" I·I. , ",Vol. 18. ,�No. 129. ,at :ilroonUNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920 Price' Five CentsMORTIMER HARRISELECTED CAPTAINOF VARSITY TRACK Interfraternity Relay To KlN9RED·.IS ELECTEDBe Run Off After BLACKFRIARS' ABBOTBall Finals AT ANNUAL BANQUETMajor "C" Given to Seven­teen Men for Con­sistent Work Immediately preceding the finals ofthe Interfraternity baseball on June11, the Interfraternity relay will berun off. The race will be for one-half Allen Holloway Made Mana­ger of 1921 Show: 44Men Initiated--- mile with six men on a team, each ---TWO RECEIVE TENNIS AWARDS man running for a third of a lap. THEATER PARTY FOR MEMBERS--- No man is eligible who has either ---Keith Kindred was elected Abbot orMortimer B. Harris. sprinter and won a "C" in track, or who has beenquarter-miler, was elected yesterday entered this year in a college meetto succeed Capt. Stanton H. Speer, for Chicago in a track event. This'20, as leader of the Maroon track rule will make too race a real fra-ternity affair, with true novices asteam for the season of 1920-21. The the contestants, according to thoseplaced in charge of the event.Entries must be made with Nor­man Graham at the Delta Kappa Ep­silon house, 5754 Woodlawn avenue,today. The necessary preliminarieswill be run off tomorrow.major "C" was given yesterday tos�venteen men for consistent work intrack, tennis and gymnastics.Harris entered the University in1917 from the University High school,where he was captain, of the trackteam. He has been a reliable pointwinner throughout the past season inthe quarter mile and in the 100 and220 yard dashes. He is vice-presi­dent of the Reynolds club, treasureror the Junior class, and a member ofthe Campus club, Skull and Crescentand Iron Mask.Ten Receive Track AwardsFive new men were awarded the"C" for track and field work, in addi­tion to five others who were alreadywearers of the Maroon emblem. Mor­timer B. Harris" Adolph J. Bartky,Walter A. Bowers, Joseph B. Hall,Henry W. Kennedy are the men toreceive the award, while Charles G.Higgins, Capt. Stanton H. Speer, E.-trastings:C l\Toore, .Tio:, George�bfis-' and CLASS PARADE ISONE OF FEATURESFOR REUNION WEEKDistinctive Headgear Will Be\Vorn This Year ByMany ClassesSEVEN TENTS TO BE ERECTEDOne of the features of the Alumnireunion week, starting tomorrow, isthe regular class parade, which fol­lows the shanty ceremonies. The JH!!­rade starts at 5 :30 and, headed by theUniversity band, the alumni will marcharound the campu-s - and 'elio in Hute}i;:'Archibald R. Jones are the veterans inson's commons for the generalwinning- letters for the second time. alumni dinner at 6:30.In tennis, Harry F. Vories and Per- Plans have been made this year forry Segal were awarded the emblem, distinctive headgear to be worn dur­in addition to Capt. Ruthven Pike, al- ing the preceding shanty ceremoniesready a "C" man. 'I'he men qualify- and the parade. A number of formering for the major "C" in gymnastics classes, including the class of '19,were Capt. John A. McHugh, Herbert have already reported that arrange­H. Inlow, Henry L. Pringle and Geo. nu-nts have been made for their spe­Schneidenbach. cial dress, and others are expected to1 eport soon. The various classes wearCAMPUS, DORl\IS AND HOUSES their own class headgear until theyTO BE CANVASSED IN DRIVE return to celebrate their twentiethAsk That Students Supply Food Draftsto Starving Austrian Students inUniversityThe drive for funds to aid starving'Austrian students will be conductedtoday through campus solicitation andby a canvass of the women's dormi­tories and the fraternity houses. Thepurpose of the drive as was explainedyesterday in The Daily Maroon is toprovide enough money to purchasefood drafts for Austrian studentswhose appeals may corne to the Uni­versity during the summer. The onlyway in which these people can be aid­ed is through the use of food draftspurchased in this manner.Next Monday a campus drive willbe started for old clothes for Arme­nia. Bins will be placed around thecampus into which students are askedto place such clothing as they wishto contribute.Play Tennis Finals TomorrowThe semi-final rounds of the All­University tennis tournament havebeen reached. McLarty defeated Me­Cormick and will play the winner ofthe Lasley-Gates match for the cam­pus singles championship tomorrow.Plans have been made to repeat thetournament next year under the aus­pices of the Campus club, MortonLivingston, manager of this year'sevent, stated. Medals will be award­ed to the winners and are on exhi­bition in the Bookstore. anniversary, when, upon initiation intothe shanty, they adopt the maroontam 0' shanter worn by all membersof the shanty organization.Another feature connected with theshanty is the regular side tents. Thisyear six large army tents have beensecured through the military sciencedepartmnet and will be placed in asemi-circle around the shanty. Thesetents are the gathering places of va­rious classes not yet members of theshanty organization. It was an­nounced yesterday that the class of'07 has purchased a special maroonand white tent for the members ofits own class.NOTICE TO SENIORSThe Alumni office wishes to havephoto�raphs of all seniors beforet.hey �raduate. These photographs:-fC to be placed in permanent bio-I '!'raphical files in the office. Thesefi'e. were established at the desire(' r the office of the President andthe Alumni association. The Alum­ni office has thus far the individual'photo�raphs of seniors left at theCap and Gown office, hut as anum,ber were missing and as some havenot yet turned in their photAJgraphsto the Cap and Gown, attention iscalled to this important mat�1' andall seniors are thus �,sked to co­operate now to the e�d that thefiles for the class of 1920 be com­plete. Blackfriars for the year 1920-21, atthe annual initiation banquet of theorder last night at the Morrison ho­tel. Chester Guy was elected prior,Frederick Manter scribe, Harvey PagehospitalIer, and Lewis Fisher fifthmember of the board of superiors.Roland Holloway, the retiring man­ager, announced the appointment ofAllen Holloway as manager for the1921 show. Allen Holloway was cos-ginning of the Autumn quarter.Initiate Men Into OrderLINDSAY HEAD OF GLEE CLUBKenneth Richardson Re-elected Lead­er; Jessopp and Gebhardt, As­sistantsOfficers of the University Glee clubfor the corning season were electedlast Monday. The system of presi­dent" vice-president, secretary and oftreasurer was abandoned and the au­thority of the club was vested in amanager and two assistants in chargeof the business of the club and theleader in charge of the club at rehear­sals and on the platform,The following officers were elected:Roger Lindsay, manager; Dudley Jes­sopp and Frank Gebhardt, assistantmanagers. Kenneth Richardson wasunanimously re-elected leader of theclub.All Dramatic ClubbersMust Be on HandToday, or- G. O. P. Club to Unite 579 DEGREES TO BEFactions in Big Har- CONFERRED AT 116thmony Move CONVOCATION JUN. 15David Prescott Barrows, '97, of theThe several organizations support- University of California, will deliverin Johnson, Wood, Lowden and Hoo-All political factions' now on thecampus will unite next week with theRepublican club, to form a solid G.O.P.organization that will be . continuedpermanently as one' of the largest andmost powerful bodies in the Uni­versity. It is planned to start asweeping campaign in the fall andcontinue it all during election time,in order to help out in the fight for aG. O. P. administration, according toCharles Greene, president of the club. President David Prescott Barrows, '97, Gives Convo­cation Address37 GRADUATE FROM C AND AAt the 116th Convocation, to be heldnext Tuesday in Mandel hall, 579 degrees and certificates will be conferred by the University. Presidenttoo convocation address. His subjectwill be, "Is America Responsible 1"In the Colleges' of Arts, Literatureand Science there will be 315 candidates for ,.'tlsc' 'Bachelor's degree;' inthe ehool of Commerce and Admin­istration, 37 candidates for the de­gree of Bachelor of Philosophy; andin the College of Education, 40 candi­dates for the degree of Bachelor mEducation, a total in the colleges of392.Base Hospital Quartet, Sigma In too Divinity School 21 MastersNu' Jazz'Band Are Two -degrees will be conferred, 6 Bachelor-New ·F eatures degrees, and 1 degree of Doctor of--- Philosophy, a total of 28. In the LawSHOW INCLUDES ALUMNI ACTS School 7 students will receive the de-_ ,--- gree of Bachelor of Laws and 46 thatPlans for the Senior Vaudeville are of Doctor of Law (J. D.), a total of 53.In the Graduate Schools there willThe Freshmen class act, which is nextin order, has been replaced by a terp­sichore�n exhibition in which two ofthe best dancers in the class will ap­pear. The Sophmores will be repre­sented by two favorites, "Jo and Gin,the Singing Sophs," who' will sing anumber of �C?Pu�ar songs.Paul Snyder, an alumnus and oneof the most promising pianists in thecity will give several numbers. "Op­timism," the popular one act comedy(Continued on page 2)===============- ment would have to be held in IdaFollowing the overture, CharlesBreasted and Gerald Westby will ap­pear in a black face act rewritten inorder to be of interest to the alumni.SPRING EXAl\IINATIONSver will remain acttve during thecoming convention week and will sendrepresentatives from the campus towork for the candidates at the va­(Continued on page 4)tume manager of "Barbara, Behave!"_and a member of the chorus of "The -Naughty Nineties." The 1921 f(aff SENIOR, y��DE�will not be announced until the be- HAS NUMEROUS NEWACTS ON STAR BILLThe board of superiors for the com­ing year were all active men in theproduction of "Barbara, Behave!"Keith Kindred was property manager,Harvey Page program manager, Fred­-erick Manter score manager, ChesterGuy assistant score manager and Lew­is Fisher publicity . manager.Forty-four men were initiated into being rounded into final shape forthe order before the banquet. They the Saturday night performance un- be 84 candidates for the Master's de-had been elected for initiation at a der the- direction of Hans Hoeppner, gree and 29 for the Doctor's degree,meeting of the Blackfriar staff last general manager of the �h?w. Changes a total of 113. The total number ofweek. for work in "Barbara, Behave!" have been made since the first per- degrees to be conferred by, _t�� _Uni-ThlIoWin-g'-tile�b�iiiq-tief;'r�portS-o:fi1ie� f��:n�:gi:;e�:-l�(inonth� '�d ih�' versity 'ls - 586. -- .;» - - -r-: -.�,.--��, -----years work were read and a theater management promises good entertain- Among the graduates will be 8 Chi­party for the Friars was held at the ment for those who saw the first pro- nese, three of whom will receive theIllinois and Woods theaters. duction. The same thirty piece or- Bachelor's degree, 4 (including 1 wom­chestra which played for that per- an), the Master's degree, and 1, theformance has been secured under the Doctor's degree. A, Japanese and adirection of Walter Reckless. Bulgarian will receive the Master'sdegree, and Hindu, the degree of Doc­tor of Philosophy.Dr. Barrows Born in 1873Dr. Barrows, who will give the con­vocation address, was born in Chica­(Continued on page 4)The Dramatic club will hold an im­portant meeting today at 4 in Cobb12A, according to an announcementby Margaret Haggott. Several vitalissues concerning the club's future pol­icy and activities will be decided. Allmembers must attend. Those who arenot present will be summarily droppedfrom the club."This IS an extremely importantmcctine," declared Mil'S Haggott yes-terday, "and it is absolutely necessary 11 o'clock classes, Wednesday,that every member be present. Sev- June 16, 2 :30-4 :30.oral questions or great importance 2 o'clock classes, Thursday, Juneto the club will be taken up at the17, 2 :30-4 :30.mcetine. Those who do not attend Attention is called to the factwi1l be automatically dropped from the that the examination period is twoclub membership. Several members hours in length rather than three.have already met that fate through I fas has been the custom or somenon-attendance and the rule will be time.even more rigidly enforced today." 1---------------The schedule for the final exam­inations of the Spring quarter ascom piled by the Recorder's office isas follows:8 o'clock classes, Wednesday,June 16, 8-10.9 o'clock classes, Thursday, June17, 8-10.10 o'clock elasses, Friday, June18, 8-10.1 o'clock classes, 'Wedne�day,June 16, 11-1. I.s o'clock classes, Thursday, June,17, 11-1.3 o'clock classes, Friday, June18, 11·1. ANNOUNCE PATRONESSESOF FILIPINO CLUB EVENTSixteen Acts in Program-Hon. JaimeDe Veyra to Speak-Hold Enter­tainment in Ida Noyes Hall.The list of patronesses of FilipinoNight were announced yesterday. Itwas also learned that the entertain-Noyes hall instead of Mandel hall, ashad been planned. A program of six­teen numbers has been arranged, in­cluding a short speech by Hon. JaimeDe Veyra, resident commissioner inWashington, D. C., who is in Chicagoattending the Republican national COD­vention.The patronesses for the event are:Mrs. Harry Pratt JudsonMrs. James S. AgarMrs. James Rowland AngellMrs. R. H. BeckerMrs. Harry C. BigJ!lestoneMrs .• John F. BobbittMrs, Arthur Lincoln BrabrookMiss Roberta BurgessMrs. Frank 11. BurtMrs. William Chalmers CovertMrs. Frank L. CroneMiss Edna CrosbyMrs. Frederic Beers CrossleyMrs. H. A. DalzellMrs. Frank Edwards:\Irs. Earl E. Eubank:i\lrs. Fred A. GaligcrMrs. Eva GaylordMiss Etta Gee(Contlnucd ()n 1)(lgc 4)1 THE: lJAILY MAROON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920The Student Newspaper of theUnivft'Sity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except SaturdSunday and Monday during the Atumn. Winter and Spring quartby The Daily Maroon Company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTManagin&, EditorJOIlX ASHEXHt:RSTNews EditorsHarry Bird, Jr. Herbert RuNight EditorsE�win Jordan. Jr. Olin StansbDay EditorsRichard Evans Elsie GullanRobert SeymourAssociate EditorMary HayesReportersRamona Hayes Rita HanusATHLETIC DEI'ARTltEXTLennox Gray. EditorBUSINESS DEPARTl\IENTKEITH KI:"\ DREJJ. Business l\lanagerAdv. Manager Cir. Manager�Iortirner Goodwin Laurence TibbitsAssistantsGilbert Beatt,.Morris Pickus AssistantsCharles LoeffelFrank Linden.Entered as second class mail at tChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllinoMarch 13, 1906, under the actMarch 3, 1873.Offices EllisTelephone Midway 800\Vednesday, June 9, 1920YOUR ANSWER?You are asked today to contribua small sum to keep a student in Autria from starving to death. Theshould be one answer when you aapproached for your contribution­the answer of man to mall when onhas sufficient, the other none.Before the war "starving- to deathhad a more or less horrible soundthe ears of most. Today we find pesons around who stop and ask quetions as to the advisability of fecdinpersons who arc starving-. Yet this a Univcrsity-a place where wlearn to be broad-minded and toleranLet us make our broad-mindednesso broad that we ignore details sueas cold and hungry students who writin desperation to us in America athe only way in which they can obtain food. Let us not make our tolerance a huJ1lan suffering and an. h L t S out of the fullneSS 0guisn- e u'our hearts, give.-THg EMPLOYMENT OFFICEIn the editori:d in yest�rday's MaI •• uelping Ser)lOrs to Seroon cal ed � d tention was ma e ascure Jobs," J11E I J1lent bureauthe fact that the rnp °tYJ1lPora"",, pos seCUl"e e ',Jhelps student ,,' was said abou. . b 110t •• lngsltlons, llt f }1e buteau-thaanother fllnction. 0 t{ r seniors �henof securin� positlo}ns 0choo.they leaVe s1 nt bUl"eau was�mP oymeWhen the '11 'flurpose wasel its mal rfirst otgatai�e d I esterday's Ma'one In Y fthe one melltJ • small jobs orh f securIngroon, t at 0 f ',ing their waydesi S 0 Wot'" dthose esirou f those in nee1 or ot 1through se}1oo S' e then the toeaeY inc .of spate mon' arkably in sIzeh fO,vn reJ11 .bureau as �haS addeel another {unc-and scOpe al1el . rtant than theore Impo dtion much III .t uch with lea -�ets In 0first. It no« h ·ty desirouS ofin t e Cling concel"nS d \:o_opcrateseluates ancollege gr.l d' seniors to thesen Illf! ..with them bi'. " Already thIS�5 to \\01'''''establishmenv• �'e been placed1 �enl0rs }1a . hyear �vera' h' h 4anding ,"·hlcof Ig ",«with concerns h' th futuro.. h mUC In CpromIS\\ t em . f the Employ-. fuflctlOn 0.ThIS latter f 'n<1' positIOnsffi }1at 0 securt,.. .ment 0. ce, tafter theY �raduatc, isfor sentors • the cam-of great importance on. .onef particular SIgnificant"(?pus and one 0 .to seniors with no definite plans )nH. L. R.view.----­Quadran�lcr� Announce PledgeThe Quadranglers announce thepledging of Grace Bennett, of Mil­waukee, Wis. deed represented ut the mock con­vention by a plurality of well coacheddelegates, but other factions did notregard him as the true spokesman ofRepublican opinion. As a consequenceGov. Lowden was finally chosen, notonly as the first choice of a substan­tial group, but as the second choiceof a majority ..With Mr. Lewis I congratulate theJOBS FOn SENIORS Hoover workers. They did their ut-Editor The Daily Maroon: most, Heaven only knows. It wasThe editorial signed H. L. R. which rather expected that they would re­appeared in yesterday's Maroon has sort to the wholly ordinary and fa­a tendency to create the opinion that eile means of securing a childish re­seniors in the University of Chicago venge and mental satisfaction by cry­are not assisted in obtaining perma- ing "crooked politics," to which thenent positions. I am of the opinion best answer is that they were beatenthat the writer of said article is not at their own game. I have too mucha senior and therefore is not informed respect for Herbert Hoover to believeas to the assistance which the Em- that he is actually running his cam­ployment bureau offers to those who paign in the same fashion as Mr.request aid. Lewis and his friends at the Univer­Some time ago I asked 1\1r. Mather sity convention, or that the latter gen­to inform me when he came in touch tleman really resembles him in anywith positions of a permanent cha'r�c- particular. To this worthy 1 wouldter having a future. This was less humbly suggest that he watch care­than six weeks ago and I am glad to fully the workings of the Republicansay that I have had twelve communi- national convention beginning- Tues-cations and three actual offers up to day of this week at 11 o'clock in thehe present time. Tiris proves to me mornirur. Paul Hedrick.hat any senior who takes the trouble ---o g-o to the Employment department I nEY�OLDS CLliBvill find hearty co-operation. I Editor The Daily Maroon:Hans Hoeppner. I In last Wednesday's Maroon appear­ed a communication in answer to Mr.ANS'VERI:\'G :UH. LEWIS Herskovitz' resignation from the Rev-Editor The Daily Maroon : nolds club. The communication. judg�t!'Ve, of coubse, were impressed with :111'. Herskovitz' action as prematurehe portrayal of Hooveritc virtues by r.nd somewhat absurd, and advised thatIr. Rupert R. Lewis in Friday's Ma- �,lr. Herskovitz try to forget by throw­oon. An outsider would no doubt in!! himself into the various campus. . . . activitiesegtster a prayer of thanksg ivimr at .he alleged presence of this strong In the first place I would like toeven of Hoover Honesty in the midst know whether the student signing theof that Machiavellian mob which letter of judgment would hunt a law-rumpled under its feet the spirit of: ycr before deciding whether or nut Ked K P dClean Politics o� the Campus" at h:' �a�1 been �nsult�d: to prev��t "I�rc- osmeo ream an osmeo owerhe mock convention. matui cand somew hat absurd action. I A F S 1 E.;\11'. Lewis' explanation of Hoover's Any person engag-ed in an ��ncial po- . re or a e verywhere I Appreciated Everywhere!efeat misrepresents the facts. The .5:�ion must expect to have his state- Ask your neighborhood druggistr-feat was due to the plain and sim- .l�e.nts, at least w�ile he is on duty, GERVAISE GRAHAM, Mfr. CHI C AGOIe fact that when the Wood and • .ken as representing those of the in-ohnson groups broke up and exer- .t itution which he is serving. I sup­sed their divine right to have and pose if the president of the United �=�����§���§�xpress a second choice, there were States were to issue a statement to theore Lowden delegates among them . fTect that government officials hadhan there were Hoover delegates. Be- serious doubts as to the desirabilityore the break up those who favored of the Irish as citizens, the Irish res­r. Hoover for second choice went idents of this country would condonerer to him. That explains why Mr. the statement by saying that it wascover gained during the early bal- r.robably only the president's person­tting. al opmion. When Mr. English madeWhen the Wood and Johnson groups (he statement concerning the desira­w that they could not nominate their l-ility of the Jews as members of thean they were sportsmen enough to dub, Mr. Herskovitz showed no hastyknowledge defeat and scattered their (t· absurd action in accepting thetes to their respective candidates ..tatement on its face value as that offt in the field nnd the- result was the t he club and an insult to his own per­mination of Gov. Lowden. son. It was the only honorable actionThis explanation has the advantage left open to him. A "man" does noter that of Mr. Lewis', not only be- c nter into argument trying to justifyg a true one, but in being logical, tis kind as worthy enough of member­d it accounts for everything which ship in an organization.r. Lewis in his unsportsmanlike To date Mr. Hershovitz' assumptionatement attributes to the disorder of that Mr. English's statement repre­uble dealing of "the mob." s-:·nteJ that of the club seems to haveWe will do Mr. Lewis the honor of been w�l1 founded. If it is hot thencepting his statement as to the the officials of the club must be woe­nor and fair play of the Hoover- fully ignorant of the convention ap­s. W(! are sure that Mr. Hoover plyingto such a situation. Assuminguld fully approve of them in this then, as we must assume, that Mr.speet. But from what we know of Herskovitz is right in his judgment,r. Hoover we feel safe in saying he is wholly justified in trying to im­at he would not approve of the dis- press upon the Jewish students ofct whine that has been emitted by ; his University that membership inbeaten supporters. t he Reynolds club is incompatible withGeo. A. Carmichael. t he retention of their self-respect andl-.·mor and represents a condonation ofa slur of their faith. Let "other"men seek "scholastic or athletic workin an attempt to "forget"; �Ir. Her­skovitz docs not desire to forget.As a loyal follower of the Alma Ma-nay,u-enzbeluryderch,.5S:6heis,of tt14 t\tets-l\rerrerte I"to t"r-ts-g disdet. pJs ciheems t-f-M-0"f H10sa- m- ac0 vole- nott ovinanM-stdo-achoitewore1\1thtinhisEdicarnathetoMrtheoftel'5 ter, I also would like to see the mat- ;ter cleared up and the differences �straightened out, but "she could not'love her sons so well loved she not j For Particular P rin tingtruth and honor more." An under- Istanding could be immediately reached; No jobs too large or too small.by a public statement. II . At M Offi ti•• . aroon ce any Ime!'�. Feinberg. PICK-USThe Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.DAGUERRE STUDIOCOMMUNICATION(In view of the fact that the com­mWlica_tion c,?lun:m of The Daily Ma­roon IS mamtamed u a deannahouse for student and faculty opinion.�h� . Daily Maroon �ccepta no respon­slbihty for the sennmenta therein ex­pressed. Communications are wel­comed by the editor. and should besigned as an evidence of good faith.although the name will not be pu}).Iished without the writer's consent.)A LOWDEN LETTER CHICAGO,218 South Wahash Ave. ILL.itor The Daily Maroon:There is something inately Amer­n in accepting defeat in a sp()rts­nlike manner, and the leaders of\Vood and .Johnson campaig-ns arcbe congratulated. It seems that C LAS S I FIE DAD S. Tel. Wabash 527 for Appointment.. Rupert Lewis is unfamiliar withcommon convention phenomenon FOR SALE-TJnused Duplex Ham-compromise, hence his amusing let- ,mond t�writer at reasonableof .Tune 4. Mr. Hoover was in- price. Address 156, Maroon 156 No premiums withCamels-all quality!- WHAT quality means toyour satisfaction, you'llmow as soon as you smokeCamels! Camels quality plus Camels expert blendof choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccospass out the most wonderful cigarette smoke youever drew into your mouth.And, the way to prove those stat�mentsis to compare Camels pulT-by-puff WIth anycigarette in the world!Camels have a mild mellowness that is new toyou. Yet, that desirable "body" is all there! And,Camels never tire your taste.Camels leave no unpleas­ant cigaretty aftertaste norunpleasant cigaretty odor IYour say-so about Camelswill be:It My, but that's agreat cigarette".Camels are �oldever;ytIVhere inScientifically sea/� packale"of20ciAarettes for20�nts;orten pacb�!IJ (200 c;Aarette!IJ);nltg/.!HJ;n�paper.cover«lcar­ton. We stron/lly recommendthi!IJ carton for the home or of­fice supplyor when you traveLR. J. ReyaoldsT ... cco c......... w-.N.C.POEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATESEverywhere SPOEHR CHOCOLATE·DOUGHNUTSA t the Bookstore • i,• !,. I•"I" ')..., ,�.J t-,'I'I:>ll.· \i· II.... ' �� ! '4'0 I � -.� •I'-"• I,. !· Ii· !•I.i.. ') '....� ,"i ,�-OJ ,,. ,_____ . £2_THE DAILY MAROON. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920PUREJUNIOl$ WIN INTEUCLASSTANK MEET WITH 39 IJOINTS FOODUNIVERSITYCAFEThe Junior class with a score of 39points won the final interclass swim­mirur meet of the Spring quarter.Their victory last Thursday coupledwith the points won in previous con­tests gives the Juniors the Universityswimming championship for women,:Ruth Dixon, by winning two firsts:and tying one, was the individual starof the meet.The results of the meet are as fol­lows: Plunge (30 seconds), Ruth Dix­on, first, 46 feet; twenty yard free, .-------------�style, Mary Hess, first, 134-5 seconds; i ==============crawl stroke, Ruth Dixon, first; twen- : -------------'.ty vard back stroke, Katherine Kitch-I We Pay Highest Prices for Second01 Hand Clothing and Shoes. Noen, first; breast stroke, Katherine! Orders too Large or Small.Xitchen, first. 'A. MARKOWITZTrudgeon, Ruth Hess, first; diving, I Room 412 105 W. Monroe St.Marie Trevor and Ruth Dixon tied: Phones:for first place; relay, won by Juniors,: .__C_t:_'n_tra_I_4_S_S6_a_n_d_C_en_tra_1_8S_7_4_1 minute 194-5 seconds; twenty yard! ==========:====breast stroke, Buol Burke, first; side 1 ,....-------------..,.stroke, Gertrude Crashaw and Ruth'Esch tied for first place.Prof. Tufts, head of the department!of Philosophy at the University, has:accepted an invitation to be visit irnr 'professor at Columbia university. He --------------­will be absent during the next acade-jmic year and is to offer at Columbia leo 'W 1-1 E 'V' Sone course in moral and politieul phi-: Store for Menlosophy and another in the history i :)!.raw Hat" :'tIen's Furnishings. Hats.of American thought, in addition to: Caps and Neckweara seminar in present ethical problems.: BASEBALL SCORESProf. Tufts, who has been connected. CIGARS-CIGARETTES-PIPESwith the University since its found- � co th t -55th d Ell' A,.:"ou eas corner . an IS Ye,irur, has been prcxidcnt of the West- Iern Philosophical as.soc iat.ion and of; .. -= ==============the American Philosophical associa- i1tion, and is the author of volumes on:Ethics anti Our Democracy, as well as:the editor of the International Jour- inal of Ethics. i!PERSONAL-$50 reward for inform- iat ion leadirur to discovery of better IPoetry in collcee mnrrazines than IiThe Phoenix p:blishcs'" in the June '�','.issue. ! ARROW------------- ..� I 7roy fJailoreaI SOFT COLLARSThe Event !=CLUETT=.P£A=BO=DV&=CO=•• INC=.T=ROV.=N.V=PROF. TUFTS ox LEA YE SOON;Head of Philosophy Department Ae- �cepts Position at Columbia. "of theWeekJune 10thSA.M.Drink UP-TO-DATEServes the Best Me�s Inthe CityA Trial Will Convince You.Special 35-Cent Dinners.We have Commutation Tickets$5.50 for $5.005706 Ellis AvenueOpposite Snell HallDORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityYOUTHFUL STYLESforCOLLEGE GIRLS��I i-University Students �receive courteous attention at ��1nhe �FROLIC THEATRE §DRUG STORE: Cigarettes Fountain ServingCor. Ellis Ave. and 55th Street(Adjaeent to Frolic Theatre)TelephoJle By. Park 761SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF­FEE BARAt the BookstoreDELICIOUS AND REFRESHINGQuenches Thirst­Touches the Spot,t of the highest quality. Home-.like Cooking at Popular Prices:is what you get at the IEmpress Quick Lunch806 East Sixty-Third Street. tSPOEHR BLUE BIRDSWEETSFor HappinessShirt ReputationSee our Campus Represen­tative, Morris Pickus, at theMaroon Office for all kinds ofPrinting. Midwest T ypeset­ting Company. The big successful business of the Wash­ington Shirt Co. has been built mainly onthe reputation of Washington Shirts.Naturally, therefore, we are going to doour level best to satisfy YOU. Think itover.ConfidenceAHention C. & A. Studentsis the fruit of years oC sustainedservice, Since 1856, more than100,000 graduates have crossedBryant &: Stratton's threshold tomeet the friendly handclasp ofbusiness men who recognizetheir dependability. From $2 to $15We have specially organizedclasses for college men andwomen. Don't feel the want ofstenography longer - enter anevening class.Call. telephone (Rand, 1575) orw�ite Principal for catalog andcomplete information about spe­cial Secretarial Courses. FP.ED L. ROSSBACK, Pres.FIVE PRESIDENTIAL CORNERSWASHINGTONCorner DearbornJACKSONCorner Dearborn l\IADISONat LaSalleMONROEat WabashBRYANT & STRATTONBUSINESS COLLEGE WILSONCorner Kenmore4th. 5th. 6th Floors - LAke: View Bldg. �116 South Michigan AvenueSUBSCRIBE FOR THE DAIL Y MAROONRead The Daily Maroone,.NOW ON SALESuit and Extra Trousers $60, $65, $75and UpwardsANNOUNCEMENT OF THESEBetween-Seasons Salesalways brings a rush of orders-Therefore,we urge an early call so that you may have afull stock from which to make your selectionand in order to give us ample time to completeyour order. .This announcement is made to you in advanceof public advertising.=�; �, T a i!or for Young Men i II � THREE STORES � 1t � 7 N. La Salle Street 314 S. Michigan Avenue ! 1§ 71 E. Monroe Street �� �� �! I,�i\f6W\wM\fjiiiMifai\8MWiM_\tiifi}ii\W\Mi6t1bi&hMWimMlVAlVfiVbWml4 THE DAILY MAROON, \�'EDNESDAY, JUNE 9, 1920�J.\duty as intelligence officer in ��.-�;- 6 in the Quadrangle c�����i ;osenwald -contest, -�-;�-.-- Mor�-��� 1--- Att�-�i��! -.FraternitiesPhilippine Islands. Later he served! make reseravtions at once through stern, Walter Loehwiz, David Halfant IS' I P'o 0 0 0 I0 d MOll '11 t d i I pecla rIces onIn Siberia, especially at Vladivostok. 11 Faculty Exchange, Box 212. Tickets an George 1 s WI compe e, an in F . P"are $1.50 apiece. the Adams contest, Ellen Coyne, Alma I raterruty rintmgG. 0.' P. CLUB TO UNITE FAC- �lorse �nd �larie Kohl will read. The! See Pickus at 1Maroon OfficeTIONS IN BIG HARMONY MOVE I SENIOR VAUDEVILLE first p�lze m the Rosenwald contest I. i HAS NUMEROUS NEW is $100"snd'the second $50. ==============i ACTS ON STAR BILL I(Continued From Page 1) I :rious headquarters. When the G.O.P. (Continued on IJage 4) ANN 0 U N C E MEN T S !standard-bearer is finally chosen, how- of the first performance, will be pre- iever, all factional lines will be cut sented by June King, Lucy Sturges The Freshmen eemmisslon will meet! 63rd " COTT AGE GItOVE A V:l:.and the clubs will combine their ener- and Robert Connelly. A number of next Friday at 12 in the Y. W. c. A.I Teleplume MidWGJI 82Qgies in the big Republican drive.I clever lines have been added. rooms. The beach party which was I University Students Work Solidted'Republican Spirit Built Up I Secure :SIgma Nu Jazz Band planned tomorrow has been called oft'l Special prices on term theme work"We have built up through these I Marion Rubovits will appear again because it conflicts with the W. A. A.:factional clubs, and by the holding of with a new group of the season's most dinner the same evening.. ; .- ...our mock convention, a splendid spirit popular songs. The quartet of Base The Intercollegiate committee willi LYRAVINE VOTOWof Republicanism on the campus," de- Hospital 13, composed of Arvid L. hold its last meeting of the quarter!clared Charles Greene, president of Anderson, ex-'18, Norman Harte, and today at " in the Y. W. C. A. room.the Republican club, yesterday. "This the McCready brothers, is an added Ispirit will be put to good use in the feature of the show. Likewise the Yellow Jacket will give a beach Ielection next fall. We expect to make Sigma Nu jazz band, which was not in party today. Members desiring to Ithe Republican club one of the most the first performance, will appear with go have been asked to sign up on thepowerful organizations in the Uni- the Delt shimmy dancers. bulletin board in Ida Noyes foyer. :versity. Our real work will commencenext fall in the heat of the election(Continued From Page 1) test for excellence in oratory, and thego, June 27, 1873. He received his Make Campus Club Reservations Florence Adams prize for excellenceA. B. at Pomona College in Califor- All those desiring to attend the in dramatic reading will be held to-nia in 1894, and in the following year Campus club-Alumni banquet Friday morrow at 8 in Mandel hall. In the�ceived from the University of Cali- =fornia the degree of M.A. In 1897he was made ia doctor of philosophyof the University of Chicago, his de­partment being anthtropology. In'1900 he went to Manila as superintend­ent of the schools of Manila, Sub­sequently he became director of edu­cation of the Philippine Islands, re­signing in 1909 to become professorof education an.!!_dean of the graduateschool of the University of California.In 1911 he became professor of po­litical science and in 1913 dean of thefaculties. In 1917 he was major inthe American army and was on activeASNOUNCE PATRONESSESOF FILIPINO CLUB EVENT(Continued From Page 1)Miss Mary Pomeroy GreenMrs. Chas. W. HensonMrs. J. A. HillerMrs. L. C. HollisterMrs. W. F. HypesMrs. A. JarmanMrs. Harry H. KanMrs. Paz KingMrs. Arthur R. LordMrs. Geo. MacAdamMiss Vira MacLaughlinMrs. Murdock MacLeodMrs. Cleland B. McAfeeMrs. A. J. McCartneyMrs. L. Wilbur MesserMrs. Frank J. MillerMrs. Theodore Lee NeffMrs. Thomas NicholsonMrs. C. F. OgdenMrs. Francis W. ParkerMrs. David A. RobertsonMrs. Frank E. SedgwickMrs. Milton ShirkMrs. Gerald Karr SmitbMrs. C. H. SudlerMrs. George H. ThomasMrs. George L. TrubyMrs. Rolla M. TryonMrs. Leon WalkerMrs. Ella WangemanMrs. Wm. R. WedderspoonMrs. John Henry Wigmore-579 DEGREES TO BECONFERRED AT 116thCONVOCATION JUNE 15SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORFSFor Lunch DowntownPROTECT YOURPARENTSagainst loss, in the event of yourdeath, of the money invested in youreducation. The only medium throughwhic-h this can be done is LIFE IN­SURANCE.Phone me for appointment and de­tails. If not in when you phone, leaveyour name and phone number.c. C. WHITEHillSPECIA L AGENTNew York Life Insurance Co.Phone Central 5501:W NORTH LA SALLE ST.Woodlawn Trust& Savings BankWOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-lnirct StreetNearest Bankto theUniversity of CWeqe� , ... -" .� ..... As a grand climax to the evening,"Rudy" Matthews, former cheerleader,struggle. We intend to carryon a and Ruthven Pike will lead the audt-campaign that will sweep this campus ence in a number of Chicago yells andfor the Republican candidate. I songs."There are no limits to the success The orchestra will hold their finalwe can achieve when all the energy rehearsal today at ":30 in Mitchelland political ingenuity that has been tower. The dress rehearsal for the�xerted by every on� of t�e factions I entire performance will take place to­m the recent campaign will be con- morrow at 3 in Mandel hall. Managercentrated into one supreme effort on Hoeppner announces that tickets maybehalf of the Republican party. Watch I be secured at the Mandel box officeout for the Republican club next fall. daily from 12 to 1 and from 2 tc 3.It's going to wake up this entire Uni-versity then, just as effectively as itdid this Spring." The annual Julius Rosenwald con- Woodlawn StenographicServiceHOTEL STRANDJune 21 to August 28614 Fine Arts Bld!j.Telephone Wabash 8238Res. 6026 Kenwood Ave.Hyde Park 6738Rosenwald Contest TomorrowWhy are Summer Course forSupervisors of Musicand Grad� TeachersSPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the BookstoreCOLLEGECLOTHESA SpeciatyHarry G. SmuckerReasonable Prices602 NORTH AMERICAN BUILDINGPhone Central 706Complete IntensiveStenographic CourseThe next complete stenographic threemonths' course will begin July 1. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisintensive course to get a complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COLLEGE is appealing to the col­bee studcnt-only Mgh school graduatesare enrolled.Bulletin on request; no solicitors em­ployed.Moser Shorthand CollegeWRIGLEYStlavors '-li({e thep�ramids of EgyPt?Be_cau�e they arelong -lasnns,And WRIGLEY·S is a beneffcialas well as long-I,stina treat.It helps appetite �nd d!�estion.keeps teeth dean and breatbsweet. allays thirst.CHEW IT AFTER EUERVEnrolling Only High School Graduates.Twelfth Floor Lake View Building116 South Michipn AvenueCentral 5158 Cticago, DIinoisPaul Mo�r, .J. D., Ph. B. Edna M. Buechler, A. B ..Sealed Tiehf-• Kept RiehtAlO I• I·1.j-I· f-I.• t,�I· i• I· .'}. �"