h�r'::/��-:'t:�;�'��' -: :,:� " -;-: �;':��" .'" :' .� !'���. "C-, • : -�::� �.:.:�� ,Vol .. 18.' No. 120. ,at aroonUNIVERSITY OF . CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1920 Price Five CentsSENIOR EVENTSgo. You will see a performance thatdoes not add particularly to the right- Delta Chi took the. lead from Tau next year.ful glory of the Blackf'riars, but you Kappa Epsilon in the fraternity Harry Bird and Herbert Rubel wereThe Senior class will entertain will see nothing which detracts from standings for the Winter quarter for chosen to fill the junior positions ofthemselves to a �eater party at the that glory. the first time in six quarters and news editor. Five sophomores, fourPalace theater, Monday afternoon, The main difficulty with "Barbara, emerged with 'an average of B- per I men and one woman, were elected toJune 7. All seniors who have paid Behave!" (and there is a difficulty) major for all its 11 members. Tau the positions of day and night editor.their dues may attend the party is ,as far as I can see, with the book. Kappa Epsilon held second place with Richard Evans, Robert Seymour andgratis. It has been 'cut down. to workable a slight margin over the Campus club Emma GulJander will be the day ed-Those who plan to attend the show size, with the . result that the plot is (which was placed on the list for the itors, while Olin Stansbury and Ed­should send their names to Box 90, badly mangled, surrounded with a first time) with an average of B-1 win Jordon were chosen to be nightFaculty Exchange, before noon of Fri- sort of listless haze. No particular also. The complete list follows: editors. Mary Hayes was elected as-day, May 28. It is absolutely neces- Grade sociate editor. Ramona Hayes andquarrel could be started over the Number pts. per Iild d H d h dsary that these reservations be made above fact if "Barbara, Behave!" had nallk Society . graded maj, tkn. Grade MI re an sc were ma e report-ffi • b f I Delta Chi 11 3.49 B- ersthat a su icient num er 0 seats may not been produced in the modern fas,!- .:: Tau Kappa Epsilon .. 19 3.14 B- �.l.e secured. .3 Campus c1uh .....•. 117 2.96 C (iray Athletics Editorion. That is, Mr. Shuter has adopted 4 Beta Phi 10 2.95 C"We have been able to make it pos- 5 Chi Psi 23 2.86 C I Lennox Gray was elected athleticsthe "intimate" style, in which the cho- 6 Alpha Delta Phi ...• 28 2.85 CThe doubles matches resulted in an sible for those who have not yet paid rus and the star-system is disregard- 7 Kappa Alpha Psi.... 9 2.83 C editor and Arvid Ldnde assistant ath-b . k betw Chica nd Cal b 8 Delta Upsilon ..... 40 2.82 Ceven rea uo<: een I go a - their dues to get in on the party y .J f fi f ttl rf 'J Phi Gamma Delta .. 32 2.74 C letics editor.if . Pik d V' . k d eu or a nesse 0 0 a pe ormance.If) •. \Ipha Si .... rna Phi �4 2.68 Corma. I e aJ'!. ories pIC e up paying up immediately," Harold Wal- But you just cannot have a produc- 11 Psi Upsilon 38 2.67 C In the business department, in ad-after losing the first set to Martin ker; treasurer of the class, said yes- " 12 Alpha Phi Alpha.... 9 �.58 C dition to business manager there'-' n; tion of delightful finesse unless you 13 Lambda Phi 9 .;.56 C, ,and Rothschild 3-6, and laid away the terday, "However, the delinquents h . d I Th I' it 14 Kappa Sigma 28 2.53 C j'were elected an advertising managerave a goo pot. e resu t IS qUI e '15 Sigma Xu .......•. _ 34 :'!.S2 Csucceeding sets by the score of 6-3 will have to get their money in to me f '1' t" ·f 16 Delta Tau Delta .. , 37 2.50 C and a. circulation manag�r. The po-h B t d L t k he th a ew nraggmg' momen s, �one 0 17 Sigma Alpha Epsilon. 34 2'.47 c!. • ... esc � a es an evey 00 t 0 - without delay. The money will have which may be blamed on producer, ]8 Phi Kappa Sigma .. 25 �.45 C I sitions ,were filled respectively byer doubles 'from Setral and Jamieson b h . h . . . . 19 Alpha Tau Ome�a ... 30.' w.37.. <;��J, ... ,.. _� -G..L--:·:iId T - -Ti't_.·, �." ", to be in y t e tune t e reserva- .authoc or actor-c-It l-:! JWi� the nature- -ZIt- Delta Sigma 1'111 •• --;.;. IS·- . 2.31 ,·ok' I !,.o .. ·,.n.er OOtn'nn a �-. ... n;n u:...� ·�=-i.n\.··con8un.'eJlt""·sets,""1i�4; 0-4:'�'-" -r: �. tion� are made on Frid�Y.'; f h b . '_ 21 �igma Chi 20 ;.;7 g I bits. The two circulation assistants" 0 t e east. 22 Zeta Beta Tau _. 16 z.ztNo Result· in Conference 23 Beta Theta Pi 2S 2.13 C elected were Charles Loeffel andP -. • !\Iiss 1\lr. Coleman's Chorus 24 Delta Kappa Sigma. 22 2.02 C• •�. 'The-. outcome of the meeting with ENROLLMENT OPEN FOR 25 Phi Kappa Psi .•••.. 31 1.99 C I Frank Linden. GIlbert Beatty andUnfortunately "Barbara, Behave!"California has no direct bearing .on MILITARY SCIENCE' CAMP According to a note received from Morris Pickus were made assistant� -,; will be compared with "The Naughty· .the' Q,nference standing, where as a Mr. F. J. Gurney, assistant Recorder, advertising managers.. , Nineties." Such a comparison is hi h th tand·team the Maroons are the favorites. All 1\1. S. Students at University EI- the usual list from w IC; e s - Staff' Takes Charge Today. hardly fair, because the direction Ill t be 11 d."At_ Ohio State last week the squad igible to Attend Camp Knox This ings are made out WI no ca e I No feature editor was elected. It. - is different (but just as cor- d hi'.m8.d� a clean sweep in both singles Summer-e-Seeeial Advantages Of- for the quarter, ue to t e pressure was decided at the meeting that com-• • I:"�� reet) and the general motif of the en- Re d r' ffi I· ·-.an4 doubles. The outlook for the Big' fered. of work in the cor e s 0 ceo. petition for managm g editor shOUld... , tertainment alien from that of last· .' Ten' title, which will be determined I be thrown open to all departments. year's production. Some of us will °� , '. here, starting Thursday, is decided- Opportunity to attend the summer CHOSE LEADERS F I of the paper. The new staff will take. miss Mr. Coleman's smashing chorus:_ }� ·.. bright. camp at Camp Knox, Ky., is open to numbers and the general atmosphere DMEIOCE�K TICOONVENTINSFORON I charg. e today." « all students enrolled in the military of life; others will prefer Mr. Shu- ----------------"r- REPEAT FRIAR FETE FOR science course of the Universitv. All. 'I Platt, Allen Holloway, Robert Ti1f-oT ter's delicate and modish suggestions· �.�: 'UNIVERSITY SETTLEMENT applications must be in the hands of of manners. Af Sessi w'n any, Russel Horsefield, Alex Horn-_. -- Captain Marr by June 1. Men from But enough of what is 'wrong 'with No temoon SSIOn 1 i kohl, Margaret Long, Jean Falconer,:AllIlOunce Committ� 1\lembers to colleges and universities all over the the play. There is considerable of Be Held-Meeting Starts l Ingalls Burnett, Paul Becker._. - ,Have Charge of Booths Friday and country will attend. what is right. First, the singing. It at 7: 30 II Logan Selets Lowden Men'.:' .SaturdaY-WiII Bold Meeting To- The camp will begin activities June is very good, and it was appreciated. . John Logan, Lowden chief, has se-".' �·.morro1V at 4:45. 18 and will continue until July 28. We have not had such an array of STATES SPUT AMONG LEADERS I lected the following state chairmen:It is expected that all those going good voices for a long time, and good ---. . I B�rnard McDonald: Jaspe� Kin�,'will leave in a body on that date, but voices were needed for the music, Chairmen of the various sta'te del-] Ehzabeth Brown, Elliot Sherwm, Donsthose who cannot leave on that date which was of a rather fragile and egations in the G. O. P. Mock con-I'Martin, Brook Ballard, Faye MilJarcr,may have the privilege of coming at (Continued on page 3) vention were announced yesterday by James McKnight, Ellen Quigg, Jamesany time, not exceeding ten days. All the faction leaders. Names of states I Bruner, Paul Hedrick, Rhoderickexpenses, including railroad fare to TICKETS FOR MATINEE OF over which these chairmen are to Hathaway, Robert. Unseld .and from Chicago, will be paid by the "BARBARA, BEHAVE!"' ARE preside will be published la�er. �o I R�pert Lewis, head of the Ho�vergovernment. Uniforms will be given STILL SELLING AT OFFICE preliminary afternoon session will faction, has made these appoint-after arrival. take place .. The con�ention will be-I ments: �arry Bird, �orge Bowden,Plan Trip to l\lammonth Cal'e One Hundred Seats Left for After- gin, however, at 7:30 Instead of at 8, I G. M. Bnll, .. C. H. CosJens H. H. Her-Trips are being planned to Mam- noon Performance, Satur. as originally planned. ron, B. E. Jaffee, Edgar Johnson,moth Cave, the birthplace of Abra- day, May 29 Each faction has been given thir- John Joseph, Harold Las�ell, C. J.ham. Lincoln, the Ohio scenic trip, teen of the fifty-two state chairman- Littman, Amos Matthews, Ruth Met-Louisville and surrounding towns, and Seats are still on sale for the com- 3hips. These state leaders will pre- cal fe, Helen Ravitch.other places of interest.' Students ing matinee of "Barbara, Behave!" side over the elections of their sep-!will live in a new electric lighted can- Saturday, May 29. One hundred tick- arate delegation�, will call the rolls I Y. M. C. A.·Y. W. C. A. Cabinetstonment barracks located 30 miles ets remain unsold and "these will 1!0 and check off the ballots but will in no I To Gh'e Beach Party Tonightfrom Louisville. The organization to the first purchasers, it has been way influence the voting decisions of Iwill be similar to the R. O. T. C. and ann.ounced. The tickets ar€! being the states. I Cabinets of the Y. M. C. A. andas far as possible batteries of 100 stu- sold at the box offi& 1n the �Ianrlel Announce Johnson Leaders Y. W. C. A. will hold a joint beachdents each will be organized. hall cloister from 10 to 3. Harold Huls, leader of the univer-I party ancl husiness session this eve-Among other things which have Special prices wil) be charged for sity "Hiran�ites" �ave out the follow- ning-. All members will meet at Idaoc<!n planned in the Hne of entertain- the matinee scats, 50 cents to $1.50, in� list of appointces: Edwin Nelson, I 1\oyes hall at 5.ment and recreations ar� football, instead of 50 cents to $2, as for eve- .Tohn Ashcnhurst, Geor1!e Carmichael,! � _basebal1, polo, golf, motion pictures, nings. The performance wilJ be the Ruth BO\\Ta, Wm. :Morgenstern, Joe I --1reading and writing' rooms, bands, same. Day, Henry Chatroop, Ernest Fri- SIGX OF TilE SICKLE I�;mmin1!, a club which will provide The Blackfriars will have charge bourg, Phyllis Cleaver, {..ester Shan-a dance haH, cafeteria, pool tables, of the fete to be given Friday and Sat- non, Luther Tatge, �om Rogers, and Sign of the Sickle announcesbar�r shop, soda fountain, and read- urday in connection with the periorm- Frank Fenner. the election of the following wom-I en: Gertrude Bis�ell. Ruth Bow-ing room. ances of "Barbara, Behave!" Chal- Clarence McBride, campus Woodra. Hazel .Jenny. Elizabeth Jenes.camp Divided Into nat�ries mer McWilliams has charge of the leader, has appni1)ted the fol1owing'11 ! G1\'endolyn Uewellyn, Savilla )1iI.The camp will be divided into six booths and al1 profits which -are real- from the �eneral's forces: ColV1 eH lis, Eleanor Mi11s, Ruth Metcalfe)atteries. Chicago, together with Har ized will be given to the UniVersity Jackson Roy Munger, astin��(Continud on pag� 3) Settlement. Moore, Eleanor Atkins, Coventry 1 and .S.ig�e Winnerblad.MAROONS LOSE FOUR.v-»TENNIS CONTESTS- TOCAUFORNIANS' TEAMVarsity Takes Two of SixMatches, Vories WinningFrom RothschildDOES NOT AFFECT CONFERENCECalifornia net men on their easterntour added another notch to theirracquets yesterday when they gavethe Maroon tennis squad its firstcheck of the season, winning four outof six matches on the Varsity courts.Three months of training, in con­trast to five weeks for Chicago, stoodto the advantage of the westerners.Vories tallied the only singles tothe credit of Chicago defeating �oth­schild in straight sets, 6-1, 6-3. Capt.Pike of the J\laroons succumbed to theversatile. and heady game of Capt.Bates of California only after twohostly contested sets, 6-4, 6-4.Californians Take SinglesLevey, who the day before yester­day.heat Walter Hayes, one of theforemost players in the country, wonfrom Segal, 6-3, 7-5, while Jamiesonfell before Martin, 6-2, 6-3...... ··.�Iackfriars fete will again be held_. � Friday and Saturday nights and Sat-� :'untay afternoon, the proceeds to. go.. ;to:'the -University .... Settlement. The.� ·;·committee members .will meet Chal­.. � in� McWilliams tomorrow at 4:45 in...... ', :·,��b 12A.,,.;. > ..... The committee for Friday is as fol­'��ioWs: Edith W�t, Gladys Nyman,.. ,' �'�Fi��n� Falkenau, Esther McLaugh-",-! lfD," Dciris Martin, Helen Jenkins,:'I:� Marion Amy, Gladys Rainer, Eliza­��.�w"'�·betb Burnham, Marabel Jerrems,':;'�'�e)en McMullen, Dorothy Powell, Ann..;...,�� ."<.:"" .• , .'-,Nuzicker.· .:_."'r..... ... � Y.For Saturday the women in charge" : • .,-e Edith West, Ruth Huey, Gladys': �NYman, Elizabeth Welker, Esther Mc­. :�ughlin, Florence Alcock, Vir1!inia:Foster, Helen Jenkms, Helen Palmer,(Continued on page 3)WILL SELECT GOLF TEAM... ' A golf team of �wo men rep-• ('�. :resenting the University will en­�. �. ter a meet at Ann Arbor on Junef -:.:5. AD men who are interested,�,�� ��iigible, and who it�ve had suf­. V·� :8�ent. experienee should see Mr.: � � :�tagg . today on the fiel� 01' in._�:::�, tBartJett_.office. .� ���, '.. '., _��.�&\;� � ,.,.1r �. • ,/\: .;/.. \ ... } ..\ �.� t "BARBARA, BEHAVE!"USUAL FRIARS' SHOW,SAYS MAROON CRITIC ASHEN HURST AND KINDREDHEAD NEXT YEAR'S MAROONMay 28 - Friday afternoon,dance to Juniors.June 2 - Y. w. C. A. picnic forschool.Senior-Faculty baseball game.June 7-Theater party, Palacetheater. Book Is Main Difficulty WithComedy; "Intimate" StyleAdopted �y Shuter Bird and Rubel Elected News Editors for 1920-1921-Tibbits and GoodWin Have Chargeof Business DeparbnentsACTING SINGINGAND GOODJune ll-Senior picnic.June 14-Class day, Seniorluncheon, President's repection.June IS-Convocation. It will be unnecessary to advise you DELTA CHI TAKES LEAD John Ashenhurst and Keith Kindredto see "Barbara, Behave!" You have IN FRAT. STANDINGS were elected yesterday to head the,1920-1921 staff of The Daily MarOOD.,_ ;�:'�already either bought your tickets, Campus Club, Placed on List for Ashenhurst was ejected managing 00-reserved them or used them. If you First Time, is Third-Tau KappaSen i 0 r s to Entertain itor and Kindred was made businesshave not I would say, in all sincerity, Epsilon is Second.Themselves June 7at Palace manager. Both men will . be seniors•2aJ�t ilaily �{{aroun THE DAILY MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 25,1920____. . !Z_ ...._. -- . _The Student Newspaper of theUlliversity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except SaturdaSunday and Monday during the Aturnn, Winter and Spring quarteDr the Dail-y Maroon company.------------ -EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTJ�HN E. JOSEPH .. Managing EditWilnam Morgenstern, Athletic EditoHarold Stansbury Feature EditoJohn Ashenhurst News EditoRose Fischkin News EditHelen Ravitch .....•... News EditoHarry Bird .......•.... Night EditoE:-nest Fribourg ....•.. Night-EditoHet-bert Rubel ......•..• Day Edito--_-----BUSINESS DEPARTMENTGRA...lI.lT MEARS-Business ManageHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagJteith Kindred .. Circulation ManageLaurence Tibbits ..... Asst. Cir. MgrEntered as second class mail at thChicago postoffice, Chicago, IllineMarch 13, 1906, under the actMarch 3, 1873.Offices Ellis 1Telephone Midway 800Tuesday, May 25, 1920ELECTIONSWe call your attention to an announcement in another part of thpaper concerning elections to ThDaily Maroon. They are importan,not only to those concerned, but to thgeneral welfare of the campus. ThDaily Maroon believes that its placin the University life is importanenough to warrant intelligent andclean elections.T�e new staff will go into office irnlnedlately, although the 1919-192s�aff list will be run in the paper untIl the end of this quarter The 19"01921· .-staff IS already making plans foa sU�cessful year, hoping to serve th<.-:m\}lus to its utmost ability.WH\,1 T COLLEGE EDITO� THINt{(Ft'oIl1 The Yale Daily News)L Student CoumellorshA oQg and loudly has the lack 0�l"SOnalhA"� �ontact between undergrad��S and f ulttllent d ac y :tJlet}1bers heen la�n �. Theoretically, theee basin th�() :reason at all-no d�fhlite fact� Yal� �y t .."-'hien Q s em of lnstt'\lctlon--..illg tll �as. })revented men from know",f\ t ell' Jf\structor�. Those Who do �nnOlln e:)�las c� to the men in thei�ea��s their Willin�es� -- eVeQ� ::e:s-to know each lJersonaIlyS ltl \.ec1dedly in the minority_ Butt� leJ�o:, it does llOt 'Work ollt Pl'Slc",lea � In Ve1)' it ry many esses. OM t'are ...L eVer hears of a Freshman w'he:)'t3� a�t'Cd 1l ha pon t e offer; Sophomof��.. re ,only a shade l�ss reticent- \..'w'JunlO ' IJ .... � }'e�r genct'ally � �et group'\\>l1)(�h wid h 'h 1 ells t ro\Jghout Senior yeara� Se(m the folly of such Oblission'l\.� th� end there al'C llcrhaps only �tq nOl'jty of any Senior cln�s whohave made no real fricnds on the fac ...�lt�; but this last is a queation Qt�onle�ture only, anel statistic� might. lust �s J)robably show the opposite t�'be tr\l�. At an�' rate, it is obvio'U�that the {)ractical worJcing of theJ)�scht system is not particularly�onduci\"e to 'Per�onal l'Clationshillsbetwcen �tud�nt8 and faculty 1l1el'l1 ...hcl"s. Whj�h is unfortunate from 3llyJ)oint of \>i�w.. Whereforc one cnnnot hdp rejoicingln the sane and sensible plan which isbeing worked out for the FreshmanYear. Briefly, it jg this: To have a�taff of members of thc Freshmanfaculty, preferab1y younger men, to�t--�------------------------�All Wood adherents in the Uni- !l"erl'lity are to meet today at 1 in !front of Haskell for a group pic- ;ture to be taken of the Gener- Ial"R cam. pus forces, for PUhlica-1tion in downtown new�papers.SPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the Bookstore up the ofTer? Certainly grade teach­ers must have changed since ourThe Maroon baseball team, which time.was threatening to go into eclipse be-fore it left this country, seems now Obviously the Daily Illini can't keepto be attaining a place in the Sun. from sticking its thumb in the soup.(If you don't �et that subtlety at Listen to this:first, recall the royal emblem of Nip- "The defeat of the Orange and Bluecon.) Its latest achievement has i.rack team last Saturday was thebeen to shut out the Imperial un i- third time that Wisconsin teams camethan a means of ascertaining grades .vcrsity nine, 5 to O. out of comparative obscurity and putand cuts. A sum of money has been the hooks to better looking Indian ag-approprinted to aid the counsellorsact as "Student Counsellors" for the SPORT SHORTSUNIVERSITYCAFE, ,..��If� •members of the incoming class. TheI term is formidable; it is suggestiveof the faculty. advisors of present andpast experience. But there is a worldof difference. The new counsellorswill be assigned to groups of notmore than twenty Freshmen, ratherthan forty or fifty, and it will betheir aim to be more' to these meny,u-rsorrrrorrrrrrerreiSpof4-isete ieet-0-- rre scsv1f c... J... 5l'fBIy, �...vtititebaavla7in becoming acquainted with theirproteges in such a way as to be realpersonal advisors to them, shouldadvice be needed. This will enablea counsellor, for instance, to dinewith each of his Freshmen once amonth. And contact under conditionstotally divorced from the class roomand curriculum will be secured whereever possible in each individual case.Of course, it appears to be anotherincipient system, and systems mustbe judged after, not before, they havebeen in performance for a while. Butit is at least a system with great po­tentialities. Given a sufficient num­ber of counsellors of the proper per­sonality for their task, and energyand confidence enough to carry outthe spirit of the plan, it should openundergraduate eyes to new vistas inYale ur-, A degree of co-operationand mutual understanding .hithertompossible might not be the least ofthe results of the success of the sys­tem. As an experiment, it is pre­eminently worth while,COMMUNICATION(In view of the fact that the com­munication column of The Daily Ma­OOD is maintained as a clearinghouse for student and faculty opinionThe Daily Maroon acc:epts no reapoD�ibUity for the sentiments thecein ex­pressed. Communicationa are weI­omed by the editor, and should beigned as an evidence of good faith,�t:J?ough. the name will Dot be pub­lSlied Without the writer's consent.)Editor The Daily Maroon:The Chicago newspapers have re­ently printed some very absurd al­eged statement of mine regarding theubject of co-education. I should beeluctant to believe that my Chicagoriends would any of them for a mo­ment take seriously these statements.ut to make the situation quite clearshall appreciate it very much ifou find it possible to print this not�setting forth the fact that I have not01" m�:::; ;ears either publicly or pri­ately discussed this general ques­on. I cannot conceive what shouldhave occasioned this entirely gratui­tous piece of newspaper invention.Yours very truly,James R. Angell.Rosenwald Manuscripts DueManuscripts for the Rosenwald Ora­ons are due today. Three typewrit­n copies with fictitious names muste submitted.PATRONIZEOURADVERTISERSSPOEHR'S FOURSTORESFor Lunch DO'VRltownLOOPWe have an attractive autoccessory which you can sellnd make good money duringacation. Write for particu­rsThe Jiffy Company, Inc.,42 Market St., San Francisco Being, like a Shakespeare prof, aperson who seeks a hidden meaningin everything, we wonder about thepossible significance in the movemade by the Sacramento Coast Leagueto admit school children withoutcharge to two ball games a month,provided the board of education per­mits classes to be dismissed early onthose days. Perhaps the psychologyis the same as that employed by thetrain "butcher" who distributes a fewsample saline gubers, on the strengthof which he sells you a whole pack of"Virginia jumboes" later on.What do you make of the Sacra­mento board of education in takingC LAS S I FIE DAD S.TEACHERS \v ANTED-At high sal­ary by private schools belonging tothis association. Apply at once.American Schools Association, 1515Masonic Temple, Chicago. 141LOST-Pi Delta Psi pin, somewhereon campus; if found please returnto Room 17, 5831 Kenwood ave.; re­ward. 144LAW STUDENTS-Attention! Val­uable books of a deceased lawyerfor sale. Write Geo. Rushton,Woodstock, Ill.LOST-Green silk umbrella. Returnto Lucille Mower, Green hall. Re­ward. 143Lyravine VotawSummer CourseforSupervisors of Musicand Grade TeachersJune 21 to August 28614 Fine Arts Bldg.Telephone Wabash 8238Res. 6036 Kenwood Ave.Hyde Park 6738 UP-TO-DATEServes the Best Meals inthe CityA Trial Will Convince You.Special 35-Cent Dinnera.We have Commutation Tickets$5.50 for $5.005706 El1is AvenueOpposite Snell HallREDUCE WEIGHTSwedish Massage given byappointmentDouglas 7538 WoocIaWll 5tenosraPhicSemeeHOTFl... STRANDeaN • CO'rl'AGB GROVE AVE.'l'� Jlief.,.. 820Univ� SAdeDts Work 8oIIc:ialSpecial prices OIl term tbeme workOUR 1920 CLASSwe are pleased to note, is carry­ing on the tradition of strongclas.� organization and classspirit.All seniors are most cordially in­,·ited to take part in Reunione'·ent. ...Before you leave the Quad­rangles "'e desire individualphotographs for our permanentalumni records.We take this occasion to weI­�ome you to the Alumni Asso­ciation membership_Always keep together - attendReunions - work as a class.Best Wishes!The Alumni Council80s: 9 Faculty Es:change �rl'gations."Modesty! We wonder if they havesent in their applications to D. W.Griffith yet.HarperS3rd and Harper Avenue-Above Harper TheatreHallUniversity Parties on Tuesday andWednesday EveningsTUESDAY EVENING, MAY 25thPhil Goldberg's Orchestra De LuxeWEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 26thArt Ransteads TrioDancingHarper Hall may be rented for private parties onMonday and Thursday evenings�.8�,"�9rCiP�The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.DAGUERRE STUDIO218 South Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 527 for Appointment.A'sure winner­sartorially-whenshe plays in�IALLINSON·SI �1". Silks deluxe Y (Jthe silks that inspirthe fashions. IThe 1920 winners are:INDESTRUCTIBLE VOILEPUSSY WILLOWDEW-KIST,. ,1111. c.l.n ,,.4 ",., ,rl",sKUMSI·KUMSA DREAM CIlBPtiFISHER· MMD NEWPORT CORDKHAKI-KOOL KLiMAX-SA TINCHINCHILLA SATIN THISUlUROSHANARA CREPB"'-­AU "... .. rt .... ,.,r ... ·tfir.Jtlr4 _I IIu 6n, $II! D�,."!-,,,II.�hi ...... ., " __ ,, til ,.. .'In �.�""C_..,.\TM .... IIALUNSON ..... U'_',..,., ... I .....u..R. MALUNSON & CQ.,Jac..'71. N,. sua AnI .. ·... ..silo. AftIhIe - 311t Snai"BWYORK -UBARBARA, BEHAVE!"USUAL FRIARS' SHOWSA YS MAROON CIUTIC(Continued from page 1)Costuming and setting both wereabove the average. The gowns wereon the whole, artistic and expensive:Most of the chorus ladies displayedthem to advantage, and went throughtheir steps without obvious mistakes.Their shoes, as always, botheredthem.Need Art DirectorBlakcfriars want in the future in. . . 'my OpInIOn, an art dIrector and sa-tirical revue of college life. Bothhave their decided limitations ofwhich I am well aware, but whicheanhot be discussed now 'because thiscomment bas already become over­long. I merely throw them out assuggestions which occur�d to meduring the performance.Mr. Stansbury and Mr. Sheean areto be congratulated on "Barbara, Be-SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF­FEE BARAt the Bookstore ___________ ���E ?�I�� MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 25, 1920have!" although at fi.._.,t I' had my,doubts when I saw what was left ofthe poor mangled plot. The moderntheme is well worth further workwith emphasis on the satire. Th�lyrics were really clever, and if youwho went to "Barbara, Behave!"could not understand them (and Idon't believe you could) rend themfrom the SCOl'e.ENIWLI..MENT OPEN FOUMILITARY SCIENCE CA:\IP(Co7ttinued from page 1)yard, Cornell and Oklahoma, combineto make up Battery "F" with Capt.Vance at the head. Each battery willbe divided into two sections, basicand advanced. Other schools to berepresented in the camp are Purdue,Wisconsin, Missouri, Nebraska, OhioState, Illinois, Utah, Texas, Culverand others.Iml)EAT FRIAR FETE FORUNIVEltSITY SETTLEMENT(Continued from page 1)Marion Amy, Josephine Parker,Gladys Rainer, Louise Apt, MarabelJerrems, Dorothy Powell, Janet Child.The men in charge of the boothsfor Friday and Saturday are FrancisWilson, Brower Hall, Leo Walker, EdAhern, Arthur Demond, Hans Hoepp­ner, Leroy Owen, Jasper King, Rob­ert Dwyer, Willard McGuire, FrancisZimmerman, Raynor Timme, MalcolmBruce, Vories Fisher, James Me­Knight, Dan Flalow, Dick Flint, LouisKay ton, Louis Roberts, HowardBeale, Earle Wooding, Wallace Bates,Max Lambert, Frank Fenner. ANNOUNCE SCHEDULE FOR I . .INTERFRATERNITY BASEBALL: We Pay Highest Prices for Second___ I Hand Clothing and Shoes •. NoOrders too Large or Small.A. MARKOWITZInterfratcrnity baseball games to.be played off today are: Phi Kappa'Sigma vs. Tau Delt; A. T. O. vs. BetaPhi Gam; Phi Gam vs. Sigma Chi; ChiPsi vs. Phi Psi; Delta Sigma Phi vs.T. K. E.; Alpha Delt vs. Z. B. T.; Phi: ==============Delt vs. D. K. E.; Psi U. vs. Pi LambdaPhi; Kappa Sig vs. Sigma Nu; AlphaSigma N'u vs. Acacia; D. U. vs. DeltaChi.Tomorrow the following games arescheduled: Phi Kappa Sigma vs. ChiPsi; A. T. O. vs. Tau Delt; Phi Gamvs. Beta; S. A. E. vs. Sigma Chi; BetaSigma Phi vs. Phi Psi. Thursday thefollowing games are scheduled: AlphaDelt vs. Alpha Sigma Phi; Phi Deltvs. Z. B. T.; Psi U. vs. D. K. E.; Kap­pa Sig vs. Pi Lambda Phi; D. U vs.Acacia.Friday the following games shouldbe played: Phi Kap vs. Delta SigmaPhi; A. T. O. vs. Chi Psi; Phi Gam vs.·Tau Dalt; S. A. E. vs. Beta; and T. K.'E. vs. Phi Psi. Yesterday's resultsare as follows: Phi Kappa SigmaS,Beta 6; Z. B. T. 17, Acacia 1; AlphaSigma Phi 10, Delta Chi 5.Chi Rho Sigma PledgesChi Rho Sigma �nnounces the pledg­ing of Flora Konold of Oak- Park, Ill.;Mary Couriey, of Jamestown, N. Y.;and Ruth Esch, of LaCrossc, Wis.SPOEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATESEverywhere 105 W. Monroe St.Phones:Central 4556 and Central 8574Room 412 i Private "DANCING LessonsI In a course .of five lessons ($5.00)lone can acquire the Sh'PM of theI Waltz, One-step, and Fox-trot, SocialI dancing class Monday Eve at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO. 1541 E. 51th St. Hydt> Park 23UMADE TO ORDEIlBeautifulMaterial!You'D say it whenyou see these newfabrics.Your friendssay it whenwear them.The Store of WideAsSDrtments watyouSuits andOvercoats$50,$60,$65and upwardsNlmLLTheTaiiorwmJerreDlS· SonsClark .... Adams Streecs DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear Universitymelodious type. There was a sligh-tneed of liveliness, so that Mr. Hemp­hill's "Plot Delineators," Mr. Ran­stead's "Havana Honeymoon," and1\11'. Harding's' "Brass Button Blues"stood out as particular favorites.Delineators Make HitThose Plot Delineators, by the way,made an unexpected hit. . Theydashed out so suddenly and presentedtheir remarks with such nerve thatthe audience made them come back.Whoever put the Plot Delineators in­�o "Barbara, Behave!" had a goodIdea.. The cast was excellent, weak only�n one thing-dancing ability. AilIn all, the acting was better than ithas ever been, the singin<p f. ... ar supe-rl�r, �nd, as a general proposition, the.Prtnclpals filled the bill as to per­s�nnl appearance. Mr. Breasted didhIS usual fine work. He looked andacted the part to perfection. 1\Ir.Harding,. as Barbara, Illade a verypretty gIrl, who went through herpaces t>rettily. She didn't misbehq . av�Ulte as much as I had antiol t dbut h pa e ,. per aps that was because she� did not dance. Duncine �'ou I,.., oJ \:no\,·Mr: Barrett Anderson, as the En­ter�amer, did dance thOUgh, to thedehghtfully immoral lllusic of the�lt Jaz�. band. yo� have h�ardahout dancing "with abandon"_wellMr. Anderson certainly has b d 'f • a an onor a partner. His body l:IeenlS to beunder no rnustcle restrictions what­;ver. The audience calJ.ed him backepeatedly. Mr. Gemmjj] t d'g . ' 00, IS-uised in wh.iskers, did a neat bit ofburlesque with the feet Th t Spring Examinations Will Bef . e reso the dancing was typical b t not Two Hours In Lengthstartling. uCast Careful in Work Examinations for this quarter wi'llThere is not use to continue .d be two hours long instead of three,on own .. the cast because each memb as m preceding quarters, thereby. . er was k' .��ceedlngly careful in his work.' The rna nng It possible to hold three. ex-Singing of Mr. Richardson u.... aminations .on each day. Classes att. was per- 8 9 10' 1Icularly acceptable, and he has that ' or wil have exams on Wed-most essential of all the t. 1 nesday, Thursday and Friday from 8ar lea re-qUIrements-a pleasing' })erg l' to 10; classes at 1, 4 and 3 on Wed-ona Ity. I d Th d .�ould not quite see why Bob fell for nes ay, urs ay, and Priday, fromGWendolyn, as played by "'I' CI' /11 to 1; and classes at 11 and 2 onbur. Inch, W d dut perhaps I was laboring d e nes ay, and Thursday from 2:30un er theplot trouble. to 4:30.ARROW7roy !JailoreaSOFT COLLARSCu.TT. NA80DY .. co .• IIIC .• TROY ••• ., YOUTHFUL STYLESforCOLLEGE GIRlS,COVV:HEY'SStore for MenMen's Furnishings, Hats, Caps andNeckwearI BILLIARDSI CIGARS-CIGARE'ITES-PIPESSoutheast corner-55th and Ellis Aft.University Studentsreceive courteous attention atTheFROLIC THEATREDRUG STOREI, Cigarettes F ountain ServingCor. Ellis Ave. and 55th Street(Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)Telephone Hyde Park 761SPOEHR BLUE BIRD. SWEETS'For HappinessLeghorns, $6 to $15Straws, $3 to $15Panamas and Bangkoks, $6 to $50YOU.tOO.CAN'tAn I. BEAUTIFULEYELASHESaDd BROWS·The,. add wondrrful.I,. to one'. beaut,.charm and aUracti,.e·ne.. A lillieLash- Brow -IDeapplied ai.,hll,.. willnounlh •• tim a laleand promole growth� of E,.el .. he til E,.e-L • . browl making themwng. tlnck and laitroul. Guaranteed ablolatel,.hanDle,,: Hand�, of thou .. nd. of WOUletl han� delighted W1lh the re.ah. oblained b,. illu.e: "h,. DOl ,.ou?Pric. SOc. AI Y_ DeaJer'.MAYBELL LABORATORIES, CHICACOBlaisdell Colored PencilsAlways make their mark-ThMle fine. richly colored pen­ells work on nllY surface wlt hle:ls'. pressure. The marking never"!Jlt"llI"R, rulul orr or burn" «rr,I< or ctnss-room or Inhor:llory U!lC'ht'Y nrc indlRpcnslbl __ Jus, riJrh'f�,r �IJY colored pt'licil purpoee.Ea!l) '0 sharpen loo-JURI ::'\ICKnnl! r-r r.r, 'he rlbhon IIr fl:lI'I'r.. '1 uur RI:ltloner has a ,·"mlllt·lehne or H1nIRdt'1I Co lo red I't·ndlsBlnlMdt'1I ]ljl BIlle Is lUI t' I I murt:t hnn any other hlu« p('lldl. Oi lu-rcolor" nrc red. violet, lI:::hl gr .... II.Jrr(,(,fl, Jlgh, blue, mr-dlum hili"hlnr-k, Yf'lIo\\". brown, whit":orange. pink, and purple. Tt·n1"'1111' (':1('h.l.so waitt." In Ith.uptmln.: BI"I,.- Ia-u Colol"t"Cl (H"nC"lllt. .so ItroQblf! to Jret • point In an I��bl��' . I ANNOUNCINGStraw HatsTHE largest display we have everassembled awaits your inspectionhere. Especially featured are some exclu­sive braids of the "brown hue." . Also aselected variety of Sennits, Splits and themore conservative styles.State and Jacbo� the N. E. Comer4 THE DAn..V MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY 25,1920,.,' -Iit- --- �- -- --------------I And Harding does his job as if he I Bat boy-Albert Clothes Hodge AN .. ; '.; ;. � -: ,_: S 1\1 E N T S WAR CREDITS NOTICEI knows ;ust where he's at, II Umpire-s-Doc Brattish !': 0 war service credits will beI A�d Jerry makes a very swank Hi- --. . Examinations for the Life Savera granted to students now in residencebernian colleen, The undergrad team IS well pleased COra): .. will be held Thursday at 4 in. .. June 1.And Dougall is the swellest dow-I with our lineup. Said the captain yes-I Ida Xoyes hall. .,ager YOU'\'c ever seen-s- I £erday: "W c've got some good hit- __ :(See his lady walk). I ters on �ur s�uad. �'m �Iad Dean 1'he Finance committee of the In-: 3�OEHR CHOCOLATEAnd now you know your friends Marshall IS going to pitch. I terelass hop wil� meet today at 12 in" DOUGHNUTSare there, why, see if you can't save Cobb 12A.! t\ t the Bookstore���to�ya��and�� HOW��ulib��w�ff?============================"Barbara, Behave!" -- IFor the benefit of those who didn't. NOMINATIONS are open for this Igoi NOW that there is a shortage of job. -Gaston.We'll let you know I print paper, we object to obvious ad- ===-============1Just a thing or two about the show. I monitions like the following in the �:EliiiE!!!i!5IIlE!!i!!iI!5i3a5!!!iE!!EiiiE!!!!!!!!!5!i!5====�Oh. Jackson Moore wears clothes I Harper theater program: "Of course, Ithat are immodest to observe, you know the red lights mean the MID W ESTThey show his nifty contours and exits." TYPESE'I-I'INGreveal h s every curve,And Chollv talks in such a way into AS 1 d 't f the leo M PAN Y.usua, we on approve 0 Ithe telephone, . selections for positions on the fac-That we can t help but think that he It b 11 t W t th fol Iu y a earn. e sugges e -must have one of his own. 11'. lowmg:You rO_lkS who were too Impecu-,nious to go. 2b-Freddy StarTo see the ShOW" . ss-Jimmy TwohigFor the benefit of you we'll let you Ib-l\Irs. Flintknow: J 3b-Jim FieldOh. Beano has a pillow there con-I c-Artie Scottcealed beneath his vest, I p-Dean MarshallAnd Kenny has a joke to pull, but II If-Freddy Thrasherthinks it isn't best, ! . rf-Dean SalisburyAnd Fddie Waful has a face, if I cf-Mrs. Flanaganyou can call it that, ! On the bench-Richard Offner'the C au'put'Nhirtl.oun OWN REVIEW(iJy the Plot Delineators) . ,.==C• I.. \ t. •� � � Pt."j>)Itbrotllwicowianbl«bl«th,pinPi]beReinpbpbwi]plachtSEUpCJthegarforIiIiIicIiFE�EJJ�GLEAKGpLV1.11.1mentealparIROUlserfthePrint.. of The na1l,. IIa!'OeD DELICIOUS AND REFRESH I NGQuenches Thirst­Touches the Spot510-512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSSPECIAL ATl'ENTIONTOUNIVERSrrY WORKThere is always �a reason why! �MURADS are made of 100 % pure Turkishtobacco - the world's most famous tobacco forcigarettes-grown about the Black Sea, in theOrient.MURADS are also the world's largest sellinghigh-grade Turkish cigarette-and their greatestincrease in sales in any year was in 191 C; .Now don't you agree, there is always areason?It is true thai "ordinaru' cigaretlq cost a trifle less.Judge lor yourseU-J.orebeinllrIc