AM 24195$.TOie Bail? Jtooon Important meet¬ing of the Phoen¬ix editorial stafftoday at 3:30, inPhoenix office.Vol. 26 No. 105 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY APRIL 22, 1926 Price Five Cent*HALL, COOK, SETTLEMENT HEADSSENIORS PUNSECONDANNUALJUBILEEDINNERBan on Speeches to MakeBanquet Unique;Plan StuntsJunior Jubilee is the title that wasgiven to the banquet of the Juniorclass last year during the Springo.uarer. This year the festivity willbe known as the Second AnnualJubilee of the class of 1926. Not onlyin name will this banquet resemblethat of last year, but in many of thefeatures also. The most noteworthyof these, as has been announced be¬fore, is that there will be no speechesbut some short snappy stunts, whichTom Mulroy, manager of the dinner,declares to be highly entertainingAnother attractive feature of it,according to Mulroy is that it is abargain, a bargain scarcely paralledin this city. The price of the din¬ner will be seventy-tive cents -nocover charge, no extras—just seven¬ty-five cents in to it.Parade Begin* At 6 O’clockAt 6 o’clock the festivities willbegin with a big parade starting atthe circle. Mulroy disclaims anyconnection between this parade andthe one that is going on down inthe loop at the present time. It ishoped by the managers that thisparade will become a precedent forfuture senior classes. The membersof the senior class will form behindthe band and march from the circlepass all the girls’ doritories and frat¬ernity houses. Thence they expectto ascend to the third floor of theSchool of Education into the cafe.Tom Speak* In ChapelTomorrow in chapel Tom Mulroywill give a short talk about the ban¬quet. In this way he expects toarouse the enthusiasm that will “putit over big.” At the close of theservice tickets will be sold by thewomen of the Senior class. Handbills will also be passed out advertis¬ing the affair. Keutzer Sings atJunior Luncheonl lyde Keutzer, last year’s Blackfriarstar, will entertain along with Stan¬ley Young and Harold Koerber at theJunior class luncheon at noon today inthe sun parlor of Ida Noyes hall.Blackfriar songs will comprise theprogram.Harriet Keeney and George YVid-man, co-chairmen of the luncheon,have been working on plans to makethe affair a success and report thatthe class has responded satisfactorily.Assording to Miss Keeney, the pur¬pose of the luncheon is to give classmembers an opportunity to get to¬gether and to give the council, whowill act as host and hostesses, an op¬portunity to meet everyone. WendellBennett has been elected by the classexecutive council to act as toastmasterof the luncheon.MAJ. BARROWSPICKS _0FFICERSSelected from B**ic Course inFirst Two YearsMERRIAM MAKESNEW CIVIC STUDYOF LARGER CITIESHow cities, counties, park districts,towns, drainage districts and othertypes of local political units can co¬operate in matters of local improve¬ment will be determined in a newstudy launched by Prof. Charles E.Merriam, political scientist at theUniversity. The study will scrutin¬ize the government of metropolitanareas. It will be undertaken by thecommittee on local community re¬search. Prof. Jerome G. Kerwin andothers will assist Prof. Merriam.According to Prof. Merriam, acareful study will be made of themany scores of local governments in(Continued on page 4)What’s On Today Appointment of Cadet non-com¬missioned officers were recentlymade by Major Barrows, head ofthe department of Military Scienceand Tactics. Cadet non-commissionedofficers are selected from the basiccourse which includes the first twoyears; while cadet officers are chosenfrom the advanced course which ineludes the last two. years in the de¬partment.The appointments are as follows:Cadet Master Sergeant, Cadet BuellScace; Cadet Technical Sergeants,Cadet C. M. Marberg and Cadet Mel¬vin F. Abrahamson; Cadet Staff Ser¬geants, Cadet Bernard Sheehan. Cadet Alfred H. Reiser and Cadet W.C. Clarke. The sergeants are all selected from the second year basicstudents.Corporal AppointmentsCorporal appointments made byorder of Major Barrows are as fol¬lows: Cadet Pliny del Valle, CadetHomer D. Tubanks, Cadet George R.Mueller, Cadet George Nardin, Cad¬et Charles A. Warner, Cadet JohnRenhult, Cadet Harold T. Parker,Cadet P. W. Harsh, Cadet John L.Rackow, Cadet Eugene W. Macoy,Cadet Russell C. Whitney, Cadet J.P. Anderson, Cadet Edward Hagens,Cadet Daniel Costigan, Cadet P. RThomas, Cadet G. B. Meagher, CadetWallace W. Mink, Cadet TheodoreTiepen, Cadet Fred Robie, CadetWilliam Bohan, and Cadet JackStambaugh. These men have beenchosen from the number of the first(Continued on page 4) BIBUCAL TALESPROVEN FRUITSOF IMAGINATIONNile Valley Discoveries byBreasted UndermineOld TheoriesY. W. COMMITTEEVISITS HULL HOUSELiberal club, 4:30, Harper M-ll.Physics club, 4:30. Kverson 32.Women’s Speakers club, 7. in IdaNoyes hall. Election of o.,cers.Literary club, 8. Classics 10.Radio decture, 9, through Mitchelltower from station YVMAQ.Registration with Miss Alma Wyliefor an additional class in golf to meetTuesday and Thursday at 3:30; firstmeeting April 29. Members of the Y. W. C. A. Vol¬unteer Service committee, headedby Mona Flanders, chairman, willvisit Hull House Saturday afternoonon a tour to be conducted by MissLouise E. Langan, a resident at theUniversity settlement.The afternoon’s program includesa tour through the entire buildingaccompanied by explanations byMiss Langan of the work done by theSettlement. The group of women willalso visit a dancing class attendedby the children of the neighborhood.After the tour, the women will havetea in the Hull House cafeteria.Persons who wish to go on the tripmay meet either in the foyer of IdaNoyes hall at 1:15 or in Hull Houseat 2. Professor James F. Breasted, whohas spent the last seven months inarchaeological research in Egypt,landing in New York on the WhiteStar liner Majestic yesterday, de¬scribed his work as “like removingthe layers of a cake.”The excavation at Armageddonhas shown six distinctive layers. Thefirst stratum, Prof. Breasted declares,is at least six thousand years old.This expedition to the Nile Valleyhas three purposes; to translate thecoffin inscriptions in the Cairo Mu¬seum, to copy the hieroglyphics atLuxor, and to complete the diggingsat Armageddon.Inscription* Deny Bible StoriesThe coffin inscriptions were writ¬ten in ink on the side of the coffin“so that the dead Egyptians couldlearn from the walls who their com¬panions were.”The work, Prof. Breasted goes onto say, gives those people who be¬lieve in the early stories of theancient world no room to attempt toprove their contentions. ‘In theseand thousands of other ancient in¬scriptions deciphered in Egypt therein nothing to bear out the biblicalstories,” Prof. Breasted said. “I amnot quarreling with the fundamen¬talists, but for stories like the floodand the creation of the earth in sixdays—absolutely no.”To Confer With RockefellerProf. Breasted, returning with hisson, Charles, will remain in the Easta few days to discuss with John D.Rockefeller the establishment of aMuseum of Egyptology in Egypt.Shortly after Mr. Rockefeller an¬nounced his donation several monthsago the government put up suchhindrances as to make it unadvisableto continue further until there wasa complete understanding. Untilthis conference has been held, noth¬ing definite may be said, Prof.Breasted announced.Enthused wifh the result of hislabours, however, he was very em¬phatic in predicting that a great dealof ancient world life will be discov¬ered before the research is com¬pleted. Campus Cubs Realize Upon TheirEducation; Cooperation Their MottoTOWER DRAMATISTSSTAGE AN ELECTIONTower Players will hold their an¬nual elections today at 3:30 in theTower room of Mitchell Tower. Fourofficers and a board member-at-largewill be elected to hold office duringthe coming year.Plans for the present quarter willalso be discussed. The following oldmembers are requested to cast ballotsand any who are Tower players butare not named here are asked to bepresent.Seward Covert. Ed Ward Helle-brandt. Leonard Weinberg, Archie Tre-brow, Russell Whitney, Charles Cow¬an, Hadley Kerr, Herbert Bassett,Ethan Grandquist, Arthur Ernstein,Donald McGuineas, Amedee Cole,Fred Robie, Ted Lockard. Ben Goble,Don McGinnis, Jack Stambaugh, Wm.Moore, Fred Von Ammon, WilliamHahn, Fred Handschy, George Lar¬son. James Parker, Dan Rich, and LeoStone.SAVIDGE WINSPOSTERHONORSEight Other Contestants GetHonorable MentionFords- Problemof East Indies George Savidge, a Sophomorewhose art work has already wonrecognition on campus, is the win¬ner of the Blackfriar poster contest.Announcement of the selecti-onof his drawing was made yesterdayby Ihe Blackfriar superiors. Thedrawing will be used as the frontis¬piece of the “Wallie Watch Out”score, and will serve to advertisethe production to be given in Mandelhall May 14, 15, 21, and 22, on 3,000posters distributed throughout thecity.With the largest number of con-continued on page 4) By Milt MayerCooperative apartments, coopera¬tive Fords, cooperative corporations—and now comes the college man, ormen, with the cooperative necktie.It seems that on a certain day ofspring vacation two campus men ofmore or less note were buying fiftycent ties, and looking at the five dol¬lar scarves, at Marshall Field andCompany. One tie—a five dollar ar¬ticle-struck them simultaneously. Itwas of heavy imported silk, with aswirl of black and white blending intogreys. This symphony of beauty re¬sembles, according to a mild spectator,Pomeranian marble.Now five iron men don’t come withcollege lads singly. So the boys cam¬paigned. What they craved was threelads, fraternity men, each of whomcould borrow a dollar. The tie to beworn one night by each and taken be¬fore morning to the fraternity house ofthe next wearer.After rejecting thousands of applica¬tions, the charter members found thefollowing men willing, if not actuallydesirable: A1 Heald, of Kappa Sig,editor of The Daily Maroon; WallyWilliamson, Phi Gam, news editor ofThe Daily Maroon; Stan Young, Sig¬ma Nu, chorus manager of Black-friars; George Morgenstern, AlphaDelt, and Milt Mayer, Zeta Bete, bothDaily Maroon freshmen.One of these days a surge of heatwill permeate the campus. And thenfolks, you may know that the tie ishere! BOYNTON ANDHARVEY HOLDPURSESTRINGSUndergraduate Council AlsoDiscusses Last of SeniorCriticismsKEUTZER, THOMASAPPOINTED JUNIOR,FROSH TREASURERSFords present as big a problem tothe natives of the Dutch East Indiesas they do to Americans, says Assist¬ant Prof. W. M. Senstius, who has re¬cently returned from a nine months’leave of absence, spent in the Philip¬pine Islands and the Dutch East In¬dies. He neglected to state whetheror not the colleges there were botheredwith the proverbial “wise cracks” thatabound on the outer shells of the cam¬pus’ tin cans.Prof. Senstius was sent to investi¬gate the relation between soils andtropical climates; the progress of themethods of agriculture in the Indies;and to study the main industries ofthe Philippine Islands.The main purpose of the research,sponsored by the University, was toinvestigate a recent hypothesis amongstudents of geography. This theoryis to the effect, that the soil is a func¬tion of the climate; that is, wehevera particular climate is prevalent, thesame type of soil may be expected to(Continued on page 4) Clyde Keutzer has been appointedtreasurer of the Junior class andPerry Thomas, of the freshman classby the Undergraduate council. Brad¬ley Davies, who was formerly Juniorclass treasurer, and Rainey Bennett,who held the Freshman office,, areno longer attending the University.Keutzer, a member of Beta ThetaPi, has distinguished himself oncampus through his participations indramatics. He has been featured inBlackfriar productions for the lasttwo years, having had the leadingwoman’s part in “Kaiti from Haiti.”He will have an important role in“Wallie Watch Out.” Besides acting(Continued on page 4) Foster HonorsMiss O’GradyAt Erin PartyIn appreciation of twenty-five yearsof faithful services, the women of Fos¬ter hall gave a surprise party lastnightfor Miss Catherine O'Grady, who hasbeen in the hall since April. 1901. MissO’Grady’s sister, Hannah, was in thehall for fifteen years before her, sothat the party was really in recogni¬tion of forty years of service renderedby the O’Grady family.Directly after dinner, Miss O'Gradywas led into the living room by MissElizabeth Wallace, head of the hall,and seated in a chair by the window.Next, an Irish green shawl was putover her shoulders, and then a programwas presented before her. Two solos,“Mother Machree” and “Macushla,”were sung by maids in the hall, fol¬lowed b\r an Irish clog. After thiswas over, a large white cake withtwenty-five green candles was broughtin and presented to Miss O’Grady, to-(Continued on page 4) Parker Hall and Esther Cooke wereelected co-chairmen of next year’s Set¬tlement Drive, Mary Harvey andHolmes Boynton became finance chair¬men, and some of the outstanding crit¬icisms received from the seniors inanswer to the questionnaires distrib¬uted in chapel last quarter were dis¬cussed at the weekly meeting of theUndergraduate Council held yesterdayin Classics.The Council agreed that this year’sSettlement Drive, particularly Settle¬ment Night itself, was a great success.The new heads have all had consider¬able experience in Settlement work,particularly Parker Hall, who has beenactive in the organization for threeyears. The drive is scheduled for thelatter part of next November and theearly part of December.Is Permanent SchemeRecommending optional class at¬tendance for seniors, the withdrawalof books from E-ll on Friday nightfor the week-end, and making severalother minor suggestions, the Councilat last completed its work on the sen¬ior’s criticisms of the University. Thisscheme, new this year, is to become apermanent feature of senior class ac¬tivity, according to Charles Anderson,president of the Council.In defeating the suggestion of an ac¬tivity limit for all students, the Coun¬cil decided that this was a matter forthe individual to decide. As studentsvary in ability, energy, and interests,the Council thought there could be nofair basis for a rule limiting the ac¬tivity of a student. However, theyseemed to agree that too much cam-continued on page 4)NEW JEWISH CLUBSELECTS OFFICERS EVOLVE THEORY OFSERUM TO COMBATSEVERAL DISEASESStevens Returns toWork After IllnessProf. David H. Stevens, secretary ofthe English department, who wasstricken with scarlet fever a monthago, returned to the University to re¬sume his work this week.Mr. Stevens was quarantined at theDurand hospital during his 'illness.While he was absent his classes weretaken over by Profs. Robert MorssLovett, George Sherborne andCharles R. Baskervill. Although Prof.Stevens was only out four weeks in¬stead of the usual six, he says he feelsquite able to carry on his work. Conclusive steps in the formation ofthe Jewish Students’ organization willbe taken at the meeting of the dub,today at 4, in Classics 10. Permanentofficers will be elected and a constitu¬tion adopted, so that recognition maybe secured immediately from the Boardof Student Organizations, which meetthe first Saturday in May. Work onthis association has been progressingfor some time.The committee chairmen have beenrecently announced by Jeanette Rubin,temporary secretary, and are as fol¬lows: Debating, Harry May; studygroups, George Grtiskin and HarryRuskin; program. Arthur Shier; Bet-ter-Yet, Leo Stone; external relations,Kathryn Battm; drama, Ralph Hal-perin; financial, Jack Pincus; secre¬tarial, Arthur Ernstein; membership,Stanley Fried. Serum to stave off the attacks ofall diseases in which bacteria toxinsare present, such as diphtheria, pneu¬monia, and perhaps tuberculosis, maybecome one of the weapons with whichthe medical science will combat theravages of disease in the near future.Three Chicago scientists haveevolved a theory, supported by the re¬sults of long and painstaking experi¬ments, and are now seeking to applyit. Dr. Arthur Locke, Seymour Co¬man. fellow of the University, Dr. E.F\ Hirsch and Miss Edna Ruth Main,working in the laboratories of St.Luke’s hospital, are the three scien¬tists.Serums now in use have a high de¬gree of specificity, that is, they are ef¬fective for only one disease, Dr. Lockeexplains, and many difficulties result.The serum may de a different strainfrom that of the toxin to be combatted,even when the general nature of thedisease is known. Valuable time isoften lost determining even the gen¬eral disease to be dealt with. A serumeffective against all bacteria toxin’scrmld be applied at once, he points out.Specificity in a serum is directlyproportional to a certain “binding sub¬stance” which exists in the unit ofserum, according to the new theory.Therefore, it has been concluded, re¬duction of the binding substance willincrease the avidity of the serum, orgive it a wider range of effectiveness,and the problem upon which the trioof scientists are now working is thatof producing a serum in which thebinding substance is minimized.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1926(Ht|p Hatty iflarmmFOUNDDD IN 1M1THE OFFICIAL STUD1NT NEWSPAPER OP TBI UNIVERNTT OP CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Aatnmn,Winter and Spring quarters by The D|Uy Maroon Company, gabecrlptton rates:18.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, tire cents each.Entered ay second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March 18.1006. under the act of March 8, 1§7S.The DWTy Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing In this paperOFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 0977. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student.opinion In its columns en allsubjects of student In tercet. Contributors most sign tbelr full namse to communica¬tions. hut publication will, npon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. MiiTroy, Business ManagerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women's EditorHarry L. Shlaes Sports EditorReese Price News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women's EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women's EditorAlta Cundy Social Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTEthan Granquist Office DirectorLeland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Krelnes Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerFrederick Kretschmer, Circulation ManagerGeorge Gruskin Classified ManagerJack Pincus AuditorSHOWS IN TOWNIn Which Bernard Granville, Actor and Idealist, is InterviewedBy Crouch and TrumbullHERNARD GRANVILLE is a man of ideals. It is the popular con*** ccption, fostered in the Methodist Church basemfent, Schlogl’srestaurant, and other strongholds of the old respectability, that aman cannot be both an actor and an idealist at one and the sametime. Vet Bernard Granville, we say, undoubtedly is. Beneath hisveneer of grease paint (if we may put it so) there beats a heart at¬tuned to the finer things of this life. Methodist as we are, we couldnot but recognize this fact, and we accordingly forebore giving himone of the little tracts, ‘‘God s Red Lights,” which the good pastorhas authorized us to distribute when there are souls to be reclaimed.Mr. Granville is at present presenting his art for approval in“Castles in the Air’" downtown, and a senile doorman made himfall easy prey to a determined interviewer. (But then all interviewersare determined). Mr. Granville wore a fur coat, a grey suit, andhis habitual knowing look when he was, figuratively speaking, col¬lared. He made little show of resistance, and, better still, he startedto talk.‘Musical comedy,” he said, “moves in cycles of twenty yearsor so; the type material and music of the Gilbert and Sullivan oper¬ettas of the Nineties are again finding expression in shows like “Cas¬tles In the Air” and "The Student Prince.”‘English actors and English humor are of entirely the samecast an American; when one talks about the ‘English sense of hu-nor’ disparagingly,” continued Mr. Granville, with a professionallift to his left eyebrow, ‘‘one takes a body blow at the same time atthe Ameircan sense of humor, for one is the other, and both are thesame, if you quite follow me.”Then Mr. Granville’s idealism came to the surface. “It irks me,”he said, ‘‘to see contemporary dramatists looking to the gutter for in¬spiration for their plays. I believe that it is impossible for the musi¬cal comedy to entertain without playing for the muffled snicker, in¬stead of the open, wholehearted laugh, for the applause of our bas¬er parts, instead of the approbation of our better natures. It is myearnest opinion that every play should tend to stimulate our moralnatures, a view held in common with me by the great Phineas TaylorBarnum.“I regret to see a dramatist of the caliber of Eugene O’Neillsubverting his genius to the level of the lower depths, to which heinvariably goes for his themes. 1 hold the belief, however, thatO’Neill will see the error of his ways and mend them, and that hewill soon become a force of moral value to the community. “Yes,indeed,” he summed up, rising to his feet, “I am counting on his sup¬port in the advance towards idealism and morality in the theater.You will pardon my abrupt departure," added Mr. Granville, sid¬ling out the door, to follow what looked strangely like the “thirdfrom the left,” ‘ I must have my moments of privacy, in which 1 candream, I can build my castles in the air.” But why did he choose theTown Club to build them in, and why the third-from-the-left to buildthem with? And why were we there? There are mysteries, ourfriends.Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a May of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of HI, Franklin 3110UNIVERSITY STUDENTSFOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARE BEST ATWILLIAM’S CANDY SHOPCORNER FIFTY-FIFTH AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEFresh Home Made Candies Want AdsFOR SALE — Gold-plated ConnTrombone, A1 condition $65 cash.Call Hyde Park 2953.French and German by Paris andBerlin Univ. Grad. Convers., gram¬mar, scientific texts; also Latin andGreek. H. P. 7510.FOR SALE—Used Goli chibs, andhose; rare bargains. Phone Dorches¬ter 8343.WANTED—Young woman to staywith baby Saturday evenings and Sundays. Pleasant surroundings. T.Portis, 6742 Crandon Ave. Midway9594.LESSONS IN French and Germanby Paris and Berlin Univ. Grad. Con¬vers, grammar, scientific texts; alsoLatin and Greek. H. P. 7510. room, board, and salary. Very easy i J. B. Lawler, 5316 University Ave.,and reasonable. New apt. Call Mrs. J Dorchester 6301.WANTED—Young woman to takecare of two children in exchange forLEARN TO DANCE WELLTAKE A FEW LESSONS NOWTeresa Dolan Dancing School1208 East 03rd Street, near WoodlawnClaasea Nightly at 8:00 and Snndaya 2:00to 6:00. Charleston, Saturday. Privatelessons any time, day or evening.PHONE HYDE PARK 3080 C. ANDREWS G. KONELLKmv&mCHICAGO’S FINEST RESTAURANTCatering to a Discriminating Patronage Who Desirethe Best of Food and Service at ModeratePrices6344-46 Cottage Grove AvenueHyde Park 7373 CHICAGOOOOOO>OOOQO800000000 noMOOiooootoooooooooooooooo 000000000000 • • a a oooooolf, Henrij C.Lijtton % SonsSTATE at JACKSON—on the Northeast ComervZ*“Foresome” 4-PieceSports SuitsItfs the Smart Suit for All Spring andSummer Wear — Newest Light Patterns*45VIRTUALLY two Suits for the price of one—that’s economy. But above all itssmart. Correct for campus, comfortable for the golf course. Gene Sarazen,Johnny Farrell and Walter Hagen, the golfers most exacting in the choice of theirapparel, wear Foursomes and recommend them. With coat, vest, trousers andknickers. A great value.Sports Apparel Section, Fifth Floor1U0iDiamond squaddrills for game withHawks next Saturday. | The Daily SPORTS Maroon Coaches decide tosend entire track squadbut Burg to Drake.Thursday Morning or ui\ 1 o April 22, 1926FOUR TEAMS WIN OPENING CONTESTSTrack Coaches Decide Not to Enter Chicago in Penn State RelaysANTON BURG TOBE ONLY LOCALENTRY TO PENN Coaches AbolishFootball Leaderat Stanford U.Send Entire Team ExceptBurg to DrakeRacesChicago is going to Penn. But notas was first expected in a massedtrack team; instead only one trackathlete is carrying the Maroon col¬ors into the big Penn Relays. Chi¬cago will also be represented at DesMoines. Twelve or thirteen track¬men will go there to compete in thevarious events of the Drake RelayCarnival. Thus although the teamwill be rather split Chicago menwill b« at the two most importantmeets.27th Year At PennOnce again thus the Maroons willbe contestants at Penn. Chicago wasthe first western school to send herathletes to the eastern affair and itwas largely throug"h her support thatthe meet became a nation one. Thiswill be the twenty-seventh year thatChicago has completed. And althoughonly one man Anton Burg, is makingthe trip he is expected to finish highup among the place winners. He isentered in the high jump, his special¬ty and if he holds true to form willprobably take first in that event.The relay team js not going toPh^adbelpfliia to take part in themedley because no man has beenfound to take the place of Les Beall.For a while it was thought that StuSpence would do for the place buthe has been declared ineligible; soCoach Stagg has decided not to sendthe medley team to Penn but ratherto break it up and send other teamsto the Drake event.Relay* to DrakeThe half mile and four mile relayoutfits will go to Des Moines togeth¬er with several of the individual per¬formers. McKinney, Kerwein, Mic-kleberry, L. E. Smith, Armstrongand Weddell are to make up the halfmile group; four of them will runon the relay and four will run in the220 dash; which of the men are totwice has not been decided. Thefour mile team will be composed ofCapt. Cusack, Hegovich, and Hitz.That is the order in which they fin¬ished the event at Ohio. Trials forthe weights were held last night; it isprobable that Hobscheid, Oldwin,and Rouse will be the weight mento go.The teams will probably leave to¬night for the prelims on Friday. Al¬though they are not expected to doexceptionally well, they will nodoubt show in their respectiveevents. Abolition of active football captainswas effected at Stanford University bythe executive committe of the studentbody. Hereafter the position will behonorary and only awarded at the endof the season. An active field captainwill be appointed for each contest bythe coaches.Initiative for this move came fromthe coaches. They favor the plan be¬cause it will give them more freedomin the selection of men to play in eachparticular game.The inovation receives the support ofthe Daily Palo Alto.The method of choosing captains inadvance has not worked out to thesatisfaction of all. After a player isselected he may go into a slump. Asa result, the team benefits little by hisleadership, and in some cases actuallysuffers, due to the justifiable hesitationon the part of a coach to ‘bench” thecaptain of his squad.The following conflicting opinionswere among the many given in theDaily Californian, when the newsreached the University of California:Benton W. Holmes, ’25, captain ofthe 1926 varsity basketball team: “Ithink that the Stanford plan is better.After a man has been elected captainfor a season he is apt to fall down.People expect a captain to be far bet¬ter than the best of his men. Afterall, a captain is not much more thana figurehead.”F. L. Kleeberger, chairman of thephysical education department: “Thesystem adopted at Stanford puts toomuch power in the hands of coachesthat are not, as a rule, graduates ofthe university at which they are coach¬ing. They are older than the playersand consequently see things differently.Team memebrs, themselves, are theonly ones who should select their ownleaders.” DIAMOND SQUADDRILLS FOR TILTWITH HAW'fEYESVogel’s Proteges ToughFoe for MaroonNineWith two consecutive defeats intheir first two Conference games, theMaroon nine will endeavor to ringup their first win when they clashwith Otto Vogel’s powerful ball toss-ers at Iowa City on Saturday. Thewarm weather that the squad hashad for he last few days should beconducive to better baseball thanthey have displayed hitherto.Blame Error* For LossesErrors and inability to hit in thepitches are blamed for the lossesagainst the Purple and the Boiler¬makers. The Norgrenites outhitj Purdue, but the hits were too widelyscattered to produce runs. Last: year’s regulars are doing all thehitting, the new men having as yetfailed to show any promising stick-work. The stocky Brignall, McCon¬nell, and Webster are the only menwho have found their batting eyes.The timely wallops of Red Cunning¬ham have been sadly lacking. Withthe return of Cliurek Hoerger, whois ill and Kyle Anderson, who is oncrutches as a result of a twisted an¬kle, Maroon hopes will jump up anotch.Gubbins On MoundGubbins will go to the moundagainst Iowa, and should have better-luck. The diminutive southpaw wasnot right in the frigid weatheragainst Northwestern, and if theweather is warm his slans shouldprove difficult for the Iowans. TheHawks are in great trim after asouthern trip and a \vin >is pre¬dicted for them.FORMER MEMBER OFLEGISLATURE ON NINEIn the pitching box, from where» hurls curves with skill and pre-sion he is known as a fi-eshmanound prospect but in public life henone other than former State Rep-;sentative Arnold of the Illinoisgislature and student at he Uni->rsiy. Mr. Arnold who is marriedid he father of two children en-red the university last fall to ob-in a university degree, specializingpolitical science. But when herned out for the frosh diamondam, he showed that he is just asuch acquainted with a baseball asith parliamentary procedure, theeen shirters gasped with astonish-er.t. Yes, he is a righthander. GYMNASTS GATHER TO REAP THE- REWARD OF LONG AND HARD WORKOthers at the banquet will be Ben¬son. Connor, Flexner, McRoy, Nelson,Paisley, Stevenson, Neubauer, Collins,Sissman, and retiring captain JerryQuinn. And only two of this groupwill not be present at next year’s ban¬quet when, undoubtedly, another flockof championships will be celebrated.Jimmy Connor and Paisley will begraduated this Spring. Connor wasrecognized as the best tumbler in theland.Davidson, Flexner, Nelson andQuinn wil be the big guns of nextyear’s team, but plenty is expectedfi-om the others. So it seems as ifthere is a great deal of justification forrumor that next year they will con¬tinue their monotonous string of titles.By Victor RoterusCoach Hoffer’s gymnasts will putthe official and proverbial lid on theirseason when they will stage their lastmeet tonight—at Hutchinson Com¬mons where they will gather to graband grunt at the annual banquet. Andas usual there will be a horde of med¬als presented—conference champion¬ships, national championship, individ¬ual championship and others which noone can justly grudge them for, as anyteam that performs as consistently andsatisfactorily as this group of athletesis deserving of all the insignia that isavailable to honor gymnastic tri¬umphs.It is hardly necessary to dwell onthe past season. All that need be saidis that the team went through a re¬markable season, winning the confer¬ence title at Lafayette, and beatingthe University of Pennsylvania for na¬tional inter-collegiate honors.Davidson, a sophomore this season,was elected captain as a reward forhis wonderful work, throughout theyear of the Big Snow. Davidson isadept at the horizontal bar, parallels,rings and tumbling; and Coach Hofferpredicts a great season for him nextyear in the horse event which he isnow rehearsing. So all in all, he wellmight be termed versatile.THE FROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREAdjacent to Frolic TheatreCigarettes Fountain ServiceTeL H. Parle 0761Corner Ellis Avenre and 55th St. Permanent Waving, Shampooing,MarcellingTHE JONES SHOPPE1373 East 55th Str^tOpen Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, andSaturday.Phone Hyde Park 6941J 1. H. FINNIGADRUGS NCigars, Cigarettes, Candyand Ice Cream55th at Woodlawn Ave.Call Midway 0708 Plan 4th AnnualFencing Meet forSaturday, May 8On the evening of Saturday, May8th, at Bartlett gymnasium, 57th streetand University avenue, the Universityof Chicago will hold its fourth annualfencing meet, open to all amateurs ofChicago and vicinity. There will bebouts in novice, junior and seniorclasses in foils, sabres and duellingswords as well as a special event infoils for ladies.Award Prize RibbonsPrize ribbons will be awarded forfirst, second and third place in eachevent. No entry fee is required andEntries may be made until 7:30 p. m.when the bouts will begin. It is ex¬pected that there will be a large at¬tendance from schools and athleticclubs, as well as from the University.A special foil competition, limited tohigh school boys, will be a feature ofthe meet.The University wishes to encouragethe spreading interest in the sport,which is shown by the fact that elevenChicago high schools have added fenc¬ing to their athletic program, and thatthe Illinois Fencer’s League is nowcompleting its organization in this city.Divide Entries in Three ClassesThe three classes into which fencersare divided represent degrees of ex¬perience. A novice is a fencer who hasnever taken a prize in an open com¬petition for novices, a junior a fencerwho has won first place in an open“Competition for novices, and a seniora fencer who has won first or secondplace in an open competition for jun¬iors. This classification is designedto act as a hardship and to encouragethe inexperienced fencer to test hisability in competition against oppon¬ents of his own amount of training.Following are the important ruleswhich vary from A. A. F. rules:1. Infoil and sabre the contestantfirst scoring five points is the winner;contestants change sides when one hasscored three points.2. A riposte counts only one point.3. In foil the target is the wholebody from the collar to waist, andsword-arm to the elbow. A stop-thrust on the arm is a foul, as is also aslap with the point. SIGMA CHI, PHI SIGMA DELTA, PHIGAMMA DELTA AND T. S. 0. COMETHROUGH WITH CLEAN VICTORIESSigma Chi Is Victor Over Lambda Chi Alpha, 13-8, in OnlyClose Tilt of the Day; Few SpectatorsWatch GamesPATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS By Tom StephensonPlayground ball was fittinglyushered into the annals of Intra-Mural Sportdom yesterday afternoonwhen the spring athletic programopened with eight Fraternity teamssending their nines forth to battle.After the first day’s play was over,the four teams who remained un¬defeated were those representingSigma Chi, Phi Sigma Delta, PhiGamma Delta, and Tau Sigma Omi-cron. The four who got away tobad starts were Pi Phi Pi, LambdaChi Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi, and AlphaSigma Phi. The Kappa Nu-DeltaSigma Phi contest was postponed.Heavy Hitting Is FeatureHeavy hitting characterized everygame, all of the winning teams gar¬nering double-digit scores, and onlyone nine, the Phi Psis, being heldscoreless. Most of the hurlersshowed signs of newness, and thebatters made use of this fact by-slapping the ball for two and threebase hits with regularity. Bartlett,I Phi Ggim, and Caplow, Phi Sig,were the class of the hurlers, andexpert work by them made theirteams look as formidable contendersfor the Beta and Alpha Leaguechampionships, respectively. Scott,Sigma Chi, also pitched a goodgame.Sig Chi Takes Close OneClosest and most exciting of allthe games was the 13 to 8 victory ofSigma Chi over the Lambda Chis.The Sig Chis took the lead in thefirst inning and kept it until theend, but were constantly threatenedby the Lambda Chis, especially inthe first half of the fifth, when thelatter brought in four runs to cutdown the Sigma Chi lead to a 11-3score.The Sigma Chis tightened uphowever, and cinched the game bycool, but effective playing. Scottand Glywn formed the winning bat¬tery, while Keller and Kreuger didthe heavy work for the loosers. Col¬lins, Frauf, Glywn and Stromer allscored two or more runs for SigmaChi, while Martin, Abrahamson, Ful-rath, Norberg and Gillispie were theLambda Chi Alpha point-getters.Kenwood Club Tea Rooms1363 EAST 47th STREETKenwood Club BuildingLUNCHEON 50 CENTS DINNER 75 CENTSSpecial Sunday Dinners SI.00Special Holiday Dinners $1.50Served from 12 to 8 P. M.See Us About Our Special Inducement for Student PartiesBRIDGE-LUNCHEONS DINNER-DANCESi .banquets BAZAARS50c WAVESevery day except SaturdayLicensed OperatorsKENNEDY SHOPS1155 E. 63rd St.Midway 02071455 E. 63rd St.Dorchester 3755 6351 Cottage Grove Ave.Fairfax 58965226 Harper Ave.Hyde Park 2406 Phi Pi Phi Lose, 10-2Phi Gamma Delta won from PiPhi Pi by a 10 to 2 count. Von Am¬mon first up to bat, scored right offthe bat and put the Phi Gams intoa lead that was never lost. The ex¬pert hurling of Johnny Bartlett wasa great factor in this, while someheavy hitting in the fourth, fifthand sixth inning gave the winners abig lead.Phi Psi Shut OutPhi Sigma Delta, led by the shut¬out pitching of Caplow and Priess,walloped the Phi Psis by a 14 to 0score. No scoring by either side wasregistered until the last of the thirdinning, when Priess brought in threeruns with his home-run swat. Herepeated with another in the fourthinning, and the Phi Psi support weak¬ened to let in several runs. Woehler,the losing hurler pitched a goodgame, but was not backed up verywell by his mates.Few PlayersHandicapped by a scarcity of play¬ers, the Alpha Sig nine was forcedto defeat at the hands of the TauSig outfit by a 17 to 2 count. Thewinners started out with a first inn¬ing “rally” which netted them 7runs, and repeated in the third inn¬ing with five more. In the meantimesome more Alpha Sig players ar¬rived on the scene, and with a fullteam put up a good battle for theremaining innings of the contest.—MOSER—w Business CoOette with aUniversity Atmosphere*Beginning on the first ofApril , July, October, and Jan¬uary. we conduct a Special,course in stenography, whichcomplete, intensive three-months course in stenographywhich is open toCOLLEGEGRADUATES ANDUNDERGRADUATESONLYEnrollments for this coursemust be made before the open¬ing day—preferably some timein advance, to he sure of aplace in the class.Stenography opens the wayto independence, and is a verygreat help in any position inlife. The ability to take short¬hand notes of lectures ser¬mons, conversations, and inmany other situations is agreat asset.Bulletin on RequestNo Solicitors EmployedPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.,President116 S. Michigan Ave.12th Fleer Phene Randolph 4147Only High School Graduatesare ever enrolled at MOSERGirls, only, in the day school(331?)'THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1926Page Four4 >>VhistleRUINEDShe was a pure and lovely girl ofsweet sixteen; no one had ever kissedher except the iceman—and he was :her brother. Her mother had gone to Iheaven, and her daddy was no longeron this earth, so she was an orphan, jbut she had little brothers and sisters jto take care of... One day a wickedtravelling salesman called at the doorand asked for her mother, and whentold mama was in heaven, he said,“Oh, you’ll do for mama,” and hestarted to sell her a vacuum cleaner.Now like all pure and lovely girls ofsweet sixteen, she always wore a neatwhite dress—the only one she had—which served to enhance the purity ofthis naive little maid. It happenedas our heroine and the wicked travel¬ling salesman were alone in the parlor,talking vacuum cleaners, her littlebrother came in from making mudpies. Innocently he parted the cur¬tains and entered the room. What didhe see there? * * * At that in¬stant a hysterical scream was heard,and the pure girl cried, “Oh, naughty,naughty!” Then the wicked travellingsalesman rushed out the door with hisvacuum cleaners under his arm.Ruined! The horrible truth must dawnon you, gentle reader. That child hadruined her only white dress with hismuddy hands.ON the west wall of the new Divin¬ity chapel we find this admirable senti¬ment to inspire us:Ye Shall Know The Truth And TheTruth Shall Make You Free. Ofcourse, translated this means:If You Have The I.owdown OnSome Things Around This University,You Are Free To Get Away WithM urder.SUPPRESSED DESIRE1 sure wish I’d been born twinsWas little Wilie’s wish.One half of me I’d send to school,The other half would fish.KEN.We Hesitate To SayDear Sir:Was watching the co-eds on the ten¬nis court yesterday. They ran hitherand yon, chasing tennis balls and pick¬ing them up. Now and then one ofthem would get hold of the ball andhit it with a racket—then the other onewould chase it. What were they do¬ing?Junior.NOW that spring i> really here, andthe warm surge of re-awakened naturefloods through our beings, we yieldto the spirit of meditation.1. 'Winter and cold weather makesstudy impossible—we are too sluggish.2. Medium weather of spring isscarcely suitable for study either—itproduces apathy.3. However, we are certain thatwarm weather is a bad element for in¬tellectual endeavor—it is too enervat¬ing.But on the other hand, course hookscame out yesterday.MAXIMS AFTER HAFIZIf it be pleasant to look on.The young man always will try it;The car, that is offered for sale.Has to perform ere he’ll buy it.(Apologies to)But if SHE be pleasant to look on,What does the young man say?To, she is pleasant to look on,Gice her to me today.(KIPLING)Yesterday, Terrible Turk was busystripping art treasures from the wallsof the Kappa Nu house. Yeh. we un¬derstand they had Mother’s day/ overthere.—ATLAS.MAJOR BARROWSPICKS OFFICERS(Continued from page 1)year basic students who have servedtwo quarters in the R. 0. T. C. unit.The rank of these men is in theorder named. According to HerbertMayer, Acting Cadet Major of theR. 0. T. C. unit, they are chosen fortheir efficiency and academic record,in accordance with a new policy ofthe department which is to rewardconscientious service. SAVIDGE WINSPOSTER HONORS(Continued from page 1)testants in the history of the posterconests, the competition for honorswas extremely close, according toPaul Cullom, Abbot of Blackfriars,and the selection was most difficult.Savidge’s poster, however, was chos¬en as the most typical of the Uni¬versity life portrayed in the show.A close comeptitor for honors wasMiss Frances Owen, the only womanto submit a poster. Among theothers whose work received favor¬able criticism were Carl Lippe. Ev¬erett Lowry. William Cotant, Ame-dee Cole, Frederic Bager. JamesRoot, and Rudolph SamuelsThe posters will be plated on ex¬hibition in Harper W31.Chorus rehearsals are now pro¬gressing rapidly, and Hamilton Cole¬man, the director, declares that thechoruses will be the snappiest of theyear. The Tag-Along chorus is at¬tracting especial attention.New specialty acts are still beingchosen. Jack Kinsey, who appearedin the Settlement Night program,will do a Charleston act. HaroldKoerber and Stanley Young will givea vocal duet with ukelele accom¬paniment.FORDS: PROBLEM OF EASTINDIES(Continued from page 1)be found. It would follow from thishypothesis that there would be a dis¬tribution of soils in a tropical climateaccording to elevation as is found incertain latitudes. In hunting for ma¬terial. Prof. Senstius had to climbmountains ranging in height from six jto eleven thousand feet. He says, “Ifound that field observations do show 'a partial confirmation of the theorybut more study needs to be made togive a final conclusion.” #In the Dutch East Indies conditons are considerably changed from whatthey were eight years ago, said Prof.Senstius. Every one has prospered sothat even the natives ride in Americanmade automobiles. The Ford, Dodgeand Buick are the most prominent.In the Philippine Islands the mainindustries are the raising and manu¬facturing of sugar, lumber, and Ma¬nila hemp. The plantations are not asefficiently managed as are the factories.This may be due to the fact that thefactories arc managed and controlledby Americans, for the most part, whilethe plantations arc controlled by thenatives.While on his tour Prof. Senstiusgave several lectures. While in Manillahe spoke to the Agricultural College,Los Banos, and to the Philippine scien¬tific society. In Java he spoke to theexperiment station workers, planters,and a gathering of the general public,on the progress in geography teachingin this country.FOSTER HONORSMISS O’GRADYAT ERIN PARTY(Continued from page 1)gether with a corsage made up offlowers and twenty-five crisp greendollar bills. Following this all themaids sang “Believe me if all these en¬dearing young charms.” The partyclosed with a song composed for theoccasion, and sung by all the womenof the ball.Arrangements for the party weremade by the house committee, headedby Esther Cook. Barbara Cooke wasin charge of the program. ‘We alhfelt that this was a very fitting way toexpress our appreciation for the serv¬ices which Miss O’Grady has renderedto all of us,” said Miss Cook.•ERNST RQfflUV•5a09-t1flRPER-AVE-• PHONC ‘ HV&E-PARK 8262-•ARM-fflOTOGRflfflm3EORGE FROSTCOMPANYmakers No MoreSkidding Garters!AGRIPPA'WEB makes garters act in anentirely new way—and only in Bostons canthis web be had. Even when worn very looseit will not slip. It cannot curl and yet it isremarkably soft and light. Here in fact is apractical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter.In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. ,Your GartersLookMorning?BOSTON r-i jiKEUTZER, THOMASAPPOINTED JUNIOR,FROSH TREASURERS(Continued from page 1)in these plays, Keutzer also has writ¬ten some music for “Kaiti fromHaiti” and for the first Annual Mir¬ror production, presented during thewinter quarter.Thomas, who is a member of Phi in construction of highways, sewers,water works, and the organization ofpark system and in the developmentof region planning.An attempt will be made to makecertain constructive suggestions :isto the possibilities of greaer coopera-ion and coordination among thesevarious governmental agepcies witha view of reducing expense, mini¬mizing friction, and making possiblethe more effective organization ofgovernment of the area.BOYNTON ANDHARVEY HOLDPURSE STRINGS(Continued from page 1)pus activity is bound to be reflectedin the work of a student, and that it isa harmful thing generally.The suggestion that chapel be madevoluntary was also defeated, the rea- soil being that excuses from chapel areso easily obtained, either on religiousgrounds or because of employment,that nobody’s conscious could pos¬sibly he violated through attendance.Also, since the chapel period was soshort and since people were requiredto attend but once a week, there couldbe very little objection on the groundthat religion was dominating the edu¬cational policy of the University.Kappa Psi, was a candidate for thepresidency of the freshman class andis a member of the class council,MERRIAM MAKESNEW CIVIC STUDYOF LARGER CITIES(Continued from page 1)the Chicago region with a view toobserving to what extent and inwhat way they are able to cooperate DANCE ATTHE DRAKEHOTEL GRILLChicago's Mast Exclusive DancingPlaceA Timely Guarantee Formal SaturdaysInformal Dancing Other F.venings(Sundays excepted)after ten o’clockHAIRY sources of WANZER’S** MILK and CREAM are underState and Federal supervision.We also produce and distribute instrict accord with the rules and regu¬lations of the Chicago Departmentof Health. SPECIAL MAY PARTYDANCERSSPECIALTIES— BALLETSMAY 1STSIDNEY WANZER & SONS TOMMY THATCHERand his OrchestraESTABLISHED 1M7 (A Benton Organization)Direction,GLADYS ANDESDependable Q u a lity and Service