JAN 28 182S W^FWW 'L<mabardo playsWashington Prom. W\)t Batlp ilaroon Play-fest cast andrepert oire an¬nounced.Vol. 28. No. 58. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY. JANUARY 27, 1928AthenaeumBrothers Under the BannerThere is an almost universal mis¬apprehension that Phi Beta Kappa issomething very grand indeed. Fresh¬men, upon matriculation, are taughtthat a Phi Pete key is the nhindanebadge of a remote, scholastic Nirvanaand brothers and sisters having beeninitiated, give out the news that PhiBeta Kappa has made their livessweeter and better. And so the nobleorder has come to be highly andwrongfully revered,—clothed in thesame irrational haze of illusion thatenvelopes Law Enforcement and theGodhead of Professorial Omniscience.All oii, which is very sad.Theoretically, Phi Beta Kappa is.sound,—as sound, that is, as any so¬ciety for the elevation of man maybe. I am told that its principle aimis to give due recognition to the men¬tal ingenuity and the intellectual in¬itiative of our I’ndergraduate, GodBless Him, Amen. That is, it pre¬sumes,—with more optimism thansense,—that an A average indicates asuperb intelligence. That's as bad asbad. because an or even a B, aver¬age doesn’t, except in a very few isol¬ated cases, indicate anything at allbut that the recipient is what’s com¬monly known as a “blotter.”That’s what the usual Plii Bete is.I don’t necessarily refer to the brotli-ers in the faculty; they may, for allI know, be goo<l and great men; butI do mean the usual chappie one seesal>out the campus with that snoutyglitter around the third button of thewaistcoat. He’s the common, or gar¬den variety. He has that queer facultyof going to his cl.n.sses (eight o’cltKk’sincluded), listening to what is said,blotting it up, and returning it to theprofessor in its prenatal form, with¬out even going through the formalityof masticating it intellectually. He al)-sorbs without learning; he takes andgives back, jot for jot, he swallowseducation whole, as an ostrich swal¬lows an apple; and he comes out ofcollege not even slightly scarred bythought. Weep, ye Trojans, weep! Igive you the Phi Beta Kappa man!The crucial question about Phi BetaKappa.though, is this: Do the m#nmake the order or does the order makethe men? I’m inclined to the latterbelief, for I can’t honestly believethat such a God forsaken crew cameto be what they arc without help froman organized body of one sort or an¬other, These brothers under the ban¬ner are a nawkv outfit, and it seemsoafent to me that they v'rew that wavbeine under the banner, or. atlaait wantinfr to br rn^olded tU its«"»rtn f»mbrare, ^o it niirrbt be wellto jnniilro niore dp^-nlv into the nrim-9r»- funetions of tbe orrrani/ation.Tn peepnre. tbp <;oe'etV does littler».orA tbari mibb’sb in tbe pamnnsnrinfa tbp pampe of tboap stmirfrlpra.••bo ba.-p. cpbola donp PJrr'r'b;r>nrc Tn a TtJrr ''\T'a',r and n'bo ba^'PTJp-ipbpft a r^oal Tf fTM’Ps danl-i pood'.-•blJpJt.- \^^bipb ic nrptt.’ bad taste,mb • c bneinpce of toceJnr. onp’c apbip.-p-mpnts iindpr tbp noepe and into tbeconn of tbp world is ctr'inopH- offon-c’.rp pcneeialb- to mp and m\' Vinir —M'bo bv tb<» .I'a.' ba.rp .-ip.rp- bppn inn-npb danorpr of mal-infr Pbi Beta TCan-na rppVc of aobtpvpmpnf not ^or♦ t.o caVp oT dinnr fblnnrc ..-pit but fortbp cat-p o^ doinnr ♦binorc n^ptl blit forcnlt^ mav be tabntatpd. broadract andboaetpd of Tt niaV“s for romnlarenoT-and roneeit. not for a decent self-resnpct. An't it mine ivbatpv'pr mole-rule of idealism a “blotter” mav nos-cpcs. It’s bad stufiF rnorall.', and tbetin Tods know that Phi Bete neverdeveloned a mind that worked bv it¬self. So there vou have it.Y permit mvself all this hollering inthe hope that someone, preferablyone of the nobler brethern. will comeforth, and with devastating logic, cor¬rect grammar, and an air of indignantrighteousness, refute what I have said.Mind you—I haven’t claimed that abit of all I’ve said is common opinion.(Continued on page 2) GUY LOMBARDO PLAYS FOR PROM0*Hara Announces Playfest Casts, Program LEADERS SECUREDARROW SPEAKSABOUT HOUSMAN,OMAR KHAYYAMFamous Lawyer ShowsTwo PhilosophiesIn Address Frosh Mixer LedBy ‘Melody Dan’By Sterling North,Editor of“Forge: A Midwestern Review’’Clarence Harrow, pre-eminent crim¬inal lawyer and exponent of youth,will speak Wednesday evening, Feb¬ruary 1 at 8:15 in Mandel hall underthe auspices of “Forge: A MidwestcniReview” and The Poetry club of theIhiiversity. The subject of his talkwill be “Omar Khayyam and A. E.Housman.”.\s all men who go far in theirheld, Harrow has found that the ulti¬mate prospect, the distillation of histhoughts approaches pure philosophy.It is little wonder that he finds a sym¬pathetic response in the philosophersof other years who have also had theproblems of youth constantly in theirminds. He has no doubt been struckwith the same feeling Housman ex¬presses when he writes:Oh, were nifin drunk foreverWith laughter, love and fights.Fain would I rouse up mornings.\nd fain lie down of nights.But since man’s someetiiues soberHe thinks by fits and starts.\nd when men think they fastenTheir hands upon tlieir hearts.Quite naturally, Harrow’’s philos¬ophy differs from that of the earliermen about whom he will talk. But hehas enough in common with them tomake his ideas on the subject extreme¬ly stimulating, and those fortunateswho have heard Harrow'’s golden flowof words will not miss his talk. Tic-ket.s are on sale for 75c at theUniversity book store, Woodworth’s,Burt Clark’s, and will be sold at thedoor. “Melody Dan,’’ professional in/xerfrom the Dreamland ballroom willlead thirty members of the Freshmanclass in introducing guests and in con¬ducting group singing M the FreshmanLeap Year mixer tonight at 8:30 inthe Ida Noyes hall theatre.Scott Rexinger, chairman of theFreshman class council, expects thatthis will set a record for freshnt'anparties, in the degree of novel enter¬tainment, number of guests, and or¬chestra. He hopes that men and wom¬en will come in groups, prepared to be“mixed” with their fellow class mem¬bers. Class tickets, which may still beboght for one dollar must be presentedat the door. If a limited number ofwomen come with upper class men,their escorts will be admitted on pay-iiDtuit of a fifty cent guest fee.Frank Collins and his Gary orches¬tra have been engaged to play untilmidnight. Refreshments will be servedat about 11. Mr. and Mrs. David Bee-chan and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cur¬ley will chaperone.Fraternities have broken a traditionof Hell-week and will permit theirpledges to attend.l^ussian AssociationPresents ProgrameAt Mandel TonightMandel Hall will witness a programpresented by the Chicago Branch ofhe Russian Students’ Christian As¬sociation, under the auspices of the In¬ternational Studen^ji’ Association ofChicago and the vicinity, tomorrow'night.The program will be in two parts,a series of songs, dances, and musicaselections being the first part, and iplay presented by the Chicago ArtTheatre Company the second. Th*nusical program will include folk andother songs, a Russian Folk Danctand three cello solos. The play presented will be “The Flattering Word,”by George Kelly.Coulter ContinuesSeries of LecturesContinuing the series of lectures on“The Nature of the World and ofMan,” Dr. Merle Crowe Coulter of theDepartment of Botany will speak on“The Evolution of the Plant King¬dom” today and Friday, February 3at 6:lS in the club room of the ArtInstitue.These lectures are also deliveredbefore the students of the General Sur¬vey course at the University. Thedowntown lectures are offered everyquarter and are open to the public. •OSDICK SPEAKS ATSPECIAL SERVICE FORCAMPUS STUDENTSDr. Harry Emerson Fosdick, au¬thor, preacher and educator of UnionTheological Seminary, New York, willspeak at a special student’s service tobe held on Monday, January 30, at11 o’clock, as a result of the excessivedemand for tickets to his Sunday Serv¬ice scheduled for January 29. Stu-deints will be excused from their 11o’clock classes for the purposes ofattending it.For fifteen years Dr. Fosdick hasconducted only one annual service atthe University, but his increasing pop¬ularity has created the necessity forhe abandonment of this policy.Dr. Fosdick has written within thepast few years, in addition to his bookson immortality, articles which haveappeared in “Harper’s Weekly,” “TheLadies Home Journal,” and the “At¬lantic Monthly.” His series of articles•1 Harper’s, it is said, “have been readnore widely and eagerly than any•ther recent religious writings.”KRONFELD ACCEPTSPOSITION IN CLINICSDr. Peter Kronfeld of the Univers-ty of Vienna has accepted the position of assistant professor of ophthal-nology at the University clinics forme year and will arrive here fromCherbourg early in February to as-•ume his duties as research workerin the eye clinic.The offer was m<ade by the Uni¬versity as a result of the prestigew'hich Dr. Kronfeld has attainedthrough his steady research in a com¬paratively new phase of ophthalmicw'ork: the physiological chemistry ofthe eye. He has already published theresults of his examination cf one tis¬sue.Up to a few months ago Dr. Kron¬feld was voluntary assistant in theMeller Eye clinic at Vienna; sincethen he has been advanced to the posi¬tion of assistant. He is only thirtyyears old. Eight Women andThirteen Men ActIn Student Plays/Four one-act plays have been se¬lected tor presentation at the Playfest,Friday and Saturday, Feb. 11 and 12 inReynolds club theatre, by Frank H.O’Hara, director of UndergradifateActivities. The ca,sts for these playswere announced last night and all fourhave gone into the dramatic laboratoryin Mandel hall.Leonore Ovitt, Margaret Carr, Sterl¬ing North, editor of the Forge, andA1 E. Widdifield, editor of The DailyMaroon, are the playwrites who willsee their work produced by the Dra¬matic Association. With the exceptionof Margaret Carr, w'ho has been as¬sociated with the Mirror for two yearsthe one-act plays are the first njanu-scripts of the authors.List Play SequenceThe probable sequence of the plays,according to Frank O’Hara, will be asfollows: “Silver Spoon,” by MargaretCarr; “A Lady’s Decision,” by A1 E.Widdifield, “Two Gents from K. C,,”by Sterling North and “Poets AreMade,” by Leonore Ovitt. “SilverSpoon” is an interpretation of thecharacter of the modern young girl aspersonified by “Tim,” who discoversthat even the dilletante has her se¬crets. The play is set in Chicago onNew Years Eve. “A Lady’s Decision”is a melodrama revealing the charac¬ter of a romantic lady. The play takesplace in the wiiclerness headquartersof a British general in the year 1775.“Two Gents from K. C.,” which is themodern interpretation of a similar sit¬uation, involves gangsters and “rides,”and is set in a Chicago rooming-house. “Poets are Made” is a satireon the modern motion picture actressas personified by Paula, who discoversthat her intellectual flair is not thesuccessful pose. Needless to say theplay is set in Hollywood.Name of CastsIn “Silver Spoon”, Charlotte Eck-hart will play “Tim.” Norman Eaton“Keith,” Gordon Watrous, “Jim,”,Russel Whitney, “Joe,” and HowardWillett, “Archie.” In "A Lady’s De¬cision,” James Parker is cast as “TheGeneral,” Harvey h'riedman, “TheColonel,” Rosalie Martin as “LadyFelice” and Arthur Ernstein as “De¬laney.” In “Two Gents from K. C.,”John Gerhart will alternate with Fred\’on Ammon in the role of “TheKid”; Alexander Dunsay, will play“Toni”; Veronica Palandech, "Anna”;and John Holt. “Thurston.’ In “Poetsre Made’ Eleanor Metzel will pla\‘Paula”; Janies Parker “Arthur”;Winfield Lowe, “Glenn Holt”; Elois(Tasher, “Fantan”; and MargueriteFeruholz “Julia.” Those who will mi¬le: study in several of the roles areEvelyn Young, Irving Joseph King.Eois Meadows and Frances A. Blod¬gett.Quadran^Ier LeadsIn Phoenix Contest•mm Quadrangler leading all of the clubsin the Phoenix sales contest yesterdaywon the club prize of ten dollars.Catherine Cusack sold fifty copies andwill be awarded the eight dollar prize.The second and third prizes go toSally Gorell, who sold forty-seven andto Helen Whitmars who sold thirty-five copies. Four other prizes of adollar each were awarded to RuthBudd, Ella Louise Dru'mn, CatherineSherman and Helen Stall. Sales de¬creased owing to cold weather. Toreadors Clashat Spanish FeteTwanging guitars and vivacious,dark-eyed cigarette and flower girlswill transfer the romantic atmosphereof Spain to the annual Spanish Fiestagiven by El Clrculo Espanol FridayFeb. 3 at 9 in the Ida Noyes hall the¬atre. This year, the theatre will beturned into a Plaza de Turws.Luis Cabrera, a student at the Mor¬gan Park military academy will bethe Toreo of the evening. Senor Ca¬brera has understudied with RudolfoGaona, the greatest Mexican bullfight¬er of today. Senor Baronofsky will bethe Picador and Joseph Paul, a form¬er student at the University and aninstructor at Morgan Park academy,will be the toreador’s horse. Theidentity of the bull, due to his retiringnature, has not been revealed.Elizabeth and Russell Whitney willdance the Tango preceeding the bull¬fight. George Featherstone will accom¬pany them.Tickets at two dollars a couple willbe on sale next week in Cobb hall.Those who wish to come in costumemay procur them at the Paris CostumeShop, 18 W. Lake Street and at theLestor Co., 14 W. Lake St. dis¬count can be obtained by mentioningthe Spanish club.RUSSIA IN CHICAGOTOUR TO INCLUDETALK BY DOUGLASAn all-day excursion to landmarksof Russian character in Chicago willstart at 12:45 from the University Av¬enue^ “L” Station.Professor Paul H. Douglas ,of In¬dustrial Relations department of theUniversity will speak on the “Prog¬ress and Present Status of the Work¬er’s Dictator skip Looking TowardCommunism” at 2:30 in Chicago'commons.After a Russian dinner, members ofthe tour will attend cathedral servicesat a Russian Orthodox Cathedral.Here they will listen to a talk by Dr.Matthew Spinka, Professor of RussianChurch History at the TheologicalSeminary, on “The Russian OrthodoxChurch.” The program further in¬cludes talks by Mr. Karl Borders, andMr. Max Bedracht and a Russian feteat the Russian Workers House.Reservations for the dinner may bemade wuth Ira Jenkins by calling Mid¬way 0431.TESTIMONIAL DRIVEOPENED FOR HOSPITALA testimonial drive for the benefit ofthe Northern hospital free dispensaryis to be given by friends of Dr. Fred¬erick M. Doyle, the president of theorganization. The free dispensary,w’nich is located at 2314 North ClarlSt., Chicago, is now entering its sixthvear with the record of never havingturned away a needy case.The object of the drive will be theraising of $35,000, needed for carry¬ing on this work for the comingyear.Various forms of entertainmentw'ill be given during the next fewweeks, under +he direction of the au¬xiliary of the Northern Hospital freedispensary of which Mrs. Val Haw¬kins is president and Miss Mary Mc¬Grath, treasurer. SRANADA’S BANDFORmi^ER HOPOrchestra BroadcastsFrom StationWBBMGuy Lombardo and his Royal Ca¬nadian Band have been secured bythe leaders of the 1928 WashingtonProm to furnish the music for thenight of February 21. With Guy comehis two brothers and the rest of theorganization that has been playing itsw^ay upward in the musical world sinceit was first formed in 1921 underLombardo’s leadership, when the musi¬cians had just completed high schoolin London, Ontario.On Vaudeville StageAfter being featured in the CanadianOrpheuni circuit for six months, Lom¬bardo went to Cleveland where theband played for four years at theMusic Box, broadcasting from StationWTAM. With the original band stillintact, the Royal Canadians came tothe Cafe Granada on the south sideon September 12, 1927. They havesince been broadcasting fronii StationWBBM and recording for Columbia.Their latest selections are “Char-maine” and “Under the Moon.”Praised By WhitemanAfter his recent visit to Chicago,Paul Whiteman termed Guy Lombar¬do’s band the “best ten-piece orches¬tra in America.” They are not newto college students, having played atthe Michigan Jay Hop in 1923 and1924. Each night, during the weekpreceding the tw’enty-first of Febru¬ary, they will be announced overWBBM as the orchestra which willplay at the “Washington Promenade,outstanding social event of the winterseason at the University of Chicago.”Three Lombardo BrothersIn addition to the leader, there aretwo other Lombardos in the band,CariVi-MJ and L^btli. The other mem¬bers of the orchestra, none ot whomare more than twenty-five years olS,-are Fred Kreitzer, Fred Higman, Lar¬ry Ow'ens ,George Gowans, Jack Miles,Bernard Davies, and Frances Henry.A1 J. Quodbach, owner of the CafeGranada, made impossible for the promleaders to secure Lombardo and theRoyal Canadians by releasing themfrom the contract which demaij^ls theirappearance at the cafe on that night.The leaders again urge all prospec¬tive buyers of tickets for the Prom tobe sure to purchase the tickets as earlyas possible, as the supply is limited.They also wish to emphasize the im¬portance of dropping the program stubof the ticket into the specially pro¬vided box located at The Daily Ma¬roon office, as the programs dependon these stubs for the inclusive listof guests at the Prom. Tickets maybe purchased at the University Book¬store, The Daily Maroon office and atall fraternity houses.W. A. A. ConductsPalos Park TripW. A. A. has chartered a bus to goto Palos Lodge on Saturday, Feb. 4,where the women will spend the dayplaying various games and sleigh rid¬ing, if the weather permits. The tic¬kets are one dollar.All members of W. A. A. and allof those interested have been urgedto attend by Annette Allen, presidentof the organization. Everyone hasbeen asked to supply her own lunch,but W. A. A. will furnish cocoa andcoffee.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, J ANUARY 27. 1928(FIjp Sailg iMarnonFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO (Published mornings, except Saturday. Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn, |W'inter and Spring quarters by The Daily Marcon Company. Subscription rates j$3.00 per year ; by mail. $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second-class mail at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March13. 1906. under the act of March 3, 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights ot publication of any materialappearing in this paper.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAL E. WIDDIFIELD, MANAGING EDITORCHARLES J. HARRIS, BUSINESS MANAGERROSELLE F. MOSS, WOMAN’S EDITOROFFICE—ROOM ONE,ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0300, Local 245; Business Office,Hyde Park 4292; Sports Office, Local 80, 2 ringsEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTMenCharles H. Good Day EditorLouis Engle Day EditorEdwin Levin Day EditorRobert McCormack Day EditorDexter W. Masters Day EditorGeorge Gruskin Whistle EditorWomenMargaret Dean Junior EditorHarriet Harris Junior EditorMary Bowen Literary EditorElizabeth Taylor Society EditorRosalind Green Sophomore EditorHarriet Hathaway Sophomore EditorAldean Gibboney Sophomore Editor SPORTS DEPARTMENTRobert Stern Sports EditorVictor Roterus Sports EditorHenry Fisher Sport AssistantElmer Friedman Spc *t AssistantEmmarette D8-"«on ..Women’s f port EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTRobeit Fisher Advertising ManagerFtobert Klein Advertising ManagerHubert Lovev-’ll AuditorJack McBrady Circulation ManagerWallace Nelson Classified Ad ManagerJames Paddock Office ManagerEarle M. Stocker Ass't. Advertising Mgr.Richard Grossman ... Dowt’n RepresentativeWilliam Franks Local RepresentativeSidney Hess Circulation AssistantJames Rutter Circulation AssistantA.igus Horton Circulation AssistantStanley Dicker ..Advertising CorrespondentI THE DAILY MAROON PLATFORM1. Encouragement of student initiative in undergraduate ac¬tivity and scholarship2. Augmentation of the Department of Art and establishmentof a Department of Music.3. Extension of the Intramural principle.4. Erection of dormitories to attract and accommodate out-of-town students.6. Co-operation with the Honor Commission.6. Promotion of undergraduate interest in educational lectures.7. Encouragement of the Intercollegiate Debate.8. Improvement of the Year Book.9. Abolition of E-l\ and establishment of group libraries.10. One Sophomore Honor Society.Harry Kletzky, Chairman of the Editorial BoardON THE SUBSTANCE OF A PARABLEThe attitude toward college and education expressed by Mr.Albert Hergesheimer in that noteworthy department of the DailyMaroon, the Athenaeum, on Wednesday is one worthy of commentbecause it seems to be one that is common to many students. Itis a little difficult, with all respect to Mr. Hergesheimer, to followhis reasoning in some parts of the parable he related, due, per¬haps, more to the requirements of a parable than to his reasoning.For example, the certain young college student who “was siredand damned by gold,” of whom we are told, is made an exampleof Mr. Hergesheimer’s fears for our colleges because he is whatis commonly called dumb. But as the parable progresses we dis¬cover that the reason this certain student suffered injuries fromcollege was that he was brilliant and college robbed him of thatquality. But be that as it may, Mr. Hergesheimer’s beliefs thatcollege education destroys the student’s ability to think and thattoo many persons are students are polemics hat are often hurledat both education and at our educational institutions. |With the first belief we cannot agree at all. However, thecharge that too many students are in college may be correct, butwe feel that it is a situation which time will adjust,'besides beingone which we feel is not cause for alarm. And it is not causefor alarm for the same reason that we believe Mr. Hergesheimerwrong in declaring college education brings to a halt one’s think¬ing processes.If there are stuefents in the colleges who, as Mr. Hergesheimerand others declare, do not “think” it is because there are peoplein the world as a whole who do not think. Colleges have nomonopoly on that quality of person. We have failed to ever see ia person who was one who could “think” before entering collegeand who suddenly became one who could not “think” after beingon the campus. Likewise we have failed to ever see a person whocould not “think” before becoming a college student suddenlydevelop into a neo-Aristotelian. Colleges and education can nomore give people the power of thinking than they can destroy itif it already exists. Education can give people methods of ar¬riving at conclusions, it can give people the ability to collect andarrange information on which to base thinking, it can bring stu¬dents close to those who do think in the hopes that the power mayprove contagious to an extent. But that is all it can do—andif it does that it has done much.It is true that some students labor under a distorted senseof values because of some things they may concentrate upon incollege. But that, again, is more the fault of the student thanof the college. The student who “thinks” runs no such danger.He doesn’t “lost” his native ability to look at a wheelbarrow andsee a wheelbarrow and not an agglomeration of atoms, as Mr.Hergesheimer suggests, but he sees both the wheelbarrow and the“agglomeration of atoms.”The other problem, however, as to what to do with the per¬sons who cannot “think” and yet are in college, as Mr. Herge¬sheimer so dramatically bemoans, is a bigger one. It would beeasier, certainly to shut the doors on their faces and preserve thecolleges for its critics. But we are loathe to advocate that. Wefeel certain that college and education can do no harm; at least,it can do no permanent injury. OFFICIAL NOTICESFriday, January 27Radio Lecture: “Human Relationsin Industry.” Mr. Mullenbach. 8:00 A.M. Station WMAQ.Religious Service, for all membersof the University, conducted by theDivinity Faculties, 1:50, Joseph BondChapel. Assistant Professor ErnestJohn Chave of the Religious Educationdepartment.Public Lecture (downtown): “Evo¬lution of the Plant Kingdom.” Associ¬ate Professor Merle Crowe Coulter ofthe Botany department.Saturday, January 28Meetings of the University RulingBodies: The Board of Physical Cul¬ture and Athletics, Harper E41, 9.Public Lecture: “Outlaying Acid¬osis.” Peyton Rous, M. D., of Rocke¬ feller Institute. 9, Medicine 137.Basketball Gamie: Chicago versusMinnesota. 8. Bartlett gymnasium.Broadcast from WLS, 8:30.ATHENAEUM(Continued from page 1)Men who have never been to collegeand have never studied the phibetianworm in his native hole have the keen¬est respect for the order, but theyknow not what they do. My sort,who, as I’ve said, have never beenovershadowed by the Black Doom ofScholastic Merit, have a healthy loath¬ing for the gang that meets in Class¬ics. As I sit here I can imagine my-J. H. FINNIGANDruggistCigars, Cigarettes, Candy,Ice Cream55th St. at Woodlawn AvenuePhone Midway 0708 self breathing, soft and low, “PHIBETA KAPPA,”—and I see A1 Wid-difield shudder,—Ted Lockard laughsuproariousl}’’ — George Morgensternsimply sniffs, and I cry that such athing should stink to the collegiateheavens and not be removed.—Robert J. Bender.TUESDAY—George Gruskin: “ThisBusiness of the Thushcr.”CLEARANCE SALEMEN’S WEARatCOWHEY’SComer 5Sth and EllisSpecial Lot of Arrow5c Collars 10c SAWYER’SOcDuine OiledSLICKERS•reQM<irant«dW aterproofHMSAWYDlSdNTo Hat e Good LuckcarryUNDBERGH MEDALAS A LUCKY POCKET PIECEPerfect likeness - - - with ap-l)ropriatc wording. Size of HalfDollar. Will last a lifetime. Thisbeautiful AUTHORIZED SOU¬VENIR MEDAL and OfficialRecord of Historic flight by Capt.Byrd mailed upon receipt of 25c orsend 50c and we will include handcolored photo of Col Lindb^gh,size 7 1-2x9 1-2 in. Fine forframing. .Agents wanted.THE SOUVENIR CO.10 E. Lexington St.Dep’t. 1 1 5 Baltimore, Md.5[0 WatBlfxp®ttooWaiDn?t^cnur an& 57th Street(Jon O^den (Joc|t ~ ministerSUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 19281 1 A. M.—“The Worth of Persons."6 P. M.—Channing Club. “Taste in Literature.”ThePresbyterian ChurchWestminster ClubFoe Thorne, PresidentVirginia Lane, Secretary.David Prosser, TreasurerThe Westminister Club is an or¬ganization of Presbyterian stu¬dents joined together for the pur¬pose of maintaining church re¬lationships, wholesome social con¬tacts, and inspirational and in¬formal programs.First Presb3rterianChurdiWILLIAM HENRY BODDYMinisterSunday Morning Service* atWADSWORTH SCHOOL64th and University11 a. m.—“Who Changest Not!”Dr. Wm. H. Brady.7:45 p. m.—Musical Service.Evening services heldin John Knox Hall, 6400 Kim-bark .Vve.Hyde Park Presbyter¬ian ChurchRalph Marshall DavisMinister.10 A. M. Student Qasses in ChurchSchool.11—Morning worship.6 P. M.—Young People’s Service.7 P. M.—Young People’s Tea.8 P. M.—Dr. R. M. Davis, preach¬ing.ERLANGER THEATERClark near RandolphSUNDAY AFTERNOON at 3:15.Professor Harry A. OverstreetPsychologist of the College of theCity of New York.“PSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTSOF CONTEMPORARYCIVILIZATION.”Questions from the audience. Hyde Park Congrega¬tional ChurchDorchester Ave. and 56th St.WILLIS LAITEN GOLDSMITH,MinisterSUND.AY, JANUARY 2911:00—Morning Worship.5:00—Scrooby Club. Especiallyattractive to the University stu¬dents.8:0C—Social Period.FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH“Chicago's Gem of Gothic Art”935 E. 50th StreetPERRY J. STACKHOUSEMinisterBible School, 9:30 A. M.11 a. m. “The Radical, the Re¬actionary, and the Saviour.”8 p. m. “Little Sins that DestroyCharacter.”B. Y. P. U. invites you to tea,social hour, devotional service from6:15 to 7:45 P. M. The Kenwood ChurchINTERDENOMINATIONALGreenwood at 46th St.Dr. Robert W. Frank9:45 a. m.—Sunday School.11:00 a. m.—Morning Sermon.12:15 p. m.—Young Peoples’Bible Class.CHOIRGavin Williamson, DirectorOlive Lacey Dickson, SopranoEthel Jones, ContraltoWilliam Clare Hall, TenorMark Love, Bass-Baritone.All students are urged to comeand enjoy our servicesA non-sectarian religious societyto foster the knowledge, love andpractice of the right.THE STUDEBAKER THEATER418 S. Michigan AvenueSunday, Jan. 29, at 11 a. m.DR. HORACE J. BRIDGESwill speak onDR. DUVAUT’S “STORY OFPHILOSOPHY.”All Seats FreeVisitors Cordially Welcome EPISCOPALChrist ChurchWoodlawn at 65thThe REV. FRANCIS R. NITCHIE7:.10 a. Ill.— Holy Communion.9;3() a. m.—Church School.11:00 a. Ill.—Morning Prayer.0:00 p. m.—Young [’copies’ Club.7.45 p. m.— Evensong, .\ddress..Ml students especially Kpisco-:ialians are invited.• m 0The Church ofThe RedeemerS6th and BlarkatonaTel. Hyde Park 7390REV. JOHN HENRY HOPKINS. D. D..5550 Blackatone Ave.REV. BENJAMIN HORTON. A. B. Aaat.Sunday: Holy Comiminion, 8 a.m.(third Sundays at 9:15 a. m.) alsowith sermon at 11 a. m.Choral Evensong and Sermon,7:30 p. ni. Young People’s Meet¬ing 5 p. m. with supper. All wel¬come.* * aSt. Paul’s ChurchSOta and OavchcatarPariah Office: 4946 Dorcheater AvenurTel. Oakland 3186REV. GEORGE H. THOMASREV. SAMUEL H. SAYRESunday ServicesHoly Communion, 8:00 a. m.Church School Service, 9:30 .n. m.Morning Service, 11:00 a. m.Evening Service, 5 p. m.Young Peoples’ Society, 6 p. m.Hyde Park BaptistChurch5600 Woodlawn Ave.MINISTERSCharles W. GilkeyNorris L. Tibbetts9:45 a. m.—College Classes.11:00 a. m.—Morning worship.Young People’* Church Cluh6:00 p. m.—Tea and Social Hour.7:00 p. m.—Discussion Groups.The Quest Group.The Young Women’s Group.The Men’s Group.8:00—Evening worship; serviceplanned oy young people.8:45 p. m.—The Home Party.St. James Methodist Episcopal ChurchEllis Ave. at 46th St.King D. Beach, PastorFred J. Schnell, Associate PastorJANUARY 29, 19281 1 A. M.—“Our Heavenly Fathers." Rev. King D. Beach,D. D.8. P. M.—“The Secret of Moral Victory.” Rev. King D.Beach, D. D.Make This Your Church Home.Look for the TowerChicago EthicalSocietyWoodlawn Park Methodist Episcopal ChurchWoodlawn Avenue at’64th St.GILBERT S. COX, PastorSUNDAY, JANUARY 29, 1928Morning—11 o’clock, “The Reality of Love.”Evening 7:45 o’clock—“The New Gospel.”An increasing number of University Students are hnding ourservices worth while. UNIVERSITY CHURCH OF DISCIPLES57th and UniversityMinister: Edward Scribner AmesBasil F. Wise, Director of Music and Education.Sermon for January 29 at 11 o’clock. ^HThe Practice of Kind¬ness.”Wranglers at 5:30, Basil Fred Wise ‘^The Appreciatiem ofMusic.”Fencers meet Milwaukee“Y” tomorrow at Brewer’sdty.THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928 Chicago basketeers seeksecond conference victorytomorrow.CACERS MEET GOPHERS TOMORROWIN QUEST OF SECOND BIG TEN WIN1jExpect Hoerger To Be Minnesota Fears Man ForIn Starting Man MaroonLineup DefenseWith prospects of Captain Hocrg-ers’ return to Chicago lineup Saturdaynight bright, Coach Norgren’s war¬riors are tapering off their practicesessions in quest of their second con¬ference victor-/ against tlie Minnesotafive tomorrow evening.Hoerger In Light WorkoutCaptain Hoerger worked out withthe squad yesterday. His left arm.still tightly bandaged, has been drain¬ed of the infection which set in, andCoach Norgren is hopeful that his armwill be in normal condition SaturdayHoerger took a light workout andthen retired to the bench.A strong offense was empliasized inthe practice session yesterday for theGophers. Coach Norgren evidently isrelying on his sharpshooters, Gist,Changnon and Zimmerman to nick thehoop for many points. Chicago's de¬fense, which, thus far, has functionedeffectively against every Big Tenopponent except Indiana, can be re¬lied upon to match Minnesotas’ de¬fense. Farw'ell, McDonough, Hoergerand Kaplan are a formidable quartetto repel the invasion of the powerfulNorsemen.Two Teams On EdgeTomorrow’s game will be bitterlycontested for. The Gophers have brok¬en even in two combats, while theMaroons have made a start in theright direction by beating Ohio. A de¬feat for either team will materiallyaffect their conference standing, whileon the other hand, a victory wouldbetter the standing of the two teamsgreatly. The results of the game to¬morrow night will not mean much inregard to the final standing of the RivTen race. By Arv SchalebenThe Minnesota DailyCaptain Nydalil, Otterncss, Wil¬liams. Hovde. Stark, Nelson, Tanner,Cliapman, MacKinnon and Rolsladare the men who will compose theMinnesota basketball scpiad on its tripto Chicago and Northwestern, CoachDavid MacMillan announced at theconclusion of last nights’ practice.The squad accompanied by CoachMacMillan and Phil Merritt, studentn^inager, will leave Minneapolis hri-day night and will arrive in ChicagoSaturday morning.Saturday night the team will playCoach Nels N..rgren’s T'hicagoan> inBartlett gymnasium and will clashwith Duth Lonherg’s NorthwesternWddeats in the Purple gym Mondaynight. Immediately following thyNorthwestern tilt, the Gophers willhoard the rattler^ and will arrive homeTuesday noon.Chicago Boasts Strong DefensePlenty of opposition is expected inthe two battles. Chicago has a de¬fense unrivaled in conference circles.Northwestern, strong, powerful,fought to make 15 points against Chi¬cago’s bulwark. Ohio State, greatscoring team though it is, could makeonly 23 points against Chicago.Minnesota, therefore, may expect toencounter a team that will annoy.Norgren’s men play man for man—the only kind of a defense that canstop the Gophers. As an offensiveteami, Chicago has little to offer, Min¬nesota will outclass her easily in thatrespect.Wildcats offer a somewhat differentthreat. They win their games by run¬ning up high scores, and, like Minne¬sota, depend on controlling the ballfur a defense.r ^“The Wonder Cafe of Chicago”CLUB BAGDADCottage Grove at 64thNo Cover ChargeWeek-DaysEvery Friday Nite. - IS - -College NiteDancing Contests for aSilver TropliyBen Pollackand his Califorians—^Victor Recording Artists— All - Star Acts —Phone A LA CARTEDorchester 2255-6688 SERVICEWE CATER TO BANQUETS. PRIVATE PARTIES mini Coach Wins Game for TeamWith Score 10-6 In Favor of Maroons PREUMINARIES OF A. A. U. WRESTUNGMEET HARKED RY KEEN COMPEIITIONEach season when the time comesaround for the annual Maroon-Illinitilt the papers are rampant with pro¬phecies of the game, with season rec¬ords of the two teams, and with pastrecords of their rivalry. But the rec¬ords of a continuous series seem tobe incomplete, for in 1894 the recordssay “no game.”Back In 1894 Tho—There was a game, however, and thewinner should have been Chicago.Within twenty-one minutes of the endof the game Illinois called “time out.”There was a huddle at the bench, andthen with the record breaking crowdof 200 cheering and boing the Illinoiscoach trotted out on the field to takehis place in the backfield. Chicago, asa strictly undergraduate institution,protested. Although the Maroons wereahead at the time, 10-6, the refereeruled “no ganoe,” and set up the di¬rect cause of erroneous records.BADGERS PLAY IRISHrile Fighting Irish quintet of NotreDame will be Wisconsin’s next bas¬ketball foe here Feh. 7 in the firstgame the Badgers will play followinga long rest during the final examina¬tion period on the campus.AL I. LEWIS now withCARROL BROS.R A K It E U SHOPMidway 88321466 E. 57th StreetCHICAGO Spring Grid DrillStarts At ButlerCoach “Potsy” Clark at Butlerhas issued the first call for springfootball men next Tuesday. Clarkwill start the Bulldogs at work in¬doors for several weeks drilling onfundamentals. Following basket¬ball, Coach Hinkle will assist Clarkwith the gridders. Butler faces astiff schedule next fall and CoachClark as a result has started drillunusually early.CHICAGO FOILSMANFACE MILWAUKEEFOR SECOND TIME1 omorrow night the Maroon fencingteam travels to Milwaukee, Wisconsinto meet the \. M. C. A. foil team ofthat city. The University fencers de¬feated the Y. M. C. A. earlier in theseason, and should repeat.1 he team will be composed of Capt.H. H. Kerr, James Steere, and El¬mer Friedman. Their opponents havemet the University of Wisconsin fenc¬ers twice this season, losing the firstmatch but winning the second.1 he imtch between Chicago fencersand the “Y” fencers is only part of ageneral fencing evening. Many visi¬tors will also fence and the results ofthe matches will give fencing enthusi¬asts a good line on the Maroon team. Most Interesting Bouts Take Place In Heavyweight ClassFinals To Be Held Tonight in BartlettBefore a good sized crowd the pre¬liminaries of the A. A. U. wrestlingmeet were run o ffin Bartlett Gym lastnight. Results in seven differentweighst brought most of the openingrounds down through the semi-finals.Semi-finals and finaL :.i the lighterweights will be determined tonight,as will the heavier classes. Thematches last evening comprised affairsin the 118, 128, 138 and 148 poundclasses, while a few results were ob¬tained in the 16 Ipound class and theheavyweight division. Coach Vorresand the A. A. U. officials conductedthe events in orderly fashion.The results of last night’s matchesin the different classes were as fol¬lows: 118 lb. class: Obizut defeatedFortuna, Rowsey won over Wojcik,Dorfman defeated Robson, Levine beatKracke, West triumphed over Swim¬mer, Berent won over Fuchs, Krivistrimmied Bernstein, and Broad lost toVirtanen. In the next round. Rowseydefeated Fortuna, Levine won overDorfman, Berent trimmed West andKrivis was returned winner over Virt¬anen.128 lb. ClassNelson won two matches in thiscase, defeating Barron and Freitag.Other results were. Winning defeatedRaich, Swimmer won over Paczolt,Finfer defeated Boquist, Zimmermandefeated Seeman, \’orres, a younger brother of the university coach, de¬feated Schaket and Fulton trimmedSweet.138 lb. ClassJacoby defeated Jensen, Machimlost to Ervik, Belshaw defeated Mur¬phy, Nielson won over Kulwiec, Kos-sak defeated Tinsman and Spencer de¬feated O’Brien.148 lb. ClassMichalski trimmied Sinclair, Atman-etti defeated Stockholm, Putkonen de¬feated Dragniesku, Tusinski defeatedObizut, Marsh overcame Gridley.FINALS REPLACEPURDUE CAGEPRACTICE HOURSFiguratively panting from the exer¬tion of a thrilling 28 to 25 victory overIndiana, by which they maintained thelead in the 1928 Big Ten basketballrace, members of Coach Ward Lam-ber’s Purdue basketball squad havepushed basketball as far from theirminds as is possible and are delvinginto textbooks in preparation for theannual midsemester examinations, nowon in full force.The squad will play its next gameFebruary 6, with Franklin, in Memor¬ial gymnasium, and will jump backinto the highpowered Big Ten bas¬ketball race in a game with Michiganat Ann Arbor on February 11.LET’S GOSKATINGTONIGHTA crisp breeze, a gloricjusmoon, weather right tomake your blood tingle.—Sure Signs someone willsay to you—Let’s go skating and thereis no reason under that sil¬very moon why ^_ Y O U —shouldn’t go because youcan buy the finest skates atWOODWORTH’SFor $7.95. That’s a realvalue when theARCONICKEL FLASHis the skate. It’s a fine leath¬er shoe, sturdy steel blade,with nickel finish and oh! sostrong!We also carry Johnson’sFlyers for less money—SAY-LET’S GO SKATINGNOW!WOODWORTH’S1311 E. S7th St.H. P. 1690 JERREMS’SALEOffers decided reductions on English,Scotch, Irish and American Woolensin all the popular Season’s Weaves—as 'well as Medium Weights—suitablefor all-year-round wear, and newSpring Woolens for those who wishto anticipate future needs at These^Advantageous Prices.Specials at the Clark Street Storeincluding Suit and Extra Trousers or Knickers ]Suits, IncludingExtra Trousers or Knickers,$65, $75, $85 and Upwards[It is to your advantage, also, to order yourSpring ^ercoats, your Evening Clothes andyour Frock—right now—between seasons.324 South Michigan Avenue ^'QuietlyCorrect’Evening’Clothes amCutawayFlocks forWeddingsandReceptions7 North La Salle Street 71 East Monroe Street140-142 South Clark Street (near Adams)225 North Wabash Avenue at WACKER DRIVE(Second Floor, Fisk Building)^Tailored to Ycur Individual MeasurePage Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 27, 1928CLASSIHED ADSTUEXDO in excellent condition,about size 39. Reasonable. Call Fair¬fax 6842, after six.WILL THE FINDER of large,black leather notebook, belonging toP. J. kindly return the notes to Lostand Found in the Press Bldg.LOST—Wrist Watch with silverband 9:00 Wednesday near 5Sth andEllis Ave. Finder return tc 574‘>Woodlawn Ave, *Mr. R.'bort Klein.Reward ! ! !BEST ZEISS MRKOSi'OPE;first year medical h-^oks. Bargain.Phone Hinsdale 1176-M.LOST—Black canteen purse, lock¬er key, French book. 5748 Black-stone.LOST—A green and blue silk um¬brella, also pages from British 19thCentury Poets. Lost on campus. CallPlaza 2783. Reward.FOR SALK.—Writing de>k, read¬ing lamp and rocker. C. L. Reyburn,5719 Drexel. 1st apt.VOl'NCr MAN C.\N EARN 850 to$100 weekly, during spare time. Oldestablished concern. We will showyou how. Apt. A. 33.16 Michigan .\ve.WANTED-^!!. une eccinonncs stu¬dent to help with dinner and dishes.Fairfax 1574, morning and evening.FOR SALE—Furnishings cf tworoom apartment, sell for $100.00, rent$50.00; suitable for two or three. Callbetween 1:00 and 3:00 this after¬noon. 5439 Kimbark Ave., 3rd apt,east. Every W WFridaySPECIALMUSIC - - SONGSNOVELTIES“CollegeNight”at theBLACKHAWKRESTAURANTFRATERNITIES TAKE NO¬TICE—Now available, privately own¬ed location with large, modern home.Unusually suitable for fraternity. Ap¬ply Fred A. Grow, 5621 University.FOR RENT—Two furnished rooms,bath. 3 months. 260 \V. 66th, telephoneWent. 7981. DanceTOCoon-SandersNighthawksORCHESTRAWABASH ATRANDOLPH fen .f| Exceptionally large single and double Hotel rooms; alsoKitchenette apartments suitable for larger groups. Pri¬vate baths. Complete hotel service. Dining room.Most Convenient to University and I. C.Special Rates to Students.HYDE PARK MANOR HOTEL5500-14 HARPER AVENUE Man Riled byRivals’ TimeClaimsRutherford, N. J.March 9, 1927Larus & Bro. Co.Richmond, Va.Gentlemen:I sure get some riled when I seewhere some fellow is crowing over thefact that being older, and having runinto Edgeworth sooner than his lessfortunate compatriots, he challengesthe world as the champion long-timemember of the Edgeworth Club.lie doesn’t deserve any medals. Hegot his reward in the enjoyment of hissmoki ng f or the added number of years,lie was just lucky in starting sooner,that’s all.However, if you care to delve intoancient history, look up when theyfirst started to pull down the old GrandCentral Station in New York,* thenadd at least six months to that, andyou will arrive at the approximatetime when I first joined the club.I have smoked at least one pipefulof every other tobacco I have seenadvertised, sometimes through neces-.sity, hut most of the time to prove tomyself that I have been right in stick¬ing to the old blue tin.Yours truly,H. M. Wittridge♦April, 1907EdgeworthExtra Ilia'll GradeSmoking TobaccoAnnouncing a WinterClearance of Men’sFUR COATSWith plenty of cold weather ahead thisClearance will permit a decided saving ona Coat which will be of considerable usethis season. The reductions are drastic andthe selection is wide, including some ofthe very fine Raccoon Coats. All sizes.Pahmi PonyBlack Dog Calf SkinRaccoonAviation and Marine Motors Loaned by TheU. S. Navy in An Interesting Exhibit on theFIFTH FLOORTHE STORE FOR MENMARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYTHE FOURTH FLOORf ^ ■ a ■ I Bring your eyesup to dateIt' S just as “short-sighted” to wearold-fashioncJ glasses as it would he foryou to wear pompadour, high-neck,and leg-o’-mutton sleeves. Modernoptical craftsmanship provides a va¬riety of attractive styles for differentoccasions: W hite Gold rimless glassesfor evening wear; W’hite Gold oxfordsfor shopping;shell rims for quiet read¬ing or sewing indoors; sturdy shelland white gold combination spectaclesfor sports.Give your eyes a chance; they need the best obtainable.We have prepared a service that is unexcelled. We grindour own lenses and personally supervise your glasses tothe finish and it costs no more.For evening wear— white gold rimless glassesBRANDTS1225 East Sixty-Third StreetManufacturing Opticians and Optometrists01927