Batlp i^laroonVol. 31. No. II. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930 Price Five CentsGRADUATES RESUMEPROmiS AGAINSTTHESIS REGULATIONSCondemn Necessity ForGiving Library OneHundred CopiesCOST E)^BITANTGraduate Council AdvisesProvisions To ReduceExpenses“One hundred copies of all pub¬lished doctoral dissertations, or es¬sential portions thereof, must be pre¬sented as a gift to the Universitywbrary”—the verdict stands; and theGraduate council, under M. B.Swearingen, has entered its secondyear of .struggle against existing the¬sis regulations on the principle thatraising the cost of education does notimprove scholarship.Invettigation MadeLast fall, when the ruling wasnew, the t'ouncil appointed a com¬mittee to investigate the costs andhistory of thesis publication. TheUniversity has, for many years, re¬quired the publication of doctor’sdissertations; but during the war, therule had been changed to permit thedeposit of three typewritten copies Names of GreenCandidates PostedNames of Freshman men whohave attended the first meetingsof the candidates for the Green“C” club will be posted nextweek, according to Allen C. East,student chairman of the Fresh¬man “C” program. The place willbe announced in a forthcomingissue of The Daily Maroon.Men present at the meetingswhoae names fail to appear on thelist may adjust their difficulties atthe office of the Men’s Commis¬sion in the Reynolds club. Thenext meeting of the freshmen atwhich attendance is required isat noon tomorrow in the northstand, Stagg field. BEING NATURAL ISORIENTS SALVAHONBecker Praises AbilityOf Easterner to beHimselfReport Cards ToCheck Majors InElection SystemProposed Scheme WillPrevent DoubleBalloting Salvation for the East lies in theability of the Orient to remainoriental while adapting to themselvesWestern civilization, in the mannerin which the West has adapted theclassics to their use according to Dr.; Carl H. Becker, formerly Ministerof Education in Prussia, in his lec¬ture yesterday afternoon in HarperMil. Dr. Becker’s subject was “TheEuropeanizing of the MohammedanWorld.’’Orientals have been proved to beI on a par with people of the West byI the Great War, Dr. Becker said.The superiority of the Occidentalworld is in large measure due to the MAROONS PROMISEDHARDDAYSATURDAYRugged Florida TeamTouted As BestIn SouthShaping up as the most powerfuloutfit in the south this year, the Uni¬versity of Florida football teampromises to give the crippled Univer-.sity eleven a terrific battle on Staggfield Saturday. Two years ago the'Gators w'ire the high scoring teamof the country, and last year theywon their conference championship.This season the Florida team hasshown impressive strength.Florida is coached by CharleyBachman, an Englewood high schooltrack and football star back around1912. One of Bachman’s achieve¬ments while in high school was theWinning of individual high point Few Tickets ForRecital AvailableA limited number of tickets forPaul Whiteman’s recital this af¬ternoon at Mandel hall will bedistributed to the general publicwithout charge from 11 to 12 to¬day at The Daily Maroon office.Subscribers to the Maroon whohave not yet received ticketsfor Whiteman’s only performanceon campus may do so at the sametime. Those who present sub¬scription receipts will receivepreference in tllis final distribu¬tion.Abe Blinder announces that butone hundred ^tickets are left andadvises Maroon subscribers to ap¬pear at the office before the sup¬ply is exhausted. HUSICIAMS’ UNIONSANCTIONS CAMPUSWHITEMAN CONCETEleven Hundred WillFill Mandel toCapacitycurtain”\T 2:45Maroon Staff Will Usher;Invites FacultyMembersThank You!incontrovertible financial advantage i L" Stagg’s Interscholastic thatI year. Bachman then went to NotreDame, where he was one of the all-which it enjoys.Oriental RenaissanceI Lack of adequate funds has hand¬icapped the spread of education in[the East. European ideas and edu- tiine stars of the Ramblers.Concentrate on TackleThe Florida team uses a style ofattack very similar to that of Notre Students DiscussChapel As FactorIn University LifeReport cards as evidence of thenumber of majors taken will shortlybe required at campus elections ifthe recommendations of the Political i cational method, notably those of j Dame, with a heavy concentrationb ranee, have been spreading in the ] on tackle. The reverse plays thatOrient, as has European dogma, lit- | Florida uses to get the utmost out of, Science council, which held its firstin the library and the publication of | yesterday, are adopted. Aninvestigation was started in theabstracts only.In the summer of 1929, however, | ■ • ^ u u- a, • * ear fundamental principles behind cam-the requirements were made far | * 'more rigid; and investigations of the j Pus ejections and an attempt will becommittee revealed that rates for a j mad^h ,to eliminate the present difithesis publication which included 100 | Acuities in voting,gift copies was in many cases ex- j Conceal Gradesorbitant. While short, scientific dis- j tentatively drawn up, the plansertations printed in journals cost | pj ovides for the establishment ofthe students practically nothing, tht>-i booths in front of the re-ses of a more^ literary nature and too j c-order’s office, .as each studenflong for journal publication, cost : fooies out he shows the number ofnot less than $400. . : majors taken without exposing theThe report further called atten- grades on the card. He will then betion to the increased expense this | handed the proper ballot and theentailed for those students against j clerk will stamp the card voted. Thewhom the rule thus discriminated. It Hare system will be used and it is ex-called for a relaxation of the re- pected that the number of votes castquirements, suggested an endowment ; will be more than doubled. The new'for the publication of the best theses, system w’ill be used in electing Un-and, above all, condemned the ne- dergraduate council members andcessity for giving the library 100 will provide for four representativescopies. ; from each class instead of two.Approval Shown | New Membersrj,, . . - ctii .Members who were elected to thisThe opinion of the graduate stu- . t, , r>dents on theee reports was aolicite.l ' «•through the departmental elubs; and ,with practically no exceptions, the '''"■■‘■A Cramer. Kenneth Mulligan,avgxvociggxH .nthusiastic ao- Schmidt, Robert McCarthy, L.(lunn, Morris Mosk, and EugeneHagel. Elections will be ffeTd nextweek for twelve additional members.To Bring Speakers to CampusThe council plans to bring notedpolitical speakers to the campus dur¬ing the year. erature and culture. At present it ismerely a superficial shell of Euro-peanism which is attempting to cover'the true Islamic intellectualism.j In India, a new school of thoughti is gaining ground. It is based onj the European model, but is Islamicj through and through. This is the.herald of the Eastern renaissance;I there will be no renaissarf-e unless itj comes from Islam itself. The Euro-I pean renaissan^ was an awakening its heavy line and smashing backsare the chief worry of Coach A. A.Stagg.Florida will bring several of theout.standing players of the south tothe Midway. Captain “Red” Betneaand Ed Sauls are brilliant perform¬ers in the ’Gator backfield. These“touchdown twins” have carriedmost of the burden of the Florida at¬tack in the victories over North Car¬olina State and Auburn. Sauls is Adverse Comments ByFaculty CreateStirfrom within, stimulated by other ' dangerous open field runner, reel-! lands and based upon the dissemina- iRg off a 61 yard run against North1 tion of the cla.ssical works, and such Carolina State on the kickoff, andwiTT be the Islamic reformation.Improve Economic ConditionThough the masses still hold thatthe salvation of Islam must comefrom the state, it waits upon the edu¬cation of the masses, and propereducation is not only connected withthe intellectual condition of Ea.sternpeoples, but only too much w’ith theeconomic problem which involves theOrient. Only when the economiccondition is improved can better edu¬cation for the masses be realized. following it with a 34 yard sprint.Southern Line HeavyThe southerners’ line will have abig weight advantage over the Ma¬roons, and their forwards are a pow¬erful lot of young men. Jimmj^Steele, all-southern guard, and BillMcRae, a 191 pound senior, Steele’srunning mate, are big factors inFlorida’s smashing game. Dale“Muddy” Water.s, a 6 foot, 2 inchtackle who weighs 195 pounds, haswon a reputation as a punt block¬er. Bachman has five 'big centersstudents expres.sed enthusiastic approval. The Graduate Council thencomposed a third report consistingof the letters from these clubs, andwith the other reports on andeffect submitted it to the admistra-tion.The forme? reports had alreadybeen adjudged by deans and heads of W A RQIXYdepartments; and now the faculty ap. V1 1 rpointed a committee under DeanGordon C. Laing which was to meetwith the Graduate council and discusspoints of difference. The joint con-ference was held on June 4 and re- With only two veterans back fromsuited in a report by the faculty | last year’s squad, Coach R. V. Mer-committee embodving certain recom- | l iH has opened the training seasonmendations to the Graduate Fac-j of the fencing team with the taskof whipping a large squad into, . . 'shape. Walsh and Van der Hoef areThe faculty recommendations lettermen back.START WORKOUTWITH BIG SQUAD Nothing has engendered more battling for that position, with Benhate of Euiopeans, said Dr. Becker, Clemons, close to 200 pounds, being“than has the high salaries received ‘ ^^e leadby European officers in the Far East. , j^e Hall,’ like Ohio State’s Wesleywhen the people feel that they could Pesler, plavs both filllback and end.carry on the same work just as well.” I Hall is a driving 195 pounder whoIslamic religion has profoundly in- third place in the National A. A.fluenced the manner of controlling ; p- decathalon 'this summer. HeIslamic peoples. Control by word ^ quarter of the Northand the doctrine of duty, leading one | Carolina State game at fullback, andto follow blindly a chosen model, ; aftej. smashing over a touchdown re¬play a large part in determining the j turned to end.actions of the masses in the In M Florida team will arrive inour country, the process and carry-I C hicago at 6:47 Friday morn-ling out of laws are synonymous; in ^ gt^y at WindermereI the Orient there is no lack of process i ^ast. The ’GatoVs will work onof law, but their carrying out is stagg field Friday afternoon,sadly neglected. Recent adverse comments on thej chapel by members of the facultyj have created to a stir of discussion; among students, agitated by thej leaders in religious and civic organ-' izations.I Allen East, president of the Un-! dergraduate Student council, be¬lieves that the chapel is "too re¬ligious” and therefore does not in¬terest enough people on campus.He suggests the institution ofspeeches by prominent men andlauds the organ recitals as an in¬spiration to the spirit of the stu¬dents.Reasonable Religious Approachi Ruth Earnshaw', chairman of theI Chapel council, says that obviously: the chapel will never satisfy every¬one on the quadrangles “because itsnon-sectarian program demands areasonable rather than an emotionalapproach to religion,” and that 'Ht isfo be Iioped tht the recent stir ofcomment about the chapel is indica-five of renewed interest and zeal inbuilding an institution of even great¬er sTgnificance Uian the structure ofstone.”Lucille Pfaender, member of theHoard of Social Service .and Re-Figion, feels that the Chapel is “toocold and impersonal,’’ a feeling per-jhaps induced by the long, narrow,[and high proportions. She says thatlit has not fulfilled its purpose whichI was to include more of the Univer-j sity social life by providing a placeI for assemblages.I Dependence upon superioi’s isj 'trongly rooted in the Islamic mind,i The idea of the freeman is lackingi or dormant. Winthrop M. Robinson, captain ofthe 1923 Florida team that won thesouthern championship, defeatingamong others the .Mabama outfit('Continued on page 3)Close Entry List forAnnual Cross CountryRunners October 22eluded provisions that no department I practiceshould expect a student to spen , been restricted for the first two Eton and DonagheyGuests of DramaticAssociation Todaymore than $300 on his thesis; the weeks, little definite informationonlibrary should be asked to pay for Its ^ secured on individual100 copies, and tfTe publishing of ' Coombs, Al-complete theses should only be re-1 Stevenson in thequired by students admitted, fo can- | McKnight in epee,didacy after June, 1929. ; sj^aH^n and Eiger in the saberThat was what the council had j are among the most promising pros-waTiTed, the recommendations passed ] pects. Coach Merrill would makefaculty inspection, and the new no definite statement about therules were embodied in the current team’s prospects fur the season.handbook of the Graduate schools-with the exception of one principle. Outstanding conference prospectsthis year are Illinois, with two in-the principle for which the "battle I Hividual champions on its team, andhad been waged. The library had | Michigan, with an unusually strongbalked at the contemplated purchase I saber contingent. A triangular meeCof theses which it felt it could not I with Princeton at Columbus, Ohio,afford to buy and the compulsory | may be scheduled, it was learned,gift to the library of 100 copies of | The coaches’ meeting at w'hich theeach published thesis still remains. | conference schedule will be decidedBuT the matter does not rest here.The Council is still seeking to relievethe burden imposed on students bythe now obnoxious requirement; thestruggle continues. will not be held until the first weekof December. However two meetswith the Milwaukee Y. M. C. A. areexpected to be scheduled before thattime. Wednesday has been set as the(leadline for entries in the annualcross country run which will be heldon November 5 in the Washingtonnark meadow. All contestants musthave their heart examined by Dr.Molander before that time, andstarting numbers will be given outthen.Thei'e will be twenty-five individ¬ual awards—fifteen medalettes andten ribbons for those who finishamong the first twenty-five. A teamtrophy will be given to the organiza¬tion scoring the highest number ofpoints. Psi U won this last year withHeiTick and Small who finished firstand second respectively.Coach Merriam will be at Wash¬ington park daily either at 11:30 or4:30 to give advice on training. Headvises at least three w’eeks of train¬ing before the race.To score any points for his organ-fContinued on page 3) Walter Prichard Eton, authorityon the staging of classical drama,and noted critic, and Frederick Don-aghey, director of the DramaticLeague of Chicago and an authorityon the production of modern dramaon the American stage, will speakthis afternoon at 4 in the TowerRoom at the Dramatic associationtea. AH students are invited.Stoddard Small, business managerhas officially opened the sale of sea¬son tickets for the Dramatic associa¬tion. The tickets, which may be ob¬tained by sending five dollars to theDramatic association in care of theFaculty Exchange, will admit thesponsors to all the impromptu per¬formances of the organization, aswell as to' the scheduled productions.In the plans for this year, the fivemain presentations will be “CockRobin,” to be presented October 31and November 1, James Weber^ (Continued on page 3) BLACKSTONE HALLWILL OPEN CAFEFOR MEN, WOMENblack and silver palace in mod¬ernistic design with pine panelingon the walls, pineYables, an(3 a com¬plete new equipment will open intwo or three weeks in Blackstonehall for the purpose of sei'ving threehot meals a day to hungry men andwomen on campus. The cafe whichwill be located in what is now u^cTas a storeroom of the women’s dor¬mitory, will be open every day from7 unfil 10:30.The women living the hall whohave heretofoi'e had to go out f(Srtheir meals have complained of thisinconvenience and it is in responseto this that the management oTBlackstone hall has planned the newaddition, the cost of which is esTTm-ated at $10,000.Both men and women will be em¬ployed by the management to waiton table. Announcements pertaTh-ing to these positions will be madeduring the next three weeks.It is expected that the cafe wiltbe patronized by almost all of thewomen in the hall, for compaintshave been registered against the in¬convenience suffered by women inthe hall who have been forced togo out to restaurants for their meals. Orchestra by Paul Whiteman.Permission by James Petriilo,president of the Chicago Musi¬cians’ Union.Hall by courtesy of the Uni¬versity.Music stands by courtesy ofthe University band.Featured melody by courtesyof Blackfriars.Truck by courtesy of theBuildings and Grounds depart¬ment.Ushers by courtesy of thewomen’s department. The DailyMaroon.Feature numbers, orchestra¬tions, and solos by members ofthe Whiteman organization.And thus steeped in the atmo¬sphere of the stage Paul Whitemanwill step on the Mandel platform be¬fore a full house of eleven hundredmembers of the University commun¬ity this afternoon to direct his or¬chestra of twenty-seven men in anhour’s program of semi-classical andpopular music. This will be the onlyappearance of the w'ofTd renowTiedleader before any University audi¬ence. Mr. Whiteman’s recital willbe under the auspices of The Daily' Maroon, and was only made possiblethrough the co-operation of JamesPetriilo, president of the ChicagoMusicians’ Union.Every .seat in Mandel w'ill be filledwhen the curtain rises at 2:45, re-j ports of ticket distribution indicate.U.shers will be members of the w'om-en’s department of The Daily Ma¬roon. Marion White, Margaret Egan,Jane Kesner, Dorothy Barckman,Maxine Creviston, Marjorie Goller,Alice Hamburger, Alberta Killie,Ingred Petersen, and Eleanor Wilson.The “King of Jazz” will presentan extemporaneous recital designedto appeal mainly for its educationalvalue, according to James Gillespie,his manager. Among the numberswill be “Rhapsody in Blue,” byGeorge Gershwin, former pianist ofthe Whiteman organization, a med¬ley of the older Victor Herberttunes, “March Militaire,” a newtune not yet released called “Choo-Choo,” and a few lighter tunes andrequests. As a feature of the pro¬gram Mr. Whiteman will play a spe¬cial arrangement of “Come Back toCollege in Dreams,” hit of the 1930Blackfriars production.Feature NumbersA number of solos and specialnumbers will be offered by membersof the Whiteman organization. Fea¬tured artists in the numbers will beJohn Fulton, Mildred Bailey, thePaul Sisters, and the “King’s Jes-fers.” JAmong the administrative officersand members of the faculty who willattend are Dean C. S. Boucher, Pro¬fessor F. A. Kingsbury of the Psy¬chology department, Walter Preston,assistant to the President, and MissGladys Finn, University Auditor ofStudent Organizations.“The Whiteman concert has beenarranged with the idea in mind thatit might inspire the creation of typi¬cal .\merican music among the stu¬dents of this University.” stated Gil¬lespie. And Petriilo added, "tlie Wu-sicians’ Union is deeply pleased toco-operate with The Daily Maroonin bringing Paul Whiteman and bisfamous orchestra to campus and thusfurther the musical education ofUniversity students. We feel thatthe members of the University com¬munity have a real treat in store, forit is hard to imagine anything more^Continued on page 3hPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930Sltf Satlg iKarnflnFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Ave.Subscriptii-'n rates $3.00 per year ; by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, five-cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post ofTice at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1819.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all riKhts of publication of any materialappearinir in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDGAR A. GREENWALD, Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManagerJOHN H. HARDIN, Managing EditorMARION E. WHITE, Woman’s EditorALBERT ARKULES, Senior EditorASSOCIATE EDITORS ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERSWALTER W. BAKER ROBERT T. McCarthyMARGARET EGAN JAMES J. McMAHONHERBERT H. JOSEPH. Jr. NED P. VEATCHJANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR. II SOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSMERWIN S. ROSENBERG HERBERT BERMANGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEF JOHN CLANCY *SOPHOMORE EDITORS RICHARD DEUTSCHBION B. HOWARD DAMON FULLERJOHN MILLSJ. BAYARD POOLE EDGAR GOLDSMITHGARLAND ROUTT CHARLES HOWEJAMES F. SIMON CHESTER WARDWARREN E. THOMPSONSOPHOMORE WOMAN EDITORSDOROTHY BARKMAN ALBERTA KILLIEMAXINE CREVISTON INGRED PETERSENMARJORIE GOLLER ELEANOR WILSONALICE HAMBURGERNight Editor: Louis Ridenour, II.Assistants: Warren Thompson, James F. Simon.IN THE FLESHAmong the few things which can be justifiably said to havemet a deplorable end in this so-called machine age is music. Inthe place of the musician, personally interpreting for his audiencethe classics of the masters, has come the canned variety of per¬formance with all the discordant din of the machinery which causes Willowmine Epp lives over inFoster Hall and is very well knownto the Fosterites. Fosterites talkglibly concerning the activities ofWillowmine. Not so long ago theywere telling the story that Willow¬mine had lost her sweetheart in anaccident. Fosterites, inquisitive,questioned Willowmine concerningthe tragedy. Said Willowmine non¬chalantly, “My fiance was killed in atrain accident.”Dexter Masters, editor of the1 Phoenix last year, is now in NewYork writing for that distinguishedpublication, “Time” magazine. LouieEngel tells the story of how Dexterwrote a letter to John Howe and leftoff in the middle of a sentence andposted the letter without signing it.A week later Howe received anotherletter which continued from thebroken off sentence and ended inanother broken sentence. A weeklater Howe received the final install¬ment w'ith Dexter’s signature. Tothose who know Masters this proce¬dure seems a trifle I nbalanced.Louie fengel says, “Maybe ‘Time’ isweighing heavily upon his hands.”It comes to the point where wemust beg your pardon again. Yes¬terday w’e attributed the idea of get¬ting the monkey for Phoenix ad¬vertising to Julian Jackson. TodayLou Cohen calls our attention to thefact that it was his idea. “It’s allright though,” said Louie, “becauseeveryone has been congratulating meon getting Paul Whiteman to thecampus.”Yesterday, fulfilling a two weekthreat, the Phoenix made its firstappearance. From the time you leftthe house in the morning till thetime you wearily trudged home atnoon someone was chasing you tobuy one. One of the cuter sales¬ ladies approached Bob Graf in frontof Cobb and asked him to buy someof her wares. “I’ll buy si copies,”said Robert, “if you can get Brad¬shaw and Cunningham to buy onebetween them.” Under ordinary cir¬cumstances Robert would have beenquite safe, but the boys ganged onhim and bought a copy. As a resultRobert fulfilled his agreement,bought a half dozen copies, thengave them back.Ordinarily it isn’t this column’spolicy to run things like this, butthe following, taken from the Ore¬gon State Daily Barometer, is fartoo good to pass:THE BOOTLEGGER SYMPHONY(Tune: Little White Lies)Your nose was all a-glow,And a film was on your eyes.The night that you told me.Those little white lies.You said it was good stuff.But I found to my surprise.That you had deceived me.With little white lies.1 tried, but there’s no forgettin’How it burned my throat,I cried, and I’m sure regrettin’That you got my goat.My money was in your purse.So now I’ll put you wise.You’re going to be sorryFor those little white lies.It all happened in a course called“International Relationships” orsomething like that given by R. T.Scott. Prof. Scott was giving a longwinded argument on the cause of allwars. “If someone could just takeFinland and isolate it and protectit, the chances of another war wouldbe greatly minimized,” said theProfessor. .And believe it or not,someone in the proverbial back rowuttered quite audibly, “Save the Fin¬nish and you save all.”Dr. Harshe tells the story aboutone of the harder boiled debs-about-town. whose chief theatre experi- Ience was that of the Service (Tlub, |who had the occasion to take in aStreeterville tea. In the center ofthe group and child in a voluminous,affected gown stood Mae (Sex)West. The deb gave a gasp, andthen remarked, pseudo-sub rosa, “MyGod! When does the balloon go up?” **Come into the Alcove 9}• between the text and general book sections,under the gallery. Here we have assembledmost of theLITTLE LIBRARIESModern Library .'...$ .95New titles of Human Bondage Goethe’s FaustEveryman’s Library 90with the colorful prize jackets on I 50 of the mostpopular titles.World’s Classics 80Burt’s Pocket Library 1.00Mod ern Readers’ Series 1.25Modern Students’ Library 1.00Loeb Lib. of Translations 2.50Boni Paper Books 50and a big table ofDOLLAR BOOKSNew titles:Papini—Life of Christ Dimnet—Art of ThinkingFrance—Penguin Island Education of H. .AdamsBrown—This Believing pi r»i i i iPowys—Black LaughterBenchley—Pluck a Luck James—SmokyDe Kruif—Microbe Hunters Howe—George Sandand coming soonHalliburton’s—Royal Road to Romanceat theUniversity of ChicagoBookstore5802 ELUS to be poured forth. Consequently music has declined, at leastas far as the average person is concerned, from the field of the artsto a position on a par with the presses which grind out literature orthe air hammer which roughly forms a colossal work in marble. Itis no longer music, it is a bottled reproduction of what was original¬ly music, just as the press is the bottled consummation of theauthors’ thoughts and ideas.But the most noticeable and regrettable feature of this develop¬ment is the loss of originality in the music produced today. A smalhgroup turning out Wagner and Chopin by the yard can hardly beexpected to find much inspiration in grinding out the works of theimmortals on a purely wholesale basis. Neither can an audiencelistening to the scratchings of imperfect reproducing mechanismsbe expected to gain a very great knowledge of what constitutes Imusic and what is required in making for originality. Coming fromthe same musicians again and again, the compositions lose theirflexibility and resolve themselves into so many musical theoremswhich are demonstrated over and over again with unbearable mon¬otony.Finally all sense of good music is being dulled. A limited num¬ber of productions have been put forth which by far lack anythingapproaching completeness and confine themselves mainly to accom¬paniments to the scenes appearing on the silver screen. Chief amongthese are two or three serenades, the most sentimental love songs,a few marches, and now and then a popular aria from Verdi. Therest of the selections—if they can be called such—are worthlessmixtures of the jazziest jazz, varying from the wails of love-tornhearts to baby-talk.The consequent release of many musicians from work has add¬ed to the dilemma by discouraging the study of music. The remain- .ing members of what was formerly a noble vocation have been iforced to turn their talents to a variety of fields and so have lost |in the jack-of-all-trades deal their proficiency in one chosen field. !TTe new influx of material, trained for versatility rather than ex- !cellence, continues markedly the downward trend of the art. jLittle hope of a change is in sight at present. Tlie only solu¬tion seems the creation of added interest in concerts, operas, andsymphony appearances. Leaders in the fight to sponsor this move¬ment 'have been James Petrillo, president of the Chicago musicians’union, and Joseph Weber, president of the national organization.The unemployment of countless musicians has become a recentburden which adds bitterness to the already bitter state of affairsin the eyes of these men.Tomorrow Paul Whiteman, leading exponent of a new phaseof American music, comes to the campus under the auspices of'The Daily Maroon. His appearance should be an incentive for those ,who like music to attend if possible. Inasmuch as the concert isfree, everyone should take advantage of the opportunity.Tfie selections to be played by Mr. Whiteman are of a widevariety and offer numbers which appeal to almost every taste. TheDaily Maroon invites you!—E. A. G. (/THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1930 Page ITire*SUENTISTS RETURNTO OLD BELIEF INALL-POWERFUL GODFundamentalism MoreTenable ThanAtheismWHAT CAN WE BELIEVEABOUT GOD?CHAPTER II Veteran GymnastsAnswer Call ForDefense of Title■By George Craig Stewart,Bishop-Coadjutor of Chicago(Continued from yesterday)But the great modern scientists donot high-brow God. A m'an like Hen¬ry Norris Russell, Professor of As¬tronomy at Princeton, makes his con¬fession, “I believe in a personalGod,-^—a being within whose natureis that which is interpretable interms of the level on which our per¬sonal relations are described.” Hesays he cannot admit that the streamrises higher than its source. He be¬lieves in “a God containing charac¬teristics expressible on the level ofconsciousness and personality as~we>ias those descriptibTe Tn terms oPmatfer and energy.” (Fate and Free^dom page 70).If any one may speak of twen¬tieth century physics it might beMillikan. “If I were confronted,” hesays, “by fundamentalism or athe¬ism and could not find a way to taketo the woods I should choose funda-menfalism as the less irrational ofthe two, and the more desirable, forAtheism Ts a direct contradiction ofthe evolutionary findings of a!Imodern science. Modern Science oFthe real sort,” he adds, “is slowlylearning to walk humbly with itsGod.”1. I think I may set down thenproposition one,—-that we can stillbelieve thaC Cod exTsts. Heyond thesweep of the telescope and the protieof the microscope the question of ul-timates still baffles the scienfisls.The idea of God is a necessity oFmetaphysical thought as well as thebase of all religious Taith and ex¬perience. I need not argue this pointsurely. Professor Betts of Northwes¬tern has just published “The Beliefsof Seven Hundred Ministers,” the re¬sult of an elaborate questionnairesent to leading clergy of all tbeleading Christian bodies. The repliesshow quite clearly the expected di¬visions into the two groups of TlB-erals and conservatives. The per¬centages of those rated as conserva¬tively orthodox are for the Luth¬erans 94; for Baptists 70, for Pres¬byterians 58; for Episcopalians 58,while the Methodists are in the for-. ties and the congregationalists in thetwenties. On* miracles:—the atone¬ment, Biblical inspiration, the res¬urrection of the body, the nature ofthe Church,—there is a wide divers-Tty of belief,—but there is 'oneproposition which commanded theunanimous support of all the clergy,—they all believed in the existenceof God.Cod is a datum of actual religiousexperience.1 know His existence cannot be beproved. 1 mean 1 cannot be so dem-onstratably established that to doubt Ihis existence would be to acknowl- iedge insanity. I’m glad it cannot be ,so established. Le dieu defini wouldbe Le dieu fini.He is the object of faith, of the |great adventure of faith, but oncethe adventure is made, belief can beestablished by such wealth of spirit¬ual experience that peace and joyand certitude authenticate the risk.You remember perhaps Pascal’swords,—“See,—if w/ wager God’s exist¬ence and gain, you win everything!And if you lose, you lose nothing.Take the bet—without more ado!”Yes, and when! Pascal died in 1662,|,there was found stitched in the lin¬ing of his doublet what is called hismemorial, a scrap of parchment witha rough drawing of a flaming crossand around it a few words startling “Although the Maroon gymnasticsteam is materially weakened Hy iTieloss of Jack Menzies, conference all-around champion, we are going tofight hard in the defense of our BigTen title,” said Coaclv Daniel Hoffer,moulder of ten championship teamsin the fourteen years.“Captain Everett Olson Is aboutready to take the place of Menzieswhose all around ability amounted toone third the strength of last year’steam. In his sophomore year Ol¬son’s performances were eclipsed byMenzies, but now fnaf the laffer isgraduated Olson is the logical man toannex the conference ^ Individualhonor.”In addition to the captain, fourveterans return this year to bolsterup the team. Kolb, Broniund, TTulch-Tnson, all “C” winners and Howardwill form the nucleus of Coach Hof-fer’s turner squad. At present themen are pointing toward their firstpreseason meet against their annualfoe Milwaukee Y. M. C. A. which* Istentatively scheduled for December20 at Bartlett gym. Board of SocialService, ReligionTo Meet TodayThe newly elected Board of So¬cial Service and Religion will meettoday at 4:30 in the University hapelcoffice to discuss plans for the Sun¬day and other religious services sup¬ported by the University. The an¬nual choice of student representa¬tives, as announced by the Presi¬dent’s office, is made on a basis ofrecommendations by student activitycommittee.Members for this year includefor the undergraduate body: Ed¬ward Bastian, Ruth Earnshaw,Lucille Pfaender, and Nathaniel Win¬slow; graduate students: GenevaDrinkwater, Lucia Jordan, GeorgePitts, and Minott Stickney. Theeight faculty members are: Alger¬non Coleman, Chairman; ShailerMathew’s, Vice-chairman; E. S. B'as-tin, Ruth Emerson, Edith FosterFlint, Forrest A. Kingsbury, andGfeorge H. Mead, President RobertMaynard Hutchins; Vice-president,Frederick Woodward; University Re¬corder Roy Bixler, and Executive Of¬ficer, Dean Charles W. Gilkey. TARPON STARTS ISSUE NEW EDITIONWEEKLY SWIMS OF PHOENIX TODAYi Tarpon club members will holdj their weekly swimming practice inIda Noyes pool at noon today, toI improve their individual abilities in1I preparation for the team competitionj which culminates during spring quar-i ter with an exhibition match. Games,speed and diving events feature theweekly meetings. Those interestedin becoming members of the clubmay try-out by signing on the Tar¬pon bulletin board in Ida Noyes halT.Tests for memberships may bepassed today between 3 and 4.Critics Guests OfDramatic Society(Continued from page 1)Linn’s new play, “Old Fellow,” whichwill have its premiere showing De¬cember .5 and the Play Fest andMirror productions, and an earlyAmerican play. Spring quarter. I Another edition of the OctoberI Phoenix will be on sale today andFriday. Every copy of the first edi-j tion has been sold, leaving none for, ^vertisers or contributors, the num¬ber sold surpassing the total of anyi previous issue.! Seventy women comprised yester-I day’s sales force that covered the! campus throughout the day. AfterI all sales have been Completed Fri-I day, the woman who has sold theI greatest number is to be awarded aj (i>3 prize, and the second best sales-} woman a $2 prize. The club whosemembers will have sold the greatestnumber of copies by Friday is to re-' ceive a $5 award.Hitchcock Electionin their directness and simplicity.“In the year of grace 1654, Mon¬day, November, Day of St. Clementfrom half past ten till half an hour.ifter midnight,—Fire!God of Abraham, God of Isaac, Godof Jacob!Not of philosophers and the learned.Certitude, Joy, Certitude-Emotions.Light, JoyForgetfulness of the world and alloutside of God.The world hath not know thee butI have known thee.Joy! Joy! Joy! Tears of Joy,My God wilt thou leave me?Let me not be separated from theeforever.This is a characteristic mystical ex¬perience,—by no means confined toChristians. The man who knows Godby mystical contact would smile atthe question Can we believe in God?—Like Francis Thompson he wouldsay with great naivite,“O world invisible we view TheeO world intangible we touch theeO world unknowable we know theeInapprehensible we clutch thee,(('ontinued in tomorrow’s issue) Maroons PromisedHard Day Saturday Close Entry ListI For Cross Country‘ (Continued from page 1)I ization the runner must negotiateI the two and one-half mile course inj less than twenty-one minutes. Mostj of the men who finished among theI leaders last year are now either outi for varsity or have left school, soI there will be plenty of opportunityfor any one who has track ability.(Continued from page llI that was headed for a national title,is arranging for a group of Floridai and southern alumni to have a sec-I tion of the south stand. All south-j erners are invited to get in touchI with Mr. Robinson at 134 South La-I Salle Street, FranTtlin 7300. .•\t last night’s meeting of the sec¬tion heads of Hitchcock hall John T.Bobbitt was elected president of thehall and George T. Van der Hoefsecretary and treasurer. Ways andI means of adding to the library wereI discussed and the possibility of hav-I ing a radio in the library. Agitation' was started to have rugs furnishedthe rooms as Hitchcock is the onlyhall without them. Musicians’ Union SanctionsCampus Whiteman Concert(Continued from page 1)enjoyable than to listen to Mr.Whiteman playing Victor Herb'ertmelodies.”Mr. Wilberforee Whiteman, fatherof the “King of Jazz,” will be unableto attend the concert, it was learnedlate last night.TYPINGTheses Short PapersTHE STUDENTSTYPING SERVICE1326 E. 67th St. Dor. 2896Open 7:30 A. M.- 8:00 P. days a weekI.<K)kfor, theVenetianStarSTUDIO1369TEAEast 57thSHOP ILookfortheVenetianStar Todayand every dayA wonderful luncheon awaitsyou atPHELPS & PHELPS’New Colonial Tea Room6324 Woodlawn AvenueA well balanced menu of selected foods, preparedby women cooks in the true colonial manner.Reasonably priced 35c to 50c, served from 1 1 :C)0a. m. until 2:30 p. m.A.You’ll find our new tea room an utterly different kind ofplace. Decorated in early American style it is reminiscentof an old time wayside inn. A cozy colonial rendezvousthat will intrigue you with its quaint charm.Special dinner 5 to 9 p. m.—75cPHELPS AND PHELPS'NEW COLONIAL TEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn AvenueJust a few steps south of 63rd St., on the west side ofWoodlawn.Beginners’ Dancing ClassesBallroom Mon.. WpcI.. Friday EveninpaTap Thursdays. 7:3o-8:30Private Lessons anytime Day or EveningTeresa Dolan DancingSchoolI20H E. Mrd 8t. Ph. Hyde Park 3080Dances Tues., Thurs.. Sat. Evnv-s.Partners Furnished if DesiredFree fU^t Acquainted Coviwn. Clip thisarf fnr Vrita Admisaion TYPEWRITERSBought - Sold - Exchanged - Rented - RepairedAll Makes, Colors and TypesRental Applied on Purchase —: :—Telei^one Fairfax 2103 Expert RepairingWoodworth’s Book StoreSTATIONERYPersonal and Business StationeryFountain Pens and Note Books 1311 East 57th StreetOPEN EVENINGS BOOKSText Books, R^ent BooksNew and Second Hand Nestle’sBar?Once you taste it you’ll al¬ways want it! Try it! Just a littlepiece off one corner! Roll it onyour tongue! Let it melt! Good?M-m-m-m. That’s creamy milkyou’re tasting. Just as it comesfrom the farm. Blended withluscious chocolate to a velvetysmoothness. No wonder milkchocolate f.nns are reaching forNestle’s! You’ll know Nestle’sby the clean, silvery wrapper lettered for milk chocolate,blue lettered for almond bar.^.N^TtrsOocVlTHEPOLICYOFTHEDAILY MAROONISTOSERVETHECAMPUSFIRST,BEST,ANDALWAYSSUBSCRIBETODAY!cy^\Page Four THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1930UNDERGRADUATESSTILL OUTNUMBERGRAD STUDENTS UNIVERSITY BULLETINUndergraduates continue ' to out-Inumber graduate students at the ;University, in a proportion of about ,three to two, according to the o^- jficial registration figures for the au- |tunin quarter announced by the Re- |corder yesterday. Men students con- :tinue to outnumber the women. iA grand total of 7,929 students Iare enrolled in the University, of jwhom 5,622 are “in residence” on |the Midway quadrangles and 2,326 |are studying in University collegedowntown, with nineteen duplica¬tions.By status, Recorder Roy W. Bix-ler classifies 4,340 as undergraduate,3,055 as graduate, and 534 as “un¬classified.” Of the total, 4,155 aremen and 3,744 are women.Of the 5,622 taking courses at theMidway 3,13l are undergraduate,2,391 are graduate, and one hundredare unclassified; 3,563 are men and2,059 are women. The gi'eatest num¬ber of students enrolled in any onedivision of the University are in.4rts, Literature and Science, 4,406,of whom 2,968 are undergraduatesand 1,438 are graduate students.Of the University's seven profes¬sional schools. Medicine and Law-lead in popularity, with 543 and 368respectively. Forty-tw-o women areregistered in the Medical schools andseventeen in the Law school.Ibsen Paints PortraitOf Professor Ames.4 portrait of the Reverend Ed¬ward Scribner Ames, pastor of theDiscTples church and member of thephilosophy department of the Uni¬versity, has just been completed byErnest L. Ibsen of New York.Members of the congregation andother friends of Reverend .4mesbought subscriptions to cover thepayment of the painting, in apprecia¬tion of the work of the pastor dur¬ing his thirty years of service. Thepicture will be officially hung onOct. 26 in the vestry room of theDisciples church.McLean Speaks AtMcAllister CollegeMilton D. McLeaii, executive sec¬retary of the Men’s Commission, willaddress the stuednt body of McAl¬lister college at St. Paul, Minnesota,on Friday. Mr. McLean will leaveChicago today to spend the w-eek-endon the McAllister campus.His work at the University in con¬nection with Freshmen orientationand activities will Fe the subject ofMr. McLean’s address.PRINCESSUNTIL NOV. 1FRANK MORGANin “TOPAZE”Wed. - Saf. .Matinees’Topaze” is now in its third yearin Paris.OOODMANLake Front at MonroeCentral 40.30Toni'jht ; for four weeks: Si)ecial .Mat.Today; Reit. .Mat. Tomorrow.“THE FIREBR.4M)"Mayer'.s Comedy of C’elUniSeat.s Now; ; S1..")0 ; T.icSubscription new plays: .'11-.*10.Special Rates to Student- andTeachers.PUNCH & JUDYCINEMA UNIQUEVan Buren St. at .Michiitan A\e.D. W. Griffith’sFirst All-Talkinir ProductionABRAHAM LINCOLNABE LINCOLN SAID:"If you make a bad barjtain. hu:r itall the tit-'hter."P. M.. SI Eves, at 8:30. $2ALL SEATS RESERVEDHARrison 6800NOTE; This pro<lucticm will not be any other theater in Illinois this year./’•IXTFlIf k EHICAGO a\f,..I INLMA JUST EAST OFVlllLllUrl yjKHIGAN BLVI).Emile Zola’s“NANA”A Realistic Portrayal of a Womanwith Easy Virtues— Also—EINSTEIN’S THEORY OFRELATIVITYCont. 1 to 11 P. M. Mat. 50c. Eves. 75c 4:30-4:30- Thursday, October 168—“An Experimental Study of Fat Necrosis in Bile Peritonitis," byA. O. Rewbridge, of the department of Surgery, Surgery437.I I :50—Divinity chapel. Dr. Ozora S. Davis, of the Chicago The¬ological Seminary, Joseph Bond chapel.12:45—Kent Chemical society, election of officers. Kent 110.4—Dramatic association tea. Walter P. Eaton and Fred Donaghey,Tower room, Mandel hall.4—7—Sigma pledge tea dance, Ida Noyes hall.4:30—Meeting of board of Social Service and Religion, office ofthe Dean of the University chapel.4:30—Physics club, “Some Impressions from European Laborator¬ies." Professor Harvey B. Lemon of the Physics department,“Isostasy: A Problem in Earth Gravity," Mr. King Hubbert,of the Geology department, Ryerson 32.Psychology club, "Psychologies of 1930," Professor HarveyA. Carr of the Psychology department. Psychology labor¬atory. VPublic lecture (Dramatic association) : "The Theater and theAudience." Frederick Donaghey, dramatic critic, Reynoldsclubhouse.4::30—Public lecture, "French Painting in the Last Twenty-fiveYears.” Monsieur Auguste V. Declos, assistant director.Office National des Universities et Ecoles Francaises, HarperM 1 I.5—Organ recital. Porter Heaps, University chapel.6—Dinner meeting of the teaching staffs of the C. and A. Schooland the department of Economics, “Observations on Econ¬omic Thought and Business Training in Germany," by Pro¬fessor F. H. Knight of the Economics department, the CoffeeShop,6:45—Public lecture (Downtown): "The Baby," by Dr. WalterH. O. Hoffman at the Art Institute.7:45—Humanities club, for graduate men students in Modern Lan¬guages, Professor J. M. Manly, of the English department.Classics 20.8—Debating union, Reynolds club, room D. ''v8:! 5—Public lecture "The Spirit in the German University of To¬day," Dr. Carl H. Becker, Former Minister of Education inPrussia, Mandel hall.AMERICA’SFINESTWAYNEKINGAnd HisORCHESTRATRIANONBALLROOMNOW—For FootballMinded Women..Knitted Frocks - - $25Winter Sport Coats $4510 Percent Discount to all University WomenBatt Style Shoppe“EXCLUSIVE WOMEN’S WEAR’’941 East 63rd StreetTelephone Hyde Park 1900Open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Evenings Elect Dorothy MohrTreasurer Of W.A.A.Dorothy Mohr, former hiking rep¬resentative, was elected treasurer ofW. A. A. at a Board meeting yes¬terday. She will replace AdeleFricke, who resigned lacking thenecessary time to devote to the posi¬tion. Miss Mohr will assume theduties of treasurer immediately andthe board will elect a new hikingrepresentative at the next meeting.It was also decided that the en¬trance requirements of W. A. A.were unnecessary and steps weretaken to eliminate the former proce¬dure. It was voted that hereafter allwomen in the University are eligiblefor membership after signing a W..4. A. membership card and payinga one dollar fee. Initiation dinnerswill be held once every quarter atw'hich the organization will welcomeits pew associates.Women who join either “TheRacket,” Orchesis, or Tarpon, auto¬matically become members of W. A.A. upon paying dues to their owngroup. Baseball Team WillReturn October 28The University baseball teamwhich, with CoacTi Norgren, hasbeen touring Japan for the last twomonths, is expected to arrive in SanFrancisco on October 22. They willbe back on campus by October 28.Only meager reports have been forth¬coming from the Orient, but thismuch is certain: honors of the dia¬mond have been equally divided be¬tween the Maroon team and its op¬ponents. The returning squad bearswith it the laurels of seven victories,the memory of seven defeats, andthe chagrin of one tie. CLASSIFIED ADSj WANTED—Salespersons for at¬tractive football pillows. To sell tofraternities and dormitories. Liberalcommission. Apply to Nicholson afthe Daily Maroon office, between1:30 and 4:30.HARVAJ^D Hotel. 5714 Blackstone.Newly dec. Special rates to students.FOT? RENT—Accommodations inverj' attract. 1 or 2 rm, hsl^g. suites.Unusually well furn. Plano or vff-trola. Overstuffed furn. 3 or 4 shar¬ing apt. $2.50 to $3 per wk. eacIT.Inj^eside 6026.Sigma Club InvitesWbiteman To Tea “JEAN GOLDKETTE »>presents such national attractions asJean Goidkette’s Vagabonds - Casa Loma OrchestraMcKinney’s Cotton Pickers - W-G-N OrchestraV^ictor Young and His Orchestraand many other famous organizationsIf interested in these, the best, callJean Goldkette EnterprisesState 1943 or 1944Paul Whiteman has been extendedan invitation to attend a tea dancegiven by the Sigma club today from4 to 6 at Ida Noyes hall. AlthoughMr. Whiteman has a rehearsal /odayafter the concert at Mandel hall, hismanager hoped that the noted or¬chestra leader would be able to at¬tend.A series of twelve on“‘()ur Changing World” will ht givenby Professor Stephefi P. Duggan,director of the Institute of Interna- jtional Education. on successive jThursday, over .station WBBM, iWMAQ or WJJD. The first address!was made last Thursday. The .series }of lectures will deal with important ,phase's in tht histories of nine im- !portant countries. This is “Pie Week” at t’ne ELLIS TEIA SHOP.Try our home made pumpkin, butterscotch orapple pie with your usual excellent meal at the‘Food Headquarters for tbe University’ELLIS TEA ROOM938-940 Elast 63rd StreetAs m Pocket PenYou also get“Half aDesk Set ” _.When you buy a Parker Diiofold Same Pen CAtnterutiDuofoldJr. IVnwith Bu»«e^lO$5 httys this polished Italian marbleDesk Base—tapered pen end includedfree to convert your pocket Duofoldto a Desk Set Pen. Complete set, asshown with Duo)old Jr. Pen (pocketcap and clip included), $10.’BtrkerPEN GUARAMrEED PQR LIFE '15 17 fia I'PENThis tmran teed-for-lAfe Pen,uilh the Honns Point ThatFLitters Yonr Hand, Is IJke2 Pens for the Price of OneDo you know that by having aParker Duofold pocket Pen, you cannow have one of these beautiful DeskSets too, without having to buy asecond pen? You sav'e this e.xtra ex¬pense because this Guaranteed-for-Life Pen is convertible.Parker convertibility means that onePen takes the place of separate pensfor your pocket and Desk Set, By aslight change, the Pen’s pocket cap isreplaced with a tapered pen end forDesk Sf**" use. Presto! Off with thetaper, and back with the pocket cap,when you go out again.if e Pay a Bonus for EveryDuofold PointParker points flatter your hand¬writing. For squads of post-graduatepoint-smiths give Parker Pens theirPressureless Touch.They are paid a bonus for everypoint that survives 11 merciless inspec¬tions. Any point that fails one test,fails all, and its maker pays a forfeit. VYet 7 out of 8 are bonus points because we limit the num¬ber a man may make a day, and he has time to make eachone as good as his best.Parker Duofold Pens are Guaranteed for Life. They hold17.4% more ink. than average, size for size. In sparklingjewel-like colors, their streamlined Permanite barrels are non-breakable. Select your Parker at any pen counter. Pens$5, $7, $10; Pencils to match $2.50 to $5. Desk Bases $3.75and up. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wisconsin.Duofold Se¬nior Pen, $7.Pencil tomatch, $4.25.Both are con¬vertible. OtherPens to$W: PencilsS2.5a-$5.A Complete Line of Parker PensatBrwdt Jewelry Co., Inc.1225 East 63rd Street