illaroonVol. 31. No. 88. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931 Price: Five CentsSENIOR ADVISORSAPPOINTED TO AIDFRIAR PRODUCTIONScheibler, Yates, PoliakSelected byAbbotEXPERIENCED MENAll Have Served inTechnical PostsPreviouslyJames Scheibler, Sidney Yates,and Charles Poliak, all Seniors at theUniversity, were named yesterdayby Abbot Frank Calvin to seiVe asadvisors to the production depart¬ments of the 1931 Blackfriar show.All three served as Junior managersfor last year’s production.“It is expected that the three ad¬visors will be able to give membersof the regular production staff theadvantages of a more experiencedstaff and a thorough appreciation ofthe necessary techniques,” Calvin de¬clared. “The three men chosen haveall had wide experience in theirfields, and I am sure they will im¬prove the caliber of the productiondepartments.”Scheibler Plans LightingJames Scheibler, who was themanager of the lighting departmentlast year, wiill assist in diredtUngthat phase of this year’s production.He is president of the Dramatic as¬sociation and a member of Chi Psi.Scheibler has worked on Blackfriarlights for three years and in additionhas assisted the lighting staffs ofMirror and Dramatic association.Sidney Yates, who will assist thescenery staff, was manager of thatdepartment last year. He has alsoworked in three Blackfriar produc¬tions. Yates is a University marshaland a member of Pi Lambda Phi.Charles Poliak will serve as ad¬visor to the business department, in¬cluding score, program, and box of¬fice. Poliak served as advertisingmanager last year. He is a memberof Pi Lambda Phi.Begin Ballet Rehearsals TodayUnder the direction of DonaldMacDonald III the first intensivework on the chorus and ballet num¬bers of “Captain Kidd, Jr.” will getunder way today. Tryouts and prac¬tices will start at 2:30 in Mandelhall. This will be the last opportun¬ity for men to attain positions in thisyear’s show, Calvin emphasized. Try¬outs for positions in the cast will beconcluded shortly, Calvin announced.The poster committee, composedof Director MacDonald, Calvin, andBion Howard, posters manager, arenow at work judging the various en¬tries in the poster contest, and thename of the designer of the winningplacard will be made public at theend of the week. The winning de¬sign will appear on posters whichwill be placed in all sections of thecity. The theme of the show has af¬forded campus artists much oppor¬tunity for clever posters, Howarddeclared.A number of musical numbershave already been selected for theproduction, John Weir, music man¬ager, announced. Music and lyricssubmitted are still being judged byDirector MacDonald. I-M Basketball TiltoCommence TomorrowThe spring activity scheduleof the Intramural departmentwill commence tomorrow after¬noon when the playground ballteams meet in initial contests. Theschedule for tomorrow follows:At 3:15—on field 1, Kappa Nuvs. Alpha Sigma Phi. Field 2,Delta Upsilon vs. Psi Upsilon.Field 3, Sigma Nu vs. Beta ThetaPi. Field 4, Macs vs. Gates Hall.Field 6, Delta Sigma Phi vs. PhiDelta Theta.At 4:15—on field 1, C. T. S. vs.Zeta Beta Tau. Field 2, BlakeHall vs. Pi Lambda Phi. Field 3,*Tau Kappa Upsilon vs. Chi Psi.Field 4, Phi Sigma Delta vs. PhiKappa Sigma.Fields 1, 2, and 3 are locatedat 59th street and Cottage Groveavenue, while fields 4 and 5 are at60th street and University av¬enue.Select Seven MenTo Plan SyllabiFor New CoursesFour General Courses WillBe Required of StudentsIn College Division MAROON NINE PLAYSALUMNI TEAM TODAYPage Assembles SquadOf Old-Time StarsFor BattleThe four general courses to be re¬quired of all students in the Collegedivision created by the reorganiza¬tion plan are now being devised byseven members of the Universityfaculty prominent for their successin undergraduate teaching. TheGeneral Education board of NewYork has made a grant of $96,700 toprovide for the expenses of organiz¬ing the new courses and developingthe syllabi.' Because of his interest in the edu-I rational experiment. Professor Fer-jdinand Schevill, a non-resident pro¬fessor of history, has again becomean active member of the faculty.With the assistance of Professor Hay¬ward Keniston of the Spanish depart¬ment, and Associate professor Ar¬thur P. Scott of the History depart¬ment, he will organize the generalcourse in the Humanities division.Have No Teaching DutiesAssociate professor Harry D. Gid¬eons, of the Economics department,is organizing the course in Socialsciences. The Biological sciences di¬visional course is in charge of Asso¬ciate professor Merle C. Coulter ofthe Botany department. ProfessorHarvey Lemon, of the Physics de¬partment, is now formulating thecourse in the Physical sciences divi¬sion.This group of seven men has beenremoved from all teaching duty.They will be assisted in their workby other members of the faculty.Lecture-Survey CoursesThe four general courses whichthey are constructing will be re¬quired of all students in the Collegedivision. They will be lecturecourses which survey the entire fieldof each of the four divisions in or¬der to orient the entering student in In way of preparation for the hardbattle expected from an Alumniteam this afternoon. Coach Pat Pagegave the team a general workoutyesterday afternoon and concludedthe day’s activities with a five inninggame. In the contest that will bestaged this afternoon on Greenwoodfield at 3, Page has gathere togeth¬er talent from the past twenty years,and promises that all of his assem¬bled stars will go the full nine inn¬ing route that he has scheduled.In what promises to be a first-rateinfield the Alumni will have SkiSauer at first, Maurie Holohan atsecond, Johnny Boyle at third, andIrish McGuire at shortstop. Ski Sau¬er was a three-sport man twentyyears ago. Holohan was captain ofthe 1930 team that toured Japan lastsummer, and Johnny Boyle formerlyplayed ball for the Philadelphia Na¬tionals.With this cast of stars, old handsat the sport. Coach Page is submit¬ting his squad to a severe test. Itsperformance in this match will indi¬cate the weak and strong points inthe team which might escape observ¬ation in practice.Anderson May PitchRefusing to let out to whom hewas giving the pitching assignmentfor the Alumni, Page named TedCurtiss and Kyle Anderson as possi¬bilities. Fritz Steinbrecker or Hay¬den Wingate will serve behind theplate for the team of old-timers. NelsNorgren, Maroon baseball coach lastyear, has also signified his intentionof playing against the varsity. Ella-dore Libonatti will play in centerfield, and the men not utilized forpitching and catching will competethe fielding roster.Meet AllStars ThursdayAs a curtain for this afternoon’sgame Page has scheduled a gamewith the Chicago All-Stars for Thurs¬day afternoon. Three pitchers. Ur¬ban, Cahill and Henshaw face theassignments for the two games.In the five inning game yesterdayNelson and Tilton did the pitching,the team behind Nelson winning 3-0.Nelson allowed the opposing teamthree hits against five hits alowed byTilton. Cahill caught for Tilton,while O’Meara was behind the platefor Nelson.Buzzell and FishBuzzell and Fish each got two hitsfor the winners while Clare Johnsongot one. Mandernack, Stackler andWilkins each got a hit for the los¬ers. Buzzell’s speed stretched a twoi base hit info a three-bagger in thefifth inning of the contest yesterdayafternoon for the longest hit of thegame. MRS. GOODSTEED TORETIRE NEXT FALLHas Directed FunctionsOf Ida Noyes HallSince 1916Install Y. W. CabinetsAt Dinner TonightPreceding the annual Y. W. C. A.dinner which will be held today at 6in the sunparlor of Ida Noyes, the firstand second cabinets of the organiza¬tion will be installed. The first cab¬inet has been previously announcedand the second cabinet is composed ofthe following members: Agnes Adair,Claribel Brown, Edith Burke, JanetCampbell, Jane Cavanaugh, MarionDavis, Slava Doseff, Rita Dukette,Betrice Gutensky, Gertrude Fennema.Camille Heineck, Marion Keane, Dol¬ores McRoberts, Martha Miller, Mer¬cedes Officer, Pauline Redman Flor¬ence Ruch, Margereta Strid, HarrietAnn Trinkle, Ruth Willard, EleanorWilson.MolHe Rae Carroll, head of the Uni¬versity Settlement and former vice-president of Y. W., will speak on “In¬dustry”, stressing the importance ofwomen in business. Tickets for thedinner, which are priced at 75 centsmay be obtained at the Y. W. officeor from members of the cabinet. INTENSIVE SPRINGPRACTICE BEGUNBY TENNIS SQUAD Mrs. George S. Goodspeed, direc¬tor of Ida Noyes hall since its erec¬tion in 1916, will retire on October1. In her administration of fifteenyears’ duration, Mrs. Goodspeed hasmade the function of a women’s halla necessary addition to the Univer¬sity curriculum and the life of theindividual student.Members of the Women’s Univers¬ity council will suggest the names ofpossible candidates to succeed Mrs.Goodspeed to Dean George A. Works,who makes the appointment. Up tothis time no decision in the councilhas been reached.Opened in 1916On April 1, 1916 Mrs. Goodspeedmoved into Ida Noyes hall and theplasterers were still working on thebuilding. In the early days that fol-■Icwed all was on a small scale. Only26 to 30 people were ever served attea, and having as many as 40 at abanquet was considered unique. Thentoo, the rules of Ida Noyes hall werestrictly enforced. The use of drumsin dance orchestras was forbidden,for at that time. University author¬ities believed that those particularsounds aroused primitive emotions;card parties and smoking were alsotaboo.Rules ModernizedShortly after Mrs. Goodspeed hadbeen in office, new rules took theplace of old ones. In October of i1916 the use of drums was approved; ‘card parties on every day except!Sunday were sanctioned; and rules |permitting smoking were soon estab- *lished. These last two rulings werepassed in 1924 after a dinner givenby a member of the faculty at thehi^l. For the first time the mensmoked and the firmly entrenchedrules trembled. They were changedshortly afterward.Entertains ThousandsThe last few years have seen manychanges in the procedure in Ida Noyeshall. Over 2500 people have beenguests at a reception in the hall;exhibitions of paintings have beenheld; 1200 have been served tea; andthe calendar of six days out of sevenis Allied with social appointments.After her retirement on October1, she will leave for California whereshe hopes to spend some time withher two grandchildren. After thisshe has no definite plans. When ask¬ed what her official connectionwould be with the University, shereplied, “None that I know of. I havehad contact with the University forthirty-eight years and I shall alwaysfeel mystelf a part of it wherever Iam.” Latest Reports SayMichelson ImprovedProfessor A. A. Michelson isslightly improved, reports fromPasadena, California, indicatedyesterday. He was suffering froma general run-down condition, andhad been confined to bed by at¬tending physicians.The noted ph3rsicist, formerlyhead of the University Physics de¬partment, was permitted to de¬scend the stairs of his home inPasadena, the report said. Hiscondition is not serious, but it willprobably require a long time be¬fore he can return to work. Over¬work was given as the cause ofthe physicists’s indispositionHe had gone to California fromChicago last fall to repeat hisfamous experiments on the speedof light. He recently attendeda conclave of physicists at whichProfessor Einstein was the guestof honor. OGBURN POINTS TOPRACTICAL YALUESSixty CandidatesOut for SpringFootball PracticeVeterans, Freshman StarsRespond to Stagg’sAnnual CallYost Speculates onFuture of AmericanAmateur Athletics.With three weeks remaining be¬fore its first match, the Maroon ten¬nis squad has begun intensive prac¬tice. During the 1931 season theMaroon racquete|prs are .scheduledfor nine matches with Conferenceteams. The conference champion¬ship tournament will be held at OhioState this year.Six of the meets will be held here,while three will be played on foreigncourts. The following matches havebeen scheduled:At home—Northwestern—April 29Purdue—May 6.Iowa—May 9Ohio State—May 11Illinois—May 20Wisconsin—May 25Away—Michigan—May 16Minnesota—May 18Northwestern—May 21Conference Meetat Ohio State—May 28-30. Fielding H. Yost, director of ath¬letics at Michigan, in an address de¬livered recently before the AmericanPhysical Education association, sum¬med up his forty years of experienceas participant, coach, and director ofphysical education as background forthe question “What is the future ofamateur athletics?”Sees Marked ChangesDuring the past ten or fifteenyears, according to Mr. Yost therehas been a marked change not onlyin the position of the coach, but inthe scholastic importance of collegi¬ate sport and the growth of publicinterest. “We can recall the time, notso far distant”, said Mr. Yost,“when the coach of football, for ex¬ample, was a seasonal employee of¬ten lacking in those essential qual¬ities of education, character and in-fiuence which make the athleticcoach of today a real builder ofmen”.“Today, nearly every high school,college and university in Americainsists that its coaches shall begraduates of recognized colleges oruniversities. Generally the physicaleducator is no longer thought of asa coach but enjo3PS full academicrank and privileges with his fellowworkers in educating youth. He isa teacher with a certain work to doand not only must he instruct thetechnique of his specialty, but must(Continued on page 2) Nearly sixty candidates have an¬swered Coach A. A. Stagg’s annualcall for spring football practice and forthe past week have been engaged inpreliminary calisthenics under the com¬bined tulelage of Stagg, Norgren,Apitz and Stagg Jr. Norgren, who hassurrendered his baseball squad to OF SOCIAL WOREHoover Commission onU. S. Life ReportsIn 19332,500,000 WORDSUniversity Sociologist atHead of Group of32 Savants“Almost all social sciences are be¬ing put to practical application,” ac¬cording to William F. Ogburn, pro¬fessor of sociology and director ofresearch on President Hoover’s re¬search committee on social trends,which is making the first great sur¬vey of a chang^ing civilization.For one year and a half, thirty-two of the country’s leading socialscientists have been collecting dataon the multiple influences whichshape American social life. The rec¬ord of their discoveries will be com¬piled by the spring of 1933 in a2,500,000 word exposition which willfill twenty volumes. The completedwork will be used as college text andwidely distributed throughout thecountry in an effort to educate thepublic in political administration.Social Sciences ImportantWhen he appointed the committeethe President had called in morescholars than had ever been sum¬moned to confer on a social prob¬lem. His action came at a time whensocial sciences had become more im¬portant in government than they hadever been before, and the surveynow in progress hopes to prove thatalmost all social sciences, heretofore“Fat” Page, is again assisting Stagg asbackfield coach during the spring, af- disregarded, are being put to prac-ter an absence ot two seasons.Seek 100 LeftHanded StudentsTo Aid in ResearchLeft-handed students—men andwomen—may greatly aid the prog¬ress of scientific research, the zool¬ogy department has announced. Dr.H. H. Newman of the department ismaking a study of left-handednessand desires to obtain fifty men andfifty women campus volunteers toaid him.About twenty minutes of eachperson’s time will be sufficient. Dr.Newman states, and there will beno experiments performed. He mere¬ly wishes to measure the arms andhands of left-handed people and tostudy their palm prints. The workwill be conducted during the springquarter. Women students who wishto volunteer may apply to Miss Hel¬en Pris, and men to Mr. Donald Boy¬er, of the Zoology department. It issuggested that volunteers may maila letter to Dr. Newman or these twoassistants in care of the Zoology de¬partment, Faculty Exchange, statingtheir name, address, and telephonenumber.The purpose of the research, Dr.Newman states, is to discover thedegree of correlation existing be¬tween palm patterns and other S3rm-metry measurements and handed¬ness. Later, he plans to make sim¬ilar experiments on right handed per¬sons, with the ultimate purposes ofdetermining whether or not intelli¬gence is in any way correlated withI handedness. Although it is impossible to collectall the lettermen and probable pros¬pects for next fall’s grid team, at leasttwenty veterans and freshmen starshave appeared for practice. Headedby Captain Sam Horwitz, the lettermenof the 1930 team who have already re¬ported are Paul Stagg, McKenzie, Tem¬ple and Kanne in the backfield, andWien, Hamburg, Parsons, Maniekus,and Cassels in the line.Backfield Material GoodBackfield material is unusually abun¬dant both in numbers and in quality.Last fall’s Freshman team has donatedthree candidates who will undoubtedlyplay next fall. Harlan Page Jr. theoutstanding back of the freshman team,can punt consistantly fifty yards and isa shifty runner. Zimmer, all-state fromLa Grange and Sahlin, former all-cityfrom Schurz are the other two menupon whom Stagg has been spendingspecial attention.The ends, coached by L. E. Apitz,have turned out enmasse, and headedby Wien have been drilling on block¬ing and pass catching. Walsh, Toigo,Thompson, Bellstrom all return as vet¬erans and to their numbers have beenadded Rapp and James of the fresh¬men outfit. Rapp, an all-Pacific coastselection for tackle w'hile in highschool, has recently turned out for endwhere his speed and shiftiness standhim in good stead.REFORESTATION ISDEPRESSION CURE,WHEELER CLAIMS tical applications. The action, ac¬cording to Professor Ogburn, is typi¬cal of the president’s efforts to drawinto political interests and utilizefor political enlightenment, the abil¬ities of people not directly engagedin the political game.“Hoover is a great believer in do¬ing things outside of office”. Whenhe was secretary of Commerce hehad 1000 conferences with privatecitizens and in research work onsocial questions he Is pursuing thesame end that he was then—thestudy of post war social conditionswith the idea of accommodating leg¬islation to present day needs. “In noother country, save America, couldsuch a project be undertaken”, saysProfessor Ogburn, “because so muchof the work depends entirely on rec¬ords, which are seldom available inother countries”.Survey U. S. Social ChangesWith the view, then, of institut¬ing a comprehensive survey of theprogress of American social changes,with their accompanying problemsand questions, Mr. Hoover and Sec¬retary Wilbur met the new com¬mittee on social trends, composed ofProfessor Welsley C. Mitchell of Co¬lumbia, Professor Charles E. Mer-riam of the University; ProfessorShelby M. Harrison, Professor Wil¬liam F. Ogburn, of the University,Professor Howard W. Odum ofNorth Carolina; and Edward EyreHunt of the Department of Com¬merce. Mitchell was to chairman thecommittee, Ogburn was appointed di¬rector of research, Odum, assistant(Continued on page 4)The conservation of forest landsas an important aid in modern businessdepressions was the principal argumentpresented by Mr. H. N. Wheeler ofthe United States Forest Service whenhe spoke on “Fire Prevention andReforestation” yesterday at 4:30 inBotany 105.Mr. Wheeler stated that if more bar¬ren lands were converted into forestgrounds there would be more positionsopen to numerous unemployed people.“The majority of the commodities nec¬essary to everyday life are made ofwood, and if more forests are cultivat¬ed it would mean more wood, moreproducts, and consequently more labor.Men who are undetermined concern¬ing their choice of professions areurged to turn their abilities towardforestry. Twenty-four schools havebeen opened In various states, present¬ing courses in conservation of timberlands. Many new experiments for thepreservation of forests are being made.The entire aim of the ranger men isto restore, to some extent, the virginforests of 1620. Merker Traces RiseOf German LiteratureTracing the creation of Germanliterary history as a field of academicstudy to the efforts of a man whoselibrary now belongs to the Univers¬ity, Professor Paul Merker, of theUniversity of Breslau, spoke yester¬day on “Methods and Problems inModern German Literature”. Thelecture was delivered in German.Professor Merker pointed out thatthe beginning of German literaryhistory was due to the efforts of Wil¬helm Scherer and Michael Bernays.The University acquired the libraryof the latter ten years ago. Dr. Mer¬ker divided the developments of thesubject into four periods, the firstwhich came in the early nineteenthcentury.These periods were characterizedrespectively by a rational and soberattitude, interest in spiritual andpsychical states, expressionism, andin the final or contemporary period,concern with details.Tage Twoiatlg iBaronttFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished morninKS. except Saturday, ^ Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University Ave.Subscription rates $3.U0 per year; by mail, 81.60 per year extra. Single copies, five-cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18. 1903. at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3. 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDGAR A. GREENWALD. Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManagerJOHN H. HARDIN, Managing EditorMARION E. WHITE, Woman’s EditorALBERT ARKULES, Senior EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSWALTER W. BAKER.MARGARET EGANHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr.JANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR. IIMERWIN S. ROSENBERGGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEFSOPHOMORE EDITORSRUBE S. FRODINBION B. HOWARDJ. BAYARD POOLEGARLAND ROUTTJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSON ASSOCIATE BUSINESSROBERT T. McCarthyJAMES J. McMAHON MANAGERSSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTS..OHN CLANCYEDGAR GOLDSMITHCHESTER WARDSOPHOMORE WOMAN EDITORSDOROTHY A. BARCKMAN ALBERTA KILLIEMAXINE CREVISTON ELIZABETH MILLARDMARJORIE GOLLEh INGRED PETERSENELEANOR WILSONJOHN MILLS, Photographic EditorNight Editor: George T. Van der HoefAssistant: Garland RouttPSEUDO-PACIFISM AND R. O. T. C.Perhaps one of the greatest demonstrations of the year inuniversity circles throughout the country has been the fight againstmilitary training, R. O. T. C., compulsory drill, uniforms, rifles, andanything else that could possibly be conceived of as having a martialpurpose. Like so many other outbursts delivered through the med¬ium of the college press, the issue was at once taken up by societiesorganized in behalf of pacificism and almost instantaneously passedinto the sphere of the ridiculous. Practically every day these pro¬fessional peacemakers send out deluges of literature, one glance atwhich would make a stalwart militarist out of even the most phleg¬matic indolent.The aim fostered by this group of so-called pacifists is to abolishall military training in institutions of higher learning throughout thecountry. The reason for this postulation is that training of such atype produces a distorted picture of the value of war in the imagin¬ations of the recruits and tends to make ardent militarists of them—perhaps even against their own will and their own better judgment.As a result a retrogressive effect is maintained, making barbariansof young men who would otherwise be perfectly normal Americancitizens fully convinced that war is an art of the past and that allefforts should be* bent toward establishing eternal peace.In itself, the general aim is not so bad. But even then it isno very extraordinary spark of wisdom. Societies are hardly neces¬sary to induce the citizens of this country to stick to peaceful occu¬pations and prevent them from laying down their tools al onceand grabbing a rifle. Nevertheless this little piece of superfluity canbe forgiven. If there are societies for advising a football coachwhat men to put on the squad when he is paid for that very thing,there might as well be a society or two for preventing people fromwholesale murder, despite the fact that such a procedure does notoccupy a very prominent place in the minds of most human beings.But the attack on military training in universities is anothermatter. In most institutions it is no longer compulsory. In otherwords, it is not aggressive. Being left to the choice of the individual,the training becomes merely another step, in the educational integra¬tion of the student. It may even be an exceedingly helpful step.So far none of the anti-war campaign literature has guaranteed thatwars will be outlawed and abolished. In view of this uncertaintythere seems absolutely no reason why those who wish to be preparedfor every emergency should be deprived of the opportunity to do so.Furthermore, it is conceivable that ,the United States army is justas badly in need of intelligent officers in time of war as the UnitedStates government is in need of intelligent leaders in time of peace.The ideal upon which these societies rest is, no doubt, highlylaudable and desirable. But the immediate business they sponsoris just as laughable. To suppose that war will die out because asingle country foolishly sets a good example and turns its rifles intoplowshares is a step beyond the sensible. Until the rest of thecivilized nations can be induced to accept a similar aim as the ulti¬mate plane of endeavor, this type of preaching may still be calledfanaticism without transgressing good taste. It is not even a formof pacifism—which sponsors totally different aims—it is an illo¬gical movement resulting from a one-track perception.True pacifism has always formed a part of the general ethicsof the intelligent, and It is probable that a full realization of theideal of peace may some day result. And yet the most ardentpacifist would feel himself in a terrible predicament among caniffbaUwithout a pistol. A single disarmed nation is a good analogy. Weadvise the pseudo-pacifists who have created the tempest in theteapot to try their philosophy in Russia . . . E A. G. THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8. 1931♦..THE TRAVELLINGBAZAARByART HOWARDWhat with this spring weathersettling down upon us, ho hum,there’s even still a greater obstacleI in the way of application to one’sI duties or studies as the case may be.I The collegians took the afternoon offj yesterday to watch the conferenceI threats, Rexinger and Stagg, workj out on the tennis court. Such a mobI was there that Frances Hackl, al-! ready doped for an A in one course,had to stand on an automobile to geta clair vieu.I * * ♦I As you may have heard. Dr.I Harshe Ph. B., got himself a job asI vice president of the Eugene Fridussj studios. But the perils of big busi-I ness descended upon Friduss’ smallI establishment when it merged with a'larger concern, and Dr. Harshe, Ph. !IB., and vice-president, was thrown j'out of a job. i'Lennox Gray has a small coursethis quarter in Introduction to Poet- Iry which is filled, for the most part, Iwith Freshmen. For a long time the 'first day, Mr. Gray lectured undis- ,turbed till one frosh leaned over to 'one whom he didn’t know and whis- |pered too loudly, “You know, I think lhe has a beautiful voice. .. .just like 'Rudy Vallee’s’’. . I* * * IMr. Kirby-Miller, in Mr Kirby-Miller’s 101 English class, was dis¬cussing the standardization ofAmerican all of us dothings we have always done and dothem in spite of obstacles. “But Mr.Kirby-Miller’’, piped up JeanetteCrocker, “there’s some things Iwouldn’t THINK of doing in public’’.* *It was the day of the last issue ofthe Phoenix when an employed andpaid Phoenix salesman wanderedthrough the Coffee Shop attemptingto sell, and selling, some Phoenix’s.He approached some rather sophLs-ticated girls at one table to buysome of his wares. Having declined,he went away as one of the sophistosmurmured, “Ah, the club grirls arestill selling the Phoenix”.* * *^A new wrinkle is jn vogue over atthe Military Science Department.! Having moved their quarters fromLexington, a truck is employed tohaul the students for their classes tothe armory, wherever that may be.! But wherever it may be, an exten-|sion of that principle would not bej bad. Think of trolley cars between! Eckhart and Cobb, with an adjoiningj subway for cold weather. When! you make your pile, let this be yourj first contribution to your AlmaMammy.<1 <1 Yost Speculates, onFuture of American-^Amateur Athletics(Continued from page 1)also see that his pupils are able toput his teachings in immediate prac¬tice.”Asks Three Questions !Mr. Yost feels that there are three jfundamental questions that should beasked about a man before he is in¬trusted with the responsibility ofcoaching boys. “What kind of man jis he?” “Just how well does he knowwhat he wants to teach?” “Can heteach others what he knows?” Inother words, “he must measure upto the rigidly high standards of botheducation and essential manhood”.This is especially true noW, because,as Mr. Yost pointed out, physical ed¬ucation departments have been es¬tablished in practically every collegeand university in America.The Michigan coach feels that theantagonism toward athletics in the Icase of some educators can be trac¬ed to misinformation regarding theover-emphasis which they think aremanifested by the gate receipts.“Actually, football draws most ofthe gate receipts while it is less em¬phasized from point of time requiredof its participants than most anyother sport.”Money Not Essential to Football“To say that football is played in ]order to furnish a spectacle or raisemoney is to misstate the case. It ismuch more nearly in accord withfacts to say that we play football and ■as an incidental thereto, we takemoney from those who are not will¬ing but anxious to pay for the priv¬ilege of seeing the game. The gameswould be the same if the stands wereempty or open only to students. Thepart about the money that Ts mostimportant is its wise spending foruniversity purposes. Is it a crimefor athletics to pay their own costs?“So long as we keep constantly be¬fore us our objective of buildingmore virile citizens for the future,and so long as we dedicate ourselvesto so high a purpose, we are destinedto attain a goal which any personto whom service is the watchword Imay well envy us.” IPATRONIZE THE DAILY jMAROON ADVERTISERS I YALE CLASS FCKM.SINSTRUCTOR;RATESGRADES OF GENIUSA phenomenal spurt in accuracy in“Yes and No” oral test in a biologyclass at Yale caused a professor tobelieve for a timbe he had suddenlydeveloped a group of prodigies in bi¬ology.For several weeks the average is jthe “true and false” examinations jdisclosed that the class rated as a jgroup of geniusness—then the pro- 1fessor made a discovery, reversed the jtechnic followed by the students, and |the class average subsided to the us- jual and prosaic normal. |A blind member of the class, jknown for his studiousness, tapped !out his answers on a typewriter. His ;resourceful classmates learned to jwait for the clicks of his typewriter Ito make their replies to the profes- 'sor's questions. Two taps told them >to answer in the negative and three ;in the affirmative. It was this tech- jnic the professor spoiled by asking 'the blind student to reverse his an- ;swers, and thereby restored the stat- ius quo in the Yale intellectual |world.UNITED STATES DEPOSITORYHYDE PARK-KENWOODNATIONAL BANK53RD STREET AND LAKE PARK AVENUE(Oppoaitr I. C. Depot)A CIrarinc Houac Bank — Member Federal Reaerve — A Qaaliled Tr«at CampanrCapital and Surplna fRankinir Hours 8 to 3-^Ssturdays 8 to 12-7 to 9 P. M.Safe Dapoait Hours 8 to 4—Saturdays 8 to It—7 to 9 P. M.TRY OUR SPECIALSUNDAY DINNERSelected Quality FoodJ. & C. Restaurant1527 E. 55th St. Mid. 5196GOODMAN THEATRELaks Front at Monroe Central 4030Until April 19“THE SACRED. FLAME”By W. Somerset MaughamNlKhts except Monday—Mat. FridayApply to Dally Maroon for Special RatesTHE STUDENTSTYPING SERVICEManaged by Prances A. Mullen, A.M.EXPERT WORK ON THESES ORSHORT PAPERS.13t6 E. 57th St. Dor. 28»<DIL-PICKLESTHRU HOLE IN WALL858 N. Stole St.Brains - Brilliancy - BohemiaKnown Nationally to the In¬telligentsia. Dancing Friday.Ladies Free. Plays, DancingSaturday. Open Forum, Weds,and Sundays.In the Springtime . . .I Pretty soon it will be time for theI annual spring beauty and beau brum-irael contest. Several candidates forthe beauty prize were discussingtheir possibilities. “I wouldn’t wanta contest”, said Marge Chapline,“I’m afraid I might lose”. “With meflunking out of school and being in-I eligible for the contest”, came backj Gwen Evans,, “you can’t lose”.Mr. Julian Jackson, lolling in the' Coffee Shop, was asked what hethought about the statement thatwomen’s dresses are getting longer.“I don’t think”, replied Julian, “I; imagine”.*00FLASHIES: The Brook Hill Milk; farm has a publicity department >which recently sent out the release,“Why, our cows are so well treated,and ritzy they moo with an accent!”I. .. .Joan Greene, for so many, manymonths in Arizona, is back in thebig city..,.Bud Plum and E. Con-noly Certainly Are....Select Seven Men |To Plan Syllabi jFor New Courses !(Continued from page 1)the work of each upper division. De¬partmental lines will be ignored andihe courses will endeavor to give thestudent a general understanding ofthese. four major sectors of knowl¬edge.' The syllabi will be published be¬fore next autumn, it is planned, sothat any student who desires to mas¬ter the content of a course withoutattending classes may do so on hisown initiative.$475 — EUROPE — $475With U. of C. Group—July S-Aur. 26Italy, Austria, Germany, Holland,BelKium, France, England' MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW!Myron L. Carbon Bowen S. S. AgencyCanpaa Rep. OR, Normal 7351Blake Hall—9 5S97 8. Habted StI You’re usually taken with a case of “don’t-care-ness’’. What you eat may seem unimportant toyou and where you eat is determined only bywhere your loitering steps lead you.The Maid-Rite Grill will take care of what youeat with its food of the finest quality. Its at¬mosphere of peace and quiet are admirablysuited for a leisurely hour.Wend your leisurely way over to the Grill (it’sso close to campus it calls for no exertion onyour part) and enjoy your food in a comfortablemanner.The Maid-Rite Grill*‘Where good foods always prevail**THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 8. 1931 Page ThreeOPENINGRYBICK’STENNISSHOPEverything for the TennisPlayersStore: 6406 Stony Island Ave.Phone Hyde Park 7473Shop: 6042 Ellis Ave.AFEATHERIN YOURCAPWHENSEENAT-YANKEEDOODLEFunEUROPEMciry-roakiiui never gets a minuic off in the IMMTouriti thinl cabm. Tberrowtl. food and accom-modauunsareritKiK.fvui the ptice leems all wiong—M aalmoai toolow for ruch a marvelous voyage.In 19)0 (he record ntunber of 60,i22 passengerstraveled ta “IMJd Tourist.'*$105 upNO CLASS DlSTlNtmONS on the Toutistllurd cabin liners de luae, PntmUnJ and Vrjrrra-ItaJ. Their entire former cabin accommodationsate devoted eaclusively to Tourist. The onlysteamers of theit kind in the world.Alto delighdul ToutiM third cabin accommoda-liontoothe MM/tHH, world's largest ship. Otympu,Htmtru, BtItnUnJ, Briunmii and many others.Several weekly tailings to principal Europeanporu and Brituh Islet.Send for literatuie describing Tourist )td cabin,"■j. D. Roth. W.T.M.. E. R. Lar-ton, W.P.T.M.. 180 N. MichiiranAve.. Chicago, Tel. Randolph6840^ or any authorized iteam*ship agent.WHITE STAR • RED STARATLANTIC TRANSPORTIMTBRNATIONAL MClICANTILK MARINE UNESIn a Fish BrandSlicker you're alwaysUnder CoverPouring cats and dogs. Classat nine o’clock. Will you ar¬rive wilted and forlorn—ordry and well-groomed?For this occasion and hun¬dreds of others like it, aFish Brand Varsity Slicker isindispensable.Roomy, comfortable and ab¬solutely water-proof, it pro¬tects you, clear down to thecuff of your trousers, as thor¬oughly as if you went all theway under cover. Full-lined,too, for warmth on blusterydays. Built with wear-resist-ink sturdiness.There is a wide range ofTower’s Fish Brand models.Send for illustrated folder.A. J. Tower Company, 24Simmons St., Boston, Mass. Wisconsin HaresfootClub Prepares forThirty-third SeasonWith a background of 33 years, fheHaresfoot club of the University ofWisconsin will continue its traditionof “all our girls are men yet everyone’s a lady” this year at the EightStreet theater when it presents “It’sa Gay Life” Friday evening, April 17.The show is an intimate musical revue,the first in Haresfoot history.During the 33 years since the clubwas founded in 1898, Haresfoot hasestablished itself as one of the out¬standing musical comedy societiesamong American colleges. As a mem¬ber of the College Musical ComedyLeague of America, it occupies withHarvard, Princeton, Pennsylvania, andChicago considerable prestige on thecollegiate scene.Ever since 1907, Haresfoot hasspecialized in musical comedies andoriginal plays, hut this year it is goingeven further to prodee a revue satir¬izing contemporary collegiate life. Theproduction wil include a series of con¬tinued sketches intimately connectedwith original musical and chorus pre¬sentations.Haresfoot’s history is intimatelytied up with extra-curricular activitieson the University of Wisconsin cam¬ps. It was first founded in 1898 bythree students, Ernest Kranshage ofMilwaukee; Walton F’yre of Columbus,O.; and Marcus Ford of Kansas City..•Mexandre Dumas’ romatic drama,“Edmund Kean.” was staged for localaudiences only, and included womenin the cast.The first tour, a trip to Milwaukee,was made in 1899. In 1907, when themusical comedy idea and original playsfound favor. Haresfoot originated theslogan that is famous throughout theMid-west of “all our girls are menyet everyone’s a lady.”Now. when "It’s a Cay Life” goeson tour, the production will be stagedin twelve cities of two states, Oshkosh,Wausau, Menasha, Milwaukee. GreenBay, Sheboygan, Kenosha, Peoria. 111.,Chicago. III., Rockford, Ill., Janesville,and Madison. Besides, the club willinclude sixty men for cast, chorus,and production work.CO-EDS RELATEEXPERIENCES ASSALESWOMENMost of the co-eds chosen to actas saleswomen in the downtown de¬partment stores last Saturday areagreed tliat the strain of such workas a career would prove a little toomuch for them. However, they aren’ttoo far gone to laugh at some of theexperiences they have had with liothmen and women customers.One woman spent an hour and ahalf trying on dresses. .\t the end ofthat time she found one she liked im¬mensely. Turning to the exhaustedclerk she said, "Isn’t this the loveliestdress? But what a shame that I don’thave any money!”There are lots of unforseen dif¬ficulties in the trying on of dresses.One girl tried a size 42 dress on asize 44 woman and couldn’t get it offagain. She had to call the seamstressto help her.Men customers prove very interest¬ing when sent to buy silk hose fortheir wives. When asked if they wantservice or chiffon they say they don’twant either, they want silk hose. Ifthey have been told to get light coloredhose they will he satisfied with nothingshort of flesh colored; while if toldto buy dark hose they are disgustedwith anything lighter than guii-metal..As to size, in men’s hose the smallestis size 10. So they get size 10 for theirwives, although 10 is the largest inwomen’s hose.U. W. Women StudentsSeek Variety of TasksUniversity of Wisconsin womenstudents seeking employmentthrough the university agency wouldwork in stores, do general officework or take care of children after¬noons and Saturdays, according totheir requests to Miss Alice V. King,superintendent.“One of the surprising things isthe number of girls having no sten¬ographic experience who are lookingfor some kind of office work,” saysMiss King. She tells them that busi¬ness men require such among thefundamentals.Many of the girls would serve assecretaries to professors who arewriting books while others would liketea room hostess work. Music stu¬dents apply for jobs giving lessonsto beginning students. UNIVERSITY BULLETIN8—Radio lecture: “Modern Trends in World Religions”. ProfessorEustace Haydon, Comparative Religion department. . Sta¬tion WMAQ.1 1 ;50—Divinity chapel. Professor Shirley J. Case, Professor of theHistory of Early Christianity. Joseph Bond chapel.12:00—Faculty Women’s luncheon, Ida Noyes hall.4:30—Zoological club, “Studies on the Nature of DisintegrationGradients”. J. W. Buchanan, Ph. D., Professor of Zoology.Northwestern university.5—Organ recital. Dr. Healey Willan, Vice-Principal of TorontoConservatory, University of Toronto. The UniversityChapel.7:30—Graduate History club, “History and Political Science.” Pro-fessor Quincy Wright, Professor of Political Science. SocialScience 302.7:45—Philosophy club. “Artistotle,” Professor Paul Shorey, Pro¬fessor of Greek Language and Literature. Classics 10. Johnny Weismuller toSwim Here TomorrowJohnny Weismuller, world famousswimmer, will give a half hour ex¬hibition of various swimming strokesand stunting, tomorrow at 3 in Bart¬lett gym. Weismuller holds recordsin all the free style dashes, and hastwice been crowned champion "at theOlympic games. During the time hewas active in amateur swimmingWeismuller had a monopoly on thenational championship.“It will be a long time before an¬other performer of Weismuller’s abil¬ity comes to the fore”, commentedCoach McGillivray. “He is not onlyan accomplished swimmer but alsoone of the best exhibitionists theswimming world has seen.”Women are invited to attend theexhibition. No admission charge willbe made.“Uncle Tom’s Cabin”Important Work, SaysLithuanian ProfessorI-F Council WillElect Officers ForNext Year TonightElection of officer* of the In-terfraternity Council will be heldthi* evening at 7 o’clock by thethird floor of Reynold* club, ac¬cording to an announcement madeiye*terday by David Rico, pre*i-dent of the Council.A full *Iate of officer* will hecho*en and both nomination* andelection* will be completed at themeeting.A report will aI*o he givenupon the Univer*ity’* attitude to¬ward the new ru*hing plan re¬cently *ubmitted by the Councilin cooperation with the Greekcouncil. leave after a mysterious absence fromthe university.^Feeling that this second action isindicative of increasing vigilance offaculty members and deans, socialleaders are forecasting the driest jun¬ior prom of history when it is held intwo weeks. It was reported that a raidon one of the fraternity houses whichrevealed the possession of liquor bysome of the members brought on fearas to possibility of padlocking.So current are the wild rumors, itis reported, that faculty members couldnot be secured to chaperon a danceplanned by the Indiana union. Mykolas Birziska, professor of liter¬ature at the University of Vytautas,Kovno, Lithuania, who was recentlya guest at the University of asso¬ciate Professor Frank Hurhurt O’Haraof the English department, pointed-outduring his visit that the coming springproduction of the Dramatic association,“Uncle Tom’s Cabin” was the onepiece of American literature which wasrequired reading for all school childrenin Lithuania. In novel form, “UncleTom’s Cabin” is commonly supposed tobe one of the most powerful pieces ofwriting ever published if judged by theeffects upon subsequent events, formany historians class it as one of themore direct causes for the declarationof the Civil War. It is for these rea¬sons that such great stress is laid up¬on the book in European countries. TODAY!you are looking for aGood place to eattryPhelps and PhelpsnewColonial Tearoom6324 Woodlavvn Ave.Serving thebest foodon theSouth Side.Compart!During the Wedt:Luncheon 36c to^OcDinner 76cWellesley to CenterWork in One BuildingFor the first time in seventeenyears, college activities will all becentered in one ad/minisitrationbuilding at Wellesley College thisspring. The opening of the HettyH. R. Green hall will replace theoriginal college center, Old CollegeHall, which was destroyed by fire in1914.CLASSIFIED ADSTHREE ROOMS, private bath andporch furnished complete; electricalrefrigeration. $60 per month. Fur¬nished single rooms light and clean.$22 to $26 monthly. Double $40monthly. 5647 Dorchester, 1st apt.COLLEGE INSTRUCTORSWANTED — Register now. AlliedProfessional Bureaus, Marshall FieldAnnex.RAT - TAT - TAT — What’sThat? It’s Pat! Typing Your Theme.Reasonable Rates. Call Midway 9194.Indiana CampusScents IncreasedFaculty VigilanceRumor.s and scares are prevalent onthe campus of Indiana university fol¬lowing the dismissal from school ofthe second woman student in twoweeks. Miss Lillian Bornoff, a fresh¬man at the university, was asked toMilitary Ball BidsAre Now On SaleTickets for the Seventh AnnualMilitary Ball, which will be heldFriday, April 24 at the SouthShore Country club are on sale atthe University Bookstore, TheDaily Maroon, and the R. O. T. C.offices. They may also be obtainedfrom- any member of CrossedCannon. The price has been setat five dollars. CootAU the WayDownMf you inhale, you can quicklytell the difference betweenfresh and stale cigarettes. ACamel, protected the Humi¬dor Pack, retains 'its naturalmoisture, and gives you a coolmild smoke. But when youdraw in the smoke from dried- out stale tobacco, it’s hot andirritating to the throat.If you haven’t discoveredthis difference, we suggest youswitch to Camels for just oneday. Then leave them tomor¬row, if you can.R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.Winston-Salem, IS, C,Cam ElFactory-fresh CAMELSare air-sealed in the newSanitary Paekage whiehkeeps the dust and germsout and keeps the flavor in.® INI, ■. J. Tthacc* CaaiMivPage Fou THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 8, 1931OCBURN POINTS TO !PRACnCAl VALUESOF SOCIAL WORK(Continueci from page 1)director; and Hunt, executive secre¬tary.The entire research program wasput in the hands of Professor Og-burn, who has been granted a year’sleave of absence from the quad¬rangles in order to give his full timeto the project, whose specific naturehe himself suggested. Previously hehad been active on the Social ScienceResearch council and had had wideacquaintance with social changes.During the past year he has beentraveling, investigating, and plan¬ning the major fields into which thestudy must be divided. These heclassified roughly as (1) Basic Fac¬tors, (2) Constitutional Changes, (3)Institutions, Groups, and Functions,(4) Efforts to Improve. Mr. Ogburnthen interviewed each of the menwhom he thought qualified to carryon these broad investigations in somemore restricted field.Seven Angles of AttackThe basic factors in social changes |are being studied from seven differ¬ent angles. Professor Ogburn willtreat mechanical inventions and sci¬entific discoveries as causes ofchange; Edwin F. Gay of Harvarduniversity will discuss the changes inour economic organizations and theirsocial consequences; Malcolm Willey ,of the University of Minnesota and |Stuart Rice of the University ofPennsylvania will compile statistics |on communication, mobility, and thedissimation of news. Warren S.Thompson and P. K. Whelpton ofMiami university are in charge ofPopulation trends and their conse¬quences; 0. E. Baker of the Depart- iment of .4griculture and L. G. Tyron jof the Bureau of Mines treat the iutilization of land and natural re- |sources; Charles H. Judd of the Uni- jversity traces trends in education; 'and Hornell Hart, of Bryn Mawrcollege; contemplated our social at¬titudes.Constitutional Chango^*Under the heading of constitution¬al changes, T. J. Woofter Jr., of theUniversity of North Carolina isstudying the 'social and leco^omicstatus of racial and ethnic groups;Edgar, Sydenstricker, Milbank Fund,the vitality of the American people;Professor Ogburn, the changing fam¬ily; Sophnonisba P. Breckinridge ofthe University, the changing statusof women in occupations, politics,and other activities outside the home; iLawrence K. Frank, Spelman Fund,the child and youth in society; andRalph Hurlin, Russell Sage founda¬tion, the occupations and the activ¬ities of the unoccupied.The institutions, groups, and func¬tions have been subdivided into the'changing role of labor and laborgroups in our social structureby Leo Wolman, of the Amalga¬mated Clothing Workers; religiousorganizations by Luther Fry, of theInstitute of Social and Religious re¬search; associations, community life,and recreation, by Jesse Steiner, Tu-■ane; the tarts, Frederick Keppel, iCarnegie corporation; consumptionhabits, Robert S. Lynd of the Social ;Science research council; rural life, iEdmunde S. Brunner of the Instituteof Social researcTi and J. H. Kolbof Wisconsin; urban problems by R. iD. McKenzie of the University of !Washington; and societies’ offenders,which may not be included in the ;study. IPlan for FutureThe efforts to improve which con¬cerns both the present and the possi- ;ble future will be surveyed by jCharles E. Clark and Wiidam O. iDouglas of the Yale Law scnooi and IDonald Slessinger of the University 1who are concentrating on law and Ilegal institutions. Dr. Sydnor Walk- ier of the Rockefeller foundation will {observe private agencies for social Iwelfare; Howard Odum of the Uni- Iversity of North Carolina, is study- |ing public welfare; Harry H. Moore, !of the Committee on the cost ofmedical care carries his research intothe field of public health and medi¬cine. The three remaining studiesare all in the hands of Universitymen in the political science depart¬ment; Leonard D. White is tracingthe trends in public administration;C. H. Woody the extension and dis¬tribution of governmental functions;and Charles Merriam, the socialtrends and governmental trends.Because of the number of reportswhich will be made, the separate in¬vestigations will be limited to about30,000 words. Conclusions will bebased mostly on statistics from 1930and 19^1 investigations; which will be supplemented by monographs add¬ing the latest impressions of the in¬vestigators regarding a civilizationwhere business “has wings’’ and so¬cial customs change almost from dayto day. This factor of change wasrecognized in the report of the com¬mittee as the first obstacle whichmust be surmountel.“Certain larger habits which maybe called social philosophies partic¬ularly in regard to government, lib¬erty, authority, science, sex, women,the home and religion are in a con¬stant state of flux. These changes inmodern civilization in which theUnited States is setting a pace moveat unequal rates of speed, some rap¬idly, some slowly, some not at all,so that one institution may changeat a rate which differs from anotherand thus create social problems ofadjustment. We have not only apeat environment called civilizationin which to make our adjustment, butthe environment itself is rapidlychanging in its entirety.”‘Europe on Wheels”New Travel ServiceDrive \ ourself” automobiles arenow available in Europe, as in thiscountry for the traveler who wishesto-see the country at his leisure. AnAmerican firm is sponsoring the ven¬ture.Kuropean roads, it is claimed, arefor the most part excellent, well mark¬ed and much less traveled than roadsin the United States. None but thelargest cities offer problems to themotorist. Guide-books and auto clubsoffer aids to tTie motorist.European countries have collaborat¬ed so that cars rented in one countrymay be take into another without theformer necessity of leaving a cash de¬posit at each frontier. A paper calleda ‘Carnet de Pasage en douane’ is rec¬ognized in lieu of holding American driving lic¬enses will have no difficulty in obtain¬ing a foreign license at a small cost.Californiato New Haven... the FAVORITEpipe tobacco ofcollege men is—WHEREVER collep menpause to load their pipesyou’ll see the familiar blue tin ofEdgeworth!At California, at Y ale, at Williamsand Cornell ... in America’s lead¬ing colleges and universities y«uwill find Edgeworth fhe favoritesmoking tobacco of the college man.College men everywhere respondto the appeal of pipes— packed withcool, slow-burning Edgew’orth. Beguided by their choice. Try Edge-worth yourself. Taste its rich nat¬ural savor that is enhanced im¬measurably by Edgeworth’s dis-'tinctive eleventh process.You will find Edgeworth at yournearest tobacco shop—ISff the tin.Or, for generouo free sample, ad¬dress Larus & P Co., 105 S. 22dSt., Richmond, VaEDGEWORTHSMOKING TOBACCOEdgeworth is a blendof fine old hurleys,with its natural savorenhanced by Edge-worth’s distinctiveeleventh process.Buy Edgeworth any¬where in two forms— “ Ready-Rubbed ”and “ Plug Slice." Allaiaes, pocketpackage to poundhumidor tin. Everybody is waitingfor the BallFridayApril24th FridayApril24thOnly Two Weeks Away..... The gentleman pictured above (photo courtesy of The Daily Maroon)is waiting for the Ball. But he isn’t waiting any more anxiously than thecampus “smart set ” for the Military Ball. You won’t have to wait long.It’s ONLY TWO WEEKS away, so ask that little brunnette that sits in frontof you in class (if she happens to be a blonde, ask her anyway) Get thatdate todayTHE MILITARY BALLSOUTH SHORE COUNTRY CLUBBids $5.00ATThe Daily Maroon OfficeWoodworth^s Military Science OfficeU. of C. BookstoreTHIS IS THE SECOND OF A SERIES