Says? Senior dinner TonightJflaroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1925 Price 5 CentsCOSMO HAMILTON,NOT© AUTHOR, TOADDRESS DRAMATSWriter of “Parasites” WillTalk on Constructionof PlaysCosmo Hamilton, novelist anddramatist, will speak on “Buildinga Play” at a lecture for all Univer¬sity students sponsored by the Dra¬matic association Monday at 4:30 inthe Reynolds Club theater. The talkwill begin with the formation of asuitable plot for a story and themany strings and smaller plots at¬tached to it.Mr. Hamilton is best known for“Parasites,” his latest play, nowshowing at the Princess theatre.Others that have been known to Chi¬cago are “The Silver Fox,” “TheBlindness of Virtue,” “The Miracleof Love,” “His Friend and His Wife,”“Scandal,” and “The Door That HasNo Key.”It ;.1ll be necessary for Mr. Hamil¬ton to remain in the city for an ex¬tra day in order to fulfill his engage¬ment at the University, as he is nowundertaking a tour throughout thecountry. He will lecture in the cityMonday evening on the “Sins of theChildren”—a favorite subject of his,since he has made a special study ofthe young people of today.Miss Francine Larrimore suggest¬ed that Mr. Hamilton speak at theUniversity. “Mr. Hamilton is inter¬esting and will have much to con¬tribute to students of dramatics and |literature,” she stated. “I am surehe would like to come.” In accept¬ing the engagement, Mr. Hamiltonsaid: “I would enjoy nothing moreon my visit here than to see the Uni¬versity and speak to some of thestudents attending it.”BUTTERFLY FLAUNTSFLASHY WINGSIN WOOINGLovemaking among the insect.?seems to be of interest to the stu¬dents at the University of Califor¬nia, according to the Daily Califor¬nian. They have found that the malebug is much more efficient in theart of wooing than the female, andit is be who puts on the fascinationact.Prof. William B. Herms, head ofthe entomology department there,says: “There are different ways inwhich these creatures lure the oppo¬site sex. Some insects give off odorsto serve as an attraction. We mayfind here on campus an example ofwhat appears to be the attractinginstinct of the butterfly,” continuedProf. Herms. “There is the so-called‘Camberwell Beauty,’ which spreadsits wings toward the sun apparentlyto attract the opposite sex by the"beauty of its coloring.”There is a certain species of co-coanut beetle which battles fero¬ciously over the female. The ven¬omous “Black Widow” spider quicklykills the suitor which displeases her,since the males are always muchsmaller, although more beautifullycolored than the gloomy black fe¬males.GREEK MEETING POSTPONEDInterfraternity council meet¬ing, which was to be hel dtonightat 7:30 in Room B of the Rey¬nolds club, has been postponed-until Wednesday, Feb. 18. Be¬cause of the fact that most of themembers would have been unableto come, on account of the nu¬merous social functions which arescheduled to take place tonight, itwas thought best' to postpone themeeting.The meeting next Wednesdaynight will be held at the sameplace, Room B of the Reynoldsclub, at 7:30. Enlarge Listof WashingtonProm PatronsName stubs for announce¬ment in the Prom Maroon muttbe left in the Maroon office be¬fore Friday of this week.The names of Mr. Frank O’Haraand Dr. and Mrs. Otis Maclay wereomitted from the list of patrons andpatronesses for the WashingtonProm released recently.The correct list is as follows:President and Mrs. Ernest DeWittBurton, Dean and Mrs. Ernest HatchWilkins, Mr. and Mrs. James H.Tuft, lir. Harold Swift, Dr. and Mrs.Edgar J. Goodspeed, Mr. and Mrs.Algernon Coleman, Miss Marion Tal¬bot, Mr. and Mrs. A. Alonzo Stagg,Mr. Frank O'Hara, Mrs. Geo. Good-speed, Dr. and Mrs. Otis Maclay, Mr.and Mrs. Samuel B. Allison, Mr. andMrs. William M. MarFarlane, Mr.and Mrs. E. S. Thomas.LUNCIffiON PLANNEDBT FROSH WOMENAdd New Committees toManage AffairPlans for a luncheon to be heldfor first year women only have beencompleted by the Freshman Wo¬men’s club. The event will take placeTuesday, Feb. 24, from 12 to 1, inthe sun parlor of Ida Noyes hall.To forward these plans and othersfor affairs to be given in the future,the organization has formed threenew committees: one to take careof refreshments, one to attend todecorations, and one to render serv¬ice. “These groups have been add¬ed to our standing committees forpublicity, sociability and entertain¬ment,” said Helen King, president ofthe organization, “in order to fur¬ther our aim of permitting all fresh¬man women to share in our activi¬ties.”“These new committees will be ofspecial value in realizing the successof the luncheon,” she went on tosay. “The refreshment committeewill order the food, so as to keepwithin the limits of the finances ofthe club. The arrangement of thetable, and the distribution of theplace cards will be taken care of bythe decoration committee. The serv¬ice committee is a great deal of fun,as the ‘service’ is rendered by wait¬ing on tables and serving the food.In this way the ‘servers’ get ac¬quainted with everyone present.”The price of the tickets to theluncheon has been raised to sixtycents, in order to help pay for theclub’s page in The Cap and Gown.These tickets will soon be on salethrough the following women: MarieAbbott, Jean Briitan, Betsy Farwell,Rosemary Notter, Katherine Roseand Eloise White.El Circulo HoldsBusiness MeetingEl Circulo Espanol will hold abusiness meeting, at which reportson the Fiesta will be made today at4:30 in the north reception room ofIda Noyes hall. This will be the firstbusiness meeting of the quarter, andall members have been urged to bepresent so that business for the re¬mainder of the school year may bedisposed of, according to ManuelBueno president of the organization.The fourth annual Fiesta, held lastSaturday, was attended by both na¬tive Spaniards and students. “Weare pleased with the obvious successof the Fiesta,” said Evelyn McLain,general chairman of the ball, “andare planning more social affairs oftis nature for the Spring quarter.All business connected with the ballmust be finished up as soon as possi¬ble, and so we are devoting thewhole meeting to clearing it up.” DEAN'S OFFICESENDS GREEKSFLUNK NOTICESPriority Registration CardsSent Out to Undergrad¬uates Having a “B”AverageFlunk notices have been mailed to115 club women and fraternity men,it was announced yesterday from theoffice of Dean E. H. Wilkins. Fur¬ther notices are being sent today tothe presidents of the clubs and frat¬ernities so that they may attend tothe scholarship in their organizations.This is the first definite step made byUniversity authorities toward rais¬ing the scholarship average.A change in the probation rules hasalso ben announced by Dean Wil¬kins. The new ruling requires anaverage of “C” for the first threequarters of residence on the campus.Anyone falling below this averagewill be placed on probation.Registration Notices OutNotices have been sent out to thosestudents who have registered tenta¬tively last year for the Spring Quar¬ter, 1925. Confirmation of their reg¬istrations must be made today or to¬morrow. If they fail to report atthat time they will be dropped.Changes in schedules may be madeat a later time.Together with the flunk noticescomes an announcement that prioritynotices have also been sent to thosewho have received an average gradeof “B” or better. The notices givepriority in registration appointmentsto be made at once. Appointmentbooks will be opened Monday for gen¬eral registration and freshmen areurged to cooperate by coming in assoon as possible and make their ap¬pointments for registration.First Step in PolicyThis first distribution of noticesfrom the offices of the Dean makesthe first step in the policy recentlyadopted by his office to raise thestanding of fraternities and clubs inthe scholarship average, and thusraise the general standing of theschool as a whole.The system for keeping the frater¬nities in constant touch with thescholastic standing of each individualmembers as described in a recentissue of The Daily Maroon, entailsa large amount of extra work on thepart of the Dean’s office, and on thevarious Professors and instructors aswell. Dean Wilkins, however, feelsthat this additional work on his partwill be more than repaid if it provesto be the agent needed to bring upthe scholastic average of the groups.The plan is. in the belief of theDean, more efficient and easier forthe instructors, when the whole listof grades and notices are passedthrough his office, and thus reach theinstructor at one time, rather thanat odd times as previously. Senior Class Gives ValentineParty Tonight in Ames ’ ChurchThe Senior class will hold a Valen¬tine party at 6:30 this evening inDr. Ames' church at 57th and Uni¬versity Ave. Promptly at this timedinner will be served with the ac¬companiment of entertainment bycampus talent and Bill Hahn’s or¬chestra. After dinner the rest ofthe evening will be spent in anotherpart of the building, in dancing andgames, for which prizes are to beawarded.Because of limited capacity, only150 Seniors will be admitted. Tick¬ets may be secured from any mem¬ber of the Senior executive commit¬tee of the Undergraduate council be¬tween 2:30 and 5 today.Of the seniors attending the party,those who have paid class dues willbe assessed fifty cents, while othersmust pay $1.25.It has been arranged to have theparty end early enough so that itwill not conflict with engagementsof those who want to attend the An-i$ts’ ball at the Trianon. On thisaccount the Valentine party will beover at 12 midnight, which it isthought, will give enough time toget to the Trianon before the ballis very far under way.“The Valentine party is only oneof the functions planned for the se¬niors for their last year in school,”said Harrison Barnes, president ofthe class. “All of these affairs havebehind them the one purpose oidrawing members of the class to¬gether into a unified whole, so thatwe may work not only for the restof the year as seniors, but after¬wards as a part of the Alumni wemap help in their activities.”Southern Club toDance on SaturdayThe Southern club will sponsor aninformal Valentine party and danceto be held net Saturday between 8and 12 in Ida Noyes theatre.During the year the Southern clubhas been an active organization andhas had a number of lectures andparties. Bridge and game swill beopen to those who do not care todance. Not only are all Southernersinvited, but they are asked to bringas many guests as they wish.Music will be furnished by theCoons Melody Boys, an orchestrathat has played at several of thelarge radio broadcasting stations inthe city. Tickets will be fifty centsfor ladies and seventy-five for menand may be secured at either thebookstore or Ida Noyes until ’ Fri¬day.PI DELTA PHI PLEDGESPi Delta Phi announces the pledg¬ing of Charlotte Hansen of Chicagoand Emma Beth Kennard of SanMarcos, Texas.Francine Larrimore ‘Dates’ WithFrosh Medic for PromenadeAmorous youths have often gazedwith devoted eyes upon the pleasingcountenance of Francine Larrimoreplaying her role in “Parasites” at thePrincess Theatre and wished theymight have the honor of “dating”with her. But on leaving the en¬chanted atmosphere of the theatrethey soon forgot their dreams andwent back to Jane or Mary.Now a very much alive freshmanin the medical school has outdonehis upperclassmen by actually suc¬ceeding in his efforts. It all hap¬pened when Miss Larrimore visiteda meeting of Haskalah last Fridayand met the young freshman, Wil¬liam Simons. Once in his youngerdays he had been taught the old say¬ing, “Where there’s a will there’s away.” He immediately began exert¬ing all his will plus the help ofa few friends, and consequently proved for all time that the unusualcan happen even to a freshmab. Heasked Miss Larrimore to the Wash¬ington Prom. In the same mannerthat any woman student would haveused upon receiving the invitation,Miss Larrimore accepted with pleas¬ure. “I’d love to go,” she said. “Ihave heard so much of your lovelyaffairs that I wouldn’t think of miss¬ing this opportunity. Then, too, Ienjoy dancing at the South ShoreCountry Club.” Miss Larrimore issaid to have shown even more en¬thusiasm than Sweet Sixteen on herfirst date.Miss Larrimore will be at theProm immediately after her per¬formance at the theatre.^ Otherguests will be Miss Larrimore’s sis¬ter, who is visiting from JJew York,and Mr. and Mrs. John G&rrity. Mr.Garrity is manager of all Shubetttheatres in Chicago. UNDERGRAD COUNCILDISCUSSES CHARITYTo Consider Combined System ofRaising FundsThe Undergraduate Council willconsider the adoption of the com¬bined charity drive system tonightat their weekly meeting. Instead ofthe separate drives that are used atpresent to solicit funds for the Y.M. C. A., Y. W. C. A., SettlementLeague, and the Student FriendshipFund, it is proposed to make onedrive that will include all of thefunds needed by the different organ¬izations.This combined drive system hasworked out successfully at Yale,Princeton, and several other univer¬sities, according to Kenneth Laird,president of the council.The council is divided into twofactions over the proposal. One fac¬tion approves of it, since it willeliminate the constant dunning ofthe students. The other faction op¬poses it because they fear th&t thefunds subscribed in one drive willnot be sufficient for the needs of allthe organizations.LEE CHOSEN EDITOROF PROM MAROONSelected By Maroon Boardof ExecutivesDeemer Lee, day editor of theDaily Maroon, was chosen editor ofthe Promaroon yesterday by theeditorial board of the Universitydaily from plans submitted by threeof the Sophomore editors. ThePromaroon is the annual publicationdistributed at the WashingtonPromenade.The choice of Lee over the otherday editors was made on the origi¬nality and merit of the plans whichhe submitted. Walter Williamsonwas not in the competition becauseof his work editing the Soph-FroshExtra two weeks ago.“This year,” said Les River, editorof the Daily Maroon, “we will en¬deavor to publish a bigger and bet¬ter Promaroon than has ever beenattempted at the University.”In commenting on the paper whichwill be released at midnight on theevening of the annual promenade,Lee said: “The Promaroon whichwe will publish this year is going tobe an eight-page publication. It willbe composed of the usual articleswith a whistle by All-in. A staff ofthirteen has been selected to assistin the production of the 1925 Prom-Sophs Hold MixerFor All On CampusInvitation was broadcasted yester¬day by the Sophomore class to allcampus men and women to attendthe all-University Mixer to be givenby the class Friday, Feb. 13, from2 to 4 in Ida Noyes hall. The classhas engaged Jack Kirk’s orchestrato furnish the music for the occa¬sion.Walter Marks, president of theclass, officially announced the date asFriday, the 13th, although some ofthe members of the Sophomore classcouncil were doubtful as to the ad¬visability of holding the mixer atthat time.“As this mixer is to be for allclasses, we should like to have allmen and women on campus comeand enjoy this affair,” said Marks.“There will be no admission charge.” ANNOUNCE FRIARSSHOW SELECTIONLATE THIS WEEKBoard of Judges to HoldFinal MeetingSaturdayNO VESPERS TODAYVesper services will not be heldon Wednesday because of the hol¬iday on Thursday. Announcement was made yesterdayby Don Irwin, Abbot of Blackfriarsfor 1925 that the final choice betweenthe two manuscripts now under con¬sideration for this year’s productionwill be decided and made publicearly next week. The board of selec¬tion, composed of Dean Edith Fos¬ter Flint, Prof. Percy Holmes Boyn¬ton, Prof. James Weber Linn, andProf. George Sherburn, has been insession a number of times this week,and after a thorough considerationof both manuscripts that have beenselected as the two best books, areready to hold the final session andannounce the winner.The final meeting of the groupwill be held Saturday, Feb. 14, andthe judges will then vote on themanuscript which is to be selected forproduction as the Blackfriars of1925. The choice is to be reached ata much earlier date than that ofprevious years, thus giving the Boardof Superiors and the junior managersa better chance to get the machineryof the production into motion for aflying start in the Spring quarter.River AppointedThe Board of Superiors has re¬ceived a new member in the personof Leslie River, Managing Editor ofThe Daily Maroon. River is takingthe office of Fraecentor, to succeedWilliame Pringle, who has recentlygone to California. The Board is nowcomplete, and the Abbot reports thatvery few of the managers and assist¬ants have been rendered incapable ofwork through ineligibility, so that theactual work of production can beginas soon as the choice is made, and Mr.Coleman is ready to start directions.Mr. Hamilton Coleman, who hasdirected the Blackfriar shows for thepast nine years, is to resume hispost for the 1925 show, and trainchorus and cast toward perfection.He is the final decision that qualifiesthe selected manuscrip for produc¬tion, and from the nine years of hisexperience in Friars work, and hishistrionic work through his career onthe stage, the Board of Superiorsfeel confident that any show advocat¬ed by Mr. Coleman will be a top-notcher as a theatrical production.Give HintFrom the Board of Selection comesthe hint that the play which willprobably be selected is one of col¬lege life, and one which will requirea comparatively large cast andchorus. This, in the mind of theSuperiors, should encourage a largenumber of men to tryout for bothgroups, and they believe that an un¬discovered fund of good material oncampus will probably furnish thestars of the show of 1925.INCE you have tried theMaroon for three weeksyou certainly will not wantto miss any issues after theexpiration of the Free Trialoffer, Feb. 13th.Therefore, turn in yourcard with $1.50 NOW andreceive the Maroon for therest of the year.Page Two THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1925dit|p Saihj iiaroonThe Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Sunday andMonday during the Autumn, Winter andSpring quarters by The Daily MeroonCompany.Entered as second class mall at the Chi¬cago Postofflee, Chicago, Illinois, March13. lOOti, under the act of March t, 1878.Offices I£llis 1Telephones:Editorial Office Midway 0800Business Office Fairfax S522Member ofThe Western Conference Press AssociationEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTW. L. River Msaaglng EditorAlien lleald News EditorMilton Kauffman News EditorVictor Wisner..» News EditorDeemer Lee Day EditorReese Price Day EditorWalter Williamson Day EditorWeir Mallory v Women's EditorGertrude Bromberg Asst. EditorLois Gillanders Asst. EditorFrances Wakeley Soph. EditorRuth Daniels..., Soph. EditorMarjorie Cooper Soph. EditorJeanette Stout Asst. Sports EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTHerbert C. DeYoung Business ManagerEdward Bezazian .... Asst. Business Mgr.Thomas R. Mulroy. .Advertising Manager'.eland Neff Circulation Managerffthan Granquist AuditorDudley Emerson ....Distribution ManagerThomas Field Local Copy ManagerEliot Fulton Promotion ManagerPhilip Kaus Subscription ManagerMilton Kreinee and Jerome Zigmor.d....,Downtown Copy ManagersJack Pincus Service ManagerWEDNESDAY, FEB. 11, 1925POMPEII HAD KU KLUX,SAYS LECTURERHEREPompeii had its Ku Klux Klan.The organization was known as the“Iuvenis,” or the “Society of Pom¬peiian Young Men Devoted toVenus.” This new development inour rapidly increasing knowledge ofthe ancient city that was destroyedby the eruption of Vesuvius was re¬vealed last night by Prof. Lauro DeBosis of the University of Rometalking here on “Some Recent Arch¬eological Discoveries in Italy.Prof. De Bosis explained that thesociety was a kind of gang organ¬ized for social and political purposes,having incidental programs of ath¬letics for its younger members.They worshipped Venus ,who ap¬peared to them as a guardian angel.The gang along with the rest ofthe societies was of material assist¬ance in getting a man elected, Prof.De Bosis said. Pompeii was de¬stroyed two weeks before the elec¬tion. Excavations clearly show thatpoliticians from Rome and elsewherewent around the streets trying toline up both individuals and organ¬izations. “Even today we can seethe names of both the candidates andtheir supporters written on the wallsof Pompeiian houses,” Prof. De Bo¬sis stated. “All the chess playersin town combined to get a man elect¬ed who had been forced to leaveRome.”“During the ritual the initiate waswhipped to the tune of peculiar ori¬ental music,” Prof. De Bosis said.“The air was laden with heavy per¬fumes. As a result the initiatefainted. This was to depict his‘death/ When he regained con¬sciousness he was thought to haveregained life as did Dionysus. Thepriest officiating then held a convexmirror in front of him and a maskbehind his head. The mask was alikeness of the god Dionysus and thevictim looking into the convex mir¬ror thought he had been transformedinto the image of the god during theinitiation.”Wednesday Dansant, Midway Ma¬sonic Temple.Wabash 8535RoyalandUnderwoodTypewritersrented Lfl,npwi Rental purchase planeasy paymentsTypewriter Headquarters411 S. Dearbors StOld Colony Bldg. BY THE WAYThis column is conducted for thepurpose of creating and stimulat¬ing interest of the student body inthe history of the campus and Uni¬versity as a whole. Contributionsof persons desirous of having someparticular phase of the history ofthe University treated will be dis¬cussed from day to day.Questions1. Tell us about Foster hall.What was the approximate cost ofits erection? What is its history?—Sonny.2. Why did they call the plot ofground where the new Divinityschool is being built “Sleepy Hol¬low?” —Mardi Gras.3. How did the eligibility require¬ments for participation in studentactivities originate? —F. G. T.4. What is the history of the Rey¬nolds club? —Billy Kfn...5. How did the Kelly scholarshiporiginate? —Harry.Answers1. In June, away back in 1892,Sonny, a subscription of $50,000was received from Mrs. Nancy S.Foster for a dormitory for womenand the third one to be built on thecampus. At first it was decided tomake it five instead of four storieshigh, as were Beecher and Kelly.It was later ascertained, however,that the building could not be erect¬ed with these plans in view, due tothe limited funds. Mrs. Fosteragreed that if the Board wished toconstruct it, she would pay the price.Consequently, work progressed rap¬idly and the building was completedin the fall of 1893. Mrs. Foster’sgifts amounted to $83,433 in all be¬fore the building could be entirelycompleted.2. On a warm summer’s day, whennot a thing in the world encouragedthe students in the pursuit of thetruths of textbooks and term papers,Sleepy Hollow called to them andoffered quiet relaxation. There theymight congregate and discuss thewhatnots of their last date. Andthere they slept. The hollow char¬acter of that particular plot ofground undoubtedly suggested thelatter part of its name. Did younever sleep a bit there yourself,Mardi Gras?3. At a meeting of the Board ofStudent Organizations, Publicationsand Exhibitions, a rule was adoptedthat “no student should be permittedto engage in any public perform¬ance of any kind who had againsthim on the records of the Univer¬sity a deficiency in any subject, andwho was not at the time doing sat¬isfactory work, in participating inpublic exhibitions of an aesthetic,musical, dramatic, oratorical, orother character; a student thus dem¬onstrated that his classroom workwas of good quality.” And so thatis how it all began, F. G. T.4. Well, let’s see, Billy Kin, onceupon a time a Mrs. Joseph Reynoldshad given the University more than$100,000 to establish a memorial ofher husband. It was now decided todevote the greater part of this fundto the erection of a students’ club¬house. After its erection the club¬house soon became the headquartersof the social life of the men on cam¬pus. With all its various featuresof interest, it provided the men withfacilities for making University life socially profitable and interesting.Authorities quick to realize this, in1903 organized the Reynolds club,which included the old Club-houseorganization and thereafter filled aprominent place in University life.5. Mrs. Elizabeth G. Kelly in May,1892, “intimated a wish to give $50,-000 for a dormitory for women, ifshe could receive 5 per cent annumon that amount during her life. Anagreement to this effect was made,the University also agreeing to setapart, after Mrs. Kelly’s death, *asufficient sum of money to supportone free scholarship in the Universityof Chicago, to be known as the Kellyscholarship, this scholarship being in¬tended for undergraduates.” Some¬thing to work for, Harry.—WAYFARER.The material for the answers inthis column were procured from Dr.Goodspeed’s “History of the Univer¬sity of Chicago,” a book loanedthrough the courtesy of the Univer¬sity of Chicago bookstore. American Indian, who not only usedarrows for the pleasure of huntingbut also to win the mighty battlesof, by-gone days.“The modern archer uses the Eng-glish longbow, a six-foot weaponpowerful enough to drive an arrowthrough a grizzly bear at 100 yards.The arrows are pointed with steelblades, two inches long and an inchwide, and sharpened to a razoredge.”ARDENT ARCHER AIMSTO PERFORATEMOOSEAre we going to be taught by theIndians? From all appearances weare not only taking over their tom¬toms and rattles in our modern jazzmusic.'but we are even copying theirfavorite sport, Archery, in which wealways think of them as excelling.According to B. J. Thompson, as¬sistant entomologist for the experi¬ment station at the Oregon Agricul¬tural College, archery is the futureking of sports and sport of king. Ithas been so in the past when we firstheard of the powerful Turk, won¬derful Robin Hood, and our own By The Way--Why not pay tributeto St. Valentine byplanning a party Fri¬day Night at theGolden Lily Cafe atGarfield Blvd. and theL?Appropriate prizesand souvenirs to cele¬brate his memory willbe given away. Youwill be charmed bydancing to the musicof Louis Sarli’s Orches¬tra. Don’t miss thisnovel affair.UNIVERSITY STUDENTS—Fountain Service and Light Lunchesare Best atWILLIAMSCANDY SHOPFresh Home Made CandiesCorner Fifty Fifth at University Ave.DO \ ->COME | jOVER J 'h§>3 EUROPE and Return$155 and upStudents — Teachers — ArtistsThis special 1925 excursion rate, offered to travelers in ourimproved third class [Tourist Section], New York to South¬ampton and return, places an enjoyable and profitable trip toEurope within the reach of alL For a few dollars additional,passengers may proceed via Cherbourg or Hamburg. Person¬ally conducted tours in England, Ireland, France, Germany,Belgium, Holland, Switzerland and Italy at inclusive ratesof $325 upward may be arranged.InvMtigsU now! Maks your reservations early IFor further information apply toUNITED AMERICAN UNES177 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, Ill.UNITED linesJoint service withHAMBURG AMERICAN LINEWanted—enthusiastic young menThere are several opportunities forcollege trained men in the home or¬ganization and branch offices of theInsurance Company of North America.The Oldest American Fire and MarineInsurance Company—founded in 1792to protect the commercial activities of aninfant nation—is an influenval factor inthe progress and expansion of Americanbusiness. The positions it offers areworth-while and remunerative.Inquiries are invitedINSURANCE COMPANY ofNORTH AMERICA3rd 6* Walnut Sts,Philadelphia «.f[‘OHt,U A SORT OF UNIVER¬SITY CLUB—that’s the atmosphere collegemen find here. We know whatyou want in clothes and furnish¬ings and we see that you get itat the right price.Come in and see for yourself.Qladi dbdljfc anbREPUBLIC BUILDING • CHICAGO"q(un for College Men by College Men”Clothes you can’t help liking$39.75, $42.50, $45.00 and$49.50.FelixT&as decided io$oio JWopeFELIX, the well-known catawumpus of the screen, wroteto us the other day and said he wanted to work his way toEurope. The star catterback of the Catown eleven crashedhis “” harder than he ever hit an opposing felineline, and received a pink unconditional release, good untilSeptember, 1925.Felix explained in his letter that he was in the pink ofcondition and was willing to stoke, peel potatoes, or catchrats bare handed. We wrote Felix that Cunard ships wereall oil-driven and needed no stokers, and as for rats on aCunard ship, why they just didn't exist. We also askedFelix if he had heard of our new College Cabin service forCongenial Cats—Clean and Comfy. Evidently he hadn’t,for he’s just telegraphed us to “send him the dope.” Wewired back—FELIX. MU MU HOUSECATOWN NEWYORK 11 FEBRUARY, 1925RESERVING ENTIRE THIRD CLASS EIGHT SHIPSBEGINNING JUNE 17 STRICTLY FOR COLLEGEAND CONGENIAL CATS STOP ROUND TRIP PRICES155 TO 175 DOLLARS ENGLISH AND FRENCH PORTSSTOP CLEAN COMFY CABINS, TUMMY TEASINGMENUS, DECK GAMES, SPORTS, CAT COLLEGEORCHESTRA, SWIMMING POOLS, ABOVE ALLCUNARD SERVICE. WE ARE HOLDING YOU ANOUTSIDE CABIN STOP YOURScXSriZ, " RITE FOR FUR-CTo>i*dthi< way *ia Cunard last taton. T H E R PARTIC¬ULARS ABOUT CUNARD COL¬LEGE SPECIAL TO155..£TURN CUNARD & ANCHOR UNES140 N. Dearborn St., ChkuoOr I .oral A Kent-The Daily Maroon Directoryof TravelIn view of the many steamship lines and individuals offer-ing trips to Europe, The Daily Maroon has inaugurated a Directoryof Travel. Below is given a list of those offering special tripsand rates to college students. For detailed information, writedirect to them, or consult The Daily Maroon Travel Bureau.The advertisements of those named below appear from time totime in The Maroon:THOS. COOK and SON203 S. Dearborn St.,Chicago INTERNATIONAL MERCAN¬TILE LINES1 Broadway, N. Y. C.NEW YORK UNIVERSITY,110 E. 42nd St., N.Y.C. U. S. LINES45 Broadway, N.Y.C.W. H. HENRY, Ltd.286 James St.,Montreal, Can. PROF. S. C. HAZELTON,Dartmouth College,Hanover, N. H.STUDENT THIRD CLASSASSOCIATION111 College St., New Haven,Conn.— (Organizers: Miss Jo¬sephine Maclay, Bruce Mac-Farlane, Harrison Barnes). WALTER H. WOODS CO.80 Boylston St., Boston, Mass.CUNARD LINE25 Broadway,New York CityROBERT REFORD CO., Ltd.20 Hospital Street,Montreal, Can.ITALIAN LINE1 State St., N.Y.C. UNITED AMERICANLINES177 North Michigan Ave.ChicagoSTUDENTS’ TRAVEL CLUB151 W. 42nd St., N.Y.C. CUNARD - ANCHOR -DONALPSONDearborn ft Randolph Sts.,Chicago, Ill.feaJ;fVO*Subscribe to The Daily Maroon'■' ’• '' - - • .>THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY II, 1925 Page ThreeMILWAUKEE “Y”GYMNASTS MEETMAROON TURNERSHoffer’s Proteges Doped toDefeat Strong TeamTonightTonight at 7:30 the champion Ma¬roon Gym team, minus their starcaptain, Clarence O. Van Vactor,will match their ability against theveteran Milwaukee Y. M. C. A. tum¬blers. For the last two years wehave encountered considerable diffi¬culty in defeating the invaders fromthe Badger state. This year CoachHoffer feels that the Maroons willhave to be at the peak of their formto vanquish the experienced “Y”squad.In the horse event Hoffer will relyon McDaniels and Nelson with Quinnas extra man. Behmd4 and Bairdwill fill the horizontal bar position.The veteran McDaniels and Paisleywill perform on the rings with Con¬nor as alternate. Connor and Quinnwill furnish the thrills in the tum¬bling event. On the parallel barsMcDaniels and Nelson will performthe flip flops.The practice match tonight willgive the Maroon turners the neces¬sary experience that will stand themin good stead for the conferencemeet and the National Intercolleg¬iate meet at Annapolis next month.There will be no admission chargeand all students are asked to comeand do a little rooting for the team.Intramural HandballToday’s Games3:15—Delta Upsilon vs. Delta Kappa Ep¬silon.Tau Sigma Omicron vs. Tau Kap¬pa Epsilon.Alpha Sigma Phi vs. Phi KappaPsi.Sigma Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi.Kappa Nu vs. Phi Gamma Delta.Conterer-Ziv vs. Independents.Tau Delta Phi vs. Sigma Nu.4:00—Sigma Alpha Epsilon vs. LambdaChi Alpha.Whites vs. Macs.Meyer-Vovel vs. Grobe-Svatik.Junker-Lyle vs. Josselyn-Rich.Phi Pi Phi vs. Pi Lambda Phi.Intr^nursl Bowling4 ;oo—Romans vs. Reds.Delta Sigma Phi vs. Phi SigmaDelta.(Independent teams are requestedto appear for play or forfeit will bemade of their league.)Dance every Wednesday, MidwayMasonic Temple, 61»t and Cottage.PUZZLEFIND THE MANwho is well supplied withshirts and won’t lend any tothe brother.You can get college shirts atany time by calling Davies orFulton at the A. D. House.Dor. 1832 $2.25 to $3 VARSITY AND FRESH¬MAN WRESTLERSGRAPPLE HERETODAY RUSSEL SEEN LIKELYWINNER IN U OF ICARNIVALThe Varsity wrestling squad willcompete with the Freshmen today at4:30 in the south section of the Uni¬versity Stadium.Elliot Johnson, who has recentlybeen elected captain of the Fresh¬man team, is hopeful of a victoryfor his grapplers. Capt. Ball of theVarsity, although equally hopeful ofthis outcome, confesses that it willbe no cinch for his men.The Freshmen LineupHeavy Capt. Johnson177 Masse160 Mason147 De Witt137 Shapinsky127 Steinfield117 SroberBoth teams lack heavyweight ma¬terial, but Coach Vorres says thatthey are rounding into good shapeand is certain that the Varsity squadwill make a good showing in futuremeets.W. A. A. RidingClasses Re-openedW. A. A. classes in horseback rid¬ing have been reorganized this quar¬ter, and are being continued ontheir former basis. Groups meet ev¬ery Saturday, and are divided intothree classes, the first starting outat 9, the second at 10, and the thirdat 11.W. A. A. is anxious to have theseclasses in horseback riding well at¬tended, according to Eleanor Fish.As only five women are allowedin each class, the object is to signup in advance. Applicants for en¬rollment must be advanced students.Entrance may be made throughEleanor Fish or by signing the placards posted for that purpose in thefoyer of Ida Noyes hall.SUBSCRIBE TOTHE DAILY MAROON Justin Russell, who jumped 6 feet4 3-16 inches in the Indiana Statemeet, is scheduled to win the highjump in the Illinois Relay Carnivalto be held there Feb. 28. HaroldOsborn, world’s and Olympic recordholder in the event, set the carnivalrecord in 1922 at 6 feet 2 1-4, andRussell by all indications ought tobe able to send the mark of OsbornCompetition will come from TomPoor, Kansas University star, whohas made 6 feet 4 inches, Wright ofIllinois, and other good performers.The showing of the Maroon track¬men thus far augers well for thisyear’s team. With “Red” Bourkelodwering his own time consistentlyand sending Barlett records up insmoke, Russell placing in fourevents, Capt. MacFarlane winningautomatically his events, and othermen doing consistently good work,we seem to have a really winning ag¬gregation who will turn in some goodwins.HOLD FELLOWSHIP MEETToday at 4 in the Reynolds clubthe regular weekly fellowship meet¬ing will be held under the auspicesof the Y. M. C. A. According to theidea on which it was founded, tkkrewill be no regular program, but thetopic toward which they will directtheir attention is to be announced atthe beginning of the meeting.All men in the University inter¬ested in discussing religious prob¬lems and experiences are invited toattend this meeting. «WESTERNERS TO SKATETOMORROWWestern club will give a skatingparty tomorrow afternoon on theMidway. Everyone who wishes toattend should meet in front of IdaNoyes hall at 2. If the weather istoo warm for a skating party, a hikewill be substituted, in which event abuletin will be placed on Cobb bul¬letin board by 9.***** 1\ 1 1/ \\ kf / V( VjJJ Aett >*»<>**WhatTHE DANGER LINEmeans to youIf you will look in a mirror, you will sec atiny V-shaped crevice around each toothwhere it joins the gums. This is The DangerLine. Food particles lodge there and ferment,forming acids which lead to Acid Decay. Thegums also suffer from the effect of these acids,becoming irritated and sore—perhaps reced¬ing from the teeth. Then you have conditionsfavorable to Pyorrhea.Serious diseases often result from infectiondue to Acid Decay at The Danger Line.Heart and kidney trouble and rheumatismare among ^em.Make The Danger Line safeSquibb’s Dental Cream, because it is madewith Squibb’s Milk of Magnesia, protectsagainst Acid Decay, relieves conditions favor¬able to Pyorrhea, cleans and polishes beauti¬fully and protects for hours after use. ForMilk of Magnesia has long been recognizedthroughout the dental profession as a safe,scientific means of counteracting acids danger¬ous to the teeth and gums.Buy Squibb’s Dental Cream, made withSquibb’s Milk of Magnesia—today. It is de¬lightful to use. It ia free from abrasives andinjurious astringents. It makes The DangerLine safe. OJ ITMade with Squibbh Milk of Magnesia© 1925hhhhh PHI BETES HAVE ONLYORDINARY BRAINSSAYS PROF.A change in opinion is in order!Didn’t you always picture Phi BetaKappa students burning the mid¬night oil amid stacks' and stacks ofimense volumes, with their nosesdeeply embedded in one of the larg¬est of these formidable records ofhuman intellect? You said to your¬self, “How do they do it?” and con¬tinued to admire Mr. Valentine do¬ing his famed tango, or to trip thelight fantastic with the fair one.However, your wrong! “The stu¬dents of superior intellect actuallystudy fewer hours per week than doother students,” states Dr. HerbertA. Toops, of the department of Psy¬chology at Ohio State University.“The superior student could, bystudying as many hours per week asdo his less gifted brothers, greatlyimprove his own grades and at thesame time raise the standards ofscholarship of the University.”From Mr. Toops’ researches invarious colleges, he has come to theconclusion that students who haveachieved election to Phi Beta Kappsare not necessarily “grinds.” He con¬tinues that this is contrary to thepopular opinion of other students.From 1919 to 1928 inclusive, 116 stu¬dents were elected to the society atOhio State, and 99.2 per cent wereof average, superior, or super-super¬ior intelligence.In the superior or very superiorgroup, 77.3 per cent of the 116,,mere-ly by being ordinarily conscientiousin their studies, achieved good marks.Only 27.6 per cent of the averagestudents, by very persistent and con¬scientious plodding are able to at¬tain their coveted aspiration.In connection with these statistics,comes a challenge from the Univer¬sity of Colorado. Through theefforts of Prof. Ralph L. Crosman,it has been shown that fewer co¬eds than men fail to pass. SPORT SPATSElmer Barta the husky Maroonguard will become eligible m timeto take part in the game againstIndiana on Feb. 21. Barta had justfound himself and was playing theclosing guarding game that won himfame when at Cedar Rapids.Minnesota and Wisconsin are the only two teams that see to have theclass to wrest the Conference GymTitle from the Maroons.Illinois has begun spring footballpractice under their new giantstadium.SUBSCRIBE TOTHE DAILY MAROONEstablishedCOMm cTsi2NS,si0 Ffuclnis'^d tortksasakSch°°ls >7 rv. :C5T .f.\rvnnv rACTHUP PADlj. |T7 N.Wabash Ave .,Chicago, ILL.Three Educational Tours to EuropeVia the Famous St. Lawrence River RouteBRITAIN — HOLLAND — BELGIUM — FRANCEJUNE 19—Leaving Montreal on thf Athenia for Glasgow, returningfrom Cherbourg July 17 on the Ausonla. Under auspices Guy TombsLimited, Montreal.JUNE 27—Leaving Montreal on the Ausonia for Plymouth, returningfrom Liverpool July 24 on the Alaunia. Under auspices W. H.Henry Limited, Montreal.JULY 3—Leaving Montreal on the Letitla for Glasgow, returningfrom Cherbourg July 31 on the Ascania. Under auspices Guy TombsLimited, Montreal.Inclusive cost of Tour • $330.00These Third Cabin tours add to the pleasure of the ocean voyage and theholiday in Europe, the opportunity to see much of the older part of Canada—many historic spots, famous in the days of theFrench Regime—the interesting cities of Montrealand Quebec—the quaint and picturesque lifeof French Canada—and the magnificent sceneryof the mighty St. Lawrence River.Consult the following for more details and forparticulars of itineraryGuy Tombs Ltd. W. H. Henry Ltd.285 Beaver Hall Hill 286 St. Janies StreetMontrealThe Robert Reford Co. Ltd., 20 Hospital St., MontrealCUNARD-ANCHOR-DONALDSONCor. Dearborn and Randolph Streets, Chicago, Ill.The Sign of^Musical 'PrestigePHONOGRAPHS • RECORDS • RADIOLASTHE LATEST COLLEGE FAVORITES ON BRUNSWICK RECORDSHere’sThe Cotton PickersAgain!Their first record in 6 months:that howling new success—“ThePrince of MilsOut at the Old Soldiers’ Home they throw away their crutches when theCotton Pickers play. And you’ll forget how light (or heavy) she is cn yourfeet when you dance to their snappy selections.This is the Cotton Pickers’ first new record in six months. They’ve been on along tour. But you’ll enjoy the way they play “The Prince of Wails,” with“Jimtown Blues” op the reverse side. At 75c this record is a real “buy.”You ought to own this one.Here are a few other Brunswick records we’ll gladly play for you. Come inany time. We get quite a kick out of playing them over ourselves!UOIorif 7J3S JJMY BEST Gift!,—Guitar and Voice 1 2768DREAMER OF DREAMS.—Guitar and Voice f 75cNick Lucas, The Crooning Troubadour JHONOLOU—Fox Trot with Vocal Chorus by Paul Sylvano . 'ISHANGHAI SHUFFLE—Shimmy Fox Trot 27“Gene Rodemich’s Orchestra JI’LL SEE YOU IN MY DREAMS— Fox Trot with VocalChorus by Frank Bessinger 2788WHY COULDN’T IT BE POOR LITTLE ME?—Fox Trot f 75cI sham Jopcs, Guest Conductor with Ray Miller’s Orchestra JROSE MARIS—Fox Trot from "Rose Marie” 1A LITTLE BIT OF THIS—Fox Trot, introducing "My Road” l 2759from “Be Yourself” ...... Carl Fenton’s Orchestra J 75cUniversity Music Shop1203 E. 55th StreetPage Four THE DAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1925CHECKING IN AT 4 P. M.We are happy, elated—someonecame and said they thought yester¬day’s Whistle was pretty good (Vir¬ginia is so naive). We had neverthought that such high praise wouldever be forthcoming and are over¬come—in fact—overwhelmed. Creditis due to Harry, the eccentric print¬er, with whom we co-operated inproducing the page. But we smokedone of his cigars, and that, we feel,is the ultimate sacrifice. Also,thanks to Terrible Turk, our play¬mate and adviser. We have prom¬ised to let him write a Whistle someday, and that again is great reprisal.CLASSIFIED ADSI am desperate for a Prom ticket.In fact, I am willing to pay as highas four dollars for one.Gerdy Smith.Dear All-in—Oh, thou almighty and ever help¬ful one. Please come to aid me inmy search for a Prom ticket.—Humpty.In answer to the two above, will•ay that we have an unlimited supply of Prom tickets, as they doubt¬less know, and can see them anytime by appointment.Teacher’s PestUgh! he gives me the heebie-geebies,That great big husky mama's boy—Who talks to teacher after class,And makes her think she’s youngand gay—He calls an essay “deelightful,”And finds a pomer “a thing of joy.”He raves over things we think fright¬ful.But then—he’s that kind of a boy.Princess of Wails.A VISIONThis is the age of progress andreform. Along with our nice newpreferential bidding system we arepromised other innovations. If ev¬erybody behaves they are going togive us a rule for everything, andprobably anything. Perhaps it shallbe as this in 2000 U of C:Futurus1st Bro.—Hello, dear frater. Areyou going over to the Dean’s officeto have the back of your ears ex¬amined today?2nd Bro.—No, no. I must hurryalong to the Divinity chapel for mydaily fifteen minutes of meditation.By the way, we are going to get per¬mission from the Bureau of Recordsto have that rushee over to tea. Doyou think we can get an O. K. fromthe Intrafraternity council?1st Bro.—I doubt it. It seemsthat he is trying to enter the schoolwith only a 94 per cent average andbut three years of Greek. And be¬sides he’s a football player.2nd Bro.—Horrors! We shall bidbut 13% points on him. Well, Imust run along—ta, ta.1st Bro.—Cheerio, old beau!—Terrible Turk.How D’Ye Do!With this unpretentious rhyme,I’ll make bold to take your time,To acquaint you with your futurecorrespondent.I am really not precocious,And my poetry’s atrocious,But don’t as yet be overly despon¬dent.Let this be my introduction,And 1 hope that your deductionIs not entirely adverse to me.For the time is near at handWhen you’ll have all you can standOf the name that under this younow will see.BOOBYSee you soon again, All-In!Ya—ALL-IN. EX-PREMIER’S SON,DEBATER, AGAINSTFRATERNITIESThe American college fraternityis not a desirable part of the col¬lege scholastic system, in the opin¬ion of Malcolm MacDonald, who vis¬ited the University with the Oxforddebating team November 3. YoungMacDonald, touring America withhis Oxford colleagues, has been en¬tertained at many colleges and uni¬versities by various fraternities; andhis opinions, expressed recently ashe boarded a train to leave Eugene,Oregon, accordingly come from first¬hand observation.“ I would not charge fraternitymembers with snobbishness or withbeing unduly frivolous, but fraterni¬ties create a definite boundary be¬tween members and non-memberswhich is to be deplored,” he said.“ The fact is that fraternities cre¬ate most of the social life of the col¬leges and men not in fraternitiesdo not share in this.”MacDonald said he was of theopinion that the same thing held trueamong sororities and women’s or¬ganizations.In contrasting collegiate socialsystems of the two countries, Mac¬Donald said the social life of Oxfordwas built around hundreds of smallclubs — eating clubs, coffee clubs,philosophy clubs, conversation clubs,and athletic clubs. To these themembers owe no obligation and theycan withdraw at will.Life in English universities ismuch more leisurely and carefreethan in America, he believes. Stu¬dents are free with their own timeand may take viliat studies they de¬sire. There are no compulsory cours¬es to follow,MacDonald regarded favorably thecustom of many students who workthe$r way through American col¬leges, however, as offsetting the ex¬clusive tendency of the fraternitylife.“ Such a thing is unheard-of inEngland,” he said. “ The only wayto get a college education withoutpaying high tuition is to win ascholarship. Students would be dis¬couraged from trying to earn theirway through any English univer¬sity.”On the evening of Nov. 3, beforea crowd of 1500 spectators, the Ox¬ford debating team with a scathingand witty attack, won the affirma-Teresa Dolan DancingSchool1208 E. 03rd St. (Near WoodlawnlBeginners’ Class—Mon.. Tues. & Thurs.eveningsAdvanced, with Orchestra —Wed. endSaturday.Tango—FridayPrivate lessons day or eveningTel. Hyde Park 3080COWHEY’SMEN SHOPMEN S WEAR *t BILLIARDSS. E. Corner 55th & Ellis AvRENT A CARDrive It YourselfBrand new Fords and Gear-shiftCars.J & L DRIVE IT YOURSELFSYSTEM6118-28 Cottage Grove Ave.4111 Hyde Park 4181part timeopositions ,College men and women whoare seeking part time em¬ployment are invited to callat the Vocational Bureau.Mr. Hoyt or Mr. Andersonwill gladly explain the Bu-- reau’s service. Hundredshave been satisfactorityplaced.HERALD AND EXAMINERVOCATIONAL BUREAURoom 212, 326 W. Madison St. tive of the question, “Resolved, Thatthis House Is Opposed to the Prin¬ciple of Prohobition.”M. J. MacDonald, J. D. Woodruff,and M. C. Hollis, of the Universityof Oxford, were the three young menfrom England who won the decisionfrom R. T. Johnson, H. C. Gustaf¬son, and N. H. Harrison of the Uni¬versity.❖ 1 4 ❖CLASSIFIED ADSREFINED young couple haveroom in their home which they of¬fer free with board to some younglady who will assist with lighthousework. Triangle 1893. Mrs. C.S. Riddeford.FOR RENT—Single front room,$3.50 weekly. 5724 Drexel Ave.,1st FI. Dorchester 8046.FOR RENT—Large corner room,four windows; bus, “L,” Surface,cars. Private family. Reasonable.202 E. 56th St. Wentworth 2690.FOR RENT—6021 Kenwood Av.‘,room for 1 or 2 gentlemen; privateentrance, twin beds. Midway 5921.FOR RENT — Large, well-furnished room, suitable for 2; $8. Al¬so single rm., $4.50. H. Pk. 9638.Mrs. Angle, 1409 E. 53rd St.WILL PERSON who called H. P.4497 about watch found on 59thSt. please call again in evening?Reward. Intramural BookletSets High PrecedentThe Intramural Department havecome out with a thirty-two-pagehandbook which not only sets a highprecedent for this school, but over¬shadows booklets published by simi¬lar departments in other schools,both in point of appearance and ar¬rangement and choice of material.It contains outlines of the year’ssports, explanations of points andawards, survey of the previous year’ssports, and other matters of interestto the hundreds now participatingin thesports offered by the Depart¬ment.With Dr. C. A. Molander as ad-diser, Ki mValentine as general man¬ager, Howard Briggs as sports sec¬retary, and Paul Cullom, GrahamHagey, and H. A. Miller in directcharge of the sports the Departmenthas grown steadily and is to be con¬gratulated on sending this bookletout to represent the University ofChicago.The Intramural Weekly Letter isanother innovation and gives the en¬trants information of a general sorton the work and games.LAST CHANCE ON YEARBOOKOpportunity to purchase a copyof the Cap and Gown for $4.50 closesMonday with the close of the salesdrive. All salespersons who havebeen selling the Yearbook are re¬quested to turn in their money andsubscription books at the Cap andGown office in Ellis hall before 4o’clock Monday.SOUTHERN CLUBDANCING AND BRIDGEIda NoyesSaturday, February 14th, 8-12Ladies 50c Gentlemen 75cALL m. COME GoodMusic—** -5 - - ■ 'fv? V ■ • > ' •• v'4^ ^ ‘ >} -■ •*/.'SummertimeGoodness forWinter Thirstr c -'~ 4L *y 'A.• - . .> ;•■ •> r--V - '«V. •• . : vs-.f . ’ • -V , ...•. -•v.■> ■--7 - -ThsCoce-Cs’s Company. Au«*r* 0a \Midway TempleWEDNESDAY DANSANT61st and Cottage Grove Avenue Ball-room Dance InstructionWith a PurposeTo enable you to learn to dance well inthe shortest possible time. That is why wesay “thorough instruction in Smart Ball¬room dancing.”Social Instruction Class, Wed. 8 P. M.Private lessons for ladies and gentlemen byappointmentCecil E.Kincaid and Mile. LinaDonovaPRIVATE STUDIOin conjunction with the beautiful Ball-roomHOTEL HAYES( 64th and University Avenue Hyde Park 4400 HELL WEEK TERRIFIESFRESHMEN AT U.OF KANSAS minutes later the same sound, thelighting of another match and thenthe thump of a person hitting thefloor.Hell week reigns with all its tra¬ditional terrors at the University ofKansas. The fraternities are initiat¬ing their pledges and a. every cor¬ner sights can be seen which wouldnever be tolerated at our own Uni¬versity.One young gentleman, clad inflannels and with an umbrella overhis head, was directing the trafficfrom the top of a dishpan at thebusiest corner of the campus. Ac¬cording to the University Daily Kan¬san, he wasn’t in the employ of thepolice force, but was merely performing a duty for an upperclass¬man.At midnight last Monday thenight-watch of the campus was ac¬costed by a student carrying a lan¬tern who inquired of him as to thewhereabouts of “Sally.” The samenight a frightened freshman was dutifully touring Snow hall, which isalleged to he the home of the ghostsof many insects, frogs and fishes. Ashe was stealthily creeping about onhands and knees a sudden grating,gnawing sound sent a thrill of ter¬ror up and down his backbone. Helit a match, made a dive in the di¬rection of the noise, which he imag¬ined was being made by a mouse,but came up empty-handed- A fewCNBMALLELEPInclusive Tours* EUROPEAsk fair our Sailing SchedulesLarge choice ofitineraries toursby leading Linersevery few daysduring seasonRate>W255four unks all opense tour visiting Atm.Versailles Brussels Antwerp. London, etaOur Reputation is Your Guarantee!THOS. COOK (r SONCHICAGO203 So. Dearborn St., cor Adams . HE was going toKill Himselfbecause it was whisperedthat 1915 would be the lastsummer of Gondolas mVenice and he couldn't go.BUT he discovered thatS. T. C. A. travel permittedhim to travel at minimumrate* with the people heliked.HE also found that theHolland America Line ser¬vice would be used andthat Sleepy HalTs Ore hertra was going as well a*Lecturers, Hostesses andLeaders and he found some¬thing to live for and didn’tkill himself.On the Veendam June aothor theNew Amsterdam June 17thTo FRANCE and Return $i6aYour Organiser* Are:BRICK Mim-FA BLANK5747 I nlver.llv Are.JOSKPHINK M.irUVMM Hyde Park lloulHARRISON RARNBNsss* I'alrerultjr Are.STUDflHTIIURD-tthASSASSOQIATIOt!III COLLEGE STREETNEW HAVEN, CONN.PERSHJNGPALACE There’s OnlySuggestion No. 1Club Sandwich andCoffee 75cOne Place ToSuggestion No. 2Ham Sandwich andCoffee 50cEnjoy TheseSuggestion No. 3Ham and Egg Sandwich,Coffee 50cCollege MenusSuggestion No. 4French Pastry andCoffee 25c PERSHINGPALACE