,.at aroonVol. 18. No. 122. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920r============================�==========================�==========================7===========================�=========================="Raspberry Seven" Will CEREMONIES FORFurnish Music for 'SHANTY' FEATUREAnnual Hop OF ALUMNI WEEKPrice Five Cents· BIG TEN RACQUETMEN ARRIVE FORNET CONFERENCE SENIOUS WILL PLAY FACULTY NICHOLAS M. BUTLERREQUESTED TO LEADCAMPUS CONVENTIONMen of 1920 Meet to Select SquadJune 2The Seniors will meet the Facultyin a baseball game on Wednesday,June 2, at 5, on Woodlawn field, backof Ida Noyes hall. The game will bethe feature of the Y. M. C. A.-Y. W.Drawings for PreliminaryMatches to be Held This President of Columbia Uni­versity Wired by LocalG. O. P. Council Arthur Ranstead's "Raspberry Sev­en" orchestra has been. secured toplay for the Interclass hop Friday,June 4, at 9, in Bartlett gymnasium,Charles 1\1cGuire, sophomore leader,with Helen Palmer, of the affair, an- Repeat Plan of Reviving F a­mous Building for Re­union ProgramMorning\ ..\'\� FINALS TO BE IIELD SATUR'l>AY C. A. picnic. INVITE MEMBERS OF FACULTYGeorge Serck has been appointed� captain of the Senior team, while nounced last night. An exceptionalCrack Conference tennis teams take Prof. H. C. Moulton has assumed the Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, presi- group of musicians has been secured "Shanty ceremonies" are again onth t li ht t th U' it f d t f C I b' ,it d b R t d the program of the alumni reunion' e spo Ig a e ruversi y or responsibility of Faculty manager, and en 0 0 um ia umversi y an a y ans ea .th d St f 11 th B' ,J hTl 'R b S " ' week and according to officials inree ays. ars rom a e 19 has secured the services of Dr. B. dark horse candidate for the Repub- Ie' asp erry even consists ofT . it.i d h t h f 11' , P' d charge will be among its best fea-en umversi res are amasse ere 0 Reed, Mr. D. H. Hoffer, Associate lican nomination, was telegraphed to teo owing pieces: rano, rums,t f th 1\1'd \1.1 t t hI' bass vi I bani tures. The shanty is a small struc-• compe e or e I - v es ne onors, P f S 1\1 1\1 C C It 1\11' yesterday by the campus G. O. P. c arinet, cornet, ass VIO, anjo andro. peneer, r. . . ou er, .Ir. , ture built in exact reproduction oftoday, tomorrow and Saturday. J F N 1\11' C J P' d leaders to accept the chairmanship of xylophone. "The xylophonist is con-. ; orton, rr. . . leper an the building that formerly stoodThe drawings for the preliminary Dean Gale. Coach A. A. Stagg has the mock convention. A reply from sidered the best in the city," Charleswhere the main stadium at 57th st.• matches will be held this morning. been secured to referee the eame. Dr. Butler is expected hourly. All McGuire asserts. "We had been plan-,.. and Ellis avo now stands. It wasThe first round will be run off today Some possibilities for the Senior faculty members have been extended ning on getting a xylophone for the1 b h d • f the place in which the famous train-- on the varsity courts. Those surviv- team are Bernard MacDonald, Wm. a general invitation to attend. Post- uance, ut a no expectations 0h hi ing' table stood, where Mr. Stagg,Ing \\;11 compete in the semi-finals to- Gemmil, Grant Mears, Jas. Keefe and ers have been completed and will be getting sue a star as t IS man seems"Jimmie"Tuohig and "Johnnie" John­morrow. The finals of both singles Jas. Nicely. Any Seniors who wish distributed today. Lowden leaders to be. The committee believes thath " , b I son ,trainers of Chicago athletes, ate- and doubles will be held Saturday, to play should give their names to have issued a call for fifty campus t e music IS gomg to e at east asthe doubles being played in the morn- Serck immediately. Lowdenites to serve at headquarters good or better than any that has for many years,This shanty stood at its old 10-ing and the singles in the afternoon. during convention week. been heard at a University dance thiscation until 1912, when the largePike Competes in Singles "TRAGEDY OF NAN" Dr. Butler was suggested by Re- year."grandstand took its place. Last yearCapt. Pike will compete only in the publican downtown headquarters asTICKETS READY FOR it was rebuilt for one day at the- singles for the Maroons. His place being both willing and qualified to act RAW MATERIAL HASMEMBERS MON alumni reunion and its success madein the doubles will be filled by Gold, DAY as chairman of the G. O. P. mock CHANCE AT PROVING' .h plans for its re-erection necessary.who will pair otT with Janlleson. T e convention. A telegram was immedi- ABILITY IN TOURNEY According to the committee in charge,other Maroon double team will be Dramatic Club Production to ately dispatched to Dr. Butler uponI the shanty will be built in a largeVories and Segal. Capt. Pike, Segul, Be G receipt of this information. The mes-Vories and Jamieson will be the 1\1a- iven Matinee andsajre read in part: "Will you preside Novice Track Meets Offer Op- circle and \\;11 stand only on Saturday,E .June 12. Lunch will be served to allroons entered in the singles. venmg University of Chicago Republican con- portunity to Men of Noalumni at noon and light eats untilChicago, Illinois, Michigan, Wiscon- vention Tuesday night, June 1?" It Experiencesin, Northwestern, Indiana, Ohio BUEASTED WILL GIVE READING is hoped that Dr. Butler can see his about 3.Ceremonies Start About 5State and Purdue tennis teams \\;11 way clear to accept the position.I 't ti ick f Th TAW AIm MEDALS FOR PLACES The "�hanty ceremonies" start• compete for the Conference title. The nVI a JOn he cets or" e ragedy Faculty ;\Iembets Invitedabout ;) and include the initiation ofoutstanding stars from these schools of Nan," which the Dramatic clu' A general invitation has been is-'are \'Testbrook of Michigan, last Men who have been hiding their ath- the class celebrating its twentieth re-,y will produce June 3, will be ready fot sued to all members of the University h h, C f hamni Ad f ul b ,!�!�,. a��!!ty un��r,� bushel �r",�'Yo �f union and one of the faculty w 0 as.... !:��:i�n::o;:��n;:�l:erL!����T�st- y::�� ,�stribution next Monday. 'Club- mem- act ty"( �:nt�;;�::::t ;:;;s:;ctators, immoderate modesty will have the . se�e�i i,vciity'years' on 'the faculty:bers may procure them from Mar- 01 The instructor will be made an hon-• Brain of Northwestern; Capt. Bas- ----_ ....1 """A� opportunity to show their prowess incaret Ha tt L' D 1 Th ,.?\;). orary member of the "Shanty." Har-tian of Indiana; Fanning of Wiscon- h ggo or OUlS 00 eye e MACDON t\LD SETS FORTH th' f t k t f .�.. 't",,:,r . e serres 0 rae mee s or novicesry Enclish has charge of the candy• sin; and Capt. Pike and Vories of play will be presented in Emmons NEED OF DUES IN LETTER d t:-BI' th ' planne by Coach Hoffer, to be held and cignr counter in the shanty, andthe Maroons. arne eater, matinee and evening.Admission will be by Invitation H Id on Stagg field, June 8-11. "Mother" Ingham the lunches.aro Walker Discloses Fact that aonlv. This will come in the form of Worth while prizes are to be of- In order to have the "Shanty" fea-J Large Percentage of Seniors Havetickets issued to the cast, club mem- Neglected to Meet Obligations fered in all events. In each of the ture of the reunion conducted success-bers and their friends. Each person Should Pay at Once. ' 1 h fully, the following committee wasspecia events, t e pole vault, javelin Hin the cast will be allotted five tick- appointed: Building committee, enryand mile run, gold, silver and bronze Ib Bli A A Staggets. Club members, by applYl'ng to A be G. Gale, Gi ert ISS, ., ,num r of members of the classMarzaret Haggott or Louis Dooley f medals will be awarded for first, sec- Jimmie Tuohig and Billie Ingham;,.. 0 1920 have failed to pay their classwill be eiven two tickets for distrfb- d h ffi ond and third places, respectively, and operating committee, Josephine Allin,b' ues, teo cers find. That a greatution among their friends. Friends of . ribbons will be given up to ten places. Mrs. Davida Harper Eaton, Elinormany events will be enjoyed by thosethe club who have not received invi- who have paid their $5 and that cer- Gh'e Medals for Firsts Flood and John P. Mentzer; programtations may apply for them to Mar-'" I h f h 11 committee, Mrs. Edith. Foster Flint,tam customary obligations must be n eac 0 tea around events,garet Haggott, Louis Dooley or Rich- met by the graduating classes is set which include the 100 yard dash, 120 Mrs. Henry Gale, Teddy Linn and Hor-ard Evans. forth by President Bernard MacDon- yard low hurdles, running broad jump, ace Lozier.l\latinee to Start at " aId in a letter to the members of the running high jump and shot put, goldThe matinee performance will be- class: medals will be awarded for first place,gin promptly at 4 and the evening "Dear Brother and Sister Seniors: and ribbons will be awarded up topresentation will commence at 8. The In a recent interview with our class ten places. To the three men whoplay will be about two hours in du- treasurer, Harold Walker, I was in- make the most points in all five ofration. Charles Breasted will give a formed that there are still a large these events taken together, gold, sil-FRATERNITY BASEBALL short introductory reading before percentage of Seniors graduating this ver and bronze medals will be theAND NET GAMES PLAYED each performance. This reading will June who have neglected to pay theirconsist of the preface to the play and class dues. Understand me, I am notexplanations of its theme by John referring this communication to thoseMasefield, the author. who have paid their $5, but I am try­Louis Dooley, director, expressed !Jlg to reach those who have not.himself as being greatly pleased with Reasons for Dues ObviousI the progress being made at rehear- "The reason why you should payScores in the Interfratemity base- sals. "The cast is working very hard your class dues are obvious, but if Iball tournament resulted in several to make 'The Tragedy of Nan' the tabulate them the desired results that.. close contests. Alpha Delta Phi won equal iD 8beer dramatic effectiveness are so eamestly solicited may be.... from Zeta Beta Tau by the close score of anything even given by the club," forthcoming. First, it is a moral ob­� of 3 to 2. Sigma Chi beat Phi Gam- stated Dooley yesterday, "and I feel ligation that you owe your class. Sec-ma Delta 9 to 8. sure that every effort will be put ondly, your dues are essential for theOther scores are: Delta Upsilon 14, forth to attain that object the night purchase of the Senior gift; for your� Delta Chi 8; Phi Upsilon 18, Pi Lamb- of the presentation." subscription to the Alumni magazine;da Phi 6; Kappa Sigma 5, Sigma Nu and other duties allotcd to the class...4; Alpha Sigma Phi 4, Acacia 0; Del- CO�'MUNIST ORGANIZATION "Thirdly, you have participated inta Tau Delta 7, Phi Kappa Sigma 1; IS SUIUECT OF TALK TODAY class events and parties. Such thingsBeta Theta Pi 17, Alpha Tau Omega cost money, so you are indebted to5; Delta Kappa Epsilon 6, Phi Delta Dr. E, L, Morgan, director of Rural the class. Fourthly, your dues willTheta 1; Phi Kappa Psi 6, Chi Psi 3; Service, American Red Cross, Wash- be necessary to assist in the alumniand Delta Sigma Phi 7, Tau Kappa ington, D. C., will speak on "Rural organization of the class of 1920., Epsilon 6. Community Organization" today at 4 Please pay your dues immediately.The games are now being played in Harper assembly room. This is the YOllT� truly. Bernard Mn.cDonn.ld,, off rapidly and barrinJ!' R("cidp.nt� +he t,,",�nt�·-sc\·cnth lecture in the �dit::s President of the class of 1920." Alpha Sigma Phi Pledgesschedule should be kept up to date "Field of Social Work" given' under, An dues should be sent to Harold Alpha Sigma announces the pledg-the auspices of the School of Com- Walker, class treasurer, through Box jng of Albert McConnell of Mineralmerce and Administration. 90, Faculty Exchange. Springs, Ark. NAME COMMITTEES FOR WORKMaroons Singles Fa ... roritesCoach Reed's men are the favoritesfor the honors in the singles, but the. doubles are in doubt. Capt. Pike andVories are the Maroon aces in thesingles, and Vories and Segal are. strong in the doubles. However,Michigan, Indiana and Wisconsin arestrong contenders and may upset thedope.The matches will be held on thevarsity courts, 58th street and Uni­versity avenue, today, tomorrow andSaturday. There will be no admissioncharged. Bleachers have been erectedfor the convenience of the fans, whoare expected to turn out in good styleto view the battles. COUNT WIERZBICKI WILLLECTURE NEXT WEDNESDAYCount Vincent Wierzbicki of theFrench High Commission will lectureat the University next Wednesday inHarper assembly room. The subjectof the lecture will be "La LitteratureDe Guerre en France."prizes, while those placing among thefirst ten will receive ribbons.Interfraternity Matches Featured ByClose Scores-Doubles and SinglesScheduled for Second and ThirdRounds Published. "Only novices shall be permittedto compete," declared Coach Hofferyesterday while outlining his plan. "Noone who has been a regular memberof a track squad, either in high schoolor college, or who has won pointsin a track meet, shall be eligible. Allmen who are not eliminated by thisruling, whether they are in gym INTERCLASS HOP NOTICETickets for the Interclass hop haveall been sold. Those fraternities whohave received more than their fairquota, to be determined by the gener­al chairmen, will be compelled to re­linquish the surplus to he distributedto fraternities who have not receivedthe assigned number of pasteboards.Members of the ticket committee(men only) will report today at 11 inCobb 12A with a full report on thetickets given them for disposal andthe fraternity or organization inwhich their tickets have been dis­posed. The fact that members havealready made their report does notmean that their presence at this meet­ing i� not urzcd,GRANT MEARS,GLADYS NYMAN,General Chairmen.classes or not, are invited to enter,and those in other athletic branches,such as swimming or tennis, will beexcused from their regular work ifthey take part in this meet."Meet lias PossibilitiesThe novice track meet has largepossibilities and may become a bigthing in the University. It shouldfill a considerable want, and may beinstrumental in uncovering vasitymaterial, it is hoped.i\'I� easily.(COfttitn&H Oft ".,. "}2ought to be two dances held, one forTHE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920_ - L_ _ . . z::: .. _e:==: A!llilaroun ASSOCIATION NOTES SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF.FEE BARJews and one for Gentiles." I becameinterested and stayed to learn that At a joint beach party of the Y . .1\1.there were several types of Jews, i. e., C. A. and the Y. W. C. A., held Tues­Jews, Hebrews, Israelites, Sheenies day night at 64th street, it was re­Published mornings, except Saturday, and Kikes. I was much enlightenedSunday and Monday during the Au-as to the fact that these last two solved to �ive a large social affairtumn, Winter and Spring quarters��DdyMaroooromp�y. C��"��"p��lyo�ect�Mb� e�hq�rt��xty��ma��d� ��=i�=========�=��=;��=======�;·--==--::::::::::. ... n on.ON"s-t:tDORADOM-thl mllsr"rdrllu',np IHnal-HBth� �ey �d �u�d �me � �e b�h o��i�tiom. T� �tails fur --�-�---------������������������members of the dub anguish because the big all-University picnic June 2of their presence, and that Mr. Eng- were also worked out.lish was much disturbed lest those The Y. 1\1. C. A. will not solicit"sheenies and kikes" would be the this year for upper class councillors ascause of the loss of all the "regular" the Y. W. C. A. is doing, but thosefellows who belong to the club. who are willing to volunteer haveObviously I could not stand by and been requested to give their names tohear such expressions of opinion pur- the Y. 1\1. C. A. or to Milton Bowen Ipor�i�g to �ome from one who �eld aI at the Information bureau. Iposrtion With the club, that IS, at Due to the fact that the annual Ileast, semi-official. I gave up my Lake Geneva conference of the Y. l\I. Icard with the expression of opinion C ,-\ "t b. h I 1 J • 11 '>1 bef I'••.,.. Is 0 C e ( unc -_ corethat I cert ainlv could not belong to . ti tu J t I• examma IOns are over, no s (en s Ian orrranizat ion where such views from the University will be able to:were current with regard to a group d Iatten this year. Gerald K. Smith, -'of which I count myself a member. '"secretary of the local Y, will represent IAnd I am taking this means to pro- the facultv at the conference.test azainst such statements. • IWhen I joined the club I was underthe impression that it was an 01'-gnnization primarily intended for allmen who were members of the stu-dent body and who paid their dues.The Student Newspapu of theUniversity of ChicagoEDITORIAL DEPARTMENTJOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing; EditorWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury Feature EditorJohn Ashenhurst News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch News EditorHarry Bird ......•..... Night EditorErnest Fribourg ......• Night-EditorHerbert Rubel ..••..•••. Day EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGRANT MEARS-Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits ..... Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at theChicago postoffice, Chicago, Illinois,�brch 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.1 I Offices Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Thursday, May 27, 1920OF THIS A�D THATToday the old editor is writ ing.Yesterday we let the new editor write I must have been wrong, and I sug­and he wrote all about the job we have �est that if the ideas which were aired=--=OT obtained y.�t. The world is a this evening are those of the dub, thecold place. It does not appreciate words "except kikes and sheenics' begenius. There was more truth than inserted after the words "any malepoetry in the Blackf'riurs" definition student" in your requirements forof college-s-a place where a young membership. This would certainlymun puts off working' for four years. purge the Reynolds club of all suchYesterday in chapel Dean "Teddy" However, as I cannot be sure thatLinn made his last appearance as an all .J<.·\\'S are not meant by the ex­udminist rativo official. In a way it pression, I formally tender my rcslg­was a sort of mournful event. Of nation as a member, and I shall docourse, the University is not losing my best to impress upon every JewishTeddy; he will still be here in a pro- member that he is not wanted. Thefessional capacity, and doubtless he I situation should be brought to thewill continue to be the friend and ad- eyes of the g-en'�ral student body.visor supreme in times of trouble. Melville J. Herskovits.He has always been the champion ofthe harassed underg-raduate. He is SPOEHR DEAR HEARTone of the few who could talk before CHOCOLATESa gen�ral University :1udience abouthelping the shy and brash and make 'the point realistic. It must be a greatsatisfaction to be Teddy Linn.>!< *\ iI ;i !r I1 IIl'" *We wish to remind yoU of the Re­publican mock convention. It is animportant event and those managingit have to work hard and long tomake it a success; they deserve thesupport of the campus. The affair willbe instructive and lively, without theusual appendages of the scholastic.Plan to attend the convention-anddon't forget to drop your dime in thecollection boxes scattered around thecampus. Such things cost money, youknow.COMMUNICA TION(In view of the fact that the com­munication column of The Daily Ma­roon is maintained as a clearinghouse for student and faculty opinion,The Daily Maroon accepts DO respon­sibility for the sentiments therein ex­pressed. Communications are wel­comed by the editor, and should besigned as an evidence of good faith.although the name will not be pub­lished without the writer's consent.)Editor The Daily .:\!aroon:As I walked into the Reynolds clubthis evening I was just in time tohear .:\11'. Eng lish :-:1:--' to one of themen who was arguing' some pointwith him. "SOHI(' think that thereSPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORESFor Lunch Downtowni Woodlawn StenographicServiceHOTEL STRAND6?!·(1 s. COTT.AGE GROVE AVE.Telephone Midway 820University Students Work SolicitedSpecial prices on term theme work��i'� ""' __ � ___ object ionable clements.EverywhereREDUCE WEIGHTSwedish Massage given byappointmentDouglas 7538We have an attractive autoaccessory which you can selland make good money duringvacation. W rite for particu­larsThe Jiffy Company, Inc.,742 Market St., San FranciscoMADE TO ORDEI?KING TWEEDChosen for its beautyby the fastidious­for its durability bythe economical - forits correctness by thecorrect.This is Tweed head­quarters.The Store of WideAssortments Private DANCING Lessons'In a course of Ive leuona ('5.00) �one can acquire the steps of tb�'Waltz, One-step, and Fox-trot. Socialdancing class Monda,. Eve at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314 At the BookstoreSuits andOvercoats$50, $60,$65and upwardsNJmLL TheTaiiorW!!JerreDlS· SoneClark .... Ad· ... SIreecs Put pep into your pencil work. Use asmooth, long-lasting responsive leadthat eases and quickens your pencil tasksand makes them more pleasurable-SOLD BY GOOD STATIONERS-AT SCHOOL AND IN TOWN• • •Just enough Turkish"Facts Iike these make Fatima'splac .. among cigarctt .. s unique,A few years ago, the "proper"thing on 811ch state oeeasion«w-suld have been an expcnaiv ...Ianey -boxed, straight Turkishcigarette,Today, things arc different.Men base their choice on tasterather than price. That Fatimashould be so dearly the choiceof men who ean afford anythingthcy like, shows that most smok­ers really prefer-not 100 muchTurkish tobacco in their eiga­rettes nor too liuk- but "justenough Turkish." FA.TIMA-'1 Sensible Cigarette� # r.,"',' ..,.,..", I -·ll ·.e �._. riB-=1·ll ·. � �. THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920SPORTCONVOCATIONwould have succeeded in surviving be- are as they are pictured why should I·:' _.-yond Act 3. not the race track gamblers take care IIn spite of the fact that Parks, the Premier Nitti, however, has some of the thousands of starving children?Michigan pitcher, was supposed to hope to offer. The cure that he rec- America ought not to be made to helpbe more or less noncombatant on ac- om mends consists of smiling and in a out in a country where there is moneycount of an injured finger on his cultivation of a sense of humor. He to gamble on horse races, but not to Iworking hand, he managed to shut evidently takes little stock in the at- feed children. Of course, if Germanout the strong California team Wed- titude of his former companion, 1\1. children are really starving and the rnesday, 4-0, allowing only five hits, Clemenceau, who is reported to have country has not the means to feed I'no walks and fanning seven. said that he was tired of the human them, then America ought to andtrace and hoped in Egypt to find more will contribute generously to the aid il\lonotony, according to the old say- congenial friends aniong the mum- of the country. !mies. Certainly, if' Premier Nitti's There should be some authority in'advice ,\'cre follOWed, many of our America which could assure the Amer­present difficulties Would SOon disap- ican people in regard to conditionspear. Ufe would be much easier if I of places which are asking for aid.and Kl'io Uunversit.y, whom the Ma- we COUld. all reco.�nize a joke when It is not necessary to produce evi- Iroons had beaten before, resulted in we saw it, evcn If it were officially donee that the Belgians or the French Ia ten inning deadlock, 3-3. On May classed a� an "internutional problem" who were in the occupied areas need22, however, Keio came out "topside," or a "grUve sYIllPtonl of Social up- help, but in Germany the question is: i!! to 1. heuval." The wonic� of th� general different. We should know the facts; ,public have reduced him to the pit- and if the people arc able to bet i IWho was it who spoke of "strain iably becJragglc�1 state in which he millions of marks on the races they are; jand anxiety accompanyirnr an unbeat- usuallv a,)pl'ars In our newsPaper car- able to care for their own people. I !toons. 'fo hint We recommend Pre- ; ,mier !-:itti's reJll('d�, "guarqnteed to : !With the Conference tennis matches effect a :-peedy re{!Ov('ry." In good : !going on now, it is thought that humor is to be, found the cure for DORIS HAT SHOP i !classes will not excite the same old half tht· jlls of life, When th('sc are : Iviirorous enthusiasm. w« would like removed t hl• other half will scarcely 1151 E. 55th Street : i, =to see the finals fur the singles title matter. Near University I Isuured between two of the Chicago - ----- ' imen-not quite such a hopeless pos- WIL\T C()LLE(;F; EDITOnS THI�K : isibility as it might seem at that. (Fwl11 The Vnin'rsity Haily Kansan) YOUTHFUL STYLES ; iI e: I, e: f: I•---------------- J ..... �,._...._.c.._.c_SHORTS 1IiIiI,i- -For RentCa ps and Gownsing, is tiresome. So far we have re­ported nothing but victories for theMaroon nine on its Far Eastern tour.On May 21 a game between ChicagoBachelors $2.00Masters 2.50Doctors , , . 3.00en team T"- IiiiiiThe University of Chicago Bookstore ,iii_1:1_0_ n_��� 0_0 __ 0 __ 1_-:.PLACE YOUR ORDERS EARLYATforTIll' Wisconsin-Chicago track meetSaturdny will be the last intcrcolle- 5802 ELLIS A VENUEWh,. Feed the German�?At the :;ume t inn- efforts are beingmade in :\ nicr-iea to raise Il\oney tofet'li the thousands of Gl'rman childrenwho are said to be !'tal'ving-, the pressdispatch(,s carry reports that horserachur. which was �uspendctl at the�·'Ill'ninJ.!' of th,:· war, has been resumedill Bt'I'lin. These same report s statet hat till' at.u-ndauce is lal·�l· and that a;:Tl'at deal of (·nthusiasm is beingshown 0\'('1" the spor-t, nettings runs upinto t he rnill ions of marks. Of course,money is cheap in Germany because"fits dcprecint.ion, hut at the same COLLEGE GIRLS�iate event held here this season.Fifty cents, Staj.!'g field, :.!:30.Com« Hut and behold some of thenu-n who will win in the Big' Ten1I1l-;_·t at Ann Arbor.\\"isl'clIsin has some g-uod Illen­.Ind t he �Iarocns huvo Otis and Hiir­J.!'ill:'. and so furt h ....ANNOUNCEMENTSThe Wnod club will meet tonisrht at t inu- lx-t t imr has neve,' been so lib-7::;0 ill the south rouru of the Law c-: a l. The persons who have the mon­buildirur. All "'ooe! supporters should cy are willing to take a chance withhe present. it. You may hunt theworld over-but you can­not find a cigarette totake the place of Murad.The tobacco in Murad is J 00% pureTurkish-and Turkish is the mostfamous of all tobaccos for cigarettes.It is true that "ordinary" cigarettescost a triRe less.These stnries hardly tally with theThe Univer-sity orchestra will meet reports of starvation which a largetonight at 7 in 2'litehell tower. It is percentage of the American peoplein:purtant that all be present, believe to he true. If the conditionsDr .• John ll. Coulter will lead thediscussion before the Forum for For­eign Students tonight at 7 in Haskellassembly on "The American AttitudeToward Science and Rclijrion."Ruth .:\Ictealfe, chairman of theDIll'S committee of the Freshman pic­nic, has asked the following to meether tomorrow at 12 in Cobb 12A:Leila Carr, Miriam Votaw, Emma.!\IcDonald, llarion Jaynes, Sijrne Win­nerhlarl, Natalia Grccnsfcldcr, Kath­erine Wolfolk, Virg-inia Strain, Alex­andria .:\IcNicholl, Harriet Cocks. ,,I' iIARROW7roy Q'ailorcdSOFT COLLARS "Judge for yourself-!"4�and l1J!jpIian intkPlJdWHAT COLLEGE snrrons THI�K CLUETT. PEABODY 4 CO., INC. TROY. N. Y(From The Harvard Crimson)A (;ood Suggt'�tion"The world is taking' itself too se­riously,' �ays Premier Nitti of Italy,and We think that perhaps he may berh!ht. Our "revelled sleeve of care"is in a more tattered state than lInc­beth's ever was, S(I that somethingmore than sleep will IX' needed to knitit up a�ain. And even Hamlet's emi­nently just complaint that the timeswere out of joint would today heranked as an improper under:-tate­ment of the fad s.\\\ .. ar'� not fluite snrl:' what relll­edies :\Iaeiwth 01' lIamkt would �1Ig"­J,!est. for 0111- pr('sent Illaladi('�. \Vithall th"il' ('xCl'II('nt (]ualiti('s, neith('rof thos(' J.!'l'ntJ('nwn would lX' suit('dto ('xpr('ss an intclli�('nt opinion onproh ihit ion or the ov('ralb mov(,lllcntor Sinn F.-in. If su(·h afflictions asthrse hac! Iwen added to their lot, wea1'(' confident that neither of them We Pay Highest Prices for SecondHand Clothing and Shoes. NoOrders too Large or Small.A. MARKOWITZRoom 412 105 W. Monroe St.Phones:Central 4556 and Central 8574Prlntf'1'II of The Dally HarOODMIDWESTTYPESETIINGCOMPANY510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATTENTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORKSPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the Bookstore4 THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MAY 27, 1920The CeunpulWIu.'tIe SOPHOMORES TAKE TANK I Collection of American Literature in NICHOLAS 1\1. BUTLElt ,I organ-i-;�tion at-;��· U�i��r��t�·-o� �hi.l\IEET WITH THIRTY POINTS the University library. ItEQUESTED TO LEAD cago desk in the Gold room of ih�CAMPUS CONVENTION I Congress hotel. T�se fifty volunteersFreshmen and Senior Women Tied FRATERNITY BASEBALL (Continued f'f'om page 1) . will be engaged in important campaignWith 28 Points; Juniors Last AND NET GAMES PLAYED 'I work during national conventionWith 20 I (Continued from page 1) at the mock convention. A ticket week. Each volunteer accepted will--- , . has been placed in each box of the I be assured a seat at one session ofIN spite of support from the Quad- The sophomore women took the in-I The third round of the Interfratern- faculty exchange. Those who desire I the national convention. All interest-rangIer rooters, the Delta Kaps lost tor-class swimming meet in Ida Noyes I ity tennis tourney should be played off more tickets may procure them at I.ed Lowdenites are asked to hand into the Psi U .'8, 3-0. tank yesterday afternoon by a 30 by this week, or if impossible, by next convention headquarters in The Daily I their names to William Gemmill aspoint score. Seniors tied with the Wednesday, according to John Combs, Maroon office.I soon as possible.FAMOUS PLAYS freshmen for second place with 28 in charge of the series. Only one Posters for the convention are ready I ;':' ===============In the FacultY-Student Game points, while the juniors came last and will be out today. They will be leo VV 1-1 E"'Sgame of the second round, that be- :.:Triple play-Instructor to Dean with 20. displayed at various points through-]Lewis. Katherine Kitchen starred for the tween Kappa Sig and Alpha Sigma out the University and will be dis- Store for MenSacrifice hit-Lending your exam sophomores, winning the Austrialian Phi, has been played in the singles. tributed among downtown hotels and Men's Fumishings, Bata, Cape andbook. crawl in best form and coming in Kappa Sigma won, 6-0, 6-1. No political headquarters. It is expected NeckwearHome run-After chapel. first for the back stroke. Dorothy matches in the second round of the that a large number of national con-i BILLIARDSForce out-Yellow notice. Augur, sophomore, took the side doubles has been played. venti on delegates and visitors will be CIGARS-CIGARETTE�PIPESSteal-Freddy Starr's term papers. stroke in best form and Buel Burke In the singles, A. T. O. vs. Beta attracted to the campus political bat- Southeast comer--55th and Ellis Aft.A hot liner-Jean Pickett. showed best speed in the breast and the winner vs. Alpha Delt; D. K. tlefield through the medium of thesestroke. I E. vs. Delta Sigma Phi and the win- posters. University Students .Jo Gamble won the twenty-yard for ner vs. Chi Psi; Z. B. T. vs. Psi U.; Call for Lowden Workers I receive courteous attention atthe seniors, while Leona Crocker Phi Psi vs, Phi Gam and the winner Fifty Lowden boosters are wanted i Thshowed good form for the breast vs. Phi Kap; S. A. E. vs. Sigma Nu by the Lowden national headquarters I' FROLIC mEA TREstroke. Ruth Dixon gave the juniors and the winner vs. Pi Lambda Phi. to represent the governor's campustheir greatest number of points and D. U. vs. Phi Delt and the winner vs. . DRUG STOREwas especially successful in fancy Kappa Sig (third round). Cigarettes Fountain Servingd· . SPOEHR CHOCOLATE d thivmg. For the freshmen, Ruth Hess Print Doubles Schedule Cor. Ellis Ave. an 55 Streetstarred, winning the trudgeon and I In the doubles, A. T. O. vs. Beta DOUGHNUTS (Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)he!ping to win the relay for the fresh. and the winner vs. Alpha Delt; D. At the Bookstore Telephone Hyde Park 761Mildred Taylor, also a freshm�n, won I K. E. vs. Delta Sigma Phi and thethe forty yard plunge by a shm rna- winner vs. Chi Psi; Z. B. T. vs. Psijority over Ruth Dixon. U.; Phi Gam vs. Phi Psi and theThere will be two more Inter-class winner vs. Phi Kap; S. A. E. vs. Sig­meets, it was announced this after- rna Nu; Tau Delt vs. Pi Lambda Phi;noon. They will be held on June 1 D. U. vs. Phi Delt; and Kappa Sig vs.and 3. The class with the greatest Washington House.number of points will be victor. These games should be played ocimmediately and reported to John525,000 ADDED TO nOOK FUND Combs at the Delt house or postedon the schedule in the Reynolds club., :"·i ,JEAN KIMBALL, still refusing to'Usc the classified columns, wants usto mention her Iost fountain penagain and describe it as having ar hi Psi seal on it. It pays to ad-vortise,NOTES FROM THE SINGThere was a lot of spirit in thesinging, especially Gin in "Mandy."The ladies' glee club sent theircellar gang into the Shore Grove ho­tel while they sang the second num­ber.Somebody forgot to tell the menin the right hand side of the hall thatit was a University sing and not aUniversity yell.THERE is going to be a Novicetrack meet, June 8 to 11. 'Ve suggestthe following events:100 yard dash down Harper read­ing room. Admiral Timme, starter.High jump over campus benches.Bill l\IcGuire has entered this event.Cross country run on campus. Time,8:05 a. m.Hammer throw. Quadrangles vs.the Mortar Boards.Motor event. Chahles De PalmaBreasted, starter.LIGHTS out in The Maroon office.-Garcon.C lAS S I FIE DAD S.TEACHERS WANTED-At high sal­ary by private schools belonging tothis association. Apply at once.American Schools Association, 1515Masonic Temple, Chicago. 141LOST-At Blackfriars performancelast Saturday night, new browncloth hat and gloves. Retum toPerry Herst, Box Office, Blackfri­ars, and receive reward. 146TO RENT-One or two adjoining fur­nished rooms, near campus. Apply6056 Kimbark ave., Blackstone 811.145A RARE BARGAIN-Drummer quit­ting the business offers first classdrum outfit at great bargain-xylo­phone, bells, snare, bass drums andtraps, for jazz and concert work;fine equipment for a young manwanting to earn money during va­vation. 5465 Dorchester, 3d, phoneBlackstone 5777. 146Woodlawn Trust& Sa_s BankWOODLAWN AVENuEAt Sixty-Third Street--0--Nearest Baak BIRDMrs. Fannie !\eilson Donates Gift forPurchase of PublicationsSPOEHR BLUESWEETSFor HappinessIThe Board of Trustees of the Uni-Iversity announces that Mrs. Francis INeilson of Chicago has added $25,000 ito her original gift of $10,000 for the I =====�=-=========American Book Purchase Fund of the I'University. This new gift will belargely in the form of permanent en­dowment. The purpose of the fundincludes not only the purchase ofAmerican books, but the publicationfrom time to time of Studies in Amer- ,MAKE $1,000 A MONTHican Literature. Mrs. Neilson is thedonor of the William Vaughn Moody Hundreds are making that muchand more selling stock in legitimate,well-managed oil companies.Confidence STOCK-SALESMANSHIP offersI coUege men possessing PERSONAL-1Ty, NERVE and ENEGERY an op­portunity to make far more moneythan does any other business. If youhave sales ability and believe in hardwork this ad means $$$$$ to you. 1I can show you how to make real mon­ey, and make it fast. For fun parti­culars, fill out the coupon and mail itto me at once.is the fruit of years of sustained �,.. service. Since 1856, more than100,000 gradoates have crossedBryant c!: Stratton's threshold tomeet the friendly handclasp ofb�siness men who recognizetheir dependability.E. D. McMahon,204 � Houston St.,Fort Worth, T�.Attentioa c. & A. StadedsWe ha�e specially organizedclasaea fOr college men andwomen. Don·t feel the want ofstenography longer-enter anevening claaLCaD. � (R..L 1575) _write � fer cataJo. ...� .... .a...t .....ciaI SecntariaI eo.r.... I am ambitious, believe I haveJ sales ability, and am interested inyour proposition. I am .•.. yearsi old and (have) (have not) hadBRYANT & STlAnoN I se:: �.��� , .• BUSINESS COLLEGE I4t1t. 5IIa. Sill Floor. - Leh VIew aw.. • I116 SaIdIa Midig- 1.- I State •••••••••••••••••••••'-'--_- --------Address •..•••••••••••••••••The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.DAGUERRE STUDIO218 South Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 527 for AppoiDtmeat. Kosmeo Cream and Kosmeo PowderAre For Sale Everywhere! Appreciated Everywhere IAsk your neighborhood druggistGERVAISE GRAHAM, Mfr. CHI C AGOShirt ReputationThe big successful business of the Wash­ington Shirt Co. has been built mainly onthe reputation of Washington Shirts.Naturally, therefore, we are going to doour level best to satisfy YOU. Think itover.Prices &om $2 to $15FRED L. ROSSBACK, Pres.FIVE PRESIDENTIAL CORNERSWASHINGTONCorner Dearborn MADISONat LaSalleJACKSONCGrner Dearborn MONROEat WabashWILSONComer Kenmore���t.� .. � �---------- .. ,