ADVERSE WEATHERRETARDS PRAaiCEOF MAROON SQUADGridmen Polish AttackFor Game AgainstWisconsinSEATS i^ILABLESchedule Special MaroonRooters Train ForMadison TripCoach Stagf? and his victory-heiuscjuad of football players received acold and dismal foretaste of what theweather may be like next. Saturdayat Madison, when they went throughoffensive and defensive tactics underthe shelter of the north stands yes-terdav afternoon. .\ white footballcame into use alxutt five, as loweringrain clouds brought early darkness. Forbid AutomobileParking On CampusHorses and wagons will be theonly vehicles seen on the Univer-! sity quadrangles if the parking regu-! lations issued by the Buildings and! Grounds department are strictly ad-! hered to.Anything other than horses and! wagons parked on the quadrangleswill be given, on first offense awhite ticket, and on second offensea long ride to vacant lots aroundthe University which will be usedto house the offending automobilesuntil applied for by their owners.Certain restrictions issued by theBureau pertaining to parking nearfire escapes on University buildings‘ must also be observed. The BureauI hopes to lessen the congested con¬dition prevalent on the quadranglestoday by strictly enforcing theseparking rules.Swimming TeamStarts RegularPractice DrillsIt was a mum and cheerless groupof athletes. 'I'he weather, combinedwith the unexciting prospect of “skullpractice,” was suff | ient to dampen theardor of even the most cheerful. Onlythe freshmen, presumably unworriedby the impending game, the drearyskies, and scholastic burdens, "horsedaround" in their usual carefree man¬ner.Intensive DrillThe order of the day was aboutan hour and a half of intensive drillon plays which will be used againstWisconsin, with all possible backfieldcombinations alternating in the fourpositions, followed by over an hourof instruction on defense. With thescarlet-jerseyed freshmen assuming theanticipated formation of the Wiscon¬sin eleven, Coach Stagg outlined thework of each lineman in turn, instruct¬ing this man t(.> break thrt>ugh, warn¬ing that one iu)t to go too deep, whileSaul Weislow cTemonstrated line tech¬nique in unusual situations.Captain Krrett Van Nice rehearsedthe new plays with his teammates. .\1-though he seemed to be taking verygood care of the injured leg* therewas no noticeable difference in snaptraceable to the long layoff which“Van” was forced to take. The onlyabsentees of the day were Greer, whowas incapacitated .Saturday with asprained ankle, and Mackenzie, whoreported a cold. Neither injury isserious enough to worry the coach¬ing staff.Pep LackingCoach Stagg showed a marked ir¬ritation at the lack of snap, particular¬ly in shift plays. He barked out, timeand again, “I want snap in thoseshifts!" There was no drill on the“Hanker” play.Student and faculty rooters at Mad¬ison Saturday may exceed 500, tic¬ket sales to date indicate. A specialMaroon rooters’ train in three sectionswill be scheduled by the Chicago,Milwaukee & St. Paul line. The en¬tourage will leave Chicago from theI'rtion station at 8:15 Saturday morn¬ing, arriving just outside of Randallfield, at the University of Wisconsin,at 11;-15.Special Railroad RatesThe railroad announces special stu¬dent rates of $3.25 for the round trip,in the coaches, and $4.68 in the Pull¬mans. Railroad tickets, as w'ell asfootball tickets for the Wisconsingame, are on sale in the FootballTickets office in the west stands ofStagg field.Special trains will leave Madisontwenty minutes after the end of, arriving in Chicago at apjVo^i-mately 8:30 in the evening.Should the Marooq^ win theirgame Saturday, the football ticketscommittee believes that the succeed¬ing home games, particularly thosewith Princeton and Illinois, will besold out. It is suggested that studentswho wish tickets to these games filetheir applications now. i Five Lettermen ReturnTo Form NucleusOf Squad1I Faced with the task of developingnew material to airgment his squad(if only a few veteran swimmers.Coach F. W. McGillivray has begunactive work as the swimming practiceseason opens. .Mthough the teamwill not go into intercollegiate com¬petition until the winter quarter, dailydrills have already begun for the men,intensive training sessions and waterpolo scrimmages being held everyThursday and Friday.Moore, captain of the swimmingteam; McMillan, captain of the wa¬ter polo team; Rittenhouse, Brislinand MacNielle are the returning min¬or letter men on the squad; thereare iut major letter men back thisyear. This group will serve as amicleus for the various events, towhich several promising sophomoreswill be added.Two New EventsTwo innovations are planned forthis season's swimming meets Theold 16(( yard relay has been replacedby a 4(t0 yard free style relay Thischange was made to eliminate theelement of chance that has charac¬terized the start and turns of the oldevent. It was felt by the nationalcommittee that too many events werebeing lost at these pointsThe other chance will concern the40 yard free style, which is being(Continued on page 3)TWO NETWORKSBROADCAST GAMEWITH PRINCETONBroadcast of the Chicago-Princetonfootball game by two nationwide net¬works and five local stations marksit as one of the outstanding intersec¬tional tilts of the year.Both the Columbia and NationalBroadcasting companies will hook upwith Stagg field and relay the storyof the game to all parts of the coun¬try, while WCFL, WMAQ,/ KY.W,WIBO, and VVGN will be the local(Outlets for the game.Ted Husing will be at the micro¬phone for the Columbia chain andGraham McNamee will brodcast thestor}" of the game for the NationalBroadcasting company. Both of thesemen are recognized as among thebest sports announcers in the coun¬try. The local announcers will beHal Totten for WM.-^Q, Quinn Ryanfor WGN, John O’Hare for WCFL,and Charlie Garland for WIBO.The Florida game will be broadcastby WCFL, KYW, WMAQ, andWIBO, while the Mississippi gamewill be broadcast by the first two sta¬tions. The four stations mentionedw'ill again broadcast the game withPurdue, last year’s champions, andWMAQ and WCFL the Illinois game.WMAQ W'ill relay a report of theMichigan game to this city from AnnArbor. PICKS CANDIDATESFOR PUBLIC OFnCEMathews, Voters’ GroupHead, AnnouncesSelections ENTHUSIASM HIGHAT “C” MEEITNGDormitories, PresidentIncluded in RousingSerenadeI Dean Shailer Mathews of the Di¬vinity school, as chairman of the Vot¬er’s Clearing house, representing civicand better government associationsworking to improve administration ofCook County affairs, has announcedthe list of recommendations of candi¬dates for public office who will bevoted on November 4.During the past five months themembers of the Clearing house havebeen investigating and selecting can¬didates according to their active in¬terest in public affairs. According toDr. Mathew’s the main object of thework of the committee, will be to avoidconflict among gorups working forbetter government and confusionamong the constituents seeking tocarry out their recommendations.The report makes a distinction be¬tween candidates for county officeswho are recommended and those pre¬ferred. No recommendations weremade for candidates for the judiciary.The committee left that to the Chi¬cago Bar as.sociation.'I'lie organizations participating inthe civic project were the Better(iovernment association, Chicago Cityclub. Women’s City club, ChicagoFederation of Churches. National Civ¬ic council. Civic Safety commission,Young I’eoide's Civic League and the.-\nti-Saloon league.The recommendations and prefer¬ences announced yesterday follow:For trustees of the sanitary district—Full term, recommended, WilliamG. Tcgtmeier (R), and JoshuaD’Ksposito (R). Preferred, Pat¬rick F. .Sullivan; Berger vacancy, .\n-drew C. Metzger (R), preferred;King vacancy, Charles M. Moderwell(R), recommended..Sheriff—William D. Meyering (D).recommended.County clerk—Peter 1. Bukowski(D), preferred.County treasurer—How'ard P. Sav¬age (R), recommended.(derk of the Probate court—Mitch¬ell C. Robin (D), preferred.Clerk of the Criminal court—JohnIT. Passmore (R), recommended.County superintendent of schools—George .-\. Schwebel (R), recom¬mended.Board of county assessors—CharlesKrutckc'iff (R), and Francis L. Bou-tell (R), ;ireferrcd.Board of review—Edward J.Hughes (R). recommended.President of the Board of countycoinmkssioners—Otto F. Reich (R),recommended.County c ommissioners from Chi¬cago recommended, Otto F. Reich(R), Mary McF.nerny (D); .Amelia.Sears (R). Mrs. Glen E. Plumb (D),(Continued on page 3) Last night's freshman meeting, apart of the freshman “C” program,proved to be the greatest mob successsince the student riot of last spring.Divided into six groups, the fresh¬men met their respective deans forthe purpose of an informal discussionof the University requirements andrecommendations with regard to theindividual student’s work..After the discussion had been com¬pleted, the men of 1934 met togetheron University Avenue and marchedup the street to the martial strains of“The Stars and Stripes Forever,”w'hich they hummed as they streamedalong. Passing the office of TheDaily Maroon, they gave a cheer forthe official student newspaper.One Man HurtMarching out under the women’sdormitories, amidst cries of “We wantJhe women,” the freshmen sang someof the Chicago songs in w'hich theyhave, been rehearsed in the two pre¬ceding meetings. In response to ashout “Come over here!” from Fosterhall, they moved over in front of thishall. During the ensuing serenade, ascreen became dislodged and fell tothe ground, striking Leonard Nier-man, one of the freshmen, on thebridge of the nose. He was hurriedto Billings hospital.Disgusted by this occurence, themen of ’34 marched away, singing‘ Good Night, Ladies,” gave a cheerfor President Hutchins in front of hishouse, and dispersed for the night.Vhe next regular meeting of thecandidates for the Green “C” will beat noon Friday in the north stands ofStagg field, for the purpose of prac¬ticing for the Freshman cheering“C”. The cheering “C” will make itsfirst appearance at the Florida game,October 18.Meet Three Times WeeklyThese meetings on Monday andI'Viday noons, and on Tuesday eve¬nings, during the first eight weeks oft!ie fall quarter, are a part of theI'rcsliman “C” program, open to allfreshman men. .Active participationin the affairs conducted will be re¬warded with niembersliip in an organ¬ization to be known as the Green"C”, the members of which will beselected at the end of the program,and will be announced at the finalbanquet, schedule ! for November 25.-At the end of the winter quarter,the members of the Green Club, anorganization which will rank W'ith theotiier three class honor societies, willlie selected from the members of theGreen “C,” on the basis of all-roundparticipation in freshman activities.Tliere will be twenty members in the(ireen Cap club, and an unassigned(Continued on page 3)Restful, Sombre Mood PermeatesExhibit of Young Austrian Artists, By Alice HamburgerSmooth restfulness in texture andmood dominate the portraits in theexhibition of .Modern .Austrian Paint¬ing assembled under the auspices ofthe College .Art association this weekat the Renaissance society room inWieboldt hall. Sombre music, as acontinuous accompaniment, contrib¬utes to the mellow glow that settlesover the visitor. Exceptions to thegeneral tempo of relaxation are foundin the bright, prismistic water colorsketches, and one polished black oilpainting, called “The Lecture” byFranz Sedlack, in w'hich the centralfigure, an impassioned professor ih ared coat, demonstrating a prehistoricskeleton, seems to leap from the shinycanvass. Striking use of light andshade and a glazed perfection of de¬tail stimulate in the spectacle the sameincredulous expression as that on thefaces of the hook-nosed bourgeoisewho form the audience for the fierylecturer in the picture. There are afew' extreme cubistic paintings, butmost of them achieve a smooth balancebetween impressionism and detail, withthe use of austere curves.The artists represented in this ex¬hibit are mainlv vonng men and members of the “Secession” group in.Austrian painting, which represents awithdrawal from the intensely mod¬ernistic. 'J'he patron for the exhibitionis Edgar Prochnik, His Excellency,Minister of .Austria, and sponsors areDr. Heinrich Gluck, Carry Hauser,Dr. Anton Reichel, Ludwig Wiedenand Franz Zulow.One of the most interesting groupsis the collection of wood-cuts by Rob¬ert Pajer-Gartegen, who is a memberof the Vienna “Hagenbund.” Bymeans of an unusual combination ofclean-cut, definite lines cind softcurves, he achieves an effect of bal¬anced design and active movement.Pager-Gartegen is a well-accepted art¬ist who has exhibited widely and writ¬ten considerablj' on matters of tech¬nique.The depth and immobility of theportraits make them the most remark¬able part of the exhibit. Sergius Paus-er, w'ho is a “Secessionist,” has one“Portrait of a Woman,” with rich,dusky colors. The picture radiatesa certain quietnes.s; the innocentmouth and knowing eyes of wontanmake one sense her luminous resigna¬tion. 15 Upperclassmen toWrite Under WilderFifteen upperclassmen, chosen ifrom some fifty applicants on the jbases of recommendation, personalinterview, and submitted manu¬scripts, will “develop their capac¬ities for writing” under the guid- 1ance of Thornton Wilder in Eng¬lish 211.The aspiring literati are: GilbertAlmond, Albert Arkules, Richard jBoke, Ronald Clark, Marjorie Eig- jer, Mary Ellen Falconer, Charles *Hopkins, Arthur Howard, Julian jJackson, Carter Johnston, MaryJoslyn, Kathryn McDaniel, HelenMcEldowney, Virginia Merritt, andJohn S. Pugh. Two additional stu¬dents will be selected for the classthis week. ..Thornton Wilder led a similarcourse in advanced composition lastspring. His aim is to give the stu¬dents a scholastic freedom whichwill allow them to escape from theusual assigpiment system and writeat will. Student manuscripts areread and criticized by the class as awhole.IDr. Becker HailsPatriotism;Boon toInternationalism TWO WEEK PERIODOF PLEDGING ENDS;261 MEN TAKE BIDSDelta Tau Delta LeadsWith NineteenPledgesTWO ui^PORTEDMarks First OperationOf New I-FBureauMidnight marked the close of thefall fraternity pledging. At that timea total of 261 men had been pledgedto twenty^seven campus fraternitiesaccording to the official report of theInterfraternity pledge bureau. This isin comparison to 118 women pledgedl)y October 2 by twelve campus clubs.Delta Tau Delta leads the Greekswith a total of nineteen men pledged.The following is the list issued by thecouncil;Alpha Delta PhiHarlan Page. William Hughs, Ar¬thur Bailee, Strother Cary, JamesDrainie, Louis Groebe, Donald Kerr,Frederick Leseman, John Mills, FrankNahser, Bill Pyott, Leonard Visser.i Alpha Sigma PhiFormer German MinisterOpens LectureSeries Mason Tollman, Anton \'leck, Clay¬ton Matson, Earnest Moldt, FredBowman, Hiram Miller, Carl Cramer,Louis Hoag, John Rusin, Jesse Beitel,Lawrence Johnson.The more genuine and specific thenational consciousness of a nation,the more productive will be its co¬operation in international .service tomankind. Dr. Carl Becker, former1 Minister of Education in Germanytold a University audience last night iin the first of a series of six free jpublic lectures. IDr. Becker, as Minister of Educationfrom 1919 until last January, reorgan- Iized German education along liberal ;and democratic lines, overthrowing itraditional class, distinctions that were !1 ingrained in the system. He is now !Professor of Mohammedan Languages !and Oriental History in the Universityof Berlin, and one of the leaders of |tlie liberal movement in Germany.Co-operation Necessary“The new German constitution con¬tains the characteristic sentence that allthe work of the schools should at thesame time foster national conscious- Iness and international understanding,”(Continued on page 3)I-M DEPARTMENTMAKES CHANGE INTOUCHBALL RULESTouchliall rules for the comingseason, somewhat altered from thoseof last year, were announced yester¬day by the Intramural department.The changed rules are as follows;-Section 7 (d). If the receiver of the )liall from center fumbles, the ball be- |comes a free hall. In case of agrounded fumble recovered by Ithedefensive team, the ball is dead at theplace of recovery..Section 7 (e). On a pass from cen- .ter; if the ball is 'grounded beforethe receiver has touched it, or thrownover the receiver's head, the ball is ■dead and one down is counted.Section 7 (g). When a pass is in- Alpha Tau OmegaLeonard Laind, William Berg, Wil¬liam Dooley, Paul Kuhns, JosephMoulton, Winifred Isom, Francis X.Finn, Raymond Z. Dunn.Beta Theta PiHoward Pickett, Clarence Cade,Harry Hall, Byron Evans, RichardShelley, Sylvester Bachman, FranklinCarr.Chi PsiThomas Gill, Harry Brow'n, Vin¬cent Newman, Charles Tressler,George Constantine, Edward Leidtke,Rufus Reed, Frank Richnian, EdwardHoltsberg, John Horn.Delta Kappa EpsilonRobert Berger, Dallas Buchanan,John . Farwell, Eugene Foster, Budi Marron, John Marron, Ora Pelton,Wayne Rapp. Fred Reed, John Rob-i erts, Holiart Todd, Peter Zimmer.Delta Sigma Phi.A1 .Slicer, Lloyd Brown, WesleyNeff, Joseph Spinka, James Smerz.Delta Tau DeltaJohn Dinkalage, Charles Vette, JackFaust, George Bowman, Dick Pettit,John Bergener, Charles Burt, Wil¬liam Cliff, George Colding, PhillipDoolittle. John Faust, Barton Ham-merstiiH*. Merwin Moulton, RobertPoore, Joim Porterfield, Stephen.Straske, Thomas Wason, RolandW'atts, Eric J. Zoll.Delta UpsilonLloyd Changnon, Raymond M(>ul-ton.Kappa NuHarry Garber, Emanuel Goldman,.Sam Has,sen, H. Israelstam, CharlesKresnoff. Morris Levey, HermanOdell, Phillip Rashman. Ralph Rob¬in. h'rwin Schafer, J. Wilkey, SeymourSeder.Kappa SigmaGraham Hatch, John Waller, RobertHowe, Walter Severin. Thomas Davis,Wallace Johnson. Eugena Boros, Ar¬thur Fergren. John Willot, ReynoldOghiirn, Ashlcv Off ill.complete, the hall is dead and is re¬turned: to the line of scrimmage ona forward pass; or to the point fromwhich it was thrown on a lateral orbackward pass, regardless of the down.Section 8 (h). Interference with thereceiver of a pass. Penalty: receiveris given the hall at the spot of in¬terference.The Intramural Department furth¬er announced that the horseshoe courtsat 56th and Ellis avenue will be avail¬able for intramural competition start¬ing Monday. The only consolationtournament to be held this year willb? in the doubles.Freshmen who wish to work inthe Intramural department are re¬quested t| report to the Intramuraloffice.The schedule of the games will bedecided to(fiy and published in tomor¬row’s Daily Maroon. Lambda Chi AlphaJoseph Kalivoda, .Arthur .Alberts,Walter Bock. Hugh Cameron, Robert, Fetherstone. Earl Park, Stephen; Proska.Phi Beta DeltaMarvin Bargeman, Irving Wilk,I Robert Brin. Meyer Graff, HarryI Lazarus. Leroy Mintz, Milton Schind-^ ler, William Senco.Phi Delta ThetaGlen Breen, William Crawford,I Dick White, Harold Johnson, GilI Hopkins. Gerald Johnson, Robert Auf-j tenspring, Edward Schallcr, Cliffordj Rowe. Orrin Eckert, Garland Routt,; Homer Miller, Ellis Sopkins, Frank! Springer, George Benjamin.Phi Gamma DeltaLaurel Carr, Robert .Alvarez, Har-j ry Baker. George Dyer, Robertj James. Archie Kelso. Douglas Mode.\ (Lontinued on page 4)■ IPage Two THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8. 1930®It? iatlg i®aro0iiE'OUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished morninKS, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the AutumnWinter and Springs quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 5831 University Ave.Subscription rates $3.00 per year; by mail. $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, five-cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the jwst office at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDGAR A. GREEXWALD, Editor-in-ChiefABE L. BLINDER, Business ManagerJOHN H. HARDIN, Managing EditorMARION E. WHITE, Woman’s EditorALBERT ARKULES, Senior EditorASSOCIATE EDITORSWALTER W. BAKERMARGARET EGANHERBERT H. JOSEPH, Jr.JANE KESNERLOUIS N. RIDENOUR, IIMERWIN S. ROSENBERGGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEFSOPHOMORE EDITORSBION B. HOWARDJOHN MILLSJ. BAYARD POOLEGARLAND ROUTTJAMES F. SIMONWARREN E. THOMPSONSOPHOMOREDOROTHY BARKMANMAXINE CREVISTONMARJORIE GOLLERALICE HAMBURGER ASSOCIATE BUSINESS MANAGERSROBERT T. McCarthyJAMES J. McMAHONNED P. VEATCHSOPHOMORE ASSISTANTSHERBERT BERMANJOHN CLANCYRICHARD DEUTSCHFRANCIS FINNEGANDAMON FULLEREDGAR GOLDSMITHCHARLES HOWECHESTER WARDWOMAN EDITORSALBERTA KILLIEINC. RED PETERSENRUTH WILLARDELEANOR WILSONNight Editor: Mervgin S, Rosenberg .Assistant Editors: Rube S. Frodin, Jr., Bion B. Howard.BRICKS WITHOUT STRAW THE TRAVELLINGBAZAARByART HOWARD Gives UniversityPrehistoric Busts UNIVERSITY BULLETINA disheartening aspect of university life comes to the forewhenever a group’’ of students discusses the extent to which they ^have been educated by the department in which they specialize. Anoutworn idea persists in their estimation of what a university shouldbequeath them: the idea that they should become proficient in a sin¬gle field of endeavor to the exclusion of all others. Added to thisevil is the indelible credo that in specializing in this certain depart- iment, they exert only an average amount of effort. jRefreshing under such circumstances is the Hutchins-.Adler |innovation. Not only is a group of freshmen to receive an educa- jtion that really merits the name education, but it also is to benefit ,by personal contact with two of America’s greatest educational per- |sonalities. The situation almost verges on the humorous in certain !respects—the student pays to get the best in the way of learning, ,devotes four years of his life to doing this very thing, and then jmust be lead to the fountain by great personalities and promises of 1long-needed innovations. A subject worthy of Brisbane’s inesti- |mable moralizing! jBut perhaps the University is a good deal more sensible about 'the matter than the student and realizes that as long as he is underits shelter to gain some mental improvements it should under anycondition see to it that the improvements are made. This has cer¬tainly been done and no effort is being spared in keeping up thegood work. The remarkable thing is that the University, unlikeothers, has actually hit the weak spot squarely by pointing out thatthe student is basically illiterate, and has not devoted its pains tocreating new honor systems and grade curves.The new course begins with a review (most likely in the caseof most students an introduction) of tw’o hundred classics fromevery age and country. The advantage of this measure—aside fromteaching the newcomer that there are actually two hundred classics—is that some attempt is made to give the student an idea of whatpreceded present day thoughts and tendencies. Fleretofore thestudent acquired knowledge of the same works in isolated bits,promiscuously strewn over a period of four years. As a result notwo out of ten can tell the century in which Dante lived, name fourof Sophocles’ plays, or indicate the nationality of Grotius.Along with this distinctly sensible innovation another advan¬tage is being introduced. Instead of crowding the course into oneor two quarters and hampering it with definite weekly assignmentsand grade systems which only an omniscient could untangle, thecourse is designed to cover a period of two years and the studentsare left to work almost entirely on their own initiative. Anyonewho fails to feel the lure of knowledge in such an arrangement hasbeen destined to be a brick-layer and not a university student.The deplorable part of the program is that but twenty outof seven hundred fifty are to benefit by the plan. The rest willacquire the same estimation of an education as the hundreds whopreceded them and who, after realizing their mistake, wrote toMencken about it. However, that is no fault of the University.Educational changes are not over-night matters, neither can anydean under the sun persuade a prospective lawyer that he shouldbegin by reading classics.The only way the University will be able to save its good nameis by the method now begun—by giving the freshman, no matterwhat he plans to be, courses of such unquestioned value that a re¬fusal will be beyond bounds of hnmaii possibilitv.—E. A. G, William Read (Doctor) Harshe, PhiGamma Delta and former conductorof the Whistle, is spending his lastthree months on the quadrangles. Dur¬ing his stay here the doctor has ac¬quired a fine taste. His ability hasbeen broadened. It is understood thatthe Doctor will attempt to put into ef¬fect what he has gathered the lastthree years, for, when asked what hewas going to do when he graduatedhe replied, “Bermuda.”i)c «There seems to be some sort of aGlovers convention on downtown. Thi>column was unaware cif the Gloversactivities till 'Phornton Wilder rec¬ommended as their theme song “GloveMe and the World Is Mine” and asa head for their menus ".-Ml the worldloves a glover.”iK * *Last Sunday, as you were all in¬vited and didn’t know, the Sigma>had a tea over in Ida \oyes in com¬memoration of their thirty-fifth anni¬versary. Phe reception line waslong, the sandwiches excellent. MarionKckart, .Sigma solon, formed a largepart of the reception line, shookhands with eferyone, smiled Sigmal-ly. .Afternoon or day dress was inorder but worn by few. l..ittle Bar¬bara Cook, another Sigma, smiled andsaid. "Do you think this function willmake your column?"♦ * *.Along this same line, it looks a-though the Sigmas have a good thingin the form of Kitty Garlick. In theU. High year book, we are told, thi'self same maid had ascribed to her.“Like the Mounted Police, she al-way> gets her man.” Whether tinabove tribute is true or not we can'tsay, but in >i>ite of the name Garlick.we hasten to assure you that she willcertainly make your eyes water.* He *Gordon Watrou^. Cadet Major andcadet everything else around hen.when asked if he had heard the lat¬est. said ."Xo. it isn't (nit yet.” B^tafter he had recoiled from that remarkhe let out the information that “'Pnrk”.Morrow, an enlisted man in the Cni-versity’^ eniiiloy, is registered in acourse at the University. .Anthrop¬ology 201 is the choice of the man whojirides himself on not shaving (^r wash- .A truckload of 150 busts represent¬ing racial types from prehistoric mandown to modern times was sent fromthe Field Museum of Natural Historyand unloaded at the Social ScienceResearch building yesterday to be ar¬ranged in room 221.The collection is comprised of agroup of various sizes and materials,plaster casts predominating, which theField Museum has been accumulat¬ing since the World’s Fair in 1893,and half of which were made in Mex- jico by Professor Starr, who was form- jerly with the University. The FieldMuseum donated this collection to theI'niversity since they have an oppor- |tunity to acquire a new group of uni- 'form size and material made by the ;same artist. 1ing his face. In s])ite of this pe¬culiarity. Turk is a fine fellow, playsa good hand of iiinochle.*>!>•*The boys on Woodlawn .Avenuehave a new system of roping in weakfreshmen. Bud Duggan, Sigma Chiand leader of the new regime, in amoment of weakness confided the se¬cret. It seems that after a heartylunch or dinner several of the breth¬ren take the young hopeful upstairsand ask him how he likes the boysin the house. Of course, to be po¬lite. the frosh says, “Fine.” Then,says Duggan, you stretch out yourhand and say, “Well, we like you.”And with the same motion place a Ibutton on the gentleman's lapel. It’ssure-fire, boys, sure-fire. |♦ • * ILate last .Saturday afternoon a j-mall crowd gathered around the ten- |nis courts on University .Avenue towatch R. .\I. Hutchins and Mrs. R. |.\l. Hutchins compete in a game of]tennis. Phe game was curiously (piiet, ,the fans reluctant about applauding ■fancy shots. There was much to be iapplauded, however, mostly the shotsof Mrs. R. M. Hutchins. |* * *Pwo graduates stood in front of the |main elevator of Harper. Both car¬ried brief cases, wore glasses. One ofthe pedants leaned over and pushedthe button labeled “I'p”. Then the twowent into controversy about somesubject which probably couldn’t besettled anyway. Intermittently forten minutes the scholars took turnspressing the button labeled “Up”.Finally (Uie looked up. pointed out tothe other a sign on the iron grating"Out of order.” Wednesday, October 88:40—Radio lecture, "The Economic Order,” by Associate Pro¬fessor Gideonse, Station WMAQ.9:30-11:30—Try-outs for choir. Mack Evans, director, 2nd floor,Mitchell tower.9:30-5—Publisher’s exhibit of texts and reference books now inprogress. Sunny gymnasium, 5835 Kenwood avenue.1 1 :50—Noon-Day service. President Albert W. Palmer, of the Chi¬cago Theological seminary, Joseph Bond chapel.12—Faculty Women’s luncheon, Ida Noyes hall.12-1—University public invited. Study room. Swift 205.2:30-4:30—Try-outs for choir. Mack Evans, director ,2nd floor ofMitchell tower.3-5—Welcome tea for all women of the Commerce school ,in thelounge .Commerce and Administration building.3:30—The Racket, W omen s Tennis club, in Ida Noyes hall for allwomen interested in tennis.4-4:30—Zoology Club tea. Zoology 29. Junior Mathematics clubtea in Commons room, Eckhart. Professors Slaught and•Logsdon, speakers.4:30—Public lecture: "Christianity and Islam, Past and Present, ”Dr. Carl H. Becker, Former Minister of Education of Prus¬sia, Harper Assembly room.4:30—Z oological club. Professor F. R. Lillie, Zoology 29,5-Vesper service, organ music ,Dean Charles W. Gilkey, Univer¬sity chapel.7:30—F’ublic lecture: Mahatma Gandhi, by Bishop Frederick B.B. Fisher, in Leon Mandel hall.7:30—Graduate History club. "A Second Visit to Soviet Russia,"by Professor Harper, in Ida Noyes hall,8—First of six forums on county government for young citizens andtheir civic problems at City of Chicago club. 3 1 5 PlymouthCourt.8:15-9—Try-outs for choir. Mack Evans, director, 2nd floor ofMitchell tower.the newestcampus vogueWISCONSIN ATMADISONNext SaturdayOnly ^3.25Good news! Back Fiome Excursionsover the week-end enable the Chicago &North Western Railway to offer speciallow fares to Madison for the Chicago-Wisconsin game.RoundTripGood in Coaches onlyMAROON SPECIALLeaves Chicago 8:15 a. m. Saturday—arrivesMadison 11:30 a. m.Returning, leaves Madison 5:10 p. m.—arrives Chicago 8:2 5 p. m.Tickets will also be honored in coacheson all trains leaving Chicago 3:00 p. m. orlater, October 10th, and all trains morningof October 11th.For detailed information and tickets apply toGty Ticket Office( ; 148 South Clark Street, Phone Dearborn 2121. y Madison Street Station, Madison and Canal StreetsPassenser Information, Phone Dearborn 2060‘ " 1284Chicago & North Western Ry.Special RoundTrip Fare of^4.68also in effect to Madi¬son account footballf;ame—good in par-or car or sleepingcars on payment ofusual charges. Din¬ing car service bothways. Moroccan Pouch Bags1 he pouch bag is the current campus vogue . . . youth¬ful, smart, appealing . . . fits well with campus dress . . .a convenient bag for carrying the student essentials.Pouch bags are all leather, hand made, hand tooled inMorocco by expert Arab workmen.Priced $1.95 upwardCoin purses, novelties and accessories are ideal prizesand favors for campus social functions.See These Displayed atUNIVERSITY ofChicago BOOKSTORETHE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8, 1930 Page ThreePATRIOTISM AID TOINTERNATIONALISM,DR. BECKER HOLDSV’aricty credits “Once In a Life¬time’’ as the smash hit of the seasonin New York thus far. The criticsfailed to take to tlie dramatization ofErnest Hcniingway’s “Farewell toArms”. There is talk on the part ofMr. Woods, the producer, of revis¬ing the last act. That inimitablezany, Joe Cook, has made a definiteimpression on Broadway with “Fineand Dandy." The book for this waswritten by Donald Ogden Stewart,who in the space of three years, hasbecome a gentleman of importance inmatters theatrical.It seems that our playwrights arehnnlly getting around to the matter ofintermissions. Philip Barry took achance last year on "Hotel Universe”by omitting intermissions entirely.Now Ferenc Molnar comes along thisseason with a comedy “One, Two,Three,” whose running time is eightyminutes, with no intermissions. Justwhat has retarded fliis novel ideafrom becoming an accepted feature re¬mains a pleasant mystery, but I havelong pondered on the inanity of in¬termissions in plays which, structur¬ally, deserved to be played from be¬ginning to end without a break. Per¬haps, as our friend, the walrus said,“The time has come” . . . (Continued from page 1)Dr. Becker said in his lecture lastnight on “National History and In-.ternational Understanding.”“That international cooperation inall fields of life is becoming more andmore desiralile and necessary needsnot be emphasized,” Dr. Becker said.“But the individual may not sever hisconnection with his national back¬ground. or he will not be an effectivefactor in the coojieration of differentnationalities. Nor may we close ourey^'s to the fact that the idea of theNational .State is embraced every¬where today so eagerly and passion¬ately that it has inevitably formed theliasis even of all the conciliatory workof the League of Nations.Expressed in Language, History ENTHUSIASM HIGHAT “r MEETINGS(Continued from page 1)numlier of members in the Green “C”club. The number of members in thelatter will de])end upon the number offreshmen who have displayed suffi¬cient interest in the freshman program.The group under the direction ofDean Scott is the only one which fail¬ed to meet last night. Dean Scottwill meet the men under his directiontonight at 7:15 at the Phi Delta Thetahome, 5737 Woodlawn .Xvenue. Heads of TexasAnnual Meet AllLosses PersonallyEditor, Business ManagerPaid $50 MonthlySalaryConsiderable interest is certain tobe attained to the reception accordedto Chester Erskin’s first productionof the current sea.son on Broadway,“Step-daughters of War,” which open¬ed Tuesday. Kenyon Nicholson madethe dramatization from the novel byHelen Smith. Erskin is an import¬ant figure in the theatre by virtue ofhis meteoric rise from nowhere tohead of the Frohman producing or¬ganizations in the space of a fewyears. He is twenty-six years of ageand was responsible for three of lastyear’s outstanding production, notab¬ly “The Last Mile.” The Frohmancompany is privately backed by Para¬mount. and its ample resources wouldmake even Karl C.irroll twitch aneyebrow.The Goodman theatre sends out def-nite assurance that Philip Barry’sHotel Universe’ will follow ‘Theh'irebrand,’ after the latter finished a"our week engagement. The (luildjroduced the play last season in NewYork and had tentatively booked itfor its Chicago audience this year.Dther arrangements necessitated a:hange, with the result that ther,uild effected an arrangement withhe Goodman, whereby the latter willffve the jilay its Chicago iiremiere. Tlie3(MHlman’s reiiertory organization will:nact the roles j)Iayed by the (mild:ast in New York.There is talk of Katharine Cornellappearing next season as ElizabethBarrett in “The Barretts of Wimpole.Street," an English production. Someof the scribblers doubt Miss Cornell’sfitness for the role of Elizabeth Bar¬rett. The glamorojis la<ly hasn'tstruck pure gold in the way of a first-class play since “’I'he Green Hat,”and the murmurs are gently increas¬ing that Miss Cornell is in dire needof rescue.Alumni AssoicationsPlan Pep Luncheon "'riu* self-consciousness of a na¬tion finds its strongest expression inits language and history. History, inthe sense of presenting not only pastevents but also the specific culture ofa nation, is the strongest bond Unit¬ing a peojde in a common state. Thew riting of history is therefore the mostimportant of all the expressions of anation’s self-consciousness and at thesame time one of the mi>st effectivemeans of international understanding.“'I'he two fundamental facts in therecent history of (iermany are her de¬feat in the world war and the changein her form of Government in therevolution of P)18. With the revolu¬tion it became necessary not ouly toset up a new constitution btit also tounderstand that the change had itsantecedents and was a normal eventin Germany history. The world war,on the other hand, marks the beginningof a new ejmeh in the development ofall the nations that took part in itand has changed the historical per¬spective of the whole last century.History Natural Affair"If, therefore, in Germany the his¬tory textbooks had to be revised thenecetisity arose from the oftlie state and of history it.^elf consid¬ered as a living process.“Experiences and observations likethese have thoroughly shattered faithin the absolute finality of any history.But in adilition, there arose a funda¬mental doubt about the possibility ofan oliijective reconstruction of pastevents and their underlying motives.hN’cry situation has its own peculiarhistory and development. Nationalhistory can be written only from theviewpoint of the jiresent."Because the writing of history isan eminently national affair, we areface to face w* h the (iroblem of in¬tellectual variance arising from thefact that there are presentations ofhistory from the viewpoint of variousnations. .Anyone desiring a thoroughunderstanding between nations willhope for more than a formal collabor¬ation between nations in the writingof history. That this can be doneis proved by the recent discussionsbetween English and .American schol¬ars about the War of Independenceas well as a similar treatment of theWrir of 1866 by (jerman and .Austrianhistorians,”Was Guest of HonorDr. Becker was guest of honor at adinner given last night by PresidentI\ol)ert .Alaynard Hutchins of the Uni¬versity at the Ciuadrangle ('lub. Amongthe guests were Dr. H. G. .Simon, Ger¬man Gonsnl Gener;J; Mr. AVilliamW’ieboldt, Mr. Lessing Rosenthal, Air.Walter Lichtenstein, and representa- Good Turnout Reported.A good turnout w’as reported lastnight by the five divisions which didmeet. Bud East, the head of theFreshman “C” program, urges allfreshmen to attend all meetings, forfaithful attendance is the most import¬ant requisite for membership in theGreen “C” club.Senior gn)up leaders are 'roni Cow¬ley, Ray Fried, Dale Letts, LawrenceSmith, Ray Vane, and Sidney Yates.Juniors assisting them are RobertMcCarthy, George Griewank, ScottRexinger, (iil White, Louis Ridenour,and Everett (^Ison. Excuses for menwho have legitimate reasons for fail¬ing to attend any of the requiredfunctions should be presented by suchmen to the senior leader in chargeof their group. Only excuses present¬ed in advance of the meeting missedwill be honored. Freshman arewarned that they must wear theirgreen caps at all times.tives of the University faculty and ad¬ministration.Next Tuesday evening Dr. Beckerwill speak on ‘ The Cultural Crisis inthe World Today," and (jn Oct. 16he will lecture on “The Spirit of the(ierman University of Today.” Thisafternoon, he will present thefirst of three afternoon talks in theassembly room of Harper Library, on“Christianity, and Islam, Past andPresent." On Thursday he will speakon “Hellenism and Islam.” and onOct. 15 his subject will be “The Euro¬peanization of the Moha'mmedanWorhl.” These afternoon lectureswill be given at 4:30 o’clock. .Any deficit incurred in the publica¬tion of “Longhorn,” 'Fexas .A. andM. annual, must be made up by theeditor and business manager, 'fheeditor and business manager have tosolicit their own advertising but gettwenty-five percent of all the moneyfrom the ads.E. M. Moore, editor of the “Long¬horn”, related the above facts andmany nmre concerning the Texas an¬nual in an interview’ yesterday.New OfficesOffices of the annual are located inthe new library building on the A.and .M. campus. Nothing finer couldbe asked for, according to Moore.1‘revions to this year, however, therewas no annual office and all work-had to be done in the rooms of theeditor. This created a continual stateof confusion and made work on thebook much more difficult. Moore said.Seniors Elect HeadsBusiness manager, editor and arteditor of the book are elected eachyear by the senior class. .Assistantbusiness manager and circulation man¬ager arc chosen by the business man¬ager. Editors of each section of thebook and junior, sopliomore andfreshman assistants are all selectedby the editor. The junior assistantsare in line for editorship.-About 2,800 copies of the Longhornare sold each year, according toMoore. .As Texas A. and M. is astrictly military school, the sales campaign for the annual is conductedby the top sergeants through the dif¬ferent companies. A. and AI. com¬panies through the state are also so¬licited. The campaign commenceseach year at about Christmas time.The editor and business managerof the annual each receive «$50 amonth for eight months. They re¬ceive twenty-five per cent of all ad¬vertising they, solicit. Besides that,everx’tbing over expenses up to $1,200is split equally between the editorand the business manager, and every¬thing over expenses above $1,200 issplit three ways between the editor,business manager, and the college.'Fhat is why there is a chance formaking good wages, according to theeditor.No Upperclass FeesEach student at .A. and AI. pays$4.50 for his year bock. 'Fhpse notin school ])ay $5.(K). 'I'here are nos|)acc fees for juniors and seniors.'Fwo features of the Longhorn arethe senior favorite and the beautycontest sections. In the senior favoritedivision, every senior man may turnin the picture of a girl providing hewill pay for its printing. The firsteight winners oj a lyeauty contestconducted at the college makeup thebeaiitv contest section. SWIMMING TEAMSTARTS REGULARPRACTICE DRILLS(Continued from page 1)lengthened to a 60 yard event, forthe same reasons that prompted thechange in the relayA7eterans In All EventsIn the 400 yard relay. Coach McGil-livray will probably use Moore, Bris-lin, 'Fucker, and Earlson, MacNeillcand Ale Mahon will see service in the200 yard breast stroke, while Mooreand Brislin will swim in the 60 yardfree style feature. .McAIillan andf’oska are being counted on for the440, while the 150 yard back strokewill be handled by Stevens, Tuckerand Elam..A bigger problem is offered thecoach in filling the 100 yard free styleposts, but .Aloore and Brislin willprobably take care of this assignment.Rittenhouse will will again compete inthe fancy diving event, and Smuckerwill also enter this event. In the med-lay relay, Stevens will do the backstroke, McMahon the breast stroke,and Poska the free style.Wanted—Ushers forSymphony Concerts PICKS CANDIDATESFOR PUBLIC OFFICEEighteen w'omen will be selectedto usher at the series of concertsgiven by the Chicago Symphony or¬chestra on Tuesday afternoons inAlandel hall. Any University womenwho wishes to hear the concerts freeof charge and w'ho will be able toattenff all of them is entitled to sendin her name..All those intere.sted are asked towrite or phone Elizabeth Merriam,6041 University avenue by Saturday.'I'he tclei)hone number is HydePark 4643. (Continued from page 1). .Albert O. Anderson (R), RudolphI H. Schoeppe (R), Ingolf P. Peder¬sen (R). Lawrence W. Ferguson (R),Carrol N. Langstrom (R), and Paul.Schulze (R).County commissioners outside Chi¬cago, recommended, Edith J. Flem¬ming (D), Homer J. Byrd, (D), G..A. Miller (R), Alex Lonnquist (R),W. Frank AValkowiak (D).fur■ theVenetianStar &( * A ^^ ^ ^ PERMANENT{^O’KclS. . of mDISTINCTIVEBEAUTY -A -Women by the scores have come to knowthe distinctite beauty of our permanents..As a result they come here for all theirbeauty work. 'I'hey have found by actualI’xperience tliat we go to every extreme to /give the finest and nio^t artistic beauty //treatment.Our Special Permanent Wave $3.00 Free SetThe Paris Swirl Wave $5.00 Free SetDuring the Week, Finger Wave 50cBeauty Shop - Zax Bros. Dept. Store1307-09 E. 63rd St. Dorchester 7586'['he alnnini associations of the Uni-'ersity and of the I’niversity of Wis-onsin will hold a joint luncheon I*ri-lay noon at Alaillard’s to arouse en-husiastn for the Chicago-Wisconsin:ame Saturday.Frank Whiting, president of thehimni associatit)n, is arranging alsobanquet to he held shortly beforehe Illinois game on November 15.rhe exact date will he announced lat-SHOESHalfSoled 90c For All Social EventsSend Her a “KidwelP^ Corsage(One Dollar and up)MEN’S HATSCleanedandBlocked 35cRUBBER HEELS, 35cCountry Club ShoeRepairing2347 E. 71sl St.Phone Hyde Park 9€69 We also make a specialty of decorationsfor fraternity dancesJ. E. KIDWELLFlorist826 E. 47th StreetTelephone Kenwood 1352■'((■•f VI V'1 V» '.'1 y» VI VI yi y/ 'I,\J Aiij /.Af t,\f I.XT/A- € PENCILSETfor only $^.00Any prodigal son can write homewith this Conklin pen and pencilset. It was designed for the oneswho “bought too many other thingsfirst.** Made with the utmost careof highest quality, beautiful, non-hreakahle materials in two colors.Glossy Black and Green and Goldwith gold mountings. The non—leakahle pen has generous ink.capacity. The pen mb is, tipped with iridium. Theautomatic pencil includes all theexclusive features that provide) smooth, easy action. It is com¬plete with lead magazine anderaser. Both pen and pencilhandsomely boxed for only$5.00. . . Leading collegestores will have plenty.The Conklin Ten Co,^QLBDO.OHIO 15NEW FEATURESon theBARRUNIVERSALPORTABLEAT NO EXTRA COST1—Removable Roller2—Removable Carriage3—Removable Baseboard4—Built-in Tabulator5—Full Diameter Roller6—Full Length LineSpacer7—Variable ReLase fromEither End8—Marginal and Tabu¬lator Stops Set fromFront9—Basket Shift for Capi¬tals10—I Stroke Ribbon Re¬verse1 1—Feed Roll ReleaseLock1 2—Independent ShiftLock Lever13—1-2-3 Spacer BetweenLines14—Will Not Creep WhenTypeing or Tabulat¬ing1 5—Eraser Holder on Ma¬chine$ 50 and ^60LET US DEMONSTRATETHIS NEW PORTABLELiberal Allowance on YourOld TypewriterPHILUPSBROTHERSThe Typewriter SpecialistsSole Agents for Hyde Park1214 E. 55th Plaza 2673Near Woodlawn Open 'till 9Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8. 1930Wrestlers BeginPractice; SevenVeterans Return KROGMAN ARRIVESIN ENGLAND; STARTSWORK ON PROJECT 261 MEN ACCEPTFRATERNITY BIDSAS RUSHING ENDSAlthougli tlic t>rficial wrestling sea¬son does not start until winter quar¬ter, practice will he held regularlythree or four day> a week startingimmediateh" according to an announce¬ment made hy C oach \ orres yester¬day. Most of the rien from lastyear’> team will he hack, with the ex¬ception of Archie W inning. Max Son-derby, and Howard W’illet.The men hack from last year areI'aptain Dyer, wre.-tling at 148 or 158pounds. Adler. 158; Lewi>. 118; Inez.118; Farri.'<. 158; Todhunter, 148;and Barnett heavyweight. Xew menfrom last year’s freshman team areW'arren BelHtrom. .\lhert Chladek,,'I'ony Field, Carl Cahel, Hion Howard,Boh Howard and Walter Maneikus.Some of the heavier men are nowout for football and will report forwrestling as soon as the football sea¬son is over.Coach Vorres plans several prac¬tice meets for early in December andtwo wrestling tournaments to be heldin Bartlett gym which will be opento everyone. Research work on the growth of thehuman face as paralleled with that ofthe a-^hropoid made possible by anhonorary fellowship awarded by the\ational Ke>earch council, have calledWilliam Kroguian, instructor in An¬thropology at the I’niversity. to Lon¬don for a year. He has just arrivedin the Fnglisl) capital, where he willwork in collal)oration with Sir ArthurKeith, well known British scientist.Before leaving the l'niver>ity. Dr.Krogman did some preliminary re->earch on his project which resultedin valuable information to doctors anddenti,■^t^. He discovered that duringthe rest periods between the timesthat teeth “erupt” during a child'sgrowth, the bones of face and jawsare growing and changing. If thebones grow straight, the teeth can becounted upon to “erupt” satisfactorily.This has already proved of practicalimportance to dentists in the care ofchildren’s teeth.I PATRONIZE THE DAILYi MAROON ADVERTISERSICNIETIIAh! IdOOMIof theHOTELSOUTHMOOR.67th and Stony Island AvenueDINE AND DANCEat“Thi South Side’s Most IS out it r!Cat S’fcaturi,!(iPHIL DOOLEYand His Dance Orche:^straWatch for Announcement of yourfraternity nightXo cover charge during dinnerSunday Luncheon 12 to 8 at $1.00Table D’Hote dinner $Lo0 (Continued from page 1).Michael Seagrave, Harold Wegner,Taylor Whittier, Willard Morton,Richard Wilson.Phi Kappa PsiRobert Sharpe, Rube Frodin, Mil-ton (Hill, Robert I'ummings, CharlesBowman, Frank Carr, Charles Chapin.I'.dward Harris, John Heide, HaroldJames, Robert Jones, Edward Maver-aann. Edward Xicholson. HaroldSterlin, Louis Turley, Lee Yarnall.Howard Young.Phi Kappa SigmaCharles Bane. Curtis Watts, EllioSctUta, Ceorge .Arthur Denne, John A.Abel. Charles Frask, Charles Coen.Phi Pi PhiStanley Connelly. Joseph Morony.I'rank Paulson, Edwin Zukojvski,Ernest Boggs. Robert Sepple, Keith Caldwell, Ernest Jordon, Theodore ,Harris. |Phi Sigma DeltaLeo Opp'enheim, Jim Zacharius, IBernard Sang, A1 Kaufman, Avery [Rosenthal. Herman Goldstine, A1Reaven, Lester Spiegel, Leo Ovson. |Pi Lambda PhiJack Loel), Maurice Bame, Melvin(ioldman, Herman Stein, HerbertSchenker, Arthur Margolis, RobertMagnus, C harles Lawrence, WilliamKaufman, Robert Herzog.Psi UpsilonRobert Langford. George Christie,Frank Hutchinson, rom Cahill, Ed¬ward Becks, James Lewis, GeorgeRichardson, Burton Young. JosephSibley. Warren .\skew, Kenneth Lane.Sigma Alpha EpsilonWilliam Philbrook, Calvin Country¬man. Carl .Vagard, Raphael Block,Charles I'lmkey, Stewart Martin, Nor¬man Ohlson, I'arrell Toombs, P'lwynWilcox.Sigma ChiWalter Montgomery, T.eonardCollson, Walter Jacobson, .Mvin Pitch¬ er. Malcom Smiley, William Wake¬field. Dick Young, Hollis Preiss.Sigma NuOrmund Julian, Dick Rickert, Goed-lett Glaser, David Spaulding, RichardReilly, .\rthur Garland, Robert Ask-wold.Tau Delta PhiHarry H. Berhover, Harold Lyp-ski, .\rnold Behrstack. Benjamin Ra-gin, Seymour Goldberg, Donald Glab-man, David Jadwin. Sidney Mandel-baum, Leonard Sillman, Marvin Si¬mon, Paul Smith.Tau Kappa EpsilonWilliam Bessey, Clarence E. An-(hr-on, Joseph W. Janson, RowlandKell%. Herbert Richmond, Jr., Wil¬liam Wolleson.Zeta Beta TauHerbert Field, John Frankel, .XllanMarin, led Decker. Herbert Froeh-ling, Robert L. Schoenbrim. JackSzold.•Acacia and .Alpha Epsilon Pi haveno pledges registered. CLASSIFIED ADS2 room rear Kitch. cosy, warm,quiet. Ideal for 2 or 3 adults. Gas,elect., linens, maid service free. Alsoboard and rm. Reas, rates. A trialwill convince you. 6346 Ellis Ave.ROOMS — Man wanted to shareattractive 3 rm. apt. with 2 others.$20 monthly per person. .Apply after¬noons. 5647 Dorchester Ave. Proeker.SUBSCRIBE TODAY FORTHE DAILY MAROONlllHIBIIIIilllllllllllllllMIIIHIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TO BETTY CO-ED IWe thank you for your patronage Ethrough our "ad” in the first issue Sof the Maroon. =SAMPLE IDRESSES IFrom the Highest Priced Manufae- Sturers of Xew A'ork and Chicago ^$13.50 up iLe#i Than Wholeiale —The Smertest Reproductions of the =Latest Paris Creations at Values That SAre .Amazing, for Street and Evening ^Wear. E10'f discount to all students =of the U. of C. =FOOTLITE FROCK ISHOPPE IWOODS IHK.VTKK HI.DO. E9th Floor 54 Wett Randolph ~Open 9 a. m. to 7 p. m.. Including ESaturdays =When Shapjiing in the Loop, Come Cp Eand Check Your Parcels FRFIE —iTlIlllllllllillllilMIIIIHIIIIIIMIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIillllKiMlinThe Daily Maroon TheatreBureauIn accordance with the Daily Maroon^s policy ofservice to the University students, it now offers a furtherconvenience. Students will be able to obtain tickets toall the leading Chicago Theatres by making reservationsat the Daily Maroon office. Choice seats may be ob>tained without the inconvenience of having to presentyourself at the theatre's box office before six o'clock.Reservations may be made at the Maroon office any after¬noon between 1:30 P. M. and 6:00 P. M._ v^alLbiliP VIA LAGO837 Wilson at the LakeDance on the onlyIlluminatedGlass Floorwith Jimmie Garriganand his orchestraFrom 6:30 to ClosingSPECIAL STEAK ANDCHICKEN DINNERSERVED DAILYFROM 5:00to 9:00 P. M. TYPINGThese.s Short PapersTHE STUDENTSTYPING SERVICE1326 E. 67th St. Dor. 2896Open 7:30 A. M.- 8:00 P. days a weekCHICAGO - COME ON - LET’S CO! - TOP Madison, Wis., Saturday,October 11 thCHICAGO VS. /iWISCONSIN ^ , MlLWAUKEfl' ST PAUL .^Ac/r/c i fFootball — Camp Randall FieldWILL OPERATE OFFICIAL MAROON FOOTBALL SPECIAL TRAINS DIRECT TOAND FROM CAMP RANDALL FIELD, MADISON, WIS., ON THE FOLLOWINGSCHEDULELv. Chicago Union Station Saturday, October II 8:15 A. M.Ar. Madison, Wis. Saturday, October II 1 1 :30 A. M.Ar. Camp Randall Field Saturday, October 11 I I :45 A. M.(Trains will remain at Camp Randall Field until 1:00 P. M.)Returning MAROON SPECIAL TRAINS will leave Camp Randall Field twenty minutesafter close of game and operate on a schedule of three hours and thirty minutes to Chi¬cago. Approximate arrival time in Chicago 8:30 P. M.Equipment of Maroon Special Trains will consist of Pullmans, coaches and dining cars.$M Round trip. Honored in Pullman cars on payment for accommodations de-sired. Good going from Chicago Friday, October 1 0th and on Maroon Spe-* cials Saturday, October I 1 th. Final return limit to reach Chicago not laterthan midnight of Monday, October 1 3th.Pullman seat $1.96, compartment $7.84, drawing room $11.76 round trip.$0.25 Round trip. Honored in coaches only. Good going on any train 3:20 P. M.j.! or after Friday, October 10th, and on Maroon Specials Saturday, October11th. Final return to reach' Chicago by not later than midnight Tuesday,October 1 4th.For the convenience of University of Chicago Students Rail and Pullman Tickets willbe on sale at the Football Ticket Office, Thursday, October 9th and Friday, October10th.Secure advance Pullman reservations by telephoningA. V. Marxen, City Passenger Agent, Central 7600, orApply at City Ticket Office, 50 S. Clark St.B. J. SCHILLINGGeneral Agent Passenger Departmnet% Milwaukee100 West Monroe St., Chicago ROADCHICAGOLive in a FineZISOOK HOTELConvenient to the Universityof Chicago, close to alltransportation, only a fewminutes to Chicago Ixwp,near 63rd St. shopping andtheater district. Complete24-hour hotel service.Beautiful NewHOTELMAYFLOWER6125 Kenwood Ave.262 outside rooms, each withprivate bath and shower.I.arge, light rooms, bigclosets. Beautiful, spaciouslobby, card rooms, coffeeshop. Rates' as low as $10per week.WALDORF HOTEL6139 Ellis Ave.Large, light rooms withprivate hath and show’er.Quiet home atmosphere forstudents. Tasteful furnish¬ings. Close to C. of C.Campus. Rates $10 |H*rweek and up.HOTELCHARLEVOIX6215 University Ave.F^legantly furnished largerooms, twin l)eds in doublercMims. Private bath andshower in every room. Com¬fortable lobby and mu'^icroom for use of guests.Rates $10 a week and up.No Leases Required