., ,at aroon. Vol. 18. No. 123. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1920 Price Five CentsTwo Chicago net men are amongthe four who, by winning all of theirmatches yesterday, qualified for thesemi-finals for the Conference tennistitle to be played otT today. The twowinners of today's matches will fightout the finals for the championshiptomorrow.Pike and Vories both won their threesingles yesterday in straight sets, andin addition Vories and Segal defeatedWestbrook and Munz of Michigan.probably their strongest doubles rivals,in a thrilling three set match.Maroons in Semi-FinalsPIKE AND VORIESIN SEMI-FINALS BYWINS YESTERDAY IWCI\EFELLEU. JH .• VISITS "BARBARA, BEHAVE!"CAMPUS NEXT WEEK REPEATED TONIGHTAT 8:15 IN MANDEL 1920 CAP AND GOWN TO BEDISTRIBUTED ON WEDNESDAYFcur Children Will Accompany Sonof Founder of Univerxity-s--Ar-Varsity Doubles Team AlsoSurvives First Round mConference Here Jolin D. Rockefeller, Jr., and his Blackfriars Will Have Chargeof Quadrangle Fete Direct- Annual Yearbook Ready for Students on that Dateed by McWilliams -Must Complete Payment of $3 toSecure Copiesrange Special Women's Ath­letlc ProgramCAPTAIN VS. BASTIAN TODAY four children will visit the University:,lonclay as the guests of President AN!'jOUNCE SCOnE SALESMENand Mrs. Harry Pratt Judson. At therequest of Mr. Rockefeller, the visit "Barbara,' Behave!", the sixteenth I Cap and Gown, 1920, will be readywill be marked by a special athletic annual production of the Blackfriars, ANNOUNCE "CLASS DAY" for distribution Wedn('sday, at 2, ac-proarnm given by University women. will have its second week of perform- EXEnCISES HELD JUNE U I cording to an announcement yester-This is Mr. Rockefeller's first visit ances tonight and tomorrow in Man- day by Carl Piper, business manager.to the campus for a considerable time del hall. Tonight's presentation will Baseball Game, Luncheon, Reception The big annual will be given to stu-and in his letter announcing his com- begin promptly at 8:15. A matinee and Presentations Among the Main dents who have paid for subscriptionsinJ! he expressed the wish that his tomorrow at 2:15 and a final per- Events-Phi Beta Kappa Dinner at in the Cap and Gown office in Ellischildren might view some women's formance at 8:15 will complete the Six. 1 hall.at.hlct.ic contests. 1920 season. Greatly enlarged over last year,Change Baseball Date In connection with the perform- Exercises of the class of 1920, at and with the addition of a number ofIn order to comply with this re- ances, an outdoor fete will be run, which prominent seniors will perform, new features, the University year­quest the date for the second baseball similar to last week's successful will be one of the features of Clcol_1 book will be one of the best ever is­:.!ame between the Junior and Senior Quadrangle fete. The Blackfriars will lege Day," to be held here Monday, sued, the staff asserts. The volumecollege women, scheduled for June 2, have charge of the affair, which is June 14. Flag exercises, a Junior-I' will contain 480 pages, with the cus­has been changed to Monday, May 31. to be directed by Chalmer McWil- Senior baseball game, the Senior tomary departments and articles.The ganl(' will start at 2 :30 and the Iiams. He has appointed committees luncheon and the Convocation recep-1 Yearbook is Three Dollarsdepartment of Physical Education de- to sell at the various class booths. tion are among the other events to I Students who have paid $1 in thesires that there be a large attend- Season Very Successful be held on this day. subscription campaign may obtainance so that the visitors may gain a With the completion of the six per- The class exercises to be given at 21 their yearbooks on the payment offa v orable opinion of the interest taken formances the Blackfriars will have in front of the Senior bench, include an additional $2. Those who haveSingles-First Round in women's athletics. Bleachers will closed one of their most successful an address by President MacDonald, made no payment will be able to se-Pike, Chicago, beat Brown, Illinois, be erected on the baseball diamond h t t' f th S . h .6-4, 6-0. seasons, it is announced. "Barbara, t e presen a IOn 0 e emor am- cure copies upon paying $3, the fullV north of Ida Noyes hall and Dr. Reed Behave!" is the first with a moden mer to the class of 1921 by Charles price. Copies will be mailed for anories, Chicago, beat Koehler, But- .. �I (Coutinued on 1mgc 4) local them-e. The elaborate costumes (Continued on page 4) additional 25 cents.er, 6-1, 6-1.f t f th d t· hi h Fourteen hundred SUbscriptionsSegal, Chicago, beat Strawbridge, are a ea ure 0 e pro uc Ion, w ICIllinois, 6-0, 6.0. G. O. P. CHIEFS CALL was staged by E. Mortimer Shuter. CAMPUS CLUB TO I have already been secured with $1RALLIES TO OUTLINE Th I BI kfri b t' t GIVE DINNER FOR ,I payment, Carl Piper has announced.C. Wtrthwein, Ohio, beat Jamieson, e annua ac nar anque IS 0Chicago, 7-5, 6-4. CONVENTION POLICY be held on Tuesday, June 8. Members ALUMNI, JUNE 11' One t�ousand five hundred and fiftyFelmley, Illinois, beat Reindel, and lay members will attend. The II books will be printed, to allow forMichigan, 6-4, 4-6, 6-4. -.--. .board _of supervisors will. be elected . _. the extra demand. Students whoJudd, Ohio, beat Plogsterth, Indiana, Campus Factions Seek Aid of for the coming year, and the manager Jose�W."Hoover, ·07, One of] have paid $1 will not receive refunds,7-5, 7-5. Master Politicians to Sweep and staff members Will make reports. Principle Speakers at I the staff announces, as the payment isBoyd, Wabash, beat Taylor, Wis- Mock Meet In addition, there wiII be speeches' by Banquet I considered as an order and a book. 7 5 3 lay brothers. I printed to fill it.consm, -, -6, 7-5.Lewis, Minnesota, beat Calhoun, of HOOVER. JOHNSON l\IEN TODAY The score salesmen for the remain- EARLE, �l, IN CHARGE OF SING Distribution WednesdayNorthwestern, 6-1, 6-4. ing Blackfriars performances were Distribution of the Cap and GownWestbrook, Michigan, beat Coblan, All factional G. O. P. clubs on the announced yesterday by Jean Pickett, Jose W. Hoover, '07, J. D., '09, will will begin Wednesday at 2. MoreNorthwestern, 6-3, 6-1. campus are planning to hold rallies in in charge of all sales. be one of the principle speakers on I copies of the book will be ready on• Brorby, Wisconsin, beat Preucil, of preparation for the Republican mock "I want to emphasize the necessity the program for the Campus club Thursday morning at 10 in the CapIllinois, 8-6, 6-4. convention. Each political camp is (CcnatiJn&ed Oft pc,. ") dinner, to be given for non-fraternity· and Gown office. A number will alsoWamsly, Butler, beat Cox, Wabash, making efforts to raise enthusiasm alumni when they return here June be placed on sale in the University6-1, 6-0. among its forces to the highest pitch ANNOUNCE ORDER FOR 11 for the alumni reunion. bookstore.�'" Munz, Michigan, beat Grove, North- in order to gain the victory. Tickets FRATERNITY SiN� HERE Mr. Hoover is now a lawyer here "We are confident that the book., \�estern, 6-3, 6-3. for the convention are at a premium, in the city, and was prominent in will meet with the whole hearted ap-Bastian, Indiana, beat Hane, Ohio, with only twenty-five delegate seats Sigma Alpha Epsilon Draws First the University in his time of oratory proval of the campus," Carl Piper ..6-4, 4-6, 6-3. remammg, All those wishing seats Place for Annual InterfraternH: and debating. He is president of the business manager, declared yesterday.W. Wirthwein, Ohio, beat Bros, of have been urged to get them without Affair to be Held June 11. law school alumni association and has. '�J\ great deal of work has 'been putMinnesota, 6-2, 6-2. delay. served several terms on the alumni into making it a success, and it is ex-Second Round Wood forces plan a rally of the Drawings for the order in which council and on committees. pected that this year's edition will bePike, Chicago, beat W. Wirthwein, general's boosters for Monday at "in fraternities are to sing at the annual The annual University sing Is found to be the equal of any pre.Ohio, 6-1, 7-5. Harper MIl. National Committeeman Interfraternity sing, to be held here scheduled to follow the dinner, and vious year. It is a book every stu-Vories, Chicago, beat Boyd, Wabash, Fred W. Stanley of Kansas and A. S .• June 11, were announced yesterday by this yeat", as in previous years, is un-I dents should own."6-1, 6-1. Joss of Indiana and Harry G. Logan, Colville Jackson, who is in charge of der the direct management of S. Ed-I 'Wamsly, Butler, beat Segal, Chica- Wood campaign manager for Indiana, the undergraduate side of the affair. win Earle, '11. So far he has re-I Patrons and Patronessesgo, 6-3, 6-4. are to he the principal speakers and The drawings are as follows: ceived good co-operation from the fra-I For Annual H A(COfttinwud on pag6 ") will outline the procedure to be car- 1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon temities and expects to make it an I Announced°P reried out on the convention floor. A 2. Phi Delta Theta �ptimtal success.preli.i.inary meetin.., was held last 3. Alpha Sigma Phi Tennis To Be Featurenight at which Wood state chairmen 4. Phi Kappa Psi The Interscholastic meet, which h The patrons and patronesses for theconferred with Clarence McBride, 5. Delta Chi was scheduled for Saturday, June 12, I op were announced yesterday bycampus leader of the general's sup- 6. Sigma Nu has been called off, and in its place I Wal�er Kenn�dy, chairman of the re-porters. All Wood boosters have been 7. Beta Theta Pi the officials have secured engagements eeption committee. They are as fol-Last class dance of the year for urged to tum out in full force for 8. Kappa Sigma from several professional tennis play- lows: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pratt Jud-the seniors, today, 4 to 6, Reynolds Monday's rally. 9. Sigma Chi ers in the country? It is not yet eer- son; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Platt, Mr.club clubhouse. Lowden leaders plan a similar meet- 10. Delta Tau Delta tain whether the games will be a I and Mrs. J. E. Palmer; Dr. and Mrs.It's last everything from now on ing for Monday at 12 in Cobb 12A. 11. Alpha Tau Omega match between these men and one J. E. Nyman; Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Ken-for the class of 1920, it seems. The Representatives from downtown head- 12. Chi Psi University team or whether they will I nedy; Mr. and l\1Ts. M. P. Mears; Dr.boss of The Maroon has chanted his quarters will be on hand to give ad- 13. Zeta Beta Tau give an exhibition match, but arrange-I an� Mrs. J. M. Guy; Mrs. Louisa Mc-L'Envoi and bid farewell to his aching vice on conducting the convention 14. Psi Upsilon ments have been completed for the GUIre; Mrs. E. V. MacDonald; Mrs.typewriter; the Whistler has whistled fight. Lowden state chairmen will 15. Delta Sigma Phi engagement. I Edith Foster. Flint; .Miss Elizabethfor the last time, he asserts; else- meet John Logan for an important 16. Delta Kappa Epsilon Following the sing on Friday night Talbot and MISS Manon Talbot.where in the paper you will find a discussion of campaign plans. All 17. Phi Kappa Sigma the general alumni will meet in theprogram of all sorts of last rites. . .. . those wishing to work at Lowden 18. Phi Gamma Delta Reynolds club for an informal dance. ANN 0 U NeE MEN T S:Un1i�e the above, however, the af- headquarters during the convention 19. Delta Upsilon The committee in charge has se- The Freshmen booth committee forfaIT this afternoon is to be ultra- have been asked to hand in their 20. Alpha Delta Phi cured both floors and two orchestras Field day will meet today at 12 incheerful, Bud Combs and his trouba- names to John Logan or William Gcm- The following organizations were for the occasion. The classes of 1911 Room 12A Cobb.dors will furnish the music. The mill immediately, as the required not drawn because it was not known and 1912 will also give special re­floor is being especially prepared. number has teen almost completed. whether they were to participate in union dances in Ida NOYE:s hall at theNumbers of prominent campus humor- A Johnson rally will be held today the sing: Beta Phi, Phoenix, Kappa same time and it is hoped that allists have promised to stay away, to at 4 in Cobb 12A. All "Hiramites" Omega, Pi Lambda Phi, Tau Kappa members of these classes will attendadd to the merriment. have been urged to attend this meet- Epsilon and Campus club. These this affair. Several other class re­The Junior class has 'been invited en ing if t�y possibly can, as very im- should report at The Daily Maroon union dances will be held on the samemasse. (Ccmtin.ud Oft � ") office if they �h to take paTt. night.The other qualifiers in the singlesarc Westbrook of Michigan, againstwhom Vories will be pitted today, andBastian of Indiana, whom Pike wiJItake on. Summaries:Another "Last" For OurSober Seniors InDance TodayThe Freshman commission will meettoday at 12 in the Y. W. C. A. room.The Graduate Women's club willfrive a Beach party today at 6 on theJackson Park beach, north of th�bathing pavilion. Furthet" informa­tion is gtven on the bulletin boards. :�,2m�t laily !OurDonThe Student Newspaper of theUniversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartersby the Daily Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPART:\(E�TJOHN E. JOSEPH. .Manaeing EditorWillia:n Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury. Feature EditorJohn Ashenhurst , . News EditorRose Fisc�kin �\!Ws Ed:tor IHelen Ravitch " News EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg ,. Nitrht-Editor IHerbert Rubel , ..• " .... Day Editor'BUSINESS DEPARTMENTGRANT MEARS-Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits ..•.. Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at the IChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.Offiees Ellis 14Telephone Midway 8GOFriday, May 28, 1920REMARKSThis is the last day of my officialcareer as editor of The Daily Ma­roon, and I feel inclined to make afew remarks. I am dead now, t:-ulydead. I shall now merit the classifi­cation under which I have been placedby certain non-admirers. The dog­eared back issues in the files havenothing on me.It is always the custom for themanageing editor when he. is retiredt write a farewell editorial. Sucho. . Is are reO'retfully wistful.edltorla ...st (even if it was only fourAges pa bOt, Harry Swanson wept J-years ago I .' fi Iwhile composmg hJS nater teafS f. Art Baer wrote four 0n sterPJece. . 'ra. lous pieces of exposition-th luar\ eeJll, ot ,"-cry gay. Ch:1rleSB t they were nuJ the moral courage to re-Greene h:l(" 1fng edltorJa .sist a pnr Jit one nlyself but)d not wri e 'I wou " busv this afterI1ooJ1hUfst)5 J" IAsben e to \\7ite the edltorl� ,�,nn ts III, thand he \curs There IS eb'''ct oc 'No su:P, reo '\�hy does it have, rs seo , d·fBlackfrJ,n h a lot of dead woo ', sue 'Ito conta1n 'f the Frial'� wnited tInt)But tlten, J fiJ1ally decided it woult!e was ,. d Ofthe scof to have it prJDte .be tOO late ossibilitie� of when T)1eperh�Jls tbe Pis to become a sellowD 'I" 1\lal'Oon .serve as � subject.at 01 'ght OJ"t •. ""a] 011bel'S of the UnlvctSI :)JOU,,, . oleJnTh re arc h 90 disaster will occur.e 'k suc b rg1l"who thJI1 .J b,n�e to ase my aoulv id I' of col"But I '\'l : "iiherent ) ea Jsm ,.:t on the 1nd that would be :Jmen tucJeI1ts, aperhap� I couldlege s J1lellt. . t-k afg\J [ish for rm�kmg taewea EM! ....Dean •. the pl'eseJlce of t •• eCU1'$C �5 JD MI rert1:1r . members. But � f·ess. club audRey1l01ds . uJd sureb' get me,0En .... Jish -so tired of being curse.. to 1 anI l,Sf ... kl 1, the innOcent rem:Jl' ..ra.· . fof h tin (cttlfll in this paper. Anot ch'ch appear e froJ1l a fin�1 editoti.nlw I of escaP dramaticaveJ1llC deeP eSsay 01\ m)'•would be ah'" I feel bouod to clit ...or w J • n...A�'t'Ci5nl, d Gown wh-cn It co ...... �ml �p� dicizc t}le I could �eep pages anout late. the ment�J narroWlle:;�bout h it he"paJrC:; a think t \It I wrt eof people w}l°to make trout>le, or UteJ �ant h t'" �cau5C eSS of �ople W 0 •• 1l1arrown 'mental n "I�ed to evade the cell"e pnVJ d Ithey a; a final frlor� I coul, c"Ph�r�sore .f'SholofrY of a senior J1l1nd w icnthe psycn �ork or suicide after,;lJ1dehateS Of I 'ob quest in the whlte·unstJcccs5 u Jfaced looP, ?-hat on earth is the usc'But wld be the usual critique ofTh re wou ..C, minds: "Foolish," "ml\tn"-<iisccrnmg, f d hs" "�hat" "a string 0 eep so ,cere, h on" Ouftil bell do you mean Y sayl ,..e'ation deals in politics?" ,c.To-organtZ ." t Ib' usual truIsmS, etc" e c.aep 8d d' twould be threatencd an curse, JUSalot I shall be cursed and mocked atfor this last onc. It'� a gift, as theysay in Friars.(Continu�d on 'P4g� 3)i. THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MAY 28. 1920..Your Straw Hatis Waiting for Youin the STORE for MEN \We know yours is here because such avariety of straws and blocks as we ateshowing is bound to include a stylewhich will . exactly suit you. ExclusiveHerringbone braids, French Leghorns,and English and Italian Straws are but"a few of the many. Firll flOOrMARS1il\LL FIELD & COMPi\NYTHE STORE FOR MENcd Separate Store in a Separate BuildingTHE DAILY MAROON, �f�ID; MAY 28, 1920ANNOUNCE SALESWOMEN LEGION ELECTS NEW OFFICIALSFOil ANNUAL FIELD DAY --Freshmen Sell ned Hats, SophomoresSene Ice Cream, Juniors HaveChar�e of Popcorn. and SeniorsDispense Punch.Freshman women will sell red hots,ophmores, ice cream; juniors, poporn and peanuts; and seniors, punchn field day, June 8. This decisionwas reached this week by Theresa'Vilson, general chairman. and mem­bers of the general committee whenthe names of the ushers and sales­women were announced.Field day will be held on the fieldnorth of Ida Noyes hall and it will beformally opened at :k30 by a paradein which will appeur the women en­terin� the various events of the day.Tho University band will head ttheprocession, followed by the Junior andSenior college baseball squads, theclass baseball squads, lineball and vol­ley ball teams, field and track entries,and the women who will play for theUniversity tennis championship.Prizes \\;11 be awarded to the bestappearing squad.Announce Women 'Vho Sell At a meeting of the UniversityPost of the American Legion yester­day, officers were elected for the com­ing year. Milton Bowen was electedcommander, LeRoy G. Hilton, vice­commander, "Shorty" Dygert, adju­tant, and Ralph Ballinger continuedin office as finance officer.As University classes meet on Mon­day it was decided that the Universityof Chicago Post would not have a se­parate section in the Memorial Dayparade. Men who can be absent fromclasses and are free to take part inthe parade at 2 p. m. Monday shouldcouununicate with Commander Bowenat Hyde Park 6500, or with AdjutantDygert.Ex-service men who have never re- ,who will speak at Campus club dinner.ceived their bonus or who arc having June 11other difficulties with official red tapeshould communicate with the legion the subject, and you have yours.officials at once and receive informa- Above you will find mine. How abouttion and assistance. it, L. C. B.?Bowen Made Commander of Post, Hil­ton Vice-CommanderThe saleswomen and ushers will be Well, Philip Space is through forattired in sport clothes, with white the last time. I have reached the al-skirts and shoes. The names of the lotted number of words without tell­women who will serve in the booths ing how sorry I shall b«: when it is allhelp they have given, and all thoseconcr, Florence Falkenau, Beatrice other things that the campus will Cigarettes Fountain ServingMarks, Helen Mcl'lullen and Katherine just have to take for granted. Such Cor. Ellis Ave, and 55th StreetWatson. . (Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)things need not be discussed in the Telephone Hyde Park 761Give Names of SophomoresSophomore booth: Mina !\Iorris(.tt,chairman; Virginia Hibben, Frances ===============Crozier, Claire Smith, Mary Hayes,Florence Cameron, Elizabeth Owen,Dorothy Augur, Damaris Ames, Hel­en Condron, Louise Abt, Janet Child,Katherine Kitchen..Junior booth: Eleanor Byrnes,chairman; Julia White, Anna Lorenz­en, Jane Delaney, Nannene Gowdy,Katherine .Mellop, Florence Alcock,Esther Me l.nughlin, Elizabeth Mann,Edna Eisendrath, Mary Gingrick.Senior booth: Lucile Kannally,chairman; Frances Henderson, ElennorAtkins, Florence Dixon, Alice Hoff­man, Dorothy Van Pelt, Beth Up­haus, Florence Falkenau, Ruth Huey,-Ioscphinc Gamble, Helen Harris.::\liss Kannally will meet the mem­bers of her committee at 12 Tuesdayin Cobb 12A.arc:Ushers: Louise Mamman, head ush­er; Gladys Nyman, Louise Harsha,Ruby Warner, Emily Hartman, JuliaFletcher, Margaret Taylor. Jean Fal-Freshman booth: Ruth Metcalfe,chairman; Leila Carr, Miriam Votaw,Emma McDonald, Marion Jaynes,Sijrne Winnorblad, Natalia Greens­felder, Katherine Wolfolk, VirginiaStrain. Alexandria McNicholls, Har­riet Cocks.SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORESFor Lunch DowntownWoodlawn StenographicServiceHOTEL STRAND68rd &: COTT AGE GROVE AVE.TeWplume lfidwoll 820University Students Work SolicitedSpecial prices on tenD theme workDORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityYOUTHFUL STYLESforCOlLEGE GIRLS' .... EnITOlUAI�lmMAnKS-Cont'diContinued 011 l)(l!Je 2)over, how deeply I love Alma Mater,how I would like some day to be ableto express my gratitude to Mr. Linnand l\Ir. Boynton and G. S. M. for theeditorial column of a college daily.And of course there is the poasi­hility that 1 feel too poorly to writelogic. !\Ir. Herrick has his views onSPOEHR ENGLISH TOF.FEE BARAt the BookstoreCOWHEY'SStore for MenStraw Hats. Men's Furnishings. Hats.Ca ps and NeckwearUASEBA LL SCORESClGARS-CIGARETTES-PIPESSoutheast comer-55th and Ellis ATe.REDUCE WEIGHTSwedish Massage given byappointmentDouglas 7538Private DANCING LessonsIn a course of five lessons ($5.00)one can acquire the steps of thfWaltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Socialdancing class !\londny Eve at 8 P. !\1LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314We Pay Highest Prices for SecondHand Clothing and Shoes. NoOrders too Large or Small.A. MARKOWITZRoom �12 lOS W. Monroe St.Phones:Central 4556 and Central 8574MIDWESTTYPESE'IuI'INGCOMPANY510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATl'ENTlONTOUNIVERSITY WORKPrI.ten .f n. DalI7 ...... JOSE W. HOOVER, '07SPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the BookstoreUniversity Students.receive courteous attention atTheFROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREMADE TO ORDEIlThe dressiest quietmaterials you eversaw-The most durabledressy materials youever wore--atThe Store of WideAssortmentsSuits andOvercoats$50,$60,$65and upwardsNICOLL The'lBllorw--Jer ·_a..Il A._ ...... Phone Hyde Park 2433Makers ofCHOICECONFECTIONSandICE CREAM1133 E. 55th Street CHICAGOComplete IntensiveStenographic CourseThe n�xt complete stenographic threemonths course will begi� July 1. Onlyc�l1�ge graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opp t . . ... or umty IS afforded by thismtenslve course to g t Irr hi .. e a cornp ete steno-�rap IC traInmg in thre he mont s. .The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COLLEGE.lege st d IS appealing to the col-u ent-only high seh I duare enrolled. 00 gra atesBulletin on requesr. no solicitors em­ployed.Moser Shorthand CollegeEnrolling Only High School Graduates.Twelfth Floor Lake View Building116 South Michigan AvenueCentral 5158Paul Moser, J. D., Ph. B. Chicago, IllinoisEdna M. Buechler, A. B.America's most famousbox of candy1· in a. tre qua ItYCandies of exqulSl Fine to give toquaint artistic box.tve to herself!, . 1 to gta girl or for a glrFor sale byNORDLING DRUG CO.,933 East 56th Street.HERMAN YATES1381 East 55th Street.BLACKSTONE PHARMACY1438 East 57th Street.ROBERT'S DRUG CO.1238 East 58d Street. M'AVOY It, FINIGAN1206 East 63d Street.VAN DE BOGERT &: ROSS1000 East 6Sd Street.1465 East 68d Street.800 East 6Sd Street.51st and Lake Park, ".4 THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1920The Cl\anrU�,,""hinl.STUDE�T SEln'ICEWhen a fellow goes dead broke andwants to raise a little doe,,1 He takes up student service, tho'the wages arc quite low.peal to me, I Elizubet h Brown; the class historvr •by Harold Stansl.ury ; the cluss ora-tion by .lumes Nicely. The class giftwill ill' presented by Frank Long andthe response on behalf of hte Uni- c. O. P. CIIIEFS CALI ..HALLIES TO OUTLINECONVENTION POLICY l'PI-ER CLASS COUNSELLOItCOl\l!\tlTTE�' MEETS 'rODA Y DU. MOIWAN MAKES PLEAFOU BETTElt CONDITIONSThe Iollowing . women on the COI11- Lecturermittel' working" for the Upper Classportant business is to bt.> transacted,vcrsity will bo by Presrdent Harry Ccunsellor Drive will meet today atJohnson sornrs, cheers and yells, asPratt Judson.Flag' exercises will be held at 9 :30by the flag' poll', the .Iunior-Seniorl-asebull g'unK' will take place at 11 :45in the Circle, and the Senior luncheonwill be held at 1 in Hutchinson cafe. I!! in the League room to turn inwell as convention plans and procedure '. I d ' 1 1 I GSlg'n,'c an unsurner p a( ges: race this country are owners or managerswill be g iven out to "Hiram" boost- I P tt D th � ith E 'I T l' 1 1.... 1\1, Ucnnl', oro y .:>ml • nu Y a - of industry," suit Dr. r ..... L. organ,ers, accordirur to Harold Hub, cam, L t B th U h L C k I �.'o.·� p aus, eona roc er, dirl'eto. r of rUl'al, service, Ame, rica,n '. '.'pus Johnson leader. Dorothv Auirur, Helen l\lcl\lullen. 1\la- I ' h D C h'II bl I t oJ"" l{c( Cross, 'Vas imrton, . ., m IS"Hoover'ltes" WI assem e tor ay a ric Nicrgurth, Lydia Hinckley, Teresa lecture on "Rural Community Organ, ,\12 in Rosenwald basement lectureAddress to be by Siosson Wilson, Louise Apt, Doris Martin, izut ion' yesterday at 4 in Harper "f ,;My aims are mercenary and I sing a room. All Hoover boosters, state , .At G the annual dinner of the Bl'ta Edna Eisendruth, Hazel Jenny. Eflie assembly room. "Fnrmers today are '�. �.'mournful tune, chairmen and delegates included, have Jof Illinois chapter of Phi Beta Kappa Wells, Frances Crozier. Dorothy wealthier than ever before in the his- : r,With such lyrics as "Financially I'dwill be held in the Quadrangle club. been urged by Rupert Lewis to attend Brady, Virginia Kendall, Florence tory of this country. , II . " the meet irur. Final plans for thesay was a rum, At 8 the annual Phi Betu Kappa ad- Falkenau, Eleanor Atkins, Dorothy "Social work on the farm is needed1lI0�k convention are to be decidedA job in Harper wouldn't just ex- dress will be given by Edwin Emery Lyons, Mary Hayes. Polly Lerch. 1\Ia- desperately. The poor health condi-and all Hoover boosters instructed asactly suit my taste, Slosson, Ph,D" '02. on "Uniting" the rian Jaynes, Gertrude Bisscl, Ruth tions, the hazards of farming-moreto the plan of campaign,I am not strong for chasing books united States." All members and Coverdale. Mary Shaw, Lucy Weil, people were killed by mules in Mis-and dabbling in paste. friends of the University are invited. Gertrude Byrne, Savilla Millis, Na- souri last year than were killed byROCK EFEI.LER. J I�.. VISITSThe information office dol'S not ap- The Convocation reception will beCAMPUS �EXT WEEK talia Grecnsfelder, Ruth Lovett, Mil- the railroads-the hard labor requiredheld from 9 to 11 in Hutchinson hall, tired Stone, Gladys Hawley, Gertrude on the part of the farmer, all present(Contin�,:,d From Page 1) VIE I Cl k R th 1\1 t If .And how I'm gonna raise some cash the guests of honor being the Convo- 0( ges, una ar e, u e ca e, various aspects of the social orgam-is more than I can see. cation orator and Mrs. David Prescott has been secured to umpire the game. Mina Morrison, Julia White, Elizabeth zation problem to the trained socialBarrows Special interest is attached to this Walker, Ruby Worner. worker,"The work they offer students is ..------- game, as the Junior college claim to Dr. Morgan pleaded for a betterlimited, quite true,"UAIWAltA, BEHAVE!" the intercollegiate title rests on the JU�IOI� UUAMA LEAGUE GIVES milk supply. for a broader view of theBut there surely must be something outcome. The Senior college emerged FLOWEU PAGEANT OX JUNE 5 eight hour law for farmers, and forthat I should like to do. HEI'EATED TONIGHTAT 8:15 1:S .MANDEL the victor in the first clash, the score a keener understanding of the psy-(Continued from page 1) standing 33 to 27. Both teams are On Saturday, June 5, a Wild Flow- chology which underlies all of thehaving special practices this week and er pageant and All-Day festival will farmers' problems.the game next Monday is expected to h:: given by the Junior Drama Leaguehp closely contested. and the Wild Flower Preservation So-To Hold Stunt Party ciety on Wooded Island in JacksonImmediately after the ball game, a Park, A ceremony of farewell to theswimming stunt party will be held old F'ield Museum is scheduled for 5.1 :-10 wearing their organdy or light in the Ida Noyes pool, with Mr. Rock- Plays, music and dancing will go oninformal dresses. Those selling in efeller and his children as special during the day from 10 in tIM? morn- SPOEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATESI have in mind the work I'd takeif I could have the chance,And that's a job as bouncer at the of all salesmen bringing a bag ofReynolds club dance.-SOL.YOU remember the man whoworked fast to get the fence paintedbefore the paint shouid run out. Well,if he had been a lady his name wouldhave been Lydia."A two thousand-word paper?"said she. "That isn't long.""Why," we protested, "it's fifteenpages longhand."TO BARBARAOh, Barbara, oh, Barbara,You're simply fascinating.I've seen you play and so I sayMy heart is palpitating.Your girlish grace I do admire,Your dainty dancing feet;Had I but half your blushing charms,Life could not but be sweet.I'd capture all the manly heartsAround this U. of C.;What would, I give if I could liveAs you instead of me?-PEGGY, '21WE have just been informed, muchto our relief (and doubtless much toyours as well) that this is the lastWhistle by Garcon. It seems as ifwe had been pounding this old L. C.Smith since time began and so we feelsomething like Teddy Linn, who hasbeen deaning, after all, for onlytwelve years. In parting, we extendour thanks to everybody from theCampus club to Artie Scott whohelped to fill this space during thepast eight months.ANNOUNCE ··CLASS DAY"E:XERCJSF� HELD JUNE 14(C07ltinaud from psg. 1)Hig't!'in�, the response for the classd 1!)21 by Glenn Harding, the pres­entation of the Cap and Gown to the{'lass of 1921 and the response byBnirl Townley, the presentation ofthe S('nior bench to the class of 1921by Frank Madden and the responseby Haro1ci Nicely, the presentation oft� cheerleader's coat to the class of1921 by R�thven Pike and the re­sponse by Chalmer McWilliams.Poem Given by Elizabeth BroW'llThe cia!'!!'! poem will be given by some kind in which to keep theirchange. All who sell in the after­noon must be at Mandel promptly at (Continued from page 1)necessary."Announce Women to Sellthe evening" must be in Mandel by guests. A special program of stunts, inz.i :40. and evening dress is absolutely including a relay race and cotillions, "This is a valuable civics enter-Vories-Segal, Chic�go, beat West- will be announced in next Tuesday'sbrook-1\Iunz, Michigan, 8-10, 8-6, 6-4. Maroon.-G. S. M. and G. N.Boyd Cox, Wabash, beat Jamieson­Golde, Chicago, 6-4, 8-6.Bastian-Plogsterth, Indiana, beatAngell-Reindel, Michigan, 6-3, 6-l.Brorby-Taylor, Wisconsin, beat C.Wirthwein-,Tudd, Ohio, 6-3, 5-7, 9-7.Grove-Golan, Northwestern, beatPreucil.Strawbridgc, Illinois, 6-4, 6-3. FOR SALE-Doctor's gown, length,60 inches, cap size 7 1-2, worn once.Telephone Drexel 8. 148PIKE AND VORIESIN SEMI-FINALS BYWINS YESTERDAY(Continued from page 1)SPOEHR CHOCOLATEDOUGHNUTSAt the Bookstore is being arranged by the swimminginstructors. The party will commenceat 4:30 and members of the women'sswimming classes will participate, AsWomen who are to sell are: Fridaynight, Florence Cameron, Josephine"Well," said Lydia, "do it on the in the baseball game. it has been re- wanted."Parker, Elizabeth Walker, Dorothytypewriter." Miller, Fannie Templeton, Eleanor quested that there be a large at-t-endance to root for the contestants,O'Connor, Eleanor Atkins, KatherineWE have received the following Nelligar, Marian Greyts, June King,flowers for Glenn Harding and here- Susanne Davis. Saturday matinee, S. G. VEAZEY SERIOUSLY HURTwith pass them on to him: Jean Falconer, Katherine Strawn, Former !\Iaroon Gymnast Not Expect­Dorothy Davies, Ruth Plimpton, Ireneed to Recover from AccidentKelsey, Louise Apt, Louise Mammen,Faye Millard, 1\Iary Hayes, Helen Mc­Mullen, Mildred Stone. Saturdaynight, Julia Kritzer, Manan Jaynes,Georgina Burtis, Marian Daly, Mar­jorie Boyden, Charlotte Montgomery,Enid Townley, Kate Smith, ElizabethBurnham, Katherine Mehlhop, Cath­erine Clark.Falmley, Illinois, beat Judd, Ohio, 'iTO WHOM IT l\IA Y CONCERN6-2, 6-4. The general chairmen want to ex-C. Wirthwein, Ohio, beat Lewis, press sincere regret that the supplyMinnesota, 6-0, 6-:1. of tickets was not sufficient to satisfyWestbrook, Michigan, beat Brorby, the demand. We made the promiseWisconsin, 6-2, 6-1. before tickets went on sale, however,Bastian, Indiana, beat Munz, Mich- that the number of tickets sold wouldigan, 7-5, 6-2. be limited to 225 and it is our inten-Angell, Michigan, beat Dewey, of tion that this guarantee be main-Northwestern, 6-3, 6-3. tained. Such action is only fair toThird Round those who have purchased admissionPike, Chicago, beat Angell, Mich- thus far.igan, 6-1, 7-5. The Hop leaders are racking theirVories, Chicago, teat Felmley, of brains in an attempt to find some wayI1Fnois, 6-2, 6-1. in which everyone can be accommo-Westbrook, Michigan, beat C. dated, but the demand for tickets hasNOW Brother Stevens will play Wirthwein, Ohio, 6-2, 6-1. been estimated at around 550, and we"Dear Old Pal of Mine" on the organ. Bastian, Indiana, beat Wamsly, But- haven't been able to find a logical so--Garcon. ler, 6-1, �-O. lution as yet.Doubles-First Round The final result of our cogitationsSumner Veazey, captain of the Ma­roon wrestling team during 1917 and1918. and national tumbling champion,fell from a motorcycle last week andwas taken to the Presbyterian hos­pital with a broken back. Veazeywas well known on the campus andwas prominent in track work as wellas in gymnastics. He is a memberof Phi Kappa Sigma, Owl and Ser­pent and other class societies. It isnot expected that he will recover.C lAS S I FIE DAD S.FOUND-In Jackson Park, belt forwoman's suit. Telephone Drexel 8.147LOST-Will finder of tan gauntlet,lost in Law building a week agoplease return to Maroon office andreceive $2 reward? 149 prise," said Mrs. O. H. Eaton, secre­tary of the Wild Flower PreservationSociety, "and the co-operation of thecommunity and their attendance isSPOEHR BLUESWEETS BIRDFor HappinessUNIVERSITYCAFEUP-TO-DATEServes the Best Meals Inthe CityA Trial Will Convince You.Special 85-Cent Di1t'Mrs.We have Commutation Tickets$5.50 for $5.005706 Ellis AvenueOpposite Snell HallYOU.TOO.CAII HAVEIEAUDfULEYELASHESaDd BROWSThe,. add wonderfal.I, to one'. buat,.charm and attracti.e·"ea.· A littleLash. Brow ·IaeaDplied Dis"tl,.. willnoari.h •• t i .. a lateand Dromote arowthof E,el .. h�. lit E,.e­brow. making themlong, thin. and laltroul, GaaraDt� .b.olatel,h.rmlell. Handredl cf thoa.and. of women h •• ebeen delighted with the relah. obtained b,. illale: wh,. not ,oa�Price SOc, At Your Dealer'.MAYBEll LABORATORIES, CHICACOLyravine VotawSummer CourseforSupervi 30rs of Musicand Grade TeachersJune 21 to August 28614 Fme Arts BldsI.Telephone Wabash 8238Res. 6036 Kenwood Ave.Hyde Park 6738SUBSCRIBEFORTHE DAILY MAROON Urges Social . WorkThose on Farms"Ninety pel' cent of the farmers in rSUBSCRIBEFOR THEDAILY MAROONEverywherePROTECT YOURPARENTSagainst loss, in the event of yourdeath. of the money invested in youreducation. The only medium throughwhich this can be done is LIFE IN­SURANCE.Phone me f()r appointment and de­tails. If not in when you phone, leaTeyour name and phone number.c. c. WHITEHILl.SPECIAL AGENTNew York Life Insurance Co.Phone Central 650130 NORTH LA SALLE ST.No better pencil thanBLAISDELL 151 BLUEIt nlways makes ft clear Im­prt'SIIlon lind areTer tires ,.oarhand, no matter bow long youwrite with It. The I.-lid Is smootbnnd grltJess - It lloesn't b�akwhen you IIhnrpen It; Just nickand pull the pnper uwn,..Blnlsdell Colored Pend" areused the world over for ever,­colored pencil purpose.I Ij Blall,dell ColOrN Pencil. mark II on an)"thlnlr. Jlade .D It rleb. II coloi'll. 10 cent. eacla �-,J "'here..XJ/aisde//Pendi1'Comp�nyPH1LADELPH:AWoodlawn Trust& SavillfS BankWOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty. Third Street ••forIJhI\\I;lNccIi:C'ntet11hi�,tanc