RUTH LOVETT TOHEAD DRAMATICSummer Positions Open to Men In CLUB NEXT YEAR Morgenstern, !\lills, Loehwing and�Iany I .... ields-Ofl'er Stenographic I Halrant Compete in Oratory; EllenMany Qualify in Shot Put, and Clerical Work to Women. Officers and Play Committee Coyne, Alma Morse and ,Marie Kohljumps, 1 00 Yard Dash of. Society Elected at Meet- ' in Reading. "C' Dinner at 6 the Openingand Hurdles 'I Numerous positions �or too college ing Yesterday I Event; judson to Address�raduate are now available, accord- F· I . h J Former Studentsrna s m t e ulius Rosenwald VIASECOSD ELDII�ATION MONDAY I irur to William B. Mather of the Em- RE-ELECT DOOLEY :MANAGER contest for excellence in oratory and"ployment bureau. Seniors who wish in the Florence Adams contest in dra-] REPEAT SENIOlt VAUDEVILLEto procure permanent jobs after grad- 'Novice trav': meet preliminaries . d h h h. . Ruth Lovett, '21, was chosen presi-] matic reading will be held tonight at 1uation an w 0 ave not mg particu- .' . I ••were run ofT yesterday on Sta.rg field 1 • • d I. dent of the Dramatic club at the an-18 m Mandel hall. Four have survived,' Alumni reunion week opens today• • ..... I ir.r 10 nun are requester to get mil . I· . 'Of those com-ie .in« n cualified in the �h ith h E I t b I nua elections of the society, held I the two semi-final roundS. for the WIth probably the largest number of� _. " 07 1 • � t ot« WI temp oymer; ureau I . . Ih t t 40· h b I· 43 th t fif t· .b d yesterday at 4 m Cobb 12A. Louis prizes. ' . ',', alumni the University has ever seen.s 0 pu; m t e rom Jump; , so a no mea Ion can e rna e as,. . . .; th' ht iti t Dooley, 21, was elected state direc- In the Rosenwald" contest William I As It IS the annual homecoming ofin the 109 yard dash' 18 in the high soon as e rig POSI IOn urns up., HI! ,',. .. . .., I I lditi t th t . b tor. e en Saunders and Lennox Grey, Morgenstern will talk on "The Econ-: the alumni, It IS especially significantjurnp, and 21 in the 120 yard low; f :1 U( dl IO� 0 edse tPermhanen JO s � were chosen as secretary and treas- omies of Democracy" George Millis I to the University. For this reason,h I 01' J,!'ra uatmg stu en s, t ere are a I " ':urdles, I t it i ! ure .. , respectIvely. RIchard Evans on "Anglo-American Accord" Walter I preparations have been made for a! go;'( many emporary POS} IOns open .. ' I . .Semi-finals will be run off today I t 11 t d t f th th I was elected assistant stage director. [Loehwing on "Supervised Trusts", record breaking crowd. The big af-o 0 a s u en s or e summer mon s. I '.and the finals will be staged tomor- I Th f ff th th t I Ruth Lovett has been a member of and David Halfant on "Industrial Un-I fair starts out today with the annual. : e arms 0 er e men e mos '. .row. In this afternoon's tr'ials all i . f . I . k 1 I the Dramatic club for three years i rest." I "C" dinner at 6, and another dinner. actory natrona service wor , a -I . I., hut ten men will be eliminated. m each! though not the most remunerative. I :nd h:s been .one of Its outstanding Announce Readings in Contest given by the W. A. A. at 6:30.event, and those remaining WIll corn-] Th . I f d d k it d stars ever smce her entrance. She I I th FI Ad t h Tomorrow a reception and dinnerpete in the finals. I e crucia 00 nee rna es I e-,' has taken leading parts all three years' n e orence ams contes t e will be given at 5 :30 by the school of'IIl1 Q )·r . '" i sirable that all muscular young men d the I d t 11 I' j. first contestant will read the follow-!, any ua I YIn., eet an IS season p aye sear ro es 10 •• • • Education in Ida Noyes hall, a Cam-. I offer themselves to stem the prob-I , .. '. I mg' selections: "May Is Building Her. .The following mer- qualified yester- bl f d h tag t I 'The Weepmg Willow Tree" and m H "b R· h d La Gil' . pus club dinner in Hutchinson cafe at_ 'a e 00 s or age nex year. ".. ouse, y IC ar a ienne; . . .p day: :. I The Thirteenth ChaIr." I "P I 139" "Th C "b L· d 6, the various fraternity reumons atShot put-Buchana, Argeropolis,! Other Jobs Open to Students I Dooley Successful Manager i sa mEll 'C e o�fo, : u;;. -6 in the chapter houses, the University..Levin, Dunn, Randal, Krogh, Lamont, 'I' For those who are not attracted by Louis Dooley has also held active I sa.y. en oyne WI rea e sing at 8 in Hutchinson court, and an1 . f k th f t I· I o. Highwayman," by Alfred Noyes.. .Barker Pohlman Rae Fisher, Moses, I arm wor ere are ac ory, c enca ! membership for three years and has, . informal dance at 10 m the Reynolds.' "• • I d I . b t Iifi d t I. I Alma Morse will read "Sehrab and'Vnght McCuaig Jumais, Perlstein, an sa es JO s open 0 qua I e s u-1 Just brought the club through a very' club.i . Lu, Re�d, Swank' Proudfoot, Eubank, I dents. In the past the companion successful year under his directorship.: Rus�um," by. Matthew Arn�ld, and On Saturday the alumni breakfast. � , I iti h be I I • I Mane Kohl will read ''I. selection from I . .• '" Rey, Reingold, Lindbohm, Teas, Brom- POSI Ions ave en very popu ar I All the plays this season have been: " . ." I will be held at 11 :30 m Ida NoyesI , 1- __ st�in, Hindmarsh, Heilman, McCready, I among the students, and this year,lj produced under his d�rection. . I The Companion of the MIle, by AI-I hall, special hall reunio_ns_ �� �,_ class-H' - - - -'-, - M·I Is al th area lew oeenpatlens A I -'ttee "·th h I fred Noyes. •... ," irsch, Hume, Reynolds, Tront, I - ! a usu, ere &0<;; .I.' "'" P ay comuu to serve WI t e : reumons at 4 on the quadrangles andi' ler, Boyd, Merriam, J.. Grey. I of this type. l�ft. Ther� are also one officers was chosen as follows: Eliz-! I in the Reynolds club, the big shanty" Broad' jUmp-Chu. rchill, Ziskind,o or two pOSltI�ns as hfe guard fd abeth Stone, Eve Kohl and Vories I DELTS. PHI PSIS, PSI U's, AND 'I ceremonies at 5, the general alumni• Bramhall, Lindberg, Rae, Dixon, I some good swimmers. Fisher. I ALPHA DELTS QUALIFY FOR dinner at 6 in Hutchinson commons,Wright. Rosengrant, Randall, Dunn, I �o� women there are not so many I BASEBALL FINALS ,followed by a brief business meetingHolmes, Barker, Perlstein, Swank, Ja- poaitions open, but the Employment I A al 'In fraterni ! and announcements, and the Senior, .novsky Krogh Lee Read Eubank I bureau can take care of a good many nnu fer atermty . I vaudeville at 8·45 in Mandel hall.p. • , " , ':.: S· P I V.ctr.':'s Today Will Battle for Su- ., Rey Crane Zimmerman Moses Ward applIcatIons for clencal or steno- mg rogram S N· I Convocation religious services willI " ", I . · premacy Tomorrow-Two IRes .(Continued on page 4) graphIC work. Outlined W· Y t d 1 be held on Sunday at 10:45 in MandelIn es er ay II 1 hall, followed by class and group re-Tea for Twenty PI·cm·c 13 000 COPIES OF " The annual University sing will be I. . h . fi 1 f h 'I union at 2. From 10 to 4 on Monday" I held • . . Wmners m t e seml- na sot e . I • dS gth S· I 0 ' tomorrow mght at 8 m Hutchm- • wIl be the semor class ay events,tren ens emor I JUNE PHOENIX G I, rt N d fi 't t· f interfraternity baseball, to be played I d t 8 30 th t' t'son s cou. 0 e m e Ime or ap-. . an a: e convoca Ion recep Ion.Week End ON SALE TODAY: peariDg has been allotted to each fra- today, WIll comp,eOO on Fnday for first.1 The doctors of philosophy luncheon. . place. Those who have reached the. .--- ternlty because the length of tIme for i . fi I D lTD I AI' WIll be held Tuesday, Convocation day,Alumni and near alumni will gather C . Can B Se eel F .. . . h h diff f I seml- na s are e ta au e ta, -I t 12 . th Q d I I b d thoples e cur rom smgmg vanes Wit t e erent ra-I 1 Ph' Ph. -K P . d I a , In e ua rang e c u , an efor tea at the PSI' U house Sunday . . A d' h ffi' 1 pha De ta I, lappa Sl, an 'I hi· t' d· t 6 30. Sales Women and at ternltIes. ccor mg to teo cIa s: . U.I Th' f th D Ita I aw sc 00 assocla Ion m�er a : •The class of 1919 is to be the guest . h thO ,. '11 be PSI pSI on. e WInner 0 eel Th' . Ie' dB k S m c arge, IS year s smg WI I I I h D I Ph' tch ·11' IS IS a so onvocatlon ayeof th I f 1920 t· tI acco d 00 tore . I Tau De ta-A p a e ta I rna WI I•• •e c ass 0 , s nc y r -I ' conducted exactly as the smgs of for-h' f h P' U'I ! At the reUnIon dmner there WIll beinno to tradl·tl·on Not qUI·te so tradl' -I' k d·" play t e wmner 0 t e Sl pSI on- lb· f . 1 di ddh • mer years so as to ma e a tra ItIon. P . t i a ne program, mc u ng an a resstional is the first annual Senior pic- SNAPPY COVER IS FEATURE of the affair for the University. PhI Kappa Sl .con e�t tomorrow. lof welcome by President Harry Prattnic Saturday somewhere in the wilds. I ---. Yesterday PSI UpsIlon won from • J db· f dd b th h·A diagram has been made to fa-. T D I 'I u son, a ne a ress y e c alr-, Just to show that they don't give Bound in an unusual cover of orange, TId . h' Kappa SIgma and Delta au etaman of the alumn' council and bya dam about the weather the Senior II the June number 0(" The Phoenix I C.I ltate matters. t eSI��s tel beat Sigma Chi, the winners of both i J M Sh Id Ih' 'f th, hne of march and the posItIon of .. f h . fi I ames . eon, c aIrman 0 eclass will gather toomrrow at 12 in makes its appearance today. It will . •. matches quahfymg or t e seml- na s I' ·ttee Th tefront of Cobb for an al fresco diS-I be on sale by saleswomen on the each fraternlt�'s seats after smgmg. today. The scores were -1, 5-0, re- genera (Creunt�on dcomml .3) e vo. Each group Will be announced by the . on ""U� on page('ussion of picnic pI:ms. Many novel campus all day and m the BookstoreI d Th b I '11· h f spectIvely., • .' ea ere e ug er WI gIve t e ra-I ;::;::e:�ic����:u::I::da ;!u::: r:::,! for 15 :';:;�e Humor Sfttion �e;ity'� w�::tle� �r��ou�, :h; ��f- FEDERAL-R-ES-E-R-V-E-N-I-EN GET i Interfra�er:mt>: R, e I a yI. fat man's race, three-legged race, ai' Among the features of the number t: ' ;n t W\ ou .I� ��mu: uc I� I' $20 INCREASE IN SALARIES! Prebmmanes Run• t ! sack race, 50 yard dash, married wom- are' ··A Word About l\lr Angell," by f e rtahernl YthWl tS mfarthc --- ! Today at 3:30, I . . rom e sou wes comer 0 e Ien s race, and .th� li�e. . James Weber Linn; ··Concord of 1 court around the walk to the east, I Harold De Baun, president of the! .. ---Students maJonng m field tnps are I Sweet Sound," by A. P. S.; uSpring-1 d th rth d t th rt Federal Board club has received: Prehmmary heats for the annualI an en no ,an en er e cou ' I'cxpt.·tted to attend en masse. No time Advice," by Jerry Westby; and I t th rth t r· the word from Congressman P. Darrow ,interfraternity relay race will be run.... a e no eas comer, ormmg 1 IcredIt WIll be �.. Iven. Box your own I poetry by Elizabeth Roberts, Jessica I . I . th t ,that the training pay for federal re- I off today at 3:30 on Stagg field. OnlyI. f· . Clrc e In e cen ere I I··unt'hes. Brmg enough money or I North and Janet LeWIS. . . .' : serve men has been increased $20 per· teams appearmg today wIll be ablef h Each fraternIty Will smg eIther two i I fi h' hcare are orne. There are also two short stories and I ,month due to the passage of an I to enter the nals of the race, w ICThn• • • , • ·11 ' songs of two stanzas each, or one I' .. I•'-. mVlt.c"ltlOn tea SuO( a� WI not I articl-cs of opinion by Alexander Find- . . I amendment to the thIrd defiCIency ap- i wIll be hdd tomorrow. The teams1 I· d hI . h song of three stanzas. Orgamzatlons Ii·le qUlt(' so (ashm�:m at ctic, ut lav Howard Beale Theodore Rose- . propriation bill by congress. : whIch havc entered anel are requested. .·n h' h h'l h • I ., , I have been requested not to SlOg four I i I hIt '''I, (' qUIte wort w I <!, t ey sa�. nak :mel Gerald Katuin. The humor' I i to appear to( ay arc: Alp a TauTh t I" I stanzas d thesame song. After the, 'OB t Ph' Ch' P . D It Ke (l� may le I('e(. I s(lction is enlar"ed this month and .' '. Ie \P \'"'0 rO"'N SU,BSCRIBERS mega, e a I, lSI, e a ap-_ , . .... ,I smgmg the l�ader of the fratermty I" �.� \W n. .._ � �. ..according to the editor contains some I . .., I 'lUST CAl I FOR BOOKS XOW I pa Ep�· .. lon, Delta SIgma PhI, Delta• • ' I WIll start the CIrcle agam marchmg I' , , .".. h' ThALSTRlA� ImUEF CAMPAIGN funny stuff. I . . hi: Up�qlon, Kappa SI)!mn, P I Dclt.c"l e-tWIce around th<! fountam, and t en ! t Ph' K P . Ph' K S·Owin� to the fact that it will be "Th' . h sort of b th tiC d G '11 t h h ld a, lappa 51, lappa Igma,IS IS t e num er a I elirectly to the location as shown on I ,ap an owns WI no eel. ....impossihle to conduct a campus so- .. I . f Sell PhoeDlx club PSI UpSIlon Elgma AI-, . • .. you WIll hke to tak<! home to show the chart above. I for subscrIbers a ter atur ay, ac- I .' . . 'licitation for the benefit of starving! th f Ik" 'd Ed·t "IY f I UIt· 0 d· t t de pha EpSIlon, SIJ!ma ChI. Coach Tome 0 s, sal I or n au. IS Followinf! the sinJ,ring of Phi Gam- 1 cor .m� 0 an announcemcn ma I• •Au�trians, thc Undergraduate Coun- d h h d . . ht d' , b t'-- ta&r t d' Aft S t I Eck WIll offiCIate.. so goo t at we a 1t copyng e. ma Delta and before the sinJ,!ing of, Y In: 5 Ii yes er a�. er a -=========�======cll has arranJ,red to have boxes placed Oh" 1..1 II h h'h b "Anel the cover- mnn! Delt.c'l Up�i1on the "c" men will he' urllay a ot er su sen ers can u�,in the DailY' Maroon offiee, the In-. .. . , ! the books for $3 I XO CHAPEL NEXT WEEKf . t· ffi I' N h II d Elhott Sherwlll, busmess manager, 1 asked to J!O to the R('ynolds club to I ..Ch I '11 h h 1..1 C .orn .1 Ian 0 Ice, ( a oyes a an ' .. ane WI not c e u ,0nvocatlOnth R ld I h Th ·1 I announced yesterday: "We are an- ferm in line for the presentation of I I l' I'e e\"1l() s cu. e counci urges . . ., h' d' ·""C(, .:. ::ccor( mJ! to an announcementth 0, f h U' 't t I ticipatin� a larJ!c sale of copies thIS 1 the "c" blanket ceremo�y, whIch w111 i Rehearsals for t c Semor vau c-d h . R de stU( ents 0 t e DIvers! y 0 con-· .' . . rna e y ASSIstant ecor er Gurney,"'h I th I month; we intend to sell thcm to the immediately follow the fraternIty: ville ",,11 take place tomorrow at 4 mtn ute �<!ncrous v to e cause. I. yesterday.•I (Continued on page 3) . (Continued on png(' 4) i Man,lel ha11, and Saturday DlJ,rht at 7 .:e .."(II�.�. IIt41Jf.\J\.. �.. �rio I '/• I J=j- I!� I !t. ,-\.J.... aroonaVol. 18. No. 130. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920 Price Five CentsAlumni Reunion Starts Today !LNOVICE TRACK MEETPRELIMINARY DRAWSUNKNOWN ATHLETES ROSENWALD AND ADAMSCONTESTS HELD TONIGHT CROWDED WEEK FORHOMECOMING GRADSPLANNED ON CAMPUSEMPLOYMENT BUREAUHAS JOBS FOR SENIORS.,pTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920c! 'm i1r t iJ a i in 11 a r n n n I' our attention at college do not mat-]&p :J ter after we are out in the world. II Ifwero�d�k�e��um�w� •••••••••••••••••••••••• I ••• � •• - ••• -.-- ••••• -.�The StadeDt Newapaper of the I h . IUllinnlty of Chicago t ey come back and find out Just Iwhat part they had taken in thePublished mornings, _ce�t SaturdaY'I"petty�' activities of the school it ISunday and Monday d1U'lng the Au-. 'Itumn, Wi�ter and Spring quarters! seems certain that they must answerby The Dally Maroon Company. I that it was what they had done forEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT the school that brought them back,Manacine Editor and what more they intended to doJOHN ASHEXHURST I for the school that gave them joy inNews EditorsH:nry Bini. Jr. Herbert Rub::1 the coming.Nicht Editors ! It seems very likely, too, that theE�win Jordan, Jr.. Olin Stansbury i friend� they come back to see, are F·I d F·I P kDay Ed,tors I the friends they met when they were 1 ms n 1 mRichard Evans Elsie Gullander DOING thine f Ch· Th a ac sRobert Seymour I· mgs or icago. e .Associate Editor friend of the dance floor or the jazzMary Hayes parlor is not the friend you travelReporters I miles back to see and slap on the IRamona Hayes� ) Rita .Handschy ! shoulder. The man you've stood be-IATHLETIC DEI ART!'IIENT I id . d· ILennox Gray. Editor Arvid Lunde. Ass:. si e, sweating an panting, on thefootball field; the man, who with you,sat on the grass and planned biggerthings for Chicago; the woman whodrew a truer meaning out of the dimcity with dreaming spires--these menand women are the ones who makeour reunion the fulfillment of the FREE!ALL SIZESABSOLUTELY NO CHARGEDeveloped FreeBUSINESS DEPARTMENTKEITH KINDRED. Business Man:agerAdv. Mana�Mortimer Goodwin Cir. ManacerLaurence Tibbits24 Hour ServiceAssistantsGilbert BeattyMorris Pickus AssistantsCharles LoeffelFrank LindenEntered as second class mail at the I }".q>es of Alma Mater. They encour­Chicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, I aze us to stick and fight for Chicago¥arch 13, 1906, under the act of and do our best in the "petty" thingsMarch 3, 1873. II wnich later may be bigger than we'Offiees ..•..•......•...•... Ellis 14 ever dreamed.Telephone Midway 800-ThE'5Z!u-r=s=d=ay=,=J u=n=e=)=0=,=)=9=2=0= I EXPLAINEDI We used to wonder why the recentBEGINNING AND END editor used to becom� so �ath�ul at IToday the alumni are with us in I the typesetter for mis-typing his ed- Iforce, proving to that the University itorials. Now w� u.nderstand. Yes-I G If Balls·is a thing which endures in the hearts terday, by the omission of the word 0I" t "d· d I .of its students. What can we, who I no, we Iscove�e ourse ves urg�ngare still in the arms of the Alma l the campus t oignore the starvingMater, say to those who return to' Austrians, when the original copy hadus for a short time from their life I. been a plea for the world, equipped with the leam-Iing and wisdom which she had given Phoenix Club Pledges Twothem. I The Phoenix club announces the U .. ·The message, rather, is to us, who I pledging of William H. Shull of St. niversityal"� not yet �ady to become a part I Joseph, 1\10.;. a�d of William F. Hol- :of the alumm body. We would ask [Iecke, of "lchlta, Kan.SPOEHR BLUE BIRD 161st Street and Ellis Ave.S�TS 1 ... ...For Happiness I WORK GUARANTEEDBase RallsRacquets Restrung Tennis BallsPharmaeyBlackstone 1446-8what the "activities" of their collegelife has meant to them. The sophis­ticated undergraduate is prone toscoff at his honors and duties. Thatis the fad at pres-ent. The idea seems Ito be that the things which occupy .1 '. : ••Oriental Turkish tobacco charmedthe natives hundreds of years ago.And when travelers visited the Orient, a new delightawaited and thrilled, them-in smoking Turkish cigarettes.The tobacco in Murad is 100 % Turkish and isgathered from those famous lands-and Murads are bothcharming and thrilling.True they are a little more expensive than ordinarycigarettes-but oh, such a difference!"Judge for yourself-I"4Ina¥lJ11c,lMalttrsiftklJiKi�lWI��iniJ�w"u ·lIto,1· t.f• III-toI,1'.,i',�IsI,·8-II.. 'i• !i'1 ... ....j;�' �\��J t;'l ( ., ", �" THE DAILY MAROON. THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920..•"��----------�) ---------------_____ 50UTH SIC�WALKHUTCHINSON COURT GROUND PLAN(Save this Diagram (or Reference)CROWDED WEEK FOR 13,000 COPIES OFH01\IEC01\IING GRADS I JUNE PHOENIX GOPLANNED ON CAMPUS _ ON SALE TODA Y(Continue�m Page 1) I (Continue�m Page 1)of the college association will be an-I alumni and the summer students asnounced at the time. I well as the present student body. WeThe senior vaudeville is to be one i are having 3,000 printed and expectof the biggest numbers on the pro-l to break all records in sales of pub­gram for the returning alumni, ac-! lications on the campus."cording to the officials in charge. AUIthe alumni have been invited to at-I Read The Daily Maroontend and a few seats will be on sale 1=============for students. The success of this Iyear's show will determine whether I PICK-USor not a return next year will be at-]tempted, according to Hans Hoepp-! For Particular Printing�� ,Kelly and Foster halls have planned; No jobs too large or too small.special reunion teas from 2 to 3 on; A M Offi .Saturday and it is expected that a i t aroon ce any timelarge number of former residents of;============these halls will attend. Such re-tcas I SPOEHR ENGLISH TOF-have been held in the past, but plans; FEE BARhave been made this year for the best iever held. At the BookstoreShirt ReputationThe big successful business of the Wash­ington Shirt Co. has been built mainly onthe reputation of Washington Shirts .Naturally t therefore, we are going to doour level best to satisfy YOU. Think itover .From $2 to $15"Af.�!ftfiTONFRED L. ROSSRACK, Pres.FIVE PRESIDENTIAL CORNERSWASHINGTONCorner DearbornJACKSONCorner Dearborn MADISO�at LaSalleMONROEat WabashWILSONCorner Kenmore ..••-4 Make Moneyfor Your VacationSell Your Used Text BookstomE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOK STORE5802 Ellis AvenueHighest Prices Given!e,.NOW ON SALESuit and Extra Trousers $60, $65, $75and UpwardsANNOUNCEMENT OF THESEBetween-Seasons Salesalways brings a rush of orders-Therefore,we urge an early call so that you may have afull stock from which to make your selectionand in order to give us ample time to completeyour order.This announcement is made to you in advanceof public advertising.Tailor for Young MenTHREE STORES7 N. La Salle Street 314 S. Michigan Avenue71 E. Monroe Street49. Sigma Chi10. Delta Tau DeltaTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920NonCE TUACK MEETPlmLlMINARY DRAWSU�KNOWN ATHLETES(Continue-d From Page 1)Segal, Bronstein, Woodman, Van Bor­ries, Hirsch, Warner, I. P. C., Mc­Cready, Summers, Hume, Berger,Conse� \est's Plea Boyd, Rousseau, Merriam, Graber, L.rvc hit the trat", with folks an- Grey.Hig-h jump-Bitter, Gray, Vories,Haru, Shorey. Holmes, Eubank, Eich­ilberger, Martin, Merriam, Tront,Hirsch, Zimmerman, Crane, 'Verner,Brunner, Bertrer, L. Grey.100 yard dash-Harrison, Silver­man, Swank, Roseng-rant, Cohn, Hol­mes, Buchana, Lamont, Hatch, Eichel­berger, Fisher. :\108es, Giles, Krogh,Bisno, Eubank, Gray Dixon, Nelson,Lindbergh, Braker, Jamais, Read,Dunn, Lee, Perlstein, Rey, Crane, l\1c­dent ly received his education by mail. Cready, Hindmarsh, l\Iartin, Van Bor­And you know 1\Ir. Burleson. ies, Edwards, Segal, Rawlins, Hirsch,'Yard, Woodman, Zimmerman, Bron­stein, I. P. C., Merr'iam, L. Grey.120 yard low hurdles-Rae Barker,Holmes, Blomberg, Gray, Moses, Crane'Yard, l\Ierriam, Eubank, Rey, VanBories, Edwards, Hirsch, Dunn, Bron­stein, 'Verner, Branner, Slesman,"Meets Father for First Time."- Huene, Orner.Headline the Milwaukee Sentinal Fam­ily night at the club.urvhist ic,Birds an.' preachingwhoReform.Oh. how I'm long-ing for blokesreulist ic,:\linds that with your mindAnd my mindConform.The misrruided individual whotipped off the world to some dopeabout the rest in this college life evi-The campus, with the exception ofJohn Sproehnle, Midway Ace, andhis speed cops annoy, has relegated"Hit the Walk" to the realr» ::;r "Youtell 'em."According to the public prints, chil­dren born in homes quarantined be­cause cf contagious diseases are be­ing given Latin names for the exist­ing ailments. All of which moves usto wonder if an attack of laughinggas would justify christening a cer­tain little stranger "Minnehaha."To OuijaWhen the Ouija board is ouijaingIn the dimly lighted roomAnd spooks dash recklessly aboutAnd witches ride the broom­That's the time your heart poundsloudlyAnd you wish you'd stayed at home,For with your spirits-killed,You can't with spirits roam.With the approach of dry, swel­tering summer, there may be someconsolation in the fact that one mayfind a peek a boos in the fashion mag­azine-and on the Boul Mich.No, Ellsworth, it is not consideredand Eighteen in High JumpANNUAL INTERFRATERNITY.SING PROGR.\l\1 IS OUTLINED(Continued from 'Page 1)singing of Alpha Delta Phi. After thepresentation of the blankets, the "C�'men will remain in the circle and fiveor six Chicago songs will be sung.It is expected that the affair will beover about 10 and so close with theplaying of the Alma Mater on thechimes, but in the event that it doesnot last that long, they will closeby singing the three verses. Therewill be dancing on two floors of theReynolds club following."We wish to impress upon everyman that the interfraternity and Uni­versity sing has become a widelyknown affair among our rival col­leges, and it must be put over withsnap and all the pep that can bemustered together," said S. EdwinEarle, '11, chairman of the sing.ccy ou co-operation by being on timein putting your songs over and insinging the Chicago songs wiU. makea success of the occasion."In the event of rain, plans will begood form to discuss entertainers over made to hold the affair in Bartlettthe afternoon tea and lemon.gym, in which case each fraternitywill be notified of the details. Fra-'Nother CynicismA lone canoe beneath arched trees,A moon that peeks and beams and 0 0 U R'lures, PR TEeT Y_A haunting, crooning summer breeze, PAR E N T SA girl, a kiss, the world is yours- against loss, in the event of yourTill marriage. death, of the money invested in youreducation. The only medium throughwhich this can be done is l.IFE IN·A second performance of the Sen- SURA�CE.ior vaudeville will be given Saturday Phone me for appointment and de-night. tails. If not in when you phone, leaveyour name and phone number.There should he many a vacant pul-CynicismSummer girls are mostly fakes;So are summer men;Week-end parties at the lakesFail nine times in ten.As a preliminary to the final ex­ams., we suggest that the Chi �ispeed cars race Upat"-that's the Al­pha Delt dog-from 55th street to theMidway. Wall street betting shouldbe heavy.pit Sunday morning. ternities will march in this order:1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon2. Phi Delta Theta3. Alpha Sigma Phi4. PQi Kappa Psi5. Delta Chi6. Sigma Nu7. Beta Theta Pi8. Kappa SigmaSPOEHR'S FOURSTORES LOOPFor Lunch DowntownC.' C. WHITEHILL-R . .J. G. SPECIAL AGENT===========================C LAS S I FIE 0 ADS. New York Life Insurance Co.FOR SALF....-TJnu!'ieei Duplex Ham­.mond typewriter at reasonableprice. Aeieire!'!'i 1 !)6, Maroon 156LOST-Esoteric pin he tween !)6thand 58th on Woodlawn ave., June 8.Please return to Inforrnati..n desk. Phone Central :'501:10 NORTH LA SALLE ST.SPOEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATESEverywhere I ALL SEN Ion JE\VELUY READY I See our Campus Represen ..All orders for senior jewelry can I tative, Morris Pickus, at theI n�w be. filled, according to. the com- I Maroon Office for all kinds ofI mittee 1.n charge, The entire supply I Printing. Midwest Typeset ..I has arr-ived, so that the orders can I ting Company.I be filled at once. They can be had by 1===============callinsr at Cobb 12A between 1 :15 and I2:30. 1,..----------- .. -'Woodlawn Stenographic I Th E tService i evenHOTEL STRAND I--163rd &: COTTAGE GROVE AVE.! of theSPOEHR CHOCOI..A TE I Telephone Midwatl 820 IDOUGHNUTS I University Students Work Solicited jSpecial prices on term theme work IAt the Bookstore I III Attention! Fraternities ,! June 10th-------------._ Special Prices on; Fraternity Printing; 8 A. M.• I11. Alpha Tau Omega12. Chi Psi13. Zeta Beta Tau14. Psi Upsilon15. Delta Sigma Phi16. Delta Kappa Epsilon17. Phi Kappa Sigma18. Phi Gamma Delta19. Delta Upsilon20. Alpha Delta PhiWeekWe Pay Highest Prices for SecondHand Clothing and Shoes. NoOrders too Large or Small.A.MARKOWITZ See Pickus at Maroon OfficeRoom 412 105 W. Monroe St.Phones:Cen� 4556 and Cen� 8574 SPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the Bookstore• I. \I.II\I\lThe ffJ �:-cnOUb!J Turki..('," ElC1u1ua,I,�r�i';[l f I(:I� �udl .H I :w,.c .I.ff,:_rintcre-ring pruuf l .. «h I,f l .. :lIna!\pJ,�a!-in;; taste MHI (If 'he �a'" that II:,,}"can h� smoked freely without wor ryabout "too many."Three wor.l, cX:llain it :f'Just �,oug" 'Turkish."!\ol too mud. Turki-hv n« in over­rich straight Turki-h cigarl'II�"; nottoo lillie for ta-te, as in t'klJ(l� lessskilfully proportioned; hUljrut enoughTurkish ..• J(