%k.jS!u ®sSco UQ O ’ , Skulland C ^ O danceat the (M ind to-night. duO ^ Six hundred highschool students com-’’ete in scholarshipinterscholastics t o-day. ;Vol. 28. No. 108. UNIVERSITY CF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY II, 1928Main StreetBy Al E. WiddiBeld uOMPETE TODAYMyself when young did eagerly fre- jquent iDoctor and Saint, and heard great argu- jment 'About it and abouts but ev ermoreCame out by the same door where in Iwent.With them the seed oj Wisdom did Isow.And xvilh my oivn hand wrought to makeit grow;And this was all the Harvest that 1reap'd—‘7 came like Trofer, and like WindI go."—Rubaiymt,Religion and Spirituality are themost badly frayed of all the worn-out,maltreated topics of student discus¬sion. Not that the undergraduateshave abandoned the good ship “Re¬ligion” and declared it unseaworthy,but simply because of its insolubility.Every day I hear sophomores pro¬pounding the Great Doctrine of Fut¬ility; hear them declaring that Life ispointless at best and hopeless at worst,hear them bemoaning the infectiousdisenchantment that sweeps in on• them from all sides like river fog.Most of them will tell you that theUniversity disrobed them of the holyvestments of their religion. All ofthem, before they came to college wereunquestioning, unthinking little soulsbathing in beatific simplicity. But lo!now they are Atheists shaking handswith Mr. F. Nietzsche In the publicsquare and spitting in their mit be¬fore the gesture. One of the cavalcaderecently said “T. V. Smith took awaymy religion and Fred Merrifield gaveit back.” Although I am unable tounderstand that weird phenomenon ittypifies how the student blames andaccredits, labels and delabel.s. Thesophomore has a penchant for life’smoribundities, for the seamy side ofthings, for martyrdom.Equally as inevitable as this wind-washed disenchantment of the sopho¬more, is the turn, a few months later,to idle skepticism and cynicism of thecandy-coated variety. The Junior us¬ually ceases to talk of the Futility oflife. Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, OmarKhayyam, A. E. Housman, EdwinArnold, James Thompson, Sir R. H.Burton become commonplaces. Heprefers the ironic tales of AnatoleFrance, the sardonic stories of Villiersde L’Isle-Adam, the satire of Voltaireand Sterne, the explanations of LewisBrowne, and the pithy philosophiesof Bertrand Russell and Havelock El¬lis. He ceases to bleat his cacophonyabout there ain’t no God, there ain’t noUse, and there just Ain’t. He beginsto find out that there have been otherswho have had the same ideas whenthey were very young.* ♦ ♦In one thing they are consistent.They blame the University for causingthis antiphonal symphony of Doubt.Especially the sophomore and thesophomoric Junior and Senior. It hasunsmugged him. Fear, skepticism,and romantic pessimism have been thechildren brought forth by the greatmid-wife; the University.Now it wouldn’t be so bad if theworld at large didn’t have to listento these songs of sorrow, theseThompsonian “voices of the wander¬ing wind,” these echoes of the Devas’ssong. They think they are the LittleBoys with the Big Message, the Oneswho have got their eye in a correctfocus on the key-hole of life. God blessthem one and all. The sessions inwhich they shout about how helplessthey feel since the light of Reality andTruth has fallen upon them, unkindand terrible though it is, are probablythe source of no little joy to them. Nordo I scoff or deplore them. At sometime in every one’s life he has to passthrough a day when he bares his littlefat chest and says “Love, Faith, Vir¬tue, Ideals, Religion,' Home andMother” are a lot of poppy-cot, a fool’s* parade for the simple fellows andcredulous yokels.” There are a lot offolk who never get out of the miasma- (Uonttnued on page 2) Honor Club Dance TonightDELEGATES FORRELIGIOUS MEETCONVENE TODAYBig Ten RepresentativesDiscuss Needs ofCollegesRepresentatives from the Big Tenuniversities will meet tonight at 6 ata banquet to be held in the sun parlorof Ida Noyes hall. The dinner willmark the opening of the conferencewhich is assembling to discuss the re¬ligious needs of these universities.Statements regarding the problems pe¬culiar to each of the schools represent¬ed will be made at the session follow¬ing the dinner. The opening meetingwill be of an explorative nature andwill form the basis for the succeedingsessions. All sessions will be charac¬terized by informal talks. The groupwill plan its own program to suit itsneeds.Woodward Presides\'ice President Frederic C. Wood¬ward will represent President MaxMason and will preside. He will con¬duct the introductions after the din¬ner and will present Dr. Charles W.Gilkey, pastor of the Hyde ParkBaptist church, who will talk on thewidespread interest in religion in con¬nection with the University.Hold Saturday SessionSaturday morning at 9 in Ida Noyeshall the discussion will be continuedin the light of the needs expressedthe previous evening. Ways of meet¬ing the problem will be discussed.Luncheon will be .served at noon inthe Quadrangle club wner** ttie after¬noon session will be held. Edgar A.Goodspeed, chairman of the depart¬ment of Biblical Literature, and VonOgden Vogt, pastor of the First Uni¬tarian Church, have been asked toconduct the tour of the new^ chapel,wiiich will conclude the conference.Twenty people are expected to bepresent. L. D. Coffman, presidentof the University of Minnesota; Wal-(Continued on page 2)Announce MembersOf Second CabinetAt Y. W. LuncheonMembers of the second cabinet ofthe Y. W. C. A. will be announcedand new plans wiM be discussed at theY. W. luncheon to be held next Fri¬day at 12, in the sun parlor of IdaNoyes hall. Eleanor Rhades and Fran¬'s Carr are in charge of the luncheon.This is the first meeting of the en¬tire group to lie held since the reco'ureorganization. Tickets for the luu-heon are fifty cents and may be se-■ured from the cabinet members. .Mar¬cella Koerber and Marian Miller arechairmen of the ticket committee.University Is Hostto Medical SocietyThe University Clinics have been hostto the physicians and surgeons represent¬ing the Illinois State Medical Society,as part of the program of the AnnualSession of the organization during thepast week.Wednesday Edward V. L. Brown, Pro¬fessor of Ophthalmology gave an Oph¬thalmology demonstration. Yesterday af¬ternoon a reception w'ls held in IdaNoyes hall, and at 5, an illustrated lec¬ture on “Movements of the AlimentaryTract in Experimental Animals” wasp’ven by Professor Anton J. Carlsor•'rtd A-no Tt T Mckhardt of the Physi-department. Appoint Women OnRushing CommitteeTwelve women have been ap¬pointed by Dorothy Hartford andFlorence Herzman, chairmen of theWomen's rushing committee for thebrack Interscholastic, to serve onthe committee. They are: MarionEckhart, Helen O’Brien. Jane Bloc-ki, Isabel Hough, Mary* Bohnet,Margaret Donaghue, Margaret Cor¬nish, Bernice Bjork, Marjorie Ca¬hill, Gertrude Martin, Frances An¬son, and Frances Blodgett.The committee will meet Tues¬day at 3:30 in Cobb 110 to makeplans and arrangements for the In¬terscholastic.The women will work in cooper¬ation with Robert Spence, chair¬man of the rushing committee, andwith the sub-chairman, MauriceHollohan, who is in Charge of cam¬pus rushing, Wilfred Heitman isstudent chairman of the meet.FOREIGN GROUPSMEET SATURDAYSix Nations to AttendInternational NightArmenia, China. Czechoslovakia,Germany, India, and the United Stateswill be represented at InternationalNight tomorrow at 8 in Mandel hall.This will be the last program of en¬tertainment to be presented this quar¬ter by the International Students’ as¬sociation.Armenians Open Prog-amThe program will open w.th Armen¬ian folk songs sung by Arax Kaskrian,soprano, and George Calustian, bari¬tone. Selections from Chinese operasand other songs will be sung by I’eterWoo and Paul Sung. The national folkdance of Czechoslovakia will be pre¬sented by representatives dressed inpeasant costume. Germany’s groupwill give a typical German entertain¬ment and Chandra Gooneratne of In¬dia will read Tagore’s “The Gardens,”The final number on the urogram willbe a short pageant “Y(^'erfTav andToday,” portrayed li\ 'be repre.^enta-tives of the United St; te>.Dancing FollowsSocial dancinit in the Revuolds clubwill follow the entertainment. Mem¬bers and friends of the associationhave been invited to attend withoutcharge. A fee of twenty-five cents willbe charged those desiring to dance in(Continued on page 2)Cube’s Rendition Of^^Ghosts” to IncludeEvery Line, WordOn Saturday night. May the 12th,the Cube will present its first per¬formance of Ibsen’s “Ghosts.” Accord¬ing to the directors of the Cube, “theperformance will be complete withoutany of the lines being mumbled oreliminated.”Ghosts has been under the dit actionof Karl Rautzenberg who has n^d hisdramatic training in various Berlintheaters. The cast is composed oMessrs. Bob Poole, as Oswald, Haldane Cleminson. as Engstrand, Thom¬as Roger's as Pa^'tor M^udors, Th»> fe¬male cast consists of Miss Ileone Par¬adise PS Mrs. Alving and Miss GraceWhitaker as Regina.On Sundav ni"bt the R'*d''uins w’’’sf'tge their second uer^nrmnnr** oT tM. RohnrtSOn’s C^^tn ^ fV>rof> 'x-rIt wHI be nreentUd t,”<Tnst Strindberg. Score Club, SkullAnd Crescent AreHosts To CampusThe last social event given by Scoreclub and Skull and Crescent, the 'astbig dance of te school year, will takeplace this evening from nine until oneat the Shoreland hotel, when approxi¬mately two hundred couples will danceto the music of Benson’s Redcoats,playing under the direction of WalterI'den.Tickets On Sale TodayTickets, which sell for $2.50 a coup¬le, will remain on sale at the Univers¬ity Bookstore and at the Reynolds clubuntil this afternoon, and will be onsale at the door this evening.Three or four members of the Win-throp Ames’ Gilbert and Sullivan com¬pany. now playing at the Studebakertheater will be at the dance, and Hen¬ry Paulman and other stars ot the 1928Blackfriars cast will entertain accord¬ing to the dance committee of thetwo clubs.To Be InformalMr. and Mrs. H. O. Crisier and Mr.and Mrs. Lenno.x B. Gray will act ashosts and hostesses, according to Dex¬ter W. Masters, president of Score’'club. Glenn Heywood, president ofSkull and Crescent, and Masters havebeen cooperating with the executivework. The dance will be informal.“The event seems highly cogentfrom a philosophical point of view. AsPetronius Arbiter says, allegoricallyspeaking, the pinnacle must always beattained, though the road be difficultof passage, and the path be arduousand the obstacles be many.“If I may be allowed a simile, Imay liken this dance to the .song ofthe swan, and it is our fervent hopethat our throats may be clear and ourtones pure, and that our voices mayrise in one sheer harmony to the nightsky, like the reverberations of the lastfull throated cannon shot, soundingover the dead soldier’s tomb.”So spoke Dexter Masters yesterdayas, with a chuckle in his voice and asmile in his eyes, he stroked his chinand meditated on the possibility of suc¬cess for the dance. Flames Blaze OnNew Chapel RoofA sudden burst of flames on thewest roof of the new chapel, oppos¬ite Dudley field, startled a golf classinto action yesterday at 11.The fire department was sum¬moned and workmen, who were allat the front of the building and un¬aware of the fire, were notified byMiss Margaret Burns.Two of the workmen by slid¬ing down a rope reached the as¬bestos roof on which the fire wasburning. The flames were devour¬ing tar paper and a few boards.Workmen shoved the burning ma¬terial off the roof and the flamessubsided leaving smoked shinglesand wall.The fire department, comingfrom Fifty-fourtli and Lake Parkavenue arrived nineteen minutes af-<er the fire was out.Announce ’29 StaffAt Annual MirrorInstallation Dinner APPOINT CHAPELCOUNCIL HEADSFour Committee LeadersName AssistantsNew officers of Mirror, elected lastWednesday will be installed at the annualbanquet of the organization,to be heldTuesday at 6:30 in Ida Noyes hall. Theproduction staff for 1929 will be an¬nounced at that time.-Ml members of Mirror, including thoserecently elected, have been urged to at¬tend. Tickets may 'be obtained for onedollar from Helen King, Kathryn Rose,Frances Kendall, Roselle Moss, or Flor¬ence Herzman. Four Committee chairmen were ap¬pointed Wednesday at a meeting ofthe members of the Board of SocialService and Religion and the executivecommittee of the new University cha¬pel councillors.Dan Autry was appointed chairmanof the committee on the Purpose andUses of the chapel, Charles Cutter,chairman of the Guides committee.Caroline Teetzel will head the commit¬tee on Education, and Dorothy Hart¬ford will lead the fourth committee onInsignia.Auny Leads GroupMembers of the committee underDan Autry aie Donald Bickley, S. Y.Chan, C. A. Coe, Harold Haydon,Frances Htolt, Muriel Parker, KenRouse, Minott Stickney and EleanorWilkins.Those to serve on Charles Cutter’scommittee are Annette Allen, WanzerBrunelle, Elmer Friedman, HarryHagey, Allen Heald, Frances Holmes,John Jackson, Priscilla Kellogg, Wal¬ter Kincaid, Harry Kletzky, RobertPorter, Margaret Stephenson, FrankWard, Betty White.Education CommitteeMembers of the committee on Edu¬cation are Clarence Barnhart, KatheBeyer, Elizabeth Bryan, Tom Butcher,(Continued on page 2) *Intramural BanquetHears Alumni Dayand Carnival PlansAn important meeting of both thenew and old boards of Mirror will beheld today at 3:30 in the alumnaeroom of Ida Noyes hall.THE 1928CAP AND GOWNWill your own picture be in theCap and Gown? Do you know howvou look when you are talking to'onieone? The Stiff photographer’’IS taken a nurrtb<’ri of life-liketp r.; nponle here ind there.. . '■ .I'l’Vt.’ 'A'f /JStlocal j Plans for the Intramural CarnivalI and .\lumni Day, scheduled jointly forI Saturdaj", June 8, will be outlined byI five alumni of the University at a ban-1 quet to be attended by the intramuralI staff on Tuesday evening. May 15, inI Hutchinson commons.Paul Russell and John Logan,who are the general chairmen ofAlumni Day, have been arranging thedetails of their program, and will pre¬sent them in addresses to be submit¬ted at the banquet. Roderick Mac-Pherson, alumni publicity chairman,will be the third speaker, while “Red”Graham and Arthur C. Codv. co-chair¬men of the program committee, willpresent their angles of the situation.' Both Graham and Russell are re¬membered as former Maroon footballnlavers. Cody was head cheer, leaderfor three years. PREPARE DAY’SENTERTAINMENTFOR STUDENTSSelect Winners Tonight;Offer $9,000 InScholarships »Six hundred outstanding high schoolstudents will compete in the annualscholarship examinations this morn¬ing from 9 to 12. Undei the direc¬tion of Leila Whitney and GeorgePidot, co-chairmen of the first student-managed Scholarship Interscholastic,a cemplete program has been arrang¬ed for the entertainment of the vis¬itors.Besides being featured as a thirdgreat University Interscholastic the1928 competitive examinations areunique also in the selection and an¬nouncement of the winners on thesame day in which the tests are given.Previously the results were not de¬clared for .several weeks, but by mob¬ilizing the faculty to grade the papersthroughout the afternoon it will bepossible to make the awards at 8 inthe evening, announced George R.Moon, assistant to the University Ex¬aminer.Complete ProgramThe committees working under thedirection of the co-chairmen have ar¬ranged the following full-day pro¬gram:9-12. Competitive examinations inLatin, English, M Phemalics, Physics,I ’*trv. French, Ge r a.i Sram'h,Botany, and History given in IdaNoyes and Coni' h.ills12-1:30. Lunch. Women will be en¬tertained at Ida Noyes hall by theBoard of Women’s Organizations andthe men will visit fraternity houses andHutchinson commons.1:30-2:30. Tours of the campusunder the direction of Ken Rouse andMuriel Parker.2:30-4. Presentation in Mandel hallof the “season’s best acts.” Arrangedby Russell Whitney.4-5:30. Mixer for the contestants inReynolds clubhouse. Students takingthe examinations in Latin will be in¬vited to attend a tea given by Eta Sig¬ma Phi, campus classical society.5:30-7:30. Dinner. Hutchinson com¬mons and Ida Noyes.7:30. Addresses and presentationof $9,000 in awards by Dean Chauncey(Continued on page 2)Class In ReligiousDrama To PresentPlay Next Week“A Pilgrim Mother,” a one act playby Helen May Crockett wn’ll be pre¬sented by the class in Religious DramaProduction of the Divinity School andthe Chicago Theological Seminary,Thursday evening. May 17th. at 7:30o’clock, in Graham Taylor Hall, 5757University Avenue. The public is in¬vited.The author, a member of the class,wrote the play in Professor Eastman’scourse in Religious Drama Writing,last quarter. Mr. Ivan G. Grimshaw isthe assistant director.Series of DebatesOpened WednesdayThe Debating union held the firstof a series of debates Wednesday eve¬ning in Room D of the Reynolds club.Leonard Greatwood presided at thediscussion, the question for debate be¬ing “Resolved, that a metropolitanuniversity is inadequate for a liberaleducation.” The affirmative was sup¬ported by C. E. Carey and Eric Qrim-wadq, and the negative by Ralph Lew¬is and Horace De Fouchier. The de¬cision was awarded to the negativePage Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MAY II, 1928I Sllff Satlg maroonFOUNDED IN IMlTHE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mortiiUKS, except Saturday. Sunday and Monday, durins tbe Autuain,Winter and Spring quarter* by The Daily Marcon Company. Subecription ratesM.OO per year ; by mail. $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cenU each.Entered as second-class mail at the Chicago Postoffice Chicago. Illinois, March18, 1906. under the act of March 3, 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly resAves all rights ol publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Pres* AssociationThe StaffAL E. WIDDIFIELD, MANAGING EDITORCHARLES J. HARRIS, BUSINESS MANAGERROSELLE F. MOSS, WOMAN’S EDITOROFFICE—ROOM ONE, 5804 Ellis Avenue ELLIS HALLTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Hyde Park 4292; Sports Office, Local 80, 2 ring*EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTMenVictor Roteru* —Chairman of the Editorial BoardCharv's H. Goou Day EdjtorLouis Cngle — Day EditorEdwin Ln.vin Day EditorRobert McCormack — Day EditorDealer W. Master* Day EditorGeorge Gruskin Whistle EditorWomenMargaret Dean Junior ElditorHarriet Harris Junior EditorElizabeth Taylor Society EditorRosalind Green Sophomore Editor ’i Harriet Hathaway Sophomore Editor IAldean Gibboney Sophomore Elditor j SPORTS DEPARTMENTRobert Stern Sportt EditorHenry Fisher Sport AssistantElmer Friedman —Sport AssistantEmmarette Ds-^on _Women’* Sport EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMKNRobert Fisher Advertising ManagerRobert Klein Advertising ManagerJack McBrady Circulation ManagerWallace Nelson Classified Ad ManagerJames Paddock Office ManagerEarle M. Stocker Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.Richard Grossman Dowt’n Represen^tiveSidney Hess Circulation AssistantRobert Nicholas Circulation AssistantAngus Horton AuditorStanley Dicker ..Advertising Correspondent OFHCIAL NOTICESFriday, Mar 11Radio Lecture: “Theories of Per¬sonality.” Assistant Professor Ar¬thur G. Bills of the Psychology de¬partment. 8, Station WMAQ.Religious Service, for all mem¬bers of the University, conductedby the Divinity Faculties, 11:50,Joseph Bond Chapel. Dr. Sperry.Meeting of the Faculty of theGraduate School .)f Social ServiceAdministration, 4:30, Cobb 112.Public Lecture (Downtown):“Man from the Point of View ofHis Development and Structure.The Human Nervous System.” (il¬lustrated). Assistant ProfessorRalph Waldo Gerard of the Physi¬ology department. 6:45, Art Insti¬tute. Prepare Day’s Elnter-tainment for Students(Continued from page 1)S. Boucher and President Max Masonin Mandel hall. The Lane Technicalhigh school band will present a mus¬ical program.“The Scholarship Interscholasticbrings to our campus men and womeninvaluable to our institution,” com¬mented George Pidot yesterday. “Itis expected that all University stu¬dents will extend themselves to wel¬come these prize scholars as heartilyas the athletes who have visited usin the athletic Interscholastics.”MAIN STREET(Continued from page 1)of all this; a lot like Eddie Guest andsuch who never even enjoj'ed the self-mutilations of sophomorism.But the big rub comes when theseyoung apple-knockers go out and say“The University done it,” and “I’m an.•\theist, look me over. The profs teach it. I read it in a book,” and “Whygracious sake, don’t the Bible say‘Vanity of vanities, all is vanity. Whatprofit hath man of all his labor where¬in the laboureth under the sun? Allthings are full of wearniess, man can¬not utter it, the eye is not satisfiedwith seeing nor the ear with hearing,’’But then, as St. George said to thelady w'ith a wart, “What of it?”Delegates for ReligiousMeet Convene Today(Continued from page 1)ter Jessup, president of Iowa StateUniversity and Glenn Frank, presi¬dent of the University of Wisconsin,have accepted the invitation extendedby President Mason. Arthur H. Comp¬ton, professor of Physics and chair¬man of the Board of Social Serviceand Religion, will represent the fac¬ulty of the University, and KennethRouse and Eleanor Wilkins will rep¬resent the students Students andfaculty will be equally represented andwill share the discussion. The womenattending the conference will be gnesi.'. of the University at the Del PradoHotel.Appoint ChapelCouncil Heads(Continued from page 1)Ronald Clark, Elizabeth Cooley, JeanDickinson, Aldean Gibboney, JaneMullenbach, Frances Rappaport, Geor¬gia Robison, Gregory Vlastos, LeilaWhitney, and Edna Williartz. Thiscommittee under Caroline Teetzel,will meet next Tuesday, at 12:30, inthe Common room of the Theologybuilding.Foreign GroupsMeet Saturday(Continued from page 1)order to cover the expense of theorchestra.Plan Beach PartyThe association is now consideringplans for an outing and beach partyto be held on the Northwestern cam¬pus Decorat'on Day. Definite ar¬rangements will be announced liter.ROBERT C. McCORMACK, Night Editor IMlfprr WnralfmTHE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM1. Encouragement of student initiative in undergraduate ac¬tivity and scholarship2. Augmentation of the Department of Art and- establishmentof a Department of Music.3. Extension of the Intramural prhic^vls.4. Erection of dormitories to attract and accommodate out-of-town students.5. Co-operation with the Honor Commission.6. Promotion of undergraduate interest in educational lectures.7. Encouragement of the Intercollegiate Debate.8. Improvement of the Year Book.9. Abolition of E-ll and establishment of group libraries.WELCOME, VISITORS!The University welcomes you, Clara Clevenger from Green¬wich, Conn., and you, Myron Kolb from Little Rock, Ark., andyou, students from Cincinnati,, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, OakPark and Chicago: it welcomes all five hundred and eighty of you.It hopes that you will be at your best when you begin pouringyour knowledge about English, Chemistry, History and othercourses on paper at nine o’clock this morning, that the examina¬tion questions ^vdll not seem foreign to you, and that your penwon’t blot.You are competing in an event that is not very much unlikethe national interscholastic athletic events that are held hereevery so often. You depend on your mind to win points for youschool, while the athletes depend on their physiques. Your fluen¬cy, your knowledge will decide how far you’ll get; agility ancstrength are the detrimenants of the athlete’s success—but bothof you must think.You will be no less exhausted after the period of examinationis over than the athlete after a gruelling game. But we hope yourfatigue will not prevent you from looking the campus, the Uni¬versity over. Take a walk along the Midway and feast your eyeson the new chapel. Harper library, the University Clinics, all ster¬ling examples of Gothic architecture. Enter the campus againand notice the tendency to group the buildings in quadrangles.Perhaps you will read into the vine-covered, gray stone, old build¬ings and conceive, however faintly, the idea of this University.To catch the full significance of their symbolism is only possibleafter you hav taken part in the life of the quadrangles for sometime.Take a look at the various varsity athletic teams during theirpractice hours. On the field north of the stadium you will seeAmos Alonzo Stagg, the Grand Old Man of football, directing hisspring football squad; south of the Midway you can find CoachCrisler’s baseball nine; on the track within the stadium you’ll seethe track team going through its paces, and at the varsity courtsyou’ll find Dr. Reed’s tennis team at it.Be sure to go over to Mandel hall this evening. There’s someentertainment awaiting you here, and President Max Mason willannounce the scholarship awards.The University is very glad to welcome you, students; it’syour day. Make the most of it! Th«Presbyterian ChurchWestminster ClubFoe Thorne, PresidentVirginia Lane, Secretary.David Pi jsser, TreasurerThe Westminister Club is an or¬ganization of Presbyterian stu¬dents joined together for the pur¬pose of maintaining church re¬lationships, wholesome social con¬tacts, and inspirational and in¬formal programs.First PresbyterianChurchWILLIAM HENRY BODDYMinisterSunday Morning Servioes atWADSWORTH SCHOOL64th and University11 a. m.—Sermon, Dr. Wm. H.Boddy,7:45 p. m.—Evening Worship.Evening services heldin John Knox Hall, 6400 Kim-bark Ave.Hyde Park Presb3rter-ian ChurchRalph Marshall DavisMinister.11:00—Regular Service.8:00—Regular Evening Service.GOTO CHURCHIt will help you to leada better, cleaner life. an& 57th StreetOon Ofjden Oo<Jt ~ IHinistcrSUNDAY, MAY 13, 19281 I A. M.—Fraternal Religion.6A.M.—“Emerging India.” Mr. Robindra Chandry Nag.Hyde Park Congrega¬tional ChurchDorchester Ave. and 56th St.WILLIS LAITEN GOLDSMITH.MinisterSUNU-W, MAY 1311 a. m. — Sunday. MayMother’s Day. Rev. Willis L. Gold¬smith—“The Wages of Mother¬hood.”Speaker—Miss Jean Dickinson ofPeking University.6 p. m.—Scroohy Club:Refreshments EntertainmentAll University students areurged to attend our friendly ser¬vices. The Kenwood Church.Mfred Lee Wilson. MinisterGreenwood at 46th St.9:45 a. m.—Sunday School.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.12:15 p. in.—Young Peoples’Bible Class.6:00 p. m.—Young Peoples Society.CHOIRGavin Williamson, DirectorOlive Lacey Dickson, SopranoEthel Jones, ContraltoWilliam Clare Hall, TenorMark Love, BasoAll students are urged to comeand enjoy our servicesSt. James Methodist Episcopal ChurchEllia Ave. at 46th St.King D. Beach, Pastor* Fred J. Schnell, Associate PastorSUNDAY, MAY 13, 1928Second Anniversary Celebration with Bishop Charles BayardMitchell at 1 1 :00 A. M. and 8:00 P. M.Make This Your Church Home.f Look for the TowerFIRST BAPTISTCHURCH“Chicago’s Gem of Gothic Art”935 E. 50th StreetPERRY J. STACKHOUSEMinisterBible School. 9:30 A. M.11 a. m.—“Responsibility of Par¬ents to the Sunday School.”8 p. m.—A Mother’s Day SpeciaJProgram.B. Y. P. U. invites you to tea,social hour, devotional service from6:15 to 7:45 P. M. Chicago EthicalSociety418 S. Michigan AvenueA non-sectarian religious societyto foster the knowledge, love andpractice of the right.THE STUDEBAKER THEATERSunday, May 13, at 11 A. l\f.Dr. Horace J. Bridges will speak onThe Gospel of Americanism. I."The ‘Unalienable Rights’ ofMen.”Visitors Cordially WelcomeAll Seats Free EPISCOPALChrist ChurchWoodlawn at 65thThe REV. FRANCIS R. NITCHIE7:30 a. m.—Holy Communion.9:30 a. m.—Church School.11:00 a. m.—Holy Eucharist andSermlon.7 45 p. m.—Evensong. Address.All students especially Episcopa¬lians arc invited to Young People’sClub at 6:00 p. m. Daily services.• • •The Church ofThe RedeemerSClh and RlarliatoneREV. JOHN HENRY HO,' KINS. D. D..5550 Blackstone Ave.University Student Pastor:REV. BENJAMIN HORTON, A. B. Asst.Sunday: Holy Communion, 8 a.m.and, (except 3rd Sundays) at 9:15a. m., also with sermon at 11 a. m.Choral Evensong and serm6n,7:30 p. m.Young People’s Meet¬ing at 5 p. m. with supper. Studentsespecially welcome. Daily chapelservice every week day.* * •St. Paul’s ChurchMtk and OsxhcstsrPerish Office: 4946 Dorchester Aveeu.■rel. Oakland 1186REV. GEORGE H. THOMASREV. SAMUEL H. SAYRESunday ServicesHoly Communion, 8:00 a. m.Church School Service, 9:30 A. m.Morning Service. 11:00 a. m.Evening Service, 5 p. m.Young People*’ Society, 6 p. m.Hyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawu Ave.MINISTERSCharles W. GilkeyNorris L. TibbettsSUNDAY, MAY 1311 a. m.—College Classes.11:00 a. m.—Morning Worship.Young Peoples Church Club.6:00 p. m.—Tea and Social Hour.7:00 p. m.—Discussion Groups.8:00—Evening worship plannedby young people.8:45 p. ra.—The Home Party.THE STRUGGLE FOR EXISTENCEUndergraduate student councils have suffered comparativeoblivion and lack of prestige and power in many colleges duringrecent years. Student opinion was very well expressed in thePrincetonian last year when that publication left a complete blankunder the heading, “Activities of the Council.” To break into thelimelight again the local Undergraduate Council adopted ingeni¬ous but absurd tactics a few weeks ago in their altercation withthis paper. The new officers of the Council were announced yes¬terday; we hope that in their fight for recognition of the bodywhich they represent they will employ more intelligent methods.. Woodlawn Park Methodist Episcopal ChurchWoodlawn Avenue at 64th St.GILBERT S. COX. PaetorSUNDAY, MAY 13, 1928Mcnning 11 o’clock—“Honoring Our Mothers.”Evening 7:45 o’clock—Forum Sermon, “Who Cares AboutBrotherhood.”Students will find a most cordial welcome. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF DISCIPLES57th and University• Minister: Edward Scribner AmesBasil F. Wise, Director of Music and Education.SUNDAY, MAY 13, 1928Sermon: 1 I A. M.—Regular Service. ^Wranglers at 5:30—Discussion.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. MAY II, 1928 Page ThieeTHE WEEKLY REVIEWPublished Every Friday As a Supplement to the Daily MaroonAthenaeumContribution* to the ATU£NA£UM•houJd be iimited to &60 words, nddreMedto Nicliolaa MnUouka*. Bex O, The DsiljrMaroon, Pscuity exchnnse. If pseudonymis nsed we request contributors to enclosetheir name on a separate slip.ART AND FIFTY-SEVENTH ST.By C. B. Q.When Mr. Maxwell Bodenheim wa?in Chicago a few weeks ago he visit¬ed a few of the studios on Fifty-seventh street, a colony which hassprung up from an old traditionformed by such men as Dreiser,Hecht, Goodman, Bodenheim, Ander¬son, Flloyd Dell, and many otherswhose names escape my mind at pres¬ent. Mr. Bodenheim after having afew shots of some rather decent ginhigh balls, related what was going onin 1316. That was just before thewar and all these present-day famousmen were together talking aboutbooks, painting on canvas, modelingclay, and tried out their luck on theboards of the old Drags theater. Foronly twenty cents was the admissionprice in those days to any perform¬ance staged by either Hecht, Boden¬heim or Goodman. Samuel Putmanw’ould breeze around occasionallycracking some wise ones at some ofthe paintings, writings, and evensome of Zwoukalsky’s works. Thewar came on. Some of these men,being filled with patriotic sentiment,joined the army, where men are menand women are glad of it.Years have passed and without be¬ing the least sentimental I might statethat Fifty-seventh street has beenpretty much dead in late years. Thereare only a few artists now, such asCharles Biesel. His activity, both inthe colony and without, is reminiscentof the old days. He paints canvasespertaining mostly to the subject maUter of marine life. His “Sword Fish¬erman” is just as refreshing as thewaves off the coast of Boston. Thepainting possesses a touch of free¬dom that cannot very easily be calledmodernistic, but rather the freedomthat is supposed to exist in such acolony at Fifty-seventh street. I donot know whether any of the greatmasters have in any way influencedCharles Biesel in his work, but 1 canpretty safely state that his trainingand his private life (which has beenprimarily on marine ships) have thor¬oughly captivated the artist and givehim some characteristics that are dis¬tinctively his.few months ago various studentsfor no reason whatsoever got to¬gether and started what they call alittle theater movement. Aside fromtheir dramatic aspirations, theseyouths are trying to reinstate an ar¬tistic aspect to the colony. In orderthat this may be accomplished, vari¬ous exhibits have been brought, oneof them being that of Mr. ConstantinePougialis. His Plaster Head is with¬out a doubt the finest of the group.With much serenity and sobriety theplaster head occupied a rather spa¬cious and conspicuous space on theblack walls of The Cube. Havingcarried the prize in the 1926 localshow at the Art Institute, it has leftwith us fond memories. Now someof us may say without a doubt the’artist is rather conservative andafraid of innovations and that freemovement which is characteristic ofthe paintings of such an artist as Wil¬liam Swartz. Mr. Swartz will be thenew exhibitor of The Cube in thevery near future. When this willhappen we do not know for sure. Oneof the directors has informed us thatas soon as the rent for the month ofMay has been paid and an overflowof twenty dollars can be sensed in thetreasury of The Cube then Mr.Swartz’ exhibit will be brought in.However, the most interesting as¬pect of the artistic life on Fifty-seventh street is what Mr. Biesel andThe Cube are intending to do in thesummer time. As I have been in¬formed,' a grand carnival show willbe held in the next month or so. Ageneral inventory as to the artisticpossessions of each and every one ofthe artists will be made. Having(Continued on page 4) The SwordHshermen: By charUs BieselMr. Biesel, aside from the fact thathe is very active in “the colony,” isthe secretary of the Non-Jury so¬ciety and the motive spirit behindthe modern art movement in Chicago.He intends in the very near future to enact a revival show in Fifty- i origin. He always welcome* visitorsseventh street. | in his studio, and is always glad toAlthough he is of Bostonian ex- | inform anyone regarding artistic ac-traction, Mr. Biesel does not professpuritanical views regarding differentsocial matters that are usually char¬acteristic of those of New England tivity throughout the country.He Is credited as being one of thefour artists in America actually mak-in.-T a living out of his art.Theatres WHAT’S DOING ON CAMPUS“FLY-BY-NIGHT,” at the Cort.Uncle Tom continues to interest thepublic, this time in a play about thetent-shows which bear his name.“THE BABY CYCLONE,” at theBlackstone, with Grant MitchellGeorge M. Cohan’s clever comedygrows in popularity, and remains oneof the best shows of the season.“EXCESS BAGGAGE,” at theGarrick. The vogue of back-stageplays, to which “Broadway” and“The Barker” attracted attentionlast season, carries on in this one con¬cerned with vaudeville and vaudevil-lians.“THE LOVE CALL,” at the Olym¬pic. It may be just another operet¬ta, but it has more than “just anoth¬er’s” share of tunes and handsomegirls, and with a fine male chorus.“THE DESERT SONG,” at theGreat Northern. Alexander Grayand the rest of the company approachthe end of a year’s run in a consist¬ently popular operetta, with tunes byMr. Romberg.“lOLANTHE,” at the Studebaker.Win^irop Ames’ Gilbert and Sullivanopera company reaches the last weekof its stay of three, and manages todo full justice to a delightful pieceof nonsense.“ARTISTS AND MODELS,” at theFour Cohans. Beginning with anamateur performance in New York,this revue has joined the list of im¬portant and good annuals with music,an elaborate decor, and an occasionalskit.' “GOOD NEWS,” at the Selwyn.Campus people, and many others, arestill going to this musical comedyto find out how campus people shouldtalk, act, dance, and sing.lOLANTHEBy Marion J. MarshallFairies and Members of Parliamenthave taken the place of Pirates andpolicemen at the Studebaker Theatrethis week where Winthrop Ames’ Gil¬bert and Sullivan Opera Companyhave put lolanthe on the boards.lolanthe was the first of theGilbert and Sullivan operas that Mr.Ames attempted to produce, and onethat is seldom heard or heard of. Itis the last of these operas to be givenin Chicago although next week willbe divided among them.This production shows that samesense of value for what is to be said,sung, and satirized as the others. Itis a good job. It is charmingly set.it has sunniness, grace and wit. Thecompany has caught the spirit of Gil¬bert and they succeed in turning outevery word deftly and distinctly. As(Continued on page 4) By Elisebeth TaylorAs spring weather draws on apacethe calendar becomes more crowded.For this week we have listed the fol-lovKting functions. During the weekthe Chapel committee had a dinneron Tuesday and discussed their work.Thursda^y the call that brings to¬gether the sons of old Psi Upsilonsounded and the result was an alumniluncheon. Rumor hath it that bothfunctions were very successful.FridayThe first item on the register forFriday is the joint dance given byScore club and Skull and Crescent,the honor societies that are makingtheir la.st stand. As you probablyknow, it will be held at the Shore-land hotel, and the dancing will beginat 9 o’clock. There will be severalsplendid features and the orchestrahas been selected with discrimination.Among the talent to be present willbe a number of Blackfriars stars andsome of the members of WinthropAmes’ Gilbert and Sullivan company.It not only deserves a large attend¬ance, but will probably get it. The next item is the Kelly hall dance. Thesponsors will be Miss Frances Gilles¬pie, head of the hall, and Mr. andMrs. Carr. The plans sound very at¬tractive and it promises to be a greatsuccess. We must put our best footforward so a mixer is being plannedfor the students taking the scholar¬ship examinations. It will be held inthe Reynolds club and it’s hoped thateveryone will turn out. The hoursare from three to six.The S. A. E.s are giving a dinnerfrom 6:30 until 9:30. Mrs. Smith,their new house mother, will preside.Last Sunday they gave a parents’ teato w'elcome Mrs. Smith. She is themother of Laurel Smith, a "senior Inthe University, and has received awarm welcome from her charges.SaturdayThe Motorboards are holding analumnae luncheon at one in the Un¬ion League club. As observed earlier,the old guard is rallying around. TheDelthos are giving a subscriptionbridge at Ida Noyes hall. It looksas if it will be well attended. The(Continued on page 4)The Plaster Head: By Constantine Pougialis At the CubeIbsen’s “Ghosts” is to be givenat the Cube Saturday evening aspart of the nation-wide celebra¬tion of the centennial of the Nor¬wegian playwright’s birth. TheCube has announced that the playwill be given intact, with none ofthe deletions or alterations usualto professional productions of thepiece.Bob Poole is to play Oswald,and Haldane Cleminson, Eng-strand. Thomas Kelly Rogers hasthe part of Parson Manders, andRegina Engstrand will bt playedby Grace Whitaker, lleoae Par¬adise has the role of Mrs. .\lving.The production is undet thedirection of Karl Rautzenberg, agraduate student at the Univer¬sity. He has three degrees fromforeign universities and has hacconsiderable experience in Berlintheatres.Sunday night the Bedouins willappear at the Cube in their re¬vival of T. W. Robertson’s ‘Caste.’Miss Zelda Shapiro will also ap¬pear in the special translation ofStrindberg’s “The Stronger” pre¬pared for her.BooksThe following books reportedby “The Retail Bookseller” of theBaker & Taylor Company as beingmost in demand throughout the coun¬try during the last month:FICTIONTHE GREENE MURDER CASE,by S. S. Van Dine (Scribner). A suc¬cession of murders in one family isdetected by the olegant amateurPhilo Vance.• * *THE BRIDGE OF SAN LUIS REY,by Thornton Wilder (Boni). Theways of Providence examined in thestrange lives and sudden deaths offive persons.s s sNEVADA, by Zane Grey (Har¬per). A desert wanderer finds whathe seeks the vindication of his goodname and the love of a good woman.s s sWINTERSMOON, by Hugh Wal¬pole (Doubleday, Doran). The endof an era of English aristocracy ex¬emplified in two generations and twocodes of conduct.• • *BEAUTY AND THE BEAST, b>Kathleen Norris (Doubleday, Doran).A nice girl’s love story.V * *BAD GIRL, by Vina Delmar (Har-court. Brace). The romance of tworeal New Yorkers, clerks and typistsof white Harlem.* * * INON-FICTIONTRADER HORN, by Alfred Aloy-sius Horn and Ethelreda Lewis (Sim¬on & Schuster). Recollections andinventions of an old English traderin Africa.* * *STRANGE INTERLUDE, by Eu¬gene O’Neill (Liveright). The lovelife of one woman and her influence(Continued on page -t)DEBONAIRIn spite,of the fact that Mr. Pou-gialU’ works are very subtle and se¬rene, the artist himself leads a bo¬hemian existence. On the near NorthSide he has his studio, and as some¬ one has previously observed, he hastabooed ^alarm clocks and peirmitsonly the noise th^t is being suppliedby pigeons who roost and coo outsidehis window. By Marion J. MarshallWith Debonair G. B. Stern haswritten a novel that is quite differentfrom her The Matriarch. While suehas not met with the same success, orachieved the same impressiveness it isinteresting and fresh. It is a rare treatto find an author w'ho has courage totry new forms and patterns when itit far easier and surer success to fol¬low' the old mould.This latest book of Miss Stern hasa delicate charm, and a picjuancy thatmakes it sparkle. There is a buoy¬ant and zestful quality about Love-day’s adventures which makes MissStern’s view of life an exhileratingone.In Debonair Miss Stern has present¬ed the latest edition in swanky youngwomen. A Loveday who knows howto get clothes and her meals, a roof(Continued on page 4) A Series ofAnecdotesBy Haldane CleminsonII. FIVE THOUSAND DOLLARSAny other man than Guy Trentonwould have been hateful and vindic¬tive as he hid in the garden of hisown beautiful mansion like a sulkingthief, and waited for the man whohad been making calls at his home onevenings when he was customarilyout, but Guy was different than mostmen. There was no doubt in Guy’smind as to what was going on. Hehad been spending his Wednesdaysand Friday nights at the club. Lastweek a detective watched the houseon his club night and confirmed hissuspicion. This was just what Guyhad wished for—some one to takethat infernal woman off his hands.He was too forbearing to act for him¬self, too unassuming to declare him¬self. Married life seemed to himinsipid, boredom. It troubled andworried him, ate into the very vitalsof hia mind like an insidious disease.Of course he had put himself on afairly good financial status by mar¬riage, and Myrtle had been ratheran amiable little fool for about sixmonths, but time had changed things,and now he was very unhappy. Noone could blame him for stayingaway nights. At home he was aswelcome as a lynx. Whatever he didwas wrong, and whatever he didn’t dohe should have done. And thus itwent. If he ever got out of thismess, he would never be botheredwith another woman as long as helived. And yet one couldn’t expectmuch more of the average woman.She is a very necessary adjunct tomankind, but very deficient in thefiner qualities which make up themale portion of the race. She is false,pretentious, fickle, and never objec¬tive. He further believed that womenshould be shown their proper placein the order of things, and somehowmade to stay there. They were reallyimpossible—beautiful for a while, butwilting as quickly as fiowers, andthen as popular and serviceable assecond-hand cars.Guy was sitting un a bench besidethe gravel walk w'hich wound throughthe rear gardens and terminated at apicket gate opening into the street.The branches of a linden hung overthe bench and obscured Guy in pitchyshadows. Every few seconds his cig¬arette glowed, and showed the softlines of his placid features. Althoughhis cheeks were a little shallow, hisfeatures were yet youthful. He nerv¬ously tapped a straw hat on the headof a cane.Presently one could hear the lighttread of some one coming over thegravel walk. Guy jumped to his feetand waited. A man approached thebench; Guy stepped in front of him.The fellow was so startled that hefairly jumped from the walk.“Don’t be alarmed,” said Guy.“Isn’t your name Mr. Mallory?”“Y-y-es,” was the reply.“Well, we certainly ought to befriends,” said Guy. “My name isTrenton.”Mallory was so astonished and sotaken by surprise that he was simplytongue-tied.Guy went on: “You see. I’ve beenexpecting you, and for that reasonhave been waiting here. Are youserious in this clandestine love affairof yours?”Mallory couldn’t speak but simplynodded that he was.“Would you like to marry her?”asked Guy.“Well, I—I—am a little short ofmoney, Mr ”“That is just what I foresaw,” saidGuy. “So here’s hoping she changesher ways a little. Good luck. Andget her off my hands as quickly aspossible.” At this Guy slipped fivethousand dollars into the astonishedfellow’s hand. He then strode downthe path and left the garden. Thatnight he stayed at the club.Next morning Guy was sitting inhis luxurious suite of offices. Thephone rang. He answered it. Myrtle,his dear wife, was speaking.(Continued on page 4'IFour THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1928ATHENAEUM(Continued Itom page 3)found whatever will be found, TheCube will be filled with paintings ex¬ceeding the number of seventy-five.This event necessarily appears to beof great importance, for the revivalwill be accomp.anied with the presen¬tations of student plays on the boardsof The Cube, two of which have already been chosen, and a third beingone of the old plays of Mr. Boden-heim, staged in 1916. With all thisactivity ahead of us it seems to methat Fifty-seventh street will afterall come to its own in spite of the ex¬istence of The Cube. Who knows?Probably Mr. Anderson will grace uswith his presence, and we will be ableto communicate through the ouijaboard .with the late Kenneth SawyerGoodman.BOOKS(Continued from page 3)on her father, husband, lover andson. .« « «DISRAELI, by Andre Maurois(Appleton). A sympathetic but sharp-edged portrait of the play-boy ofEnglish political life.* * *SKYWARD, by Richard E. Byrd(Putnam). The personal narrativeof the man who has flown over theNorth Pole and across the Atlantic.* * «MOTHER INDIA, by KatherineMmyo (Harc'jurt, Brace). An indict¬ment of the most deplorable mani¬festations of Hindoo belief and cus¬tom, such as child marriage, animalworship, etc.* * «NAPOLEON, by Emil Ludwig(Liveright). The career and charac¬ter of the “man of destiny.” What’s Doing On Campus I(Continued from page 3)Chi Psis are having their annual Bo¬hemian party. The decorations willbe unique and extremely effective,both in coloring and lighting and ad¬vantage has been taken of the lateclosing hours. A huge crystal ballis to be suspended in one room andcolored lights will be played on it,making a most spectacular and noveldecoration. Other equally interest¬ing ideas will be carried out through¬out the house.The • next function is theGreenwood hall spring dance. Thearrangements appear propitiousto a very pleasant evening. A housedance is to be given by the Tau DeltaPhis. The hours will be from nineuntil two, and the chaperones Dr. andMrs. George Fox and Mr. and Mrs.L. S. Hackman. The Kapps Nus areplanning a superlative dance ^t theTwin Orchards Country club. Theirplans all point toward a delightfulevening. The Delta Sigma Phis aregiving an Alumi bridge.“International Night” will be heldat Mandell hall at 8. There will bea program representing six nationsthat will be follow'ed by dancing. Sat¬urday afternoon fhe Phi Delta Phisare giving a Mothers’ luncheon at theUnion League club.A SERIES OF ANECDOTES(Continued from page 3)“What do you want?” inquiredGuy.“Want nothing, you fool,”screamed Myrtle. “The maid left anote on the table this morning sayingthat she had left and was going tomarry, also thanking you for beingso generous. Damn you, what does this mean?”“I don’t know. Darling,” came asad reply.DEBONAIR(Continued from page 3)over her head—sometimes from almoststrangers, and a Loveday who knowshow to do all this without having topay-up. She has no scruples, as hermother, scattered-brained Laura,would have had, for she knows thatto be wise to the ways of the world isto be safe.If Debonair lacks the impressive¬ness and greater depths of The Ma¬triarch, it has its serious side in spiteof the lightness and deftness of itshandling. It is the study of the rela¬tionship existing between a moderndaughter and a Victorian mother, andthe great chasm that lies betweenthem regardless of the depth and poig¬nancy of their feeling for one another.This barrier which Loveday tries toraise when she confesses to her moth¬er all she had deliberately concealedfrom her proves insurmountable.Laura only sees that her daughter hasdeceived her, and misses the beaiityand intimficy of Loveday’s gesture.Miss Stern has done a rath^ goodjob in portraying these two widelydifferent types, and she has madethem sympathetic. The lightness ofher touch, her sense of humour hassaved a rather pathetic theme frombecoming maudlin. It is in the endwhat she has titled it—debonair.lOLANTHE(Continued from page 3)for Sullivan’s end of the productionit is above the average musical pro¬duction as several members haverather better than the average voice.*Lois Bennett sings Phyllis and with Sullivan’s score receives its besttreatment. Of course, Vera Ross cannot be neglected for she perhapsmore than any other member of theCompany has caught that elusivemocking quality of both Gilbert andSullivan. Her work in this opera, aswell as in The Pirates and The Mi¬kado has been the most satisfying.There is one noticeable feature ofthese productions, the excellence ofthe ensemble. Each member is a partof a whole but there is distinctly asense that each one has an individualpersonality, a quality so rarely foundin musical productions of today. Thework of these people shows quiteclearly that a group of people can bemoulded into a unit and yet a unitwherein they are not mere replicasof each other.However well Sullivan’s score issung the emphasis of evening iswhere it should be, on the everlasting flash of the lyrics, the mentalhorseplay, the drollery of mock op¬era about cabbages and kings. Nota line of this lolanth* whether at¬tached to notes or no, proves fla.or stale.lolanthe is not as finished a pro¬duction or quite as artistic or col¬orful one as The Mikado and itshould not be. for The Mikado hadthe benefit of experience. Perhapsour prejudice for the beauty of thisMikado is the memory of a ratherloud, gaudy DeWolfe Hopper pro¬ duction. While lolanthe may not beas artistic it has the lilt and spirit ofits composers and the novelty of be¬ing quite new.CLASSIFIED ADS6 YOUNG WOMENA large corporation will interviewyoung women for permanent posi¬tions, age 21 to 25, neat appearance,living at home, college education,short hours and good salary. See Mr.Richards, all day Thursday and Fri¬day, Room 919, 77 W. WashingtonStreet.Young women as reader and assist¬ant to young blind girl afternoons.Tel. Fairfax 6000, apt. 825.FOR SALE—Modern five roombrick residence, almost new; threeblocks to I. C. and U. of C, All hard¬wood floors and trim; furnace heat.Ideal for faculty member. Price right.Shown by appointment. C. W. Hoff& Co., 1348 East 55th.FOR RENT—Parlor and bedroomIdeal for study. 6011 Harper Ave..3rd apt Fairfax 5689. Call evening.Summer Classes in Short- FRATERNITIES NOTICEFOR SALE—$250.00 cash takesbrand new $600 player piano withmandolin attachment—never off salesfloor. Won as prize in contest andof no value to winner. Phone Bur¬dick. Plaza 2020.LOST—White go.!d watc’i andbracelette Friday. University Dis¬ciples Church or between 67th and63th on Kimbark or Woodlaw’n. H.P. 5410.GOOD INCOME—For men andwomen students selling memberships inyour full time during vacation if youwish. Our best sellers include suchbooks as “Bad Girl.” “Trader Horn,"and "Circus Parade.” Call in person.Literary Guild of .-Kinerica, Inc.. .Suite921, 410 Michigan .\ve.TOWER THEATRE63rd at BlackstoneContinued 1-11 p. m.McCALL . BRIDGEPLAYERS- - presenting - -BARBER SHOPWe’re a university shopfor university students.AL I. LEWIS andJIMMY CARROLLBetween the Shanty andWoodworth’s hand and T3rpewritingBeginning June 18 and 25While kt colleve . . . and after you enterthe buaineaa or profeaaional world, ahort-hand and typewriting can be of ineatim-able value to you. A short, intensivecourse at this school insures completemastery.GREGG SCHOOLHOME OF GREGG SHORTHAND225 N. Wakaah Ave.. State 1881, Chicago MUSICAL COMEDYHITS40-TALENTED STARS-40in conjunction withLatest Feature PhotoplaysFOR GRADUATING SENIORSAn Opportunity for G)llege Graduates in the^^Bcst Paid Hard Work in the World’^WHAT are you going to do after graduation?If you have not decided — or if you havemade a snap decision—just read over therest of this. It presents the case for life insurance asa career. It is worth thinking about. The choice ofa career is important. Life insurance is most desirableand satisfactory as a permanentcalling.And why?MoneyReport!* of college graduateswho have entered business indi¬cate that life insurance holdsfirst place as a source of income.One John Hancock agent de¬scribes his work as “the best-paid hard work in the world.**He is a college graduate and infive years has put himself atthe very top of his business.AdvancementIn the second place, ad¬vancement depends entirelyon your own effort and ability.This is no fairy-tale of success. It is the sober andproved fact. The Vice-President of a great life in¬surance company who began his career as an agenthas this to say to seniors who are about to graduatefrom college:“If you love work and desire to pursue an honor¬able, useful and lucrative mission in life, this it thebusiness for you to take up. Life insurance salesman¬ship offers a fine field for the energies of the splendidyoung men in our colleges.“That this is true is demonstrated by those collegemen who have taken up life insurance, for they haveshown that the college man is fit for this kind of a joband that the job also is fit for the college man.“The work of the life insurance salesman is dis¬tinguished by independence and opportunity for di¬recting his own activities. It gives all possible oppor¬tunity for individual initiative and a chance to makean ample income at an age when most fellows arestruggling on a wage pittance.” That is the story of one who began at the bottomand reached the top without the help of a collegeeducation. The advantages are with you who grad¬uate from college.FutureAnd there is so much room for ability and energy.Life insurance, in volume ofbusiness, is one of the threeleading businesses in this coun¬try, and yet it is only in itsyouth because the possible ap*plication of insurance is ex¬panding all the time.SatisfactionBut all the pay and all theadvancement possible are notgoing to wholly satisfy the in¬telligent college graduate. Lifeintu.ance offers further satis¬faction. It is one of the greatfactors in the modem worldmaking for security, peace ofmind, increase of confidence,and the building up of creditfor individuals, businesses andinstitutions.The life insurance agent is indispensable to the con¬duct of modem affairs, and in a particularly satisfac¬tory way. He is an active force in increasing Che sumof human happiness, prosperity and security.Your CompanyNow is the time to consider what you are goihg todo after graduation. If you are ambitious, willing towork hard, and are interested to know about a lifeinsurance career, you owe it to yourself to examinethe opportunities afforded by the John HancockMutual Life Insurance Company. It is a nationalinstitution with a country - wide service, of greatfinancial strength,—one of the large companies of theworld.Ask your questions of us before mak¬ing final decision.REASONS WHY* Life Insurance is founded on highideals.■ It is capable of yielding a good in¬come and the aatiafaction of accom¬plishment.■ It offers opportunities for realleadership.■ It brings you in close associationwith business and buaineaa men.■ It requires you to become familiarwith business methods, law andfinance.* 11 is a field for workers, not sbirkert.■ It it an alluring and practical call¬ing for men of dynamic energy.Insurance Companyor Boston. MASSACHuserrs65th year of business. Insurance in force, $2,764,331,561.00. Assets, $451,006,878.49;reserves and all liabilities, $415,000,775.15; surplus funds, $36,006,103.34.Address Communications to Inquiry Bureau, 197 Clarendon St., Boston, Mass. Score ClubSkull and CrescentINFORMALDANCEShoreland Hotel Friday, May 11Nine Until OneMUSIC BY WALTER EDEN AND BENSON’S REDCOATSMaroon nine out for sec¬ond win over Northivestem. arfjcS a noon Track team hopes high mQuad meetTHE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, MAY 11. 1928TRACK TEAM OFF TO QUAD MEETHOPES OF WINUE IN FOUR WAYSPLIT OF POINTSChicago Has Best Chance ofYears to PlaceHighBy Jerome B. StrauMWtih the annual quadrangularmeet between Chicago, Northw'est-ern, Wisconsin, and Ohio State, loom¬ing imminent tomorrow, the Maroonsquad of speedsters will embark forMadison today. With a team that isconsiderably better than those of re¬cent years Coach Stagg hopes tomake a creditable showing. OhioState is considered the favorite ofthe meet but. as all of the teams arearther of the .same class, it is almostimpossible to dope out the result.s.In this fact lies the Maroon hope.If they are able to outdo any one ofthe teams, they may be the upset ofthe meet and brink their lamentablerecord of the last four years, inwhich time they have never been ableto do better than third. The meetwill undoubtedly be an accurate indi¬cator of the Big Ten championshipbecause with the exception of Illi¬nois, these teams really comprise theclass of the conference.A grat many very fast eventsshould he run off at the meet but theevent that will be the synosure ofall eyes will be the race betweenWalter of Northwestern and Gist ofChicago with either considered as theprobable winner from the field. Michigan Frosh DownBuckeyes On TrackScoring a slam in the two milerun and showing strength in thetrack events, the Michigan fresh¬men track squad defeated theOhio S yetatearisgnl bgk wbbgOhio State yearlings Saturday ina telegraphic meet, 73 1-3 to 662-3.The Buckeyes were a qerioasthreat in the field events and werevictors in the relay run, but theWolverine yearlings' supremacy inthe dashes and longer runs wassufficient to eke out the necessarymints to win.INDIANA SCHOOLSRENEW RIVALRYMeet On Track AndDiamondPITTSBURG, CAGECHAMPS TO OPENBUTLER’S SEASONThe University of PittsbnrK’s has-kctball team, national intercollegiatechampions for the past two years, willope nButler’s 1928-29 schedule in thegigantic new Butler Field house atFairview, according to Paul D. Hinkle,head Basketball coach at the Irvingtoninstitution. The game will be playedon Dec. 13 and will be the openinggame of the season for both teams.Western basketball fans arc wellfamiliar with the Pitt five that cameinto the west last season on a Big Tenbarnstorming trip and walloped Mich¬igan, Iowa, Northwestern, Ohio Stateand Chicago.M. E. VASLOW’SPrescription Pharmacy1401 E. Marquette RoadTelephone Dorchester 0125Chicago, III. Athletic rivalry between Purdueand Indiana. Hoosierdom’s tw’o BigTen schools, w’ill be at its height thisweek-end with the baseball and tracksquads of he two institutions sched¬uled to settle the question of supre¬macy. The “Purdue-Indiana” week¬end will start Friday at Bloomingtonwhen Coach Lambert’.s rapidly risingBoilermaker nine attempts to con¬tinue its ascension at the expense ofDoan’s strong Crimson crew whichstill retains some title hopes. Pur¬sue got aw’ay to an exceedingly poorstart in the Big Ten race, losing thefirst three games, but since then hastaken a new lease on life and chalk¬ed up fr -r consecutive victories. In¬cluding the Indiana game Friday,four more games remain on the Pur¬due schedule, and a good percentageof victories will assure the Boiler¬makers a final standing well upamong the leaders of the conference.Teh loss of Eddie Plock, veteranfielder and lead-off man in the bat-der, with Lyle, diminutive third-sack-ting order for the past three years,has forced a shift in the bafTing or-er heading the batting order. Plockcracked his ankle while sliding intosecond during a practice game la-siweek and will be lost to the squad forthe remainder of the season. WithPlock gone, Malick, reserve gardener,has been recruited to chase fly balls,but he lacks the hitting strength ofthe veteran and appears well downin the batting order. The pitchingchoice against the Crimson is ex¬pected to be either Captain Maxton,or Eb Caraway, sophomore twirlerwho delights in getting in bad holesand then pulling himself out.Saturday will find the two Tfoosierschools’ outdoor track teams measur¬ing their strength in a dual meet aBloomington that will provide someWashington Park National BankSIXTY-THIRD STREET AND COTTAGE GROVE AVE.Capital and Surplus, $1,000,000.00Resources Over $13,000,000.00This bank is authorized to act as executor, administrator,guardian, trustee, or in any other trust capacity.MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEMREGULAR MEMBER CHICAGO CLEARING HOUSEASSOCIATIONOmCERSISAAC N. POWELL, Pres. V. R. ANDERSON, CashierWM. A. MOULTON, Vice-Pres. ERNEST R. SMITH, Asst. Cash.C. A. EDMONDS, Vice-Pres. HOMER E. REID, Asst. Cash.B. G. GRAFF, Vke-Pres. D. F. McDONALD, Asst. Cash.C. S. MACAIULAY, Trust OfficerA, G. FIEDLER, Auditor MAROONS OUT FORSECOND WIN FROMLOWLY N. U. NINEPurple Team Has NotWon Big TenGameThe much berrated and otherwisetrodden upon Northwestern baseballteam will arri\ tomorrow to faceCoach Crisler’s Maroons in what, Chi¬cago roters hope, w'ill be another un¬successful try for a victory.Much chagrined at the defeat at thehands of the Buckeyes, who again rose,to stellar heights and added the Ma¬roon scalp to that of Illinois’, the Chi¬cago squad should enter the fray avery determined team, to say the least.-Mthough rained out of i)ractice yes¬terday, the Maroons, who have earlierin the season trounced the Purple,seems in condition to lick the Wild¬cats again.Zimmerman, acc of the Chicagopitching staff, should be able to setdown the Evanston outfit again, and.if he receives the hatting supportwhich the Midway aggregation hasbeen handing their pitchers so far thisseason, a victory for the sonthsidersseems assured. Chicago will be hand¬icapped by the absence of “Tex” Gor¬don, regular third basemen, who hasbeen in the infirmary for the last fewdays. “Chuck” Hoerger has lookedlike a real find on first base and Coop-will have to show some very excel¬lent “stuff” if he hopes to regain pos¬session of the initial sack All Women AbleTo Participate In“Play-day” MondayMonday, May 14 will be Play-dayfor all women in the University.Opportunity for participation inswimming, archery, clock golf, cro¬quet, horseshoes, deck-tennis andrythms will be offered to women in¬terested from3:30 on into the after¬noon. Instructors in the varioussports will be ready to give instruc¬tion to novices and to those who wishhelp in the perfection of the variousgames.No medical examination js neces¬sary for any of the sports exceptswimming. In this sport, everyonewho has an “A” rating may partici¬pate. -Anyone can take part in any oneor all of the games. The departmentof physical education urges everywoman to take some part so that thePlay-day may be accounted a success.Oregon AthleteRuns All EventsOn Track ScheduleBase Ball ReturnsTICKER SERVICECOWHEYSaCAR STORESSth St. at Ellis Ave.We carry a complete lineofSMOKER»S ARTICLESPIPES - CIGAR LIGHTERSICE CREAMMALTED MILKS & WAFERSFountain Service 9 A. M. toI 1 :30 P. M. The old adage about “working agood horse to death” often has its cx-ception.s. One of them is Bayard Sis¬son, captain of thia year’s OregonState track team.Sisson in addition to skippering theBeaver squad, is the workhorse of thetribe, and is able to run any man onthe team a good race in any distancefrom 50 yards to two miles.Some of his marks: 50 yards in 5:4;100 yar(;Is in 10:3; 220 yards in 23;440 in 49:4; half mile in 1:57; mile in4:22. Added to this Sisson has beenmeasured at 21 feet 6 inches in thebroad jump, and is able to clear thehigh jump bar at 5 feet 6 inches.When you specifyJOHNSON’S TENNISGlITfor your racket you areassured that the qual¬ity is guaranteed by along established firmof highest integrity.ToniteCollegiateFUN AND FROLICEvery Friday.- AT - -Club KatinkaJ43 E. GARFIELD BLVD.PLENTY OF FUNNOISEHILARITYNO COVER CHARGEFor College Nite FridayOr Any Other Nite Save Sat.SMITH • HODGESRUSSIAN BANDOF MUSICIANS DANCE Hole-ln-One MadeBy Hoosier GolferA hole in one on the Indianauniversity golf course is the markset up for others to attempt toequal. C. N. Burton, ’30, SigmaNu, accomplished the feat yester¬day afternoon on the third hole,which is the longest of the five-hole course.Burton was playing in a three¬some with Cooper and Hires, alsoof Sigma Nu, and spent some timelooking for the ball before he fi¬nally located it in the cup. Thisis the first hole in one ever to bereported on the University course.WISCONSIN CREWRACES SATHRDAYPart of “W” Men ReunionV ProgramWisconsin’s crew will row their firstrace of the season on Lake Mendota,Saturday, May 12th, in a dual eventwith the Milwaukee Boat Club. Therace will be staged as a feature of theprogram for the Badgers’ first annualre-union of “W” men.“Dad” Vail, coach of the Cardinalcrew, has been drilling his men eachday. Illinois has taken several of theregulars for the boat for brief periodi.'and conseqently the varsity is not asfar along as usual. However, the oars¬men are anxious for a trial againstoutside competition.In addition to the race between theWisconsin varsity eight and the Mil¬waukee Boat Club, the Badger fresh¬men will row the Junior-Varsity eight.This contest is scheduled for the fore¬noon and the main event for the af¬ternoon.Frank Orth, Coach Vail’s captalji.is sponsoring a crew reunion fer May12th.4 ILLINOIS BATTLESWOLVE BALL TEAMIN CRUCIAL SERIESMichigan Leads BigWith FiveWinsIts back to the wall, Coach CarlLundgren’s Illinois ball team will fawthe title-bound Michigan nine in anall-important double-header Satur¬day on Illinois field. The first gamewill be called at 1:30 o’clock.Fans will have the advantage ofthis greatest college baseball offeringof many years because the gamescheduled for Ann Arbor was rainedout. Michigan, with five victories,needs to win but one game to leavethe mini limping badly in the titlechase. Illinois has lost a pair ofconference starts.Big Bud Stewart, star Illini pitch¬er, will be seeking revenge*. Threestarts against the Wolverines havenetted him but one win and two tripsto the shower. Opposing him in theopener will be another recognizedleader in Big Ten pitching circle.**,Asbeck.The second game promises asmuch in the way of hurling with A&-beck, Michigan, and Harrington, Ilfi-nois. both undefeated in the confer¬ence.Bennie Oosterbaan, all-Americanend, has been spraying home runsabout the conference and will be oneof the big guns in the explosive.Michigan offense.The Illini fulfilled their early prom¬ise of hitting strength at Ohio wherethey levelled a barrage of 11 basehits, three of them home runs.While the Illini are tussling withMichigan on the diamond. CoachHarry Gill’s track team, indoor andoutdoor champions of the Big Teq,will travel to Iowa City for a dualmeet with the Hawks.J. H. FINNIGANDruggistCigars, Cigarettes, Candy,Ice CreamSSth St. at Woodlawn AvenuePhone Midway 0708 UNIVERSITY LUNCH5706 Ellis Ave.'fry Our Minute Service Lunch35cChop Suey & Chow MeinOur Specialtyandhh SDliAKE[A JfNSON OI^NIZATIONIOpens the Drake HotelSaturday, June 2ndInformal every evening (exceptSunday) 6 :30 to 2—Saturdays to 3Whitie - the sensational piano playero—oMel Snyder—and how he singsthem! His “Among My Souvenirs”will make you cry—his “GoodNews” will make you howl.A1 Carsello with his accovdian—sometimes it burns and again it sighs.There’s more—what a band.Dancing now every evening except Sundays—Bobby Meeker and his Orchestra.Page Six THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY. MAY 11. 1)28FOR . . . .I am so terribly aloneAway from you . . .With only a haunting memoryTo keep me companyThe long night through.Sohiehow I can always best.My memories throughout the day,I can be clever and I can jestWhile there is laughter and music andlight.And others play . . .Btit it is in the dark of nightThat your face stabs me like a flame,And soundless shadows call your nameLife is a weary monotoneWithout you . . .—Jack “Q”VE.STERD.-W’.^ rain and the si¬multaneous gloom that sprinkled itselfover the faces of disappointed tennis-players reminded us of an incidentthat crossed our path during a thun¬derstorm last fall. We were standingin the doorway of a loop shop wait¬ing for the showers to subside. A vcrynervous-appcaring middle-a g e dman. carrying a Bible hustled into thedryness beside us, and worriedly sur¬veying the downpour muttered tohimself, “Heavens, why can’t Naturefind other ways to moisten theground?!”MONEY is easy to make if one hasthe proper knack. A fellow we knowapproached a girl in Harper, told herhe needed some change, and asked ifdie d cash a check for ten dollars. Al¬ways obliging, she handed him twofive-dollar bills and took the check.That evening he called her up andMircatened to frame the check (withher endorsement on the back for allthe v orld to see) when it was re¬turned from the bank. Naturally, thegirl was afraid people would thinkshe had been accepting money fromhim (bad. bad girl) and she nevercashed the check. The fellow wasten dollars ‘in’. The trick takes ad¬vantage of a girl’s virtue, so MortarBoards are about the only personsone could work it on without feelingconscience-stricken.THE G. A. SAGATo G. A.—Who Has Invited Me toGolf SuitsHerringbone Tweeds.and Other SmartWeaves^30In the Golf .Roc. i on the ThirdFloor, these ? IL wv vo-niece golfsuits. Cornfortal -1 l With Her Home for Dinner and to Whom1 should Like to Make a Pew Sug¬gestions ip the Light of the LastPretty Terrible Meal I Had There).XXIX. For DinnerI do not like a dirty tab.e-cloth.I cant’ enjoy an under-heated broth.Were I to make a culinary wish.No greasy cook would ever serve mefish.And tell your Mother I don’t give adamnFor messy-looking hunks of week-oldham.So if you want to positively feelThere 11 be no arguments about themealMake lu ; your choice of menu is dis¬creet No arguments? Then serve no fowlor meat.Vegetables alone will nice y do . .For then I’ll h^ve no to pickwith you!—GEO-GFinds Tobaccofor "BreakingIn” a PipeColumbus, OhioMarch 10, 192'!Larus & Bro. Co.Richmond, Va.Gentlemen;Two years ago my wife gave me anexpensive pipe. I smoked it a greatdeal for two or three wih ks, put it aside,then began smoking it again. Thistime it was very strong. Veterans toldme that it had been smoked too hardfor a new pipe and shoul.: be put away.The pipe was laia away again. Ashort time ago I got it ani' smokedone of the common bran is of tobaccoin it. The results vtre cisapj ointing.I told the druggist of r... e.\ptriencewith it. He asked if 1 l.ad trie E ge-worth. I toH him I never had. I fol¬lowed his suggestion, an I am honestwhen I say that it has restored thesweetness to the pipe, and has mademe wonder. Was it the pipe or thebrand of tobacco that caused me tolay it away for the long period of time?As a novice, I prefer E igeworth. Iam going to stick to it, as I feel satis¬fied that there is none better on themarket.TERESA DOLANDANCING SCHOOL 1I2n9 K. b3rd St. tbuudl^Mii \\r ITflephiine Hyu*' I’ht' IKe»{innvrs' Cla«8 every MuhiIh) Ex- , I• II M»l' ►'iiiir line mil riirt ion Hnd h«l(hour prMctice with inFtriictor f.o . !!■ TE I V T Ml ^ Sincerely yours,Philip C. SheraEdgeworthExtra High GradeSmoking Tobaccoi About this time of yearj you'll reed VacationCLOTHESI!I Tropical worsteds of exclusivej pattern, light in weight, rich intexture and appearance. Zephyrweigh Tweeds, Shetlands and lightweight Irish Homespuns—are theideal fabrics for vacation wear,and business as well—tailored toyour individual measure at Jer-rems, they «'^re as smart as they arecomfortable.j *65 *75 *85 and up to $110II/' 140 evd 225 A’. U’abasit StoresI 5'P'Cf.1L SUITINGS*55; Q;i:r , ' fo mal clothes for summern c f'-(i u i' It our Michigan Arc. StoreFonnal, Business and Sports Clothes321 Sontb Michigan Avenne225 No-th A v-nue at WACKER DRIVE140-^42 So”t*' Street (near Adams)7 North La Salle Street 71 Eist Monroe Sl’-eet Some of the Excep¬tional Bargains InNew Books Now onDisplay at OurNew StoreBPANPFS. Life of Go-'tho $ 10.00 our price $3.68’’e"-- ...VAN EVERY. The A. E. F. 2.50 our price .89in Rattle 3.00 our price 2.55GREEN The C’os-rl Garmon . . 2.50 our price 2.10MORAND. The l.ivin<^ Rnrlrlha . . 2.50 our price 2.10Wll DF^ R-ic’-e o'Luis Rey 2.50 our price 2.10MANN. Children ?nd Fools . . . 2.50 our price 2.10BEER. T’ e Pond T' M oven . . 2.50 our price 2.10WYL IE Mr. I lodge and Mr. ’ ’azard 2.50 our price 2.10step: ENS. Etched in ' lor nlight 2.50 our price 2.10NEWMAN. Dead 1 eve s areFaithful 1 overs .... 2.50 our price 2.10MONTAGUE. Up Eel Fiver . . . 2.50 our price 2.10'I’OU’NG. The Key o. L..e 2.50 our price 2.10KANIUR. Principles OiRsjcliology 10.00 our price 4.35BARNES, i.is ory and the SocialIntel.igence 3.50 our price 1.39GODDARD & G. Civilization orCivilizations 2.00 our price .89ROUT. Maori Symbol -m .... 6.00 our pr.ee 2.19FERENCZl. Theory and Techniqueoi Fsycno Ai.a.^sis 5.00 our price 4.25KRAFPr EBB.NG 5.00 our price 1.95FOREU 5.00 our price 1.95GUIoNEBER r. Chns^.amiy . . ^ 4.50 our price 3.83RIPr''l. Uatin America in WorldPolit.es 3.50 our price 2.95WlChiAiVi. 1 he Ivl.sbe.jav.orists 3.50 our price 2.95EVAN:d. A Psychological Siudyof Lancer 2.50 our piice .89Of Special Interestto Meaical StudentsmVC'e have just received a shipment ot import¬ant medical and surgical works in German.T hese books were sene to a New York Publish¬er in an attempt to establish an Americanagency. The publisher decided that it wouldbe impossible for him to act as agent and wehave purchased Lj- entire stock of s'^mnles.Only one copy of each of these works is avail¬able at the r^eciel ori^e at whicL ^re offpr-inqr them. Our special price is 40 per cent offthe T^ronose^ List price. The pro-noF'e^ Am^^ic'^n 11’^'t very c1o''elv ao-German priec so thatit i<^ LIf'^'* oF.»♦‘o inh^ypoF^iJto in'«r'>l,,5^Lle German Referencer't ?»n saving of from 35to ^0 ^pnte on /^oll^^r.BURT CLARKBooksellerMS"' ’'s.i't 57th StreetOPPN FRCl'” A. M. TO TEN P. M.