Read the arti-cles on the WorldCourt so that youcan vote intelli¬gently. Settlementnight vaudevilleacts will be broad¬cast at 10 o’clockSaturday night.Vol. 25 No. 41 ' UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 3, 1925 Price Five CentsCHOOSE WINTER PROMTEADERSPRESENT WORLDCOURTHARMONYOUTLINE TODAYDiscuss Harding-Hughes-Coolidge Plans forMaroon BallotBy Robert C. HarmanShould the United States enter theWorld Court? If so, should we en¬ter under the “Harmony plan” of'thirty peace leaders, under the“Harding-Hughes-Coolidge terms,” orunder the “Borah terms?” These arethe questions to be decided by thestudents of the University next Tues¬day by The Daily Maroon straw bal¬lot- It may be helpful to note that ashort time ago an article appearedin “The Dartmouth” strongly advo¬cating the World court as a measureof establishing peace-Yesterday The Daily Maroon pub¬lished an article explaining the“Harding-Hughes-Coolidge terms.” Intomorrow’s paper another article willappear about the “Borah Terms.” Thefollowing is a brief explanation ofthe “Harmony Plan.”Explains Harmony PlanThirty leaders of the Peace Move¬ment in the United States proposedthat we enter the World court un¬der the “Harmony plan.” Accordingto their proposal, two years from thetime the United States enters, a con¬ference of all civilized nations ofthe world will be called by appro¬priate governmental action to make atreaty embodying the following threeprinciples: war between nations willbe outlawed, a code of internationallaw will be substituted in its place,and all nations will be bound by thedecisions of the Court.If, however, within two years ofthe time the United States enters the(Continued on page 2TKEDIJ REMTHET LAYSPLANS FOR COMINGSEASON IN MEETINGKedu Remthet. honorary volunteerservice organization on campus haslaunched its plans for the year. Atthe last meeting of the order, arrangements were made for activities for Set¬tlement Night.Membership in the organization isopen to all men in the University whohave completed one year of volunteersocial service work. A paper describ¬ing the work and the methods is re¬quired for admittance into the order.Students who are now active in thiswork may make application for mem¬bership bv addressing communicationsin care of the Y. M. C. A. or to Wil¬liam Winnett. 1425 F.. MarquetteRoad.Papers which have been submittedare now available to students and maybe had upon a request addressed toWinnett.TAG DAY RECEIPTSRIVAL LAST YEAR’SWith fifteen saleswomen yet to re¬port, the proceeds of yesterday’s tagday campaign stood at $444.56 lateyesterday afternoon, according to abulletin issued by the chairmen. Thereport declared that the officials of thedrive were confident that the proceedswill be well over the $500 mark estab¬lished last year.Today’s receipts include an indivi¬dual contribution of $500. which withthe tag day revenue, brings the re¬ceipts to date up to $2,700. Ralloonsales and the profits from the two teadances already given accounted for$150 of this amount, while the teamshave raised over $2,000. |1 SECURE VON AMMONFOR FINAL DANSANTTo add novelty to the final Set¬tlement Tea dance tomorrow after¬noon at the Psi Upsilon house,Fred Von Ammon, well knowncampus pianist and accordian play¬er has b?*n procured. He will en¬tertain with several numbers onhis new accordian, one of whichwill be his famous Tivoli hit, “IWish I could Shimmy Like My Sis¬ter Kate.”In addition to this several otherunusual acts have been plannedwhich will serve to entertain thosepresent between dances.Bill Hahn’s College Crew hasbeen engaged to furnish the musicfor the event, and they will playfrom 4 to 6- Hahn’s music is wellknown on campus and ought toprove a drawing card for studentswho appreciate real jazz accordingto Clyde Keutzer, chairman- Ad¬mission will be twenty-five cents.SELL TICKETSTO HONOR BALLOffer Bids At Booth On SettlementNightTickets for the annual Skull andCrescent dance, to be held on Decem¬ber 11 at the Cooper-Carlton Hotel,will be on sale at the Sophomorebooth during the Settlement nightprogram, Jack Cusack, president oftheJSophomore honorary society, an¬nounced yesterday. This will providean opportunity for non-fraternitymen to purchase bids.Husk O’Hare’s Casino c\ub orches¬tra has been scheduled to play forthe affair, and he will furnish neworchestral combinations. Cusackpromises that checking room facil¬ities will be superior to those of the1 other large dances that have been! given this fall.Baseball Men To Be PresentAmong the students that have sig¬nified their intentions of attendingthe dance are members of the re¬cently returned baseball team, ac¬cording to Bob Massey, secretary ofthe club. “They seem to regard thedance as a favorable opportunity forrenewing friendships on campus,”said Massey.Sweet to SpeakOn World Court“The World Court—A Reply toSenator Borah” will be the subjectof a talk to be given by former Gov¬ernor William E. Sweet of Coloradoat a joint meeting of Y. W. C. A. andY. M. C. A. tomorrow at 4 in Harperhall. This lecture will be valuable forall students on campus who wish toknow the definite issues involved inthe World Court that they may votemore intelligently the following Tues¬day, according to Kathleen Stewart,chairman of Y. W. C. A. Vesperscommittee and Layette Marsh, chair¬man of the Y. M. C. A. religiousmeetings.Governor Sweet was chief execu¬tive of Colorado in 1922 to 1924. Hehas now retired from business to de¬vote himself to public service.Junior Dues TotalNears Hundred MarkThe Junior class will sponsor anall-University mixer Friday, Dec. 11,from 4 to 6 in the Reynolds club. Theclass extends an invitation to all stu¬dents to attend the mixer. PICK SKETCHESTO BROADCASTSATURDAY EVESeven Settlement Night Actsto go on AirSeven acts from the Settlementnight vaudeville performances will goon the air from the Evening Ameri¬can radio station, KYW, at 10 o’clocknext Saturday night. They will havegiven their acts for the settlementaudience earlier in the evening, ifprsent plans are carried out.The acts were selected after thefinal tryouts yesterday afternoon. Theplaces on the regular program of Set¬tlement night will not be announceduntil tomorrow.Name ActsThe chosen acts are: Nancy Mc-Munn and Lucy Woodruff, duet withpiano accompaniment; Fred Von Am¬mon and accordion; Louis Russell,who is already known to some of theradio audience, will sing; DorothyAmsbury and Catherine Fitzgerald,duet; Don McGinnis and Fred VonAmmon in a specialty number; andMartha Adams, who will sing.The acts will probably occupyabout a three-quarters of an hourperiod, if the indications of the try¬outs are borne out.Local ScientistsGo to Columbia jTo Discuss City iEight sociologists from the Univer¬sity will appear before the AmericanSociological Society at Columbia uni¬versity, December 28-31. On a pro¬gram which includes practically allthe leading sociologists in the coun¬try, the Chicago savants will presentvarious aspects of the central topic,“The City” which is to be discussedat the meetings of the society.Prof. Ellsworth Faris will analyze“Human Nature and Social Psychol¬ogy”; Prof. Robert E. Park, presidentof the society, will speak on “TheConcept of Position in Sociology”;and E. W. Burgess will discuss “TheStudy of the Family as a Unity ofInteracting Personalities.”Prof. Frederic Thrasher, of IllinoisWesleyan university, who made anaccurate survey of the gang situationin Chicago under the direction of theUniversity of Chicago, will report on“The Sociology of the Gang and Nat¬ural Community Groups—a Study of131!kGa*ngs in Chicago.”Louis Wirth of the University, willdiscuss “Some Jewish Types of Per¬sonality.” Harold Lasswell of thepolitical science department will pre¬sent “The Status of Research on In¬ternational Propaganda and Opinion.”OFFER SEAT BLOCKSTO FRATERNITY MENPreparations have been made to setaside fraternity blocks for the Dra¬matic association’s play, “Mr. PirnPasses By,” to be given in Mandelhall Friday night, December eleventh-This is the first time the Dramaticassociation has attempted to do thisand it is asked especially that all frat¬ernity men desiring seats in theseblocks make their reservations im¬mediately. All such reservations mustbe in by Tuesday, December eighth,at the very latest. Seniors CollectClass Funds inMandel TodayAll members of the senior class willpay their class dues, consisting of aquarter, in chapel this morning, theSenior council decided last night.There will be no class dinner thisquarter, as the few days left do notwarrant it.The council will hold another meet¬ing today to adopt or reject the sched¬ule made out by the program commit¬tee yesterday afternoon. According tothis schedule the class will give a din¬ner on January 11, a luncheon onJanuary 29, and a mixer on February11. During the spring quarter theywill have a dinner, scheduled forApril 15, a rnixer oh the 30th, and aluncheon on May 20.The senior vaudeville and Class Dayhave not yet been arranged for, butboth events will occur some timeduring the spring quarter.MITCHELLRADIOCHANGES POLICYPlan to Broadcast StudentSpecialty NumberThe broadcasting of a few of theSettlement Night vaudeville actsmarks a change in the radio policy ofthe University, according to John VanZant, University Radio Editor. Here¬after the Glee Club, the UniversityChoir, and the various specialty per¬formers of the campus will broadcastfrom the Mitchell Tower radio sta¬tion at frequent intervals. The lec¬tures which have been given throughthe local microphone will be con¬tinued hereafter in the usual way.All students who have talent of akind that can be used through the mi¬crophone are asked to see Mr. VanZant at his office in Cobb hall to ar¬range for try-outs. Appointments inMitchell Tower will be ,g(iven allthose who make a satisfactory demon¬stration of their ability-Dr. Van Ess of the University willspeak on “Unrest in the Near East”from the Mitchell Tower station to¬night at 9 o’clock. Dr. van Ess willdiscuss the i*evolts in Syria and Mor-roco as symptoms of a feeling of un¬rest which is now permeating thatpart of the world.California LadiesAre Good Devils“The Satinine Sex” was officiallydesignated at the University of Cali¬fornia when the Little Theatre chosewomen exclusively as interpreters ofdevils in its presentation of the four¬teenth century morality play, “PierreWho Mends His Ways.”A woman’s subtleness, cunning,and trickiness approaches more near¬ly the character of a devil, and itwas deduced that more lifelike per¬formances would be the result, ac¬cording to the “Denver Clarion.” Ascathing denunciation of the ladieshas been prevented, however, by thefact that the parts of angels in theplay have been given to them, and notto men, contrary to the conclusion tobe drawn from the above statement-Juniors To SponsorAll-University MixerCollection of class dues at Juniorchapel yesterday netted the Juniorclass treasury the sum of $91.28, ac¬cording to an official statement fromBradly Davies, class treasurer. KERNWEIN, CAMPBELL,CULLOM AND LAMONELECTED BY COUNCILScholarship and Extra-Curricular Activities UsedBy Undergraduate Council as BasisFor Choice of LeadersRight wingGraham KernweinCatherine FitzgeraldLeft wingPaul CullomLucy Lamon“We feel.” said Charles Andersonlast night, “that the deserving mem¬bers of the Senior class have beenchosen to. lead the Washington promthis year. As the prom is, perhaps,the most important of the Universitysocial functions, it is an impotrant actof the council to pick those membersof the class wrho justly deserve thehonor. The four Prom leaders \yereselected after an elimination of manyprominent campus men and women."Years ago this dance was held inhotels throughout the city, but for anumber of years tradition made Bart¬lett gymnasium the setting for the af¬fair. In 1019 the precedent was brok¬en and the dancers moved to the SouthShore Country club which has heldthe majority of the dances since.The dance committees and the sitefor tlve next Washington Promenadewill be chose,, in the near future it wasannounced.CHANGE GREEN CAPINITIATION DATE TOWEDNESDAY, DEC. 9Initiation into the Green Cap, thenew freshman honorary society, hasbeen put back to Dec*. 9 according toThomas Mulroy, who has directed theactivities during the try-out period.There will be no formal initiation,but a banquet will be given on thenight of Dec. 9 at 6:30 in HutchinsonCommons at which President Mason,Dean Wilkins and Mr. Frank H-O’Hara will speak.The neophytes met in Cobb lecturehall at noon yesterday and paid $3.00to cover the cost of the banquet andto pay for their pins, which will begiven them soon. Mulroy delivered ashort talk after which green and redribbons were issued to serve as pledgebuttons.At a meeting in the near futureofficers of the club will be electedand a program outlined for the re¬mainder of the year.PHOENIX ANNOUNCESDEADLINE FOR COPYDeadline for the Christmas issueof the “Phoenix” has been set forTuesday, December 8, according toFred Handschy. All editorial materialmust be turned in by that time.“The Phoenix is appealing for newideas, and contributions that haveoriginal touch,” Handschy said- Hethinks that there are many people oncampus who could write for the hu¬morous publication if they could -onlybe induced to put themselves into it.This is an opportunity for the un¬known writers on the campus to provetheir originality, and the worth oftheir ideas. Leaders for the Washington Pro¬menade were elected at a meeting ofthe Undergraduate council last night.They are Graham Kernwein andCatherine Campbell leading the rightwing and Paul Cullom and Lucy La¬mon leading the left.List ActivitiesThe selections were made by thecouncil on the basis of activities andscholarship: Graham Kernwein is a“C” man, varsity football and track,member of Iron Mask and Sigma Chi.Catherine Campbell, college aide, vice-president of the Senior class, memberof the undergraduate council and amember of Mortar Board. Paul 'Cul¬lom, abbot of Blackfrairs, manager ofIntra-mural department, college mar¬shall and a member of Iron Mask, Owland Serpent and Phi Kappa Psi.Lucy Lamon. bead college aide, chair¬man of the board of women’s organiza¬tions, member of the Honor commis¬sion, Undergraduate council and Quad-rangler.Much DiscussionThe election covered three meetingsin which members of the Undergra¬duate council carefully considered ev¬ery member of the Senior class. Thesethree meetings were held especiallyto chose the “prom” leaders.A new system which insures thefairness of the election was adopted bythe council. A list containing thpnames of every member of the Seniorclass was read before the council andeach name was carefully considered be¬fore a vote was taken.Exclude Three OfficesAn old custom of the council hasbeen the excluding of the president ofthe Undergraduate council, the foot¬ball captain, and the president of theSenior class from consideration.Set Time LimitFor Friars PlayPreparations for the next Black-friars performance was disclosed to¬day by the request of Paul Cullom,Abbot, that scenarios for this year’sproduction be completed sometimewithin the next two weeks.Cullom urged that all manuscriptsbe shown to Hamilton Coleman, formany years director of Blackfriars’performances, before being submit¬ted for judging.The “book” for the 1926 perform¬ance will be selected sometime nextmonth. The board of judges has notyet been selected by the superiors ofthe order, but this will occur withina few weeks.Wilkins to Speakat Dorm SmokerFrank H. O’Hara, resident directorof Hitchcock hall, has invited all resi¬dents of his dormitory to a smoker at7:30 this evening. Deans Wilkins,Gale, and Laing will be guests at theaffair.■1' ■■ •• - -rPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925©It? Saily iflarmntFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, daring the Autamn,Winter and Spring quarter! by The Daily Maroon Company. Subscription rates:•3.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second-class mall at the Chicago Poatoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March 13.1906, under the act of March 3, 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing In this paper.OFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 5522. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 Rings •The Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion in its columns sa allsubjects of student Interest. Contributors must sign their full names to communica¬tions, 5ut publication will, upon request, be anonymoua.Member of the Western Conference Press Association CAN A WOMAN BE COLLEGIATE?The StaffAllen Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business M<.’«*'crEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women’s EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorDeemer Lee News EditorReeae Price News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorHarry L. Shlaes Sports EditorVictor M. Theis ,... Sports EditorMai^orie Cooper, Assistant Women’s EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women’s EditorAlta Cundy Social EditorMary Winner Hughes Feature WriterLeon Galinsky Day EditorGeorge Jones Day EditorGeorge Koehn Day EditorWilliam Smith Day EditorA1 Widdifleld — .Day Editor•lice Kinsman — .Sophomore EditorRoselle Moss Sophomore EditorRuth H. .ScbroederWomen’s Sports Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTSidney Bloomenihal, Circulation DirectorEthan Granqulst Office DirectorLeland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreines Local Adv. ManagerThomaa Field Copy ManagerJack Pincoa Classified ManagerGeorge Gruskin Circulation AssistantDudley Emerson AuditorCharles Harris Advertising AssistantFrederick H. KretschmerAdvertising AssistantEldred Neubauer ..Advertising AssistantJerome Debs Office ManagerSTARTING A DISCUSSIONONE NIGHT, scarecely a month ago, a young stood bashfully inhis window and addressed a crowd of cheering classmates be¬low. He was their hero, because he fought for their alma mater.Today the same young man, on tour across the country, receives theapplause of thousands who never went to college. He is their hero,not because he fights for anything to which they are loyal, but be¬cause he is an expert football player.Does such a change cheapen the colleges? Is loyalty to onesalma mater a thing to be doubted, now that wages have achievedthe same brilliant results that loyalty once inspired? Or does theaffair simply mean that a man, finding himself able to become richby honest means, has taken the opportunity?America has recognized the problem. Different answers are be¬ing given. The status of American football, the place of athleticsin education, the validity of our college system, are involved.We quote the following statement of the question and we urgeyou to express your views on the answer. By W.If a man has learned to tie a bow-tie or to drive a superannuated Fordit cannot be said that bis college train¬ing has been in vain. These two ac¬complishments, especially if accom¬panied by membership in a good fra¬ternity (which is any fraternity) andan aversion to clastic about the calves,create the uniqueness peculiar to thecollege man.He has a place and knows what it is.He is aware that when he falls, instupor, into the waiting arms of acabaret dancer, lie must hurst forthinto the Alma Mater, thereby reveal¬ing a heart »f gold and of loyalty.He realizes that he must seeni toknow about everything without act¬ually knowing anything. The collegeman’s position is clearly defined.Not so that of the college woman.When are women collegiate? CantHey he so. Do women benefit as-domen, from college training? Unlessenlightened they early try to justifytheir presence in school by makingsome timid advances in the directionof education. But they soon learnthat erudition and the dissolution ofgirlish naivete, which the vulgar calldumbness, render them distasteful tocollege men. except possibly aroundexamination time, and most of themabandon academic endeavor. Somefew do not. whom may God bless.Nor are college women able to effectany peculiarities so barbaric, so exotic,as to distinguish them from other wo¬men. That any female person is cap¬able of anything in matters of dress R. to the disparagament of collegewomen who would create a distinctivemode.It is likewise deplorable that evenin the vices college women are deniedspecial recognition or a reputation forexcellence and originality. It is a re¬flection on education itself that themost discerning, even, cannot distin¬guish an inebriated college girl froman equally fortunate telephone operatoror manicurist. When a college manwishes to attain particular glory heenters into competition with tired busi¬ness jnen for the hand of a chorusgirl. There is even a possibility, ifhe be rich enough, or she is prettyenough, that a first-rate scandal can hedeveloped. But such distinctions aredenied the college woman. Her onlyroad to fame lies in elopement with achauffeur or a professor. Now. nei¬ther of these two achievements is dis¬tinctively collegiate. Professors andchauffeurs do not consistently restricttheir amours to college women. Thereshould he some tribe of men set apartfor their exclusive exploitation.Other steps must he taken. Profes¬sors who have been questioned professignorance regarding the motives whichinduce young women to matriculateat college. Women in college mustoffer an extenuation for so great awaste of time. They, as well as themen, must set standards. They mustcreate a truly collegiate woman. Themovies demand it. the newspapers de¬mand it, the men demand it. We want[our women to he collegiate, too.What’s On Today of the Divinity school will speak.RED GRANGE DRAMATIZES A PROBLEMRed Grange turns professional tenminutes after his last football gameas an amateur player, ends his uni¬versity education on the spot and peo¬ple are asked what they think of him.Red is well within his personal rightsif he capitalizes his great reputationas a football star and makes the gamehis business. A professional footballplayer is as respectable as a profes¬sional baseball or golf player. Profes¬sional football is developing ratherrapidly in America, and it will be help¬ed by the magical Florida boom. “Visit‘Miami and see the Christmas andNew-year’s games’” may soon he apublicity slogan to catch football en¬thusiasts. Tf 50,000 people desire tosee Red Grange and his eleven playin Miami, there must he a fortune init for Red.So no one need censure harshly theIllinois halfback for making hay whilethe sun shines. But there is somethingmore to be said. Red’s performance inyielding to the lure of “big money”makes the colleges look cheap. He feltno desire to finish his education by re¬maining at the University of Illinois the rest of his senior year. That re¬nowned university, indeed, cannot bequite so much inclined to strut as itwas when Red was making touch¬downs against the other state univer¬sities of the Middle West. The chiefattraction that institution offered to itsmost celebrated studen was football.The hero’s gridiron career ended bythe eligibility rules, off he goes likea flash and the campus sees him nomore.Red’s case dramatizes all the criti¬cism of this hippodrome college sportas making the university proper a hum¬ble sideshow. Scholarship, research,the advancement of knowledge — piff!What does it all amount to comparewith the development of halfbacks?Are our colleges and universities tobecome the chief training schools offootball stars for the professionalgame? They are now certainly theonly training school that professionalfootball has, or is ever likely to have.Red Grange has brought the highereducation smack up against anotherphase of the problem of its primaryfunction. Y. M. C. A. will hold an open housetoday for all men of the Universityfrom 4 to 6 in the south lounge ofthe Reynolds club. Members of thebaseball team will be present andKenny Pierce will tell of his ex¬periences. »Clyde Keutzer will singand play several selections.11 Circolo Italiano will meet at 4in Ida Noyes hall. Prof. BernadotteSchmidt of the department of His¬tory will address the meeting on “TheRisorgimento.” W. A, A. will hold an open meet¬ing tomorrow at 4:30 in Ida NoyeshallMembers of the second cabinet ofthe Y. M. C. A. will meet today at4 in the council chamber of the Y.M. C. A., office.“Unrest in the Near East” will bethe subject of a radio lecture by Mr.John Van Ess to be broadcast at 9tonight from Mitchell Tower throughstation WMAQ. Members of the Sophomore coun¬cil will meet at 12 in the Reynoldsclub theater.PRESENT WORLD COURTHARMONY OUTLINE TODAYEta Sigma Phi, the undergraduateclassical club, will hold a businessmeeting at 4:30 in Classics 20, tohe followed by an address by Mr.Raymond Harriman, assistant profes¬sor in the Latin department.“Followers,” a play will be pre¬sented at a meeting of the Women’sSpeakers club at 7 in Ida Noyes hall.Bacteriology club wilf meet at 4in Ricketts 1. L. M. Roderick willspeak on “Epidemiology of AvianTuberculosis” and Dorothy Van Peltwill speak on “Some Investigationson the Health of School Children.”Miss Minnie Vautrin, of China, willspeak at a meeting of the Disciplesclub at 6 in Ida Noyes hall.Congregational club will meet at7:45 in the Seminary room at 1164E. 58th Street. Dr. William F. Slade (Continued from page 1)court the other nations of the worldcan not come to such an agreement,the United States will be able towithdraw from participation.Does Not Bind U SIn considering this plan we woulddo well to remember that it embodiesthe “Harding-Hughes-Coolidge terms”as drafted by these statesmen. Italso secures for the United States ahold on the other nations that willmake our actions retractable, if theydo not follow the dictates of theproposers. If, however, the plan doescarry, and all the other nations agreeto the stipulations included, theUnited States will be bound by theaction of the court and will be on thesame basis as all the other nationsof the world. Our only recourse willbe in the stipulation of PresidentCoolidge that the United States willnot be bound by the advisory opinionsof the Court in cases to which weare not a party. Therefore, whetheror not we enter the Court and underwhat terms we enter, if we do, arequestions vital to the future of ourcountry. We have three plans to pickfrom and a fourth alternative, notto enter at all. Let us, then, considerthese questions carefully and writethe result of our deliberations on theballots next Tuesday.CONCERNING THE ARTISTThe parents of Mr. Schumacherwhose paintings now hang in Harperlibrary, came from the Rhine countryand settled in Boston. Mr. Schuma¬cher spent many years in Francestudying painting. His work evolvedfrom post impressionism gradually toits present very individual character.He is a member of the Autumn Salonand exhibited with that group until the war suspended exhibitions in Paris. jHis return to America in 1911 wasin response to the request of someAmericans interested in his work. Hehas since held classes and given lec¬tures on color in New York City andWoodstock. As the character of hiswork has unfolded since his return toAmerica he may be regarded as dis¬tinctly an “American Artist.”“Doc” Bratfish Welcomes the Freshmen to theREYNOLDS CLUB BARBER SHOPBasement of Reynolds Club Making Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110MIDWAY B00TERY936 East 55th StreetNear InxlesideQUALITY SHOE STOREA new stock of latest styleshoes for university students.Both men and women.Prices $3.85 to $6.50.GET YOURS NOW! PRIVATE DANCING LESSONSIn a course of four lessons one canacquire the steps of the Waltz, One-Step and Fox-trot. $5.00.LUCIA HENDERSHOT1367 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314 •ERNST ROETiLtV•5609 • il ARPER-AVE-• F110NL: HyDE/PflRtV 6282 ••ARM-PHOTOGRAPHER;tmjiiimiiiiiiiuiiiiiiuiiiimiiuiiiiihiii'siitiHuiiutiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiui!iiiuiiiiimiiMuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiinimjiiuHiiiiiiuimiuiiiiiiitiiiiimuiiiimuiiittimiuiimr.iuiiiimiitmiiiuiiiimiiui.utmmHUJinnKenwood Club Tea Rooms1363 EAST 47th STREETKenwood Club BuildingLUNCHEON 50 CENTS DINNER 75 CENTSSpecial Sunday Dinners $1.00Special Holiday Dinners $1.50Served from 12 to 8 P. M.See Us About Our Special Inducement for Student PartiesBRIDGE-LUNCHEONS DINNER-DANCESBANQUETS BAZAARSEstablished IMYORK COSTUME Cftdak Bldg., 137N.Wabash Ave Chicago, ILLTry a bar ofNestlesThe Creamiest ChocolateThe Tie OftProclaims the ManLOTHES may not make the^ man, but a tie often trans¬forms a commonplace costume intosomething effective and distinguish¬ed. Never before has A STARRBEST (always the headquarters forexclusive dressers) offered so widean assortment of handsome neck¬wear directly imported from Eng¬land and France.AotarrBestRANDOLPH AND WABASHFINE CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS.J. KENNARD CHEADLE, Campus RepresentativeHelp make the In¬tramural Water Carni¬val a success. The Daily SPORTS Maroon Attend the finals ofthe tank meet tomor¬row.. Thursday Morning December 3, 1923HOLD I-M TANKMEN PRELIMSTHREE HUNDREDMEN SIGNED UPFOR TANK MEETMany Stars Expected ToCompete in IntramuralCarnivalCheered on by fraternity brothersand schoolmates, the campus swim¬mers will get their first taste of the1925 competition when they plungeinto Bartlett pool his afternoon forthe preliminary events of the Intra¬mural Water Carnival. Exactly at 4o’clock the starter’s pistol will sendthe first batch of the contesting relayteams on their way, and from thatmoment on, the afternoon will beone of excitement and thrills.Three Hundred Men EnteredWith a total of 300 entries all to¬gether, and over 200 separate individ¬ual entries, the meet promises to beone of the greatest events in Intra¬mural history- Despite, however, thevast throng of contestants, co-man¬agers Milt Hayes and Gordon Wallacehave arranged every possible facilityfor speeding the preliminaries so thatthe water-dogs will be home in timefor supper tonight-Oker To CompeteMany exciting races and upsets arepredicted for this afternoon’s affair-The winners of every event will bein doubt except possibly the 60 yardback strflke event, in which CorneliusOker, national interscholastic cham¬pion, will compete. Oker swam forParker high school last year and es¬tablished an interschalostic record inthe event- The free style events andespecially the popular 40 yard swimwill result in thrilling battles. DonPeterson, star frosh speed swimmer,is unable to swim on account ofhloodpoisoning and Bill Weddell,winner of the event and high pointman last year, is out because of sinustrouble. The result will be a closelycontested race from start to finish asthere are many swimmers entered ofabout equal ability, among them be¬ing Ray Johnson, Phi Kappa Sigma;Fred Widmann, Sigma Nu^ andPeale, Phi Kappa Psi.Hold Three-Legged RaceThe fancy diving event will be oneof the best this afternoon AlthoughComie Oker has the edge on the field,the list of divers includes many menof known ability. The other eventswill bring out many excellent per¬formers including “Whitey” Krogh,of Kappa Sigma, winner of the 220yard crawl last year and Stevenson,Merriam, and Hough, who will com¬pete in the back stroke. The KappaSigma team is favored to cop the re¬lay race. Probably the funniest eventand one of the most popular will bethe three-legged race. Togo Dygertand Fat Atwood should be one of thefunniest combinations in action-Women Invited To Attend“We are especially anxious to havethe girls take advantage of the writ¬ten invitations extended them forFriday night,” said Doctor Molander,faculty advisor for the Intramuraldepartment, “The University bandwill be on hand to entertain duringthe brief intervals and while thelonger races are being held, and inevery respect the meet should be ahuge success. Every spectator shouldbe in his seat at 7 o’clock so thatthere will be no confusion in the startof the finals. Major Oliver D. Steele,for years the announcer for IllinoisAthletic Club and Conference swim¬ming meets will be the announcer andmaster of ceremonies.”Will Start At 3:30According to the Intramural man¬agers it is of special importance thatContinued on page 4) Faculty Members To HoldBowling Match WithAlley TeamPresident Mason will assume anew role Saturday afternoon in theReynolds club when he will leada picked team of Faculty membersagainst a team of the Alley bowlers.According to reports from the fac¬ulty camp, President Mason workedout secretly yesterday afternoonand it was announced from histraining quarters that he amassedtwo very good scores and is in thebest of condition for the match.Officials of the faculty team wouldnot comment last night on the new7member of their team.INTRAMURAL MENTO HOLD MEETINGAll men connected with the Intra¬mural department are requested toattend the meeting today to be heldat the Intramural office in Bartlettgym. The purpose of the meeting isto make final arrangements for rim¬ing off the swimming events today andthe finals tomorrow.“As this tank meet is the climax ofthe Intramural work for the fall quar¬ter, we want to put this over with abang.” said Paul Cullum, Intramuralmanager.WHAT of IT?tyCEOWpE MOgGENSTEI\NMr. Robert Zuppke, who claims tohave made Red Grange what he istoday, is apparently standing on anew platform this fall. You mayrecollect that Mr. Zuppke was all forthe good old game of professionalfootball last year, that 'in fact heeven made a flying trip to Chicagoover Thanksgiving immediately af¬ter the close of his schedule for thesole and exclusive purpose of gettingan eyeful of football as played by thepros.Mr. Zuppke, while in our fair city,witnessed the annual grudge battlebetween the Bears, headed by cannyGeorge Halas, and the Cardinals, ledinto battle by the venerable PatrickDriscoll. After the battle Mr. Zup¬pke, as usual, was not at all indis¬posed to voicing his views “A won¬derful game,” was his opinion sub¬stantially, “played by two fine teams.I believe that professional footballhas a great future, and I see no rea¬son why it should be opposed by anycoach.”Your correspondent considers it hispainful duty—but his duty, none theless—to recall to Mr. Zuppke’s mindThat statement. For, as you are doubt¬less aware, Mr. Zuppke but recentlydisplayed a radical change in view,denouncing his erstwhile white-hairedboy, Harold C. Grange, for taking anypart in the disgraceful pastime ofpro football. The occasion of thisutterance was the annual banquetgiven by the benevolent Twin CityBusiness Men’s Association for theIllinois football team.It may, and doubtless will, be a bitawkward for Mr. Zuppke to laughthis change of opinion off. Certainlyhe has hadly been what you mightcall consistent in this matter of profootball. Far be it from me to causeMr. Zuppke any embarrassment, buthe really ought to issue an officialstatement through Mr. Mike Tobin,the Illinois press-agent, as to whichof those two attitudes towards profootball his many admirers are totake as official. DELTA SIG-KAPPASIG BATTLE ENDSIN SCORELESS TIEBoth Teams Fail to ScoreIn Two OvertimePeriodsBy G. A. FlorezBringing back memories of theChicago-Ulinois football tourney, theDelta Sig and Kappa Sig touchballteam fought a deadlock battle in asnow and mud besplashed field- Thetwo teams had of yore played ascoreless game, and endeavored toend the struggle yesterday afternoon-Farris Gains 30 yardsKappa Sigma won the toss and theoval was set in motion by Oker, main¬stay of the toss up winners whokicked the ball far into the hostileterritory. Farris gathered the ball athis ten yard line, and ran around theend for a 30 yard gain. Delta Sigwas forced to punt on fourth downafter several futile attempts to com¬plete long passes. H. Sherubel, starof the Kappa Sig team made a longmaking a hare catch on bis own 5run netting about 20 yards, afteryard line. The Kappa Sigs then car¬ried the pigskin to midfield by aseries of long passes, Oker, Harrisand Sherubel starring at the receiv¬ing ends.Fail To GainKappa Sigma punted on last downpast the southern goal line wherethe Delta Sig team took up the fightusing their formerly successful shortpass attack. With one minute toplay before mid game time, Gaskillstarred in reverse long runs for theDelta Sig carriers. Half ended oncentral territory.Both Use Short PassesThe second half of the fray fea¬tured short passes and exchange ofpunts, with Kappa Sigma getting thebetter of the deal, until the last fewminutes of the game when the DeltaSig short pass attack was again putinto play successfully by Harrington,Igoe, Karmen, and Gaskill. The mudstreaked oval was setting at midfieldwhen the final whistle called time-Harris Intercepts PassRepeating the team’s former per¬formances overtime was called, andat the end of the ten minute battlethe1 Delta Sigs were on their oppon¬ent’s one yard line. A pass, Gaskillto Igo, was intercepted and Harris ofthe defending squad ran the ball backto the'30 yard line. Neither goal wasthreatened for the remainder of theContinued on page 4)J. H. FINNEGANDRUGGISTWoodlawn Ave. at 55th St.CIGARS. CIGARETTES andCANDYSTATIONARY AND FOUN¬TAIN PENSPhone Midway 0708Ask for Goldenrod Ice CreamSpecial sale on trunks, brief cases,ami all kinds of traveling goods.We do all kinds of repairing.Hyde Park Trunk Store1117 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityTel. Hyde Park 0080Proprietor B. HARTMAN. Dartmouth Paper Places SevenMaroons on All-Opponents Team“The Dartmouth,” student paper ofDartmouth College, which was gen¬erally acknowledged as nationalchampion after its decisive victoriesover Chicago, Harvard, Cornell, andBrown has chosen an all-opponentsteam which is in the opinion of thevarious Dartmouth players the creamof all the opponents that they wereobliged to meet all year. Two teamswere selected from the total numberof players and it was found that themajority of the players chosen werefrom Chicago with Cornell and Har¬vard following.Kernvvein was given almost unani¬mous choice as the best half backmet all year. He gained more groundagainst Dartmouth than any otherback this year and he is describedby the members of the team as theman who kept Chicago in the run¬ning. “Five Yards” McCarty was alsogiven a place on the first team aswas Elmer Lampe, who was calledthe best defensive end of the country.On the second team Chicago alsoplaced a number of men. Hendersonwas named at tackle, Yeisley at end,Hibben at guard and Scott at tackle.Maroon SplashesK. Mygdal and Diamond breast-strokes are tugging right along forpositions on the Varsity now thatBaumrucker has shown his metal incompetition. Mygdal is a sophomore,w7ho earned his numerals last season,and carried the honors in this eventat the Freshman Varsity meets, whileDiamond a Senior is up for his lastlap in swim team competition.H. Swartz and R. Peterson I. A. members have been swimmingat the Bartlett Natatorium quite reg¬ularly, these men have made some ofthe fastest times in crawl and breast¬stroke on record, and it hoped theywill decide to make the Universitytheir permanent address for the nextfour years.The I. A. C. meets have been themeeting place for many members ofthe tank squad the last few nights.All swimmers are recommended towitness the final meet, tonight at 8p. m., many pointers being kept inContinued on page 4) Interscholastic Star IsElected Captain OfKansas CagersSeniors who witnessed the Na¬tional Basketball Interscholastic of1922 will remember Harold Zuber.the sensational center on the cham¬pion Kansas City, Kansas, quintetcnosidered by many the greatestprep basketball team that everplayed in the Interscholastic. Zuberwas elected captain of the 1926University of Kansas football taem.Zuber last year was an all-MissouriValley center on the Kansas quintet.MAROON CAGERSSCHEDULE GAMESAlthough the conference season doesnot open until January 9. when Iowaplays here ,the basketball team willengage in several practice games be¬fore next month. These games arebeing scheduled.The schedule is:Jam 9—Iowa.Jan. 16—Wisconsin at Madison.Jan. 20—Purdue.Jan. 23—Illinois.Jan. 27—Minneapolis at Minnesota.Jan. 30—Ohio State.Feb. 6—Ohio State at Columbus.Feb. 13—Wisconsin.Feb. 17—Purdue at Lafayette.Feb. 22—Illinois at Champaign.Feb. 27—Iowa at Iowa City.March 3—Minnesota. CAPTAIN CUSACKISSUES CALL FORTRACK MATERIALRunners Will Meet atBartlett Gym NextTuesdayNext Tuesday afternoon, December8th, will be the date for a roundupof all the available track material inthe school according to Captain Jim¬my Cusack, who is especially anxiousto secure all the possible material forthe approaching season. “Mr. Staggwill be on hand at 4:30 to talk to theaspirants,” said Jimmy, “a big turn¬out will please him and will also helpthe school’s chances to produce acreditable team this year.”Stagg To Attend MeetingThe meeting will be held in thedressing room of Bartlett gymnasiumand Varsity men. Sophomores, andFreshmen are urged to be on hand-Mr. Stagg’s talk will be in the natureof a mild pep session to start the mentraining and to organize the prospectsfor the season which officially openssoon after Christmas-First Track Meet Dec. 17The first track meet of the seasonwill be held on December 17th andwill be an inter-class meet- Tom Eck,veteran maroon track coach, andJerry Fisher, former Chicago polevaulter, will coach the men andJohnny Johnson will keep their mus¬cles in shape. The Freshmen seem tohave the jump on the field as far asconditioning is concerned as DickWilliams, Wayland Burke, BobSpence, Virgil Gist, Rudy Coles, andMundy Peale are all rapidly gettingin shape. Williams, Burke, Gist andColes are distance men and SpenceContinued on page 4)SENIORSWhose names begin with J, K, L, M, N,IO, P, Q, or R, should have their pic¬tures taken for the Cap and Gown dur¬ing the week of November 30 - Dec. 5,(this week) at the5 South Wabash Avenuel . , ,< UMBMwiiifr a: L,.a 1 f 1 ' irf‘Hi mii3ElllffIirj ! . 1 ii li'li VfcdlUMi'iarAfifi ilir :i r - r~it 'i‘THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1925Page Fourso clear, so true, before has degen¬erated to a mere wheeze? Maybeyes, maybe no. Anyway, the veryTurkish Turk who thinks he is s<terrible isn’t here. They sav he’s uland not able to get around. Ter¬rible Turk. The Psychology Depart-might call that an Inferiority Com¬plexNOTE TO PROFSFor months I’ve been in exctasies;My soul has been relievedTo find that nothing’s hinderedThe work 1 have achieved.But lately work’s impossibleFor galoshes on the womenEfficiency’s just half,Make me laugh—and laugh—andlaugh! —GeoGMoney!Money!Money!“TAP STUDENTS TODAY TO BUYFOR ANNUAL DRIVE’’—The Daily Maroon (author of Syncopating Saxophones)Fred von Ammon, Don McGinnis, DonMcGuiness, Zoe-May Sutherland,Ruth DeWitt, B. Cowan, or one of agreat many very clever people whomwe could mention with ease and fa¬cility, and a memory-test, and read¬ing the papers which College Studentsdon’t do, not even their own unlessthey have something in, or wrotesomething in it, or know one of thedozens of editors or business guys,or are influential in something, orsomething. That includes everybodyexcept the janitors who won’t letyou go in Cobb when other peopleare coming out, or up or down stairs,etc., and certain members of thefaculty who don’t like publicity. WhyI ask you, doesn’t somebody ever usethe above subject?WHAT WITH all the acts in Set-!tlement Vaudeville, and everybody Idoing something or other called TheCharleston in one way or another,and of course, each of the two-dozenvarieties as the only REAL one.GATHER round. Folks, and Listen.Big Bob Tieken is going away afterthis quarter. He’s going to DarkestAfrica where there are Zulus. Yousee, girls, Bob has to write a TermPaper too. But he’ll be back, bye’-mbye. There there. Don’t cry.“PSI U’S HOSTS AT TEA (pay)DANCE”—The Daily Maroon“PAY JUNIOR CLASS DUES INCHAPEL TODAY”—The Daily Maroon“FROSH BRING MONEY FORMEMBERSHIP IN GREEN CAPAT NOON”—The Daily Maroon(A Campus Publication)And as if that, and that, and thatwere not enough!“WOMEN TRIM HUGE CHRIST¬MAS TREE . . . .”A clever girl was Carry PrattShe never knew where was her hatShe studied hardCalled teacher “pard”—(Whoever writes the best last linecan write the Whistle next time,(if there is a next time . . .)Is the Charleston Being Done,I Ask You?NOW, that Term Papers are all therage, and quite the smart thing, and ;so mayonnaise, etc., why doesn’tsomebody clever like Sew Covert,Aimee Graham, Allen Heald, Ger¬trude Bromberg, Alta Cundy, TotsCampbell, Tom Mulroy, Chuck An¬derson, Parker Hall. Mandel Hall, jHosenwald, Milt Kreines, Brad Da-1vis, Mary Eaton, Walt Williamson,Archie Trebow, F. H. O’H, Bob Carr,Sis Carr, Sis Everett. Nancy Mc-Munn, Charley, A1 Widdifield, TedLockard. Alfred V. FrankensteinStudents’ Laundry20% Discount With This AdUNIVERSITYHAND LAUNDRY1031 E. 55th Street Is that all, Mr. McAnany?there isn’t any more, Mr.FinneganO Isn’t that too BAD . .—JOE HOGABOOMCAPTAIN CUSACK ISSUES CALLFOR TRACK MATERIAL(Continued from page 3)and Peale are hurdlers and sprinters.However the frosh will have to stepto beat the Sophomores who boast alarge squad among whom are Baker,440: Spence. 440; Kelso, 880; Cu¬sack, 2-mile: Owen, mile; Armstrong,440 and 220 Weddell, dashes andhurdlers; Krogh. shot put; and Mic-kleberry, dashes.Permanent Waving, Shampooing,MarcellingTHE JONES SHOPPE1373 East 55th StreetOpen Tuesday, Thursday. Friday,and Saturday EveningsPhone Hyde Park 604150c Plate DinnerTHE SHANTYTo meet the popular demandthe Shanty is giving a 50c PlateDinner. This includes soup,meat, potatoes, vegetables, hotbread, desert and beverage.A MAXIMUMDINNER AT MINIMUMCOSTServed every evening from5-7 P. M.THE SHANTY EATSHOP“A Homey Place for HomeyFolks”What the Well-Dressed CollegeMan Is WearingDuring wet weurher the predominatingcollege style is Frog Brand Slickers.Count them on the <*ampus. They keepone high and dry during drizzly wetweather, not too cumbersome when thesuai apj>ears unexj>ectedl.v, and they l«x>kwell—always.No student s ex|» allowance eversuffered from the purchase of a FrogBland Slickers, and .vet it will save manydollars in the protection of good clothing.The old-finshioned raincoats are “'passe”.I»e up-to-date like your classmates, get aFrog Brand Slicker t/xlay .Genuine Oiled SlickersSawyer’s Frotr Brand Slick¬ers are the yrenuine oiled slick¬ers. The product of 85 years’experience. In two colorR formen—yellow and olive, andfour colors for women, red,trreen, blue and coral.All progressive college cloth¬iers carry Frost Brand Slick¬ers, if your dealer is tempor¬arily out of stock send hisname to H. M. Sawyer and Son,East Cambridge, Mass. THREE HUNDRED MEN SIGNEDUP FOR TANK MEET(Continued from page 3)every contestant report at 3:30 thisafternoon as there will be no waitingfor tardy entries. Five men will qual¬ify in each event this afternoon forthe finals. The order of events is asfollows:160 yard relayFancy diving40 yard swimExhibition by Dorf and Fellingcr100 yard breast stroke220 yard swim3 legged race60 yard back stroke100 yard free styleObstacle raceExhibition polo matchDELTA SIG-KAPPA SIG BATTLEENDS IN SCORELESS TIE(Continued from page 3)time, nor for the succeeding ten min¬utes played.Second Scoreless TieThis is the second time both teamshave been held to a scoreless tie, afterplaying two overtime periods, thisyear, but the field being in SoldiersField style, fast work could not be expected. Despite of the weather,both teams showed streaks of flashyplaying, the Kappa Sigma honor de¬fenders outplaying their opponentsduring the earlier part of the gameand overtimes, while the Delta Sigsshowed their metal in the latter partsof the struggle. Several long runswere made by both contenders andconsidering the status of the field thegame proved to be a just climax fortheir respective careers.MAROON SPLASHES(Continued from page 3)store for all swimmers. Ed. Fellingcrand E. Dorf are among the interestedgroup of university swimmers whohave attended the meets, in hopes ofgaining additional skill in theirevents.Captain Petrolewitz of the WaterPolo team, is getting his men intoshape to play early games. The prac¬tices against the Freshmen haveproved invaluable to the varsity giv¬ing the lacier an opportunity to rem¬edy its weak spots. The polo team isone of unusual speed and shouldprove a strong contender in the Con¬ference championship race.UNIVERSITY STUDENTSFOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARE BEST ATWILLIAM’S CANDY SHOPCORNER FIFTY-FIFTH AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEFresh Home Made CandiesDorothy J. Derbacher George A. BohmannDANCING IN THE LOOPNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYTelephone Wabash 65811 Private Lesson $1.00 4 Private Lessons $3.00 8 Private Lessons $5.00Auditorium Bldg., 2nd Floor, 431 South Wabash AvenueTAMM’S NOVELTY ORCHESTRA100 — Expert Instructors — 100Open Every Night Including Sunday Night and Sunday Matisee.CLIP THIS COUPON FOR SPECIAL RATES—Offering a Special Selection ofSWEATERSFor ChicagoMen and WomenSOUTHERNSPORTING GOODS1106 E. 63rd St near Greenwood Want AdsCITY SPECIALTY SALESMAN—Capable to rep. ext. mfg.; big exc.seller; good pay. 6747 WentworthAve., Mr. McNeilly.WANTED—Representatives for oldNew York Life Insurance company.Devote part time to work. Little timerequired and returns very lucrative.Gen. Manager will give all help andcooperation necessary. United StatesLife Insurance Co., 1044 Conway Bldg.,Ill W. Washington.FOR RENT—I^irge front room, ex¬ceptionally well furnished, with orwithout housekeeping, $8.50. Singlerooms for housekeeping. $5 and $6.6115 Kimbark Ave.WANTED—Salesmen, part time tosell new $10.00 bookkeeping and in¬come tax record: $4.00 commission. H. W. Swain, Mansfield 4828: 5944 W.Lake St.TYPEWRITING—Expert work atreasonable rates. I heses a specialty.Louise B. Snow, 5658 Ellis Avenue,phone Dorchtster 4691.LOST—Near campus a pair of tor¬toise shell glasses in case. Return tolost and found in the information office.LOST—In Cobb 2nd floor smallloose-leaf book containing valuableclass notes of F. N. Kretschner, Dubu¬que. Ia.. which name is imprinted onfront of book. Return to Maroon of¬fice or Gates 59.BEG YOUR PARDONThe Chi Psi bill for subscriptionsto the Daily Maroon has been paid.The mention of a bill in yesterday’spaper was due to an error in therecords.S. Bloomenthal,Circulation DirectorOur New Men’s Store IsNow OpenCO WHEY'SMen's Wear and BilliardsS. E. Corner 55th and EUi* Ave. Official CollegeFRATERNITYJewelryBadges -Pinjfs-Novelties'WARREN PIPER &CO.31 N. STATE ST.VAN’SORCHESTRASMusicof theKollege Kindfull ofWhim - Wigor - WitalityVan’sCollegiatesVan’sFraternity FiveVan’sFrivolity SixVan’sPilots of HarmonyEDWARD VANORGANIZATION159 N. State StreetPhones State 8026, 8027, 2028THESE SUBSCRIBERSMay Extend Autumn Quarter Subscriptions To Yearly Ones By Paying $1.50 to S.Bloomenthal, Circulation Director, any Day at Noon or from 2:30 to 6 P. M. in the Ma¬roon Office.31 L. C. Shephard 816 Eleanor Holmes 1445 E. H. Simonson56 R. C. Tripp 818 Laura Nolan 1449 Mary Roxburgh58 F. T. Semmer 819 Mary Nixon 1532 H. J. Bauman59 J. Winter a 824 Lucille Price Benedict 1562 Beatrice Wolf161 Claudia Boynton 827 Lillian Hastings 1566 C. Springate166 Marjory Smith 851 Marcelle Sidon 1570 Lewis Sevin171 Mildred Friduss 875 A. H- Tolman 1596 J. Newenham372 Richard Bolk 883 E. D. Allinger 1624 Janet Metzenberg384 David Olvin 884 B. Washer 1753 Goodspeed Hall Reading415 Louise Kircheimer 937 Julia Walman Room425 W. MacKenzie 946 Helen Gillet 1754 E. A. Meaney426 Hyla Snyder 977 Louisa L. Magraw 2012 A. L. Bealey678 Sidonia Wallis 978 L. Schnitzer 2341 V. Smith741 Madelon Sparks 979 Edna Gross 2342 H. G. Taylor737 Francis L. Gibson 1134 F. L- Lipcovitz 2344 Susan Perkins742 Erma F. Siegert 1161 E. Jarrell 2351 Mrs. K. Cole744 Mildred Hagey 1172 R. C. Rugen 1474 M. Stickney745 Betty McGee 1177 Robert Katz 1479 Ether Verrv748 Gladys Sprague 1251 C. R. Moore 1507 L. Jorgenson749 Margaret LeClere 1351 W. T. Moore 1513 Mildred Myers750 Francis E. Cressey 1353 W. S. Roberts 1518 A. F. Sieperb783 Marion Mowry 1354 E. O’Hara 1519 Elizabeth Springstum800 M. Louise Drumm 1393 Elizabeth Bryan 2455 Louise Terwilliger806 Helen Pierson 1395 Katherine Haskell 2458 C. Stark812 Josephine Oraue 1426 D. Sivia 331 John B. Metzenberg815 Clara Kostlevy 1444 Katherine Rose 332 Edith Baum