}t*HSUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROON Wht Bailp JHaroon Today’s Weather:Cloudy; showers inevening.Vol. 30. No. 74. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1930 Price Five CentsHONOR 41 DEPARTMENTAL SCHOLARS932 Candidates Will Receive“SPRING FINALS”TO CULMINATE IN160th CEREMONYSaturday Alumni Day;Monday Will BeClass DayDegrees and certificates will beawarded 932 candidates for gradua¬tion at the 160th convocation of theUniversity Tuesday. President Rob¬ert M. Hutchin.s will preside, awardthe diplomas, and present the quar¬terly statement.The ceremony will be held in twosections, that for the award of giad-uate and professional degrees at 11in the University chapel, that f'>rBachelors in the Colleges of Arts,Literature, and Science at 3 in theChapel.52S Bachelor's DegreesThe bachelor’s degree in ArtsLiterature, and Science, in Educa¬tion, in Commerce and AdminLstra-tion, and in Social Service admin¬istration, will be conferred on h2T,candidates. The master’s degiejwill be given to 126. Two studentswill rtpcive the degree-of Bachelorof Divinity and six that of Bachelorof Laws.Seventy-seven candidates will re¬ceive the Doctorate of Law, andfifty-seven that of Doctor of Medi¬cine. Four-year certificates in medi¬cine will be given to three studentsin the Ogden Graduate School ofScience and to fifty-two in Ru<»bMedical college.In the Graduate Schools of Arts,literature, and Science there be willbe neventy-six candidates for the de¬gree of Doctor of Philosophy, one inCommerce and Administration, sixin Divinity, and one in Library Sci¬ence, a total of eighty-four.One Week Program•A one week program, known asthe spring finals, will lead up to theconvocation ceremonies next Tues¬day morning and afternoon. Thisevening at 6 will be the Phi BetaKappa initiation in Reynolds clubtheatre, followed by the Phi BetaKappa dinner at 7 in Hutchinsoncommons. Also at 7 will be the an-niver.sary dinner of the .school ofsocial service administration at thePalmer House.The finals of the Florence .JaneAdams contest in artj.stic readingwill be held tomorrow at 4 in Ha.’-per Mil. At 6 will be the annual“C” dinner in Hutchin.son commons,while at 6:30 will be the Women’sAthletic a.ssociation banquet >n IdaNoyes gymnasium.The national collegiate track meetwill be held on Stagg field at 2 Fri¬day. At 6:15 will be the Universityaides’ dinner in Ida Noyes hall..Saturday is Alumni Day. Theopening event will be the Alumneeclub breakfast at 11 :30 in Ida Noyeshall. At noon will be class lun¬cheons. The finals of the nationalcollegiate track meet will rt at2 in Stagg field, and the same time-will see the initiation of AlumniHeld activities. From 3 to 4:30 willbe open house in all departments ofthe University. At 4:30 will be arevue in Mandel hall. At 6 will bethe sunset supper, and at 7:15 willbe the alumni assembly in Mande*hall, at which time addre.ssea will bemade by President Robert M. Hutch¬ins, Vice-President ’|''ederie Wood¬ward, and Chairman Walter L, Hud-lun. And at 8 will be the Univerr-ity(■Continued on page 4) Ohio State U. AlsoPlans Pledge BureauCo-inci<l«nt with the announce¬ment that a pledging registrationbureau would be established atthe University next fall, is the re¬cent action taken by the fratern¬ities of Ohio State University forthe establishing of a similar bu¬reau.The instituting of pledging reg¬istration bureaus in both Univer¬sities has been done with the pur¬pose in mind of definitely doingaway with pledge tampering byrival fraternities and of prevent¬ing any man pledging two frat¬ernities in the same quarter ofschool.. Under the new plan, afile of all men eligible for pledg¬ing will be kept by the bureau,and for a man to be consideredofficially pledged, his name muttbe lodged with the bureau. AtOhio State the action is so dras¬tic that no man may wear abutton until his name has beenregistered with the buteau. STEVENS NAMED{PLAN TO TESTTO N. Y. P0ST “LIE DETECTOR” DPPERCLASS M EN— AND GRADUATESAlumni Reunite atHomecoming Fete;Hutchins PresidesA homecoming dinner for thealumni of the Graduate School otSocial Service .Administration andthe old school of Civics and Philos¬ophy will take place today at 7 inthe Red Lacquer room of the Palm¬er House. President Robert May¬nard Hutchins will preside and willI be the principal speaker.Other speakers will be Jane Ad-dams, head of Hull House, GraceAbbott, chief of the United StatesChildren’s Bureau Faculty, Dr. Gra¬ham Taylor of the Chicago Com¬mons; Julia C. Lathrop, formerchief of the United States Children’sBureau Faculty; Edward Ryerson,President of the Council of SocialAgencies; Anne S. Davis, Director ofthe Bureau of Vocational Guidance;Frank E. Glick, Secretary of theIllinois Committee on Child Wel¬fare Legislation; Joseph Moss, Di¬rector of the Cook County Bureauof Public Welfare Research .staff and(Continued on page 4)NAME COMMITTEES ,FOR W. A. A. DINNER Associate Dean GivenRockefeller PositionI David H. Stevens, professor ofI English and associate dean of thej faculties of the University, has beenI appointed director of college educa-I tion in the general education boardI of New York. Announcement ofj the appointment was made yester¬day by President Robert Maynai.iHutchins.For the past six months Deanj Stevens has held, while on leave ofI absence from the University, the1 position to which he has just beeni permanently named. It is one of! the most important posts with theRockefeller group of educationalfoundations, for Dean Stevens is, called upon to study the work of thacolleges and universities of the coun¬try and make recommendations for: their financial assistancp by the gon-' eral education board.As a.ssociate dean of the facultiesand director of the summer quarter,r^Professcr Stevens has been one ofthe trio of administrative leaders atthe University that included Presi¬dent flutchin.s and Vice PresidentFrederic Woodward. He is also anoted scholar in the field of Engli.>l;(Continued on page 2) Scientific InvestigationTo be MadePlans for a scientific investigationof the reliability of the “lie detector”are announced by the Local Commun¬ity liesearch Committee of the Uni¬versity. If the study shows that theJevitri is entirely reliable for all typesof situations and individuals, the waywill be opened for a revolutionary re-{ form in criminal judicial procedureI which will make determination ofj guilt simple.The investigation has been under¬taken at the suggestion of .AugustVoll'ner, profes.sor of police adminis¬tration at the University. ProfessorVollnier was the first police official touse the He detector, and has employedit with remarkable success in over10,0<'0 cases. .A scientist himself, heI has been unwilling to advocate thegeneral adoption of the instrument, orto urge its admissibility in evidence,; until its validity or limitations couldI be established under rigid .scientific^ e*ont''ols.Test 1,000 Undergradu\*esThe tests at the Univer\'ty will beI MadV on over one thousand iiidivid-; uals, under the direction of experts ini several fields. Professor I a L. Thui-(Continued on page 2) Rubinson HeadsPoll. Sci. CouncilAdolph Rubinson, junior, on aplatrorm oi ’optimism but notidealism,” rode into the presiden¬cy of the Undergraduate Politi¬cal science council, defeating Rob¬ert McCarthy by 41 votes. Rubin¬son carried five classes, and ac¬cumulated 147 votes, to McCar¬thy’s 107, and Stanley Jcr.k'ns’77.Rubinson has been a memberof the council for three years, andofficiated at the League of Na¬tions .as .secretary-general. Hisvictory is attributed not only tohis platform, but to slight-of-hand work with which he pepper¬ed his campaign speeches. Fornext year, Rubinson hopes toovercjme the prevailing studentapathy with a program of meet¬ing, teas, and visiting speakers.La Critique is under the super¬vision of the council and will sol¬icit campus contributions andsupport.Ten Champions toDefend Titles atNational CollegiateRe-elect Rexinger Lovett’s DramatistsTennis Captain Present Two PlaysCommittees |i charge of the annualW. A. A. spring banquet to be heldThursday at 6, in the gymnasium ofI !a Noye.s hall, will include; for dec¬orations, lliirriet .Ann Trinkle, Isabelle Mac I .eod, I.illian SchlesingeiRuth l^ee, Marion .Arthur, and Flor¬ence .McCoullough^ for • isic, GoidtBreslich, Dorothy Schultz, and BettyJane Kendall; for the place cards,.Mary Ellen Malloy; for i*.^'ets, Bar-bai’a Cook, Zoe Marhoefer, Helen Stoll,Marjorie Tolman, Opal Holtz, JeanneHyde, Golde Breslich, Betty Moline,Bertha Kaplan, Margaret Egan, Dor¬othy Mohr, Ruth <.Abells, and Rut''Willard .Hostesses will be Jean Searcy, Vir-inia Pope, Margaret Egan, IVl^rgaretS’mon, Dorothy Cahill, Ruth I.ee,F'rances Swineford, Marjorie Tolman,Opal Holtz, Mary Budd, BarbaraCook, Mary Ellen Malloy, RachelSmiley, Lucia Downing, Lucile Alger,Zoe Marhoefer, Jeanne Hyde, Mar¬garet Hill, Ruth Abells, Ruth Lyman,Helen Stoll, Golde Breslich, I.rf)uisePi/»Viordp, Plurk, Ro+ty Ali’IsrHand Ruth Willard. .Scott R<‘xinger. holder of theWestern Conference singles and co¬holder of the iloubles tennis champi¬onship, was re-elected captain of thetennis team at a meeting Vf the var¬sity s(|uad yesterday..At the same meeting of the team, itwas decided that Rexinger, Calohat)and Stagg will journey east to par¬ticipate in both the Delaware stateand the National Intercollegiate lawntennis championships. The Delawaretourney will begin at Wilmington the16th and will continue throughout theweek. The .Marocm team has competedupon clay courts in the \\*»'.stern Con¬ference and participation in the Dela¬ware tournament will la* largely forthe puipo.^e of enabling the team toget accustomed to play •Lpon grasscourts.The .Natiofial Intercollegiate will beheld from June 23 to 28 at the .MerionCricket Club in Philadelphia. .Allthree members of the University teamwill compete in the singles eliminaton,and Rexinger and Calohan will teamup in the doubles, ('hicago, as holdetof the Big Ten championships, is.seeded one of the favorites in the tour¬nament. Rattles, toy pianos, triangles, andxylophones of twelve keys punctu¬ated last night’s performances ofthe two short plays, “The Monkey’sPaw.” and “Overtones,” presentedby Professor Robert Morss Lovett’sdrama class in the Reynolds clubI theatre to an enthusiastic and gratisj audience. The symphonic orchestraj of eleven pieces, qrdinarily found ina baby's playroom, was conducted byI Mack Evans and sw'ung into thej strains of the “Toy Symphony” by■ Haydn, during intermission between, the plays.“ The Monkey’s Paw,” by Louis N.I Parker, developed its fatalistic tragiedy through the efforts of the ca; tof Fritz Lieber Jr.. Elizabeth Duccy^George T. Van der Hoef, Archie Win¬ning, Jack Gray and Dorothea Camp¬bell. “Overtures,” played by a jcast of women, featured Beatrice |Hunter, Alice Stinnett, Cerna Sampson, Elizabeth Merriam and .IanLowenthal,June Phoenix OnCampus TomorrowVESPER SERVICEThe last Vesper Service of a seriesof five, to be held today at 5 in theUniver.sity chapel, will deal exclusive-y V, ith the compositions of Palestrinaan ! the music of the Italian Renais¬sance. The.se .services have beenplanned to emphasize the meaning otreligion in great music.Frederick Marriott, University or¬ganist, will open the program with thefollowing organ .selections: “Ricar-icre” by Palestrina; and Fresco-baldi’s “Toccata (Adagio),” “ToccataCromatica,” and “Fuga. Immediatelyfollowing the recital Professor Ferdi¬nand Schevill of the Historj’ depart-'T*oTtt will aipcxnir on ‘‘P«li»«triT.« «ndthe Italian Renais.sance.” .Sam Van Dyne, w'ho placed nintljin the “College Humor” contest f(»tcollege illustrators, wdll have five or¬iginal drawings and a sun*Iementarysketch of the beauty contest winner inthe June “Phoenix” which will ap¬pear tomorrow. Van Dyne placed inthe contest where more than 1,000entered ani from :U) to 40 prizesawarded.Don Plaiit, a contributor to the“New Yorker” and the “Chicagoanand a former writer for the “Phoenix”will have several contributions in thisissue. Chief among them will be anarticle entitled “Tattooing: the oldSkin Game,” and also “Poetic Ac¬ceptances.” A stylistic experiment bya freshman, James Young, called“Time Out* ah Hoc et ah Hac et ahIlia” will be included. All but five of the fifteen iyliW^ualchampions of 1929 will be present todefend their titles in the ninth an¬nual National Collegiate track meetat Stagg Field on F'riday and Satur¬day. The five missing champions havegraduated.George Simpson of Ohio, who set aworld’s record of 0:09 4-10 that waslater disallowed because he used start¬ing blocks, will be out not only tohold that title but again .set a newrecord, this time without using theblocks. The Buckeye sprinter alsoi won the 220 last yeaL in 0:20 4-5, aI new meet record. Despite a field thati includes every college sprinter of notei in the country, Simpson is expectedi to retain both championships.His teammate, Dick Rockaway,I who won the 120 yard high hurdles in'0:14 7-10, will have a mure difficult' task in remaining the leader of ther hurdlers. Rockaway lost to I..ee Sent-man of Illinois in \e conference meettwo weeks ago. The Illini was secondto the Ohio man last year. In thelow hurdles. Steve .Anderson of theUniversity of Washington will beback, ready to equal his 0:23 5-10 oflast year. .Anderson had a sprainedankle this spring, but got into shapein time to win his latest starts.Tom Warne of Northwestern tiedwith Paul Edmonds of Stanford last ,\oar at 13 feet. inche.'^, but F.’-monels ha.< finished hs cemp-^titieihut in his absence Warne ha.s plentyto worry about in the pcr.son of .Me1 Vermont of Illinois, who beat him inconference.Rut Walter of Northwestern, whowon the conference race without be¬ing pushed, will defend his 440 cham¬pionship. He ran 0:47 9/10 last year.Walter will get a lot more competi-(Continued on page 4) SHAREJWARDSFull and Part TuitiemGiven on Baaisof WorkFull and part scholarships for ex¬cellence in the various departmentsin the undergraduate colleges on thebasis of the first three years ofwork, as welj as honor t»ohola:rs’awards In the graduate schools forexcellence in the senior coBeges,were made public yesterday by thegraduate office.Undergraduate receiving awardsare Jack Samuel Abrams, physiol¬ogy: Betty Ann Blair, geology;John Teal Bobbitt, history; MeyerBrown, physiological chemistry andpharmacology; Rose Zoe Charnow,sociologYp Abraham Ajrthur Char-ons, mathematics; Lucia GraceDowning, education; William HaroldElliott, physics; Abraham IsaiahCans, philosophy; Benjamin Greet-stein, economics; Lyle Donald Gumm,political science; Edward LauthHaenisch. chemistry; Edwin HermanLennette, hygiene and bacteriology;Harriet Lucille Lloyd, German; RuthHortense Merlin, romance; GeorgeHerman Otto, geology; Calvin Til-den Riggs, philosophy; Betty AnneScheerer, Greex; Leno Alien Smoi-er, history; Wilson Edward Sween¬ey, mathematics; Alice Beatrice vonKeller, art; Lucille Jeannette Wel¬ter, English; Ruth Wienman, Latin;and Robert Dorken Wilcox, psychol¬ogy.Scholarships in the graduateschoolsj: Irwiti Stuart ^lobk, eco¬nomics; Ruth Frances Davidson,Latini; John James Fall, English;Alma Fogelberg, physiology; Isa-dore Edward Garrick, mathematics;Brandon Hambright Grove, geology ;Anne Louise Hood, political science;Jo.seph Maurice I.saacman, chemis-(Continued on ^age 4)ANNOUNCE FIVELECTURERS FORHARRIS INSTITUTEMaroon Elects StaffThursday at Banquet,The Daily Maroon will elect its of- ifleers for next year at the annua’ !spring banquet to be held ThuiA‘t> jIt 6:30 at the Southmoor hotel. |Guests of honor are William jVaughn Morgenstern, Walter G. iPreston and Thornton Wilder. Elec-tinna will take olare after the han. Iquet. I i.Apppintment of five experts on in-I ternational relations as lecturers fori the .seventh annual Institute of theI Harris Foundation, to be hel(j' at heUniversity in June, is announced by, the University.They are Yusuke Tsufumi, formeri member of the Japanese parliament;' Victor Andres Belaunde, former min¬ister plenipotentiary in the Peruviandiplomatic service; Percy E. Corbett,Dean of the I.aw School of McGillUniversity; George H. Blakeslee, Pro¬fessor of International Relations atClark I’piversity; and George Young,former attache in the British diplo¬matic .service.This year’s Institute, which Is tobe devoted to “American Foreign Pol¬icy,” will be opened on June 16 withan address by Mr. Young, and willb<^ c'oric'uded on June 27..A 1 al <).■ 1 > pu.D!ic ienuros, oin nto *^udpnts an I to the communitywithout charge, will be given durinerthe two terms of the Summer Quart.(*rat the University. The fir.st of thesewill be given on June 15 by ProfessorRobert Morss Lovett, who will sr,ikon “Literature and Science.” .A’lnongthe widely-known lecturers during thefir.st term are Walter Starkie of theUniversity of Dublin, Karl T. (Comp¬ton president of the MassachusettsInstitute of Technology, Enrico Bom-pit ni of the University of Rome,Harry Howe Bentley of the AmericanInstitute of Architects, and Hon.I lOiiie T MrFsd'l^'Ti of th* TToncoRepresentatives.f wo THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY. JUNE 4. 1930iatly iiianumKOUNi tu IN 1S>»5• Hr. oiUtlM. alUiii.M NKV\ .Sf VfKK 01- THE UN'lVERSlT’V OK CHlCAt.Oill’ si.eO iurirnink;>i «'\ft?iii ^'niunliiy, Sunday and Monday. durinK the .Kutumn,''iin.Kr Hiid Sprin« uuarieis by Tne Daily Maroon Comiiaiiy, 5831 University Ave. Sub-«'ri|'tiiiii ra».'8 $:>.0U tier year . by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Sinyle copies, 5 cents each.■I) a^ serond class nnauer .March iB. lS>d3. al Ihe ikwI office at ChicSKO..let I he Act of March 3. 18791 lie Daily .Muronn expiessely reserves all rights of publication of any materialAPtnaring in ih.s »iaper..Men-bei- of the Western Cpnference Press Associationii-DWIN LEVIN, Managing EditorEARLE M. STOCKER, Business ManagerROBERT L. NICHOLSON, Assistant Busiae.ss ManagerHARRIET DEAN HATHAWAY, Woman’s EditorHENRY D. FISHER, Sports EditorARNOLD SCHLACHET, Chairman of Editorial BoardITOKl.AL DEPARTMENT.I'v G. BASTIAN News Editor.. . il dKEENWALD -..News Editor. a. HARUiN — News Editor; ivlOftJE C.AHILL - Junior EditorJ RION E. WHITE Junior EditorAlLLJ.vM R. HARSHE Whistle Editori.OUIb RJdENOUR Day Editor.r.itWlN S. ROSENBERG Day Editor-Ufila.K r. VAN DERHOEF.. Day EditorEGAN Sophomore EJditorlANE KESNER Sophomore Editorv.\F 'i F.PTHEIMER Sophomore Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTARE BLINDER Advertising ManagerLEE LOVENTHAL ...Advertising ManagerLOUIS FORBRICH... Circulation ManagerGEORGE GRIEWANK ..Circulation Assist.ROBERT McCarthy - .sophomore .Asst.JAMES McMahon Sophomore Asst.NED VEATCH Sophomore Asst.SPORTS DEPARTMENTALBERT ARKULES Asst. SporU EditorWALTER BAKER Sophomore EditorHERBERT JOSEPH Sophomore Editorvi\R.JORIE TOLMANWoman’s Sports EiditorROOM FOR TWOThe more co-educational becomes the University, and themore liberal socially, the less should we expect to find the con¬ventional and hypothetical dichoomy between the sexes regarded.In some respects, such’ is actually the case. The students here areallowed all the liberty they can normally desire, so far as keepinghours and so forth are concerned. It was recently called to ourattention, however, that there is in the first place no common roomfor the student body at large, regardless of sex, and that aside fromthe Coffee Shop, there is no eating place that both men and womenwant to frequent.The University’s ostensible desire to socialize scholastic affairs,and thereby to make scholarship the real focus of the student s lifefrom every angle, has been carried out nicely in the establishmentof common rooms in the new buildings, such as that in Social Sci¬ence. which is tasteful enough ^o be anyone’s living room. Theweekly teas in the various departments are a further step towardthat English ideal which makes no differentiation between the re¬lative values of knowing incunabula and etiquette. All our endea¬vors here, however, have been on the side of the graduate student,who no doubt deserves everything of the kind that is given hiriLWith undergraduates, one notes the cool separation of Ida Noyesfrom Reynolds Club, and the reluctance of a man to frequent theone and a woman the other. Few men know, indeed, that theyare welcome at Ida Noyes, provided that they are in the companyof a girl. That institution has unfortunately preserved an air offormality and stiffness that is not appealing to undergraduate men,and it has consequently become a woman s paradise. Nor does awoman ever make use of Reynolds Club facilities, probably becauseshe thinks it is not done or allowed.In view of all these facts, therefore, the establishment of acommon roorn or building for undergraduates would be a happymove. At present there is no place on campus where undergrad¬uates may meet and talk in a congenial atmosphere. We still clingto the Victorian separation of sexes that is something like keepingthe works' of a male and female writer apart on the library shelves—unless the authors happen to be married. If we can possibly findroom for something like the Michigan or Wisconsin Union, weshould have one. If we can not, let us hope to build one in thenear future.BIG BILL COMES TO CAMPUSPolitical affairs at the University, until this week, have beenrather futile, to say the least. The Undergraduate council is per¬petuated somehow each year, and honor societies annually infusefresh biood and pick leaders for the following term. And otherelections follow the standard set by these so-called Major Strifes.But now all is changed. Election of a new Political Sciencecouncil head was held Monday and yesterday. And while twoof the three aspirants for the post used the conventional methodsso much ip vogue on the campus, the other struck boldly out onuncharted seas, at least for the University.The best of current magical talent had nothing on our campusexpert. Handkerchiefs changed color under his dexterous touch’,and torn bollots reunited themeslves into single expressions ofthe public opinion, all in favor of this one candidate.And so a new era in campus politics is initiated. No longerwill issues dominate, even such issues as we now have. Politicswill degenerate, if it is possible, to a duel of personalities, with thebest entertainer coming out first.And soon we may need a new reformer to lead the Univers¬ity from the of machine politics.—M. S. R. Official NoticesTodayRadio lectures: “American Philos¬ophy: Philosophy and the SocialProblems — Education, Capitalism,Communism,” Professor T. V. Smith,8, Station WMAQ. er as President of the Theologicalseminary, 7:45, University chapel.Registration for the SummerQuarter, of students now in resi¬dence.Divinity chapel. Professor Theo¬dore G. Soares, 11:50, Bond chapel.Faculty women’s luncheon, 12,Ida Noyes hall. Thursday, June 5Radio lecture: “American Philos¬ophy: Philosophy, Science, and Re¬ligion as Competing Guides forLife,” ^ofessor T. V. Sniith ofthe Philosophy department, 8,WMAQ.Divinity chapel—Dean ShailerMathews of Theological seminary,11:50, Bond chapel. 1:30 to 3:30.1:30, on Tuesday, June 10, from10:30 to 12:30.3:30, on Tuesday, June 10, fromfrom 10:30 to 12:302:30, on Wednesday, June 11,1:30 to 3:30.4:30, on Monday, June 9, from4:30 to 6:30. PLAN TO TEST“UE DETECTOR*'STEVENS NAMEDTO N. Y. POSTWomen's University Council—4:30, Cobb 115.Graduation exercises and seventy-fifth anniversary pageant, Theologi¬cal seminary, 2, west Garth.Mathematical club: “The Mathe¬matics of the New Quantum The¬ory,” Professor Bliss, 4:30, Ryerson37. Annual “C” Dinner—6, Hutchin¬son Commons.Wpmen’s Athletic Associationbanquet: 6:30, Ida Noyes gymna¬sium.Zoology club: ‘The Relation be¬tween Physiological Dominance andElectrical Palarity,” Dr. L. G.Barth, 4:30, Zoology 29. Public lecture (downtow’n):“China in Revolution: Sun Yat-senand the Nationalist Movement,” Pro¬fessor H. MacNair of the Historydepartment, 6:45, Art Institute.University Vesper service, Italianreligious music, Professor FerdinandSchevill and the University choir,5:15, University chapel.Beta of Illinois chapter of PhiBeta Kappa: “Vergil, the Man andthe Poet,” Professor Prescott, 6,Ida Noyes hall.Anniversary dinner, Graduateschool of Social Service Administra¬tion, 7, Palmer house.Inauguration of Albert W. Palm- Examinations for Spring quarterwill be held as follow’s:8,* on Tuesday, June 10, from 8 to10.9, on Wednesday, June 11, from 8to 10.10, on Monday, June 9, from 8 to 10.11, on Monday, June 9, from 1:30 to3:30.12:30, on Wednesday, June 11, from•Q QpotmlConttim^TEBNrfrMi’RKf «>«w^elrv'L State St.. Chicagc (Continued from page 1)literature, and is author of severalimportant studies oT Milton and Re¬storation Drama. He holds degreesfrom Lawrence College, Harvard,and the University, and has been amember of the University facultysince 1913.“The University is extremelysorry to lose Dean Stevens, for a.-asociate dean of the faculties anddirector of the summer quag^^er hehas shown extraordinary admini¬strative ability,” President Hutchins.said in his announcement. “His ap¬pointment in New York is a fittingrecognition of his talent and we areconfident that In his new position newill exert a great and salutory effecton college education in America.” (Continued from page 1)stone, psycljologist; Dr. Ralph W.Gerard, physiologist; C, W. Darrow,of the behavior research fund;Leonarde Keeler, of the Institute ofJuvenile Research; Professor H. D.Lasswell, political psychologist of theUniversity; and Professor Vollmerwill constitute the investigatinggroup.The aparatus, technically called a“pneumo-cardio-sphymograph,” rec¬ords delicate changes in respiration,pulse, and blood pressure which ac¬company emotions involving guilt anddeception. Especial attention will bepaid to investigating the reliability ofthe device in marginal cases involv¬ing abnormal and subnormal as wellas normal minds, and persons in path¬ological as well as healthy physicalconditions.Introduction of the lie detector intocriminal jurisprudence, with its val¬idity accepted as conclusively as thatof finger-print evidence, would renderthe jury unnecessary as a fact-find¬ing body. The instrument would alsobe useful in personnel work, in theopinion of Professor Vollmer.GOOD FOODSWELL COOKED — WELL SERVEDSunday Dinner—12 Noon to 8 P.M.—$1.00Lunch—I 1 A.M. to 2 P.M.—40 CentsDinner— 5 P.M. to 8 P.M.—75 CentsREVERCOMB TEAROOM631S Kenwood Aye. Plaza 0924GIFTS for the GRADUATEManyattractiveGift BoxesinStationerythis year.GreetingCards WhatBetter GiftthanaPORTABLETYPEWRITERSee thevarious1930modelsWorthyMementoesofUNIVERSITYDAYSBook EndsWall ShieldsEtchingsJewelrySongbook BOOKSOur selection of gift books rangesfrom the lovely leather arid illu¬strated editions of variousclassics to the challeng¬ing and stimulatingnew things justoff thepresses.FREEGIFTWRAPPINGRemember the graduatefrom the MiscellaneousGiftsinSilverPotteryCopperKodaksHandkerchiefsandMagazineSubscriptionsUniversity of Chicago Bookstore5802 ELLIS AVENUEX J'THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 1930 Page ThreeURAL SPORTS REVIEWDEPARTMENT GIVESSUMMARY OF I-MCONTEST WINNERSPsi Upsilon, Macs TakeLion’s Share ofHonorsThe record of the Intramural De¬partment this year has been oneon which the staff should be com¬mended. The participation in allI-M sports has been larger than everbefore. The total number of mencompeting was 858 men in compari-jjn with the 722 total for the SpringQuarter last year. The participa¬tion in Playground Ball was 611 thisseason and only 428 last year. Thi«has been brought about by the con-sciencious efforts of the Department.The credit for this biggest of In¬tramural years goes to the men inthe various divisions of I-M activ¬ities. Mr. Werner Nissla, AssistantIntramural Advisor and NormanRoot, General Manager, are in nosmall way responsible for the sea¬son’s success. The three Juniormanagers, Brant Bonner, Ray Vaneand Ellis Busse have contributedtoward the achievements of the yes"^together with some of the Sopho¬more Managers, Schmidt, Drum¬mond, Scheid, Carr, Channer, Pen-iston, Rubinson and Sherre.• Following is a resume of the win¬ners in the various sports sponsoredby the I-M office during the Falland Winter Quarters:Fall QucrtarTouchball—Psi Upsilon.Horseshoe doubles—Eckholtz andSomers, T. K. E.Horseshoe singles—Golbus, Macs.Golf—Organization, Phi KappaSigma; Individual, Erickson, PhiKappa Sigma.Cross Country—Organization, PsiUpsilon; Individual, Lowe, intakeHall.Class Rush—Freshmen.Wre.stling—Alpha Epsilon Pi.Swimming Carnival—Delta Sig¬ma Pi.Winter QuarterBasketball ‘‘A”—Macs. IBasketball “B”—Phi Kappa Psi.*’ Free Throw Tournament—Organ¬ization, Psi Upsilon; Individual,Sheldon, Psi Upsilon.Handball doubles—Whitney andMay, Ponies.Handball singles—May, Ponies.Bowling doubles—Sheer and Snow,Macs.Bowling Singles—Kaufman, PhiSigma Delta.Wrestling—Alpha Tau Omega.Boxing—Phi Delta Theta tied withDiddlers.Indoor Carnival—Delta KappaEpsilon.Debating—Howard and Parsons,Psi Upsilon.Oratorical—McKinlay, Delta Up¬silon.The winners in the various sportsso far this quarter are Macs, Play¬ground Ball, and Phi Kappa Sigma,Track Carnival. The golf and ten¬nis tournaments have not as yetbeen completed.MENTION THEDAILY MAROONTO THEADVERTISER Herbert BeardsleyIndividual ChampionHerbert Beardsley of Phi Piwon the trophy in the IntramuralIndividual point contest with493 markers to his credit.Beardsley competed in everysport sponsoretP \f/ the Depart¬ment except boxing. He attai* edhonors in almost every sport heundertook. Lee, Phi Delta Thetaearned second place with 470points and Priess, Phi Sigma Del¬ta was third with 430. The num¬ber of points gained by the win¬ner this year exceeded those ofGoldbus, Individual champ of1929 by 4%.PARTICIPATION INI-M SPORTS GROWSTo Interest Unattached MenIs ProblonBy Frederick ChannerPromotion ManagerThe participation in I-M sport'»has not been by leaps and bounds,but rather in a steadily progressivemanner. Not once since the organ¬ization of the I-M Department h:»^the total participation ever decline uover what it was in previous years.This solid staple gain is what w<would rather have.I-M PublicityFor the past several years theprinciple objective of the Promo¬tional branch of the I-M Depart¬ment has been to seek methods inencouraging unattached men to par¬ticipate in I-M sports. A great dealof publicity including circulars, pri¬vate interviews, and posters hasdone much to ca%^e a glace for In¬tramurals in the program of theseunattached q^en and the rest of thecampus.Problem of DepartmentGenerally speaking there is notmuch group spirit among the non¬fraternity hall men. But what canbe expected when a freshman is as¬signed a room next to a graduatemedical student. There were so ■*« Iinstances where an individual in ahall didn’t know who occupied tne !room next to him.Of course the picture needn’t ue jpainted quite so blue for at times 'a man comes forth from the halls |ready to’ assume the leadership ofa group and be responsible for hav- |ing men out to compete. The laciov 'of grreatest importance is that ih.j ,I-M Department takes such matters Iand studies them seriously, doing Ieverything in its power to rectify thesituation.IChicago I-M Ranks HighLetters were sent around this jSpring to universities similarly lo- |cated in large cities to inquire asto the work of their I-M Depart- Iment in promoting Intramurals;among unattached men. The re- |sponse indicated that most of them Iwoer doing little or nothing and that iour own I-M Department w'as farin advance in this branch of In£!\-mural work.Turning to Inti'amurals as a wholewe see that the Department has de¬veloped and enlarged, that competi¬tion for managerial posts are keen¬er than ever, and that it is one ofthe most systematically run organ¬izations on campus. PLAYGROUND BALL CHAMPSFor the second consecutive year the Macs have won the Play¬ground Ball Championship. The Macs were also BasketballChamps and third place winners in touchball, during the fall quar¬ter.. Those in the above picture are (reading from left to right)standing: Cohn, Goodman, Blattburg, Cohen, Cody and Grossman.Bottom row: Wolf, Getzov, Bolonick, Sheere and Jacobson.Delts CaptureOrganization HonorsPhi Delta Theta carried away.he uiganizatiun honors for thisyear’s Intramural activities byamassing 550 Mi points which wasu i c th;in any other fratern¬ity was able to compile. Theywon the cup largely tnrough § eall aiound efforts of Lee, John-0,1,, Scheid and Kirkland. Led by.^r ess and Kaufman the Phi Sigsrolled up 535 points for secondplace. 'iTie ‘ third, fourth andJfth places were captured respec¬tively by Tau Delta Phi, 516,Kappa Sigs 510 and Phi Pi Phi159.INTRAMURAL NET .TOURNEYS NE,4 RFINAL MATCHESSarreU and Cooper ReachLast Round in HardFought MatchFrom about six-thirty last eve¬ning till the time the sun went be¬hind the horizon one of the most im¬portant tennis games in the I-Mdoubles tournament was played. Bar¬rels and Cooper in a hard foughtgame beat Mahin and Troyer, BetsTheta Pi, 8-6; 1-6; 6-3 in their semi¬final game and now put themselvesin a position to capture the double'stitle. The other double finalists areMcFarlane and Gray of Gamma Al¬pha. It would be hard to speculateas to the winners of this match forboth teams have had many closebattles to reach their present po.si-tion.Barrels, who, by last night’s playLeague Winners OfI-M Playground BallThe final outcome for those whoshared in the, prizes for the recentI-M Playground Ball Tournamentare University Champs, Macs, theUniversity runners-up. Phi BigmaDelta, and fourth place, Tau DeltaPhi.League winners for the tourna¬ment each receives a silver cup. Thewinners were: Alpha league-Phi Kap¬pa Bigma, Beta-Phi Sigma Delta,n»mma-MncS; Delta- Ponies, Ep-silon-S. A. E., and Sigma league-Phi Beta Delta. SIXTEEN TEAMSLEFT IN GOLFKappa Nu and Chi Psi LeadIn OpenerTwenty-three fraternal organiza¬tions were entered in the SpringGolf Tournament which was a con¬siderable increase in the sport lastyear. Already nine teams have beeneliminated by virtue of their scoresn medal play. The leading teamsin the qualifying round were Stineand Albert Kappa Nu and Prest andohnen of Chi Psi both having totalsof 161.Stone is low individual man withthe excellent round of 70 played atthe Jackson Park eighteen holecourse. The sixteen teams which re¬main in the competition for tinteam trophy will complete in the18 hole final medal play round. Ac¬cording to the Intramural Depart¬ment the play will be completed J ytomorrow and the championship cupawarded. reached the doubles final, is alsoin the singles final. Resek is theother finalist in the singles. Priess,Phi Sigma Delta, and Fenker wil,fight out the third and fourth placesfor the singles.Under the competent hand of For¬rest Drummond, I-M Tennis Man¬ager, the tournaments have beengoing off in good shape. It has justbeen within the last week that ithas been difficult to get the semi¬finalists to play. The calibre oftennis both in the singles and thedoubles has been reported as abovethe average in I-M tournaments. All Around Playground Ball TeamsFirst TeamFroberg, Delta Sigma PhiWattenberg, Phi Beta DeltaMills, Sigma NuWhitney, Phi Delta ThetaNovick, Tau Delta Phi Second TeamrfjFisher, Poniescf I Grossman, MacsIf I Crowder, Phi Gamma Deltalst|Wolf, Macs2nd jGreenburg, Kappa NuBuchanon, Sigma Alpha Epsil. 3rd jCorbett, Alpha Tau OmegaPettit, Phi Kappa PsiYates, Pi Lambda PhiSheer, MacsGoodman, Macs ( 1 )Priess, Phi Sigma Delta (2)Wien, Zeta Beta Tau (3) ss'Silverstein, Tau Delta Phi8S Kaufman, Phi Sigma Deltac [Johnson, Phi Delta ThetapIBunge, Phi Delta Thetap [Tucker, Phi Gamma Deltap[Bublick. Phi Beta DeltaHonorable Mention—Peniston, Kappa Sigma, Beardsley andJancius, Phi Pi Phi, Trude and Howard, Psi Upsilon, Power, DeltaKappa Epsilon, Nachmanson, Zeta Beta Tau, Schrack, Sigma Nu,M. Cohn and Blattburg, Macs, Douglas, Phi Kappa Sigma, Hurst,A. T. O., Kelly, Alpha Delta Phi, Schlifke, Phi Sigma Delta.IM By Carl A. ScheidPlayground Ball ManagerAfter watching all or part of over100 playground ball games this sea¬son I can say with a good deal ofconfidence that the pitcher of everyteam was the outstanding player.They seemed to have the battingpnuch as well as the twirling ability,and believe me, it was a season ofpowerful ash work and excellenthurling. Goodman, Priess, WienBunge and Bublick were capablemoundmen all through their sched¬ule^ They were all speed ball pitch¬ers and were materially aide:l intheir work by the assistance of theirbattery mates. The catchers v:ho were largely responsible for the suc¬cess of their mates at the throwingend are Sheer, Nachmanson, John¬son and Schlifke.Whitney At FirstAt first base Whitney gets thecall. Ke is an excellent fielder,playing errorless ball and hittingsafely in every game he played.Whitney in addition is a smart ballplayer and an excellent leader. Wolfof the Macs was just a toss behindin the selection. Novick of TauDelt is one of tlve finest fieldersI’ve seen. Although he played al¬most every possible on the team, I(Continued on page 4)SUMMER’SINFORMALFORMALITYSport CoatsFlannelsSport ShoesPanamasWINTER’S MEN’S SHOP1346 EAST 55TH STREET"The University College Shop”rajjc hojr THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 4, 19304 ^/iO ' 'v.iVhisileYE CAMPUS GOD ALL AROUNDPLAYGROUNDBALL TEAMS UNDERGRADUATESAND GRADUATESSHARE AWARDS of Alfred, mile; Dave Abbott, of Illi¬nois, two mile; Pete Rasmus of Ohio,!discus, and Don Gwinn of Pittsburgh,hammer.On fiery steed put out by Mead,The campus cop creates a need.In suit so blue of hoary hueThe co-eds smile leill be his dut (Continued from page 1 •To snip and snoop and trouble snaeTo smile, to laugh, to grin and bearTne torments that are students gleeTo them har, har, to us hee, hee...JRiding hither, thither, yon,Scaring a bird, a squirrel, a don,W hile duty lies ivithin his breastTo pat the hip, to make arrest. place him at his favorite berth 2 mlbase.He crawls upon his hands awl kneesHis ear to ground, his nose to breezeTo hear the glass, to smell the breathBut hears no klink—smells no threat.Alas.' He sees a slinking formMeandering from the maiden’s dorri.\cros8 the courts and into the gloomThe campus cop aivaits his doom. The shortstop post goes to Pettitof Phi Psi a very fast fielder, excel¬lent stick wielder and a speedy baserunner. The second shortstop posi¬tion is taken care of by Yates of PiLamb who is gifted with baseballrains and plays errorless baseballBuchanon of S. A. E. was the heavi¬est clouter in the league and thsbest third baseman I witnessed maction. (Continued from page 1)try; Louis Edward Jaffe, physics;Loretta Maude Miller, education;George Karl Neumann anthropology;Robert Rand Page, philosophy;Thomas Park, zoology; Lillian Fran¬ces Perksen, history; Milton A. Saf-fir, psychology; George Otto Seiver,romance; and Harry Lloyd Stow,Greek. *TEN CHAMPIONS TODEFEND TITLES OFNATIONAL COLLEGIATE SPRING FINALSTO CULMINATE IN160TH CEREMONY CLASSIFIED ADSFOR SALE CHEAP—Completefurniture for two-room apt. Mat¬tress and pillows, flat top desk,bookcase, daybed, chairs, dining set,coffee table and kitchen utensils.$60. Call Fairfax 9176.Mill At Left FieldThe stude has spied the lazy loutReaching for him, he gave a shout,I.eaping, dashing, far beyondLeading ye cop to the Botany Fond.Poising on edge the student leaptOn dryer land, he safely kept— ■But ye campus cop the overgrotrn ,slob IFollowing, jumped, and fell gerflop [Into the Botany Pond. In the outfield T have placed sev¬eral men who did not play the out¬field regularly. In left field Mill ofSigma Nu gets the call because ofhis hheavy hitting. Mills pitchedmost of nis teams games but is askillful outer gardener. In centerBen Wattenberg of Phi Beta Deltais about perfect in fielding and bat¬ting strength. Froberg of Delta Sigis in right field because of his extra¬ordinary offensiA^e work and his ca¬pability in fielding.Basil of JudgmentTHE “SALON" OF GATES HALLThis opus, written in pure iambictetrameter, in a moment whimsyby its exotic author follows closelythe old ballad form. It is, undoub¬tedly, the WORST poem that thisdepartment has EVER SEEN.And this issue probably closes tbeWhistle’s fiscal year. Did you hearof the girl who thought that the TomThumb golf courses were only for'r.idgets?And so we wish the best of luckto graduating Seniors, the Hs'. ismuch too long to mention names, tothe newly elected, no matter whatthey have been elected to, and to ourfriends, and to Harry Moore whosecontrib we declined. .And those jfyou who wish to find the DOCTOR iafter awhile will find him busy with jsummer school but with ever a mo- !ment to listen to your troubles. What |a dear soul!DR. HARSHE. | These men combine every baseballtalent needed for an all star aggre¬gation. There is not a single de-prtment of the game in whv.'i \weakness can be found. You couldprobably switch them to any posit'onwithout losing the punch necessaryfor a winning team. The .secondteam is almost as formdiable as thefirst honor team. Many men notincluded were outstanding perform¬ers but did not take part in enouwbcontests to warrant .selection. (Continued from page 1)tion in the national than he did inthe Big Ten, with Pete Bowen otPittsburgh, Vic Williams of SouthernCalifornia, John I.,ewis of Detroit, and.\’ate Ijong of Utah to push him out.Edward Gordon of Iowa, who wonthe broad jump with 24 feet. 8Vsinches, will have to bead Ed Hamm otGeorgia Tech, who won the title in1928 and holds the world’s record,ilamm wa.s out of competition mo.st otast year l>ecause of an operation..8helby of Oklahoma won the higl,jump last yer with 6 feel, r, inches.He will meet Shaw of Wi.sconsin, whowas last credited with 6 feet. 6inches in the Southern Methodist re¬lays, but Shelby himself has gone 6feet, inches this season. HarlowRothert of Stanford is sure to retauihis .shot put title, for he did o2 feei,I 4 inch in the eastern intercollegi¬ate games.Kenneth Churchill of Southern Cal¬ifornia, who won the eastern intercollegiate with a record throw of 212feet. 5 inches, equalling the A/iieri-can mark, probably will take tne Na¬tional Collegiate title from the present champion, Jesse Mortenson ofSouthern California. Mortenson fin¬ished .second to Churchill ta.st Satur¬day.The five champions who graduatedare Genung of Wa.shington, 880; Get//. (Continued from page 1)sing, in Hutchinson commons, theinduction of aides and marshals, andthe presentation of “C” booklets.On Sunday at 10 will be the Con¬vocation prayer service, which wilibe delivered by Dean Charles W.Gilkey in the University chapel.Monday is class day. In themorning, at 11, will be the dedica¬tion of Bobs Roberts Memorial hos¬pital. At 11:30 will be the seniorclass breakfast in Ida Noyes hall.Class day exercises will be held at2.There will be an address by thepresident of the class, Harold Hay-don; burial of the senior gavel andpresentation of the senior class giftby the president; and the responseon behalf of the University by Presi¬dent Robert M. Hutchins. From 9until 11 that evening will be theconvocation reception in Hutchin¬son hall. WANTED—College women for re¬fined profitable work in their hometown to sell highest quality cosmet¬ics and perfumes. No investment.We will train gratis. Call or writeAubre Aires Lt’d. 6 North MichiganAve. Ph'»tte Central 1070, iner and Fall quarters. Will not in¬terfere with University work. WriteBox O,. Maroon.Kitchenette Apt., 1-2-3 rooms.Special rates for University students.Clean and desirable. 6023 KenwoodALUMNI REUNITE ATHOMECOMING FETE;HUTCHINS PRESIDESFOR RENT—Newly furnishedIge. It. rms. Nr. U. of C., 1. C| busand surf, lines. Low rent. H.Park 2987.TO SUBLET—Kitchenette Apt.June 15 to Oct. 1. Madison Pk. Ho¬tel. Schiller, Kenwood 4300. (Continued from page 1)Marion Schaffner, President of theAlumni Association.Over 200 invitations have beenaccepted for the dinner which is thefirst to be held for the alumni of theChicago School of Civics and Philan¬thropy which was incorporated intothe Graduate School of Social Serv¬ice Administration ten years figo.WANTED—Four student waiters,either male or female. Green GablesHotel, S. W. Cor. Oakwood & LakePark Aves.W.ANTED—Student to do .special jwork from time to time during Sum-' -3-to andfrom theFast... low costStudent Service SPEEDWRITING — TheNatural ShorthandV’on can take dictation HO-lfH) wordsa minute after 6 weeks—2 hours aday. Vou use only the letters of thealphabet. Invaluable for lecture andclass room or the very "wedge" toenter Imsiness world. Special classfor University .students lAegins June2.1. Ask about scholarship and clubrates.SPEEDWRITING SCHOOLOF CHICAGOR.617155 N. Clark St. CHICAGO Tht Btumrtt 0>n«Kr <Uui*fTnty /Itmv I hnt'"In addition to our rcgulor(tenofiraphic and •rcr<'taril<loiir» i for H •gh Sc, oolGraduatrt, fch,ch begin anyblonday, we anmniice out4«th SPECIALJalyAacMt'SiatamkarA special compiela,inteusne stersogi aphUcourse forCollege StudentsOnlyN« earoUnicots lor thiscoars* after July IBulUttn r-HRAUL MOSER. J. D., Ph. P .Frendtnt.S. Michigan• Stariaat"dy HirS "v .'-.tuIn picking these teams the follow¬ing factors were con.sidered:1. Fielding ability. ,2. Batting average.3. Leadership and Sportsmanship,4,Strength of teams played andcaliber of pitching faced.PATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERS The Hyde ParkKosher Restaurant1133 East 55th StreetWholesome FoodQuick ServiceWEEKLY RATES FORSTUDENTSSpecial Plate Dinners White EmpreMcr speed youacross the Pacific in ten shortdays—the new Empress ofJapan may make it in lessdme. Direct from Vancouverto Yokohama, Kobe, Naga>said, Shanghai, Hong Kong,Manila. Or via Honolulu atno extra fare. Specia* cour¬tesies to students. A/ir yourlocal agent orE. A. Kcnneg, Steamship Gen¬eral Agent. 71 East JaeJiaonBird., Tel. Wab. I»04, Chicaso.III.Canadian Shop On 55th St.TRY IT TODAYWorkT*CreateatTravelSjratem PacificCarry Canadian Pacific Express TravellersCheques—Good the World OverShop on 55th St.SPECIAL RATES TO STUDENTSSWIDLERS KOSHER RESTAURANTAND LUNCH ROOMTry Our Special 50c Plate LuncheonA Seven Course Dinner, 65cEXCEL LENT SERVICEPhone Plaza 6672 1105 East 55th StreetGraduation GiftsUniversity JewelryBook Ends StationeryPhoto Albums Stationery Travel CasesFountain Pens and PencilsBooksRecent and Gift BooksWOODWORTH’SBOOK STORE1311 £. 57th St.—Open Evenings r»»‘ROUGH IT COMFORTABLY’GOLF - FISH - SWIM ' - RIDEJn the Land o’ Lakes Region of Northern WisconsinSNUG CABINS $15 Weekly GOOD FOODWrite to CAMP DEWEY, Woodruff, Wi*.Limited to College MenAgain$3,000 PRIZEfor a Campus Novel!Miss Betty White, a Northwestern co-ed,■won the first annual campus Prize Novel Con¬test, conducted jointly by College Humor andDoubleday-Doran, with her novel, “I LivedThis Story,”Who will win the 1930prize? Why not you! Here isa chance to win fame and thebeginning of a writing career.The contest is open to under¬graduates, and graduates ofnot more than one year, of anyAmerican or Canadian school.The novel may be placed inany modern environment andmay be woven about any setof characters. Choose yourown title. The prize of $3,000 goes tothe best novel submitted, asjudged by the editors of thesponsoring publishers, andcovers serialization of the storyin College Humor and ad¬vance royalties on publicationin book form.Typed manuscript of notless than 70,000 words shouldbe sent, with return postage,to either address below—mustbe post-marked before mid¬night, October 15, 1930.CAMPUS PRIZE NOVEL CONTESTCollege Humor1051* No. La Salle St.Chicago, Ml. Doubleday-DoranGarden CityNew York MASSEY’S CAFETERIA1406 E. 55th StreetWalk over for a good home-cooked meal ....home-baked {pastries, real fried chicken.Largest assortment of vegetables and foods on55th Street.SPECIAL T-BONE STEAK50c.... the best in townlDaintiness makes one im-demand which somewon.cn overlook. And Kotex an-,swc-s demand. It deodorizes,Ly a spet'i;il process, as it is worn.> ovt’vc no idea what a relief that is!And Kotex gives you—too—therelief that eoincs with safe protec¬tion. it is iilied v.’ith Cellucotton—ifot loiton - absorbent wadding.(( luicortoa is the very same ab-.sorl>tT.t .hat is used today by 85%o! An/erica’.s leading hospitals.Kotex i.s not only soft to feel, butsoft to wear. And that .softness lasts,t'lo- you you’ll find if indis KOTEX IS SOFT1—Not a deceptive sottnes.s. thatsoon packs into chafing h.ird-ness. But a lasting sufiness.2—Kotex fiHer is far lighter andcooler than cotton, yet absorbs5 liiTtts as tnach.ft—Deodorizes, safely, thor¬oughly, by a special pro<.<.ss.A—Disposable, instantly, com¬pletely.Reiriilar Kotex—45c for 12Koiex Super-Size—65c for 12A.>.k to ‘ee the KOTEX Bfl.T andKOTEX SANITARY APRON at anydruK, dry goods or department store.'jensi'hle. One reason is the fact thatIt i.: easily disposed of.Cuiex Company, Chicago, Ill. Kore XThe New Saoitmry P«a wbldi deodorizes