sight-seeing places as the chapel and the libraries,there is some chance to see actually what in the imagination is ahazy conception. The University attempts at every turn to makethe picture which the visitors see as true and as realistic as possibleby inviting the services of all representative organizations on cam¬pus. The response in previous years has been enthusiastic andwhole-hearted. This year even more extensive plans have beenoutlined. There will probably be some tours, during the course ofwhich the overawed candidates will be informed as to the heightof the Chapel tower, the capacity of the Harper stacks, and the im¬mensity of the hospital group. But that doesn’t matter. Everyholiday must be marred by a few miles up and down stairs, and sothe visitors will probably be all set for the necessary' evil.What does matter is the personal contacts that are made.Every participant must certainly have a host of questions to ask.The entire scheme of university life is a concern which demands in¬formation. Consequently invitations to fraternity houses for lunchhave unquestionably a greater value than giving the brotherhoodsthe chance to eye over the material for next year. The men that aremet at these houses have gone through the mill. And althoughthey have perhaps come out at the other end a trifle hardboiled andapathetic in the face of pre-university enthusiasm, their tales of uni¬versity life at least are first hand and do not sound like advertising.It is advisable that the program should be enlarged in this re¬spect, even though a peregrination to traditional sanctuaries isomitted. In any event a schedule should be drawn up which iscommensurate with the intelligence of a high school student on theverge of graduation, and not a backwood lad making his first visitto the county seat. A picnic is not the intention, at all. It is arapresentative picture that should be presented, both for the sakeof the University and the visitors it has invited. . . . E A. G. THETRAVEUNGBAZAARByART HOWARDI In one of our own departments,it wouldn’t be right to tell whichone, a student was taking the in¬troductory course by mail. At theend of the forty lessons rating aB- he was sent the final exam, orrather he was sent A final exam.As it turned out, the departmentgot their dates mixed and sent thestudent the final exam for one oftheir most advanced courses. Theexam was received and graded A.When they finally got the thingstraightened out, they decided togive the embryo student an A in theintroductory course and keep asquiet as possible about the other.* * *Should you happen to go to cha¬pel some Sunday, you would observethat a collection is taken. Youwould not, however, notice that themoney is hurried back into an an¬teroom where a uniformed g;uardwatches over it. One Sunday, recent¬ly, the uniformed guard felt a littlestuffy, so he left the room to takeoff his coat and hat. When he cameback, the day’s intake was gone.* * * ,Yesterday noon, in case youhaven’t an eleven o’clock class atCobb, there was a large demonstra¬tion by the players of “Uncle Tom’sI Cabin’’ at the “C’’ bench. Led byI Simon Legree cracking his whip, thetroupers trouped along the sidewalkin step with their drum. Just as inthe days of old, if your grandmotherwas at all correct, the company hadtheir talented singers out to sing“Oh, Suzanna’’ and a couple of.more. Then J. Scheibler circulatedthrough the crowd with ticketswhich grossed more than a dollarand a half for the Dramatic club.* » •A small army travelled down toIllinois yesterday to watch our clubgive the Illini a ball game. Therewas much shake up at the last min¬ute among the camp followers as towho would be able to go and whoworuldn’t. Keith Parsons with a ge¬ology trjp and a mid term facinghim today decided he couldn’t resistold man temptation.* * •In one of the fraternity houses oncampus there is actually being form¬ed “The Grail’’, a group who havesuddenly decided to reform and re¬peat their motto “God, the otherfellow and myself. I am third” ev¬ery morning in unison before break¬fast. Immediately, there sprung upanother faction which repeats theirmotto all the time. “The devil andmyself, but I’m first”.* * *I} We hadn’t begun to take thistreasure hunt seriously ourselves un¬til yesterday, but now it seems thething is actually coming off. As youknow, the clues will be presentedthrough this column starting nextTuesday and, no foolin’, there won’tbe any until then. Although wehave no idea as to how the thing willbe carried out, we can promise youtb - that the clues won’t be hard to find—probably all in bold face type.* * *Even another wrinkle in regardto the Senior Ball may develop. Sincethe announcement of a cup to thefraternity with the most memberspresent, the girls clubs have asked,“What about us?” The committee istrying to work it so that the girlsclub which sells the most tickets willhave their picture on the front pageof the Maroon. The only stumblingblock is someone to pay for the cut.* 4> *Tonight is the annual Art Stu¬dent’s League Mardi Raw at theCongress. Walter Baker who evi¬dently is handling the affair fromthis end of the world says that anymale under twenty-one who hasn’t adate can go down and have a veryfine time. That’s what Walter Ba¬ker says.* * *A new era is pervading the serenecampus. It is the era of com¬mittees. As Rube Frodin remarkedthe other day, “It’s getting so thatif you aren’t on a committee aroundhere you aren’t anybody”. Andwhen Marion Whife offered to puthim on one, he refused. Hell, youseain’t anybody.Women’s Board'PlansFall Freshman Week(Continued from page 1)by Mary Voehl; “The Work of Fed¬eration” by Ruth Abells and AliceStinnett; ‘The Work of the Y. W. C.A.” by Elizabeth Merriam andFlorence Andrews; “The Work ofW. A. A.” by Margaret Hill andLeone Bailey; and “The FreshmanLuncheon” by Margaret Egan.The evening meeting next weekwill be the first of the kind spon¬sored by the new Board. These imeetings with the Women's Univer- Isity council are held during thequarter whenever the need for such jdiscussions arises.PATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERSThe Rite WayGood ServiceExcellent FoodEstablished ReputationThe Rite way is the Maid-Rite way — wherethere is no guess-work. Everyone eating ateither of our shops is assured of the excellenceof our service. Three years of association withthe University have enabled us to build up areputation which at all times we aim to uphold.We suggest that you try our Sunday dinners at the Maid-RiteGrill. In addition to the unquestioned excellence of the foodthe Grill offers a congenial environment in which to spend aleisurely hour, A large well-ventilated dining room and anefficient, courteous serving staff maintains this delightful en¬vironment, If you haven’t tried the Grill on Sundays, makeit a special occasion this Sunday to see how well we maintainour reputation.The Maid-Rite Shops, Inc.Where Good Foods Always PrevailTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY. APRIL 30, 1931 Page ThreeI TTSSmartTO WEAR(SMaid^TL ^rmOn th« tenniS'Court ... on the campus . . .at dances . . . your new clothes will lookloveliest over a Maiden Form brassiere andsirdle. Every costume takes on a new charmwhen your bust, waist and hips are trimlymoulded by Maiden Form — and because oftheir scientifically correct desisn, MaidenForm garments will guard forthe future the buoyant figurecharm that is yours today.MAIDEN FORM BRASSIERE CO..Inc.t4S FMi Avmim Ntw VoilemMaiden Form’s newest uplift,"GREE-SHEN", with smooth-fitting cross-ribbon design—innet, crepe de chine and Alenconlace. High-waist garter belt ofpink satin ribbon on double net The Maidenette’striangular pocketsand fitted seamsmould a trim, tailoredbust line—in crepede chine, net, lace,satin and satin tricot.Boned 14-inch prin¬cess girdle of batiste.CllkDLES*CAILTi^ BELTSMalden Fona has a host of imitators. Accept no substitutes. Insist on the genuine Malden Form label.Fairfax 1776Yankee Doodle and theHutchinsThe Hutchins are receiving afterthe Claire Dux recital tonight.Yankee Doodle won’t be out¬done — not even by the Hutchins.He holds “Open House” from tenuntil twb.His social calendar is filled with“Open House” memos for theweek-end. When the last strains ofthe dance music leave you in themiddle of the floor, make a break(be careful—everything you saywill be used against you) for theYankee Doodle Inn.Yankee Doodle Inn1171 £. 33th StreetFairfax 1776 UNIVERSITY BULLETINThursday, April 30, 19318—Radio lecture: "Modern Trends in World-Religions ” A. Eus¬tace Haydon, Professor of Comparative Religion, stationWMAQ.12—Divinity chapel. Joseph Bond chapel.4:30—Board of Admissions. Cobb 104.5-5:30—Organ recital. University chapel.6:20—Blackfriars. Station WMAQ.6:30—Federation of University Women. Reception room A, IdaNoyes hall.BEAUTY HELPSbyMadame Condos Dekes, D. U., Ponies,Macs, Tau DeltsMadame Condos is writing a week¬ly column for this paper, telling Uni¬versity women how they may retaintheir beauty and acquire that charmwhich every woman desires.There is nothing quite so flatter¬ing as wavy hair. Straight locks areexceedingly trying and few womenlook their best without a wave ofsome kind in their hair.Perhaps you have noticed whilewaiting to have work done in abeauty shop how a woman’s entireappearance is changed by a wave;how it changes the contour of thehead and softens the lines of theface. .There are numerous ways of wav¬ing the hair but the most lasting andsatisfactory wave, of course, is thepermanent wave.Since permanent waving has be¬come so popular many a childhoodwish has been fulfilled. What wom¬an has not always wished in herheart for naturally curly hair! Andnow the art of permanent waving isso perfected that artificially wavedhair rivals nature's curls.Maroon NetmenTake First MeetFrom Purple, 8-1(Continued from page 1)sets, 7-6, 6-3. His strong service andoverhead smash were big factors inthe win. Lawrence Schmidt, in fifthberth, ran his opponent, Fuller, allover the court to win easily, 6-4,6-4. Herman Ries, sixth man, playedan accurate, chopping game to winfrom Euans, Purple left-hander,6-4, 6-3. (Continued from page 1)Sigma Nu .1 3Beta Theta Pi 0 4Beta leagueMacs 4 0Zeta Beta Tau 3 0Phi Delta Theta 2 2Delta Sigma Phi 2 2C. T. S 1 3Gates hall 0 4Delta LeaguePonies 2 0Alpha Tau Omega 2 1University Commons . . 1 2Lambda Chi Alpha .... 0 1Phi Gamma Delta 0 1Gamma leaguePhi Sigma Delta 4 0Pi Lambda Phi 3 1Chi Psi 2 2Phi Kappa Sigma 2 2Tau Kappa Epsilon .... 1 3Blake hall 0 4EpsHon leagueDelta Kappa Epsilon... 3 0Phi Beta Delta 2 1Kappa Sigma 2 1Barbarians 1 2Delta Tau Delta 1 2Phi Pi Phi 0 3Zeta leagueTau Delta Phi 2 0Alpha Delta Phi ...... 2 1Phi Kappa Psi 2 1Commerce Cats 1 1Sigma Alpha Epsilon . . 1 2Sigma Chi 0 3Eta leagueAll Stars 1 0Snell hall 1 1Divinity 1 1Medics 0 1Toreadors 0 0 Today—Well Lived!j^akes every yesterday adream of happiness,and every tomorrow a vis¬ion of hope! To theU. of C. StudentJry our Dinner andLuncheon today.More quality food forthe price than anyplace else in Chicago.Generous portions.Tryour famous sevencourse Sunday Dinner. -THE We have servedELLIS TEA University o fChicago s t u-dents for twelveSHOP years! Come938-40 E. 63rd St. over and findNear Ellis Ave. out why.50 Women AreNamed as NewMirror MembersThe principal doubles match, withRexinger and Heyman facing Rieland Dodge, went to three sets be¬fore the Maroons finally triumphed,7-5, 4-6, 6-4. Outstanding was thepowerful overhead smashing gameof Riel. The Chicago team over¬come an embarrassing lack of coop¬eration with brilliant recovery shotsand steady headwork.In the other two doubles matches,Paul Stagg and Kaplan teamed tobeat Nelson and Sheldon, 6-4, 6-2,while Ries and Schmidt were some¬what extended to defeat Fuller andEuans, 6-4, 7-5. (Continued from page 1)Among those eligible for Mirrormembership for chorus work are;Dorothy Duhnke, Phoebe Jacobus,Marion Stonesifer, and "WladislavaMae Szurek.Elizabeth Cason, Elaine Connol¬ly, Cordelia Crout, Lita Dickerson,Mary Ellison, Eleanor Frank, PeggyHallihan, Elva Henicksman, DorothyJohnson, and Cecile Loewy. EleanorMaize, Florence Mattson, Nora Mc¬Laughlin, Elizabeth Mefford, Geral¬dine Mitchell, Margaret Moore.MAROON NINE FAILSBEFORE ILLINI TEAM;SUFFERS DEFEAT, 8-6Crowd Cheers andJeers at **UncleTom” Last Night(Continued from page 1)they were not being amused. As ad¬vertised, Eliza, admirably portrayedby Miss Wolf, crossed the ic§, whichwas composed of whitewashed boxeson a teeter, and Eva, or Miss Leck-rone, died and went to heaven bymeans of a one-inch manila rope.Just as Mildred Marquison stolethe Mirror show, so she stole “UncleTom’s Cabin’’ in her part of Topsy.She dangled her limbs like a gaukyyoungster, and it wasn’t hard foranyone to believe her when she said,“I jest growed up’’. Pat McGee asUncle Tom himself gave his usualfirst class performance, and Law¬rence Smith as the runaway GeorgeHarris couldn’t run far enough awayfor the audience to get him back tosing another song.All in all, the atmosphere of yearsago was well preserved. It seemsas though every time the countrygets wrought up over a question,somebody writes a play to get theissue birded down. Perhaps seventyyears from now a very similar audi¬ence will be on hand to laugh atthat dry year, 1931. (Continued from page 1)C. Johnson struck out. Urban got abase on balls, but was foreqd out atsecond when Mahoney hit to the sec.ond baseman. Fish scored. Millsstruck out Howard.In addition to his homer, Fuzakgot a single, but Gbur knocked outa triple for the only extra base hitsof the game. Fish and Cahill eachgot a pair of singles, while all ofthe rest of the nine each hit safelyonce, with the exception of Mander-nack, who struck out three times,and his successor, Howard, who fol¬lowed suit with a pair of strikeouts.Chicago players made errors twice,and Illinois men three times. Eachside made eleven assists. <Cosmos Club Picks „ ,Adolph Rubinson •>>As First President’(Continued from page 1) ‘assembly floor. • 'The Cosmos club has already ac¬quired a library of thirty-two bookswhich are on reserve in Harper E 17for 'the use of club members, whohave formed the club as a dtfKue-sion group in which current prob¬lems can be presented and argued.Any member of the University mayjoin; dues are twenty-five cents perquarter; and meetings will be heldtwice a month. , PATRONIZE THE DAILY MAROON ADVERTISERSBePrepared"'for theSeniorBall The Senior ball is successful be¬fore it is held—it incorporates thegood features of every other socialaffair and dedicates its proceedsto a useful purpose.BARBARA M. COOKMay 20—Bids $3.00Are you all ready tohear Wayne KingGet your date today, orthis week-end. If ypu don’tsomeone else will, andwhen Wayne King is theone your girl is listeningto, it is just as well thatyou be there. Only 20days are left, and then thebig event.TTie price of the bids is$3.00; they are on salenow at the usual places,and will be sold only onthe campus. The pro¬ceeds of the dance will goto the Settlement fund.Here is a real value. As you know the manage¬ment of the Trianon hasleased the entire ballroomand Wayne King to theUniversity for the Wednes¬day night ball. Thus giv¬ing the campus the bestplace and orchestra for theexclusive all - Univereinformal dance.The following of WayneKing has been proved atthe University, and sincethe time he was here lastit has increased. A bandunparalleled in popularity,and a band that will showthe reason why. May 20th.AT THE$3.00 TRIANON $3.00Page Fou THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 30, 1931iiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiuiiiDANCE IMarine Dining Room |Monday Nites — Celebrity Nite I I-M Golf TourneyBegins This WeekStars ot Stage and Screen will entertain vonPHIL SPITALNY’S MUSICand dancing till 2 in the morning. Otherweek nights dancing till 12. Fridays—Fra¬ternity Nite—till 1. Saturdays—Formal—till 2 A.M. Sundays—Concert 5 to 9 P.M.i EDGEWATER BEACH HOTELy 5300 Block Sheridan Road CHICAGOI 200-Car GARAGE in the Hotel is available for your carY .M.C.A. Cafeteria53rd Street at DorchesterA 40c Lunch at NoonA 65c Special DinnerServing HoursBreakfast 6:30—9:00Lunch 11:30—2:00Dinner 5:30—7:45SundayBreakfast 8:30—9:30Dinner 12:00—2:00We Invite Both Men and WomenL^^hether you are planninga brilliant social function fortwo hundred, or a quiet dinnerfor two, why not top your plansoff with the noted food, beauti¬ful atmosphere and meticulousservice of"Motels Windermere/I V“CHlCA.CO'sVr most homelike hotels-for Studentscfpecti anti low Cost far^s la theOrientThe "travel-wise” to and from the Orient, knowthat "White Empresses” comprise the largest, fast¬est ships crossing the Pacihe. Special low-cost ac¬commodations for students—maximum comfortsfor the money. Congenial company, hospitableservice, and speed that cuts days off the trip.See the Canadian Rockies cn route, then fromVancouver or Victoria sail either via Honolulu ordirect to Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Shanghai,Hong Kong, Manila. Ask your local agent orE. A. KENNEY, Steamship General Agent72 Ea$t Jac2cson Blvd., Chicago, III., T^lephofie Uabaxh 1904Canadian PacificWORLD'S GREATKST TRAVEL SYSTEMCarry fUinadian Pacific Express Travellers Cheijues — Good the IT orld OverCOLLEGEMen & WomenGet readif hr Business SuccessI'se your valuable vacation time to get a "headstart*’ toward an executive position Twospecial courses for College Students.Summer Secretarial CourseEnables you to eontinue College and equipsyou to earn part or all of your way or givesyou three month’s eredit on Exeeutive Secre¬tarial Course if you eontinue through the Fall.Executive Secretarial CourseAt* S#rrel«ry to an exeentiva you learn the buHlneHX from onewho knowA the buMtneHX. You are in intimate toueb with allorganication aetivitic'i* and immediately aMeoeiated with thepernon having power to advance you. Two aemeHtem, fivemonth* earb. Complete and practieal training eommenivuratewith the dignity and scope of buaineM demandi*. rBiyanf^StrattonCOlJ^CGE18 Sooth Michigan Avenue Chicago, Illinois Summer roursea at thisachooi of reeognicedpre>eminenee offersspecialized, intensivetraining in the funda¬mentals of Businessl.eaderftfajp.Oillege Grade and Planof instruction. I'nriv-aled facilities, ideal lo¬cation. Superior placingin preferred position ongraduation.Day or Event ;dg Classes.Visit, write or phoneRandolph 15754«Sanunrr Sem«*ter auruJuly 6tli. (Continued from page 1)i play Baskey and Heaton, b. K. E.;' Pyott and Reul, Alpha belt, playI Ovson and Wolf, Phi Sig; Kaufmani and Marks, Phi Sig, play Prince andI Bargeman, Phi. B. D.; Bullock andSipple, Lambda Chi, play Marver: and Feldman, Phi B. D.Mauerman and Verdier, Kappai Sig, play Littel and Sills, D. K. E.;Leseman and Drainie, Alpha belt,; play Offil and Davii>5on, Kappa Sig;Aries and Cohen, Phi Sig, play As-kevold and Horton, Sigma Nu; For-brich and Porter, Phi belt, playBradshaw and Hoagland, Psi U.;Howard and Young, Psi U., play Ri-lley and Hornaday, Sigma Nu.Schmidt and Porterfield, belts,play Richards and Scheid, Phi belt;Caldwell and Grimes, belts, playBerman and Hess, Pi Lamb; Coop-erider and Hartle, b. U., play Kram¬er and Lederer, Z. B. T.; Kaufmanand Margolis, Pi Lamb, play Freeh-ling and Field, Z. B. T.; Walsh andPorter, Chi Psi, play Lynch and boo-ley, A. T. O.; Constantine andAbrams, Chi Psi, play Stone andLevin, Kappa Nu; Starr and Rubin,Kappa Nu, play McMahon and Patt,A. T. O.; Gleasner and McGuigan,A. T. O., play May and Edelstein,Ponies; Krulewitch and Wolfberg,Ponies, play Friedman and Reid, ChiPsi; Henning and bewes, Chi Psi,play Howe and Streich,'unattached;bunn and Smith, A. T. O., playHornstein and Callaghan, belta Sig;Brown and Johnson, belta Sig, playRittenhouse and Krosen, Phi Kap;Randolph and Haskins, Phi Kap,play Mauerman and Moore, Phi Psi;Lindland and Jones, Phi Psi, playBurnside and Valentine, Phi Pi.Matches must be played off byMay 2, and score cards must befilled in completely, attested by allmembers of the foursome, and turn¬ed in at the Intramural office inBartlett.Ticket DemandsInsure SuccessOf Senior Ball(Continued from page 1)to sponsor a dance under the super¬vision of the Senior class which willmeet the requirements of a suitablespring social function for the Uni¬versity. The second is to aid the Set¬tlement which has been neglectedthis year due to several unfortunatecircumstances. If the affair will notbe successful as far as the secondintention is concerned, it will be use-^ less." Van Nice concluded that theimmense popularity attained for thedance by advance announcements is’ a good indicator that satisfactoryresults are certain.1 The cup to be offered the frater-i nity turning out the largest number: of members will be placed on displaylater this week. This incentive to at¬tendance has been planned so that, in: the event the ball should be spon¬sored in succeeding years, a tradi¬tion to hold permanent interest willbe created for it.Bids, priced at three dollars, willbe on sale at all designated placesearly this morning. Ticket purchasersare asked to leave their names whenbuying tickets. It is planned to printa complete list of those attending theball later on to commemorate thefounding of the affair.Marion White IsChosen ChairmanOf May Festival(Continued from page 1)! ery manager for Blackfriars thisj year, and is a Sophomore manager; of Intramurals. Junior Kerstein is'a member of the Intramural depart-! ment, and of the bramatic associa¬tion production staff.betailed announcements of the; entertainment being planned for thej (Festival, of the decoration of Bqrt-i lett gymnasium, and of the sale ofI tickets for the affair will be made by' the respective chairmen during thenext week. Appointments of com-■ mittee members to assist the chair-j m^h have not yet been determined.I- 1 -All Classes toj ; ^ Register Todayjr.m VI (Continued from page 1)I dlaTed at a council meeting tomor-j row noon in Co'bb 110. Projects willi also be assigned to the candidates_ at this meeting. Dedicate New Lying-In Hospital, AnotherUniversity Clinic Unit(Continued from page 1) i"The old idea that a confinement jcase is a simple, normal functionalmatter, requiring only the care that jan ignorant midwife can give, is out- igrown. A confinement case has phys- |iological, pathological and surgical jdignity and even the most normal Idelivery requires the services of a 'specially trained medical attendant,one grounded in all the branches ofmedicine. The present laiitentablyhigh maternal and chila mortalityand invalidism resulting from child- jbirth will not subside until this prin-ciple is recognized."The magnificent new building of !the Hospital will be of no value if itfails to be an outstanding center of jresearch,” br. J. Whitridge Wil- |liams, professor of obstetrics andgynecology at Johns Hopkins Uni- jversity, said in his address, "bespite 1the number of woman’s clinics es¬tablished in connection with medicalschools, this country is still not aswell off as Germany w'as at the timeof the Franco-Pru.ssian war.”The dedication ceremony will con¬tinue throughout Sunday, when theformer patients and general publicare invited to inspect the new build¬ing. The faculty and their wives,and members of the Alumni Associ¬ation, including a group of 30 whichcame from Los Angeles, were guestslast night, boctors of Chicago andthe Middle West will be guests thisafternoon.Cap and Gown PhotoContest Ends Friday COON-SANDERSandTheirNIGHTHAWKSNo cover,charge atany times(Continued from page 1)staff this Friday at noon which allmembers should attend. The Capand Gown will be issued June 2 andthe larger part of the copy is alreadyat the publishers.$475 — EUROPE — $475With U. of C. Group—July 5>Au>{. 'J5Italy, Austria. Germany, Hollanil.Bfljtium. France. EnitlanilMAKE RESERVATIONS NOW’LESTER F. BLAIRTrarel Service Bureau5758 Ellis Avenue - ChicagoPhones Midway 0800 - - • . . Plata 3868Information Office—11-12:30 Daily DINE AND DANCEThe combinationof superb music andexcellent cuisinemakes the Black-hawk the rendez¬vous of the Univer¬sity “smart set.”$1.50 DINNERBLACKHAWKRESTAURANT139 N. Wabash AvenueOUTSTANDINGTOPCOAT VALUESCOLLEGE MEN, DESIROUS OF SE¬CURING THE GREATEST WORTHAND CHARACTER FOR THEIREXPENDITURES, WILL GAINDEFINITELY BY PURCHASINGTOPCOATS HERE, NOW, ATTHE PREVAILING LOW PRICES.EXCEPTIONAL FABRICS ANDMODELS EMBRACING THE BESTCOLLEGIATE TRADITIONS.FORTY DOLLARSOTHERS AT FIFTY DOLLARSTAILORED AT FASHION PARKHATS: HABERDASHERY: SHOESEXHIBITIONS AT COLLEGE REGU¬LARLY AND PARTICULAR ATTENTIONACCORDED STUDENTS AT THE SHOP.THEJackson Boulevard East of State