The June number of The Phoenix1rill be issued on June 10 and will "bethe largest and best that has yet �published, according to the editor.- �twill consist of 48 pages of articles,stories and poems by prominent cam­pus contributors.- 18 'Fraternity· Baseball(lilllle& Remain to. 'be PlayedTo Consist of Articles,' Storiesand Poems by. Prom­inent PeopleDEAN LINN" A.P.8. CONTRIBUTE If it rains the picnic will be held COMPLETE CAST IS ANNOU, NCED�n 'Bartlett."We have this month," announcedEdward Waful, "a lineup of contrib­utors that' has never been' equalled ina campus publication, Among themare Dean Linn, Howard Beale, JerryWestby and a mysterious individualwho writes urtacr the nom de plume,of A. P. s.Poetry Will Excel Itself"The poetry which' has always beenthe most significant part of the Theo-OFFER STUDENTS CRANCE OFEN'TERING WEST'POINTCandidates Should, See CapL Man',Now a';"J Wire Congressman forRecommendationStudents of the University havebeen given a chance to enter WestPoint_ July' 1, accordi�g' to a state­ment reeeived by �pt.. Man, of thedepartment, of Military Science' yes­terday. There is a Vacancy of 218, to. be fiUed from the v_arious �tes and. congressional districts 'unprovidedwith qualified ean�daies. No furthermental examination is to be held, bUtthose pasSing a suceessful phJajc8Jexamination will be admitted.. -' ,Each candidate must be an ·�ctuaJresident of the state or congressionaldistriCt from which he wishes to beAppointed. To be recommended, al"0ung men must stand high: i� hi�academic work, be of irreproachablecharacter, and suftlcientJy well devel­oped to meet the rigid physical re­qulrements for admission. Appl�ctl­lion tor appointment should be madeby wire. followed by letter, directly Reception and -DanCe &tarday WillIB�nrr Ne� . Dormitory lato Uni­versity List of· Ra�aed Be­ginning of S�g the senator or representative whohas -the vacancy rot his disposal, and..... 01"" h view of the very short time re­maining before the admission of then(,y.t class, action must be taken atonce. Capt. Marr has the Iis't ofe'_'ngTe�smen concerned and is readyto talk the' matter over with anyone.It is not nece��ry that students bebldng courses in military science.P.ead To;' Eck's "Horse Sflt� andSonpthrow('r.:;" in tOT-orrow's Maroon. Read Torn Eck's "Horse Sense aNISoapthrowers" in to!llorrow's Marooa:, I'.'*r lail11 _arDan douLtedly do s�me�g to preventl'first and fore�osi ,beca� of·the'1!f-1.BEST AND BiooEST- .", SPOEHR 'DEAR HEART.. � a repetition of the trouble.. An ef- ftc.-icnt manne� in which the, actual I . PHOENIX TO BB OUT CHOCOLA T£Sficient man was in ch;"rge I of the I work of pUblication was handled this I .. NEXT WBEK-W AFUL Iticket sales this year; sales ·were lim- year, and secondly for the book it-I (CotIeitwH I� � 1) iitod so that the crowd would not be self. , ,I;,:' ==============too large; and yet the affair has run The size has been greatly increased I Home JOllrnal notwithstanding. They!in anything but a smooth manner, due: so that the book resembles those vol- were not acquainted with the facts of: COW H E ¥' SI r 'to the mere physical limitations of I urnes published before the war re- i the case, and commented as they did: Store for 1\(cn 'the hall, the unexpected demand and I. due-ad them to wafer like proportions.! on the basis of a clipping from a: Straw Hats, lIen's Furnishings. Hats..he rank partisanship of some mem- Every field of University activity ,I Hearst sheet. 'Caps and Neckwearbers of the ticket co�mittee. I whfch ought to be included seems to. "The pricc of The Pheonix is, as CASEBALL SCORESHerbert Rubel We advise the disgruntled ones to I have been incorporated in this year's I usual, 15 cents, and worth it. Pay no CIGARS--CIGAR�S-PIPESIorget, with us, the present confusion I book. I more." Southeast comer-55th and Ellis Aft.Nicht Editors�w�J��J� O�S��ry ���fi�reo��w�canmabi T�artwMk�����good�d ========-===='====================Day Editors the Hop a success next year. We; makes the book a very pleasing thing.��E"� ��G��� ���g�ati��ili�� l��" fur �kren� � �a� � �---��-------------------------�Robert Seymour ��"LAssociate Editor ; come. -p-.;7 -"'-"10Mary Hayes GENTLE PEACE ; It is a well known fact that/in size \IReporters The mock convention. is over, Low-! at least the University of Chicago �Ramona Hayes Rita Handschy den is nominated, the man who nom- I yearbook does not compare with Illi-ATHLETIe DEPART:\IE:\T inated Debs was not thrown in the i nois, Wisconsin and some other m�ar-!�. Lennox Gr:1)". El.!itor Arvid LUIiJe. Aast. " ,pond, Gov. Goodrich knows how to by colleges. In other respects we t �BUSINESS DEPARTMENT act when suffering from the' pOliticall.feel . i� to excel. This year sees a j �srAp�KEITH KI:\OREU. Business Manager urge, the usual cries of "dirty work" I propitious start after the war lull'jAdy. lIanacer Cir. Manager d I :\.- Y the s di taffs tak d, . are abroad-an now,' peace, gent e �'�a uccec mg sea -IMortimer Goodwin Laurence Tibbitspeace, reigns on the campus, and it vantage of it. Iis another four years' until conven­tion time.2,...'Ihe Student Newapa�r of theUDl"enity ., ChieapPu�lit.hed monungs. except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during the Au­tumn. Winter and Spring quartersby The Daily Maroon Company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTManacing EditorJOH� ASHE:\HURSTNews EditonHarry Bird. Jr.AssistantsGilbert BeattyMorris Pickus AssistantsCharles LoeffelFrank LindenEntered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,)tarch 13, 1906, under the act ofJ March 3, 1873.. I. Offices ...•........•....... Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Thursday, June 3, 1920HOP TICKETSTh� Hop ticket situation is a mess.No one can deny that. Many fra-. temities have no tickets at all, somet' .... fraternities have more than theirquota, and non-fraternity men have.v : � had to whistle for their tickets. ,It'-. is now too late to get a larger place,if indeed one could be found, and itis impossible to effect a redistrib-:uti on of the present tickets. It is also.felt by the Undergraduate councilthat the dance should not be crowded�� t: by the issuing of more than the num­.. '_. � be� of tickets first set as a maximum.,.. �:;. N the questions is-What is theL" "�'.� .. �. ow,! this situation and who is to.�� _use 0• t��::�' �':. blame? In a case hke the presen:�:'�"""". ,.._ there are two or three hun-�:"l ,/0, Olle when � 1:;t�.��'.}·:� 'dogsatisfied persons who ee1�"/(\" '. , l'r organization has been cheat-:r:/�'l),·.':�t thel have been diserim-,;.. ',X;:' "ect 'or tbat, the)' ,� :. T";'�' '. : • t the campus has aUI/� 'if'!"': inated aRms,� . :':':;�'> • f" theories as to why things�:; }:;:.,: ki�ds· 0 .II any one of the meni; " j:�:�' ,'1V�nt wr"ng. tt'ckets wert asked now" '" •.. 'f; get:: ; (,<;�: :w�o didn d the sit1aation, the.. :>: 'haw. tq ��e :ObablY flow in surpris-I: t::· ... "'()rds .'VI,," P .,'1 �'. _Yld3Dce. .;, � ': lilt abwr D ° Maroon has investi-, "., e al�') ;, aut � .UAr and it seems that, 1 roa""'"L; I' ,n.ted _ tile. h.d been c$used by un-"", .... 'tlon a;.7��", tb� situS d'tjons. N�"er before:.... . � " � ��ied con I.'ch a sudden demand/: '':' . v"'- been s'";'�.\, , . has thett The ticket committee was,�.,', ;.,: . f()� �icl¢tt5· .rise and the tickets w�re£. \ :'��, �en b1 surph 4 were properly dis-,.. , ' '. . #- fot'e t el�; ':.t.. : go�e' be 'l'h councjl is most l,)rob��:.� -: �bllted,· �. flolding to its ()l'iJPrial�'� �f: abty" juStJned Into prevent the crowded�. : ·:�i�. 9�ta 'itt oNfh�: h' caused the dissatis-�' �"��' .• ' . 'Vi Ie ,"':,' \!,: ,C()�ditiotl .' b·.d yeal'S nrom. The�'.'" ,. J1tb t 1;.7k�' :;;�J�ion .... -. Grant Meal'S and: " " ti t.all"fllan, ,1. •I. ' <, �. eleet el' -. cannot Qe entirely�. � Gi�d�s r'�abn'()n them falls th� re�;.. ,"', '" J . houg� �' -' bl=\l11ed, t d we natllrally feeli .:_;, .;' oft, anf '�:. �nsibl I theY might have doneI. ., _' " �t pzrV�Ps� • 'L._. ..'J l: �tter.· .",ave been able to see,�, . . as we .'� �s fat ns who are really to ber th� only �T:�c J'rcscnt nnfaintess of� bl!lJ11ed {t)"'� some thl'cc OT four'. d·-' .. (>n a ....� lstrtbut�e ticket: commit�e who sold� �en of ttheir o� fratet1\itje� 'WhichtiCltet� tondcd for othe-r5. This wcwe ... c Int( I ',05t severe y CCJ1�ure. SuchWOll) rJ 1J1 be.' <"'ip by mCTrl rs of a com ..pal'tls�n. I'. h.' 1.oich wa� to serv� t e Wholemlttec, W"school ::;hDuld not be tolcl'atcd.Sitl�.2 t}1e blame cannot be put onan�onc. bY persons who look at thematter �th an attitude ()f faim�ss,the only thing to be done now is(or some socially minded person towOl'k out n p!an to prevent such con­fUSion next year and p�sent it tothe council. 'fh.2 council will un- ��J��'£?t:rr�����'��'� ���J���;. TI-lI�>D«y'·.MAROON. THURSl)AY:;JYNE/3'�:d920�',��'\ _" ":. ,_. � .EverywhereThe Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN. '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.Zionist Society Holds Election !The Zionist society will hold its!HOORA Y annualelection of officers for next year!Another tradition is broken. The today at 4 in Harper 1\113. Ail mem-: 218 South Wabash Ave. CHI C AGO,Cap and Gown is out-ON TIME., bers "have been requested to be pres- i Tel. Wabash 52i for Appointment.The editors are to be congratulated, lent. ! __ •• _�__...� .•• __ ... _...;_ .. • __DAGUERRE 'STUDIOILL.A great statesman once said,"f d ratheJ." be right than 'President"The discriminating smoker says:-ul'd rather pay20 Cents for a box of ten Murads, THE T urlcishcigarette, than fora hlDldred ordinary cigarettes."Why� 'Because Mwacls are made of 1 00 % pureTurkish tobacco - and Turkish tobacco is theworld's most famous tobacco for cigarettes.Judge lor yourself-!��rJ!.��,�---)11",,, . ,. . IThose wishing th�� see Falconer to-I M�ST PLA Y NET SEMI�FiNALS I Announce Marriage of Alumna Miss M!l�r:, is a member of ,Chi Rhoday between 11 and 12:3� in the Rey-' . � I Announcement has been made ofthe Sigma and: Jived at Beecher hall. Au-nolds club. Announce Schedule to be Played for marriage of Ruth Mayer, .121, to Irving gustine is a graduate of the UDi-The Conference com.ittee marsh- Next Week Augustine, both of Grand Island, Neb. versity of Nebraska.mallow roast has been indefinitely ipostponed because of the conflict with I / The semi-finals of the Interfra-ilie�kers�ypk�� �rnHy term� �u�me� mud �:������������������������������The Honor commission will hold a I played off this week. The· resultsvery important meeting today at 4 in I of each match should be posted on theClassics 15. bulletin boards in the Reynolds club.;The Senior vaudeville orchestra will The singles schedule. is as follows: �rehears� this evening at 7 in Mitchell Alpha- Delta Phi vs. 'Beta Theta Pi;Tower. All members should be pres- Delta Kappa Epsilon vs. Delta Sigmaent. . i Phi; the winner vs. Chi Psi; Ph� Kap-The Reception committee of the In-I pa Psi vs. Phi Kappa Sigma; Deltaterelass hop will meet today at '12 in Upsilon vs. Phi Delta Theta.Cobb 12A. In the doubles the following fra-The Woman's Glee club will meet to- ternity teams play: Alpha Delta Phiday at 4:30 in Mr. Stevens' studio for vs. Beta Theta Pi; Delta Kappa Ep­the final m-eeting of the quarter. Of- silen vs .. Delta Sigma Phi; and thefleers will be elected and the new con-I winner vs. Chi 'Psi; Zeta Beta Tau vs.stitution discussed. Psi Upsilon; Phi Kappa Psi vs. PhiKappa Sigma: Sigma Alpha Epsilonr,lORE FRIARS GOWNS ON SALE vs. Sigma Nu; Delta Upsilon vs. PhiDelta Theta; and Kappa .Sigma vs.Alpha= Sigma Phi.COMMUNICATION .-(iii Yiew of tile fact that the ce.IDIIDicatiOD col1llDD of The Daily· Ma­rooD is maintained u a deariDChouse for student and faculty opiDioa,The DaUy Maroon accepta DO respon­aibllity for the sentimenta therein cs­pressed., Communication. are wel­comed by the editor. and should beaiped as an evidence of good faith,although the name will not be pub­Uahed without the writer'. consent.)Daily Maroon:Tuesday evening after the conven­tion an incident occurred whicharoused the indignation of many on­lookers at the empty-headed "Amer­icanism" of some members of the stu­dent body. Fearing that the mockconvention might become serious, ariardent Johnson supporter attempted,to nominate Debs. Whether the nom­ination was in earnest or not, no onein the University, nomatter how in­fluential his "poaifion in the studimtbody, had the right to offer any pun­ishment for the "treason." Yet in aprogressive American university inthe year 1920, this young man wasthreatened by a group of some thirty�udents with a plunge into the botanypond. He retracted his statement,proclaimed his 100 per cent American­'. ism, his loyalty to the glorious flag,ete., etc., and incidentally his loyalty-to the Republican party-and the af­fair was ended.Of all the places in the world, theuniversity ought to be a place of tol­eration. It is therefore a great em­-barrassment to the more enlightenedmembers of the student body to find,• .f:till in our midst some so engrossed�in t�e�ll�h·p.s as be, unaware, of theprogress cf the last .nineteen een­.turies, 1111(', it is with still greater re­gret . that we find some who cannotact the! part. of gentlemen which pre­tend to.�It Olay be that new conditions andnew, i<'e�s. are beyond the me�talities4o(tllese::students, and :,it is also .. Pas"aible that- they belong to the smallgroup whose material interests areen,iangeJ"f.a by new thoughts; still, wefind it impossible to see any spirit offai, r play or of true Am�ricanis� in�ch mob tactics. ',:George Gord�D, "!\lilton Vogel.ANNOUNCEM,E.NTS,The Executive committee of theJunior class will meet today at 12 inCob� 12A.'{he Lowden club will meet tonightat 8 in 'Classics 10. All Lowdenfteshave been urged to attend.'Men's Glee club pins are ready.MADE TO ORDEll, ORDER EARLYG...e-t wid e s t- s-e-lection- 'Get fuUest wear. from your suit-Get your fittings be-.fore the rils�tThe Store of WideAsSDrbnentsSuits, andOvercoats$50,$60,$65and upwardslOCOLL TheTailorw--J _c:.... M_ ..... Offer Costumes of "Barbara, Behave!"Tomorrow at 3.---. I s. A. E. PledgesJamiesonCOEtu�es l1�ed in the Blackfriars Sigma Alpha Epsilon has an-shows �11 agam be on sale tomorrow I nounccd the pledging of Stewart Ja­at 3 m Mandel hall, Part of the. I mieson of Chicago, Ill.gowns were placed on sale yesterdayand the remainder will be sold at SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPbargain prices, according to AllenHolloway, in charge of. the sales. .All STORESthe clothes are from Marshall Field &: .' �","IVASSAR AERO WEAVE ...F�r Lunch Downtown ,you buy athletic unionsuits because you want tobe cocl. Those that Vassarmade us of Vassar wovenAero weave will keep youcooler and more comfortable"than any other union suit weknow of. They're $3 5' 0beautifully made. •Vassar atheletics, $3 up.Co. 1===========The apparel left for sale includesseven evening gowns, six bathing!suits, four afternoon gowns; one:maid's attair, one organdle, four taf-I'feta afternoon gowns, four spert dress-es, eighteen yards of cretonne d. =ies, five georgette hats, two. ostrichplumed hats and six bathing caps: ' We POly Highest Prices for secondj iHand Clothing and Shoes. No ;Orders too Large or Small. ;A MARKOWITZ I Money Southwut corner Chica�o, • I C�rfully MiimeapolisRoom 412 lOS W. :Monroe St.1 : Refunded JacirMJn and StateSt. Paul ,,<{Phones: . , '',.,������� I�����������������������������'\)" -. j.' '11p � ..... �.;"�,,_ .... �'.?,". -- .\ .. Maurice RothschildL�:/.\�- Jl Lllllf}, ) JJl.llYJ� .:>: 'Henry (.LVtton I SonsState and Jackson-on N. E. ComerI,\. �." ,. '"$37 $47Regularly RetailedUp to $60 »:Regularly RetailedUp to $75 $57 . ...... /.:.... ;,_: - •J'-",'::-­.- .:�',t.\.��::�, " \.;,�Regularly Retailed'Up to $90 �', ""-.'_,'�""". j�i.1 'I " .Hop COlDmittee· Meets �ocIa,--·' i' -.-,The Decoration "-committee of' the IInterclass hop have been. asked by-Chester Guy aDd Coventry Platt,'chairmen, to be on haand in Bartlettgymnasium this aftenaoon and tom or-Irow to help with the decorations.The following have .been asked to be Ipresent: Keith Kindred, Enid Town­ley, Ruth Lovett, Elmer Donahue,Cbalmer McWilliams, Carl Piper, JohnAshenhurst, FJorence Alcock, Ellen I ��jt�IXON ����N��:Gleason, Harold Yegge-, Mark Tapley, .... ::-�;,._�ILFrank Hardesty, Buol Burke, Ted 'hnUe; ._ "'1:,"1Helmholtz, Fannie Templeton, MarionCreyts, Roger Lindsay, Wm. Holton,Ruby Womer, Ivan Sippy, Ann Lor- �"f'-1�.! Jenzen. .J :..�ww - -The Junior Ma�hematieal dub beach �party has been postponed from June I2 to June 9.. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE MAROON AND GETRead Tom Eck in ThurSdaY's' �a-I ALL THE CAMPUS NEWS :�roon. �.JfriendS will meet in front of Cobb thisafte�oon at " �� tonight at 8 for asl�mmi�lt �arty.GEN. LIT. 10 is like a movie se­rial. There's a thrill everi time.REGISTRATIONS with your dean.s. '-R.'·O.·"�"'·"'··- ., .-I:� �:,.•,.,� .It'�f. rrf::I,',r-Ii,i�.:+II!.·� ..·q THE statement which appeared inthe convention edition of The DailyMaroon in the Campus Whistle re-Igarding the political campaign ofGov. Lowden was written without a. �l understanding of the facts in thecase. We wish to take this oppor­�ty of retracting the item and ofCQ'!TeCting any false impression whichmay have been made thereby as far1as possible. The chapter of BetaTheta Pi at Northwestern University'had no official connection with Gov.s .Lowden's campaign there, and the; same was true at the University ofChicago. TON LONG, Bob Lanyon and DickEvans of the' A.:-T. O. School of Dra­matic Exp�s�ion and Fine Arts willmake � bow to4a!' 'under the tutelageof BelasCo Dooley: in Niggeer Heaventhea��:' E�mons Blaine hall.r�� �m� o� �e sh�,! i� "TheTragedy of Nan!'TRYING to "kid" somebody?','",Birdie.Read Tom Eek's "Horse Sense andI Soapthrowers" in to��rrow's Maroon.Did you know that the Cap and IGown was out?Only 3,168 students crowded into I '"TUAGEDY OF NAN,"�e Daily Maroon office yesterday to I BY JOHN MASEFIELD.•get the 200 copies of the Cap and • GIVEN TWICE TODA 1:Gown which had a�ived as the first (Continued from fJG1}6 1)Installment, Business Manager p,ipcr I ,� t h b d f I' ' p.e .. c cas as een announce as 0-reported few takers, but declared that lows'he expected to dispose of the 200 I Ch· t .th d f th .h arac ers 10 e or er 0 err ap-sometime in t e afternoon. I ' 'pearance:Jenny Pargetter Eve KohlTHE PHOENIX Mrs. Pargetter ,. Margaret HaggottThe Phoenix resembles an island- Wm. Pargetter Chas. Beckwithit is a bit of paper surrounded en- Nan Hardwick Elizabeth Browntirely by Eddie WafuI. Dick Gurvil ." . . . . . . . .. Thomas Long'Artie Pearce Louis DooleyGatrer Pearce Richard EvansAny day at E-eleven. Tommy Arker Chas. LoeffelFree-if you get it back on time. Ellen Harriet ShanksThe Rev. Mr. Drew Robt. Lanyon�e automo-beale was disguised Of C tai D· wm Ghap 10 Ixon. .. . . .. . .. . I erebeing painted a navy blue, and then. de-camouflaged by having the initials Read Tom Eck's "Horse Sense and. H; •. K .. B. draped on the tonneau doors. Soapthrowers" in tomorrow's Maroon�FREE VERSESPOEHR HLUE BIRDSWEETS.For HappinessY.M.C.A.NE)VSIt rained yesterday.Rain or shine today.Shine: Ida Noyes turf." Rain: Bartl�tt sod..Secretary Gerald Karr Smith vis­ited the office of. The Daily Maroonyesterday to get. a Y. M. C. A. storyin.. the paper. WoodlaWn Ste�c�"""HOylEL SmAND.rr � •,ARTIE SCOTT called the roll yes- �rd, cI: CQTTAGE' GROVE AY�·terday. . . ,'.... TelaplwM JfidWa.J/ 820 :. 'I University Students Work Soliciterl,DRAMATIC CLUB members and Special. prices on term theme wor1cI,. Complete IntensiveStenographic CQqr:��\ _.' ,' ' .The next complete stenographic threemonths' course will begin July 1. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisintensive course to g�t a' complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COlLEGE is appealing to the col­lege student---only high school graduatesare enroDed.Bulletin on request; no solicitors -em­ployed.Moser Shorthand CollegeEnroning Only High. �I Gra�es.Twelfth floor Lake View Building116 South Michigan AvenueCeDtrai 5158Paul Moser, J. D., Ph. B. Chicago, minoisEdna M. Buechler, A. B. ,�)!IXOP 0LwOilAD� .... �peIIdr'A man is judeed' by thepencil he IIlIS. .' 'A well-sharpened DixOD"Eldorado ia a friend to beproud of. ',• • • and at tne National Horse 'ShowNew TorkcA fiact: During the National Horse Showlast fall-considl"rf'd, by many, theseason's most notable function- the best­selling cigarette each day in the smoking­room of Aladison Square Garden wag·fatima. 4�"'J....(£. "}IISI Eruntg" ITrriis""Expertly proportion�dbetween too mUcIa Turkisbtobacco and too litlle.Fatima contains ... j u 8 tenough Turkish":' to giveperfect balance betweentbe delicate aroma of�jtlb and tbe full bodyof the Domestic leaf. FATIMAA Sensible CigareUe '1}.....'1J