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In pastyears there have been thirteen orfourten pledges to a fraternity, theaverage for this quarter is nine mento every society.“The new rushing rules are un¬doubtedly a success," Amick said.“The fraternities have observedthem with characteristic sportsman¬ship. Becau.se pledges were not con¬sidered legal until a week agothere was some friction because fra¬ternities invited rival fraternities’summer pledges to dinner and then What Do YouThink of This?What’s the use of a school vaca¬tion? Why should all the valuabletime spent by the average studentin dancing -....1 all the other sum¬mer amusements be wasted whenit might be applied to study andresearch work? Future years mightfind University students attendingschool twelve months a year andsix days a week if th? argumentsadvanced by Prof. Garth of DenverUniversity take effect.Vacations, he claims, are the sur¬vivals of ancient customs. Summervacation was granted in formerdays because the schools werelargely rural and the work of thestudents was needed on the farmsduring the busy season.We owe our idle and much-ap¬preciated Saturday respites fromclass to the fact that the studentsof long ago, who were much moredevout than a lot of their descen¬dants. required a full day of leisurein which to prepare for the Sab¬bath. ||Y. W. HOLDS FIRSTVESPER SERVICESOF FALL QUARTER~‘Compromises” to be KeyNote of Discussions for1924 Keystone of OldSchool Built in‘C’Bench WalkFirst Vesper services of the yearwill be held Wednesday at 4:30 inthe Y. W. C. A. rooms of Ida Noyeshall. Antoinnette Forrester, presi¬dent of Y. W., will lead the initialmeeting with a talk on the ideals of Buzzell, graduate of the last class ofBy Reese H. PriceWhen the building which housedthe First Hopeful Steps of the oldUniversity of Chicago was wrecked,in the year 1886. one of the graduatesof that class, sentimental enough totreasure any relic of his alma mater,procured the keystone of the entrancearch of the old building, and stored itaway'. This student was Mr. ’E. A.the association. “Compromises,”the general topic of the fall quarter’sdiscussion, will be introduced in thecourse of her talk.Purpose of Services the old University.For some years the old stone waskept under cover, untii one day Mr.Buzzell conceived the idea of puttingthe block to a useful purpose—that ofThe talks to be given throughout la horseblock. Accordingly the stoneANNA MAY WONGTO VISIT CAMPUSHold Foreign StudentsReception for HerAnna May Wong, Chinese movingpicture actress, will be the guest ofoffered them their pledge button. honor at the fortd#n student receptionThe friction was very superficial. to be ,lc!d thjs eveoinK at the Rey_The new rules will probhowever,ably be in effect forquarter,” he contirued the WinterUNIVERSITY EMPLOYEEDOUCHES FIRE INCOBB HALLUsu»Uy placid and quiet. Cobb Hallwas startled out of its serenity at 3:43P. M. yesterday when the cry of fireissued from all sections of F.llis Ave¬nue and the surrounding vicinity. Vi¬sions of the Bureau of Records burr¬ing down, and the Examiner’s officegoing up in smoke were seen by manystudents when they turned their eyestoward Cobb and saw' smoke emittingfrom a west window.Ml thoughts of classes in Cobh shift¬ing to other buildings were dispelled,however, when the fire turned out tohe an awning which had caught onfire through ^ carelessly thrown cig¬arette butt. An employe of the Uni¬versity quickly quenched the flames.The vandal who tossed the cigarettehad not been apprehended up to a'ate hour last night. ng at the Keynold’s club. Over 200 students repre¬senting twenty-five nationalities areexpected by Bruce W. Dickson, for¬eign student, and mafiy will appearin the costume of their native lands, jAnna May Wong, one of the lead- jing actresses in the Thief of Bagdad |and other American photoplays, is 'now paying Chicago a short visit. She jis anxious to meet Chinese studentsat the Universitv. who will probablynumber over seventy-five at the recep¬tion tonight. Miss Wong will hegiven a reception at the Monroe Innat six, after which she will be motoredto the University to meet admirers ofher race.The reception is given to acquaintnew students with their fellow-coun¬trymen and with the organizationsespecially interested in thejr welfare.Mr. Dickson said yesterday.President Burton, Dean Wilkins,and other prominent people of thecampus, are expected to be present. the quarter, which will deal with dif¬ferent phases of the main topic, will| be presented by members of differ¬ent departments of the University.Helen Wooding, chairman of Ves¬pers, expects to have a number ofreally worthwhile talks. “Our mainpurpose in choosing this subject,” jshe said, “is to overcome prejudice'by considering various points ofview about life.”Y. W. hopes to further the accom- jplishment of its aims by offering op- jportunities for discussions. The jprincipal concerns of the association |are the widening of horizons of stu- Idents here and the promoting of ageneral feeling of good-will among jthem.Vesper* Ancient InstitutionThe Vesper services form the only(Continued on page 2) was brought forth again, and takenout to his home on Kimbark avenue.Its use for the ensuing decade waspurely utilitarian, until Mr. Buzzell,thinking that a sentimental object was(Continued on page 2)BREASTED,STEVENSWRITE NEW BOOKSHead University Press ListFor FallTuesday Last DayFor Tuitions—MatherCall Out for Capand Gown FreshmenWith the start of school, Cap andGown announces its yearly trials forstaff positions to take place in itsoffices in Ellis hall on Wednesday.Oct. 7.These trials are open to all fresh--r.en interested in art, literary, andbusiness work.Work will begin immediately afterthe tryouts and continue during Au¬tumn and Winter quarters. Beforethe close of Spring quarter a selec¬tion of 10 freshmen will he announced ito act as associate editors for the com¬ing year. From this choice will bechosen an editor in chief, a businessmanager, two managing editors, anda woman’s editor, in the junior year.Advertising men will be paid a com¬mission on sales at the same timequalifying for staff positions on thebusiness end of the Cap and Gown.The business candidates may enterfor the circulation or office staffs.Business candidates m^y enter com¬petition for the circulation, office, oradvertising staffs. Adverting menwill receive commissions on sales.Freshmen are urged vto sign up»orrj©Wednesday for competition. Frater¬nities and clubs are requested to sendout freshmen for both departments.* «£-• An announcement was made byMr. Mather of the cashier’s officeyesterday, that tuition for the Fallquarter must be paid in full byTuesday, October 7. The usual latepayment fine of $5.00 will be as¬sessed on any student paying histuition after that time.Students who are either for finan¬cial or for any other reasons unableto comply with the rule, may ar¬range for part payment or paymentin full at a later date, if they applyat the Cashier’s office to explaintheir circumstances. Women to Rally atW. A. A. TorchTonightWomen gridiron enthusiasts willbe given an opportunity to displaythe;r cheering ability at the W. A. A.torch to be held tonight at 6 on the What is believed to be the mostsuccessful fall season for the pub¬lishing of good and unusual booksis the present year of 1924 accordingto the University Press, which hasjust issued its catalogue for the com¬ing months. Many volumes, replete■with information for both scholarand layman appear within the coversof the new catalogue, and it is firmlybelieved by that department of theUniversity that no books will be pub¬lished elsewhere this fall that willbe more important in scope thanthose on its list.One of the books, appearing com¬pletely revised for the first time ineighteen years, is a “Manual offield west of Ida Noyes hail. The!SWe” compiled W th* editorialfunction Is an annual affair, and | the Uniyeraity Fress officeconsists of a picnic supper around a MAROON-PURPLE MEETIN GRID DINNER TODAYTwo Teams, Coaches Will Be Guests of Honor atCity Club; Plan to Make BanquetAnnual AffairDESIGN NEW UNIFORMSFOR STUDENT CADETSTo Be Distinctive in Design andStyle Is Headquarter’s PromisePlans for tailor-made uniforms,cut to fit and made especially to themeasure of he men, are being drawnup by Major F. M. Barrows, com¬mandant of the Department of Mili¬tary Science, Captain Mathews,Lieut. Blair, and Lieut. Gildart, itwas anounced from the R. 0. T. C.office late yesterday. Numerousuniversities throughout the countryfit the punior and senior students inregular army officers’ khaki, and theplan is going to be trid out at theUniversity in the very near future,it was stated here.“The uniforms will be distinctivein design,” said Lieut. Gildart, in ex¬plaining the idea, “and will bear uni¬que insignia which will show at aglance that the wearer is a memberof the iFeld Artillery corps of theR. O. T. C. of the University of Chi¬cago. There will be no charge forthe uniforms to advanced studentsof the military department. Thetailored suits will undoubtedly be ahuge success.”bonfire, built in the center of the |field, followed by songs and cheers ilater in the evening.“Freshmen, especially, are wel-1come.” said Mary Davis, who is in icharge of the entertainment. “Thetorch is not only one of the mostcherished traditions among Univer¬sity women, by providing an infor¬mal opportunity for freshmen to be¬come acquainted, but it also givesthe women of ’28 a chance to learnthe songs and cheers which play so(Continued on page 3) and edited by Dr. Stevens, head ofthe department of English.Filipino Club toStage Dance Sat.An inter-club tournament dance willbe staged under the auspices of theUniversity Filipino Triangle Club atReynolds Club, Saturday evening, Oct.4, at 8 o’clock.This is the first dance of its kindundertaken by the Triangle Club, andall students are incited. 'Know Your MopSlogan NowFulfilled 99If You Wear His PinMust You Marry HimCall for Frosh toHelp in Intramural*A meeting open to all freshmeninterested in assisting sophomoremanagers in carrying out the intra¬mural campaign inaugex^ted lastspring will be held on the basketballfloor in Bartlett gymnasium todayat noon.Freshmen assistant managers willaid in sueprvising the intramuralsports. Competition will last the en¬tire year. Three of the assistantswill then be chosen as sophomoremanagers. #Fraternities are asked to send outmen for competition. Unaffiliatedmen are also needed to help organizenon-Greek teams. • i Fraternity men who are sans pins—who have placed their badges inthe tender care of delectable cam¬pus women—beware! Cupid is puz¬zled and perhaps aroused! Is a fra¬ternity pin the same in effect as anengagement ring? If a girl wearsa man’s fraternity pin, are they en¬gaged?Thes are questions which havestirred the world to its romantic heart since officials at theUniversity of Delaware have orderedyouths who had given their badgesto girls to recall their insignia orannounce their engagements.Traditions PasseOne group at Pitt and Tech claimthat the old traditions are passe andthat the wearing of a fraternity pinno longer denotes wedding bells orthe immediate possibility of matri¬mony—“Qnly affection and all thatsort of thing.” But still there is an¬other coterie in the Eastern univer¬sities that holds a fraternity badge,as binding as a diamond, and muchmore economical for the time being.“Sister pins” are becoming thelatest novelty. These enable the col¬legian to give a pin to a girl, wear one himself, and avoid all possibilityof being mistaken as a pair about toembark on the seas of matrimony.“It isn’t wise anyhow to wear afraternity pin unless you are en¬gaged,” one campus girl confessedto a Maroon reporter. “Other mendon’t come around if you do.”Fine Men NowThe question of the rights of indi¬vidual members to dispose of theirpins is coming up frequently amongthe different campuses. One frater¬nity is said to impose a fine of $50on any man who permits a girl towear his pin and does not marry her.Another fraternity has a nationalfund for redeeming fraternity pinswhich have been pawned. The menwho ' pawn pirs are expelled; Onefraternity upheld in the police courtsone of their members who had beenlocked up for forcibly removing theemblem of his fraternity, whichsome fond lad hpd bestowed ir» hisbugftlic moment, from a dancer in aPittsburgh cabaret.Butfstill—it is Leap Year. Sup¬pose the pins are taken seriously bya sex that has a small sense of hu¬mor? Are pledge pins, too, asequally Finding? . - , Mops are no longer mysterious.The purchasing department of theUniversity knows all about themnow. Not only does it knfiw whatmops are best, but it knowf why.The Cotton JMop test, ttegun ointhe summer of 1923, and reportedlast year in The Daily Maroon asbeing under way, is now completedin every detail, after one year of investigation, and is described in areport just issued. The Purchasingdepartment undertook the exp eri-ment as its contribution to the pro¬gram of the Educational Buyers’ as¬sociation. The purpose was to de-j termine the kinds of mops bestadapted to use by the janitors of theUniversity.The report, in part, follows i:“The test of cotton floor 'l.mopswas begun in the Summer ofi 1923at the request of several manufac¬turers. The preliminary work wascarried on during the Summer;jtjuar-ter with the assistance of Roy L.Wilson, a senior in the School ofCommerce and a member of theclass in Purchasing. With ms as¬sistance we determined the Lajjis ofthe tests and made the preliiijjnaryreport. The test was completed atthe end of the Summer quarter,1924. The later work was doqi andthe following final report was drawnup with the assistance of E. A,,. Jen¬sen, also a member of the School ofCommerce and now pureffiasingagent for Wittenberg College. | j“Obviously, a cotton floor rtlop isintended to clean floors by rubbingthe floor with soapy water. After(Continued on page 3) j(Y. M. CabinetMeet* on Monday—All cabinet members of the YoungMen’s Christian Association aifp re¬quested to meet in the Y. M. f). A.offices at 4:00 p. m., Monday, ^ wasannounced by Gerald Karr Smith,Y. secretary, yesterday.“Many new ideas will be broughtup for the coming year at this fleet¬ing,” Smith said, “and I hop*j| thatall cabinet members will be oq';handand lend their support for the, com¬ing year.” ~ .v ; 2 Preceding their yearly gridironstruggle, Northwestern and Chicagowill meet at a football banquet inhonor of the two University squadstonight at 6:30. The meeting givenfor students and alumni of the twoinstitutions is scheduled for the ban¬quet of the City Club, 315 S. Ply¬mouth Court.The Purple and Maroon footballcandidates, football mentors, Staggand Thistlethwaite, the presidents ofthe two universities, a 1 formerathletes, will be guests of honor atthe dinner. Among the latter willbe Pete Russell, ’15, quarterback andcaptain, who as president of tlveCity Alumni association, has chargeof the campaign to bring out stu¬dents and alumni of the Universityof Chicago. Letters have beer writ¬ten to all alumni.Ben F. Newman, of the class of’ll, heads the alumni committee incharge of getting out the Chicagocontingent. Joseph F. Hall, ’21,and Andrew E. Wigelandof, ’13,compose the remainder of the com¬mittee.Announce SpeakersAmong the speakers will be CoachA. A. Stagg of Chicago, and CoachGlenn 7 nistlethwaite of Northwest¬ern, Captains Gowdy and Wienecke,Pres. Ernest DeWitt Burton of Chicago, and Pres. Walter Dill Scott ofNorthwestern.The banquet tonight will inaugur-*ate plans for Many similar occasionsto be held arnually preceding thefootball struggle between the timehonored Conference rivals for thecity title. Arrangements have beenin the hands of a joint committee ofalumni of the two schools. The al¬umni have asked for the cooperationof the undergraduate bodies in en¬tertaining the two football squads.The charge will be $2.00 a plate.DOES COLLEGE RUINSTUDENTS ASKSPROFESSORDo our students leave college lessprepared to face life successfully thanbefore they entered? Irwin Edman,assistant professor at Columbia Uni¬versity, believes that an ever increas¬ing number of them do, and Profes¬sor Edman holds college and collegeteachers responsible for unsettlingmuch of the best youth of the nation.Professor Edman, in the OctoberCentury Magazine takes RichardKane, an average hoy of an unintel¬lectual wholesome family, who “getseducation” as the exponent of a typethat in the light of Professor Edman’sexperience, is steadjly increasing,througli college where the environ¬ment and the training not only inspirein him a love for the “eternal things,’’hut create also a contempt for the“practical things” whereby he musteventually earn his living.At college something unaccountablehappened to Richard. And in thelight of all the comic and causticthings said wholesale about andagainst the contemporary undergrad¬uate, it may be well to go on recordwith the documented belief that thatunaccountable thing has happened tomany. His education began to take.College became for him, all thecomic weeklies to the contrary not¬withstanding, a place of intellectualwonder and refreshment arid delight.In his second summer home Rich¬ard worked in a law office for thesummer, and by the end of it he knewhe didn’t want to be a lawyer. Insur¬ance and bond salesmanship appealedto him even less. He had read “Bab¬bitt” and “Main Street.’’ He didn'twant to be the one or live on theother. About April of his junior yearhe drifted in for advice.<i have taken at random the case of(Continued cn page 2)af* •da* * * * - -«** « IP’ nfrPage Two THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1924®Ijp Sailg iUarnnn~The Student Newspaper of tileUniversity of ChicagoBybliahed mornings, except Sunday andMonday durinsr the Autumn. Winter andSpring quarters by The Daily MaroonCompany. in all our cojleges, every year, a larg? !group of students, among them* the Imost sensitive and responsive who gothrough the educational mill, towardthe close of their college careers areunprepared for life. Y. W. HOLDS FIRST VESPERSERVICES OF FALL QUARTEREntered as second class mail at the Chi¬cago 1‘ostofflce, Chicago. Illinois, March13. 190fi, under the act of March 3, 1873.Offices Ellis 1Telephones:Editorial Office Midway 0800Business Office Fairfax 5522 KEYSTONE OF OLD SCHOOLBUILT IN ‘C’ BENCH WALK. Member ofThe Western Conference Press AssociationEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTI ES RIVER MANAGING EDITORAllep Heald News EditorMilton Kauffman News Editorc'or Wisner News Editor.. .an Weaver Sports EditorAbner H. Berezniak Day EditorAllan Cooper Day EditorDeemer Lee Day EditorReese Price Day EditorWalter Williamson Day EditorWOMEN’S DEPARTMENTWeir Mallory Women's EditorGertrude Bromberg 'Asst. EditorLois Gillanders Asst. EditorMarjorie Cooper Soph. EditorRuth Daniels Soph. EditorDorothy Kennedy Soph. EditorFrances Wakeley Soph. EditorMarjorie Roth Sports EditorViolet Pritzsker Asst. EditorEvelyn Thompson Society EditorMarjorie Sale Feature WriterBUSINESS STAFFHerbert C. DeYoung.... Business ManagerEdward Bezazian Asst. Business Mgr.Thomas IT Mulroy.. .Advertising ManagerLeland Neff Circulation ManagerEthan Granouist AuditorLe Roy Hansen ‘"'ollection ManagerI.eo Stone Asst. Feature WriterASSISTANTSMilton Kreines. Myron Weil. Eliot Ful¬ton. Maurice Lipcovitz, Philip Kaus, JackPinctis, Sidney Collins. Thomas Field,Delmar Fry, Dudley Emmerson.INTRAMURALSIntramurals are called to thefreshman’s attention. Although theyrepresent a new activity, they arefirmly established here, and are inthe hands of competent men. Forthe new man who finds a real inter¬est in athletics, without being ableto participate in inter-colegiate com¬petition, the management of intra¬mural sports offers an attractivecampus activity. This quarter thedepartment will conduct touchball,horseshoe pitching, soccer football,track, and golf tournaments. Thebenefits of sports placed on this per¬sonal basis are apparent. There's ameeting for those interested, thisnoon in Bartlett. We urge the 1923men to support i group which isworking for the nysical and socialadvancement of n greater numberof men than any other activity. (Continued from page 1)out of place in such a position, decidedto present it to the present Universityto be placed, instead, to a traditionalpurpose.On Alumnae day, in 1922, the stonewas presented, with all due ceremony,to the University of Chicago, as a me¬morial of the early school, from whichthe present one grew. At that timeno one could think of any proper po¬sition in which to place the keystone,so it was stored in Harper Memoriallibrary.Now, the University has acquired anew tradition, for one person who de¬sires to add to Chicago’s spirit andtradition has caused the block to heplaced in a very apropos position.Where before there was mud andwater for two-thirds of the collegeyear, and dust the other third, thereis now a new cement walk, wideenough to permit the milling crowdsat the entrance to Cobb hall to stand Iand talk awhile between masses. This jis the plot of ground in front of the !C-bench, heretofore merely trampled |turf. And in the center of this new ,;mprovement has been placed the key- ]stone of the old University, symboliz- iing the growth of our school from jthat beginning, as does the Phoenix on !our shield. Below the stone is to beplaced a bronze tablet, with the in¬scription:1856- 1886From the OldUniversity of Chicago. (Continued from page 1)institution which has been a part ofthe association’s activities since itsfounding in 1894. Although prom¬inent people from other colleges anduniversities have talked at the serv¬ices, people connected with the Uni¬versity have been foremost.Last year the policy of intensivequarterly discussion was inauger-ated. Each quarter a general topicis chosen, and the main talk of eachweek deals with some phase of thisproblem. Last year the autumnquarter meetings were devoted toconsideration of various prejudiefies,winter quarter, to a study of greatreligions of the world, and springquarter, to citizenship.Among the speakers of 1923-24were Dean T. B. Smith, Miss MaryMacDowell of the University settle¬ment; Mrs. John Paul Goode, staterepresentative, and Gertrude Baer,who spoke before the summer con¬ference of the Women’s Internation¬al League for Peace and Freedom.Upperclass councillors have beenurged to be present Wednesday withtheir freshmen.PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS HYDE PARKHERALDIt gives you the news aboutHyde Park Churches, Clubs,Stores and Social Service.SUPT. MILLIKENwrites this week on“REDUCING JUVENILEDELINQUENCYthorough CommunityServicePublished Every Fridayat 5431 Lake Dark Ave.On Sale at theUniversity Rookstore *EDWIN J. GEMMERELIZABETH STOKESPIANIST TEACHER—CONCERT. SOPRANO TEACHER91" Kimball Hall\Vaba»h KlrtO6199 Evans Are. 7335 Coles Ave.MEN LIKE WILKINSDean Wilkins gave adequate sum¬mary of Freshman Week in the in¬terview published yesterday by TheDaily Maroon. He ascribes theweek’s success to the way in whichit cleared up registration and pre¬liminary instruction of freshmen be¬fore the first classes convene. Thedean, however, is far too modest.The real success of the week iies inthe original idea, and the way inwhich the idea was carried out. Andboth for the idea and the program,the dean is responsible. There arebut two other universities in thecountry, to our knowledge, whichhave made use of a similar idea. Inthese, the freshmen are summoneda day or two earlier than the return¬ing students in order to facilitatefraternity rushing. Without, doubt,the University’s plan will be consid¬ered by every college and universityin the country, and will be adoptedby many. We are not boastful; wemerely wish to impress upon thefreshmen that our University owesits leadership to the untiring serv¬ices of men like Dean Wilkins.DOES COLLEGE RUINSTUDENTS ASKS PROFESSOR(Continued from page 1)Richard Kane. I could substitutetwenty-five or thirty others at ran¬dom. Tn some cases the father is alawyer, sometimes a broker, sometimesa salesman. Sometimes the family isvery poor or very rich. Sometimesthe boy is really gifted, could he findhimself. Sometimes he is swimmingtoo long in waters altogether too deepfor him. But the story is the same,and the moral, if any, equivalent. Thecommencement orators may talk asthey will about the call to service, andthe colleges may be, as they are sin¬cerely trying to prepare students forcitizenship* but those who are inter¬ested in facing the realities of our ed¬ucational situation must face this fact: Do You Puzzle Over New Words?-over exact definitions or pronunciations of words!-over the identity of historic characters!-over questions of geography?-over points of grammar, spelling, punctuation* or English usage?Look them up inWEBSTER’S COLLEGIATEThe e.Best <ZAbridged. 'Dictionary—‘Based. UponWEBSTER’S NEW INTERNATIONALMore than 106,000 entries. A special section shows, withexamples, rule* of punctuation, use of capitals, abbrevi¬ations, etc. 1700 illustrations. 1256 pages. Printed onBible Paper. A desk book for every student.See It at Your ColUgt Bookoiort or Writefor Information to the Publiehere. Fr*tepeeimen pagti if you mention tkie paper.G. fit C. MFRRJ .A CO., Springfield, Mass.{Jor Young MenThere is nothing like aSTETSONST young men todayknov/ the importance oflooking fit. Good ap¬pearance counts muchin the game of life. The youngman who dresses with taste hasa decided advantage.But—it is surprising how littlethought the average man givesto his hat. It is his crown, yet heseems to stop dressing at the neck.Be careful in your selection ofyour headwear. When you buy ahat, select a Stetson. Its style isright., its quality means long wear.HES When you buyA BRIEF CASEnote these:How many pockets?Are any of them extra wide for my larger books?Is the bottom, or the whole bag supported with straps?Has it an extension lock for added expansion?How is the handle fastened?Is the stitching knotted, or riveted?Is it of full grain leather of standard weight?Buy your bag intelligently — not merely by its price tag.It gets hard wear.Our bags are of good quality,r we**-Our prices are right,Get yours today atTHE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGOBOOKSTORE5802 Ellis AvenueRent A CarFromJ & LDRIVE IT YOURSELFSYSTEMBRAND NEW FORDSandWILLYS KNIGHT CARSRented By the MileA very convenient service for week end trips and forsocial needs throughout the week.Our rates afford efficient closed or open car convenienceat a much lower cost than taxicab fares.DRIVE IT YOURSELF SYSTEM, Inc.6118-28 Cottage Grove Ave. Phones Hyde Park 4111, 4181Open All Day e«d NightPATRONIZE MAROON ADVERTISERS.« /e~£rcINITIAL CHECK OF WRESTLERSREVEALS DEARTH OF HEAVIES;NEW MATERIAL EXPECTED OUTHundred-sixty-pound Class Riches Field; Football MenWill Be in Running as Soon asSeason Closes rHEpAlLY MAROON, THURSDAY, OCTOBER.3, 192411 ■■ '■ : ——* i ’KNOW YOUR MOPS;SLOGAN NOW FULFILLEDFirst cai! for wrestling went < utyesterday afternoon when Coach Spi¬ros K. Voorcs announced that prac¬tice would start Monday afternoon. Agood turnout of men from last yearis expected, with substantial addi¬tions at the end of the football sea¬son. several of the more beefy grid-ders being expected to enter the matlists at that time. It is upon this lat¬ter material that Coach Voores de¬pends for his heavyweights, since lastyear’s big men have nearly all left.Captain Ball, who wrestles in the WOMEN TO RALLY ATW. A. A. TORCH TONIGHT(Continued from page 1)prominent a part in fotball games.”Upperclass women, with or with¬out freshmen, have been urged to at¬tend the entertainment. The sup¬per, which will be served from longtables around the bonfire, will con¬sist of wieners, buns, apples, cakes,and coffee. In case of rain, the pepsession will be held in the gymna¬sium on the second floor of IdaNoyes hall.127-pound class, will he hack to lead ! . Ticke‘8 an; on 5fl<‘ for twe"tS'eri.,. . ! hve cents and may be purchased atthe grapplers. Takaki, last year’s best I117-pound man, returns, with Wigginsand Mayer in £jbe same weight.Captain Ball’s division will also in¬clude _Gable^_ancL^^^^_ -UBWp„f mary uavrs, jjB. Sachar, all men who have yet to I aret Davis and Mary Monilaw<make their marks on the padded floor.!In the 137-pound class appear GeorgeGray, and Friedberg, men from lasetyear who will have to carry most ofthe work in their own section.Schimberg, 147-pounder, is havingtrouble with his arm. and will prob- (Continued from page 1)the floor has been ruDbed or moppedthe floor mop must absorb or pickup the dirty water. Therefore, theefficiency of the floor mop will de¬pend upon its abilty to withstandwear and upon its abilty to absorblarge quanities of water which maybe readily expelled by passing themop through a wringer.‘‘We passed each sample througha mop wringer, using a standardweight of one hundred and sixtypounds on the foot lever. We thenimmersed each sample in the samestone jar for thirty seconds, held itup and let it drip for thirty seconds,and then passed it through the mopwringer, using the same standardweight on the foot laver. We thenweighed the water which had beensqueezed out and weighed the dampmop. This showed not only theamount of water that could easilybe expelled, but the weight of themop after wringing.“The same method was used indetermining the absorbing qualitiesof the various samples after the rotating head and suspended the de¬vice six inches from the floor. Wethen mounted a motor on a table onone side of the room and belted themotor to the drive wheel of the ro¬tating device. The next step wasto build up a little concrete ledgearound the edge of the space cov¬ered by the machine 'so as to forma shallow saucer for the mops totravel in.“The machine was so constructedthat it carried four mops at a time,and each mop traveled slowly icr-ward and back in a six foot semi¬circle. By filling the saucer withsoapy water, we were able to dupli¬cate exactly the wearing effect ofmopping a cement floor. Each ofthe twenty-eight mops was left onthe machine for 66 hours, then takenoff, washed, dried and weighed.” Page ThreeClassified AdsSTUDENTSMake goed use of your leisure mo¬rn tnits; they are sands of preciousgold; rent an Underwood from themanufacturer at less than 10 cents perday; practice at home.Underwood Typewriter Co., trance, with bath, and .washroom inthe rom. Many conveni. Suit, for 1or 2, $5. 5203 Kimbark Ave. 2d fl.WANTED—To rent piano forpractice, 4 days each week. H. P.0874. Irwin.WANTED—To exchange room torefined young woman for a fewi hours weekly of campanionship.37 S. Wabash Ave. Randolph 4680 6042 Kenwood Ave.Portables 10 day free trial.FOR SALE—Remington Portable,good as new; half price for cash.Tel. Midway 3290. 5712 Dor., 3rd.NEFF CALLS FORFRESHMEN FOR RENT—Comfortably fur¬nished bedroom, dining room, kitch¬en; sleeping porch, victrola, tea cart,etc. Suitable for 2 or 3 girls. Strict¬est privacy. 5435 Woodlawn. H.P. 7317.any of the dormitories, or from thefollowing members of the W. A. A.,board: ‘ Elizabeth Barrett, Louise wear test . . .Allen, Eleanor Fish, Adelaide Ames, “To meMureJhe^wear resistinglORGANIZE FACULTYSWIMMINGA swimming class for faculty wives; and dames is being organized, andably be unable to do a great deal this | those interested have been asked toyear, leaving this section open to allcomers, if George O’Brien cannot re¬turn.A wealth of material may be foundin the 160-pound section, with Castle,last year frosh captain, returning, andwith Clark, Hamilton and Wolff ex¬pected out later on. All are good menand should clean up in their class.Scott, out for football at the pres¬ent time, is the only likely candidatefor honors in the 177-pound group.Coach Voores is trying to getmatches with two teams outside theconference this year in addition to hisusual schedule. A rather heavy pro¬gram is planned, but he feels thatprospects are bright enough to war¬rant such preparation. The place forthe Conference meet has not yet beendecided, ar.d r.’:n be considered at acoaches' meeting next month.Freshmen, especially, have beenurged by Coach Voores to turn outfor the wrestling team. All undergrads, in fact, are invited. The bestof possibilities are offered, accordingto Voores. The small tnen have asmuch chance as the large, due to theseparation of the contestants imoclasses, according to weight. Lastyear sixteen numeral shirts wereawarded frosh during the Winterquarter.A good turnout will mean the form¬ing of a strong freshman team. Tiy-outs will be held regularly with theopportunity of being boosted into theregular green shirt section, recognizedas the true freshman team. A number of preparations are being made inconnection with the Intramurals department for an undergraduate wrestling tournament. The All-Universitygo held last Winter was a tremendoussuccess for those who appeared, andefforts will be put forth to double ortreble the turnout this year. The firstevent will probably take place insideof another month. A second one willfollow near the close of the Springquarter.CHICAGO KTHICAL SOCIETYA non-sectarian religions society to fosterthe knowledge, love and practice of theright. THE PLAYHOUSE y410 8. Michigan Ave.SUNDAY, OCT. 8, AT 11 A. M.ME. HORACE J. BRIDGESWill Speak onThe Genius of Joseph Conrad: A memorialTributeAll seats free. Visitors cordially welcome ' "MSSKuei, * was necesary to build a• ** -- •• ! machine which would duplicate themotion of the mop in service and. still eliminate the human elementand accurately measure the wear re¬sisting qualities. This sounds simpleenough, but many practical ditticul-ties were encountered. After muchdelay ar.d difficulty, however, we fin¬ally developed a machine that metall the requirements. We took thetop part of an old washing machinewith a forward and backward mo¬tion, mounted four brass rods in themake appointments for heart and lungtests at the medical office in IdaNoyes Hall. Examinations will begiven on Monday, Oct. 6. Leland Neff, Circulation man¬ager of The Daily Maronn, gave asecond call for freshmen trying outfor bis staff yesterday, as the fullpersonnel he desired has not ap¬peared as yet. Freshmen who willbe able to devote one or two hoursa day to their work, preferably inthe morning. __a.te.Jthe type_which,will be most suitable, he said.PATRONIZE MAROONADVERTISERS FOR RENT—Well furnished out¬side lighted room, for lady. 5543Kenwood. Phone Mid. 1075. FOR RENT—Single room, $5;room to share with student, $3.50.Men only. Beard if desired. 5517Dorchester Ave.LOST—Ring, one large diamondwith five small diamonds and 8 sap¬phires. Reward. Drexel 0038.FOR RENT—Attractive doubleroom, also one single room; excellentlight and heat; telephone; use of par¬lor • »ILj»edsrn~CTJ’nveriienveB. Refer¬ences exchanged. Only girls needapplq. 6116 Woodlawn. Phone Midway 3301J. R. HUMPHREYGENERAL EXPRESSING_ FnrwfitFOR RENT—Several well fur¬nished, comfortable roms; private en- Packing, Shipping, Long DistanceRauling1029 East 55th StreetEstimates Furnished on RequestCOWHEY’S. E. Corner 55th. A EUis Ave.EN S WEAR 6c BILLIARDSSport ReturnsBy Special Wire At Chicago on Saturday!Don’t miss the Sisson Foot-j-y>^ball Luncheon, before thet*$ game. Everybody goes! Five^minutes from Stagg Field.GRIDIRON LUNCHEONone dollar and a half.And remember there is a spe¬cial Sisson Dinner-Dance onSaturday night. Everybodyinvited! Wonderful music forthe party is promised, too.SPECIAL DINNER DANCESissonLAKE MICHIGAN AT FIFTY-THIRD STREBTFAIRFAX 1000SPECIAL COURSE FOR PRO¬FESSIONAL BANJO PLAYINGGet m guitar, mandolin or banjo ukulelefree with one term of lemons.Wilson School of MuskHyde Park MMTYPEWRITERSGuaranteed Portables$15.00Faculty ExchangeBex 0 HomebeautifulAny Room is as beautiful as its Fur¬niture and Floor Coverings. For 49years, we have furnished qualityFloor Coverings for many homes andoffices. Our Furniture will give youservice, as well as to beautify anyhome. Come in and look around. .fi.¥.Ridmrdson&(6.125 So. Wabash Ave. For writing easeand legibilityThe Wahl Ten was designed forwriting ease and legibility. It is aperfected, modem writing instrumentwhich will aid you in acquiring apractical hand, a readable expressionof your thoughts.All metal construction—gold orsilver for permanence and service¬ability—gives light weight, fine bal¬ance, increased ink capacity, strengthto resist wear and abuse. And bringsthe designer opportunity to producea pen matching the beauty of a hand¬somely cased watch.Prices in gold filled or silvermodels $5 to $10.Made in the U. S. A. byTHE WAHL COMPANY, ChicagoCanadian FaBorj: THE WAHL COMPANY, Ltd., TorontoManufacturer* of the IVchl Erersharp and (he WaUAll-Metal Fountain PenEversharp is made in designsmatching Wahl PenJ GET YOUR WAHL PENand YOUR EVERSHARP PENCILatWOODWORTH’S BOOK STOREOpen Every Evening 1311 E. 57th StPage Fburand his newly acquired brothersmatch coins for the ten-buck top-piece. j • ■) «THE DAILY-MAROON, -’-HURSDAY^ OCTOBER 3, 1924He never winks, but nictitates;His heart not beats, but palpitates;And when he thinks he cerebrates—This cross-word puzzling guy.Not stubborn, but intransigent,And never apt, but pertinent;No paper this, but documentTo cross-word puzzling eye.Surender is capitulation,And simple thought is meditation.Or (as aforesaid) cerebrationIn cross-word puzzling slang.Yet other faults than this I find,When I dissect the puzzler’s mind;To learn what makes the gear-wheelsgrindAnd why he pinions bang.For Rafter Christ” he writes A. C.A compass point is E. S. E.,And XVI oz. are lb.In crossword puzzling math;The god of mid-day sun is Ra,The Cracker State is merely Ga.,And Pennsylvania, ’stead of Pa.Stirs cross-word puzzling wrath.You ask me how I know this thing,?’*trnjre bixed the mud I sling,Why I these awful charges "Li lug—’Gainst cross-word puzzling folk?The answer I am 'shamed to tell—For scarce escaped from puzzlers’HellWhat right have I to loudly yellAnd caustic fun to poke?*L’EnvoiPrinces and nobles, one and all,With those dread things have noughtto do—A puzzle solved does quickly pallWhen one unsolved comes into view;An addict’s fate is clear as air—Always and ever a crtSss to bear. LAMENTOn my desk and on my table.On my shelves are books galore,Books that I have pondered over,Books that I will ope no more.Other ghost-like volumes haunt me,Volumes that are gone for aye;Why with all these many volumesNeed I any books to buy? New andSecond - hand For all U. of C.CoursesCRUELTY TO DUMB ANIMALSCustomer: Will gargling carbolicacid kill germs?Druggist: Yes, but how are yougoing to make them gargle it?Three more lines is all the spaceleft, and this will just about do thetrick, if I guessed right.—Shrimp-Rumor hath it that Missouri’scoach has doped out some new for¬mations based on cross-word puzzledesigns. You dictionary diggersbetter go out Saturday and katcha neat litle exhibition of cross-wordpuzzle solutioning.A CASE FOR THE DEPARTMENTOF CORRECTIVE GYMNASTICSThere is a poor Junior called Red,Who has a big bump on his head;- It’s only his nose.But gosh, how it grows,And gosh, what a mess if it bled!OUR DAILY KUOTE FROM OURCONTEMPORARYMaroon head: FROSH EXAMNOT TEST OF SANITY SAYSTHURSTONE.Hitherto, nobody ever thought itworth while to look for sanity undera green cap.OLD STUFF FROM AN OLDCONTRIBHe: Were you on Long Island thesame time the Prince was?Hero: Yes, he was there the sametime I was.—Sir Plu. Wit.The poor misguided frosh has ahard tine of it. He arrives herewith the roof of his hat looking likethe coatours of a well-developedbrain. Then he gives that one tothe janitor, and buys a gray crea¬tion with a disconsolate brim, andas soon as he figures out how towear it, they give him a green cap Speaking ofFootball —WE WANT toil.hr L/F youENTERTAIN thoseOUT-of-town,FOOTBALL questsOF yours.WE WANT themTO ENJOY every minuteOF THEIR stayAND WHEN they leaveTO go awayBOOSTING ChicagoAND telling everyoneTHEY meetJUST WHAT a great /TIME they hadWITH entertainmentGALORE andNOT ONE dull momentDURING their visit—THAT is whyWE recommend theCHICAGO Beach Hotel,CHICAGO’S greatest hotelFOR theirSTOPPING placeWHILE they areIN THE cityIT IS mighty handyTO STAGG Field.AND tooYOU CANT affordTO HAVE them missTHE BIG danceIN thePEACOCK RoomTHE NIGHT ofTHE gameChicagoBeach HotelHyde Park Boulevardon the LakePhone Hyde Park 4000A. G. PULVER, Gen. Mgr.In the LeadWith Athletic SuppliesFOR MEN—Shirts—Trunks—Shoes, Etc. FOR WOMEN—Middies—Bloomers—Shoes, Etc.WOODWORTH’S BOOK STOREOpen Every Evening 1311 E. 57th St Woodworth’s Book Store1311 £. 57th Street, between Kimbark and Kenwoodm■!i✓&til<71AV1’ Men’s FurnishingsThat Mark the Fad for Fall®®®-IF a hobby of yours is the possession of hand¬some dress accessories, then it is well if habitleads you to this store. For among the shirts,sweaters, scarfs and cravats assembled here aremany selected from far-away foreign markets, andyou could find their counterpart along Bond Streetor the Rue de la Paix. There are vast assortmentsto choose from, many of them copying autumn’sricher somber tones—others gay. Prices are low,considering the exclusive quality of the goods.MEN’S SHIRTSWhite Oxford French printsNegligee Shirts, collars to match,$2-50 $3-50Flannel Shirts, English Broadcloth,collars attached, | Very best quality,$3-oo $5:50Imported Sweater Coats $18.50Fair Isle Slipover Sweaters 12.00Knit Vests 6.50Wool Mufflers, in fancy plaids and stripes 4.00Imported Hosiery, pure wool, checks and stripes 2.50Silk and Wool Hosiery 1.50imported Wool House Gowns 20.00Middy Jajamas 2.50Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs 3 for 1.00Men’s English Caps 2.50Men’s Heather Grain Oxfords . 9.50Super-Seam Gloves 3.00Wide Leather Belts 1.50Imported Silk Neckwear 2.50Loewe Pipes . 5.00AS- ___^ Randolph and V/abash i ir L* T'-it