PreudcntfsGen®^^ (2 cop^®'Bo^ '^28. No. 105. ■ mi«)uc<*i' Iv'iwwStreetBy Al E. WiddifieldThe trees are getting green again.Quite a lot of people loill rejoice to seethe Spring come back.The sun is coming out, the mist is drift¬ing away.To-day I suppose / will have to lookat some more fine iveather.—Ly-y-hane.Things around these parts are wellon the short end of the year’s shortslide. Those who are destined, likemyself, to quite these cloistered hallswith the coming of the June convo¬cation are getting their last officialkick in the pants by the mid-termexams. Everyone seems to be try¬ing to throw off the mesmeric spellof these gay spring days until thecritical period has One findsit blissfully pleasant t) walk throughJackson park beneath the feraciouscanopy of spring greenage, a canopyseeming to emanate a virginal sweet¬ness that thrills one like the first sipsof pale wine.Spring and Autumn each possesselements of a fragrant contentment.The contentment of Spring is thesomnolescent contentment of Youth.It seems to tint his heart'with alustrous confidence of happy yearsto come and a lazy willingness towait for their embrace. A Youth inSpring translates the burst of newlife that suffuses the atmosphere allabout him and tingles in his blood asthe promise of a glorious adventure.He lies on his hack in young grassand sees the moon as the ivory knobon the gateway to paradise, warmfrom the last hand that grasped it.He sighs, smokes his pipe, and re¬cites a pretty verse. His cynicismis that of the optimist and softlylaughs at itself.The contentment of .Autumn is thecontentment of old age. It is a soft-eyed weariness that fills the air witha golden mellowness and a sleepysigh. It is a wry contentment thatsmiles knowingly at the Youth look¬ing to the gates of paradise. It isa calmy speculative contentment thatsees the moon as the last gilt but¬ton hanging on an old clown’s suit.But it is spring now—the season ofubiquitous birth. We will forget,for a spell, that the moon might bethe last gilt button on the jester’scloak and let it be the door-knob toparadise, warm from a hand thatgrasped it. For after all flowers aremerely flowers.« « *It seems to be a common senti¬ment of all the students that resigna¬tion of Max Mason is a great andirreparable loss. He leaves an under¬graduate group who long ago placedin him their confidence. They be¬lieve that he is a great educatorand a prudent judge of youth. Hiscredo of “Opportunity without com¬pulsion’’ sounds a principle which haslong been a part of their religion.The Daily Maroon, however, wishesit to be known that his resignationwas not brought about‘by the Under¬graduate Council who have latelybeen making investigations.♦ * ,'The crack made in thki column lastweek about the assiduoiils labours ofAlpha Delta Phi In wi^lpping theirbaseball team into shape''seem not tohave gone by the board. In fact oneof the first letters to come to my at¬tention this morning is from Fosterhall, that cozy place where the girlslive together in one big happy fam¬ily. The letter comes from the“Harem Hitters,’’ a girl’s sand-lotoutfit, and turns out to be a challengeto the A. D. boys to come on out andplay ball. Miss Marion Eckhart, cap¬tain of the Foster aggregation, asksthe frat boys to put on their stuffat 4:30 P. M., May 6.Since May 6 was yesterday theFatima girls will find the drama-boysin the possession of a perfect alibi.However, I am sure that the twocamps can plan to meet some daythis week, if for the sole pui^pose ofgiving the down-town prints someshots at “college life.” atlp illaroon Quadrangles feelloss of able leader.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY 8, 1928DECISION SHOCKS CAMPUSCONSTITUTION ISFORMED BY NEWGOVERNjNG BODYBoard of PublicationsPleases “FatherCouncil”By Dexter MastersThe first tangible result of thenewly-formed Board of Publications,darling child of the Undergraduatecouncil, was struck off at the Board’sfirst meeting last week, in the formof a tentative constitution. TheBoard, flushed with pride at its re¬cent dramatic birth, honored its par¬ent, the Undergraduate council, byputting in print the precepts advocat¬ed by said parent during the pre¬natal period. There were present,for the faculty: Messrs. Scott, Nel¬son, Kerwin, Cowley, Morgenstern,and Miss Finn; for the Undergradu¬ate Council: Messrs. Johnson, Hag-ey, and Murphy; for the publications:Messrs. Andrew Johnson, Harris, andReed.Not Yet CompletedIn the first issuance of the consti-tion from the Board’s chambers,care was taken to explain that cer¬tain clauses may be altered beforethe entire document is finally accept¬ed. In short the Board wishes itknown that the Constitution as adopt¬ed at this meeting is a first draftonly. As drafted, however, the sali¬ent features of the Constitution areas follows:1. The Authority ol the Board isdelegated from the Undergraduatecouncil on approval of the Board ofStudent Organizations, Publicationsand Exhibitions.2. All resolutions of this Boardwill be discussed in the followingmeeting of the Undergraduate coun¬cil, upon whose approval the resolu¬tions become effective, unless appealis made to the Board of Organiza¬tions.3. Each publication shall be givencomplete editorial freedom, SUB¬JECT TO THE COUNSEL OF THEBOARD OF PUBLICATIONS.4. The permanent personnel shallconsist of four faculty members, atleast two of whom shall hold overfrom the Board of the previous year;the Auditor of Student Organiza-> (Continued on page 4) RETIRING PRESIDENTExhibit oF StudentArt Opens TodayThe student art exhibit under theauspices of the Renaissance Societywill open today on the fourth floor ofClassics. Tea will be served at 3 :30.A committee of five judges, membersof the Art department, selected thework which is exhibited from thelarge amount of material which wassubmitted.George Savage, Irene Tipler, Mar¬ion Garber, Virginia Greer, MabelVansteel and Leila Whitney are ex¬hibiting drawings, sketches andwater colors. Zeigfried Weng hassubmitted Woodcuts, and Rainey Ben¬nett is exhibiting oil portraits, oneof which is of Ellen Hartman. Max¬ine Hiliard submitted sculpturing. Max Mason, president of the University since his appointment in 1925, who has resignedto devote himself to world-wide service as head of* the newly created Division of Natural Sciencesof the Rockefeller Foundation.CHOOSE 1928-29MIRRORJTADERSHold Election In IdaNoyes Tomorrow Seton Talks OnNature Study AtJoint MeetingGerman Clubs GiveTwo Plays Tonight“Ehner muss heinaten” and Wil-brandt’s “Jugendliebe” will be pre¬sented by the Gorman clubs ofNorthwestern and the University atthe annual “Theaterabend” tonightat 8 in the theatre of Ida Noyeshall. Assistant iProfessor John G.Knustmann, of the German depart¬ment, has coached the Universityplayers. Mirror officers for next year willbe elected tomorrow from 10 to 4 inthe foyer of Ida Noyes hall. Thefollowing women have been nominat¬ed for office: general manager, EllenFnrtman and Leila Whitney; businessmanager, Florence Herzman and JaneSheehan; members of the board,Marie Galpern, Dorothy Hartford,Charlotte Eckhait, Carol Simons, andAlice Wiles. Three will be elected asmembers of the board.In order to vote all new membersof Mirror must have paid their duesof three dollars. Dues may be paidto Helen King in Foster hall or atthe polls tomorrow.Members were also given the privi¬lege of nominating others by peti-(Continued on page 4)Dr. Lew ConcludesLectures on ChinaCompleting a series of three lec¬tures, Dr. Timothy Tingfang Lew,president of the General Board of theChina Christian Educational associa¬tion, will speak this afternoon at4:30 on “The Changing ChineseFarm” and at 8 this evening on “TheChanging Chinese Family” at Taylorhall, 6757 University avenue.The series of lectures is J)einggiven under tHe auspices of the Al¬len Tuthill foundation.'The Reverend Doctor Lew is agrraduate of both Yale and Columbiauniversities. Ernest Thompson Seton, artist,author, and lecturer, addressed theBotany and Zoology clubs yesterdayin room 177 of the Pathology build¬ing. Mr. Seton’s topic was “OpenAir Recreat’on and Nature Study.”“The important problem in theUnited States today is not whetheror not we have a republican or dem¬ocratic administration, or whetherwe enter the League of Nations ornot, but —the determination of thecharacter of the young people.’’ saidMr. Seton.Four Major Influences“There are four forces which areacting on the youth of this country,namely, the home, the church, theschool, and the playground. Thefirst two have lost much of the pow¬er they held a century syff; and thethird does not haVe * a strong holdon the young people becausj^ jt is notin contact long enough with them.It is true with all animals- tkat theyfind their real place of training onthe play ground, and so it is with ouryouth.”The conditions under which the(Continued on page 4)Hold Services IcfrMrs. Fri^iik l^cNairServices were held f® FrankMcNair, wife of the University trus¬tee, yesterday afternoon at 2:30 inBond chapel. A large number ofthe friends of Mr. «MduliMMSfeNair,including many person* prominentin University affairs and social life,attended the services. URGE RETENTIONOF PRO^ERWINConsiders Positions AtDartmouth CollegeJerome G. Kerwin, assistant pro¬fessor of the Political Science de¬partment, has recently received aninvitation from Dartmouth college toaccept a position on the Political Sci¬ence staff there. Professor Kerwinwas at Dartmouth for fourteen yearspreceeding his work on campus.The students of the Political Sci¬ence department have reacted to thisannouncement by circulating peti¬tions requesting that President MaxMason and the Board of Trusteestake all possible steps to retain Mr.Kerwin. The petition reads as fol¬lows :“We, the undersigned students, de¬sirous of retaining the services ofProfessor Jerome G. Kerwin of theUniversity of Chicago, do hereby pe¬tition and request the president and(Continued on page 4)The Blackfriars box office in Man-del Hall opened yesterday morning,and a rush business in tickets forthe production, “The House ThatJack Built”, was done in the earlysales. The box office will be openfrom now till the show goes on.Performances are scheduled forMay 18, 19, 25 and 26, with matineesthe nineteenth and twenty-sixth.This gives a two-week period forthose who wish to secure tickets forthe annual student musical comedy. FACULTY LAUDSRETIRING HEADOF UNIVERSITYPay Tribute To Ideals,Personality OfMax MasonBlackfriars OpenBox Office Sales By Robert C. McCormackLeaving behind him a faculty andstudent body not completely willingto accept his resignation and univer¬sally paying tri,..ute to his personal¬ity, ideals, and ability, President MaxMason will assume the duties of di¬rector of the Division of Natural Sci¬ences of the Rockefeller Foundation.“Disheartening’’—BoucherDean Chauncey S. Voucher, whohas been intimately connected withthe President during his three yearsof administration at the University,said yesterday afternoon. “PresidentMason’s resignation Is a stunning.blow which will have a serious effectupon every part of the University.He injected new spirit and new lifeinto so many of the activities of theinstitution that it is disheartening tothink of losing his vigorous and in¬spiring leadership.”Stagg Regrets Loss“I am very sorry to hear of Presi¬dent Mason’s r esignation. It has beenmy privilege to have lived throughthree administrations and I was hop¬ing that the fourth would extendbeyond my period of activity at theUniversity. Unfortunately for theUniversity, President Mason’s resig¬nation seems particularly a blowsince he entered our family in a pe¬culiarly easy and gracious mannerand has demonstrated an unusualcapability for the office. His great ac¬complishments speak for him,” saidA. A. Stagg, Director of Athletics.Speaking for the Board of Trus¬tees, Harold H. Swift, president ofthat body, stated that “PresidentMason’s three year tenancy has beenone of inspiration and accomplish¬ment.” After the announcement ofhis appointment of the staff of theRockefeller Foundation, PresidentMason said, “The decision to resignfrom the presidency of the Universityand to accept the position was madq^with great difficulty. The generouswelcome given me on the part ofthe University, and City of Chi¬cago, the friendships which haveestablished here, the inspiring futureof this great University, form tieshard to break.”Came From WisconsinMax Mason became president ofthe University on August 21, 1926,following the death of President Er¬nest DeWitt Burton and a nation¬wide search of the country by a fac¬ulty alumni committee for a suitablesuccessor. He was the first presidentof the University to come from out¬side its own faculty, having resigneda research professorship of mathe¬matical physics at the University ofWisconsin to assume his present post.He was a native of Madison and anhonor student at the Universitythere, being elected to Phi Beta Kap¬pa afid Sigma Xi.Five trustees and five membersof the faculty will compose a com¬mittee to select a successor for Presi¬dent Mason. The procedure to be fol¬lowed in selecting Mason’s successorwill bb similar to that by which hewas chosen. A committee spent morethan three months at that time inconsidering those available. TheBoard of Trustees has authorized theappointment cf five, and the Univers¬ity Senate, composed of facultymembers of full professorial rank,clinteB>’'im)fe«sors who are heads ofdepartments, the ptesident and vlde-president, wi’,1 select the facu'tymembers.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. MAY 8. 1928iailg ilarnnnFOUNDED IN 1»01THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday. Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The Daily Marcon Company. Subscription rates$3.00 i)er year ; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second-class mail at the Chicago Postoffice Chicago, Illinois, March13, 1906, under the act of March 3, 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialapi>earing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAL E. WIDDIFIELD, MANAGING EDITORCHARLES J. HARRIS, BUSINESS MANAGERROSELLE F. MOSS, WOMAN’S EDITOROFFICE—ROOM ONF, 5804 Ellis Avenue ELLIS HALLTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Hyde Park 4292; Sports Office, Local 80, 2 ringsEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTMenVictor RoterusChairman of the Editorial BoardChanos H. Gooo Day ElditorLouis Engle Day EditorEdwin Levin Day EditorRobert McCormack Day EditorDexter W. Masters Day EditorGeorge Gruskin Whistle EditorWomenMargaret Dean Junior EditorHarriet Harris Junior EditorElizabeth Taylor Society EditorRosalind Green Sophomore EditorHarriet Hathaway Sophomore EditorAldean Gibboney Sophoirore Editor SPORTS DEPARTMENTRobert Stern -t, Sports EditorHenry Fisher Sport AssistantElmer Friedman Sport AssistantEinmarette Ds™"on ..Women’s Sport EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENRobert Fisher _Adverti8ing ManagerRobert Klein _Advertising ManagerJack McBrady Circulation ManagerWallace Nelson Classified Ad ManagerJames Paddock Office ManagerEarle M. Stocker Ass’t. Advertising Mgr.Richard Grossman Dowt’n RepresenmtiveSidney Hess Circulation AssistantRobert Nicholas Circulation AssistantAngus Horton AuditorStanley Dicker ..Advertising CorrespondentCHARLES H. GOOD, Night EditorTHE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM1. Encouragement of student initiative in undergraduate ac¬tivity and scholarship2. Augmentation of the Department of Art and establishmentof a Department of Music.3. Extension of the Intramural prinetple.4. Erection of dormitories to attract and accommodate out-of-town students.6. Co-operation with the Honor Commission.6. Promotion of undergraduate interest in educational lectures.1. Encouragement of the Intercollegiate Debate.8. Improvement of the Year Book.9. Abolition of E-11 and establishment of group libraries.HERE AND THERE uates conscious of that fact. He has also stressed the value ofeducation by participation in research, and has been extending theresearch opportunities offered undergraduates. During his ad¬ministration measures have been adopted exercising more carein the selection of students; the freshman class has been raised,to 750, and the standard of their prerequisites has been raised.He has encouraged orientation courses which give the junior col¬lege student some ser. i of the broad picture of the educationalfield; and he has favored the honor courses in which a distinctionin method is made between the average or low grade and themost able of the students.Those are some of the accomplishments that have earnedfor Dr. Mason a niche in the University temple of Fame and thathe leaves behind him when he assumes his new position as di¬rector of the Division of Natural Sciences of the Rockefeller Fo'un-dation. His new position is even more significant than the onewhich he leaver and in which he has conducted himself so ably. It is one of the keynote positions in the field of science and hisservices there will be of world-wide importance. We have no doubtthat he will discharge his new duties as well, and better if thatwere possible, as he has here.Th University regrets that he is leaving; it regrets that itwill be deprived of that inspiring personality which has won in¬numerable friends on the quadrangles and in the city; but itwhole-heartedly wishes Max Mason the best of luck on his newventure.Babson Official ToInlterview StudentsW. R. Mattson, assistant to thepresident of Babson Institute at Bab¬son Park, Massachusetts, will be opento interview by University studentsinterested in business training when lie visits Chicago on Sunday, Mondayand Tuesday, May 6, 7, and 8 andstops at the Hotel La Salle.The Babson Institute is one of thebest known trainers of business exe¬cutives in the country, and its resi¬dent and extension instruction hasbeen utilized by many students at theUniversity.The resignation of Max Mason from the presidency of the Uni¬versity came after almost three years of his strenuous and splen¬did effort in behalf of the University. Becoming President August21, 1925, following the death of President Ernest DeWitt Burton,Dr. Mason immediately plunged into the business of promotingthe University scholastically and financially. He succeeded admir¬ably in both lines of endeavor. He not only brought the develop¬ment campaign which had been left unfinished by President Bur¬ton’s death to a successful conclusion, but also instigated newprojects and new ideas upon which the University has been rid¬ing to greater heights in the field of education. Many of the build¬ings already erected and others to be‘erected will stand as tributesto the excellence with which Dr. Mason acquitted his administra¬tive functions at the University.In an academic way Dr. Mason is responsible in no smallmeasure for the present high national and international rank¬ing that the University enjoys. During his stay here Dr. Masonhas consistently emphasized that opportunity not compulsion isthe means of progress, and has succeeded in making undergrad- WOODWORTH^SMAY SALEAREWEGIVINGBOOKSAWAY7NO!But Nearly So-o—They Cost But a Penny or More.YOU MUST SEESTOCK CLEARANCEONE CENT SALEPUBLISHER’S REMAINDERSWOODWORTH’S ummacumlaude;SPEAK to the trainer,the coach, the doctor,or the physiology pro^fessor. They’ll tell youthat there is a no morehealthful habit thanyour daily two biscuits ofShreddedWheatWITH MILK OR CREAMWomen’s RubberRaincoats in Red,Blue, and GreenColors.May Sale—$2.95BRIEF CASES3 pocket, all¬leather adjustablelock, straps allaround.May Sale — 3.90 75c Congress Playing Cards,Beautiful Backs, Fine FinishMAY SALE — 59cFlexible Stem Desk LampsMAY SALE — $1.48Women’s TennisShoesVariety of StylesMay Sale — 69c pr. Eaton — Crane’sCorrespondence Cards withBeautiful InterlinedEnvelopes.MAY SALE —50c Box3x5 Note Cards89cFor 1,00010c for 100Eastman Kodaks$2.50 ValueMay Sale — 89c TENNIS GOODSSuper-StrokeRacketwas $ 15.00, now$9.95Dayton SteelRacketMay Sale$4.95DreadnaughtDriverwas $15.00, now$9.85Tennis Balls25c - 35c - 50cOther fine valuesTennis Goods.Wright and Ditsonand Burke75c values, now45cElach.HYDE PARK 1690 OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL NINE 1311 E. 57th ST.WOODWORTH’S MAY SALEMaroon baseball teamseeks win from Ohio State. rf)eS Chicago nine battlesBuckeyes for third victcMry.THE DAILY MAROON. TUESDAY, MAY 8. 1928MAROON NINE FACES BUCKEYES TODAYBADCER VICTORYPEFS UP CHICAGOBASEALl TEAM mini Face JapNine In First OfTwo-Game SeriesShow Power By GreatRecord WithBatAnxious to chalk up another gamein the win column and make theirstanding more secure, the Maroonnine is set for the peppy Buckeyeaggregation w'hich it meets at Colum¬bus this afternoon. After the 7 to 3victory over Wisconsin last Saturday,the team looks like a world-beater.Chicago’s hitting was the featureof the game, Priess and Andersonboth hitting homers. Knowles hit athree bagger while Captain .Ander¬son. Priess, and Davis all made twohits apiece., hicago’s phen-omental hitting star, is still head andshoulders* above the rest of the con¬ference with the remarkable battingpercentage of .580.Cooper, who has been guardingfirst sack regularly so far this season,was replaced by Charley Hoerger ofbasketball fame. Despite the factthat this was his first crack at theposition, Charley did so well thatCooper will have to battle to retainhis position.The battery for Chicago in thegame today probably will be Kaplanand Wingate, although Zimmermanmight get the call over Bob. Both ofthese lads are good and given a fairbreak, Chicago (»ught to puu througheasily. Davis and Gordon were in thehospital yesterday with minor in¬juries, but will probably be in shapefor today’s game. These men haveperformed well this season, and areneeded in the lineup.At present the team is in si.xthplace with over a .500 average. Ifthe fellows are given any kind of abreak, they ought to finish well abovethe place in which they are #ow lo¬cated. The teams in third, fourth,and fifth place are about of the samecalibre as the Maroon nine. International ba.seball rivalry willblossom on Illinois field Tuesday andWednesday, May 8 and 9, when KieoUniversity of Japan meets Illinois.Keio, in the.United States sincethe first of April, has played eightgames and has won five. StanfordUniversity, Athens Athletic club,Oakland Merritts, Alameda club andWatsonville club were the victims ofthe Japanese team.The University of California ekedout two victories by one and tworuns and St. Mary’s college won 8to 4.Contrary to precedent which rulesthat Japanese ball teams should besprightly fielders but unable to manu¬facture runs, Keio has run up 59runs to 42 of its opponents. Thoughlosing the Japanese club counted 10runs in each of the California games.Koshimoto, considered the fore¬most baseball coach in Japan, is incharge of the team. He came to theUriited States in 1914 as member ofthe Keio nine and again in 1925 ascaptain of the Osaka Mainichi team,famous in Japan for a victory overNotre Dame.Conserving pitchers for the tight¬ening conference race, Illinois willlikely use Bower, successful pitcherfor the reserves, and Mueller, soph¬omore hurler who is recoveringfrom a sore arm.Local spectators will have a firstlook at Heine Glade. The sophomoresecond baseman, who suffered abroken hand on the southern trip,has recovered and will bolster thehitting strength by resuming his lead-otf position.UNIVERSITY LUNCH5706 Ellis Ave.Try Our Minute Service Lunch35cChop Suey & Chow MeinOur SpecialtyMan Riled byRivals’ TimeClaimsRutherford, N. J.March 9, 1927Larus & Bro. Co.Richmond, Va.Gentlemen:I sure get some riled when I seewhere some fellow is crowing over thefact that being older, and having runinto Edgeworth sooner than his lessfortunate compatriots, he challengesthe world as the champion long-timemember of the Edgeworth Club.He doesn’t deserve any medals. Hegot his reward in the enjoyment of hissmoking for the added number of years.He was just lucky in starting sooner,that’s all.However, if you care to delve intoancient history, look up when theyfirst started to pull down the old GrandCentral Station in New,York,* then/ add at least six months to that, andyou will arrive at the approximatetime when I first joined the club.I have smoked at least one pipefulof every other tobacco I have seenadvertised, sometimes through neces¬sity, but most of the time to prove tomyself that I have been right in stick¬ing to the old blue tin.Yours truly,H. M. Wittridge•April, 1907EdgeworthExtra High GradeSmoking Tobacco J ^ke largest sellingquMity pencilin the wotldAt aUdealersBuyadozen Superlative in quality,the world-famous\/ENUSYtENdlSgive best service andlongest wear. ^Plain ends, per Soz. $1.00Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20Aaericaa Pmcil Co., 215 Fifth ATe.,N.T.Maktrtof UNIQUETkht LtmdColored Pencils in 12 colora~$1.00 per dot. Baseball and Track Teams WinFrom Badgers and BoilermakersUniversity of Chicago teams de¬cided to celebrate the week-end andas a result the Maroon baseball squadgave the Badgers a sound trouncingand the tracksters duplicated by run¬ning away from the Boiler-makers atLafayette.Zimmerman set the Wisconsinteam down with only seven hits,while his teammates knocked The-lander, the Wisconsin pitcher, aroundthe lot for seven runs. apt. Ander¬son and Priess continued fatteningtheir batting averages, each clap¬ping out a home run. The trackteam, in their first dual outdoormeet of the season, licked the Pur-LAST DAY TO ENTERWOMEN’S GOLF MEETToday is the last day to sign upfor the w'omen’s golf tournament,Si,gns are posted in Ida Noyes halland in the women’s halls. The toui’-nament starts at once, and the dateof the finals will be announced assoon as the tourament has progress¬ed, according to Frances Carr, W.A. X. representative in charge.This year, for the first time, en¬trants in the golf tournament willcompete for interclass honors. Grad¬uate students are especially urgedto enter the competition. At presentthey are the only class lacking rep¬resentation in the tournament.TOWER THEATRE63rd at BlackstoneContinued 1-11 p. m.McCALL - BRIDGEPLAYERS- - presenting - -MUSICAL COMEDYHITS40-TALENTED STARS-40in conjunction withLatest Feature PhotoplaysNunn-BushcAnHle-^tshioned OxfordsCarefully hand tailored’*to prevent gappine at thenlde, slicing at the heeL^liylimlThe Hampton MunBrBGsh AnMe-Fostoone^M-Bu^SBoe.Sra42 N. Dearborn SL 115 S. Clark St.32 W. Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO due squad by a score of 75-69. Mar¬tin, the Purdue flash, romped to vic¬tories in the mile and two mile. Gistwon the half mile in 1:59.Hold Wrestling Meet HereThe most interesting bout in lastFriday night’s wrestling tournamentat Bartlett gymnasium wast the onebetween Leonard Fuchs and J. Mer-ryman in the 118 pound class. Mer-ryman got the first decision at theend of fiteen minutes. Fuchs cameback and in the next five minuteswon two straight falls and the bout,both falls being secured by a pow¬erful body scissors. B. Maizel w'ontwo stsaight falls from John Ged-good in the 138 pound class, the timefor the falls being 2:50 and 9:00. Inthe 128 pound group Archie Win¬ning took two straight falls from B.Ramsey in 2:40 and 4:40. Frank Sem-merling, varsity wrestler took a boutin the 178 pound class from R. J.Velde in straight falls. In the heavy¬weight division Max Saunderby wontwo falls from H. Cobb. There wereseveral non-tournament bouts on thecard. George O’Brien, a former var¬sity man won a fall in 1:47 fromPierson, of the Central Y. M. C. A.with a body scissors. W. Dyer wonover C. Heyman in 10:00, C. Erasmusand Q. Wilson fought to a draw in a158 pound class bout. ‘Play For Fun”Is Principle Of‘Tlay-day” Plans“Play for fun’’ is the principle em¬phasized in plans for the Play-daywhich w'ill be held Monday. May 14,and which will be sponsored by thewomen’s physical education depart¬ment.Participation in archery, rhythms,croquet, clock-golf, horse-shoes,swimming and deck tennis, will beopen to all University women onthat day. Play will begin at 3:30 andcontinue throughout the remainderof the afternoon.Instructors in the department willbe in charge of each sport to lead ac¬tivities and to assist novices in theparticular sport when necessary. De¬voting special day to play for funis an innovation in the program ofwomen’s sports; although the fun ele¬ment of play is emphasized in all thewomen’ pshysical education workhere.All women in the University areinvited to join in playing on this spe¬cial play-day. Instruction will begiven to those women who have noknowledge of the particular sport inwhich they wish to participate.Miss Margaret Burns, instructor incharge, states that in case of rain thegames will be postponed until thenext day. NET SQUAD WINFROM PURDUEIN SECOND MATCHBrilliant Play of NelsonAnd Calohan IsFeatureDue to the splendid play of Calo¬han and Nelson, both sophomores,the Maroon tennis team yesterdaywon the second match of the seasonfrom Purdue by a score of 4 to 3.The match was played at Purdue.Calohan and Nelson, by winningboth their single and doubles match¬es, tallied three points to decide thematch. Hebert, playing brilliantly,contributed the other Chicago pointby defeating Keigh of Purdue 7-5,6-3.The closeness of the match wasthe result of the last minute switch¬ing of Purdue’s lineup.Make $ 1 0 daily taking ordersfor Alligator Sport Coats.Latest collegiate sensation formen, women and children.We deliver and collect. Writefor particulars.DON REYNOLDS53 W. Jackson, Chicago100% - 100%^HE final test in any race new, live, cushioning you feel I M.ore people walk on GoodyearWing foot Heels than on anyother kind.Iji[|{|e bumps, little thumps■;^'they all travel up, up.Up. Body and mind tire out.HEELS do that.W^^bberl Rubber g/Ver^n^jifts and helps!jcially GoodyearIngfoot Heels. All£ wnmooTYes, Friend Shoe Repair¬man puts them on inx:o94/5. And that’s arecord! Get yourGoodyear Wing-foot Heels today!Copnisht lt28. by The Goodyear Tire 4 Bobber Oo., loc.Page SixOmOAL NOTICESATTENTIONUndergraduate Students Who Expectto Graduate This QuarterProvisional lists of candidates forthe Bachelor’s Degree at the SummerConvocation, June 12, will be post¬ed as stated below at 10:00 A. College students expecting tograduate at that time should inspectthe appropriate lists. Those who donot find their names there shouldconsult the officials specifed belowNOT LATER THAN WEDNES¬DAY, MAY 16.1. The Colleges of Arts, Litera¬ture, and Science, bulletin board,north corridor of Cobb Hall—Mrs.Garden.2. The College of Commerce andAdministration, bulletin board, corri¬dor of the C. & A. builing—MissBurns.3. The College of Education,Blaine Hall Bulletin board—MissJohnson.4. The School of Social ServiceAdministration, bulletin board, inCobb Hall, Room 112—Miss Mode.THE UNIVERSITY RECORDER.Tuesday, May 8Radio Lecture: “Theories of Per¬sonality.” Assistant Professor Ar¬thur G. Bills of the Psychology de¬partment. 8, Station WMAQ.Religious Service, conducted bythe Divinity Faculties, for al mem¬bers of the University, 11:50, JosephBond chapel. Dr. Willard L. Sperry,Dean of Theological School of Har¬vard.Exhibition of work by members ofthe Art Club of the Department ofArt (Renaissance Society): 2 to5:30, Classics 45. Tea.The Chemistry Journal club, 2:30,Kent 16. “The Radioactivity of Po¬tassium.” Mr. W. E. Vaughan.The Theology club, 4:30, CommonRoom, Swift hall. “Religion and His¬tory.” Dr. Sperry.Public Lecture (Downtown):“Tariff and Foreign Relations.” Pro¬fessor Martin Schultz of the Ger¬man department. 6:45, Art Institute.Evensong Service, 7, Joseph Bondchapel. Dr. Sperry.The Christian Science society,7:30, Thorndike Hilton Memorialchapel.The Religious Literature club,7:30, Swift 106. “Modernism.” DeanShailer Mathews.The Graduate Classical club, 8.Classics 20. “Classical Echoes inThomas Hardy.” Professor WesleyPlummer lark. Visiting Professor.« « *Wednesday, May 9Radio Lecture: “Theories of Per¬sonality.” Assistant Professor ArthurG. Bills. 8. Station WMAQ.Religious Service, conducted bythe Divinity Faculties, for all mem¬bers of the University, 11:50, JosephBond chapel. Dr. Sperry.SETO TALKS ON NATURESTUDY AT COMBINED MEETING(Continued from page 1)young people play is different fromthat under which the children of hisyouth played. Mr. Seton said.Police had instructions to keep theyoung people from playing on the va¬cant lots where they were wont toplay near his home in New YorkCity, while today the biys and grirlsplay under supervision which tendstoward better discipline, Mr. Setonstated.“A fair appraisal shows far morecharacter is developed on the playground than any other place,” con¬cluded Mr. Seton.URGE RETENT/ONOF PROF. KERWIN(Continued from page 1)the Board of Trustees of the Univer¬sity of Chicago to take all possiblesteps to retain the services of Professor Kerwin, and prevent his trans¬fer to any other institution; and fur¬ther request that Prof. Kerwin be no¬tified of this action on th* part of THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY. MAY 8, 1928the student body.”Charles Cutter and Zelda Robbinsare two of the members of the Poli¬tical Science who are taking chargeof the circulation of the petitions.Authors of the article hope to showthe high esteem in which he is heldby the student body so that he mayreconsider Dartmouth’s offer and re¬main at the University.CONSTITUTION IS FORMEDBY NEW GOVERNING BODY CHOOSE >928-27MIRROR LEADERS(Continued from page 1)tion after the regular nominees hadbeen named.The new officers and members willbe installed and initiated at a ban¬quet Tuesday, May 15, in Ida NoyeshaU.New members have been especial¬ly urged to vote by Frances Kendall,general manager.(Continued from page 1)tions; the Director of Undergraduatepublications; three non-publicationmembers of the undergraduatecouncil, one of whom shall be presi¬dent of that body; one staff memberfrom each Undergraduate publica¬tion.5. The publications shall operateunder constitutions approved by thisBoard, said constitutions to providespecifically for all financial opera¬tion.6. The Board may at a ly time callany member of the staff of any pub¬lication into conference to discussmatters of policy and management. CLASSIFIED ADSYoung women as reader and assist¬ant to young blind girl afternoons.Tel, Fairfax 6000, apt. 825.6 YOUNG WOMENA large corporation will interviewyoung women for permanent posi¬tions, age 21 to 25, neat appearance,living at home, college education,short hours and good salary. See Mr.Richards, all day Thursday and Pri- dav. Room 919, 77 W. WashingtonStreet.FOR RENT—Parlor and bedroomIdeal for study. 6011 Harper Ave..3rd apt Fairfax 6689. Call evening.FRATERNITIES NOTICEFOR SALE]—4250.00 cash takesbrand new $600 player piano withmandolin attachment—never off salesfloor. Won as prize in contest andof no value to winner. Phone Bur¬dick. Plaza 2020.LOST—White gold watch andJ. H. FINNIGANDruggistCigars, Cigarettes, Candy,Ice Cream55di SL at Woodlawn AvenuePhone Midway 0708 bracelette FViday. University Dis¬ciples Church or between 67th and63th on Kimbark or Woodlawn. H.P. 5410.GOOD INCOME]—For men andwomen students selling memberships inyour full time during vacation if youwish. Our best sellers include suchbooks as “Bad Girl,” “Trader Horn,”Summer Classes in Short¬hand and TypewritingBeginning June 18 and 25While at college . . . and after you enterthe business or profeasional world, short¬hand and typewriting can be of inestim¬able value to you. A short, intensivecourse at this sdiool insures completemastery.GREGG SCHOOLHOME OF GREGG SHORTHAND225 N. Wabash Ave., State 1881, ChicagoShorthand and Type¬writing MasteredEasily in SpareTimeUtilizing your spare time, after¬noons or evenings, you may acquirea positive mastery of shorthandand tsrpewriting in a short time.Shorthand is helpful in takingclassroom notes, and typewriting awonderful time saver in preparingtomorrow’s assignments. Here atthis oldest business college inAmerica you are assured expertinstruction in both subjects. Be¬ginning classes every Monday.Call, Write or Phone. RANDOLPH 1575 forDetailed InformationBryant & StrattonBusiness College116 South Michigan Ave.CHICAGO Surprise Yourself!Drop into theQUEEN RESTAURANTA Special Plate LuncheonHOME COOKING1208 E. 61st StSavory Food - ReasonablePricesyOJWaVKtCEEUROPEVERY LITTLE (S,)TW VBOAI. lAlUMaB ^S4.*VSTONlA-(r8a. -UTUANIAONLYrouxitr FAMBNOSat•AaiMoiMTm|UMW—junib—«r>a MBW tOUCwCmBOUaG (/OOMtOMOBNAUa w—ADO M —CXJMmiAOIMMWlORTLAND. BNOOkchcatn—Duicui(—SponaSwimming PbolA Q Espente St ttden t and UiMUtrtity Towr«with College Credit if DWiredSCHOOL OP FOREIGN TRAVEL. IMer.. VMMmrmy Tom NItOEMIUSow NawYwk.N Y. C. CLOTHES %■•adynaad*Aad Cat to Oedar^STABUSHED ENGLISH UNIVERS1TVSTYLES, TAILORED OVER YOUTHFULCHARTS SOLELY FOR DISTINGUISHEDSERVICE IN THE UNITED STATES.JdUxirtev House•40rH5B»50Topooas»Blindfoldedin scientific test of leading Cigarettes,James Montgomery Flagg selectsOld GoldAfter this test, Mr. Flagg wrote:**Most of us smoke names and think we aresmoking cigarettes! The blindfold test provedthat to me. It proved also that it is difficultto tell one cigarette from another ... exceptin the case of OLD GOLD ... I spotted that. . . it suited me best even blindfolded. Infact, the man who said *not a cough in a car¬load* knew whereof he spoke. It’s thesmoothness that identifies OLD GOLD. It«needs no other trade mark.”How Test Was MadeSubject was blindfolded, and. In the presence oftwo responsible witnesses, was given one eachof the four leading cigarettes to smoke. To clearthe taste, coffee was served before each cigarette...Mr. Flagg was entirely unaware of the identityof these cigarettes during test. After smok¬ing the four cigarettes, Mr. Flagg was asked todesignate by number his choice. He promptlyreplied, '‘Number 3,*’ which was OLD ^LD. James MontgombiT|B,^gc«wNstionslly known artist andwteter offamous Flagg girl. and “Circus Pwadc.” Call in person,Literary Guild of America, Inc., Suite921, 410 S. Michigan Ave.TERESA DOLANDANCING SCHOOLIStS E. CSrS St. (Nsar Waadlawm Aw.)Telephone Hyde Park 8080Beainners’ Class every Monday BveainB at8:00. Half hoar line instmetion aad halfhour practice with instrocter for tl.OO.PRIVATB LESSONS ANY TIMSDAY OR EVENINGTENNIS RACKETRESTRINGINCshould be done withJOHNSOirS TENNISGUTAsk for it at yourLocal Dealesr.SMOOTHER AND BETTER-NOT A GOUGH IN A CARLOAD Go down to the sea^informaF^ meaningCunard Tourist Third...the way of the know¬ing illuniinati toEUROPE8193.50gets you there and backin Cunard Comfort . . .without severely punish¬ing the bankrollSailing **Touri8t Third” isadventure that begins whenyou go up the gangplank.You will dance on moonlitdecks to the rhythm of a col¬lege orchestra no feet haveyet resisted. You will swimin salt water in an impro¬vised deck tank. Youll playthe delightful deck gamesthat youtn-on-a-lark devises.And there’ll be bridge,—and conversation; — andsometimes lost sleep! Butof course you have yourchoice between .missingsleep and fun.Do you realize how veryinexpensively this can bedone on big Cunard shipssuch as the CARONIA, CAR-MANIA, SCYTHIA, LACONIA.LANCASTRIA and TUSCANl A?You are berthed in a com¬fortable, clean cabin, youhave good food, nicelyserved, with ample deckspace and you enjoy thecompany of your ownkind of people . . . becausethey are others like youwho feel the adventurouscall of traveling TouristThird Cabin.CUNARDLINE346 Na Michigan Ave., Chicagoor see your college representative,Miss Elisabeth Roe,University of Chicago,Chicago, IIL1840 1928nCHTY • nCHT • YKABS • OF • SBBVICE