9EC 3yTag Day 1 o-day. “Help theSettlement Kid¬die*.” QH)e Bail? JWaroon Green Cappersmeet at noon to¬day in Cobb.Vol. 25 No. 40 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1925 Price Five CentsSPONSOR VOTETUESDAY FORWORLD COURTMaroon Conducts Ballot OnFour Issues of PeaceTribunalBalloting upon the four issues of theWorld Court question will be spon¬sored by the Maroon next Tuesday.The questions are as follows: For U.S. Participation in the World Courtunder the “Harding-Hughes-CoolidgeTerms,” for U. S. participation underthe “Harmony Plan” of thirty peaceleaders, for U. S. participation underthe “Borah Terms,” and against U. S.participation in the World Court.President Harding, in his speech onFebruary 24th, 1923 asked the Senateto join the Court with the Hughesreservations. Coolidge also favored thismove but suggested another condition.The reservations are briefly: That wejoin the World Court without joiningthe League of Nations; That we havea voice in electing the judges, that wepay our share of the expenses; andthat the Statute may not be amendedwithout our consent.Coolidge ApprovesPresident Coolidge’s consideration isthat the advisory opinions of the Courtshall not be binding on the UnitedStates in question which we have notsubmitted for judgment, according toFrederick J. Libby, in a recent pamph¬let.The question is whether this plan, acombination of the opinions of formerPresident Harding, President Coolidgeand former Secretary of State Hughes,will work out to the best advantage ofthe country.A Permanent Court of InternationalJustice is essentially an American idea,inasmuch as our delegates to theHague Conference of 1890 and 1907advocated it strongly. At that time,however, no agreement could bereached to the election of the judges.War InterferesThe question was forced from theforeground by the World War, but.bnow, as a direct result of the Leagueof Nations, such a court has beenformed and forty-eight nations havejoined it. It has been inexistence nowthree years and has handed down threejudgments and ten advisory opinions.If the United States joins this greatorganization under the Harding-Hughes-Coolidge terms, it will not beconnected with the League of Nationsnor bound to any obligations underthe League Covenant, according to au¬thorities. This plan seems worthy ofconsideration, and the other two thathave been proposed and that will heup for vote next Tuesday will appearin the Maroon shortly. Tap Students ToBuy Tags TodayIn Annual DriveFinal plans for canvassing the cam¬pus today in the annual settlementtag day drive were formulated yes¬terday at a meeting of saleswomenin Cobb hall. These saleswomen arepledges of the various campus wo¬men's clubs.From 7:45 this morning until 2:30this afternoon the canvassers willtrade maroon and white tags with theinscription, “Help the Kiddies,” forcurrency of various styles and deno¬minations. Local merchants havefurnished appropriately decoratedtrays to be used by the saleswomen.Tag day has always been an im¬portant factor in raising money forthe University Settlement. It hason some occasions even equalled Set¬tlement Night in importance. Thesettlement chairmen declare that ifpresent plans materialize they willraise over $700.The campus has been charted bythe chairmen of tag day and eachsection of the campus will be coveredby workers. By using this methodit is hoped that no student will escapeunsolicited. HEKTOEN TELLSHOW ANTITOXINBECAMEKNOWNDescribe Discovery of FeverAntitoxin in RadioTalkPSI ITS HOSTSAT TEA DANCEHold Last Settlement DansantFridayConcluding the series of teas for thisyear’s Settlement drive, a tea dancewill be held at the Phi U. houseFriday afternoon from 4 to 6. Thefirst of the three took place at thePhi Psi house, and the Phi Kap housew'as the scene of the second.Since it is the last of the threeafternoon dansants, a banner crowdis expected to attend, and the Psi U.house was selected because it willaccommodate 300 persons. Dancingwill begin at 4 and will stop at 6.This dance will follow the exampleof its predecessors in that a promi¬nent campus orchestra will furnishthe syncopation, refreshments will beserved during the dancing, and ad¬mission will be twen?y-five cents perperson.“More than $01 have been raisedso far through the tea-dances,” saidEsther Cook, co-chairman with ClydeKeutzer, “We hope to double thatsum at the last dance. How Dr. George F. Dick and hiswife. Dr. Gladys Henry Dick, isolatedthe germ which causes scarlet fever,and after eleven years of experimentingdeveloped an antitoxin for treating thedisease, was described by Dr. LudvigHektoen last night in a radio lecturefrom the University through The DailyNews station, VVMAQ. Dr. Hektoen isprofessor of pathology at the Univer¬sity and director of the John McCor¬mick Institute for Infectious Diseases,where the work on scarlet fever wasdone.The disease is largely one of child¬hood, the lecturer stated, over ninetypercent of all cases occurring in child¬hood under ten. It is highly infectious,and common sense precautions wererecommended as the best method ofpreventing the spread of the scourge.Solve ProblemsThree main problems were solvedby Dr. Dick’s experiments:1. A variety of streptococcus was(proved to be responsible for scarletfever infections.2. A test was developed which de¬termines whether an individually im¬mune from the disease.3. Antitoxin was produced which inmost cases was effective in combatingthe poisons produced by the scarletfever germ..According to Dr. Hoktoen, the strep¬tococcus had long been suspected ofcausing scarlet fever. But it remainedfor Dr. Dick to prove the connectionby infecting volunteer patients withpure cultures of the germ. The poisonsgiven off by the germ were found to beresponsible for the characteristic rashand skin irritation of the malady.Test For ImmunityTo test for immunity, a drop or twoof weak scarlet fever poison is injectedin the skin of the forearm. A smallpink spot will develop in the skin ofpersons who are susceptible to the dis¬ease. But the body develops antitoxinto fight the poison, and it is possible toproduce artificial immunity in patientsby practically harmless doses of scarletfever toxin.After the disease has set in, antitoxinobtained from horses has been foundto be of much value as a treatment. Ttgenerally cuts short the time of sick¬ness. Freddy Starr, In Barber’s Chair,Describes Japanese Sentiment“Japan is as friendly toward theUnited States as she ever was,” saidFreddy Starr, retired professor ofanthropology in the University, ashe was tilted back in a brass mountedchair by a versatile 53rd Street bar¬ber.“Although the Japanese weregrieved over the Exclusion bill, andregretted that American portals werepractically closed to them,” he con¬tinued between lathery sweeps of theshaving brush, “they never assumeda hostile attitude. Their feeling offriendliness was merely chilled.“The economic result of this billwill be the growing of wheat in Man¬churia and the increased industry ofChina and Manchuria. Politicallyour own opportunities, and those ofall Europe as well, will be limited.”A steaming towel coiled over theprofessor’s visage interrupted the in¬terview.Eleventh Tour of EastWhen Prof. Frederic Starr oncemore leaves his Seattle home boundfor the Orient it will be the eleventhtime he has visited th Far East. Since1906 he has visited every portion ofJapan except the island of Kyshu, inthe far south. Having heard of thepopularity of this unusual Americanthe Kyshuans have become jealousof the provinces in which he hastraveled. Due to this friction he willpay them his next visit.“My eleventh expedition,” saidProf. Starr, as he climbed out of thebarber chair, “will be a concentratedstudy of ‘the back mountain road,’known to the Japanese as Nakasendo.I -vill travel either on foot or in arickshaw and will stop at the many tiny villages along this unique wayand make a collection of the oddesttoys in existance.”Unique Toy CollectionThe collection of toys gathered bythis traveling scholar, is, perhaps, themost valuable and unique in theworld. “They seem to represent amedium for judging civilization andsocial environment,” exclaimed Pro¬fessor Starr, “and represent the ef¬forts of seventeen of my best years.”“A public exhibition of these toysof many races will be arranged soon,”he continued, “and will be held eitherin New York or San Francisco. Tome, toys are indicative of the inter¬ests and instincts of a people. Forthis reason I believe that my collec¬tion will be of interest and value toanthropologists throughout the coun¬try.”Lecture* SundayNext Sunday Prof. Starr will givea lecture on “Fujiyama, the SacredMountain of Japan” in the recitalhall of the Fine Arts building. Hewill also tell interesting anecdotesabout the recent earthquake whichdestroyed two cities along the coast.The lecture will be illustrated bystereopticon views.MAROON ISSUESAUTUMNREVIEWIssue of Dec. 17 to ContainFive Sections CABALLEROS DOCHARLESTON ATSPANISH FIESTACaroline Pratt ReplacesAimee Graham asCo-ChairmanFrosh Bring MoneyFor Membership InGreen Cap at NoonMIRROR HOLDS TEATO ANNOUNCE FIRSTPRODUCTION STAFFMirror production staff will be an¬nounced at an open-house tea whichwill be held Tuesday afternoon atwhich chairmen of committees, assist¬ants and members will be officiallydesignated. The place of the meetingwill be announced later. All women in¬terested in the organization have beeninvited to attend.A committee of judges is now beingappointed to select the winning manu¬script from those submitted. 1 hejudges will be chosen from membersof the faculty and people not connectedwith University, to insure an impartialselection, according to Helen Liggett,president of the organization. Al¬though the contest was officially closedlast Friday, completed manuscriptshanded in this week to Zoe May Suth¬erland in Beecher hall will still be con¬sidered.The play which will be chosen isscheduled for production during thewinter quarter. Scientist Breaks Records As HeEnds Fast of Forty-One DaysThe attention of the scientific worldwas directed today toward FrederickHoelzel, lay (scientist working at theUniversity when he announced thathe had completed a forty-one day fast.This record has never been approach¬ed by a scientist and it has been equal¬led by few hunger strikers.Hoelzel’s physical condition at theend of what is considered a phenom¬enal experience is pronounced good, itis stated. He lost between thirty andforty pounds.During his period of abstention fromfood, Hoelzel was tested by the psy¬chology department, thus enabling thePAY JUNIOR DUESIN CHAPEL TODAYWomen members of the junior classcouncil will collect class dues duringchapel today. Class tickets will be dis¬tributed for twenty-five cents by meansof a system of plate passing. Thissystem has already proved successfulin freshmen and sophomore class col¬lections. 1“If the ipembers of the class willtry to have quarters, rather than coinswhich necessitate change, it will sim¬plify the finances,” said Ellen Mc¬Cracken, vice-president of the class.George Weimer will give a short talkwhile the dues are being collected. University psychologists to determinethe effect of prolonged hunger on themental processes. As announcedpreviously, they discovered that mentalability and alertness are retarded dur¬ing a long fast, and suddenly increas¬ed, often above normal, when eatingis resumed.Study Digestive OrgansExperiments were also conductedwith Hoelzel as the subject to find outexactly what happens to the digestiveorgans and the human system in gen¬eral when the body is deprived of foodfor a given length of time. The scien¬tific observations now being tabulatedin the physiology department are notyet ready for publication. It is expect¬ed that they will reveal new facts con¬cerning the relation of hunger to di¬gestive processes, when they are an¬nounced to the scientific world.During Hoelzel’s career as a layscientist which dates back to his seven¬teenth birthday when he started to goon diets of various kinds, he had fastedalmost 350 days. A recent fast, priorto the forty-one day period, extendedover thirty-three days, and was, at thetime, a record for experimental fasting.Was UnderweightDespite the fact that he has neverbeen to college, Hoelztl has a wide ac¬quaintance with scientific subjects. His('Continued on page 4) Eigl ty-five men, the charter mem¬bers of the Green Cap club, will meettoday at 12 in the main lecture hall ofCobb. This will be the first meeting ofthe new organization since the electionof members; it will be devoted to gen¬eral business incidental to the outlin¬ing of plans for the new club.Attendance at this meeting is com¬pulsory, according to the Board ofdirectors. Each man is asked to beprepared to pay a three dollar initia¬tion fee. which will be used to coverthe expense of pins and of the initiationbanquet. Non-attendance today will bepenalized by expulsion from the club,according to Tom Mulroy, president ofthe board of directors.The Daily Maroon begs the pardonoi* three men whose names wereomitted through an error from the listprinted in yesterday’s issue. The menare Edwin Berndtson, Solomon Har¬ris, and Julian Levi. A pictorial and literary review otthe Autumn quarter, an unusual maga¬zine section, and a special women’ssection will appear in a 28-page Christ¬mas edition of The Daily Maroon onThursday morning, Dec. 17th. In con¬formance with a custom of past years,I this edition will record all collegiateactivities of the campus and of athleticsto date.There will be six pages devoted togeneral news, edited by Deemer I.ee;a six page rotogravure section, underthe supervision of Reese Price; a mag¬azine department of six pages, editedby Walter Williamson; six pages ofsports, by Victor Theis and HarryShlaes; and a four page women’s sec¬tion, under the direction of GertrudeBromberg.The price of the paper will be tencents. It will be distributed by prom¬inent women of the campus.Women Trim HugeChristmas Tree forBazaar Next WeekPackages surrounding a huge Christ¬mas tree covered with tinsel will beone of the features of the Christmasbazaar to be given by Y. W. C. A. onFriday, Dec. 11, in Ida Noyes hall,according to Winifred Williams,chairman of the bazaar. The tree andpackages constitute the “grab hag,"a tradition of the affair. EleanorHughes, chairman of donations for thegrab bag, has announced Kathryn Mc-Cartin and Lucille Von Bories asFreshman supervisors.Luncheon from 11:30 to 1 will beavailable in two rooms; the south re¬ception room will be a Quick ServiceRoom with sandwiches and milk; inthe north reception room a table d’hotemenu will be served. The luncheonconsists of potato chips, tuna fishscallop, fruit salad, cake, ice cream andhot drinks. Trne ImpressionsOf It a ly CharmMandel AudienceBy Alfred V. FrankensteinGustave Charpentier’s “Impres¬sions of Italy” was the major offer¬ing of the Chicago Symphony orches¬tra at Mandel hall yesterday after¬noon. In this early work of Char-pentier, written before the old Bohe¬mian set himself out to glorify theParisian working girl in music, weget what is perhaps the most brillianttone picture of the sentimental coun¬try in and around Naples written byanyone with the exception of Casella.Charpentier loafed in Italy for threeyears, and the sun and the sea andthe orange groves of Italy got intohis blood and came out again in thissuite.The symphony of the day was thethirty-eighth of Mozart. No one wholived thirty-five years and wroteforty-one symphonies, as Mozart did,could keep from repeating himself.So this thirty-eighth symphony is acharming, feminine and slightlyelongated work, every effect of whichcan be predicted.The concert opened and closedwith German overtures. The “Fly¬ing Dutchman” overture of Wagneris significant of much, the “Liebes-fruehling” overture of George Schu¬mann significant of nothing. By Stewart McMullenTwelve Spanish Caballeros, playingin a Spanish tavern of the day ofDon Quixote, will make noises pecu¬liarly suggestive of the United Statesof America, and particularly a cityknown as Charleston, at the annualSettlement Night celebration nextSaturday night.The Spaniards are no other thanHusk O’Hare and his twelve pieceCasino Club ensemble.Two developments in the Settle¬ment campaign situation were an¬nounced yesterday. The appoint¬ment of Caroline Pratt to the officeof co-chairman of the Settlementdrive, to fill the vacancy left by theineligibility of Aimee Graham, wasannounced by Parker Hall last nightat a meeting of men’s settlementteams in the Reynold’s club; and thedecision of the chairmen to extendthe drive until December 11, to allowanswers to the form letters sent outlast week to come in, was disclosedearlier in the day.Carnival Opens EarlyO’Hare and his Iberians will tuneup at 9, but the carnival will be infull swing when they make theirdebut. Six booths arranged at ap¬propriate points along Mitchell cor¬ridor will have been open for busi¬ness over an hour and will in allprobability have been doing a thriv¬ing business; and two complete vau¬deville performances, with Univer¬sity talent occupying the stage, willhave opened soon after eight.The six booth spaces were allotedto the four classes and to two organ¬izations, Skull and Crescent andCrossed Cannon. Spanish decorationwill prevail throughout. A largeawning, projected in front of eachbooth and hung from the ceilingwith an appropriate Spanish effectenhanced by spears specially pro¬cured for the occasion, is one itemof the decorative work.Entire Mitchell Block ReservedThe entire Mitchell block has beenreserved for this occasion. Mr. O’Harewill be provoking the Charleston ata lively rate in Hutchinson Commons;Booths will be sending for more sup¬plies from the Mitchell corridor; Twovaudeville performances will enter¬tain any who go into Mandel hall, andthe Reynolds club will be a loungewhere weary revellers may rest.Aspiring Settlement night vaude¬ville performers will take the stagebetween 3 and 6 this afternoonin the final tryouts. Seven acts(Continued on page 4)EL CIRCULO MAKESFINAL PLANS TODAYFOR THEATRE PARTYFinal arrangements tor the theatreparty planned by El Circulo Espanolwill be made at a meeting of the clubtoday at 4:30 in Ida Noyes hall. At thelast meeting “The Dove,” now playingat the Blackstone theatre, was selectedfor the party.The presentation of “El Idilio deLolita en Nueva Yorke,” written bySamuel YVofsy. an instructor at theUniversity of Wisconsin, is one of theactivities of the club planned for theyear. If the play is a success, themembers of the organization will pro¬duce it in some of the Chicago highschools and also before the Spanishclub of Northwestern university, ac¬cording to Yolanda Simiz. president ofthe club.“The tentative cast which has beenchosen i.s capable of merging person¬ality of self into the supposed per¬sonality of the character,” said MissSimiz. “and we expect conscientiouswork anrl sinrere effort to mnVe thieplay a real success.”Page Two THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1925(Ufy? iatlg ittarmmFOUNDED IN 1001THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITT OP CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, daring the Autumn,Winter and 8prlng quarters by The Dally Maroon Company. Subscription rates:$3.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.Entered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, March IS.1906, under the act of March 3, 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing In this paper.OFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 5522. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion in its columns on allsubjects of student interest. Contributors must sign their full names to communica¬tions, but publication will, upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women's EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorDeemer Lee News EditorKeese Price News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorHarry L. Siiiaes Sports EditorVictor M. Theis Sports EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women’s EditorRuth Daniels .. Assistant Women’s EditorAlta Cundy Social EditorMary Winner Hughes Feature WriterLeon tialinsky Day EditorGeorge Jones ..— Day EditorGeorge Koehn Day EditorWilliam Smith Day EditorA1 Widdifield Day EditorAlice Kinsman Sophomore EditorRoselle Moss Sophomore EditorRuth H. SchroederWomen's Sports Editor BUSINESS DEPARTMENTSidney iUoonienihal, Circulation DirectorEthun Granquist Office DirectorLeiand Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreines Local Adv. ManagerThomaa Field Copy ManagerJack Plncua Classified ManagerGeorge Gruskiu Circulation AssistantDudley Emerson AuditorCharles Harris Advertising AssistantFrederick H. KretschmerAdvertising AssistantEldred Neubauer ..Advertising AssistantJerome Debs Office ManagerTHE MESSERS. MARCO POLOCOACH NORGREN and his twelve Maroon baseball players havebrought back from Japan a record of twenty victories, eight de¬feats, and five ties. They have brought, in addition, a complete out¬fit of sweaters bearing the “W” (in Japanese) of Waseda university,a green, orange, and scarlet neckie bought by Capt. Red Cunning¬ham at the California jubilee, and a dislike for chop-suey.They report an improvement in Japanese baseball. The Far-East -erners have learned a great deal about pitching and hitting since thelast Chicago trip. They have always excelled in fielding. They areexperts, Capt. Cunningham thinks, in watching the ball in the dark.They gained one or two of their victories in games that were pro¬longed past sunset.Perhaps our cruising Caseys will tell us more of their adventuresin the Eastern Mudvilles, if we give them time.SEASONING THE CURRICULUM* I TRADITIONS are to a University what salt is to meat—they make*“■ it interesting and enjoyable. This University has been ratherlacking in traditions, and those which have flourished seem to havebeen unknown to many of the students, if not to most.Last night Federation held a discussion on “Traditions of theTowers,” a discussion which brought the traditions we haveclearly before the women present, and which made them realize hownecessary it is to have customs among the students which are handeddown from one college generation to another.Everyone knows that it is Chicago’s custom never to step on the*|seal on the floor of Mitchell Tower, and to sing the Alma Mater whenthe football team has been defeated, but that is just about all.Let us pursue this idea and look into our traditions, for traditionscount much in the establishing of real college loyalty—they are thevoices of the past that link the present with those countless studentswho have walked on our campus and made our history.THE WORLD COURTCourt.sphere of life, your thoughts, or your interests. When it is considered,however, that the subject is now being voted upon in practicallyevery university and college throughout the United States; that ourown University is one of the last to realize the widespread interestthat is being taken in the proposed step; and the influence that theresults of the university and college vote will necessarily have; itmust be realized that the topic is worthy of your consideration.At present The Daily Maroon is running a series of articles on thevarious World Court plans. Read them, even though they may seemdull stuff. Get the general trend of thought on the subject, considerit yourself, and whether you approve or not, vote, when the ballotis printed next Tuesday, as to your opinion. It may seem a smallthing to you; in reality it is a great movement. By Alta CundySpain is the principal country in oursphere this week, and we live in theenvironment of Spanish court yards,Spanish villas and Spanish haciendas.All of Spain in one place and at onetime—Mandel hall on Saturday nipht,December 5.Last year we had just the reverseclimatic conditions. We inhabited thenorthern sphere, perhaps it was Green¬land, maybe it was Alaska, but in ayear we have traveled to the Southernworld in Spain—perhaps it is Seville,maybe it is Madrid.Call it whatever city you may onSettlement Night but you will not for¬get that it is Spain. Donald Kelsoewho has the scenic effects of the nightin charge revealed his plans today; wemay be prepared to enter a Spanishcourt yard instead of just Mandel hallfoyer. The motif colors are red andyellow to be displayed in drapes andbatik art which shall adorn the wallsand arranged balconies of the foyer.Subdued or shaded lighting effects inthe court are to he used to mimiclight in the Spanish shop windowsand villas.Spanish MerchantsIn the corridor leading from thefoyer is to be the mart with six boothsmaintained by the Freshman, Sopho¬more, Junior and Senior clas-ses. Therewill also be one sponsored by theCross Cannons, but for the eveningall shall be Spanish merchants. Thebooths are similar in design, coloredtables with gay overhead awnings. Thesalesmen and directors will be in Span¬ish costume. It is all just “Espanol.”Dancing has been arranged for inthe Grill of Mandel with Husk (\Haremusic.As the annual event assumes, therewill be a two show vaudeville producedby organizations and individuals. ChiRho Sigma Esoteric, Mortar Board,Upsilon Delta and Wyvern and Quad-ranglar clubs will feature acts whilethe following fraternities also partici¬pate: Alpha Tau Omega. Beta ThetaPi, Delta Tau Delta, Kappa Sigma,Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Kappa Tp-silon, and Phi Delta Theta. Individualacts are being presented by Lois Rus¬sel, Martha Adams, Nancy McMunn,Miriam Schoen, Lucy Woodworth, Alfred Paisley, Fred Van Ammon,Joseph Barron and Jerry Quinn.Box HoldersBoxes have been sold to the follow¬ing, for the evening performances:President Max Mason, Miss ErmaByfield, Mrs. Macy Good, Mrs. A.Heckman, Mrs. Tod Horton, Mrs.George Pollack, Mrs. A. W. Sherer,Mr. Horald Swift, Mrs. Ernest Stev¬ens.The last of the series of Tea dancesfor the Settlement benefit will be Fri¬day aftrnoon from 4 to 6 at the PsiUpsilon House.Settlemet Night events alone hold the attention of Saturday evening, andhost and hostesses are planning to en¬tertain at individual parties on thenight previous, Friday, Nov. 4.A propos to this plan, is the housedance of Pi Lambda Phi given in com¬plement to their new members. Gam¬ma Alpha’s dance will be at the Rey¬nolds club. Greenwood hall is enter¬taining that same evening at a danceat the residence. The Saint Marks society will hold a dinner at 6 in IdaNoyes hall.Delta Kappa Epsilon’s hard timesparty given by the pledges will occuralso on this busy night at the chapterhouse. Phi Kappa Psi is entertainingat a formal surprise party at theirchapter house.Somewhere in Spain the campus willmeet after the Friday events, Spainin Mandel hall on Saturday night.Adds Gloss and Lustre, MakesYour Hair Easy to ManagePERHAPS you are not greatly interested, if at all, in such a project Ias the proposed entrance of the United States into the World |Perhaps the move seems a great ways distant from your IF you want to make your haireasy to manage and add to itsnatural gloss and lustre, this isvery easy to do.Just put a few drops of Glostoraon the bristles of your hair brush,and brush it through your hairwhen you dress it. You will bosurprised at the result. It will giveyour hair an unusually rich, silkygloss and lustre—instantly.Glostora simply makes your hair more beautiful by enhancingits natural wave and color. Itkeeps the wave and curl in, andleaves your hair so soft and pli¬able, and so easy to manage, that,it will stay any stylo you arrangeit, even after shampooing—wheth¬er long or bobbed.A few drops of Glostora impartthat bright, brilliant, silky sheen,so much admired, and your hairwill fairly sparkle and glow withnatural gloss and lustre.A huge bottle of Glostora costsbut a trifle at any drug store ortoilet goods counter. Try it! Youwill be delighted to see how muchmore beautiful your hair will look,and how easy it will be to manage.A generous sample FREE upon request.THE R. L. WATKINS COMPANY 250681276 West 3rd Street, CLEVELAND, OHIOPlease send me FREE, a sample of GLOSTORA,all charges paid.A large bottle of Glostoracosts but a trifle at anydrug store or toilet goodscounter. NameAddressCity or Town State. HAPPY DAYS^WHEN ALL VAREHEALTHY!Football- Strong men atplay. How the thousandsin the monster stands en¬joy it. Radiant healtheverywhere!Such is the joy found in Bowman s Milk. It containsall the necessary elements that give you glowing health.And as a cold weather drink you will find it most re¬freshing and invigorating.Be sure to ask for Bowman’s Milk—Insist On It!idmIWMAN\DAIRY COMPANYMILKLOST!Lots of things are lost .... and people find them,too- - These people would be glad to return them totheir rightful owner if that information were known.If you have lost a book—a brief case—or a pocket-book—make yourself known thru aLOST AND FOUND CLASSIFIED ADin theDAILY MAROON(and the rates are only ten cents per line)Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors, AthletesDo You Know?“HOW TO STUDY”The Students’ Hand-Book of Practical Hints on the Technique of Effective Study byWILLIAM ALLAN BROOKSA GUIDE containing hundreds of practical hints and short cuts in the economyof learning, to assist students in securing MAXIMUM SCHOLASTIC RESULTS at aminimum cost of time, energy, and fatigue.ESPECIALLY RECOMMENDED for overworked students and athletes ergaged inextra curriculum activities and for average and honor students who are workingfor high scholastic achievement.Some of the Topics coveredScientific Shortcuts in Effective StudyPreparing for ExaminationsWriting Good ExaminationsBrain and Digestion in Relation to StudyHow to Take Lecture end Reading NotesAdvantages and Disadvantages of Cram¬ming The Athlete and His StudiesDiet During Athletic TrainingHow to Study Modern LanguagesHo to Study Science. Literature, etc.Why Go to College?After College. What?Developing Concentration and Efficiencyetc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc., etc.Why You Need This Guide"It is safe to say that failure to guide and direct stu.lv ,1, ...whole educational machine. Prof. G. M. Whipple. U. *of Mtehtain?*** P°mt ,n 0,6"The successful men in college d« not seem to be very hannv Mostespecially the athlete^, are overworked." Prof. H. S. Canby, Yate ** 1 f them’Misdirected labor though honest and well intentioned mav lead to „„„ k. athe moat important things for the student to learn is hoiTto studv w£v.ht\edge of this his labor may be largely in vain ” Pmf r v* out kn°wl-— — . «t iuiuui k;_ . Prof. G. F. Swain. M. I. T."To students who have never learnt ‘How to Study,’ work is very often a chas¬tisement, a flagellation, and an insuperable obstacle to contentment.” Prof A.Inglis, Harvard.“HOW TO STUDY” will show you ho wto avoid all misdirected trGet a good .tart and make this year a highfy successfS one ^ S'" ,and-book and guide NOW. successful one by sending for thisYou Need This Intelligent AssistanceCLIPAND MAILTODAY. * Vmerican Student Publishers,J 22 West 43rd St.. New York.J lentlemen:J Please send me a copy of "How to Study’’ for which* enclose $1.00 cash; $1.10 check.* lame*AddrWe saw the touch-ball tilts yesterday. The Daily I SPORTSi MaroonWednesday Morning December 2, 1925 Is their slogan,“They shall not pass”?PSI WINS WAY TO FINALSAward ‘C9 lo Thirtv-Three Men1ashy defeats tekes; delta sig*\wara l io lniriy i nree men AND kappa sigma play two extraSOPHS TO FORMLARGE PART OFMAROON SQUADBabe Alyea and Abbott AreOnly “C” Men BackOn SquadCoach Nels Norgren assumed activecharge of the basket squad yesterdayand after a few days of basket shoot¬ing, the men will start on plays. Lastyear’s freshman team will form thebulwark around which the Maroonteam will hinge. Babe Alyea and BillAbbott are the only two “C” men re¬turning, as Barta is out of school.Wallie Marks, Hank Sackett and Aus¬tin McCarty are the other veteransupon whom Norgren is resting theMaroon hopes.To Be Soph SquadBut sophomores are due to form alarge part of the Maroon quintet thisyear. John McDonough, the sensation¬al all-Interscholastie guard of Yankton,S. D., and Churck Hoerger of OakPark who just returned from theOrient are two rugged guards. KenRouse the varsity center will also be acandidate for the guard positions.Zimmerman, last year’s yearlingcaptain, and George Lott, the tenniswonder are two tricky forwards thatare making a strong bid for the for¬ward position. Yeisley of Cedar Rap¬ids, if he is eligible, and Farwell ofHyde Park, are two good guards whoshould be strong candidates for teamberths.Maroon Team FastThe Maroons should have a muchfaster team than last year and unlesssome unforeseen circumstances occurthe Midway should be well up amongthe leaders this year. All the playersare well versed with the rudiments ofthe game and Norgren can soon beginworking on plays to make up for ihelost time. Indiana and Purdue bothbegin cage practice in September andother of the Big Ten schools have beenpracticing for a month.Stars On Frosh TeamThe frosh cagers, working under thedirection of Fritz Crisler, should givethe varsity plenty of competition in thescrimmages to be held within a fewweeks. The yearlings boast such starperformers as Kaplan, all-City forwardfrom Englewood, Gist of Hyde Park,all-City center, Baker of Seattle, andother stars. Vascovsky, spectacularlongshot on the Tilden team of threeyears ago, is also expected out. Withsuch an array, the varsity are due forplenty of work to outstep their fresh¬man rivals. Coaches Meet toForm Schedules“Whom are the Maroons going toplay next year?” is the question thatgrid fans are asking. This questionwill be decided at the conference ofBig Ten Coaches to be held at theAuditorium hotel on Saturday. CoachStagg will, undoubtedly schedule an¬other Eastern opponent in additionto Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Illinois,Northwestern and Purdue, the tradi¬tional rivals, will probably all be re¬tained on the schedule.Coaches from all colleges in theWest will congregate and methods tocheck the onrush of professional foot¬ball will be discussed. Baseball,track, swimming, and basketballschedules will also be arranged atthis meeting.What Of It?By George Morganstern“Show yer own col-ahs!” Thefootball souvenir venders whose rally¬ing cry is that plaintive bark haveshifted northward from Stagg Fieldto Cubs Park, dear old alma materof the Chicago Bears, and strange tosay. they are doing a remarkablybrisk business.Begin Health TalksFor Freshmen Women'he annual health talks for Fresh-l and other entering women start-Wednesday, November 25th, ata. m. Entering students in theo’clock Captain Ball classes andkey classes at the same time, and\ 1:30 hockey students who dohave 10 o’clock class, are requiredittend. Health talks will be giventhis hour on Mondays and Tues-s for the rest of the quarter. Your correspondent hied his wayout to Addison and Sheffield Thanks¬giving morning to see Mr. HaroldGrange’s debut in glorifying theAmerican athlete, and no sooner hadhe stepped from the train than hewas harried on all sides by the souv¬enir football and cane boys. Theredid not seem to be any commonground of opinion among thesegentlemen as to what the officialcolors of the Bears were. The canesand footballs were garnished \4fch allmanner of combinations, from purple,.nd orange to plain red. Taxed withthis, one of the street merchants (hehappened to be of the red ribbonfaction! icidly retorted to your cor¬respondent, “They call him Red, don’tthey? Use yer nut.”The souvenir sellers sold the .bulkof their merchandise to languishingstenographers who had doubtlessfound out the difficulty of getting toMr. Grange through the mails. Fail¬ing to get an autographed photo¬graph by return post, they did thenext best thing and took home asouvenir football to stick over thedressing table mirror.I have a spy in the camp of theenemy—that is, a friend in Red’sown Zeta Psi house at Champaign—and the tales this informer tells arestartling in the extreme. Mr.Grange’s daily mail, it seems, is madeup half of communications frompoor little rich girls seeking spiritualcomradeship and half from little boyswho own a pair of football pants andwants to know the next step in get¬ting to be a star like the so-calledGalloping Ghost.BEG YOUR PARDONIn 'yesterday’s Maroon Kappaigma was given credit for a win inorseshoe over Tau Delta Phi. Theau Delta were the winners in thislatch. “Mama and papa are in Europe,”run the first type, “and I know wewere made for each other. I havebeen to a fortune teller three times,and every time the cards said so.Won’t you . . . etc. The gist ofthe second kind usually is, “I am afootball player, you are a footballplayer I have seen you play football,how can I play football like you playfootball? Please send me photo¬graph.” TWENTY RECEIVEMAJOR LETTERSFOR FOOTBALLSeven Are Awarded Big “Cs”For First Time asSeason EndsIn a meeting of the Athletic Boardlast Monday evening, twenty footballmen were awarded big “C’s”. Eightothers were awarded minor “C’s” andanother five were awarded reserve“C’s”.Major “C’s”Those receiving their “C’s” for thefirst time are F, D. Clark. A. W. Scott.E. J. Redden, Wolf, McKinney, S. A.Rouse and Kenneth Rouse. Amongthose who have made their “C’s” be¬fore this year are F. M. Henderson,M. A. Pokrass, S. E. Hibben, G. A.Kernwein, A. R. McCarty, R. A.Timme, E. A. Francis, F. J. Hob-scheid. Elmer Lampe, W. H. Abbot,R. E. Curley, Thorpe F.. Drain andWalter E. Marks.Minor “C’s”The eight awarded old English let¬ters are D. C. Baker, S. S. Borden,iL. E. Apitz, J. J. McDonough. H. E.Neff, B. I. Greenabaum. J. K. Ander¬son and E. C. Duval.Reserve “C’s”Old English reserve letters wereawarded to D. M. Cochran. W. H.Heitman, P. O. Lewis. J. B. Olwinand E. E. Fulton.Maroon SplashesEd. Fellinger and E. Dorf will betwo outstanding attractions at theWater Carnival Friday nite next.Both men are in fine shape and theirdiving should prove of great inter¬est to all diving fans.The relay team is forging aheadrapidly and making some of the fast¬est times on record for the Univer¬sity. At present the team is onlythree seconds behind the world’srecord, and within the usual Confer¬ence times of last year. The timesthis year have been computed onlyby the speed of the men individually,Captain Noyes and Rittenhouse beingthe fastest men on the team.(Continued on page 4) Friday Will be BigDay far Intra-muralsIntramural sports (will have aseasons’ roundup this week whenthe finals of the touchball, horse¬shoe, and the swimming carnivalwill be held. The curtain will ringdown on the most successful fallsports season in the history of theUniversity of Chicago Intramuraldepartment. Friday will be the day'in which the University championswill be (Selected in swimming,touchball, and horseshoe pitching.In an effort to culminate the fallseason with a fitting climax, man¬ager John Meyer is bending everyeffort to produce head-liner events.Lalon Farwell, Arnold Johnsdti.Gordon Wallace, Milt Ha3res, andJack Speer are the men who haveworked with him this fall and t^*them no end of credit is due.WATER CARNIVALENDS I-M SEASONWinter sports will be ushered inthis week by the annual swimmingcarnival. The preliminaries will beheld Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clockin Bartlett and the finals will be runoff Friday night. It will be one ofthe biggest intramural events of theyear as there are almost 250 entrants.Girls Clubs InvitedThe members of the girls clubs havebeen invited as have all the membersof the faculty, and an exceedinglylarge turnout is expected. Almost ev¬ery fraternity has entered its team andthere are several other organizationswhich have entered men.The winning team will be presentedwith a beautiful gold emblematic tro¬phy. Silver and bronge trophies willalso be presented to the winners ofsecond and third places..Seven Events CardedThe winning relay team will receivea cup. First, second and third placewinners in each event will receive gold,silver and gold medalets. Following(Continued on page 4) PERIODS TO TIE; TO REPLAY TODAYLibby Intercepts Teke Pass and Runs Fifty Yards for aTouchdown; Lott Also Runs Throughfor ScoreBy S. Victor RoterusPlaying on a snow-crusted fieldwhich yielded fast but slippery footingthe Psi Upsilon team entered thefinals of the touchball tournament bydefeating the Tau Kappa Epsilon seven12-0, while the Kappa Sigma and DeltaSigma Phi representatives battled toa 6-6 tie.After two overtime periods the lat¬ter game was postponed until this af¬ternoon 'by mutual agreement. Theplayoff w'll take place on the practicefield next to Bartlett. The winner ofthis game will meet the Psi Upsilonteam for the championship at 10o’clock Saturday morning when Staggfield will be opened for the final touch-ball tilt of the season. The intramuralcup will be awarded to the winningteam.Psi U’s Win EasilyBy staging two surprise touchdownsat the dost of each half the Psi U’swashed away any hopes of titularhonors that the Tau Kaps may haveentertained. Just before the first period■was over Libby intercepted a well-meant Teke pass and streaked fiftyyards down the side-lines for the firstscore of the game. In the last playof the fray Lott bluffed a throw andgalloped for another touchdown. Al¬though the Tau Kappa team displayeda varied offensive pow'er the defensepresented by the victors squelched allbut a few efforts. Through a succes-JENKINS BROTHERSDry Goods and Men’sFurnishings1150 E. 63rd St.(Established 1890)RIGHT GOODS — RIGHTPRICES — RIGHTTREATMENT sion of short passes the Psi U’s ad¬vanced the opening kick-off to the five-yard line and threatened to score.The Tau Kaps made an admirablestand successfully repulsing four at¬tempts to score. On the last down Lottthrew the ball over the goal-line, butit was grounded and put into play onthe twenty-yard mark. The playingwas even until Libby intercepted afrantic aerial effort to open Psi Up-silon’s scoring.Tie Game Is CloseAll the scoring in the Kappa Sig-Delta Sigma battle took place in thefirst half. The Kappa Sig seven scoredfirst with a pass Scherable to Baker.The throw which was over the goal¬line was made possible through a seriesof short and regular gains. The scorewas tied when Cooper caught a longheave from Gaskill and jogged the re¬maining distance to the goal.The play beat the gun 'by a matterof seconds. Neither team seriouslythreatened in the remaining periods al¬though the air was filled with scream¬ing passes. At the end of the secondovertime period the two captains de¬cided to call it off until this afternoon.Dries QuickSticks TightNever StainsUNIVERSITY STUDENTS Buy It At—FOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARE BEST ATWILLIAM’S CANDY SHOP Woodworth’s BookstoreCORNER FIFTY-FIFTH AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEFresh Home Made Candies 1311 E. 57th StreetHERE IS WHAT OURSUBSCRIBERS OWE USThose whose names are listed below may pay to the Circulation Director any day atnoon or from 2:30 to 6 P. M. at Ellis Hall. SIDNEY BLOOMENTHAL, Circulation Director.1167 Herbert Brenhaus. . . .$ 2.00 2466 Julian Gelber . . 2.001173 Mrs. A. B. Bryson. . . . 2.00 Mr. H. Pragoff 3.001243 Leo Reck . 2.50 Geo. Lott, Jr . . 4.001252 Miss Jean Paar 1.00 C. Tuttle . . 4.001372 O. F. Bond . 32.00 S. B. Conley . . 4.001378 Hilda Mochlenbrock. . . 2.00 R. Hanauer . . 4.001 42 1 Annette Pearse . 4.00 E. Serena . . 3.251845 H. Y. Cho . 2.45 Dr. Shull . . 3.002383 Elizabeth Garrison . . . . 2.00 Delta Tau Delta . . . . . . 25.002391 Carmel Hayes . 3.00 Phi Kappa Sigma . . . . 25.002451 Sarah E. Branhan . . . . . 2.00 Beta Theta Pi . . 25.002463 Frank C. Bernard . . . . . 2.50 Alpha Delta Phi .... .. 25.002464 Abe Fleischer . 2.50 Delta Chi .. 15.002465 Harold Ward ....... . 2.50 Tau Omega .. 25.00 Delta Kappa Epsilon . . . . ... 25.00Kappa Sigma ... 25.00Sigma Chi , ... 15.00Phi Delta Theta . . . 25.00Sigma Alpha Epsilon . . . . . . . 25.00Phi Kappa Psi . . . 25.00Sigma Nu . . . 25.00Phi Gamma Delta . . . 25.00Tau Kappa Epsilon ... 15.00Kappa NuDelta Sigma Phi .. . 25.00Chi Psi.. ,.1^-. . r ....... ,-Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1925A^VhisileCASUAL MEDITATIONS ONALAMB CHOPThree healthy bites—tis gone, I sighPoor lamb, so young and yet to die—No more to gambol on the green.No more to fill a woodland scene—Three healthy bites—his fate was roughTis sad—tis true—and more ’tis tough!!—Atlas.SADLY enough with the final ex¬ams looming up a few short weekshence we realize it our editorial dutyto make suitable comment. Hear then,us that there are three things, and onlyyou pessimistic ones, tradition showsthree things, that Chicago men cannot |pass: A football, a woman, and out! “MAC ” RATES HIGHAS SWIM MENTOR What's On Today“Rice Diet Not So Good" saysClaude Brignall, varsity third-baseman.All the way to Japan to learn that?Most of us learn it our first quarterat the house!THE INTELLIGENTSIAIn the cloistered library they sat,two young men. The shadows ofmusty books cast an air over theirascetic faces as, their heads bent close,they conversed earnestly. . forcefully.Surrounded by the treasured lore ofcenturies, they talked disputed. . . argued, ... on problems of phil¬osophical import, perhaps. The mean¬ing of life - - ? Contesting, again, orscientific questions. The explanationof existence ? Worrying, maybe,on hazy matters of religion. The soul, jthe conscience ?And so they sat. . . in the cloister-1ed library. . . and wrangled. “I tell jyou,” whispered one insistently, “He’d ja been a chump not to play profes¬sional.”“G’wan,” came the impassioned re¬tort, “So’s your Uncle Charlie fromMontana.” Coac hE. YV. MacGillivray is stead¬ily gaining the renown due to him,having already won the esteem of allparticipants in the various water sports.His teaching ability combined with hisnever failing good humour has madehim rate among the Varsity and Fresh¬man swimmers as a coach whose su¬perior is unknown.MacGillivray stepped into his newposition last fall, and with the new ma¬terial on hand turned out a good team.He has now a number of men whowere taught all through last year theessentials of speed swimming, and whowill no doubt make the team rank asa leader in the Conference.Mac, as he is called by his closeassociates, has the uncanny ability ofbeing able to pick out a beginner, andknow whether he will make good ornot. It is in this fashion that some ofthe stars on the squad have started aspoor beginners, and are now classedamong the fast men.Knowing swimming as he does, hemakes it his business to not only teachthe rudiments of the sport, but to de¬velop new strokes to be used by thesquad. Among his discoveries his new'breaststroke kick rates as one of thebiggest improvements over the oldstrokes ever made.In some of the large universities, theswimming coach is a man who knowsthe science of swimming throughreading, that is by a correspondencecourse, but the University of Chicagois fortunate in having a man, who notonly can swim, but who has the repu¬tation of having been one of the fast¬est men of his day.Hawks Plan LargestField House In U. S.You Must Ask the Howell BoysDear Turk:Did you read in the Maroon . . .yesterday . . . about how being col¬legiate is a disease . . . that can onlybe cured when the undergraduates de¬cide to grow' up to be men and wom¬en? .. . Now Turk . . you knowand I know . . . that being collegiate. . . while it may be a malady . . isalso an accomplishment . . . \Ve knowthat it takes effort . . . and practise . .to acquire that nonchalant flip of theshoulders . . . and we know also thatit takes arguments . . . and friends inthe wholesale business ... to acquirethat fur coat . . . Those things whichmark the college man!—GeoG Iowa’s new field house, the largestin the United States, will he completedin time for use in the fall of 1926. Itwill be 430 feet long and 412 feetwide. It will contain a basketball courtwith double deck stands seating 12.000people, a regulation size football fieldand baseball diamond and a 50 by 150foot tank with seating space for acrowd of 5000.There will also be a cinder trackwith six laps to the mile and two hun¬dred yard straightaways. Each minorsport such as wrestling, boxing, hand¬ball, gymnastics and golf will have aseparate room. Locker rooms and of¬fices will also be located in this build¬ing.The University of Iowa is followingthe idea of other large schools through¬out the country and paying for thisbuilding from the proceeds of athleticcontests.MAROON SPLASHESEIGHTY-TWO freshman are to beinitiated into the Green Cap club.Eighty-two freshmen to whisper vin¬dictively, “It’s alright, now, but waittill we get ’em next year."ASSERTIONThe realPessimistIsThe guyWho registersAt Lewis InstituteBeforeHe takesHisFinal exams! (Continued from page 3)Noyes is hitting the forty yards in18 4-5, while Harry is right on hisheels. It is a well known fact thatthe lack of a competent relay teamwas a severe handicap last year, butwith this obstacle now overcome, theMaroons are ready to take on allcomers.Stevenson, one of the Freshmenbreastrokers, tried his luck in theforty yard crawl yesterday with greatsuccess. He swam in competitionagainst one of the Varsity men, andtouched off when the clock ticked thetwentieth second. Not bad for anaspiring Freshman.SENIOR COUNCIL MEETINGSENATOR Ferris from Michiganrecently made the statement: “I havenothing against Yale; I have nothingagainst Harvard, or the other univer¬sities, but I believe that if some mil¬lionaire had put Abraham Lincoln inone of these schools, he would neverhave been placed in YY’ho’s Who. Andthe reason is that they are over-organ¬ized. over-standardized, and over-spe¬cialized. They suppress genius and puta premium on mediocrity."Of all things to say!Listen here, Senator, any guy whocan stay in school these days and sur¬vive these horse-shoe games, and touchfootball mixups, and cross-country in¬quisitions, may be, or probably is,crazy or dumb or something like that.But mediocre? Never! !—TERRIBLE TURK There will be a very important spe¬cial meeting of the Senior class councilat 12 o’clock today in Classics 10. Itis absolutely essential that all membersbe present.Allen Miller, President.LEARN TO DANCE NOW.TERESA DOLAN DANCINGSCHOOL1208 E. 63rd t9t. Nr. WoodlawnClasses every eve. at 8. Beginners Mon.and Thurs. Private lessons any time.Tel. Hvde Park 3080*★ ★<DBK Official CollegeFBATEENITYcJewelryBetdjfes-JPinjfs-MovelliesWARDEN PIPER At CO.31 N. STATE ST. Theology club will meet today at7:30 at the home of Prof. G. B. Smith,of the Divinity school, 5817 BlackstoneAve. Mr. Harold H. Titus will talkon “The Doctrine of Sin in the Lightof Modern Studies of Behavior.”“The Crime Situation in Chicago,”will be the topic of a talk to be givenbv Judge John Lyle at the Undergrad¬uate Political Science club at 7:30 iniHarper Assembly room. Entertain FacultyAnd Grads at TeaSociology club will meet tonight at8 in Classics 20. Miss Nelson, of theSouth Town Economist will speak on“Community Xewspapers.”“Some Scottish Scholars of theEighteenth Century” will be the sub¬ject of a talk given by Professor \\ .A. Craigie of the English departmentat the Philological society meeting to¬night at 8:15 in Classics 20.“T. Brailsford Robertson’s ‘Multi¬plication of Isolated Infusoria’ ’’will bethe subject of a talk given by MissWalburg Peterson at a meeting of theZoology club at 4:30 in Zoology 2PCABALLEROS DO CHARLESTONAT SPANISH FIESTA(Continued from page 1)have already been accepted but manymore are needed to fill out the twinprograms.There will be dress rehearsals forthe successful aspirants on tomorrowand Friday evenings. The acts thatare to be broadcast over the theradio will meet tomorrow night at8:30 in Mandel hall.The schedule of today’s tryoutsfollows:3:20, Amedie Coles; 3:30, FredVon Ammon; 3:35, A1 Paisley; 3:40,Nancy McMunn; 4:00, Phi DeltaTheta; 4:10, Esoteric; 4:15, LouisRussell; 4:20, Delta Sigma; 4:25,Quadrangler; 4:30, Joseph Barron;4:35, Martha Adams; 4:50, Chi RhoSigma; 5:00, Wyvern; 5:10, Pi DeltaPhi; 5:20, Delta Upsilon; 5:30, DonMcGinnis.SCIENTIST BREAKS RECORDAS HE BREAKS FASTOF FORTY-ONE DAYS(Continued from page 1)particular interest is the physiology ofthe stomach. He has read about allthe available literature on the subject.In high school he found that he wasunderweight due to lack of nutrition.For this reason he was forced to giveup his idea of going to college. Heimmediately started to experiment onbis own stomach, going on variousfasts and eccentric diets.A book by Prof. A. J. Carlson, chair¬man of the physiology' department,brought Hoelzel to the Midway, wherehe offered his services as a lay scien¬tist and subject for experimentation.SPECIAL RATES TOSUBSCRIBERSThose who have subscribed for theAutumn quarter only can extend theirsubscriptions for the remainder of theyear by paying the difference betweenthe yearly rate and what thy have al¬ready paid.Surell’s Beauty Shop1451 E. 57th StreetFairfax 2007Expert beauty work, ki all branchesOpen Tties., Thurs., and Fri. Eves.50c Plate DinnerTHE SHANTYTo meet the popular demandthe Shanty is giving a 50c PlateDinner. This includes soup,meat, potatoes, vegetables, hotbread, desert and beverage.A MAXIMUMDINNER AT MINIMUMServed every evening5-7 P. M. fromTHE EATSHANTYSHOP“A Homey Place for HomeyFolks” An open-house tea for faculty mem¬bers and graduate students in all de¬partments connected with general liter¬ature will be held Sunday from 3:30 to6 in the library of Ida Noyes hall. Theinvitation includes students of classicaland oriental languages as well as thosein the field of general literature, accord¬ing to Msr. George Goodspeed. di¬rector of the clubhouse.“It is hoped that the graduate stu¬dents especially will take advantage ofthis opportunity to become acquaintedwith the faculty members of their de¬partment. Tn this informal social gath¬ering, guests may' meet fellow studentswho are not already numbered amongtheir friends,” said Mrs. Goodspeed.JUDGE TALKS BEFOREPOLYSCI CLUB TONIGHTJudge. John Lyle of the Municipalcourt will address the Political Scienceclub this evening in Harper MU, at7:30. His subject is “The Crime Situa¬tion in Chicago.”Judge Lyle has been an aldermanand has served two terms on the City'council. At present he is a leadingfigure in a controversy over high bondsfor criminals.Joseph Barron, president of the club,is planning an active program, whichwill include many prominent speakers.“MAC” RATES HIGHAS SWIM MENTOR(•Continued from page 3)are the events in the order which theywill be run off:Relay race40 yard free style100 yard free style60 yard breast stroke100 yard breast stroke220 yard free styleFancy divingThe only change in plans which theIntra-murals department has an¬nounced is that the semi-finals are tobe on Thursday afternoon instead ofevening. Want AdsFOR RENT—One large room fortwo persons. Reasonable rates. 6047Woodlawn, Potovsky. H. W. Swain, Mansfield 4828 ; 5044 YV.Lake St.REYY^ARD—For the return of theThesaurus belonging to the Daily Ma¬roon staff. See Bloonienthal if youare the one who carried off.Private party offers for sale twotypewriters, a Hammond portable andan Underwood; little used; perfectcondition. Easiest payments arrangedfor responsible purchasers. Ideal forthesis or manuscript work. H. Adams,709 Barry Ave., telephone Graceland4937. WANTED—Two or 3 men (pre¬ferably fraternity men) having somespare time evenings until Christmas.Good pay to right parties. Apply be¬fore Friday noon, or the first of nextweek to Gray, Room 315, 1164 F.. 58lhStreet.FOR SALE—Ford coupe; perfectcondition; new tires; many extras;carefully driven. Reasonable. Mrs.Burrows, Gladstone Hotel, H. P, 4100.CITY SPECIALTY SALESMAN—Capable to rep. ext. mfg.; big exc.seller; good pay. 6747 WentworthAve., Mr. McNeilly.YVANTED—Representatives for oldNew York Life Insurance company.Devote part time, to work. Little timerequired and returns very lucrative.Gen. Manager will give all help andcooperation necessary. United StatesLife Insurance Co.. 1044 Conway Bldg.,Ill YV’. YY’ashington.FOR RENT—Uirge front room, ex¬ceptionally well furnished, with orwithout housekeeping, $8.50. Singlerooms for housekeeping. $5 and $6.6115 Kimbark Ave.TYPEWRITING—Expert work atreasonable rates. Theses a specialty.Louise B. Snow. 5658 Ellis Avenue,phone Dorchester 4601.YY’AXTF.D—Salesmen, part time tosell new $10.00 bookkeeping and in¬come tax record: $4.00 commission. LOST — YY’aterman fountain pen,probably in Harper at Mil, Friday af¬ternoon. Return to Maroon office, El¬lis Hall.Swedish ExplorerTells of TravelsScandinavian club will hold a meet¬ing today at 7:30 in the north receptionroom of Ida Noyes hall. Mr. HakonYVadell, Swedish explorer, will speakon “Travels in Central America.”According to David Kaatz. a mem¬ber of the organization, the meetingpromises to be of unusual interest, asMr. YVadell, who is a graduate studentin the University, has worked in Ice¬land and traveled extensively over theworld. “The subject presents a fieldof material for this illustrated lecture,"said Mr. Kaatz.Refreshments will be served and allmembers have been urged to attend.TO-OUT-OF-TOWN STUDENTSMidway Apartment Hotel1535-37 E. 60th StreetOffers Complete Hotel ServiceConvenient to the University with allTransportation Facilities1, 2 and 3 Room Apts. SSt and UpDorothy J. Derbacher George A. BohmannDANCING IN THE LOOPNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYTelephone Wabash (S811 Private Lesson $1.00 4 Private Lessons $8.00 8 Private Lessons $5 00Auditorium Bldg., 2nd Floor. 431 South Wabash AvenueTAMM’S NOVELTY ORCHESTRA1M — Expert Instructors — 1MOpen Every Night Including Sunday Night and Sunday Matisse.CLIP THIS COUPON FOR SPECIAL RATESLOOKat the best dressed men on thecampus. Most of them weardistinctive clothes.fromGELVINS, Inc.Champaign - ChicagoApparel for College Men-802 Republic BuildingCor. State and Adams liiwiniiB«i»iiti»4:i»i;»ii«i-»'ig'mi»i'g'i«‘'gini'«',«»»‘i«»»»g'i»i'«u»mm|ig|isiig)igiiaiiangiiiiigiigininiigiigngmininininii»imiMiniiiintniiiiniiiinit»iilimtt)lllll,l|ilt i.