r------------- .._...\/01. 18. No. 127. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, JUNE -'4, 1920 Price Five Cen tsTRAC�� TEAM GOESTO ANN A�BOR FOR«ONFERENCE ' MEETSUCCESSFULFACULTY \V ALLOPSSENIORS IN ?ICNICBALL Gi\l\lE, 10-8J='iTEHFUATEHNITY I�ACI� JUN. 11 ANNUAL INTERCLASS HOPTONIGHT AT 9 IN BARTLETTTeams for Annual Event l\tu.;t BeEntered by WednesdayHutchinson and Sproehnle HitOut Home Runs; Reed'sPitching F eacure\Visconsin and llliciois Favoredfor High Honora: JohnsonBad� \X'ith \\!olverines Interf'ruternity reb: y teams must beentered by Wednesday, June 9, withNorman Graham, 5754 Woodlawn ave­nue. The race.' VIi:! be run on Staj.!gfield immediately precedin r the inter­fraternity baseball finals on June 11. Members of Various Classes Will Form "C" andSing Alma Mater--Smilax Feature of Decora­tions-"Ranstead's Raspberries" Play.} PlmLn!l�:\m:··s STAIn' TOf)AY SCPPER AFFAIRThe I r.cc will be for a half mile, eachCon fl':'l'n:� track teams assemble to­ ur the six mr n on the team runningday at Ann Arbor to run otT the pre- the seniors in an exhibition game yes-liminur ivs (If til'.' onc-th.rd lap, No mar. is elurible who S h, . -' - !920 Conference has wen a "C·' in tracl., or who shall tcrday on Ida Noyes field in connec- out ern smilax, wisteria blossoms, Tonight promptly at 9:15 in Bart-•i meet which takes place tomorrow. A have been entered in the track events tion with the Y. 1\1. C. A.-Y. W. C. A. white Tatt.ices and Japanese lanterns lett �ymnasium the annual Literelass"� h':tJaxy or stat's of the nij.! Ten teams picnc by a score of 10 to 8. Dr. D. will be the features of the decorations Hop will beirin, with 225 couples dane-ot' a univerxity meet hy June 11. If'::ill ('(c'y'te rot' the track and field ::, ::eed pitched for the winners and in Bartlett �ymnasium tonight. The inz. In order thut the hall mitrht not!1':a'.;l':.ll'Y, prcliru.nury hcat-: wi li be �(;�.ampi n hips, \..oLo(idell Crawford and Dominick Vo- hangings and scenery are more elab-: be crowded the attendance has been,'�:n on '1 hursday, .Iune 10. ,'-Illirvis and Wi!'l'cnsin clear-ly han' Iini for the class of 192P. About 200 orate and costly than ever before and; limited. More than 200 student» havethe ed: l· ell till' c! her mid- Western 'I LB(,TlTR!�S AND RECITALS students attended the picnic. '�-,ve 1�:''::1 secured 1(0 miles from the; Lccn unable to !;C(,:'l!'C tickets fer thec. teams and will �ia;.!l' a hot fig'l�t for .PLANNED FOR SUMMER I A COld. wind made the baseball �it:r. afl'air.the honors. As a result of her victory _ __ game a lively one. Hitt.injt was f're- Scenery and white lattice work ccv- The members of the Senior, Junior,"over t h:: Il lini in a dual meet the Bade- St"r.,hcn Leacock, Amy Lowell. Percy I qur nt and both teams were ragged on ered with smilax are placed around Sophomore and Freshmen cla.ises will'ers are t he l'he!l'� for the first po- MacKay('. Lorado Taft to Appear; I (!·:!fense. Stegeman, Scrck and the �.:;:::n:.!dmn. Two lines of large: form lines and :.!ftc- the grand marchsition. Univcr. i.:. 1;and to Gh'e "·eekl�' I �pr�ehnle, who knocked a homer, I l-asket.s of smilax hang from the ceil-:: will grct:!) themselves into a "C" andl\�khic:'n ('hi( :!��!! ::r.d Minnesota Ccnccrt , ! st.ar-red for the students, and Heed,! ing, with a row of lanterns betw�n: sing the Alma Mat ... r. Grant :tfearsw'Il bct t!c Icr t hir d ::::11 f'ourt h places. I l\ioulton, Lewis and Vance for the them. The balcony is also covered' and Gladys Nyman will lead the Sen-The \Vp]\"':'incs }-aWl' the f!d�e here Numerous lecturers and musicians profs. Buol Hutchinson also rapped with the live green plants. : iors; Ch-ester Guy and Coventry Plattas they have been greatly strength- will appear at the University during cut a home run for the seniors with Arthur Ranstead's "Raspberry Sev- ; the Juniors; Charles McGuire and Hel­I erred hy t h-. return of Capt. Johnson, 11(' Summer quarter. A public lee- none on base, and others made long en" will play the music for the af- I en Palmer the Sophomores; and Wal­.\, star .of t hc 1919 Conference meet. +ure will be �iven every afternoon at dr-ives. Coach Sta�g acted as umpire. fair. His orchestra consists of a pi- ker Kennedy and Emma MacDonaldJuhn.ions prowess will he evident in 1:,.5 by experts in arts, literature and The pitching of Dr. Reed was a ano, drums, a clarinet, a cornet, a bass I the Freshmen.the hurdles and the jumps. science. In addition a special series surprise. as the medical examiner had viol, a banjo and an xylophone. Fif- No Long Reception LineCoach Sta;.:j.!'s Maroons appear to be has been arrarured for Friday eve- I excellent control and allowed only teen dances will make up the Hop pro- This y·::?ar a long reception line hassliuht ly better than Minnesota. with nir-rs. I scattered hits. On the other hand the gram. been eliminated. As the dancers comeIIi�g';n" and Otis ccr tain point win- Arnone those who will lecture are.' facultv players drew frequent bases Announce List of Patronesses in the gymnasium they will shakeners. HiKj.!ins should take firsts in Stephen Leacock, the distinguished em ralls, and two were struck by the The patrons and patronesses for the' hands with the chaperones who willthe shot put and uiscus throw, and economist and lecturer; Amy Lowell, pitchers. A good crowd watched the Hop are as follows: 1 stand in two short lines on either sideshould gather some extra points in the Percy MacKaye and Lorado Taft. game. 1\11'. and Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson, of the door. Dancing will begin athammer. Otis will taxe the mile run Many Recitals for Summer The picnic supper which followed Mr. and Mrs. Louis Platt" Mr. and I once, but. the grand march will Dotand if entered in the two mile will Recitals will be- given by Miss p::-J\'C.d to l·� very successful. Mem- Mrs. J. E. Palmer._Dr. and Mrs. J. Eo' start untIl 9:15.pr;i.::�� ::t ll�hr:k�.C��i1iln a�::t::J:':; �::� S��:::n�· tt:!t�;G:�� )'J�:h!f --l�:; rt��l�n�:_':e �'i�- ��:;i��:!·.M;:,���t:�;.""a�dl pr����.!�!�S ::;r - :�sr���-s�:o�- - ,.-some points for the Maroons. Harris Menica Graham Stults and Walter nickers played a number of games Mrs. J. M. Gu�, �r�.� �uisa McGuire, away, with this year, enabling thein the 220 will star.e a great fight S�ults, Ernest Davis of the Boston cf various sorts. The University Mrs. E. V. MacDonald, Mrs. Edith dance to continue the -2ntire eve_ing.,. with Kebey of Wisconsin, Cook of �Grnnd Opera, Vera Poppe, a cellist, band gave a concert during the sup- Foster Flint, Miss Elizabeth Talbot, Those desiring refreshments duringMkhij.!nn and Emery of Illinois. :1nd the Zoellner String Quartet. per period. !�liss Marion Talbot. the hop will be forced to secure themThe -1,�O promi�es to be one of the Concerts by the University band ------- , outside the dance floor.j{.:aturcs d th� meet. An abundan�e will be given every Thursday evening New Phoerux Chock Full EXPECT 200 PEOPLE AT I Spectators on Trackof s�ars are entered and fast time is 'i'r:Hn '; to 8. Of Educational FIELD DAY ON TUESDAY I Those unable to secure tickets tolooked f(lr. Emery and Donahue of ------- din I (he hop may watch the dancers fromI!linois, Wetzel of Michigan, and Bart- C .. ASS OF 1912 WILl. GIVE Rea ·g Program to Start Promptly at 2:30 the running track by paying an ad-ky of the Maroons, will all battle for SPECIAL DANCE ON JUNE 11 With a Parade Headed by the Uni-l mission fee of 25 cents. Guards willDo you want the straight dope on :t�. quarter mile �upremacy. 1 d ' h d h d? \'ersity Rand-Maypole Dance Spe- I be stationed at each end of the track,. \1 h�w to win a a y s eart an an. ICapt. Speer of Chicago and Brown nl'lte J u:r.ni of 1910 and 1911 a� cial Feature. I so tJtat t� spectators will be keptof lEinois �:hould sta!-!e a �o:;d fight Guests of Rig Affair' Consult "Springtime Advice" by Jer- I from the dance floor.in the �RO. If Otis enters the two ry Westby in the June issue of The That 200 people at least will wit- i Dancing will continue until 2. Themi!e he will buck up a�ainst Dusen- Among the special features by the Ph�rnix, which will be out Thursday. r.ess the, �t�let�c:,_program to be given i men will wear white trousers and'le:'Tj' of Illinois :!T!d Anderson of Ohio, various clas�e� to be given during Since the author is graduating in ten en Field day next Tuesday was the! dark coats and the women summerboth fa�t men. Malecker of the Badg- alumni, reunion week, June 10 to IS, days, he is fitted to give a fearless prediction made yesterday by General dresses. Flowers have been absolurelyC:'S looks like the winner in the 100 is a class d:1nce by the class of 1912. comment on th� subject, and he <I':e: Chairman Mina Morrison. At the prohibited from the affair and the use(Cmltinltr,z ('n rn.ge 4) It will be held on June 11 from 9:30 so. same time she announced the day's of taxis has been discouraged._____ . __ to 11 :30 in Ida Noyes t�ater. The The soul of a symphony orchestra events, which will include a completeclass is celebrating its eighth anni- conceIt is exposed by A. P. S. in an presentation of women's athletics FRATERNITY NET TEAMS PLAYver!:ary and is expecting to make the �:-ticle entitled "Discord of Sweet Po'h-en at the University. -affair a bi� success. The committees Sounds" in the same issue. The writer The program will start promptly at II Six Win in Second Round of Tennis·n ('h!lr�� have invited the classes of was once given a ticket to a concert, 3:30 with a parade headed by the Tournament Singles� !)10 ar.d 1911 as guests. and �rasped th� opportunity of lay- University band of twelve pieces un-I ---Th� entire order of Cap and Gown ing bare the hidden meanings of some der the direction of J. Beach cragun.j The second round of the Interfra-920 has arrived in the office and is ��OI.. E. A. GRAVES SI'EAKS :r.a�t·!rly opera which to the lay Members of the athletic teams and ternity tennis tournament singles re-• hrin� (!istrihuted to students, it was TOOAY AT 4 IN HARI'ER auditor mean nothing. field and track squads will follow. suIted in easy wins for six teams,rn:1'\unc('d ye�t('rday ty Carl Piper. "The Evcluticn of the Pen" is the There are also two short stories, Publish Complete Program Beta Theta Pi beat Alpha Delta Phil us'ness mana�er. Books may be ob- subject of an illustrated lecture to Cne concerns the handicap a young Included in the day's program will by th� score of 6-2, 6-2; Psi Upsilon�'1in'!cl elaity in the Ellis hall office, he �iven by Col. E. A. Havers today man underwent in propsing to a lady be a Junior college-Senior college base· I won from Zeta Beta Tau, 6-3, �3;from 8 to 5. It is nf)t necessary to at 4 in Harper 1\111, under the aus- by mail, and suggests that college ball game, the final inter-class base- i Sigma Alpha Epsilon beat Sigma Nn,present .... fuhscription receipt. pices of the Y. M. C. A. The lec- students must watch their pens and ball games, line ball and volley ball I 6-3, 6-2; Pi Lambda Phi beat DeltaThe fr�t �hipments of the annual �ure includes a full description of the Ur.dC'twoods during summer vacation. matches to decide the University I Tau Delta, 6-1, 7·5; Delta Upsilon"'ere not larj!e enough to supply the "tone a�e, the stylus, the brush and The other tells about a romance of ehampions, and the tennis finals be-I' beat Phi Delta Theta, and Kappa Sig­!ma'!1d, and as a result numbers "cccl, the ,::oose ancI quill, the 8teel East and 'Vest. The hero is from tween the wome.'n who occupy the four rna beat Alpha Sigma Phi, 6-1, 6-1.�re tlnah!-� to secure copies. There p<'n. the fountain pen, the gold pen P::-ovidencC', R. I.. and the heroinee hi�he�t places in the ladder tourn:l-! In the third ro�nd of the �ingle� Pi> n'lW on hane} the full supply, and r:ncl how it is made, and a chapter on from Thermopolis, Wyoming. ment. I Delta Phi beat SI�ma Alpha Epsilon,th� hoo!�� ��.e hein� dven out to all • he pen, ancl the advancement of civ- Furth�r features of the special va- The field and track pro�ram willi 6-2, 6-3; and Kappa Si,::ma beat Deltawho, cemplete the paym('nt of $3. i!ization. Til<! lecture is given u,lder (aticn number will be announced later. embrace fifty yard dashes, hurdles, I Upsilon, 6-3, 6-4.Tho�e wh') have paid $1 will have a 'h� ccurtesy of the Waterman Pen 111e ma�azine will be the largest and hi�h jumps, javelin throws, basket· The second round of the doubles� book reserved for them until June 12, Co. :h� most elaborate which The Phoenix ball throws, dis('us throws and relay I resulted in some closes �cores. Alphadt�r which this ("ann'lt b� g'uaranteed. ------- :�t�ff has yet is!'ued. The price is races, Delta Phi b('at Beta Theta Pi; Zeta"The business staff wishes to apolo- nEG YOUR PAROON! the ::;ame as bcfore-15 cents, A Maypole dance to he �iven under Beta Tau beat Psi Upsilon, 7-5, 3-6,1':'7.(, for elelays and to thanlc sub· Yesterday's Daily Maroon stated th� direction of .Tos<'phine Strode and 6-3; Si�ma Nu beat Si�ma Alpha Ep-s('ril,crs for thcir patien�e during the ',�t Mi�s .Tulia CO:1ley had been mar· Y<,l1ow J;:cket Gi\'es Party Ruth Dixon will be a special feature silon; Pi Lambda Phi beat Delta Taujn�: two clays:' Piper declared yes- hI to Piof. Altrocchi. The Maroon 'jh� Yellow .Tacket cluh will give a for the day. Damaris Ames has been Delta; Delta Upsilon heat Phi DeltaI t�rday. "The business manager was receiveel the notice to that effect from l:�a('h party for the members Wednes- appointed chainnan of the Sophomore Theta,r,n��i:)llS to �et th� hook out as soon .... d�\\'n'�wn p:lp('r ancl thug the mi!\- ,by, .Tur,e 9. Those wishin� to at- booth committee to succeed Mina Only one match has been played in, :1<; pr.�si':I(', nnd cldays were caused '�1." npp�::r('(t in ollr columns. It t-:-nrt shnuld sh:n their names to the )lorri::;on, who was n:lmcd to take the third rounel of the douhles in, � \' rb'nmstan('el' quite he yond our h -uld h:lvC rencl that their en�a�e· �lUlle�in bonrd in Ida Xoyes hall he· Th�'!"csa Wilson's post as general which Pi Lambda Phi beat Si�ma Nu,� control." �Cil' was ::nnoun'.'ed. I\,re �l()nday. chnirman of the day.Faculty basebull players defeated'1l' I' 'Entire �up;:]y of 1920l Cap and G-awn. ReadyFor Di�.trihutionI �-1, 6-4.2 THE iJAIL Y MAROON. ;:-RIDAY, JUNE 4, 1920W 11 p it il ill' in a r U U 11 �,� is supposedly an in���;���-;;;�i�JY. W. C. ",... ?IE�IBEI���II: �I!;;� -, At�::&1ticn! F .:at�ti� 1"' __ �-�--.-;;-_!ii!-!IiI-.�-� -!ii!IiI-��!Iiiiii::) why not limit the distribution of the I Al.HEA I>Y STAinED ron 1920! "Lir:i.elS on a class basis; that is, so ; Special Pricec on i.nany tickets for seniors, so many for Ruth l\tetc:t1fe Chooses Eight Women ! Fraternity Printing iun.ors, and so on. If a yellow book to Head Tcams-c-Captains Ap. ' IPublished mornings, except Saturday, were placed at the Information desk point Committees ! See Pickus at Maroon Office!Sunday �!1d Monday during the Au- ttumn, Winter and Spring quarters ,)1' at the Murocn office or at some Pluns for the Y, W. C. A. lllember-: =================by The Daily l\laroon Company. other convenient place where people ship drive to be conducted the third �El>ITOIUAL DEPAI!�'IENT- Jc�irinl-: th .. kets for the hop could sign week of the autumn quarter have ul- :Managing Editor Up, I think the problem would be ready been m,l{:'!, Ruth Metcalfe is:)011:\ ASIIE:\Ill·H.ST solved. The lists could be ch-ecked in charge of the drive and has ap-:News Editors d h 1Bury Uinl. Jr. Herbert Rub�1 an t ose students signing' up first pointed eight team captains who will IN' h Ed' would have first option on the tickets choose teams of eieht women each.Ig t uors I . �1-:,;wilJ Jur.lalJ, j r, Olill Stansbury Ramona Hayes. Team captu.ns arc Carolyn Hoyt,Day Editors --- Siune W ennerblud, VirJ,!inia Strain,Ridl3r,1 Evans Elsie Gullander . The Convention Again Natalia Grcensfelder, Devereaux Jar- ,!Robert Seymour E lit Th(1 or e Maroon: I ratt, VirJ,!inia Foster, Ann Lorenzen, :,'Associate Editor:\tary 1I;.yc!I In behalf of the Hoover club I want Lela Carr. These women will llled!Reporters to thank all those who worked for the Monday at 12 in Cobb 12A.Arvi.l Lunde, Asst. tion know, as long as even a semblance========�==��====--�----------- of order and deliberation continueu,Hoover increased his 5u!J:.t�mt;i.ll leadover th, field on every ballot, and forthose of you who were unable tobe present, it is a pleasure to reportthat the cheers for Hoover drownedout the feeble shouts from the op-Entered as se�ond cl�ss mail a.t t�e posing camps.Chicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois, IMarch 13, 1906, under the act of I am also glad to be able to reportMarch 3, 1873. that even after more than half of theOffices , Ellis 14 delegates had left and the conventionTelephone Midway 800 had broken into a disorderly mob, andalthough sorely tried, no work-er of­ficially connected 'with our organiza- Straw Hats, Men's Furnishings, Hat .. ,;tion yielded to the temptation to in- Caps and NeckwearMAROON MISCELLANY dulge in Tammany hall politics, but BASEBALL SCORESSom-ething is wrong when we have rather .lid their best to continue the CIGARS-CIGARE'ITES--PIPESto order 200 more Maroons than there Uni v ersity of Chicago sentiment for Southeast comer-55th and Ellis A .....With the above off our chest the Xot a Monkey Conventionrest of the day is easy. So much Editor The Daily Maroon:campus opinion has drifted in today There is an ancient scripture whichthat lack of space forces us to turn says, "Answer a fool according to hisour calOllln over to them. We can folly lest he be wise in his own con­then tufn our attention to reparrrng ccit." There is no call for the pro­typewrjters. We de that quite well. test of Messrs. Gordon and Vog-el con-ccrning the harmless violence whichmay have been threatened aga inst thethoughtless youth who put forwardthe name of Eugene V. Debs at themock convention, It was a mock con­vcnticn but not a monkey conventionand a student who did not know betterthan to play smart aleck on such anoccasicn should take the consequenceswithout complaint from himself orothers. F. J. Gurney.dc::r.:,d I1',\I;-;L Le I�;<:intainccl. It ��emsto th� \\' .. i�er th�t � similar pro�)lcm I T�e South�rn club will give a dancecoulll I)c n:ost sUl'l'e�sfully solved in I today from S to 11 ::�O in the theaterthe ftAture hy rcfusin� to distribute I 'f Ida Noyes hall.ticl:"t:- to f;�temities, :\ f:er all, the Tickets for the W. A. A. sprin�-------==-= hanqud will he on sale cvery day��;'�::�,n.i��"�V:'IW.'/� The foll()win� wolllen will meet with• .,r! "'nm ... • .. c, ... ""h Elf'anrr Ryrnes tnday at 12 in Cobh"I Fv .. I •• hr. � E .... ,h."w' m.lvnll ,h .. m 12A: ,Julia \Vhite, An:1 Loren7.('n,lon;r, 'hi,1< .,,<1 IU",OIIl. Gu.'.n' .... d .b.olu:�I. T D 1 ,. Ih"'m!�.. Hund,�<i .... f Ihnll'.n<', "I wom .. n h.... I' ar.� l' nncy, ,!.""anine GoW( y, Flor-��;:n '::!��'�:�;� r.::'h Ih" ,�,"1,. oh,.,n .. d b, i" n-:.... A leuck, Esth('r McI ....'lughlin,Pric� SOc. At Your Df-al"r'. II �1i: (1)("h ;\Iann. ;\Iary GinJ!rkh, Mar-MA YBfJ.L LARORA TORIE.�, CHICAGO_ r;�j'('t Rohinson, E(lna Eisendrath.The Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoRaIllUII;1 Huye s Rita HandschyAT HLET IC iJEl'AJ{T�1 E:\TBUSINESS I>EPAnTl\IE�TKEITH KI::\IJIU:D, Husiness :\l:lIIagerAdv, Manager Cir. ManagerLaurence Tibbitsliortimer C ;ou.!winAssistantsGilbert neattyllorris Pickus AssistantsCharles LoeffelFrank LindellFriday, June 4, 1920are subscribers and even then oursupply outside the office is exhaustedbefore 10 o'clock. Our belief in thehonor sentiment has encouraged usto continue the practice of distribut­ing Maroons in the usual way outsidethe door. For the rest of this yearat least W� shall cling to our belief,but unfortunately complaints fromsubscribers necessitate that we ordereven more Maroons. With the sin­cere hope that other universities donot notice this necessary appeal, wemust request subscribers to get to theoffice early in order to get their Ma­roon before the non-subscribers cleanus out.COl\1MUNICA TION(In "ie� of the fact that the com­municarion column of The Daily Ma­roon is rJlClintained as a clearinghouse fof student and faculty opinion,The DailY Maroon accepts no respon­sibility for the sentiments therein ex­pressee]. Communications are wel­comed bY the editor, and should besigned as an evidence of good faith,althau�h the name will not be pub­lished �ithout the writer's consent.)Sounds PlausibleEditor 'fhe Maroon:In l'c:ld;n� tGda:;'� editorial I no­tice that f�rth('r attention has heen('a!lcd b the dep101'ahle and lamentahlestate of affairs reJrardinJ,! th� dis­trihllt hn of th� much to he desiredHop ticl�ct�. Oh\'iously, a limit on�eYOU.TOO,CA? HAVEBEAUTIFULEYELA�HESand BROWS, h�v "dd wonr1�,lul.'v ,,., ",eO, hf':t'\t'·�hafm �nd "1!,.cti\'�·\ I,,,'�Lash-BrClw-lne HC;':'\,'!I' cause on the campus. Asthose of you who were at the convcn- I."clean politics on the campus," whichsentiment was so recently and nobly!expressed hy many prominent stu-Idents on the campus.We have the satisfaction of know­ing that we put up the same clean,fair fight that Hoov-er himself wouldhave fought, and even though theoutside world is denied the opportun­ity of hearing where the Universityof Chicago stands in national politics,we on the campus know that, as far Ias they were permitted to expressthemselves, the predominate majorityof the students on this campus ap-Iprove of Mr. Hoover's candidacy forpresidency. Rupert R. Lewis. Like your fingeron silkA Blalslldl Pl'ncll ,,,rites ast'lllIlIy aN your ftllJ:f'r mOVl'S onNllk.Your stut lonor hus tbe popularHlah"h'lI Colurt.'tl Pendls. Nowurk III "harJll'uiul: - Just nicktbroul:h one thlcklless of puper1II111 111111 1>1 rah:ht 11\\,11)'.II ·J'II .. 11 t'olon of BlalJ6dt'U Pt'D- II dill &art' u .. t'd til.. world o\'er II for c'uuntlt ... " purilolit'li. No.I 15J nlut' ClUt,.t'U .. nil otht'r blue, II",nc'lI,. t·umbhuod. ,L_-----=-==�ANNOUNCEMENTSThe :"fen's Glee club will hold afinal imp�rt3nt meeting l\londay, JuneI. Offi('ers ' .... m be elected and ar­. :-:r.:--.en�('n! s m<,.dc t.o put through atrip next fall. Th� pins will also hed:stributed.fr"m I!:! to 1 in the foyer of lcla NoyeshaJ1. DDrnthy A lIg-ur, II a ?.:: I .Jenny,Lucy :\cill, l\Inrion .Jaynes, l\tarie:\if'r�arth, Ger�rllcle Bis�cl. GertrudeByrne, A lice IInll and Alice Adams',;i11 also havc tickf'ts for �alc,Th� Blue Bott Ie duh will meet to­<la\' at 12 in Ida :\oy<'s sun parlor. 11111il'lIili 'ARROW'Jrorf !.7,,;lorcdSOFT COLLARSCLUETT, PEABODY" CO., INC, TROY, N. Y I I I"Sinn' the new membership busis .has been installed, membersh'ip will,mean more to the women on the campus than for aier ly,' stated Ruth :\l�t- ;calfe. "W l' hope that by organizing:our teams early the drive w.ll bc ' =========:============:-::--=-=:-::-=-=-=-=-==-=-==.more successful." �----------------- ----------------- .....Phone Hyde Park 2433SPOEHR DEAR HEARTC:-10COLA TES Makers ofE vcrvwhere CHOICECONFECTIONSC 0 VV 1-1 E'V'§Store for Men ' andICE CREAM1133 E. 55th Street" CHICAGOEntering theWorld Electrical�E gradUate oftoday enters a world electricaLGathered from the distant waterfalls or gen­erated �y the Steam turbine, electric power istransmitted to the busiest city or smallestcountry place.T�rough, the �o-ordination of inventive r.cniusWlth engmeermg and manufacturing resources,the General Electric Company has fostered anddeveloped to a high stat_e �r perfection theseand numerous oth('r applications.And so electricity, scarcel>: older than the grad­uate of today! appears In a practical, welldeveloped serVice on every han�.Recognizo its powerd• st�l�Y i�s applications tolife's work, an un rze It to thyour fi of all mankind. e utmostfor the bene tI.THE DAlLY MAROON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1920 :1for the Dramatic. club which --m-i-gh-t-i�-S-K-;)ROGRAM HINTS -I-L�-rc-h-i-n ·ca;���-t��--W�;-A-.-o-tli-c-e,fairly: be called an even or complete I FOR W. A. A. RECEPTION Ida Noyes hall. 'interpretation, she .always retains t�at I --- Isingular power of enforcing the tragic Suggestions for the Women's Ath-: HOLD FILIPINO NIGHT JUNE I.lemotion of certain scenes. Her curious ,letic association reception to new stu-I A unique program of musical en­awkwardnes�, her angular, galvanized I dents, t� be given after the openi�g I tertainment will be given Filipinopostures, bring catastrophe home to of the l' all quarter next October, will night, Friday, June 11, under the aus­us quicker than does the professionai! '_·e received by Frances Lerch, who i pices of the Filipino Triangle club.smoothness which is lacking to her.] has been put in charge of the pro-! The entertainment will be given inend her monotonous voice, rising :. n :! gram for the affair. I Mandel hall at 8. Honorable Jaime defalling with depressing sameness of Ideas for the program, together I Veyra, who is resident representativetone, ach'eves something like posses- with suggestions for carrying out the I of the Philippines at Washington,sion of her hearers. Nobody in the reception, should be addressed to Miss I D. C., will speak a word of welcomeDrnmaticclUb�nactmorebaill�onl���������������������������������occasion; but certainly nobody in that: Jorganization possesses more of the di- ;vine fire-or whatever people have 'nowadays instead of the divine fire.:HORSE SENSE AN� SOAP THR�WERS I. By TOM ECKi'•. \...-----� - ----_. Miss Brown, of course, owns the stagewhenever she is on it, whether she isacting well or badly; and that, I take.It is some time since I wrote a note; quarters of a mile in 3:14 seconds,for the Maroon, owning to a bad at-: was taking an electric treatment. Thetack of Flue from head to toe, and,' Dog was smelling around for mice,sideways also. On my return to the and Otis laid his hands on him. YouTraining quarters, I found some new I heard about the athlete who was soAthletes, who should read these Horse I quick that he could turn off the Gasse�se and Gur�ption letters of Mine I and Jump into bed before the roomwritten last winter, We have a few � was dark. Well, that's how quick thenew soap throwers, But their aim is I Dog made h1s way to the front door,bad .. A.lso some �ot P-ep Gu:s who I uf'ter l'�ceivinJ.:" the shock. Up theUSf� It m large uoses. But It does I steps, SIX at a time, and out 57thsome good, for it wzrkes them up for street, with Johnny after him with aa few minutes each day, which shows lasso.us they may have a chance on the I Joie Ray, the little speed Merchant,track team, some day when they gct ] has Lecn doinz :,uJIle training on Staggover being like a Man who is Just; field. But he l-earnt Joe Stout a train­walking around to save Funeral ex- 'I ing stunt, that of bouncing a Tennis it, is proof conclusive of her reallypenses, You can ask some of them Ball around the Gym Floor. He told great gift. • . • •t i d th t s kin II The show, then, is good', and the:a ques IOn an cy pu up orne '1 ( Joe it would make him fast. No won- jcf un evasive answer, thinking I urn a! del the price of tennis Balls has gone thanks go largely to Mr. Louis Doo- Imind reader. i lip. It is awful to have a young stu. ley, who has brought the Dramatic iJohnny Johnson has returned a I dent rush into the training quarters club throc rh a most successful and:Vastly Improved man, that is so-J and nsi •. Ichnny Johnson if he kept profitable year. May his tribe in- Icietivcly he comes and goes in his new I! erasers or a shoe lace for a left shoe. crease. II IRabbit Racing Auto. He can turn acorner and miss a cement Island as! iclose as any man I ever saw. Anyone I TilE DUA!\IATIC CLUB SCOnES PI CK - UStroubled with heart failure should I I�Ive Johnny a wide berth. Bartky,... , For Particular Printingcur new quarter Miler, is figUl·ing how I 1 he pat rcns of the art� traveled allI •he can fix it with Coach Stagg so he � the way to �mmons Blame �all ye�-I No lobs too large or too small.,'an have the long berth going to, terday to view the Dramatic club s At M Offi t' I, -' f "Th T·1 • aroon ce any imeMichigan 111' the Confereneco Meet.! presentation 0 e rageuy ofHe says Higg+ns had one goinJ{ East i 1':a:1;' and I have yet to hear of onelast summer to the Cam" Dix Cham-II wh» came away dissatisfied. It was SPOEHR'S FOURplonships. Someone asked me why �ot only. the most significant dramat- STORESthey throw lip their hands at the end I c offcr'inz of the y-ear hereaboutsof a Race. Was it to let the other' (not excluding Madame Hammer'sfellows Know that the race was ov=r ? "Ibsen" or .MI'. Holloway's "Barbara,Harvard University has introduced Behave!"), but the best thing the Dra­a New Idea for its runners to devel- !':<!tit- clu'» has dcne these manyop the proper form in running. But moons. There u.re many unfortunate We Pay Highest Prices for Second. Hand Clothing and Shoes. NoI think the Bovs use it more to see if things to think about in connection Orders too Large or Small.their hair is p��rted in the rhrht place.' with the production. For example, A. MARKOWITZWe ex�ect a new Gasoline Roller to i W.h.� is the �ramat.ic cI�b c0111�elled toRoom 412 105 W. Monroe St.go behind our men to Make them go �l\C earnest and intclliccnt interpre- Phones:fast or get flattened out. I thinl; a I tat ions of good plays in such a dis- Central ,4556.and Central 8574IUtlc ca�dy at the fin�h wo�d be!lcul ou�kirt as the Scho� of Edu- �������������������������������������������������quUean�ducementforsomeofthem,: a.ion, wh:� the B�ckfriar� ba� ij!��������������������������������������������������Jones in particular. Going down to 1 chanalia are surrounded with pomp !�_.Ithe Illinois-Chicago Dual meet at I :,�:I circumstance in the urban bril_1Champaign last J"'riday, it was slow I' liance. ?f l\I�nc!el hall? But that, l�lY I _.service; our waiter must have had a dear Watson, IS one of the mysterieshammock in the kitchen and took a I only to be solved by that psychologist -"ciasto" between each course, at our I (not Scott Fi�zgerald), who shall o��table. Our table was served in seven I some day explam. the mystery of the 'i..courses; first, water; second, butter; I undergraduate mind, I �third, bread or biscuit; fourth, gravy; At any rate, be it said, Marg-aret .. -and roast bed; fifth, strawberry short! Hag�ott did a clever and finished 1-cake instead of pie; sixth, coffee or! piece of acting as Mrs. Pargetter, at­milk; seventh, $2.25 check. : tacking the difficulties of her role withPsychology, they say, is a �rcat an intelligence which left nothing tothing. But it does not always gd the he dcsj red ; Betty Brown showed againsociety Students the Girl he wants. her keen sense of tragic values, her 1-·It is like a Fortune Teller to me. It unfailing instinct for pose; and Rich- �,is Great Stuff if they tell you some- ard Evans caught a memorable bit of �thing that comes true. I knev .... one doddering age in his interpretation of II�.who told a woman she was going to : he cld Gaffer. As for the rest, they I �Die some Day: Charges, $1. Some were thoroughly adequate and intel-,fast time was made at the Gym and lig-( nt; Miss Kohl was pretty and notStagg field today. Johnny .lohnson amateurish; Mr. Thomas Long was Ibrought his new Boston Bull to the good to look at; Charles Beckwithtraining quarters to show the speed was passnble, and the Misses Shanksmerchants how heautifully he is � n-I A msdcn were pictorial and verymar: ed. Otis, after running three: graceful.================ ' T,' i\liss Haggott belong the laurelsi of the day. IJ.�r interpretation of! the role was a complete thing, care­! L.Il\, stu.lied and done with an as­! C llr:nce which almost amounted toI"" c.'brilliance. She had come nearer the:dinlcct than most of the others, and: gave the spirit of the thing a vitality I.which i, quite :1 re\'daticn to one w.ho;1:1:, :-.c: r. h-:-r :!ct for thr('e years. :\hss Ii ij:-(,wn. a pcr:-;(,n:lli�y of �reater e�jlO- .,t irnnl P:.Wt·'· en the st'lg('. did not I -I �"'.i\'e a fini;"hecl p-�rformanee; the .. ,· I�;crc many in. eonsisten('ies; she f\)r·ll-J'.of. her dialed often. she ovcr-acted1 iwnudl:1l1t t he' first act, and she Islc,uehed rnd gri:l�accd '�ntirely toomuch all the time. And yet, when in .the sweep of l\lasefield's magnificentliiles she f('lt the terror and despairof her role, sh� carried her audicn('('\"'ith her in th� intensity of her read­ing. She has something which mightrass for �enius, perhaps; and, al­: h')uf h she has never yet done a role For Lunch Downtown TANTUSCANSTHEY'RE tan and they'remade of Tuscan braids.It' s something new, some­thing different in straw hats.You'Il like them, they're sogood looking" so very stylish,�md they, won t soil eas- $6ily; they re practical.Other straws, $4 to $50.\.It·rMaurice L RothschildMoneyCh�rfullyRefunded Southwest comerJackson and State ChicagoMinneapolisSt. PaulNOW·ON SALESuit and Extra Trouser.s $60, $65, $75and UpwardsANNOUNCEMENT OF THESEBetween-Seasons Salesalways brings a rush of orders-Thereforewe urge an early c�ll so that you may have afull �tock from which to make your selectionand In order to grve us ample time to completeyour order.This announcement is made to you in advanceof public advertising.!�Tailor fer Young Men·THREE STORES7 N. La Salle S�l'eet 314 S. Michigan Avenue71 E. Monroe Street . ,I4 THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1920I tcrnity house and; said -he'd hear�I somecne there had a Hop ticket toI sell., THE PHOENIXI (Continued)! THE PHOENIX is the SeniorI vaudeville of magazines.THE MAROON for once had a news I ---item that wasn't decrepit with age. FINAL arrangements have beenYesterday's reported that Prof. Al- I made for the Interclass Hop. It will• trccchi was married. Fast work. The I cost $3.30 to J,:ct onto the gym floorwedding comes off in September. I and two bits to watch the melee fromthe track.SPORT SHORTS IGooddell and Volini were liberal j SO NEAH-and yet so far!with passes in the Faculty-Senior! -Birdie.g-ame, each ,::iving about eight per Iinning. We could understand this if I TItACK TEAM GOESthey expected to take more courses i TO ,A�S ARBOR FORhere. ! COSFElm:SCE MEETOn the other hand, ,Mr. Moulton and IMajor Lewis were hit by pitched balls. j (CcmtinKeci IrMA pe •• 1)When Captain Vance came up to Ibat and whiffed, somebody supgested yard dash. Johnson of Michigan andthat as a ball player he made a good Knollin of Wisconsin are the Big Ten'sbest in the hurdles. !l!M\P4\PJ\Pl\tI' ••• MW1\t4\m.wmp.$\'I\ •••1a •••••of 1the Maroons are b�h st��ng inthe hammer, throw, with titft,',ormerhaving the lige. JWisconsih: Illinois, Chicag� andMinn('s� should finish in the ordernamed, .with Iowa pushing the lasttwo for fourth or fifth place. Dancing �;!,.A wonderful time Friday night with theMERRY GARDEN "3" 1 •C LAS S I FIE DAD S.W ANTED-College men wishing to Iearn a good income during their va­cation should communicate with usimmediately; good, clean business;',large returns. Refer to page 123 of ,the May issue of the Ladies' Home!IJournal. V ACUETTE SALES CO., I163 W. Washington St., Chica,::o'l:Ill. 152---------------------------:LOST-A bunch of keys, probably on :Tuesday evening, between RiCketts',ilab. and 63d and Woodlawn; oneYale key branded HI8. Address;care Maroon office. 151 :==========================='Subscribe to the Daily Maroon!and Get All the Campus News: s: BUD COMBS, ON SATURDAY EVENINGFive PiecesAll this takes place at theHarper Hall53rd and Harper Avenue-Above Harper Theatre�Ir l'-I r(I}]I((I),iJtlhCIbl\'\11tln:,.. tl> I·;: . 1t.f.'tja,fe. 't tl·t t<,. -<' w1 f(I eJh.k.w.- wnc(.MbJ� insi• .. tb4 d\w'tilsew,1-1IIIernc3:',: lilhI:to4:1.a ja., f(�hr'-,, .'.. :H)ofth.. , . th. t .-I, } ro,University Nights Tuesday and Wednesday Eveningsjockey.George Serck was r ig ht in his ele- In the field events Higgins of thement. i Maroons has excellent chances forSprcehnle t ried to hit the bass horn I firsts in t�e shot put. and �iscus thr�win center field, but missed and struck i although Slater of Iowa WIll push himthe clarinet. ! closely in the latter event. Miller ofI Purdue is assured of first place in"MODERN ENGLISH" is a book I the javelin throw.recommended for English 1 students.] Between Buchanan of the Illini andIts author is G. P. Krapp. I Endres of Wisconsin in the pole vaultShoot! I there is little choice; and Osborne ofI Illinois should win the high jump, asLunde wanted to play with the sen- ! he has been clenring six feet consist­.iors in their big game yesterday, but 'II ently. In. :he broad jump �sb?r, neProf. Moulton objected. of the Ilhm, Wesbrook of MichiganI and Sundt of the Cardinals have shownDRAMATIC REVIEW I well. Bennett of Illinois and HigginsBETTY BROWN seemed to get! =====================along almost as well with the Pi�Ch-1 See our Campus Represen-hitter.. tative, Morris Pickus. at the_- I Maroon Office for all kinds ofTHE D. U.'s expected to beat the i p . ti M·dw t T. nn mg. 1 es ypeset-Psi U's yesterday. ! ti CThe verb, you will notice, is in the I Ing ompany.past tense. !I SPOEHR BLUE BIRDFRESHMEN track stars arc still SWEETShard at work on numerals tryOl'';S on IStagg field. So far only four men Ihave satisfied Mr. Stagg as to their ====================prowess and won the coveted 1923.Wally Bates, one of the thus farunlucky ones, says you'd think 19231was a telephone number-it's so easy! HOTEL STRANDto get. l63rd &: COTTAGE GROVE AVE.: Telephone MidwlIJI 820'I University Students Werk SolicitedSOMEBODY just called up a fra- Special prices on term theme workI �·,.:;i:ii;;jiii;i;i;iillliflil:jjiiiijlllllllllllll!lllliIlfiiiiiiiliiiiiiillilllill:liiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiilliiiiliililliliiiliiiijjmilll� liillllllProfitsHelped BuildOur BusinessDo you think it's right to savemoney?Swift & Company's businesshas been built up partly by sellingcapital stock for cash and partlyby thrifty saving, pctti.:1g seme ofour earnings each year back intothe business to increase facilitiesfor production.For HappinessWoodlawn StenographicService'JOKEThat is What most all of us seekto do-save part of our earnings forfuture usefulness.Complete IntensiveStenographic Course fIt is the w�y American indus-tries have been built up, It meansthe least drain on the financialresources of the country.For the past twenty-lour yearsSwift & Company has made anaverage profit frem all sources cf11.3 PC4" cent on investment (capi­tal and surph: ), and 2.3 cents 0:1each dollar of sal"s-3. frac.ton ofa cent per pound Out of this wehave paid dividends and savedsomet'ung to help us keep pacewith a growing country.The next complete stenographic threemonths' course will begin july I. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisintensive course to get a complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COLLEGE is appealing to the col­lege student-a-only high sehool graduatesare enrolled.Bulletin on request: no solicitors em­ployed.CollegeShorthandMoser Swift & Company, U. S. A.Enrolling Only High School Graduates.Twelfth Floor Lake View Bm1ding116 South Michigan A "enueCentral 5158 Chicago, DlinoisPaul Moser. j. D., Ph'. B. Edna M. Buechler. A. B.=