in 7 sm fvuOfLoal ftotr mThe new The¬ology Bulldmghas been formallydedicated.3£ Wi)e Hail? jflaroon Sales womenfor Maroon weekbegin their cam¬paign today.VoL 26 No. 95 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, APRIL 6. 1926 Price Five Cent*Vhi MAROON WEEKSTARTS DOINGSWITH ‘SPECIAL’Bi-Weekly Literary Supple¬ment Makes Appear¬ance TomorrowMaroon Week, second annual edi¬tion, began yesterday afternoon witha tea in Ida Noyes. Miss Burtis,chairwoman of the week, organizedher thirty-five workers into fourteams at this affair and outlinedplans for the drive.The first issue of the new literarysupplement will appear on the cam¬pus tomorrow to feature the week.Special local color articles have beenpromised by well-known campuswriters. It is rumored that verslibre is to be much in the minorityand special articles on the strangehabits of collegians in the majority.Subscribe in CbapelMiss Burtis plans to take subscrip¬tions in Chapel each day this wreckand has arranged that Thomas Mul-roy, business manager of the DailyMaroon shall speak. Prominent cam¬pus women, workers on the four com¬mittees headed by Katherine Rose.Betsy Farwell, Helen Lamborn andRuth DeWitt will be stationed atadvantageous points at the back ofMandel hall.The members of the committeewill meet tomorrow noon for lunch¬eon and Miss Burtis will receive re-jports of the progress that has beenmade and will outline plans for therest of the week. The drive willclose after the Maroon Mixer whichwill be held in both lounges of theReynolds club Friday afternoon from4 to 6.Special Rate* Start*The special rate of one dollar forthe Spring quarter that the DailyMaroon Business Staff is offeringduring this week will not be in ef CAMPUS GETS “HOT’OVER MAROON WEEKMaroon week, long heralded asa gala period in the history of thecampus, has commenced. Vastamounts of tea were disposed of inIda Noyes to mark the occasionand as the bonfires were lightedon the steps of Cobb groups ofplayful undergraduates danced inthe circle, overcome by realizationof the Maroon’s services to theUniversity., But in spite of all these littledissipations Maroon week hasn’tcaused any great changes aboutthe campus. Bonfires don’t keeppeople away from the steps ofCobb. Dancing doesn’t changethe appearance of the circlegreatly.You see, Maroon week isn’treally a carnival time. It’s just asnappy name some one over in theoffice thought up for the springsubscription drive. That’s the rea¬son for all the heavy publicity inthe local press. You may be ac¬costed by some young thing tryingto sell you a subscription, butapart from that this week willpass just as any other. Maroon InvitesFrosh to EnterAid Sales Racev Two hundred letters of invitationwill be sent to freshmen of most pro¬mise in business work this week in¬viting them to participate in TheDaily Maroon’s “Star Frosh” adver¬tising contest. Charles Harris, whois to handle the contest said yester¬day that the lists are almost com¬plete FRIARS TO HOLD Local DopestersFIRST TRYOUTS Don’t Know OatsTONIGHT AT 7:30CastSophomore positions will be opento the more successful participants inthe competition, and all who takethe part will be considered in com¬petition for advanced positions.BAR^STARS ATFR0SH-S0PH HOP The competition will begin nextTuesday and will close June 1. Medalswill be awarded to the first threeplace winners and the work done dur¬ing the contest will be credited in theMaroon Advertising Cup competi¬tion.Freshman men who wish to enterthe competition will find a coupon inanother part of this issue. This ap¬plication should be filled out andmailed to Box 0, Faculty Exchange.A meeting of all aspirants will beheld the first day of the campaign.For further information watch TheDaily Maroon.Prom to be a Strictly Inter-Class Affair Say, LeadersNo down-town stage celebritieswill attend the annual Sophomore-Freshmen Promenade at the HydePark hotel next Friday night. Thiswas the announcement made lastnight by the leaders. The “stars”are barred.“The dance,” said Hein King, ‘isgiven in a strict campus sense.” The PHOENIX BOASTS OFFAMOUS HUMORISTSIN COMING FEATURES Gathers at Firsthearsal; ChorusThursday Re¬councils of the two classes havefeet after the last dance at the Mix- j stressed the idea of having either a»ct after the last dance at the Mix- j Ul oavmg eunei aer. Miss Burtis is therfore urging j b reshman or a Sophomore in eachthat non-subscribers get in touch j couple. With this arrangement theywith one of the workers before that j ^P4* to keep the dance an inter-classtime. | activity.Under Miss Burtis’ system of four!committees it is expected that all ! CAMPUS SONGSTERSparts of the campus will be covered jduring the drive. It is hoped that jwhen the drive closes Friday no per-son who has not subscribed to TheDaily Maroon will have been missedby the worker*“This campaign,” said.Miss Burtis,“is being conducted so that the Ma¬roon, the campus organ of publicity,may reach all students. In this way CALL FOR ENTRIESIN POSTER CONTESTEntries in the poster competitionfor the spring*, concert of the Gleeclub are due next Saturday before 6.The Spring Concert will be April 30at 8:30 in Mandel hall. Stephen Leacock, one of the bestknown humorists of the country, hascontributed to the Phoenix that willcome out later in this month. Al¬though he is a regular contributorto the best known magazines pub¬lished today, his greatest success inwriting came with thp publication ofhis book, “Nonsense Novels.” McGillUniversity is the present location ofMr. Iieacock, where he is teaching)Political Economy. He took one ofhis higher degrees here at the Univer¬sity.Babette Deutsch, a poetess of re¬nown, and one who also writes forloading periodicals, has written, ac¬cording to Fred Handschy, a “hotsketch,” a poem called “Persephone.”He further announced that McClel¬land Barclay, an illustration, adver¬tising. and cover artist is the artistthat has drawn the cover, the por¬trait of a campus beauty. Tryouts for the cast of the 1926“Blackfriars” production will be heldtonight at 7:30 in the Reynolds Clubtheatre. All men students of the Uni¬versity who are eligible for publicappearance and who have aspirationsalong the line of dramatics, are urgedto try out by Paul Cullom, Abbot of“Blackfriars.”The play this year offers opportun¬ity for a great variety of talent, ac¬cording to the authors, Walker Davisand William Bager. There are twofemale leads for those men who be¬lieve they have ability closely alliedto these of Julian Eltinge. Thereare also many major parts starringcollegiate men and several minorones.U*e Same Tryout Method*Although a number of stars fromprevious productions are expected tobe present at the tryouts, Cullomhopes that this fact will not discour¬age any men from presenting theirability before the judges. The newtypes in this year’s show, accordingto Cullom, call for new material inthe tryouts, as they represent an en¬tirely different sort of character fromany of those heretofore presented.Call Chorus ThursdayThe chorus call will come Thurs¬day i;f'tei;noon at 3 o’clock also in theReynolds Club theatre. The natureof the play this year will demand anunusually large chorus.In conjunction with the cast try¬outs tonight there will be a meetingof the board of superivsors at 7:15. Contest RevealsOf the one hundred and more con¬tributions submitted to The DailyMaroon contest for the winners ofthe Interscholastic tournament, onlythree submitted, two of the victoriousteams. Westport and Newport werethe favorites for first place.Walter M. Gibbs, J. W. Welty, andMerlin Kirby each won one third ofthe amount offered, which was eightdollars. First place was to have beenawarded four dollars, second, threedollars, and third, one dollar. As allj chose only two of the winning teams,the prize has been divided so thateach will receive $2.67. CAMPUS CHAPELDEDICATED BYTHEOLOGY HEADSavants and Scholars FromAll Over World SeeCeremonyWhile five hundred people filled itshalls in reverent silence, a new al¬tar to the quest for divine truth wasborn yesterday.The new theology building, said tobe the most beautiful structure ofits kind in the world, was formallydesignated a part of the Universitywith the most dignified ceremoniesever hid on the quadrangles. SavantsWelty gave first and second place j and scholars from all over the worldto Westport and Newton but choose. heard the ceremonies of dedicationFitchburg and Fargo for third and J at 4:30 in the afternoon, at whichfourth respectively. Gibbs, submitted f Dean Shailer Mathews, Dr. Theodore.the same list while Kirby placedNewton first; Salem, second; Fargo,third and Wheeler, fourth. Thefinals winners of the basket tourneywere Fitchburg, Mass., first; Fargo,N. D., second; Salem, S. D., third,and Pueblo, Colo., fourth.PROF. EXAMINESSINAI FINDINGSInterprets Discoveries FoundIn Biblical LandsA new impetus is given to excava¬tions in Biblical lands as the resultof recent interpretations of newlydiscovered inscriptions on the penin¬sula of Sinai which illuminate the G. Soares, and Dr. W. C. Bitting of¬fered greetings and prayer.Erected at a cost of $600,000 thenew theology building on the Univer¬sity of Chicago quadrangles, which issaid to be the most beautiful of itskind in the world and the bestplanned building on the campus for*educational puropses was, dedicatedyesterday. tl completes the southquadrangle.The building is T-shaped with 130feet frontage. It is 122 feet deepand seventy-six feet high to the topof the roof. It contains fifty-eightrooms.It is designed in English Gothicand constructed of Bedford lime¬stone. Its roof is of tile and itswindows are braced with steel sashand leaded glass . The carving anddetail have been carried out in pat-writings from Sinai, the relation of j terns similar to those of the Gothiceven more members of the Univer-| The l)08ters niust lw‘ submitted t<lsity will be made conversant with j Alan Irwin at the Phi Gamma Deltacurrent activities.” j house, 5.540 Woodlawn Avenue. Irwin,j who is president of the club, an-j nounced that the competition is open! to all. FEDERATION PLANSTEA FOR NEWWOMEN“EDUCATION IN RUSSIA”TOPIC FOR BRITISH theen-teaLECTURER114 Dr. Lloyd Storr-Best of Englandwill speak today at 4:30 in HarperAssembly room on “Education inSoviet Russia.” He is lecturing un¬der the auspices of the Institute ofInternation Education.Besides being a lecturer Dr. Bestis also one of the most profound ofEnglish scholars. He graduated fromthe University of London where hereceived the M.A. and D.Litt. degrees.He studied at Cambridge, Paris, Sor-bonne and Rome. At the presenttime he is a member of the joint ex¬amining hoard of the five northernuniversities of England, External As¬sessor (Classics) of the M.A. Thesesfor the University of Manchester,and Headmaster of the Firth Park-Secondary School, in Sheffield.He is also the outhor of “Varro OnFarming,” Translation with Excur¬sus, textual criticism, commentaryand notes; “ A Roman Farmstead”;and “The Tempest” edited (1923) forChristopher’s; many magazine art¬icles and reviews in the ClassicalQuarterly and elsewhere. Tho entire group of seventy-fivesingers will appear on the stage forthe yearly recital will inaugurate anew style of dress for Glee club per¬formances. White flannels and bluecoats will lie worn instead of theformal wear of past years.NEW Y. W. HEADSMEET COMMITTEESFirst Y. W. C. A. committee meet¬ings of the fiscal year will be heldFriday at 12 in the usual rooms atIda Noyes hall. At this time newcommittee heads will hold the firstmeetings with their committees.Plans for the quarter will be dis¬cussed, and new members of the com¬mittees will he told pertinent facts.Chief among the activities of theSpring quarter is the Biennial Y. W.C. A. convention to he held April 21at Milwaukee. At this meeting thebusiness of the Y. W. C. A. for thenext two years will be planned. Sixwomen will probably be sent to themeeting, although they have not yetbeen chosen. Dr. Charles W. Gilkeyof the Hyde Park Baptist churchwill be the cbjef speaker. All women who have enteredUniversity this quarter will betertained by Federation at awhich will be given Thursday from 4to 6 in the north reception room ofIda Noyes hall. Federation councilmembers will act as hostesses on thisoccasion, and both freshmen and en¬tering upperelasswomen have been in¬vited to attend.“It has been impossible for us toextend a personal invitation to everywoman who has entered this quar¬ter,” said Dorothy Kennedy, chair¬man of the organization. “We there¬fore want all incoming women to feelthat they have been cordially invitedto be present through this notice. Weare particularly anxious that everyentering woman attend.” Nobel AwardsHonor CampusScience Profs.Four out of five American scient¬ists who in the last twenty yearshave been entitled to the Nobel prizein science for discoveries of greatbenefit to mankind have been on thefaculty of the University a surveymade yesterday by the Universityshows. Three of these men have act¬ually been awarded the prize and thefourth was conceded it recently.In 1907 the award went to Prof.A. A. Michelson for his work in meas¬uring the stars and the velocity oflight. In 1912 the Nobel prize wasgiven to Alexis Carrol who did themajority of his work at the Univer¬sity and who is now affiliated with theRockefeller foundation.In 1923, Prof. Robert A. Millikanwhose research on the nature bf elec¬trons was conducted at the Univer¬sity was given the honor. the ancient Hebrews to the Egyptians, and, possibly, the character ofMoses, according to Prof. J. M. P.Smith, scholar at the University.Prof. Smith, an internationallyrecognized authority on the Old Tes¬tament, who is at present workingon a translation of it from the He¬brew texts, has examined critically ascript discovered some years ago bySir William Flinders Petrie at Ser-abit-el-Hadem. Prof. Smith has set(Continued on page 2)ROGER BALDWIN TOSPEAK TO LIBERALSABOUT INTOLERANCEMr. Roger Baldwin, director of theAmerican Civil Liberties Union, willspeak on “Intolerance in the Col-DR. VALE TALKS TOWESTMINSTER CLUBGitta Gradova PlaysIn Chapel TodayGitta Gradova, “the foremost wo¬man pianist now before the public,”makes her first appearance before aUniversity audience this afternoon at4:15, in Mandel hall.Born in Chicago of Russian par¬ents, Miss Gradova has been trainedin America, attaining to the fame ofan artist in her early youth. Herrepertoire is reputed to be the widestof any living pianist. Presenting Dr. Roy E. Vale as thechief speaker, Westminister club, anorganization for Presbyterian stu¬dents of the University, extends aninvitation to all students to attend anopen meeting today at 4:30 in thenorth reception hall of Ida Noyeshall.Dr. Vale, who speaks regularly be¬fore audiences composed of univer¬sity students, will take as his subject,“Q. E. D.” No further explanationof the topic has been given out.The time preceding the address willhe devoted to a social hour. For en¬tertainment a Hawaiian trio will playseveral numbers on Hawaiian instru¬ments.“This meeting,” said Dr. T. M. Car¬lisle, adviser to Presbyterian stu¬dents,” should prove very interest¬ing to the students of the Univer¬sity.” leges” next Wednesday at 4:30 inHarper Lecture hall, under theauspices of the Liberal club. Asdirector of this club Mr. Baldwin hashad much experience in dealing withthe repression of free speech in thecolleges of this country as well as inother circles. He is now on his way tosee what can be done to release th»jsyndicalist prisoners there and to de¬velop a better working organizationfor free speech.Mr. Baldwin, by virtue of his con¬nection with the American CivilLiberties Union, was closely asso¬ciated with tho famous Scopes trialin Tennessee a year ago. The defensewas paid for by the Union.What’s On Today structures of Oxford.On the first floor are the adminis¬tration office for the dean of the di¬vinity school and the offices of thejournal of Semitic languages and lit¬erature and of the journal of re-ligian. On this floor is a commonroom for student and faculty socialpurposes. It has a red Saxony car¬pet and is wainscoted in oak, with alarge stone fireplace at the southend. In this room have been hungportraits of Nathaniel Colver, afounder of the divinity school, Cal-usha Anderson, president of the oldChicago University, Dean ShailerMathews and Prof. A. C. McLaugh¬lin.A reading room occupies a portionof the fourth floor. Library facil¬ities provide for more than 100,000volumes.(Continued on page 2)OPEN ART EXHIBITIONWITH TEA ONAPRIL 18Recital, Gitta Gradova, 4:15, LeonMandel hall.Y. M. C. A. cabinet, 4:30, Y. office.Public lecture, “Education in SovietRussia,” 4:30 in Harper Mil.Westminister club, 4:30, Ida Noyeshall.History ofTheology 300. Religion cljb, 7:30,Graduate Classical dub, 8, Classics20. An Art exhibition, sponsored bythe Art club and the Renaissance so¬ciety, will open officially with a teaon Sunday, April 18 from 3 to 6 onthe second floor of Ida Noyes hall.The work of individual students aswell as that done by the ai*t classeswill be displayed. -The contributions of the studentsnot connected with the art classeswill be judged by a committe com¬posed by Mr. Walter Sargent, headof the Art department. Miss LauraVan Pappependam. Edward F. Roths¬child, instructors in the Art depart¬ment, and tw’o students, Paul Kellerand Victoria Smith.Alumni will have a section to showthe work of students who have notbeen on campus for the last threeor four j>(ea)rs. Prof. Albert A.Michelson, of the department ofPhysics, and a member of the Ren¬aissance society has been asked tolend some of his paintings.All students who are on campusnow or who have been here duringthe last year have been urged to sub¬mit their works, according to RuthAley, chairman of the Exhibitioncommittee. All exhibits must besubmitted before April 15,.* ^ ' >* * | HJP BSp < /i jpfi ■, >’1^age Two THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, APRIL 6, 1926Slip imlg maroonFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL 8TUDFNT NFWSPAPKB OF THB UNIVBHMTT OF CBICAOOPubllohed momlagt, except Satardev, Snaday and Monday, daring Um AWinter and Spring Quarters by The Daily Maroon Peas pony. SubscriptionMW per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, flee cents each.Entered as second-class mail at the Chicago Poatoflflce, Chisago, Illinois, March 1&1906. under the act of March 8, 1878.The Dhlly Maroon expressly reserves all rights of pnblioatlon of any materialappearing In this paperOFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 0977. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion in Its columns oa allsubjects of student interest. Contributors most sign their foil names to coatanaicawill, BHons, but publication upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociatienThe StaffAllen He&ld, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerEDITORIALGertrude BrombergHarry L. Shine# ...Heese 1’rlce'Valter WilliamsonLeo Stone DEPARTMENTWomen's EditorSports EditorNews EditorNews EditorWhistle EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women’s EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women's EditorAlta Cnndy Social Editor BUSINESSEthan Granquist ..Lelnnd NeffMilton Kreines ....Thomas Field DEPARTMENTOffice Director.. Advertising Director.. Local Adv. ManagerCopy ManagerFrederick Kretschmer, Circulation ManagerGeorge Gruskin Classified ManagerJack Pincus AuditorWE WHISPER IN YOUR EARWE’RE making a big racket, these days, about Maroon Week.Perhaps you wonder why? Well, we ll tell you; and w»might as we might as well tell you the truth.We won’t tell you, as the business manager did a year ago, thatMaroon Week is the Greatest Week of the Year. You might doubtthat. You are blase on this matter of weeks. You have beenthrough too many of them. You have had Apple Week, Promegran-ite Week, and Candied-Watermelon-Rind Week; you have hadHello Week, How-Are-You Week, and How’s Tricks Weeks. Ifthere is anything to know about weeks, you know it.We won’t tell you that Maroon Week is our scheme for show¬ing the University a good time. You might not believe that, either.You have bought (or narrowly escaped buying) too many copies ofThe Phoenix; you have paid too many fines at Harper library; youhave even attended the Washington Prom. You know that philan¬thropists don’t operate this University of ours.We won’t tell you that we are trying to make friends among thestudents. You might ask what we are going to do with thosefriends, once we have them. And then we would have to tell youthe whole truth—which you knew all the time—and which we arenow going to tell you anyhow.Maroon Week is a scheme for getting more subscribers to TheDaily Maroon. We are honestly trying to show you a good time;we are honestly trying to make friends among you who haven’t sub¬scribed in the hope that you will pay us your dollar.But perhaps it isn’t just a matter of your paying us a dollar. Per¬haps you will gain something, too. Perhaps it's worth a dollar toyou, to know what's doing every day for the rest of the year—toknow who is elected to this office or that, and why (though some¬times even we can’t tell you that); to read about Prof. Somebody'slatest startling discovery; to find out who beat whom in baseball,tennis, and things like that; to laugh at jokes in The Whistle thatare not merely wise-cracks; and to read editorials by a man who istrying to get through school before tuition goes up to $90. Perhapsall this is worth the price; perhaps not. Find out; that is all we ask.To make the question easier, we have drafted an army of sales¬women; we invite you to a mixer in the Reynolds club; and per¬haps, if you come to our office early enough tomorrow morning, youcan steal a Maroon.Consider the problem well. You have one week—MarqonWeek—to decide.CAMPUS CHAPELDEDICATED BYTHEOLOGY HEAD(Continued from page 1)The dedication services filled theentire day. The program was asfollows:10:30 A. M.—Leon Mandel Assem¬bly HalL Addresses before theUnited Ministers Meeting of Chicago.Address of Welcome, President MaxMason. Fraternal Greetings, Presi¬dent, J. G. K. McClure, McCormickTheological Seminary; PresidentOzora S. Davis, Chicago TheologicalSeminary. Music, Glee Club of theDivinity School. Address: “The State of Religion in Germany To¬day,” Professor Gustav Krueger,University of Giessen.12:45—Hutchinson Commons.Complimentary Luncheon given bythe University of Chicago to the Min¬isters in attendance at the dedica¬tion.2:30 P. M.—Leon Mandel Assem¬bly Hall. Prayer, Professor Theo¬dore G. Soares. Music, Glee Club ofthe Divinity School. Address, Pro¬fessor T. R. Clover, St. John’s Col¬lege, Cambridge University, Cam¬bridge, England. Address, Presi¬dent Allen Hoben, Kalamazoo Col¬lege. Address, D?an Shailer Math¬ews, Divinity School, the Universityo fChicago.uStar Fresh” Contest(Entry Blank)Charles J. HarrisThe Daily MaroonI hereby make application for the “Star Frosh” Con¬test of The Daily Maroon.NameAddressNotes. this in immediately and you will be noti-or not you wilt 4:3Q—Services of Dedication, The¬ology Building.5-6 P. M.—Reception to membersand guests of the University, Com¬mon Room, Theology Building.7 P. M.—Divinity School Banquet,Hutchinson Commons.PROF. EXAMINESSINAI FINDINGS(Continued from page 1)forth, in the journal of religion, pub¬lished by the ’University, his view ofthe mysterious inscriptions whichhave been puzzling European schol¬ars for a long time.Giving a critical interpretation tothe translation of the script of Dr.Hubert Grimme, eminent Germanscholar, Prof. Smith suggests that theEgyptian influence on Hebrew lifestands out with increasing clearnessin the discovery. DOYOUKNOWTHE BEST FIRST MORTGAGEREAL ESTATE BONDSIN CHICAGOSEE US, WE SELL ON THEPARTIAL PAYMENT PLAN$100.00 Bond %$10.00 Starts You On aBaer Eisendrath & Co.208 S. LaSalle StreetWabash 0208Campus Representatives:Jos. L. Eisendrath, Jr.Simon Lesser J. H. FINNEGANDRUGGISTWoodlawn Ave. at 55th St.CIGARS. CIGARETTES andCANDYSTATIONARY AND FOUN¬TAIN PENSPhone Midway 0708Ask for Goldenrod lee Cream50c WAVESevery day except SaturdayLicensed OperatorsKENNEDY SHOPS1155 E. 63rd St.Midway 0207 6351 Cottage Grove Ave.Fairfax 58961455 E. 63rd St.Dorchester 3755 5226 Harper Ava.Hyde Park 2408welcomeas moneyjrom home/is the sight of your two crisp-brown-toasted biscuits of Shredded Wheat—twin symbols of a perfect breakfast.They invite your appetite—yet per¬mit of as rapid eating as your class-prodded conscience demands. Madesolely of good whole wheat they in¬vigorate your digestion while satis¬fying your hunger.Full of bran, salts, vitamins and allthe other elements of Nature’s wholewheat grain, shredded to insure easyassimilation.For bodily fitness that gives mentalvigor make at least one meal a day ofShreddedWheat Carson Pirie Scott & Cowmm is.-:I*:>:*mmlTweedsHave the CallIn New Top-CoatsThese have just been receivedfrom England. And they havethat easy fitting, straight hangingstyle about them that everyyoung man wants now-a-days.Others at $30 to $65.Blues—GraysIn Spring SuitsWide shoulders, broad lapels,snug-fitting hips—these are someof the style features. The kindsmen and young men approve forspring. All sizes. $45. Othersuits, $38 to $68.Second Floor, South. w, »;*.Smart Oxfords in“Blonde” is the real, name ofthis color—and it’s particularlysmart with the light spring andsummer suitings. The other de¬sired colors, of course, are heretoo in these extensive stocks at $7.First Floor, South.IInterscholastic SwimMeet Next Friday andSaturday. The Daily SPORTS Maroon Choose All-TourneyCage Squads for 1926.I April 6, 1926 or ui\ 1 o Tuesday MorningCOOK COUNTY PREP TANKMEN COMPETECHOOSE TOURNEYALL-STAR TEAM;WELSH, CAPTAINMyllykamg&s, Cox, McNeeceAnd Clark MakeFirst SquadBy Jack WeltyWith the eighth annual interschol¬astic basketball tournament on thebooks as past history and with thebasketball championship of theUnited States resting in the East forthe first time almost since the originof the annual scrap about the onlything that remains to be done is thepicking of an all star team. Theteam selected by this writer may sur¬prise some due to the large numberof teams represented that failed toenter the semi-finals. However, themen chosen represent the individualstar parformers of the tourney.Vr'eiati Captains SquadUndoubtedly the outstanding for¬ward of the meet was Welsh ofWestport who is selected on the firstteam and who is given the captaincyof the honorary five. He was awonderful offensive man, could drib¬ble effectively with either hand andwas able to cage them from anyangle of the floor. As a runningmate for the Missourian, Myllykam-gas, the doughty captain of the cham¬pionship Fitchburg team is selected.Not quite so flashy as Welsh, he wasevery xbit as valuable to his team andhe always seemed to come throughwith a field goal when it was needed.Clark of Pueblo represented thebest of the pivot men. H^ was a fastdribbler, a good juniper, had a won¬derful shooting eye and in additionwas very cool headed. He was prac¬tically the whole Colorado team inalmost every game that they played.Cox Is GuardCox of Newton is given one ofthe guard positions without muchhesitation. Possessed of an accurateeye it was largely due to his effortsthat the Kansas aggregation was ableto eliminate El Reno. He was alsoa wonderful defensive man and onecould count on the fingers of onehand the close-in shots that were madeagainst the Newton outfit. McNeecethe fighting guard of the Fargo teamis given the other position. He wasa factor in every game that his teamplayed and was able to start theball down the floor better than anyother guard in the tourney. Begin Work on New Stadium;To Be Ready for Next FallHere They Are; theAll-Tourney ChoicesFirst TeamRF—Welsh, Westport High.LF—M yllykamgas, Fitch¬burg, Mass.C—Clark, Pueblo, Colo.RG—Cox, Newton, Kan.LG—McNeece, Fargo, N. I).Second TeamRF—Holbert, Westport High.LF—Forney, Newton, Kan.C—Willingham, El Reno, Okla.LG—Allen, Fitchburg, Mass.RG—Higbee, El Reno Okla.Third TeamRF—Carey, Salem, S. D.LF—-Corcoran, Gaylor, Minn.C—Fanos, Fitchburg, Mass.RG—Cheadle, Salem, S. D.LG—Haas, Fargo, N. D.I-M DEPARTMENTRESUMES WORKPlans are under way to start theintramural athletic program for thenew quarter within the next week.During the National Basketball In¬terscholastic, the Intramural depart¬ment was kept out of its office andthus was prevented from continuingits work. But now the department isfunctioning once more and at presentthe playground ball tournep and theSpring Outdoor Carnival are in theprocess of being planned for.This carnival will be the featureof the Spring quarter and will be heldat the beginning of June. The hand¬ball tourney, which was left overfrom last quarter, will be continuedand the championship decided. Thenthe Spring sports, tennis and play¬ground ball will be begun.Dr. Molander wishes to announcethat all those who have medals duethem and who have not as yet re¬ceived them, should come to the In¬tramural office between 2 and 3 anyafternoon this week and get them. The heavy chug-chug of a giantsteam shovel and the chatter andjangle of harness chainA madestrange sounds in staid old Staggfield yesterday where usually the onlynoise are the shrill cries of the quar¬ter backs and. the deep cheers fromfrenzied spectators. And the reasonfor all of this new activity was thatyesterday workmen actually startedon the task of rejuvenating the oldstands to make the Chicago footballplant one of the largest and mostcommodious in the country.The me aster steam shovel with itshuge scot p took the first bite fromthe surft ce soil yesterday morningand all day long the scoop dug inagain and again until last night therewas much evidence of progress. Thesurface soil was stripped from almosthalf of the field and the excavatedsoil was hauled away and piled in acorner. All of the dirt that is dugout has to be carefully saved, for thepresent field is three feet higher thanthe practice field and if the new fieldis to be level all of the ground willhave to be filled in.The work is progressing exceed¬ingly rapidly for such a large enter¬prise and the contractors have givenforth the cheering news that thesteel for the structural work will beready to put in in another month. Thefirst concrete forms are to be pouredwithin two weeks. There will haveto be much of the concrete work forthe new stands are to be set uponpiles. This is necessitated by thefacts that there is bad ground forfoundations and that the stand itselfwill be very heavy. HOLD SWIMMINGMEET ON FRIDAYAND SATURDAYSecond of Season To BeHeld in BartlettTankIinvitations have been mailed to allCook County High Schools, announc¬ing an interscholastic swimmingmeet to be held next Friday and Sat¬urday at the University of ChicagoNatatorium, Bartlett Gym.Many EventsThis meet will be the second of itskind to be held this year. The eventswill include the 160 yard relay (fourmen), 100 yard breast stroke, 40yard free style, 220 yard free style,100 yard back stroke, 100 yard freestyle, fancy diving, 220 yard medleyrelay.Coach McGillivray of the Univer¬sity of Chicago swimming team, isin charge of the meet, and is as¬sisted by H. Rittenhouse and Ed.Fellinger, members of the squad.Eligibility the SameEligibility requirements will be thesame as those which are in effectnow under the city and suburbanhigh school swimming rules. Everyteam must be accompanied by a fac¬ulty representative of the school,who must present an official eligibil¬ity list signed by the principal ofthe school. Teams must be on handwhen the events are called, or they(Continued on page 4) Many Report forSpring Football;Practice in MudBetween thirty and forty ambit¬ious grid aspirants for the Universityof Chicago Football Team of 1926,met Mr. Stagg on his field yesterdayafternoon to start off the long drillwhich is to be held this Spring.It was very evident that CoachStagg meant business, as usual, whenhe issued a call for spring practice,by what he prescribed for the pig¬skin chasers in yesterday’s openingsession. After limbering the boysup with some booting practice, whichconsisted of kicking the dozen or sofootballs around the snow coveredfield, the Old Man put them to go¬ing down under punts.No TacklingThe players were divided intogroups, and the groups alternated inrunning back or going down underpunts. Tackling was not required,a touch on the back being necessaryto down the ball carrier. Some ofthese touches were rather hard how¬ever, very much resembling a goodmid-season tackle.After this work-out the men weresent through some calisthenicsevolved from the motions of forwardpassing. Paul Lewis, of last year’svarsity squad, led the boys in thisexercise, and he made them workto keep warm.Few From VxraityOnly a few of the men were fromlast year’s varsity, among them be¬ing Apitz and Clark, veteran ends.Most of the aspirants were members(Continued on page 4) COACH VORRES ISOPTIMISTIC; SAYSFROSH ARE GOODKrueger Captains Squad;Men Show MuchPromiseCoach Vorres has been'very wellpleased with his Freshman wrestlingsquad this year, and he has awardednumerals to eleven members of thefirst-year team.Kreuger CaptainDavid Krueger, a few years agochampion at Lindblom High Schoolin the 125 and 150 lbs. class, is thebest man of the 117 pounds. He hashad lots of experience and will be agood man on next year’s varsity. Le¬vine is another man in the 117 lb.class; rather light, but full of pepand ambition. He is a hard workerand with the addition of a few’ morepounds weight will probably giveKreuger a run for his money nextyear. Kreuger has been elected cap¬tain of the Freshman squad.C. Erickson and J. Watson are inthe 127 lb. class. Erickson is a strongboy and the best man in his weight.He will be a valuable addition tothe varsity. Watson is somewhat ofan unknown quality. He did wellwhile in residence in the Fall quar¬ter, but outside work prevented himfrom becoming very well known.However, we will probably hear moreabout him later. Berkenshaw at pres¬ent is in the 137 lb. class, but is rath¬er light for that weight and will(Continued on page 4)BADGERS PREPAREFOR MA!Y RELAYSMaroon Track StarsEnter Bankers’ MeetThe Maroons will have at least fourstars and many lesser lights in theBankers’ Track meet late in the weekand Coaches Stagg and Stagg, Jr.,are relying on the frosh especially toannex a few firsts.Dick Williams, Gist, and Burke arethe star yearlings who will competein the half mile while Capt. Cusackwill enter the mile. Anton Bs^ke,Conference champion in the highjump is expected to cop his specialty,though he will have some keen com¬petition from the I. A. C. and C. A. A.stars. Hobschied will perform in theshot put and Beal may enter thequarter.REALDANCEMUSIC The University of Wisconsin mail¬ed out 1,000 announcements and en¬try blanks for the Third Annual Mid-West Interscholastic Relays on thefirst of May. The meet is the only(Continued on page 4)COWHEYSMEN’S 8HOP55th St. a*4 E1IU Avc.Hu aCOMPLETE LINE OF NEW SPRINGSTYLESHate • Capa - Sweeten - SMk Muffler.Ties- t:lM THE MOST POPULARSTUDENTTOURSTO EUROPE41 perfectly organized tout*ro, North Africa,Norway and Midnight Sun,All expends ^“9%g am*afloat and ashore orKACH TOUR ACCOMPANIED BYA WELL-KNOWN COLLEOE PRO-l F^SOR AND A HOSTESSClientele exclusively students,teachers, alumni and facultyrepresenting 122 schools inthe United StatesExceptionally wall planned and con¬ceded ro be the best. Include collet*orchestras, swimming pools, specialentertainments, sightseeing, etc.Literature, maps, itineraries fromINTERCOLLEGIATETRAVE. BUREAU1125 Amsterdam Ave.,New York City“YOU’LL BE PROUD TO SAYYOU TRAVELED THE INTER¬COLLEGIATE WAY 1“—■g’r*. GRAPPLERS DINE ATHUTCHINSON; FROSHAND VARSITY INVITEDCoach Spiros K. Vorres and hisfreshman and varsity wrestlers willcelebrate the end of the mat seasonwith a dinner at Hutchinson Wednes¬day at 6. The strong showing of theyearling grapplers pleased CoachVorres and the dinner was arrangedto reward the frosh and varsity. Thefollowing freshmen will attend Krue¬ger, Levine, Berkenshow, Watson,(Continued on page 4)Come on down toTHE DRAKEHOTEL GRILLEvery effort is being madeto keep the Drake Grill themost exclusive dancingplace in the city — appeal'nig only to the discriminateting.FORMAL PARTIES EVERYSATURDAY EVENINGInformal Dancing Other Even¬ings (except Sunday) 10 till 2TOMMY THATCHERand his Orchestra(A Benson Organization)GLADYS ANDES, Hostess. ^itminrin0^ng^((aMen’s SpringSUITSwith Extra TrousersiRegular Value $60—Special at$ 40These fine suits, Browning-King designed andBrowning-King tailored, were all manufactured forthis Spring’s showing. Rich worsted fabrics, both fin¬ished and unfinished, are shown in our newest models—both single and double breasted. They carry ourguarantee in every particular.TOPCOATS*25 to *50Single and double breasted — loose and form fit¬ting models in plain blue, Scotch tweed mixtures andplain shades.12-14 W. Washington StreetJust West of State StreetIn Evanston — 524-26 Davis StreetPersonal Management — ELMER E. MARDENTelephoneHarrison 0103fa ft*by &mmm 0 i$* athleticdepartment. Ail iQCt%ll men whowish t& keep in eunditiop f*t footballare advised to wmttte daring thespring months by trying opt for nextfttaftakA captain will be chosenHandsome trophies are aifered tothe winning teams and individual na¬tatory Silver caps will he given tothe winning team, and also to thosetaking test m%e relay whtegold, silver, ■ and ;hroh«e ji^dlttadwill be nwar^d to '§0t00l& win¬ners. ■' '•:• \'X ■ ’- .;'% } Continued from *m #:of last year’s yearling aggregation,while a few of them were new men toMaroon football circles/ ■ t • ■ ;'^v(Continued from page 31will .be setatehed from each event, inthe order of its announcement. ; .AH preliminaries will fib place mthe first day, Friday, April 9tk Thefancy diving pfri liminarieS will beheld m four o’clock in fhe after¬noon, and preliminaries will takeplace In the evening, beginning atseen o’clock sharp. Finals m i|||events- will he; held t©» Saturdayevening, starting at eight o’clock.Point ScoringScoring will he conducted ©n thefollowing basis: first place in eachevent counts five points; second placecounts three points; third placecounts two points; and fourth placecounts one point ;-sNo',^.team map(Continued from page 3)probably be able to make the 12? lb.eta. Be la a trifle jpaea. at his',present stage of development, but§$P SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHNote*: 1, In ancient time*, legend1lib, tbe coming of Spring Wft* cele¬brated by pageant*; *ee note* 3. ■-'%. Snow, when subjected to ex¬treme temperature, pease* over intoa liquid known as water; thi* fluidis now known maty to scientists, al¬though in prehistoric time* it we*abundant; It is said to be poisonousm large doses, a* in the tragic case3.,“Spring” was the name givenfey the ancient* to that season of tfeeyear when the normal glaciation dis¬appear, extreme temperatures pre*esitlli, the ground became coveredwith a green something, Mid hot¬house plants grew wild everywhere.This season, history tells us, was fol¬lowed fey one of still greater torrid-ity, known as “Summer”; the originof the word »»■ undoubtedly,,., the sameas simmer. ,-y will a0m become move experiencedand abler. ,.. ..'r Croon PromisingGreen looks like a promising starin the 147 lb, eta, andmaybe ableto get down to 137 lbs. H» if a steadyconscientious worker with tots- ofnatural ability, and under the experttutelage of Coach Vorres cannot helpbut develop the best in himself.% Semmerting is the candidate forthe middle-weight berth, and is agood man, very strong, shifty andfast. With a little more experience hewill experience little difficulty in,making the" varsity.' yv'E.^ Coyle, C.Bury and I.; Changnon are competi¬tors in the light heavy weight class..At:,;3Pge«ent .^bangnom look*; the best,having, had more experience than theother twoyV(Thangnon gave the Cen¬tral A ,\ p h.i iimn a good bat-'| 1 jewra!!j^The^|n< grapple] lad’roudfoot. who will be a good man■ .-quad upon the ad-|ditt.on^ofe%'few new pounds weight. GRAPPLERS DINE ATHUTCHINSON; FROSHAND VARSITY INVITED(Continued from page ,Green; Erickson* Simmering, Coyle,Pioodfoot, and Bury,Among the varsity men who willattend are Sternfiekt, Shapinaky,Stoehr, Johnson, Krough, Davis, Han¬cock- and Capt Graham. Prospersfor next year** team will bo discussed FOR MEN cm WOMEN4 Clubs (Driver or Brassie, Midiron.Mashie and Flatter) Standard make andquality. Leather grips, hickory shafts.Bag of jheavy duck, trimmed in realleather, with steel stays, all completelearn to dance welltake a few lessons nowTeres# Dolan Dancing School12*8 £*St S3rd Street, nesr WoodlawnClasses Nightly st IrM end Sundays 2:**is 6 ;•*. Charleston, Saturday. PrivateWnns any jMftk day »r eyeninf.p WANTED—Two girls to handle aNew.. Turk amufaetareris sample lineOf' ir—mil John Byrac, 8?S€ M.ita' * PROSE RVDE PARK am*Also—Complete Line ofTennis. Everything youneed. See us first,. Sat¬isfaction guaranteed.WOODWORTHSworn mm*1311 E. 57th Street; Phone Hyde Park 1690 ...PRIVATE INSTRUCTION by agraduate student in arithmetic, geom¬etry, and algebra, by Paul Haber,5704 Kenwood Avn.. Fairfax 2605,TO SINT—Bdd raemalone'«rwith IMag room and poffch; two infamily; one. two. or three persons.Very reasonable; ' it K-tst 5tth S&,Dorchester 2690; mil after t; p, m. With college parties onfamous “O” Steamers ofThe Royal Mail LineWrits for llluntra fed Booklet.’■ ,' Belle at at . : ,vForeign Travel, Inc. r(112 CoMsc* St, New Hama, Csaa. JrANYHOWTHE ROYS ^FROMifUmFLEARNED HOW^TO, \THROW ^\OW-B\I:T;V’V T .TO BENT— i-.irge. SttRAf, atlxta-ive new furniture; overlooking cam-pus; bath; reasonable^ 911 E. 67thSt,.Sad floor. I’hoee H><1<- Park 7”> 1C. ■wgyypffygS^?w‘t the th;s1Someone Had To Be HdnfKindling Wood ■ I.OST Phi Pet* Delta chlhpin* « campus, Return to 17 Beech¬er. Reward.itries from 28 schools ahcPwas one|the finest relay affairst^mp^ccun-y.' The feat m e of th. Addedf was talking to the 'coat ii ‘of (hiie■ m W- 1 "i pii§mm*WBk ’With DinUirlTn|thp^ijne-up'Mvi^. '. '■savs I. “Did 1 •but his son entered" school; he isn’teligible any 1 »rStevie. - A •’b.sylAilLT Krienes' pointcii!i?out'l:lfg’ u~the following - ' (1ton «fwm passed'to^check^the^alajnnng in.crease of,‘gin 'Tbiknig anftmg 'the' low¬er classes; ^IlCopiiie^ ’ perhaps,, tha t',it had soniething to do, with'fro«hnu’i^and sophomores.',\L' : ?!■ ’SbK- k ft Ay; * u- , . ** , J\'PHickory, #€koVy^dol^^^<’,4'The garter left" m> sock— "I stifled iffltrry * ‘4Till the ,ed b>,>( V t rJb£Then sWore^Ta , blue strea'fe. up', tfeeIChlfecial'. ': ’’ 'rtWSSSk .. ROOM PGR RKXTr-Very attract¬ive.; bed, fitting mmi overlookingMidway; opposite Building;K. D. Cmp> 1007 E. 60th Sit, Phont‘I Imvhester 7041, ‘ . ' ' Af comes to aft taQ smoke LuckyStrikes. Their flavor is superior—as you wift learn udta yea tryflb«Da—„-.4- DANCE PROGRAMSbB’KLRY^; STATIONKRY■The FRA I 1 KM IA Shopf-rv, ' ' v* ft.■">, ■ V l( UK II J.«SiiH-vauif^h'erboiledM®katydiiK.vSbugs. \ The sireoUertfHDih|•fit Pnited^Pboiled vutK^Jadded' aiukt]is extraci|sticks.” ^N8criticise--Abeijhice! feBtn«sjhmdeSfron»;feIDREWS^iarfafeA^k., C. KONEIX-r. ' ■■■ *■' - -‘A;*.; y;ANDREWSfferSfeb’sArnest^rebtXurant * dlMtngfto a. Disorimihating ^Patronage Who Desirex:.the Best'of Food and Service at ModeratePrices'.^^^^#4-46"Cottage Grove-Avenue ^ 3/ *Xi: Of over 200 brands. Lucky Strikesare the only cigarettes offeringthis added enjoyment—toastingdevelops the hidden flavors of theworld’s finest tobaccos. That’s why■emitSattiday night'’’ -.A reasonwjlliftnfican’t resistHow,DidYour%rters^iDodkX;}.^/ WirThis^Mwming?. .. «No MoreGartersIirely new way—an.i web. be had. EvenKnot slip. It canlarkably soft and ligDorothy J. Derbacher George A. KohmannDANCING IN THE LOOPNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYTelephone Wabash 6581 ;1 Private Lesson $1.00 4 Private Lessons $3.00 8 Private Lessons $o.00Auditorium Bldg., 2ssd Floor, 431, S, Wsbssh Avenia®TAMM’S NOVELTY ORCHESTRA ' &5®® Expert Instrvctcni' — 10{i f * "Y* * *it ■*Open Every Night IncludinK Sunday Night and Sunday Mannerw - CCLIP THIS COUPON FOE SPECIAL' RATES. '«■ ** *-