id VnIZZ stagetheir annual jub-i 1 e e tomorrownight. Bail? fUaroon Thirteen menare named toserve on thePrep Track com¬mittee.Vol. 26 No. 108 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1926 Price Five Cent*THIRTEEN MENHEAD ANNUALTRACK CLASSICSchedule Committee HeadsLuncheon in HutchinsonCommons Today 99Another step toward the realizationof the 1626 Interscholastic Track andField meet which will he held in (irantPark stadium June 4-5 was takentoday, w Ji e n Tom Mulroy ap¬pointed thirteen committee chairmenfor the annual classic.Mulroy, as student manager of themeet, selected the following under¬graduates for executive positions:Walter Williamson, Promotion Man-}agcr; Fred Von Ammon, Publicity,Charles Harris. Program; John Ger¬hart. Housing; John Meyer, Organ¬ization Manager; Arnold Johnson.Transportation; Paul Lewis, Fnter-tainment; Tom Armstrong. Invita¬tions; George Koehn, Press; Hurt MeKinney, Hushing Manager; John Mc¬Donough. Contact Hushing; WilliamHeitman, Campus Hushing; CatherineFitzgerald. Women's manager.Mulroy Makes Selections*’I have selected these students on thebasis of previous campus activities andbecause of their individual abilities inthe work which they will have.” ex¬plained Mulroy. "The object <>t thisyear’s Interscholastic is, of course, tostage a better meet than ever before,and, realizing the necessity for co¬operation, I have selected the commit¬tee with that point in mind."* At a luncheon scheduled for noontoday at Hutchinson commons, eachcommittee chairman will bring a listof ten men as his assistants. Afterthese men have been accepted andtheir eligibility verified, work in pre¬paration for the meet will actually be¬gin.Invite 6000 SchoolsInvitations have already been ex¬tended to 6000 prep schools through¬out the country, and replies are ex¬pected within the next week. Thereis no doubt that the twenty-secondInterscholastic will prove superior insize at least to any former affair ofits kind. It is expected that everypassible record-smasher in nationalprep circles will participate.The events themselves will be wit¬nessed in the Grant Park Stadium.This innovation will give ten times asmany people an opportunity to hepresent ns ever before. As usual themeet will be divided into two sections,one for the high school championshipand one for the academy champion¬ship. 40,000 spectators are expectedto see the events. Advance “DopeOn Blackfriars;WGN TonightBy A1 WiddifieldBlackfriar enthusiasts will be givenan opportunity to get some advancedope on the cc ling production “Wal-lie Watch Out” by tuning in on sta¬tion WGN tonight at <S o’clock.The bright spots of both last year’sand this year’s show will be reviewedon the air by stars in the cast. Synco¬pation by the jazz quartet of "Kaitifrom Haiti.” famous for its intoxicat¬ing qualities, will lie given free reign.Ben Turner \Cill whine on on his bigcelluloid comb and Freddie Yon Am¬mon will sway Imck and forth withhis weaving accordion.The tunes which will lie sung byDon McGinnis and Clyde Keutzer willrival Irving Berlin himself. Hits ofthe new show will he warbled by thesetwo men renowned for their abilityto impersonate the feminine sex. Infact, about the only way one can getany of this advance dope onWatch Out” is by listening in onWGN. TICKETS READYFOR GLEE CLUBRECITAL FRIDAYNew Chicago Song ByProf. Will BeSung Five Undergrads BROADCAST VAUDEVILLEA7i:: cL FROM SENIOR JUBILEE;MUSTER MUSTACHE MENHOLD CLINICSAS EXHIBITSRush Medics DemonstrateWork To AlumniA series of clinics and demonstra¬tions showing the work of the Rushmedical college of the University ingeneral medicine, neurology, pedia¬trics/ general surgery, gynecology |and specialties will he held in L hi- IIcago during alumni .week, June 14 to i18. The clinics will he held at Kushmedical school, Presbyterian hospitaland on the Midwav. Tickets for the annual Spring con¬cert of the Glee club, which will beheld next Friday evening at 8 in Man-del hall, are on sale now at the boxoffice in Marnlel corridor. The officewill be open every day this week from9 to 5. A dance will follow the singwith Bill Hahn and his College Crewplaying in the Reynolds club loungefrom 10 o’clock until midnight. Ad¬mission to both will be by a singleticket, which will sell for 75 cents andone dollar.Wear Summer FormalIt is the attempt of the Glee clubat this concert to ontroduce to theChicago campus the new type of Gleeclub recital which has become popu-Wallie | lar ill many of the colleges and uni¬versities throughout the country. Theultra-formal garb of the old styleconcert will be replaced by blue coatand white flannelsSing New SonrA new Chicago song by nil anony¬mous professor will be the featurenumber of the performance. The of¬ficials of the club report that thenumber is good enough to be adoptedas a Chicago anthem. The club will jannounce the name of the composerif the reception of the song at theconcert is satisfactory to the profes¬sor-composer. Under the leadership of GlennHarding, five men, meeting in the Y.M. C. A. office last Wednesday after-jnoon, entered upon a project to at-1tempt to follow the various traits ;which they have discovered in the (\character of Jesus.“We hear,” said Harding,” a greatdeal about living in the ‘character ofJesus’. But we are not at all cer¬tain that we know what that means.We assume that Jesus was the su¬preme personality of history, and sowe are trying to analyze his character.In a scientific manner we have sepa¬rated it into the following charactertraits, honesty, fearlessngs Annual Race StartsWith Dinner at6 Tonight Van Zant To MakeArrangements WithStationTickets for the Senior dinner mustbe purchased today, owing to theheavy demand. There will be no ad¬missions paid at the door.Arrangements are being made by>r the chant- j0hn Vau Zant. radio director of theiss will start ! Universitx to broadcast the vaude-With a tissue paper loving cupawaiting the winner and the BotanyBuilding fish pond awaiting him whowill not participate, the annual tints-1tache growing contestpionship of the Seniorat the Senior Jubilee dinner toinor- I ville that will entertain the membersrow night at 6 in the School of Edit- of the Senior class at the second an-modesty.! cation dining room. All male mem- nual Jubilee dinner tomorrow nightIn the ficlDr. James I'clinic onErnest iDr. K. r general medicine,B. Herrick will hold aliseases of the heart, Dr.Irons, chronic infestions.V oodvatt, diabetes andmetabolic disturbances, Dr. Ralph U.Brown, gastro-intestinal diseases. Dr.George E. Dick, scarlet fever. Dr. Wil¬bur K. Host, kidney diseases. Dr.Frank Billings will deliver an address.Pediatrics clinics, treating the sub-jects of newly born children anti in¬fant feeding will he held by Dr. A.H. Parnialec, Dr. U. C. Grulec, Dr.'O. E. Chase and Dr.- Charles K.Stulik.Clinics will also be held by Dr. E.W. Allin. Dr. X. S. Heaney, Dr.Oliver M. Ormsby, Dr. Clark W.Einncrud, Dr. George 1*.. Shainbaugh.and Dr. W illiam H. Wilder. Spanish StudentsMeet To AdoptNew Constitution humility, courtesy; and having madesome conclusions, are trying to fol¬low them out."We arc not evangelizing; this isnot a religious movement. We wantmerely to acquire efficiency in ourcontacts and more happiness in ourrelations with other people. That iswhy we are experimenting.”The five men will hold their nextmeeting Thursday at 4:30 in the Y.M. C. A. office. The experiment isopen to all who are interested. Themeeting will he devoted to a discus¬sion of experiences and resultsachieved during the previous week.This attempt brings to mind manyattempts of this nature carried on bymembers of churches and religioussocieties. The five men wish to bringout the fact, however, that in realityit is nothing on this kind. Ratherthffiii following the spiritual teachingsof Jesus, they will attempt to imitatehim in his characteristics as a man,tliat is to say, they will follow hislead in matters of contact with otherpeople.! No similar attempt lias ever been hers of the Senior, class are entered at 6 in the School of Education din¬in' compulsion in the race, which will j ing room. W .MAQ will probably puthe officially opened by Doc Bratfish, j the program on the air.the Reynolds club barber. Ticket Sale RapidAs is traditional at this affair, each Allen Miller leads the sale 'of +’C-Senior will ho examined to see that ( kets to date having disposed of 25lie has not taken any unfair growing i oasteboards. Thomas Mulroy andstart and the opening gun will befired by this same campus dignitary.DISPLAY RAREBOOK-PLATESGet Out Your Camera! Goode andGeophotists Sponsor Prize ContestInterest in promoting an apprecia-1 add ten dollars to this sum.tion for the beauties of the campus [ Entries in the competition should hehas prompted Prof. J. P. Goode to sent to the secretary, John T. Me-1offer fifty dollars as rewards in a Corntack, 45 Rosemvald hall. 1 heyphotographic contest, which will be will be accepted until May 22. Anopen to all members of the University, j exhibition of the selected pictures willThe Geophoto club under whose au-1 he held May 24 to 29.spices the contest i> being held, will j . ......I he contest is divided into tourparts: photographs of (architecturalsubjects about the campus; photo¬graphs of genre, human interest sub¬jects; lantern slides of architecture orgenre; and colored or tinted prints Owing to some deficiencies in thepresent constitution of El UirculoEspanol, the members of the club havedecided to draw up a new one at ameeting today at 4:30 in the Alumnae!room of Ida Noyes hall.Some of the issues which will bediscussed by the members before theconstitution is drawn up are as fol¬lows: How long must the candidatehe an active member of the club be¬fore he is eligible for office? Whocan rate? Are officers eligible forre-election? How should surplus moneyhe used? According to Yolanda Simez,president of the organization, a newconstitution is necessary- because theold one does not specify- the condi¬tions which are necessary for eligibil¬ity to an office.It is urged that the members thinkthe issues over carefully in order tobe able to discuss and argue aboutthem at the meeting. All membersare required to be present, as the fullquota is necessary to pass a law con¬stitutionally. made 1college. students of anv American Plates Bear CenturyCoats-of-Arms OldUNIVERSITY AFFAIRSGOOD NEWS VALUESSAYS PRESS LEADERSSAPIR TALKS AT ETASIGMA PHI MEETING"YVhat a Classical Student canLearn from Primitive Languages” willhe the subject of a lecture by Dr.Edward Sapir, associate professor ofAnthropology and of American IndianLanguages. He will speak before EtaSigma Phi the undergraduate Classicalclub, at a meeting tomorrow at 4:30in Classics 20. Members of the Grad¬uate Classical club will he guests atthe meeting.At this time two delegates will hechosen to go to the Second NationalConvention of Eta Sigma Phi to beheld May 14 and 15, at Northwesternuniversity. JANITOR LOCKS FOURWOMEN IN CLASSICSFeminine voices, high pitched andhysterical, echoed out across the cam¬pus last night shortly after midnight.W indows hanged and doors clatteredas those within endeavored to get out.Out in front of Classics, for thatand slides. -The entries will be judged was the building from which voiceswith respect to composition,qualities and subject. tonalNo limit is set as the medium usedor the number of printed sent in. En¬largements must not exceed 8 by 10inches. Prints must hear au appropri¬ate title, the contestant’s pseudonym,and must be accompanied by a sealedenvelope with pseudonym and con¬testant’s name. »This contest is an opportunity ar¬riving annually for campus photogra¬phers to show- their true worth, saidProf. Goode. were heard, a small group of peoplewere anxiously- awaiting help» Thegirl at the University switchboard re¬ceived several excited calls for assist¬ance. from passersby.It w-as not until old Joe the janitorcame hurriedly- to the scene, believ¬ing that the building was on fire, thatthe situation was saved. He unlockedthe door. Out came the women. Theyhad been accidentally locked in whenJoe had made the rounds at 10 o’clock.Whether it was the classics or some? I 4:30 for the benefit of the Babies,thing else that detained them to this Friendly Society. Ida Snyder will hehour is the query of the janitor. 'in charge of the room.Y. W. C. A. OpensSewing Room TodayVolunteer Service committee of Y.W. C. A. will open the sewing roomin Ida Noyes hall today from 2:30 to EXECUTIVE MEETINGAND THEATRE PARTYA collection of eighteenth century Jhook-plates many of which bear fam- 1mis coats of arms has been placed jon exhibit in the display cases on the jsecond floor v" Harper library.-Thecollection was presented to the libraryby Miss Hammond, James Vincent !Nash and Dr. Walker.The book-plates which are repre¬sentative* of the period, are varied in |color and design. One of the oldestpieces in the collection belonged to ithe famous historian Charles Benton IAdams and is dated 1712.This exhibition is the latest addi¬tion to the collection which is beingmade by the University of representa¬tive book-plates from all countries and“Universities furnish more and more ' periods,of the worthwhile “downtown” news!;,s tin,e *nos on‘” said Ed«ar T- c,,t ! COMAD CLUB PLANSter, superintendent of the Central di¬vision of the Associated Press, in hislecture on the work of the organiza¬tion yesterday at 4:30 in the Divinity-Building.“When Prof. Aljchelson of this Uni¬versity-.” he continued, “conducted hislight wave experiments recently, col¬umns of news were sent out to ourchain of 1220 member newspapers. Dr.Goodspeed’s Translation of the NewTestament was given more publicity-through the Associated Press thananything concerning the Bible in thelast fifty' years. A story from the Uni¬versity of Chicago, through our sys¬tem, can reach over sixty million peo¬ple.”Mr. Cutter explained that the As¬sociated Press, as a non-profit mak¬ing combination of the principalAmerican newspapers, is absolutelyunbiased in its account of the newsbecause of the fact that no single Or¬ganization or individual has the pow¬er to alter or taint the releases. Heshowed how the organization, withits thousand of miles of telegraph wiresand extensive radio connections, isequipped to give early and reliable in¬formation on happenings in any partof the world.The lecture closed with an informaldiscussion in which Mr. Cutter an-,swered questions from the floor. Comad club, consisting of women jof the School of Commerce and Ad- jministration will meet today at 4 in jthe C. and A. building. The meeting Iwill be a semi-business-semi-socialaffair. The chief business to be taken |care of will be a report by tlie nom- iinating committee of nominees for joffices in the organization for the com- |ing year. Election of officers will take jplace early in May-.Following the business meeting the jwomen have been invited to attend ja theater party at the Tower Theater.63rd Street and Harper Ave. “We | Eleanor Rice, co-chairmen of the din¬ner, report that the tickets are goingvery rapidly and advise all Seniorswho wish to attend to get their ticketssoon, as only 150 may be accom¬modated. The Senior women listedbelow have charge of tlie sales.Oberg’s Flower Shop has presented].()() of their choicest roses to he givento the Senior Women that attend theaffair. One rose will he beside theplate of each woman. Holmes Bakerylias presented an enormous birthdaycake, which Mulroy- declares to hetwo feet across. The Honor Commis¬sion is investigating.Band PromisedA thirty piece uniformed hand hasbeen promised by Director Wilson.This formidable aggregation will par¬ade from the circle, starting at 6, viafraternity bouses and dormitories,picking yp fourth year students as itprogresses, until the School of Edu-cd tion Dining Room is reached v herea dinner of creamed chicken will beserved.Five vaudeville numbers have beenprovided by the co-chairmen. BillHahn will play \at various timesthroughout the evening,- assisted by hisseven-piece College Crew. HamiltonColeman, traditional producer ofBlackfriars, will stage an act, aswill Seward Covert and Charles An¬derson, men whose talents in otherlines have been demonstrated butwhose abilities as vaudeville artistsare as vet untested. Their sketch will(Continued on page two)Law and MarriageDon’t Fight HereDisproving the old theory that“Law is a jealous mistress” sevenmembers of the local chapter ot PhiDelta Phi, international legal frater-ity have earned on their law studiesand at the same time have broughthope that the C. and A. women will j romance to a successful conclusion,show their usual admirable response d benedicts comprise one-third ofin attending this meeting,” said the total membership of the chapter.Katherine Miller, publicity chairmanof the organization.What’s On TodayEl Circulo Espanol. discussion of anew constitution. 4. in the Alumnaeroom of ]da Noyes hall. Three men, Richard Austin, WilliamL. Eagleton and Owen. A West, weremarried previous to the present schoolyear. In fact Eagleton is now ableto boast of a promising young bar¬rister. Hunter Eaton, Charles Law¬rence, A. C. Pendleton, and Alfred S.Thorwaldson were married during thepresent school year. The bachelorsof the fraternity are planning a party-for their brother “Benedicts.”Y. W. C. A. Yespers, lecture by-Dean Sophoniska P. Breckenridge.“Women and Children in Industry.”Divinity School public lecture, 4:30in Theology- 106.Public lecture. Graduate School ofSocial service administration. “Organ¬ization and Administration of JewishSocial Service Bureau.” « Blackfriars ArtistLeaves UniversityGeorge Savidge recently proclaimedwinner of the Blackfriar poster con¬test, has been ordered to leave schoolby Dr. Richard Tivnen because of anover-strained and nerve-infected eyewhich developed after working on hisBlackfriar contribution.iPage Twotth? latlg ittarmmFOUNDED IN 1901THK OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OP THE UNIVERSITY OP CHICAOOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and Spring quarters by The Dally Maroon Company. Subscription rates:*3.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Filtered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March 13.iOOfl. under the act of March 3, 1873.The Dtoffy Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing In this paperOFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 0977. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion In Its columns on allsubjects of student Interest. Contributors must sign their full names to communica¬tions. but publication will, upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerBUSINESS DEPARTMENTEthan Granquist Office DirectorLeland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreiues Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerFrederick Kretschmer, Circulation ManagerGeorge Gruskin Classified Manage!Jack Pincus Auditorl*r. lAKTMfcMWomen's EditorSports Editor ]bUlTU K1ALGertrude BrombergHarry L. ShlaesReese Price News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorIa-o Stone Whistle EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women's EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women's EditorAlta Cundv Social EditorWE EXCUSE OURSELVES■ TTOGABOOM.” said an old friend of ours, ‘‘things are in pretty Jbad shape around here. How would you like to help straight- jen them out?”“A good idea,” we replied.Our friend continued. “For one thing, he said, “look at the Jpolitics. Look at the elections.” He spoke of log-rolling, of mud-;slinging, of a spoils system, He named deserving candidates whompolitical machines had beaten, and candidates less worthy whohad ridden these machines to victory. The various class honors,he said, have ceased to be a reward of faithful work, conferred by adisinterested tribunal; they have become the goal of clever schem-1ing. He named two fraternities; unless you are a member of oneof these, he said, you have little chance of becoming the head of acertain important activity.Our friend recommended that we, as editor of The Daily Ma-;roon, expose some of these carryings-on. We must show thesefellows up; we must let them know that we condemn all this; then |they will find out that the public condemns it too. That, our friendargued, is the function of a newspaper. We must watch for politi¬cal schemers, and when we find one flay him. Thus we can warn jnext year’s politicians. What is a newspaper for, if not to improve jthe community? And how can it improve the community, but bytelling its readers the truth?“All of this,” we told our friend, “sounds quite reasonable."We have neglected, unluckily, to inform ourselves as an editor shouldon such subjects; hence we could neither agree nor disagree withour friend on specific facts. Yet his argument did sound reasonableWithout doubt, a newspaper ought to dig up the truth, bitter orsweet, and offer it to the public. Without doubt, such a processwould benefit the community. It would in a measure punish offen¬ders, atone for the offense, and warn those who might offend in thefuture. We do not know horn much or how little the campus needsto be cleaned up; but surely we ought to find out, and try our handat the job, if there is one.Nevertheless, we told our friend, we shall not do these things,e are not big enough for the job, or good enough for it. Thesescheming politcicians (if scheming politicians there be) are norascals. They are students, like us, trying to get through collegewithout being driven insane by bibliographies, or frightened out oftheir shoes by flunk notices, or bored to death by The Daily Ma¬roon. Like us, they sometimes try to do the right thing; like us,they sometimes try to do something else. In this game of diggingup the truth, the editor of The Daily Maroon (and his friend) mightcome out the winners; but they might not. We do not like suchrisks, for our part.Improving the community, as our friend agreed, is a big order.We have smaller ones, more fitted to our powers and our circum¬stances,—and plenty of them. We must, for instance, publish adecent issue of The Daily Maroon every day. (Our friend inter¬rupted at this point to remark that the freshmen do most of thework about our office; we ignored him.) Then we must attend threeclasses a day, write an occasional paper, and seem intelligent toour instructors. We must take our laundry to Fifty-Fifth Streetonce a week. We must argue with a cleaner-and-presser who visitsour fraternity house every morning with a bill against us. We mustdo a dozen such things. Now we are not (we told our friend) jthe sort of man who always tells you how busy he is; yet we arehardly in a position to add the Herculean labors to our program.Besides, we said, we shall be alumni in a couple of months.There is much to think about in these days that remain, and much jto study, and much to say to our friends, before we tell themgoodbye.Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110 THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1926BROADCAST VAUDE-VILLE FROM SENIORVILLE FROM JUBILEE(Continued from page 1)be called “It Ain’t Gonna Rain Noj More.” Orvis Henkle off-campus tal-j ent, has been secured to put on aj ukulele act and the Glee Club willclose the bill with campus and Seniorclass song. The entire evening will hedevoted to this vaudeville and nospeeches will be allowed on any ac¬count. according to Mulroy and Missi Rice.Name Sales ForceMiss Rice will give a two minutetalk in Chapel Thursday and Seniors| will he given the opportunity to buytickets at this time. Saleswomen willhe posted at advantageous points andwill trade tickets for money at therate of seventy-dive cents a plate.The following Seniors are asked toreport to Eleanor Rice in Cobh 10 atnoon tday. These fourth year studentswill handle the sale of tickets for tiieaffair. • They are: Eleanor Fish, LouiseWeitzer. Carolyn Pratt, Lucy Pratt.Lucy Lamon. Catherine Campbell,Aimee Graham, Josephine Bedford.Laura Chamberlin, Dorothy Tunison,Margaret Roberts, Gertrude Brom¬berg. Evelyn Turner Seward Covert,Ed. Scott, Raj- Johnson, WilbertFindlay, Graeme Stewart, Don Mc¬Ginnis, Charles Anderson and AllenMiller.IDEALRESTAURANTExcellent Service1352 E. 61st St“The Place to Eat”J. H, FINNIGANDRUGSCigars, Cigarettes, Candyand Ice Cream55th at Woodlawn Ave.Call Midway 0708 Want AdsFOR RENT—A large front room,facing Midway; suitable for one ortwo girls. Miss L. Carmichael, 5thApt., 1007 E. 60th St.WANTED—I wish the co-opera¬tion of three wide-awake girls to as¬sist me in organizing a club. Timespent will be well paid for. CallSheldrake 2602, Tuesday, Thursdayor Saturday for appointment or callin person, Dupont Gift Shop, 6507Sheridan Road.Private instruction in arithmetic,algebra, geometry and trigonometryby a graduate student. Paul Haber,5704 Kenwood Ave., phone Fairfax2665, between 4 and 6.LESSONS IN French and Germanbv- Paris and Berlin Univ. Grad. Con-“■MOSER—V/te Business College u)ith uUniversity AtmosphereBeginning on the first ofApril , July. October. and Jan¬uary. we conduct a Speeinl,course in stenography, whichcomplete, intensive three-months course in stenographywhich is open toCOLLEGEGRADUATES ANDUNDERGRADUATESONLYEnrollments for this coursemust be made before the open¬ing: day—preferably some timein advance, to be sure of aplace in the class.Stenography opens the wayto independence, and is a verygreat help in any position inlife. The ability to take short¬hand notes of lectures ser¬mons, conversations, and inmany other situations is agreat asset.Bulletin on RequestSo Solicitors EmployedPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.,President116 S. Michigan Ave.12th Floor Phone Randolph 4347Only High School Graduatesare ever enrolled at MOSERGirls, only, in the day achool(3377) vers, grammar, scientific texts; alsoLatin and Greek. H. P. 7510.FOR SALE — Gold-plated ConnTrombone, A1 condition $65 cash.Call Hyde Park 2953.French and German by Paris andBerlin Univ. Grad. Convers., gram¬mar, scientific texts; also Latin andGreek. H. P. 7510.FOR SALE—Used Golf clubs, andhose; rare bargains. Phone Dorches¬ter 8343. LEARN TO DANCE WELLTAKE A FEW LESSONS NOWTeresa Dolan Dancing School1208 East 63rd Street, near WoodlawnClasses Nightly at 8:00 and Sundays 2:00to 6:00. Charleston, Saturday. Privatelessone any time, day or evening.PHONE HYDE PARK 3080THE FROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREAdjacent to Frolic TheatreCigarettes Fountain ServiceTel. H. Park 0761Corner Ellis Avenre and 55th St.Hot - YesDelicious French CreamWafflesQuick - YesEUROPEAN AND AMERICAN COOKINGWheel and Whistle1590 East 63rd StreetUnder the Illinois Central ElevationQ^ftevlbusedeamujtheTedeml WayTheFederalMotoBrusWThe greatest of allElectric CleanersCall Randolph 1280{Local 165 or 166 for freedemonstration inyour homeT? COMMONWEALTH EDISON OJuLECTRIC SUOPO72 West Adams StreetNestlesMILK CHOCOLATE j'Richestin Cream!IO*-> PLAIN AND ALMOND Friday Is the Last Day toGet Your1926 Cap and Gownfor $4.50After Friday the price will be $3.00Get Yours NowL V......*-Track coaches makeplea for new material. The DailyWednesday Morning SPORTS MaroonApril 28, 1926 “Bub” Hendersonoffered position as Ma¬roon line coach.MAROONS RALLY IN SEVENTH; WIN 7-6Phi Pi Phi Humbles Sigma Nu, Last Year’s Campus Champs, 8 to 3PHI SIGS, DELTASIGS AND T. S. 0.WIN FAST TILTSKappa Sigs Lose With ButThree Players inContestA soggy diamond did not fail todeter the ambitions Greek indoor base¬ball players and a high brand of thepopular game was shown by the win¬ning teams. In the big up,set of theseason. Sigma Nu led by Bus Stevens,stellar hurlcr of. no hit fame, wentdown to defeat before the tight Hay¬ing of the Phi Pi Phi team, 8 to 3.Phi Sigma Delta again displayed somet.powerful slugging and invincible pitch¬ing to defeat Phi Beta Delta 10 to 0for the second straight shutout vic¬tory.Sigma Nu lost an early lead whenthe Pi Phis scored four runs in thefourth and were never able to regainthe lead. Last year’s champs did nothave their full team out. The Pi Phisstamped themselves as strong con¬tenders for the league title as a re¬sult of this victory.Phi Sigs Outslug Opponents•Led by Caplow and Priess, PhiSigma Delta mercilessly slugged thePhi Beta Delta pitcher Gurevitch. toannex a ten run lead in the first fourinnings. The stellar fielding of short¬stop Reitnvald and first baseman Zol-la kept the losers scoreless. For thelosers, .Perlstein featured with thebat and did some pretty back stop¬ping.Delta Sig began another trek to aleague and possibh a campus cham¬pionship when it defeated Delta TauDelta yesterday afternoon bv thescore of 9-5. Gaskill, pitching for thewinners, starred in an all round way,making the most hits for his teamand holding the losers down to fiveruns. Reitan caught.Chi Psi ForfeitsChi Psi forfeited to Lambda ChiAlpha in the other early contest. Thelast game of the day was a peculiarone. Kappa Sigma, mustering onlythree men, lost to Tau Sigma Omi-cron, 5-1 in five innings. Arnsteinpitched for the winners and Tootnanfor the losers. The only thing sur¬prising about this tilt was the factthat the score wasn't greater.The outstanding teams are begin¬ning to assert, themselves as thetournament moves toward the semi¬final round and most of the teams hav¬ing already displayed their wares.Those teams who look as if they mayenter the semifinals include the PhiSigs, Tekes, Pi Phis, Tau Sigs. In thenon-fraternity league, the Macs ap¬pear to be the class having the sameteam that took them to the semifinalslast year, when they lost to the cham¬pions, Sigma Nu, 1 to 0.MARIETTA MOSS ISNAMED RIDING HEADMarietta Moss has been elected tothe position of representative on the\V A. A. advisory board of horsebackriding at the University, l’he electionof Miss Moss marks the creating ofa new office on the advisory board.Kleanor Fish organized the horsebackriding classes and for two years hasbeen doing the work that Miss Mosswill continue. Harrison TakesFirst Place InGrappling MeetCoach Vorres’ First Annual PrepWrestling tourney has gone over fora big success. Harrison High tookfirst place in the championship sectionof the week and contest with twenty-six points, Tilden took second withnineteen counters, Crane took thirdwith ten and Bloom of ChicagoHeights fourth with a total of eight.In the consolation the Crane and Til¬den teams tied for first honors withfourteen markers apiece, Englewoodgrabbed off second by totaling ten.Bowen by gathering six points tookthird, and Lindblom trailed for fourthwith five.Individual winners were Nicholls ofTilden in the 115 pound class, Dyer ofBloom in the 125 pound class, Gradman of Crane in the 135 pound class.Obrzut of Harrison in the 145 class,Haffberg of Harrison in the 158 pounddivision, DeRoir of Tilden in the 175pound class, and Gorman of Cranein the heavyweight section.In the consolation round, whereone of the losers had a chance to tryagain the individual class winners were115 pounds. Levine of Englewood,in the 125 pound Ginsberg of Crane145 Ferrell of Tilden. and in the 158pound class Horwitz of Englewood.Most of the bouts were won bystraight falls and alt were extremelyinteresting to the spectators. The spec¬tators were, however, few in numberfor the inclement weather kept mostof the enthusiasts from coming. Butsays Coach Vorres “The meet wasentirely a success for its first yearconsidering the fact that the weatherwas so bad.”WHAT of IT?U)/GEOApe MOUGENSTERNIt is a matter of more than passing| interest that the University, afteryears of hopeless endeavor, has at lastswung a successful interscholastic.For decades and for centuries—-or soit would seem to the disinterested ob¬server—the University has been try¬ing to lure trusting and inexperiencedhigh schoolboys into the spider’s netthat centers around Cobb Hall. Butfor some unknown reason, the ladsin knee pants have shied off, and di¬rected their footsteps to such placesas T have pointed out here before) asDenison, Beloit. Oberlin and NorthShore Country Day School. Indeed,these athletic functions the universityhave promoted to the end of decoy¬ing in the high school athletes havewithout exception up to last Satur¬day night proved failures.Wrestlers and all that goes withthem have always been looked uponwith suspicion by me. After an open-minded, impartial investigation ex¬tending over some years, I have beenunable to discover any adequate reasonfor their being. As a class, they im¬press me as rather a low type of Pilt-down man, with strange tendenciesthat take shape in the caulifloweringof ears, mutilation of noses, and kin¬dred perversions. Even worse than thewrestler himself is the “follower ofth’ mat game.” Shrill females on thesidelines who apply toe-holds and fly¬ing males to the empty air in supportof their champion in the ring, and(Continued on page 4) TRACK TEAM TOMEET HOOSIERSAT BLOOMINGTONSquad Is Weak in SeveralEvents; Coaches CallFor New MenA complete track team will journeyto Bloomington Saturday to take onCoach Hay’s new flock of Indianatracksters. The meet is the first dualoutdoor affair of the year for Chicagoand it will fie important in givingoutdoor track a good start. The teamis very weak in some events yet theconsensus gives Chicago a slight edge.Weak In Three EventsThe weaknesses lie especially in thepole vault, the javelin thow, the ham¬mer and the broad jump. All men whocan do any of these things are urgedto come out at either eleven or twelveo’clock, when the varsity practises,and try out for places on the team.Any man who even thinks that hecan broad jump is urged to try out,for jump material is scarce.I he entries as they went in for theIndiana meet are, for the 100 and 220yard dashes, Armstrong. Kernwein,Mickleberry, McKinney, Weddell andL. E. Smith; for the 440 yard run.Armstrong Boynton, Capt. Cusack,Hegovitch, Metzenburg and Mickle¬berry;'for the 880 yard run. Boynton,Kelso, Capt. Cusack, Dugan, andHegovich; for the one and two miles,James Cusack. Boynton. Dystrup,Hegovich. Hitz, Koenigsburg, andKent; for the high and low hurdles,L. E. Smith, Weddell Morrison Met¬zenburg, and McKinney; for thejumps. Burg, Brill, Cody, Kauffman,Weddell, Smith, and McKinney*: forthe vault, Burg, Webster. Gerhart,and Kraus; for the discuss, Hob-scheid. Fouch, Rouse, Olwin, Wolf.Henderson. Morrison. Salamanifs, andCochran; for the shot. Hobscheid,Fouche, Henderson and Olwin; andfor the javelin, Hobscheid, Olwin,Wolf, Henderson, L. Scnebergcr. I..E. Smith and Rouse.Play At BloomingtonThe meet is to be held on theHoosier home grounds because Chi-cago’s track and field is torn up |by ihe excavations of the stadium j(Continued on page 4) “Bub” Henderson toCoach Maroon LineCoach Stagg announced the prob¬able addition of Fred “Bub” Hen¬derson to his staff of coaches yes¬terday. Henderson, captain of theteam last year and unanimous All-Western choice, is to take chargeof the line next fall.There is somedoubt as to wheth¬er Henderson will be able to ac¬cept the position. He says thathe will on the condition that hewill be back at the law school nextfall. If, however, he is not able toreturn to school he will not acceptthe post.If Henderson will be able to as¬sume his duties as a coach it willaid the Matoon team considerably.For lie has had eight years of actualplaying experience at the St. John’sMilitary Academy and here, thusknowing practically all there is toknow about the playing of a lineposition. “He is all that a tackleshould be," is what Mr. Stagg saysof him.GRIDDERS DRILLWITH NEW SHIFT“Clap Hands” Times PlayFor Staggmen“Clap hands here conies Stan now.”Those who stroll around Stagg Fieldthese days are certainly familiar withthe rythmical echo—echo of clappinghands. For those who do not frequentthese parts o fthe campus, we merelymention the fact that it is not thepile drivers that are making the noise.The Maroon grid squad is practic¬ing on a new shift play involving theclap-hands performance as a timingaid. And the way tht play has workedin practice, it appears as if it will bea reliable ground gainer for the Ma¬roons next fall. Stan Rouse has beenreeling off some excellent gains onthis deceptive play.Coach Stagg does not appear en¬tirely satisfied with the showing ofthe turnout for spring drill. Hancockis the only man over 190 pounds andit appears that unless some dark horseturns up the Maroons will have oneof the lightest lines in the Big Ten.after almost a decade of 200 pounders.The Argentine flappers speak SpanishAnd some smoke ‘cigarros’, quite mannishThey Speak English, too,’Cause I’ve talked with a fewWho knew how to make old gloom vanish“Frosh”, “Soph”, “Junior” and “Senior”they’re waiting for you. Great times for all on thisTwo Months Student Tour toSOUTH AMERICAby the large and luxurious S. S. VATJBANLeaving New York June 26 Returning August 24' of the Lamport & Holt Line. All outsideOne of the famous “V-FLEET’rooms: airy dinning saloon: library: swimming pool: gymnasium: spaciousdecks. Deck sports, dancing and a peppy jazz band, Superior service andwell-balanced meals. Good fellowship)—Congenial company.All expenses, including sightseeingtrips and hotel accommodations.For reservations and detailed information apply to your College or UniversityRepresentative or A. L. HYDE, Manager.STUDENT SOUTH AMERICAN TOURS24 Broadway New York City*600 TAKE LEAD IN FOURTH FRAME BUTDE PAUL TIES KNOT AT SIX ALL;GUBBINS SCORES WINNING COUNTERMarks Begins in Box for Locals • Gubbins Takes MoundIn Fifth and Wins Own Game; LargeCrowd Attends First Home GameBy Tom StephensonDePaul University came over andgave the Norgrenites a real practicegame yesterday afternoon. It was onlya practice tilt, but the Maroons wereout to win it.’whatever it was, andthey did after a grueling seven inningbattle. The score was 7 to 6, andthe winning run was registered in thelast half of the last inning by Cap¬tain Gubbins. himself, after a beautifulhit by “Tex Gordon” turned the mostcrucial moment of the game into a winfor the Maroons. This was their firsttaste of victor\r, and it should go along ways towards preparing them forthe coming game with Vogel andSchalk’s University of Wisconsin Ninenext Saturday.Score by Innings—De Paul 1 2 1 0 0 2 0—6Chicago 02 04 0 0 1—7Both teams used two pitchers.Marks and Gubbins hurling for Chi¬cago and Miller and Maas for DePaul.Joe went in for Wallie at the fifthinning and Miller, ex-Northwesternmound man. replaced Maas in thefourth, after the latter had weakenedin that inning to allow four runs.Marks transferred to right field, re¬placing Lurie.Same Men PlayNorgren used practically the sameline-up as has been playing, mainlyAnderson. Macklind, McConnel, Brig-nail, McDonough, Webster, Hoerger.and Marks and Gubbins. Lurie andGordon also got into the game. The return of Hoerger, after a ten daylay off due to a bad ankle, was amatter of strength to the team. TheDe Paul team consisted of Gaffney,Calahan, Bordes. (Lacey, Recarraro,Hoban, Reilly. Kelly, and Miller.In the fourth inning, with a score at4 to 2 against them, the Maroonsstarted a rally that ended in the retire¬ment of the De Paul hurler. Gubbinshit safely to first, and went to sec-j ond on a sacrifice hunt by ChuckHoerger. McDonough walked, andGubbins scored on a two bagger byKyle Anderson. Macklind (followedup with a long hit which brought inMcDonough, and then McConnell senthome Andy and Macklind with an¬other two-base hit .Gubby pitched faultless ball thenext inning, hut was hit hard in thesixth, the DePaulians bringing thescore to a tie at six all. Miller heldthe Maroons countless.Then came the all-important lastinning. Joe exhibited some of his no¬hit form and put the first three bat¬ter down iq one-two-three order.Then Gubbins won his own game,when he ran but the last strike of afan-out. after Kelly, the DePaul catch¬er muffed the hall. “Tex” Gordon,batting for McDonough, brought himhome after Gubbins had stolen thirdbase.ADVERTISERSPATRONIZE MAROONAPRIL SHOWERSBRING OUTTOWER’SFISH BRAND SLICKERSThe most Practicaland StylishRainy Day Garments^CiWERsybur dea/er Aas tfiem-A.J.TOWER CO.Boston. Mass.JZ6SANDERSON & SON, INC.117 W. Washington St., Chicago Buy a Tower Fish Brand Slicker atWOODWORTH’S BOOKSTORE1311 E. 57th St. Open Evenings Until 9 P. M.Senior Dinner — Thurs. Nite — School of Ed.;Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 28, 1926A Whisfleg^sDREAMS TRACK TEAM TO .MEET INDIANA *AT BLOOMINGTON(Continued from page three)builders. For that reason the Chi-; cage men may he a bit handicappedLast night I dreamed the strangest tor l'1e-v have *la<^ an Auto Stropedream—I dreamed that with the morn practise at all this year.The very large list of entries bMy hair was silk, my face was smooth die samc reason, Coach Stagg has hadlittle opportunity to hold tryouts andso he can not make up- a small teamlist without the risk of cutting someI was a man re-born.And as I sauntered past old Cobb,Maids gazed with longing eyes ears, but medals as well. In the Bart¬lett locker rooms they saw picturesof that lot of superior beings, the Ma¬roon varsity wrestling team. Whocan tell what aspirations those pic¬tures aroused? The high school boys,one assumes, saw them and felt thesurge of emotion that would naturallycome when they realized that they,too, could some day cross their armsacross their brawny chests in justsuch other pictures. With that realiza¬tion, no doubt, came the resolve toenter the University of Chicago.My looks, my grace, my virile charm °f ^le nicn ot really good calibre, soBrought winsome, lonesome sighs. | ^ias keen arranged to make theBut morning brings the same old Me ,neet la,r< *knt t oach Hayes of Indi-As ever so it seems, ana s,ia11 a,so entcr a ,arge number ofRestrained to hoping useless hopes j men ]n ^ie events.And dreaming funny dreams.I WHAT OF IT?THE year before last Illinois won !the Big Ten football championship, ] (Continued from page 3)the baseball and the track champion- ! bleary-eyed gentlemen in derby hatsship and tied for basketball. This ' and \ an Heusen collars compose thisyear they only copped in the Drake | class, which is to me another one of I am happy to be able to say thatat last we have Had a successful inter¬scholastic. It is, a boast which upto now has not rung out on the taintedSouth Side air. The school will un¬doubtedly be inundated ncx Septemberwith the inflow of wrestlers to meet.Stifle your sobs in your handker¬chiefs, brothers: there’s nothing to beaoiecetv r t.uoebo ndoth nl,dom setadone about it.relays. Seems like we have a casehere where the ‘T’s” don’t have it. , . those enigmas.Yep, He’s a Marked Man!Dear Turk: They were all out. wrestlers andfollowers both Saturday night atBartlett Gym, where this successfulNow that the editor of the Phoenix, j interscholastic of which I speak— theFred Handschv. has fallen with the i first annual county indoor wrestling C O W H E Y SMEN’S SHOP53th St. and Ellis Ave.Has aCOMPLETE LINE OF NEW SPRINGSTYLESHats - Caps - Sweaters - Silk MufflersTiesMeasles do you think the Phoenixwill revert to spotted cover-?—GeoGINHUMAN tendencies of the Hon¬or svstem as reflected in the class in¬ meet—was in its first throws (if Imay get off one of those atrociousSew Covertish puns). Things seemedto be getting along swimmingly.IT.ere were the usual Humber of dam¬aged ears that go with a wrestlingstructions recently issued bv an in- I meet of any proportions, the usualstructor: "Before I hand out the ex¬amination questions. I must ask jouto separate yourselves.”BACK OF DE YARDS FOIBLE...lim Callahan was sockin sum hei¬fers on the bean won morning kindalistless like when Bil Cohen, whopaks the pork sausiges stopt for nchew on Jims plug.“How you iss dis morninasks Bilbite. brays of “Fake!” and the usual crowd jof enlightened looking fellows who Imake a few extra bumps in their odd jhours of wrestling. There were no lsweating, double-barreled rusher.- thatmake life miserable for the contestants iin most of our interscholastics, it istrue, but things were getting along jto the apparent content of everyoneinvolved just the same.. Surell’s Beauty Shop1451 E. 57th StreetFairfax 2007Expert beauty work in all branchesOpen Tues., Thurs.. and Fri. Eves..jvj I have every reason to believe that jie taks a gud gc'nerns j this nleet wil1 stt precedent and jprove productive in the way of ath- !"O. lx." sed Jim be slammed a : letes. The high school bow- seemed |big he cow on the ivorv and gnocked ! hapP>' with thc consideration shownhim for a gool. "But I got worries."“So:” asks Bii. *\at i- de metta?”"De goil is sick,” sed Jim as hesocked sum more potenchul beaf rosts them. Wrestlers, they had been long,:accustomed to being treated little bet- |ter than what shall I say? IBut here was an indulgent universityfor a row of boiling pins, “an I ben ! ^enerous!-v bestowing upon them, notworring all morning whether to bringher carnashuns or rosses when I gohome. Heinie, the pig sticker, sexto take her rosses cuz it woodn’t-how good taste for me to tak car¬nashuns in such a cirkumstanch.”“Right dot iss 1 guess,” sed Bil ashe went bak to his sausiges.‘Ya I’ll get rosses,” sed Jim as heslammed sum more bovines on thekoft, “ya gotta have good taste insuch matters.”—Ken >nly praise for taking their cauliflower The New TravelPromenade andUpper Main DeckAccommodationsFor TOURIST III Cabin PassengersCHERBOURGSpecial Sailingsround c nnTRIP / /•May 18. June 8. July 3.Cabin rates on applicationFor aprjl Sailings toCopenhagen Danzig andBaltic Portsapply toBaltic America Line,inc.9 Broadway, N.Y. or loci Agent.AGRIPPAWEBBoston AGarteiyCQueryAren’t kissesFairy cartsTo carry hearts?—NethTHE ATHLETIC departmentthe women to donate silk hosieryinjured athletes. As ever, theremain the loyal supporters!OFFENSEWho steals my womenTaketh naught—And other autosCan be bought;But there’s one crookI’ll murder yet—Cigarette ! !He took my only asK-• formen How DidYour GartersLookThis Morning?GEORGE FROSTCOMPANYMAKERSBOSTON No MoreSkidding Garters!AGRIPPA-WEB makes garters act in anentirely new way—and only in Bostons canthis web be had. Even when worn very looseit will not slip. It cannot curl and yet it isremarkably soft and light. Here in fact is apractical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter.In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. ^THE Senior Mustache race has !been launched. The freshmen in the Ihouses heave sighs of relief as they junlock their razor boxes again.—TERRIBLE TURKJENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and Men’sFurnishings1150 E. 63rd St.(Established 1890)RIGHT GOODS — RIGHTPRICES — RIGHTTREATMENT 901 The University PipeThe Only University PipeSweet Smelling—Cool Smoking—LightWeight—Graceful In Appearance26 Different StylesTHE RUFFIAN, $5.00THE BRUYERE, $3.50Obtainable only atE. 63rd St., cjo McLeans Drug Store, Fairfax 5128366 E. 47th St.Atlantic 24111201 Wilson Ave.Ardmore 2066400 W. North Ave.Lincoln 0481 4956 Sheridan Rd.Edgewater 0093241 S. Wells St.Wabash 06163227 Lincoln Ave.Bittersweet 1101 4800 BroadwaySunnyside 15931201 N. Clark St.Delaware 06211448 S. Racine Ave.2259 W. Madison St.M. B. SIEGEL, INC.OFFICE: 374 West Jackson Blvd.374 W. Jackson Blvd., (Main office) State 6694We also carry a full line of Smokers’ articles and Imported Tobaccos;Dunhil, Sasieni and other imported pipes.CIGARS CIGARETTES CANDY LIBERAL CLUB TOHEAR JOURNALISTLeifur Magnusson, well knownjournalist and economist, will speakfor The Liberal Club Thursday at4:30—Harper Assembly Room. Mag¬nusson is at the present time Wash¬ington correspondent for the Interna¬tional Labor Office and in that ca¬pacity is known throughout the world.His subject will be “The Significanceand Progress of International LaborLegislation.” This lecture should heof especial interest to students of socialscience. Following Mr. Magnusson’stalk the Liberal Club will have an im¬portant business meeting at which of¬ficers for the summer quarter will heelected and a new constitution dis¬cussed. SJhe largest sellingquality pencilthe worldSuperlative in quality,the world-famousVENUSPENCILSgive best service andlongest wear.Plain ends, per dor. $1.00Rubber ends, per dor. 1.20cAt all dealersAmerican Lead Pencil Co.220 Fifth Ave., N.Y. THE BEST FIRST MORTGAGEREAL ESTATE BONDSIN CHICAGOSEE US, WE SELL ON THEPARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN$100.00 Bond$10.00 Starts You On aBaer Eisendrath & Co.208 S. LaSalle StreetWabash 0208Campus Representatives:Jos. L. Eisendrath, Jr.Simon LesserMilk For DrivingPowerBefore beginning active work or play thattakes an unusual amount of driving energy,drink a glass or two of WANZER’S MILK.It is stimulating and rich in nourishment, anda delicious beverage for any time of the day.YOU CAN DEPEND ONSIDNEY WANZER & SONSTELEPHONE CALUMET 0817WANZER’SPURE DAIRY PRODUCTS1-mmzcSs-jL y ■ /}£■■■■. ‘ /if- ■ #■■ > ■ -m:\ ■1)11r fw AV )A;Q Back in those good old days whenthe daring undergrads rode theirbikes around town with their feeton thc handle bars, and a racebetween two-wheelers was a galaevent—even in those good olddays Anheuser-Busch was nation¬ally known among good fellows.And now, with bicycles as rareas free lunch and pretzels,BUSCH(A-B)PALE DRYis the favored drink of collegemen because, like the college man,Busch Pale Dry is a good mixereverywhere and every time.|2 fL.OZ opale dry^ngfe/i'yHTBusch IncStLooisH^ [dew hBP®*oAnheuser-Busch StLouisANHEUSER-BUSCH BRANCHDistributors Chicago, Ill. FRESHMEN!DO YOU?CHARLESTONTHE FINESTCHARLESTONEXPERTS IN THE COUNTRYOrchestra NightlyNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYAuditorium Bldg.—431 So. Wabash11 a. m. to 11 p. m. daily—Bring the GangBlue-Black— the kindyou will usein businessAll Sizes andColorsFor Real Fountain PenSatisfaction, UseFOUNTAIN PEN INK'The Ink that Made theFountain Pen Possible"Buy it atWoodworth’s Book Store1311 E. 57th St.Are You QoitigInto the BondBusiness?There is a cycle of fashionnot only for the hats col¬lege men wear but for theline of work into whichthey go.But your job has to fityour head as well as yourhat, for it has to fit yourstate of mind.Like your hat also, yourjob needs to fit your purse.Therefore, why not chooseone that brings not onlysatisfaction in service butin financial return.Selling life insurance isoneof the few modern busi¬nesses that does just this.It takes:Intelligence, Zestand AbilityIt gives:Liberty of action, thephilosophic satisfaction ofselling future security andpresent serenity to livingpeople, and a response, im¬mediate and tangible, inmonetary as well as mentalreward.Complete and confidential in-formation,withoutany obligationon your part, can be obtained bywriting to the Inquiry Bureau,John Hancock Mutual LifeInsurance Company, 197C/arcndop Street, Boston,Massachusetts.Life Insurance Company*or Boston. MamachuslttsA Strong Company, Over Sixty Year*in Business. Liberal as to Contract.Safe and Secure in Every Way.Start the Senior Dinner Off With Band in the Circle Tomorrow Nite