Subscribe To The MaroonVol. 24 No. Shi UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 12, 1924 Price 5 CentsKEDU-REMTHETCINITIATES FIRSTMEMBERS TODAY150 Campus VolunteerWorkers Invited to Dis¬cussion Meet at 4Formal opening and explanationof Kedu-Remthett, the new secrethonorary society for men volunteerworkers on campus, will be held thisafternoon at 4 in the Y. M. C. of the Reynolds clubhouse.Lambert Cace( president of the or¬ganization until the first election tobe held in January, will address themeeting and outline the aims andpurposes of tne organization.The following men, volunteerswhose names are on file in the Y. M.C. A. office as having done volunteerservice work in the University andother settlement houses of the city,are requested to attend the meetingthis afternoon.Men Partially EligibleEibert Lewa, Park Bishop, RobertJones, David James, J. Manuel John-_son, John Wright, Bernard Cahn,Charles Clark, Harold Downey, PaulFrederick, Ethan Granquist, EdwardHart, C. B. McKinney. Mathew Pow¬ell, G. Chandra, Harry Thomas, C'affey Grit, Harold Christianson, RalphClark, Harold Downey, KennethFaxon, Cirile Manat, Grit McCaffey,Raymond Nelson, Ralph Oakes, 3.Otome, W. Pendleton, Lloyd Rohrke.Justice Webster, William Wright,Morton Barnard, G. W. Hutchinson,Cecil Caplow, Gerald Kasuyama,Marcos Canoo, W alter 3tevens,Rayon Taylor, John Mo»etti, GrahamKernwein, C. J. Brinson, AlexandetProudfoot, D. D. Laun, Ralph Pear¬sons, Choisty Arrigo, StephenChmura, Ellwood Starbuck, Ray¬mond Lalor, Anthony Polito, LondusBrannan, M. E. Sparks, EdwardKvlaski, Burr Sobbins, Stan Swat-konski, Edwin Farkel, Friar McCol-1 inter, William Mabie, Frank Lov-erde, Ralph Boggs, James Daker,Albert Schmidt, C. B. McKinny, F.Howard, Leigh Wiggins, IrvingSmnlikoff, Lilas Glassberg, JohnRedmond, Irving Goodman, ArthurKlein, Charles Lutz, Archie Blake,August Johansen, Harold Thomas,Continued on page 3)CHRISTMAS VESPERSOPEN TO ALLCAMPUSThe annual Christmas Vesper serv¬ice will be held Sunday afternoonrom 4 to 5 in the theatre of IdaJoyes hall. Rev. Russel Boynton ofhe Bryn Mawr community church,rill speak on “The Appreciation ofIhristmas.”Following the custom of Christmasrespers services, there is to be aree, properly trimmed and bedeckedfith spangles appropriate for theeason. In addition, Mr. Stevens hasgreed to furnish several selectionsy the University choir.Helen Wooding, chairman of theVespers committee, said in connectionirith this service, “As this is themal Christmas service and the lastne of the quarter, there will be noestrictions as td who attends. Allre invited. Generally only womenlight be present at our Vesper serv¬es, but this holiday Vespers is openo all.”This marks the initial 4 o’clockVespers held this year. In the fu-ure, all services are to held at 4nstead of the customary hour of:30, according to Helen Wooding.TAKE SUBSCRIPTION BOOKSAll salespersons who have Capand Gown subscription books mustturn in their money and booksFriday, Dec. 12, between 2:30 and4:30 at the Cap and Gown office. Isaacson ofCivic Opera -Talks TodayMr. Charles D. Isaacson, manag-e rof the Chicago Civic Opera’sPublic Service Department, will lec¬ture on “Beauty in the All-AroundLife,’’ today at 4:30 in Mandel as¬sembly hall.The following is quoted from“Civic Opera Topics”: “Mr. CharlesD. I.-ascccr. has had a wide andvaried experience, covering a peri¬od of ten years, in talking on thestories, characters, investiture andart of the master composers ingrand opera. During this periodhe has spoken to over four millionNew Yorkers alone, under the aus¬pices of the New York Globe, Mail,and, in later years, was associatedwith the city of New York in thiswork.“He has also toured the countryin the interests of opera. Mr.Isaacson came to Chicago. Sept. 15,and has been hard at work address¬ing notable bodies of Chicagoansthroughout the city.” He was of¬ficially received by Mayor Dever,who said at the time, upon hearingo fthe Public Service Departmentof the Chicago Civic Opera Com¬pany: “This is the most unusualthing that has happened since Ibecame mayor of the city.”JUNIORS ANNOUNCESOCIAL SCHEDULEIncludes Sleigh Ride, Prom inApril, Mixers, TeaSocial activities of the Junior classfor the Winter and Spring quarterswere planned at the first meeting ofthe executive council of the classyesterday afternoon. “The meetingstarted with a bang,” said GrahamHagey, Junior president. There wasalmost a perfect attendance, 20 outof 22 members being present.It was decided that the JuniorProm should be held in the firstmonth of the Spring quarter. AimeeGraham was made chairman of theProm.Start With SleighingOne of the first efilass events ofthe Winter quarter will be a sleighride, the time and place of whichhave not been decided upon. Mixerswill be held during the winter andSpring quarters under the directionof Katherine Campbell, Lucy Iamon,Seward Covert, and George Bates.Among other social events plannedby the juniors for the Winter andSpring quarters are the class dinnerand a theatre party. A Sundayafternoon tea ir. one of the women’sdormitories is another part of theplan. CHOIR SERENADESCAMPUS FACULTYWITH OLD CAROLSSunday Chosen as Day forChristmas SongsSerenades, consisting mianly ofChristmas carols, will be sung at thehome of the President of the Univer¬sity, outside the dormitories * and atvarious other places in the neighbor¬hood by the University choir on Sun¬day. The choir also expects to singin front of the Home of Incurables,before the home of the PresidentEmeritus, Judson, and the residenceof several of the deans. After sing¬ing before the liome of Louis Swift,tea will be served to the choir.The choir makes a serenading toureach year just before Christmas.Christmas carols will be the mainpart of the program, although Uni¬versity songs will also be included.Among the songs to be sung are:“Silent Night,” “Adeste Fidelis,’’“We Three Kings of the Orient Are,”“Saw Ye Never in the Twilight,”“Away in a Manger,” “To Victory,”“Hail, All Hail the Glorious Morn,”and “Shepherds. Shake Off YourDrowsy Sleep.”Many Join Singer*According to Mr. Robert Stevens,choir director, many people not inthe regular choir have been asked tosing with the choir on Sunday nightSeveral old members of the choir willsing and any other former memberswho wish to take part are invited todo so. Besides the sixteen membersof the regular choir, about ten otherswill be present at the serenading.Before the regular serenadingtakes place they will sing at the Y.W. C. A. Vespers.The members of the choir who willsing are: Sopranoes, Ethly Seaton,Mary Wright, Lois Garrison; altos,Maude Yeoman, Agnes Dunaway,Elizabeth Johnson, and ElizabethRoggi. The tenors are Elwood Jas-kill. Jack Abraham, H. Orway Lloyd,and Alfred Copeland. The basses areGilbert Small, Robert Campbell, Mr.Smith, and Ralph G. Sanger. Stage Set ForDover Road; toLet fEr Go at 8:15Announce Cast ofOld AmericanDramaCars Needed forKids on SaturdayFifty cars are needed Saturdayat 1:30 in front of Ida Noyes hallto help transport children fromthe University Settlement to theannual party given them by theY. M. and Y. W. C. A. Saturday*afternoon, it was announced yes¬terday by Charles Allen, chair¬man of the Y. M. C. A. socialservice committee.“To date only thirty automobileshave been promised,” said Allen,“and it is imperative that we gettwenty mors. Many kids will beunable to attend if we do not geta full quota of fifty cars. Stu¬dents who will donate cars shouldcall either the Y. M. or the Y., and information will begiven them, or they should be infront of Ida Noyes at 1:30.” “Clari, the Maid of Milan,” byJohn Howard Payne, will be pre¬sented by the English 164 class ofProf. Napier Wilt, on Wednesday,Dec. 17, in Reynolds theacre. At¬tendance at the play will be by in¬vitation.The production is a revival of anearly American play, first given inCovent Gardens theatre, New York,in 1823. It was originally pro¬duced in Chicago in 1847. Theplay was one of the most popularon the stage until the Civil War,according to Prof. Wilt. The Eng¬lish 164 class, which is putting onthe play, is studying Americandrama and is using this means tobecome familiar with the early typeof drama and to show the changeswhich have occurred in the theatresince that time.Those taking the leading rolesare: Betty Franks, as Clari, theleading lady; Willard Balhatchet as(Continued on page 2)THE LAST CALL FORSOUTHERNERSAll Southerners who are not at¬tending the “Dover Road” pro¬production but intend to come tothe after-the-theatre supper to¬night, and have not already hand¬ed their names to Weir Mallory,have been requested to do so be¬fore 2 today. Communications inwriting may be left at the Ma¬roon office. Tonight in Mandel hall, at 8:15,the reorganized Dramatic Associa¬tion will offer “The Dover Road” asits first presentation underThe newregime.An unprecedented crowd is ex¬pected, according to Archie Trebow,and student attendance is expectedto break records. Difficulty waseven experienced in securing ush¬ers for the production, numbers ofthose asked to serve having alreadyplanned to attend. A large repre¬sentation of off-campus people, in¬cluding downtown critics and othernotables, have reservations.The Dover Road is described asa fast-moving comedy of absurdityexceeding in interest and ludicrous¬ly tangled situations the very popu¬lar plays from the same pen whichhave oreceded the current offering,such as Mr. Pirn Passes By, andThe Truth About Blayds.The cast of the production in¬cludes Mari Bachrach, president ofGargoyles, who carries one of theprincipal feminine parts; ElwinBartlett, Tower Player and promi¬nent ij? other campus productions,who takes the part tonight of aneccentric bachelor about whose ex¬perimentations with eloping couplesthe plot revolves; Fred Handschy,who plays the part of a somewhattruculent young man in The DoverRoad; Esther Cooke, in the role ofanother of the entangled quartet,and William Kerr, who assumes thecharacter of a complacent accomp¬lice in the runaway escapade. RuthAtwell, Elizabeth Downing, ThomasMasters and Ralph Lindop are saidto have parts that contribute large¬ly to the comedy atmosphere ofthe Milne play.George Downing, scenery man¬ager, announces the listings inreadiness for the rise df the cur¬tain. The model of: the stage,which has been on display in awindow of the UnivjMfelty Book¬store caused muc'talk. MILLION AND A HALFGIVEN TO UNIVERSITYProf, and Mrs. F. R. Lillie Make Gift of $60,000;Faculty Trustees Hold YearlyBanquetSETTLEMENT DRIVEENDS TODAY AT 5:30The benefit drive for the Univer¬sity Settlement ends this afternoonat 5:30 p. m. Al! team captains—men and women—must turn in theremaining donations that they mayhave by that hour. Aimee Grahamand Seward Covert will be in the of¬fice at Cobb 107 from 5 until 5:30 toreceive any last-minute funds thatmay come in. That the captains re¬spond to this request is most urgent,according to Covert. Last night at6 the total standing for the entiredrive was $3,800. It is known thatseveral team captains are holding outconsiderable sums so it is assuredthat the final total will be more than$4,000.D. K. E. OUTSPLASHESHELD FOR TROPHYWeddel High Scorer With22 Pointsrest andSOPHOMORESTHEIR FIRST MIXERTODAY AT REYNOLDSThe first social actiitty of theSophomore class undrilpthe newregime will be a mixer today, from 4to 6, in the Reynolds! ^tib. JackKirk’s four Bean Blowers will fur¬nish the music for the’dancing. Asthis mixer is for sophomores only itis expected that a representativegroup will be on hand to initiate thisfunction.Refreshments will be served duringthe afternoon to the sophomores sothat they will have other means ofoccupying their time other than danc¬ing. Hostesses have been obtainedfor the occasion; and according toWalter Marks, president of the class,this mixer will only lead to largerentertainments culminating in theFrosh-Soph Prom in the Winterquarter.CHRISTMAS CIRCLEON SALE TUESDAYDated January, 1925, but It realitythe Christmas number, The Circlewill make its third appearance of theAutumn quarter Tuesday morning.The table of contents includes,among other features:Frank Harris Today, by RobertPoliak—an interview with the authorof “The Life Confessions of OscarWilde,” “Contemporary Portraits,”etc. Delta Kappa Epsilon copped theFall intramural swimming trophy byrunning up a total of 53 points inthe two swims, the last of which washeld in the Bartlett tank last night.The nearest competitor was notvery close, Phi Kappa Psi garneringonly 25 points, while Delta Sigma‘Phi came in a close third with 24.Weddel of Phi Kappa Psi was thehigh point man for the two meets,with 22 of Phi Psi’s 25 points. At¬wood of Delta Kappa Epsilon fol¬lowed in second place with 17. Adispute exists over the third highman, which will be settled later.The Bookstore will be open Satur¬day afternoon. Make your selectionof Xmas gifts then. Trustees of the University havelaunched the development campaignof that institution by contributionsaggregating $1,670,800. Announce¬ment was made last evening at adinner given to the faculties.As recently made public, the Uni¬versity is seeking to raise $17,500,000during the next year. During thedinner last evening President HaroldH. Swift, of the board of trustees,said that it was the unanimous senti¬ment of that body that the trusteesshould take a generous share in thisextensive financial effort, and thatthey should do so at the outset. Thisstatement introduced the formal an¬nouncement by President Ernest De-Witt Burton that the contributionshad been made.Put Instruction, Research, FirstIt was emphasized at the dinnerthat the imperative necessity ofmaintaining the high standard of in¬struction in the University, and thedesire to obtain outstanding scholarsfor the faculty, makes it desirable toput forward as the first objective ofthe campaign the raising of $6,500,-000 for endowment of institution andresearch. The second objective is theobtaining of $11,000,000 for newbuildings.More than 300 members of the fac¬ulty were guests at the dinner, whichwas held in Hutchinson commons, thelarge dining hall in which many suchgatherings have been held. Lastnight’s dinner was one of the largestand most enthusiastic of these an¬nual gatherings. Addresses by Pres¬ident Burton and others were re¬ceived with applause. A report wasmade on behalf of the committee ondevelopment by Albert W. Sherer,vice chairman of the committee.Announce Gift at DinnerIt was made known in the courseof the dinner that^Prof. and Mrs.Frank R. Lillie had given the Uni¬versity $60,000 for the erection of abuilding to be used for experimentalzoology. Prof. Lillie is chairman ofthe department of zoology at theUniversity and is one of the most(Continued on page 2)III ‘|[!lll|l!|illlll!ll!llll|U|IIIIIIIIIIIIMIIII!IIIIIUIIIIMlni!lllllll|lll,'lllllHlhll!llliil|lllllll!|f!l>inirl!'IHIU|ll|i;l!!|'l|lllAn Ideal Christmas Gift jSubscriptions to the Daily Maroon The Phoenix and The Circle -SPECIAL XMAS CLUBS INO. lCalled forThe Daily MaroonThe PhoenixThe Circlefor the rest of the year NO. 2MailedThe Daily MaroonThe PhoenixThe Circlefor the rest of the yearJ/1.00NO. 3Called forThe Daily Maroonand The Phoenix orThe Circle NO. 4MailedThe Daily Maroonand The Phoenix orThe Circle$OJM) .00MAIL IN THECOUPONTODAYDo your Xmas shopping Saturdayafternoon at the Bookstore. The Daily Maroon Box OFaculty ExchangeUniversity of Chicago,Chicago, ill.I enclose herewith $in payment of special Xmas ClubNumberNameAddressIil>H«*tailllHlt)«tttllStl«lt«tlt!tSliS«4«MaMIII«ll«IISM|l)SIIIIISIItM*<l(lltillllSII«ll«U«IIIUIIIIIIIIIIIISIIStlSIISUSUSUSUIlllliSIIIIIIII(ll(llliT7***f****P>" •'•'•iwnic* i»»«rw'|in— s~*s>mam mm bwwhwwPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924Satlt| maroonThe Student Newspaper of theUniversity of Chicago ANNOUNCE CAST OFOLD AMERICAN DRAMAPublished mornings, except Sunday andMonday during the Autumn, Winter andSpring quarters by The Daily MaroonCompany.Entered as second class mall at the Chi¬cago PoBteffice, Chicago, Illinois, March13. 1906, under the act of March 3, 1878.OfficesTelephones:Editorial Office. .Businesa Office. . .Ellis 1. . Midway 0800. . Fairfax 5522Member ofThe Western Conference Press AssociationEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTW. L River Managing EditorAllen Heald News EditorMilton Kauffman News EditorVictor Wlsner News EditorAllan Cooper Sport EditorDeerner Lee Day EditorReese Price Day EditorWalter Williamson Day EditorGertrude Bromberg Asst. EditorLois Gillanders Asst. EditorMarjorie Cooper Soph. EditorRuth Daniels Soph. EditorFrances Wakeley Soph. EditorJeanette Stout Asst. Sports EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTHerbert C. DeYoung... .Business Managerr-'dward Bezazian Asst. Business Mgr.Thomas R. Mulroy. .Advertising Managereland Neff Circulation ManagerEthan Granquist AuditorSidney Collins Office ManagerDudley Emerson ....Distribution ManagerThomas Field Local Copy ManagerEliot Fulton Promotion ManagerPhilip Kans Subscription ManagerMilton Krelnes Copy ManagerJack Pincus Service ManagerMyron Wei) Promotion ManagerFRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924MILLION AND A HALFGIVEN TO UNIVERSITY (Continued from page *1)the duke, and Eleanore Picket, whoplays the role of Vespins, the maid.Jack Kelly takes the part of Clan’sirate father. Friar McCollister isacting as director.The play was written by JohnHoward Payne, the author of“Home, Sweet Home,” and it was inthis play that the old song firstappeared, sung by Clari, the littlecountry girl who had been abduct¬ed from home by the duke. ROGERS — KENNEDY SHOPPHONE MIDWAY 3081 1120 Ea»t 55th StreetMarcelling ManicuringShampooingHENRY T. HANSENHARDWARE — PAINTS — OILS — GLASSHousehold and Janitor’s SuppliesRADIO SUPPLIES935 Blast 55th Street Phone Midway 0009(Continued from page 1)noted scientific investigators in thecountry.Mention was also made at the din¬ner of the recent gift to the Univer¬sity by Charles F. Grey of improvedreal estate at 159-61 West SouthWater street, valued at more than$200,000.Stuart New TrusteeAt a meeting of the board of trus¬tees of the University preceding thedinner John Stuart, well known Chi¬cago business man, was inducted as amember of the board. Mr. Stuart ac¬cepted election early this week to theplace left vacant by the death ofCharles L. Hutchinson. He has hadexperience in university affairs, hav¬ing been an alumni trustee of Prince¬ton university from 1918 to 1923.Mr. Stuart was graduated fromPrinceton in 1900 with the degree ofcivil engineer, and entered the em¬ploy of the Quaker Oats Company,becoming second vice president in1910. In 1922 he was elected presi¬dent of the company, which office henow holds. Mr. Stuart’s house is inHubbard Woods. Johsterlstgnct (cm“WOODLAWPTS FINESTSEA FOOD RES i aua.-,., ."From our connections in the East the choicest Sen Foods from the SevenSens are received dailySpecial Table d’Hote DinnersWith a Largt^ Range_ of Selections Which Will Pleat* and Satisfy YouALSO:„ token Roltsserie, Spaghetti. Ravioli, Steaks and ChopsAFTER THE DANCE trg oar BOSTON SHORE DISHES from 9 to 3:30LOBSTER ISLAND CAFEJOHN SPIROS, M«r.ISM COTTAGE GROVE AYE. SHOP SATURDAYAFTERNOONCHRISTMASis less thanTWO WEEKS OFFYou can buy a largemajority of your giftsright here and savetime for studying foryour exams.Open Sat. AfternoonThe Bookstore5802 Ellis Ave.PATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERSTHE FROLIC THEATREDRUG STORECigarettes — Fountain ServingCor. Ellis Ave. and 55th St.Adjacent to Frolic TheatreTel. H. Park 0761ANNA LYON TEASHOPDelicious Home CookingEvening Dinners . . . .60cSteak and ChickenDinners 75cSANDWICHES. WAFFLES,SALADS and SHORTORDERS AT ALLHOURS1449 E. 57th St.siiummmiiiiniiiiiiiiiimmiimiiiimiiMiimimtiii ViuiiiiiiiiMiimiHiiinmuImmiit'MiiiiiiiiiHiiiiHiiiimiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiMUtiiMiitiiiMiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiMiiHiiiMtiiiaiM^G iftsGifts that endure, are more appreci¬ated. An attractive piece of Furni¬ture or a colorful Rug is exceeding¬ly acceptable as a Gift. Visit ourGift Section on the 4th floor, wherean unusual assortment of appropri¬ate Christmas Gifts await yourselection.Specialists in Rugsand FurnitureESTABLISHED 1875I (W.RichardsoD&(6.125 So. Wabash Ave. Ju4t North °* Adam* Select His GiftsThis Storebecause be knows tbatwe are specialists mfurmsbmgs of tbe finersort, drawn from alltbe world, and tbat ourlabel on a gift is thesterling mark of dis¬tinctiveness, quality,and character.MARSHALL HELD & COMPANYTHE STORE FOR MENis#**- \SSfi-v, /;a ri SStiTHE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924 Page Three* » ‘IRON HORSE TO SHOWAT THE WOODSEXCLUSIVELYWilliam Fox, whose superlativecinema production, “The IronHorse,” is holding forth to capacityaudiences at the Woods Theatre,Chicago, has issued a broadcastwarning to exhibitors that legalaction will be taken against anyone advertising in any manner thatthis production will be shown intheir theatre. The text of thestatement is as follows:“Regardless of how soon othersuper-productions have been released to the regular motion pic¬ture theatres, I desire to make clearat this time that “The Iron Horse”is going to be shown only in thea¬tres usually devoted to the spokendrama during the season of 1924-25.“Contracts covering the engage¬ment of the production throughoutthe United States are explicit inproviding for this restriction. Forinstance, when the Chicago engage¬ment is completed at the WoodsTheatre that company will take theroad, playing both one-night standsand week-stands at the same scaleof prices now being charged at theWoods.“Time and expedience has proventhe public demand for this typepresentation. In the first place, thepicture is much longer and morecomplete than it possibly could bein a picture house, where the fea¬ture and several comedies must berun in an hour. ‘The Iron Horse’required two hours and a quarterfor its telling at the Woods.“Second, there is the huge sym¬phony orchestra playing a score,every bar of which was written toharmonize with the picture anabring out the proper atmosphere.These orchestras are especiallyhigh-priced men who have been re-hearsd for weeks before the pro¬duction opens its engagement.“Third, and possibly one of themost important angles from thepublic point of view is the fact thatthere is no waiting for seats. Eachand every seat is reserved. Thepatron can obtain his seats as farahead as desired and then can ridedown town after a leisurely dinnerand see the entire show from hisreserved seat. This is a point thatmeans a great deal to the theatre¬goers, who, as a rule, refuse to at¬tend pictures because of the push¬ing and battling for seats.”KEDU REMTHETT INITIATESFIRST MEMBERS TODAY(Continued from page >1)Samuel Jordan and Mathew Powell.Initiated in WinterThe above mentioned men have notfulfilled the complete requirementsfor membership in the organization,i. e., one year’s volunteer service atthe Settlement; but their full re¬quired time will be up at the end ofthe winter quarter and they will beeligible for membership at that time.Other men, now engaged in or cc •templating Settlement work are in¬vited to attend the meeting, whichwill be open for all men on campusTwenty-five campus men who havealready fulfilled all the time require¬ments are requested to be present ata meeting to be held at 3:30 in thesame office. This meeting will pre¬cede the session at 4 and is for thepurpose of allowing those eligible formembership at the present time tobecome charter members of the or¬der. These men are named below.Initiated TodayHarry Howell, Arthur Drogmuel-ler, Abner H. Berezniak, J. Finkle*^stein, Ted Ray, Art Laidler, LeoHerverdine, J. E. Clements, EverettLewy, Walter Bzdek, James Dahir,Lambert Case, George Snider, HaroldHughes, William Winnett, DonaldMcCloud, Charles Allen, GeraldBench, George Crisler, Richard Dem-eree, Humphrey Dixon, Tom Paul,and Roswell Rolleston.We are showing a largevariety of useful and beau¬tiful goods suitable fairChristmas presentsJENKINS BROS.DRY GOODS and MEN’SFURNISHINGS1150-52 E. 63rd St.(Established in 1890) MAKING PROGRESS IN SCHOOLCalls for a sturdy well nourished body. Students need thefull advantage of a quart a day of Borden’s Selected Miik.It is the most in pure food for the least money.BORDEN'SFARM PRODUCT5 CO. of ILL. Franklin 3110Conic in and seeUnusual Clothes—tk eseIf you want “smart” ciotfies— fashionedof the same fine fabrics used by the lead¬ing merchant tailors in New York andChicago, for about half what they mustcharge — you’ll be interested in this shop.“23 Point Hand Tailored” for us byGoodman Suss at Rochester, theyembody all the features of fine handtailoring that weii dressed men demand.Come in and see them.Yon will not be urged to buy.Suits$45 to $75Overcoats ‘$45 to $110 Herman, Mandis Bogin Co.Dinner Suits Entire Fifth Floor—28 E. Jackson Boulevard$57.50 to $30 Corner and Wabash — C H I C A G OSmARTLY dressed men in thestyle centers of the world knowthere is no substitute for a Stetson.STETSON HATSStyled for young men NATIONAL BANKOF W00DLAWN63rd Street—Just Vvest of KenwoodA Clearing House BankMember Federal Reserve SystemSAVINGS ACCOUNTSCHECKING ACCOUNTSSAFE DEPOSIT VAULTSINVESTMENT SECURITIESAll Departments Open for BusinessSaturday Evenings 6:30 to 8:30r A MAN’SMAN-ADMIREDBY ALLWOMENHandsome - Rugged andVirile - Young George O’¬Brien as the Romantic Ad¬venturous Davy Brandonas the Ideal Type of Hero inthe Eyes of Every AmericanGirl and Woman.—AND HE’S JUST ASPOPULAR WITH THEMEN!You’ll understand the Reas¬on when you see O’Brienand his famous smile in the Greatest ScreenMasterpieceEver FilmedThe IronHorseA William Fox PresentationA John Ford ProductionWOODSTHEATER TWICE DAILY2:30-8:30SUN. MATS,at 3 P. M.DDirrC. Hats. (except Sat.),rKlLL3. 50c to SI. Eve., 50cto $1.50 Classified AdsFOR RENT—Large front room;2nd floor. High class private home,twin bed; girls only. References ex¬changed. 6116 Woodlawn Ave. H.P. 9781.FOR RENT—Attractive singleroom to young lady. High class pri¬vate home. References exchanged.6116 Woodlawn Ave. H. P. 9781.FOR RENT—To two men, frontparlor and bedroom together, $5.00each, open Dec. 23. C. Ray Kleim,6104 Ellis.10 per cent discount given to stu¬dents. The largest stock of luggagein Chicago. Standard Trunk andLeather Goods Co., 1028 E. 63rd St.RESISTLESSSYNCOPATIONHUSK 0’HAREPhone Harrison 0103SENIORS ATTENTIONSeniors whose last name be¬gins with Q, R, S, T, U, V, W,X, Y, or Z must report atJfj&ctcyrefl/ioStfudco—to have their picture takenfor the Cap and Gown 1925,this week—Dec. 8 -16.614 Mailers Bldg. S. E. Cor. Madison and Wabash Ave.5 S. Wabash Ave. Tel. Central 7123 for a Man’sChristmasFOR the man who finds hisgreatest pleasure in the out-of-doors there are many things tocaptivate his sport-loving heart.Christmas giving ceases to be muchof a problem when selections aremade at this store. To facilitateyour shopping, why notCheck This List!Golf Bags $1.25 to $10.00Imported Golf Hose 4.00 to 13.50Pullover Sweaters 7.50 to 25.00Sweater Coats 10.00 to 30.00Leather Golf Coats 15.00Imported Knickers 10.00to 18.00London-made Golf Suit ... 50.00French Flannel Shirts 6.50Lumber Jack Shirts 5.00 to 7.00Hand-made Scotch Golf Hose.... 9.00Golf Shoes 9.50 to 10.50English Golf Caps 2.50Slickers 6.75Belts 1.00 to 3.50Heavy Wool Half Hose .. .95 to 2.50Fine Chamois Vests, madein Denmark 12.00 to 27.50Sheep-lined Coats 18.50 to 30.00Wool Vests 5.00 to 7.50Riding Crops 5.00English Riding Breeches 30.00Whip Cord Riding Breech¬es 16.50 to 20.00Corduroy Riding Breeches 12.00VtarrBest(INC.)Randolph and Wabash Hand-tooled Italian LeatherThese articles—carefully chosenand beautifully executed—makemost acceptable gifts for men.Handsome billfolds, book marks,match boxes, bridge scores, blot¬ter sets, cigarette cases, pictureframes and countless other thingscan be secured at prices rangingfrom $1 to $5.Fout THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1924The Muce Attacks ZalecMy boss, he i9 a husky bird,He seems af-raid of naught.He spanks me when he finds I’vepulledA trick I hadn’t ought.But there’s a guy he seems to fearAnd vehemently damns—He always seems to be so scaredOf that big stiff—X. Ams.—Zalec. you ought not to be outdone, sosilggest thisWhistle Honor Code1. Students when copying fromtextbooks must credit original au¬thors with quotation marks andfootnotes.2. All students should be held re¬sponsible for any information theygive to others.3. Profs, who ask embarrassingquestions, causing students to bluff,must be prosecuted.Kunks N Ramblin’ Kid.We tried to discourage Zalec inhis attempts to write poetry, thatbeing a habit which we do not con¬sider appropriate to a well-bredmouse. However, he persisted,which only goes to show the evileffect of a college atmosphere.The Honor Commission, whichprefer to a straight salary, has an¬nounced an Honor Code. We feel If the powers that be are reallyin earnest about student honesty,they must inevitably abolish examsor else hand out the questions aday in advance. out why women are in school yield¬ed the following results:Mama wants me to—105.Nothing really worth-while to do—76.For the education—*1.This lone vote came from JaneCannel, who thought it was a Bet¬ter Yet proposition and wanted to create the proper impression in cer¬tain circles.When we asked Lee Neff if heknew why women came here hemerely said—“Look me over.”The only honest reply came fromProf. Schmidt, who confessed hedidn’t know.ALL-IN.When the message came in that“O’Hara Gave Talic Over KYW”great speculation resulted as to theidentity of Talic. Howie Mayer’ssuggestion that it is a song in theGypsy language seems most cred¬ible.A campaign conducted to findHYDE PARK HOTEL CAFE51st and Lake Park AvenueDANCINGEVERY NIGHT, Excepting Sunday and Monday9:30 to 12:30No Cover ChargeA La Carte and Soda Fountain Service Buy Your GiftsatWoodworth’s Book StoreOPEN fcVERY EVENING TILL NINECHICAGO KTH1CAL SOCIETYA non-sectarian religious society tofoster the knowledge, love and practiceof the right.THE PLAYHOUSE410 S. Michigan Are.Sunday, December 14th, at 11 a. m.DR. STANTON COITwill speak onWhy Freedom for Women Marks theDownfall of Oar Civilization.All seats free Visitors WelcomeRENT A CARDrive It YourselfBrand new Fords and Gear-shiftCars.J & L DRIVE IT YOURSELFSYSTEM6118-28 Cottage Grove Ave.4111 Hyde Park 4181 :»• ■"■■•■■■II I I I ■ • ■ ■ ■ •iii ■ ri|ii|,il'!|l!|t»illllll!lllllllllll>llISIISU|llSlili’l lull liSi.i l lira •.:■'<■.;• • >|i'|i.jii|ii|ii|i'lll|.i|iisl(|i.|.l|ii|ii|li(ii|ii|ii|ii|A VACATION IN THENATION’S CAPITALDelightful parties arranged for col¬lege girls tor vacations or week¬ends. Trips to places of interest.Lovely dinners and teas. A va¬cation brim full of pleasure. Writefor illustrated booklet.“A Week in Washington”GRACE DODGE HOTELWashington, D. C.LET’S GO TOOur Wsltsrs SingOur Cook THtnsssOur Artist WU1 Paint Tour PleturoKING OLIVER’S BANDWorld’s Orsatsst Colored Done# BandOKeah MakersTHE HOME or NEW IDEASThe Studio room now openFor Student Parties—FreeRent to Student Parties College Men Under standthe value of good clothes, correctly tailored. They havebecome known for their smart, yet conservative appear¬ance. Jerrems tailors for young men who are exactingabout their clothes.Exceptional Values$65 to $100NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO ORDER FOR THEHOLIDAYS —THE SELECTIONS AREVERY COMPLETEThe Michigan Avenue Store Features:BURBERRY AND JOSEPH MAYS' OVERCOATS ANDULSTERS — REGIMENTAL STRIPE MUFFLERS—TAN AND GRAY LEATHER SPORT COATSFORMAL BUSINESSAND SPORT CLOTHES324 S. MICHIGAN AVE.(McCormick Building)7 N. La Salle St. 71 E. Monroe St.1 1 1 « 1 'I'S^umsmiUHHimiiisiisin.imsiisiiinsinnimmiiaiiimuaiistiBimuHmsminwstmisimniminmnninSHiUiSunismimiiHm •iiaiisiifiisiieiiaiisitaiiaitstiiiiaiisiitusuitiiiiiiiit MARSHALL FIELD& COMPANYTHE college girl has discovered the Sportscostume to be a categorical imperative ofCampus life. It is to be worn almost everywhere,that is, barring weddings, Proms and a few frater¬nity dances, the Sports costume is smart andentirely becoming. Here are a few suggestionsthat will prove again this proposition.A SHORT DRESS ANDA SMART ONE is this flan¬nel that conforms to the decreethat frocks keep their distancefrom the floor. The lines arestraight and boyish and ir.ay bepurchased in powder blue, Lan¬vin green, russet, penny orblack. In excellent flannt 1 pricedat —you will be astonished —#11.75. SIXTH FLOOR r •BRIM FULL and brim wideis the smart new line for thefelt hat. And flattering—well,rr.y dear. These felts are to bebad trimmed and in manyshades (chough black heads thehst) for #10 and up. Untrimmedfelts of this enchanting shapearc onlv #5. The cleverest trim¬ming is wide ribbon crossedin the back and brought u^derthe brim. FIFTH FLOORPARIS SENDS A MES¬SAGE saying that lisle sportshose are very smart. And theyare more than that, for they arejust a happy medium betweenthe warmth of wool and chillysilk hose. In interesting colorcombinations, full-fashionedand of the quality that reallywears. #3. FIRST FLOORSPRING DOES NOTSEEM SO FAR BEHINDit you are clad in a snug leatherjacket that stops the grim ad¬vance of wintry winds. Theyarc of that soft, heavy leatherthat wears well and cleansequally well, lined in sateen. Ingray, brown or black wnh knit¬ted border and cuffs,nice roomypockets ’n’everything, #18.75SIXTH FLOORA GOOD CAMPUSMATCH is a set of sweaterand hose which are woven inexactly the same pattern. Thisis a new move in the sportsworld and is already most pop¬ular. Of very soft wool in afirm close weave quite warmenough for skating—in checkeddesign of rust, copen, navy,black or white, #11.75. Sweatersin the stunning and colorful"Fair Isle” patterns are pricedat #6.75. SIXTH FLOORThese Will Interest YouOrgandie Vestee Sets ... #1.75 FirstRitz Perfume 3.90 ... .FirstFrench Handkerchiefs... .65 .... FirstShort, Smart Umbrellas. 5.00 ... FirstEvening Headdresses 1.75 up .FifthImported Dresses 37.50up.SixthMillinery Clearance 1.75 up. Fifth