.. '."'_ '". ....... . � ......,.���:::�:Vol.' 18 .. No. 125. UNI,VERSITY OF CHICAGO. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2, 1920 , Price Five CeDt8�·.BIGGINS, OTIS, SURE WINNERS Picnic Tomorrow if theerool Weather Man'Makes It Rainday and Saturday to compete for the'1920 Conference track and field cham­pionship. The preliminaries will be·run off oil Friday and the finals onSaturday.,1, Wisconsin and Illinois are to the\�. fore, each possessing strong and welli. ". balanced squads, and on� or the oth­.'.er'should lead in the final tally. In­asmuch as Wisconsin has defeated Il­linois in dual meet, the Cardinals ap­pear to have the advantage. l\lichi­gan, with the services of Carl John­son again at its disposal, is practical­ly assured of third place in the run­.ning.Chicago Out for Fourth PlaceChicago and Minnesota, to judgefrom the the. showing in the indoorConference, will most likely be thecontenders for fourth place, with theedge for Chicago. Among the otherteams, Purdue, Iowa, Ohio and Indi­ana will' probably finish in the order· named. ' Iowa, however, may springa little surprise and press the Ma­" roons and Gophers for fourth posi­tion. .For the Maroons, Higgins-and Oti�are certain scorers. The· former has HARDING PRESIDENT OFexcellent chances for first in the shot UNDERGRADUATE COUNCIL Lowden Named· by MockConvention on 4th Ballot'BIG TEN ATHLETFSAT ANN ARBOR FORCONFJ='-RENCE TITLEWisconsi�. and Illinois Picked. to Lead in FinalTallyAnn Arbor will_ be the gatheringpoint for Big Ten athletes this Fri- N!J umbrellas will be permitted atthe firStl annual Y. M. C. A.- Y. W •C. A. picnic today in the back yardof Ida Noyes hall, it was announcedyesterday by the committee. In caseof rain the picnic will be held tomor­row. Don't forget.Since this is the first affair of thiskind, many new and startling inno­vations never before seen at a Y pic­nic here will be introduced. The fac­ulty will play the seniors in' baseball.Box lunches will be sold to them un­prepared with victuals.� Soft drinkSand sort ice cream for the thirsty andpeanuts for those who aren't, to make'em buy. is ...... hat the Freshman com­mission promises to mak� the affair asuccess. When Ruth Metcalfe startsto sell, just watch things pop. .Andeverything,The University band will render se­lections from the old masters. TheChicago Tribune march and a pieceby Herold will both be played, justto show they're impartial. Then alongat the appropriate time, you will hearthe �rganization strike. up "ArabianTwi1ight'�· and a little bit later "TheApproach of the Comely," This num­ber alone is said to be worth the en­tire price of admission, which is free.Y este::-day's Maroon printed a longlist of frat clubs whose cooks wouldtake tonight off. A large attendanceat the picnic is expected, anticipated,ilope� for a�d guaranteed. ' ====��==========ICAP AND GOWN, 1920, ! •TO BE READY TODAY I Governor Wma from Herbert Hoover, 259-235, inFOR STUDENTS AT 21 Thrilling Finish-Wood and Johnson '." �-:"'ACopies of Annual Book Willi Candidacies \V.ithdrawn Earlier .-11Be Distr��ed at Ellis I SEATS ON SALE TODAY" -- \�ce I FOR SENIOR VAUDEVILLE I Gov. Frank O. Lowden of Dlinois. ,r.;:.�I I· '�.;�CONTAINS SPECIAL FEATURES: .... . I was nom mated for president by the: ,:�,I Alumni Buy Out EntIre Main Floor: il-::publiean mock convention in MaD- .:���Cap and Gown 1920 ·11 be I d I of l\IandeI; Room for Three Hun-] Gel hall last night. The governor won" I.:'!::.. .. , , WI e Issue • d S d L • It d _ S d .. i ore, tu ents eft In Balcony. Ion the fourth ballot after a stormv' '.,,';.,o ay, tu ents may obtam copies I ..:' . :�I''''of the big annua� beginning at 2 and I Tickets for the second performance I ���s:n;3��fe�t�:"n=:r;;:'e�v:'::;;; . ',!from then on until 5, upon completing! of the Senior vaudeville Saturday, i would have caused a different resul��: , ��,r.1�.'the payment of $3. Books may be se-] June 12, in Mandel hall will be placed i Leonard Wood's name was withdrawn" :..cured at the Cap and Gown office in I on sale today in the ;landel box of-I at. the end of the second ballot and .... : �.1�Ellis hall. I fie I HIram Johnson's at the end -:! the .. :-�.;;,ce. third. . - t,�. This year's Cap and Gown is espe- Thc entire first floor has been I Dissention and dispute marked the' .'. ,.���lcially large and comprehensive, ac- bought out by the alumni who will be,' convention and as th b II t ' : ,.,,�.. ltd. h . .. \ e a 0 s were ;-/.cording to Harold Nicely, editor-in- a ten mg t e home commg. ThIS I taken the tension increased to a fever': ;",,/�.;chief. It ,contains 480 pages and em-I leaves only the balcony for the stu- i heat. Gov. Goodrich of Indiana; the . .:/:t�.:braces very full accounts of all the I dent body. Manager Hans Hoeppner 1 chairman was called upon ti d '::"r .... �; ..h h ' nne an . , }!" Xiphases of campus and University ac-! annoll.nee!'; t at t e show has been I again to de�ide upon eertai tate···· "-;-'�'.,t h ' id ...... In s '-'. '/;'1\t: v itics, Unusual are- the sections de- ! c angcu .consi erably and anybo�y I votes which had been called into ques- ,,�. :�,:�.� ..\-?ted to alumni, music and the indi-] who saw :he first perform�nce will j' tion. He consistently ruied that as', �: ,!{--;VIdual photographs -of C men. ! be entertained as, w. ell by this one. there was no official 11 f d 1 te··'; .��I . . I ro 0 e ega 8 -. " ,A','Jj .Yearbook Costs Three Dollars ' "Only 300 balcony seats are avail- the count could not be verified. ' ' .� .,!\;1,Distr-ibution of th b k ill ! able for the students," Hoeppner iLs-1 Interest Runs High " ::,:' .::;:;'not be completed tod:y.ye�nl; �.:_ sert.z� lust riigh�. "Students w�o are I Active interest in the outco�e.�·of�.·�ji;ited number of copies will be J d pIanmng on gomg' would be WIse to I the convention was shown even be:" ' :-.� ..Issue , � t tl .' . k ' t d . I ' .' � f.and the remainder will be received to_;e reir ttc et� 0 ay _o� tomo�ow" fore the �oors were open. Crowds' . �?: ..����_ morning: The Cap and Gown, LO: t�e dema�d IS large. Alumm ap-! assembled m Mandel hall cloister mid" -. \.�( ,'offic·c WI·II b :. � to '_.. .. '. 8- .. '-j r-hC3t�:mS have hen turned down to· cheered their candidates The"Woo'd '.' "'.��'"copen omorrow lrom to l ". • ' r- I • ':'1. 6 ': Ii',5 for th . hi t h b .k I grve tne many students who couldn't I forces organzed a parade In the' '--1+.:'ose WlS mg 0 purc ase 00 ·S. I . . I . .': '.1,"Th '... I get tickets for the first performance I hall it was difficult to seat, the dele-. "�'.,::� ..ose who have paid $1 In the sub-: .h .. hi ". ,I ., ',� ... :-:•. .. � a e ance to sec t IS one. ,'gates properly because of,. the large'" ';!senption campaIgn toward the pur-I r .. .. .. '. ' . , " •. ,).",chase of b k ·11 '. I Nmety semors have expressed thelr! number of tIckets Issued Many peo- :'. : ; � .. /.. a year 00 W1 receIve cop- ... . .' : • .. I' ,., .... .,.�ies on'. the' t f' $2 Th'l mLentIon of attendmg the Semor mat- I pIe wcr� turncd away owing to' the .. :,.": .-;1.·paynl(!n 0 more. ose. . 1.' . P . ',-. . I . . -',. .... ./ .. }' ...... ho· have' 'd . ·ti 1 .t mee par loy at the alace tho eater next I ::;lze of the hall. A special convention· .' �'. '.",.. rna e no mI a paymen: " .'. '. ;,;,'""II "'Iso be bI' t . b: Mcndny. All Seniors wishing to go j edition of The Daily Maroon was·'sold;-:·4 ;'�.�!3...,..... a e 0 secure copIes y, .. . . !. , .. '" - .... �,.pa. ving th f 11 $3 Co· ·11 b' 't should make theIr reservatIons Imme- i to help defray expenses of the .Con.;;;·�. <'If'., _ e u . pIes WI e . . I • ' .' 0 .' . ,.,,: '( ,-M. Glenn Harding was elected pres- a:} d f .,- t dd·t· IN: dIateIy by, droppmg a note to Hans I ventlon. . .. '.. 1";.1 �:rrm • e or _:) cen sal lona . 0 I .. .." ,t;�irlerit of the Undergraduate council at refunds" ;11 b d f d' !!cc'!PP:lC;-, Box 90, Faculty Exchange. The convention was called to order·· <';:�.�r, • ,VI e rna c or n vance pay-. .. . " .,., 'l',:,�the last meeting of the year yester- rn�itts. !' h�.- Charles Gi'Cer.e, who introduced.:';�!��day. Other officers elected were El- i t· H.nm A�:O \V AIDNfu� GOY •. Goodridl. The governor spoke . .':,. ).;:"len Greason, secretary, and Josephine VOLUNTEERS To'RA'ISE $14,0001 It'lEET AT lE.N FOR upon the issues of the campai� imti-<,;oJ.tParker, 1ibr�rinn. These officers will ! ' ( ALUMi'lI JUl'4£. 12! won appI�use b� �is at.tac� upon ,��f>}�h_!>!c1 �hcir positions until the elections Student Movement to Cover Budget! , ' . I D_em�cra:lc adlmmstratlon. He then.�/'.;-; ftnext February.. and Deficit of Convention I. .. . .o.dc.cd ,he secretary to �all the ,roU:': ,�r�'G�nn Hardtni is a member of All __ ! i Semors .Invlted to Attend Dm-I �,nd t�� nominating speeches w_;re;' ;.:�;;&,ph'! Delta Phi, is the president of the The Student Volu�teer mo�emcnt I ncr l!l Cafe After Ten- I made.• ..." ·,,:.'���rjY. M. c. -�., and too�t the part of is .holdin� a specia� nation. widc ca�-I nis Mat�h . I ,-"Students Na. me Candidates: ... �' .. -J���Durbam in this year's Blackfriars paIgn thIS week m or�er to raIse ___. R:� Sh�nnon �ade the . first s�_,�:.t,:\IJ:"cduction. Ellen Gleason is a' mem- $4,000.• Ten thousand dollars is! REUNION, COMMITTEE AT WORK I no,annng H:l'�m .Johnson, He was S�}?�>o:�('�. of Mortar BOard and Josephine needed for the completion of this I. - nded by Ruth Bowra. Paul Hedn� .. ',:'J>.. ?arker of the Quadranglers. years bud(Tet $4 000 for covering the! Cl·tr d H d '" d H ' W·d nomina�ed Lowden, seconded by El�· .. )��:. 1'0" t I or ur Coon . arry al ner. • 'h W lk .' .... . ), .. ,deficit of the Des Moines convention. I' :',rc the tV..:1O proCessional tennis Play-I'I �Ti.)et a ·er. B .. J. Jaffee na.med,"" �f'.,The Ch· .. t . .t . ' herbert Hoover Ruth Metcalfe made '·t· ....Icago umon. IS rymg 0 raIse �1'5 secured by thc Reunion commit- ' ... , ." '. :,�,'"$4 000 M·ld d M K· . h· , .. . • the secondmg speech An attempt to . .' t, • 1 re J: c Ie IS c alrman ,tee to stagq the exhIbItIon l1mtch.on I . ... '.. .�<of the drive and David Brown is the I Suturday, June 12, as a part of the i place m nommation the name �f �-. �. �<treasurer of the South division.f. • Alumni R�union, to be held June 10 to I gene V. Debs was overruled. " '. .;.J. Th� Student Volunteer movement I �;;. Hurd is n�"'v the Western open . FdIo\Vin� t.he nominating-s�eg·�-,·r.�f d d b.' R b rt E W·ld I.. ,td!ers we"(o picked state ha· .. , .. " .• �� ..was oun e y ? e �. 1 er, I ;'k�n'plOn :md Waldner h3.s held sev-I . : .. �. c lrm� -", .. ��and is the recruiting agent for get- (''!"d sectional ('hampionships in the' g.n·en theIr mstructlon� and ball��', � _J�>:ting volun�e('rs for foreign fields. 7hc I r..;l�t. An effort' is no'Y being made to I tl�� 111t>[!an .. On t�e fi:-st ball�t. �Oo- " ,:�¥'.national headquarters are at 25 Mad-I �rronr!'c a doubles match between vcr .�d, h3 ... mf! 15<> vo�s to Lowdelis.. ..';-"c'fison avenue, New' York. The move- Hu:-c nrod Wnidr.cr, 'and Pilte and Vor- i 126, Johnson's 123 and Wood's IllS. ; �,��l':.lent does not scnd students to for-! i�s. . I' It was anno'lnced that no one had. .h��i� ficlds, hut puts them into com- � Following thCl tennis match. the �"�c!l f' .�7:� ;1"r.ted ano a s��nd ballot· : i�:rmunication with v�rious branches of I alumni will assemble in the room ad-II was taken. Hoover agam Jed with '::�.thc u7�k,n. ,jcin:nJ; Hutchinson cafe at 6 for the If1,8 to 1�7 for Johnson, while �w- : .;1;;.. . i �!·,�r.('rn.l �lUlr.ni dinner. All seniors I den �ropped to 124 and W.ood to 45. :;. :�jP�I�CE OF JUGO-Sl..A" fA 'h�vc been urred to at�nd this event i "N);f and John�on WIthdrawn,MAKES JUDSO:-J A KNIGHT I' wh:('h will c.o. st �1. The s(:niors meet I .Clarence McBride, speaking for th.e_-- ;;� Hulch:��"',n (nfc prc:per and :t is 'Woed fo:-cc:::, then announ�d thePresidcnt Hnrry Pra�t Judson ha� I <'.xrcC'ted that mo!'.; than. the cighty I ��ithdrawal �f Wood and unoffici.ally .. �'t�l-een cr('atcd a comman(.e� of the Or· I that;. ntt.enci('(l l�st year '\\,111 be pres- urged that hIS SUPP?rt be ,thrown to ' ::,��i�der or St. SaVel by the Prmcc R-c�nt cnt this year. . Lowden. On the thIrd ballot Hoover ,��,:�of the Ki.ngdom of the Serbs, Cro:'.t� I The �cnernl alumni reunion COnl- had 20R, Lowden 177 and Johnson 121. · .. �T:��nd Slovcnics. it was announct:d to-I rr :tt� nnder the leadership of James The withdrawal of �enntor John�o'1f's '.. � :::'..day. A gold medal '!�S �ls� award- 7�I. �h�ld"n, ·03, is Gr:e::dily pcrf�ctin� candid::cJ• W:lS then anno-anced b� . y�e� to Dr. Jud�on b� the National I�- !)1:-.n3 for the rcunion week. They wiH Harold Hul� who urged Lowden's sup- . "·-�.z;;istitute of Soclal SCl(mces recently In l-.old another meeting n('xt Friday at 4 port of the Johnson organization.,· \:�rcco;!nition flf his sern<X's to the na- :(1 tbc Harri3 Trust and Sa�ngs bank This made the fourtb ballot finat . -� ��.,1f1n and the nllies as head of t.he l:.uiBing to complete ::11 phms and to As the ballotting proc�d �xcite- �;�ii:, ...... � ..Persian mj��ion in 1918. ma�\e final arrangements. men grew when it was sc('n that .;:�'�(C01ttinucd Oft nage 3) .. �7�. �-t '1;'�',�l.-�;�......���.,� l'C the/ favorites.Javelin Throw to Miller Mfnn Morrison has been appointedr.fil!er of' Purdue is assured of' a �e'!lcral chairr.�an of Fic1d day activi­''i�bry in the javelin thr�w, since he �ics to be he!d June 8, to take theh�lrls the shaft further than any oth- !)lace of Thercs:l Wilson, who is ill.�r American llsing Olympic style. Miss Mon;son was chairman of the':Ar.t�nz pol� vaulters, Endres ef Wis- Sophomore booth and Mr successor.. �. nsi'!'l uno Buchanan of nIinois have has not yet heen named.r,ecn dearinl! ahout 12 fect. Osborne Members of all the booth commit­:-.f Illinois. who is capable of 6 feet tees t!Jrnorrow at 12 will meet withr.nd hi�he�', oug-ht tl) win the high '.�iss l'lorrison in Cobb 12A to dis­,!t ....'7lP, while W('shrook or Michi�an. cuss phm's for decorating the booths.P.3hrrne of minnis, and Sundt of Wis- The fonowin� women who are the'-.'n�!r., r.r-� forC>"1Q:,t of the broad :lcmbc:-s or Louise Mammcn's com­:�'t).r:�po:>:-f,. At throwin!!, the hamJl1cr �itt�e ",ill meet in Cobb 12A at the�cnnft� d mind� is r1o�('ly s(>conded -�m,:, time: Anna Mnry Starck, I .. ouiSt�Hi(':�hs. H:lr;�h�, Ruby Warner, Emily Hart­i��r.n) .Julia FlctchC'r, Dorothy Augur,... r .... l'I .... fI .... ..-�"� ..J':!::n Falcor.er", Florence Falkenau, Bc-�NOTnER ECK ARTICLE SOON": 3�ri('e Marks, Helen McMuHcn, Kath·�;-ine W::-.tsr.n, Enid Townley and Mar­jorie . Boyden.Jlut and. �iscus throw, while the' lat­ter has no peer in the mile run.. Fur­nas of Purdue iSI his closest rival.Brown of lIlinoi's hns bce.n· steppingt�'Z half mile in the fastest time ofr:ri:.. man in the Big Ten thir. �on,. l:nt Speer has been put little behindhim and may come to. the front inhis old form. .Malccker b Ten- Secon1 lIanMalec!{er .of Wisconsin, :1 ,10 secondlj1�ri: �hould win the lOO yard' dash.The 220 yp.rd dnsh promises a hot. 'l'!'t� betw(�n KeJs�1 of 'Wisconsin,Cn'.M of l\Hchil:!a!l. Emery of Illinois,rnJHarris of Chicngo. In the quar­�,ei mile Emcr; of Ill!nois and Wet-· ";;"('1 -Of Michigan nre among the fast­est.,Ahderscn of. Ohio and Dusenberryr:.f /Illinois have done speedy work inth� t",o mile; and unless Otis is en­" tered against them, should take first"nd �ccond. I!l. th� hurdles; Johnson('of Michignn :>.nd Knollin of Wisconsin Ellen Glea.cron Elected Secretary, Jo­sephine 'Parker, Librarian, 'of Body-Hold Office Until Next Election inF'eLruary ..1'o:r. Eck h�s written another con­trihution for The Daily Marcon called"H")rse Sense and Soap" Throwers."Tt is ('ven funnier than his others.Watch for it in a current issue. )'!ORRlSON MADE GENERALCHAiRMAN OF FIELD DAYA TIILETIC COMMITTEE,. -- Pi Delta Phi PlrogesPi Delta Phi announces the pledg·i::� of A lk:c Hull, of Chicago, Ill.Mr. Herskovits' immediate resignJ,.�tion seems rather premature andsomewhat absurd. Doubtless it wason emotional act which he has thoughtabout since then. If be still believeshe did right, the other members ofthe club will surely . agree with him�n . that �int at least. This episodein Itself IS of Ii .tle importance.However, he states further, "I shalldo my best to impress upon everyJewish member that he is not -want­ed," followed by the expressed desireto bring the situation to the attentionof the student bod;,.·. He .has donethe latter through The Daily Maroon.But in spreading propaganda for thefurtherance of ill feeling and preju­dice. ' ... rhich his act and words sug­�ested, he is enterin� upon a thank­less project which might on the con­trary develop into a boomerang. It isunlikely that his influence will con-·Entered as second class mail at the vince other Jews that they are "notChicaCO pGStoffice, Chica�o, Dlinois, wanted" or that any will be per­March 13, 1906, under the act of suaded to resign.March 3, 1873. Would it be too odious to suggestOtfiees ' Ellis 14 that the Reynolds club refund thisTelephone Midway 800"" __ -=:;;;============--I man his dues, and if any others re-sign, to refund theirs also! Therewould then be no just ground for dis­sati�fact.ion. Whether from "shynessor brashness" it is to be �grettedthat Mr. Herskovits feels the situa­tion so keenly. Surely the Universityof Chicago deplores as a whole theexistence of such ill feeling whetheractual or fancied. If this man winenter enthusiastically into scholasticor athletic work open to him, or be­gin boosting the University of Chica­go in any way, forgetfulness wouldsoon soothe his wounded spirit andhe will no longer feel just outsidethe group; - - _ ..It has' been my wish to considerthe situation from a thoroughly un­biased viewpoint so that it wouldcause those who read this to thinkabout it in a similar manner.. : ', -.:'" - -w;; M-; Swiekard.,.' ..,. �:, ..: .. � p.N'eW mominp,·exeept Sa1urday,, s-day . and Monday during the Au­tuBm, Winter and Spriq quarters� the DaSy Maroon company.. ' -.'.- EDITORIAL DEPARtMENTManaVna: EditorJOHN ASHEXHVRSTNew. EditorsHerbert Bird Herbert RubelNight EditorsEdwin JONon Olin StansburyDay EditorsRic.lard Evans Elsie GullanderRobert SeymourAssociate EditorMary HaysReporters. Ramona Hayes Rita HandschyATHLETIC DEPARTMENTLennox Gr;ay Editor Arvid Lunde, Asst., .. :� BUSINESS DEPARTMENTKEITH KIXI>RED. Business ManagerAdv. Manager Cir. ManagerMortimer Goodwin Laurence Tibbitts. Assistants AssistantsGilbert Beatty Charles LoeffelMorris Pickus Frank LindenWedn�y, June 2, 1920SPARE THE RODThe extraordinary traveling abilityof 'bad news has been once more• j- ,I ,:�':.+-::�" .. demonstrated. Now the exuberances" I :f �'� �, ,,':;.'. of. the . first issue of The PhoenixJ�;.:), .• ��: ': magazine have come to life again';.{' '�/< .. in the editorial columns of the current";� �, .;� '\.- number, of the Ladies' Home J oumal.\�� .. },; ::', '.'. The editor refers to "epigrams of an." ;..' 'tWIergraduate publication at the Uni-,.,. versity of Chicago; they are not so?:: .'.:,�<,! ... 'epigrammatic as they are nasty.". .,' , .. Being a magazine for the home, the, ': ,I�' ,�, '� ... '�dies' • Home Journal very naturally1-/" �• d:..·:::ilr: .:_' .sUggests a spanking for the un e�-·;,}{�\�.,: ... gr.cIUatt:s responsible �or the ''naS�I­,t.. I'),�,�, : ... " It grants that m all probabil-.) . ' .... , .. beSS. ''t! : ��<:';�:; ..... - ALL the students in our insti u-C'· '/;: 1 .- ;.;..� tty ..' filth,:f· .... 1""'j:':'·-..i.r·':· .... ,. 'DO+ el·ther defective or s.�.':c .\.'���tioD·are,.· .··,tj:'�:'.'�h�;/: '_··.·' .. 1..:.:t' _ are·much thankful. Then�"'_"�;' ,.::., ·For "'"' "" ...:"':�:.:�-1i."t.:.( .: a·' �.l·cle goes on to sta....te tbat per--.r".�';:,. "_.W&B· n ., 1--;�;' !\--::-./ ".;. after· all the UniverSIty or con-��, �"S:.�':r: haPS , . .. ul iu. it'is·�;. -s: 4.�1 :> . isn't at fa t, and mayV"/;:1���'� 'j.'-.�s. h _ .. tare of the beast-a logi­.�"�;,;':�'_': \'�.d::t e.... . di ,,'-'·','f:;';'r:' :;,. .. �.-. . b nelusion for the La ies" "''';' ':'.':...":'1 enoug co. '. � ,:': :.� '.�' , _�_1 a timely rejoinder to" ,-.4"1", 'LJlolJle JounU7.�, . f .· ,/3?:� �;-,;.:.;._�nts, but not exactly a sattS ymg.'·':��':�-li::�·"-;-·- t for us Btfer having the good;__"(��;-";.��lJIeJI! :nstitution bandied about· -: ,: \ . < v.i; e.o our�·, .':;' '� ... '1�-, b as "ftlthy" et sl­M . .;r �'� '.. tel1XJS suc·f:"".�':':'.' �. .'L... no doubt but \"/hat the cd-,. ·"",,.0', -:vie pave h'w g 5�; ,: r· .: .- Phoenix is rubbing IS.. _ :-:.Ij i '. ··,u,l\r, of the r 't\-.:'1:'\,::::: � d· d saying, "Adverse pub ICI Y.. ,;:/;':-, haD S � d' . is fa­� �,:;:';t "'. .: ' •. ; ·�C!t as good B vertlsml: as. .. .,,',{.. . iB"J..... . .". h' h' orne re-" t.,:. ;..!.�-! .' bl pubbclty, W IC In s, ';i:::'.:. :. -·,"(Dr:J. �. .The fact that 'the epi-• .. ';:.:t� t .. , �ts JS trUc.I :l�\�_:;i: I ��- f. ned to should ha"e beenf it:; ,;.:�, ..",aJ]1S re �.�n;,.:',;,·� ,#fiI'- b of SlX in(!he� of spacel·::·ii�··.· .:felt. :woJrt y1 hOWever gi\1. e 1,lS sorner :.,� t'-t�'� _ ,the ourD8,. 'J�J'�::,:' Ill,.•• ndS for a belIef that "'. e I11:1Y well, ·r·:\f.· �,,",,' dread�-\.) ',,:, : .,. -I son from this broa sp.- �'i':').:�:,. JeArn & es-'.-;:'':''"i': :': .. bJicity.,�·�:��,t, '. �u We do not favor a fatMrly s�ank-�' .. ;�.;: :, �.�' ..of the editor of the l>hoCnlx or-.:,��.,.: ..• ,.Jp� -'te·· of "On Dl't" but we do� c- �r.( .' be·wt1 rs ,: <'!.l:' �� ·'m-end that undergraduates think,.� '" " tc''O 6"· �� ��.� ,wicc pefore thclT insert spice intot�;Y;.J· ·�ndcrgtaduate life. Spic� we must�}'-.-:: '.�'. )1.- .. nd spice �e Will h:l\1e as long� �.-: a" .... , .. ,• '.�.:':._ $.5 youth goes to �ollege, but when,.- - upposedly progresSive thOugh sedate$•,ninds brand spice a� "filth" it is mostprobabh· time to mend our ways.-----ABOlJT THE REYNOLI)S CLUBEditor The DailY Maroon:The m�mbership of the Reynoldsclub is too large and w�ll distributedamong the various classes of stu­dcnl.<; for the stateD1ent of Mr. Eng­lish to l-..e taken as representing itsopinions or sentiments authoritatively ..Mr. Herskovits in a recent communi­cation states that he protnptly gavetlil hig t'ard and expressed the opinionth�t he could no longer remain a mem­ocr c/i' an organization where "such .i/'-\,Read Tom Eck's latest article inThursday's Maroon.ANNOUNCEMENTBlack Bonnet will meet tomorrow at12 in the north 'reception room of IdaNoyes hall.Tom Eck is writing for the Maroonagain. Read his latest in Thursday'sissue.PURE FOODof the highest quality. Hom.like Cooking at Popular Pricesis what you get at theIEmpress Quick Lunch806 East Sixty-Third Stree.Confidenceia tb. fruit of ,,_1'8 of Ihlstained.. rvic.. Since 1856, more than100,000 pdaatea hav. crOSMdBryant a Stratton's tbresbold to,meet the friendl" handclasp ofbusiness men wbo recognizetheir dependability.AttewtiIn C. & l. StudentsWe have speciall" organizedclasses for college men andwomen. Don't feel the want ofstenography lonpr - .nter anevening clue.ean. t.w."a.o- (R.N. 1575) orwrit. PriDciDal for "taIGa a ....COIII1)I.t. ialwauatioa abo.I epeecia) Secretarial eo.n.s.BRYANT & STUTIONBUSINESS COLLEGE4th. Stll. 6111 Floor. - LoU. v... au. .•11& $oatil .... .._ A SpeciatyCOLLEGECLOtHES"111". Hapgood's success in the han-!dling of the labor sit�atio� has been!almost phenomenal," said John Logan, Ipresident of the Commerce club, yes-Iterday. "His men work on a. co-op-Icrative rather -than a profit sharing!basis. In '1918, when government use �of supplies greatly reduced the volume, Iof business of the company, the work-lers used their time. so efficien�ly that Iiprofits were kept at normal."1 II- !==========================-�! ILYRAVINEVOTOW !Summer Course forSupervisors of Musicand Grade TeachersJune 21 to August 28614 Fine Arts Bldg.Telephone Wabash 8238Res. 6026 Kenwood Ave.HydePark 6738 Harry G. SmuckerReasonable Prices602 NORTH AMERICAN BUILDINGPhOne Central 706... r.THE NEW,,-UNIVERSITY OF ,CHiCAGO;, ."�SOONG' BOO.It" :'�, ,..l. /"�./132PAGESCHICAGO SONGSLATEST BLAC�RIAR SONq5CONFERENCE coLLEGE SONGSEASTERN COLLEGE SONGS, .. .... �Authorized byTHE UN�ERGRADUTE COUNCILEdited byJF..AN PICKETTM. GLENN HA�DINGFRANK J. HARDESTY, Jr.' •ON SALE TODAYBuy one today at , .mE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BOOK STORE-5802 Ellis Avenue.' -" .} ",; ,Y, ... • ".TlIT�W. CONS� - r W�'A.,.A:·GIV��NUAL .".j OF y� w. c. A. "AT':M'EEnNG BANQUBTtjUNB 18 IN GYM� '����t';;::-' :_. '_"_' _. -:? ! an· . . ,·.r1 .3 H," .,1'8. C�l1! Gilkey ��""eside� Dean MiII� aDd· Prof. Starr. SPeak-1 of Adnsory Board-DrjYe for ers-Beatrice Mub iaZCbairmail1 Members in Progress. of . Dillner: 1 ;.� .",IThe new conStitution of the Y. W.C. A. was ratified by a unanimous'Vote at the meeting held Wedne!id8Y.The original constitution was draftedin 1893 and has served with fewchanges since that time. FrancesHenderson, Nanine Gowdy and KateSmith drew up a new constitutionwhich provided not only for the pres­ent needs, but for the future expan­sion of the organization.Mrs. Charles Gilkey has been elect­ed chairman. of the Y. W. C. A. ad­Mrs. Ernest Wilkinswill serve as vice chairman and Mrs.George Swain as secretary. The ad­visory board is made up of wives ofprofessors and women members ofthe faculty. Miss Grace Storm of theSchool of Education was elected tothe board at its last meeting,Delve for l\lemberR in ProgressThe drive for contributing alumnaemembers of the Y. W. C. A. is nowin progress. The new constitution ad­mits these members to a voting statusand a campaign is now being made tohave the Senior women join beforethey leave college. "Every other col­lege has its contributing alumnaemembers." said Miss Taylor, -"andwith our field broadened by the newconstitution we need the assistance After innumenab!c delays which PRO T E' C T YOU Rand co-operation of our alumnae. were in no .way the fault of the Un- . p j( R :£ N T SThe Upper Class Counsellor Drive dergraduate Council, which authorized. ,Iw. hich ended last week secured 450 the book. or of the editors or the' pub- agninst, loss', in the event of your1• h h death, of the money invested in yourvomen to act as gu'1· des to the inc om- IS ers, we ave now a new University nl di th hv education. The 0 y me rum roug:iDg Freshmen women. Thip number of Chicago Songbook. The Book- which this can be done is LIFE IN.I is the largest that has ever been at- stores are selling it for two dollars a SURANCE.Y d It . II rth the nr! Phone me fQr appointment and de'''-:ned. "We think our success has cop , an 1 IS we wo e price.wu tans. If not in when you phone, leavebeen due not only to the women who Essentially it is the same' song- your name and phone number.secured the pledges," said Damaris book we have always had. The ma- C. c. WHrrEHILL, .Ames ..... dout'to.. ·tlrose wh� spoke in .roon binding. 'and tr.e�;sliq1 ...... obloQIt , ' •• '"chapel, to the Women's Federation, shape coerespend to other songbooka.'_ SPECIAL AGENT .ad to the spirit of friendli�ess of the �n th�f!UlllePir.dketati1S'GtlhoughH' thed'�- New York Life IhS1irilIlCe Co.University." " Itors,' ean c e t, enn ar mg,.. _, , .and Frank Hardesty-have made - sev- Phone Central 5501BOLD BASEBALL PiCNIC ci'al in�provements.. They were im- 30 NORTH LA SALLE ST.AT DUNES ON SATURDAY pro'VemeD.ts that the songbook hasDeedect�:1.Women Taking AllDual Jaunt to Mil­ler, Ind., Sho�ld Notify HelenFortune. Eleanor Cloutier orNellis Gorgas, The annual picnic for women whoplayed baseball during the Springquarter. win be held at the Indiana•sand dunes on Saturday, June 2. Anwomen who played on the two. cpl­lege teams. th.e class teams and theintermediate and beginning squadsare invited.,. Helen Fortune, baseball represent­ative on the advisory board of theWoman's Athletic association, hascompleted plans for the picnic. She" is being assisted by Eleanor Cloutierand Nellie Gorgas, managers of the·S�Ilior and Junior college squads.Round Trip Ticket Costs $1.tOThe picnic will be held near Miller,Iand the tickets cost $1.10 for the... 'round trip. Women desiring to jointhe party are asked to give the price.of the ticket to Miss Fortune, MissCloutier or Miss Gorgas. Each wom­an is expected to take sufficient lunchfor two meats. Suggestions forlunches may be found posted on thebulletin board in the dressing roomsof Ida Noyes hall.The picknikers will meet at the !1li­nois C-entral station at 63d street at7:30 n. m.C lAS S I FIE D ·A D S.Jackson Park. belt forwoman's suit. Telephone Drexel 8.147Saturday af­ternoon, a gold bar pin. Theta Xicrest. Plea.�e return to Maroon of­fice. Miss Maylard, 6209 Drexelave.nue. H. P. 3265. 150 W. A. A. will give its. annual springbanquet June 10. in Ida Noyes gym­nasium. Dean l\Iiller and Prof, Starrwill, be speakers. and Miss Alma Par­Malee of the class of '18 has been in­vited to represent the alumnae.Beatrice A�arks is chairman of thedinner and has appointed Savilla Mil­'lis to take charge of the ticket sales,Lucille Kannally of program and in­vitatlons, and Faye Millard of deco­rations.Winners of numerals, letters andpins will be announced and a silverloving cup will be given to the win­ner of the tennis tournament.Tickets for the banquet will go onS�' Ie today and will cost $1 each. "Wehave decided to issue only a limited the result was to be very close. Therenumber of tickets," . said Beatrice was cheering from the two factionsMarks. "The dinner this year is go-: as favorable votes were cast one waying to he the best ever in the way or the other, and the vote was delayedof (ood, entertainment and decora- for some time while electoral tanglestions. Buy your ticket early." were straightened out. The final re-.suIt was announced as Lowden 259;Hoover 235...:\ NEW SONGBOOKThe Unh·cr�ity of Chicago Songbook.Edited by Jean Pickett, GJellnHarding, and Frank Hardesty, Uni­versity Bookstores, $2.One was the general selection ofsongs. Hitherto .. the, .songbooks haveincluded numerous de�d songs, boththose' of Chicago and �f other insti­tutions. Such songs the editors ex-SPOEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATES'EverywhereUNIVERSITY·c A F EUP-TO-DATEServes the Best Meals inthe CityA Trial WiD Convince You.SfHciGl 35-Ceftt DUmmt.We have Commutation Tickets,5.50 fOT $5.00.5706 Ellis AvenueOpposite Snell BaD I d�edNf�"i�';l92o, �tion, �U6'st1��in�:��:th� p�t� �tate8, "i(Jpd, p;,�I»Y'.' ciubaeo,;ri�gs." All the ���ri��.• � r f'; I)' • .,. .-. .' . • ".. • "'.1are. . included and you will .also fuld. ;':',,�. '0,;, ':' :, .. � .. ;!� ":(' r : '�i')"!': J' ..,the, most ret»resentative and po,P,ularI " .) I \ .., J \�, ( , '. •• ., .. ',')".' � '.1 Icollege 'song from' other Iocalities. rl. The .�ditlo�' :have also includ�d' 'ihemost popular Blackfriar songs, notforgetting several of the hits fromI. Barbara, Behave!" Typographicalerrors seem conspicuous by theirl ab­sence. Robert Unseld drew a very at­tractive title page. The songbook isdedicated to David Allan Robertson.The new songbook is a decided im­provements over other songbooks, andshould be equally valuable as a giftor' as a record of college days..J. E. J.LOY'DEN NAMED BY MOCKCONVENTION, 4TH BALLOT ,Jlh�!'�....... ,t-!�t��··.,YWoOdlaWn rmst& Sivinfs BankWOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-Third StreetNeareat Bankto theU1Iivenity ., au....• _,I., .. SPOEHR: . fJLUESWEETSFor H�ppiness BIRDMADE TO ORD.E1lORDER EARLY·G-e-t wid e s t- s-e­lectioo-:...Get· fullest wearfrom �ur' �t-· ,Get your fittings be­forethe�tThe Store of Wi�AssortmentsSuits .andOvercoats$50,$60,$65,and upwards.IfKDLL The'lBilOl'w--Jes' ·SO ...a-. J1AII1II ·_I ..... _� 'Or: ': • r_:=:.:.., i'.: . :;. Ast�� as'. U,OUarttM� �It�) .'�you will like thisCamel Turkish andDomestic Blend!SPOEHR PuDDINGsAt the BookstoreUn1-\;eraity Studentsreceive courteous attention atTheFROUC THEATREDRUG STORECigarett� Fountain ServingC«. BOis Ave. ... 55t1l Street(Adjaceat to Frolic Theatre)TeIe"'_ By" Park 761 .:YOU will prefer Camelssmooth, delightful blend ofchoice Turkish and choice D0-mestic tobaccos to either kindsmoked straight r It gives youentirely new cigarette pleasure �Camels never tire your taste I ,They are. always appetizing-e­and satisfying, because theyhave such a mellow mild body. '�� .�� ,, I\"',-,;:. ..' .�::.:'\. !'.>� ;.:·'X· �-�.'... �;.Ctunel. are .old _erywhere inecientilica/ly _led pachte.01':10 ciAarettes For :10 cents; orhnpackapa(:100citarett_)in• t"aaine-pape�vered car­ton. We .tronllly recommendtbi. carton I'orthe bomeoroBiceaupply or ."ben yoa traveL Camels leave no unpleasantcigaretty aftertaste or unpleas­ant cigaretty odor.n18t's why we say frank1y�compare camels with anyclga­rette iii the world 'at any pricel.R. J. REY�,pLDS.!� ITOBACCO co.WmatoD-5aIem. N. C. i.:Harper H'all.53rd and Harper Avenue-Above Harper TheataeUniversity Parties on Tuesday and'Wednescby Evenings. . �TuEsDAY EVENING, M� Y 25thPhil Goldberg's Orchestra De Luxe�NESDAYEV�G,MAY26lliArt Ransteads TrioDancing .:'.Harper Hall may be rented for private parties onMonday and Thursday evenings"\,j,\,.1('i" l:1 The bathing girls of Barbara, Be­have were not entered in the exhibi­"tion, Mr. Rockefeller doesn't .knowwhat he missed.�t�Y�0S��������?:��10:�������1��������'M�}�;Yf�'t�:l��� '! ,', ::� \��' .. '."" .. ':�, .... ..:' s ' ., �*. �'r, ��. :." • !"': � . ;1": '." � � ';.._��, ...... ��_�r,:" ." .:�1,\:'<,";':;"�::'�\'';.:',� ':":'-"�"';�=:;.�' ��;� :,,!-��-:-.,�;��I�;:i�� '! -, :?' .. !t��'�';'�':"'b ,�"�";:"'�'�':";" ):":j;:(.("".'�"::1� � ... .f,.�;'. i> ':'::'�":" :'''':''; :�� '''1'' .,' .• ::'�""' ' - • ". '" ';''' .')..I.'��·�/--:,.\":..j •. ",-"t,�..,.l';:I.":;'I":�.�""·�"I:t";�,,,�'''..I,<'·¥.-·;n-·�·-r'\fr::.(1>1�"'��';';"�""''''�.¥o::'�''''.i'C"V.'If;;.)�.r\..I':'''':''''''''''''''''''''t.\ ,�,..,,"';a s- �r\l:t '\ ' ',' f •.• \ ''.,.• , -' , ,'" ' :" ,;..' � :-- ':, .... (�;�.�"-�,,.::..:'f":'<:'" '_..; ,".-�_. ,\ :y.. �l.;.o::�: �"'��,';\1'; 0 • : ���l;·.o, .....:�t?.,;.::.\)).:"'* r _�';f:'"�;���:,,, . .:�-;..':>.',�: �(""!'''':'''.':.>�;'.';'' �'��, .y..: ..... , .- _ � ..... :. "> ,'" ; .: .�".- �.�. . 4_ '. .' { .... ,' .. THE':DAfLY,�"MAR'OON�. �WFDNESDAY ;'�: UNE�',2�� 1920:-'· < .... /.� .. :::> .• '): ....... ;_ . ." . ,', .. 1"?. \·-·�·G· _--,._- �"�""'� '11• iut·tb.·d.,.,r�ben:��� . ���iI�aliY�':ndeid�.::"'t.�·':'_ -K· .<':.-'::��I:a:" . - dry': I'-'�- - ., • tno Cam�c:1' ' � an. . . / JI"'I". ennt:Uy� un ' .-... � -:' '. .' r "'"'�rtl. Fri<hly n�gh�,. :�• inte!'e� in conducting the Whistle ., l ,. I '.' '. "'l..; .: ' , .. : f .; ';·'r. <":.l· . "I" Jl c.;;;::::.. ' ,.1;:- '. . � 4'· .next year would report to the editor ; \ ·Office " _," DORiS HAT SHOP'�� ,,,' ;,. Q " .. ��,. � SInce ,�e- of� the lines in Black- et the.·Maroon office between 4 and 5 I 1151 � 58th ser.et{ .® � . �V· friari bas been cban,' ged from Mortar, .and discuss possibilities. ·The position . 1031 E. FIfty-Fifth SL I '-j •�,,....ll !f Board to �igma" �ey say Kiddo Pal- is a profitable one and giv�s the writer Bring 'us your laundry and I Near University, ,o,j' -" - � mer has kindly consented to appear in plenty of· campus' expenence.. The ·ll· ' '. ti ft. I ' iGoodbye, Garcon. You've done enough, the balcony scenes. .Maroon will hold a contest to deter- we WI grve you sa IS ac Ion. IYour whistle we will'miss; mine the person best qualified to We will also mend your"You surely wrote some rotten stuff, D�d anyone know what he was f write the column next year.-The Ed- clothes and sew on buttons.looking for When he was looking fOr)' itor.But not as bad as this. F t .ty' P, trothe cogitations of G. S. M. and G. N., : ..:' ra enu a nage• . promised in today's Maroon! ,The executive committee of the Especially SolicitedThat s Something , __ Senior class will meet tomorrow at 12================== _==========When one of the profs saw the' Announcing the new Whistle rates:: in Cobb 12A.Blac!d'ri�rs c�or_us he said the chorus For members. of the faculty-Two Ilooked like gtrls; but, for some. un- bits a merry quip. 1==============, known reason, he says he just didn't For Doc Bratfish-One shave a I SPOEHR� FOUR LOOP. seem to get the, proper kick out of it. throw. . I. STOItES" That's something. For members of the stud�nt body-'-- Thirty-three cents, including war tax.'Garcon probably wo�d have hung Blackmail rate--Two dollars, a ket-I.==============, that one on Artie Scott. tle of home brew, or what have you!Last Friday�s Maroon says the Uni- ·Th� Ed, he read this Whistle once, Iverstty sing is scheduled to follow And he laughed fit to die. . Ithe campus club banquet. The Ed, he read _this Whistle twice, IA tear shone in his eye,As a special feature for the visit "Now who has wished this awful Iof, Jchn D., .Ir., a program of worn- thO . ,enis athletics was held, A stunt On I:�I' good Maroon and I?" Iswimming exhibition was included. ICcntributions discouraged. I, F. B. III.r""i:':).(' 1,I •t' 'I, � t #: '1'. � I,'" L{ .;.�. J:'(!,"" The women's athletic association.. �;' .'. took it goodnatured!y, though. SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF-.�r' -: FEE BARTh�y say Eddie Foy's kids like ath- At the Bookstorel' Ietics. Girls, there's your chance. . . . j. ;J". NAGLE'S THE CATERER,:'� :, In speaking' of "lasts," the writer "r= -- -- '- - ...... . --: -. : ... ." 1415 E. Ftfty-Scventh St.,'. , in 'F!·ida�.,.,s Maroon forgot to announce I I 1"". COLO.RS IN I",':,t," h S d h I h f I} ,I "Eat Nagle's Special Ice Cream_'l.�,,"',: �I�t S:!�:r 3;�:�S �:n a:! c .:.:::; d:� ! BLAiSDELL PENCILSJ j ===.===========> feat. ... .: Th.! lIt'xt : hr.4_> you h1JY n col, I '.�1 .' � ,rl"} pellcll :Isk tor 'he BlaisdelL" C·1b D · Is & C. HI, '. , ! [lw !;l"!I<ICl: h� !:rlt 1('8f; k;ul writt·,. f,l' �ls y ame . c •, ;1,-:;:'" " .. It s all over now. ·:tl'Oit·r. SLlU!'JXOIlS bt·tler anI} 'l;!l!ts ,:�k- (_ . -_.' U:I>;t'!'.. " � _"'_' _' _ � � � Developing, Printing and '':�'f!;}.<.:', . Since the elevator, in Blackfriars C"lors ure blilt'.' ri>cJ. green. ,:,' , Cop�na'J, '."." -, .' . bhll·k. y,·I1I)"'. wh1:e. brown, pur. J --:>:"." ;���<_:, ,doe�,' 't make a cellar stop, no one 1·11'. liJ:bt blue. violet. light gn:oen. PICru-P� FD �MINI'G., 'r: .s�s to be sure why Anderson failed a;-:JIl;"'l'. m .. 1I1um blue: Illnk. �� .I�.J.. ��f,r.:::·i 'sc.-. QEl.JR C-HOCOLA' � i For t'\'�ry ,coJonod �dl pur_I' !.�,' Enlarg�l::n= pr:: from- .["1 ! I'Cl:-lf' ,u.... nlalsd .. n.· Color.',l_Il·coc.n_lO centA at !ltatIOD�"" II enrywh"rr.. ." 1449 E. FIfty-Seventh St.� 1=======-=-====iiiii�i Mc KINLEY'S, l DEUCA TESSEN�11111111��1 Sixty-Farst and Kenw��:If�,�"',� '1""YPESE'ffING � jBuy your sandwiches from usjlr·· COMPANY ,)t'.il- .t�\f�'�1'7'�": PRINTERS and.�:; sp�:��,;,;.1:. TO{,},' . UNIVERSITY WORK��::t·.�' � '·",nf,·r .. ,." Th .. Dally Mal"Oftn';;::'2'" �l�� ;f� I: . __ :c-: . __ '_ -=-_-:::.;- -=-==�_=:.=(4: f- ."l{'�'.j';-�1": '. �: � .-If· For Lunch DowntowniNOTICE I I'The above Whistle was written bya student desirous of taking the place :Jchn D.� Jr. said, according to the IIas't edition of the l\I:lroon� that he re- of the Jate Garcon, erstwhile Whistle I'. quested the athletic contest for the \','T�ter, who has quit for the quarter ==============in order that he may. graduate .. The CLUETT. PEABODY 10 CO •• INC. TROY, N. Yinterest of his four, children. CHARLEY SAMFirst ClassHAND LAUNDRY-1448 E. F�f!y-Sevent..lt St�. 'S'10 - 512EAST SIXTY. THIRDSTREET THE FAMOUS\Voorl}:'..wn S�nogr�phicServiceHOTEL StRAND63rd & �OTTAr,E GROVE AVF.Tt'l!'1}hon.e Midu'ny 820Unh'ersity Student,.:; Work SolicitetiSpecial prices on term theme 'Wor�Get the T ouraiJlc Habit! I t is the best habit to get!...,_.-_....._.�-.-.-. .,We Pay Highest Prices for second:Hand Clothing and Shoes. No.Orde�s too Large or Small. j'A. MARKOWITZRoom 412 105 W. Monroe St..Phones: tCentral 4556 and Central 8574 • Now on sale at theReynolds Club and' University BookstoresHave you tried one? If not, do-they are good ! YOUTHFUL 'STYLESferCOlLEGE GIRLSComplete IntensiveStenographic, CourseThe next complete. stenographic threemonths' course will begin July l. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisin tensive ,course to get a complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COLLEGE is appealing to the col­lege student-only Mah school graduatesare enroUed.Bulletin on �equcst ; no solicitors. em­ployed.Moser Shorthand �onegeEm'oUing Only High School Graduates.Twelfth Roor Lake View Building116 South MIChigan AvenueCentral 5158 Cllicago, DlinoisPaul Moser, J. D., Ph. B. Edna M. Buechler, A: B. ;"... �.Why you should buyWashington Shirts )�"Firs�-be,cause they are thoroughlyg'c?od ns well as extremely good look­ing. Second - because prices areh:'.scd o:ra ACTUAL COSTS-not onso called "present market values."·From $2 to $15rI!ED L. no�sn."oCK, rre;;.FIVE PRESIDENTIAL CORNERSWASHINGTONCorner DearhornJACKSONen mer Dearborn MADISONat r ,!'SalleMONIWEat \VabashWII�O�. Co;-,er Kenmore