rj^atlp illaroonVol. 31. No. 7. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9. 1930 Price Five CentsPUNTERS,. TACKLERSPERFEa TECRNIQUEFOR MADISON GAMEReturn of Fair SkiesAids PracticeTiltsBADGERS BLOCKEDYearling Maneuvers AreUnsuccessful AgainstVarsity Line Inaugurate TowerTeas Today at 4Member* of the Dramatic As¬sociation will welcome incomingstudents interested in dramaticsthis afternoon at 4 in the TowerRoom on the third floor of theReynolds club, when they inaug¬urate their first Thursday after¬noon tea.All University students, inter¬ested in any phase of theatricalproduction, are invited to attendthe tea. According to JamesSchiebler, president of the associa¬tion, several alumnae have accept¬ed invitations to be present at thefunction. HARPER RECOUNTSRUSSIAN EXERIENCESYoun ISLAM CREEDS SHOWCHRISTIAN EFFEaShowing a marked response tosunny skies and outdoor scrimmage.Coach A. A. Stagg's squad of grid¬iron huskies went another notch for¬ward in their preparations for thefirst conference game of the seasonwith Wisconsin ^turday. The prac¬tice session was divided into threeperiods, drill on punting and tack¬ling, “skull practice” against Wis¬consin plays, and scrimmage.In the first period, kickers of thesquad which will meet Wisconsin re¬ceived instruction and practice infine points of getting off the long,spiral twisters. The freshman firstteam opposed the Maroons, attempt¬ing to block the kicks and to i^nthem back. Both freshman man-euvres were completely unsuccess¬ful.Later, in the “skull practice,” theOld Man again went into details ofdefense for the benefit of the line.This drill, too reminiscent of theclass room to secure unqualified ap¬probations from the action-seekinggridders, soon gave way to scrim-•.nage at Coach Stagg's hard-hwllcdcommand, “Get your headgear!”The team apparently was out forblood. The freshmen were given theball, with instructions to make yard¬age. Trying desperately to followorders, the yearlings found them¬selves facing an irresistible, mov¬ing wall of determined muscle. Playafter play was either smeared as the,frosh backs darted parafel to thescrimmage line, or stopped by thathuman wall. Wien, end, made sev¬eral sensational tackles five or moreyards behind the line, and at othertimes the yearling backs wereburied under an avalanche of Ma¬roon jerseys which resulted in a fum¬ble or a ten yard loss.Aerial plays met with only slight¬ly more success and that only onthe first few passes. Birney andStackler,' virtually new to the first-string backfield, had some difficultyin solving the attack at first, Tem¬ple, Stagg, Knudson and Kannefound the going easy, while CaptainVan Nice nursed his convalescingleg on the sidelines.Flood lights and the “ghost” balls!)ecame necessary shortly after fiveo’clock. Th^ “LaSalle street coach¬ing staff” was augmented yester¬day by Virgil Gist, Bucky Harris,Rayson, and several other “C” men.Members of the administration ob¬served at practice were Vice-Presi¬dent Woodward and William Mor-ganstern, director of public rela¬tions.(Continued on page 2) Ohandi PortrayedAs Man of PeaceBy Bishop FisherMissionary Reviews Indianj Revolt In MandelMeeting Communists Areasis of NewSocialism“Mahatma Ghandi is not a fan¬atic; he is a man who knows exact¬ly what he is striving for,” saidBishop Frederick A. Fisher li^st nightbefore a largv audience in Mandelhall. Bishop Fisher, the principalspeaker of the evening, is an offi¬cial of the Methodist l|piscopalChurch who has been a missionaryin the Orient for 26 years and aBishop in India for the last tenyears. He recently resigned hispost to return to Michigan as pastorof a student church in Ann Arbor.“It is true that Britain has a grreateconomic stake in India,” he.said in opening his talk, “fromthe Indian point of view concern¬ing Ghandi and the English situa¬tion. England has built up astandard of living which she nevercould have arrived at with her ownresources — by bringing homeforeign/ resources. But timeschange, and the moment has nowarrived that the Western nationsmust see to it that we cede to othersthose natural resources which theyhave a right to call their own.”Outlining Ghandi’s life. BishopFisher told how the man went toschool and learned the doctrine of“ahimza” or harmlessness aS a boyof nine, how he learned his Eng¬lish from the Sermon on the Mount,how became a typical Londoner andlawyer at nineteen, and, after see¬ing the ravages of the World War,(Continued on page .S)University Clinic,Endowment FundsReceive $200,000The University has been named asthe recipient of a $200,000 donation,according to the will of the TateThomas D. Jones, lawyer and capi¬talist, who left a total of $2,000,000to charitable and educational insti¬tutions. One half the University be¬quest is designed for the use of theFrank Billings Medical clinic andthe other half will become a part'of the general endowment fund ofthe University.Mr. Jones was a director of theInternational Harvester companyand served on the war boards oftrade during the World War. Heserved for many years as the presi¬dent of the Children’s Memorial hos¬pital which at his death receivedthe same gift as the-University.He was a bachelor and died athis Lake Forest home where he hadlived for forty years. PICK DEBATERS TOFACE ENGLISH ANDGERMAN HECKLERSDebates with Cambridge univer¬sity, England, and with an Englishspeaking all-German team will fea¬ture the fall program of the Debat¬ing union. Arrangements for thesetwo contests are now being com¬pleted. While the dates have notbeen finally chosen, the first contest,with the Cambridge team, will takeplace some time in October; whilethe second debate, that with theGerman aggregation, will be set fora time in November.All undergraduate students inresidence are eligible for places onthe team which is to represent theDebating union of the Universityagainst the foreign invaders. Try¬outs will be held Friday at 4 in theReynolds club theatre. Studentswishing to speak at the tryouts mustregister at the information desk ofthe Reynolds club not later thanFriday at 1.Members of the team will be se¬lected on the basis of a three-min-u.o speech on the affirmative sideof the question. Resolved: That theprogress of science is a great andgrowing menace to civilization. Thesubject has been chosen with the endin view of giving all contestants anequal chance. No special technicalknowledge is required, and a greatamount of research is unnecessary.The Debating union organizesteams representing the Universityand stages debates during the entire(Continued on page 2) The building of a socialism in eco¬nomically impoverished Russia, de¬pending on the enthusiasm of youngcommunists, and promising a seri¬ous threat to the capitalistic systemin a few years, is the sum of statis¬tics amassed by Professor Harper,w’ho has just returned from a studyof the political and psychological as¬pects of Soviet Russia which will bepresented in a lecture series at .theUniversity College. Beginning Fri¬day, Professor Harper will give sixweekly lectures which will discussphases of “The New Cadres of Com-I munism,” the organization employedby the Soviets.For the present, he reports R|issi4to be “pretty^ hard up,” with foodshortages, and a scarcity of clothingand fuel. Foreigners, particularlyAmericans, are given the best thecountry has to offer; but the foodshortage has become so acute thatmany travelers pay a Prohibitivetariff to take in food.Despite failures in the presentprogram, the leaders express a con¬fidence in the ability of the massesto overcome these obstacles and com¬plete their objective, the Great Plan.Success of the plan depends uponyoung communists who exhibit theawakening of Soviet educational in¬stitutions. They are comprised ofstudents, peasants, and industrialworkers in their early twenties, whoenter productive life early becausethe educational system is based ona close relationship between schooland production.This principle is being given in¬creasing emphasis because the in¬dustrialization program calls fortechnically trained leadership. Thestudents spend fifty days in schooland then fifty days in the fa^ tory orfield which idea has become theprinciple of Soviet education. Theyare banded together under the titleof the “Communist Union of theYouth” whose special function is todissemate propaganda.The .second group are the Com¬munist Party Workers, who exertpolit|-al and social leadership overthe whole economic order; and thethird group, the Shock Brigades, areselected workmen who organize forthe purpose of increasing produc¬tion and keeping up the standardsof the plan. The Collective peas¬ants are pledged to the abandonmentof individual farm tenure and “col¬lectivist farming,” the propagandaand newspaper work is handled byCultural Workers, and the RedArmy constitutes,a last Soviet strong¬hold. Their plan is to give the in¬dividual greater incentive to workbecause he is working for his ownsocial class. Becker Sees AffinityMeet GrowingAntagonismTwo prayers of married menwere considered more precious in thesight of God than seventy prayersof bachelors in ancient Mohamme¬dan documents, which were used toillustrate social concepts by Dr. CarlH. Becker, former Minister of Ed¬ucation of Prussia, in his publiclecture on “Christianity and Islam—Past and Present” yesterday at4:30 in fearper Mil. “Women arethe faggots of Hell” is a quotationfrom other parts of the sacred lit¬erature, which is contrary to theone above, and which Dr. Becker.said showed the influence of Chris¬tian aescetism on Mohammedanthinking, and caused the position ofwomen in Islam to suffer. Other ex¬amples of the importance of un¬worldliness in this religion werefound in the statement that “princesshould have only one garment, sothat they are unable to appear inpublic while it is being washed,” andthe story of one highly exemplaryapostle who wept so bitterly over hissins that his tears flooded throughthe waterspout and into the roombelow.With many humorous illustrationssuch as these. Dr. Becker discussedthe close affinity which exists be¬tween Christianity and Mohamme¬danism, in spite of their historicalantagonism. “The religion of Is¬lam approaches the teachings ofMohammed about as much as Cath¬olicism and Protestantism reflect theteachings of Jesus,” said the Ger¬man profesor, and he went on toshow how in many cases practicediffered from theory, and the letterinstead of the spirit of religious lawwas worshipped. He traced Mo¬hammedanism, as it was influencedby Judaism and Christianity fromthe very beginning, when Mohammedbecame the self-inspired ambassadorof God because the Jews had Moses,and the Christians Jesus, to thepresent day when both sects havethe same general attitude in politi¬cal, social, and economic life.In spite of similarities, there is agrowing antangonism between Islamand Christian groups today, whichDr. Becker attributed to three maincauses: 1) Christian missionaries us¬ually form a misconception of Mo¬hammedanism by obsei’ving theprimitive interpretation of outworncustoms practised by many orientalnatives. 2) Educated Islams lookaskance at the great gap betweenreligious principles and political ac¬tions of Europe and Christians. 3)Intense rivalry between Christianand Mohammedan groups in theF'ast creates hostility towardforeign Christians Madison TelegraphsInvitation to DanceThe following telegram was re¬ceived by The Daily Maroon yes¬terday from the University ofWisconsin: “Hope you will extendthis invitation to Chicago studentsthrough your colmuns: The Wis:conisin Union extends Its hospital¬ity and facilities to Chicago stu¬dents attending the Wisconsinfootball game to make generalheadquarters at the building andparticularly to attend the Chi-cago-Wisconsin football danceSaturday night. Cordially, Free¬man Butts, Chairman House Com¬mittee.” COUNCIL ANNOUNCESPLANS FOR ANNUALHOMECOMING NOV. 1Pep Session PrecedesBig Game WithPrincetonHOLD MARDI GRASFootball Squads, AlumniWill Banquet atCommonsDr. Cole ReturnsAfter Year With ' *A mammoth pep session, Mardi; Gras, Alumni banquet, fraternityI house decoration contest and a floatI parade are included ih the arrange-‘ ments planned by the Undergradu-m 1 ate council for the celebration ofMX^Searen council Princetongame November 1 on the quadran-Plans for AnthropologyExhibit at ChicagoWorld’s Fair gles.On the evening preceding the foot¬ball game a pep session will be heldat Greenwood field. The Freshman“C” club will attend and probablyoffer assistance in stirring up en¬thusiasm around the huge bonfire.The University band, followed byhonor societies and fraternities, willparade through the streets en routeto the scene of festivities.Both football squads, official rep¬resentatives of Chicago and Prince¬ton, and alumni will be entertainedat a banquet after the game atHutchinson commons. Fraternitiesare asked to cooperate in havingtheir alumni attend the feast atwhich prominent persons will speak.Following the banquet the Dra¬matic association will present a playat Mandel hall, to which everybodyThe purpose of the National Re-; jg invited. Shortly after this pro¬search Council is to aid and stimulate (iuction 4hc Undergraduate councilwill conduct a Mardi Gras on theentire first floor of Reynolds club¬house.A silver cup for permanent pos¬session will be awarded to the frat-Fay-Cooper Cole, Professor of An¬thropology, is again in residencethis year after a year spent inWashington, D. C. as chairman ofthe Division of Anthropology and[Psychology of the National Researchj council.On being asked to tell somethingof the duties of that position Dr.Cole pulled out of his desk a seriesof reports covering conferences oni a variety of subjects in his field ofscience; from conferences on thePsychology of the Highway, to Mid¬western Archaeology, to plans forthe Chicago World’s Fair.scientific research. It keeps in touchwith scientific development througli-out the country, gives out fellow¬ships and grants in aid, and attempts jthrough its various committees to co- jordinate research work. It is a semi- .. v u • • j j i. i., , ... ... ernity which is judged to have thegovernmental organization which was . , j j X • mv7 J , J • i., Tir ITT u best decoration for the occasion. Thefounded during the World War by ' u i ^ jJ J- », • J .L TTT-i u i. u I three judges who will be selectedorder of %‘resident Wilson, but hassince received its own endowment,and is housed in one of the most by the Homecoming committee willbe announced ne.xt week.u 1 uv i. -ij- • TIT L 1 Both clubs and fratrnities are in-beautiful public buildings in Wash- . • • xu n j^ ^I vited to join the float parade con-ington. test, the winner to receive a trophy.Dr. Cole s division is of specific | q^, Saturday morning the floats willinterest in that Anthropology and j parade to detei •mine the winner.Psychology form the connecting link , The award will be made to the bestbetween the natural sciences and j float between the halves when thesocial sciences; and several of the j float procession will be repeated,cipnferences held during the year i Buildings on campus will be light-were attended by representatives of j gfl for the benefit of the alumni who(Continued on page 2) j to visit the scenes of formerundergi-aduate experiences.MAROON HARRIERSMEET BADGERS INSEASON OPENER‘Lecture System A Fjiilure,’ SaysHolt, President of Rollins College Robert McCarthy was chosen bythe Undei’graduate council to headthe Homecoming committee. Theheads of the groups in charge ofdifferent phases of preparations are:Tt , , . ^ Gilbert White, entertainment com-Unbeaten ,n two conse,™tive Schmidt, fraternityr'”’! M O 'Jl? I house and float decorations commit-toach Ned Mernam s Cross-country Rosenberg, banquet corn-team will maugurate ite 1931 season ^ouis Ridenour, publicityQO*QiTiGr WI ^an^\v^ci^ry r\v\ rn/x ■ / *This article, written by Dr. Ham-ilton>Holt, president of Rollins Col¬lege in Florida, is the second of aseries of articles on educational de¬velopments appearing in the currentissues of “The Nation.”President Hamilton Holt of Rollinscollege in Florida has initiated a newsystem of education where the teach¬ers answer questions, not ask them,where the lecture system is discard¬ed, where there is no outside assign¬ments, and where groups of twentymeet for class instruction.President Holt asserts that “atRollins we hold the belief that theindividual student’s growth and de¬velopment are the all-importantthings, and that to justify itselfevery course must deepen andbroaden the student’s understand¬ing of life.” Rollins college seeks' tocorrect what the administration be¬lieves to be the fundamental diffi¬culty with present-day education: themethod of teaching and the personalqualifications of the teachers.Lecture System a Failure“The lecture sjTstem,” seems toPresident Holt, “to be a failure be¬cause under it, students are regarded I as so many passive objects into! which a professor poux’s informationj for an hour two or three times aI week and then asks for certainI amounts of it back in periodical ex-; aminations. Neither the professori nor the student needs to be morei than half awake for the process toI go on.! Rollins has established the two-hour conference plan. Both morn-I ing and afternoon are divided intoj two two-hour periods. In the fore-I noon the two periods are devotedI to those subjects in which the stu-1 dent primarily works with his mind.As far as possible the first periodof the afternoon is taken up withlaboratory or field work and the lastperiod with athletics, outdoor workand recreation. The student’s eve¬nings are free, except when a lec¬ture, a play, a debate, or some sim¬ilar activity takes place.Comfortable ClassroomsThe classrooms at Rollins arepleasant rooms with (rbmfortablechairs scattered around a bo^-linedroom or gathered about a table. Theroom may be silent with everyone(Continued on page 3) against the Wisconsin harriers on themorning of the Wisconsin-Chicago \gridiron match at Madison, Wiscon- isin.Four veteran candidates have earn¬ed regular berths on the Chicagohill and dale team, resulting fromdaily practice runs on the Washing¬ton Park course. Captain LawrenceBrainard, Dale Letts, Alfred Kellyand Jack Holt have rounded into theproverbial “pink” and are set tomatch strides with the Badger dis¬tance runners.Although Coach Merriam is quitesatisfied with the conditioning ofhis seasoned athletes, he is confront¬ed with the problem of selectingthe fifth man to complete the team.If he fills the remaining position onthe basis of real experience in inter¬collegiate competitioru Bertram Nel¬son, Donald Lawrie and Milton Finkhave the inside track. But a trioof ambitious sophomores, JamesSimon, Len Hinchcliff and MauriceKaSin must be considered as possi¬bilities, for they have shown con¬siderable promise in time trials. committee.Award ScholarshipsTo Five GraduatesOf Junior CollegesFive students Have entered theUniversity this quarter on a newtype of scholarship, provided forgraduates of junior colleges notconnected with the University, itwas disclosed yesterday by the Bu¬reau of Records. This is the firsttime that funds have been available,speciafically, for such scholarships.The five are: Beatrice ElizabethFisk, Red Wing, Minnesota, NorthPark Junior college; Marlys EstherHenning, Chicago, Crane Junior col¬lege; John Chester Pletz, Chicago,Crane Junior college; John WesleyTqppen, Muskegon, Michigan, Mus¬kegon Junior college; and AndrewJohn Wellemeyer, Klemme, Iowa,Kansas City Junior college.“The University gives more schol¬arships to ^en than to women,”The picturesque shoreline of Lake , stated Roy W. Bixler, UniversityMendota, north of Madison will be | Recorder, “we hope that these schol-the scene of the forenoon race be- arships will provide one way of ad-tween the Maroons and Badgers. Asprearranged the cross-country runwill be of the three mile variety. justing the situation, and we hopeto be able to secure more endow-' ments for women in the future.”Page Two THE DAILY MARCX)N, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930iatlg iiar00tiFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished morninKS, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Ave.Subscription rates $3.00 per year: by mail. $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, five-cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press .AssociationEDGAR A. GREENWALD, Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManajrerJOHN H. HARDIN, Mana|(ing EditorMARION E. WHITE,ALBERT ARKULES,ASSOCIATE EDITORSWALTER W. BAKERMARGARET EGANHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr.JANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR, IIMERWIN S. ROSENBERGGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEFSOPHOMORE EDITORSBION B. HOWARDJOHN MILLSJ. BAYARD POOLEGARLAND ROUTTJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSONSOPHOMOREDOROTHY BARKMANMA.XINE CREVISTONMARJORIE GOLLERALICE HAMBURGER Woman’s EditorSenior EditorASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERSROBERT T. McCarthyJAMES J. McMAHONNED P. VEATCHSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSHERBERT BERMANJOHN CLANCYRICHARD DEUTSCHFRANCIS FINNEGANDAMON FULLEREDGAR GOLDSMITHCHARLES HOWECHESTER WARD^'OMAN EDITORSALBERTA KJLLIEINGRED PETERSENRUTH WILLARDELEANOR WILSONNight Editor—George T. Van der HoefAssistant Editors—Bayard Poole, Warren ThompsonA PAGE IS TURNEDAmong those campus institutions which have heretofore fall¬en into the category of gold min^s for those in charge of them hasbeen the old Green Cap club. Last night . . . despite rain, wind,and inclement weather . . . this year’s aspirants for fame in Fresh¬man circles attended meetings with a great display of enthusiasmand finally ended their weekly rally with an impromptu parade andserenade for the President and his fair neighbors across the street,the women of the dormitory group. A metamorphosis has been ef¬fected there indicative of a new attitude in the undergraduate bodyaitd a beginning of sorriething akin to a feeling of unity amongmembers of the lower classes.Few such demonstrations have occured within the memory ofeven the most perennial students. There have been some parallelson widely spread occasions, almost too few to recall . . . the famousriot of last spring, in a class of its own since the beginning of theUniversity; an occasional pep session, more formality than spon¬taneity; a Blackfriar serenade or two, mostly to the tune of “SweetAdeline” in deep blue chords; and now and then a short march bythe Dekes through fraternity row. But a willing demonstration onthe part of the freshmen wtihout the aid of a reminder as to depthof Botany pond is an unheard of spark of life.The key to the solution of what formerly proved an inexplic¬able enigma is the new basis on which this year’s Freshman clubhas been formed. The freshmen are divided into groups which meeton specified nights at fraternity houses. There the group leadersand their assistants together with prominent faculty members gath¬er in informal discussion circles and are made to feel that the Uni¬versity is after all a tangible place with definite traditions and notso many educational factories united into one institution. A newinsight into the life of a university student is given them which un¬questionably will be reflected in their academic work. A closerassociation between instructor and student follows, an advantage toboth.At football games the members of the new club will as beforeform the cheering “C” and lead the rest of the University support¬ers in encouraging the team. According to the leaders of the clubthis plan will actually be carried out. Last year, in particular, thecheering “C” consisted of about twenty freshmen spread over an THETRAVEIilNGBAZAARByART HOWARDLast year someone started a riotover the singing that went on infront of Foster Hall. This year Fos¬ter Hall seems to be more than ableto take care of itself. A hundred orso freshmen decided last Tuesdaynight to trespass on drunken upper¬classmen’s rights when they had alittle serenade of their own. Somethoughtful co-ed, realizing the indig-ity of the act, dropped a screen fromthe third floor onto the nose ofFreshman Leonard Nierman. Fromthis we may presume that the deityguarantees to hold watch only overdrunks.« >!• HiYou all have seen, if you havebeen anywhere near the downtowndistrict, two billboard advertise¬ments. One of the boards reads:“Mae West—Sex” and the other onereads “See the Gigantic Whale.” Un¬derneath Boul. Mich., going north, acorrespondent has >t that these twosigns are pasted one upon the other ;so that the effect of the whole reads“Mae West Sex Whale.” Which isn’tfar off.Iff Hfi ^This University has always claimedto be a cosmopolitan affair, butthis year it has even outdone itselfw'hen it accepted a native of Siam—and slave. The report is that thegentleman from Siam maintains his islave to take care of such perfunc- !tory duties as running errands, shav- ;ing, studying. It’s too bad some |racket of that sort can’t be started inthis country. Damn clever these Si¬amese.:(e i(c He |Viola Bower, the esoteric Esoteric,is continuing her self-applied coursein I journalism by writing for thatmaster publication “Oak Leaves,” thepride of Oak Park. It is the dutyof Viola to tell the villagers weekly ian accurate account of what theirrespective sons and efaughters are do¬ing way out here on the Midway, iViola sings cheerfully, “Ten centsa line, that’s w'hat they pay me.” 4 ,I * ♦ •It is reported that old Notre Danie ,is trying to steal our stuff by secur¬ing a famous novelist to give a lec-tui’e course and maybe some adviceto the chosen few on how to write.The gentleman whom they are try¬ing to get on their pay roll is G.K. Chesterton, the famous fat Eng¬lishman. If this craze continues,someone will be digging up the re¬mains of Shakespeare for exhibitionpurposes, if nothing else.There is still another candidatefor the Coffee Shop Sitting Marathonin the form of Lonnie Stagg. Lonniewas seen yesterday sitting lazily ingood old Coffee Shop custom, gaz¬ing at a list of names, and drinkingcoffee. Some of the old campaign¬ers still remember the classic remarkLonnie macV when he viewed hisfirst born. “What I want to know,”said Lonnie, “is why that child hasred hair.” j♦ H*We thought that all the storiesabout the past rushing season weregone, but still another comes to thisdesk. Two brothers of a fraternity(we dare not say which fraternity)were sitting with a reluctant rusheein the back seat of a car. One of thebrothers was carelessly playing witha pledge button . Still more careless¬ly he dropped it and all threestooped to pick it up, the rushee PUNTERS, TACICLERSRECEIVE WORKOUT(Continued from page 1)Scrimmaging in spare corners ofthe field were the varsity reservesand the frosh seconds. Coach Stagghas apparently already decided whowill make the trip to Madison, asmembers of the reserve eleven weretouching up a flashy attack calculat¬ed to ypset North Central College ofNapiersville in the home game.Marve Pink, a tricky sophomoreback, was running away from thefrosh.Pick Debaters toFace English andGerman Hecklers(Continued from page 1)school year. Admission at thesecontests is free, and the decision isusually made on the basis of ballotscast by the audience. Mandel hallwas filled on the occasion of the lastdebate between the University andthe team from Cambridge.finally retrieving the fallen insignia.Whereupon the brothers shook hands,congi'atulated the boy upon pledgingtheir fraternity. And they tell usthe lad has stuck to it.* * *.4s you all have noticed, the everefficient Building and Grounds Com¬mittee surrounds Stagg Field on theday of a game with the banners ofvarious colleges. Last Saturday thisself same committee posted two ban¬ners of Ripon College spelled Rip-on. Even one of the tin coppersshould know better than that.♦ ♦ ♦And George T. Van der Hoef stillhas his moustache. Gentlemen, gen¬tlemen !Ai^Iways say, ”Nestlc’s”!For Nestle’s is the milk choco¬late with the richer, creamiertaste. The kind with the velvetysmoothness that comes fromarea of ten to twenty tiers of seats with no perceptible inclination tocheer or enjoy each other’s company. The whole system was a hap¬hazard hangover of a plan which had never matured. A bad im¬pression was created among the freshmen and the spectators which'only a success this year can erase.When the football season is over and the period of trial andmerit completed, the most outstanding members will form a Fresh¬man honor society. Since this society will be limited in member¬ship the old accusation of a money-making venture will fall short.The advantage of the plan is evident. The freshmen will strive tobe included in the honorary organization and will thus, almostunknowingly, assimilate themselves into the student body. How¬ever, hoodwinking has not been considered in forming this plan;merely the welfare of the freshman.The entire scheme seems \<^ell worked out and no effort shouldbe spared in getting every freshman to try for a place in the organ¬ization. With the best material available in years, with every othercampus activity sick of lassitude and desirous of new life, a newpage might easily be turned. Otherwise the University stands indanger of becoming, along with Pennsylvania, New York, Columbia,and others, a day school with' no other advantages than those afford¬ed by a library and a system of classrooms.—E. A. G. The Truth About China“CHINA EXPRESS”A Photodrama. Breath-Takingr inIta Momentam—Uf a Girl . . .Her Master . . .His Overseer . . .Their General . . .All play their parts in“China Express*’CHICAGO AVE.,JUST EAST OFMICHIGAN BLVD.CINEMACent. 1 to 11 P. M. Mat. 50c, Eves. 7.5cPUNCH & JUDYCINEMA UNIQUEVan Buren St. at Michigan Avt.D. W. Griffith’sI irst All-Talking ProductionABRAHAM UNCOLNABE LINCOLN SAID:“If you make a bad bargain, hug itall the tighter.’’2:30-6 P. M.. $1—Eves, at 8:30, $2ALL SEATS RESERVEDHARrison 6800NOTE: This production will not be shown'W) any 1 other theater in Illinois this year. I blending the purest of choco¬late with rich, fresh, creamymilk. Good? Well, try it andsee how good milk chocolatecan be! You’ll know Nestle’sby the clean, silvery wrapper.Red lettered for milk chocolate. . . blue lettered for almondbars. On sale everywhere.Nestles II Dr. Cole ReturnsAfter Year WithReseiarch Council(Continued from page 1)as many as ten sciences, equally di¬vided between these two great di¬visions.Dr. Cole is also chairman of theAnthropological section of the Sci¬ence Advisory committee for theChicago World's Fair. The centraltheme of the Fair is the depictingof a century of progress made pos¬ sible by scientific achievements—transportation and communication,electricity,)) prdduK^ion machi^ry,education, medicine, etc. “Butback of all this,” said Dr. Cole, “isthe story of man himself, and thisis the theme of the Anthropologicalexhibit.” The development of Manand his culture on American soilwill be told by means of actual re-,productions of early life, from agreat Maya temple, to a group ofliving Eskimos, who will illustratedaily life in their homeland, on thenorthern portion of the twelve acresof land allotted to the Anthropolog¬ical section.For QuickReferenceon all fans concerning words, persons, places,you are continually in need ofWEBSTER’SCOLLEGIATEThe Best Abi[idged Dictionary because it is based upon WEBSTER’SNew International — The “Supreme Authority.” Here isa companion for your hours of reading and study that will prove itsreal value every time you consult it for thewealth of ready information that is insuntlyyours. 106,000 words and phrases withdefinitions, etymologies, pronunciations,and use in its 1,256 pages. 1,700 illus¬trations. Includes dictionaries oi bi¬ography and geography and otherspecial features.Srf It at Your College Bookstore orWrttefoT Information tothe Pub- tlH’lishers. Free specimen pagesif you name this paper.6. & C. MERRIAM CO.Sprincfitld. .i %1.f.aWoodworth’s Book StoreOpen Evenings - Tel. Hyde Park 1690 - 1311 E. 57th St.Special Sale ofTypewriters«AII makes, colors andspecial keyboards.Typewriters for Rent,Repaired or Exchanged. Typewriter Suppliescomplete line of paper, carbonpaper and ribbons.Gym SuppliesSkirts - Trunks - SocksShoesGym shoes for women.BOOKSCollege Text BooksNew and Second Hand.Fiction and non-FictionMiscellaneous Second Hand andReduced Price Books.Woodworth^s Book StoreOPEN EVENINGS 1311 E. 57th ST.PROMPT SERVICETHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930 Page Thre411' Y. W. Holds AnnualFreshman Tea; PlanFrolic October 17Freshmen will hear of lantern par-a<les and serenading tours when theyhave their formal introduction to Y.“TOPAZE”—Prince**Topaze Frank Morgan I W. C. A. as guests at a tea sponsoredErne*tine Muche. Barbara Baronde** ! by the Freshman group, today atMuche Harry PHmmer , >F-30 in tlje Y. W. room, in anticipa-Tanii*e .....Harry Davenport ' t'f’” of the annual Freshman frolic,Le Ribonchon./ George Speivin j ■scheduled for October 17.Su*y Courtoi*.' . .Catharine Willard | The tea which is held under theBarone** Vignolle* E**ex Dane ! supervision of Lucille Alger, will af-Ca*tel-Benac Clarence Derwent | ford the group leaders an opportun-Roger De Berville Nichola* Joy | by to interest the newcomers in their' specialized activities. The new Y. W. ALUMNUS IS AUTHOROF BOOK ON TRAVELI do not know if, like the gentle¬man who adorns Camel advertise¬ments, you would w'alk a mile.to en¬joy good acting; but for myself, Iwould gladly walk two miles. For¬tunately, for so dismal an eveningas Tuesday, my admiration was notforced to such lengths. Comfortably members will then sign up for mem¬bership in those grf^ups which af¬ford them the most chances for exercis¬ing their particular talents.(iiiests who will speak at the teaare: Mrs. Harvey Carr. Mrs. GeorgeGoodspee<l, .Mrs. L. K. Steere, RuthEarnshaw, chairman of Federation; John Marshall, ’27, “Vagabond deLuxe,” is the author of a book tobe published October 17 by the Cen¬tury Co., in which he tells the storyof the trip around the world he tookshortly after graduating from theUniversity.Marshall toured the world on hisnerve, spending scarcely a cent fortransportation, riding in other peo-! pie’s cars, talking his way into freerailroad and aii’plane passes, stowingaway when necessary, and alwaystraveling, as the name implies, de¬luxe. His book is hailed as “a newkind of travel book’’ and promises toadd another chapter to the “Ro¬mance of the Road.’’ Ghandi PortrayedAs Man of PeaceBy Bishop Fisher discontent and poverty all over India,the people are agitated, craving,yearning for more power in their own country.”Professor Arthur H. Compton ofthe Physics Department, presided.(Continued from page 1)built himself a philosophy whichcombined the doctrine of harmless¬ness and the teachings of the Ser¬mon on the Mount and became oneof the greatest democratic forcestoday. “You don’t have to be anominal member of any Christianchurch to be a true disciple of JesusChrist. Ghandi is following in astrange and dynamic way the doc¬trines of Christ.”disposed in the Princess, the tapestry j Scarcy. cliairmaii of Board ofof delightful acting which embroi- i Organizationand .Mar-ders the action of Topaze induced i j,argct Simon, pn-sidcnt of \V. A. A.me, without much ado, into a glow . Lecture SystemFails, PresidentOf Rollins Findsof pleasant enthusiasm.Frankly, I cannot say that Pagnolreveals any profound talent as anauthor. He seems to be well drench¬ed in an atmosphere of theatrical-ism; there are moments when a Gal¬lic vein of melodrama sweeps overthe stage; but one is not critical ofthe plot for there is acting in this the headmaster’s daughter, the vic¬tim of his young pupils’ pranks,the victim of his own moral sense ofright. He has all the outward sem¬blance of a forlbrn Charlie Chaplinw'hen after being dismis.sed fromthe school, alone, speechless and be¬wildered, he gently takes his hat andumbrella and vanishes as the cur-play which makes a thick sauce for descends. It is sheer theatrical-the gander. most palatable because ofShining Attribute , the acting.Monsieur Pagnol’s shining attrib- ^ Mr. Morgan’s portrayal is moreute is in his characterization of Al¬bert Topaze. Never through the thinstrands of the play does Pagnol losethe admirable sense of proportion asTopaze becomes more deeply in¬volved in the snare of a poli.shed than creditable. It is a thoughtfulcharacterization in the sense thathe never slips out of the tempowhich sustains the continuity of theplay. But added to this is a defin¬ite charm, a smoo^hne.ss, a graceful-grafter. The guilele.ss French school- : ness, that reaches its highest accen-master comes from a page out ofDickens. He talks of integrity in thethird act, when scandal booms allabout him, just as amusingly as inthe first act when he refuses to falsi- tuation in the last act.Praise For OthersI have high praise also for Clar¬ence Derwent as Castel-Benac, thesuave municipal politician who sup-fy the grades of a stupid but wealthy plies sweepers to the municipality atpupil. Women are, for him. a per-, a mere profit of a 100,000 franca;petual mystery and .source of charm. 1 a gentleman, needless to say, whoNot oven the fact that he is an as- evoked familiar images to the mindpiring candidate for the higher de- of Princess audience.gree of moral philosophy saves him Mr. Derwent who is new to Chi-from becoming the victim of the love- cago audiences provided no smallly Suzy Courtois. share of the enthusiasm which took iCharm of Topaze hold of the audience. His part is a'The pathetic charm of Topaze, rich one, rich especially 'in Gallic jhis blundering sincerity, his indis- ' emotions. And he rises to his hon- icreet integrity, are the overtoneswhich Mlonsieur Pagnol shrewdlybrews for his main character. To¬paze, from the moment the play be¬gins?, is the victim of a harsh, inhos¬pitable world; he is the victim of ors flawlessly.Miss Willard also gives a compe¬tent and mature touch to her act¬ing, offering a most conspicious con-tra.st to the childlike simplicity ofTopaze. (Gontinued from page 1)I reading or writing, or thei-e may bea buzz of conversation as variousgroups discuss some aspect of thesubject they are studying.The Rollins idea does not stressregular term and yearly examina¬tions, or even tests. It offers thestudent every opportunity to get atthe course information himself.Nothing is taken second-hand whichmay be acquired first hand.In order to make a successfulsystem the teachers at Rollins havebeen chosen judiciously. “We soughtinspiring teachers wherever wecould find them', and if the verdictof a teacher’s former students was‘thumbs down’ we made no offer tothe teacher under consideration.Because the Rollins’ idea is basedon the idea of a small college sys¬tem the present resources at the jschool limit the student body to !about 400 with a faculty’ of 40 :teachers. In dping this Rollins “at- ‘tempts to perfect and dignify thesmall college at a time when our |small colleges are trying to become ^large colleges and our large colleges jare trying to become universities.” ,Rollins college is still in the ex- jperimental stage and is continuing iits investigation in the realms of jeducation by calling a conference .on course contents this year which jW'ill be under the chairmanship of jJohn Dewey. The reason for* thisconference is based on the suspicion Ithat “even now, the standardized icurricula in liberal arts containmuch that is useless and omit much 'that is possible benefit if students 'are to be educated, not for a live- 'lihood, but for life.” i Explaining the “peaceful” revolu-j tion of India, Bishop Fisher con¬tinued, “Ghandi could not have had! a forceful revolution. There is noI way there could be any organizedj army in India, due to British con-I trol of shipments. The WesternI world should, if it will not help thej Indian.s, at least understand appre¬ciate the first attempt in the historyof nations to liberate a people byother than the barbarous and crim¬inal method of war.” You Owe a Duty to YourBeautySPECIAL FALL PERMANENT$5 and upAll Branches of Beauty WorkMile. Forgette Shoppe1464 East 55th St.Corner of 55th and Harper2nd FloorPhone Dorchester 3043Speaking of Ghandi’s personal ;traits, he said that “nothing in his Icharacter, you will find, has ever ;been held up to ridicule, scorn, nor 'has he ever been accused of big- Iamy, murder or any other fault jsometimes attributed to leaders. And jthat is more than I have heard about :Chicago officials, from the papers!” ,R. C. Roy, an Indian now in this icountry said, “I don’t know wheth- !er India is ready for home rule or jnot at the present time; but, thetime has come when England will 'either have to relinquish India orthe terrific struggle between the twowill continue for all time. There is V ICNIETIIA^! mClOMI)f theHOTELSOUTHMOOR67th and Stony Island AvenueDINE AND DANCEat"The South Sulc’s Most BeautifulCafe"featuringPHIL DOOLEYyourand His Dance OrchestraWatch for Announcement offraternity nightNo cover charge during dinnerSunday Luncheon 12 to 3 at $1.00Table D’Hote dinner $1.50A New Tea Roomthat will appeal toUniversity StudentsPHELPS AND PHELPS*NEW COLONIALTEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn Avenuer A tea-room that is utterly new and different—dec¬orated and furnished in early American style likea way-side inn of Colonial days.You’ll be delighted with its quaint charm. Andmost of all, the delicious food is worth going milesout of your way to enjoy.Just a whisper south of 63rd St., this new tea¬room is within easy walking distance of thecampus and those who have been there go backagain.Hours of ServiceS.uncheons, 11 to 2:30 p. m 35c to 50cdinner, 5 p. m. to 9 p. m 75cLnday Dinner, 12 to 9 p. m $1.00Waffles, Salads and SandwichesEverything Just Like Home atPHELPS AND PHELPS*NEW COLONIAL TEA ROOM6324 Woodlawn AvenueNote: Phelps and Phelps’ other shop Is located in the I,Station at 1423 East 63rd Street. Try it sometime.Always the Same Good Food! C.jiPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1930OESBERT PRAISESAUSTRIAN PAINTINGSIN MAROON ARTiaEBelieves Modem ArtTends to EliminateNationalismBy Edmund Giesbertof the Art DepartmentClarity of form and of statement,a certain aliveness, and a vivid orig¬inality spell modern art to one whoenters Wieboldt 205, where the Ren¬aissance society is exhibiting thepaintings of the most famous youngAustrians, who have sponsored anartistic revolt in the name of sin¬cerity. Here and there on thewalls there hangs a decided individ¬uality, and to me, who has lived inVienna for many years, the’’ are oldfriends whose work cannot butbring to me a consciousness of Au¬stria.The general trend of modern art,however, is more and more to elim¬inate national traits and to link inter¬national art in a bond of simple ex¬pressionism. This is especially no¬ticeable in the paintings of EgonSchiele, who is represented by draw¬ings, his “Girl with hat and fur,”and by “Three Girls,” whose sim¬plicity and grace label him as thepupil of ‘Gustaf Klimt, father ofmodern Austrian art.Klimt initiated the revolutionaryI spirit in Austria in the years justjweceding the World War; and in thelast twenty years, the art in his fa¬therland has followed a similar bentas that of France since Bicasso, al¬though it shows very little influencefrom any related source.The most important thing in theart of today is to depict objects,not as they actually are, but as theyappear in the eyes of the artist. Anexcellent example of this is VictorTischler's “Mother and Child,” wherea minimum of lines have achieved abeauty of form; and in Carry Haus¬er’s “Miss Universe” where th'^feedimensions are used to secure effectsof depth usually only achieved incubism. UNIVERSITY BULLETINiThursday, October 9j 9:30-1 1:30—Try-outs for choir. Mack Evans, director, 2nd floor,Mitchell tower.9;30-5—Publisher’s exhibit of texts and reference books now »nprogress. Sunny gymnasium, 5835 Kenwood avenue.1 1 :50—Noon-Day service, Professor Case, Joseph Bond chapel.12-1—University public invited. Study room. Swift 205.2-5—Exhibition of Austrian Art (Renaissance society), Wieboldt205. i2:30-3:30—Tryouts for choir. Mack Evans, director, 2nd floor,Mitchell tower. Sopranos wanted.4-5—Social Science tea for faculty, graduates, and staff members.Commons room. Social Science building.4:30—Public lecture: “Hellenism and Islam,” Dr. Carl H. Becker,Former Minister of Education of Prussia, Harper Assemblyroom.4:30—Bacteriology club, “Immunity and Susceptibility of Mos¬quitoes to Bird Malaria,” Assistant Professor Huff, in Ric- jketts North.4:30—Physics club, “The High Dispersion X-Ray Spectra,” Asso¬ciate Professor Allison, in Ryerson 32.5-5:30—Organ recital. University chapel.6-Disciples club, in Disciples Divinity house, 1156 E. 57th St.Call Midway 4860 for supper reservations.6:45-7:45—Public lectures (downtown): “Normal Childhood, byDr. W. H. O. Hoffman. “Special Remedies for InfectiousDiseases," by H. B. Van Dyke.7:1 5—Education club. Mr. Charles Judd will speak on the workj of various national committees. Election of officers. Blaine1 117.7:30—Debating union, Reynolds clubhouse, for all interested.8:15-9—Try-outs for choir. Mack Evans, director, 2nd floor ofMitchell tower.CABARET BALLDRAKE HOTELAfter Show TicketsIncluding SupperEntertainment andDancing.$3.00 NEW CIVIC OPERAHOUSESat., Oct. 18th, 8:30.Service Club’s Song andDance Revue PHIL BAKERAILEEN STANLEYandLeading Starswill attend ■CABARET“SNAPPY SERVICE**Another Dinnie MacDonald ShowIst Balcony Seats $2.50 'Lower Floor $7.50, $5.00 Gallery $1.00MOST GORGEOUSLY COSTUMED SHOW IN CHICAGOA Promise FulfilledIn the last issue of the Daily Maroon of theSpring Quarter the Maid Rite Shops promisedthe University students a distinctive eatingplace.This promise has been fulfilled with theopening of the New Maid Rite Grill at 1 309East 57th Street.We cordially invite all readers of the DailyMaroon to visit and become acquainted withthe Grill and its new furnishing and to againenjoy the excellent food.The Maid - Rite GriU1309 East 57th StreetPlate Luncheon and SupperOpen from 7 A .M. to 8 P. M.Food for Thoughtful People\ Alice Benning, ’28, toAddress Channing ClubAlice Benning, Chicago ’28, will re¬count her recent summer’s experi¬ence in Soviet Russia at the nextmeeting of the Channing club whichwill be held in the Unitarian ParishHouse Sunday at 4. Tea will beserved.• The Channing club for 1930 is un¬der- the leadership of BradfordShank. I PLAN MEETINGS FOR j fessors were part of the plans agreed! RELIGIOUS DISCUSSION I members of the councilj I last Sunday night at their meeting! Symposia on the many phases of [with Dr. Charles W. Gilkey, deanI religion, its place in the life of an | of the University chapel,i individual and its place in a Univer- 1 The only definite meeting con-I sity. will be held under the auspices j sidered at the time will be with Dr.of the Chapel council at various James Gordon Gilkey, brother oftimes during the year. Meetings of Dean Gilkey, which will be heldthis nature as well as those of dis- j while he is visiting preacher here: cussion and those with visiting pro- ' October 26.CLASSIFIED ADS2 room rear Kitch. cosy, warm,quiet. Ideal for 2 or 3 adults. Gas,elect., linens, maid service free. Alsoboard and rm. Reas, rates. A trialwill convince you. 6346 Ellis Ave. WISCONSIN ATMADISONROOMS — Man wanted to shareattractive 3 rm. apt. with 2 others.$20 monthly per person, .\pply after¬noons, 5647 Dorchester Ave. Procker.EXPERIENED teacher of Pianoand harmony offers special rates toUniversity students. Address Flor¬ence Davis, Suite 400 A Fine ArtsBldg, or call Fairfax 5777.WANTED—Salespersons for at¬tractive football pillows. To sell tofraternities and dormitories.‘Liberalcommission. Apply to Nicholson afthe Daily Maroon office, between1:30 and 4:30.Beginners* Dancing ClassesBallroom Mon., Wed., Friday EveninKSTap Thursdays, i;30-8:.30Private Lessons anytime Day or EveningTeresa Dolan DancingSchool1208 E. 6.Brd St. Ph.'Hyde Park 3080Dances Tues., Thurs., Sat. & Sun. Ev-ngs.Partners Furnished if DesiredFree Get Acquainted Coupon. Clip thisad for Free Admission Next SaturdayGood news! Back Home Excursionsover the week-end enable the Chicago &North Western Railway to offer speciallow fares to Madison for the Chicago-Wiscoosio game.Only *3,25in CoadiM onlySpecial RoundTrip Fare of^4.68abo io effect to Madi¬son account footballcame—cood in par¬lor car or sleepinscars on payment ofusual chases. Din-ins car service bothways. MAROON SPECIALLeaves Chicago 8:15 a. m. Saturday—arrivesMadison 11:30 a. m.Returning, leaves Madison 5:10 p. m.—arrives Chicago 8:25 p. m.Tickets will also be honored in coacheson all trains leaving Chicago 3:00 p. m. orlater, Oaober 10th, and all trains morning(rfOaober 11th.Par detailed infermation and tickets apply teCty riefcet Ofice148 South Clark Street. Phone Dearborn 2121Madison Street Station, Madison and Canal StreetsPassenger Information, Phone Dearborn 2060UMChicago & North Western Ry..etOnly Parker Duofold Offers This CombinationSAVES PRICE OF A SECOND PEN PEN GUARANTEED FOR UFEAs a Pocket Pen Same Pen (JnnvertetlGetting the Parker Duofold is nowlike getting two Pens at the price of one.Attaching a tapered end converts it intoa Desk Set Pen. Removing the taperrestores it to a pocket Pen.Either way, you save the price of asecond pen. You have only one Pen to, fill instead of two. And whether youwrite at your desk or on the go, youalways have your favorite p>oint.You have a non-breakable Permanitebarrel that holds 17.4% more ink thanaverage, size for size—that is jewel-likein lustre, color, and beauty. And mostof all — the famous Duofold ^bonuspoint that writes with Geo. S. Parker’s47th improvement—Pressureless Touch,^RirkerTiuofold Even at higher prices, other makershave been unable to match this classic.Now that it takes the place of a specialpen for the pocket and another for thedesk, its sales are soaring beyond allprevious heights.Go and ask the nearest dealer to showhow the Duofold is changed back andforth from a Pocket to a Desk Set Pen.If you own a Parker, take it with you.If not, go anyway and see this revolu¬tionary invention.THE PARKER PEN COMPANY. Junes-ville, Wis. Offices and subsidiaries: New York.Chicago, Atlanta, Buffalo, San Francisco, Dallas.Toronto, Canada; London, Eng.; Berlin, Germany.★ Point-smiths Paid a BonusEleven merciless inspections aregiven each Parker Duofold point.Then we pay a bonus to our point-smith who made it. Points are re¬jected if they fail even one inspec¬tion, and the point-smith pays usa forfeit. Yet, 7 out of 8 points earna bonus, because we limit each manto a given number a day.PEN GUARANTEED FOR LIFEA Complete Line of Parker PensatBrandt Jewelry Co., Inc.1225 East 63rd Street %