IPI 15 H2t 'i'JL&kC'rd/ f™*Military Balltickets are onsale today inCobb 107. jWaroon InterfratemityCooiicil will meetThursday nightfor election of of¬ficers.Vol. 26 No. 99 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1926FRIAR STARS OFLAST YEAR TOBROADCAST HITS Price Five CentsMusic for 1926 ShowYet Has Not BeenSelected asStars of “Kaiti from Haiti,”, the1925 Blaokfriars show, will get jntocondition for the new production,“Wallie Watch-Out,” by broadcastinga radio program Wednesday eveningfrom WLS, the Sears-Roebuck sta¬tion at the Sherman hotel. As themusic for this year’s show has notyet been chosen, the program will con¬sist of 1925 Blackfriar song hits andpopular music.Don McGinnis will sing “Just LikeMe, Just Like You,” and “.CollegeLife.” Clyde Keutzer’s specialtysong numbers will be “Haitian Hai¬tian Krawl,” “Idle Away,” and“Honey Girl.” John Wilson andKeutxer will play a piano duet, “I>et’sTalk About My Sweetie.’ ’Jass Band PlaysThe Blackfriars Jazz Band, whichspent last_ summer in vaudeville, willplay “Sweet Man,” and “Tiger Rag.”Fred von Ammon, Ben Turner, andBill Hannah will compose the band.The quality of the music submit¬ted for the Blackfriar lyrics, accord¬ing to Hamilton Coleman, the direc¬tor, is of such exceptional quality thatthe selection is extremely difficult.The music for “Please Louise,”“Raggedy Ann,” “Hell’s Kells orFreshmen,” and “DaguerreotypeDays,” which was to have been de¬cided upon yesterday, is still worry¬ing Mr. Coleman. Among those whosemusic is being considered are CarlLillie, Norman Reid, Carl Bioman,John Wild, George Jones, and JohnGlynn.Large ClassThe first chorus rehearsal washeld yesterday afternoon precedingthe music contest. With the largestchorus turnout in the past six years,Mr. Coleman expressed the opinionthat the chorus numbers this year willsurpass those of all previous Black¬friar performances. Rehearsals willlie held in the Reynolds theatre every of-ternoon this week at 2:35 o’clock.Members of the cast will be noti¬fied when they are wanted for finalchoice.“Wallie Watch-Out” will be pre¬sented in Mandel hall May 14 and 15,and 21 and 22. In addition to theevening performances, there will beSaturday matinees.Arrangements have been made forbroadcasting the music from variousradio stations each week. Specialtyfeatures now being chosen will also begiven for the benefit of the radio au¬diences. Poli Sci GroupsWatch at PollsMembers of undergraduate Poli¬tical Science classes will spend fourhours watching at the polls today,as a part of the attempt of the de¬partment to give the students prac¬tical political experience. PoliticalScience classes will not meet todayor tomorrow.Students are 'being supplied withcredentials as watchers and are as¬signed to posts by the candidatesfor whom they have elected toto work. It is hoped by Prof. Mer-riam, head of the Department ofPolitical Science, who is sponsor¬ing the experiment, that such in¬timate contact with politics will bebeneficial to the students. Theservice is a required part of thePolitical Science courses for thisquarter. Over J00 students are ex¬pected to take part in the politicalactivities of the day because of thisrequirement.GREEKS STUDYRUSH METHOD EMPLOYER ANDJOB-SEEKER TOMEETJS PLANEmployment Bureau DevisesNew Plan To AidSeniorsAppoint CommitteeConsider Problem toWOMEN LEAD MENAT NORTHWESTERNScholastic records made public bythe registrar of Northwestern uni¬versity show that during the first se¬mester sorority girls proved them¬selves better students than fraternitymen.In the system of grading in use 2.Srepresents perfection. 1 is consideredthe pasyng grade. Fifteen out of thetwenty-two fraternities achieved thepassing mark. Five sororities hadhigher averages than any fraternityand the lowest of girls’ organizationssucceeded in bettering the coveted 1.The figures show that the generalaverage of the 404 members of soror¬ities was 1.414. A year ago the aver¬age was 1.506. Kappa Sigma Tau,with eleven members, led the sororitieswith an average 2.016, the highestmade by any girls’ organizations inthe last four semesters.Men undergraduates in universitydormitories, of whom there are ninety-two, had averages considerably abovethose of the 492 members of frater¬nities. The general fraternity averageduring the first semester this year was1 049. as compared with 1.029 for thesame period a year ago. Five men have been appointed byRobert Carr, president of the Inter-fraternity council, to consider theproblem of “rushing"—one of themost complicated problems the Uni¬versity has to face during the fallquarter.The committee includes Stuart Ly¬tle,-of Psi Upsilon, Thomas Masters,of Delta Kappa Epsilon, Charles An¬derson of Alpha Delta Phi, Tom Paul,of Phi Delta Theta, and Iceland Neff,of Phi Kappa Psi.“The system that has been in forceduring the last five years has beena decided success,” declared Carr to¬day, “but we still feel that matterscan be better managed. The commit¬tee will consider every angle of thesituation, and make its report to thecouncil at large, which will take ac¬tion before the fall quarter rush¬ing.”(Continued on page 2)SCHEDULE SANDBURGFOR TALK NEXTTUESDAY By George JonesRadically new means are to be em¬ployed this Spring by the Employmentbureau of the University in an effortto secure jobs for seniors after gradu¬ation. Through the efforts of R. J.Demeree, who spent a part of lastsummer in an intensive investigationof the employment methods of otheruniversities and colleges, a plan hasbeen launched under which it ishoped and expected that every seniorso desirous will be permanently situ¬ated in a paying job upon graduation.The plan is something absolutelydifferent from anything that has everbeen attempted either here or at anyother known university. According toMr. Demeree, it is a digest of all the“good points of the plans of other uni¬versities.Announce DetailsThe details of the plan are as fol¬lows :A so-called association has beenformed of all graduating seniors, bothmen and women, who are interestedin obtaining through the Universitypermanent jobs after graduation.This association started meeting March31 and will continue to meet eachTuesday from 4 to 5 throughout thequarter.It has been organized in view ofthe following things: First, the Em-‘ployment bureau has secured men ofinfluence in the business world to comeout to the University and lecture ondifferent phases of business activity.Secondly, employers, men *J.ho ac-(Continued on page 2) Dantchenko SaysModernism NeedsSpirit of YouthBy Roselle F. Moss“Life is in the hands of our youthand therefore we who are older musttry to keep young spirits in order thatwe may he equally modern in thistwentieth century.”So did Vladimir Nemirovitch-Dant-chenko free his ultra-modern theatreof any criticism because of its liberal¬mindedness. “Our theatre is realisticand flexible, working with the mostmodern trends in writing, staging,scenery, and costuming. We are look¬ing toward tomorrow and trying toprepare for that time.”Mr. Dantchenko has come to Chi¬cago with Morris Gest’s third venturein producing the Russian theatre inAmerica. The Moscow Art TheatreMusical Studio opened last night atthe Great Northern with “Carmencitaand the Soldier,” which is a new ver¬sion of Bizet’s popular Carmen.“Lysistrata,” a comedy by Aristoph¬anes, will be presented at the threefinal performances of the limited en¬gagement of two weeks. “Carmen¬cita and the Soldier” is the height oftragic drama, while “Lysistrata” goesto the opposite theatrical extreme ofhilarious farce.With his wife, Mine. Dantchenko,intrepreting for the reporters, the aris¬tocratic Russian gentleman expoundedhis views on the woman’s function inperpetuating art. “Women being hin-(Continued on page 2) Study or FlunkHarvard OrdersBecause pi too much outside ac¬tivity and not enough study 147freshmen in the Harvard Lawschool failed to pass their final ex¬aminations. Havinv failed to meas¬ure up to the necessary require¬ments of the school they were ex¬cluded. Of the 500 who entered theschool last fall 497 took the ex¬aminations. Thirty-four per centof those who entered the schoolare out at the end of their firstyear.According to the Harvard Crim¬son, Dean Roscoe Pond ascribesthe greatest cause for so manyfailures to the necessity of thestudents to devote a considerablepart of their time and energy tooutside activity.Many other causes were givenfor the noticeable lack of intereston the student’s part in his studies. END DRIVE FORSUBSCRIPTIONSAT NOON TODAYSaleswomen May CollectCommissions Between12 and 1Discuss Value ofFederation OpenCouncil MeetingsA discussion of the value of the Fed- PROF. VERIFIEDBY DISCOVERIESProve Shishak Solomon’sFather-in-lawAMERICAN COUNCILAWARDS PRIZES TOFOUR PROFESSORS The recent discovery by the Uni¬versity expedition in Palestine of atablet fragment which shows plainlythat the pharaoh Shishak capturedArmageddon as related in the Bibletends to prove that this Egyptianmonarch was also the father-in-lawof King Solomon, according to Prof.T. G. Allen, secretary of the Univer¬sity oriental institute. Prof. Allengave this additional interpretation totlie discovery as announced by Prof.James H. Breasted yesterday.For some years Prof. Breasted haseration of University Women as a j held the theory that Solomon marriedcampus organization will he included in j Shishak’s daughter, Solomon being atthe program for the meeting tonight the time a vassal of the pharaoh’s, “\\ on’t you buy a subscription toThe Daily Maroon?”Noon today marks the closing hourfor forty campus saleswomen to maketheir plea on the quadrangles. Allthrough Maroon Week subscriptionteams have been stationed at import¬ant points of the campus, topping lastyear's drive by more than one hun¬dred subscriptions, according to RuthBurtis, chairman of the campaign,t Pass Quota| The quota of 200 new subscriptionswas passed early Friday morning, andthe numbers have been steadily in¬creasing. Last year’s campaign netted150 subscriptions, while the presentcampaign is expected to far exceedthat record.“We have worked steadily with thehope of giving the majority of thestudent body an opportunity to havetheir own publication,” said Miss Bur-tis. “I want to congratulate my help¬ers for their incessant efforts, andthank all those who have contributedin any way to the success of htedrive.”Mixer SuccessfulTwo hundred and fifty studentsthronged the Maroon-decorated southlounge of the Reynolds club Fridayafternoon, and danced from 4 until6 o’clock to the strains of Bill Hahn’sCollege Crew. The Maroon Mixer,first mixer of the Spring quarter, was| an overwhelming success.Saleswomen will meet today from12 to 1 in the Maroon office to turn inall subscriptions and receive theircommissions. The winning team willhe announced in Wednesday’s DailyMaroon.Under the auspices of Forge andthe Poetry club, Carl Sandburg, Chi¬cago poet, will give an address inMandel hall on Tuesday evening,April 20.Since Sandburg’s last appearanceat the University several years agohe has published his successful “Chi¬cago Poems” and just recently hisgreat prose triumph “Abraham Lin¬coln.” Rising from comparitive ob¬scurity in the last ten years he isnow generally conceded to tie Chi¬cago’s bi’ightest literary light.People who have heard Sandburgsing “Frankie and Johnnie” and hisnumerous other rollicking ballads willappreciate the fact that he has threenew ones for this occasion that havenever been sung before. He will readpoems of the street and of the prairiewith their long swinging rhythm andhe may even tell one of his RootabagaStories.Tickets are oh sale at Woodworth’sand the University Bookstore.What’s On TodayChristian Science society, 4:30, IdaNoyes hall.Geography club, 5:30, Rosenwald28. “Field Experiences of a Geo¬grapher in Northern Patagonia,” byProf. Wellington D. Jones. ,Speakers club, 7, Reynolds club¬house. Topic, “Is Democracy 3„ Fail¬ure?”(Continued on page 2). ) Of twenty-two awards made toAmerican professors by the Americancouncil of Ivearned Societies this year,four were bestowed upon membersof the University of Chicago faculty,]it was announced today by the council.The following University of Chi¬cago professors, received the awards:Prof. C. R. Baskerville, $125 to aidhim in the completion of his historyof song drama in England in the 10thand 17th centuries.Prof. C. H. Beeson, $300 to aid himin the completion of manuscripts ofthe medieval humanist Lupus ofFerrieres.Prof. David H. Stevens, $150 to aidhim in the completion of a bibliogra¬phy of Milton.Prof. William A. Nitze, $300 to aidhim in collating the Brussels manu¬script of the Perlesvaus Romance.In making the awards the councilcommended the men for their excel¬lent work in their various fields andexpressed the hope that such unusualresearch might be continued in thefuture. from 7 to 8 in the library of Ida Noyeshall. “A Meeting on Meetings” is thename chosen to describe the discussion.According to Dorothy Kennedy, chair¬man of Federation, members of thecouncil are endeavoring to obtain thesentiment of the women concerningthe real value of Federation.Prominent women on campus havebeen expressing their views on thesubject at the meetings of the council.The opinions thus secured will be util¬ized in constructive plans for the im¬provement of Federation. In additionthe women will be asked to give sug¬gestions of subjects which they wouldlike to have discussed at the comingFederation meetings. By consideringproblems of interest on campus, theorganization’s council hopes to func¬tion more effectively. Prof. Allen pointed out. This find atArmageddon where Prof. Breasted’sstaff is excavating offers new and al¬most conclusive evidence that Prof.Breasted’s hunch was right becauseit shows that Shishak was a belliger¬ent and successful king who had ac¬tually entered Palestine and it was thatkind of ruler, the ancient records show,who gave a daughter in marriage toSolomon.(Continued on page 2) COUNCIL RECOGNIZEMURRAY-BALLOU CLUBAS OFFICIAL SOCIETYENTERTAIN WOMENIN C. AND A. WITHGET-TOGETHER TEASt. Mark’s To HoldAnnual Spring DinnerSt. Marks society’s annual springbanquet will take place tonight at thechurch of the Redeemer Parish Houseat 1420 East 56th street. The eveningservices, which are at 5:30, will befollowed by an election of officers forthe coming year. Immediately afterthe elections at 6:30, the dinner willbe served.Bishop Campbell Gray of NorthernIndiana will be the main speaker ofthe evening. The rectors of thechurches of Redeemer’s and St. Paul’s,Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Smith, of the Y.M. C. A., Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Dick¬son, Rev. T. M. Carlyle, Presbyteriandirector of th* TJmvergHy, vi’fll beguests of the society. GARGOYLES ELECTOFFICERS THURSDAYGargoyles will elect officers at aspecial meeting next Thursday at 4in the Dramatic Room of MitchellTower. Five candidates are up fornomination: Ruth DeWitt, GeorgeBassett, Margaret Carr, Hadley Kerrand Eleanor Metzel.Forty-nine new members were elec¬ted to membership in Gargoyles at ameeting yesterday afternoon. Theywill be permitted to vote in this elec¬tion after paying $3.00 dues to theDramatic Association.The new members are: EdwardAmes, Joseph Barron, Marshall Ber¬man, Eva Bloom, Esther Cook, Se¬ward Covert, Leon Despres, ElizabethDowning, Esther Epstein, GenevieveFisher, Betty Frank, Dorothy Freund,Ruth Fuerth, Elwood Gaskill, SilasGlosberg, Florence Gosch, RebelsaliGreen, Halbert Harley, Edward Hel-lebrandt, Sebastian Kurrie, GeorgeLarson, Ralph Lindap, Robert Madi¬son, Curry Martin, Thomas Masters,Donald McCloud, John McDonald,Donald McGuinneas, William Moore,Lcland Neff, Barbara Nichols, Ed(Continued on page 2)i Miss Grace Burns of the ComadAdvisory Board of the Commerceand Administration office will enter¬tain all C. and A. women students ata tea to be given tomorrow at 4 inIda Noyes hall..“This tea will wive the C. and A.women students an opportunity to be¬come better acquainted with eachother, and also to enjoy themselvesthoroughly,” said Miss Burns, hostessat the tea. All women who expect toattend have been asked to sign up inthe C. and A. building today.Comad is a new club formed bywomen of the C. and A. school to fur-their social relations. The Murray-Ballou club which wasI organized last fall for Universalistj students and members of the other! liberal churches, has just receivedj recognition from the UndergraduateCouncil as an official organization ofthe University. The officers of theclub are Louisa Magraw, president;Margaret Bay, vice president; andLambert Case, secretary-treasurer.Dr. L. Ward Brigham, dean of RyderDivinity school is the sponsor of theclub.A meeting of the organization willbe held today at 4:30 in the Alumnaeroom of Ida Noyes hall.C. Cestre Speaks onPoetry of Wm. MoodySince the establishment of the Wil¬liam Vaughn Moody lecture series,the first talk to he presented on thepoetry of Mr. Moody will be giventoday at 4:30 in Harper Assemblyroom. Charles Cestre, professor ofAmerican Literature at the Universityof Paris, will lecture on “The Poetryof William Vaughn Moody.”Mr. Moody was a member of thefaculty of the University until hisdeath a few years ago. All students ofthe University and the public hatebeen invited to attend this lecture. NAME COMET FOUNDBY UNIVERSITY PROF.Of the nine comets observed so farthis year by University of Chicagoastronomers, one was discovered byProfessor George Van Biesbroeck, ofthe University staff at the Yerkes Ob¬servatory, and will be identified inlaboratories throughout the world asthe Van Biesbroeck comet, accordingto a recent statement by Director E.B. Frost. While looking for a cometfirst seen by an amateur astronomernamed Peltier in Ohio, Professor VanBiesbroeck saw another comet cross¬ing the orbit of the Peltier comet andit was immediately picked up througha powerful refracting telescope. Pho¬tographs have been taken at the Ob¬servatory of both the Van Biesbroeckand the Peltier comets, to be filedwith prints previously made of fam¬ous comets like Halley’s and Brook’s.Although our solar system containsfrom 100,000 to 1,000,000 comets, ac¬cording to an estimate made by Di¬rector Frost, the greater part ofthese never get within the range ofhuman vision, and there is little like¬lihood that the earth and a wander¬ing comet will ever collide.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1926Saihj ittarmntFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NBWSPAPEB OF THE UNIVEESITT OF CHICAQOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Winter and 8prlag quartan by The Dally Maroon Company. Subscription rates:*8.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single corlea, five cents each.Entered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March IS,1900. under tne act of March 8. 1878.The Dhlly Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing In thla paperOFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 0977. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of stndent opinion In Ms columns ea allsubjects of student Interest Contributors must sign tbeir fall names to comm males-uons. but publication will, upon request, be anonymousMember of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Henld, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women's EditorHarry L. Shlaes Sports EditorReese Price News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women’s EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women’s EditorAlta Cundy Social Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTEthan Granquist Office DirectorLeland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreines Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerFrederick Kretschmer, Circulation ManagerGeorge Gruskin Classified ManagerJack Pincus AuditorTHE SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES"DOLD utterance by a lecturer at the Medill School of Journalism,as quoted in a headline in The Daily Northwestern:“JOURNALISMGOOD FIELD”—MRS. HERRICKA composite picture of The Indiana Man, found in The IndianaDaily Student in the form of answers to an inquiring reporter:“What Do You Think of the Indi¬ana Men as Dates?”Katherine Welman, ’26—They arepretty good sports. The average In¬diana man is an excellent dancer anddresses well, but isn't so well versedconversationally.Ruth Briggs, ’27—I don’t think theIndiana men are such terrible dates.People give them credit or being worsethan they really are. Our boys aren'tvery witty, but they certainly are gooddancers.Ann Wright,’28—Oh, they’re fair.You can have a good time with them.They aren't niggardly spenders, aiidthe Indiana men are creditable danc¬ers.Ruth Kirby, *29—I am tongue-tiedon that subject.Myra Montgomery,’27—SometimesI think they are all “candies," butsince I have been over to Ohio StateI appreciate the ones here a little more.Flippant treatment of a scientific discovery by a headwriter forthe newspapers at Oberlin college:MAKES LADY TOADS BARKWHILE MALES LAY EGGSWhen you write homefor money, useSANFORD'SwFountain Pen Ink MAKE $500 THIS SUMMERI Students, Athletic, for specialI work, different sections of coun¬try. Address with particulars,Box 0, Faculty Exchange.r m FRESHMEN!DO YOU?Bjl CHARLESTONTHE FINESTCHARLESTONEXPERTS IN THE COUNTRYOrchestra NightlyNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYAuditorium Bldg.—431 So. Wabash11 a. m. to 11 p. m. daily—Bring the GangSomething to talk about for the restof your life if you make this gloriousTwo Months Student Tour toSOUTH AMERICAby the large and luxurious Lamport &. Holt LinerS. S. VAUBAN °n* y. FLEET””?Leaving New York June 26 Returning A.ugust 24All outside rooms, airy dining saloon, library, swimmingpool,gymnasium.spacious decks. Deck sports, dancing anda peppy jazz band. Superior service and well-balancedmeals. Good fellowship, congenial company.$ All expenses, including sightseeingtrips and hotel accommodations.Per reservations and detailed information, apply toyour College or University Representative, orA. L. HYDE, ManagerSTUDENTSOUTH AMERICAN TOURSBroadway, New York City■iiasjfe.k.T .,From Rio down to Buenos AiresA student guy forgets his caresAfloat, there’s joy on every handAshore —Oh, Boy! Its simply grand.I EMPLOYER ANDJOB-SEEKER TOMEET, IS PLAN(Continued from page 1)tually have in mind the hiring of col¬lege graduates for responsible posi¬tions, will be present from time to timeto “look over’’ the group and get intouch with those who they thinkmight be useful to them. Thirdly,“kings of industry” will lecture on theattributes of a successful businessman.Plan Special MeetingsThe Bureau has also in mind anelaboration upon this plan. After thefirst meetings of the association it isplanned to divide the group into small¬er groups composed of men interestedin particular phases of business. Thatis to say, all those interested in ad¬vertising. for instance, will meet in aseparate group, and prominent menand employers in the advertising fieldwill be secured to talk to them.The Employment bureau will be,of course, in direct charge of the so-called Association, and will arrangeinterviews between employers andprospective job-getters.Complete ArrangementsArrangements have already beenmade for employers from MarshallField. Armour. Bell Telephone andseveral real estate and life insurancecompanies to speak, and other em¬ployers are constantly being ap¬proached. According to Mr. Demeree,it is hoped that by June 1. every pet-son in the group may have a choiceof five jobs.Mr. Demeree is anxious to conferw'ith the seniors desirous of obtainingpermanent jobs who are not alreadyconnected with the Association.DANCHENKO SAYSMODERNISM NEEDSSPIRIT OF YOUTH’ (Continued from page 1)dered by her capacities fill well thegap left by the American businessman in furthering the influence ofthings artistic. Women are natural,sincere, more agreeable and more sym¬pathetic. True American women arccomparable to the women of the Rus¬sian nobility.”GREEKS STUDY RUSHMETHODS(Continued from page 1 )The next meeting of the council willbe held Thursday night, instead oftomorrow, at the Phi Delta Thetahouse. This postponement is occa¬sioned by the dinner for former DeanWilkins, to be given tomorrow eve¬ning.Touristthird cabinEUROPEWith college parties onfamous “O” steamers ofThe Royal Mail LineWrite tor Illustrated Booklet.School ofForeign Travel, Inc.^112 CcHsge St, New Haven, Com. yTHE MOST POPULARSTUDENTTOURSTO EUROPE41 perfectly organized toursto Europe, North Africa,Norway and Midnight Sun.All expensesafloat and ashoreEACH TOUR ACCOMPANIED BYA WELL-KNOWN COLLEGE PRO¬FESSOR AND A HOSTESSClientele exclusively stiulents,teachers, alumni and facultyrepresenting 123 schools inthe united StatesExceptionally well planned and con¬ceded to be the best. Include collegeorchestras, swimming pools, specialentertainments, sightseeing, etc.Literature, maps, itineraries fromINTERCOLLEGIATETRAVEL BUREAU1125 Amsterdam Ave., New York City“YOU’LL BE PROUD TO SAYYOU TRAVELED THE INTER¬COLLEGIATE WAY!”r.* k - Jk PROF. VERIFIED BYDISCOVERIES(Continued from page 1)Prof. Breasted has previously shownthat Solomon had received from hissuzerain a wife and the important cityof Gezer. Up until this last discoveryof the fragment, it was thought butnot conclusively proved that Shishak.was the king who gave Solomon thecity. He could not have been one ofthe degenerate kings at the close ofthe twenty-first dynasty, Prof. Breast¬ed thought, but an aggressive rulerwho resumed Egypt’s control in Pal¬estine. And there was no other kingat the time who answered the descrip¬tion so well as Shishak, in Prof.Breasted’s opinion. The finding inPalestine of a piece of tablet withShishak’s name plainly inscribed inEgyptian would indicate that it wasShishak who became Solomon’s mili¬tary and domestic overlord because itshows that he was the aggressive kingwho conquered the cities of Palestine,notably Jerusalem and Armageddon.GARGOYLES ELECTOFFICERS THURSDAY(Continued from page 1)ward Nichols, Charles Partridge, Ce¬cils Peterson, Lois Russell, MartinSoloman, Eloise Tasher, CharlotteTeleschansky, Evelyn Thompson,Dartnell Trine, Evelyn Turner, MarieUllman, Philip Watrous, Eleanor Wil¬kins and Evelyn Williams.COWHEYSMEN’S SHOP55th St. and Ellis Ave.Haa aCOMPLETE LINE OF NEW SPRINGSTYLESHata - Capa - Sweaters • Silk Muffler*Ties WHATS ON TODAY?(Continued from page 1)Y. M. C. A. cabinet, 4:30, Y. office. Social Service club, 8, Classics 2WRadio lecture, from Mitchell Tower,through station WMAQ at 9, Prof.J. M. P. Jones, "The Book of Jonah.”50c WAVESevery day except SaturdayLicensed OperatorsKENNEDY SHOPS1155 E. 63rd St.Midway 02071455 E. 63rd St.Dorchester 3755 6351 Cottage Grove Ave.Fairfax 58965226 Harper Ave.Hyde Park 2408How DidYour GartersLookThis Morning?aEONGEFROSTCOMPANYMAKERS No MoreSkidding Garters!ACRIPPA'WEB makes garters act in anentirely new way—and only in Bostons canthis web be had. Even when worn very* looseit will not slip. It cannot curl and yet it isremarkably soft and light. Here in tact is apractical, comfortable, ventilated-web garter.In many pleasing colors, 50c the pair. 4Flavor developedas never before in cigarettes, due toa costly, extra process. Lucky Strikesare the only cigarettes with thisunique superiority.Becauseits toastedOf over 200 brands, Lucky Strikesare the only cigarettes offeringthis added enjoyment—toastingdevelops the hidden flavors of theworld’s finest tobaccos. That’s whyLuckies"taste so goodMaroon Diamondsquad travels to North¬western for game. The Daily SPORTS Maroon Playground Ball en¬tries close Monday,April 13th. 3Tuesday Morning or im i o * April 13, 1926SUBS TIE REGULARS IN PRACTICE TILTIntra-Mural Department Announces Plans for Spring Playground BallMAROON DIAMOND SQUAD SHOWS UPWELL; LAST INNING RALLY BY SUBSCOUNTS FOUR TO TIE AT FIVE ALLENTRIES CLOSEMONDAY; OFFERMANY TROPHIESPlaying Fields Locatedat 59th and CottageGrove Ave.BY HARRY SHLAES(Sports Editor)Playground Ball, the major sportfor Spring Quarter, will take its us¬ual place in the spotlight among thevarious campus organizations withinthe r»?vt few days. The Intra-muraldepartme*. has sent out applicationblanks to all the fraternity groups oncampus and hopes for a completerepresentation among them as well asrepresentation by non-fraternitygroups.Tourney a SuccessI^ast year the tourney was repeat¬edly interrupted by hard rains andwet playing fields, but yet was agreat success because of the untiringefforts of John Howe, who is the pres¬ent Spring Intra-mural manager.According to the plans of the depart¬ment, the tourney this year will bethe greatest thus far.Entries close on Monday, April 16so that drawings can be made and thevarious schedules formed. Participa¬tion points will be awarded as fol¬lows: fifty points for entry, ten for aleague champion.Beautiful loving cups will be giveneach league champion in the fratern¬ity leagues, ten bronze medallettes forthe non-fraternity champions and tenfor each member of the graduateleague winning organization. Specia1trophies descriptive of the sport willbe awarded the three final winningteams, besides gold, silver and bronzemedallettes to the members of the re¬spective first, second and third squads.Regular RulesGames will be played according tothe regular Playground ball rules andall equipment will be furnished bythe Intra-mural Department. Paid um¬pires will officiate at the games toinsure competent and fair treatment.The playing fields are located at59th and Cottage Grove, where fourdiamonds will be constructed. Thisis a great improvement over lastyear, wherein the fields were scatteredall over campus. Here’s a Wonderful Method forGetting P. C. Credit EasilyCOVER FOR ILLINOISGRIDIRON IS COMINGUrkana, Ill., April 12.—The “rain¬coat”- for the football field of the Uni¬versity of Illinois is on the way froman eastern factory. The giant fabric,which is to cover the entire gridironbetween games if the weather threat¬ens, is to be made in four-sections of158 by 83 feet each.A great deal of interest hinges onthis innovation and university officialsare answering requests from other in¬stitutions for information. The costof the cover is nearly $10,000 and thiswill probably put one out of reach ofall except the larger universities. Thecover will be placed flat oft the fieldwith no kind of support, as the grid¬iron slopes from the center, allowingwater to drain. It will take at leastfour men to roll it up by sections andwhen it is not in use it will be storedunder the stadium in a great hall.IDEALRESTAURANTExcellent Service1352 E. 61st St“The Place to Eat" Golf and TennisOn I-M ScheduleCompetition in two minor intra¬mural sports will begin soon, ac¬cording to the Spring managers ofthe respective sports. Tennis willbe managed by Gordon Stillson andwill begin April 25. There will besingles and doubles tourneys, runoff to determine the University'singles and organization cham¬pions.Golf will be under the directionof Bob Kngleberg and Paul Lewis.In this sport also will be decidedthe singles and team championshipsand will get under way by May 1,by which time the Jackson Parkcourse will have been open longenough for the various competitorsto have put in some time in prac¬tice.SPLASHERS VIEATYJ.tA.TANKGet-Together at ReynoldsIs Huge SuccessVarsity mermen participated in abanquet that culminated their rathersuccessful season last night. Speechesmade by various members of theteam and a few words by CoachStagg and MacGillivray helped tomake the get-together one to be re¬membered by those who are leavingthe school this quarter.The Varsity and Freshman swimteams travel tonight to the Engle¬wood Y. M. C. A. which is to openits tank with an exhibition by theMaroon swimmers. The exhibitionmeet is to start at 8 o’clock at 66and Union Streets which happens tobe the exact site of the new building.A four man relay, two hundredyard breastroke, backstroke, medleyrelay and two hundred yard swimsare scheduled. E. Dorf, former Con¬ference champion and Captain is togive an exhibition on the springboard with the help of Eddy Fellingerfind Tudor Wilder.Captain Noyes, Harry Rittenhouse,Jerry Greenberg, Charlie Lane, Gil¬christ, Baumrucher, Petrolowitz, Jcl-inek and Markley are to be the main¬stays of the varsity nucleus, whileCaptain Oker, Hough, Florez ,Get-siv, Kay, I.axezzorio and Stevensonwill support the freshman honors.“Here is an excellent chance in¬deed, to see next year’s material inaction, and at the same time say goodbye to the boys who after three yearsof competition for the school, haveto leave us to join in a struggle inwhich competition is far greater thanin College.” By George GruskinWay up in the wilds of Corvallis,Ore., wherr the Oregon AgriculturalC ollege is i >cated, the lost infant artof roller-sk: ting is fast gaining favoramong the students and the athleticboard is considering the passing outof gym credits with every pair of theball-bearing vehicles sold at the uni¬versity supply department.Students in Corvallis skate back andforth to school on tennis courts, andon the concrete pavements. As there-is danger of serious collisions withautomobiles, the traffic is kept off sev¬eral blocks of cement roadway everyafternoon for skating, while all of thecars in town are equipped with hroom-like devices attached to the front andrear fenders that tend to brush awayany skaters daring to come too close.This forward step by the students ofthe O. A. C. in the development ofathletics among the common peopleof America, should find immediatefavor in the eyes of our campus sports¬men. - Imagine the possibilities ofroller skates on the quadrangles!Benches could be erected all alongthe sidewalks, while off to the side ofevery building parking stations mightbe constructed. If a fee of five centsa skate per hour were charged, thereis no doubt but that inside of a yearenough money could he raised to keepall of the red-hot stand men on cam¬pus in sanitary rubber gloves. Be¬sides this boon to the general healthof our student-body, think of the greatsaving on shoe leather that would bea direct result of adopting the fad.Roller skates—for health and thrift!MAROON NINE GOESTO INDIANOPOLIS FORGAME ON SATURDAYCoach Paul “Tony” Hinkle’s strongButler nine will play host to the dia¬mond squad of his Alma Mater, whenthe Maroons meet the Hoosiers at In¬dianapolis on Saturday. It will be thesecond game for Chicago, while But¬ler has the benefit of a southern trip.The game should be close since theMaroons are rapidly rounding intoshape and the battery of Marks andWebster appears too clever for theButler collegians. Butler was defeat¬ed by Ohio State last Saturday soNorgren has high hopes of winning.In the past, Pat Page has develop¬ed some well rounded teams at theHoosier school, and this year underthe tutelage of Hinkle, the Indianapo¬lis team should furnish plenty of op¬position to the Maroons.Students’ Laundry20% Discount With This AdUNIVERSITYHAND LAUNDRY1031 E. 55th StreetIN - BETWEEN - TIMES EATINGHave you noticed that when other eating places are deserted there isalways someone eating at THE SHANTY.Patrons have come to know that THE SHANTY is prepared toserve them from 7 :30 A. M. to 7 :30 P. M. — with no intermission.When you sleep too late and miss your breakfast or your class dis¬misses just too late for lunch at your regular eating place, hie you straightto THE SHANTY, where special effort has been made to take careof this in-between-trade, with attractive menus and alert, attentive service.Bring a friend over to Afternoon Tea today—THE SHANTY EAT SHOP1309 East 57th Street“A Homey Place for Homey Folks" Elect Joe GubbinsBaseball CaptainJoseph Gubbins, midget mound-man of the Maroon baseball nine,was unanimously elected to theposition of 1926 captain, at a meet¬ing held last Saturday afternoondirectly following the daily work¬out of the team. The new leaderis recognized as one of the bestpitchers in the Big Ten, and it waslargely due to his stellar hurlinglast Spring that Chicago placed sec¬ond in the Conference title race.Joie is also the smallest hurler inBig Ten circles, and last year wasthe only left hander. He has playedball all his life, and will make agood successor to Red Cunninghamas leader, due to his long experi-end and through knowledge of thegame. He played three years witha local prep school, St. Ignatius ofLoyola, where he captained thenine for two years, distinguishinghimself as one of the best pitchersin the city.LINDBLOOM WINSPREP SWIM MEETStevens, of H. P. Breaks 100Yd. Backstroke RecordMaking fast times and coppingplaces as well as firsts, LindblomHigh, of the South Side came throughwith wins in both the Senior and Ju¬nior meets of the second Cook CountySwimming Interscholastic held lastFriday and Saturday evenings.The Lindblom splashers took thesenior meet with 23 points to Engle¬wood’s 16 and Maine TownshipHigh’s 12.Carter, of Lindblom, took two firsts,one in the forty yard swim and one inthe 100 yard free style, while Peter¬son, his teammate, annexed a first inthe 100 yard breast stroke. TheytoQk a first in the 220 relay, a secondin the 160 relay and Nelson broughtin a third in the 100 yard breast¬stroke. Stevens of Hyde Park brokethe standing record of 1:13 6-10'inthe backstroke by swimming it in1:114-5.Mellow richnessNestle’sMILK CHOCOLATE“Bi chestin Cream!5«~I0C-PLAI N AND ALMOND Norgren and Cunningham Pitch forHoerger Catches; Many AspirantsOut for Practice Regulars,By Tom StephensonHopes for a championship ball clubtook form yesterday afternoon, whenNels Norgren and his Maroon ballplayers got out into the open, andtried out their arms, batting eyes, andso forth in some real battle, a five-inning practice tilt. The game endedin a 5 to 5 draw, the regulars holdingthe lead until the last inning, whenthe subs rallied with some two andthree base hits, which brought themfour tallies, and the tie score.Most of the numeral men of lastyear’s yearling team are out for thevarsity this year, and are all readythi’eatening last year’s men for theirjobs. These sophomores made up mostof the second team line-up yesterday,and it is very evident that there willbe an abundance of material thisSpring, all but five of last year’sclever outfit being, back.Norgren PitchesGubbins, Hoerger, Schneberger,Anderson, McConnell, Brignall,Marks, and Macklind composed thefirst team line-up, with Coach Nor¬gren and his assistant, Red Cunning¬ham doing the mound work to savethe arms of the pitching staff for thegame with Northwestern, next Wed¬nesday. Hoerger substituted forWebster, the regular catcher, in the latter’s absence from practice, andhe did a very good job behind thebat, backing up the effective hurlingof Norgren and Cunningham in fault¬less style.“Lefty” Ballard, and “Shorty”Pearlstine formed the battery for theGoofs, and were supported by Mc¬Donough, Zimmerman, Gordon, Coo¬per, Johnson, Lurie and Offer. Mostof these men were members of FritzCrisler’s Frosh outfit last year.Play Good BallBoth teams played good ball, butnot as air-tight as it might havebeen. The handicap of not being ableto practice out doors was much inevidence by the number of unexcus-able errors which were committed.REALDANCEMUSICTelephoneHarrison 0103Save at “The National 99This Bank is under the DirectSupervision of the United StatesGovernment. It operates underthe strict requirements of the Na¬tional Bank Act. PeriodicallyFederal Examiners come unan¬nounced from the Comptroller ofthe Currency’s office, Washing¬ton, D. C., to examine and inspectthis Bank. This rigid supervisionmeans added safety to our depos¬itors.fl Clearing HBa ' ederalSvjstemPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, APRIL 13, 1926REPETITIONWe are sorry that last Friday’s col-yum was not longer and clearer onthis matter of our new effort to* re¬print the favorite poems and bits ofprose which contributors have clippedand saved. But. suffice it to say, weare determined to go on with thescheme despite all that the Devil andthe Maroon business department cando to oppose us.We will start the thing off by re¬peating once more the poem by Re¬becca Helman which we found inVerse.STOICI wear my broken heart with pride,Because it took one such as youTo set a dagger in my loveAnd break my heart in two.Nor will I count the tears as lost,The agonizing tears dropped then.I’d rather say I scoured my eyesTo make them bright again.-R. H.PRESIDENT MASON returnedlast week from California. Wonderif he sold many correspondencecourses on the road.LOVECOVERSAMULTITUDEOFLIBERTIES.DR. Willett recently opened ourclass in Bib Lit with a prayer. Thegeneral sentiment in the class seemsto favour a similar exercise on the dayof the mid-term.No. No, You’re Not Old EnoughDear Turk:Is it true? Is it true that the Quad¬rangles are not an Interclass debate?—Prof. I. C. Double.C’EST LA VIE1.He’d been a pledge for many years,He longed to be a brother;His grades first quarter weren’t sogood,Were still worse in another.2.And so this quarter started,He swore he’d make Phi Bete;But as he stod there vowing,The bell rang—he was late.3.The next day as he drove to school,Devising ways to pass,A bird came near, sang “Spring ishere,”And so he cut his class.L’ENVOIThis quarter soon will reach its end,We’ll find him still on pro—He’ll spend his summer promisingThe way next year will go.—Sis.No, You and Mark Twain!Turkey, old kid;There are times, dontcha know,when I say the cleverest things.Fr'example, I dropped over to Fifty-fifth street to buy a couple of gold¬fish for the house decorations. Whathappens? The clerk tells me thatthey do not handle them. What do1 came back with? “You shouldn’t.It isn’t good for them!" Huh, me andRing Lardner.—Gaff.A campaign to clean up the “wet”conditions of the Princeton campushas been abandoned because the agentsacting as spies could not impersonatestudents. Probably there were) toomany already in that disguise.—TERRIBLE TURK.| ^Jhe largest sellingquality pencilJn the worldSuperlative in quality,the world-famous.VENUSPENCESgive best service andlongest wear.Plain ends, per dor. $1.00Rubber ends, per doz. 1.20cAt all dealertAmerican Lead Pencil Co.220 Fifth Ave., N. Y. — AND WE TOLD THISLAD TO WRITEA REVIEWBy First NighterIt seems absurd to say anything furth¬er about Gay Paree, at this late date; ithas been with us ever since it became ap¬parent that Chicago was detrimental toMr. Jolson’s health two months ago,and after all, the crack in the Whistleabout two weeks past covere dit aboutas well as anything I can imagine.There is no attempt at artistry in GayParee except in one scene named, ap¬parently to suit the song, a Vision of Hasson wherein the ladies impersonatethe various products of Caron (adv).It seems that some of the pillars ofour Chicago society objected to GayParee when it first arrived and thechorus was ordered to don kimonas,which it did . . . for about three per¬formances, after which it reverted to itsformer garments, if they may liecalled garments Our moralists clamor¬ed again and the ultimate outcome wasfor a special squad of policeman, knownas the Dolly Draper squad to attend ev¬ery performance and see to it that theapproach of the technical springtime did not influence the costuming of the pro¬duction. The mystery to me is, whatarrangement exists between the pro¬ducers of Gay Paree and the Dolly Dra¬per squad at the present time?Want AdsTHE FROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREAdjacent to Frolic TheatreCigarettes Fountain ServiceTel H. Park 0761Corner Ellis Avenue and 55th St.THE BEST FIRST MORTGAGEREAL ESTATE BONDSIN CHICAGOSEE US. WE SELL ON THEPARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN$100.00 Bond$10.00 Starts You On aBaer Eisendrath & Co.208 S. LaSalle StreetWabash 0208Campus Representatives;Jos. L. Eisendrath, Jr.Simon Lesser55th at Woodlawn Ave.Call Midway 0708J 1. H. FINNEGA1DRUGS N1Cigars, Cigarettes, Candyand Ice Cream Come on down toTHE DRAKEHOTEL GRILLEvery effort is being madeto keep the Drake Grill themost exclusive dancingplace in the city — appeal-nig only to the discriminat¬ing.FORMAL PARTIES EVERYSATURDAY EVENINGInformal Dancing Other Even¬ings (except Sunday) 10 till 2TOMMY THATCHERand his Orchestra(A Benson Organization)GLADYS ANDES, Hostess.Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110C. ANDREWS G. KONELLCHICAGO'S FINEST RESTAURANTCatering to a Discriminating Patronage Who Desirethe Best of Food and Service at ModeratePrices6344-46 Cottage Grove AvenueHyde Park 7373 CHICAGOfrGood bye CampusHello France hJUST think of campus and classes leftbehind in the wake of a Cunard Col¬lege Special, bound for Europe and thetime of one’s life!Make up your mind to go, and you’llcount the days ’till the good ship sails.Think of Paris and London and theContinent! Like stepping off this mun¬dane sphere into a new world.Mis* Elizabeth La May, BeecherHall, University of Chicago.Mr. Murray H. Leiffer, 975 East60th St.,phone Faifax 5555.*170TO•190Round TripTOURIST THIRD CABIN CUNARD & ANCHOR LINES140 N. Dearborn St., Chicagoor Looal Agents LOST—Two weeks before vaca¬tion a gold link bracelet. Reward.Return to Lost and Found, c|o DailyMaroon.TO RENT—Lease of six rooms,with furniture. Wonderful opportun¬ity for students wanting home in Chi¬cago for few years. Two roomsrented; near U. of C. Phone Midway7629 for appointment.THESES AND TERM PAPERStyped. Experienced, accurate typist.Call Hyde Park 8481 after 6 o’clock.LEARN TO DANCE WELLTAKE A FEW LESSONS NOWTeresa Dolan Dancing School1208 East 63rd Street, near WoodlawnClasses Nightly at 8:00 and Sundays 2:00to 6:00. Charleston, Saturday. Privatelessons any time, day or evening.PHONE HYDE PARK 3080DANCE PROGRAMSJEWELRY STATIONERYDesigned and Produced ByThe FRATERNITY Shop14 W. WASH. ST. CHICAGO, ILL. DELTA SIGMA PLEDGESDelta Sigma announces the pledg¬ing of Mary Alcorn, Anne Peterson,and Theodora Werner, all of Chicago. HOLD W. A. A. OFFICE HOURSEleanor Wilkin will hold office hoursTuesday from 1 to 4 at the W. A. A.desk in the trophy gallery for thosewho wish to know about their records.ForTENNIS OR GOLFChoose your equipmentfrom the largest and mostcomplete stock. Spalding,Wright and Ditson, Wilson,Bancroft, Magnan, Bucke andother lines.Let us restring your racket.24 Hour ServiceWork GuaranteedBOOK STORE1311 E. 57th St. welcomeas moneyJromhome/is the sight of your two crisp-brown-toasted biscuits of Shredded Wheat—twin symbols of a perfect breakfast.They invite your appetite—yet per¬mit of as rapid eating as your class-prodded conscience demands. Madesolely of good whole wheat they in¬vigorate your digestion while satis¬fying your hunger.Full of bran, salts, vitamins and allthe other elements of Nature’s wholewheat grain, shredded to insure easyassimilation.For bodily fitness that gives mentalvigor make at least one meal a day ofShreddedWheatJohn Held, Jr.—Stephen Leacock—James MontgomeryFlagg—George Jean Nathan—Babette Deutsch—H. L.Mencken—George Ade—Helen Hokinson—Ellis ParkerButler—McClelland Barclay—R. E. Sherwood—Irvin S.Cobb—Stephen Vincent Benet—and others others othersCELEBRITIES!number ofThe PhoenixOut Thursday, Thursday, ThursdayOnly twenty-five cents 25c 0.25 . .