Vol. 18. No. 119. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 21,1920 Price Five CentsPROF. J. W. UNNRESIGNS POSITIONAS DEAN OF MEN MARSHALL URGES HIGHSCHOOL CO-OPERATION PRESENT "BARBARA, BEHAVE!"TONIGHT AT 8:15 IN MANDELLDean of Commerce and' Administra­tion Scheel Says Working WithPreparatory Institutions is Needfor Fuiure.Post in Junior Colleges WasHeld By Him ForTwelve Years Sixteenth Anrl.ual Blackfriar Show is by Harold Stansbury and James Sheean-Matinee and Evening Performances Given Tomorrow-An- .nounce Women to Serve in Elaborate Quadrangle Fete,Scouts, Saleswomen, Patronesses."Co-operasion with the secondaryGIVES MORE TIME TO COURSES schools of the country is one of themost important, if not the most im­Prof. James Weber Linn of the de- portant function of the school ofpartment of Emzlish, dean for men Commerce and Administration in the Women who are to sell scores at! Tonight at 8:15 the curtain williin the Junior colleges, has resigned f ' d Bluckf'riars this week are as follows:' rise on the sixteenth annual produc-! ,RESUME OF 'BARBARA. BEHAVE!',.. 0.; '- uture,' ace or ing to Dean Marshall, 'his position as dean, to take effect at Friday night-Eleanor Byrns, Flor- tion of the BJackfriars, "Barbara, Be-I; ---who spoke yesterday in Classics As- h '" T hthe end of the Spring quarter. His ence Falkenau, Virginia Foster, Ellen �ve, onig t at 8:15 Mandel h.all Robert Eddington (Charles Breast-semblv He was introduced to an 11 b d 1" th h d)' 1resignation has been accepted by Pres-]" J' WI e crow er 1.0 e utmost Wit I C IS cmp oyed as a bell boy at theidcnt Harry Pratt Judson, Prof, Linn audience of 1:;0 by John Logan, presi- , , students faculty and alumni and the I.will continue to teach in the depart- dent of the Commerce club, who re- i friends of the order who -will watchment of English, No successor has quested that all members of the school i University men parade as bathingbeen named. I beauties, chorus girls and societysend to hi ma statement containing ! damsels. TOI1I'OI'ht Harold Stansbury IProf. Linn �raduat(!d from the Uni- " ,,- t"-,.0 I h their desires about discussion groups and Jame" Vincent Sheean wI'11 watchversrty III 1890 am as been connected .., ,,;-. ,"with the faculty ever since He was and speakers for next year. I the audience "pass upon" the showmade a dean in ] 908 nnd has held the "The idea is to train those in high which they as authors made possible.position continuously since that time. school so that they will have had the And tonight E. Mortimer Shuter will lLast year he was made a full pro- equivalent of what is now, the first review the work which he has done �fessor. year's work in the C. & A. school," I during the last five weeks, !Lack of 'I'ime is Reason Dean Marshall explained. "The total Every seat in Mandel hall has been ILack of sufficient time to give the number of majors in the combined sold for the opening night of the Ioffice of dean the consideration it re- four-year high school college should show. But few seats remain for thenuired and a desire for more time to be 66. These include Science, 7; Eng- HAROLD STANSBURY matinee tomorrow, and there are nodevote to his courses in English were lish, 9; Language, 4; Psychology, 2; Gleason, Ruth Huey, Jean Knight, available tickets for the show tom or-giVtd by Dean Linn as the reasons Mathematics (formal), 5; Accounting, Shore Grove hotel in search of mate-" Ruth Lovett, Doris Martin, Coventryfor his resignation. "I feel that I 4; History, 4; Law, 4; Philosophy, 1;E . 8 Ad . . t t' 6 d Platt, Edith West, Edwina Williams,pave not the time to give to the work," .. cononncs,; mints ra ion, ; anbe aaid yesterday, "that 1 believe Concentration Requirement, 6. Co- and Elizabeth Williford.should be devoted to it in the interests operation should extend as far back S�turday matinee-E· 1 i z abe t h Iof the students and of the University. as the junior high school," Brown, Lyssa Chalkley, Gertrude EI-I./t. dean should be accessible to his Commerce Schools Liberal more, Eunice Emory, Julia Fletcher"students more frequently than simply Helen Jenkins, Jean Kimball, .Dorothy 'I"The schools of commerce offer +he .the time of his office hours. Lyons, Katherine ·Melhop, Lillian Mer-most liberal education of any depart- I"I regret �atly beine forced to rill, Marie Niergarth Sylvia Taylor.e.&- ,.. ment of the universities," he asserted.gi.e up the office but I feel that in "Enrollment in these schools is farmerely doing the routine work and in excess of the number which theysitting in my office at my office hours can �tisfactorily accommodate. LastI am not giving the offic� all that it October it jumped from 200 to 600(Continued em page 3) over night here and it is expected thatthere will be a jump equally as greatnext fall. The present students, there­fore, are in the midst of a big under­taking as far as collegiate work is rial for a story he is writing. Gwen­dolyn Cadwallader-Yorke (BayardClinch), a prominent debutante of theJAMES SHEEANseason, while driving by, gets stalled·in her car and decides to stay at thehotel a week or two. Barbara Fos­ter (Glenn Harding) learns that Rob-I'ert, in disguise, is an old college friendof hers and agrees to help him out.I Barbara's method is that of vamp­I ing Gwendolyn's fiancee so that Rob­I ert can marry her, but the scheme is(Continued on pa,ge 3)Saturday nlght-s-Ftorence Alcocg,Damaris Ames, Marion Amy, Marilou­ise Biederbecke, Buol Burke, Jose- I(Continued on page 3)Producer I SOUTHERN SMILAXI TO BE FEATURE OFtwo HOP DECORATIONSmatinees given this year, in addition Ito the number given last year, the I Scenery, Silk Lanterns" andticket sale has been larger than ever Lattices Planned Forbefore. . I 1 0- I nterc ass ance"Barbara, -Behave!" was Written by15 Harold Stansbury, '20, and James VinJ COST OF MATERIALS DOUBLED!' cent Sheean, '21. Stansbury is a mem-!Does Chicago need a new song? ber of Psi Upsilon, Feature editor of Southern smilax will be the featureThe Daily Maroon, and a member of I f th d . f hThe answer to that question is ex- . .1' 0 e ecorations or t e InterclassScore club. He was chorus man In h Wh·te I· d Ilk Ipected to be shown in the results of " ." Ope 1 attices an SI antemsthe song contest which was ann�unced A Myth In Mandel and was press have been provided and plans are nowyestenlay by the Undergraduate eoun- manager of "The Naughty Nineties,'" being worked out for the use ofeil. The council is seeking for a song last year's Blackfriar show. Sheean scenery, Chester Guy, joint chairmanfor Chicago which will resemble the is a member of Phi Gamma Delta and with Coventry Platt of the decorationthe Dramatic club. He was a chorusM Y Hold Prelimin• ary Illinois loyalty song or "U., Rah-Rah, committee, said yesterday.many as 40 points against either of a man in "The Naughty Nineties."them. In the Illinois-Wisconsin con- Session at Mock Wisconsin." "The definite plans for the scenerytest last week the Cardinals came out Con�enti·on The objection has been made, they OUTLINES PROGRAM FOR have not been completed yet,.' Guy,.... declare, that the Alma Mater is too said, "but we are certain that the--- long and solemn for use at football' ANNUAL W. A. A. DAY southern smilax will form the basisThe G. O. P. Mock Convention, d h . d tit I f th d t· W still kgames an sue occasions an at 0 e ecora Ions. e are 1 wor-scheduled for Tuesday, June 1, may :the other songs now in use have not Theresa Wilson Announces Names of ing on several novelties to use, but caninclude both afternoon and _-evening the snap and pep in addition to prop- Committee Chairmen-Lucille Kan- not give anything out on them yet.sessions. It has not heen definitely er reverence. nally, Eleanor Bums, Mina Mor- I Great difficulty has been experienceddecided. Closeness of the race and A prize of $50 in cash will be award- rison and Ruth Metcalfe to Serve. by the committee because of the in-ed to any student, faculty member or --- I crease in prices. The material wehotly contested ball otting may ne- P ti f F' ld d t k � falumnus of the University of Chi- repara Ions or Ie ay 00 ne -I have bought has cost twice as muchcessitate the addition of the after- cago who writes an acceptable song. inite· shape this week when Theresa! as it did last year."will be serious contenders for honors, noon period. The contest will extend until Oct. 15 Wilson, general chairman, outlined the I Demand for Tickets Greatparticularly Otis, Higgins and Har- f th d d dOnly a meager percentage of tick- next year, and the right is reserved program or e ay an announce I The demand for tickets to the hoprise ots are left and these are dwindling of not awarding the prize in case no the, names of the women who will has become so great that no reserva-While the Maroons are engaging be f th 1fast. Contributions are coming in acceptable song is produced. Judges sc,n e as �,em rs 0, e genera com- tions can be made, the ticket commit.the Indians this week end, Minnesota tt '(;, 11 d 11 be h ld th I ...zenerously, but far more than the will be announced later. nu ec. r ie ( ay WI e lion ('! tee has decided. Tickets may be ob-will bump up against the powerful fi ld b k f Id N h 11 J 8present receipts is needed to cover Want WordR and 'Music c ac 0 a oyes a une, or, 1 tained through the Faculty ExchangeWisconsin aggregation. The Cardi- if ther j t f h d f 1 1 'even a fair portion of the big ex- Both words and music are wanted. I wea er 10 cr eres, on t c ay 0 - Box 279, only if the application is ac-nals, provided previous meets are a 1 .penses. Music from other songs may be bor- owing. companied by the money and a stampedfair indication, should come through Present indications point to a neck- rowed and words adapted to it, al- Lucille Kannally was named as the addressed envelope. According to allthe season with a clean record. and-neck struggle for the nomination. though original mtt�ic will receive the Scr.ior class representative on the Teports the sale of tickets is the larg-��==========�=========-=-=-=--=::_,�� Several hallots may he necessary he-. prr(",."nN> in thf' �o:'lpction. of' thf", g'(,'n(l!,:-tl ('0��;t���. The other "wm-j c��t in the hi:,tory of the hop.HOP I .. EADERS MEET fore a decisive result is arrived at, prize winner. bers are Eleanor Burns, ,Tunior; l\lina I Fra�rn!ties who have not receivedleaders d('Clare. In order to allow Entrant.c; should mail their !'longl' �torril"on, Sophomore, and Ruth Met-, their quota of tickets may $ret themsufficient time for necessary ballots to "Song Conte�t Chairman, Under- cal fe, Freshman. Louise �Iammcn I hy ca11in$r at the Alpha Delta Phito he taken, the addition of a prelim- graduate council, Bo:'{ 61, Faculty Ex- was named as head usher and Jose-l hou!'le at noon or sending their money�====�=�==��========�' inary afternoon session was proposed. change." (Continued on pagt 2) (ContinuM on pag8 3)t.� TRACK TEAM JOURNEYSTO URBANA FOR MEET UNDERGRAD COUNCILOFFERS $50 PRIZEFOR CHICAGO SONG, row night. Although there are? E. MORTIMER SHUTERIlliai Ha.e Crack Squad This Year­Stall Works Mea iD Preparationfor Outdoor Cenfereaee at AnnA ...... concerned." Look for Short, Peppy SongThe establishment of a departmentof business research is another or the to Sing at �ootballaims of the school, and plans are 00- Gamesing made for its appearance in thenear future. It will have for its CO�'"TEST TO END OCTOBERaims the turning back of the mate­rial of the first year into the secondaryschools, the determination of a correctcollege curriculum, and business re­search. Co-operation with the schoolsof law and education is also an es­sential feature in the development.Chicago track men will engage illi­nois today on the Illinois field, jour-\ Deying downstate for the first of thetwo dual meets staged away from.• 0DI8 this season. Next week theteam will close its dual meet schedule,encountering Wisconsin at Madison.Illinois and Wisconsin are unques­" tionably the strongest teams .In theconference, and probably the Maroonswill do well to amass a total of ason top with an advantage of only 5points, the otals being 70 to 65.Stagg Working for ConferenceAlthough Coach Stagg hoit!s nohope of winning over the Indians orCardinals, he is continuing to put themeR through their paces with the BigTen meet at Ann Arbor, June 12, inview. Chicago has several men whoIntercla.qs Hop leaders willmeet today at 12 in Cobb 12A. .,rf:11?(r�, :t1If'):1I.i �;: .II a" I ,_:.J: -.'_,�-:'_'_'�'�:"�"�'" -��:.�.-.z:::s.� .. A� ; ..... � � ...... ,I - .E2 TI-lE DAn.. Y MAR()()N, F�IDA Y • MAY 21.' 1920I�----------------------------------------�and carrying the best banner.�ed mornings, except Saturday, Announce Athletic Events9anday and Monday dunn&' the Au-tuum. Winter and Spri� quarters The athletic events listed for the� the Daily Maroon company. day will be the final game between-rode will be headed by the Universityband which will furnish music duringthe day. A prize will be awarded tothe team making the best appearanceThe S&adent Newapaper of theUDivenity of CbicacoEDITORIAL DEPARTMENT the Senior and Junior college base-JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managing Editor ball teams for the intercollegiateWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic Ed!tor championship, volley and line-ballHarold Stansbury Feature Editor f h' tIdJohn Aahenhurst News Editor I games or t e Interclass t t e, anRose Fischkin News Editor field and track events. At this time,Belen R1!-vitch •.••••..• N.ews Ed!tor the interclass cup, given by Miss Ger-lIa.ny Bird Night Editor"est Fribour« Night-Editor trude Dudley, head of the department� Rubel .........• Day Editor 1)f Physical Education, to the classBUSINESS DEPARTMENT making the best record for the yearGRANT MEARS-Business Manager in interclass competition, will be pre­Henry Pringle .. Advertising Manager sentedKeith Kindred .. Circulation Manager . .Lalll'ellCe Tibbits ..... Asst. Cir. Mgr. ============Entered as second class mail at the ELL 1ST E ASH 0 PChicago pastoffice, Chica�o, DUnoia, 940 East Sixty-Third St.March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873. RE-OPENINGOtfices ..•..•.....•....•... EIlis 14 SATURDAY, MAY. 22Telephone Midway 800Frida, Ma 21. 1920 Luncheon� Dinnersy yI Sandwiches SundaesANN 0 U NeE MEN T S Entirely remodeled and at the-- service of University Students.\Elections to staff positions on The ============Daily Maroon will be announced next ..., .....�Tuesday. The Daily Maroon wishesto emphasize the importance of theseelections and to state the great godof politics will be quite outside thesphere of the results. The new staffwill start working at once, but theold staff will continue to be publishedin the column above until the end ofthe quarter. YOUTHFUL STYLESforCOlLEGE GIRLSj\ DORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityOUTLINES PROGRAM FORANNUAL W. A .A. FIELD DAY(Continued From Page 1)I' ICO'I1&T HE"'Sphine Strode and Ruth Dixon will be IV.., :.in charge of the May pole dance. Ston for KeDWill Meet Today in Cobb Men's Furnishings, Bata, Caps aDdThese women will meet today at 12 ' Neckwearin Cobb 12A for the purpose of se- BILLIAaDSIecting the chairmen of the booths, CIGARS-CIGARBTl'ES-PlPESthe ushers and the other commit- Southeast com.--55tll aDd DIIa Aft.tees.Field day, which is an annual event, University Studentswill start with a parade of all the receive courteous attention atathletic teams, including the two col- Thlege baseball teams, and the class e"volley and line-ball squads. The pa- FROLIC THEATREDRUG STORESPOEHR'S POUR LOOP Cigarettes Fountain' Servingc-. BOis Aye. ... 56t1l 8tnetSTORF.S ( Adjacent 'to Fratic TheatN)Teleplaeae R�_ Park 781Complete IntensiveStenographic CourseFor Lunch DowntownThe next complete stenographic threemonths' course will begin July 1. Onlycollege graduates or undergraduates areeligible.An unusual opportunity is afforded by thisintensive course to get a complete steno­graphic training in three months.The environment of the MOSER SHORT­HAND COLLEGE is appealing to the col­lege student-only high school graduate.are enroled.f .� IBulletjn on request; no solicitors em­ployed.li,'IL· il Moser Shorthand CollegeEnrolling Only High School Graduates.Twelfth floor Lake VieW BuiJdina116 South Michigan Av ...Central 5158 Cbicqo, IIIinoi.Paul Moser, J. D., Ph. B. Edna M. Buechler, A. B. SPOEHR CHOCOLATEDOUGHNUTS Plume H,.de Park 2U3At the Bookstore MabnolCHOICECONFECTIONSandICE CREAMI1133 E. 55th Street CHICAGOJ'.f*S. '. :,.I JlIi!The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.I DAGUERRE STUDIO218 South W .... Aye. CHICAGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 527 for AppoiDtmeat.MADE 10 ORDEIlORDER EARLY!Order you r suitearly!We won't deliver ittill you want it.We won't bill it tillwe deliver it.The Store of WideAssortmentsSuits andOvercoats$50,$60,$65..d .....NICOJ,L TheTailorwaJer ..Clark A. .. 11. SUBSCIUBE FOR THE DAILY MAROON"Where. do we gqfrom here, boys?"IT'S an old song, but a newproblem to many an aspir ..• •mg seniorYour career-will it be in law,medicine, journalism or busi ..ness? If in business, what kind?Whatever you do, be sure thehouse you go with is one ofprogressive ideas, modernmethods, high business idealsand unyielding integrity-forYour future depends largelyon the kind of connectionsyou form at the start f; -r� ,rLHart Schaffner & MarxChi�ago---=�_;-I ;?'��f:lIII!i!IIl!ll�il�:!li.'i;:i!linii!!!li:i!l:liIr,;n::mEiill![il;lr.J;I�j;;IU!iIQllffijll:r.�!iiijlJ:ljJihil.:�rl;n:liTIi iin('!�;T1"';· .� '"I." ." �, .1. ." i[ "::I,n';lIilI11�ill:r�"Il1·�r:·�"�'1:·"n':Tr." r- t..... ;::;, 1,1, ...... " .. 1:';,1.:,1, u: ,:�lii,tl.ilQ n:rn:lT'�1r;;:F.·"r!1'1I' "nn�m!m'''lnlT1l!rl;mj11TT1l1T1l11TT1!rw!_-i=I " • iii .Il<.t .!.I.II " j Widl;,h.ilIU;,I", UlJ_milifllil&SOUTHERN, SMIL�XTO BE FEATURE OFHOP DECORATIONS(C� I"" JNI4. 1)through Box 279, Faculty Exchange.There will be a meeting of the menon the Finance committee of the hopTuesday at 12 in Cobb 12A. All tick­ets held by fraternities or other or­ganizations must be turned in bythat time. A complete accounting ofthe ticket sale must be made at thismeeting, Grant Mears, chairman ofthe ticket committee, has announced.PROF. J. W. LINNRESIGNS POSITIONAS DEAN OF MEN(COfI_ •• ,.._. � 1)The Southern club will meet todayfrom 4 to 6 in Ida Noyes hall.The Czech club will meet today from5 to 11 in Ida Noyes hall.Menorah society will give a dancetonight from 8:30 to 12 at Rosaliehall.Psi Upsilon will give a supper to­night at the chapter house, 5639 Uni­versity avenue.Delta Upsilon will J:i\'e a supper to­morrow night after the Blackfriars'performance at the chapter house, 5747Blackstone avenue.C LAS S I FIE DAD S.TEACHERS WANTED-At high sal­ary by private schools belonging tothis association. Apply at once.American Schools Association, 1515:\tasonic Temple, Chicago. 141MBN WANTED-Repre�entatives ofthe Chain Belt Co. of Milwaukeewill be at the employment office inthe Press building Friday afternoon::\tay 21 at :l o'clock to see such mengraduates and juniors as would heinterested in taking a trainingcourse in iron and steel manufac­ture and forming an attractive con­r.ection with a live corporation. 142SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF­FEE BARAt the BookstorePrivate DANCING LessonsIn a �une of lYe IeaoIUl ($5.")one caD acq.ire the .epa of t1I�Waltz. One-.tep. and Fox-trot. SocialdancinJt due Monday EYe at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th SL Hyde Park 2314 THE DAILY MAROON. FRIDAY. MAY 21.1920RESUME OF 6BARBARA. BEHAVE!'(COfttifttud IrOfA JHI4. 1)(Continued Irom fHJge 1)slightly interrupted by the entranceof Mr:;. Cadwallader-Yorke (Chancel­lor Dougall), since the latter is op­posed to any dealings with a merebell boy.On the night of the hotel's bigcharity dance, Robert attends withGwendolyn. Mrs. Cadwallader-Yorkeis greatly indignant at this action ofGwendolyn's and reminds her thatthe family is penniless, and that with­out her marriage to Stauton Hadley(George Binz) they will be in greatdistress.Meanwhile Robert thinks that Barb­are is carrying on too extensive avamping campaign and so cautionsher. "Barbara, Behave!" He thenrequires. I shall be able henceforth drops his position as bell boy and ap­to give more time to teaching, a thing pears his best before Gwendolyn atwhich I have wished for some time." the dance. Soon Gwendolyn beginsNeither Dean Linn nor Dean Lovett to realize that marriage to Stauntonwere able to say who would succeed is absolutely necessary and so triesto the office. Dean Lovett said that to throw over Robert. Robert real­nothing had been done toward narn- izes her insinl'Crity and turns toin� a successor. "I am sure," he de- Barbara with a sense of relief. Gwen­clared yesterday, "that it will prove dolyn then sees to it that her en­a difficult thing to do. In fact, I doubt gagement is soon announced withwhether a successor can be found. Staunton.Dean Linn was such an exceptionaldean that it will be almost impossible ANNOUNCE WOMENto fill his place." TO SELL SCORESINVITE ALL TO ATIENDLAST SING WEDNESDAY phine Gamble, Devereaux Jarrat, Mar-Everybody is invited to attend the abel Jerrems, Virginia Kendall, Es­last sing of the quarter, to be given ther McLaughlin, Gladys Nyman andby the Federation, Wednesday, May Helen Palmer.26, at 7:15, in Mandel hall. The Women who arc to serve in theWomen's Glee club will be the special booths at the Quadrangle Fete thisfeature. Elizabeth Williford is chair- week are: Friday night-Francis Hen­man of the Sing committee" derson, chairman; Anna Atkins, Le-ona Bachrach, Margaret Behrendt,COMPLETE SECOND ROUND Elizabeth Brown, Marguerite Davy,IN TOURNEY BY MONDAY Lydia Hinckley, Anna Mae Kemp,Second round matches in the Cam- June King and Beth Uphaus.pus club tennis tourney must be com- Saturday night-Edith Flack chair­pleted Monday, according to offiCials man; Florence Falkenau, Ruth Huey,in charge. All results of the first Louise Mammen, Dorothy Miller, Ma­round, including forfeits, have been rion Russel, Elizabeth Walker, Edithposted and forfeits of the second round West and Theresa Wilson.will be posted on Monday unless Ushers at this week's Blackfriars'played. performances are as follows: Frictaynight-Andrew Baird, Howard Beale,SOC I A L NOT E S Willialli Campbell, Frank Fenner, =====_=... =__=======SPOEHR BLUE BIRDSWEETSFor HappinessYOU,TOO,CAII HAVEIlAU11I'ULEYELASHESad BROWSThe7 add wondnfal.17 to 0_"1 beaat7charm .nd allnctiYe·De ... A lillieLash- Brow -Iseapplied aiahtl7. will• oarilh, , Ii .. a I .Iea.d Pto.ote growthof E7el .. hft & E7e­broWi ..... i •• the.Ion •• thick .. d l .. tro.l. Caan.1ftd ".lolat.17h.naJeal. Hanel_, oflhoa_adl of wo __ hanben deli.hted with Ihe ree.h. obt.i_ b7 itaale: wh7 aOI 70a)Price SOc.. At Your OeaJ.'.MAYBEU LABORATORIES, allCAGO Richard Flint, Harold Huls, LewisKessler, Daniel Kern, Kenneth Kamp,Paul May, Abe Mills, Robert Moore,Max Noble, Crandall Rogers and Har­old Wood.Saturday matinee-Andrew Baird,Howard Beale, Horace Boggs, WarrenCavins, Frank Fenner, MortimerGoodwin, Gerald Katuin, RudolphKnepper, Daniel Korn, Max Lambert,and Frank Moody.Saturday night-H. D. Armitage,Andrew Baird, B. Lee Brink, WarrenCavins, Frank Fenner, William Glea- .son, Mortimer Goodwin, Brower Hall,Frank Hardesty Gerald Katuin, Ken­neth Kamp, Walker . Kennedy, LewisKessler, Max Lambert, Frank Moodyand John Smith.Patronesses for the show are: Mes­dames Harry Pratt Judson, JamesWeber Linn, Loredo Taft, J. R. An­gell, J. Ogden Armour, Trever Arnett,W m. Scott Bond, Percy H. Boynton,Carl Buck, Nathanial Butler, TracyDrake, T. E. Donnelley, C. E. Eaton,Henry G. Gale, Wm. Gemmill, EdgarT. Goodspeed, Albert W. Harris, Ceo.Carter Howland, Chas. E. Hutchinson,Chas. E. Judd, Wm .. Templeton, EdithFoster Flint, Edward Tildon, LuciusTeter. Lyman Walton, Thomas E. Wil-SPOEHR PUDDINGSAt the BookstoreWoodlawn Trust& Savius Bank-':-,. . �:!":� .WOODLAWN AVENUEAt Sixty-Third Street-0--Nearest Bankto theUniversity of ChicapThe leader among allColored pencils-BLAISDELL"·rites smoothly. sharpens rendl­By-Just nick and pull the papernwny. There is a lot of work Ine'"ery point. The famous Blais­dell 1al Blue outsells all otherblue pen ells combined, At allstat loners,I (;se Blaisdell Coloreel Pencil., II llAde In IODrtftOn rich colon. II The,. mark 0" anythlnc-. 10 II cenh eTer,-where •I-- ---'Bkisde//Pencil Corrrpe.rry .•PHILA'DELPHtAConfidenceis the fruit of years of sustained ,...ervic.. Since lSS6, more than100,000 graduat.. bave crossedBryant ct: Stratton's threshold tomeet the friendly handclasp ofbusine. men who recognizetheir dependability.AHention C. & A. StudentsWe have .pecially organizedcta... for college men andwomen. Don't feel the want ofstenography longer - enter anevening class.Can. t.l.phoae (R.nJ. 1575) 01'write Priacipal fer c.aaloc .Ddcoapt.a. iafonaatiaa ....... pe­ciaI s.c:r.tariaI eo.....BRYANT & STRATTON• BUSINESS COLLEGE"''', 5,,.. 6,,. FIocm - Loh View 814, .•116 South .... A ... son and Sanford Vauglu!. and the!Illisses Sophinisba Breckenridge and'. IEhzabeth Wallace. iLouis Blachly, leading lady in "A!INight of Knights," the show of 1915, 'Inow assistant sales manager with Ithe Chevrolet Company in St. Louis, Iis coming to Chicago for Saturday Inight's performance. He was a cho-Irus lady' in "The Student Superior." I=====================!SPOEHR DEAR HEART iCHOCOLATESEverywhere ARROW7roy Q'ailomlSOFT COLLARSCWETT. PEABODY" eo., INC .• TROY, N. YSli. �.ne" �I'_ and &a-ppily who dances.jnM·AUJNSONSSilks de Luxe .For out-door and in-door occasions,these are the silk inspirations I.'iNOBsTRUCTIBLE VOILI! PUSSY WILLOW DEW·KJST�./" ,11Ii. eel.,., t",d '''fII pri.,sKUMSI.KUMSA DREAM CREPE FISHER· MAIDNEWPORT CORD KHAKI-KOOL THJSLDUKLlMAX·SATIN CHINCHILLA SATINROSHANARA CREPe(All Irade-marl .ame,)B:J Ihe :Jard alllre 6rst Sill n,parlm,.b- ••• gri",a"a,.,1 allile 6,tle,. Garme.' Drfttlrlm"d,'lI"d Class Slro"Th, "a .. e MALLINSON .", III, .,IHle .. ari, IIr, I""d"e ,H� R. MALLINSON & Oo., INC.,'.. 'TileN.",S;/IlS'First'·M.di.OD Ave.--311t StreetNBW YORK,Ir.Good Socks at Low PricesYou can buy GOOD hosiery as lowas 35c at the Washington Shirt Co.stores because ALL Washingtonprices are based on ACT U A LCOSTS, not on so called "presentmarket values."FRED L. ROSSBACK, Pres.FIVE PRESIDENTIAL CORNERSWASHINGTONComer Dearborn MADISONat LaSalleJACKSON�m('r Dearborn MONROEat WabashWILSONComer KenmoreI.,.' I ... ", I _I I4 /THE DAILY MAROON, FRIDAY, MAY 21,1920The CampusWlti.�l.WE think certain members of thefaculty should receive yellow notices.They're as bad as the students: Don't&,et their work in on time. As a re­sult, our old Friend, A. P. S., is thecomposer of a complete Faculty Whis­tle, which we present below and chal­lenge all comers to equal.-Garcon."WONDER WHAT A PROF. THINKSABOUT?" IGreat gorief! Here it is nearly 9o'clock. Guess I have time to g'0 tothe faculty exchange. As usual, noth­ing much. A cold rebuke from therecorder for not having' sent in lastweek's absences. "That's it to him,anyhow? Note from the faculty rep­resentative of the Helta Skelta Hoop­silums-much concerned lest Brother IJones should break their proud rec­ord by getting Phi Beta Kappa; haveI any suggestions for lowering' hisscholarship? What's in the weeklycalendar ? Meeting of the Gastronom­ical club Monday. Address, "WoodAlcohol, If It Could?" Sociology fieldtrip Saturday, visit to Greenwich Vil­lage Follies. I hope that girl realizesI can't raise my hat with both handsfull of books. There goes the bell. Ijust made it. I wish the class wouldcome on time; I have several impor­tant jokes noted for today. If thatbunch in the back of the room readthe Koron today instead of listeningI shall bite them. Wonder where Istopped lecturing last week? Cloch­GU d' enfer! I've brought the wrongaet of notes! Guess I'll give them awritten recitation.Aanex Blow Dead Diction HarryAwl these imp ell stewed auntsReed thee wis sell threw;Wan two sea ooze men shunned,iee cage oak ore too.Dale he inn is awe fizzHair old beet say weigh,- 1laJ' king cup is cop hePour ache humming Dey.Butt these bring days may cussWan two low fay wile;Aa done thirsty herald1Uaout is plays ace mile.Foreign fry daisyM sum mother andRye 'tis wis cells toughBia ant neigh chewer grant!POPULAR FALLACIES'ftat when Emerson said "Hitchyou!' wagon to a star" he meant "HaveJaigh ideals."'l11d a grade of 90 legally entitlesoae to A-.That drinking water with meals.akes one fat.That the Declaration of Independ­eJlce says "An men are created freeand equal."That instructors are breathlessly in­terested in the number of grade pointsyou simply have to have in their·courses in order to graduate.That writing the Whistle is a cinch.That in ye goode olde times ye waspronounced yeor '\Ij,\l�r, 'I(• The third floor Foster owes me Ilaalr " joke for this column in return'fOT' DIy contribution to their column.Since our last review of FamousCars we should add Miriam's newRahbit; Philip A utrustus II; K. Pal­mer's limousine (later-she says hersister took it away).If Hazel is to god publicity, at leastspell hor last name correctly.-A. P.S. Value, fit, style, wear; these must satisfy you. If they don·treturn the goods and we911 refund your money cheerfully.The 'best $50 worthHart Schaffner & Marx Suits andOvercoats 25 per cent below valueITS a comprehensive showing of the most desirablepatterns, colors. weaves, models. Very smart stylesfor young men; more dignified things for business men;the best styles in suits, overcoats, motor-coats raincoats,dress overcoats. The best materials, the finestof tailoring; a very striking value at $50Other big values $40, $45, $60, $65, $70, $75, $80Maurice L Rothschild ." :- ..... "l\{()neyCbeerlullyRefunded Good clothes : nothing elseSouthwest corner .Iackson cand State Chica�oMinneapolisSt. Paul