Vol. 30. No. 58, UNIVERSITYOFCHICAGO, TUESDAY. MAY 6, 1930 Price Five CentaFRIARS DEBATE 1930 ROAD TRIPThe Forge Withdraws as University PublicationNOMINEES PUSHTHEIR CANDIDACYATMAS^EETINGCandidates DeclarePlatforms toVotersMembers of the election boardwill hold a special meeting tomorrowat noon in the office of Professor Ker-win. Harper E32 to consider last min¬ute details of the political rally to¬morrow night. The board includes:Paul Brady. Robert McCarthy, LouisEngdi, wiiltam /.acnanaM, IrwmBlock and Gilbert White..•Ml eligible candidates in the under¬graduate council election will give twominute speeches to their constituentstomorrow night in Harper Mil. Themeeting, the first of its kind ever toprecede a council election, is author¬ized by the undergraduate council andsponsored by the election board underthe chairmanship of Gilbert White.Meeting at 7:30Candidates will be expected to re¬port at 7:15, while the meeting willbegin at 7;30. The purpose of themeeting is largely to introduce thenineteen candidates to the registeredvoters.Louis H. Kngel Jr., president of thecouncil, will preside at the meeting.STEAKS, TREASURE,SUNBURN ADD TODUNE TRIP’S FUN"We had a dandy—or was it sandy?—time,” report the sixty-five Fresh¬men men and women who comprisedthe group that invaded the Indianasand dunes about Tremont Saturday.The party was carried in two largebusses that left the campus early inthe morning and returned in the eve¬ning after the informal picnickers hadexhausted all the possibilities of a dayin the dunes along Lake Michigan.Though their chronological repojtis rather incoherent and the honest ex¬pressions of their countenances some¬what handicapped by profuse expo-.sure to the sun, their story runssomething like this: Four teams en-(Continued on page 2)Senior Class toAid Alumni GiftFund by PledgesIn support of the general purposesof the University, and for the better¬ment of the undergraduate courses inparticular, members of the Seniorclass are being asked to pledge contri¬butions toward the Alumni Gift fund.At the class meeting Friday, over300 seniors listened to addresses bymembers of the alumni in explanationof the project, which was instigatedlast January, and to which the classof 1930 are the first contributors.Hal Haydon, Senior president, open¬ed the meeting by introducting Mr.Rowland Haynes, secretary of the Uni¬versity, who presided over the remain¬der of the meeting. I he speakerswer? L. Brent Vaughan, chairman ofthe gift fund committee, Mr. ArthurC. Cody, chairman of the ChicagoAlumni club, and V’ice-president Fred¬eric Woodward. The meeting servedthe purpose of introducing the grad¬uating class to the alumni association,an informal, indirect initiation.Besides talking of several of theUniversity alumni, the recently estab¬lished project of the gift fund drive(Continued on page 4) BLIND ORGANIST 'PLAYS ON CHAPELORGAN TOMORROWAndre Marchal ImprovisesFrom FamiliarHymn.^ndre Marchal. famous blind organ¬ist of the Church of St. Germain dcsBres. France, will transplant to Amer¬ican soil his skill of improvisation, atradition cultivated especially by thegreat French organists, when he runshis sightless fingers over the stops ofthe University chapel organ tomorrownight at 8:15. He will build an orig¬inal extemporaneous composition upona hymn familiar to his audience.'I'he blind young musician requiredno more lime to learn the complexitiesof the giant keyboard than the mostskilled of visiting organists in fullpossession of their vision. The five orsix hours which Marchal devoted tothe feat included having an assistantcopy down the stops of the consolein their relative positions, makingraised impressions of each key, andlearning each position.Born in Paris. Fehruary 6, 1894,Marchal began his musical studies atITnstitute National des Jeunes .-\.veug-les. He pursued his training underthe late Eugene (jigout in the Con¬servatory of Paris, where he won sev¬eral prizes for excellence in organtechnique and improvisation. He be¬came assistant to his teacher in theConservatory and at the great operaof Saint Augustin. He also studiedunder the famous Georges Caussade,brilliant exi)onent of counter-point.Since 1915 he has been organist ofSt. (ierman des Pres. In 1923 he wasappointed a member of the jury *t>fexaminations and of the concours ofthe Conservatory. .-Mthough he wasoffered the much sought-after post oforganist at Saint Augustin at the deathof Gigout in 1925, he was restrainedby attachment to Saint Germain des(Continued on page 2)TWENTY ENTER 1-MSPEAKING CONTEST;PRELIMINARIES SOONWith more than twenty entries re¬ceived by the Intramural office for theextemporaneous speaking contestsponsored by the Debating Union, fin¬al plans are being made for the pre¬liminaries to be held in a few days. De¬signed with the purpose of presentingevent that will feature none of the oldclassical oratorical style characterizedby violent delivery, the contest’s pre¬liminary will he in the form of fiveminute speeches made by each entranton one of a list of twenty topicsthat will he given to the participantsone hour before they speak.(Continued on page 4)Additional SummerPositions AvailableOpenings for summer jobs andpermanent positions were announcedtoday by the Board of VocationalGuidance and Placement. Robert L.Becker, a graduate of the University,as representative of the AluminumCooking Utensil Co., will meet meninterested in doing sales work duringthe summer on Thursday at 3:30 inCobb 210. Further information can behad from Mr. Kennan, Cobb 215.Seniors who want permanent open¬ings with an organization making anew type of fountain pen, which con¬tains “o rubber ink-container, shouldsee Marty Pokrass, a former footballman at the University. He will bein Cobb on Friday, May 23, to inter¬view those interested. Lack of StudentSupport Given asReason for GhangetPermission to withdraw from theUniversity was given to the Forge:A Mid-Western Review at the meet¬ing of the Board of Publications, Or¬ganizations and Exhibitions, last Sat¬urday. Due to the fact that a lack ofsupport has been felt in both the sub¬scriptions and lecture programs spopsored by the publication, and that noexperienced nicmhers of the staff willremain to carry on the work next yearthe Board of Publications decided thatit would be unwise to let it remaina University publication. The unus¬ual feature of the situation is the factthat the publishing of the Review willhe continued ny the members of thepresent staff next year as an indepen¬dent, self supporting organization.Frances Stevens and De.xter Mas¬ters will continue to act as the edi¬tors of the Forge and Arnold Schach-et and Edwin Levin will handle thebusiness end of the publication. TheReview will continue to he issuedquarterly as a scrutinizer of mid-west¬ern literary efforts. The Eorge hasbeen outstanding this year for its lec¬ture programs, which Have includedtalks and recitals by Vachel Lindsay,Edna St. X’incent Millay, Bertram Rus¬sell and the notorious funny man,Tony Sarg.'I'he Forge is expanding into a sixty-four page issue of high grade poetryand critical articles on contemporarywriting. The Forge is seeking a seriesof guarantors to guarantee the issuesot the quarter.ELECT GREENWALD;GRAND TREASURER:OF ETA SIGMA PHIjIEdgar A. Greenwald, news editorof The Daily Maroon, was electedgrand treasurer of the Eta SigmaPhi classical honorary fraternity at ameeting held last Friday and Saturdayat I’hiladelphia. H. Lloyd Stowe,retiring national president, was ap¬pointed professional secretary for thecoming year. This is the third suc¬cessive office he has held in the or¬ganization.Dr. G. E. Smith, associate professorof Greek at the University, and oneof the founders of the organization de¬livered the final address Saturdaynight at Philadelphia. On her wayhack to Chicago she will speak at thechapter at the Indiana Universitj’.Elect Mrs. GilkeyNational PresidentAt Y. W. AssemblyMrs. Charles W. Gilkey was theselection of 2300 national delegatesat the Y. W. C. A. convention to actas national president for the next twoyears. The convention was the bi-ennral, nation-wide congress, held lastweek in Detroit. Mrs. Gilkey hasserved for two terms as national vice-president.As president of organizations all(Continued on page 4) |jQUADRANGLE FETEl^aleswomen wishing to assist in theQuadrangle P'ete conducted during thefour days of the Blackfriars’ show' maysign up in the Y. W. C. A. office inIda Noyes holl. or personally see Ade¬laide McLin. Chi Rho Sigma, w'ho hasbeen approved as Fete chairman bythe Abbott, of Blackfriars, Joe Ocltll,and the first cabinet of Y. W. C. A. A LITTLE RED TAPE AND BLACKFRIARSThe high hopes inaugurated last Saturday morning at themeeting of the University Board of Publications, Organizations, andExhibitions, when that body approved a Blackfriars itinerary, havefor the moment unfortunately lost their completely rosy aspect.The cause for the sudden reversal lies on this occasion with an extra-University body, Blackfriars’ Alumni Trustees, the results of whosedeliberations yesterday afternoon have been somewhat depressingto members of the campus organization.TTe stipulations of the Alumni Trustees, however, are notbasically unreasonable, although their conservatism will not be onfirst consideration appealing to those who are more enthusiastic onbehalf of Blackfriars as a company traveling in the provinces. Ifthey are not perfervid on the subject of Blackfriars’ peregrinations,however, it may be well to remember that they have had the ad¬vantage of the world’s expiljrieiKe since they left school, and haveno doubt profited thereb:|i^f,},^ blackfriars’ traveling is from thebusiness standpoint a serious matter, and it has not been a badmove on the part of the Trustees to take all precautions.That the Trustees are acting in all good faith is indicated bythe fact that they have assured the troupe an itinerary next year.Their assumption has evidently been, however, that in so far as thepresent season is concerned, the company is not ready to go on theroad due to the suddenness of the arrangements, and there there isinsufficient time for good publicity. Neither assumption is partic¬ularly well-founded. The company, in the first place, could shortlyrecover from the surprise of being allowed to go on the road; andtheJre is plenty of time to circularize both Madison and Milwaukeeto an extent large enoiTgh to make expenses at least, so that under¬writing by the alumni of dbose cities would be unnecessary. Thefirst trip would not be matd^i until May 23 or 24, giving the Black¬friars’ publicity agents alraDst^three weeks in which to function. TheTrustees, therefore, may been somewhat over cautious in thismatter.So far as the campi^ itself is now concerned, it is safe to saythat the larger number of students are highly in favor a Black¬friars trip. The University,^ furthermore, should from one angle atleast hold the same attitude, since Blackfriars would furnish an in¬gratiating means of advertising, and especially since the show thisyear is promising. This^ delay is consequently unfortunate frommore than one standpoint.All in all, the Alumni Trustees have displayed good sense, butto an unnecessary degree. The company is in good shape; there istime and to spare for publicitythe University favors the plan, pro¬viding the boys behave; the campus is behind it. It might be agood move, therefore, to reconsider, and cut away the complica¬tions they have caused—albeit wisely.PARTIES PLANNED SEVENTEEN FRIARFOR FRIAR CAST USHERS NAMEDAffairs Scheduled atSouthmoor andDrakeAll members of the Blackfrisir’s castand production staff are to be giventhe opportunity of attending a'groupof parties to be held after the peHorm-ances on each evening, it was WffHbunc-cd yesterday. ' *''*Friday night. May 9, the paf\y willhe held in the Venetian RoQ,ig^^!j^.|^eSouthmoor Hotel. Tickets a^^<t .avail¬able from Jack Simpson of‘ j^iiriesPoliak for one dollar, the fee (Q;(Continued on page- 4,'!l.T'3cy .■W. A. A. Meets Today'.To Choose CandidatesAll members of the Womert^S* Ath¬letic Association will meet this noonin the Corrective gymnasium of IdaNoyes hall to elect candidates formembership. After the business meet¬ing. the representatives to the A. C..\. C. \V. Conference at Ann .\rbor,Michigan, will give reports of the trip.The annual banquet, which will beheld Thursday, May 15. at 6. in IdaNoyes hall, is managed by ElizabethMe.riam, with Golde Breslich as tic-{Continued on page 4) Marion Eckhart ChosenAssistant ScoreSalesladyMarion Eckhart, Sigma, has beenchosen as assistant score saleswomenfor the Blackfriax’s show, it wasi an¬nounced yesterday. Janet Lowentihal,head saleslady, has called a meeting ofall the salesladies in the Reynoldsclub theatre today at one o’clock.Seventeen ushers have been namedby Wendell Stephenson to serve atthe first week’s performances of theBlackfriar’s show, “Smart Alec”, onthe evenings of May 9 and 10.Louis Engel, .\lpha Tau Omega;John Fi. Menzies, Chi Psi; WilliamHarshe, Phi Gamma Delta; CharlesGood, Sigma Alpha Epsilon; WessonS. Hertrais, Sigma .-Alpha Epsilon;Maurice Hollahan, .Alpha Delta Phi;Lawrence B. Smith, Delta Kappa Ep¬silon; Julian Jackson, Pi Lambda Phi;Arthur Howard, . .Alpha Delta Phi;Jerome Wenk, Edgar Greenwald,Earle Stocker, Delta Sigma Phi; Nor¬man Root, Phi Pi Phi; David Tress-ler, Chi Psi; William Friedeman, ChiPsi; Robert Stephenson, and CharlesBaker comprise the list of men whoI will serve m the capacity ot ushers. TDUR ASSUREDFDR NEXT YEAR,ALUMNJ^STATEStudent-Faculty BoardConsents by VoteOf 14-3One last obstacle stood in the wayof Blackfriars road trip last night, af¬ter the Board of Student Publications,Organizations, and Exhibitions and theBlackfriars trustees had both giventheir consent, with reservations. Thelast barrier was a stipulation by thetrustees that the alumni in each cityvisited agree to underwrite the pro¬ductions and guarantee the trusteesagainst any loss.A trip next year was definitely as¬sured, the Blackfriars trustees agreeingto underwrite the show entirely ifenough time was allowed for public¬ity and other necessary preparations,and if the faculty again consented.Student-Faculty Board AgreesThe first hurdle in the way of thetrip was cleared Saturday morningwhen the Board of Publications, Or¬ganizations, and Exhibitions, by avote of fourteen to three, decided thatBlackfriars could go on a trip to Mil¬waukee and Madison, provided thatthe trustees of the Blackfriars fundwould underwrite the trip and agreeto indemnify the University againstany loss, and provided that the Friarsboard of superiors would agree thatthe conduct of those on the tripwould not be detrimental to the Uni¬versity’s reputation. The faculty onthe board favored the move as an ex¬periment.Over the week-end the board ofsuperiors travelled to Madison andconferred with the director of theHaresfoot productions, William Pur¬nell. who provided them with statis¬tics on the expenses undergone by tljeWisconsin productions in their annualroad trips. On Mr. Purnell’s advice,it was decided to shift one of the roadpresentations from Madison to Rock¬ford.Yesterday the trustees of the Black¬friars fund met, and gave their condi¬tional consent to the trip. Owing tothe short time which will be availablefor publicity, they stipulated that alum¬ni in the towns visited should pay allloss suffered by the show other thantheir original guarantee of $200 plusthe profits of this year’s show. Thisguarantee by the alumni fund willprobably amount to $700, accordingto Joseph Odell, abbot, figuring on abasis of $500 profit, the amount clearedlast year.Future Trips CertainThe trustees said that all futureroad trips are assured; if the facultywill give their consent, the trusteeswill agree to underwrite the trip.The trustees will meet again today,I at which time they have requestedI that the board of superiors name thecities they have chosen for the trip,, the alumni in those cities, and, if pos¬sible, a guarantee from these alumnito assume all loss resulting from thepresentation of the show in their city.“We realize uow',” said Odell, “whata tremendous^ coTp^diture is necessaryto take the shaw- on the road. Howeverwe believe h will be worth it. from allpossible viewpoints—the students’, thestudents’-to-he, and the University’s.”IFriar OpeningsA call has been issued for Fresh¬men men who would desire to workon the publicity committee for thebiaciariar s show, "Smart Alec."Freshmen interested in the mattershould see Hugh MacKenzie at theBlackfriar’s office in the Reynoldsat 1 o’clock today.(1f^age Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1930iatlg UlarnnttFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPubliahed morninK*. except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The Daily Maroon Company, 6831 University Ave. Sub¬scription rates $3.00 per year; by mail, $1.50 per year extra. Single copies, 6 cents each.Entered as second class matter March 18, 1903. at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressely reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Menrber of the Western Conference Press AssociationEDWIN LEVIN, Managring EditorI^RLE M. STOCKER, Business ManagerROBERT L. NICHOLSON, AssisUnt Business ManagerHARRIET DEAN HATHAWAY, Woman’s EditorHENRY D. FISHER, Sports EditorARNOLD SCHLACHET, Chairman of Editorial BoardEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTEDWARD G. BASTIAN News EditorEDGAR GREENWALD -.News EditorJOHN H. HARDIN Newt EditorMARJORIE CAHILL Junior EditorMARION E. WHITE Junior EditorWILLIAM R. HARSHE Whistle EditorLOUIS RIDENOUR Day EditorMBRWIN S. ROSENBERG Day EditorGEORGE T. VAN DERHOEF....Day EditorMARGARET EGAN Sophomore ESditorJANE KESNER -.. Sophomore EditorJANE WERTHEIMER Sophomore Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTABE BLINDER Advertising ManagerLEE LOVBNTHAL....AdvertUing ManagerLOUIS FORBRICH....Circulation ManagerGEORGE GRIEWANK ..Circulation Assist.ROBERT McCarthy ...sophomore Asst.JAMES McMAHON Sophomore Asst.NED VEATCH -.Sophomore Asst.SPORTS DEPARTMENTALBERT ARKULES Asst. Sports EditorWALTER BAKER Sophomore EditorHERBERT JOSEPH Sophomore EditorMARJORIE TOLMANWoman's Sports Editor Official NoticesTuesday, May 6Radio Lecture: “American Philos¬ophy; Transcendentalism Goes West—The St. Louis School—W, T. Har¬ris and the Journal of Speculative Phil¬osophy.” Professor T. V. Smith ofthe Philosophy department, 8 A. M.WMAQ.Divinity chapel: Associate Profes¬sor Davis Edwards of the Divinityschool, 11:50, Joseph Bond chapel.Public lecture (The Divinityschool); “Saints and Social Reform.”V'ida D. Scudder, 4:30, Joseph Bondchapel.Organ music: Porter Heaps, 5, Uni¬versity chapel.Public lecture 'downtown): “TheGarden of Proserpine: Fading Glam¬or.” Professor J. W. Linn of the Eng¬lish department. 6:45. Art Institute.Graduate Classical club: “TheGeography of the Myth in Plato’sPhaedo.” Miss Stella Lange, 8,Classics 20.OVERCOMING A THREAT(Editor’s note; This statement was recently contributed,bya member of the student body. The Daily Maroon is interested inhearing from the various departments mentioned and would appre¬ciate an expression of their views.)One . . . two , . . three . . , four campus buildings dedicated toreligion. Dormitories, class hall, and cathedral. And before eachstudent is thrust six chapels, an equal number of religious societies,and nearly a dozen religious services a week. Yet our Universityis often stamped as ‘irreligious.’ What seems nearer to the truthhowever is that a continuation of the present trend will eventuallyplunge us into mediaeval monasticism. Already four denomina¬tions—Baptists, Congregations, Disciples, and Unitarians — havefirm footholds on the campus. Can the intellectual integrity of theUniversity survive this onslaught of organized religion?“Out of the nettle danger, we pluck this flower, safety. ” Thechurch’s firm grasp on this campus is a threat which can be con¬verted into a benefit. Its imposing structures studded with stainedglass add to the sum total of beauty. Then think what they sym¬bolize to visitors and passers-by. Moreover, the chtirch still holdsa significant place in American life, and the establishment of aspeaking acquaintance with it remains a part of our preparation forlife. Today 300 men and women on this campus are in training forreligious leadership. From them we can learn that not all ecclesia¬stics wear their collars backwards, that in the embryonic stage mini¬sters are more human than divine, that an occasional one has astrong mind as well as a big heart, and that they can exist in theatmosphere of the scientific method. Such lessons have future util¬ity for us. And thus the University of Chicago can profit by havingthe forces of Ecclesia under its roof.But the church reaps even more bountifully from the relation¬ship. Doubtless many of our students could not find their way toany two of the six chapels, and they could not guess what is taughtin Swift Hall. But each theolog is affected by the University andby its population. Yes, even painfully affected sometimes. Hisideals are brought face to face with dissimilar ones, and all aretested in the melting fires of experience and truth. The young re¬ligionist sees in the University community a convergence of manyphilosophies of life; philosophies which direct some to pursue knowl¬edge, some to seek fame, some to acquire wealth, and others to ob¬tain pleasure. Residence at the University is indeed a laboratorycourse for future religious workers.The churches did themselves a service by becoming establishedon the edge of this campus. But it can be no favor to us until wetake the responsibility for making their acquaintance and squeezingwhat we can from them. When church and university cooperatein using each other, the danger of an avalanche of religious organ¬izations will be averted. Then the student will no longer fear ourfuture when he counts the buildings dedicated to unknown gods.—H. O. H. Wednesday, May 7Radio lectures: “American Philos¬ophy; The Americanization of Ideal¬ism—The Michigan School—G. S.Morris and John Dewey.” ProfessorT. V. Smith of the Philosophy depart¬ment, 8, W’M.\Q.“Readings of Modern Verse.” As¬sociate Professor Bertram Nelson ofthe English department, 11:35,WMAQ.r'aculty Women’s luncheon, 12: IdaNoyes hall.Divinity chapel: Professor H. S. jBLIND ORGANISTPLAYS ON CHAPELORGAN TOMORROW(Continued from page 1)Pres, and by the worship which hehad vowed to an old school fellow,Augustin Barie, his predecessor at hispresent post.“Obliged by an incurable blindnesswhich afflicted him in his childhood.”Jean Hure, editor of a French maga¬zine devoted to the organ, wrote re¬cently. “to learn by heart all thepieces which he studied, he is able toplav (ivitliuut hcaitation andness the greater part of the work of Bach and of Franck, many pages ofthe old French masters, of Handel,Mendelssohn. Boellmann and of ourcontemporary masters. At the Churchof St. Germain des Pres, where he isorganist of the great organ, many vis¬itors come to hear him each Sunday.They are delighted by the variety ofhis playing.“His improvisations are alwas as¬tonishing. In that he is of the oldschool of Gigout, student himself ofSaint-Saens, to whom without doubtnone can be compared in that art,since Bach. The improvisations ofMarrhal are remarkable for their spon¬taneity and fancifulness.” Good tobaccoin a pipeThat’s what you want!WHY do you hunt high and lowand everywhere, when all thetime here is good tobacco waiting to besmoked in your pipe? Why not dis¬cover Bdgeworth and be done withypur hipting?Light; a pipeful of Edgeworth. Rollon your tongue the full-bodied smokethst never bites and is always cool.Taste the Edgeworth flavor—the flavorthat never changes. Learn for yourselfwhy Edgeworth is the choice of so manycritical smokers all around the world.You simply must meet Edgeworthsomehow. Buy a can of it, or borrowsome, or let us send you several pipe¬fuls, free, just to taste. Use first" thecoupon and then restraint until thepostman comes with the Edgeworth.You’ll bless the day, for gcxjd tobaccoin a pip9 is what you want.Edgeworth is a carefulblend of good tobaccos—selected especially forpipe-smoking. Its qualityand flavor never change.Buy Edgeworth any¬where in two forms—‘‘Ready Rubbed” and‘‘Plug Slice”—ISt pock¬et package to pound hu¬midor tin.EDGEWORTHSHORING TOBACCOLARUS as BRO. CO.100 S. 22d St., Richmond, Va.I’ll try your Edgeworth. And I’ll tryit in a good pipe.Name.Street.Town and State.Ifxjw let the Edgeworth eome! V21 Weiman of the Divinity School: 11:50.Joseph Bond chapel.Meeting of the Board of SocialService and Religion: 4:30, Office ofthe Dean of the University chapel.Public lecture: (Graduate School ofSocial Science and Administration):Miss Davis, 4:30, Cobb 109.Junior Mathematical club: “In¬equalities.” Mr. .Alexander Oppen-heini. 4:30, Ryerson library.Mathematical club: “Implicit Func¬tions and Differential Equations inGeneral Analysis.” .Assistant ProfessorGraves of the Mathematics depart¬ment. 4:30, Ryerson 37.Zoology club: “Rhinosporidium—Its Life History and Affinities.” Pro¬fessor J. H. Ashworth, University ofEdinburgh, 4:30, Zoology 29.Organ Music: Porter Heaps, 5,University chapel.University Vesper service: “TheMusic of the German Reformation.”The University choir and ProfessorG. B. Pauck, Chicago Theological sem¬inary, 5:15, University chapel. Values in Religion.” Mr. Wayne A.R. Leys. 7:45, Classics 20.Epsilon Alpha: 7:30, Reynolds club¬house.Organ Recital: Andre Marchal, or¬ganist Church of St. Germain-des-Pres, Paris, 8:15, University chapel.STEAKS, TREASURE,SUNBURN ADD TODUNE TRIP’S FUN dunes thereabouts were later explored,said activity being followed by atreasure hunt that led nowhere at allto a cache of marshmallows. In be¬tween times, there were solitary boatrides and sallies of couples apart fromthe throng about which the writercould elicit little, if any, information.Kenneth Rouse and his wife, HelenRouse, were among those present, aswell as Dean Gilkey and the children.The outing was sponsored by The ‘33’freshman men’s club, and the Men’sCommission.(Continued from page 1)gaged in what it would seem weretwo ball games after they first arriv¬ed, the women forming the mainstaysof all four squads. Light refreshmentsoccurred about noon: steaks, potatochips, sandwiches, fruit and springwater, someone reports. For no goddreason at all. but nevertheless afford¬ing a great deal of enjoyment and ex¬ercise, the topographic nature of the PATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERS6b K F^TEPNl'n'»/ CofhiTEPNl'ciewelrvP1PKPAOOII N. State St., CbicacoSocialist club: “The Radical Press.”Mr. Carl Haessler, Federated Press,7:30, Social Science 302.Philosophy club: “Needs andTennis RacketRestringing$2.00-$7.00NEW RACKETS6330 Stonj' Island Midwar 30496042 Ellis Ave. Plaza 0320FRED RYBICK Buy Your VacationReading Now!50c each—5 for $2.00Recent, Ne’w and Used FictionWoodworth’s Book Store1311 E. 57th Open EveningsTypewriters For Sale or RentLight is the first of painters.— KMEKSOSBUILDINGSin WhichYou Take Pride^yjv THE CAMPUS, where class buildingsand memorial structures are so oftendistinguished by their noble form, flood¬lighting equipment serves to prolong theenjoyment of their beauty and to enhancepride in the institution. >» » Such anapplication is made for the new 165-footcampanile at South Dakota State — mag¬nificent gift of an alumnus. Electricallyoperated chimes sound the hours andare heard in concerts. At night, shafts of Drawing of the Coughlin Campanile at South Dakota Stale College,Brooking!, S. D. Perkins and MeWayne, architeculight from General Electric floodlighting projectors effect a picture of superb beautydone in the school colors and white. From the air, the tower is identified by thebeam from a G-E airway beacon surmounting the floodlighted dome. » » Thus,G-E equipment plays its part in promoting progress and fine appreciation. Back ofevery G-E product is an organization in which college-trained men are largelyresponsible for the planning, production, and distribution.95.767DHGDNDRAIj ELECTRICENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHE NEC TADY, NEW YORKPage ThreeTHE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY. MAY 6. 1930Between the Twoof UsByAlb«rt ArkttiMandWilliam Harsu*Some seven hundred students reRis-tered for the Undergraduate Councilelections last week and I presumethat the Council has already workeditself into a fine state of frenzy overthe vast outpouring which will electrepresentatives this week.And yet all this sudden show ofinterest in the Council fails to impressme. 1 have long held the Council insuspect. I have for many monthslistened vainly, like a good sinnerawaiting Aimie Semple McPherson’scall, to the perennial bleatings of theCouncil. And the more it has bleat¬ed, the more impressed I have becomethat the Council is an obsolete insti-tuition. If it ever had a purpose ithas outworn it long ago.I have little sympathy on the wholewith those campus idealists who, ofcourse, have a panacea for the sick andenfeebled Council. I have little faithin their schemes because 1 have nofaith whatsoever in student govern¬ment. I do not know whether we havehere at Chicago a situation altogetherdifferent from any other university,but ni>" observations have led me totlie conclusion tliat student govern¬ment here is not much better thanthe kind enjoyed by the citizenry atlarge.The -Council, unturtunately,. takes^itself very seriously. The pomposityof the organization rests upon thefact that the University has come toregard it as one of the favored sacredcows.”The Council has at stated periodsemitted bellows about proposed re¬forms; it has guised itself as the “en¬fant terrible” of the campus andsworn to sever the heads of all thosewho are bad and wicked; it has initiat¬ed movements to uplift the campus.It is now engaged in the business of(Continued on page 41 KNOWLES FACESWOLVERINE TEAMTHIS AFTERNOONChicago MichiganHolohan, s.s. Hutler, r. f.Fish, 3 b. Skup’rka, 3 b.Bluhm, r. f. Tomlinson, c. f.Wingate, c. Hudson, 1 b.I’rbati, c. f. Straub. 2 b.Van Dyne. 1. f. Daniels, s. s.Zahorik, 1. b. Truskowski, c.Olsen. 2 b. Langen. 1. f.Knowles, p. Compton, orMontague, p.With any sort of luck favoring him,Tim Knowles, Maroon southpaw, willattempt to win back the game that herightfully won last week at Michiganbut which was thrown away by badfielding this afternoon when the Ma¬roons clash with the Wolverines at(ireenwood field.Knowles let down the Wolverineswith four meagre hits last week, butthree errors in one inning combinedto spell defeat for him. Coach Nor-gren, highly displeased with the ac¬tions of his team, changed his lineup,with the result that Fish has sup¬planted Tipler at third, while JohnZahorik, flashy sophomore first base¬man, broke into the Indiana game forthe first time last Saturday. VanDyne also has been functioning inleft, instead of Johnson.The Maroons took one on the noseSaturday afternoon against Indiana.The home team could do little with.tl(p offerjiig^jof \ eller, Hoc'sier south¬paw. The Maroons gave Urban onlyfair sui)port in the field, although Willdidn’t deceive the opposing sluggerswith any amount of consummate skill.(Continued on page 4)FRATERNITYJEWELRY STATIONERYDANCE FAVORSSpies Brothers, Inc.27 £. Monroe StAt Wabash 5th Floor | Twenty Teams OnI-M Card TodayThis afternoon the followingplayground ball matches are sched¬uled:3:15D. U. vs. A. T. O.Kappa Nu vs. Alpha DeltaU Commons vs Chi PsiKappa Sigs vs. Arrows.Phi Sigma Delta vs. Sig Chi.At 4:15Phi Delts vs. Phi Kappa Sigma.C. T S. vs. Psi U.T. K. E. vs. Macs.Delta Tau Delta vs. Macs.T. K. E. vs. Tau Delts.Phi Gams vs. Phi Pi Phi.Strong DoublesCombinations InI-M Net TourneyThe Intramural tennis tournamentis well under way. The first round ofthe double matches has been complet¬ed. Some mighty sweet matches andclose scores are recorded on the scoresheet. The singles preliminary gameshave not all been completed. The re¬maining matches will be played earlythis week.Among the doubles teams the fol¬lowing are favorites, although a teamof dark horses is not unheard of, or,indeed, improbable:Dorough and Purcell—Delta Up-silon.McFarlan and Grey—Gamma .Alpha.Murphy and Moorhouse—Phi Kap¬pa Sigma..Arkules and Engle—^Unattached.Ray and Hall—Phi Kappa Psi.(Continued on page 4)TERESA DOLANBEN SMITZDORFSchool of Dancing1208 iEast 63rd StreetYoung and old taught to dance.'Adults’ lessons strictly private Noone to watch or embarrass you.Day or EveningTelephone Hyde Park 3080Make itthe bestparty thatyou everhad!Formal or informal . . . bigdinner-dance or small lun¬cheon . . . put it on right!This Spring be sure yourClub, Fraternity or Sororitygives a really successfulparty.University of Chicago folksare welcome here. WeTeheadquarters for Universityaffairs.Let our organized staff helpyou make your plans.There’s no obligation. Andyou'll find our facilities andprices decidedly to yourliking.HotelShoreland55th Street at the lakeTelephone Plaza 1000 NEWINDELIBLELIPSTICKSpeeijilyshaped forperfect out¬lines. Platinum-tone sheath, $1.00.LOVELY LIPS MADE LOVELIERIT STAYS — and beautifiesexquisitely. Each shadeis artistic perfectionof colour.''CACe VCNOOMC —- PAajS Dale Letts Gets Summer Job;To Chaperone Girls at CampBy Walter BakerWe can’t (|uite understand whatseems to be ailing our prominent Var¬sity athletes. When Wendell Steph¬enson did the unprecedented by giv¬ing a flawless exhibition of fancy div¬ing—at the water hole on the West-gate Golf Course—we placed theblame upon the weather. We honest¬ly believed that the publication ofthis queer feat would sober up mem¬bers of our teams who might haveinclinations toward behaving in an un¬conventional manner.Now there is reason to believe thatthe experiment in journalistic influ¬ence is a total failure. Dale Letts, thespectacular runner on the MaroonTrack Team, has joined the ever in¬creasing rank of mentally unbalancedathletes. We feel that it is our dutyto uncover and disseminate the trutheven to the extent ot exposing a scan¬dal.Mr. Letts, the handsome, tall,bronzed trackmen, scholar and heart-breaker, has accepted, er-er, that is,has been appointed Campmaster forthe summer, at an exclusive women’scamp on Three Lakes, Wisconsin.Dale will be the sole specimen ofmanhood wnthin a mile radius of thecamp. Of course, the women haven’t beeninformed that Beau Brummel of theChicago campus will assume the jobof taskmaster upon arrival. The Boardof Vocational Guidance and Place¬ment got the summer job for him. Ifyou have noticed. Dale has been seenlately with a perpetual frown, for headmits that he would have preferreda job as miner in some Colorado sil¬ver mine. But as yet he has shownho intention of relinquishing his holdupon the station of lord high whatnotin Paradise.When interviewed Letts wisely re¬fused to reveal the name of the campbut was willing to enumerate the du¬ties which will be his. With a gravebusiness-like air, he said: “I will haveto take the girls on overnight canoetrips, accompany them on extendedhikes ,teach them the arts of canoe¬ing, swimming, et cetera.” Letts de¬clined to reveal what he meant by etcetera.Some fellows get all the breaks andnever know when to be satisfied. Weput in our application a full monthahead of Letts and have been giventhe task of putting up the footballstands. MAROON RACQUETSQUAD DEFEATEDlllini Team Wins CloseMatchThe Maroon tennis team, champsof last year’s Conference net compe¬tition, met an unexpected set-backSaturday by the rackets of the llli¬ni court squad. The team was beatenby a 5 to 4 score, losing three sin¬gles and two doubles matches.Captain Scott Rexinger won hismatch against Topper, Illinois captainand No. 1 man, by a 6-2. 6-8, 6-1count. Paul Stagg also took his manin three sets, 6-4, 1-6, 6-4. Calohanwas unable to win his part of the con¬test and was beaten by a 1-6, 9-7, 6-3score. He took the first set easily andhad the second set 5-1 and then fellbefore Turner’s attack 9-7 and 6-3.Hyman was able to win his matcheasih'. He beat Traynor by a 6-2,6-1 tally. Kaplan, who was somewhathandicapped by a recently lanced fin¬ger, lost to McElroy of Illinois 6-2,2-6, 6-4 w’hile Schmidt was taken intocamp 6-2, 6-3 by Miller.At this stage of the competition thescore stood 3 and 3. Either teamcould win by taking two out of thethree doubles matches. The doubles(Continued on page 4)SPORTSWEART1 HE DEVELOPMENT OF CORRECT STYLES FORGOLF, TENNIS, RIDNG AND COUNTRY CLUB WEARIS PROPERLY THE TASK OF THE SPECIALIST.SPORTSWEAR, INCORPORATED. SPECIALISTS INMEN’S SPORTS APPAREL, HAVE RECOGNIZEDONLY THE FASHIONS WHICH HAVE BEEN AC¬CEPTED AMONG WELL DRESSED SPORTSMEN.OUR COLLEGE SHOP IS FULLY EQUIPPED TO SERVEYOUR EVERY NEED IN SPORTSWEAR FROM HEADTO TOE.WINTER’S MEN’S SHOP13 4 6 EAST 55TH STREETPage Foar THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. MAY 6. 1930Strong DoublesCombinations InI-M Net Tourney(Continued from sports page)Conway and Grey—Phi Kappa Sig¬ma.Mahin and Troyer—Beta ThetaPi(ireenberg and Albert—Kappa Xn.The second round of doubles willbe played this week, and as much ofthe singles quarter-finals as possible..\t the same time consolation matcheswill be held to decide the winner ofthe consolation tournament. Compe¬tition iias been very keen, and the teamand individual that emerges victoriousfrom the tourney will have to befinished players.Maroon RacquetSquad Defeated(Continued from sports page)started out with a grueling encounterbetween Re.xinger and Calohan of theMaroons and Topper and Turner of theOrange and Blue. The first set wentthirty games and ended with the Chi¬cago men on the right side of a 16to 14 count. They lost the next di¬vision of the match 2-0 and then cameback to take the last set O-O.The two other doubles teams did notfare so well. Heyman and Kaplan.combination was beaten by 1 raynorand Thompson in a see-saw contestby a 6-1, 1-6, 6-1 score. The thirdmini doubles team decided the mat¬ter by drubbing Stagg and Sheldon0-3, 6-3. McElroy and Miller did thework here for the down-staters.The entire tournament was closeand hard-fought and the Illinois vic¬tory may give them the Big Ten titleif they tair as well m coming meets.Four of the six singles matches andtwo of the three doubles went to threesets.The Maroons still have a goodchance to tie or beat Illinois if thedown-state aggregation fails to keepup the pace it has started. The indiv¬idual titles will remain undecided untilthe Conference meet later in the sea¬son. The next Maroon engagementwill be with Minnesota here nextSundav. KNOWLES FACESWOLVERINE TEAMTHIS AFTERNOONFencing Lessons forWomen to Start Soon (Continued from sports page)Good fielding on the part of the Indi¬ana infield saved \'eller, however,from some ticklish positions.The Maroons are just about due tocash in on a victory. .Although the lo¬cal aggregation has looked weakenedin several of its combats. Coach Nor-gren has been continually working outcombinations in the hope of strength¬ening the offensive attack. Xorgren isgetting results, even if they haven’tbeen glowing ones. Every man onthe team is hustling. The playersknow that Xorgy is not one to toler¬ate slip-shod work. If a man per¬forms in poor fashion, he is benchedin favor of a better man. This has re¬sulted in a changed lineup in practi¬cally every game the Maroons haveplayed thus far, and no lineup will re¬main the same unless the players con¬vince Coach Xorgren that they belongthere. TWENTY ENTER I-MSPEAKING CONTEJST;PREUMINARIES SOON PARTIES PLANNEDFOR FRIAR CASTBETWEEN THE TWO OFUS(Continued from sports page)investigating the various publications,ostensibly for the purpose of findingout where the graft goes. .And like somany other things it has talked andinvestigated to death, its present inves¬tigation will probably end in a blindalley.I think the best thing the Councilcould do about itself is divest itselfIlf its solemn and pious air and devel¬op a sense of humor, instead. I amsure some of us would like the Coun¬cil a whole lot more if it gave uptrying to be serious and told morejokes at its meetings.I knew Louie Engel has a sense ofhumor. With Louie presiding as mas¬ter of ceremonies, and the music fur¬nished by Wayne King’s orchestra,the Council will perhaps, in the nearfuture take life a little more lightly.In the meanwhile, I shall continueto pray.—.A. A.-As soon a< four more women signup for fencing instruction, the classwill be able to begin. Because of theshortness of the quarter, all prospec¬tive foilers must have signed up on thechart in the basement of Ida Xoyeshall by Friday. If four more indicatetheir de>ire to join, the class will startthe folow'ing Monday, and continueevery Monday and Wednesday there¬after at 5 in the Corrective gym.ANNOUNCEMENTTHE HYDE PARK KOSHER RESTAURANT1133 Elast 55th StreetWholesome Food Quick ServiceWEEKLY RATES FOR STUDENTSSPECIAL PLATE DINNERSin clothes it's TWEED„ Jn^rchestras it's'TWEETsoft crooning numbershot blarin^ jazzsmooth sinciriging syncopationTWEET HOGANANP HIS OR-CHESTILAc-i k'atnau'iaj (ittnutkm. Re„Ev*L7iunrisap^iorDancing Every Evening (Sundays eirepted)Week Nighta—Informal—10-2Admiaaion—$1.25 per peraonSaiurdaya—Formal—10-3per peraon2200 (Continiied from page 1)Six finalists will be selected by thetwo faculty judges. Associate Profes¬sor B. G. Nelson and Harry C. David¬son of the department of English, andthese will again speak in a similarmanner in Mandel hall on the eveningof the final competition, these address¬es to be ten minutes m length.Topics which will appear on the listto be given the speakers have beendevised by Dean Nelson, ProfessorJerome Kerwin, and Professor David¬son. they cover a wide range of cur¬rent issues and fields of discussions.Today is the final day that entreeswill be accepted for the extemporane¬ous competition. They may be madeat the Intramural office, or with Leon¬ard Great wood. Ralph Lewis or DanMcGuigan. I (Continued from page 1)!I a five course supper, with no coverI charge.j .Another party at the Drake HotelI will be held Saturday evening, forI which Charles I’ollak has a limitedi number of tickets available. They willI include but one half the cover charge.Further affairs are to be arranged tofollow the Friday and Saturday nightperformances of the second week. May16 and 17. Anyone who has been con¬nected with past Bh.ckfriar’s shows, aswell as the present cast and produc¬tion staff, is welcome to attend theseparties.U. OF M. PRIVILEGESENIOR CLASS TOAID ALUMNI GIFTFUND BY PLEDGES University of Michigan studentswho have an average of B or betterfor the past two terms of work areallowed the privilege of unlimitedcuts. Recently a complete list of 248students who had been granted cutprivileges w’as published in the Mich¬igan State News. ELECT MRS. GILKEYNATIONAL PRESIDENTAT Y. W. ASSEMBLY CLASSIFIED ADS(Continued from page 1)over the country her work will entailpresiding over and planning the 1932meeting, and much of the formationof Y. W. policies.Mrs. Gilkey graduated from theUniversity in 1911, and while an un¬dergraduate was president of the cam¬pus division. WILL safcrifice for cash all orpart of beautaful furnHuje of 6room South Shore apartment. Infine condition. Also 9 tube electricradio and baby grand piano. 7830Luella Ave. Phone So. Shore 0530.W. A. A. Meets TodayTo Choose Candidates FOR RENT—6 rms. $65. 6036Drexel Ave. Light, modern. 2 apt.bldg. Very private. Beau, rear yd.Owner 2nd apt. Dorchester 0791.(Continued from page 1)ket chairman, and Marx Budd in chargeof the stunt.s. New members electedat today’s meeting will be introducedto the organization at the banquet.(Continued from page 1)was discussed and explained.The pledging is purely optional, andmay be withdrawn or changed at anytime. In order to take charge of theclass contributions. Hal Haydon is ap¬pointing a committee of seniors tnconduct the drive.Heretofore, class gifts have takenthe form of a bench, bridge, or pr -fessorship, and last year’s group w.i,'the first to assist in any sort of afund. It was decided to make the cla><gift in this form by a popular vote ofthe class at its first meeting thisquarter, in March. PIIMPMA THE ART THEATRE OFSHADOW SILENCEChicago Ave., Just East of MichiganDirected by Sergei Eusenstein ofPotemkinTEN DAYSTHAT SHOOKTHE WORLDPRODUCED IN MOSCOWThe Truth About Russia“The most astounding picture thiscolumnist has ever viewed.”—BobReel.Continuous from 1 to 12 P.M.Matinees, 50c Evenings, Toe STOP! LOOK! LISTEN!We have private roomsfor card luncheons, dinnerparties, committee meet¬ings, etc.Luncheon 40c, 1 1 to 2Dinner 75c, 5 to 8Sunday Dinner $1, 1 2 to 8A la Carte Service I 1 to 8WITCH KITCH INN6325 Woodlawn Ave.Fairfax 9153 to andfrom theRfENTFast... low costStudent ServiceWhite EmprcMca speed youacross the Pacific in ten shortdays —the new Empress ofJapan may make it in lesstime. Direct from Vancouverto Yokohama, Kobe, Naga¬saki, Shanghai, Hong Kong,Manila. Or via Honolulu atno extra fare. Special cour¬tesies to students. Ask yourlocal agent orE. A. Kennry, Stramship G«n-rral Aarnt. 71 JackaonRWd., TrI. Wab. 1904, Chicago,ill.CanadianWorld’sGreatestTravelSystem PacificCarry Canadian Pacific Express TravellersCheques—Good the World Overm Bi. B B B B B B B;GREGG COLLEGERHome of Gregg Shorthand B* Thirty-fourth Year ®■ Bpin your spare time . , . either daysp^or evenings — learn Gregg Short-Bhand, the speediest, simplest, most®;■ legible system of writing known!p■write for FREE BOOKS OfI.BFACTS and information about ourIB■ special classes for C o 11 e g ep ^p Students. p Ip 225 Wabash Avenue, North |■Phone State 1881 Chicago, Ill.l'B B B B B B”B 'mBiW'B B .. ofFthe tee it^f^lSTANCE /...in a Cl ASTE /'Promises hll no sack'*... it is not words,but tasU, that makes you enjoy a cigarette.But you’re entitled to a// the fragrance andflavor that fine tobaccos can give; don't becontent with less. You can expect better taste,richer aroma, from Chesterfields — because inmaking them, we put taste first—“TASTE ako^'e everything “ MILD ... and yetTHEY SATISFYOT0 st0rfi0lciFINE TURKISH «nd DOMESTIC tobaccos, not or.ly BLENDED but CROSS-BLENDEDG iyiy, LtttuMi i A. Misso Toba.c.cu Lu.