$1,900,000 LYINGIN HOSPITAL TO BEDEDKATED APRIL 29M rs. Kellogg FairbankWill Preside atCeremonyDR. DE LEE SPEAKSHospital Ready for PatientsWithin a FewWeeks, ClaimDedication of the new $1,900,000Chicago Lying-In Hospital buildingon the University of Chicago cam¬pus will be held next Wednesday,(April 29) Mrs. Kellogg Fairbank,president of the board of directorsannounced yesterday. The dedica¬tion ceremonies will extend throughSunday. The new hospital, finest ofits kind in the country, will be readyto receive patients within a fewweeks.Mrs. Fairbank will preside at thededication service which opens at 3o’clock Wednesday afternoon. Dr.Joseph B. DeLee, who founded theinstitution in 1895, and whose suc¬cess in the improvement of stand¬ards in obstetric teaching and prac¬tice has won international attention,will be one of the speakers. Sincethe affiliation of the Chcago Lying-In Hospital with the University ofChicago, Dr. DeLee has held the posi¬tion of professor and head of thedepartment of obstetrics and gyne¬cology in the University Clinics.Mr>. Fairbank AcceptsThe hospital building and theMothers’ Aid Pavilion will be accept¬ed by Mrs. Fairbank, who will alsomake* the presentation of the teach¬ing and research facilities to theUniversity. President Robert May¬nard Hutchins will make the addressof acceptance. Mrs. Harry B.Kerapner, president of the Mothers’Aid Club, will present the pavilion.Dr. J. Whitrige Williams, profes.sorof obstetrics and gynecology atJohns Hopkins University, will de¬liver an address at the conclusion ofthe ceremony. Attendance at theafternoon dedication service will be'by invitation.In the evening, the faculty of thehaspital and their wives, and themembers of the Alumni Association,including 500 doctors, 6,300 studentsand 2,800 nurses who have receiv¬ed training in the hospital, will bespecial guests. A group of 30 mem¬bers of the association are comingfrom Los Angeles to attend the ded¬ication.Doctors Inspect HospitalDoctors of Chicago and the Mid¬dle-West have been invited to in¬spect the hospital on Thursday after¬noon. The board of directors willbe hosts to the members of theMothers’ Aid Club in Edna CorsantHall on Friday afternoon. On Sat¬urday the hospital executives of Illi¬nois, Michigan, Wisconsin, and In¬diana will be special guests. The gen¬eral public and ex-patients are in¬vited to visit the hospital on Sundayafternoon.The hospi.iil building fronts onthe Midway, occupying the northpart of the block bounded by Fifty-ninth st., Ingleside and Marylandavenues. The building, designed bySchmidt, Garden and Erikson, isGothic style architecture. The hospi¬tal will provide 157 beds for ob¬stetric cases, including twenty in theisolation unit of the Mothers’ AidPavilion.At the present time the ChicagoLying-In Hospital is using the build¬ing it erected in 1917 at 426 East(Continued on page 4)Star of ‘‘Elizabeth”On Campus TomorrowDorothy Patten, who plays therole of Penelope Grey in “Elizabeththe Queen’’ will visit the campus to¬morrow afternoon at 4 to attend atea given in her honor by Mrs.George Goodspeed, director of IdaNoyes hall.Members of the Women’s staff ofThe Daily Maroon have been espe¬cially invited to the tea by Mrs.Goodspeed.Miss Patten, who is a graduate ofVassar college, is part of the The¬atre Guild cast which is producing“Elisabeth the Queen’’ at the Illi-(Continued on page 4) Tennis Team MeetsLoyola In Tilt TodayThe Maroon tennis team willmeet Loyola in a pre-conferencepractice encounter today. Dou¬bles teams will pair off Capt.Scott Rexinger and Herbert Hey-man; Paul Stagg and StanleyKaplan; and Lawrence Schmidtand Herman Ries. In the singles,Capt. Rexinger will play No. 1position, with the others in thefollowing order: Stagg, Heyman,Kaplan, Schmidt and Ries.The first conference match forthe Maroons comes on April 29when they meet Northwestern athome. Coach Lonnie Stagg saidyesterday that he believes his teamhas a better chance to win theconference than last year’s con¬ference championship group.Young Will ShowAdvertising Tricks \In Speech TonightNew Professor to OutlineDevelopment of FamousSales CampaignsWhat goes on “Behind the Scenesin Advertising’’ will be discussed byJames Webb Young, Professor ofBusiness History and Advertising,before Commerce and .Administrationstudents tonight at 7:15 in the Rey¬nolds club.The lecture is sponsored by Wil¬liam Scott, Dean of pro-vommerce.•tudents, and by Haroia Gustave jShields, assistant Dean in the School Iof Commerce and Administration.Describes TechniqueIn the course of his lecture. Pro¬fessor Young will explain the originof the ideas for some of the famousadvertising campaigns; will revealthe methods used to persuade peopleto give testimonials; and will de¬scribe the preparation of advertis¬ing for magazines and newspapers.To this he will add the stories con¬nected with some of the men whoplan the ads; the reasons why somewomen succeed in advertising andwhy some don’t; and what, in gen- !eral, the editor of the Saturday Eve¬ning Post says young men are inUr-ested in.Holds Executive PositionsProfessor Young’s knowledge ofadvertising is professional as wellas academic. He is Vice-presidentand Director of J. Walter Thompstn Jcompany, one of the largest adver¬tising firms in America, and has recently returned from a business con¬ference of three months’ duration inAustralia and New Zealand. Atpresent Pi’ofessor Young is teachinghis first course on the campus thisquarter. It is listed as “Problemsin Advertising” in the School ofCommerce and Administration.Although only students in- theSchool of Commerce and Adminis¬tration are especially -urged by DeanScott to attend the lecture, those in¬terested in the business of advertisiing are invited to come.DELTA SIGS, PHIKAPS, PI LAMBSWIN I-M GAMESToday’s Games3:15 Divinity vs. All-StarsPhi Gam vs. Lambda ChisPhi Pi Phi’s vs. DeltsPhi Bete’s vs. Kappa Sigs4:15 Dekes vs. BarbariansAlpha Delts vs. S. A. E.’sPhi Psi’s vs. Commerce CatsThe Delta Sigs, Phi Kaps, PiLambs, Phi Delts, D. U.’^ Macs, PsiU.’s, and Phi Sigs won Intramuralbaseball games yesterday afternoon,while the Snell hall nine gained aforfeit from the Medics.The Delta Sigs defeated the C.T. S. nine by a 11-1 count, Yates hit¬ting three home runs for the vic¬tors. Ken Fraider did the moundwork allowing two hits to the The¬ologians. Schroeder pitched the PhiKaps to a 11-4 victory over theBlake hall team, while the Pi Lambdiamond outfit scored a 9-5 victory(Continued on page 4) SYMPHONY aOSESSEASON'S CONCERTSUWll•intlT rcpar-A aFeatures Seldom Heard“Three Nocturnes”Of DebussyBy Robert WaJIenbornIt was not such a long time agowhen the French cpmposer ClaudeDebussy was considered too radicalto be immortal, too insulting to theears of Victorians to be listened towith any degree of respect whatso¬ever. His was the fate of manyother musicians during their respec¬tive lifetimes, Mozart, Liszt andWagner to mention only a few, ridi¬culed and hissed at in the concerthalls, but living long enough to wit¬ness a slow reaction in their favor.Today we think of none of them asparticularly modern, we have grownso used to their harmonies—some ofthem have been transformedjazz—that we hum them while carrying out our daily occupations.Few Well-Known Piece*Debussy is still a little too recentto have suffered that humiliation bythe proletariat; familiar to the aver¬age concertgoer are only his “Chil¬drens’ Corner” and perhaps the opera“Pelleas and Melisande”. The “ThreeNocturnes”, played yesterday atMandel hall by the Chicago Sym¬phony Orchestra belongs to the bestof Debussy’s symphonic works. Yetit is seldom heard in its entirety be¬cause of the woman’s chorus neces¬sary to the second, “Sirens”. And wemust be thankful to Mr. Mack Evansand the women of the Universitychoir for their share in bringing itto us. They aided greatly in mak-ng the latter part of the programinteresting, singing also the inciden¬tal music to the “Bacchanale andFinale” from Wagner’s “Tannhaus-er” in closing the season’s concertseries. Without any doubt the De¬bussy number was the high spot ofthe afternoon, the languorous“Clouds” and the Oriental “Festi¬vals” being unusually well perform¬ed.Offers Strange ContrastSharing the honors with the “Noc¬turnes” was the “Second Sym¬phony” of Beethoven. It is almosta pity that musical tradition re¬quires compositions to be playedsomewhat in chronological order,since this symphony could more hap¬pily iiave been placed after the De-Lamarter composition so as to leavethe audience in a more pleasantmood. It was so sympatheticallyplayed, obviously so, and contrastedstrangely with the infernal rumb¬lings of “The Dance of Life” by theChicago composer. The latter is in¬teresting, as an experiment in Amer¬ican musical independence, but canhardly be called original, showingtraces of Strawinsky, Hindemith,and Ravel throughout. ‘“TheBacchanale and Finale” from “Tann-hauser” closed the program. MAROON NINE RESTSARER HARD SERIES“Thinking NegroIs Becoming LessOrthodox”—Locke Page Alternates Cahill,* Fish, Urban asCaptainYesterday’s baseball game withthe Mills’ semi-pro team was post¬poned until next week on account ofwet grounds, and Coach Pat Page’sMaroons went through an easy prac¬tice session on Greenwood field. Inthe workout today the team willprepare for a. strenuous three gameschedule to finish off the week start¬ed so successfully Monday after¬noon when the Chicago batsmendrove out a 11-0 victory over LakeForest college.Western State Here NextWestern State Teachers’ collegeof Kalamazoo, Michigan, will invadereenwood field for a game tomor¬row afternoon. Western State hasa strong team this year, if indica¬tions of strength can be gatheredfrom the 11-9 win they took fromWisconsin a week ago. Followingon the heels of Western State, theUniversity of Wisconsin nine comesto the Midway for their first con¬ference game on Friday. Wiscon¬sin won the first three games ontheir spring training trip, then lostto Western State at Kalamazoo,11-9, and to Notre Dame at SouthBend, 8-7. Opening at Camp Ran¬dall field last Saturday the Badgerslost a game to Bradley Tech of Pe¬oria, 4-3. The Bradley team, con¬querors of the 1930 conferencechampions, was overwhelmed by Illi¬nois last Wednesday. The Maroonswill close their week’s activities witha game with the Logan Square semi- •pro team at the Logan Square fieldon Saturday.In the absence of a regularly-elected baseball captain. Coach Pagehas in.stituted a trial-captain plan.There are three major “C” men onthe team at the present time. ArtCakHiji^gatcher and pitcher; MarshallFish, third baseman; and Will Ur¬ban, pitcher and outfielder. Cahillwas appointed as acting captain ofthe Illinois and Lake Forest games.Fish will act as leader in the Kala¬mazoo game tomorrow and the Wis¬consin game Friday. Urban will as¬sume control in the games up to andincluding the return game with Illi¬nois. which will be played at Cham¬paign next Wednesday. After a suit¬able period Page will call membersof the team together to elect a cap¬tain on the basis of their temporarypositions as leaders.The game with the Mills that wascalled off yesterday will be playedon Tuesday or Thursday of nextweek. On Monday the Maroons willtravel northward to Lake Forest toplay a return contest. Following theIllinois game at Champaign on Wed¬nesday, Chicago will take the roadto Iowa City where they will engagethe University of Iowa on Saturday.“Great gains have been made inthe achievement of internal solidar¬ity and in cultural prestige and rec¬ognition; but this Negro advanceconfronts a serious impasse in themuch slower rate at which economicopportunity and civic justice are be¬ing accorded to the advancing andprogressive elements of the Negropopulation,” asserted ProfessorAlain Locke, of Howard university,Washington, D. C., who opened thecourse of lectures on the Negro andhis problems last night at GrahamTaylor hall.In consequence of this problem.Professor Locke believes that, “thethinking Negro is today becomingmore critical-minded, and is becom¬ing less and less orthodox in his re¬ligious, political and even his eco¬nomic thinking.” Only rapid im¬provement in the civic and economictreatment of the Negro generallywill prevent an intensification into aminority program of the strong psy¬chology of racialism. ProfessorLocke asserted that “for the mom¬ent assimilationist programs havethe upper hand In the mind of theNegro leaders; with no other aimthan the eventual full participationof the Negro on a merit basis inAmerican life and culture.”If this' program be checked, Ne¬gro thought must face either mili-(Continued on page 4) Two-Mile, MedleyRelay Teams EnterPennsylvania RelaysRumors of dissatisfaction amongthe members of the track team overthe selection of teams to enter the ■Penn relays Friday and Saturday'were scotched yesterday afternoon.Present plans provide for the two-mile and the medley relay teams tomake the trip, with the possibilitythat the half and quarter-mile teamsmay also enter. No men from theUniversity will be entered in theDrake relays, as previously planned.The sprint medley relay team willbe composed of East and Wallace,running 220 each, Brainard, 440,and Letts, 880. Nelson, Herrick,Brainard, and Letts will composethe two-mile team. At the Kansasrelays, held last week-end, the two-mile team broke the meet record.After its performance at the Kan¬sas carnival, it was hoped that thehalf-mile team, Wallace, Ramsay,Letts, and East, would also make thetrip to Philadelphia. Handicappedat Kansas by a bad pass of the bat¬on, the team managed to clip onesecond from the time which won theevent at the Penn relays of lastyear.If it is at all possible, the quarter-mile relay team will also make thetrip. Men traveling on the trainwill leave Thursday morning; if theother men, Jontry and Ramsay, aretaken, they will probably leave byautomobile this morning. ,, Martha Bovee, JohnWeaver to Wed June 2Announcement of the engage¬ment of Martha Gibbon Bovee,daughter of assistant professorand Mrs. Arthur Gibbon Bovee,to John Peter Weaver of Morri¬son, Illinois, was made yesterday.Miss Bovee studied both at theUniversity and at the Sorbonnein Paris, receiving her degreefrom the latter. While studyinghere she was a member of Mor¬tar Board.Mr. Weaver, who graduatedfrom the University last June,was a member of Phi GammaDelta, and belonged to the Inter-Fraternity council during 1930.The wedding will be held June2 at 4 in Bond chapel. Memberswho will comprise the bridal par¬ty have not been announced. jHutchins AttendsDinner in HonorOf Gen. ParkerBanquet to Precede SeventhAnnual Military Ball,FridayPresident Robert Maynard Hutch¬ins has accepted the invitation ofCrossed Cannon, honorary militarysociety, to be present at the formaldinner in honor of Major GeneralFrank M. Parker, Commander ofthe Sixth Corps area, preceding theannual Military ball, to be given Fri- !day at the South Shore Country club.Other guests who have been in¬vited are Vice-president FredericWoodward, Deans Chauncey S.Boucher, and Henry Gordon Gale.During the dinner, talks by GeneralParker and Major Thomas J. J.Christian on “Military Training inthe Colleges”, and “The Relation ofthe R., O. T. C. to the PacifistMovement”, will be delivered. Ar¬rangements have been made forthirty-six guests.Banquet Guests Visit BallFollowing the dinner, the banquetguests will join the other dancers atthe seventh annual Military ball, tothe music of Art Kassel and his Vic¬tor recording Kassels in the Air.The military department yester¬day announced that the latest modelof American .75 field rifle will bestationed in front of Cobb this morn¬ing, with a ticket salesman besideit. Sale of tickets is progressing sat¬isfactorily, 125 of the 200 allottedto the students having already beensold. This, reports Manager RayVane, is an encouraging total forthe present, the greatest number of.sales usually being made in the lastfew days of the campaign.Secure EntertainersTwo entertainers have been se¬cured to amuse guests at the Ballbetween dances. Vane said yesterday.An accordian player and a guitarwill provide incidental music duringintermissions.Previously announced leaders ofthe ball are: right wing, Robert Tip-ler and Barbara Cook; left wing,William Elliot and Charlotte Sae-mann.BROADCAST SCENEFROM ‘UNCLE TOM’SCABIN’ ON MONDAY!A radio broadcast of a scenefrom “Uncle Tom’s Cabin”, thespring production of the Dramaticassociation, will be given Monday Iafternoon over station WMAQ be-tween 2:15 and 2:30. jFritz Leiber Jr., who is playing iSimon Legree; Pat Magee, as Uncle jTom; Sara Jane Leckrone, as littleEva, and Mildred Marquison as Top-sy will give numbers. Old south¬ern melodies such as “Roll JordanRoll” and “Swing Low Sweet Char¬iot” will be sung during-the pro¬gram. They will be included in theshow as specialty numbers.Work on the twenty sets requiredby the script has been begun by thetechnical staff under the directionof Gilbert F. White. Attention isbeing paid by the technical staff todesigning scenery, such as canvasdrops, along the lines of models fur¬nished by accounts of the old tour-(Continued on page 4) jCALVIN ANNOUNCESCHORUSES FOR 1931BUCKFRIAR SHOWPony Ballet TentativelySelected; Tickets onSale TodayBOX OFFl^ OPENSTechnical Arrangements NearCompletion; BroadcastsStart Next WeekForty-eight members of threeBlackfriar choruses were announcedyesterday by Abbot Frank Calvinas preparations for the order’s twen¬ty-eighth annual musical operetta,“Captain Kidd Junior”, gatheredheadway. Members of additionalchoruses will be selected by Direc¬tor Donald MacDonald before theend of the week, Calvin promised.The personnel of the choruses mayundergo a number of alterations be¬fore opening night, he indicated.Coincident with the first an¬nouncement of the choruses, it wasmade known that tickets for theproduction will go on sale today inMandel box office. The office willopen daily at 10:30 and will remainopen until 5:30.Select One BalletOne pony ballet has been tenta¬tively selected by Director Mac¬Donald. Members of this ballet areJoe Salek, John Link, Charles Veete,Richard Shelley, Wallace Johnson,James Hartle, and Walter Montgom¬ery.Sixteen men will appear asnative “girls”. They are: BenRagir, Ellis Hopkins, Allan Mar¬in, Charles Veete, Howard Pickett,Wallace Johnson, William Philbrook,Mervin Moulton, James Hartle, Rob¬ert Sharp, Walter Montgomery, JoeSalek, Harry Brown, John Link, andRichard Pettit.The Pirate ChorusTwenty-five men will dress up aspirates: Frederick Fendig, DavidJadwin, Robert Sharp, Lee Loven-thal, Ross Whitney, Robert Alvarez,Donald Becker, John Farwell, BruceBenson, Dudley Buck, Jr., JohnElam, Richard Witty, Milton Olin,Fred Leseman, Edward McCloud,Arnold Behrstock, Malcolm Smiley,Hayden Wingate, Richard Kirby,John Coltman, James Couplin, Ed¬gar Fagan, George Richardson, Ar¬thur Resnick, and Cornelius Mc-Curry.Ticket prices will be as follows:evening performances (May 8, 9, 15,and 16), $1.25 to $2.50; matinees(May 9 and 16), fifty cents to$1.25.Perfect Technical DetailsThe technical departments of theorder are rapidly perfecting theirarrangements for the production.The book this year affords a num¬ber of opportunities for dashingcostuming, according to Calvin, andthese opportunities will be used, hepromised.The book this year contains morescenes than any previous show, andHenry Sulcer, scenery manager, hasalready secured a number ofsketches of proposed sets. The light¬ing, in harmony with the rapid tem¬po of the show, will feature rapidcolor variations and more brilliantshades.Starting next week stars of theshow and specialty artists willbroadcast numbers over six sta¬tions in the Chicago area. The sixare: WIBO, WMAQ, WGN, WBBM,WLS, and KYW. A more extensiveuse of the medium of radio thanever before is promised by DavidMendelsohn, radio manager.Friday Final DateFor I-M Tennis SinglesThe final date for first round ten¬nis doubles’ matches in the Intra¬mural tournament has been movedforward to Thursday on account ofinclement weather. Singles’ matchesmust be played by Friday of thisweek.Forty-seven golf teams were en¬tered in the Intramural golf tourna¬ment when the pairings were madeyesterday. Sixteen teams will qual¬ify to enter the tournament play. Amedal will be given to the low scor¬er in the qualifying round. The firstpairings must be played by April 30.(Continued on page 4)'age Two THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNEyAY, APRIL 22. 1931iattg iJJaronnFOUNDED IN 19«1THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPobliahcd ntornins*. exc«pt Saturday. Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company. B831 University Ave.Subscription rates $3.00 per year: by mail. $1.60 per year extra. Single eopies, flve-ecnts each.Entered as second class matter March 18. 1903. at the poet offide at Chicaito,Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1879. ,The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDGAR A. GREENWALD, Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManagerJOHN H. HARDIN, Managing EditorMARION E. WHITE, Woman’s EditorALBERT ARKULES, Senior EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSMARGARET EGANHERBERT H. JOSEPH. Jr.JANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR. 11MERWIN S. ROSENBERGGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEF ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERSROBERT T. McCarthyJAMES J. McMAHONSOPHOMORE EDITORSRUBE S. FRODINBION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEGARLAND ROUTTJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E THOMPSON SOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSJOHN CLANCYEIDGAR GOLDSMITHCHESTER WARDSOPHOMORE WOMAN EDITORSDOROTHY A. BARCKMANMAXINE CREVISTON INGRBD PETERSENELEANOR WILSONNight Editor: George T. Van der HoefAssistant: James F. Simon.THE ANSWER TO LA CRITIQUEIn the last issue of La Critique appeared a highly enthusiasticarticle on student agencies requesting campus men to cooperate inorganizing a crusade in behalf of such enterprises. The bombard¬ment of rhetoric finally singled out The Daily Maroon and askedfor its stand on the matter. In view of the dimensions the projectmight assume, should it be ratified, and the probable size of itseffects, the question of our position is justified. We submit our an¬swer herewith:Obviously student agencies are intended to benefit the stu¬dent. If, therefor, it can be definrtely proved that they will con¬tribute to his welfare, they should be established without furtherado. But that is only a supposition. We believe, and we can ad¬duce evidence to the fact, that they will turn out to be a racket ofthe minority and not a benefit to the majority.First of all, the institution of student agencies means that manywell established business enterprises in the University communitywill be forced to suffer, possibly to such an extent that they willbe compelled to leave. These merchants are the life blood of stu¬dent activities. Their advertising is a guarantee of their willingnessto support mutually their source of income. Publications, dra¬matics, and social affairs have on the basis of this advertising beenable to expand their original meager offerings into sizeable tradi¬tions. The merchants have, in other words, insured campus finan¬cial stability.On the other hand, whereas the student agencies would meanthe cessation of these mutually fjiendly relations, they would notcontribute to the sources from which they derived their profit. Per¬haps in the end two hundred needy students would eke out amediocre income at the expense of the entire campus and its familyof six thousand. Publications, dances, entertainments, and socialaffairs would suffer unjustly so that this isolated group of unfor¬tunates could exist.Second, it is doubtful whether all those in financial difficultiescould benefit through the agencies by being connected with them.However, the well established merchant makes allowances for thosewho are in need of money. His customers are allowed credit toease the strain over a period of time. The agencies, being com¬posed of only those who had no funds themselves, could not affordto extend credit to their unfortunate brethren and so would in shortorder become oligarchies beneficial to themselves only. Again weask, two hundred or six thousand?Third, these agencies, being amateur ventures into the field ofcommerce, could never be stabilized to a degree of permanency be¬cause they would never remain in identical hands for longer thanperhaps two or three years. This together with the fact that onlya limited number of customers would be eligible would mean higherprices. Large order buying would be impossible. Prices wouldsoar. Tbe local merchant, who could not stand up under the ideal¬istic slogan of “Buy from students” would be gone. The field wouldbe open to this oligarchy of two hundred or less, demanding theirprices at the expense of the entire student body!In our estimation a procedure of this sort is caused by theexaggeration of a problem which has been trumped up by the cur¬rent adverse business conditions. The solution of it has been theresult of an inadequate plagiarism on methods found suitable else¬where, revamped to appear rosy on the surface, but detrimental andextremely selfish underneath. Every university harbors its share ofpoor students and attempts to give them a fair opportunity of keep¬ing up with those whose circumstances are less pressed. But to turnthe tables and allow the unfortunate minority to inconvenience theentire campus with no very great benefit to itself is unthinkable.We can safely classify developments of that sort as out and outracketeering. . . . E A. G. Somebody evidently is taking thelove affair between J. Scheibler andhis miniature ivory pig seriously. Inbehalf of Jezebel, he presents:Protect* JezebeliaI was not born, 0 Jimmy mine,In pockets to repose.I long to have you hold my hand,Caress my ivory nose. six da^es for the same nig^t in thovery near futun. Some not-so-witsuggests that the dates get togetherand straighten the affair out.Mr. Knappen whose realm is, byrights, history was heard to remark,‘T have noticed an argument in re¬gard to the proper use of the words*if’ and 'whether’ in The Daily Ma¬roon. If either of the gentlemen'concerned knew anything aboutLatin, they would know that bothwords, in Latin,"are litrum”. Mr. O’Hara passed the questionout to his class, "What is the oldesttheme in dramd?" The reply prompt¬ly came from one prl, "Unhand me,villain r’ "That’s right’’, said Mr.O’Hara.Your words of love delight myheart.But still I have one plea:Confine your praise to whispers low,I shun publicity! Utrum you were on the campusi last Tuesday afternoon, you wouldhave noticed Mr. Hutchins and Mr.i W. Preston walking around with aI small fellow between them showing; off the buildings. Small as the man jI is physically, in name he is Arthur II Brisbane. 0. Nashe credits Mr. j; Brisbane as being the first one to }I think up the idea of putting LITTLE ;! words in BIG letters. Now that they’ve got the questionof who’s going to buy tickets to theMilitary Ball and who aren’t allstraightened out, they’ve decided todig up the old argument of "Shallwe wear spurs?” If they don’t wearthem, it’s unmilitary. If they do,they trip over themselves while danc¬ing. Suggestion: Everyone wear onesawed off spur.At the rehearsal of this MilitaryBall affair to which the downtownphotographers came, the boys wentthrough the sabre drill. Unaccus¬tomed to such weapons, members ofthe local artillery put in a tough^-day. Henkle almost got his ear cutoff, and Vane got stuck in the hand.Sometime last week the campuswas visited by Mr. Flooay Blooah,the only heir to the throne of Um-boomboopah or something that oughtto sound something Pike that. Allafternoon news photographerssearched for him to get one littlesnapshot. At last he was foundwearing a long black coat and aderby. The next day the pictures inthe papers looked like silhouettes.Early, very early, yesterday morn¬ing, about five o’clock yesterdaymorning, as many as a dozen shotswere heard up and down UMiversityAvenue followed by shouts of “Stop!Thief!” The less lazy of fraternityrow poked their heads out of thewindow hut could see nothing. Laterthe same morning, two dicks walk¬ed into the Chi Psi house, told BillKincheloe that their house had beenrobbed. "That’s funny”, said Bill, |"I was up all last night studying, ^and I didn’t hear a sound”.At the Psi Upsilon house dancelast Saturday eve it is reported thatBob Dodson went so far as to make New ShipmentofIMPORTED ITALIAN and MOROCCANBAGSjust arrivedvery reasonably pricedBook Special for ThursdayLENIN by Valeriu MarcuWas $4.50. Sale price $2.00at theU. of C. Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.Evei^^ Packagenow aHnmidorC^ARRIZOZO, N. M., now gCUCamels in as prime conditionas Winston-Salem, the cigarettecapital of the world. Camelsthat leave our factory are nowwrapped in moisture-proof, air¬tight Cellophane which acts as ahumidor and keeps the naturalmoisture in. ^Peppery tcduiceo dust andharsh moisture-rohhed tobaccoare what sting the tongue and hum the throat. Thanks to onrpatented vacuum cleaning ap¬paratus and the new HumidorPack everyhody, everywhere,can enjoy the Camel blend offine Turkish and mellowDomestic tobaccos in prime,fresh condition.Switch to Camels todaythen leave them tomorrow, ifyon can.R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.Wimston^SaUmf N. C.CamelsFactory-frezk CAMELSare air-«caled in tke newSanitary Package wkickkeep* ike dn«t and germsont and keeps tke flavor in.I IMl, R. J. li.yiUi TOmw Ctipm, GOOnUAN THBATKKLsks FrMt St Msarsc Central 4030Last Week“THE SACRED FLAME”By W. Somerset MaughamNights except Monday—Mat. FridayApply tp Daily Maroon for Special KatesTHE STUDENTSTYPING SERVICEManaged by Frances A. Mullen, A.M.EXPERT WORK ON THESES ORSHORT PAPERS.1S$$ E. i7tk St. Der. 289$DIL-PICKLESTHRU HOLE IN WALL858 N. Sute StBrains - Brilliancy - BohemiaKnown Nationally to the In¬telligentsia. Dancing Friday.Ladies Free. Plays, DancingSaturday. Open Forum, Weds,and Sundays.SPECIALENGLISHWOOLGOLFHOSEBetter than the hosewe sold you lut yearat nwA *6 X 3 rib* hose —the most snug fittingweave of allComes in the solidcolors so popular thisspringA fine imported Ehg^lish wool hose thatwill give you long,satisfactory serviceA-value-of 1931 —greatest since 1921,—a ten^year record, *1^5BASKIN133 South Sute Street)96Nectk 63fdStct Cor LakeMickigM Maiylaad 0 MtfioikOpntnmtttt> Ock PmIiTHi HOME Of HART SCHAFFNIRk MARX CLOTHESHum IIPage ThreeTHE DAILY MAROON, W^NESDAY, APRIL 22. 1931Say it with FiowersforThe MiiitaryiFormal occasions demand that the young 1man send his guest of the evening a cor- |sage. TTiere is no more appropriate ex¬pression of your regard for your ladyguest. TTiere is no more fitting symbol ofthe importance of the occasion. The Mili¬tary Ball is an especially appropriate eventwith which to inaugurate or continue this |* 1!commendable custom. Make it a gala1affair this year with flowers! j1 i• *■* j1j BallSchiller’s correct corsagesELONGATEDWorn on the right shoulderSchiller’s Flowers1301 East 53rd StreetDorchester 7000 Shoulder Bouquets For The Military BallGARDENIASand Lily of the Valley$1.00 to $3.00W. L. KORTSCHFloristPhones Plaza 2150-2151 1368 E. 55th St.DELIVERIESEVERYWHERE ANYTIMEE. C. MOORE 1iFor the last word LA GROTTAFlorist in flowers Florist1322 EAST 63r(l STREET for the Military Ball PHONE: HYDE PARK 0018Fairfax 8680See„ - I, N. W. Comer 53rd St. and Woodlawn Ave.1117 East 47th Street moh^an CHICAGOKenwood 4203ORDERS DELIVERED PROMPTLY ^is«s lAsr^rirty thud tftiirCMiCAao* rMO»n Mroi rAiB-yiA2A 4y«t Members Florists Telegraph Delivery AssociationaOberg’s Fiowers1461-63 East S7th StreetNear Harper Ave.All Phones Fairfax 3670IPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 22, 1931TRY OUR SPECIALSUNDAY DINNERSelected Quality FoodJ. & C. Restaurant1527 E. 55th St. Mid. 5196 ! $1,900,000 LyingIn Hospital to BeDedicated April 29 UNIVERSITY BULLETINEUROPE andBack.. .^185Sell Dad on the idea! United StatesLines makes it so inexpensive. "TouristThird” fares range from $185 roundtrip on the palatial REPUBLIC to $231on the mighty LEVIATHAN, 5 dayspeed to Europe. Remarkable valuesalso on the fivers AMERICA andGEORGE WAShlNGTON.Travel with the college crowd. Lastyear on one sailing of the LEVIATHAN60 colleges were represented. This vearthe Harvard-Yale track teams sail }uly1st on the GEORGE WASHINGTONfor the Oxford-Cambridge meet.Come on along! Enjoy fine food . . .corofortuble staterooms . . . movies ...sports on big sun decks... nightly dancesto the rhythm of real college bands fromYale, Harvard. California, Pennsyl¬vania, Ohio State, Virginia, Columbia,Fordham. Maryland, Penn State andother colleges.Send at once for the hooklet,"TOURISTTHIRD CABIN TO EUROPE” andmake reservations before the rush starts.Official fleet of the Intercollegiate.\Iunini Asstu'iationsConsult Your Locol Steamship Agent orUNITED STATESLINESChas. Krcilek, General Agent216 No. Michigan Ave., Chi¬cago, Phone Dearborn 040442 out of 54colleges choosethis FAVORITEpipe tobaccoand Yale agreesLook up at the windows of^ Harkness to find out whatthe Yale man smokes. In the spring¬time you’ll see him sitting in hiswindow seat with a pipeful ofEdgeworth between his teeth.On Chapel Street.., out at theBowl... everywhere the Yale mangoes, his pipe and Edgeworth gowith him. And at 42 out of 54 ofthe leading colleges and universitiesEdgeworth is the favorite tobacco.A tobacco must be good to winthe vote of so many discriminatingsmokers. And Edgeworth is good.Toconvince yourself try Edgeworth.You can get it wherever tobacco issold... 15^ a tin. Or, for a generousfree sample, write to Larus 6C Bro.Co., 105 S. 22d St., Richmond,Virginia.EDGEWORTHSMOKING TOBACCOEdgeworth is a blendof fine old hurleys,with its natural savorenhanced by Edge-worth’s distinctiveeleventh procesi.Buy Edgeworth any¬where I n two forms—" Ready- Rubbed ”and “ Plug Slice.” Ailaiaea, 16t pocketpackage to poundhumidor tin. (Continued from page 1)Fifty-first st. This building hasbeen sold to the Provident Hospitalassociation. The Lying-In Hospitalalso operates three pre-natal clinics,at 1336 Newberry ave., 734 West47th st. and at the present ProvidentHospital.Funds for the new building wereraised in a campaign directed byMrs. Fairbank, who has been presi¬dent of the Woman’s Board andthen president of the board, since1908. The campaign was highlysuccessful and resulted in raisingmore than a million dollars. The newbuilding, with equipment, cost $1,-900,000 and the hospital has an en¬dowment of $800,000. The endow¬ment, however, is not sufficient tomeet operating expenses, because ofthe large amount of free servicegiven. Wednesday, April 228—Radio lecture, “Modern Trends in World-Religions,” ProfessorA. Eustace Haydon, Professor of Comparative Religion, Sta¬tion WMAQ.12—Divinity chapel. Dean Charles W. Gilkey, Joseph Bond chapel.12—Faculty Women’s luncheon, Ida Noyes hall.12—Political Science council. Harper E45.4:30—William Vaughn Moody Lecture, “Doorways to a NewWorld,” Sherwood Anderson, Harper Mil.4:30—Zoological club, “Biochemical Studies on the TesticularHormones,” Mr. T. F. Gallagher; Zoology 29.4:30—Junior Mathematical club, “An Analogue of ContinuedFractions,” Mr. M. R. Hestenes, Elckhart 209.5—Musical Vesper service. University chapel.“Thinking NegroIs Becoming LessOrthodox’ ’—Locke(Continued from page 1)tant racialism on an internationalscale or economic radicalism on aproletarian basis. Professor Lockedeclared last night. I 7:1 5—Commerce and Administration and Pre-Commerce students,j “Behind the Scenes in Advertising,” Professor James W.I Young, Reynolds clubhouse.I 7:30—Theology club, “A Contemporary God,” Dean Shailer Mat¬hews, 5 736 Woodlawn Avenue.:45—Philosophy club, “What Can Economics Contribute toPhilosophy?” Professor Knight, Classics 20. CLASSIFIED ADSFOR SALE—Beautiful tapestrycouch and chair to match. $20. Bar¬gain. 1st class Call Midway 3056.BROADCAST SCENE! 8—Alden Tuthill lecture, “The Negro Student,” Marion Cuthbert,FROM ‘UNCLE TOM’S!CABIN’ ON MONDAY(Continued from page 1)ing companies, which had to makeover night stands, and con.sequentlyrequired simplified sets.Tickets for the performance whichwill be given Wednesday evening,.April 29 will be on sale tomorrow inMandel cloisters. One thousand arebeing offered at fifty cents each. Y. W. C. A. LIMITSCANDY SALES TOU. S. WHITE LISTStar of “Elizabeth”On Campus Tomorrow(Continued from page 1)nois theatre. She leaves Chicago atthe beginning of next week.The Dramatic association will nothold open house at the tower roomtomorrow afternoon as has usuallybeen the custom. Instead, the asstvelation and its guests will meet withMrs. Goodspeed at Ida Noyes hallto welcome Mi.ss Patten to the Uni¬versity.Friday Final Date JFor I-M Tennis Singles(Continued from page 1)First round matches in the Intra^mural fencing matches have beettunder way for a week. Each man ofthe twenty-five that are entered hasto fight every other man in the com¬petition before a winner will be deidared. J Only candies on the White Listwil be sold at the candy counter inthe Y. W. room, according to a re¬cent decision of the Y. W. C. A.cabinet. This is an effort to encour¬age recognition of good standards inindustry. The White List has beencompiled by the National Consum¬er’s League and specifies certainregulations, the foremost of w’hichare a working week of not over fiftyhours, a beginning wage of not lessthan fourteen dollars a week, andprovisions for sanitation, fire safe¬guards and cleanliness.This decision is in line with theefforts of the Y. W. C. A. nationallyand locally to be interested in theresponsibility of the consumer forconditions under which industrialworkers are employed. A committeeincluding members from the Univer¬sity was appointed to aid in compil¬ing the White List. SophonisbaBreckinridge, Mollie Rae Carroll,Margaret Clark, Paul Douglas, Hazelj Kyrk, Mrs. Robert Lovett, MaryMacDowell, Professor H. A. Millis,professor James Mullenbach andRenjamin Squires are the L^niversitymembers. Chicago is one of thelargest candy manufacturing centersin the United States and so far four¬teen firms have complied with the^hite List regulations.!i The Y. W. C. A.I 1 I ference will be held April 28 and ^I 29 at the Sherman hotel. Jane Ad- idams will speak at dinner April 28. jAndrea Ratcliffe and Ruth Oliver ii are the delegates from the groupI at the University.The cabinet has formed a new in-I terest group for surgical dressingj work, directed by Elizabeth Mil-; Christ. Anyone who is interestedI should get in touch with her at Dor-I Chester 4623. The work will consistI of one and one half hours at BillingsI hospital every Tuesday afternoon.DELTA SIGS, PHIKAPS, PI LAMBSWIN I-M GAMESregional con- (Continued from page 1)over the Chi Psis.The Psi U’s won a 9-2 game fromthe Alpha Sigs while the Phi Deltsbatted their way to a 18-11 victoryover Gates hall. The Phi Delts knock¬ed out ten runs in the first to giveCowley a working margin. TheMacs defeated the Zeta Betes 10-6,while the Phi Sigma Delta team wonfrom the Tekes by a 9-1 .score.Schlifke was on the mound for thePhi Sigs, and Cohn hurled for theMacs.D. U.’s scored the runaway victoryof the day when they pounded outa 26-5 victory over Sigma Nu. Coop-erider pitched for the w’inners.1$475 — EUROPE — $475;Wiih L’. of C. Group—.July .S-Auk. 25 jItaly. Austria. Germany, Holland,Belgium. Franoe. Entrland ^MAKE I?ESERVATIONS NOW!LESTER F. BLAIRTravel Service Bureau ,.5758 Ellis .Avenue ...... Chiea(?cHPhones Midway 080n . . - . . Plaza 38684Information Office—11-12:30 Daily jiFINE FOODSatLOW COSTTHE GREATATLANTIC & PACIFICTEA CO.Middle Western DivisionKOLLEGE KARS$25 and upDelivered in perfect condition.1519 E. 60th St. £Fairfax 6967GIRLSGet in on the ground floor.Elam vacation money. Takeorders for the latest Paris crea¬tion. The **Jiffy Ensemble.’*Sells at sight. Call 3-6 week¬days.MARKINETT INDUSTRIESCO.315 So. Peoria St., Chicago. or..really smartparties...where elsebutHotelShoreland !I* Iwr There’s everything here to help make yourparty an outstanding success! The pres¬tige of holding your affair where everyonerecognizes its distinction. A variety ofprivate party rooms of varying sizes toaccommodate 10 or 1000 persons . . . eacha smart and ideal setting. A catering de¬partment that knows what’s what . . andcan offer a myriad of original suggestions..And a location that’s mighty convenient ... *with ample parking space, too.For your luncheons, teas, dinners, smokers,dances, dinner-dances, and banquets . . .find out first what Hotel Shoreland offersyou. There’s no obligation.HOTELSHORELAND^nw-«.55th Street at the LakeTelephone Plaza 1000 A HIGHLY dignified means of cre¬ating a substantial income duringspare hours is open to attractive menand women, if your friends believe you to be a “motion picture type”.We offer you an opportunity to ap¬pear in photographic illustration fornational advertising. Phone Central1133 for further information.FOR RENT—4 room apt. Newlydecorated. Sunny. Near Chicago Uni¬versity. Reasonable. 6102 KimbarkAve. Call H. P. 4723.TYPEWRITERSSOLD - RENTED - EXCHANGEDPrompt - Efficient Repair ServiceFull Rental Applied Toward I^^rchas« of any MachineAlso Sold on the Budget PlanWoodworth’s Book StoreStationery Sporting Goods1311 E. 57th St.Open Evenings to 9 P. M. Fairfax 2103The Bank For Professors and StudentsUNITED STATES DEPOSITORYHYDE PARK-KENWOODNATIONAL BANK53RD STREET AND LAKE PARK AVENUE(Oppocite I. C. Depot IA Clearing Hoaae Rank — Member Federal Reserve — A Qualified Trust CsinpanrCapital and Sarplaa II.tN.tOff.tOBankinir Hours 8 to 3—Saturdasm 8 to 12-7 to 9 P. M.Safe Deposit Hours 8 to 4—Saturdays 8 to 12—7 to 9 P. M.Once a year—Your MotherMother’s Day is just another day in amother’s love, but to you it should bea time when you can express to herwhat she means to you. She wouldappreciate nothing more than yourphotograph, a gift fraught with symbolicdevotion. A gift that is as lasting asher love.MAY lOTHDaguerre StudioA PICTURE FOR MOTHER218 WABASH SOUTHTel. Wabash 0526-0527 for Appointment