Betty Grahamwas elected presi¬dent of Mirror. ®fje IBailv jHaroon Catherine Fitz¬gerald will headthe women’s rush¬ing board for theprep track meet.Vol. 26 No. 112 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1926 Price Five CentsELIZABETH GRAHAM HEADS MIRRORFITZGERALD LEADS WOMEN’S RUSHING MIRIAM WALKER, RUTHBURTIS AND CATHERINEMULROY PICKS Prince of WalesMANAGER FOR Has Nothing OnTRACK CLASSIC Local TumblersDoing a “Prince of Wales” off aRepresentative Committee Is horse, will entitle any member of theSelected From ProminentCampus WomenCatherine Fitzgerald, member ofMortar Board, and of the women’srushing board for last year’s Intcr-scholastic track and field meet, hasbeen selected by Thomas Mulroy,manager of this year’s meet, to headthat division for the coming tourneyon June 4 and 5.To assist her in fulfilling the multi¬tudinous duties accompanying that of¬fice, she has appointed a representativelor every woman’s club, and alsoothers for the non-club women. l'helist of appointees is not fully com¬pleted, but the selections to date fol¬low:Names AssistantsFlorence Bloom, Wyvern; MadgeChild, Mortar Board; Jane Cook; Jo¬hanna Downes; Charlotte Eckhart,Sigma; Flossy Hardmann; DorothyHartford, .Quadrangler; Flossy Herd-mann; Ellen Hartmann, Esoteric;and Evelyn Oakes, Chi Rho Sigma.The position ailoted Miss Fitzger¬ald is one of the most difficult on theIntcrscholastic commission. She mustsee that the campus women adopt theright attitude towards the prep ath¬letes during their brief visit, that theyturn out in goodly numbers for thenumerous social functions sponsoredfor the entertainment of the highschool boys, that they appear in num¬bers at the meet itself, and that manyshow up for the moonlight dance on Military Science department at theUniversity to full membership in the“Order of the Tumblers.” The club,organized yesterday, is open to allmembers of the department.The chief aim of the Order is ex¬clusiveness; and the invitation cere¬mony will consist of a horse precipi¬tating the rider from the saddle. Inorder to qualify, a rider must be fullyseated in the saddle, and for comple¬tion of the ceremony, he must becompletely dismounted by an act ofa horse.The first man to be dismounted willarbitrarily become president of theOrder, PREP SCHOOLDELEGATES TOMEET CAMPUSIron Mask and FederationWill Conduct VisitingStudents Wayne KnittersAnswer Benson’sHosiery Prayers ROSE COMPLETE BOARDBUSINESS MENMEET SENIORSElmployment RepresentativesInterview StudentsSix prominent down town companieswill have employment representativeson campus next week. By this ar¬rangement seniors who are castingaround for business connections willbe given an opportunity to interviewthese men and learn of the respectiveopportunities offered.The Kresge department store, theReliance Realty association, the BellTelephone company, the Kelly Spring- Iron Mask and the Federation ofUniversity women are to be sponsorsof the secondary school students whowill assemble here next Friday andSaturday for the thirty-eighth annualEducation Conference of academiesand high schools in cooperation withthe University. The members of theseorganizations will aid the prospectiveUniversity students to find their wayabout the campus.There are two purposes of the con¬ference. One is to give competitiveexaminations to students who seekprize scholarships in the various de¬partments of the University. Theother purpose is to get a closer rela¬tionship between the University andsecondary schools within a radius ofabout fifty miles.The scholarship examinations willhe held on Friday morning at 9o’clock in Cobb Lecture hall and IdaNoyes Gymnasium. Up to date therehave been 477 registration for thecompetition. This is 150 more entriesthan last year, according to the exam¬iner’s records.At noon the students will be takento Bartlett Gymnasium where a lunch¬eon will be given to them, their teach-,(Continued on page 2) It pays to advertise.Simon Benson, healer and saviourover at Bartlett gym, wanted some—er—that is, he asked the campus wom¬en for their—er—that is, the athleticdepartment needed silk hosiery forthe purpose of bandages. Now Simon,in his official capacity, could scarcelyafford to ask, and the big, brawnyathletes just couldn't make the plea.—so The Daily Maroon carried Sim¬on’s message to the reading world andto the campus women. And look whathappened—Mrs. H. S. Vanderbie is a studentat the University. Her husband, anofficial of the Wayne Knitting Millsof Indiana, was addicted to readingThe Daily Maroon. The plea for thosesheer limb coverings caught his eye Iand Mr. Vanderbie made the gift of ■500 pair of silk stockings to the Uni¬versity.The stockings are “seconds”—thatis, they have runs (whatever runs are)and other slight defects that the dis¬criminating girl, or the campus girl,just finds impossible. But Simon saysthey're exactly what he wants. Installs Newly ElectedHeads at DinnerTomorrowNewly elected officers of Mirrorwill be formally installed to their re¬spective positkyis at a dinner for allmembers tomorrow at 6 in the sun-parlor of Ida Noyes hall.Announcement of the productionstaff for next year will he made atthat time by the executive hoard. Mar¬garet Nelson, chairman of the dinner,is in charge of the ticket sales. Tic¬kets may also he procured from CarolHess, Catherine Dupree, Mary Foster, Election Marked byClose Voting inAll CasesELECTION RETURNSHelen Liggett and at the Y.A. office. W. C President:Betty Graham 54Eunice HillProduction Manager:Ruth Burtis 51Victoria Smith 42Secretary: *Catherine Rose 54Dorothy Low . . . . . 38Business Manager:Miriam Walker 55Ruth Daniel 37NEXT “COMICS”MEETING HEREPhoenix Receives Secretary¬ship of AssociationSprengling ToursLand Of ArabianNights for Tales The Midwest College Comics as¬sociation will meet in annual conven¬tion at the University next Spring, itwas announced today by members ofthe Phoenix staff. At this year'smeeting, which was held at Northwes¬tern university, the Phoenix wasArmed with a camera and the abil-1 elected secretary-treasurer of thefield Tire company, and the Federalthe last night of the meet to dance j Securities company will he amongwith the competitors.States ReasonsStating the basis used in the selec¬tion of Miss Fitzgerald, Mulroy said:“Catherine was one of the bestworkers on the board of last year, andwe know that she can put the rush¬ing campaign over the top for thisyear. It is only with the utmost co¬operation of the campus women thatthis meet will be a success, and wethink that she is fully capable of se¬curing that cooperation. those who seek college trained men.Representatives of the company maybe reached through the employmentbureau. Appointments may he madenow for interviews next week.OFFER SCHOLARSHIPFOR FOREIGN WORKTO STUDENTS HERE “C” HANDBOOK STAFFFOR AUTUMN EDITIONNAMED BY GAUNSKYCAMPUS SPANIARDSCELEBRATE DAY OFMEXICAN FREEDOMSenorita Elena Landazuri, native ofMexico and transposer of Mexicanfolk songs, will give an informal talkon music in Mexico before FI CirculoEspanol today at 4:30 in Ida Noyeshall. The date is particularly appro¬priate for the subject as it is the an¬niversary of Mexican Independence, anational holiday for all Mexicans. Sen¬orita Landazuri will illustrate her talkwith typical Mexican musical sketches.The guest of honor of the meetingwill be Mr. Luis Lupian, consul ofMexico. All people interested inSpanish or Mexican folklore have beeninvited to attend, according to Yo¬landa Simez, president of the organ¬ization. A one thousand dollar scholarshipto he used at any foreign universityhas been offered by the * AmericanCouncil on Education to a student whowill agree to spend his third collegeyear abroad and return to the Uni¬versity for his last year.Persons interested in the offer havebeen asked to see Bruce W. Dickson,foreign student advisor, who is actingas the Council’s representative here,or to write to the Council, 26 JacksonPlace, Washington, D. C. Applica¬tion must be in before May 15.“There are no limitations as to thecountries or fields of study to he takenup,” Mr. Dickson said. The purposeof the scholarship is to increase un¬derstanding and fellowship betweenthe nations.” All applicants musthave reached their eighteenth year. Members of the staff for the 1926-1927 “C” handbook were announcedyesterday by Leon J. Galinsky, man¬aging editor. LaVerne Green willserve as associate editor: GeorgeReed, athletic editor; Virginia Brint-Jnail, woman’s editor; Dorothy Low,associate woman’s editor; RobertFisher, advertising manager; Fred¬erick Kretschmer, circulation man¬ager.This year’s book will be plannedalong the lines of the f925-1926 edi¬tion. according to Galinsky. Only afew changes are to be made, princi¬pally in the way of elaboration andaddition. , A special section in thenew handbook will he devoted to theChristian organizations.What's On TodayY. W. C. A. Vesper services, 4,Y. W. C. A. room of Ida Noyes hall.CALLING SALESBOOKSFOR CAP AND GOWN“Geno” Herrick OfTribune Talks TodayGenevieve Forbes Herrick, reporterand feature writer for the ChicagoDaily Tribune will talk to Frank H.O’Hara’s News Writing course todayat 11. Mrs. Herrick has been askedto speak of new's-writinpability. Cap and Gown salesbooks are dueat the office in Lexington hall thisafternoon, asserted John Hopkins,Business Manager of the Annual. Asthe drive to sell books at the reducedrate of $4.50 closed last Friday -thesalesmen are expected to get newbooks to last until the book is issued.No salesbooks may be left in thehands of the salesmen after the bookis issued, as the work must be clearedup within the week after publication. Radio Lecture, 10:35 A. M„ fromMitchell Tower, through StationWLS. “Readings from Modern Lit¬erature,” Ernest Hanes.Chemistry Journal club, 3:30, Kent20.Junior MathematicalRyerson 37. club, 415,Art club, 4:30, Classics 45.Public lecture (Graduate School ofSocial Service Administration) 4:30,Cobb 109. “Organization and Ad¬ministration of the United Charitiesof Chicago,” Joel D. Hunter, Super¬intendent, United Charities of Chi- ity to speak six or seven languages.Prof. Martin Sprengling, UniversityArabist, and member of Prof. JamesH. Breasted’s staff, will tour the landof the Arabian Nights this summer, tohunt down some of the earliest bed¬time stories known to man. They arethe fables of Kalila and Dimna, olderthan the Thousand and One Nightsthemselves, and source material forthe modern Uncle Remus tales.Like the wandering minstrels of old,Prof. Sprengling will go from town totown looking for stories, many ofwhich have been lost for centuries,many containing priceless bits of hu¬mor, adventure or romance. Thescholar’s journey will take him firstto Paris, thence to Italy, whence liewill proceed to the Near East.The object of his investigation is tocollect, edit in Arabian. Persian, orSyriac, and translate into English thisgroup of stories which constitutes oneof the most important contributions t<^the world’s literature. The professoralready has secured hundreds of man¬uscripts upon which the tales havebeen written in Arabic or Persian. Heregards his collection as incomplete,however, and intends to increase it bynumerous other documents, many ofwhich are in the “Out-of-the-way”places of the world.(Continued on page 2) sociation for the coming year.The staff of the “Purple Parrot”was the host of the gathering thatmet in Evanston last week-end. Theassociation was formed for the ex¬change and comparison of ideas andproblems of publications with mutualinterest. There is also a social as¬pect to the aims of the association,which wa designed to create a feelingof co-operation between the differentcollegiate publications. The Phoenixis making every effort to support theassociation and co-operate with theother schools represented, according toJohn Barton, assistant editor of thePhoenix.Four o’clock this afternoon is theliterary dead line for the next issue ofthe publication. The office will beopen until this time to receive all con¬tributions. The material that has al-1read}’ been submitted foreshadows anunusual issue, Barton intimated. | Close competition for each officemarked the Mirror elections held yes¬terday in Ida Noyes hall. Seventeenvotes was the greatest discrepancy be¬tween the winning and the losing can¬didate for positions on the board. Anunusually large number of the mem¬bers of Mirror cast their votes forthe second governing board, accordingto Helen 'Liggett, retiring president,ninety-three voting for president andgeneral manager, and ninety-two forsecretary and business manager.Betty Graham will head the boardnext year. Buth Burtis was electedproduction manager. Catherine Rose,secretary, and Miriam Walker, busi¬ness manager.Name ActivitiesMiss Graham is a member of Wy¬vern, a member of the Honor Com¬mission, Junior Hop leader, and wasproperty manager of last year’s pro¬duction. Miss Burtis was in chargeof costumes and is a member of Quad¬rangler, secretary of the undergrad¬uate council, and was head of theMaroon Week drive. Miss Rose, amember of Esoteric, assisted on thecostume committee, is a member ofthe Federation council, and secretaryof the Board of Women’s Organiza¬tions. Miss Walker, who took care ofpublicity for Mirror this year, is secre¬tary of Y. W. C. A.BUTLER ADDRESSESHI-Y MEN; GUESTSOF CAMPUS TODAYAWARD U. S. HONORSTO SOCIAL SERVICESCHOOL GRADUATES At the invitation of the Y. M. C. A.cabinet, senior members of Hi-Y clubsin the city will meet today at 4:00 atthe Reynolds Club. The visitors willhe shown the buildings and equip¬ment of the University by membersof the cabinet.They will then be divided intoAppointments to positions for re- ]search work in co-operation with the | groups and have dinner at variousU. S. Childrens bureau, Washington, fraternity houses. An informal proMU ALPHA’S MEETWHISTLERS AT HOPIn order to introduce the membersof Mu Alpha and the Whistle Clubto each other, Mu Apha, the humorfraternity of Northwestern university,will sponsor a dance, Friday, May the Edgewater Beach hotel.All members of the Whistle club willbe formally presented to their fellowhumorists. Reservations for bids, at$1.79, can be made at the Maroon of¬fice, any afternoon between 2:30 and\ The sale of bids will not be limited1t* members of the dub. D. C. have been made to a number ofmembers in the Graduate school ofSocial Service Administration.Miss Lillian Carmichael and MissVera Ratcliffe have been assignedwork in Washington. Miss BerthaHosford and Miss Olive Stone havegone to Kentucky to investigate theconditions of prisoners’ families.Three other students, Miss DorothyWilliams, Miss Seville McReynoldsand Miss Esther Ladewick will studythe Boys’ Court in Chicago. MissSaville Millis and Miss June Robbinswill make a study of the Lincoln StateSchool for the feeble at Lincoln, Illi¬nois. Appointments have been madeon the basis of competitive civil ser¬vice examinations. gram has been arranged at 7:30 inthe theatre of the Reynolds club. Dr.Nathaniel Butler will speak on the“Purpose of Going to College” andseveral compus leaders have been se¬cured to address the group on phasesof University life and activity.Y. W. Changes DateOf Matinee at TowerThe theatre party planned for theafternoon under the auspices of theIntercollegiate committee of the Y.W. C. A. at the Tower theatre, hasbeen postponed until Tuesday after¬noon at 2:30, because of the Vesperservices held t"davT-— T- ' •Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1926Satlg iflaro atFOUNDED IN 1961fHR OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,winter and 8pring quarters by The Dally Maroon Company. Subscription rates:IS.00 per year; by mail. $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March 13.—i. under the act of March 3. 1873The Dhffy fflfaroon expressly reserve* all rights of publication of any materia]appearing In this paperlMXt PROF. AT PITTSBURGOFFERS SOLACE TOPOOR HANDWRITERS Sigma Delta EpsilonHears Dr. LuckhardtOFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 0977. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion In Us columns nil•objects of student Interest. Contributor* moat sign their full names to communica¬tions. but publication will, upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Westers Conference Prese Association Persons who have been termed“scribblers” and “scrawlers” will findsolace in the words of Dr. William T.Root of the University of Pittsburghschool of education. He expresses theopinion that “as a rule those of lowmentality are good handwriters.”“Intelligent people,” Dr. Root saidin an address, “think twenty timesfaster than they can write, and, there¬fore. muscular movement is so far be¬hind the activity qf the brain that theresult is a poor scrawl. A person lowin mentality has nothing else to thinkabout but the shaping of his letters.” Sigma Delta Epsilon, graduate sci¬ence sorority, will meet today at 8,in the North parlors of Ida Noyeshall. Dr. Arno B. Luckhardt of thedepartment of psychology will be theprincipal speaker of the evening. Thesorority has extended an invitationto all graduate women in science, toattend the meeting, according to AliceA. Baileys, secretary. at a meeting of the Liberal club at | the country as a lecturer.4:30 in Harper Mil by Carl D.Thompson, secretary of the publicownership league of America. Mr.Thompson has recently written a bookon the subject and has been touring A dinner for Robert Morss Lovett,acting head of the English depart¬ment and an editor of the New Re¬public magazine, will be given by theclub a week from tomorrow evening.Thompson To SpeakBefore Liberal ClubThe StaffAlien Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business Manager SPRENGLING TOURSLAND OF ARABIANNIGHTS FOR TALES “Public Super-Power” and various, aspects of public ownership of publicutilities will be discussed tomorrowEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women's EditorHarry L. Shlaes Sports EditorRee§e Price News EditorWalter Williamson News Editorl^eo Stone Whistle EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women’s EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women’s EditorAlta Cundy Social Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTEthan Granqnist Office DirectorBelaud Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kroines Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerFrederick Kretschmer, Circulation ManagerGeorge Uruskin Classified Manage!Jack Pincus AuditorANOTHER INTERSCHOLATICTHE University’s plans for attracting good students from the high* schools, through the competitive examinations to be held nextFriday, might be improved in several respects. Not enough under¬graduates meet the contestants; not enough food is served them; andthey do not remain on the quadrongles long enough.- The guests are met, directed, shown the campus, and enter¬tained, by about thirty students. So small a number of hosts is in¬adequate, when there are four hundred guests. The members ofthe committee can do no more than stand about, ready to answerquestions. A larger committee, under the direction of the presentone, would serve much better. Each member might take chargeof a small group of candidates, and without being officious, acquainthimself with them. The candidates would thus learn much aboutthe University. They would learn things that have been accidentallya secret from too many of their predecessors.A larger committee could entertain the visitors longer and moreelaborately. It could arrange for a show, a tea, a smoker, and per¬haps dinners at the fraternity houses. An entire afternoon at theUniversity would serve much better than the forty-five minutes’ walkabout the campus that now ends the affair.The luncheon consists almost invariably of potato salad, a thinslice of cold ham, and chocolate pudding, served on paper plates.Such a meal, though by no means unappetizing, is conspicuouslysmall. A sizable lunch, served in some style, would add much tothe University’s prestige with its guests. Good meals are scarcenowadays; and one does not soon forget the pjace where he hasfound one.We seek good athletes by means far more elaborate andmore expensive than these. Good students are just as hard to find,—this is, after all, a university. (Continued from page 1)It is believed that the Kalila andDimna stories originated in Indiawhere they were fabricated by the wisemen to instruct the Indian princes inthe ways and wiles of government.They were brought to Persia by alearned doctor, and from the courtsof Persia about 500 A. D. they emailated to all parts of the world and per¬meated its literature. It is said thatthere are traces of these fables in theliterature of about thirty-eight differ¬ent countries, and that the popularchildren’s stories broadcasted nightly'bv radio are adapted from the earlyPersian.Prof. Sprengling will visit Orien¬tal Bazaars, private homes, famousmuseums, European universities, andcurio shops in his quest for manu¬scripts bearing the originals or trans¬lations of the fables. He will returnto the Univerity next October. CAMP DEWEYOffers the college man a horsebacktrip in the North Country. Theonly Dude Ride in the middle west.Catalog Camp Dewey, 4034 Sheri¬dan Road.PREP SCHOOL DELEGATESTO MEET CAMPUSCONGRATS, GREEKSANCE, many, many years ago when we were just a freshman, we” told by fraternity brothers (who really ought to know) that itwas a nice thing to do of a Friday night (or a Saturday night,—the case might be) to drop in on the boys of the other fraternitieswho were giving parties. It wsa pointed out to us at the time that itwas especially nice to do this when our fraternity was also giving aparty, but that it was all right at any time.Well, like the big, green boy that we were, we did thiswith a girl and everything. And when we got there . . . well, no¬body paid any attention to us, except once when somebody ran intous( we and our girl) and accepted our apology, and once whena kindly old alumnus of their chapter asked our name, and upontelling him, told us that he was glad to meet the new brothers.Well, we didn’t go to any more fraternity houses while they,were having parties until last Friday night, and then we took ourlife in our hands and tried it. And with what result? Why, every¬body was nice to us; they smiled at us; they introduced their girlsto us; they presented us to the chaperones; they gave us some punch;and when we were ready to go, they said good-night to us.Now, we haven’t grown any better looking in two years; neith¬er have we bought a new car. But why this pleasantry?Evidently Fraternity men at last beginning to realize what it’sall about,—what the essential purpose of fraternity life is. They areevidently beginning to see the real power of cordiality. They seemto be beginning to understand that the best way in which to createa friendly spirit among their classmates and fellow-students, and inci¬dentally to boost their fraternity in the eyes of others, is to encour¬age this visiting of parties, and reciprocate with cordiality to visitors.Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110 (Continued from page 1)ers and all visiting superintendentsand principals. In the afternoon theywill be shown around the campusand at 4 o’clock a tea will be giventhe women in Ida Noyes by the Wom¬en’s Federation.The assembly will open for theteachers at 9:30 in Leon Mandell hall.At 5:45 a dinner will be given themat the Quadrangle Club. At this din¬ner the question of improving the re¬lationship between the University andSecondary schools will be discussed.Are You QoingInto the BondBusiness?There is a cycle of fashionnot only for the hats col¬lege men wear but for theline of work into whichthey go.But your job has to fityour head as well as yournat, for it has to fit yourstate of mind.Like your hat also, yourjob needs to fit your purse.Therefore, why not chooseone that brings not onlysatisfaction in service butin financial return.Selling life insurance isoneof the few modern busi¬nesses that does just this.It takes:Intelligence, Zestand AbilityIt gives:Liberty of action, thephilosophic satisfaction ofselling future security andpresent serenity to livingpeople, and a response, im¬mediate and tangible, inmonetary as well as mentalreward.Complete and confidential in¬formation, withoutany obligationon your part, can be obtained byuniting to the Inquiry Bureau,John Hancock Mutual LifeInsurance Company, 197Clarendon Street, Boston,MassachusettsLife Insurance Company'or Boston. MamachuskttsA Strong Company, Over Sixty YearsIn Business. Liberal as to ContractSafe and Secure in Every Way. Blue-Black— the kindyou will usein businessAll Sizes andColorsFor Real Fountain PenSatisfaction, UseSANFORD'SV FOUNTAIN PEN INF“The Ink that Made theFountain Pen Possible”Buy it atWoodworth’s Book Store1311 E. 57th St The Glass of FashionFashions come and fashionsgo but figures prove thatCoca-Cola is still the mostpopular of all beverages.IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO GET WHERE IT IS — 7 MILLION A DAYDiscovering a Five-Foot ShelfApril 3,snowedin %Never realized till today that the little row of our ownbooks on my desk could do as much for me as thosemiraculous 5-foot shelves” that fortify one against allsocial crises in 1 5 minutes daily reading * * * The nexttime I m snowed in by one of Chicago's blizzards I’llonly have to reach across my desk to get a book thatwill satisfy most any intellectual craving. * * *- If it’s a shorty story I want there’s Ryder’s “The Pan-chatantra" with its glamorous tales from India * * *If I want to know about the Orient of today there arethree volumes of the Harris lectures by men who areOriental either by birth or adoption * * * If it’smodern business John Maurice Clark’s "The Socail Con¬trol of Business" is now and worth any snowbound read¬er’s time * * * *If my mood is religious I may browse in the New Testa¬ment as Edgar J. Godspeed has translated it, read Dr.Gilkey’s sermons, “Jesus and Our Generation," or letKenneth Saunders tell me about "Epochs in BuddhistHistory" •’ • *What’s what in art is available for me in Pennell’s "TheGraphic Arts” and Taft’s "Modern Tendencies in Sculp¬ture” * * * I can brush up my knowledge of presentday literature with Boynton’s “Some ContemporaryAmericans" * * * 1 can travel to Europe withBeach’8 "Meek Americans" or go back to the cave manwith Newman’s "Evolution, Genetics, and Eugenics" *- Or if I’d like to write a book of my own I may use to ad¬vantage our "A Manual of Style" * * *•What the advertising manager of theUniversity of Chicago Press mighthave written in his diary if he had onerrvjpr-npgaim r^y.gOTJSBwagiiiBip;^^ !jrjgp*38 "?■' ^!^>^iip^,wiwfflWF\ h ■Maroons ready forUlini game today. The DailyWednesday Morning SPORTS MaroonMay 5, 1926 Golfers meet Hawk*at Chicago, Friday.BALLMEN SET FOR INITIAL WIN TODAYPi Lambda Phi Bla nks Powerful Deke Squad in Hurling Duel, 4 to 0PHI GAMS, DELTACHIS DROP FASTI-M BALL TILTSFrank Pitches ThreeGame for PiLams HitOf the five panics scheduled yester¬day. three were played. I ’hi l 'si for¬feited to Psi U. and Alpha Sig for¬feited to Alpha Dell. The victors inthe three games played were PiLambda Phi ,who blanked the Dekes,Alpha Epsilon Pi and Kappa Xu.Pi Lam Wins DuelIn the 'best game of the day. PiLambda Phi out hit and outplayed thestrong 1). K. F. aggregation andblanked them all the way through. 4-0.Jus Frank, pitching for the Pi Lams,hurled a sweet game, keeping the los¬ers down to three hits, all scattered.When he got in the hole severaltimes, his teammates pulled him outby shoestring catches and double playsperformed by “Bunny” Keefer at sec-on<L Several times the Dekes threat¬ened to score, but each time were setdown without a counter to their credit.After playing two scoreless innings,the Pi Lams through three clean hitsand an error, took the lead with threeruns. In this frame Shlaes scored fromfirst an an overthrow, while stealingsecond. They counted another run inthe sixth and held the losers scorelessin the last frame to win.Phi Gam TrailsThe Phi Gam trailed the Alpha Epbunch all the way through, never seri¬ously threatening them until the lastframe, when they nicked Diamond forthree runs. Johnny Bartlett pitchedfor the losers, while the said Diamondhurled for tin- winners.A double play, Durchstag to Dia¬mond to Weiss, was the feature ofthe fourth inning. Both pitchers werehit rather freely. “Hub” Parker hitwell for the Phi Gams while Spearhit every inning for the winners. Thescore was 7-4 in favor of the AlphaEps.Except for two innings, Merrill,Delta Chi hurler, held the Kappa \'usquad scoreless. But in those twoframes, the third and fourth. KappaNu piled up all their runs and wasnever headed. The Delta Chi aggre¬gation stepped out in the initial inn¬ing with a two run gain, but didn’tscore after that and lost by the scoreof 9-2. The big innings for the Kap¬pa Nus came in the third, when theycounted five and in the next afterthat, when they added four to their to¬tal, making their nine.Begin Net DoublesMeet This ThursdayThe tennis doubles tournament willbegin Thursday of this week andeight games will be played daily un¬til the end of the month. There areforty-three teams entered and theyhave been formed into six leagues, fivefraternity and one non fraternity.The games will be played on the re¬served courts at 60th and Kenwood,and must be played on the day sched¬uled or counted as a forfeit. Post¬ponements will be discouraged becauseof the limited time to complete theleague schedule.This year’s entries are unusuallylarge and in some instances it will benecessary for a team to play on twoconsecutive days. Ten Teams BattleIn Games TomorrowWith play ground ball well on itsway, and the sun smiling down onthe players with lukewarm rays, afew more games will be taken careof by the time night takes controlof the campus.By this time the teams have beenable to work a daily practice onUniversity Avenue and the sur¬rounding thoroughfares. Thursdayafternoon will find the followingteams battling to avoid elimination:PWi Sigma Delta vs. Tan KappaEpsilon—.1 p. m.Lambda Chi Alpha w Delta Up-silon—<3 p. m.Phi Pi Phi vs. Alpha Tati Omega—3 p. m.Delta Tau Delta vs. Beta ThetaPi—4:30 p. m.I au Sigma Omicron v>. PhiLambda Phi—4:30 p. m. GOLFERS OUT TOAVENGE TENNISLOSS TO HAWKSMeet Iowa at Olympic onFriday for InitialContestWHAT of IT?^GEOApC MOttGENSTEt^NUntil yesterday morning our frat¬ernity house had a dog. This mightnot seem strange had you never seenthe animal, but if through some chanceyou did see him. it would seem very,very strange. The fact that he wastolerated, even esteemed somewhat, bythe brothers appears, however, to havemade no impression upon him. In¬stead of being grateful for such con¬sideration (meriting, as he did, solittle on either his looks or actions),he has folded his tents and gone withthe winds, and, possibly, more dogs,from whom he will probably catchfleas and other things.The dog first made his appearanceSunday night, when he followed BabeAlyea home under cover of darkness.Mr. Alyea observed that it was adog that was accompanying him and,having a kindly heart, lie made littleresistance when the beast began towedge himself in the door of thehouse along with him. Until thelights were turned on, however. Mr.Alyea had no conception of what thedog looked like. But when the ani¬mal was seen it was little wonder thatMr. Alyea broke out with the ejacula¬tion. “Hah-” Now that the Iowa net team hasgone back to where the tall corngrows, aiid with them the proverbial“bacon” which every visiting athleticteam strives to take back home, theMaroon golfers are getting set for an¬other Hawkeye invasion, the matchwith Iowa next Friday.Play At OlympiaPlay will be held, as in formeryears at Olmypia Fields CountryClub, nationally known for its sporty* golf links. Captain Hisert, Johnny1 Bartlett, Patterson, and Dorsev, mem-hers of the Midway team, have beenpracticing daily at Olympia and havebeen shooting some good scores. His¬ert has not been able to play as muchas the other men. but what few roundshe has played were up to the formwhich characterized his early seasonplay last season. He has been work¬ing hard on a correspondence coursewhich will remedy a small deficit ingrade points and make him eligiblefor Conference competition. This im¬portant matter will hinge on the out¬come of the special exam which wasadministered to him yesterday after¬noon. Hisert won the Individual BigTen Championship last spring, and isconceded a good chance to repeatthis year because of bis consistentplaying. It is very important to thehopes of the Chicago team that heclears up his scholastic difficulty.Four Veterans BackPatterson. Dorsey and Bartlett areall veterans of last year's successfuloutfit and should work into a winningcombination. To gether with Hisertthey make a foursome hard to outdriveor output. Very few teams shouldcarry home the bacon after a matchwith these men.Purdue will come to meet the Mid¬way team almost simultaneously withthe departure of the Iowa foursome,.for next Monday a match with theBoilermakers is to be held. On May17 Ohio State comes to Chicago inthe remaining home meet for the lo¬cals. Two More LeaguesBegin Play TodayThis afternoon at 3:00, the Non¬fraternity league makes its indoorbaseball debut, with the playing oftwo games. The powerful Macnine will clash with the Senators,while the Romans will meet the Pi¬rates in what promises to be aclosely contested game. The Macslook to be the class of the leagueso far, having defeated the LawSchool handily in two practice tilts.The Graduate leagues also opentheir schedule Hitchcock Hall meet¬ing Divinity, and Packers of the C.and A. School clashing with SnellHall. The Law School will opposethe Chicago Theological Seminaryin the other games of the day at4:30. The graduates afe showing akeen interest in the outcome ofthese games, and the resulting con¬tests should be fast and cleanlyplayed. The leaders play for thecampus title.RECEIVE INITIALENTRY FOR MEETTucomcari Sends in FirstInterscholastic EntryTucumcari High of Tucnmcari, NewMexico has just come into a new hon¬or—that of being the first school in theUnited States to send in their team en¬try for the National InterscholasticTrack meet. The southern prep schoolhas entered an aggregation of theirj stars, some of the fastest men of thedistrict, and they have high hopes of| showing in the meet.From the other side of the continent,Canada of the far north, two otherearly entries have come in. HamiltonInstitute of Hamilton. Ontario, hasagain signified an intention of enter¬ing. Two years ago the northernschool sent a, stron ggroup of track-sters to the Interscholastics and thisi year their team appears to be -one ofthe most formidable in the .meetNorth Battlefield, Saskatchewan, isanother of the Canadian outfits whichhave sent in their entry sheets. Threeor four of the canuck stars are ex¬pected to carry their colors of blueinto the meet.It is no exaggeration to say thatthe dog presented a most peculiar ap¬pearance. He was, in the first place,built upon squat, horizontal lines,without a good deal of symmetry ororder of proportion. He was coalblack, had very short bowlegs, pointedears that on rare occasions cockedup, inscrutable brown eyes, a three-quarters length tail, and ragged whis¬kers. He was twice observed to run.three times to wag his tail, and onceto look intelligent (although this lasthas been debated). Despite all this,he was accepted by the brotherhood.And now . . ungrateful wretch! . . .he has left his bed and board.The beast was named Samuel Eels,but like all people who have been giv¬en names which they neither asked fornor liked, he let it be known that hepreferred to be called Sam, and so hewas. In fact, he went unchallengedas Sam for at least a couple of dayswhen Dr. Jerry Quin, fortified withthe knowledge that had been gleanedin several courses in medicine, ob-(Continued on page 4) We've never teen the coffee grow, nor heard a llama bleatWe’ve never seen a Gaucho ride and throw the bolas neatWe’ve never heard Brazilians sing those lively “Santos Blues”But, boy, we’II get all this—and moreWe’re gonna make this CRUISE.Come on, Joe College—Miss Co-Ed! Sit on the top oi the worldand enjoy 12,500 Miles of Adventure on thisTwo Months Student Tour toSOUTH AMERICABy the Urge and luxurious Lamport fit Holt LinerS. S. VAUBAN °n"‘V-FLEE*TJ,<m*Leaving New York June 26th, 1926Returning August 24th, 1926Including All Expenses, SightseeingTrips anc r\IAaa including All bxiOOO Trips and Hotel Accommodations.All outride cabins: Large, airy Dining Saloon: Libraryrioua Dec'Swimming Pool:Dancing: Poppybalanced Meelang Pool: Gymnasium: Spacioi: Peppy ]axz Band: Supericd Meela: Good iellowsnip:urn: Spacious Deck*: Deck Sports:or Service and well-Gongenlz) company.For Resetvationt and full information, apply,A. L. HYDE, ManagerSTUDENT SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS24 Broadway, New York CityOr SANDERSON & SON, Inc.,117 W. Washington St., Chicago ILLINOIS CONTEST IS CRUCIAL TEST;WILL DECIDE WHETHER OR NOT THEMAROONS STAY IN BIG TEN RUNNINGIndians Present Powerful Front; Lead Conference WithThree Straight Wins; Have CountedTwenty-seven Runs So FarLineupChicago—Anderson, 2bMacklind, lbMcConnell, ssBrignall, 3bHoerger, ofGordon, IfMarks or Gubbins, rfWebster, cMarks or Gubbins, p Illinois—Hoffman, lbO’Keefe, cfWorth. 3bMargollis, rfKinderman. IfFinn, ssJordan. 2bKusinski. cLudlam. pBy Victor RoterusWhether the Maroons will lie hope¬lessly out of the Big Ten baseball raceor whether they will have just reasonfor title hopes, will be decided at theMidway lot this afternoon when theytangle with the bludgeon-wieldersfrom the University of Illinois. Thefate of the Maroons is at stake todayby reason of their record of threelosses and nil wins.Norgren’s team has picked a stiffopponent to play 'ball with. Illinois,at present, is leading the league withthree straight victories. 4)urjng thesethree games the downstate batsmenhave smitten the ball for 27 runs and37 hits, which performance is enoughto entitle them not only to the leagueleadership in the number of gameswon hut also in team-hatting. Theirmost recent venture was with OhioState Saturday when they triumphedby a 7 to 4 margin.The down-staters had an exception¬ally large and fine crop of playersfrom which to choose at the beginningof the season and sonsequently thefirst team is composed of a sparklingreliable group of ball-tossers, well-versed in the art of converting hitsinto runs. Margollis, playing in rightfield, and Worth, at third base, are more than usually adept with the stick.Ludlam has been pitching in a verystylish manner all spring although fiewas yanked early in the Ohio Stategame to give way to Stewart. Barta,a veteran chucker, may be called upon| to do mound duty this afternoon.Norgren was undecided last nightas to whom he would parcel out thepitching duties of his team. The choicelies between Gubbins and Marks; oneto play in rightfield if the other is toheave. Neither pitcher has hit histrue form this spring. Gubbins wasa world-beater for seven innings ofthe Wisconsin game, but he was acomplete bust during the eighth whileMarks was no+ much better in theninth. Norgren will experiment againwith a new batting lineup in anotherattempt to discover a winning cotnbination.Q/ie largest sellingquality pencilin the worldBuyadozen Superlative in quality,the world-famousVENUSyFENcnsgive best service andlongest wear.Plain ends, per dot.Rubber enda, per doz.cAt all dealersAmerican Lead Pencil Co.220 Fifth Ave., N. Y.$1.001.20Champions Advise“Milk For Health ”Helen Wills, Johnny Weismuller, “Red Grange, Nurmiand countless other leaders in sport are consistent milkdrinkers. They rely on milk for strength, a clear eye anda quick brain.V ou, too, need milk every day. See that it is Bowman’sMilk for this milk is rich in all the energy elements so vitalto health and strength. It will build you up—and giveyou that extra power needed to win!Start today, on the highroad to victorious health.INSIST ONBOWMANDairy CompanyMILKFrosh Law Mixer Friday 4-6 BE THEREPage Four ■BPgBK«aT •' aprws r^^r^r- rsy .■■••■ >THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, MAY 5, 1926Q/ilQ •s.4 Whistle dishes, called her up and asked herout to a show and supper., —MimiDIFFICULT METRE INUNION STATIONMen sit in stations with their hatsShoved on the back of their heads—I rather think that’sAll there is to be said.But when men sit with their hatsPulled low down over their brows—My curiosity at thatIs almost always aroused.—Atlas MEMBERS of the well knownWhistle Club—we will meet Fridayat 3:30 in Cobb 110. All recent con¬tributors eligible.'—TERRIBLE TURKINTELLIGENT people think twen¬ty times faster than they write, de¬clares Prof. William Foot of the U.of Pittsburgh. A poor scrawl, hemaintains, is the sign of fast thinking.And so’s a good stall!The Seat of All the TroubleDear Turk:The Maroon announced yesterdaythat the Senior bench will henceforthbe restricted to seniors only. Ah hah!Then it won’t be so hard on the otherclasses any more.—GeoG WHAT OF IT?THINKING IT OVERHell, it’s just as well to be poor.When I used to live in a little roomand was gone long hours at a time, 1couldn’t help thinking how nice it Iwould be to have a maid to take allthe telephone calls, because they al¬ways come when you’re out.Now I live in a dormitory with a jwhole army of maids guaranteed totake all messages (Goodness knows)where they take them to!), but their >one combined faculty is to queer one’s Ibiggest date.So what’s the difference? F. P. (Continued from page three)served that it was impossible to callthe beast Sam. Dr. John Brewer (thewell known Peoria specialist), hur¬riedly called in, verified Dr. Quin.Here was to-do. It was suggestedthat the animal’s name be changed.Ruth and Mary Jane, among others,were tried out by Charley Anderson,but the dog failed to respond, onlywrhen he was summoned as Sam wouldhe manifest any interest whatever. SoSam it stayed. Sam was definitelyimproving yesterday morning beforehe was let out of doors by Bro. KenSmall, of Sioux City, la. He hadwagged his tail, grinned, and shownother evidences that his melancholiawas disappearing. Indeed hope waswidespread that would become a creditto the organization, like Slicker, thePhi Psi cat. and Half-Pint, the A. T.O. dog.IMPRESSIONS AT A HOUSEPARTYorDon’t Be Such Fools, You Fool But then Bro. Small let him out. Helingered about the house for sometime. Then he •transferred his activ¬ity to the campus. I observed himtaking nasal inventory about Rosen-wald as I went to my 9 o’clock class.I feared at the time he might cometo harm. Events showed my premon¬ition to be right, for he was not inthe house when I returned at noon.There was no evidence of him. I makethis appeal for the return of the ani¬mal. Thirty-seven little children arecrying their eyes out for their pet.H’yeah, Sam! FILIPINO TRIANGLERSSELECT NEW HEADSSCANDINAVIANS MEETProf. J. Paul Goode of the geogra¬phy department will talk before theScandinavian club tonight at 7:45 inthe Y. W. C. A. room of Ida Noyeshall. “Pheno Scandia” will he thesubject of the lecture, which will heillustrated by slides.Scandinavian club, 7:45. Ida Noyeshall. “Pheno-Scandia." Prof. P. CGoode.Surell’s Beauty Shop1451 E. 57th StreetFairfax 2007Expert beauty work in all branchesOpen Tues., Thurs., and Fri. Eves.It’s a helluva life, boys, a helluva lifeWhen the girl has the inside track,When you think that your line is tak¬ing fineAnd you pat yourselves on the back.It’s a helluva life, boys, a helluva lifeWhen you lure her out in a car,You hug her, and kiss her, and ravehow you’ll miss herAnd think that you’re getting so far.And then when you dance and shecloses 'her eyesAnd you think it’s for something yousaid,You hold her more tight—it’s a won¬derful nightAnd she sighs!—Cause it’s late andshe’s dead! !L’EnvoiGood work! she’s left you her picturetoo—What stories you’ll have for thebrothers;But, gosh, you poor sap, she don’tcare a rap—If you knew what she gave to theothers!—SisOh, It Is To WeepeSir Knighte Turke :Wouldst heare a tale of woe? Butheare me.'Til yester morne I was a maidenfree and happye as a new borne birde.But today I mourne, I am becomewan and haggarde. Mine thoughts aredarke and gloomie.Mine lover, a buxom lad held inhighe esteem, has changed his affec¬tions to one other. I am desolate.Come to mine aide. Sir Knighte whohelpest all ladies in dire distress. IfI catch that bim who vamped himaway I’m going to knock her eye out!—Lady of the Woeful HeartTHOUGHTS ALONG JACKSONPIERThe moon is bright,The moon is light,He loves the silver moon tonight—Oh, makes me sick!The moon is low.Watch it glow,He loves the smiling planet so—Oh, lunatic! ! Zoology club, 4:30. Zoology 430.“Influence of the Scrotum on Testi¬cular Activity.” Assistant Prof. C. R.Moore. ASPIRING SENIORSFor that unruly mustache Bon-ney Brilliantine. It’s great!60 cents a BottleJ. H. FINNIGANDRUGS55th at Wood lawn Ave.Collegiate FablesOnce there was a liitle girl who wastaken out on a date to the PershingPalace. And this little girl orderedchicken a la king, asparagus tin omel-ett, Nesselrode pudding, and petitsfours glace. And the next night thesame fellow, after he had finished the When hoop skirts and theVirginia Reel were invogue, and loving hands athome fashioned Grandfather’s home¬spuns for the prom .... even inthose days, Anheuser-Busch wasnationally known to good fellows.And today .... when feminineheads are bobbed and shingled, andwe dance the Charleston in expen¬sively tailored clothes to the stir¬ring strains of a jazz orchestra ....BUSCH(A-B)PALE DRYis the favored drink of college menbecause, like the college man, BuschPale Dry is a good mixer even'where and every time.A-G^ 12'FL.qZ’pale dryu*/ngfeA/.yrwBusch Inc.StLouisMo^Anheuser-Busch StLouisANHEUSER-BUSCH BRANCHDiatributora Chicago, Ill. MEAD TALKS AT VESPERSAt the recent election of the Fili-'pino Triangle Club of the University,the following officers were elected:President, Platon C. Callangan; Vice-President, Francisco T. Roque; Sec¬retary, Melquiades R. Ibanez; Treas¬urer, Juan C. Canave.The newly elected officers pledgedthemselves to undertake various formsof activity during their administrationSmokers will be given to which out¬side guests will be invited. Mixersare to be held to “pep” up the longdormant members. The Vice-Presi¬dent is planning a series of functionsof an educational character. “Customs in Ethics of Women” willbe the subject at the regular V esperservices today at 4 in the Y. W. C.A. room of Ida Noyes hall. Prof.George H. Mead of the Philosophy de¬partment will speak.Want Ads vers, grammar, scientific texts; alsoiLatin and Greek. H. P. 7510.IFOR SALE — Gold-plated ConnTrombone, A1 condition $65 cash.Call Hyde Park 2953.LOST—Black bill fold, between Fos¬ter and Harper. Frances Carpenter,Foster Hall. Reward.WANTED—Applications from Junegraduates desirous of entering bondbusiness. Exceptional opportunitywith Chicago office of well knownNew York firm. Address communica¬tions to Classified Manager, care ofDaily Maroon.FOR RENT—Garage. Inquire 5659Woodlawn Ave. Phone, Hyde Park2077. Mrs. Whitmore.LESSONS IN French and Germanbv Paris and Berlin Univ. Grad. Con-THE BEST FIRST MORTGAGEREAL ESTATE BONDSIN CHICAGOSEE US, WE SELL ON THEPARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN$100.00 Bond$10.00 Starts You On aBaer Eisendrath & Co.208 S. LaSalle StreetWabash 0208Campus Representatives:Jo*. L. Eisendrath, Jr.Simon Lesser French and German hv Paris andBerlin Univ. Grad. Convers., gram¬mar. scientific texts; also Latin andGreek. H. P. 7510.TUTORING IN MATH ANDPhysics by an experienced teacher. A.Blake, Phone Fairfax 4136. FRESHMEN!DO YOU?CHARLESTONTHE FINESTCHARLESTONEXPERTS IN THE COUNTRYOrchestra NiehtlyNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYAuditorium Rldr —431 So. Wabanh11 a. m. to 11 p. m. doily—Brin* the Gan*IDEALRESTAURANTExcellent Service1352 E. 61st St.“The Place to Eat”The New TravelPromenade andUpper Main DeckAccom nioda tionsFor TOURIST III Cabin PassengersCHERBOURGSpecial SailingsROUNDTRIP $177.May 18. JuneS. July 3.Cabin rates on applicationFor aprjl Sailings toCopenhagen Danzic «ndBaltic portsapply toBaltic America Line, inc.9 Broadway, N.Y. or local Agent*UNIVERSITY STUDENTSFOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARE BEST ATWILLIAM'S CANDY SHOPCORNER FIFTY-FIFTH AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEFresh Home Made Candies Crisp AlmondsCreamiest ChocolateNestlesMILK CHOCOLATEInchestin Cream f5«_ IOC-PLA I N and ALMONDGrowsElectricity, which can releasewoman from her burdens, hasalready created a revolution inAmerican industry. Wherevermankind labors, GeneralElectric motors can be foundcarrying loads, driving machin¬ery and saving time and labor.And there is no branch of elec¬trical development today towhich General Electric has notmade important contributions.A series of G-E advertisementsshowing what electricity isdoing in many fields will besent on request. Ask for book¬let GEK-1.GENGENERAL ELECT In a field in sunny Spain stands a stone mortar.Crows hover around it, picking up bits of grain andchaff—cawing.Here Marcheta, in the fresh beauty of her youth,will come to pound maize. For years she will poundmaize. The stone will stand up under the blows;not a dent has the muscle of three generations ofwomen made upon it. But the crows will hurl theirblack gibes upon a woman aging early and bentwith toil. Old Marcheta—still in her thirties.The American woman does not pound maize. Butshe still beats carpet; she still pounds clothes; shestill pumps water. She exhausts her strength intasks which electricity can do better, and in halfthe time.The high ideals of a community mean little wherewoman is still doomed to drudgery. But the mir¬acles which electricity already has performedindicate but a fraction of the vast possibilities forbetter living and the tremendous opportunitieswhich the future developments in electricity willhold for the college man and woman.midhELECTRICO M P A N Y SCHENECTADY NEW YORK