Dd aoX t3a>►<1 1Forty-five ^for Phi Beta r*a H*o Kft3 *1H- PCD 1w *<: (E^e Baflp Jllaroon Plans set for In¬terfraternity Sing. 1Vol. 28. No. 118. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. JUNE 1. 1928Main StreetBy AI £. WiddifieldTo othera th^’ Plogue a foe may be,To me ’tis a friend,—not an enemy;fAy cojfinH and coffers alike it fills,And the richer I grow, the more itkills.Drink the Plague!Drink the Plague!The most thorouprhly delightfuland aromatic volume I have seenin a long time is a rebound editionof William JIarrison Ainsworth’s“Old St. Paul’s” (George Koutledgeand sons, London. (1841). Teh bookhas a flavour shout it that is charm*ing in spite , of its rather mordantsubject matter. Ainsworth’s diction,* quaintly vivid, is set off by the con¬sistently gruesome etchings of thefamous “i'hiz” (Halbot KnightBrowne), and John Franklin. Thefour hundred and twenty-six ratherclosely printed pages of the editionrecount the gloomy incidents in theLondon plague and fire, of the eerierole “old St. Paul’s” played duringthat pestilent year of 186.5. And inspite of the awfulness of Ainsworth’spicture of “the cotfin maker’s carous¬al” and other ghastly things, thebook has a tang about it that islike old red wine in a mu.stybottle.I sat down with the book the othernight and it took me back into thosebitifvr literary days of the earlyeighteenth century, days that arc re¬membered for their prose, not be¬cause the poetry is very bad but be¬cause the prose is very good. Ithought I caught in the pages aglimpse, now and then, of that laugh¬less Swiftian humor; thought I feltthe influence of those hours in thedays and nights that Ainsworth gaveto Addison; thought I recognized thelikeness of Berkeley and a curi¬ous imaginativeness that we thinkof when we hear the name “Dan¬iel Defoe”; for Defoe’s “Prep¬arations against the Plague, both ofSoul and Body” is the narrativewhose* details William Ainsworthclosely followed. But even morethan Defoe I saw Tobias Smollett inthe pages, something in the way thatthe author drew his grotesquelyrough, but humanly true, charactersthat revisioned Smollett’s master¬piece: “Humphrey Clinker.” Thebook was full of the savours of theeighteenth century in English let¬ters, packed with a wealth of detail,a careful craftsmanship, a complete¬ness that we feel so lacking in themodern rocking-chair novel.The etchings and engravings ofthis period in English life have al¬ways been a source of unlimited de¬light for me. The CruickshanKS (es¬pecially George), “Phiz,” the Dight-ons, Gillray, Rowlandson and thatcolossal figure—Hogarth, are to mea devilish but divine company, if sucha thing be possible. In “Old St.Paul’s” there is a Cruicksbank, afrontispiece and vignette by “Phiz,”and a quantity of prints by JohnFranklin, an engraver with whom Iam not familiar but who certainlyhas a style, which, though not asvivid and piercing as that of “Phiz”is not without quality. jThe two pieces by “Phiz” adorn¬ing the volume are masterpieces. Oneof them is entitled “Drink thePlague!” and portrays the coffin-maker’s carousal in old London. Theother has for its subject the “death-cart” rumbling through the brackishstreets of the stricken city, its boxpiled high with emaciated bodies,while atop it all a grotesque oldman sits, with legs crossed, playingon a flute. They are pictures thatlinger, like Hogarth’s “Seven Stagesof Cruelty,” in your mind forever.I haven’t finished the book yet, norwill I for several days. These menseem to have had many things tosay, many portrait's to draw, manyhistories to recount when they satdown amid the fogs of old Londonto bat out a novel. There is a fabricthat seems to run through the prose(Continued on page 2) FORTY-FIVE ELECTED TO PHI BETECARNIVAL ENDS Eighteenth AnnualKEEN RIVALRYIN I-M SPORTSRecord Supports DesireFor New Facilities,Council VoteSoon ^o close a year of recordparticipation in Intramural athleticswith the Annual Outdoor Carnival,which is to be held in conjunction withAlumni Day and the InterfraternitySing on Saturday, June 9, Intramur¬al officials yesterday reviewed thecompetitions launched by their de¬partment since fall and pronouncedthe year an especially successful one.•According to their statement® , ex¬ceptional interest has been manifestin the sports throughout the year andthe competition has been unusuallykeen.Competition ClosePointing to the fact that not unt 1the finals in the baseball, tennis, amithe preliminaries of the carnival havebeen run off will it be possible to de¬termine the organization winner forthe year’s all-around competition.Dr. C. O. Molander, director of In¬tramurals, states that this year, morethan ever before, the undergraduates,by their interest in Intramurals haveshown the need for enlarged facil¬ities for the department.(Continued on page 2)CONGREGATIONAUSTSDEDICATE SEMINARYDURING NEXT WEEKDedication exercises at the The¬ological Seminary, Congregationalschool, on 58th St. between Univers¬ity and Woodlawn, have been plann¬ed for the week beginning June 3 andending June 10. The ceremonies willbe attended by delegates from six¬teen states in the middle west, andwill include the formal opening ofthe various units of the building, andthe Seminary’s triennial convention.When the seminary became affili¬ated with the University in 1Q15, itoriginally occupied the present Grad¬uate club house, which then stoodon the corner of 58th and Univers¬ity. In 1924 the present buildingprogi’arh was launched. In 1926 theSeminary gave its headquarters tothe University to be u.sed as a Grad¬uate club house.All the buildings were designed toproduce an artistic effect. The VictorFremont Lawson tower is the out¬standing featui’e, while the stainedglass windows and the vaulted ceil¬ings of the entrances are patternedin medieval designs.University students are invited tothe theological conferences on Mon¬day afternoon, Wednesday morningand afternoon and Thursday morn¬ing. Sing Carries OnCampus Traditionj The eighteenth annual Inter-frat-! ernity sing, one of the University’s! oldest traditions, will be held Satur-I day evening, June 9, in Hutchinsoncourt at 7:30. The sing climaxes v.I day devoted to the reunion of thej alumni.I During the day the alumni will seeI a student parade, composed mainlyof fraternity and club floats. Staggfield events, and military ceremonies.There will also be dancing in Reynolds club both afternoon and even¬ing. .At 8:30. the Alumni ReunionI committee, with Ned Earle as chair¬man, has t’J'Ppared a buffet supperwith music, for the alumni andfriends. Such a supper has also beenprepared by most of the fraternitiesfor their alumni.Origin of the SingThe sing originated as a purely-fraternity affair for the active mem¬bers. F]ach fraternity tried to excellin stunts and costumes. This compe¬tition was expensive and was replac¬ed by the j)resent program, in whichall the alumni compete. Each frater¬nity marches into the circle of Hut¬chinson singing its marching song,and then sings one verse of anothersong, in the circle. A cup is awarded,the fraternity having the most mem¬bers present. A fraternity may ob¬tain permanent possession of thiscup by winning the sing three times.Hope For Good WeatherDuring the sev'enteen years of thismemorable event, the sing has neverbeen postponed due to unfavorableweather conditions. “It is hoped thecharm of the Almanac will be withus again this year,” Harry Axone,chairman of the sing, .said.Ned Earle, chairman of the alumnicommittee, said: “This traditional actbrings together, every year, manyalumni, because they know the singhas not changed. Familiar ways andfamiliar faces make it a success foreveryone who has ever attended oneor more.”Paul MacClintockAccepts Position atPrinceton UniversityDr. Paul MacClintock, assistantprofessor in the Department of Geol¬ogy. has accepted a call to a fullprofessorship in Geology at Prince¬ton University. He will leave theUniversity in September to enterupon his w'ork in the field of Physiog¬raphy.Dr. MacClintock received hisBachelor’s degree from the Univer¬sity in 1912. Specializing in glaciol¬ogy, he continued with graduate worand took his Ph. D. here in 1920. Hehas been connected with the Univer¬sity up to the nresent time. Exhibit Painting ofEdmund Giesbert inClassics GalleriesA portrait of Henry ChandlerCowles, head of the botany depart¬ment, is included in the collectionof paintings of Edmund Giesbert. in¬structor of art, now being exhibitedin Classics 45 eVery afternoon untilJune 10 under the auspices of theRenais.sance society.Mr. Giesbert’s work shows the in¬fluence of the German painters rath¬er than the Frenche which is com¬mon in contemporary American art¬ists. This is attributed to the threeand a half years of study he spent inGermany. The subject matter of thecollection varies from small paintingsof old streets in Munich to large com¬positional groups of figures and alle¬gorical murals.“The paintings of Mr. Giesbert areremarkable for the sympathetic feel¬ing of the w'orking people expressedin them,” said Mrs. Gale, presidentof the Renaissance society.Hold Mock Flood(Control ElectionsAssistant Professor Harold Gosnellof the political science departmentwill conduct a public count of 6,000.student-marked ballots on Wednes¬day, May 6 at 7:30 p. m. in Classics17 to elect a model commission offive men who will consider the floodcontrol problem.By this demonstration count,which will be held in accordance withthe Hai’f system of proportional rep¬resentation. Professor Gosnell hopesto acquaint the students with themethod of election that is used onthe campus.Ballots Sent to UniversitiesSeveral thousand ballots were sentto Northw'estern university. Univers¬ity of Illinois, University of Wis¬consin, University of Pittsburgh, Uni¬versity of Minnesota. University ofIowa. Dartmouth college and Indi¬ana university. The remainder ofthe ballots have been cast at the Uni¬versity.Sixteen men, who have been activein the flood control problem, are list¬ed on the straw ballot. At a prelim¬inary count held in one of Profes¬sor Gosnell’s classes Herbert Hoover,Calvin Coolidge, Charles G. Dawes,Frank Lowden and Major GeneralEdgar Jadwin received the requiredquota.Paul H. Douglas, professor of po¬litical economy at the University, andpresident of the Illinois branch ofthe Proportional Representationleague, is one of the sponsors of theaffair. Seniors to HearAlumni Chairmanat Class MeetingPete Russell, chairman of AlumniDay activities, scheduled for Sat¬urday, June 9 will speak at the Se¬nior class meetirg, Thursday, June 7.This is the last class meeting beforecommencement, and all final arrange¬ments for senior week and convoca¬tion will be discussed. KennethRouse, president of the class, hasrequested that all seniors be presentas important announcements will bemade.Mr. Russell will tell of the alumniday plans and will personally invitethe Senior class to attend the activ¬ities.Tickets On SaleTickets for the senior week activ¬ities which include the class dinneron Friday, June 8, and the class daybreakfast, Monday, June 11, and on.sale in the University Bookstore, thecloakroom at Ida Noyes hall, andby members of the class.The announcements for the convo¬cation exercises and cards of ad¬mission will be ready for all seniorsat the President’s office on Monday.All graduates who do not intend touse the tickets have been requestedto inform the President’s office. Ifthere is a surplus they will be redis¬tributed to seniors desiring them.The tickets will be held until Friday,j June 8.ZELDA ROBBINS TOCOACH ASSEMBLIESOF MODEL LEAGUEZelda Robbins, member of the Po¬litical Science Council and organizerof the Model Assembly of theLeague of Nations, has been chosento organize model leagues in the Uni¬versities of Iowa, Missouri, and Min¬nesota.She will travel to the various col¬leges in the fall, as professionalcoach and organizer of the model as¬semblies. Her position is sponsoredby a special committee of the Leagueof Nations Non-Partisan’s Associa¬tion. Members of this organizationwatched the University’s ModelLeague then decided to sponsor simi¬lar activities in other Universities.Each assembly will be organized bythe political science departments,with Miss Robbins as professionalcoach.Miss Robbins will be gone fromSeptember to January. During thistime her office will be in the NixonBuilding at 165 W. Monroe. The as¬semblies are being sponsored fortheir educational value and to arouseinterest in the league.Moonlight and Music Combine toMake Lawn Festival Successful AWARD THIRTEENKEYS FOR THREEYEAR mRAGEFour Chosen by CouncilFor Prominencein ActivitiesForty-five students at the Univers¬ity this morning received letters in¬forming them thot they are electedto Phi Beta Kappa, national honor¬ary scholastic fraternity to which allstudents aspire. Twenty of the groupare women, their number being great¬er in proportion to the number ofwomen attending the University thanthat of the men. Thirteen of the for¬ty-five are people who have beenout.standing in athletics or other ex¬tracurricular activities.Maintain A-For maintaining an average of“A-” for three years thirteen stu¬dents completing their junior yearwill receive the golden key. Theyare Donald Spencer Bond, 6108 S.Normal Ave.; Audrey Boyers, 1216;E. 54th St.; Alvin Morris David,6838 East End Av.; Samuel Epp-stein, 5433 Kenwood Av.; HughNeill Johnson, 5641 Maryland Av.;Walter Perry Kincaid, 9404 Eliza¬beth St.; Gordon Rounds Kunz, 6531Minerva .4v.; Marion Manilla Lov-rien, Humboldt, Iowa; Frank Reaj MayOj 2449 E. 75th St,; George Ed¬ward Morgenstern, 524 S. Oak ParkAv.; Oak Park; Rosalia MargaretSchultz, 934 E. 46th St.; CarolynLorraine Teetzel, 9538 S. Winches¬ter Av.; and Robert Isaac White, 440W, 61st Place,Twenty-eight SeniorsF’or maintaining an average halfway between “A” and “B” over aperiod of four years twenty-eightgraduating seniors have been giventhe honor. They are Kenneth How¬ard Adams, Normal, Ill.; CharlesBrunner Becker, Peru, Ill.; OlgaJ Josephine Johnson, MuskegonHeights, Mich,; David Louis Krooth,3010 Calumet Ave.; Dorothea RuthLoewen.stein, 5840 Glenwood Av.;Hyman Jacob Sachs, 1915 S. AversAv.; Harriet Christy Smith, 6107Woodlawn Av.; Carolyn Frances Zel¬ler, Oregon, Missouri; Edward Law¬rence Apitz, Bessemer, Michigan,Ruth Atwell. 5057 Drexel Boulevard;Jeannette Manning Child, 1307 E.60th St.; Catherine Fitzgerald, 6450Kenwood Av.; Allicia Jane Grant,6107 Greenwood Av.; Carl HenrikHenriksen, 5301 Ellis Av,; GertrudeFay Holmes, Bradford, Ill.; MaryBarbara Holoubek, 2543 N. RacineAv.; Dorothy Merrit Hutchinson,7311 Harvard Av.; John Joseph Mc¬Donough. Yankton, South Dakota;Ruth Cohen, 1415 Estes Av.; Plinydel Valle, Alhambra, California; Har¬riet Frances Dinier, Wheeling, West(Continued on page 3)RHYTHM CLASSES TOGIVE ANNUAL EXHIBIT“Before an Eastern altar,” the an¬nual spring exhibit of the rhythmsclasses will be presented under thedirection of Miss Emily White, phy¬sical culture instructor, Monday at 5in the garden of Ida Noyes hall. Thisyear the exhibit will be in the formof an Oriental fantasy written byBarbara Love, student in the ad¬vanced class.The details of the dances were de¬veloped by members of the advancedrhythms classes. All women enrolledwill take part, in the exhibit. PollyAmes, Esther Anderson, ElizabethBardridge, Lois Elder, Barbara Love,Eleanor Metzel, Frances Stone andEloise Tasher will take the leadingroles. Miss White will also renderseveral solo dances. Dr. M*TcClintock has recently as¬sisted in the revision of ChambeiJinand Salisbury’s College Geology. Heis also the author of several scien¬tific pamphlets.Announce Officersof Campus LeagueAt a meeting held Tuesday, thecampus unit of the League of Wom¬en Voters elected officers. MurielParker was elected vice-president;Jane Sheean was elected treasurer;and Betty Galt was elected chairmanof the membership committee. CarolBarnes will take charge of publicity,and Zelda Robbins will take chargeof programs. Sonya Forthal and Mir¬iam Miller had been elected presidentand secretary at a previous meeting. With the mellow moonlight, thelangorous winds, and the intriguingmusic functioning in a manner espe¬cially appropriate to a spring lawnparty, the freshmen and sophomoresjoined forces in “putting over” oneof the most successful social func¬tions of the year last Tuesday eve¬ning, More than a hundred couplesdanced to the strains of Rainey Ben¬nett’s seven piece campus orchesti'a,in the Ida Noyes outdoor t^eWre.A novel effect was lent to the oc¬casion by the use of lighted balloonsin places of the customary Japaneselanterns. Punch and cookies wereserved by members of the class coun¬cils.The evening’s festivities were cli¬maxed by a male chorus of sometwenty “stags” who, unable to forgettheir Blackfriar training, successful¬ly drowmed out the closing orchestra¬tions with such time-honored favor¬ ites as “Sweet Adeline” and “LetMe Call You Sweetheart,” renderedextemporaneously with true lyricfeeling.Musicians Featureat German ClubMusic by Dwight Gilmour andBurton Lifschultz will form the pro¬gram at German Club this afternoonat four o’clock in Ida Noyes.Gilmour will play piano selectionsfrom German composers and present“Rhapsodie” his own composition,while Burton is to sing the “EveningStar” from Tannhauser.Gilmour is a former pupil of Mor¬ris Rosenfeld, the Music Critic of theDaily News, and is now studying un¬der Arthur Frazer, the concert pi¬anist. Lifschultz has studied withthe Italian Maestro, Sacerdole. Y. W. INTER-RAClALGROUP ENTERTAINSThe Inter-i*acial committee of theY. W. C, A. has invited the ChurchWomen’s Race Relations committeeto hold its meeting and to take teatoday at 2:30 in Ida Noyes hall.Professors Ernest W. Burgess, andRobert E. Park of the Sociology de¬partment will be the special guestsat the meeting. They will both deliveraddresses. The program committeeof the Y. W. C. A, Interracial com¬mittee will give a report on the out¬line of work for the coming year.Miriam Miller and Venita Lewis, co-chairman of the committee, are incharge of the meeting.“All University women interestedin the interracial plans in Chicagowill be welcome,” said Betty White,chairman of Y. W. C. A.rage Two THE DAILY MAR(X)N. FRIDAY. JUNE I, 1928iailQ liaronn' FOUNDED IN 1901the official student newspaper of the university of CHICAGOPublished morningrs, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarter* by The Daily Maroon Company. Subscription rate*$3.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cent* each.Eiuered v second-class mail at the Chicago PoatofTice Chicago, Illinois, March13, 1906. undeir the act of March 3, 1873.I The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialJ appearing in this paper..Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAL E. WIDDIFIELD, MANAGING EDITORCHARLES J. HARRIS, BUSINESS MANAGERROSELLE F. MOSS, WOMAN’S EDITOROFFICE—ROOM ONE, 5804 Ellis Avenue ELLIS HALLTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Hyde Park 4292; Sports Office, Local 80, 2 ringsEDITORIAL departmentII MenVictor RoterusI Chairman of the Editorial BoardI CharK'^ H. Gooa Day Editorj Louis Engle Day Editor' Edwin Levin Day Editorj Robert McCormack Day EditorI Dexter W. Masters Day ElditorI George Gruskin Whistle EditorjI Womenj Margaret Dean Junior EditorI Harriet Harris — Junior EditorElizabeth Taylor Society EditorI Rosalind Green Sophomore EditorI Harriet Hathaway Sophomore Editor.■Mdean Gibboney Sophomore Elditor SPORTS DEPARTMENTRobert Stern Sports EditorHenry Kisher Sport .Assistantt;!mer Friedman Sport AssistantEinmarette Ds"'»nn ..Women's Sport EditorBUSLNESS DEPAKTMENRobert Fisher Advertising ManagerRobert Klein ^..Advertising ManagerJack McBrady Circulation ManagerWallace Nelson Classified Ad ManagerJames Paddock Office ManagerEarle M. Stocker Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.Richard Grossman Dowt’n RepresentativeSidney Hess Circulation AssistantRobert Nicholson Circulation AssistantAngus Horton AuditorStanley Dicker ..Advertising CorrespondentI THE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM1. Encouragement of student initiative in undergraduate ac-t ' tivity and scholarshipI 2. Augmentation of the Department of Art and establishmentj of a Department of Music., 3. Extension of the Intramural principle.• ‘ 4. Erection of dormitories to attract and accommodate out-of-I town students.j ' 6. Co-operation with the Honor Commission.! j 6. Promotion of undergraduate interest in educational lectures., 7. Encouragem'’nt of the Intercollegiate Debate.I 8. Improvement of the Year Book,I 9. Abolition of E-11 and establishment af group libraries.REVERIE FOR THE BACHELORSThe campus has a habit at this time of the year of presentingits best front. With its green grass and leaves basking in the off¬shoots of a warm sun it assumes a mellow% brooding air, and onefeels more than ever attached to it. Especially is the Senior wdthCommencement just around the corner conscious of this bond.He is inclined toward delightful melancholia; he is naturallysad to be parting, and he revels in quiet contemplation of the sceneof four years of his life. He is a more wistful, philosophical being,just a bit more grave and dreamy. His hectic college days areover; he wdshes to be alone with his thoughts, to indulge in fondreminiscenes.That is why it seems to us that Senior Week with its turbulentprogram of games and breakfasts is not very appropriate. Itaims to be a bang-up wind-up of four years of exhilarating col¬lege life, to leave lasting memories of the ol’ school in the mindsof the graduating members. We think it is a very hollow lastgesture, not at all satisfying to the craving of the Senior foremotional serenity.We think a Senior would do better to spend these last dayslying in the campus grass engrossed in reflection and overcome bymelancholia. In this posture and mood he would be thoroughlycontented and much more sentient of the significances of his fouryear sojourn here.MASS PRODUCTIONStagg’s various interscholastics are always labelled, andrightly so, “the greatest.” The huge figures associated with thesemeets are, to us, the striking thing about them. In the meet thatbegins today, for instance, there are about 800 athletes enteredfrom 25 states of the union, and some 20,000 people are expectedto see them perform. Then there is no end to the number of Cam¬pus students serving on the committees. A campus wit last yearquite appropriately called for a meeting of all members of theUniversity who were not serving on some sort of an interscholas¬tic committee to take place in ihii telephone booth in Harper.Organization and participation on such a large scale are not un¬like the tendencies in our national social and industrial circles.Who says that college life is not an apt training ground for thework-a-day world?DYING DOGMATISMThornton Wilder says that the idea for his immensely popu¬lar novel The Bridge of San Luis Rey “came to me while I wasstudying for an M. A. in French at the Princeton Graduate school.It was in a course conducted by that admirable man professorLouis Cons that I received the suggestion for the book.”Here is another proof of the benefits of personality in edu¬cation. Colleges are gradually approaching that ideal in whichthe individual is the all-consuming interest, in which faculty em¬phasis on dogged attention to fact acquirement is shifted ratherto guidance and inspiration. And as gradually the original pur¬poses of the college are becoming the major interests of the stu¬dents rather than causes for evasion. Education is ceasing to bea bore, and the scholar a colloquial term and rare being. Carnival Ends KeenRivalry in I-M Sports(Continued from pa;;e 1)He also called attention to the .factthat this year’s records substantiatedthose of the past in supporting thedepartment’s condition that it shouldbe represented on the Undergraduatecouncil.Prelims TuesdayThe preliminaries for the carnival are to be run off on Tuesday after¬noon. The semi-final round in thetennis tournament is to be finishedby Wednesday, while the baseball-semi-finals are to be played on Mon¬day.MAIN STREET(Continued from page 1)of this century that makes it sort ofinfallible and solid. There is. like¬wise, a substance and craftsmanship,HAVE YOU EVER PLAYED GOLF:1. With match irons?2. With custom built woods?3. With guaranteed balls?4. With tees you liked?5. With a real bag?If that sounds good to you, callBUD MERRILLat the Sigma Nu House and most of all, a whole realm of'portraits that hang in a gallery ofthe undying while the cari:atures ofthe engravers leer and laugh outside.PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS FRENCHLESSONS AND HELP TO STUDENTSBY FORMER TUTOR <womsn) GRAD¬UATE OF UNIV. OF NANCY.FRANCE. VERY REASONABLE.TELEPHONE SOUTH SHORE 095*BUSINESS WANTSCOLLEGE GRADUATESfor Exrcutive Positionswho know shorthand and can art as assistant tosome executive while mastering the (r-ater phasesof business.This is the sure way to an executive position and is the method used simost ex¬clusively by the business world in seleclina its executives.SHORTHAND COURSE IN TEN WEEKS(For College Graduates and LLndri^. 'uates—and it CAN be finished in ten weeks)in our Department of Business Administration will prepare you for a position witha future.The Director and instructors in this department are all rollere people and a refinedand dignified environment prevails.GRADUATES EARNING UP TO $50,000 A YEAR. WHY NOT YOU?Ask for bulletin reKsrdina; this course. No obliration. Tel. Wentworth 0992 or writeDepartment of Business AdministrationENGLEW(X)D BUSINESS COLLEGE735-41 Elnglewood Avenue, Chicago (62nd PI. at Halsted)Neaf the University of ChicsiroWljm linrHlftpaitanb 57th StreetUon O^den (Jo^t ~ ministerSUNDAY, JUNE 3, 19281 I A. M.—Professor Robert Hutcheon. D. D.ThePresbyterian ChurchWestminster ClubIt is our purpose to furnish acomradeship in the quest for theChristian Way of Life to all stu¬dents who have a Presbyterian her¬itage.G. Ashburn Koch, Pres.Ruth McNeil, Vice-Pres.Irene Altheide, Secretary.First PresbjrterianChurchWILLIAM HENRY BODDYMinisterSunday Morning Services atWADSWORTH SCHOOL64th and University11 a. in.—Sermon, Dr. Win. H.Boddy,7:46 p. m.—Evening Worship.Evening services heldin John Kno.x Hall, 6400 Kim-bark Ave. Hyde Park Congregu-tioaal ChtnrdbDorchester Ave. and 56lh SLWILLIS LAITEN GOLDSMITH.MinisterSUNDAY, JUNE 311:00 o’clock—Ordination Ser¬vice at Graham Taylor Hall, Chi¬cago Theological Seminary, WillisL. Goldsmith. Arthur E. Holt,Ozoia S. Davis. Those to be or¬dained are: Joseph Jenkins, Robt.Kingdon, Herman Johnson, AlfredBarterr.6 p. m.—Scrooby Club:Church House—“Church Ser¬vices, Here and There,’’ by theJunior Churchites.Refreshments Entertainment The Kenwood Church.\lfred Lee Wilson, MinisterGreenwood at 46th St.9:45 a. m.—Sunday School.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.12:15 p. m.—Young Peoples’Bible Class.6:00 p. m.—Young Peoples Society,CHOIRGavin Williamson, DirectorOfire Lacey Dickson, SopranoEthel Jones, ContraltoWilliam Clare Hall, TenorMark Love, BasoAll students are urged to comeand enjoy our services EPISCOPALChrist ChurchWoodlavm at 65thThe REV. FRANCIS R. NITCHIE7.30 a. Ill.—Holy Communion.9:30 a. ni.—Church School.11:00 a. ni.—Holy Eucharist andScrmlon.7:45 p. ni.—Evensong. Address.All students especially Episcopa¬lians are invited to Young People’sClub at 6:00 p. m. Daily services.• • •Th« Church ofThe Redeemer$$th and RIackstsnsREV. JOHN HENRY HOPKINS. D. D..5550 Blackstone Ava.University Student Pastor:REV. BENJAMIN HORTON. A. B. Aast.Sunday: Holy Communion, 8 a.m.and, (except 3rd Sundays) at 9:15a. ni., also witli sermon at 11 a. m.Choral Evensong and sermon,7:30 p. Ill.Students especially welcome.Daily chapel service every weekday.Hyde Park Presbjrter'ian ChurchRalph Marshall DavisMinister.11:00—Regular Service.8:00—Regular Evening Service. St. James Methodist Episcopal ChurchEUis Ava. at 46th Si.King D. Baach, PastorFred J. Schnell, Associate PastorSUNDAY, JUNE 3, 19281 1 :00—“The Ripening Elxperience of Life.”8:00 P. M.—“The Injustice of Life.”Make This Your Church Home.Look for the To«r«r S S eSt. Paul’s ChurchI9th anS Oo»eh*starParish Offica: 4946 DorebtaUr Avanar■TaL OakUnS 1186REV. GEORGE H. THOMASREV. SAMUEL H. SAYRESunday SarvicasHoly Communion, 8:00 a. m.Chnrch School Service, 9:80 a. m.Morning Service, 11:00 a. m.Evening Service, 6 p. m.Young Peoples’ Society, 6 p. a.GOTO CHURCHIt will help you to leada better, cleaner life. FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH“Uhirago's Gem of Gothic Art”935 E. 50th StreetPERRY J. STACKHOUSEMinisterBible School. 9:30 A. M.11 a. m.—“The Quiet Virtues.” ACommunion Meditation.8 p. m.—Illustrated Address on“The Hopi Indians.”B. Y. P. U. invites you to tea,social hour, devotional service from6:15 to 7:45 P. M. GOING TO CHURCHwill help you find a broaderoutlook on life. Hyde Park BaptistChurchS600^ Woodluwa Ava.MINISTERSCharles W. GilkeyNorris L. TibbettsSUNDAY, JUNE S11 a. m.—College Classes.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.Young Peoples Church Club.6:00 p. m.—Tea and Social Hour.7:00 p. m.—Disenssion Groups.8:00—Evening worship plannedby young people.8:45 p. m.—The Home Party.Woodlawn Park Methodist Efdscopal ChurchWoodlawn Avenue at 64tii StGILBERT S. COX. PastorSUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1928Morning 11 o’clock—“A Christian Sense of Values.”Evening 7:45 o’clock—“A Christian Doctrine of Property.”Students will find a most cordial welcome. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF DISCIPLES57th and UniversityMinister: Edward Scribner AmesBasil F. Wise, Director of Music and Education.SUNDAY, JUNE 3, 1928Sermon: 1 I A. M.—“Men for the Ministry.”Dedication of the new Skinner Pipe (^gan at 4 o’clock byMr. Arthur Dunham.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1928 Page ThreeTHE WEEKLY REVIEWPublished Ejvery Friday As a Supplement to the Daily MaroonTWO POEMSFrom the Current “Forge”Concerning R. F.1 met him once and marveled thathe spunOut of his cairn and civilised re¬straintBeauty so like the impetuous com¬plaintOf birds in poplar tops, or like therun.Of winter snow enlivened by the sun.Beauty, again, as fearful as the faintSound of word whispered to ac¬quaintThe sufferer of new sufferings begun.I met him oyice; since then I'velearned to seeWhat stars have fallen from infinityTo be called rocks and left to liealone,Or used in walls, like any other stone,. POEMWhen soft sirring winds drive winterout,A crowd 'f new green poets sproutWho pluck a quill froyn every goose,.Ayid let their flowered passionsloose.The tree now stands amazed thatheardThe wind’s neat melodies; the birdHas paused midair that saw the skiesAll garlanded tvith poets’ sighs.Stanley Newman..And how to find, when looking downa weU,Something too slight or too sublimeto tell.Frederick Ten Hoor.The Great American Band WagonBy Charles Mertz—A Review by J. R. Dye—AthenaeumContributions to theshould be Umited to 660 wor^,to Nicholas Mataoukas, Box O, Tne uaiiyMaroon, Faculty exchang^ Itis used we reoueat contnbutoia to enclosetheir name on a separate sup.“MAROON STUFF”By Raquel McGovernFlven Sophomores on the Maroondiscuss their professors. Sprawledall over the jrrimy chairs in Ellishall, the best of Maroonmen will^rget the carefully cultivated ennuiof somewhat less than two years’standing and will wax almost prep-schoolishly eloquent over the van¬ishing glories of Phil Allen’s under¬graduate courses., Teddy Linn willbe frequently quoted with rippingsuccess |n the presence of the unin¬itiated freshmen, while if the pall ofsophistication lifts ever so slightly,one of the campus women will comeout of her boredom long enough toproclaim Fay-Cooper Cole “a honey.”All these the socially intellectual dis¬cuss, but never once do they mentionthe name of Dr. Paul Shorey, Pro¬fessor and head of the Department ofGreek.Greek literature being occasion¬ally neither “peppy” nor “polite” haspresumably lost its interest for thevast majority of students. The factthat Dr. Shorey has had somethingto say on “Literature and ModernLife” in the “Atlantic Monthly” forMay will not be noticed by those whofollow the experiments of the scient¬ists with almost monotonously regu¬lar stories in the Daily Maroon. Whileit is obvious that one article in anymagazine by any one professor isnot much cau.se for excitement, it isperhaps lamentable that the work ofmen like Dr. Shorey should receiveno more attention from the studentbody than the stories from Aesop’sfables which are illustrated in thegargoyles on the Classics building.Perhaps it is not incorrect to saythat the natural sciences are themost vital representative of thetwentieth century. Certainly theyhave grown up in modern times( thisis to disregard the “arm-chair” sci¬ence of Aristotle), while the human¬ities were cradled by the side of civ¬ilization. It is true that people whoreally think will grow white hot withthe passion for knowing, a passionbest manifested in the zeal of thescientist. But people who really livewill yearn to apply what they knowto life. It is the humanities whichmake possible such application.For a long time, higher civiliza¬tion, “culture,” and the humanitieswere somewhat inextricably linkedtogether. Recently, however, “hu¬manity” has become unfashionable,except among fundamentalist mis¬sionaries, and culture consists of al¬ways being at one’s ease. If. how¬ever, man considers his culture inrelation to those ideals which thehomo sapiens as a particular kind ofanimal has set up for himself, hemust consider the humanities, thefirst manifestations of man behavinglike a human being. And of all thehumane studies. Greek and Latinseem to be the most enduring, themost impregnable, the most immut¬able.■* * *Philosophy is changing. It mustchange for from its very nature,stagnation would mean death. Gram¬mar, rhetoric . . . that is to say Eng¬lish . . i? racing along trying to givewords to the struggles and ecstaciesof the world. History has become acycle of movements devoid of per¬sonality. Sociology has put the reinsof science on human beings.“The c!d order changeth, yieldingplace to new“And God fulfills himseK in manyways“Lest one good custom should cor-I’upt the world ...”A pleasant old Victorian bromide.... The sophisticates long ago sawthrough the story of God, but theystill have difficulty in denying the“change.” On the contrary, they em¬brace the idea as if it were theirown invention. Nor would any one BOOK NOTESBEST SELLERSThe following books are report¬ed by Brentano’s as being most indemand during the past week:FICTIONIN THE BEGINNING, by Nor¬man Douglas (John Day). A sa¬tire of gods and men.THE CLOSED GARDEN, byJulian Green (Harper). Tragedyof a bourgeois French family,where mental stagnation resultsin murder and madness.DEBONAIR, by G. B. Stern(Knopf). A modern, piratical girlwins out by contrast with thesweetly selfish, old-fashionedclinging vine qualities of an olderwoman,DAISY AND DAPHNE, byRose Macaulay (Liveright). Thedifficulties of a girl who had notonly two sides to her .aature toharmonize but two social classes towhich she must adjust herself.ASHENDEN: OR, THE BRIT¬ISH AGENT, by W. SomersetMaugham (Doubleday, Doran).The sometimes melodranriatic ex¬ploits of a British secret serviceagent.DEAD LOVERS ARE FAITH¬FUL LOVERS, by Frances New¬man (Liveright). The wife’s trag¬edy of losing her Idver in her hus¬band and the other woman’s trag¬edy of losing her lover to his wife.NON-FICTIONRISE OF THE HOUSE OFROTHSCHILD, by Egon CaesarCount Corti (Cosmopolitan). Thepolitical and economic significanceof the activities of a great inter¬national banking house.MACHIAVELLI, THE FLOR¬ENTINE, by G. Prezzolini (Bren-tano). Impressionistic life of a fa¬mous political sophist.PSYCHOLOGICAL CARE OFINFANT AND CHILD, by JohnB. Watson (Borton). The Behav¬ioristic theory of child training.THE NAKED TRUTH, by ClareSheridan Harper). Autobiographyof a woman sculptor and journal¬ist of unusual enterprise.THE GANGS OF NEW YORK,by Herbert Asbury (Knopf). Pic¬turesque presentation of NewYork’s underworld during its morecolorful period.TAMMANY HALL, by M. R.Werner (Doubleday, Doran),Narrative of the more spectacularand disreputable episodes in thehistory of one of the oldest politi¬cal machines in the United States.but the cowardly wish for a staticlife. It is good to move. It is goodto know. The truth may hurt if it isfaced squarely, but it will do lessharm than if it is pushed back underthe vestments of delusion to rot andpollute the vital air of human ex¬istence. The mistake of the realists,the “modernist” is exulting inthe sordid torrent of life instead ofpitying and helping the peoplecaught in its current. To talk of“helping humanity” falls dangerous¬ly near the mere mouthing of words,especially in a consideration of Greekand Latin which obviously are of lit¬tle value in strangling an epidemicof disease or in feeding starvingbabies. The classics are outside thepale of action except as it is experi¬enced vicariously. They are beyondthe banks of the inevitable streamof being Because they are not in¬evitable oecause they are somethingto turn i;o when the mind is sickof the i iiavoidable, for this reasonthey are vvorthwhile.In the first place they representthe best writing of the ancient civi¬lization, writing which has had vi¬tality enough to hold the interest ofmen for more than 2000 years. Sure¬ly life is so short that the investiga¬tion of new fields of literary en¬deavor should not totally exclude theperusal of books whose worth thetest of time has proven.The passing of the centuries hasnot only proven the classics but hasalso added a perspective, which isvaluable from both an aesthetic anda utilitarian viewpoint. Aestheti- “The Great American Bandwagon”by Charles Mertz, bids fair to standin the estimation of connoisseur ofhumor as a thoroughly • delightfulcommentary on our present-day! American civilization. In this bookMr. Mertz offers explanations of vari¬ous phenomena of our American life:such, for instance, as our passionateinterest in sports, particularly box¬ing and golf, jazz-music, scandalousmurders, bathing beauty revues, andbigger and better universities withcourses in w^ll-papering, poultry¬raising, and the scientific educationoi farm-hands. His explanation maynot be correct, but they are plausi¬ble and vastly amusing.Having served for many years asa prominent New York newspaperman, Mr. Mertz is in a position toknow whereof he speaks. And per¬haps it is for this reason too that hecan treat such a touchy subject asour fond likings without giving of¬fense. For that is in a way whatgives the book its sparkle and gusto:Mr. Mertz does not write in the man¬ner of a visiting Britisher, with con¬descension and a lifted eyebrow, norin the manner of the remorselessMr. H. L. Mencken; he somehow en¬ters into the scene, analyzes it. andcomments upon it with a sympatheticpenetration that would not discom¬pose Babbitt. Dumb Dora, or even100 percent American himself.We are portrayed in “The GreatAmerican Bandwagon” as a nationof cocky and self-confident peoplewho have just emerged from thefrontier and colonial state, with adesire for romance and adventureseething in us that drives us frantic¬ally into all sorts of grotesque activ-I ities at attempts to fulfill that de¬sire. The business man, panopliedout in his golf togs and armed withhis clubs, is not an overworked go-getter seeking recreation; he is, inhis imagination, a hardy frontiers¬man pushing forward into uncon¬quered territories; his baggy trousersare his chaps, his gaudy golf sockshis war-paint, and his general negli¬gence of attire his brazen definanceof effeminate convention. He risksdisaster on the golf-course as hisforebears risked disaster on the wil¬derness trail; he boasts of hisprowess at golf as his forebearsboasted of their prowess at thebuffalo hunt; ho is the modern coun¬terpart of Daniel Boone.cally the Greek and Roman authorshave woven into the web of theirwriting the tapestry of a completecivilization, attaining a unified sig¬nificance, which contempory writingcannot possibly reveal. Practically,one sees in the classics the motifs ofpresent-day life repeated. There isugliness in the classics, beautifullyportrayed of course, attaining aesthe¬tic significance and so not to bescorned. In this respect the classicsmust be placed on a level with mod¬ern writing, with this distinction,that the old works are “seen througha glass darkly” more as entities ex¬ternal to the reader, more easilyanalyzed and applied.(Continued in column 6) With no less kindness and gustodoes Mr. Mertz analyze ou rdelightin jaZz-music and scandalous mur¬ders. Each night millions of respect¬able Mr. and Mrs. Jones listen in onthe^ radio to the blatant howl of thelatest song hit; each night millionsof phonographs grind out the thump¬ing rhythm of Jimmie Dixon’s Jazzorchestra. The music is to us whatthe beat of the tom-tom and thechant of the medicine man is to theblack man when the night is dark .andthe jungle lonely. Each day therecomes to us from a highly system-ized press the latest developments ofthe latest murder. We i*ead thenews breathlessly, gossip about it onthe street corners, and await im.pat-iently for the next development. Thisnews is to us what the duels of thegladiators and the slaughter of theChristians were to the romans of old.We have bigger and better bathtubsand universities but the instincts ofthe barbarian will not down.That despite our widely heraldeddevotion to materialistic pursuits weare striving to find romance in ourprosaic daily lives is seen by Mr.Mertz in our evanescent hero-wor¬ship, in our participation in esotericlodge affairs, and in our penchantfor giving an exotic savor to the de¬signs of our homes and to the namesof perfectly prosaic real-estate sub- jdivisions. We discover each day a 1new hero, a new Lindbergh gape at |him for a while, then promptly for¬get him to await the emergence ofthe next hero. But our heroes mustnot be too high-brow, must not readhigh-tone literature and lecture onShakespeare like Tunney; he mustbe one of us. apotheosizing our com¬mon virtues, and doing the thingsthat we in secret would like to dobut haven’t the courage. We findother outlets in botching up ourhomes in crude imitations of hacien¬das, patios and cloisters, and in giv¬ing to perfectly unassuming real-es¬tate such exotic names as EspanolaTerrace gardens. Villa, d’Este, andSanta Maria Place. We join all sortsof exalted and mystic orders and,dressed in the fantastic garb of In¬dian chiefs, desert Arabs, or medievalnoblemen, participate solemnly in acolorful ritual in which a respect¬able bank clerk becomes a grand ex¬alted illustrious something or other.Such fantastic antics are engaging tous. Mr. Mertz thinks, because theyoffer about the only romance thatcan be found in an unromantic work¬aday world. /Mr. Mertz looks on all thiy Jur !American life much in the mannerof a kind and indulgent father view¬ing the clownish antics of his younghopeful. He does not inveigh againstour monkeyshines, does not proclaimthe manner of Mencken taht we area herd of hopeless vulgarians, butlays bare the motives of our grotes¬que activities with all the sympathe¬tic detachment of a hopeful son ofthe land. The book is an exceedinglyliumane piece of work and throws alight of glamor over our invinciblecockiness, our restlessness, and ourabsurd struggles to achieve biggerand better things. AftermathBy Kamehama VeepingsAmong the myriad things that areunsavory in this life is the digging upand exjhuminig of something longsince dead—whether it be a body,an election, or lo! a Blackfriarsshow. As an intimate of the authorsand a believer in the University ofChicago and the promise of theyouth which flowers within, around,or against its walls, I should be thefirst to thank God and the devil thatthe memories of “The House thatJack Built” were stalking as rapidlyas they are from obscurity to obli¬vion. But the 1928 Blackfriars showwas harshly misjudged (as ‘mostthings are, we learn) by the threetypes of persons who painted a hard,grey slur on this year’s campus min-nie-singers. Those three types are;(A) the illiterate, including most ofthe student body and most of thepassing generation, (B) the show-goers, limited to a meagre few per¬cent of the passing generation. (C)the intelligents, excluding all—ex¬cept, say, twenty-five—of the stu¬dent body, and all of the passing,generation—except these few aca- jdeinic pedlars who are not drowned,with the rest of their ilk. decorum.To the first type (A), the show wasrotten, not a laugh in it. To thesecond type (B), the show was amus¬ing enough, when you think that col¬lege boys did it all, all by them¬selves, but hardly worth the price ofa ticket to “Good News” or, even,“The Vanities.” To the third type(C). the show was—well, smart, but,when you think that college boys didit all, all by themselves, carryingthings a little bit too far—both invision and in materialization.“The House that Jack Built” wasa flop—and no one on this earth(unless it be Wordsworth’s Lucy)can dare excuse it on the groundsthat the authors were a couple ofgood guys, the producer was a suc¬cessful. or near-successful, play¬wright, and the actors were, afterall. “just college ooys.”“The Hbuse that Jack Built” lies,face downward, in a mute, inglori¬ous grave. Let me blaspheme thegravity of death, let me blurt foronly a moment to one and all—fromthe first-nighter who said, “Maybethey’ll know enough to cut out Black¬friars entirely now,” to Fhrof. PercyHolmes Boynton, who said, “A mod¬erately successful production.”The show, as it was written, wassatire, gloriously original and youth¬ful satire, on a University that hadjust about reached a point where itneeded to be satirized. The authors,one the more deft (by a hair), theother the more romantic (by a shad¬ow), were a combination that mighthave, should have, moved the world.Neither had even a feeling for dra¬matic construction—and the judgesshould have known, the producershould have known, that as theirplay stood it was no play at all. ButBlackfriars produce a musical com¬edy—“The House that Jack Built”was no musical comedy, it was notchock full of laughs, lemon-creampies, sand-bags, extravaganzas. Theauthors had forgotten to write a mu¬sical * comedy—what they wroteshould never have been selected formusical comedy production.The production of the show wasdispiritingly half-baked. The pro¬ducer tried to combine the musicalcomedy idea with the fantasy idea,and, as there was no place in thescript for the latter, the musicalcomedy idea flopped all over andruined whatever was good in theshow. The producer insulated theshow with what he thought werelaughs. As everyone now knows, theywere not. The actors, with an ex¬ception or two, were abominably castand wholly lacking in imagination.The show was heavy and dull all theway. When it ended, there was athud, an emptiness, an escape tofreedom for the audience—an es¬cape not from any dream-world, butfrom a wishy-washy, incompetenthotch-potch. The choruses were theworst of the past six years, by allodds (and I was a “Kaiti from Haiti” I Award Thirteen KeysI For Three Year Average[ (Continued from page 1)Virginia; Perry Gilbert Miller, 4223Maypole Av.; Giles Henry Penstone,Pittsfield. Ill.; Charles Satinover,1054 N. Springfield Av.; Lincoln Stu-lik, 1108 S. Winchester Av.; MaryEloise Tasher, South Bend, Ind.;LawTence Alexander Whitfield, Al¬ton, Ill.; and Olga Smith, 5442 Har¬per Ave.Four Picked By CouncilIn addition, four seniors, chosenby the student council, were electedby the faculty Phi Beta Kappa com¬mittee on the basis of scholastic at¬tainments and leadership in studentactivities. They are Theodore OscarZimmerman, Earville, Ill.; Rob RoyMaegregor. Yankton, South Dakota,Richard Robert Scholz, 4219 N. Ro¬bey Av.; and Margaret ElizabethKnox, Downers Grove, Ill.Four of the men are winners ofthe varsity “C” for athletics. Theyare John McDonough, football quar¬terback and basketball guard, who isalso a Rhodes scholar-elect, head stu¬dent marshal, and ex-class president,Lawrence Apitz, football end andtrack star, Giles Penstone. wrestlingcaptain and Theodore Zimmerman,baseball pitcher and forward on thebasketball team. Two other men whowere chosen to Phi Beta Kappa inprevious elections, Karl Mygdal andSimon Lesser, are also Maroon ath¬letes.(Continued from column 3)But all this is in danger of grow¬ing academic. The worth of the Il¬iad is not so much to be analyzed as: to be experienced. The classics assomething apart from the storm ofreality are essentially a comfort anda retreat. By the time one gets tobe a Sophomore in college he beginsto be disillusioned, as they say.Finding himself smiling cheerfullyone whose mouth he’d like to strike,he wonders if the whole world is notveneered with deceit. With a hurtin his heart and a sneer on his lips,he begins to look for thin spots inthe veneer. It is to such a one thatthe classics offer a world of imagin¬ation where ideas are accepted fortheir face value, because it does notmatter whether or not they are trueso long as they are beautiful andsignificant.Cowardly to flee from reality?Yes, if one does not return. Butthose who will may turn from theclassics realizing that if mortal manonce could Wi.te poetry beautifuland vital enough to endure for threethousand years, perhaps there aremen living who will do things greatenough for another Homer to singabout. It is not cowardice whichdrives men to the fortress of theclassics. It is rather cowardice whichprevents petty souls from learningthe strange language of the oldpoets. Not the “undergraduate” whosneers nt all things old nor the “grad¬uate student” whose absorption in thepast has soured him on the strug¬gling world of the present have foundthe real key to life, but rather humanbeings like Dr. Paul Shorey, whokeeps the fortress of the past as arefuge for the present and a sourceof strength for the future.chorus man myself), and the songswere sameness.“The House that Jack Built” wasmushrooms and weeds—^a good ideagone wrong, if you will. I know—I know the obstacles that all con¬cerned (particularly the producer)had to contend with and be beatendown by. But here was one timewhen Steve Brody shouldn’t have tak¬en a chance. Don’t let’s have anyshilly-shallying, and hedging. TypeA (see above) thought the show wasrotten—and as long as this worldpulses with Type A, the show, alongwith all God’s chillun who dare touse their wings, will have been rot¬ten, and Prof. Bosmton, and all othertoo lucid, too generous men, will havebeen wrong.Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE I, 1928CLASSIFIED ADSTO RENT—Summer cottage, BassLake, Michigan. New, well equipped,screen p<jrch. boat, near auto high¬way. Tel. Columbus 3678, evenings. {LOST—Striped red silk umbrella |with amber handle in Cobb 402. Call jDorchester 3304.FOR SUMMER living room withpiano; dining-room, kitchen, twobedrooms. $125 per month. .■)74n Har¬per Avenue. Fairta.x 1124.LARGE jileasant front room, coollocation for .summer. Clo.se in. Dou- \ble $7.50 : single $5.50. .A.lso oneroom kitchenette at $30.00 permonth, 1121 East 57th. 1st apt. Dor¬chester 1703. !TOWER THEATRE63rd at BlackstoneContinued 1-11 p. m.McCALL - BRIDGEPLAYERS- - presenting - -MUSICAL COMEDYHITS40-TALENTED STARS-40 Summer Classes in Short¬hand and TypewritingBeginning June 18 and 25While at college . . . and after you enterthe business or professional world, short¬hand and typewriting can be of inestim¬able value to you. A short, intensivecourse at this school insures completemastery.GREGG SCHOOLHO.ME OF GREGG SHORTHAND226 N. Wabash Ave.. State 1881, ChicagoWill AnyoneAccept ThisChallenge?Columbia, S. D.Sept. 9, 1926Larus & Bro. Co.Richmond, Va.Gentlemen;I am a veteran of the Edgewortharmy, still in active service.I make this claim, challenging allcomers, to have smoked Edgeworthand nothing else but Edgeworth (whenit was possible to get Id for a longerperiod than any other person withinthe scope of your territory.I have smoked Edgeworth fortwenty-one years and will soon starton the twenty-second.I’ll admit to having tried otherbrands, includingso-termed high-class,high-priced blends and mixtures,enough to appreciate and satisfy my¬self of the superiority of Edgeworth.In all these years I have never hadone can of Edgev, orth that varied inflavor or otherwise.Yours very truly,(signed) J. J. Roberts ToniteCollegiateFUN AND FROLICEvery Friday- - AT - -Club KatinkaJ43 E. GARFIELD BLVD.PLENTY OF FUNNOISEHILARITYA’O COVER CHARGEFor College Nite FridayOr Any Other Nite Save Sat.SMITH - HODGESRUSSIAN BANDOF MUSICIANS DANCEJUGljU JULWJj)Henry CLgiion S SonsSTATE and JACKSON—ChicagoEvanston Gary Oak Parkin conjunction withLatest Feature Photoplays EdgeworthExtra High GradeSmoking TobaccoWashington Park National BankSIXTY-THIRD STREET AND COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.00Resources Over $13,000,000.00This bank is authorized to act as executor, administrator,guardian, trustee, or in any other trust capacity.MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMREGULAR MEMBER CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSEASSOCIATIONOFFICERSISAAC N. POWELL, Pres. V. R. ANDERSON, CashierWM. A. MOULTON, Vice-Pres. ERNEST R. SMITH, Asst. Cash.C. A. EDMONDS, Vice-Pres. HOMER E. REID, \sst. Cash.B. G. GRAFF, Vice-Pres. D. F. McDON.MO, Asst. Cash.C. S. MAC.AULAY, Trust OfficerA. G. FIEDLER, Auditoraridlns HDkAKE*[A JfNSON OkGANIZATlON]Opens the Drake Hoteltomorrow night, June2nd, for the entiresummer season.Informal every evening (exceptSunday I 6 :30 to 2—Saturdays to 3Come as soon as you can —if not tomorrow night don’t letnext week get by — really you’llbe sorry if you do.Dancing now every evening except Sundays-Bobby Meeker ard his Orchestra. You’ll Be asProudof ThisSuit as We AreProud of the beautiful patterns, the fineexclusive woolens, the correct University styledetails. Dunlin really deserves all the praisein the world—for it seems to have caught thetrue campus spirit. We’re proud of the value at*50^^Chicagoans’’ $35 and $40In the Lytton College Shop Carson PirieScott 8,- CoThe Men’s StoreMONROL at WABASHOLAZERS for tennis^ —the more attrac¬tive striped patterns insmart harmonizing col¬oring. $15.Flannel trousers incorrect straight-hang¬ing style—of well-selected qualities ofmaterials. $10 to $20.Slip-overs, in thepopular solid colors orsmall all-over patterns.$7.50 to $20.Collar’-Attached Shirts$2M to $5Tennis Shoes, $225 to $4Tennis Rackets, $3.75 to $17 JOTennis Balls. 50c EachW. G. 1.EDITION ®he Baftp iHaroon W. G. I.EDITIONTHE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, JUNE 1. 1928Main StreetBy AI E. Wid^lifirldA GREETING, OR SOMETHINGSTAGG’S Track Interscholastic isa big event in the lives of prep andhigh school students coming from farand near to participate in the cinderOlympiad. It has been going on forsome years now, just how many Ido not recall nor do I care, and itgives promise of continuing for anequally healthy length of time. Itspurpose, so the local mentors willgladly tell you, is for the develop¬ment of the bodies of young Amer¬ica, but all I ever could see thatanyone got out of it was a lot ofFun. And that’s enough.It comes at a rather unfortunatelime of the year as far as the Funand Frolic of the students at the Uni¬versity are concerned. The Seniorsare hot-footing it about in the la.stheat of the four-mile scholastic run,and all the rest of the woolly folkare either in love, sweating to ba thebig gun in their activity next year,or putting in cargo for the exams.Yet there will be a goodly band inthe bleachers to see the lads bust thetape in ten flat, or something flat.It all simmers down to the point thatthe participants get most out of theInterscholastic. They’ll get moreFun out of it, of course, if there isa nice gallery to inspect their prow¬ess.The school-spirited guys in thesewoods have it in their hat to invite,or whatever you call it. these prepschool lads into the cloisters of this,our happy alma mater. A worthyand a noble act. Indeed, no athletecould park him««elf in a more grac¬ious intellectual hot-house. The Uni¬versity has some fauna and flora tooffer, although it could offer a lotmore if it wanted to. True enough,there could be more spacious dormi¬tories and the tuition might be a lotlower. The Wbrk might not be sohard and the rah rah-ism more preg¬nant, but if all that were true itwouldn’t be the University of Chi¬cago.From all that I have observed,which hasn’t been much, the woollyfolk who enter these woods don’tcome here because of any glad-handthey got at an Intcrscholastic, orbecause they liked the catalog themailing department .sent to them.Nor do they come here because theylike the gothic architecture or Pres¬ident Mason’s educational philosophy..They usually come .here throughsome minor circumstance. They’reat the University either becausethey had a brother who went here,because their sister lives down onCanal street, because there is a goodchapter of Zeta Beta Tau here, orbecause they got a scholarship andits easy to get a job pq^nping gas inChicago and thus work the waythrough.Of course if any one should thinkthis theory of mine is true, whichis, in itself, very kittenish, the high¬ly organized rushing machinery ofMr. Will Heitman & Company mightjust as well be scrapped. Nor wouldI like to see such a thing as that hap¬pen for more than one reason, chiefof which is the fact that Mr. WillHeitman & Company get a lot ofFun and Frolic out of running theirmachine. W'ho would like to see thatroseate physiognomy of the said gen¬tleman begloomed because his busi¬ness had been kicked in the pants?Nor is there any danger of such athing taking place. People like ma¬chinery, like passing out the gladhand whether it does any good ornot. It’s the way of things. In factits the way the whole world n%ns, andthe birds who never discover it arethe birds who will fly high in Mo¬bile. There is no other Gjd thanCircumstance, and He sits astridethe earth cross-legged. Our wishesand our ideas are of no avail; ourplans are futile. One thing will de¬termine whether or not we go tothis University or the Keokuck Au¬tomotive college, whether we sailfer Aden-Aden as a missiomki’y ortake stubs at the Tivoli. That thingis Circumstance, whatever that is. INTERSCHOLASTIC DRAWS 841Dance and Vodvil Greet VisitorsLAUNCH W. G. /. PARADE AT MANDELAUGMENT FLOATPARADE AND BUSTOURS AT MEETElntertainment IncludesTalent from Mirrorand FriarsA vaudeville program scheduledfor 8 tonight in Mandel hall, and amoonlight dance planned for tomor¬row night at the .same hour in Hutch¬inson court, in addition to the floatparade tonight at, 7:30 and the bustours, oonstitute the main features ofthe entertainment provided by theUniversity for contestants in Stagg’s“World’s Greate.st Interscholastic’’track meet. Fraternities andClubs Center inClassic ExhibitThe vaudeville program is underthe direction of Russell W’hitney andDorothy Hartford and includes talentpicked from Mirror and the Black-friars production. “The House thatJack Built,’’ from Settlement night,and from other campus productionsof the school year. Tonight’s vaude¬ville begins immediately after thefloat parade, which starts at 7:30.Hank Paulman, Florence Stewart,Rudy Coles and other well knowncampus entertainers are scheduledto be there.Moonlight Dance SaturdaySaturday’s entertainment for theparticipants in the meet consists chief¬ly of the Moonlight dance to be heldin Hutchinson court. The dance,which will last until about 10:30,starts immediately after the presenta¬tion of awards in Mandel hall. Theorchestra, the name of which has notyet been disclosed by the Entertain¬ment committee, will be composed ofthe better’know'n campus players.In case of rein, the dance will beheld in the Reynolds club. Fraternity, club and class floatswill form a diversified stream ofcolor when they form before Mandelhall this evening at 7:30 to competefor the decoration cup which isawarded annually as a part of theTrack Interscholastic Parade. As thecolorful procession which will beheaded by R. O. T. C. cavalry squadsand the University band wins throughthe campus it will grow insize, for many of the organizationentrees will attach themselves to thetail at suitable points throughout thecourse.Last year the Esoterics, with a di¬lapidated horse and buggy, labeledthe “Original Slow Club,’’ capturedthe beautiful prize. The victory ofthe Estorics was due to the unique¬ness of the entree, for the judgescould not determine where an eighteenth century horse and buggycould be obtained in the twentiethcentury.The Dekes will enter a waterwag-on in tonight’s festival, while the A.T. O. group will cover an automobilewith alternating maroon and whitestreamers.All Urged to EnterWilfred Heitman, chairman of theTrack Interscholastic, has announcedthat all fraleriiities and other organ¬izations are urged to enter the par¬ade, which will end at Mandel hall tomake way for the pep session andentertainment program which hasbeen prepared under the chairmanship of Russell Whitney,Lake Chelan HighLeads List; Comes2300Miles to MeetLake Chelan high school of LakeChelan, Washington, has the trackteam that has come the greatest dis¬tance to the twenty-fourth interscho¬lastic track meet. The time taken forthe boys to come was three days onthe train. The distance is about 2,50Cmiles.The most promising track man ofthe team is Mike St. Louise, an Indian of the Chelan tribe, who runsthe mile. Mike runs the mile in 4:35-1-5 and instead of stopping when hehas completed his mile, he continuesat ,he same pace for another halfmile, to stay in good condition. Another campus contest held yes¬terday in connection with the W. G.I. is the best decorated house event.Kappa Sigma, with a railroad traintheme, was victorious in 1927. Thisyear they plan to retain the cup withthe combination steamship and traineffect erected on either side of theKappa Sigma domicile. As a resultof the increasing interest in the in¬terscholastic, almost every fraternityon the campus is expected to enterone or both of the contests.Meet CommissionersArrange Tours ForCoaches, EntrantsAnother stai of the far-travelingteam is Gordon Chase, a pole vault-er. He vaults well over twelve feet,and holds the record for the state ofWashington, as does his team-mate.St, liouise, in his event.Admission at MeetIs Free to PublicFor the second time, admission toStagg’s twenty-fourth Track Interscholastic will be free to the public,the athletic office announcing thatthe precedent set at last year’s meetwould be observed this year. Sight-seeing tours to acquaint con¬testants in Stagg’s track interschol¬astic with Chicago have been ar¬ranged by the directors of the meetfor this morning and tomorrow morn¬ing. Today’s trip will start at 9:30from Bartlett gym and include in itsitinerary Washington park, and, byway of Garfield boulevard and Ra¬cine avenue. Armour’s sto,ckyards,through which the University’s guestsWill be .shown. Interscholastic ProgramFriday, June 1st—REGISTRATION9:30 A. M.—Auto bus tour of the city.1:30 P. M.—Preliminaries, Stafeg Field,7:30 P. M.—All University Parade through Campus.7:30 P. M.—Flpats, R. O. T. C. and University Band.8:00 P. M.—Vodvil and Pep Session for contestants-Mandel.Saurday, June 2nd——REGISTRATION9:30 A. M,—Finals in Hammer at Greenwood Field. Busseswill transfer contestants from Stagg Field to Greenwood Fieldai 9:30.9:30 A. M.—Auto bus tours to Stock Yards and Sears Roe¬buck.1:115 A. M.—Luncheon at Hutchinson Commons for contest¬ants not staying at fraternity houses. Fraternities serve lun¬cheon at the same time.1:45 P. M.—Finals of meet at Stagg Field.6:30 P. M.—Dinner for contestants in Hutchinson Commons.7:00 P. M.—Presentation of awards in Mandel hall.8:00 P. M.—Moonlight Dance in Hutch’nson Court, ReynoldsClub in case of rani.Heitman Heads Well-OrganizedCommittee in Charge of GamesAfter twenty-four years of ex¬perimentation, the University has atlast succeeded in establishing a per¬manent and efficient interscholasticcommission that functions in a man¬ner similar to that of a large organ¬ized business staff.At the top of the staff there is asenior who is called the student man¬ager. Wilfred Heitman is fulfillingSeventeen to AidSpence in RushingThese men have been appointed totake over the actual rushing of theIiiLerscholastic Athletes for the Uni¬versity: Ken Rouse, John McDon¬ough, Kyle Anderson, Saul Weislow,Bob Wolff, Paul Lewis, Charles Hoer-ger, Virgil Gist, Lalon Farwell, TedZimmerman, Jim Gerard, Bob Eng-berg, Dick Williams. Russ Whitney,Charles Harris, Cassel Freeman andVincent Libby.“It is absolutely necessary,” statesBob Spence, rushing chairman, “thatthis committee receive the fullestkind of support in rushing the menfor the University, and ^ot only thefraterrtities, but the University -as awhole is urged to cooperate withthem in carrying out their pro¬gram.”This group is to constitute the fly¬ing squad inaugurated on the campusla.st year for the purpose of sellingthe University of Chicago to the Ath¬letes participating in the interschol¬astic. There M’ill be a meeting of thecommittee in Reynolds club today atone o’clock.Luncheon, BanquetFor Contei^tants that position during the 1928 inter¬scholastic. It is his job to correlatethe different departments, appointthe Junior managers, and supervisethe work of the commission.Under the student manager thereare three Junior departmental man¬agers who are in competition for theSenior job. Harry Hagey is in chargeof publicity this year. Charles Cut¬ter, entertainment, and Bob Spence,rushing. They supervise the workof their own departments and ap¬point Sophomore committee heads.The publicity department is divid¬ed into three sections with a sopho¬more at the head of each division.The campus committee, under theleadership of Dexter Masters adver¬tised the meet about campus androused the .student enthusiasm. Ern¬est Stevens, editor of the programsfor the meet, published the annualbooklet containing all of the informa¬tion concerning the meet. *National advertising by means ofreleases in the different newspapersthroughout the country was carriedon by Louis Engel. ,Invitations to the athletes were un¬der the direction of Joe Brady andEd Lawler,The rushing began functioning assoon as the athletes set foot on cam¬pus, Glenn ' Heywood started thework on the athletes by means ofcorrespondence. The women of theUniversity were organized by Flos.sieHerzman and Dorothy Hartford todo their bit, while Maurice Holohanhad charge of campus rusliing. In ad¬dition. fraternity representativeswere appointed, a Senior rushingcommittee and a group to round outthe organization.Tomorrow’s tour is planned for thesame time. Its route is scheduled togo through Grant park and the nearNorth Side, including Lincoln parkespecially, by way of South Parkwayto Randolph street and Wacker driveto Sheridan road.It is hoped by the directors thatall coaches when they regi.ster theirteams, will indicate their intention ofjoining the tours on the blanks pro¬vided. Each trip will probably lasttwo hours. W. G. I. visitors will be entertain¬ed at two joint dinner meetings dur¬ing their stay at the meet. Saturdayat noon the coaches and the contest¬ants will be guests at a dinner at11:15 in Hutchinson Commons. Andin the evening at 6:30 they will bethe recipients of a banquet in thelarge banquet hall in HutchinsonCommons.Following the banquet the variousprizes and trophies of the meet willbe fcwarded%to the winners. Theaters Give MeetStars Free MoviesEntrants in Stagg’s twenty-fourthtrack interscholastic have only toflash their badges to receive theaterentertainment free of charge, an¬nounce the managements of threesouth side motion picture houses.The Frolic, 55th street and Ellisavenue, the Piccadilly, Blackstoneavenue and Hyde Park boulevard,and the Tower, 63rd street andBlackstone avenue, will be open tothe athletes as long as the tourna¬ment lasts. TWENTY-FOURTHANNUAL W. G. I.STARTS TODAYBanquet, Parade, VodvilDance, EntertainTrackstersEmbodying the best athletic abil¬ity in twenty-five states, 841 trackstars from 183 high schools and eigh¬teen academies will compete in theUniversity’s twenty-fourth track in¬terscholastic this afternoon and to¬morrow in Stagg Field. The numberrepresents a slight fall from the rec¬ord set by last year’s meet, whichdrew approximately nine hundredentrants from thirty-three states.Numbered among the one hundredand fifty entrants who had arrivedby yesterday afternoon to register inthe trophy room at Bartlett gj^mwere the stars representing North¬east high school, Detroit, last year’shigh school champion, and Fort Col¬lins, Colo., winner of the 1926 meet.Fort Collins is one of the favoritesto win this year’s interscholastic.Trophies GivenFollowing a banquet for contest¬ants and coaches at 6:30 in the Uni¬versity commons. Coach A. A. Staggwill award the prizes, among whichare the famous Frank Foss memorialtrophy for the winner of the pole-vault, the Delta Tau Delta fratern¬ity’s challenge cup for the victoriousall-round school, and University cupsfor high school and academy divi¬sion winners. Gold, silver, and bronzemedals will be given the contestantswho take the first six places in eventsof the high school division and thefirst five in the academy division.Admission FreeThe meet will be open to the pub¬lic without charge, though reservedseats may be had free on applica¬tion at the athletic office in Bartlettgym. Over twenty-thousand specta¬tors are expected to attend, accord¬ing to the athletic office.Last year’s interscholastic was ac¬claimed the most successful ever heldby the University. World’s inter¬scholastic records in the javelin throw220 yard low hurdles, and the polevault were broken, and the time forthe 100 yard dash was tied. North¬east high school of Detroit won thehigh school competition with 23points, while Mercersburg academy,Penn., took first place among theacademies with 41 points.Terrill School ofTexas Comes toChicago Via BusAs an innovation in transportationmethods to the World’s Greatest In¬terscholastic track meet, the Terrillschool cf Dallas, Texas, or the trackteam thereof, has conveyed itself toChicagc> in a specially equipped Gra¬ham brs and will compete here inthe academy division.Now these Bus Boys are not theonly Texas team to make the tripin a bus, but they have also equippedtheir bus with a radio, working onthe theory that a musical educationprovides for contented feet and thatcontented feet make speedy feet.Twelve students are on the team,and, with one man who has taken afirst in the meet before. Coach Faulk¬ner makes the statement that hisTexas Twelve will place high in theshot, discus. 220 yard dash, 120 yardhigh hurdles, and the high jump, andwill point in at least five or six otherevents.And that ought to win the meet forthe Bus Boys.Prep stars start trackcompetition today. rfjeS .-L ■^'Prep tennismen finish ^finals this afternoon. JTHE DAILY MARCX)N. FRipAY, JUNE I, 1928SaMniiATING ARRAY OF PREP STARS To Hold Fmab In Prep Tenni,START nCHT FOR HONORS TODAY IN ! This Afternoon; U. High FavoritesaEATEST OF ALL INTERSCHOLASnCSDetroit Northeastern, Fort Collins, Colo., and Columbus, OhioPut Exceptionally Strong Teams InField for TitleThe eight hundred and ten highschool and academy stars who havearrived here from all over the coun¬try to compete in the twenty-fourthannual Stagg national interscholas¬tic meet, will begin their fight forhonors this afterhoon when the pre¬liminaries in the dashes, hurdles, andfield eve-Tits get under way.Teams CloseOn advance showings, the light forthe team title seems to be betweenDetroit Northeastern, winne rlastyear; Ft. Collins. Colo., which wassecond last year and twice winner inprevious years, and Central High ofColumbus, Ohio, whose track teamhas been burning up the cinders inthe ea.st. The Detroit school will re¬ly largely on its Negro stars, EugeneBeatty and Love Snowden, dash andhurdle men, who counted very heavi¬ly for the victors last year. Centralalso has a Negro star in HerbertMoxley who last w'eek ran the 440in 0:48 2-10 for a new national in¬terscholastic record. Ft. Collins hasentered 28 men, and her greateststrenght will be in the field events.Meet Is FreeThe meet is free to the public, andDirector A. A. Stagg hag, invited ev¬eryone to witness the track stars.This meet which has aroused unpre¬cedented interest will undoubtedlysee many national records broken.Last year there were twelve meetrecords broken, three world’s inter-scholastic records established, andone tied. The field this year promisesto wreak havoc with the marks again,for the fact that the interscholasticis an Olympic tryout is bringing ahigh class field to Stagg Field.Expect Record Sm^shBeatfy of Detroit Northeastern,who set a world’s record of 0:24 2-10in the 220 yard low hurdles, is backagain, and will try to crack his own“W. G. I.” MaroonGiven to Elntrants mark. He faces a star field, includ¬ing Petz, of Nelson, Nebraska, Mi.s-souri Valley champion; Ward, of AnnArbor, second to Beatty a few weeksago; SiTigent. of Ft. Collins, and Wil¬liam Daniels of Columbus. 0., Cen¬tral, all better than 0:25.Chicago’s star, Robert Metcalfe,the Tilden high school Negro, has agood chance to tie the 100 yard rec¬ord of 0 ;09 4-5, which stands as anational mark, Simpson, the OhioState sprinter who won the 100 and220 in the conference last Saturdaywas the last man to equal the record,doing 20 in 1926. Metcalfe will haveto battle w'ith Love Snowden, DetroitNortheast’s Negro flash; Dick Lam¬bert of Kearney, Neb., credited witha 0:9 9-10 record, and a flock ofother men who have beaten 10 sec¬onds.Hurdles Are FastBeatty also won the high hurdlesla.st year, but faces keener competi¬tion this time. Baxter, of Scott high,Toledo, Keller, of East High. Colum¬bus, Sargent, of Ft. Collins, andPet?, of Nelson, Nebraska, have allbeaten 0:15 this season. Petz andBeatty have both made times of0:15 1-70.* FIELD RECORDS INDANGER AS SCHOOLSPREPARE FOR ATTACKFive men w'ho can do 6 feet or bet¬ter in the high jump are in themeet, including Sheldon Wallace, ofLariville, Ind., John Barth, of Lake-wood High, Cleveland; Yorkbrough,of Kaufman, Texas; Sampson, ofCass Tech, Detroit, and Ted Shaw, ofElgin Academy. Yorkbrough haddone 6 feet, 3 1-4 inches, which isbetter than anyone in the Big Tenhas made thi.s year.In the shot. Bob Hill, of TerrillSchool, Dallas, Tex., has done 52 feet;Kilcullen. of Manhattan Prep, NewYork, 51 feet; TurascholT, of CassTech, 50 feet, and Earl Johnson ofPxospect, ().♦ 47 feet, 6 3-8 inches.PLAYGROUND BALL INSEMI-FINALS — CALLOUT I. M. TRACKMENITie following are the results of the jquarter finals in the intramural play¬ground ball tourney: Phi Kaps JbeatTau Sigs, Macs beat Kappa Nu, Al¬pha Delts Ix'at Lambda Chis, and PhiCams beat Delts.Today at 5 o’clock entries for the4th annual I. M. Outdoor Carnivalclose. With the ineligibility list cutdown to vatsity track men, it is hopi'devery organi/.ation will enter men sothat a recoid entry can be had. Of the original field of 101 in theStagg tennis interscholastic onlyabout twelve players are left in com¬petition in both the doubles and sin¬gles meets. These men will meet inthe finals this afternoon. Yesterdaymany of the men had already reachedthe semi-finals and the semi-finalgames were scheduleti before night¬fall.In the doubles, U. High seems theodds-on favorite as they have twoteams in the semi-finals. Goodwillieand Rosenberg defeated Maiman andHitchcock of Deerfield in three sets,6-3, 4-6, 6-2, while Satgga andPhillips, also of U. High, bestedDyche and Berton, of Evanston, re¬quiring only two .sets, both being 6-4.This latter team has been showing avery good brand of tennis and ac¬cording to present indications, oughtto cop first.In the singles matches. Pierce, ofOak Park, who beat Paul Stagg of U.High, the picked favorite because ofhis victory down at Illinois, is thesecond round reached the semi-finalbracket as did also Sheldon of NewTrior and De Camp of W'heaton.Completing their competition forthe season, the I'niversity of Chicagotennis team lost to the invaders fromMinnesota on the varsity courts Wed¬nesday, by the score of 6 matches to1. Callohan, who has been the baek<-bone of the team all seacon was theonly Maroon man to win his match,while Budd, runnar-up in the confer¬ence meqt, lost to McMillan, whom hehad very decisively defeated at Pur¬due.BARBER SHOPWe’re a university shopfor university students.AL I. LEWIS andJIMMY CARROLLBetween the Shanty andWoodworth’sDevoted entirely to aspects of theUniversity’s track interscholastic tobe held today and tomorrow in Staggfield, the “W. G. I.” edition of theDaily Maroon will be distributed freeamong the contestants, coaches andparticipants in the meet along withthe regular paper today.The special edition was preparedby Dexter Masters, who as campuspublicity chairman under the public¬ity committee' headed by Harry Hag-ey directed the work of freshmanreporters enlisted to help him. It re¬presents part of the < .-npaign launch¬ed by the managers to rouse enthusi¬asm for the meet among the students. Luncheon ServedUNIVERSITY DRUGCO.61st eoid EUlis Ave^L.The Store ofService & QualityFAIRFAX 4800 TENNIS WEATHERIS HERE!If you expect to win a place on oneof the competing teams, get your racketnow. 'NEW RACKETS—Gold Star $ 9.95Gold Medal 11.00Geo. Wright Spl 9.95Frames only—select the gutyou wish’)RESTRINGING—Split Lamb’s Gut, . . .$4.75-$5.50Cheaper Grades $2.50 upSHOES AND EQUIPMENT- - at the - - *UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOKSTORE5802 Ellis Avenueww 9w WWWwwwwmqAU the LatestRecords only10 Minutes oAwayWe’ve all the latest “hits” outon the “Big Three” of Records— Brunswick, Columbia, andVictor 1 Also—those ‘.‘just right”portable phonographs and ra¬dios. Low monthly paymentplan. Open evenings.WCX5DLAWN BRANCH870 E. 63rd StreetLyonA Healy NOW HERE’S A PROM-!150 Couples in the Real Derby of 1928The World*s Championship EnduranceDancing ContestFIRST PRIZE—$3,500 —FIRSTPRIZETHE COLISEUMStarting at Noon Saturday, June 2 Lasting Until - - ? ?OPENING FEATURESGUY LOMBARDO and his ROYAL CANADIANSCHARUE GARLAND of WBBMJOE MARTINEZ and HIS BANDCONTINUOUS, DAY AND NIGHT!General Admission Fifty Cents ' MAROON NINE TRIMS BUCKEYES SIXTO HVE; GAME GOES TO TENTH INNINGAFTER THRIUING EARLY SESSIONSPratt Breaks Up Game In Tenth With Single; Win BringsRevenge for Defeat Earlier in Seasonat OhioChicago let its final conferencegame run to ten innings, but it waswell worth while for the Crisler out¬fit ended the season in a blaze ofglory by defeating their erstwhileconquerors,, Ohio State, 6-5 in theextra inning game.Prat was the day’s hero, for it washis hit with two out in the last ofthe tenth thatb roke up the gameGordon singled with two down, andHolahan followed suit with a cleancrack. Then Pratt walked up andknocked the first ball pitched downthe left field foul line while Gordon.strolled in w’ith the winning run.Others to whom glory is due areZimmerman, the winning pitcher,and hard slugging Pries.s, who con¬tributed a homer with tw’o runnerson base in the fifth.All kinds of trouble was avoidedin the eighth by a bit of clean field¬ ing. One was on and one out, anda potential rally was nipped in thehud by a double play, Anderson, Hol¬ahan to Hoerger. In the first of thetenth Zimmerman pulled himself outof a dangerous situation. The firstman up doubled and it looked as ifthe Maroons would be unable to cutoff a tally, but Zimmy forced thenext thre to fly out. and kept theframe scoreless for the Buckeyes.Those playing their last game forthe Pdaroons are Capt. Anderson.Zimmerman. Hoerger and Gordon.TERESA DOLANDANCING SCHOOLINI B. Mr^l St. (Ntar WMtDami Atw)T«l«phonc Park MMR«Kinn«rs’ ClaM ttvrrr Mondai' Cvanlac at8:00. Half hoar Haa inatnietioB Md halfhour practice with inatructor for 81,00.PRIVATE LESSONS ANY TIMRDAY OR KVENTNCuniversi’Ty lunchS706 Ella A*«.Try Onr Miaute Scrrice Lunch35cChop Su«y A-.Chow MciaOur SpccMhyM. E. VASLOW’SPrescription Pharmacy1401 E. Marquette RoadTelephone Dorchester 0125Chicago, IlL ,Clothes ThatMake Vacationa PleasureCorrea clothes for the season,hght in wcightySmartly styled,carefully tailored to yoiir in¬dividual measure, will addmuch to the complac enjoy¬ment of vacation.For golf wc offer exclusivepatterns in Harris Tweeds,Shctlands,Donegals and IrishHomespuns... for ev^jngwear . . . Fox Flannel coatsof blue and English Crickaflannel trousers.75 *85 Sffi*65i^S. Ciarkatui22^ N. Wabash SsaraSPECIAL SUmSGS♦55tAm ttausuai assortment of New ImportedEi^thhTopeoats...Riding Breeches...SportAaessorUs ... at 324 S tAii^ehigam CdvcFormal, Bmtmess and Sport OoAes7 N. LaSsUe St. • 54 S. Michigatt Ave. • 71E. Monroe St.140-142 South Dark Street {near iAdams)225 North Wabash Ave. fu/ Wadter *T>rim}\ :fL’ . wij.A'i.i