“COMPLETECAMPUSCOVERAGE”Vol. 28. No. 38. Batlp iHlaroon SUPPORT THESETTLEMENT.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7. 1928 Price Five CentsEditor’s note: The Stumble Bum’sbeen down to the State and Congressrecently. Or was it the Haymarket?Anyway it made a big impression onhis childish mind and now he feelscalled upon to imbosom himself. Well,we’ve printed some mighty foul truckin this coliunn so far, and there’s someconsolation in the fact that thingscan’t be much worse. Here you a-e—the last mad ravings of a degeneratedmind. HOLD SEHLEMENT FINALE TONIGHTBURLESQUEby Tha Stumble Bum“Saint Louis womaaan . . . with’erdiamon’^ring ....’’The rich, veined voice seems almostto make the dingy drapes glow witha richer, fuller color. Something verysatisfying about the Saint Louis Blues.No matter what your mood may be,no matter what retrospective by-roadsyour heart may take, the blues, theSaint Louis Blues, are a part of ii.Chopin, Strauss, Bach; none of themhave ever produced such a heartwrenching melody of the masses, thatcaroling plaint “Ah hate to see . . .that evenin’ sun go down ....’’ Blues.The fat lady in the next seat ishaving a terrible time trying to findwhere she dropped her glove. Ofcourse, one should offer to dive downin the muck to aid, but after all, itisn’t expected here and for pure, un¬alloyed pleasure nothing can compare jwith the sight of a slightly ovet-stuffed lady trying to make each foldand billow and roll of porkina massdissolve into nothing in order to bendover. The wheezes and grunts andbubbling sighs. Ah! She has found it.Well, what have we on the stage.The chorus By Allah! The Lydiesof the Ensemble. Much the same asusual. Haven’t gotten a kick out ofa chorus for many moons. (.\nd that,you Saxon blighter, is NOT a pun!)One begins to pick out old friends.The three in the middle who know allthe movements but just haven’t gotthe ambition to go through them.high kick for these three lifts abouteight inches off the floor. The veryenthusiastic lady on the right whomay be a bit off time but is having aperfectly gorgeous celebration on herown. The middle aged woman whosedaughter is probably in the line some¬where and w'ho is being determinedlykittenish with the stout gentleman inthe front row center. All old friends.Every burlesque chorus from timeimmemorial has been graced withthese. But in the name of Allah whosename is great! What i 4 th’ Hell havewe on the left end? A Dresdenshep'rdess imbued with the jolly oldjazz mania! Young and vivacious, herrather indiscreet tights displaying ex¬quisitely modeled thighs. Not a goldtooth, not a glint of peroxide, !iot afault. Surely the pudgy little gods ofburlesque have made a mistake. Awild search for a program and thebringing to light of a vast number ofTrixies, Billies, Doras and all the restof the tribe but no indication of whichone the beauty might be. They oughtto number them in the program.Something on the idea of a footballjersey. The best place to mark thegirls I would judge would be on therear of their abbreviated pants. Inthe first place it is the only item ofclothing with sufficient area uponwhich to place a numeral and in the |second place it’s quite prominent, jquite. Will have to take that up withsomebody, almost anybody in fact.Well! The gorgeous young lady isback again. In a single this time too.Quite a clever toe dancer. Horriblecostume, but then, no one is lookingat the costume. An intensive searchand the bedraggeled program is againbrought to light, “Jackie Teeter’’. Itwould be. Jackie, or Billie, or Bobbie,I suppose it’s in the rules somewherebut it’s very painful. She’s goodthough. Rates a lot better than aburlesque chorus.The comedians are back again—Idon’t like cheap comedians. I supposeI’m the only person on earth who isn’tviolently amused by a putty nosed per¬son 'in a pair of bloomers. NEGRO STUDENTSPARTICIPATE INDRAMAJEVIVALCube to Present FolkPlays with NativeCastsStudents of the University are toparticipate in the only negro littletheatre movement in Chicago whenfour negro plays with complete ne¬gro casts are given at the Cube, 1538E. 67th St., early next month. Re¬hearsals for the plays are now beingheld, and an exhibition of paintingand sculpture by negro artists is be¬ing assembled.Beginning Jan. 4. “The DreamyKid’’ by Eugene O’Neill, “The ManWho Died at Twelve O’clock” and“The No ’Count Boy” by Paul Green,author of “Abraham’s Bosom”; and“Plumes” by Georgia Douglas John¬son will be given Friday, Saturdayand Sunday nights for three weeks.Barefield Gordon, University senior;Mrs. Cary B. Lewis, known as di¬rector of Masks, former Negro littletheatre; and Mary Hunter, directerof the Cube, are directing the playstogether. ^Dunham Revive* Negro TheatreUniversity students appearing inthe cast are Barefield Gordon, Cath¬erine Dunham, Frances Taylor, Wil¬liam Hill, and Isaac Clark of theUniversity College.Albert Dunham, graduate studentin the University, is responsible forthe idea of reviving a negro thea¬tre in Chicago, which has in the past jbeen regarded as the national cen- {ter of activity for negro drama. Itwas here that the celebrated Na¬tional Ethiopian Art Theatre firstproduced its version of Oscar Wilde’s“Salome.” Dunham received his Ph.B., from the University in August.This is his first quarter in the grad¬uate department of philosophy.Baber Also LeaderMiss Zonia Baber, who was incharge of the “Negro in Art” weekwhich last year attracted much at¬tention on the south side, is anotherof the leaders in negro cultural ac¬tivities in Chicago connected withthe Cube production. She is associ¬ated with Mrs. Lewis, formerly ofMasks, in the production.To stimulate interest in a negrotheatre for Chicago the Cube has ob¬tained the support and patronage ofa number of prominent Chicagoans. Admit Frosh OnlyTo Exclusive Tea“Freshmen for Freshmen!” Thisis the motto of the first of theclass social affairs, a mixer to begiven December 14 from 3 to 6in the Reynolds club. The mixeris being sponsored by the Fresh¬men Women's council and theGreen Cap club. In order to keepthe affair a strictly class partythetwo organizations have enlist¬ed several seniors to act as bounc¬ers.The Apex club orchestra willfurnish the syncopation. Planshave been made for several mixerdances to be led by Doris Ander¬son, president of the Council andClifford McGillivray, president ofGreen Cap. Proceeds from abridge and bunco tea given re¬cently by the council and a con¬tribution from the Green Capclub will finance the affairs sothat no admission fee will becharged. NEW COURSES IN I Greek OrthodoxPRACTICAL ART‘ ConducuWILL BE GIVEN Maximow ServiceProvide Junior CollegeStudents with NewOpportunityField DescribesKish ExcavationsIn Campus TalkDewey, Philosopher,To Lecture HereI’roff.'nsor John Dewey of ('ohiinbiauniversity will deliver several lectureson philosophy during the week ofF'ehruary 17 at the Ihiiversity. “.\Ir.Dewey is the most eminent livingphilosopher in .A^merica, if not in theworld,’’ said Professor T. V. Smithwhen commenting on Dewey and hisphilosophy.Mr. Dewey, who was for many yearshead of the department of philosophyat the University and director of theschool of education, has just returnedfrom an educational mission in Russia,advising the Bolshevist government re¬garding the schools. He has also ad-\«ised the Turkish,' Mexican, andChinese authorities on their educa¬tional possibilities. Henry Field, assistant cxirator ofthe Field Museum, described the fam¬ous excavations, at Kish in a lecturegiven last nig’nt in Harper assemblyroom under the auspices of the NearEast club.Mr. Field has recently returnedfrom Mesopotamia where he has beenexcavating at Kish under the com¬bined direction of the Field Museumand Oxford university.Kish is one of the earliest citiesof what was formerly upper Baby¬lonia at the juncture of the Tigrisand the Euphrates. Mr. Field wasparticularly interested in findingtraces of paleolithic man. Over 300prehistoric stacions were .surveyed.Lecture IllustratedHis lecture was illustrated byslides and moving pictures; showingexcavations, native customs, andsome of the many difficulties whichwere encountered in the expedition.Armored cars were necessary tokeep off the attacks of the Bedouins,and protection was needed from theheat, the quicksand, and the locustswhich appeared in large quantities.The excavations were made in theold temple tower of Kish. Underfour stratas of earth was the lay¬er in which the important discov¬eries were found. These consisted ofabout 200 skeletons, many pieces ofpottery and jewelry, acd severalchariots. Mr". Field examined andmeasured the skeletons as well asmeasuring the skulls of about 500living inhabitants of the region. Heexpects by this means to determinethe racial characteristics of the an¬cient inhabitants of this district.Wheels Earliest FoundThe wheels of the chariots are theearliest yet found. They antedate(Continued on page 2) Changes affecting the undergrad¬uate studio courses with a view toprviding opportunity for the .juniorcollege student to take practicalcourses in art, are being consider¬ed, according to Professor EdwardF. Rothschild, acting head of theart department. An extensive sum¬mer program with opportunities forgraduate study that have never be¬fore been offered are planned.A new course in American archi¬tecture and sculpture will be givenby Mr. Hugh Morrison. Mr. Mor¬rison was last in residence as an in¬structor in art in the spring quar¬ter, 1927. He has been doing grad¬uate work at Princeton and has beevtravelling in Greece. Associate Pro¬fessor Charles J. Martin of theTeacher’s college, Columbia, will bevisiting professor during the springand summer quarters.Miss Elizabeth Haseltine, an in¬structor in the Art department, hastwo pieces of sculpture in the cur¬rent American show at the Art In¬stitute. They are “Cat,” a sculpturein round, carved direct from gran¬ite; and “Aladdin and his Wonder-ftrl L<amp,” a plaster carving relief.FORMER CHAPLAINTALKS ON TE DEUMWINDOW IN CHAPELProfessor Theodore Soares, formerchaplain of the University, will lecturetoday at the usual Friday noon chapelservice. The 'I'e Deuin window in thesouth facade of the chapel and thearrangement (U* the groui)s around itwill be the subject of Dr. Soares’ talk.'I'he scripture will he read hy RobertMcKinlay, and a selection will he sunghy the choir.Dean and Mrs. Charles Clilkey willnot have their usual at-honie thisSaturday evening because they areplanning to attend the Settlementnight program in company with Act¬ing-President and Mrs. W’oodwardand Dr. Carl \V. Petty of Pittsburg.Dr. Petty, one of the foremost Bap¬tist ministers in America, according(Continued on page 2) I Funeral services for Professor! Alexander A. Maximow, Universityscientist, who died Monday night,were held yesterday in the Univers¬ity Chapel, three priests of the Rus¬sian Holy Trinity cathedral of theGreek Orthodox church conductingthe impressive ceremony. Responseswere sung in Old Slavonic by thefamous Russian Kedroff Quartet, nowon concert tour in the United States,the members of the quartet volun¬teering their services out of respectto the dead scientist.Bensley Describes CareerProfessor Robert Bensley, head ofthe anatomy department, of whichProfessor Maximow was a member,described the scientific career of hislate colleague. “After a perious es¬cape from Bolsheveist Russia, hecame to the University in 1922 andby his great background in anatomyhis intuitive insight into scientificproblems, his fertility in experimen¬tation, and hs capacity for sustainedeffort, he became the foremost his¬tologist in the world, and one of thegreat scientific men of the age.Tells Chief Work“His principal work was on theproblem of blood and connective tis¬sue structure and growth, tubercu¬losis, the malignant diseases, in¬flammation and the problems of theplacenta. He was one of the lead¬ers in the movement which has madethe study of living tissue an import¬ant field in anatomy. From all overthe world students came to him forknowledge qnd inspiration, just ashe* had come to America, like thePilgrim fathers, for sanctuary andopportunity to work. Science, whichembraces all and knows no bound-(Continued on page 2)ARTIST GIVES GROUPOF BOOKPLATES TOUNIVERSITY LIBRARYLINN A GRANDFATHER“It’s a girl!”Professor James Weber Linn of theEnglish department is a grandfatherand has been a grandfather for twodays. A baby girl weighing sevenand a half pounds was born to hisdaughter Mrs. James Rogers, at theLying-in hospital Wednesday morn¬ing. Glasgow LecturerTeaches PhilosophyMr. C. Delisle Burns, Stephensonlecturer on citizenship in the Univer¬sity of Glasgow, Scotland, will givetwo courses in philosophy during thespring quarter at the LTiiversity.Medieval philosophy will be the sub¬ject of one course. The other will ^deal with international relations.Mr. Burns is connected with thelabor movement in England and is alsoa worker on the labor movement of theLeague of Nations. He is making astudy of the colonial policies of thegreat imperial governments and hascome to America to study the subjectof the colonial policy of the UnitedStates.- ' Dames Club HearsDorothy Aldis ReadDorothy Aldis, Chicago poet, willpresent a group of readings at themeeting of the Dames club Saturdayat 3 in Ida Noyes hall. The pro¬gram will include selections from hertwo books “Everything and Any¬thing” and “Here, There and Every¬where.”Mrs. Aldis, who is a resident ofChicago and a graduate of the Uni¬versity school for girls and Farming-ton college, has been writing forsome time. Her work was intrr < deedto the reading public thru RichardHenry Little’s “Line’’ in the Tribune,and an enthusiastic Chicago audiencemade her first book a best seller.The Dames club, which meets reg¬ularly every other week, is compos¬ed of mothers and wives of studentsof the University.ORDER YEAR BOOK!Advance subscriptions will be nec¬essary for students who wish to ob¬tain this year’s Cap and Gown. Be¬fore winter quarter the book will sellfor $4 and after that time the pricewill be raised to $4.50.No book will be sold this year af¬ter publication. Miss Winifred Ver Nooy, refer¬ence librarian of the University,has just received an addition to thelibrary’s collection of book platesfrom Paul MePharlin, an amateurartist living at Winnetka. They areto be exhibited soon.Mr. MePharlin, a graduate of Co¬lumbia university, interested in artand journalism, has wTitten severalbooks on drama. Many of the bookplates were made expressly for thesebooks. One of the plates, decoratedby two masked heads, was designedfor the owner’s books on masks. An¬other of a puppet booth in whichPunch belabors the Devil, containsthe m» nogram of the artist, and wasused for his books on marionettesand his anthology of classic marion¬ette plays. In the collection are tworare linoleum-cut plates. BREAK TRADITIONOF VARIEIY BILLFOR NE^SHOWSDramatic AssociationTakes Charge ofProgramAs the Settlement financial driveenters the home stretch the womenare far out ahead of the men in theteam competition. Wyvern is leadingall teams, with Mortar Board, Eso¬teric, and Pi Delta Phi following inthe women’s division.Alpha Delta Phi has hopped outahead in the men’s race, with DeltaKappa Epsilon following. Both arefar ahead of the other teams.Pomp, color, and extravaganza willgive way to dignity and conservatismwith the culmination of the annualstudent charity drive at SettlementNight tonight at 8:15 in Mandel hall.The presentation which will be re¬peated tomorrow night will cast aningrained campus tradition by theboards with the substitution of a groupof productions by the Dramatic asso¬ciation for the vodvil pot-pourris ofpast years. Formal dress has beendecreed for the first night of this newnote in student carnival.There will be no booths, but roseswill be sold a* the show.There will be dancing in the SouthLounge of Reynolds’ Club immediatelyafter the performance, and will con¬tinue until 12. The orchestra, com¬posed of campus talent, includes:Orvis Hcnkle, Harold Hahn, JeromeSolomon, Hugh Johnson, and Sam\’an Dyne. A charge of ten cents foreach dance will be imposed.Short CampaignHandicapped by a shortened, thoughintense period of campaigning for theUniversity Settlement in the StockYards, the Settlement committee, un¬der the leadership of Charles Cutterand Ellen Hartman, are confident ofsurpassing previous totals.The Dramatic association which 'hasmade possible the innovation in Settle¬ment Night, is including it as a regularpart of its season series of productions.After two successes this season, theywill present as their third bill thefragmentary “Shall \Ve Join TheLadies" of James M. Barrie andGeorge S. Kaufman’s farce sketch “If(Continued on page 2)Quotes Darwin OnOld Maids’ ValueDarwin has discovered manythings be.s'ides the origin of thespecies said Professor Henry C.Cowles of the botany departmentin his lecture before the Fresh¬man Survey class yesterday morn*ing. He is credited with the dis¬covery of a commercial use for*“old-maids.”In Darwin’s estimation, theyare necessary for the success ofthe clover crop, used to fertilizethe soil. Bees are necessary forthe polination of clover, and theabsence of mice allows the beesto exist in large numbers. Theabundance of cats is responsiblefor the scarcity of mice, and “oldmaids” are responsible for cats. Hilda Norman TalksOn Morrocan TripMiss Hilda Norman, of the Frenchdepartment, yesterday spoke beforethe French club at La Maison Fran-caise about a recent trip to Morocco.She described everyday scenes of Tan-giers, Marakesha, and Fez, such asthe markets with the persuasivevendors, the street corners and theever-present story tellers, and theshops where Americans are askedexorbitant prices by the mercenaryArabs.Miss Norman also described the in¬terior of an .\rab college, where youngMohammedans were studyingthe com¬mentaries on the Koran. She exhib¬ited baskets and tapestries of nativeworkmanship.Miss Norman was introduced byMiss Edna Wallace, president of theFrench club.MRS. MERRILL ILLMrs. Robert V. Merrill, social direc¬tor of the LTiiversity, who has beensuffering from pneumonia for threeweeks, was taken to the Billings hos¬pital Wednesday night for an opera¬tion. The hospital reports that anoperation is not immediately neces¬sary.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928■+f -4-4-ia% iiarnonFOUNDED IN 1101THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished morniiiKa. except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarter* by The Daily Maroon Company. Subacriptioa rates$8.00 per year; by mail, $1.60 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered -as second class matter March 18, 1903, at the post office at Chicago,Illinois, under the Act of March 3, 1879.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publicatioii of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffLOUIS H. ENGEL, JR., MANAGING EDITORROBERT W. FISHER, BUSINESS MANAGERHARRIET HARRIS, WOMAN’S EDITORROBERT L. STERN, SPORTS EDITORVICTOR ROTERUS, CHAIRMAN EDITORIAL BOARDOFFICE—ROOM 16, 5831 University Avenue, LEXINGTON HALLTelephones: Midway 0800, Local 44, Hyde Park 9221MEN_.,Newa EditorRobert C. McCormack. New* Editor.... Day EditorNorman R. Goldman..Day Editor, Day EditorDay EklitorWOMENHarriet Hatbairay Junior EditorJ. Aldean GibboneyFrancea A. Blodgett....Marjorie Cahill Sophomore Editor.... Sophomore EditorMarion E. White Sophomore Editor SPORTS DEPARTMENTHenry D. Fisher Assistant EditorAlbert Arkulea Sophomore EditorMaurice Liebman Sophomore EditorJerome Strauss Sophomore EditorBhnmarette Dawson Women’s EditorMarjorie Tolman..Associate Women’s EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTEhirle M. Stocker. Advertising ManagerRobert Nicholson Circulation MaivagerBlanche Reardon Secretary'Lee Loventhal Office ManagerRobert Mayer Downtown CopyFred Towsley Downtown CopyAbe Blinder Local CopyRobert Shapiro Local CopyHugh Mackenzie Advertising Rep. FORMER CHAPLAINTALKS ONTEDEUMWINDOW IN CHAPELthe(Continued from page 1)to Dean Gilkey, will conductservices Sunday morning.Sunday afternoon at 4, a musicalw'ill be given in the chapel. The Cen¬tral church choir, under the directionof Daniel Protheros, will furnish theprogram.THE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM1. Encouragement of student initiative in undergraduate activityand scholarship.2. Application of research principles and abolition of grades forsenior college students.3. Promotion of undergraduate interest in lectures, concerts,exhibits and other campus cultural influences.4. Erection of dormitories and field house.5. Support of military unH.6. Adoption of a deferred fraternity and club rushing plan.SHALL WE DECLARE OURSELVES?The annual Settlement Drive culminates tonight in the climaticcarnival. Altered somewhat from the former vodvil variety displays,the more rigid program of dramatic sketches, chorus specialties, andmusical numbers still constitute one of the major events of the extra-cirricular season. Despite the lack of overt enthusiasm, this year sDrive like previous Drives will likely be considered a “success.Yet, even the competitive zest which has always permeated theDrive seems be waning from year to year. Few likely realize justwhat is behind the Drive, what it does for the “Yards” they senti¬mentally invokes in their solicitations. For most it is just a bufferbetween a disappointing football season and a hopeful basketballyear. They must have something to tack their interest to.Whether it is that lassitude that precedes examination week,or whether it is just another evidence of the increasing impersonal¬ity of the campus attitude on most traditional interests, it is certainthat the Drive, which makes its last gestures of majesticity tonightand tomorrow night, has become more and more the project of justa handful of students who have clung to it as others have fallenaway. Many are, in fact, unaware of the activity of the SettlementCommittee. The response from those who are cognizant of theDrive is slow and forced and dispirited.But the few have persisted and, despite lack of support froma major portion of the student body, will likely secure capacityaudiences on both nights. Students must be seen there; it is theiraffiliation with a noble interest.Just how long the Settlement Drive can persist, with the local-lizing of interest in a few, is dubious. It was instituted as a cam¬paign supported by the entire student body—it was, as it was ex¬pected to be, a mass effort. The first committee had a greaterforce—the drive was yet new and its novelty served to attract thespontaneous enthusiasm of all.Now, after some few years, the novelty has worn off, andthe Drive seems destined to go the way of all other hackneyed cam¬pus undertakings. But it is just another gesture of defeat, of ad¬mission of ability to finish what was given a good start. We haveseen interest in athletics subside, we have witnessed campus publica¬tions under the knife of student apathy, we have seen clubs thatheld our great promise decay into obscurity. Perhaps the few whoare struggling to keep Settlement Drive going will keep it up.But it is up to us: do we want a Settlement Drive? Tonight’senthusiasm will go far in such a declaration. BREAK TRADITIONOF VARIETY BILLFOR NEW SHOWS(Continued from page 1)Men Plaved Cards As Women Do". Virginia Ratcliffe and her troupe ofMirror choristers will provide entre-acte dance specialties. A specially re¬cruited campus orchestra, directed byOrvis Henkle will fill in the remainderof the program.A brisk sale of tickets has left butfew choice seats. They will beon sale at the box office at one dollareach.GREEK ORTHODOXCHURCH CONDUCTSMAXIMOW SERVICE(Continued from page 1)aries, give us but one way to over¬come our limitations, and that is byWE RENTTUXEDOS - FULL DRESSCutaways and MasqueradeCostumesFor Your Proms and AffairsSpecial Student RatesFromSAM GINGISS & SON6 East Lake St., Room 304 TeL Dearborn 8946 ChicagoOPEN EVENINGS the discovery of new truth. As longas truth reaches human life and min¬isters to human needs, he will re¬main a living presence.”Father Mulis Timen, pastor of theRussian Holy Trinity Cathedral, con¬ducted the services. Six hundredstudents, faculty members. Univers¬ity trustees, and friends of Profees-or Maximow were present at theceremony.Members of the anatomy depart¬ment were the pall-bearers. Inter¬ment was in Oakwoods cemetery. 3800 B. C. They are of solid wood,and have copper nails set aroundthe rim. Because of the great ageof the wood it was only by the useof varnish that they could be remov¬ed from the earth.Many of the discoveries will soonbe on exhibit at the Field Museum.FIELD DESCRIBESKISH EXCAVATIONSIN CAMPUS TALK(Continued from page 1)all others by about a thousand yearsand are probably of a period aboutCOWHEY’SCollegian Haberdashery55th at EllisCAMPUS CRUSHERFELT HAT—$1.50 M/naierjiAetPerslcm ^arcismhm ®n orshtnHyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawn At*.Norris L. TibbettsMinisterSUNDAY, DECEMBER 911 a. m.—College Classes.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.Young Peoples Church Club.6:00 p. m.—Tea and Social Honr.7:00 p. m.—Discussion Groups.8:00—Evening worship plannedby young people. *8:45 p. m.—The Home Party.CHICAGO ETHICALSOCIETYA non-sectarian, religious societyto foster the knowledge, love andpractice of the right.THE STUDEBAKER THEATRE418 S. Michigan AvenueSunday, Dec. 9Dr. W. Boyd-Carpenterwill speak on“The American Penetration ofths Orient”All seats free. Visitors cordiallywelcome.Hjrda Park PreabylM^ian ChordiRalph Mar^all DayiaMiniftar.Blackstone Ave. and 53rd St.10:00 a. m.—Church School.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.5:30 p. m.—Young People’s So¬ciety Tea6:30 p. m.—Young People’s So¬ciety Meeting8:00 p. m.—Evensong anil 57th SreetOon O^dcn Oo^t ~ UlinisterSUNDAY, DECEMBER 91 1 A. M.—“The Constructive Temper’’6 P. M.—Channing Club, Meadville House, “Science andModern Ethics”Hyde Park Congrega¬tional ChurchDorchectar Ava. and SCth St.WILLIS LAITEN GOLDSMITH,MinisterSUNDAY, DECEMBER 911 o’clock—“At the Corner ofHard Road and Easy Street”6 p. m.—Scrooby Club for YoungPeople.Mr. Mack Evans, Director ofthe University Choir, will discussChristmas Carols.Dance in Dewhurst Hall, Fri¬day evening, Dec. 7th.University students invited. The Kenwood ChurchInterdenominationalAlfred Lee Wilson, MinisterGreenwood at 46th St.9:45 a. m.—Sunday School.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.12:15 p. m.—^Young Peoples’Bible Class.CHOIRGavin Williamson, DirectorOlive Lacey Dickson, SopranoEthel Jones, ContraltoWalter Pontius, TenorMark Love, BasoAll students are urged to comeand enjoy our servicesGO TO CHURCHIT’SGOOD FOR YOU EPISCOPALChriat ChurchWoodluwa at 65th'Ihe REV. FRANCIS R. NITCHIE7:30 a. tn.—Holy Communion.9:30 a. m.—Church School.11:00 a. m.—Holy Eucharist orMatins and Sermon.5:30 p. m.—Evensong. Address.All students arc welcome. Dailyservices.The Church ofThe RedeemerS$th and Blaekaten*RBV. JOHN HENRY HOF KINS. D. O..University Student Pastor:Rev. W. C. DownerAssistantSunday; Holy Communion, 8 a.m.and, (except 3rd Sundays) at 9:15a. m., also with sermon at 11 a. m.Choral Evensong and sermon,7:30 p. m.Students especially welcome.Daily chapel service every weekday.St. Paul’s Church•Otfe and 0«.clMatarParlab Offiea: 4946 Dorehaatar Ara***Yal. Oakland tillREV. GEORGE H. THOMASRev. Frank R. MyersRev. Otis C. JacksonSunday ServiceaHoly Communion, 8:00 a. m.Church School Service, 9:30 a. m.Homing Service, 11:00 a. m.Evening Service. 6 p. m.Young Peoples’ Society, i p. ».Woodlawn Park Methodist Episcopal ChurchWoodUwn Avenue at 64th St.GILBERT S. COX PartorSUNDAY, DECEMBER 99:45—Sunday School.Morning 1 1 o’clock—“The Birth of a Saviour”5:30 P. M.—^Epworth League.7:45 P. M.—"The Church’s Stake in Peace”Students will find a most cordial welcome. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF DISCIPLES57th and UniversityMinister: Edward Scribner AmesBasil F. Wise, Director of Music and Education.SUNDAY, DECEMBER 9Sermon: 11 A. M.—“The Duty of Reasonableness”Wranglers 5:30 P. M.—Mr. Wise will speak on the life ofSchubert and sing some of his songs.THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928 Page THreeTHE WEEKLY REVIENotes on Society and the Arts for the Well-InformedON THE BOARDS |“THE FIVE O’CLOCK GIRL”Playing at the WoodsReviewed by Iris Goodman“The Five O’Clock Girl” is the firstmusical comedy that I have seen since“Good News”. Drawing my conclu¬sions from these two good shows, itwould seem that plots of musicalcomedies though still only light andfrivolous, are becoming more compli¬cated and more psychologically sound.“Five O’clock Girl” is the story ofa girl who calls up a man at the sametime each evening. He believes herto be a charming young lady (and soshe is) and wealthy (which she isnot.) Flattered by her attentions, heplans a grand reception for her. Plansof course are upset when his ex-ladyfriend now engaged to another manenters and almost spoils the pre¬planned reception for the “FiveO’clock Girl.” Everything comes outall right in the end and everyonemarries the right person, which is anexcuse for prettier and mor gorgeousbrides’ and bridemaids’ gowns.Mary Eaton as the “Five O'clockGirl is charming at any time, thoughfive o’clock is her hour. In the roleof a slightly individualized Cinderella,unwittingly taken for an heiress shecaptivates her audience and does all theother things described by pleasant ad¬jectives, that denote clever acting andpleasing femininity. The chorus,though they wear their clothes well,did not dance so well the night Isaw them but they tell me they haveimproved.Shaw and Lee provide many of thelaughs and the valet (Jack Norton)and the cleaning shop girl Susan Snow(Pert Kelton) are inimitable both be¬cause of the parts they portray andby reason of their remarks.The singing is far better than thedancing. The songs principally theking that are “snappy” but not tune¬ful enough to be remembered the nextmorning. “Thinking of You” and “Upin the Clouds” at the time seemedthe best.“THE FRONT PAGE”Showing at the AdelphiReviewed by Alden Steven*This affair is so fast and so rau¬cous it makes “College Humor” looklike the Christian Science Mentor.The audience hardly ceases to gaspfor breath throughout the play,though this is not wholly due to thepace. Probably more words are spok¬en per minute in THE FRONTPAGE than in any other play in Chi¬cago.The play deals with the activitiesand obscenities indulged in by agroup of newspaper men on the eveof an election which is almost recog¬nizable. The candidates for re-elec¬tion, who are anxious about the ne¬gro vote, are almost ready to hangan anarchist who has killed a ne¬gro policeman, when they are foiledby the prisoner’s escape, and, inci¬dentally, perhaps, by a last minutereprieve. A love story is run in,for some reason, and lots and lots ofshooting and shouting and runningaround.Mr. Roger Pryor, who plays theleading man, is a hard-workingyoung fellow. In fact it may be saidthat he is as busy as a cat on a tinroof from first to final curtain. How¬ever, being of a steady if excitabledisposition, and blessed with perfectequanimity, he handles, almost with¬out congestion, a new wife, a moth¬er-in-law, a sheriff, an escaped mur¬derer, a boss, four telephones (twoof them at the same time), a rolltop desk, a typewriter, a scrub wom¬an, a mayor, twp hundred and sixtydollars, and a’great many anachron¬isms if the dste of the play is,stated, 1912. AIRPLANES REPLACEANCIENT “LIZZIES”OF CAMPUS FAME“Collegiate” airplanes must not fol¬low in the footsteps of the rheumatic,wheezing “Lizzie” for several yearsfashionable on campuses, was thewarning given by Edward P. Warner,assistant secretary of the Navy, incharge of aviation, in an address be¬fore the Third Intercollegiate Aviationconference at Yale University. Thethrills of flying make the chuggingFord comparatively tame, but notenough to compensate for the dangerof untrustworthy planes.The dangerous element is evidentlynot detracting from the general inter¬est in aviation. The college studentis taking to the air as easily as a duckto water. Harvard and the Universityof Southern California, which ownseveral planes, have already organizedFlying clubs; while European studentsare surpassing Americans in the loftyscience of Aeronautics, according toone of the speakers at the conference.Nor is the popularity of flying limit¬ed to men students. At Wellesley, thedean’s office has been forced to issuethe edict that “no student may ridein an aeroplane unless permission hasbeen granted from the dean’s officeand the written consent of her par¬ents secured’’. According to the latestreports, the problem of chaperonageis still unsettled, and is causing muchtrouble.Reach Mid-PointOf Opera SeasonThe sixth week of the current sea¬son of grand opera, presented at the.Auditorium Theatre by the ChicagoCivic Opera Company, marks the halfway point of the seasonal efforts ofthis great lyric organization. Onlysix more weeks of opera remain beforethe’ company stages its last perform¬ance, and then begins its^annual postseason tour to the principal cities of jthe United States. jWith the exception of two or threeartists still to be heard, the week’srepertoire embraces the entire per¬sonnel of the company, all cast in theroles in which they have earned the jacclamation of critics from all overthe world.“Don Giovanni”, Mozart’s delight¬ful composition, scheduled for Wed¬nesday evening, December 12, will bethe first performance of this melodiouswork since the 1926-27 season, when jit was revived after a lapse of almost!eleven years. This opera taxes theresources of all but the great operacompanies on account of the largecast.Other operas to be presented nextweek are “Lakme”, “Boris Godounoff”,“Caveileria Rusticana”, “Don Giovan¬ni” and “Otello”. “Lakme” will bepresented on Sunday afternoon, theothers in the evening.Art Institute UsesMovies As ModelsThrough the use of moving picturestaken from living models the schoolof the Art Institute expects its stu¬dents drawing from the pictures toput into their life-studies a movementand vitality that heretofore has beensometimes lacking.Attempts have previously been madeto secure the affect of moving picturesby having a model go through insuccession a series of motions or pos¬tures. A moving picture however canrepeat a movement time after timewith much greater precision. Con¬sequently, as work supplementary todrawing from living models, films arebeing made showing models in action.It is hoped that drawing from suc¬cessive runs of the picture will bringabout concentration, keenness of ob¬servation and vivid draftsmanship. Ancient AlmanacsAmuse Visitors toRare Book RoomBy Charles H. GoodNone of the volumes in the RareBook Room on the fourth floor ofHarper library are more fascinatingthan the almanacs, in one cornerof a case opposite the entrance.Some of them are cheaply printedon poor and almost disintigrated pa¬per while others have gilt edges andare bound in embossed leather.The word almanac, a note care¬fully pasted in one of the leatherbound copies tells us, originally re-feiTed to Arabian books of astrologywhich entered Europe'by the way ofSpain and the Moors The same notesays that the first almanac in themodern sense was published in Eng¬land in 1673. If that note is correctthe little volume in the Rare BookRoom entitled “Prognostication con¬cerning Husbandry and physic forevery moneth in the yeere,” and dat¬ed 1646, cannot be considered a realalmanac, although it contains in¬formation similar to that still put inalmanacs.American AlmanacsThe American almaiiacs are themost amusing and interesting, al¬though they are badly printed andalmost falling apart with age. Thereare a number of them, all contain¬ing a weird miscellany of pseudo¬scientific information and would-beI entertaining reading matter.An almanac put out at Newbury-Port in 1782 by Daniel George in¬cludes advice on how to cure theitch alongside its forecast for theweather. It suggests washing thefeet as a cure for corns, and forbaldness it advocates rubbing thehead first with an onion and thenwith honey.Finn’s Comic Almanac for 1835 |has a cartoon cover showing one 'man demanding the time with a i“What’s a clock?” and another |pointing to his embroidered stocking [and saying “Look at my stocking.” jThe same almanac says that it is like ;a vessel laden with ‘ Old Jamaica” |because it is full of Rum Puns. |One of the almanacs, that pub- ,lished by Isaiah Thomas at Wor¬cester, Mass., for the year 1780,achieved enormous repute as aweather prophet. .The story goesthat when the printer’s boy asked jThomas what to forcast for July 13he was told to say anything, andpromptly set “rain, hail and snow.”By some freak of nature it really idid rain, hail and snow that July ,13.Around TownCollege men will be college boys.It’s a lucky thing for a goodly num¬ber of local hosteleries who furnishthe music and the dim lights for anevening of dance. iSaturday nights at the Drake— Istill a tradition for the college manaround town. Formal and refined,don’t you know. Bobby Meekerwields the baton.When Freddie Hamm and his tenpiece Victor Recording Orchestradrifted around the Southmoor, busi¬ness picked up by leaps and bounds.They’re wondering how to take careof the Woodlawn Avenue boys now.Popularity plus.Coon Sanders still furnishes thesmooth melodies that put the Black-hawk on the map. Everybody’sheard Coon Sanders on the radio.A little farther out South, some¬body or other opened another mec-ca for the social steppers. “Ra- ■phael’s” they call it and it featuresin that distinctive Persian atmo¬sphere.Just a few notes for the men whowander what to do between Christ¬mas and New Year’s.KAPPA SIGMA ENTERTAINSThe mothers of Kappa Sigma willbe entertained at tea on Sunday af¬ternoon in the campus home of theirsons. ON PIPESBy Tiger Van DeusenWhen we speak of pipes we arenot referring to bag-pipes or organj pipes, we speak merely of a bit ofvulcanized rubber and wood cun¬ningly contrived in such a mannerthat a few cents judiciously investedmay yield huge profits of pleasure.The brier for an instance, a hol¬lowed bit of root smoothed and pol¬ished when packed with mellow to¬bacco gains a pleasing warmth inthe hollow of your hand, it blackensunder age and gains its brightestsheen under caressing much inthe same manner as a Collegians’hair! But there the simile must end,for a pipe is sweetly scented!And then the Meersham, the ul¬timate goal of all good pipe smok¬ers, sickly white in color in its in¬fancy as the flesh on a dead girlsarm' yet with age and tender caremellow into a dull, deep black, verysweet to smoke and very beautifulto behold.But enough of pipes! Let us turnto the gentle art of smoking. A pipeshould never be hurriedly packedand lit merely for the reaction ofthe nicoteen. A cigarette is but atemporary stimulant; a good pipeshould be smoked as a ceremony.First the tobacco: in my humbleopinion it should be a mild roughcut hurley blend with just enough“bite” to blend with the hot woodin such a manner that the smokerolls on the tongue smooth andmellow with a body to it as of oldChianti.Roll the tobacco between thepalms of the hands until it has be¬come impregnated with their warmthand then, the packing. This is thecrucial test of the experienced pipesmoker The amateur will hurriedlycram the amber granules into themaw of his pipe as if it were acriminal offence of some sort; and,to the man who does appreciate agood pipe it is an offence. The manwho loves a pipe will gently and ten¬derly fill his bowl, tapping the to¬bacco in with gentle little pats un¬til at last it is charged to the verybrim and packed firmly and smooth¬ly in such a manner that it will notsprinkle from the bowl and yet willbe loose enough to draw easily. Andthen! The light, and the first long,cool puff! Nirvanah attained!There are in a day four pipeswhich supercede all others in theirsweetness: the one just as youawake before you even start to dress,the first one after breakfast, thefirst one after dinner as the dark¬ness draws near, and the last longdrawn out smoke before retiring,where you knock the dottle out intothe hearth, stretch and turn tobed ....Truly a pipe is the gift of theGods!One-Act Plays toFeature Cube BillA poetical drama, “The SweetMeat Game,” on the pattern of earlyChinese plays, is included in theprogram of three one-act piays to bepresented by the “Now and ThenPlayers,” a visiting group, tomor¬row and Sunday nights at the Cube,1538 E. 58th Street, “Wrong Num¬bers” by Essex Dane and “The ManWho Married a Dumb Wife,” by An-atole France are the other plays tobe given.The headquarters of the Now andThen Players are at the Central Y.M. C. A. The directors are MissHelen Currant and Miss JosephineTucker. ,Miss Mary Hunter, director ofthe Cube, where the plays are tobe presented, has complimented thedirectors of the players on theirchoice of program, and the actors ontheir unusual ability.Tickets may be secured at thedoor, or by calling Fairfax 7371. Criticize Millay’sReading of PoemsAs ‘Adulterated’'Editor’s Note: The following isan unsolicited contribution which wepublish without comment.The only reason, it seemed to me,that Edna St. Vincent Millay readher poems before the University lastweek was to increase her bank ac¬count by a few hundred dollars—ormore, and, probably, to boost thesale of her new book, “The Buckin the Snow.” From the number oftimes that she looked at her watchduring the course of her reading,she gave the impression that she wasmore interested in finishing at teno’clock on the dot than in interpret¬ing her verse. When she concludedher program with the allegoricalplay, I even expected her to punch atime clock.The sole justification for the read¬ing platform today is to make it pos¬sible for an audience to understandthe subtlest shades of meaning of aselection which is lost in dramatiza¬tion. It should take place from theneck up: its secret is simplicity, oras the coloquial would have it, “inbeing yourself.” However, for a lit¬tle more than an hour, St. Vincentflitted about the stage of Mandel,awkwardly tripping over the train ofher gown, rearranging the stage toher liking, attempting a Ruth Dra¬per that sadly fell short of its mark.She looked about as comfortable asa Frenchman in Algiers. She indulg¬ed in a coughing fest which, I think,she affected so as to pull off hercoughing joke. At time it took hermany minutes of suspended thoughtto decide just what poems to readthough she gave a set program al¬most identical with last year’s savefor a few poems inspired by JudgeThayer and Governor Fuller. And ;when she did read she assumed ahigh and mighty tone to her ratherpleasing voice, as if to say, “I amnow reading immortal verse.” Howmuch more effective it would havebeen for her to have taken her list¬eners under her wing and spokenher selections in a sincere, conver¬sational manner. Instead, she rude¬ly discounted the imagination andintelligence of her audience.Some may hail Edna St. VincentMillay as America’s foremost wom¬an poet, but when it comes to read¬ing—well, I like my poetry unadul¬terated.SOCIAL NOTESBy Alice TorreyThis week-end Settlement Nightis the all consuming topic of inter¬est. Friday and Saturday eveningwill find all University people en¬tranced by the exceptional programwhich has been prepared for theirenjoyment.Because of this annual affair inMandel Hall, the campus fraternitiesand clubs have suspended social ac¬tivities for the week-end. Delta Up-silon alone, has thought of an unus¬ual plan which will allow for social- ^bility within their doors, and whichwill still not interfere with Settle¬ment Night activities. A receptionwill be held at the Delta Upsilonhouse on Saturday evening, from 11to 1 o’clock.The French House will engage it¬self socially Saturday evening fromeight to twelve in the Y. W. C. A.room of Ida Noyes hall. On thissame evening the Delta Sigma ClubAlumni chapter will hold its annualScholarship dance at the Shorelandhotel.Dark AgesThe Blackamoor night holds out hisarms,And I cannot resist.Helpless, I surrender.Eager to be kissed.I would call day my master.Be paramour to Light , . .And I give myself to Night.The Mystic Blcwk holds out his arms,—D. E. S. I OFF THE PRESS |“PENELOPE’S MAN”By John ErskineReviewed by Ann LevinA good many years ago, John Er¬skine set himself to the task of writ¬ing books. And judging from our ownuniversity, it must have been secondnature. For Erskine is—or was—aprofessor. Like many other profs, hefound that his books went to librariesfar more than they graced privateshelves. That was noble, but not veryremunerative. The general public—which is a more delicate way of re¬ferring to the sources of money—didn’t take to them.Erskine, having his wits about him,bethought himself of something else.And so “Galahad”, “Helen of Troy”,“Adam and Eve”, and now “Pene¬lope’s Man” came to be written. Forthe first time people began really tonotice the author. And now everyoneis so educated that “Erskine 6” hasan association all its own. Unfortun¬ately the original wit is repeated in-,stead of expanded. The first bookdealt with the “love life” of familiarmythological characters; all the bookssince then have crawled along on thesame theme. Supposedly, they are thekind of storied that the “public wants”.Which is self explanatory.“Penelope’s Man” is a series of ad¬ventures in which Odysseus takespart. The other characters are almostexclusively women. And one manwith so many women, each alone onher own island, is just bound to bepopular. Odysseus is. But Penelope,Circe, and Calypo all talked exactlylike Lilelh, of “Adam and Eve’’ fame.Odysseus, in all his wanderings, shouldhave done better than that, really. Butwhat could one expect from a manas dumb as Adam and as smugly con¬ceited. So Odysseus is rather satis¬fied with himself.The setting is supposedly ancient.But in order to please the moronswho receive the book as a Xmas gift,everything is jazzed and modernizedto an extreme. There is scarcely any¬thing left to the reader’s imagination.At first, the novel way of treatingcharacters in mythology seemed ratherclever. But when it repeats iteslf inso thin a disguise in three successivebooks, the whole idea begins to pall.And then the novel shows itself forwhat it is worth; merely a sensationalnovel full of implied sex experiences.There are in Erskine’s novels threestriking repititions that occur to anannoying extent.1. Women are so grateful for aman; they are all anxious for the“blessing of motherhood”. And theyeven embarrass the poor hero withtheir straightforward method of goingabout things.2. At least one woman in the novelis clever, the hero’s wife or last affin¬ity is mediocre, and the man himselfis an imbecile of the first degree.3. All characters speak in so strik¬ingly similar a way that they givethe impression of puppets with a mas¬ter puppet speaking for all of them.The whole is rather effeminate andunconvincing.Occasionally, there is a cleverthought in the novel. That is, if thereader has not read any of the otherErskine novels, he may discover clev¬erness. The way in which the godsalways tell the woman who eventuallygrow tired of Odysseus, that fate wish¬es him elsewhere is rather amusing.Particularly when one god has a littlemustache and was formerly a loverof her whom he advises. Penelope,the long-suffering wife, also betraysthe faintest glimmer of humor in herretort to her husband’? insistence thatfate had kept him away so long, “Fate?What was her last name?”On the whole, “Penelope’s Man” isa rather vacuous attempt to carrymythology into the present. Nothingrisque is said right out loud—Himmel,no!—but the “great American public”is well-educated along those lines,thanks to authors like Erskine.Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 7, 1928PROFESSOR PLATTHEADS UNIVERSITYWORKERS, MEXICOFifteen trained field workers fromthe University, headed by ProfessorRobert S. Platt spent six weeks ofextensive field work in the heart ofagricultural Mexico. Their aim wasto gather material for a book on “Oc¬cupancy Patterns of Population inRelation to the Natural Environ¬ment of the Valley of Mexico.”Little sciientific work has beendone in the human geography of theregion around Mexico City. TheUniversity workers analyzed typicalcommunities in the Valley, particul¬arly in the Teotihuecan district, andmade a broad survey of the highlandagricultural territory. Arriving atTorreon, Mexico a study of the cot¬ton and cattle haciendas was madebefore proceeding to Mexico Citywhich became their headquarters forthree weeks of reconnaissance in thesurrounding districts, particularlyPachusa, Toluca, Cuernavaca andPuebla. the natives is also important for itscontribution to their present status,”says Professor Platt. “A large pro¬portion of the peon class are Indianswhose precolumbian culture wasequal to that of the better knownMayas in the lowland districts. Theirancient culture, represented in themonuments and pyramids of the cen¬tral plateau their present sta¬tus as a conquered race, have an im¬portant bearing on the central prob¬lem.”The members of the expedition,wtih the exception of Professor Plattare graduate students of geographywho have had experience in Ameri¬can field work. Eight of them arewomen. Miss Alice Foster, one ofthe graduates and Professor Platt,have already published material onMexican human geography.The expedition returned Septem¬ber 3rd. of a big daily an editorial, a cartoonand a Washington “news” dispatch,seems reasonable to conclude that anall done from the same viewpoint. Iteditorial council directed this triplebombardment of the reader.If the reader were consulted heprobably would say that he wantsthe news, the dear old news, toldwith truth and clarity and not withspecious coloration. He expects edi¬torial opinion in the editorials, buthe would like his news straight.ARE DAIUES LESSINDEPENDENT THANWEEKLY PAPERS?Each Worker Assigned LocalityThe general method was to assigneach worker to a particular portionof the locality being studied, to makemaps and charts of population dis¬tribution, social and economic or¬ganization, transportation facilities,exchange of products and relatedproblems, these maps and reportswill be fitted together for a generalreport. According to Professor Plattthis method of combining construc¬tive research work with the trainingof advanced students is new, hav¬ing been introduced by the Univer¬sity’s geographers two years ago.From Mexico City the party pro¬ceeded to the coffee haciendas andpower plant at Orizaba, to the ban¬ana and sugar haciendas around VeraCruz, to San Louis Potosi, Tmpicoand to Monterey before returning tothe United States.“Though we are particularly in¬terested in the existing conditionsin agricultural Mexico, particularlyin the typical semi-isolated commun¬ities, the historical background of That the weekly newspapers aremore independent than the dailiesand give their readers more facts isthe opinion of M. E. Tracy, editorialcolumnist for the Scripps-Howardnewspapers.Mr. Tracy believes that the mod¬ern daily is giving its readers lessfact and more “viewpoint” than everbefore.Many close students of dailynewpsaper with agree with him. Toomany of the first page stories in mod¬ern dailies are thinly disguised edi¬torials. One sees in the same issue He gets in .the Associated Pressdispatches; but emphatically he doesnot get it in the bylined stories.Mr. Tracy mentions the McNary-Haugen bill as an example. Alll thegreat dailos have fulminated for itor against it. Scarcely one of themhas told its readers just what are itsprovisions and how they would havefunctioned had the bill become a law.Mr. Tracy believes that the firstand most important business of thenewspaper is news, “and that if onephase of its activities deserves moreemphasis than another it is ordinarystraightforward reporting.” Te alsobelieves that the smaller papers, es¬pecially the weeklies, are far moreindependent and far more closely intouch with popular sentiment thanthe big dailies.CARNEGIE CAMPUSTESTS POPULARITY OFCHEWING GUM FAD“Not .so hot”—verdict for No. 1.“.Absolutely terrible” — verdict forNo. 2.ELEVEN O’CLOCK AT NIGHTHungry! Too cold to go out!Plaza 4767THE BLUE HEAVEN“The Meeting Place of Pals.”55lh St. at University Avenueis at your serviceSandwiches - - Hot Drinks - - Ice CreamReal Malted MilksCaterers to the University AppetiteCORONA’SNEWESTTRIUMPH!A BRAND NEW CoronASPECIALIn three glorious Duco finishes—rich blue, handsomegreen, blazing scarlet equipped complete in an attractivelined case. Type size is standard as demanded for uni¬versity workA complete typewriter—Line spac¬er, ribbon reverse, back spacer. Bi¬chrome ribbon attachment, shiftlock, fi ne carrying case.Terms $10.00 Down $3.30 MonthG>mplete ^39—VALUES IN REBUILT TYPEWRITERSSome less than a year old and good for manyyears of satisfactory serviceAll machines are coveredby our one year guaranteeLOOK THEM OVER!WE CARRY ALL MAKESOF NEW MACHINESWOODWORTH’SOi?en Till 9 P. M. Hyde Park 1690 “Like it. Think ii. great.”—positiveverdict for No. 3.“Fair but not as good as the lastone.”—answer for the fourth try. AndBeechnut won again.The chewing gum fad once morehas the Carnegie Campus in itsclutches, and since the “Old Gold”popularity test has become passe, thecampus has decided to discover forthemselves the why and wherefore ofall the various brands and flavors ofchewing gum available around the colleges..Four famous and popular brands ofchewing gums were purchased, Wrig-ley’s Doublement, Juicy fruit, Beech¬nut and Beeman's Pepsin. Then fourunsuspecting victims were picked.First Beeman’s Pepsin was triedand the verdict was “Good”. ThenBeechnut merited an enthusiastic“Scrumtious”. Aftt; this Juicy Fruitand Doublement were regarded asterrible. The next victim tried JuicyFruit first and give the same unfavor¬ able verdict. A second time Beechnutwas the favorite. The third victimrather upset things by deciding infavor of Doublemint. The last victimwas approached with fear, but withoutthe slightest hesitation, he favoredBeechnut.The men on the campus decided thatone reason that the women were sopopular was because they invariablychewed Beechnut. So gum chewingbecame one of the popular sports onthe Carnegie campus.MOTOR TWISTOVERCOATS FOR UNI¬VERSITY MENil\Cc<p)rnch( lt2S tUti 4 MarkHART SCHAFFNER &MARX OVERCOATil1 = STYLES ARE CORRECTMlmm They have to be correct—Hart Schaff ner &Marx maintain a staff of men whose solefunction is to visit the leading univcrsi^ties to find what the men there arc wearing—their observations and interviewsare interpreted in these overcoats at $50University style in overcoats and suits hyHart Schaffner & Marx, $35 to $85BASKIN63rd Street at MarylandThe Home of Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes^ .... ^ I .. 1-.-. .....A,-. -■ L... a % *-• . ‘ I A.MAROON QUINTET MAKES SEASON DEBUTNORGREN’S PROTEGES REMAINUNKNOWN QUANTin AS THEYPREPARE TO FACE MONMOUTHChicago MonmouthMACSTAr.I-MSWIM TITLE ATTANK CARNIVALStevens Breaks RecordIn Sixty YardBackstroke^Before a large crowd the Macscaptured first place in the Swim¬ming Carnival last night. The tic-tors scored twenty-two points to takefirst place. The D. U. aggregationwith fifteen points finished in sec¬ond place.Stevens, Delta Upsilon, was theindividual star of the evening whenhe broke the record in the 60 yardbackstroke and was a major factorin the D. U. relay team which wonits event, record-breaking time was37 8-10 seconds.All the times made were very fast.The meet was a most interesting one.Ted Canty did the announcing anddrew the usual number of laughsfrom his audience. Several of thecity high school swimming teams puton an exhibition relay race and Okerand Fellinger, Maroon varsity tankstars, gave a fine diving exhibition.The ntramural relay race was themost exciting event of the evening.Klipton, of Delta Upsilon, took thelead at the start only to have thesecond man of the team allow aPhi Kap entry pa.ss him up. Stev¬ens, D. U., however, regained thelead by swimming exceptionally well(tontiiiued on page 6)17 say“Merry Xmas”with same Gift• Evanston, Ill.Dec. 31, 1927Larus & Bro. Co.Richmond, Va.Dear Sirs:I happen to be blest with a host ofvery fine friends, mostly “highbrows”— professors, scientists, et . Gener¬ally at Christmas time they show theirremembrance and all that with somelittle gift a box of cigars, fishiiigtackle, a hook—all that sort of tl.ing.Well, this Christmas many seemedto centre on tobacco. Now, mark you,these fellows have no communicationwith each other. They live in widelyseparated parts of the country, so it*was no “put-up” joke on ma or any- ,thing like that. But here came seven¬teen boxes of tobacco, and sixteen ofthem the familiar blue “Edgeworth!”The seventeenth was a very flossywalnut, brass-trimmed box, but if Iknow Tobacco, the contents wereEdgeworth with a little perique in it.Just coincidence, perhaps, but aqueer one. Am not an habitualsmoker of Edgeworth, so they weren’tcatering to any especial taste of mine.Looks like a consensus of opinionamong the “highbrows”—or quite abatch of ’em—that Edgeworth is thestuff, the proper caper for a gift.Sincerely yours,F. A. FitzpatrickEdgeworthExtra High GradeSmoking Tobacco LEunbert PushesI Purdue QuintetFor Wabash TiltWith the opening game of the sea¬son against Wabash scheduled fornext Tuesday night and the invasionof St. Louis for a battle with DonWhite’s Washington University fiveon the card for Friday, December14, Coach Ward Lambert has beenpushing his Boilermaker basketeersat a rapid rate this week. Develop¬ing a backguard to fill the shoes ofHarry Kemmer, All-Western back-board defender last season, and get¬ting the gridiron kinks out of severalnet prospects, including Glen Harme-son. Red Sleight, Herman Boots andPest Welch, has occupied most of iLambert’s time.Getting Into ShapeLambert’s title-def^ding five israpidly rounding into shape, although,-the back-guard post remains some¬what of a toss-up. Captain CottonCummins, Glen Harmeson, ClydeLyle and Pest Welch have all beentrying their hands at the forwardpost, and Welch, w'ho is essaying atry at the court game for the firsttime since he entered Purdue hasdisplayed the same speed on thehardwood that he did on the grid-(t'oiitiinicd on page 6) WOMEN’S CAPTAINBALL MEET OPENSTwelve Teams to CompeteOn TuesdayTwelve teams will compete in thew'onien’s captain-ball tournament tobe played Tuesday evening, Decem-Ida Noyes hall.Preceding the tournament, the an¬nual caj)tain-ball dinner will be heldher 11, at 6:15 in the gymnasium ofin the refectory of Ida Noyes hall.Tickets for the dinner are $.50 andwill be on sale in the lobby of IdaNoyes hall until noon toda)’.Winners and Losers Will PlayThe tournament will consist of bothwinners and losers competition. Thepreliminaries have been run off in theseveral class hours in order to deter¬mine the teams who will enter thewinners’ and the losers’ tourneysTuesday night. In the first round ofthe winners’ competition the BlueBucks will meet the 6 o'clock P. D.Q's and the Blues will play the WatchDogs. In the losers’ meet the BlueStreaks will play the Zippers and the11 o’clock P. D. Q’s will clash withthe Jade Jinx. iHoosiers to OpenCage Season With IDeanmen SaturdayWith less than a week of practiceIndiana university’s Scrappin’ Hoo-siers of the basketball court, willface Washington university of St.Louis Saturday night. It will be theopening game of the 1928-29 sea¬son for the Deanmen, and will opena series of five non-Conferencej games which are considered as(Strong if not stronger than theConference card. The University ofPittsburgh, Notre Dame, and Mis¬souri are to be met.Seven letter-men from the 1927-28 co-championship team of the Big |I Ten form the nucleus of the squad ifor this season. Sophomore recruitsand reserves from last season’s squadare expected to complete the squad.Although practically the same menwill compose the team as last win-(Continued on page 6) Kaplan If HenryChangnon rf MohlenbrockGist (c) c HornerFish Ig McErideBlattburg rg WalkerMonmouth College’s basketballteam will give the Maroon quintetits initial test of the sea.son tomor¬row (Saturday) night in BartlettGymnasium. The two teams met lastseason with Chicago the victor.New AttackCoach Norgren of Chicago is de¬veloping a new style of attack thisseason to fit his material. With twoSophomores, Fish and Blattberg, re¬placing McDonough and Hoerger,the pair of veteran guards who star¬red for three years, the Maroon coach must rely on a faster break¬ing offense than he used in recentcampaigns. Last year, when he hadthe two stalwart guards, Norgren re¬lied on a deliberate attack, takingfever scoring chances because thedefense could hold down the scoreI of the opposition.Defense Not StrongTh» Chicago defense will not beparticularly strong in this openinggame because of the inexperience ofthe new men and the fact that Mor-gren in practice has been puttingmost of his emphasis on offense.Capt. Gist at center and Changnonand Kaplan, forwar is, are experi¬enced men who are ’»e!l advanced intheir floor game for this time of the(Continued on page 6)THE GARMENTS DESIGNEDAND EXECUTED BY FINCHLEYFOR COLLEGIATE USAGE EM¬BRACE THE MOST APPROPRI¬ATE, CORRECT AND DESIR¬ABLE ITEMS OF STYLE. DISTIN¬GUISHED AND INCOMPARABLE.FORTY-FIVE DOLLARSAND MORETAILORED AT FASHION PARKHATS • HABERDASHERYCOLLEGE REPRESENTATIVETED WOLFTHE SHOESL Jackson Boulevard East of State ^ VAnnouncing the Returnto theSHORELAND- - - OF - - -Jerry Conley’sSupper ClpbSaturday-Dee. 15-1928REALIZING THAT THE AT¬MOSPHERE OF THE SHORE-LAND HOTEL IS MORE INHARMONY WITH THE CHAR¬ACTER OF THE CLUB, MISSCONLEY HAS DECIDED TOCHANGE FROM THE ROOFOF THE HOTEL DAVIS TOTHE SHORELAND GRILL.GALA NEW YEAR’S EVEPARTYMonday, December SlstIMPORTED HATS and FAVORS$10.00 Per PlateReservations — Plaza 1000A THOUSAND GLORIOUS GREETINGS FOR XMASARE READY FOR YOUR INSPECTION AT WOOD.WORTH’S. BETTER SERVICE, TOO, IF YOU SHOP NOW.1311 E. 57th St. EVENINGS TILL NINE WE DELIVERiKiftif AOm.:, H. P. 1690THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928Page SixMACS TAKE I-MSWIM TITLE ATTANK CARNIVAL(Continued from page 5)and his team mate managed to holdit.Organization results are as fol¬lows: Macs 22, Delta Upsilon 15,Phi Kappa Sigma 11, Phi Sigma Del¬ta 8, Phi Sigma Theta 5.Results are as follows:40 yard free style: Allen, Macs,Kirkland, Phi Delt, Wilde, D. U.,McMahan, A. T. O., Ramsey, KappaSigma, 22.7 seconds.220 yard free-style: Barnett, PhiSig, Levine, Macs, Chalex, Macs,Boynton, Unatt., Mass, Phi Delt, 3.09minutes.60 yard back stroke: Stevens, D.U., Rittenhouse, Phi K. Sigma, Licht, Phi Psi, Cowley, Phi Delt, 37.8 sec¬onds.100 yard breast stroke: Marks,Macs, Goldberg, Tau Delt, Lowen-stein, unatt., Solomon, Tau Delt,McMahan, A. T. 0. 1:24.2.Fancy Diving: Rittenhouse, Phi K.Sigma, Beardsley, Phi Pi Phi, Laing,Psi Upsilon, Licht, Phi Psi, Novic,Tau Delt.100 yard freestyle: Levine, Macs,limpton, D. U., Priess, Phi Sig, Barnett. Phi Sig, 68.1 seconds.Relay race:D. U., Phi K. Sigma,Macs, Delta Sigma Phi, Phi Delt,1:34.6.'AROON QUINTETMAKES SEASON DEBUT one senior, McBride, a guard; twojuniors, Capt, Horner, center, andMohlenbrook, forward, and twosophomores, Henry, a forward, andWalker, guard. These men have dis¬placed some of last year’s letter win¬ners, including Marocco and Wil¬liamson, forwards, and B. Smith,captain and guard.The game will be called at 3o’clock.LAMBERT PUSHESPURDUE QUINTETFOR WABASH TILT(Continued from page 5)season.Coach J. F. Van Antwerp of Mon¬mouth will have a team composed of (Continued from page 5)iron. Harmeson and Cummins areboth finished forwards, and will un¬doubtedly bear most of the burden,at least for the early game. Murphy seems back in form to do his under-the-basket damage, while DutchSchnaiter has been claiming thefloor guard post. Red Sleight andHerman Boots are being worked un¬der the backboard.HOpSlERS TO OPENCAGE SEASON WITHDEANMEN SATURDAY four year? at Indiana has placed twoquintets in the co-championship classand the other two in second place,has stated that a much stronger quin¬tet, with better reserve material willbe needed. SUBSCRIBE TO THEDAILY MAROON$2.50 A YEAR(Continued from page 5)ter. Coach Everett Dean, who in hisg Official CollegePEATEBNITYcJeweh;yBat^es-Hin^s-Abifeliiea'WARREN PIPER &C3031 M. STATE ST. LOOK OVER THIS LIST FOR XMASIndian RingaIndian BraceietaIndian Necklace#Indian Table ScarfsIndian Pillow TopsIndian DollsIndian MoccasinsNavajo Rngs Mexican IndianZa rapes—beautifulCouch and TableCoverinrsPendleton Blankets,and Robes, all woolIndian PotteryGenuine Rock Crystal Chokers and NecklacesReal Presaed AmberNecklaces and otherbeads. GenuineOriental PerfumeMexican Lace andDrawn work.All Indian Goods are Hand Made, Direct to You.Price 1-2 or 2-3 of the usual 5% off to U. of C. Students.W.H. ALLEN6310 Kenwood Ave. APT. AMake It a Real PartyTONIGHT!IT’SCOLLEGE NIGHTAt the Blackhawk Every FridayCOON-SANDER8Original Blackhawk OrchestraPlus a Corps of FamousEntertainersSPECIAL COLLEGE FEATURESAND NOVELTIESr4s*>RALPH WONDERSas Master of CeremoniesDINE — DANCE — BE ENTERTAINEDI d RTtl M■RE STAi JIVA- ly #•.e 1928AJ.S.Co.ature*s}NinterBallroom Invitesl/ouf. . . and here are just theskates to wear .... Theperfect fit and correct bal¬ance make skating a pleas¬ure. You’ll be proud of thesefine tubular skates attachedto shoes. Sizes for everyone,for every kind of skating.Manufactured byAltnd.hhnson .^atm namoanaUiS W. Ns£lb Axs.ati£Maa U S.A.ffft flwiwcmd With UmMtmr. I•hnsmn MDk / ju Il€l Msa©A Quality Outfitfbc Bepnaca Tha Choice ofChampionaon SkatingFor sale by Leading Sporting Goods, Hardware and Department Stores SATISFACTION GUARANTEED*50 Rothshire suits andovercoats at *33*"Thirty three fifty can’t even begin tobuy such a value elsewhere-in fact,we know this is the greatest clothesvalue in America. Worsted suits formen, young men, university men-twist weave suits-blue curly headedboucle overcoats, bright Scotchesand fleeces. Thousands uponthousands, every one hand-tailoredand every one a $50 garment at$ 333rd FLOOR 50 Plaza 0259MAURICE L ROTHSCHILDState at JacksonMINNEAPOLIS CHICAGO ST. PAUL.....THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928 Page Sevenrnig —.^ >ybisfle mmAN ATOMThe beauty of a aun«et passed,And left the whole world cold;A leaf, still green was shaken downI saw—and I was old.A stone—. nd then a bird took fight,And so illusion sighed;A storm arose from out the bluePerhaps my ego died!—Sis.WE HAVE DANCERSDidja notice in yesterday’s com¬ment on this Spanish outfit whereDick Kern was going to warble somesoothing Spanish melodies on a Span¬ish guitar. Lovely thought. AndBrother Fetherston was going to im¬itate A1 Jolson n’ all kinds of thesweetest things. I wish they’d dancethough. The mental picture of Dick¬ie and Georgie doing a fandango isperfect.A CORRECTION(This is vouched for by some ofthe best of apologists).Le Jupon of yesterday is not LeJupon aforetimes seen in these col¬umns but is Leon II who is the LeJupon of yesterday and not Lee IIwho has graced our shapely columnbefore now.—El TigreDEL IS CALLED!A straight flush or what have youA person or persons signing thejolly old nom de guerre of “Black-stone Hallite’’ has indited a mostsnooty epistle to these heaquartersallowing as how Kid Del has depart¬ed from the way of righteousnessand had ge-lifted a pome. They claima Canuck lady beat Del to this Pridepoem by about three years and twovolumes. Del can explain everythingthough. She says so. It seems therewas a friend who had a friend whohad a friend who like poety. Justas simple as that. The friend quotedto a friend who copied for a friendwho quoted it to Del. Anyway weback our contribs . . . Our contribsright or wrong, may they not alwaysbe right.SimileYour hair falling . . .Is like cool rain . . .Falling on perfumed grass . . .—The BattueTwelve photographsand a framed Portraitwill relieve you oftwelve Xmas Giftworries$ 10.00 and upTel. Wabash 0527for appointments.It*s not too soon! Old timer says that these shortskirts have taken all the mystery outof life.—Charley the Spaniard.ASK YOUR S. P.Blind Tiger:Whatsa idea of the last lines ofyour coulmn lately? They all referto a certain person and that saMe(not saNe) person’s sweethearts,wives, mothers, sisters and his otherwomen-folk who drive Pierce-Arrowsand meet him at the Southmoor fordinner. Whatsa idea? Huhi Why notgive the rest of us a break, ordoesn’t anybody else rate the lastline?—DelSomebody asked somebody elsewhether he had done his outsidereading and the answer was, “Naw,it’s too cold for outside reading.’’—BonitaDear Tiger:After being told to get opinionson a news article telling of the newcla.sses in love-making held at Cam¬bridge University, England, a re¬porter wanted to know whether shewas supposed to interview PEOPLEor PROFESSORS!—DelOH GOSH!A cigarette- A light, then smoke. . . reveries. A new world dancesbefore me, and thru the smoke I■lee visions . . . visions of the worldtnd life as they should be. I dreamof you, too, sweetheart, and some¬times I wonder if ... if you are ashandsome as the vision I see of you. . . in cigaretteria!CADAVEROUS CADASTERS . . .The turgid, turpid, tepid, titillat¬ing tapestriesOn the rolling, rippling, rampant,rubbery rocking-chair.Stamp, wheeze, rumble, rattle, howl,bellow, bawl, and . . .Quite incapacitate the squeakiesunder the carpet . . .The pastoral clouds rustled throughthe purple atmosphere Like sheep before a shepherd, anddrunk and corpulent,The Bo-Peep of Cicero and LomaDoone bring up the rear . . .Which, it happens (mirabile dic-tu) was hard to bring up.And Zoroaster, wiping his wet fin¬gers on his century beard.Spake huskily: “My son, manyleaves will have fallen—Yea, as many as have fallen sinceAdam’s rib cracked—^beforeI, Zoroaster, the sage sachem ofSuckers, take ...Another wife . . .’’—T-a Brassiere“After all—A swimming meet isnot a football game . . . .”THE BLIND TIGER.W. A. A. INITIATESi FIFTEEN MEMBERSFifteen women were initiated intoW. A. A. at a banquet held lastnight in Ida Noyes hall. Ethel Big-nall and Florence Forde spoke andthe initiates gave a stunt.Those initiated were: Jean Hyde,Mary Budd, Vera Barnings, BarbaraLove, Lucille Newman, Florence An¬drews, Clara Gruzalski, FlorencePetzel, Mary Phillips, Virginia Pope,Jean Searcy, Eleanor Brandt, Edith-Brown, Barbara Cook and MargaretDonahue.DR. YARROW SPEAKSDr. Rachelle Yarrow, chairman ofthe committee of Social Hygiene ofthe Illinois League of Women Voterswill speak before the campus unitof the League Wednesday, at 4 inHarper M 11. Mrs. H. M. Tolies,vice-president of teh Chicago Forumwill give a short talk on “The PeacePact.”The meeting will be open to alli those interested in becoming mem-I bers of the league. Both men andwomen are invited.Calling particular attention toa splendid range of tweeds andworsteds which we have justreceived and have speciallypriced at^65=They are regular.$75 and $80values.‘^Quietly Correct**Evening Clothes and Cutaway Frocksfor Weddings and Receptionsa SpecialtyFORMAL BUSINESSAND SPORT CLOTHES71 East Monroe 7 North La Salle324 South Michigan Ave.140-142 S. Clark St. (near Adams)225 N. Wabash Ave. (at Wacker Drive) OFFICIAL NOTICESFriday, Dec. 7Registration for the winter quarterfor students whose last names beginwith O, W, and H.University religious service: DeanCharles W. Gilkey. 12, the Universitychapel.Meeting of the faculty of the Schoolof Commerce and Adrpinistration;4:30, Commerce 20-1.Public lecture (downtown) : “San¬tayana.” Professor T. V. Smith of thePhilosophy department. 6:45, the ArtInstitute.Saturday, Dec. 8Meetings of the University rulingbodies: The executive board of thegraduate faculty. 10. Cobb 115. Thegraduate faculty. 11, Cobb 110.Radio lecture: “Elementary Ger¬man.” Mr. Kurath. 11, WMAQ.The Dames club: Readings fromher poetry, Dorothy Aldis. 2, IdaNoyes hall.Telephone BillsThrow WisconsinClubs Into DebtThe telephone company of Wiscon¬sin is responsible to the fraternitiesand sororities of the University forlos.ses totaling $10, annually, resultingfrom uncollected long-distance calls.L'p to 1925 the telephone companygave the names and addresses of theperson making the call and so col¬lection was possible. Since this prac¬tice has been discontinued thefaternities and sororities have suffered.The amounts lost range from $129 to$369. Large profits in the commissary de¬partments and corresponding losses inthe house departments are indicatedby a survey made by a commercestudent at Wisconsin. Room rents infraternity and sorority houses are, onthe whole, higher than in roominghouses, and more cquld not becharged. At the same time, the sur¬vey points out that a decrease inboard rates would be impractical forthe organizations.SING CAROLS ATY. W. CHRISTMASSERVICE TUESDAYCarols will be sung at the annualY. W. C. A. Christmas service tobe held Tuesday at 4:30 in the Y. W.room at Ida Noyes hall. The meet¬ing will be of a more informal na¬ture than the chapel Christmas serv¬ice and all who wish may join in thesingingSelections of modern Christmaspoetry, .such as Edna St. VincentMillay’s “To Jesus on His Birthday,”Joyce Kilmer’s “Ballad of ChristmasEve,” and Thomas Hardy’s “TheOxen.” will be read.Jane Mullenbach and FlorenceStackhouse are the repersentativesof the Y. W. C. A. cabinet who havecharge of the service.BXBCUnVBSECRETARIALTRAININGSpecial College Classes arranged so as not to con¬flict with College work. Enrollment limited to highschool graduates or equivalent. Coeducational.Phun* Stan /Ml for portieutanCFiCeO SCHOOL 22S North Wabaah AvmimOept. O. M. CHICAGOBUSSES TO EVERYWHEREInformation and Tickets atNATIONALMOTOR TERMINALS6352 Stony Island Ave.Phone, Fairfax 4093 CLASSIFIED ADSFOR SALE—Chevrolet coach,heater, practically new tires, trunk,first class. Welch, Dor. 0433, 6137Kenwood.FOR SALE—Fur coat. $200 value.Marmot, Australian Possum collarand cuffs. In very good condition.Size 38. Price $45 or $50. Plaza1884.Guest has left Kronich & Bach up¬right piano for us to sell verycheap. Mgr., Hyde Park Hotel.BOULEVARD INN1512 Hyde Park Blvd.Phone: Drexel 1703‘High Class Place for Nice People’$7 single, $9 double, and up’’The Business College with aUniversity Atmosphere"Prepare for a buiinea* career atthe only Bmineas College in theWeatwhich requires every student to he atleast a 4-year High Srhool graduate.Beginning on the firatof April, July,October, and Janu&ry, we conduct ■special.complete, intensive, thrc««■nontlis* eonne in stenographywhich ia open toColtcgc Craduatci and‘ Undergraduatas OnlyEnrollments for this course must bemade before the opening day—pref¬erably some lime in advance, to besure of a place in the class.Stenography opent the way to inde.pendence, and is a very great help iaany position in life. The ability totake shorthand notes of lecturea,termona, conversation, and in manyother situations u a great aaset.Bulletin on request.No Solititors EmployedI PAUL MOSER, J. D. Ph. B., President116 South Michigan Avenue12 th FloorRandolph 4347 Chicago, IllinoiaIn the Day School GirhOnly are Enrolled(3404 B)IMARSHALL FIELDCOMPANYGet Out TheGlad Rag's!College Joe: Tonight’s thenight? Settlement night!Surprised Flossie: Be non¬chalant. Tonight we settleup.He at the Other End: And sucha Settlement it will be!Standing Rooter: How wellLe knows .. . for when hesees the new garb you’vechosen from Field’s thequestion will be settled atfirst glance. All the sistersare equally sure they’ll starbecause, like the wise coedsthey are, they buy theirduds at Marshall Field’s.Page Eight THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1928UPUpUpUP■Up■UPUpUp■Up■UpUpUp■Up BOOKS FOR CHRISTMASTHE FIVE BIG NOVELSJohn Erskine: PENELOPE’S MAN. Published at $2.50Our Price $2*19Warwick Deeping: OLD PYBUS. Published at $2.50Our Price $2*19Hamlin Garland: BACKTRAILERS OF THE MIDDLEBORDER $2.50Our Price $2*19Aldous Huxley: POINT COUNTERPOINT. Publishedat $2.50Our Price $2*19Alfred Neumann: THE DEVIL. Published at $3.00Our Price $2.59THE CHILDREN’S CLASSICS(FOR CHILDREN FROM 4 TO 15)Our Special Price per Volume $1.49The Fables of Aesop. Edited by JosephJacobs. Illustrated by RichardleiKhway. (4-6).English Fairy Tales. Edited by F. A.Steele. Illustrated by Arthur Rack-ham. (4-6).Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes. -Edit¬ed by L. Edna Walter. 111. byCharles Folkard. (4-6).Household Tales by the BrothersGrimm. Translated by Lucy Crane.Illustrated by Walter Crane. (6-8<.The Cuckoo Clock and the TapestryRoom. By Mrs. Molesworth. 111. byWalter Crane. (6-8l.The Story of Reynard the Fox. Trans¬lated from the French by OdetteLarrieu. (8-lOt.Ea.st of the Sun and West of the Moon.Illustrated by HedviK Collin. (8-10).The Adyentures of Pinocchio. By C.Collodi. Illustrated by Attilio Mus-sino. (8-10).The Pilgrim’s Progress. By John Bun-yan. Illustrated by H. J. Ford.(8-10).Fairy Tales and Stories by HansChristian Andersen. Edited by Fran¬cis Hackett and Signa Toksvig. Il¬lustrated by Eric Pape. (8-10).Games for Every Day. By GabrielleElliott and Arthur Forbush. (8-12).Granny’s Wonderful Chair. By Fran¬ces Bro'wne. Illustrated by EmmaBrock. (8-10).The Princess and the Goblin. ByGeorge MacDonald. Illustrated byFrances Bedford. (8-10).The Prf.icess and Curdie. By GeorgeMacDonald. Illustrated by DorothyLathrop. (8-10).Mopsa the Fairy. By Jean Ingelow.Illustrated by Dugald Walker. (8-10).Captain Boldheart. A Holiday Ro¬mance. Bv Charles Dickens. Ill. bySusan B. Pearse. (8-10).Lady Green Satin and Her Maid Ro¬sette. By Baroness E. Marrineau desChesnez. Illustrated by WinifredBromhall. (8-10).Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland andThrough the Looking Glass. ByLewis Carroll. Illustrated by JohnTenniel. (8-10).The Iliad for Boys and Girls. Retoldby Rev. A. .1. Church. Illustrated byFlaxman. (8-10).The Odyssey for Boys and Girls. Re¬told by Rev. A. J. Church. Illus¬trated. (8-10).The Listening Child. Poems selectedby Lucy Thacher and MargueriteWilkinson. Illustrated by NancyBarnhart. (8-10). The Prince and the Page. By Char¬lotte Yonge. Illustrated by Mar¬guerite de Angeli. (8-10).The Bears of Blue River. By CharlesMajor. Fully illustrated. (8-10).Johnny Appleseed and Other Poems.By Vachel Lindsay. Ill. by GeorgeM. Richards. (10-12).Juniper Farm. By Rene Bazin. Illus¬trated by Anne M. Peck. (10-12).The Little Duke. By Charlotte Yonge.Illustrated by Marguerite de Angeli.(10-12).A Book of Golden Deeds. By CharlotteYonge. Illustrated and edited byClara M. Burd. (10-12).The Older Children’s Bible. Edited byNairne, Quiller-Couch, and Glover.(10-12).The Adventures of Don Quixote. ByMiguel de Cervantes. Illustrated byde la Berg. (10-12).The Dove in the Eagle’s Nest. ByCharlotte Yonge. Illustrated by M.de Angeli. (12-15).The Alhambra. By Washington Irving.Illustrated by Warwick Goble.(12-15).A Christmas Carol. By Charles Dick¬ens. Illustrated by Francis D. Bed¬ford. (10-12).Rip Van Winkle and the Legend ofSleepy Hollow. By Washington Ir¬ving. Illustrated by Eric Pape.(10-12).Tales From Shakespeare. By Charlesand Mary Lamb. III. by Maud andMiska Petersham. (10-12).At the Back of the North Wind. ByGeorge MacDonald. Ill. by FrancisBedford. (10-12).Treasure Island. By Robert LouisStevenson. Illustrated by WarwickBoble. 1(0-12).Swiss Family Robinson. By DavidWyss. Illustrated by Harry Roun¬tree. (10-12).Robinson Crusoe. By Daniel Defoe.Illustrated by John Williamson.(10-12).The Arabian Nights. Edited by Pad-raic Colum. Illustrated by CharlesPears. (12-14).Two Years Before the Mast. By Rich¬ard Dana. Illustrated by Charles- Pears. (12-15).Feats on the Fiord. By Harriet Martineau. Illustrated by Boris Artzybasheff. (12-15).. Kidnapped. By Robert Louis Stevenson. Illustrated by Warwick Goble(12-15).Gulliver’s Travels. By Jonathan SwiftIllustrated by Charles Brock. (1215),P THE ROMANESQUE LYRICBy Phillip Schuyler AllenAn excellent gift book fo r the person who is hard to pleasePublished at $4.50 Our Price $3.45 THE LITTLE LIBRARYFOR CHILDREN FROM 4 TO 10 YEARS OLD(The age for which each volume is intended follows theauthor’s name)Our Special Price per Volume $.89A Child’s Garden of Verses. By Rob¬ert Loufs Stevenson. Illustrated byMarguerite Davis. (4-6).Little Jack Rabbit. By Alice Dus-sauze. Y .ustrated by Anne Merri-man Fe.k. (4-6).A Visit from St. Nicholas. By ClementMoore. Illustrated by ConstanceWhittemore. (4-6).Dame Wiggins of Lee and Her SevenWonderful Cats. Illustrated by RoyMlilrum. (4-6).The Little Wooden Doll. By MargeryWilliams Bianco. Illustrated by Pa¬mela Blianco. (4-6).Sing-Song. By Christina Rossetti. Il¬lustrated by Marguerite Davis. (4-6).A Baby's Life of Jesus Christ. ByMary F. Rolt. Illustrated by H. J.Ford. (4-6).Charlie and His Kitten Topsy. By Hilland Maxwell. Illustrated by theauthors. (4-6).Thnmbelina. By Hans Anderson. Il¬lustrated by Einar Nerman. (6-8).The Cat and the Captain. By Eliza¬beth J. Oatsworih. Illustrated byGertrude 'liaye. (6-8).The Little Children’s Bible. Edited byNairne, Quiller-Couch, and Glover.(6-8).The Light Princess. By George Mac¬Donald. Illustrated by DorothyLathrop. (6-8).Silver Pennies. A Collection of Mod¬ern Toems for Boys and Girls. ByBlanche J. Thompson. Illustrated byWinfred Bromhall. (6-8).A Dog of Flanders. By De La Ramee.Illustrated by Gustav Tenggren.(».8). —'The Pope’s Hilda. By Alphonse Doudet.Illustrated by Ttwpeaard. (6-8).The King of the Golden River. ByJohn Ruskin. Illustrated by MaryL. Seaman. (6-8). 'Memories of a Donkey. Countess deSegar. 'Franslated by MargueriteMelclier. Illustrated by LaurenFord. (6-8).The Peep-Show Man. By Padraic Col¬um. Illustrated by Lois Lenski.(6-8).The Peter Pan Picture Book. Illus¬trated by Alice Woodward. (6-8).Memoirs of a London Doll. By Rich¬ard Henry Horne. Illustrated byEmma Brock. (6-8).The Little Lame Prince. By DinahMarie Mulock (Mrs. Crmk). Illus¬trated by Raoul Barre. (6-8).Adventures of a Browne. By DinahMarie Mulock (Mrs. Crak). Illus¬trated by Mary Lois Seamon. (6-8).History of Little Goody Two Shoes.Illustjrated by Alice Woodward. (6-8).The Magic Forest. By Stewart Ed¬ward White. (6-8).Susanna’s Auction. By Boutet DeMonvel. Illustrated by the author.(6-8).Little Dog Toby. By Rachel Field.IllusAcated by the author. (8-10).....The Nnrmberg Stove. By Quids. Il¬lustrated by Frank Boyd. (8-10).The Good-Natured Bear. By RichardHenry Horne. Illustrated by LialHummel. (8-10).The Merry Pilgrimage. Translatedfrom the old French by MargaretSherwood. Illustrated by J. EdmundPorter. (8-10)..„The Sons of Ksi. the Story theIndian Told. By Henry Beston.(8-10).King Pengdtn. A Legend of the SouthSeu Isles. By Richard Henry Home.Illustrated by Jimmy Dougherty.(8-10).The Rose and the Ring. By Thackeray.Illustrated by the author. (8-10).A PUBLISHING TRIUMPHNow a Triumphant SuccessIt was a publishing triumph to bring together 18 of themodern world’s famous writers and philosophers as col*laborators on a single theme—in one book. Now theirgreat book has swept into the forefront over the entirecountry. It is a credit to America.CONTRIBUTORSJOHN DEWEYPhilosophyBERTRANDRUSSELLScienceJAMES HARVEYROBINSONReligionHU SHIHCivilization of theEast and WestJULIUS KLEINBusinessHOWARD LEEMcBAINLaw and Govern¬mentGEORGE A.DORSEYRace and Civiliza¬tionSIDNEY ANDBEATRICE WEBBLabor‘‘Brilliantly conceiv¬ed by Beard, executedwith talent that var¬ies from the soundexpert to the highgenius. Whither Man¬kind is a stimulatingcontribution to thatvery civilisationwhich it so cogentlyanalyzes.”—Time WHITHERMANKINDEldited byCHARLES A. BEARDAn interesting, suggestivevolume. The writers are menof this age, all modems. Theythink and criticise their worldafter its own moving standards’’-Saturday Review. “Will rich¬ly reward your consideration.Will create an inner contentwith life founded on basicallysound conclusions.”—N. Y, Post.“Highly informing. Repletewith interest from first to last,the book is offered as a chal¬lenge.” — Boston Transcript.“Dr. Beard and his colleagueshave the courage to face themodern world as it is, and atthe same time have intellectualpower enough to maintain theirbalance in the welter of emo¬tions which the prospect pro¬duces. Written vividly andwell.’’—N. Y. Times.Our SpecialPrice $2.59 CONTRIBUTORSHAVELOCK ELLISThe FamilyEMIL LUDWIGWar and PeaceLEWIS MUMFORDThe ArtsHENDRIKWILLEM VANLOONAncient and Medi¬aeval CivilizationsSTUART CHASEPlayC. E. A. WINSLOWHealthEVERETT DEANMARTINEducationCARL VAN DORENLiterature“The ablest, mostthoughtful, balancedand altogether mostencounkging criticalestimate of present-day civilization wehave yet had. A#ork to inspire ourtimes to new endeav¬ors.”—New York SunGive Your Friends This Book for Christmas BIOGRAPHIESLINCOLN—By Bev»idg« $12.50Our Price $10.60GOETHE—By Ludwig $5.00Our Price $4*39LOUIS XIV—By Bertrand $5.00Our Price $4*39 4)POETRYCollected Poems of Hardy $3.50Our Price $2.98Collected Poems of Stephens $3.00Our Price $2.59Collected Poems of Robinson $3.00Our Price $2.59Any Book Not Listed Here May be Pur¬chased from us at Similar Price ReductionsTHE HAPPY HOUR BOOKSElach, 45 pages in bright colors, bound an boards,S% inches square, full color jackets $.50Our Special Price $.43 eachGoldilocks and the Three Bears.The bears have such faces and sucha house as only the Haders couldinvent.The Little Red Hen.The little red hen’s esraiie from thefox and the very happy ending arel>arts of one of the children’s favor¬ite stories. Pictures by the Had^-rs.The Old Woman and the CrookedSixpence.The famous troubles of the poor oldwoman are pictured by the Hadersin a way to make every one laugh. The Golden Goose.How the stupid son went to call onthe weeping princess, all picturedanew in bright colors by Mary Sea¬man.The A. B. C. Nonsense Book.One of Mr. Lear’s funniest alpha¬bets, with his own pictures.Three Little Kittens.The famous lost mitten story, withnew kittens jumping through everypage from the pen of Mr. KurtWiese.Published in 1927The Ugly DucklingChicken LittleAn Excellent Hansel and GretelJack and the Beanstalk Any 5 forSeries The Steadfast Tin Sol¬dier1• 1oofor Very Small The Bremen BandThree Little PigsWee Willi* WinkleChildren Humpty DumptyThe Pied PiperLittle Blark SamboThe Three Billy GoatsBURT CLARK, BooksellerPhone Midway 4759 1459 E. 57th StreetOpen 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. 3^§31^