£*v Have yourdemi-tasse withyour dinner—thecurtain goes up atB:30 tonight.UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER II, 1925 Price Five CentsPIM PASSES BY; SOPHS CHARLESTONCURTAIN RISESIN MANDEL ONPLAY TONIGHTTicket Sales Promise LargeCrowd For MilneComedyPromptly at 8:30 o’clock tonight thecurtain will rise in Mandel hall on theDramatic association’s production,“‘Mr. Pirn Passes By.” Extensive prep¬arations have been by the associationto take care of a monstrous crowd.New campus talent will appear inthe presentation, namely, Eleanor Met-zel, Marjory Crighton, and HerbertBassett who plays the part of OliviaMarden, (George Marden’s wife)Dinah, (George Marden’s neice) andBrian Strange respectively. Othermembers of the cast, who have ap¬peared in campus productions previous¬ly and the part they take follow: FredByington, George Marden; Ruth De-Witte, Lady Marden (George Mar¬den’s aunt); Fred Handschy, Cara¬way Pirn; and Ruth Atwell, Anne.Complete PreparationsAll preparations are completed andawaiting the rise of the curtain, ArchieTrebow, production manager, said yes¬terday. Unique costumes, designed byMadge Woodward, striking scenery,made by George Downing and his as¬sistants, and different lighting effects,created by Eugene McCoy, will formthe background for the cast. Specialattention has been paid to these es¬sentials, according to Trebow. that theshow be as perfect as possible.Mr. O’Hara, director of the play,expressed his gratification over thework accomplished by the actors dur¬ing rehearsals and was enthusiasticwith the results shown in the last dressrehearsal last night.Curtain Will Rise Promptly“Because of the number cf dinnerparties being given by persons plan¬ning to attend the production “Mr. PirnPasses By,” read a statement givenout yesterday by George Bates, presi¬dent of the association, "the Dramaticassociation thinks it well to note thatthe curtain will rise promptly at thehour scheduled, 8:30 o’clock.CHOIR AND STUDENTSJOIN IN SINGING ATSETTLEMENT HOUSEStudents interested in singing carolswith a University group, with thechapel choir as a nucleus on Thursday,Dec. 24, have been asked to see Mack(Evans, director of the choir. Mr.Evans may be reached in Mandel hallany day before or after chapel. Ifenough students are interested, thegroup will sing at the University settle¬ment house.Group carol singing is an innovaionat the University and it will be con¬ducted in the nature of an experimentaccording to Mr. Evans. Blackfriars Announce Production Staff for 1926Queer Lizard, This New ZealandSpecimen; Has 70th Century BrainWhat appears to be a modernbrain taken from the body of a lizardwhich is the sole survivor of an im¬portant group of reptiles that flour¬ished about ten million years agoand now lives only in New Zealandhas been brought to the Universityfor investigation by Dr. John Cair-ney of the University of Otago, itwas announced today.The continued existence of thisreptile in New Zealand long after itsrelatives had become extinct in otherDIVIDE WORK ONCAP AND GOWNThree Divisions Formed ForEfficiencyPlans were formulated yesterdayafternoon by the editorial board ofthe Cap and Gown that will show morecomplete and clear records of workdone during the year. These plansconsist of three divisions.The first division provides for acomplete detailed dummy of the an¬nual as it will appar when it comesoff the press. Although most of theeditorial work has been completed, theeditorial board plans to spend threeweeks' completing the dummy.The second division provides for aweekly written report by each memberof the freshman staff. Because theyhave shown such great promise duringthe year exact and complete recordsof accomplishments during the weekare necessary.The last division plans for a “tickler"file of each page. This file will en¬able one to determine the actual con¬dition of the book at any time. Thissystem is similar to that used two yearsago, which worked very successfully.With such a system, Cap and Gownwill be ready for press within a weekafter the Winter quarter.CHRISTMAS GAIETYFILLS ATMOSPHEREAT ANNUAL BAZAARHOLD FINAL VESPERSERVICE ON SUNDAYThe annual Christmas vesper servicewill be held Sunday at 4 in the theatreof Ida Noyes hall. The Rev. WilliamHenry Boddy will speak on “The Med¬itative Mary.” The theater will bedecorated in Christmas colors and willbe lighted by- a Christmas tree andcandles. The decorations are underthe supervision of Virginia Eggers ofthe meetings committee.Mack Evans and .‘the Universitychoir will furnish the music, in co¬operation with Edwarda Williams, whowill play a number of selections. MissWilliams will be accompanied by herFvanwlinr Williams, who Willplay «the violin. The spirit of Christmas prevadesIda Noyes hall where the Y. W. C. A.bazaar is in full swing from 10 till 6.Of special interest among the manyattractions which are offered theappetizing luncheon to be served inthe north and south reception roomsfrom 11:30 to 1:00. A quick ser¬vice lunch has been planned for thosewho must hasten. During the after¬noon a dance at which Bill Hahn hasdonated his services will be heldfrom 4 to 6 in the Theatre on thethird floor. At the same time teawill be served on the second floor.According to Elizabeth Wyant .andKathleen Bimrose all commission,army and navy goods and donationsfrom clubs have been turned in andare on display at the various booths.An unusual attraction is the fortune¬telling booth open from 1:30 on.WEAR ROMAN GARBAT FESTIVAL TODAYIn order to make the atmosphere atits Saturnalia tonight at 8 in the thea¬tre of Ida Noyes hall as truly classicas possible, Eta Sigma Phi memberswill wear Roman costumes. MissEmily Whites special rhythms classwill give a Bacchanale group dance.Solos and readings given by the dif¬ferent members of the club will fill therest of the program. parti of the world is to be explainedon the basis of the interruption ofthe connection of these islands withthe former Malayan and Melanesiancontinent which is believed to haveexisted at the end of the Cretaceousor the beginning of the Eocene periodmillions of years ago, Dr. Cairneysays.Has No EmeniesFurthermore, according to Prof C.J. Herrick, University neurologist andadviser to Dr. Cairney, while theskeleton of this creature, known tothe native New Zealanders as tuataraand to science as Sphenodon, showsan ancient and primitive patternwhich disappeared from the earthmillions of years ago except in NewZealand, his brain is far from obso«lete.“Why has this pattern survivedthere?” Prof. Herrick questions. “Isit simply because of the absence ofdangerous enemies? Or has thecreature developed a brain patternwhich has outdistanced his old fash¬ioned body and so enabled him tokeep his place in the sun?“Dr. Cairney has brought theseunique specimens to the University,where laboratory and library facili¬ties are favorable for investigatingthe recondite features of brain struc¬ture.” TEN MANAGERSCOMPOSE STAFFFOR NEXT SHOWPositions Given on BasisOf Previous Activityand Experience' Staff positions in the Ord^r ofBlackfriars were awarded yesterday.Out of forty-five applicants for themanagerships, the following werechosen:Costume manager, Charles Harris;assistant, Willis Drew.Publicity manager, Ted Lockard;Eddy Munro, assistant.Chorus master, Stanley Young.Program manager, Milton Kreines;assistants, William Heitmann andWilliam Crane.Scenery manager, Lionel Hfekes;Kinchel Webster and Arthur Lauff,assistants.Property manager, Ben Goble; as¬sistant, Fred Von Ammon.Electricity manager, Ethan Gran-quist.Box office manager, Charles Cow¬an; assistant, Russel Harkness.Score manager, Gifford Hitz; JohnHoHfcivs and Norman Reid, assist¬ants.Press manager, Holmes Boynton;assistant, John Gerhart.To Finish Development ProgramAppoint Big Citizen s CommitteeChicago Citizen’s committee hasbeen organized to act in an advisorycapacity to the University in complet¬ing its development program. An¬nouncement was made last night byHarold H. Swift, president of the Uni¬versity Board of Trustees, at the an¬nual dinner given by the trustees tothe faculty.The dinner was made the occasionfor the announcement because it is ofspecial significance in the universityyear. It carries with it the idea offriendly co-operation between trusteesand faculty, the former being the hosts,the professors the guests. Last nightMr. Swift “presided, William ScottBond spoke on behalf of the trustees.Dean Gordon J. I.aing presented theHere Are the MenWho Will CompleteUniversity CampaignW. L. Abbott. B. F. Affleck, E. A.Ayer, Sewell L. Avery, Dr. Arthur!D. Bevan, Frank Billings, William C.Boyden. Walter S. Brewster, BrittonI. Budd, E. J. Buffington, Rush C.Butler, Arthur C. Cable, Bertram J.Cahn, H. E. Bryam, Joseph H. De-frees, Charles S. Deneen, William E.Dever, John B. Drake.B. A. Eckhart, William N. Eisen-drath, John V. Farwell, Howard Fen¬ton, Milton Florsheim, John F. Gil¬christ, E. A. Hamill, Frederick T.Haskell, Wallace Heclman, Hale Hol¬den, John A. Holabird, Mordon D.Hull, Samuel Insull, Thomas D. JonChauncey Keep, Charles M. Kittle, L.B. Kuppenheimer, Clifford M. Leon¬ard, C. H. McDowell. J. J. Mitchell,William H. Mitchell, Charles H.Morse, L. E. Meyers.Marvin A. Pool, George F. Porter,H. H. Porter, F. H. Rawson, GeorgeM. Reynolds, John G. Shedd, WalterB. Smith, J. A. Spoor, S. J. T. Straus,B. E. Sunny, Charles H. Swift, EzraJ. Warner, Frank H. Warren, Roy O.West, Frank O. Wetmore, W. A. Wie-boldt, Walter H. Wilson. new appointees to the faculty^ andMiss Elizabeth Wallace responded onbehalf of the faculty. President, MaxMason closed the programme, repre¬senting the University as a whole.Nearly 400 persons were present.The membership of the committeeincludes leaders in practically every in¬dustry and profession in the city ofChicago. Bernard E. Sunny, chairmanof the board of the Illinois Bell Tele¬phone Company, is chairman of thegroup, and the membership includesMayor William E. Dever.Mr. Sunny, said: “The Universityis one of the city’s great corporations,”he said. “Like any other great corpora¬tion it must increase its resuroces ifit is to develop with the city. We whoare interested in he growth of the cityare interesed in all is leading institu¬tions, and among these is the!Univer¬sity. 1jf“It is a public utility extending apublic service to the city, the same asany of the other utilities, which, com¬mand our more frequent attention be¬cause we make use of them every day.It needs more capital just as ante otherpublic utility constantly neeK)j . jnorecapital, and must obtain it from thecity which it serves. It will.be theendeavor of this committee ttUSoq thathe University grows along <with thecity and at the same time as i partof the city.”HOLD TEN MILEFOR W. A. A. Nobody Is Hurt;Yet They SayChapel ExplodedNo one was injured. Nothing col¬lapsed. And yet a dozen people oncampus are willing to bet their hatsthat they heard an explosion yesterdayon the grounds of the divinity chapelwhich is under construction.Splosion? Good Lohd, people.Neveh heahd of it,” a colored work¬man told breathless inquirers. Norcould the manager, the foreman, northe superintendjtnt offer better ex¬planation.It is just another of the University’sexclusive mysteries. Students heardwhat they thought was an explosionbut the men working on the chapelwere undisturbed. The newspaper manwho locates the disaster will have a“scoop.”SET RECORD ASCAMPAIGN ENDSSettlement Teams CollectTotal of $5000When this year’s Settlement drivecloses at 4 this afternoon, probablyfive thousand dollars will have beendonated by University individuals andorganizations.1 his hope was voiced yesterday af¬ternoon by the finance chairmen of thecampaign. Last night the total hadreached the $4,500 mark.Anticipating the amount that willbe turned in today before the drivecloses, Ellen McCracken and ParkerHall. co-chairmen of finance, laudedthe work of the committee. “I don’tbelieve the committee could possiblyhave expected a better record.” saidMiss McCracken. “The teams haveworked diligently and the studentshave responded generously.”Holmes Boynton, as captain of theleading men’s team, has turned in $586.Ben Troxel’s team is second with asum of $110.The leading women’s team is headedby Mary Harvey. She has turned in$473, while Virginia Gartside followswith the sum of $219.Student At TexasPay* Way ThroughCollege By Flying GRIM SKULLSTO DECORATEHONOR BALLSkull and Crescent ConvertsCarlton Ballroom IntoWitches* CaveA hideous glowing skull will trans¬form the crystal ballroom of the Coo-per-Carlton hotel tonight from a spark¬ling dance palace to a witch’s den.Most of the lights will be extinguishedThis is the setting for the first annualSkull and Crescent informal dance tobe held this evening between the hoursof nine and 1.Two hundred and fifty couples areexpected to attend the dance, accord¬ing to Jack Cusack, president of theSophomore honorary club, and nomore than that number will be ad¬mitted in order that those attendingwill spend a comfortable evening.Attend Dramatic PlayMany couple, said Cusack, are plan¬ning to make a double feature of theevening by attending the play “Mr.Pirn Passes By” that is to be presentedin Mandel hall tonight by the DramaticAssociation and proceeding from thereto the ball, where dancing will continueuntil 1 o’clock.Music will be furnished for the ballby Husk O’Hare’s 'Casino Club orches¬tra, which is prepared to make its lastappearance before a campus crowd forthe calendar year one which will beremembered. Several new noveltiesand stunts have been prepared by theorchestra especially for this ball.Make Dance Unique“We have hopes of making thisdance,” declared Cusack, “one of thosethat will go down in university annalsand in the secret memories of theguests as one of the most unique inhistory. It is our first attempt at anannual ball and we think that it willset a standard for future dance chair¬men to aim at.”“With the unique decorations, excel¬lent music, and specialty acts I believethat the party will compare favorablywith any given this year. We are en¬deavoring to make the Skull and Cres¬cent party a permanent custom of theschool, just as Score club dance isat the present time,” said Robert Mas¬sey, last night.FILIPINO STUDENTSTO HONOR SENATORAT LUNCHEON HEREW. A. A. will sponsor a hike fromF.vanstone to Winnetka tomorrow at9 from the foyer of Ida Noyes; hall.The party will take the “L” to Evans¬ton, where the walking wills begin.Luncheon will be served in Winnetkaafter a hike of ten miles.According to Annette Allen, who i»in charge of the hike, the route to b*followed was tried successfully hityear for an all-day hike and promisesan interesting day’s walk. All’ womenattending will receive twenty-fivepoints towards W. A. A. requirements. Five years of actual flying experi¬ence and not one accident in all thattime is the record of Jerry Marshall,who intends to finish working his waythrough the University of Texas by fly¬ing, according to the “Daily Cardinal.”By doing this he plans to pay all ofhis college expenses. This novel ideahas been used before by him in payinghis expenses while attending school atthe University of New Mexico andPurdue University.Marshall has had experience, hav¬ing been at Brooks and Kelly Fieldsand has done work in aerial advertis¬ing. He has taken up several hundredsof students, since he has come to Aus¬tin, Texas, who want to experience thethrills of flying into space. Marshallwon recognition when he brought pic¬tures from a football game to a citypaper in record breaking time.“I find it a most interesting and ex¬citing way to cam my way throughschool,’ said Marshall. “It is refresh¬ing and invigorating to the mind. Ican always concentrate well after afew trips.” Senator Osmena, head of the SixthPhilippine Commission of Indepen¬dence from the United States, will bethe guest of honor at a luncheon to¬day in Hutchinson Commons. AllFilipino students attending the Uni¬versity are invited to be present.After luncheon, the senator willbe conducted about campus and thecity by students. Senator Osmenawas for twelve years the speaker ofthe Philippine House of Representa¬tives, and was but recently elected asenator. He is in this country atpresent as head of the commissionand will appeal for his people at thecurrent session of Congress.WOMEN SING CAROLSAT MEETING TUESDAYFederation and Y. W. C. A. willsponsor carol-singing for women Tues¬day at 7 in the lounge of Ida Noyeshall. The singing will be held at thesame time as the regular Federation,open-house meeting.Mr. Mack Evans, director of theUniversity choir, will lead, and Cath¬erine Boettcher will play the piano ac¬companiment. Both familiar and un¬common carols will be sung.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1925imlg UlaronnFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAOOPu bit abed morulas*, ozoopt Saturday, Soaday aad lloadaj, d arias tho Aotoaa,Wlator aad Sprlas auartcra by Tho Dally Karoo a Company. Subscription rates:W-00 per year; by mail, 11.00 per year extra. Single copies, lire cents each.Entered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postotflce. Chicago, Illinois, March It,190®, under the act of March 3. 1S73.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.OFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis Areau*Telephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 5522. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion la Its columns an allsubjects of student Interest. Contributors mast sign their fall names to commuaica-(tons, but publication will, upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Henld, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTCert rude Bromberg Women’s EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorDeemer Lee News Editor**««•« News EditorWalter Williamson Nsws EditorHarry L. Shines Sports EditorVictor M. Tbels Sports EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Woman's EditorRuth Daulels .. Assistant Women’s EditorAlta Cundy Social EditorMary Winner Hughes Feature Writerl.eon Galinsky Day EditorGeorge Jones Day EditorGeorge Koetan Day EditorWilliam Smith Day EditorA1 Widdifleld Day Editorglice Kinsman Sophomore EditorRoselle Moss Sophomore Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTSidney Bloomentbnl, Circulation DirectorEthan Granqulst Office Directe»Leland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreines Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerJack Pincus Classified ManagerDudley Emerson AuditorCharles Harris .....Advertising AssistantFrederick H. KretschmerEldred Neubsuer Downtown Copy ManagerJerome Debs..., Office ManagerDREAM-WALKING'T'HE editor of a downtown newspaper rejoices to see the collegessupporting the world court. He welcomes the “phenomenon/he says, as a healthy symptom in our youth—a sign that the collegesare enjoying their normal state of idealism.‘‘Where,” he asks, “shall a nation find youth and idealism if notin its universities?” The college man is a true Utopian. The world,which would make him a cynic and a man of sense, has never touche^him. “Your studet, while he still dream-walks through college halls,loves all the world.” tThis, say sthe editor, is as it should be. The world needs moreyouth and idealism.But as for the world court .... The editor shakes his head. Shallnot effort be made to end war, or even to minimize it? Should wenot risk even certain economic interests, in the hope of gaining thatend? The editor smiles. We are college students.Nevertheless, he is pleased that we are so idealistic.Is college nothing more than a place of dreams? Is the collegeman so far removed from the world, so out of touch with reality,that he is disqualified to cope with the world’s problems? Are hisideas interesting merely as “phenomena,” as symptoms of his stateof mind? If that is all they can do little good—however sorely theworld needs youth and idealism.If colleges have a purpose, it is to acquaint youth with reality—and to enable youth to understand reality. College students mustdreams; but they must also think. They must do more than formtheories; they must test those theories, and strive constantly to improve them. ,If college students do these things, their thoughts merit more thanan indulgent smile from complacent editors. If they do not, the col¬leges have failed in their purpose.Want AdsFOR SALE—Collie pups, males;two months old, sable and white; fromimported exhibit stock. Price withped. and reg. app. $25 each. Can shipanywhere. Will hold until Xmas. BoxO, Fac. Ex.PART TIMESALESMAN WANTEDPreferred with car. Unusual chance.Phone Republic 1430. without housekeeping, $10. Singlerooms for housekeeping $5 and $6.Kimbark 6115.6026 INGLESIDE, TO RENT—1,2 or 3 room suites, comp, for house¬keeping; clean and attractive fur¬nished; water, range. Rent $5 to $6.TYPING WANTED—By experi¬enced typist reasonable, will call forand deliver. Phone L. King, Fairfax9755.The largest Sales Organization ofits kind in the world has adopted apolicy of training specially selectedUniversity Students as part time work¬ers, with a view to promotion and per¬manent connection after leaving school.In order to make an unusual connec¬tion with a World Leading firm, itwill be necessary to make applicationat once by mail only, addressing Mr.W. M. Daggett, 1004 N. AmericanBldg., Chicago.LOST—Near campus, a pair oftortoise shell glasses in case. Returnto lost and found in the InformationOffice.STUDENTS to work at noon from12 to 1. 5660 Ellis Avenue.LOST—Gvhl Watch.turn to jMaroon office. Please re- ,3jtrst ^Unitarian Cijurclf57fk and Woodlawn AvenueVON OGDiN VOGT. MinisterSUNDAY, DECEMBER 1311 A. M.—Liberating FellowshipA sermon about freedomCHICAGO ETHICAL SOCIETYA non-sectarian religious society to fosterthe knowledge, love and practice of the right.THE STUDEBAKER THEATER418 8. Michigan Ave.Sunday, Dec. 13, at 11 a. ni.PROF. JOSEPH JASTROWWill speak onFANATICISM AND THE FAN¬ATICAL MINDAii seats free. Visiters cordially welcome.iRK Official CollegeFRATERNITYdewelr/y Store Hours from Now Until Christmas, 8:30 A* M. to 6 P* M.Carson Pirie Scon a CoTDell Cho&n gifts’v forLDen vBroadcloth shirts in newpatterns. All have collarsto match. $4 and $5.Silk broadcloth shirts,soft collar to match. $8.50.Pajamas of lustrous im¬ported broadcloth. $5Driving gloves of serv¬iceable capeskiti. lined withlamb’s wool. $5.50.Moire cravats in beauti¬ful colorings at $1.50.Leather jackets vv i t hknitted bands at wrist, collar, waist. $11.75 to $25.Sweaters in slip-over andcoat styles, $7.50 to $25.-Lumberjack blouses inplaid patterns, $6.75 to $20.Qolf bags, $3.95 to $25.Golf clubs, carefully se¬lected, $2.25 to $15 each.Golf sets—bag and fourclubs—$10.75 to $20 set.Wool knickers of finequality, $10.75 to $12.50.Linen knickers of pureIrish flax, $3.95 to $6. UlenS ETobeSSpecial *in "These bordered blanket robes are of mediumweight, yet warm and practical. They’re in good-looking patterns in the. shawl collar style, as theillustration shows. Excellent gifts—and special val¬ues at $10. Other blanket robes, $8.50 to $20Grolf Hp^ieniSpecial $5*75 PmrImported golf hosiery in fine-looking all-overpatterns—several hundreds of pairs, all in differentcolors and patterns. In practical weights for wearnow and next spring. Very special, $5.75 pair.Hou& Coat#. $850 to $35First and Second Floors, South.Schedule fourteengames for BaseballSquad for next season. The Daily SPORTS Maroon Seems as if theywork those baseballerstoo hard, what withJapan trips, etc?Friday Morning \ December 1 1, 1925KAPPA SIGS WIN GAME FROM TEKES, 6-0Waseda University Nine Will Play MaroonsCARD FOURTEENBASEBALL TILTSFOR NEXT SPRINGTwelve Big Ten ContestsAre Arranged forSeasonWith sixteen games already cardedand with several practice games underconsideration the Maroon baseball teamwill lead a merry pace next spring. Athree game series with Waseda uni¬versity of Japaft will be probablyplayed on the dates given below. Theschedule is:April 14—Northwestern at North¬westernApril 17—Butler at Butler.April 20—Purdue at Purdue.April 24—Iowa at Iowa.May 1—Wisconsin- here.May 5—Illinois here.May 12—Northwestern here.May 15, 17, 10—Waseda here.May 22—Purdue here.May 26—Illinois at Illinois.May 29—Ohio State at Ohio State.May 31—Iowa here.June 5—Wisconsin at Wisconsin.June 9—Ohio State nere.The prospects for next spring arcdedcidedly encouraging, and Norgrenwill point his team for the conferencechampionship which they just fell shortof last season. The experience the menreceived on the Japan tour will standthem in good stead. On the trip theyplayed thirty-three games which is al¬most double the average conferenceseason.Of the men who were on the touronly William Weiss* John Howell,Robert Howell and Captain Cunning¬ham will not be out for the nine thisspring. Weiss and John Howell wereoutfielders, Bob Howell was a secondbaseman, while Cunningham playedthe keystone sack.Wallie Marks, who did not makethe trip and Joe Gubbins will be avail¬able as pitchers. This pair shouTTl beable to hold their own with any inthe Big Ten. Other letter men whowill report will be: James Webster, A.B. McConnell, Claude Brignall, CharlesHoerger, William Macklind, K. D.Pearce and George Benton. Macs .Meet PiratesFor Non-Greek TitleThis afternoon at 3 o’clock thetwo remaining touchball teams inthe non-Greek race will come to¬gether to decide the championshipof their league. Neither squad hasbeen defeated as yet and the playpromises to be fast and full of fight.It will be played on the footballfield located next to Bartlett Gym.The Macs have been on campus be¬fore his year and have been success¬ful in athletics to a great extent.The Pirates, however, are a neworganization of this season. Theytoo have a wonderful squad andhope to carry off the title from theirolder rivals today.PLAN l-M WINTERSPORTS PROGRAMEllis Beauty ShopFOR A GOOD MARCELCALL MIDWAY 4163ASK FOR JUANITA6253 ELLIS AVE., ROOM 7OVER WALGREEN S DRUGSTORESpecial Morning RalesMon.—T ues.—Wed. Although the fall Intramural seasonhas been brought to a successful close,there will be no let up on the part ofthe Intramural managers who are al¬ready at work on the plans for thewinter. According to Paul Cullom,general manager, the winter seasonwill be a busier one than the past fallperiod, if that is possible. GeorgeWeimer is in direct charge of the sec¬ond quarter's activities and he b.asdrawn up a program which will in¬clude such feature events as the bas¬ketball tournament, a big skating car¬nival, and the annual winter athleticreview.Basketball, the most popular indoorsport, will get underway as soon asschool opens next quarter. There willbe two classes, A and B, and each or¬ganization on the campus is expectedto have two teams in the contest. Inorder to give all the teams ample op¬portunity to get in shape and to getin shape and to get their eyes on thebasket, the Intramural department hasarranged three different courts in Bart¬lett gymnasium.CO WHEY'SMen’s Wear and BilliardsOur New Men’s Store IsNow OpenS. E. Corner 55th end Ellis Ave. SPLASHERS FACETOUGHSCHEDULEFOR THIS SEASONNoyes and Fellinger AreExpected to Star forMaroonsMaroon tankmen have in store forthem this year one of the hardest sea¬sons ever had by any team in formerConference years. Although some ofthe universities have been depleted bythe graduation of former veterans,other men have stepped into theirplaces and become just as good if notbetter than their former superiors.Some of the outstanding men whowill comprise the swimming constel¬lation for the coming frays are: Man-owitz, of Northwestern, one of the fast¬est crawl men in the Conference, whodoes 18.2 in the forty yard sprint andthinks nothing of it. Captain Howellof Northwestern is primed to win thelonger events, having placed second inthe four-forty, and having won thetwo twenty in record time. These twolast performances took place at lastyear’s Conference final meet.Herschberger of Wisconsin and Gowof Michigan who showed up well in theconference last year will also be backwith expectations of climbing a fewmort rtings on their nautical ladder offame.Captain Noyes of Chicago shows jpromise of taking a leading position inthe Big Ten meets, having had the rec¬ord number of points for the Maroonswimmers last year. It was simply amatter of ill fortune that he did notplace in last year’s Conference andNaional meets.Backstroke leaders for the comingyear seem to be Kimbal. a sophomoreat Northwestern, and Hill of Minne¬sota. the latter placing first in the back-^sroke conference meet. Iowa Campus BoastsEleven CelebritiesIOWA CITY, la., December 8.— (Special)—Eleven former ath¬letes who have been selected onall-American, all-western, or all¬conference teams are now on theIowa campus. All except threewon their fame at the Universityof Iowa.Four of Iowa’s all-Americansare now employed in the depart¬ment of athletics. Gordon C.Locke, all-American quarter onWalter Camp’s 1922 team; Char¬les R. Brookins, world’s championlow hurdler; Eric Wilson,# holderof the Big Ten conference recordin the 220 dash; and Ivan -J.Klingaman.VORRES PLEASEDWITH GRAPPLERSThe freshman wrestling squad hasbeen considerably bolstered by theappearance of several members ofthe yearling football squad. Somehave notified Coach Vorees that theywill report while Losch, Baker andHirschfield are already working out.The gridmen were told by theircoaches that their chances for nextyear’s varsity football squad wouldbe bettered through work on themats. Wrestling was said to encour¬age better control of the body, andto render the muscles more wiry andsinewy.Coach Vorees is pleased with therapid progress of his squad of firstyear men. He predicted that severalmight see varsity competition in theirsophomore and junior years. Themen who have been showing strongform are: Green, Kruger, Changon,Watson, and Sissman. Vorees an¬nounced that more men can be ac¬commodated.Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110IICAGO FORUMthe nonpartisan discussion>ublic questions, conductedthe CHICAGO FORUMUNCIL, Inc., a group ofe than 100 representativeens.Sunday, 3 P. M.VPOLLO THEATREFUndolph at DearbornLouis Victor Eytingeof New York:onvict “who came backwill speak onOur Crime Problem”Vital Question Period SENIORSWhose names begin with S,T, U, V, W,X, YorZ, should have their pic¬tures taken for the Cap and Gown dur¬ing the week - of December 7-12,(this week) at the5 South Wabash Avenue!SSSS^ WHINING TOUCHDOWN IS SCORED INLAST MINUTE OF PLAY; SCHAEFFERAND OKER ARE STARS FOR WINNERSGame Is Played Listlessly; Many Fumbles Feature the Con¬test as Neither Squad Shows Its FormerClassLineup:Kappa Sigma Tau Kappa EpsilonHarris BarleyHope HamiltonSchaefer PetrolowitzJones RobinsonJohnson Westland'Oker JelinekLawder HeibertDisplaying a strong offense but lack¬ing the punch to put the pigskin overfor a touchdown, Kappa Sigma de¬feated Tau Kappa Epsilon in the play¬off for third place in the Intramuraltouchball tournament. Tne ground washard and the footing was surer thanin earlier games. Both teams startedat a fast pace, the Tekes receiving thekickoff and returning the ball to theiropponents 20 yard line. Three passeswere grounded and the fourth wentover the goal line.Kappa Sigina, using their favoritepass from (>ker to Schaefer, workedthe ball to mid field and then list it ondowns. The game then see-sawed backand forth with both teams missing imany opportunities to score. The hallended with both teams scoreless.The second half opened in listlessfashion with both teams fumbling passes. Finally in the last minute ofplay, the Kappa Sigs worked the balldown the field and Wallie Schaeffer,who played sensationally throughoutthe game, hurled a perfect pass overthe goal line to Harris for the onlyscore of the game. Immediately afterthe kickoff the whistle ended the bit¬terly contested struggle.Both teams were not up to theirusual form, the Kappa Sigs "missingthe services of Sherry, their star.This game and the game today be¬tween the Pirates and Macs closed themost successful season that Intramuraltouchball has enjoyed since Dr. Mo-lander inaugurated the program of In¬tramural athletics. Psi Upsilon wonthe title this year defeating Delta Sig*ma Phi, last year’s titleholders. Medalsand a cup will be awarded his yearto the league champions, runnersup,and titleholders and will be awarded tothe winners at the end of the wintercarnival next week.LEARN TO DANCE NOW.TERESA DOLAN DANCINGSCHOOL1208 E. 03rd ,S't- Nr. WoodlawnClasses every eve. at 8. Beginners Mon.and Thura. Private lessons any timeTel. Hyde Park 3080f{honVMoncHARRISON Chicago'sgreatest danceorchestrasfor yourparties ^ /jjlliilllillillilltlllllinilllllllllillllllllllllllllinillitllllfinilltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllltltllllltlllliilllltttllllllllltlllllintitHiiltllltdiillliHIKIIlHHiUHiHlIlilHIllllitlllUiUilllltftHlHHHIttHDtintNiltiHIfliNlitlttilillllj^2 V ■Hit] ^ ’ mBtjJ I{ Broadview Hotel$L' - 25540 Hyde Park Blvd.i 3nj Special |■ } *I Rates to Students |i 3for theWinter Quarter 1Single Rooms With Bathwith full hotel service$12 a WeekRooms with BathSingle, $30 a Month Double, $57.30 a MonthCafeteria ServiceALSOTable D’Hote Dinners at 85cSundays $1.25PUWMMMRNMfMMMHMMMHMMII Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER ff, 1925REPLY TO SISThere isn’t a man will look at me,Her pretty face is all they see—•There iif't a chance to speak to her.Because I haven’t a coat of fur: I hate!I hatelI hate!There isn’t a day she does her work.All she does is dance and flirt—She wont get my notes in her clutchShe can’t hate me one half so muchAsI hate her!—G GrindWE READ where psychology statis¬tics prove that college professors sleepless than college undergraduates. Nowonder, with such loads on their con¬science. .*•“Dramat Play Cast A waifs CurtainRise” says the Daily Maroon. Fromour past attendances at Dramatic as¬sociation productions, we have hesti-taion in predicting that they won’t bethe only ones.REALIZATIONThe tough thingAbout going withA campus womanIsThat you can’tBreak datesWith her On the groundsThat you have too muchStudyTo do!!No. No, That Would Be Abuse!Sir:I note where the Seniors are de¬manding that their class bench bemoved to some place where it can beof use. 1 suggest the front entranceto Foster hall.—Loovy.. # m5 ■’ 5! Leschin’s Famous 1Zig-Zag” ChiffonsARTIE SCOTT treated our historyclass to some of the Confucian doc¬trines yesterday. In particular wewere impressed with this one preceptof the ancient sage—“The way to be¬come a student is with meekness andhumility receiving with confidenceevery word spoken by the masters.”But, gee, those Chinese students musttake some class notes! ! 64(Copyright 1925. Lcschin)$ 1.95MIDNIGHTDearest,, the waltzing was perfect, ..A nocturne beneath a dark moon—And the silence between us was rythm-edBy two hearts that were throbbing intune.You told me my eyes were so dreamy.You told me my eyes were so deep.But, darling, to make a confessionI was almost completely asleep!—Man on 3 Pairs for $5.40The Run-Proof Chiffon HosieryIntroduced to Chicago by Le&ch’iiThey are very popular with College GirlsCobwebby and sheer as themost fastidious could expect,yet' safe from garter runs.ELECT ten to Phi Beta Kappa. Ifthere were two more it would havebeen a dozen; if they were from oushouse it would have been a damn lie.—TERRIBLE TURK The Favored Colors:Bois de Rose Rose BlondBermuda Gun metal318 Michigan Avenue, South Rose TaupeCameob: bOTlKt)&®Bflennj CXijtton 8 SonsSTATE at JACKSON-on the Northeast CornerA The PiccadillySmart EnglishDinner Suit %A Feature Value — Assuring Youan Actual Saving of 25 Per Cent*48.50WE selected the woolens, supervised the designing and workmanship—and thenmarked them far below the price they should ordinarily sell for—so there willbe no doubt that this is the greatest Dinner Suit value in town.n • • >MM • Ml M ♦♦♦♦♦♦»OO ==BJ Pride of PossessionBuy skates that are worthy of the kind of skating you wantto do. Skates that you’ll he proud of. There is no finer skatemade than Alfred's famous tubular skate and shoe outfit. Seethe improved racing and hockey models at your best dealer.ALFRED JOHNSON SKATE CO.. CHICAGONOT CONNECTED WITH NESTOR JOHNSONMFG. CO.. OR ANY FIRM OF A SIMILAR NAMESomething NewPatented device on de¬tachable atrap fita Intolock-aiot on heel plate ofall new hockey and rac¬ing modelt.A alight twist of the snapand it’* securely locked _in alot, giving greatest This Book It Freesupport «o ankle. ^rugesof photos andPaum Applied Foe information about IceSkating.Send for it.O 19]S, A. J. S. CoChampion of the WorldFor Beginners-ALFRED’S FLASH-Lowwr pricedMaroon Special!For one week — from Saturday to Sat¬urday only — we will offer long, double-breasted blue, tube-type overcoats withwide shoulders, narrow self-collars,semi-custom effect, excellent qualitymaterial — a coat for which you wouldordinarily expect to pay $45 or more.Special at *30^Here is your opportunity to getacquainted!Christmas GiftSuggestionsUnusual Matalese Silk Robes.Finest styles and tailoring.Imported Scotch Mufflers.Unusual quality and patterns. Special — $16.50Special — $2.50Exceptional Silk Square Mufflers. c_. . ^Generous size - smartest patterns.Imported Silks-Dependably madeHand-made neckwear. Special — $2.00These are all practical and appropriate gifts, un¬usual values, dependable and desirable merchan¬dise.Srounting King & ffio.(Eatabliahad 108 Y«n)Two Convenient StoresPersonal Management — “BIG ED” PARRY, ’06WALLY MARKSUniversity of Chicago, Representative12 W. Washington St, Chicago