rr 3G tarThe WorldCourt is up forcollege studentjudgment.Vol. 25 No. 38 UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1925 Price Five CentsScience and Mathematics TeachersHold Two Day Convention HereEXPERIMENTSREVEAL CUREFORPARESISMalaria Fever Found toCure Softeningof BrainClinical workers at the Psychopathichospital see a partial remedy for pare¬sis or softening of the brain throughinfecting some victims of the men¬tal disease with malaria fever, thusproducing an “artificial disease” in thepatient, it became known today froma statement made public by Dr. Syd¬ney Kuh, psychiatrist at Rush medi¬cal college of the University of Chi¬cago and member of the hospital staff.While it is impossible completelyto cure softening of the brain, accord¬ing to Dr. Kuh, experiments conductedfor some time in Germany and in otherEuropean medical centers lead experi¬menters in the field here to believethat further innoculations with malariagerms will show good results, andthat patients may be brought back tonormal temporarily and may be re¬stored to usefulness for a given lengthof time. Tests conducted at the Psy¬chopathic hospital are yet in earlystages and results are only a matterof conjecture, Dr. Kuh stipulated.Malaria Paralizes ParesisOnce diagnosis has been established,the patient is tested for tolerance toquinine. This is necessarry in order toinsure interruption of the fever once itis started in the human organism.Quinine, it has been shown by science,will interrupt and cure malaria. Ifthe patient’s system will not toleratequinine, the malaria treatment is outof the question. In that case deathmight result sooner from malaria thanfrom paresis.“We cannot say definitely what ourresults at the Psychopathic hospitalwill be,” Dr. Kuh went on to ex¬plain. “The experiments are not asyet far enough advanced. We cannothope to effect a cure. We can onlyhope to prolong life and usefulness.And this is at least a step forward inview of the utter futility which has at¬tended efforts to deal with this dis¬ease,”There is a remote possibility thatsomething more could be done withthe disease if it could be diagnosed intime; if the spinal fluid of the patientcould be examined before the mentalsymptoms developed, the doctor con¬tinued to explain.i. s. A. DISCUSSESASPECTS OF WORLDCOURT AT MEETINGThe World Court in its various as¬pects, will be set forth by the Hon¬orable William B. Hale at an openmeeting of the I. S. A. tonight at 8 inthe Commons room of the TheologicalSeminary house. Immediately follow¬ing the talk a general discussion inwhich Mr. Hale will take part willbe conducted by the students.Mr. Hale, who is the main speakerof the evening, is a Chicago lawyer,and due to his interest in foreign af¬fairs became a member of the Chi¬cago Council on Foreign Relations.His work in this organization is out¬standing in his effort to promote inter¬national relationship and brotherhood.The World Court holds such a placeof esteem in the opinion of Mr. Halethat he has considered it worthy of agreat deal of time spent in uncompen¬sated work for its promotion, accord¬ing to H. Y. Cho, president of theorganization.ANNUAL CALLS SENIORSIrf'ifder to determine the numberof persons whose pictures will ap¬pear in the 1926 Cap and Gown,Richard R. Scholz, associate editorin charge of photography, requeststhat all seniors who have not twenty-seven majors and who expect to begraduated this year see him in Lex¬ington 11. EDITOR COMPARESYALE AND HARVARDNEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 23.—The Yale Daily News today com¬pared Harvard, Princeton andYale as follows in an editorial:“True dhild of Massachusetts,Harvard is individualistic, skept¬ical, intellectually venturesome,and so inclined to be lax in mor¬ale. Yale was founded to counter¬act its free thinking, to assert thevoice of authority, and so we havethe ground gaining Eli. Prince¬ton, largely recruited as of oldfrom the South, avoids extremesin both morality and intellect, in¬clining to the picaresque.SELL TAGS FORSTUDENT DRIVEGeorge Wiemer and CarolinePratt Chairman SaleTags bearing the legend: “For theSettlement Kiddies” will be sold oncampus next W dnesday for the an¬nual Settlement Drive by thirty-fivewomen especially selected for the work.Each woman has been given a definiteterritory and has been ordered to staywithin its limits.Three thousand tags have beenprinted for the day. They have arrivedand are awaiting distribution. George jWiemer and Caroline Pratt, co-chair¬men, say that the margin between theprofits of tag selling and SettlementNight itself is very small, and theyhope to make it even smaller this year.The campus has been carefullycharted by the chairmen, so that everybit of territory will be adequately cov¬ered and so that no one will be ableto escape the sales methods of thesellers. Through this type of sellingthe chairmen hope to make more than$500, which was the amount raised inthis way last year. The tags will besold at a price fixed by the buyer atthe time of purchase.Y. W. COMPLETESPLANS FOR ANNUALCHRISTMAS BAZAARPlans for the annual ChristmasBazaar, sponsored by Y. W. C. A., totake place Friday, Dec. 11, from 1to 6 in Ida Noyes hall, have beencompleted, according to WinifredWilliams, general chairman of theaffair.Every type of Christmas gift willbe displayed at the booths. Cakesand candies will also be sold. Threeprivate booths, hung with Orientaldraperies, will be devoted to fortune¬telling and character-reading, ofwhich Mrs. S. Platt, Margaret Brew',and Madge Woodward will be incharge. Attempts are being made tosecure the services of a professionalcrystal gazer.Allis Graham has enlisted the aidof both club and non-club women toserve as saleswomen during the day.Kathryn McCartin and Lucille VonBories will be in charge of the Fresh¬man grab bag, items therein to besold for twenty-five cents apiece.Women's CouncilUpholds Dr. ParkThe Executive committee of theWomen’s University council todayexpressed the opinion that Dr. Parkhas dealt with the problem of smok¬ing at Bryn Mawr with sanity andjudgment.At the same time they reaffirmedthe policy of some years standingwith regard to smoking for womenstudents on the University quad¬rangles. It has beep the feeling atthe University that smoking is a mat¬ter of taste. Faculty members, how¬ever, consider smoking by womenstudents not in good taste and it isnot countenanced in public nlnres OFFER TICKETSFOR DRAMATS’PLAYTUESDAYO’Hara Selects Final CastsFor Annual Pro¬ductionTickets for “Mr. Pirn Passes By,’’the Dramatic association’s initial pro¬duction of the season, will be put onsale Tuesday. The prices of seatsfor the play, which will be presentedDec. 11, at 8:30 in Mandel hall* havenot been determined but they willbe very reasonable, according toCharles Cowan, business manager.This smart English comedy of A.A. Milne’s, chosen after many otherplays have been considered and re¬jected, will give the great amount ofdramatic talent on campus an oppor¬tunity to display its ability. An un¬usually large number of studentsturned out for the first try-outs ofthe association early this fall, andsome fine work has been done by thecandidates for parts.O’Hara Selects CastMr. O’Hara has selected the finaldouble cast for the performance, andwork is progressing'rapidly. “Sincethe performance will last not morethan an hour and a half, and prob¬ably only an hour, those who intendgoing to the Skull and Crescent dancewill have ample time to enjoy bothaffairs,” stated Archie Trebow, pro¬duction manager of the Dramaticassociation.Phoenix StartsOn New DriveFor AdvertisingIn an effort to enlarge and gener¬ally better the campus humor maga¬zine, the business staff of the Phoe¬nix is conducting an advertising con¬test yielding both affirmed remu¬neration and staff positions. The com¬petition is open to all freshmen.The contest will cover the adver¬tising sold for two issues, with em¬phasis on selling space for the Christ¬mas issue which the editors intendto make the finest issue of the maga¬zine ever published. A considerablebonus on all advertising sold and ahigher commission on all future ad¬vertising are the financial reward forthe winner of the competition.In the competition for positions onthe publication’s business staff, thefour contestants turning in the larg¬est sales will receive freshmen posi¬tions, and the two making the bestrecord throughout the remainder ofthe year will win next year’s soph¬omore advertising jobs.All freshmen interested in enter¬ing the contest are urged to see Ad¬dison Wilson at the Beta Theta Pihouse, at 4 o’clock today.CONTEST ENCOURAGESAMATEUR HUMORISTSVanity Fair announces an inter¬collegiate humor contest to allAmerican undergraduates. The sub¬ject of the essay or article, of which,one or two may be submitted, shouldpreferably relate to some phase ofundergraduate life. Such subjectsas athletics, living expenses, socialactivities, proms, clubs, studies, andstudents, have been suggested.A total prize of $1,000, the firstbeing $500, the second $300, and thelast $200, will be awarded the threewinning students.IOWA DEFEATS OXFORDIn the wake of the recent victoryof the Cambridge debating teamcomes news that the Oxford teamwas defeated by the University ofIowa. The subject was “For a dem¬ocratic nation the American systemof government is preferable to theTtritiob <jyf»tpm.” Four hundred scientists and ma¬thematicians drawn from all parts ofthe Middle West will meet here at theQuarter-Centennial meeting of theCentral association of Science andMathematics teachers today and to¬morrow.There will be general meetings at10 and sectional meetings of the vari¬ous departments represented at 1:30this afternoon. These are all opento students of the University as wellas the general public, it was an¬nounced by Dr. Elliott R. DowningHOLD RECEPTIONFOR FOREIGNERSForeign Students To MeetPresident MasonForeign students at the Universitywill have the opportunity to meetPresident and Mrs. Max Mason Sun¬day.Mr. Bruce Wesley Dickson, adviserto foreign students, and Mrs. Dicksonand members of the president’s com¬mittee on foreign students have sentout invitations to them, to the deansof all the schools of the University,and to those officials dealing with for¬eign students to be present at a re¬ception Sunday from 3:30 to 5:30 inthe reception room of Ida Noyes hall.Many foreign students at the Uni¬versity have brought several articles tothis county to sel. Some of them willbe exhibited for sale tomorrow at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Dickson at 5644Kimbark Ave.. from 9 until 5. Studentsmay come to see the selection and pur¬chase any they may wish. The articlesare mostly Chinese, some Japaneseand Filippine.It is customary to hold such a saleas this every year and it is the secondtime that Mr. and Mrs. Dickson haveoffered their home for that purpose.PROF. W. S. SARGENTMAKES PASTIME OFLANDSCAPE-PAINTINGBy Mary Winner HughesHe greeted us with a smile and apocket full of paint brushes."So you want to know somethingabout me?” Prof. Walter Sargent,chairman of the Art department asked.“Well, I might begin by saying thatI am not usually at the Universityat this time of the year. Any otheryear I should be at my cottage inMassachusetts painting landscapes.”He caressed the word “landscapes.”We scented a story.“You, then, are fond of paintinglandscapes?’ we asked banally enough.“Yes, in fact you might call it myhobby. Just at present there are threesuch jiaintings on display in the tearoom at Ida Noyes hall. They belongto the University now.”“And what do you do to inquisitivepeople who get between you and yourlandscapes?”“I don’t do anything,” he answeredwith a twinkle. “There aren’t verymany of them, you know'.”aFreshman WomenGive Tea MondayFreshman women’s club will holdan open-houfle tea for all freshmanwomen, Monday from 4 to 6 in thenorth reception room of Ida Noyeshall. A council of twenty womenhas been appointed by the Board ofWomen’s organizations to take chargeof the organization for the year inplace of officers.The program for the afternoon willconsist of a dance by Jeanete Good,and some songs by Georgiana andKathleen Whitcomb. Helen King,president of the last year’s organiza¬tion, and Pauline Mead, vice-presi¬dent, will pour. Attractive refresh¬ments have been planned. of the University, who is presidentof the association.The meeting this morning is inMandel hall and will be opened withan address of welcome given byPres. Max Mason. Following this,George F. Morse, director of the newChicago Zoological park will speakon “The Intelligence of Animals.”Dr. A. H. Compton of the University,will next discuss the subject: “LightWaves and Light Quanta.”The program for the afternoon in¬cludes a tour of the University, areception to former presidents of theassociation, a dinner at the Commonsfor members, and an illustrated lec¬ture on geology in the evening.The lecture which will probablyattract the most attention of stu¬dents will take place Saturday morn¬ing at 10. The subject is “RecentWork on the Ether Drift,” and it is tobe presented by Dr. Dayton B. Millerof the Case school of Applied Science,Cleveland, Ohio. Dr. Downing saysof this:“This lecture ought to prove ofgreat interest. Dr. Miller has made3ome startling discoveries which heclaims are sufficient to disprove Ein¬stein’s theory of relativity.”The other lectures which shouldbe of especial interest to students ofscience are being given by Dr. MerleCoulter and W. O. Harkins of theUniversity and Chaires H. Lake ofCleveland, Ohio.Elect CommitteeTo Make SurveyOf Jewish ClubsA committee of ten has been elect¬ed by a representative group of Jew¬ish students to investigate the needof a Jewish organization at the Uni¬versity. The body, which consistsof four women and six men, has beendivided into three joint committeesto carry on the survey in a moresystematic manner, according toCharles Eckstein, chairman.Ralph Helperin, Roselle F. Moss,and Leon M. Despres compose thecommittee which will investigate theUniversity problem. A study of howother universities have met the needsof such an organization will be madeby Donald Glassman, JeannetteTamon, and Charles Klinenberg. Thethird survey, which will be a studyof the existing national intercol¬legiate Jewish organizations, primari¬ly the Menorah society and the HillelFoundation, will be made by JeanetteRubin, S. William Halpern, and Vio¬let Pritzker. Charles Eckstein willbe a member ex-officio of all com-mittes. They will meet individuallyto obtain material which will be pre¬sented at weekly joint meetings.FORMER PALS HEARPROF. STARR SUNDAY“Fujiyama, the Sacred Mountain ofJapan” will he the subject of the lec¬ture to be given in the recital hall ofthe Fine Arts building by Prof. Fred¬erick Starr, former member of theUniversity faculty, next Sunday even¬ing. Prof Starr was in Japan duringthe recent earthquake, but escaped in¬jury.It is generally conceded by his col¬leagues the Prof. Starr is the foremostAmerican expert on Japan. He willillustrate his lecture by stereopticonviews.ELECT HONOR MENNames of the successful candidateswho have been admitted to the GreenCap Club, freshman honorary society,are being withheld until next Tuesdaywhen the complete list will be pub¬lished in The Daily Maroon. Thiswill definitely establish the Green SEEK OPINIONOF CAMPUS ONWORLD COURTThe Daily Maroon To Spon¬sor Straw Vote OnQuestionStudent’s opinion at to whetherthe United States should enter theWorld Court will find expression atthe University through a ballot whichwill appear in The Daily Maroon,Thursday, Dec. 3. This ballot is be¬ing conducted in conjunction withthe daily publications of two hundredcolleges throughout the United Statesin the endeavor to ascertain the at¬titude of the college world on theWorld Court problem.On the Tuesday and Wednesdaypreceding the ballot instructors inthe department of Political Sciencewill publish their opinions in TheDaily Maroon.Congress Votes Dec. 17This controversy has been an is¬sue in Congress for some time andwill come to a head Dec. 17 when theSenate will vote to decide what standthe United States shall adopt in re¬gard to it.The Y. W. C. A. and Y. M. C. A.have provided campus education onthe subject, through the joint meet¬ings held weekly. Prominent speakerswere secured to explain the move¬ment and give his views on it. TheChristian associations have acted ina similar manner at other universitiesand colleges.Sweet Lecture*Governor William Ellrey Sweet ofColorado will give an address on thequestion in Harper Bf-11, FYiday,Dec. 4. Gov. Sweet is now on a speak¬ing tour appearing both in publicaddresses and special lectures to col¬lege students.John W. Davis, Dr. George E. Vin¬cent, president of the Rockefellerfoundation and Raymond B. Posdick,former under-secretary general ofthe League of Nations, will be theprincipal speakers at the NationalCollegiate World Court conferenceto be held in Princeton Friday andSaturday, December II and 12.Colleges Hold ConferenceTo date, more than sixty-five col¬leges from all parts of the countryhave accepted the invitation to senda delegate to Princeton for the con¬ference.It is to be one of the purposes ofthe conference to form a permanentorganization of American studentsfor discussing topics of current na¬tional import.COMMITTEE TO PICKTRACK MEET HEADCoaches Amos Alonzo Stagg andFritz Crisler, and Thomas Mulroy,General Student Manager of the lastStagg Interscholastic track meet, willmeet early next week to elect Mulroy’ssuccessor, it was made known today. (Of the three Junior managers oflast year’s Interscholastic one will be jchosen to fill the vacancy left by *Mulroy.Misstate HealthNotice TuesdayA notice in The Daily Maroon tothe effect that typhoid fever was preva¬lent in Chicago was discredited lastnight by Dr. Dudley B. Reed. Thestatement was a misinterpretation ofDr. Reed’s official health notice advis¬ing vaccination.Dr. Reed pointed out in the noticethat typhoid fever was a serious dis¬ease and that adequate prevention wasavailable by vaccination without chargeat either Ida Noyes hall, for women,for Bartlett Gymnasium, for men.Three inoculations were advised.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1925atyr iattg ilarnmtFOUNDED IN 1901THE OFFICIAL STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOPublished mornings, except Saturday, Sunday and Monday, during the Autumn,Wlaft1, and 8prlng quarters by The Dally Maroon Company. Subscription rates:$3.00 per year; by mail, $1.00 per year extra. Single copies, five cents each.. JSntered as second-class mall at the Chicago Postoffice. Chicago, Illinois, March IS.1906, under the act of March 3. 1873.The Daily Maroon expressly reserves all rights of publication of any materialappearing in this paper.OFFICE—ROOM ONE, ELLIS HALL5804 Ellis AvenueTelephones: Editorial Office, Midway 0800, Local 245; Business Office,Fairfax 5522. Sports Office, Local 80, 2 RingsThe Daily Maroon solicits the expression of student opinion in its columns on allsubjects of student interest. Contributors must sign their full names to communiontlons, but publication will, upon request, be anonymous.Member of the Western Conference Press AssociationThe StaffAllen Heald, EditorMilton Kauffman, Managing EditorThomas R. Mulroy, Business ManagerEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTGertrude Bromberg Women’s EditorLeo Stone Whistle EditorDeemer Lee Ngws EditorPrice News EditorWalter Williamson News EditorHarry L. Sblaes Sports EditorVictor M. Theis Sports EditorMarjorie Cooper, Assistant Women’s Editor•Ruth Daniels .. Assistant Women's EditorAlta Cundy Social EditorMary Winner Hughes Feature WriterLeon Galinsky Day EditorGeorge Jones Day EditorGeorge Koehn Day EditorWilliam Smith Day EditorA1 Widdifield .. Day EditorAlice Kinsman Sophomore EditorRoselle Moss Sophomore EditorRuth H. SchroederWomen’s Sports Editor BUSINBS8 DEPARTMENTSidney Bloomenthal, Circulation DirectorEthan Gmnqnist Office DirectorLeland Neff Advertising DirectorMilton Kreines Local Adv. ManagerThomas Field Copy ManagerJack Pincus Classified ManagerGeorge Gruskin Circulation AssistantDudley Emerson AuditorCharles Harris Advertising AssistantFrederick H. KretschmerAdvertising AssistantEldred Xeubauer ..Advertising AssistantJerome Debs Office ManagerTHANKSGIVINGJT is again the season of Thanksgiving, and we of the Universityhave much for which to be thankful. To begin with, the de¬velopment plan is progressing with gratifying rapidity—buildingsare under construction in almost every corner of the campus, and weare on the way toward a University, the most beautiful and service¬able that a University can be. The development fund, through theefforts of our many friends, is growing. Progress is the watchwordon the Midway.Not only the outward appearance of the campus is improving;the courses of instruction are growing as well. We have an Art de¬partment which has developed in the last two or three years to bea thing of importance; we have a Music department under consider¬ation. We have instructors who are unsurpassed in the country, menwho are the very best in their fields. Last year a number of thesemen united in giving a course which is unique—a course in thehistory of man.We have an ever-growing undergraduate body, students withconstantly increasing interest in the University, students with a realpride in their Alma Mater. Let us be thankful indeed.WELCOME STARRPROF. FREDERICK STARR is in town. This never-failingscholar in half-a-dozen sciences, teacher of half-a-dozenarts, has returned to his University for a visit. He dropped in onan eleven-o'clock class last Wednesday. He will lecture Sundaynight at the Recital hall of the Fine Arts building.The Daily Maroon welcomes Prof. Starr.Prof. Starr is a citizen of the world—and a loyal citizen. TheMexican peon knows him; so does the King of Siam. A Tokyopriest rescued him from an earthquake. Alumni of the Universityof Chicago presented him with a house in Seattle. The story he willtell about the sacred mountain Fujiyama in his lecture Sundaynight is a story he learned by living on and near the mountain. Hehas learned, not as a traveler, but as a citizen—a native.UNIVERSITY STUDENTSFOUNTAIN SERVICE AND LIGHT LUNCHES ARE BEST ATWILLIAM’S CANDY SHOPCORNER FIFTY-FIFTH AT UNIVERSITY AVENUEFresh Home Made Candiesance and Wills, to T. S. Su care DailyMaroon office.Want Ads FOR RENT—One large room fortwo persons. Reasonable rates. 6047Woodlawn, Potovsky.FOR SALE—Ford coupe; perfectcondition; new tires; many extras;carefully driven. Reasonable. Mrs.Burrows, Gladstone Hotel, H. P. 4100. Private party offers for sale twotypewriters, a Hammond portable andan Underwood; little used; perfectcondition. Easiest payments arrangedfor responsible purchasers. Ideal forthesis or manuscript work. H. Adams,709 Barry Ave., telephone Graceland4937.TYPEWRITING—Expert work’atreasonable rates. Theses a specialty.Louise B. Snow, N. W. cor 57bh andEllis Avenue, phone Dorchester 4691.FOR RENT—Back parlor. Japan¬ese preferred. For 2, $8.00; for 1,$5.00. 5815 Maryland Ave., 2nd floor. FOR SALE—Tuxedo. Size “5-11”,price $35.00. Inquire 73 Hitchcock.CITY SPECIALTY SALESMAN—Capable to rep. ext. mfg.; big exc.seller; good pay. 6747 WentworthAve., Mr. McNeilly.REWARD for the return of a largesized loose-leaf note book containingr.otes in Partnership, Evidence, Insur- What’s On TodayDie Deutsche Gesellschaft willmeet today, at 4, in the north recep¬tion room of Ida Noyes hall. A socialprogram has been planned.“Tradition of the Towers” will bethe subject of the discussion at theFederation open council meeting,which will be held Tuesday, at 7, inthe library of Ida Noyes hall.W. A. A. will sponsor a hike fromEvanston to Winnetka tomorrow. Allwomen wishing to go have been askedto sign their names on the bulletinboard in Ida Noyes hall. NO Y. COUNCIL TODAYMembers of the Freshman Councilwill not meet today. A meeting washeld Tuesday instead. The regulardate will be resumed next Friday at6:15.A HIGH CLASSSERVICEREASONABLYPRICED.S. Feinstein,Opt. D.OPTOMETRIST-OPTICIAN1132 East 55th StreetMaking Progress In SchoolCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Milk.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN’SFarm Products Co. of Ill. Franklin 3110 CHI RHO SIGMA PLEDGESChi Rho Sigma announces thepledging of Margaret Moore of Chi*cago. PI DELTA PHI PLEDGESPi Delta Phi announces the pledg¬ing of Elsie Skoog of Chicago, Ill.VISITORS WELCOME!The United States Cold Storage Company—the largestinstitution of its kind in the world—cordially invitesinterested students of the University of Chicago to in¬spect its plant, equipment and facilities.Interested visitors will invariably find a cordial welcome.UNITED STATES COLD STORAGE CO.2101 W. Pershing Road Chicago, IllinoisA fteW djndpledsur-aJble addition toChicago select laJtehour attraction inthe spirtt of thesmart /upper club.artel <iarvc-itt\'t <•mart &nch&*pitn,<$m-us-ic. —ihe> tinkling t-un.e,sooth-intf Syn.cojoa.iion-,porf&ci rhythm, of1DaJter ZuraflbriidncZ h-ts-- SoZdett, JCtlyo-rchesirtt-(joldeli LAy"Joutfi Jicf&lr J&ert Jstk&ct C<zf& "309 e, Sarfcetd Zltkl*at IfteBasketball takes thelimelight as the foot¬ball season closes. The Daily I SPORTS I Ma ro o nFriday Morning November 27, 1925 And so it goes, onand on, one followingthe other.PREPARE FOR I-M TANK MEETPsi U. Advances in Touchball TourneyEXPECTED; PLAN 1MANY FEATURESAll arrangements have been madefor the first annual Intramural Swim-miner Carnival which is to he held onThursday and Friday evenings. De¬cember 3rd and 4th, in Rartlctt gym¬nasium pool according to Gordon Wal¬lace and Milt Hayes, co-managers ofthe big meet. This affair, which is tobe staged in a spectacular manner, willbe one of the high lights of the sportseason. The University band will play,the faculty wijl attend, and the cam¬pus women have been invited to beon hand to enjoy the thrills of theaquatic classic.Erlmg Dorf To PerformEight regular events will be on theprogram, and in addition, Erling Dorf.Maroon swimming captain in 1924 andConference diving champion will puton some trick stuff with F.d. Fellinger,another Maroon water-dog. Steps arebeing taken to secure Johnny Weiss¬muller. worlds swimming champion, toput on an exhibition also.Should Make Entries NowManagers Wallace and Hayes urgethat every campus organization com¬pletes its entry list at once and mailit in as the entries close next Monday.November 30th. The large entry willbe easily handled by the officials whoplan to run off the preliminaries earlyon Thursday evening."All contestants should providethemselves with tank suits if possibleas they are one hundred percent betterfor competitive swimming than the or¬dinary suit.” said Coach MacGillivrayof the varsity splashers, who is inhearty accord with the latest big pro¬ject of the Intramural department andwho will act as advisor and referee forthe affair.Many Novel EventsTwo novel events will be presentedamong the eight events which shouldprove to be exciting and popular, onewill be an obstacle race and the othera .three-legged race, the details ofwhich will rmain a secret to the spec¬tators until December 4th. howeverit is safe to assume that the winnersof these two events will have to beplungers of no mean ability. The com¬plete list of events is as follows:40 yard swim60 yard back strokeFancy diving160 yard relay (4 men)100 yard swim100 yard breast stroke220 yard swim40 yard three-legged race40 yard obstacle raceExhibition's Maroon Baseball SquadWill Arrive in ChicagoTomorrowCoach Norgren’s baseball teamwhich completed a successful tourof the Orient will arrive in Chicagotomorrow. The squad has a won¬derful record for the entire triplosing only two games during theirsojourn in Japan. These losses wereto Wasede University who boastone of the strongest teams in theeast.The Maroons left late in Augustafter a summer of practice. Theparty included the ten regular menon the squad and Coach Norgren.Wally Marks, one of the star pitch¬ers of the team did not make thetrip because he was needed for thefootball team. This was the fourthinvasion of the Maroons in theOrient. GIVE NUMERALSTO TWENTY SIXFROSH GRIDMEN interest of University Shiftsto -Basketball as Major SportThirteen Awarded ReserveNumerals Frosh MaterialIs GoodWESTS WIN TITLEIN CAPTAIN BALLHORSEMEN HAVE NEWSPORT IN PUSHBALLPushball on horseback is the newsport which the Military Departmentis sponsoring. For the first time inthree years a game was played atGreenwood Field yesterday after¬noon. Sides of ten men each werechosen and play was started at 3:30p. m.The tilt was hotly contested andboth teams, especially the winners,showed wonderful horsemanship dur¬ing the play of the afternoon. It wasevenly contested for the most partof the game, but in one rush downthe field, William Tuach, of the win¬ners, made the only touchdown ofthe day. The score was 1-0 at theend of the game. Excitement raged high in Ida No¬yes gymnasium Tuesday evening. Atfive o’clock”, two hundred fifty-fourCaptain Ball players and their rooterssat down to a sumptuous repast.After the dinner, with its accompany¬ing songs and yells, the spectatorsadjourned to the balcony and theplayers whispered last minute ad¬vice to each other before enteringupon their strenuous fifteen-minutematches.It was a motley crowd that as¬sembled on the floor of the maingym. There were all sorts of cos¬tumes, the decorations consistingmainly of colored crepe paper, tiedin strips around ankles, knees, armsnecks and heads. Red seemed to bethe favorite color, with blue a closesecond, not to mention greens andyellows.There were four rounds in thetournament: the winner’s,- second,third, and fourth rounds. The Westswere the victors in the winner’s tour¬nament, with very little competition,the score of their final game was13-5. The Roller-Coasters won thesecond round of the tournament bythe close victory of 10-9 over theRough and Readys. Victory in thethird round went to the Sparrows,conquering the Hoo-Doos to the tuneof 15-7. Lastly, the A. B. C.’s wonover the Evergreens, 12-5. It mustbe understood, of course, that thescores given above are only for thelast game on each round, after thecompeting teams had already weededout their weaker opponents.Our New Men’s Store IsNow OpenCOWHEY’SMen's Wear and Billiards5. E. Corner S5th and Ellis Ave.Dorothy J. Derbacher DANCING IN THE LOOP George A. BohmannNATIONAL DANCING ACADEMYTtltphom Wskssh *5814 Private Lessons $8.001 Private Ir $1.00 4 Private Leesona *s.w 8 Private L*aona $8.00Auditorium Bldg., 2nd Floor. 431 South Wabash AvenueTAMM’S NOVELTY ORCHESTRA100 — Expert Inrtrneters — 100Night and Sunday Matinee.•an- q*™1W — Bipwi 1 Freshman numerals were awardedto 26 yearling gridders following theannual Yale-Harward game. Thirteenreserve numerals were also awarded.The freshman team this year is ratherlight but is fast and should contri¬bute some fast backs to next year’svarsity. Those who received majornumerals as announced by CoachesLonnie Stagg and Paul Huntingtonare: Randolph Alford, Carl Ander¬son, J. Baker, Wayne Cassie, Clar¬ence Fox, Dean Fox, J. Garen, W. L.Jones, J. Kelly, Warren Klein, R.Leyers, M. Libby, Carl Lippe, H.Losch, Bill Mooney, John McEwan,Phelps Pratt, M. Proudfoot, M. Rice,K. Schuhan, Ken Small, Bob Spence,M. Stickney, J. Toigo, S. Weislow,M. Williams.Thirteen Reserve NumeralsThe reserve numerals were givento: K. Chadwick, S. Chester, A. Dat-tlebaum, M. Hershfield, Ed Hibben,M. Merriam. F. Mudge, Place, GeorgeReed, B. Schuler, C. Spence, B.iStern, J. Stouffer,. F. Wilcox. Thosewho did not make their numeralswill have another opportunity to earnthe coveted sweaters during springpractice.Good Varsity MaterialAmong the more likely prospectswho displayed varsity caliber in theYale-Harvard game in scrimmagesagainst the varsity were Weislow ofEnglewood at tackle, Williams atcenter, Baker, of Seattle, at quarter,Kelly of St. Ignatius, at halfback,Klein of Senn, at fullback, Lippe ofEvanston, at fullback, Mooney of I be interest which has been cen¬tered on the Maroon football team forthe iast two months shifts now to thebasketball squad which has been drill¬ing quietly for some time under thedirection of assistant Coach Crislerduring the absence of Nels Norgren.Ho wever the official call will be issuedMonday when the football men areexpected to turn out.Although the present prospects arefar from encouraging it is not ex¬pected that a repetition of last year’sdisastrous season will occur. The workthus far has 'been unorganizd as Cris¬ler'has ben occupied with the footballler lias bn occupied with the footballsquad and Norgren has been conduct¬ing the baseball squad on its tour ofthe Orient. Crisler will turn his im¬mediate attention to the work butNorgren will be unable to assume con¬trol until his return.The squad will hinge on Alyea, cap¬tain and veteran center; Sackett andAbbott, forwards; and Marks and Mc¬Carthy. guards. The available menfrom last year’s squad are: Macklind,Brignall, Benton. Schabinger, Coch¬ran and Olwin. Members of last sea¬son’s freshman team are expected tobolster the strength of the squad con¬siderably. The most promising areLott and Zimmerman, forwards; Mc¬Connell, center: and McDonough andHouger, guards. The following havealso been reporting to practice: Young,Grant, Meskinnon, Farwell, Freeman,Johnson. Stevenson, Rouse, GordonApitz and Palcek.Loyola and Leyers of Lindblom, atfullback. Many other yearlings will bestrong contenders for varsity berthsif they add some poundage during theyear as practically the entire Maroonline graduates and husky men willbe needed to fill the positions leftvacant by such stalwart giants asHenderson, Hobschied, Pokrass, Hib¬ben, Lampe, and Scott.I LESCHIN |j SPORT FROCKS$15They’re quite the smart¬est thing for school wear—these two-piece Bal-briggan Frocks. And at$ 1 5 — from Leschin —they are wonderfully in¬teresting values.NEW COLORS:Royal BlueEpinard GreenCuckooTanRustBois de RoseGraySPORTS DEPARTMENT — FIRST FLOOR318 MICHIGAN AVENUE, SOUTHIHtHffiivnfMfiitutiilliitMiiitiiifiaiia Maroon SplashesCaptain Ed. Noyes touched off inhis fifth length, just in one minutefifty seven seconds. This time is farbetter than any made 'by Ed. duringhis last performances of last year.This hundred yard sprint featured,clean cut swimming, as well as sound¬ness of speed. Captain Noyes is atall times sure of his stroke, althoughhe doesn’t realize it, no, he isn’t con¬ceited, but just the same there arevery few times or occasions he isn’tin tip-top shape. ALPHA DELTA PHILOSES TO PSI U.IN FREAK GAMEG. A. Florez stepped off the hun¬dred yard breastroke in 1.18:2, beat¬ing his own time which stood as fast¬est for the year. Just like wine,improves with age, if he keeps upthey’ll have to invent negative stopwatches.Peterson, Lane Tech star, who isnow one of the outstanding men onthe frosh tank squad received firstplace on the Interscholastic All-American team in the 100-yard swimand fourth place in the 50-yardevent. That’s going some Don. Breaks and Trick Plays Arethe Deciders in TouchballSemi-finalsIn the only semi-final match intouchball of the day. Alpha Delta Phiwas defeated by Psi Upsilon, 12-0.The game was one of the best theseason has produced from the view¬point of the spectator.Psi U Gets Break *One of the queer and interestinghappenings of the game came in thefirst few minutes of play. After theAlpha Delts had received the kickoffthey did not gain any ground and ontjie fourth idown dfecided to punt.David dropped back to his own oneyard line and prepared to punt. Hefumbled the ball on the center’s passand it was Psi U’s ball on the oneyard line.On the next play. Lott of Psi Up-siton. passed to Stewart over the goalline for the first touchdown of thegame. This was the Psi U break—theAlpha Delts got theirs soon after¬wards.The Tie OffProclaims the Man/^LOTHES may not make the^ man, but a tie often trans¬forms a commonplace costume intosomething effective and distinguish¬ed. Never before has A STARRBEST (always the headquarters forexclusive dressers) offered so widean assortment of handsome neck¬wear directly imported from Eng¬land and France.AStarrBestRANDOLPH AND WABASHFINE CLOTHES FOR MEN AND BOYS.Page Four THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1925^ >VhistleSOME TIMELY DEFINITIONS(1.) Holiday—Any day of exemp¬tion from work; a day or time of re¬creation.(2.) Food—Nutrition taken intoan organism for growth or repairand to maintain life.(3.) Satiate—to fill beyond natural desire; surfeit; glut.(4.) Convulsion—Any violent irre¬gular agitation; tumult.(5.) Funeral—The rites used inthe disposition of deceased, as by in¬terment. fully with my allotment until, weary,I muttered, “Terrible turk, this.”The hostess, ever watchful, was quickto challenge me, “What’s that yousaid?” Oh, blessed one, I am yoursforever! I merely thought quicklyand replied, “Nothing, nothing. I’mtalking about the man who conductsthe high school department in theDaily Maroon.”—Estere(6. a.) Heaven-the blessed.(6. b.) HELL!! -Dwelling place of ONE.of the Sigma girls eloped afew days ago with one of the Psy¬chology instructors. Proving thatthere is more than one way to ob¬tain a college degree!Or to pass a course! L.E. Hobart Neff—ChicagoQ.B. Puckelwartz—MichiganL.H. Hamburger—Midway MidgetsR.H. Allan Heald—Kappa SigmaF. B.—Izzie ZarakouHonourable mention is accorded,by popular request, to Durkin, Wil¬liam Sheldon, Louise Steger, Gen.Sheridan, and John Hylan, all ofwhom have commanded the attentionof the public with their startlingruns. —TERRIBLE TURKWE read where modern fraternityhouses are being constructed withautomatic fire sprinklers. The ob¬vious nightly prayer, as we repeat,would be:Now I lay me down to sleep—My soul they will in safety keep.Tf fire should start. I’m not concernedI might get wbt, but I won’t getburned.TWC term papers miles behind. . . bets still unpaid on the Dart¬mouth game . . . final exams threeweeks off . . school session on Friday. . . Thanksgiving . . . what colossalsarcasm.ON WITH THE DANCEPay, young fool, pay—The wild dance is on!Pay till your wagesAnd allowance are gone.Pay for the tender thingsSome girl might say—And wait while the stagsAnd take her away! ! cut—SisMeaning We Are Sweet EnoughTo Eat?Sir:I am your slave! At the Thanks¬giving dinner I had struggled man-EveningClothesCan ExpressYour PersonalityIt’s certainly a mightyfine feeling to slipinto evening clothesthat you know arebeyond criticism —and that are madeespecially for you.We are specialistsin the making ofEVENING CLOTHESJerrems Pricesare “Right”Always “good” — ChainHerringtones and Batha*thea Weaves in Oxfordand Black.Formal • Bmsmets &Sport Clothes924 S. MICHIGAN AVB.7 N. LA SALLE ST.71 B. MONROE ST. IRVING GOODMAN’S all confer¬ence selection reminds us that theW’histle is late in its annual choice.R.E. Pulaski—WisconsinR.T. Ooooosterban—MichiganR.G. Mittenwaltner—IllinoisC. Art Folz—EnglewoodL.G. Bernaski—IndianaL.T. Krasuski—Iowa THE FROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREAdjacent to Frolic TheatreCigarettes Fountain ServiceTel. H. Park 0761Corner Ellis Avenue and 55th St.SALESPEOPLEI#Please Turn In MaroonSubscription Books ToS. BLOOMENTHALCirculation DirectorOur OwnUniversity Dinner Jacket$45A strictly modern collegiate interpretation—somewhat wider shoulders—medium waist andsnug hips—either peaked or notched lapels butin either case a trifle lower and bolder. Trous¬ers full and easy.Special plaited pique shirtChoice dinner jacket ties $3.50$1.50All Striking Examples of Our Incomparable Values!Snmmtmj Sung & do.r Established 108 Yean)Personal Management — “BIG ED” PARRY, ’06WALLY MARKSUniversity of Chicago, Representative12 W. Washington St, Chicago Surell’s Beauty Shop1451 E. 57th Street' Fairfax 2007Expert beauty work in all branchesOpen Tues., Thurs., and Fri. Eves.LEARN TO DANCE NOW.TERESA DOLAN DANCINGSCHOOL1208 E. 63rd 5*. * Nr. WoodlawnClasses every eve. at 8. Beginners Mon.and Thurs. Private lessons any time.Tel. Hyde Park 3080TO-OUT-OF-TOWN STUDENTSMidway Apartment Hotel1535-37 E. 60th StreetOffers Complete Hotel ServiceConvenient to the University with allTransportation Facilities1, 2 and 3 Room Apts. $50 and UpOpen Only toCollege Students31st SpecialThree Months' CourseJanuary—February—MarchA special, complete, intensivestenographic course, for col¬lege graduates and undergrad¬uates ONLY. No enrollmentsfor this course after January 4.BULLETIN ON REQUESTNO SOLICITORS EMPLOYED.Paul Moser, J. D., Ph. B.,President.116 S. Michigan Ave.Only High School Graduate),are ever enrolled at MOSERGirls, only, in the day school12th Floor Phone Randolph 43473359 Jftrst ^Unitarian Clfurclj57fh and Woodlawn AvenueVON OGDiN VOGT. MiniaorSunday, Nov. 2911 A. M. “Expectancy.” CHICAGO ETHICAL SOCIETYA non-sectarian religious society to foster theknowledge, love and practice of right.THE STUDEBAKER THEATRE418 South Michigan AvenueSunday, Nov. 29th, at II A. M.MR. HORACE J. BRIDGES will speak onTHE PICTURE OF LIFE IN MR. EUGENEO’NEILLS PLAYS.All seats free. Visitors cordially welcome.SENIORSWhose names begin with E, F,G, H, or I, should have theirpictures taken for the Cap andGown during the week of No¬vember 21-28, (this week) at the5 South Wabash Avenuei>iiiiiiiiiii(iiiiiiiiiiiiii(ii|II||I|ii(III|IIIIII|I||III|ii1,i|i|||||||||||i ijiisiiiuiuiininmiiiiiiHiiiiiUHiiUMiin iiaiitniMiiMiittiiiiaiisiiSHiiiatiiiiiiiaiisiiDihiLOOKcampus. Most of them wearat the best dressed men on thedistinctive clothes.fromGELVINS, Inc.Champaign - ChicagoApparel for College Men802 Republic BuildingCor. State and Adams 5a4I I I II I ■ln|iHM|i„ii|,HI,in,,,,, m \I I••mmm |