Periodioai E, it.SUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROON mt Sail? 1Today’s Wealther: |Unsettled with mowprobable; some'^hatwarmer.Vol. 29. No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 price Five Cent*MacDONALD DIRECTS FRIARS SHOWSettlement Drive Nears ClimaxSPECIALTIES ANDTWO PLAYS AREGIVENJjRIDAYPresent ‘Submerged’ and‘Seven Women’In MandelShocking ballads of the gay ’90’spealing forth from the pillowedbosom of a much bustled lady, har¬monizing blues singers snatching atthe heavens and stamping up thegroup, the wailing sound of a syn¬copated banjo singer, nine dancingchorus girls, and a wandering Chin¬ese minstrel singing ancient lullabieson a most modern ukelele will allstomp, rustle and reel on the Mandelhall stage F'riday evening for theamusement of the audience at Set¬tlement Night.Fernholz SingsThese fast moving and colorfulspecialty numbers are even moreinteresting from the personal stand¬point. Marguerite Fernholz, as themuch bustled lady, of the gay ’90’smusically despairs that ‘“It’s on theright finger but on the wrong hand,’’The audience will probably recallthe Peter Pan from lust year’s Mir¬ror show and this contrast with thebustled lady of Friday and Satur¬day night enhances the performance.John I>ewis, the Chinese minstrel,formerly lived in China but is, atpresent, a student here on campus.The modernistic Hawaiian ukelelebreaks the spell created by his an¬cient costume. Hoffer’s gymnasticchampions trip and hurtle themselves(Continued on page 4) GREEN CAP CLUBELECTS NEW MENSeventy-Six Freshmen PassRequirementsSeventy-six members of the fresh- ^man class were announced as sue- |cessful candidates for admission to 'the Creen Cap club, honorary so- iciety for the class, at a banquet inthe coffee shop last night. The ad¬mission to the organization climaxes ,a period of meeting various require¬ments, which began shortly beforefootball season.The list of freshmen admitted toCreen Cup, as announced last night ,IS as follows:Isadore Aarons, Gardner Abbott,Lloyd Allen, Thomas Andrews, Koo- ,ert Balsley, Robert Bohnen, Basil ,Bilder, Harold Block, Carl Bode,Don Birney, Warren Beldstom, TomBird, John Crowley, David Camp- Ibell. Bill Crawford, William Dee,John Elam, Richard Eagleton, Rob¬ert Eiger, E. Freidheim, Richard \Friedeman, Marcus Freeman, Damon |Fuller, Walter Fenton, Edgar Gold¬smith, Eugene Gubser, Robert Garen,Howard Gowdy, Bill Heaton, EdHaydon, Edward Hartman, A. H. |Hubbard, Bob Howard, Bion How- jard. Bill Jewell, Harold Johnson,Jerome Jontryi Allred Jacobsen, J.M. Kerstein, Leroy Kren, Joseph jKincaid, Joseph Landauer, J. M. ■Lynch, John Lynch, Phil Lederer, jMyron Larson, Arthur Levy, Doug¬las Mode, Morey .Mosk, Harold Mur-(Continued on page 4)SHAW DISCUSSESCRIME REGIONSMissionaries HoldMeeting ThursdayThe Missionary Furlough club ;consisting of missionaries from all iover the world, will meet tomorrow jevening at S, in the Commons room jof Swift hall.Dr. Archibald Gillies Baker, As¬sociate Professor of Missions in theDivinity School, organized the clubin 1921 for the purpose of giving themissionaries who are attending theUniversity during their furlough, so¬cial fellowship, and the opportunityto discuss subjects of interest. Dr.Baker said that there were oveiforty missionaries attending theL^niversity, a fact not generallyknown. These people have been inmission fields all over the world,and >tlie • exchange of e.cperiencesand opinions at the club akes themeetings very interesting.There will be twelve differentcountries represented tomorrow.The club holds two meetings a quar¬ter, one being essentially a socialfunction. Officers of the club willbe elected at the next meeting.Economic StudentsHear Fashion Talk“Personal Experiences in theFrench Fashion Houses,’’ are to berelated by Miss Arlyne Eilert instruc¬tor of costume design and garmentconstruction in the Home Economicsdepartment, at a meeting of the Un¬dergraduate Home Economics club,tomorrow at 4:30 in the Y, W. roomof Ida Noyes hall. This meeting isopen to all students interested in thefamous Parisian fashion houses wherestyles originate Publishes New Book on‘Delinquency Areas’The loop, the stock yards, and theSouth Chicago steel mills are theareas having the most crime, asshown by Mr. Clifford R. Shaw in“Delinquency Areas’’ just off theUniversity press. Mr. Shaw, headof the department of research so¬ciology of the Institute of JuvenileResearch, was aided by Frederick M.Zorbaugh and Henry 'D. Mckay, as¬sistant research sociologists, andLeonard S. Cottrell.The process of determining thedistricts has been carried over aperiod of thirty years by locating onmaps of the city the home addressesof 60,000 law breakers, records forwhich were obtained from the Juve¬nile court. Boys’ court, police de¬partment, truancy department andcounty jail.Residential districts have by far(Continued on page 4)ORGANIZE CLUB FORRHYTHMS CLASSESTryouts for membership in Orche-sis, the official club of the rhythmclasses are now being held by MissMarion Van Tuyl of the physical edu¬cation department in'her office at IdaNoyes hall from 2 to 3:30 on Tues¬days, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.The club, which has taken its titlefrom the Greek word meaning dance,has branches in many colleges. Mem¬bership is limited to university stu¬dents interested in music and danc¬ing.'fhe club is voluntary and no creditwill be given Meetings during theautumn quarter were held on Wed¬nesdays from 5 to 6:30. Mendelssohn’s Overture HighPoint of Symphony ConcertBy Alfred V. FrankensteinA curious kind of children’s con¬cert came to performance at Mandelhall yesterday afternoon when EricDeLamarter conducted the ChicagoSymphony or hestra. It was a pro¬gram made up of works of men whomissed fire, and consequently lackedthe power to communicate a maturehigh moment. From the purelymusical point of view undoubtedlythe biggest work of the programwas the overture—the one writtenby Mendelssohn for “MidsummerNight’s Dream.’’Too Many ClimaxesThis was followed by Tschaikow-sky’s fifth symphony, a work whichillustrates only too well the weak¬ness of its composer. Had Tschai-kowsky written fifty less climaxes inhis orchestral works he would todaybe rated a great man. But theclimax became a mannerism withTschaikowskj^ and the climax is thebiggest effect in the symphonic com¬poser’s bag of tricks. Tschaikowskymaking the climax a mannerism islike some prophet or religious leaderwho might make conversation withGod or revelation from the empy- jrean a mannerism. From such a icomposer or such a prophet one iturns away with the opinion that he jGreen Cap ExamGives ‘Ldw Down’About the Campus.By Merwin RosenbergAfter a troubled two-months oftoil, turmoil, trouble, turmoil, andtoil, the candidates for Green Capended a troubled two months bytaking an examination. This littleheart-rending quiz revealed the factthat most freshmen are exceedinglywell acquainted with campus person¬alities and what not, and a few oftheir answers emerged in the follow¬ing form:Frank H. O’Hara is “captain ofthe water polo team,’’ “chapel or¬ganist,’’ and “writer of the studenthandbook.”Dean Charles W. Gilkey is “directorof the University choir,” and “headof the divinity school.”Mack Eva is is “director of theUniversity.”Dean Chauncey S. Boucher is the(Continued on page 4)Program of SacredMusic Presented bySchevill and SmithEighteenth century and contempor¬ary sacred music will comprise theprogram of a recital to be given byMrs. Clara M. Schevill, contralto, andMr. Cecil M. Smith, organist, tomor¬row evening at 8:30' in the Theolog¬ical seminary.“Chorale,” with variations by GeorgBohm; “Cantata No. 53,” and Chor¬ales for Advent and Christmas, byJohann Sebastian Bach; three Christ¬mas carols, by Eric DeLamarter; and ;three preludes, founded on Welsh ■hymn tunes, by Ralph Vaughan W’il-liams, will be the numbers includedin the program.Recitals given by the Theologicalseminary are intended to supplementthe work of the chapel by furnishinga more intimate atmosphere to thestudents on campus, in whose inter¬est these programs are given. is either a faker or an uninterest¬ingly abnormal person.Then a Tone PoemAfter the symphony came Saint-Saens tone poem, “The SpinningWheel of Omphale,’’ with its oily,easy sonorities, and a concert waltzof Glazunoff. Saint-Saens we have ifairly well plumbed by now, but the |music of Glazunoff remains some- Ithing of a mystery. One suspectsthat the composer has written morethan ihe elegant ballet music we areso often given to hear, and onehopes that, since Glazunoff is at] present touring this country, weI shall have the opportunity to hearj some of his larger works,i (Continued on page 4) [WILLlREmATEl“HELMIVEEK”I Greek Council Acts onDean’s SuggestionActing on the suggestion of Dean ,Boucher, the Interfraternity councilwfff take steps at its meeting tonightat 7:30 in Room D, Reynolds, to¬ward the limitation and regulationi of “Hell Week.”I The regulation of the week ofprobation preceding fraternity in¬itiation is one of the planks in the Iplatform adopted by the council at 1its last meeting, and is to be thefirst problem on that platform toreceive the consideration of thisyear’s council. It is imperative that |the question be settled before the jinitiation week of the Winter quar- i(Continued on page 4) j1Yarros Discusses I‘Marriage ’ Today |IDr. Rachelle Yarros, professor ofHygiene at the University of Illinois,will tell of her “Researches in Mar¬riage,” at 4:30 today in HarperMil under the auspices of the Lib¬eral club.Dr. Varros is best known as the rdirector and pioneer of the IllinoisSocial Hygiene council. Her aim isto carry on educational work in thisfield and to promote ideal happinessin marriage.The council is composed of repre¬sentatives from fifty social and civicagencies in Chicago who meet oncea month in the form of a forum todiscuss social hygienic problems.For years Dr. Yarros has beenpersonal adviser to men and womenof all ages and in all walks of life,a role which well enables her topresent a frank and illuminating dis¬cussion on this subject. She willreturn to the campus again nextweek under the auspices of theGraduate School of Social Service.4dniinistration.ORGAN RECITAL“First Movement from ConcertoII” by J. S. Bach; “Clair de Lune”by Bonnet; “Pastel” by Thompson;“March from the First Suite’ byRogers; “Verset No. 3” by Dupre;“Scherzo” by Rousseau; and “Finalein E flat” by Guilmant will be thenumbers played by Porter Heaps inthe organ recital today at 5 in theuniversity chapel. ABBOT SECURES SERVICES OF“DYNAMIC DINNIE” FOR ANNUALSPRING PRODUCTION OF ORDERDirector of Recent Service Club Success ToReturn For Twenty-SixthBlackfriar PerformanceDramatic Association ,Holds Fall Initiation IThe Dramatic .Association a-nounces the initiation of new mem¬bers which will take place nextTuesday, at 8 at the home ofHoward Willett, 2130 Lincoln iPark West. Members of the asso- ;ciation as well as the initiates are 1invited to attend this meeting. |All those who plan to attend are jasked to make reservations before jFriday noon at the Mandel hallbox office. The association must jknow how' many guests are com- iing so that the final arrangements !can be made. ^Invitations for membership have |been sent to all students on cam- jpus who have actively participatedin and assisted with the produc- !tions given by the association this 1quarter. iij412 Have Priority !Registration For \Winter Quarter]F'our hundred and twelve studentswill register for the winter quarterunder the priority privilege, the of¬fice of the recorder announced yes¬terday. The department mailed jpriority slips to these students Moii |day. IIThe receipt of such a slip entitles jits bearer to register for winter [quarter classes on Monday, Decem¬ber 9, a day before the general reg¬istration is begun. The privilegeis awarded to students who have at¬tained an average of B or betterduring the last three quarters ofresidence. |The official times for final ex- |aminations for this quarter have ialso been announced. They are as jfollows:(Continued on page 4)CANDY AND SALESSTAFF WANTED BYY. W. FOR BAZAARFudges, fondants, and other con¬coction of sweets are being solicitedby the Y. W. C. A. for the Bazaarbeing held Friday from 10 to 6 inIda Noyes hall. Everyone who iswilling to contribute candy, andthose who will help in the sales atthe Bazaar are asked to sign up onthe bulletin board outside of the Y.W. office before Friday.Beside the candy which will forma part of the Food sale, members ofthe Y. W. Advisory board are mak¬ing the cakes, pies, and various fooddelicacies. The general sale will fea¬ture Japanese articles and silver pins,both sold on commission; and toysbridge sets, dolls, aprons, stuffed ani¬mal made by members of Y. W.Thursday, December 12, is set forthe Y. W. Christmas service, whichwill be held in the Y. W. room at4:30. The program will includecarols, music, and poetry, but theexact nature of the procedure has notbeen decided. The committee incharge, under the chairmanship ofRuth Earnshaw, will meet this after¬noon to formulate the hnal plans. !1I Donald Mac Donald III will againdirect the annual Blackfriar produc-*tion this spring, it was announcedyesterday by Joseph Odell, Abbot ofthe order. Mac Donald has made aname for himself as a director ofmen’s productions, his most recentsuccess being the Service club show■‘Lets Go,” which was given Friday,November 15, „Supervised Navy ShowsMac Donald also directed the Navyshow, “Biff Bang,” which was pre¬sented a few years ago at the Cen¬tury Theatre in New York and thecritics accorded it the reputation ofbeing one of the best dance showsever presented, Mac Donald waschosen to take charge of the entireproduction and cast of “Who CanTell” presented by the 88th divisionof the A. E. F. in the Champ-ElyseTheatre in Paris immediately follow¬ing the war.Director Since WarMac Donald is a former member ofthe famous English Opera Gompany,but since the war has spent most ofhis time in the United States wherehe has gained his inexperience Inhandling young actors ’oy directingproductions sponsored by JuniorLeagues in the larger cities of thecountry.All persons who are writing showsare requested to submit theni to theBlackfriar off ee on or before De-(Continued on page 4)Open Exhibition ofRare ManuscriptsIlluminated fifteenth centurymanuscripts, revealing modernistictendencies, are included in the exhi¬bition of prints and drawings byFrench and American artists, whichwas opened yesterday in Wieboldt205, under the auspices of the Re¬naissance society. Many of themanuscripts were presented to theUniversity by Shirley Farr, MartinA. Ryerson, and Dr. Gunsalus.One of the most important fea¬tures of the exhibition is an authen¬tic Flemish Book of Hours, with il¬luminated initials and minatureswhich foremost auth()iities in thecity have cited to be very rare. Of¬ficials of the library have expresseda desire to acquire this book, whichis now for sale, for the University.Prints and drawings by MarieLaurencin, John Copley, Storrs,Picasso, Matisse, Kuhn, Kuniyoski,Kent, David, Gaugin, and Passoz arealso on view. The exhibit will beopen to the public daily from 2 to 5except Sunday, and will continuethrough Friday, December 20.Pay Y. W. FinancePledges This WeekFinance pledges to Y. W. C. A.are now due, and it is essential thatthey be paid in full by the end of thequarter. The Y. W. office un thesecond floor of Ida Noyes hall is re¬ceiving money every week day from9 to 5. The cabinet needs the totalamount of money that has beenpledged, so that the budget and plansfor the rest of the year may be com¬puted accurately.Though the official drive endedwith the week of October 30, the newpledges are still being received.P^ge T’ao THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929(jJlt? SatUf iMarnnttFOUNDED IN 1 101THE OKFK'IAI. STUDENT NEW.^' A EK OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOOPublished morniii;;'- » n-. I'l i Sa; unh.y Sinuiay and M.’iiday, during the Autumn,Wiiitt!- and Sn iiy <(uai..i-i i.y t. lady Ma’ nn ('•minany. Subscription ratt’Si' ? per yea'': ty niad, ■' p« r yiar i 'a. ^il^■l^■ copies, Ii\e cents each.’ Eniired as -ecend das'- m-'ilt*-r Marth iS. Inud,, at ihe post otTii'e at Chicayto,1 liliiiiiis, und«r i':!. Ait of M ' ci. ..I'r.e Iiaiiy Ma. r. expi'.-sily al! riyhls oi public;;.nn of any materialkpp. arin^ liii paper..iiicc I’ress AssociationEDWIN jNK\’IN. Mana^ring EditorEAKEE i\I. ETiHKEIE Du.<iiu‘.ss ManagorKDDEDT L, NlCllOLSUN', Assistant Businoss ManagerllAKKIET DlAN HATHAWAY. Woman’s EditorlIENin D. EI.NHEK. Sports EditorlA)l IS 11. ENGEL, JIL, I'hairman Editorial Board OFFICIAL NOTICESN ,.•1 .MKNlNi wsNewsNews. .1 uniorI.iteraW hiEl'l l I'UI M. 1E;i\\ ‘ R1 d- 15 i^^'lEl. rK t.KEENWA’-;'Jt.HN 11. HAUl'lN.M.\Ii.lORlK ('\HI I,\I\RK>N E AHl.:FRANOES cVExENSVMI.T.INM R. H A‘ SHESli'.NEV I (il.I'OEl; . '''nvMER'.' IN ' ROSENBERi DayC.EOdR' E ! \ AN I'EP.Ht'EF Day• L.\R.\ ADELSM '.N S. homereMARO.MIET Eti'XN .SophomoreBE \TR1‘ E FEU'-HTW AN-'IERSophomorei YDIA EURNEV sei.iiomoreJ ANE LEsNKR de h,. l oie•lANE WERrHElMER .S..'.h,mi tv E-a orF.iiiiorli ' torK'iiiorEditorEditorEditorEditorEditorEditorEditor lU SI N E.S.S DEPART.MENT\|!E Pl.l.Nl'KR .\dvertisin« .ManagerLEE l.uVE.NTH.VL Vdyeiiisintj .MatiaporiCI'I.'s I'ORHRICH Circulation Mai.aKeiImHEKr McC.XRrHV Sophomore .A.--..: A'l'iS Mc.MMK'N ' .Sophotnore .As i.NED V EATt H Soph'Snore Asst. Pil’dii- lecture: “Four Years at the( >uii . of he Sultans of Java” (ii-iiisiia'i .l hy motion pictures), Ta--id .Adam, ('utator of Oriental An.l!i klyn .Museum. 1 :J0. Pathology1 1 7.i'ul’;<• 1.-iuie (The Liheral club';••IN . . el. - in .Marriage” Dr. Rat h-t e S. )ai'i os I :Ril. Harper .Assemhiv DEPARTMENI'\1 BIRT ARK. l.KSWALTER RAKHRHERBERT .KlSEPH A.-st Sports Ed-'or jSoptioiiioie Edit.:- j.Sophomore Editor j .Ma; heiii.c. ieal eluh. “I'oneerni’igHeliiigi-r Integrals.” Professor K. II..Mon'e, heatl ef the department.Mathemades. 1 :.'!t). Rverson _rEditor MAR.IDRIE r(.)I..AlANAN Oman s Sv.orts Edit'.irn.I - THE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM.Ji-Jii.iu rIt in unncr^irn.tiKV-- rnnip:■-. ■ • .n Ir.tu'r- :niirri!s. lUluni! l‘■^u>utics.}■■'■ilitu'ii ir.ija : ■■ -tm ir-.i ■•x!rn.\i'm ^■ SMitii’i! itf , i rnsiv;' '"(i/d/iiH proornm..'f .1 :\\in Pi" oth.e : rn i 'UUfd ■ ushinci. (i.uduate History club, “.losephMedil’ and .he Chicago Tribune dur-Hic the Civil War,” Mr. Tracey L.Slrevey. teacher of History at theUniversity High school. 7:30. Ida.\ii\'(>s liail.’(I -p pniulpi Slll•i:lli.•^t club. “Unemploymeit ."Air. Benjamin Squires. 7:30. Cra.’date clubhouse.THE BREAKAGE BUSINESS I’ll ilosophy’riice.s.s antilassies 20. e 1 ti b . "WbiteheailKealitv.” Dr. Mall,Two years ago when the tuition was raised from ninety to one-hundred dollars, the University promised to cut out laboratory fees.At the time, this concession along with the announcement of freemedical service dimmed the shouts of protest and consoled theangry students who could remember the days Avhen seventy-five dol- 'lars would buy a quarter s worth of liberal education.Then, this fee was charged directly for the use of materials jand apparatus and for the rental of a laboratory desk. 1 oday.although there is no extra fee for the rental of a desk, the studentis still paying in certain courses for the use of materials andapparatus.In physiology the pre-medics h iv<‘ to cut down on their lunchmoney to buy frogs, lurllt s, and dogs. ^ et in /oology the depart - ,ment presents them with ca’s, fish, an i pig embryos for nothing Thursday, December 5Radi" lei ture. " I'he Renaissanci . '.A'>c»ciate Professur Linar Jeran' n■if tile (lepaitmeiit <>f History,.'sta’ioii W.M.AQ.i’liblie lecture (Cirailuare .'seh"i>li‘f Social .Nei'viee .Administration)."Ilunuj.s for the Sniall-Inei'nie I’am-il.A'.” Miss .Mary .McDo.vell. the Uni-Ai rsi,t.\’ of Chicago .^etTl' inent. 11.1 larjii-r K 1 n.Divinity I'liapel. l’rofe> .|- WL. .\iderton. the Chicago Ttie.;.l( like rciealIn chemistry studerus are chargr.l with non-returnable ap¬paratus Avhich is disc- anted - n their breakage ac' ount. \\ hen theyfinish their college career these supplies are of no good to themBefore the r-- se in tuifi -n an extra fee was levied for mimeo¬graphed sheets used n - e, .a p. c [(.day, despite the increasein tuition, a similar charge is still made. Semimiry, 1 1. .lo.-l ph B..tii e'napel.I..- ( ele l-'rani-a; . “I .'-.-■-Ure.''1 :3D. .'iSlD W'lodlriAvn .Vvi-P lblie ' lui e I (1 )A\ n'. '.'. I'. '. ■•Li-h-r L-.;k . if the .N • rth.'i n I’,;.-;!';r-.“l’;-(.fe.4sor Ldward Sapir of '.he dc-.'ui * m- nt of .Anthn i'ob'gV. '. : ; 5, theA'.t Institute.W e r"-ali/e the pr- di ious expense inA’olved in running a key¬stone univei'^.t;. in 1 ig city, and we do not douijt the necessityof making papa dig di ept r .n..n hi.s pocket, Ijut we can in no wayjustify the Lnivcr-il c - ’. -r e in mem -cy, if they must misrepresent Radio' leetiirc', "Briand." .\ -ist-;m' Professor Rodney .Mc't of thedc-( al’tment of Political .'science, 7..‘Station WMAQ.theA' w 1 * h <a icmt linesse. 1 here is -Mi-.-ionary .'•' Cluh. Com-amii room. .SAvift hall.po ethical reason whA aninotl s guts shciuld cost more in one depart¬ment than in anollr r .- r:: why a lab- ratory fee should be chargedunder the guise l i a bre ’hope fin?'. W e should like, if nothingelse, the repudialic-n of an old promise and the publication of a newpolicy by the University. PATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERVITA EXCOLATUR'l e.sferdaiternoon Ave attended the symphony concert. l)uring th e course of four y ars we hav-e become increasingly aAvareof the enp.A'men! derived from these experiences. To Mr. .AlfredFrankenstein and others of the critical board we leave the moretechni-e -l ee^'mentarie.s; our genuine appreciation remains unaltered. JWednesday, December 4Radio lecture: “The Renaissance,"Associate Professor Einar Joransonof the department of History, 8, Sta-ion WMAQ. KoIIege KaleidoscopeDivinity chapel. Dr. Archibald L.Baker, A.-^sociate Professor of theMis.sions, 11:50, Bond chapel.Faculty Women’s club, 12, IdaNoves hall.R. na -'iani. society. Book talk.• Pk-a-^o. .Ma isse and the Frenchi': ' i Lion. ’ Fiances Foy Dalstrom.3. Ida Noyes hall. liy Paid Loockliii,Daily Maroca CorrespondentThat the students at Yale are be¬coming air-minded is evidenced by the])opularity oi the A'aie .Aeronauticalclub and the courses in aviation whichit is sponsoring. The members of the) ale .Aeronautical Club have morehours of flight to their^ credit thanany other collegiate flying club in thi.scountry, hnt that docs not mean thereis no competition from other collegeaeronautical clubs. ^Last Aveek-end tAvo members of theYah' .Aeronautical Club fleAv to theoi.nfereme of the National Intercol-legiati- .A\ijition .A.ssoeiation at f)hio.‘stale WniAcrsity in ('olumbus. Ohio.Last y ar in the fall the first of thesenational conferences Ava.s held at Yah..with great success. .At this eonfer-ei'ce the idea ...f a unified Intercol¬legiate A\iation .\s.'ociation Ava.-^ conI ived and ctirrieil out hy the reiu'e; "‘.'it i\'i.- of the ten univi-rsities and■ dh ges who attended fhi' first ionfen nee. .\t present the collegi'Swliii h are active members of the asso¬ciation are as follows; ) ale. lliir-Aaid. -N’. )'. 1’.. ('arnegit' reeh, Mieh-gan. I'nivcisity of Detroit. .Minne--.ota, Ohio .'state. I’rineeton. an.! theI'niversity of Toronto..\t the nu*efing of the associationin Detroit last .spring. Grover l.oen-.tig, iii.imifacturer of the l/ocning.Ampiiih'an planes and an in aviation, otlcn-d a novel com-.(■lirioii to any of the i-olli-ge cluhsint.':'( st;'d. He otfi red a prize to thecliih '.vaieh attains the greatest niim-her of hours from the time that theprize Avas otfen-d until Deeendnn ID.Avheii th<‘ comiietition Avill close. Upun:il ; le la-t month Yale Avas defin¬itely in the lead in the competition.Last .''’unday RiRgers I’niversityol:erved its initrd Birthday. Rutg'ersAvas the only universitA' founded inI’alonial times hy othi rs than Englishsettler.-. The Dutch pioiu > rs of the.N’l .V .Netherlands in I7(>i) securedfrom Geoi'ge III the charter ofthnep's Oolh‘ge. which name uaschanged to Rutgers after the Revtdu-tii.n. All the other Col.inial institution.s, from Harvard to Dartm.-ulh.AAcre of LngTi-h origin. k'ulgers is1. c;i:..-d a' .New Brun e-’;. New .lerMOsf ER( 4»//r>:r u I//'( r.t>fTSity . Umo^phfyfIn .iddition to our regularstenogniphic .md courses for High SchoolGradii.ites, which begin anyMonday, we announce ourA special complete,inlensire stenographiccourse furCollege StudentsOnlyNo enrollments for thiscourse of ter January 6Bulletin on RequestAr'o Solicitori EmployedPAUL MOSER, J.D., Ph.B., Pres.w. 116 S. Michigan Ave.11th Floor Randolph 4M7OnKHighSthoofGrfl<Ii4tif^.t<iTe ft'er enrolled atgir/.t onK in rKt* Day St KooLThe- symph'-.nv concert i>!o\'ic]cs the complete mentalrelaxation ax .lijal;Ic—.a rnellifulous antidote to the formal demandsof the aciidemic routine. Music, particularly symphonic tnusic, ex¬ercises of all the art.s the most d.rect appeal to the emotions: andthough this appeal is subject to intellectual criticism and assimilation,it is our exp rience tihat f.or the soiritually anemic music s chiefvalue lies in this emotional regen'-ration. The symphony concerthas that element of mental purgation which .\ristotle designated asa property of true tragredy; it sweeps clean. Obviously this is anaive and elementary conception of the role symphonic music, butwe feel that some such emotional interpretation is basic to anysincere appreciation.We are at least convinced that an aesthetic experience per¬forming the function of emotional release is a frequent necessity toa liberal education and we can conceive of no more facile methodthan that provided by ihe U’liivcisity »yini^iiuiiy couceila. eating the bell « is easy.’when breakfast is shreddeluVKEAT. Di?^03ts without ^ mur-irtiir even when you bolt it. Butyou’h enjoy it so much, you won^twant to hustle it-down.WheatMake It a, daily Hitchcock Boasts ofDistinguished TenantsDescendants of seA’eral distinguish¬ed persons are among the studentsliving in Hitchcock hall, I'rank Ilur-burt O’Har.4, head of the hall, pointsout. .An interesting angle of the sit¬uation is the fact that most of thestudents are not folIoAving in thefootsteps of their distinguishe'd for-Leon Uai novsky is the brother ofthe actor Avho took the part of .Sir.Arthur in the 'I'heater Guil.l produetion, “Wings Over Kurope.’’ Dexter j.Masters, editor of The Forge ;nid the jBhoenix. is tin nejiliew of Ldgar Let ;Master.--', well-known poiH. Max .Ma--'- 'on is the son of former I'residont of 'the I'niversity Max .Mason. L'-.fe-^sor .Ma.-on is noAV director of reseaii-hof the Rockefeller !• oiindation..John .Mills a n. phew of Mrs.(’harle.-; Gooii.-'i't-ed, direv-tor of IdaNoye.- hall, and Avife of ‘.Iv donoi- o'.'Goodsix-ed liall. Winslow M. Walkeris a mq'hs-Av of D. II. I’erkins, u i. 'helped to design 11 itelu-oek. and .-es-eral Itiiildings of th< Botany groUfi..lames L. .'^imi.n i- a gr.-indson of LliB. Lei.' . I thal. one of the olde'-tl Iriis-t(*es of the l’niver:-ity. in p-iint >fservice. 1. II. Bain is a grand mphcAV of former pre<ident of the I'niversify William I’.iiru-y Harper. \nd.1. r. Bobbitt i.- a IB plu'AV of I’rofes-oiBobbitt of ihe .'-iehooi 'f Liiiieation..les-e Sehreiter. !’. G. Tobin, and-1. W. Tobin are .-ion- of .graduate- ofRn-h .Mi'dieal school.Ret" m election- f -r head- of thelivt- -ei'tions in IlitelniM-k H-Hilted i'.ht folloAving’ ofl'ieers: D. IL Ijiinl,-ei'tion 1; I', r. .Meyers, section 2; .A.Dick, -ection •'!; R. .M. .'^nodgra--. -i .t.ion 1; and Gordon Ball, se<-tion A. stillbeasye of: it..• ofWherein “College”Is Again Championed the fun of club life, the fostering ofinternational spirit even? It wouldtake an artist to make a picture outof this that could hold its OAvn againstthe Rah-Rah college now existing inthe public min'.The g(vto-college movementncAV enough for the public t.rather skeptical of it. It is riotfor the college studmt to ho awthis and not go on in defianc(’ollegi' has its pitfalls. .A v;.:hoAV othi-r poiqde are living, ftu.domfrom home restraint, and the idea cir¬culating that after all avc only live'inco and life is short at that, tend toI'.-sult in a reckless altituik- androughiHss on the part of som« . *>therstudents, again, find life too c-mplexin the clash betAvi-en science .and,shall AA'e -ay, leligioii. 'Phey get in¬volved in the (im-stion of Avhat are wehere foi and Avhat is it all about any-Avay and income introspective intro¬vert- Avifh morbid ciimplexes. B .f notall tiid nt by jiti.a means ha liitfi-ci Ity in teering l)etA\-een tho-e tAveextremi - "f reeklessness and ir. >'i>id-ity that AVoiild m.ake a State H [litalcut of any nniver-ity if ther Averenot a m.'ijority of normal, clear-miml-ed ‘uibrt: AAith ideal.- se- m theimprovt-nu-rt of knoAvlt-dg" and thibel i-rment of the human race, 'f that'- not a fati'ii al dream..'-^trtinge, i- it not, that the rn-rbidity and eynieism of cidleve .'tud.-ntseem.-J to weiir otf as soon a- ‘Iu-a1 ave eolb-ire and get mor. .‘.orldlyproblems to grapple. 'I’be .-olleg.- -tu-dent will turn out all right in end.There i not enoneh upervi ion tithe litll:- uorld Avhieh eolleu'- -iia -c-for it-elf .'ind not eiB-ngh of the out¬side AVoild to .-eltle on slndei’s the-erioii ne-s and -imiilicity ‘ life.Uollege sheiild not lie -o I’- 'achedf''om tb rest of the world. Th. -tudent- AVould 1h mio'e "normar’ •••ndthe pulilie more generous.liy f n III .Mill t illThe A^oi'ld judgim*nt t.'.-luirkl' on college -itndent . The;,either drink too mu<‘h an.l. disgi-a.the comiminity lo- el-e they think t-i.-nuieh and commit .-nieide. Too muchjazz or too much .Nietzsche. Whereis the golden mean of Geristolle? student Avho sustains the eol-U ge : • left out of the pietuie. W iivdoe: n't sonielKM y present to the fuiblie th»‘ jolly ela-s-room atmo pbere.the fascination . f laboiatoiy period-. ERNST ROEHLK :Artist Photographer ji5809 Harper Ave. jPhone Flyde f’ark 8282 1ELIZABETH OLK-ROEHLK jCello Instructor.Available for Solo .ir ' |Ensemble Engagements jMAKE A WISH1 hen Drink Some lea And In Your Cup 1 he WitchW ill See jitst W hat The l utiire Is 1 o Be.Afternoon Tea 50cWITCH KITCH INN6325 Woodlawn AvenueTable D’Hote Luncheon 40c Dinner 75cBuy Your ChristmasCards Now!We have many beautiful designs ondisplay. Buy no'w while slocks are full andcrowds small.Give Books ThisChristmas!A book is c Iways a welcome gift. Wehave hundreds of titles for your inspectionWoodworth’s BookStore1311 E. 57th St., near Kimbark Ave.OPEN EVENINGSPhone Hyde Park 1690 or 7737\ ■ ' Vt. . '4 ■ 7- ' . A' -i'’’THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929 Page ThreeTHIS WAY OUTBy Albert ArkulesA lot of hokum is boinp passedaround about Iowa’s forthconiinfrplea for readmission to the liier Ten,The newspapers, in an etfoit tosmoke out A. A. Staj»e: and others,printed stories declaring that the UldMan w'as a member of the Old Guardwho were staunchly o])pose<i to Iowa.That was yood for a lauL'h. One al¬most felt the Old .Man was irettinu;cranky merely because be was alonp'in jeurs. On top of it Yost and Ilufl'jw'ert credited as beinir associated wdthCoac hh Stapjr in (i't.';playijijr hostility;toward the bad boy from the Hawk-|eye state.When talk was rife that Iowa was |certain to be left out in the cold, re- !ports flew fast and furious that NotreHaine wouhi be ask<'d to join the HijrTen. Some one evidently was in afacetious mood when that st((ry seej)-ed into print, .lust why .Notre Dameshould want to Join the Itij; Ten isincomprehensiirle to this observer..\nd if the Uitr Ten has been hostileto Iowa then it certainly woubltj’t feelany too well <Hs|tosed toward .NotreDame. Hut that story wasn't wortha hoot anyway. C.4NDIDATES MAYBOLSTER UP TEAM BIG TEN FLASHESIf lova is not talooi back into the'Gonferenc* w hen the various repre-1sentatives of the conference vret ti»- ;pether to make linal dispo.-:ition of | "i the outdoorthe, then it will certainly be a | mended :»ndbold and <larinp aet. As the Gainepicreport revealed, .several Hip Ten mem-l>ers are puilty of fu'actices which art-far from ethical, d'o put Iowa outof the confeiTnee for simply htivinpdisplayed a lack of tact wonbl be ahypocritical posture by the Hip 'I'en.We think Iowa will be piven a fairhearinp. The Hip Ten is not anxiousto put Iowa (Hit of tlu* conferencr- fitrit will disrupt schedules and create aconfusion which will take some timeto straiphten out. The Bip Ten is avery compact orpanization. It htisfunctioned very smoothly: scheduleshavi- worked out in a satisfactorymanner. .\s the situation f:<w'stands, rto schedules have been madeout until action on Iowa's ease I*taken. .All ii\ all. the whole tliinp isa mess, aiul the Hip Ten will be .-^av-inp ilsi'lf a lot of trouble if it takesIowa back uti> the fold..\s for the f)l(l Man, and this poi-sfoi: Hutf and Yost too, we feci prettycertain that tlu‘\' will be interestedin weiubinp Iowa's petition on itsmerits. The Did Man is a stickler foran ethical cede lliat many collepeswould never think of adoi)timr. I>utit i.-, a code that itia!;es for betterathletics. Coach Stap'-, poc; to theconference meetinp with an itidcpcn-dent attitude; he is not umur anyolilipation to take a declared side oneway or the otlur. We believe that Prospect In Spring AndHurdle Events AreStrongAlthouph Coach N('d .Merriaiu’strack team is well fortified in thedashes with such sea.soned veteransas Captain .Norman Root, place win¬ner in the Conference .Meet, “HudKiist who a yi-ar of collopiatecompetition U-hind him, Lester Cot¬ton. Lyle Gumm and .luliari,the Chicapo mentor will have to relya preat <leal upon tin.- ability of .soph¬omores in other events. |III the hurdle events, Harold llay-|don. bolder of the 70 yard hiph hur¬dle championship is in fin-.- sha[ie andis lu cparinp to take on all comers {who ha\e aspirations for his crown.-includinp K’oc.kavvay. R(Klpe,'s. Sent- iman < t al. Last year “Hal was in¬jured and was unable to participatemeets but his lep hasnow be is takinp th<‘ talltimbers as tlioiipb be had been prac-ticinp all summer. ..Adilitioruil streiiptli is .<een in Roy'Hlack. the fa-st athler^ to come up ifrom last year's frosh .earn, (’laney -flihlnn. a restive last year. .1. Ru¬dolph. an amliitioiis soph of ni» meanaliility. and Huph Riddle. 'Two veterans return for the dif-fuult 110 slreteh. Kd .Sehulz a con¬sistent point winner in dual meets,and Hathaway, who has been devel- -opinp with rapid strides and will beat his peak this season. Rudolph andColville are the eream of the secondyear i|uarter-miler prospects.(/lie of Coach .Mi-rriam’s pi'oblenisis to tievelop ii couple of half-milersto c()iii(>ose the two mile relay. 'I’hevacancies left by such scintibilinprunners as Gist and J.ivinpston art ,not ca-ily lilled. Sam Teitelman antiDale Letts will form ':he nucleus oftile suLuui. The bitter can dowell under 2:00 but be may be trans¬ferred to the mile .-auks where bi-^.-tervices are just as much in demand.•\-iam-. showed pos.sibilitie in hisfrosh year as a half tnler and markedi'Mo;'ivenietU will assure him a berthon ti.e lelay.I’l'ospecTive niilers are so abundant ^that some may he switched to eitherli-e half or two mile whi-re the ma¬terial is needed. I.etts who placedfourth in the Conference mile in his NORTHWESTERNEvanston, Ill., Dec. 3,—A diffi¬cult task faces Coach Lonberp atNorthwestern University this wintera.s he undertakes to build up his bas¬ketball quintet. The loss of threerepulars will prove a bip handicap.Five lettermen, three of whomwere repulars, will form the nuc¬leus for this year’s team. How'everit is not reparded that these menwill form as stronp a combinationas last year’s team.The lettermen available are Capt.Walter, Rus Berpherm and Riel,forwards, and Haas and Mundy,puards. .A quartet of non-lettermenwho were members of last year’ss(|uad will put up a stronp fipht forpositions. They are Schw^artz,Whalen, and Handley, forwards, and.'^mith a puard.MICHIGANAnn .Arbor. .Mich., Dec. 3.—WhenOhio Wesleyan meets .Michigan next.Monday niplit Captain Bob Chap¬man. H fool inch center and all-confcrcnce forward last year maybe the only regular in the Wolverinelineup, as .Lu- Ti-uskovvski will notbe ready to start. Bill Oj;ivip. thirdveteran, may also be missing fromthe opening game. Kanitz andLovell, subsMtute forward and guardrespectively last year, w'ill probably | event ifsee a preat deal of service.Kanitz is expected to play thepivot position with Chapman drop¬ping back after the ftp-off to bolster^u]) what looks to he a far inferiord-efense. as compared with lastyi-ar's showing.the Old .Manfor readmis<tion. w ill give li)wa's petition j lii st try against Hip Ten opjionciits. PURDUELafayette, Ind, Dec. •'!.—There isa wealth of experienced and season¬ed material for Coach I.ambert todevelop into a net team. Thvelongated Charles .Murphy, risingsix feet seven inches above tlu- hard-woixl. will perform at center. GienHarmeson will be out next week totake up liis old job as forward, llar-nu'son and Murphy will alti rtialegames as captains.Hoots, a senior, and a veteran willhold down a hack guaril post. lieis six feet tall and weighs I'.'Opounds. .Mills and Gibbons are twoprospects who may see a lot --fservice.I’urdue’s schedule has not beencompleted. Its first practice gamewill he with Washington U of St.Louis on December 14th. Butler fol¬lows a week later.tborough considera-CANDIDATES REPORTTO FIRST MAT CALLCoach Voi les yesterday issiieii thefirst call for wrestling candidateswho have been out for football. Sev¬eral ex-gridders are already work¬ing out on tile ma:. .Among theseare men who have had wrestling ex¬perience before under the directionof ('oaeh Vorres. Sonderhy, Husse,Yates, and Quielil are now hack inthe ranks.The freshmen football men whohave reported fo!- juactiee are Gabel.Gotz, Hubbard. Sumnu-r, and /ep-ner. To :i+l fre-iiim n who have wona numeral in football a loeker andequipment will lie issued, if they I'l'-port for wrestling.On next Saturday thefor the Maroon " anglers’draw'n. It will probablyrivaks of previous years and confer¬ence meets with Wisconsin, Illinois,Iowa, and Minnesota. One of thetrips planned will take the mat art¬ists into Pennsylvania where theymeet Lehigh, Penn State, and Frank¬lin, and Marshall. Plans for othereycursion.® are not yet e.-impletp , is in a fair iiosition this year to hidfor the title. ile.'-piLe the fact that.^ial•tin, the speedy I’uulermaker, is-till eligible for comiictition. .AlfredKell\' and Lawreiiee Hrainard are'irst ela^s milers who loom as strongenniiidates For jiositions on the fourmile i lay. Harhifker. I.owi ie. Nel¬son. I'ink and Baker intend to trythoii- skill ill the mile run but it is Many Tank VetsReturn For DutyOn Varsty TeamWith a hard .schedule before them,the swimming and water polo teamsare settling down to strenuous workAs yet, the exact schedule is notknown, hut on December 7th thegames are to be arranged. January10th and 11th are to be left openfor the Inter-SchoIastic Meet, andon January 17th the annual alumni-varsity water polo game is to beheld. Many of the old timers willbe hack for the annual meet and avery close match is expected.Grid Men ReportLeu by Wendall Stephenson,swimming captain, and 'Ralph Bar-toli, water [lolo captain, both teamsatipeai to he very strong, and thereis an ahumianee of excellent materialhandy. .Andy Hrislen and Mae-Neille. holh football stars are out,Bi'isleii swimming the dashes andpossibly the hack-stroke, while Mac-Neille is trying the lireast stroke.Silversteiii, an exceptional pologuard of last year, is practicing athis ohl sport and also the breaststroke. Don Moore is showing fineform in the sprints and polo.Ralph Bartoli. polo captain, whoswims the lireast-stroke will holddown the goal [losition on the team.He could be entered in his favoritenecessary, hut Coach .Mc-Gillivray thinks he is needed moreon the polo team, and possiblywould he tired after racing. Fiveother polo players besides the cap¬tain are hack. The two oertstand-ing men from last year’s Froshteam, are Rittenhouse. a brother ofthe former captain, and McMahon.Stephenson Shows Up WellThe National Intercollegiate .As¬sociation ha.s proposed that a medleyrace be held at all dual meets. Ina medley race each man has to do;hi'ee different strokes; the PreasL,the hack stroke and the crawl. '^n,i recent meet at the Mc-dinah .Ath¬letic .club. .Ste!>henson raced Walterf.aufer in a medley. .Stephenson heldhis own until the last length of thefree .style, to he beaten only by ahort distance. This speaks well forStephenson as I.aufer is the bestman in the couiitiy at this event.resehtaitive in the pole vault hut it islikely ,that Haul Stagg will appearfor practice in this event.The high jumping material is notas praising as the Maroon team hashad 'put(Jupli: Eight Fraternities Represented On1929 Intramural Honor SelectionsFIRST TEAM SECQND TEAM1 Lott, Psi U R.B. Stackler, Kappa NuPriess, Phi Sigma Delta L.B. Urban, Psi UCody, Macs R.E. Cushman, D. K. £.! Kernwein, Sigma Chi R.C. Wheeler, Sigma ChiAiger, Psi U C. Cooperider, Delta Upsilonj Schneherger, Delta Upsilon L.C. Maclay, Psi UWingate, D. K. E. L.E. Elast, Phi Psi1 HONORABLE MENTION: Tilton, A. T. O.; Blattburg, Macs;Goodman, Macs; Sheer, Macs; Davis, Tau Delta Phi; Hoffert,\ Delta Upsilon; Moore, Phi Psi; Valentine, Phi Sigma Delta;Cameron, Sigma Chi; Cunningham Psi U; Sheldon, Psi U;Scherubel, Phi Gamma Delta ; Albert, Kappa Nu; Jontry, D.K.El.BY FREDERICK CHANNERTouchball Managerto making tliese selections I have ^emteavored to he impartial and fair |to all. It is true that some will un- ■doubtedly disagree with these All- |Star choices. However, the .selec¬tions were only made after much ;ck-liheration and advice from the ,various officials, with of course re- ^serving the final choice to myself. !Lott was immediately conceded a |place on the team because of his 'brilliant all-around laying and valueto his team. There were players jwho could perform at certain spe- jcialized departments of the game jbetter than Lott, but Lott could per- jform in all departments with markedability. He was exceedingly shifty,and could kick, pass and run withe<|Ual succc'ss.I’riess was selected because of hisbrilliant passing and hoadwork as ahackfield touchball p!i*yer. He show¬ed the same splendid performanceas his work in previous years onthe football field.Cody ; the famous Macs waschosen for the .All-Star team he-cuuM- a player like him couldn’t heleft off. For the* last three yearsCody has een one of the flashiest[dayeis sewn in l-.M touchball com¬ petition.Kernwein. like I’riess, is anotherex-foothall star and it was due tohis former training on the gridironthat he displayed such a sparklinggame. Kernwein was the movingspirit of this team's play all season.The center position was awardedto Clif Alger, whose fitness for thatposition was unsurpassed. His de¬fensive work was excellent and hisspeed and ability to nab passes wasalmost as good.The next selection was given to.Schneherger. the D. U. star. On theoffensive he was an all-around back-field player. He was a fine defen¬sive performer and he also mightfitly he termed as the backbone ofhis team.The Dekes are represented on thefirstteam by Wingate. Hayden isas good a touchball player as he isa Varsity baseball star and that is.saying’ something, for everyoneknows how well he can perform onthe gridiron.I have nut singled out any men¬tion of my second team but I be¬lieve they represent a group of play¬ers who showed consistent formthroughout the season and who wereinstrumental in furthering theirteam’s rogres.s in the race.J riumphant ReturnOFPopular ChicagoFavoritesRALPH WONDERS andGRACE KAY WHITE,charming ballroom enter¬tainers, open a special en¬gagement at VenetianRoom, Southmoor Hotel,b/th and Stony Island Ave.,Wednesday, December 4th.Dine and dance every even¬ing to the music of FREDDYHAMM and his COL-LEGIANS.lii’ely that this group will he divid-’dinto milei’s and two milers.Weaver, one of the high scour- o"last year’s team, will heave the shut.His herculean aet will he supiiofo iby “Bud” Trade, a capable soph,Iteiwitch, a fourth year man. T. iCowkv will he the sole Maroon u he past hut Cai-sle who was^year has rmi^ncd and maye the trength that I'rey gave■am. Stewart and Grime.s.'hs, have he'"! im])rovinj inidard event and have clearedPATRONIZE THE DAILYMAROON ADVERTISERSschedulewill heinclude NCRiri STATE STREET S€ETI1E Carson Firie ScottJ y /ic H uhO lllittois AthleticA Miirs/iull Field's B ICaricn Fiper (tCo. C Chos. A. Steerns D Handel Pros.F Fulmer House G duskin's H I. Miller ct Sons I A. <i. SpanldiiiQK Davis Co. L /‘uhlic Libra)'!/ M Chicago Athletic N Universitfi ClubTwenty-five thous.ind alumni buy diamonds and platinum jewelry from The House ofW arren Piper because they learned while in college that this firm sells better fraternity jewelryfor lower prices. Prove that for yourself. Members of your chapter arc welcome here.. WA.RREN PIPER &. CO. • F aternity Jewelry ’ • 31 NORTH STATE STREET .Nin* officti, pTtx'tite show rooms and factory on ih« tenth floor IIPage Four THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1929IIISFIEBack from a session on the WheatMarket where I aropped a couple ofbaby grands'^ to discover 1 can blowThe Whistle fo • awhile during theabsence of you eminent and re¬markable columnist, Mr. H. Mr. H.,it is rumored, has go to V. to visita Madamoiselle S. and will not re¬turn till 19—. His movements'arebeing closely watched, however, anddiagrams of his peregrinations arebeing mailed daily to the MaroonOffice from our front-line corres¬pondent, Ginsburg. These graphsbear no resemblance to the anticsof the Stock Market, but seem tofollow a huge circular course, whichindicates that Mr. H. is probably lostsomewhere out there.Perhaps you read, some monthsback of a certain adventurous citi¬zen who left Civilization to live inthe Canadian woods for a period oftwelve weeks. Without food, clothesor shelter, he proposed to eke outan existence just as Primitive Manhad done centuries before', and teprove that ( ivilized Man had notsoftened with the years. This wasnot Mr. H.. as many of his readerssupposed, but it might well havebeen, for his only equipment was abrace of copy desk pencils, and atoothbrush which he borrowed fromme at the last minute. Whateverhe is doing, you may be sure it isfor the good of this column. Hisagile pen never rests, and no mossgrows on his broad back.* The new thousand dollar billsYou poor Goop**** I don’t know.A girl, a jug of gin and a parkbench are needed ingredients for afraternity convention. Increase inproportion to size of convention.BEATRICEOh far and distant flameThou of soulful name—I yearn to bow before thee.My heart, my soul, to thee belong.To me thou art a sacred song jAnd yet my love tohu cannot see.jAbove and on a distant plane, |Thou standest where I would gainClose to your heart—but dore notsoar.Your wond’rous eyes possess my all iYour rose-kissed lips need but call ^And I am yours forever more. !A. C. E.There was an apology with thisbut—oh, well, you understand. , GREEN CAP CLUBELECTS NEW MEN(Continued from page 1)phy, Vincent McComb, Eli Mes-ringer. Robert Nebel, Arnold New-berger, Howard O’Hara, George M.Pohler, Keith Parsons, James Por¬ter, Leonard Poegel, J. B, Poole,Sam Prest, Louis Romberg, I^ermanRies, Allan Rudy, John Spearing,John .Simpson, Henry Sulcer, Rob¬ert Shapiro, George Schnur, HarryTingle, J. N. Teegarden, Albert Till¬man. Bob Wallace, Ralph Webster,Joseph Zoline, and Ray Zenner.The requirements for the clubconsisted of attendance at meetingsall season, participation in the block“C’ at football games, and knowl¬edge of University songs, traditions,history, officials, and leaders of allactivities. Determining of success¬ful candidates by the upperclassmenin charge of the freshmen was madeon consideration of all these points.Louis Engel, president of the un¬degraduate students' council, wastoastmaster at the banquet, at whichnearly one hundred freshmen werepresent. President Robert M. Hut¬chins, who was to have addressedthe gathering, was unable to attendbecause of a business trip.The benefits of the Green Capclub, both in the period of candi¬dacy and the period of membership,were stressed by the speakers: DeanCharles W. Gilkey, Coach Xels Xor-gren. Ken Rouse, and Dean Chaun-cey Boucher. They also pointedout various activities of the schoolin which freshmen should participateand stressed the importance ofeligibility.Harold Haydon, senior class pres-id. nt. and active in governing theGieen Cappers, expressed his appre¬ciation for co-operation. Dan Autry,chairman of the men’s commission,spoke briefly on the method of se¬lection.The initiation of members intothe 1920 Green Cap will take placenext Tuesday, it was announced byMilton McLean. The seventy-sixnew members will meet in Room Aof Reynolds Club at 9:30. The in¬itiation fee will be $1.98.SHAW DISCUSSESCRIME REGIONSAnd Fiji tell me that he is goingto Missouri for a football game andthat they really cheer down there.E-t ’em up tiger yowlSee me in front of Ginsberg’scigar store at one ninety-nine and ahalf Xorth Clark St.Happy Thanksgiving-Kay.THE WOODEN INDIAN. (Continued from page 1)the least amount of delinquency.Crime fluctuates according to tht.status of the neighborhood. Whenindustry enters a neighborhood aprocess of deterioration of the homebuildings is the result, thus lower¬ing the rent and in turn the type oftenant.By dividing the map of Chicagointo eight zones each radiating fromthe loop, the amount of delinquencyis found to diminish in proportionto the distance from the loop, withthe exceptions of the stock yardsand the South Chicago steel mills.The book points out that “it maybe assumed that delinquent behavioris closely related to certain commu¬nity situations which arise in theprocess of city growth.”MacDONALD DIRECTSFRIARS SHOW(Continued from page 1)cember 23. According to Odell, sev¬eral groups of individuals are busywriting shows among them LesWinters who has done previous workof ths type. .At least three or fourmanuscripts are expected to be re¬ceived and the best will be chosen.Rehearsals for the production willbegin on Monday, .April 6. The tent¬ative dates for the show have beenset for either May 23 and 24, or forthe 30th and the 31st. DISCIPLES OF PRINCEOF WALES ORGANIZEEXCLUSIVE SOCIETYThe latest campus organization,the Prince of Wals club has for itsmembership qualification the uniquestipulation that the candidate musthave fallen from his horse. Cadetsof the department of Military sci¬ence are eligible.Since the beginning of the 'quarter Cadets Hertrais and Roach havemade the organization. President HutchinsGiven Yale AwardPresident Robert Maynard Hutch¬ins leaves today for Montclair, N, Y.,where he will receive the award ofthe “Yale Bowl” from his AlmaMater Friday. The trophy is award¬ed annually to the most distinguishedYale alumnus who has “made his Yin the world.” President Hutchinswill receive the Bowl at a barn uartv. 412 HAVE PRIORITYIN REGISTRAM IDN FORWINTER QUARTERWILL REGULATE“HELL WEEK’(Continued from page 1)ter. 1930, for Dean Boucher has ad¬vised the Interfraternity body thatif they cannot dispose of the situa¬tion. the University authorities willbe forced to take a hand. The vari¬ous sides of the subject will bepresented..At this evening’s meeting, FredHack, president of the council, willoutline the proceedings at the Na¬tional Interfraternity conventionheld in Xew York City November29 and 30. to which he was a dele-gat..This will be the last meeting ofthis quarter, and it is important thatrepresentatives of all the frater¬nities be present,Mendelssohn’s Overture HighPoint of Symphony Concert(Continued from page 1)The next concert of the Mandelhali series, to be given Jan. 7, willbring two contemporary works, theoverture “Portsmouth Point,” by ayoung English composer named Wil¬liam Walton, and the sixth symphonyby Nicholas Miaskowsky, the Russianwhose works, Mr. Stock believes, willin ten years supplant those ofTschaikowsky in public favor. Otherworks announced are “The SpinningWheel of Omphale,” whose an¬nouncement is undoubtedly an er¬ror since it was played yesterday,and the finale of “Siegfried.”SETTLEMENT DRIVENEARS CLIMAX(Continued from page 1)around the stage in a most profes¬sional manner. They, too, are stu¬dents at the University.Beside the specialty numbersthere is the play “Seven Women”by James M. Barrie and the prod¬uction “Submerged” which will bedramatized by the Tower players.“Seven Women” is a play which in¬terprets the virtues of women; and“Submerged” is the story of six dy¬ing men in a sunken submarine.SAWYER'ST^ainwearKK(M, WRANO SLICKERS\ KK*'' Fron llriin«l SlU kcr^ Irn'C Mtab*m Uvltiig rr|Hilat»«n (ui Ihrrampiitrollrfir iiirn and ««omrnwhere rain (zarinentR of tfuod appearance aawell aA 1(»M^ life are e«>»eiilial.Sawder olickers* are all irt.od-liMiking. n»omy,well-cut variiieiii«. piiaraiiteed to keep )ouah'M«iutel> dr% and warm and arc to l»e hodliiM«l or iinliiicd. IiuIIuiih or eluap* ar» >ouprefer, in a wule tariel) of ftl>leA for e%eryp ^ uur choice of colora. Sho|»«e«ery-w lu'rr carry ihein.H M SAWYER^ & SONtAST CAMBRIDOE MASS.^ M tMA TTRADEWITHMAROONADVERTISERS Shotwell Hallat 55th and BlackstoneFor Dances - Lodges - Parties(Make your reservations now)M^Key^^PoagueEstablished imo5300 Blackstone Hyde Park 8213 (Continued frori page 1)8:00 classes, Thu -cay, Decem¬ber 19, 8:00—'D. ( 0 a. m.9:00 classes Fridirv Decemuor20, 8:00—10:00 i.. m.10:00 classes, Wedn(, Decem¬ber 18, 8:00—10: )0 a. m.11 :00 classes, Wedne sday, Decem¬ber 18, 1:30—3; 0 p. m.12:30 classes, Friday, December20, 1 :30—3 :30 p. m.1:30 classes, Thursday. Decem¬ber 19. 10:30—12:30 o. m.2:30 classes, Friday, I.U^cember20. 10:30—12:30 p. n.3:30 classes, Thursday, Decem¬ber 19, 1 :30—3:30 p. ti.4:30 classes, Wednesday, Decem¬ber 18, 4:30—6:30 p. 11.In the graduate classes, final ex-aminatiuns will be held at the dis-ert tion of the instructor. donated a large sum. judson wasnow president. When he retired,i Blake took the position. Maynardand Hutchins succeeded succes-I sively.”i “The University was founded ini 1858 by Wllm. Rainy Harper, theI first of its presidents.”i “Robert Maynard Hutchins has; just been made FULL president.’’! “Since the start in 1892 the schooli has grown considerable.”! “In 1929 Hutchins succeeded Bur¬ton and became pres.”“Rockefella donated $150,000,00o! for the chapel which has just beenI completed.” (“The Daily Maroo^iadvocates an investigation to findi out what has been done with therest.”)Choice tidbits from the Univer¬sity songs:“Let our royal voices raise andi bless her with our venisons.”"We praise her breath of charity.That makes men strong and free.”' “Her mighty learning we can’t tellE’er truth is something more thanlore.” and kitnt. suitable for 3; newly dec¬orated and atractively furnished;cheap rent and comfortable accom¬modations; sing. rm. 6026 Ingle-side Ave.LOST — Tortoise-shell glasses inHarper reading room. Call Sag. 6878or leave at Daily Maroon office.TO RENT —COMFORTABLE,clean furnished rooms and apart¬ments. The Campus, 5622 Ellis Ave.855(1 man’s Raccoon coat for $.)5(I.<ize 40. Like new. Call after 6 H. M.O’Rrien, 4508 Oakenwald .Ave.FOR 1 HAT PARTY Kissesmeringue $.25 per doz. Date torch81 50, l',\tra large chi>colate fudgecake 82.00. .Apricot almond jam $.50jier jar. Home-tnade to your order.Piione Dorcliester 47(>4.GREEN CAP EXAMGIVES ‘LOW DOV/N’ABOUT THE CAMPUS CLASSIFIED ADS(Continued from page 1)"University Recorder.’History of the University: “Thefirst was founded in 1857. Harperwas president. It soon had to closebecause of lack of funds. It open¬ed again in 1892 when Rockefeller FOR S.ALE—Two pairs JohnsonMen’s Ice Skates. 10 and 12.$5.00 per pair. New. Drexel 2407.LOST — Black leather notebookin Cobb, 4th floor Nov. 25. Re¬turn to S. Spaulding, 6910 Ogle.sby.Ave. or Lost and Found. Rewarn.HEAT AND SUNSHINE -2 rm.s.WE RENTTUXEDOS - FULL DRESSCutaways and MasqueradeCostumeFor Y our Proms and AffairsSpecial Student Rates fromSAM GINGISS & SONS6 East Lake St., Room 304 Tel. Dearborn 8946 ChicagoOpen Evenings and Sunday by Appointment FRIDAY NITE ISCOLLEGE NITEFREE DRINKSle/iiV/i mrans('iin^:er .Ale. lA'inonades, Soft Drinks.All tliat you c.'in consutnc in otherword,', everything in gla>ses free—the entire cost of an evening’s fnnhere is only $1.10 per person."To Mert Kelly of Chicago goes thecredit for originating the Jazz band.”—i'at. Evening Post"I I oiisider Kelly's Stables the realChicago night life atmosphere."—D. \V. GriffithsFollow the Leader - - -Qften it is foolish. Often it is wise - -once you have followed the leader’sreasoning, you’ll soon discover it’swise to follow the leader to the Maid-Rite.And why do they go to the Maid-Rite?Its simple enough. A combination ofgood food, good service, and reason¬able prices is inviting enough to temptthe most critical connoisseur.And when you follow the leader to theMaid-Rite and become one of its reg¬ular patrons, you follow the leader inrestaurant service, for the Maid-Ritehas blazed a trail to the top.The Maid-Rite ShopsWe Deliver Free C^all Plaza 5551