.... �;(c-i.f':�:-��_:>� -. ;,,,,.,�.�._ �"'f?�>'�' .: ,�"'!,:,..;.\': �>- {",:: �:�, 2:,: .... :.:':::'::� • ,,"'. � "/' .. -,- -------.-,.---. _.,1, )... -'j..... , ..� .. i 7-,.at varoonVol. 18. No. 112. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, TUESDAY, MAY II, 1920 Price, Five CentsBlackfriar T· ickets Now on SalePLANS MADE FORFOOTBALL SERIESWITH PRINCETON I1 STUDENTS APPOINTED. . - I' TO HEAD GUIDES FOR�early Eight Hundred Dollars Col-lected for Starving Professors SCHOOL CONFERENCE A�:SOUNCE BASEBALL RESULTSCHOICE SEATS LEFTFOR EVERY ONE OFSIX PERFORMANCESItELIEF FUND ]S SUCCESSAlpha Delt, D. U., Kappa Sig andD. K. E. Win Friday's GamesMaroons Will Meet Tigers In The subscription fund for the re- William Holton and' Ruby Alpha Delt, D. U., Kappa Sig and) 920-21 For First Time ,'lief of the starving Austrian profes- Womer Named to Take D. K. E. won Friday's games in theI H· t sors and their families already totals Ch C . interfraternity baseball league. The Box Office Is Open From I 0n IS ory arge ommitteesI $777'.25, according to Mr. John F. I,scores were Alpha Delt 2, Psi U, 1; to 3 Daily In Mandel. --- I Moulds, treasurer of the committee K S· 10 A' DEASTEltNEUSFInSTGAMEAWAY. h A b f h TIiURSf)AY AND FRIDAY DATES. appa Ig .• cacra 6; . U.14, Pi Hall Corridorr m c arge. Any mem er 0 t e fac- ! Lambda Phi 13; D. K. E. 27, Wash---- I ulty receiving a personal appeal . . --- I ington House 4. ---'Arrangements have been completed' f A tri f . d Wilham Holton and Ruby Wornerfor football contests in 1921 and 19221 /0: dU�t .an �ro ess:rs;s ;e�este f have been appointed to take charge! The D. � .. were forced �o play I SPECIAL RATES ron MATINEESbetween Princeton a d Chi 0 an I 10 a once 0 ro., oe 0 f h three extra mmngs to beat LI Lamb. n reago. The the department of German literature. 0 t e committees of student, guides I . � - ---first game WIll be held on the Tigers' I St ft' hi t k trib for the thirty-second annual educa-I da PhJ. The game was ended when Tickets for "Barbara, Behave!" areur en s WIS mg 0 rna e con rt u-field some time in October, 1921, and tions can do so through the Cashiers' tional conference, which will be held I Mo�lton knocked a home run for D. now on sale at the box office in thethe other frame will be on Stagg field I office. Thursday and Friday. ' I u. 10 the last round. Mandel hall corridor. The box officethe year following. I Th t' .. According to Dean Butler, who is Today Alpha Delt plays Kappa Sig- I is open from 10 to 3 daily, Perry. e execu Ive committee m charge ... I •The completing of these arrange-l has extended the appeal to all colleges the faculty head of the conference, a! rna, Phi Delt plays PSI U, SIgma Nu I Herst, ticket manager, has an-�lents m�rks one of the biggest e�ents ! and universities in the midwest. The high school �onference has been held I plays Ac�cia, Pi Lambda Phi meets I nouneed.In the hls�ory of football. It WIll be I institutions may communicate with every year smee 1892, when the Uni-, Delta ChI" D. K. E. plays D. U., and r Yesterday was the first opportunitythe first fime that Princeton has ever the Vienna Relief committee in pro-I v.ersity was first opened. At that I Zeta Beta Tau meets Washington for the general public to purchasescheduled a game away .from �ome curing blanks for funds. The commit- �Jme the sessions were held in what I House., ., seats for the 1920 Blackfriar show,except to meet her ancient rivals, tee advances the money in the fonn IS now Cobb 12A. At the present lOwing to an error in printing the I although blocks of seats were sold toY�le, Harvard, Army and Navy. It of food drafts and collects the money time, the class, assembly and lecture Sigma Chi-To K. E. game scheduled I some forty organizations at the draw­�Il be the second time. in gridiron from the contributor when the blanks,' rooms of the entire University do not I for Wednesday was omitted from the; ings last Wednesday and mail ordershIstory that one of the bIg three has are due. ,afford sufficient space for taking care' week's schedule printed in Friday's! have already been filled for brothersleft i� field except to �ect its nat- o� the sessions. Last year over 1,700! issue. . I in the order.ural nvals. The first. tIme was last PICK HELEN CONDRON TO I �Jgh school officers and pupils were' ! Many Choice Seats Leftyear when Harvard Journeyed westI HEAD QUADRANGLE FETE 1 10 attendanc-e. ,i I Choice seats are still left for eachto meet Oregon at Pasadena I Under r d t G' . I CAMPUS CLUB TO HAVE f th . .• . . g a ua es ive AId 'INDOOR BASEBALL TEAM 0 e SIX performances, It was an-T.lgers Try to Make Relations ! Annual Affair Will Be Held May 21 I. "One of the most important factors i I nounced yesterday ?y the managers,; Pnnceton has been trying for many Ii and 22 on First Two Niaht.c; of the 1m the success of the conference has' H ld T . ts Tod 4 '15' S I and jStudems have been urged to. t stabli h thleti I' ..: b th h lor, ou ay at ., In tagg ,years 0 es IS a etic re ations Blackfriar Show-Booths in Cha ! eon e elp afforded by the Iron . d' . I purchase tickets as soon as possibleith th U· 't M CI f rge i 1\1 k d . Fiel -Plan to Challenge Wmner of .WI e mversi y. r. oney 0 I of Classes . I as an representatives of the va- I'. I Those unable to attend any of theP' t . 1915 t . d I • I ., I Interfraternity League for Cham-rmee on in ne to eomp ete , ,nous women s clubs," Dean Butler. .. . . four evening shows may see the sameotiati ft' I said t d u • 'I pienship-e-Pcst Drawings for Tennis:neg J Ions or a wo game senes'l Helen Condron has been appointed j! ar yes er aye At this conference T t ' I production at either of the matineesbut was unsuccessful H did t ' •as at athl t' 'I ournamen • '. . e I. no I chairman of the annual Quadrangle .. e IC meets, one of the prob-I ! Saturday, May 22, or Saturday, MaygIve up, however, and on April 20 I f-ete to be held the evenings f.... ! lems IS to make the visitors feel that! . " 29 .. h 0 !'.lay h U· . . · Tryouts for the Campus club indoorcame west WIt G. R. M�rray, grad-] 21 and 22 during the intermission in I t e mverslty IS a human and friend- j b b 11 t '11 be h Id t d t ' In order to aid in the selection' ofuate manager, to sec Mr. Stagg. I the Blackfriar performance Refresh- I Iy place. The committee of under-' 4 a:;�, setm w�. Id �11 0 a� a I seats the scale of prices for the mat-Favoreble arrangements were made I, ments will be served in fo�r booths; i graduates can do this better than I' t: it m agg l�e 'bI f t�on; ra-i inees and evening performances isand the matter was taken up with I conducted by the undergraduate class� I can anyone else. For this purpose: eh�IhY n�leln ahrelle IgJ eth or. e eanfll given herewith:the Maroon athletic board on April I two groups • t' f w IC \VI C a enge e WInner 0 ,', ..' es. Each booth will be decorated with consrs mg 0 fifteen men! th interf t 'tft le 'f rth Evening' Performances, May 21. 2227. The body gave Its unanimous con-I class colors. l and fifteen women win volunteer to; e �. � . � ern! I, ague. or. e28 and 29 'sent. President Judson r, eadily sanc- I Th F h I act as guides th • . be' I champlnOlshlp of the umversltY'1 .Ie res man booth, with Dever- ' elr servIce IDg to PI d .tioncd the action of the board and. J t . . .. i give information d . ta I ans are un er way for a game WIth" eaux arre and Ehmd Evans as Jomt ' an assls nce on h fl' Main Floorplans for the two game series were h" I the premises f th U.. t e aeu ty sometIme next week. ,I ted I' c aIrmen, WlIl offer sandwiches and! 0 e mverslty. f h Center $2.20comp e . -'hot dogs." Marjorie Boyden and i Two committees,. each of six men I' I enoug. men corne out for thed 12 rows, sides ........•.•...... 1.65Series Compares Strength Eleanor Hanson win have charge of,� a_ nd six women, win conduct groups, team, practIce games w. ill be playe R ..I 11 1 11 f d emammg rows, sides ...•..... 1.10The series wiIl be interesting in the Sophomore booth which will have I who may wish to inspect the grounds! ane a sma eaJ!Ue w� be onnecomparing the relative strengths of ice cream cones and sandwiches for I and buildings on the campus. These i anlong the �on-fraternlty men. As Balconyth� ea8te� and western teams. AsI sale. The juniors, with Margaret Tur-I tours will begin Friday at 2. The f soon as the mterfrat.emit� games are First 4 rows 165Pnnceton IS always one of the strong- I, ner and Florence Alcock as chal'r- honor examinations will occupy the I.' O\'er, t.he Campus club WIll challe.nge 3 t ............•...•h f h rows, cen er 1.10est teams in the eas. t and' the Maroons i men, will seIl candy. Frances Hen-: entire morning and will be fonowed by i t, e. wmner or t e. I.ocal champlon- Rf I I h All f h emaining rows, center....... .8$one 0 the lead, ers lD the western, con-, derson and Edythe Flack are chal'r- a complim'entary luncheon in Bart- II s I.P' non- ratemlty men, whet -h 5 rows, sides ..........•..•.•. .83ference, a satIsfactory, comparison of! men ot the Senior booth, where frappe lett. I er t ey are members of the Campus Remaining rows ..........•... .55the strengths of the east and west I and popcorn will be offered as a spe- 1 I club or not, have been asked to cornecan be drawn from the results of the I cial inductment to the theatergoers. I SENIOR WOMEN WILL HOLD i out for the team., �ey should. re- Lower Boxes (Six Chairs>games I I PART I port to George MIlls 10 Stagg FIeld .• I Announce Freshmen Seners, Y TOMORROW FROM 4 I tod I Smgle seats ............••...• 2.20I Women who will sen in the Fresh-! TO 6 IN IDA NOYES HALL' ay.EXHIBIT "SPHAERA MUNDI." man booth are: Natalia Greensfelder,l --- M�st Start Play � at Once" I Matinc.'e Performances, 1'Iay 22 and 29ITALIAN RARE BOOK OF Devereux Jarret, Gertrude Putnam, Women of the Senior class will hold �raw�n� for t?e Campus club All Main Floor1491, IN HARPER LIBRARY Hester Weber, Clara Brennan, Harriet a party tomorrow from 4 to 6 in the UnIversIty tennIs tournament have First 15 rows ......•........• 1.65Cccks, Virginia Strain, Helen HofF- sun parlor of Ida Noyes hall. Mrs. been made and are posted at the Y. 7 rows, center ..........•.... 1.10'The Univer�ity library has recently man, Ethel Henderson, Dorothy wn-I Goodspeed will read letters written M. C. A., th: Reynolds c�ub and Bart- Sides , 1.10c-htained from a dealer in Naples son and Emily '"albot : by Mr. La V�rne N Th lett gymnasIUm. Those m the tourna-, .I.,. , • 'W oye�. e OCC8- •Italy, a perfect copy of contemporary I Those selling in the Sophomore i sion will take the place of the annual, ment have been requestcd. to fin� theIr Balconyboard binding of Joannes de Sacro ,. booth are Jean Falconer, Mary Hayes, ,luncheon given for the women of the I partners and start play Imm.edlately. Fir�t 4 rows 1.10Bosco's "Sphaera Mundi." Sacro BOS-, Mina Morrison, Dorothy Davies, Dor-I Senior cIa�s by Mr., Noyes. The first round must he fiDJs�ed by 13 rows, center .83co was an En�Iishman whose real othy Brady, Elizabeth Owens, Eliz-! A program of game� has heen I' Wedn;sday, Rules of the senes are! Remaining rows .55Dame was John Holyw09d, also known aheth Burnham, Janet Child, Damaris' planned. Refreshments wiI1 he po�te \\;th the drawings. !as John Halifax. The book, which con-I Ames, Beatrice Marks, Ann Pichens, served. I Single box seats ,............. 1.6.!)tains a number of iIlustrations and I Dorothy Church. Grace Weatherhead, ' nn. GEORGES PETIT SPEAKS I'fliagrams, is one of the earlier works Katherine Tunnison. Adelaide Scan. Education Sch()()l Holds Party TO FUEN"CH CLUB TOMORROW G. O. P. COU�CII� TO MEETf'n Astronomy, printNI in Venice, Jan-Ilon� Lillian Barden and Louise Apt. All 1l1cmher� of the faculty, stu- --- I ---uary 13, 1491, hy Gulielmus d<C Fri- i. Fifteen Juniors to SeIl i dents and fl'iend� of school of Edu- Dr: George� Petit will speak. at a �\ll �('ntbers ?f the Republican clubdino. Esther Marhofer, Clara Olny, Anne I cation are invited to a beach party, to meetmg of t.he Lc Cercle FrancaJs to- i cxecutl\'(' �ounctl h�ve been asked to_______ Lorenzen, Fannie Templeton, Betty I be held Saturday at 4 :30 just north morrow at 4 at the French House. ,meet toda) at 5 In South LectureHyde Parkers Stage Show Williford, Betty Mann, Elen Gleason, I' of the .Jackson· Park pier. In ca,se His subject \\;!l be "Une Plaie SO-! room of the. Law library for.• an ira-"Pirates of Penzance/' on operetta Georginia Burtis, Margaret Robinson. of bad w('ather the party will � held ciale." i portant sessIon. The foIlowlDJ,: aTeto be given by the Hyde Park dra- Dorothy Lyons, Wilma Mentzer, Ele-, in Blaine haIl. I Dr. Petit is professor of anatomy i mc.mhers: Charles Greene, Melvinmatic eIuh, will be produced Thurs- nore Byrnes Coventry Platt Jane De- in the medical faculty of the Uni- i,Grlffith. Charles �'cBride, Eleanor At-day afternoon, May 13, at 2:15, May Janey and Ruth Lovett win sel1 in I THE WEATHER I vCl'sity of Paris and an officer of! ki�s, Wi1liam Gemmill, John l..ogan,14 tS]- d h d' . fM J' bo h , . I d' hI' f II H' th IEhzaheth Rro"'n George Bowden, a ::>, un er t e Irectlon 0 r. the Unlor ot. ncreasmg c ou Iness, probably fol- t e ..cJrlon 0 onour. e JS e , ' •,.. I , de .. I John Jo�cph, Victoria Allen John Ash-A. F. Robertson. Ticket..'J may be pur- The Semors who WIll seII are Flor- 10,,'ecI hy �howers. Moderate �uth· foun r of the InternatIonal SocJety I • T •h d h I d . d • d h hI h'f' f th P t' f T he I' ,enhur�t. FAlwm Nel�on and Rut. Lov-e ase at t e schoo au itorium. (Conitnul' on page 4) "'est wIn �. pro a y siting to east. or c reven Ion 0 u rcu OSIS. I �--------------------�---I:�I I,2 THE ,DALY MAROON, TUESDAY, MAY II, 1920SPORT SHORTS and the' Mgr'J mob:' af�r trussing' up campaign that they are proposingthe minions of the law, Invaded an that the Olympic games be held thereOHANGE AND BLACK and MA- army barracks and armed themselves in, 1924. The seating capacity of the'nOON, by our conception of the laws to the teeth. structure will be 73,000.of color combination, ought to startEnough FraternitiesAre there enough fraternities at With Captain Carl Johnson on theChicago, Has the Interfraternity casualty list, Michigan was badlycouncil ever asked itself that ques- beaten by Illinois trackmen Satur­tion, and shouldn't the Interfrater- day, 90 to 44. Johnson has sustainednity council be the body to considerthe matter? At Wisconsin, with 39Greek letter fraternities, the Pan­Hellenic council is aiding small groupsto J!et charters from the best possiblenational fraternities. The Universityof Illinois has 43 fraternities.About every month or two weekshere at Chicago We heal" of a newgroup being organized, 01' a nationalchartel" being granted to a well mean.ing and ambitious crowd of some fiveor ten men. When do the other fra­te it.irmtres take notice? A year later,perhaps, when a petition is presentedb� the organization if 't unVIV ' lSI sur-f es, to the Intel"fratelllitl' councilor admission Pl''1 • eop e say our coun-CI needs a idscop W WI er- field and greatert. e. e suggest the above ques-IOn as a g d. 00 starting point.Be Brief tour, since they won their two earlierThe Daily Mal" matches.news spac A O()n IS crowded for. e. t the sa1M t·WIsh to Pl"i t 1 'He nne weOUl" 0 n. a 1 al'ticles tn�nded forc tnlllunlcation 1'We urge yOu t co Ulltns. Hencemarks as 0 �onden�e your re­mUch as .... 'ImakinR' Y . ..,osslb �, '\\rhiIe stillour pOlDt.Thel'e Htlg the Cornersare fortncJCt to th � ... se\Tett footstepse walk 0nCWly t"aked dirt ll. a sD)aIl piece ofnCal' the b .k 1 W!tich once was lawnh 00 stor Nt e Walk :. ()w th�t the Hit� carnpalrn.. . .",est that ."" IS OVer We sug-you endto the 3ngle� whe e�V'or t� sbiek rightn �ou take the turns.Atlstrial\ R 1·Facult�. e Ie!Illcmber�' \..C�hlpaign f . In c.,arge of theof Atlstli ()r rc�let for �he faculties LIMITED NUMBER OF SUMMERth an Unl\Te 't' 1 rt iti ltat unle�s the la 1"$1 tes iflform us sa esmen oppo um res open; wrr eJUIl' the� will tter l'eccive food by Maroon X12, for appointment,death A a�tually ste.rve tob� 'Which rrangClllcnts may be made SPOEHR ENGUSH TOF-b Your 11l�d�ea Ic SlJPPlie� to he now will en- FEE BARdents and f sent at once. Stu­hlal'lk!o\ for aCUIty may si� pledgef any atnount t thonllntion desk ill th P a .e. In- ---------Th IIC ress building.Utsda�' 'lnd FridaIf you ar Ylookin e apllr03Chcd b�· a dazedcia.... :h�·o��h �ext Thur�day or Fri- The nr-xt time YOII bllY n col-• k qUlr<,� the way, do not IT ... l pr-nctl n8k (or the Blnlsdel],"� ,c him for a fr('�hman �trni�ht from fh4! smooth. grltlt'ss lead wrftesrHJ th 'IHd.'r, sharpens bf'tler and last�In� e �oat-ttcat him nice, He I "T1�f'r,may he a second Shorty de!'> -Iardiensor �cl� Nor�rcn. In oth�r words, theannual educational confCTenC(l, whichover 1 ,:)00 hi�h �chool students at­tenri, i� at hand .. Rush Chica�o!The nar\'('�tThe honnr �ocietics will �oon p]('d�c.:\!ay the clean.up politic� movementshlo�som forth in its full fruitfullne�s,,1. :\J, A,I�t laily :!IaroonThe Student Newspaper of theUniveraity of ChicagoIiI Published mornings, except Saturday,Sunday a!lu Monday during the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartersby the Dai�y Maroon company.EDITORIAL DEPARTMENTJOHN E. JOSEPH.,Managing Editot'William Morgenstern, Athletic EditorHarold Stansbury Feature EditorJohn Ashenhurst News EditorRose Fischkin News EditorHelen Ravitch ". News EditorHarry Bird Night EditorErnest Fribourg Night-EditorHerbert Rubel ..••...... Day EditorBUSINESS DEPARTl\I&�TGR.�NT MEARS-Business ManagerHenry Pringle .. Advertising ManagerKeith Kindred .. Circulation ManagerLaurence Tibbits ..... Asst. Cir. Mgr.Entered as second class mail at theChicago pastoffice, Chicago, lllinois,March 13, 1906, under the act ofMarch 3, 1873.Otfiees , , Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Tuesday, May 11, 1920JOTTINGSi,,. :SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORESFor Lunch Downtown University of Chicago is not a demo- from airplane with propaganda leaf­orntic institution." lets, parades with floats contributedby fraternities have been held, and,on top of that, a general canvass Iamong business houses is being car­ried on. So confident are the waSh-I'ingtonians of the success of their'some quarrel when they are mixedto�cther in 1921 and 1922. Physicistsmight tell us which will predominateafter the mixing; there is 'no doubtbut that myriad sport writers willtrY to do so.Do we heal' someone suggest "blackand blue"?This scheduling of two footballg'ames between Princeton and Chi­cago is significant in gridiron history.Until recently the East has kept akind of Chinese wall about itself, withPrinceton, Harvard and Yale a sortof inner, forbidden citadel.Perhaps it is ell due to that line inthe recent and admirable number ofThe Phoenix to the effect that "The Private DANCING LessonsIn a course of lYe 1.-0118 ($5..)one can acquire the steps of theWaltz. One-step, ad Fox-trot. Socialdancing class Monday E ... e at 8 P. M.LUCIA HENDERSHOT STUDIO1541 E. 57th St. Hyde Park 2314a severe muscle injury, and there issome likelihood that he has terminat­ed his star career as a runner, hurdlerand high jumper.Charlie Higgins is another star whomay be missing from the season'strack and field meets. Higgins' rightarm, which jarred the record, eventhough it did not crack it, every timehe put the shot, is on the non-com­batant roster, thanks to a strainedshoulder muscle. The trouble is amemento of a football game a coupleof years ago.Nobody has observed yet that thetennis teams from the Cyclone Stateand the Windy City broke even. Chi­cago was the first snag which theOklahoma- team struck on the easternAn effort to revive crew rowing atthe University of Wisconsin is beingmade. The shell game was discontin­ued in 1914.We knew we were right when wedeplored the fact that atheletic pro­visions were omitted from the Leagueof Nations covenant and prophesiedtrouble. In Italy not long ago a youngrevolution grew out of a baseballgame. The umpire was killed, sev­eral railway bridges were blown up,C lAS S I FIE DAD S.At the Bookstore14 COLORS INBLAISDELL PENCILS('"Iurs nrr- blue, rod, green,hlack, Yl'1I0W, white, brown, pur­pip. Ii�ht hili .. , violet, light gr<'Cll."rlln� ... mf'dillm blue, pink,I II .'or e\'(�rT ("olorf'd pencil pnr- Ii pf)�" II"'" Blat"d,,11 Color .. d II l'("ndl_IO ffnh at "tation .. r" IL,::,·rrYW_hnrf'. --_j Now is the time to revive the olddream of turning the Midway into Ia waterwa�. ====================- ---------As the classic example of sports Iwhich thrill the spectator, we havethe six-day bicycle race. But wheredoes it have anything over mass ath­letics, in which the first meet of theyear finds Iowa opposing Iillnois onMay I5? Patronize Maroon AdvertisersHarper HallS3rd and Harper Avenue--Above Harper TheatreUniversity Parties on Tuesday andWednesday NightsSpecial Orchestra Wednesday, May 5Art Ransteads T rio De EclatIt's a sport recommending itself IIespecially to a bankrupt athleticboard, since the cost of a telegram Iabout covers expenses. DancingTuesday - Wednesday - Friday - SaturdayHarper Hall may be rented for private parties onMonday and Thursday eveningsHARVEY'S ORCHESTRA DE LUXESATURDAY, MAY 7The University of Washington is Iemploying all of the old re1i�ble war IImethods of raising funds for its newstadium. Seattle has been bombed,"A ROSE by any other name.n would smell as sweet" -butcigarettes of any other tobaccothan Turkish don't smoke asenjoyably.The reason Murads are de­manded by thousands of smokersis lhat they-are made of 100%pure Turkish tobacco-the world'smost famous tobacco farcigarettes-and so conceded. ,. :That is why .many manufacturersboast of even a' dash of Turkishtobacco in their brands.It is true that "ordinary" cigarettescost a trifle less.Judge lor your8elf-! ,, .111ISNt)the:iaIMe[)114,. :, THE DAILY ·�OON •. TUESpA Y, MAY II, 1929. 3MAROONS ON TOPIN FIRST OUTDOORMEET OF SEASON by mediocre performances, except thejavelin, which was thrown 179 feet9 inches by Miller of Purdue. DespiteBoilermakers Downed 73 Vz to the average marks, Chicago had no61 Vz-Work of Harris man good enough to take a first, andthis weakness nearly cost the meet.1'EAM WEAK IN FIELD EVENTS (lOOM ImNTS TO' INCREASEFOJ� CAMPUS DOIUIITOIUESIn the first trial of the outdoor sea-, A considerable increase in theson Chicago triumphed over Purdue, rates for room rent will be made731-2 to 61 1-2, Saturday afternoon,l beginning with the Summer quarterbut the showing gave no great cause I according to a statement made yes�for enthusiasm. The results in the terday by Mr. John F. Moulds, Uni­race!'; showed that the cripples haye, vcraity cashier. The ruling appliesbegan to mend, but the field events to hoth the men's and women's resi­made it quite clear that without de nee halls.Charley Higgins the Maroons have notof operation has made it unavoidable.The work of "Morty" Harris in the The increase is just enough to cover220 was good and if he can do just the costs of maintenance. No definitea little better there is no doubt that percentage of increase has been fol­he will be a factor in the eighth mile lowed in making the change, but inin June. The time was 23 seconds. each hall the rate has been made justHarris also won the 100, but the field what is-absolutely necessary. A com­in the conference will probably be so pilation of expenses has been madegood that he will have no hope of and the rates made to meet this."placing. Bartky won the quarter inthe average time of 512-5 seconds,but as he was not pushed he prob­ably could have done much better.Otis Takes Mile and Two Mile in the rent of any room may obtainGeorge Otis furnished the most the information from a bulletin justhopeful work of the day by taking issued and available at the housingboth the mile and two mile. When bureau.Otis is in condition he is probablythe best distance man in the confer­ence, and Saturday showed that hewas coming back. He trimmed Fur­nas in the mile, running the Boiler­maker to death on the last 'eighth ofa mile, and then came back with afine race in the two mile. jumpinginto a blanket finish for first aftertrailing around until the last lap 40 applied Di"htl,. willDoiuilh. It i m u lateyards behind. Otis' time in the mile aad promote growthof E,e1.lhrl & E,e-was 4:30. browl makina them10Da. thick aDd IUltroul. GuarllDt� .blolutel,Chicago will also have one reliable harmle... HUDdredl of thoulandl of wOlDen hueheeD delighted with the reluhl obtaiDrd b, illentry in the 10'Y hurdles if Hall can use: wh, DOt 'Ou? _keep the pace he is setting at pres- Price SOc. At Your Dealer'aent. Hall clipped the 220 low hurdles __M_A_B_E_LL_LA_BO_R_A_T_O_R_IES_, _CH_ICA_G_O__in fine style, finishing 10 yards ahead.of McGregor of Purdue, and makingthe sticks in 25 4-5 seconds. Had hebeen given a close race he undoubt­edly would have been able to clip offthe fraction. .Capt. Speer Stages ComebackCapt. Speer in the half mile stageda little comeback of his own, takingthe lead and running his own race allthe way. Considering the lack ofeompetttion an� the cold day, histime of 2:004-5 indicates that theMaroon leader has done enough workto hit his old stride and' to climbback among the ieaders of the con-Is Goodan outside chance in the conference.The best that Chicago could do inthe field was to tie in the high jumpat the remarkable figure of 5 feetfour inches.SPOEHR DEAR HEARTCHOCOLATESEverywhere The Official Photographer of CAP AND GOWN, '20Special Rates to U. of C. Students.___ z:::za:::ference. Moore took a purposely slowtwo mile in 10:082-5.Most of the field events were wonARROW7roy r:7ailoredSOFT COLLARS DAGUERRE STUDIOCLUE". PEA800Y .. co .. INC., TROY. N. Y218 South Wabash Ave. CHICAGO, ILL.Tel. Wabash 521 for Appointment.Subscribe to the Daily Maroonand Get All the Campus NewsYour NeckwearOpportunity.. No material increase has beenmade in the room rents for someyears," Mr. Moulds said. "We hadhoped that no raise would be neces­sary this year, but the increased costIn some cases the percentage ofincrease is as much as 30 per cent ofthe present cost. Those persons in­terested in learning the exact raise 6000 on SaleTHIS event brings to every man an oppor­tunity to save on this season's Silk Neck­lVe8l" supply.. Included are broken lines ofhig}1er-priced Silks and many new Springid�. Beyond doubt 'they're the greatest. val ... es offered in any sale this season.YOU,TOO.CAN HA VIBEAUTIFULEYELASHESaDd BROWSThe, .dd wonderful­I" to one'. beaulycharm and aUracli"e·ne ... A IittleLash-Brow-IDelot No. I-T wo-toned bias and figured Swiss ideas;Polk� dot tissues; two-toned cameos; double warpstaples ana two-toned .figured; grenadine satins andScotch pin checks.Prlat .. n 01 Tbe DaII7 "rooaMIDWESTTYPESETIINGCOMPANY $1.65510-512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERS lot NO.2-Allover figured Persians; Russian cordchec�s; figured taffetas; staple and fancy bias effects;neat Dresden designs and two-toned basket weaves.$1.35SPECIAL A'ITENTIONTOUNIVERSITY WORKlot No. 3--Staple college and Roman bias stripes;figured tissues; allover scroll effects; cameo figuredfailis; Persian designs and polka dot foulards.95cDELICIOUS AND REFRESH I NGQuenches Thirst­Touches the Spot�(DiiiiiJ�) �Hem1J c.tVti�: I SonsState and Jackson--on N. E. Comer------------ ---- --""""-'--,THE DALY MAROON, WESDAY, MAY: 11,1920THE SENIOR'S NIGHTMARE(Tune: "How Sorr,. You'll Be.")Just wait '11 you seeHow low your J,!rade can be,If it is not an F then it will be an EYou thought it cleverTo cut your class,But now you'll neverNever manage to pass;Just wait'll you seeThe caps and gowns go by,And if you cannot wear one you'llknow the reason why,And when you realize that you are upa tree,How sorry you'll be,Just wait'Il you see.THE Chi Psis must want to selltheir racing cars. We saw the fol­lowing ad in Sunday's Trubune: "ForSale-Ford speedster; just out of thetinshop."GREENWOOD hall, which will takeover this department for Friday next,will have to go some to beat theFoster ·Whistle. 'We're almost afraidto take the job back again.t!1jtH� IT looked like the world's seriesat the Friars' box office yesterdaymorning. One customer brought achair along. If somebody had comealong with a box . of lunches to sellhe would have made a fortune on thespot.WE suggest that Editor Eddie re-vive "On Dit" for the June numberand get Carl Piper's choice contribu­tion about a certain Fosterette wholikes to go slumming."About this Senior woman's party,"said Mr. Dope."Oh, yes," said Ede, "I'm glad youmentioned it. It's going to be in IdaNoyes hall on Wednesday.""But the men. What about them?""We expect to get along very nice�ly without them. We are going toprove that we don't have to dance toenjoy ourselves. I don't know howit win pan out or how heavy the at­tendance will be. '\. e are thinkingof appointing a committee to keep themen company on the greensward whilethe party goes on to keep them frominvading the hall.""But how win you be entertained?""How insinuating! We'll entertainone another. We're going to playgames and everything."":May I come?" asked Mr. Dope.The butler held the door open andour reporter took the hint.LOUISE APT, who got eighteenpoints last quarter, was asked howone could get into Woodlawn hal1."By the front door," said she, with­out. mentioning it that way.SPOEHR BLUESWEETS BIRDFor Happiness STUDENTS MAY APPLY FOR ship. Award 'ba�-��-ex��in�;��;-·-SPOEHR-·-PUDDiNGS-DEPAUTMENT SCHOI.AltSHlPS on the ground covered by courses 1,2. 3, and 4 or 6, 9. May 22, Kent 14.Graduate scholarship. Award basedon the record of work in the Depart­ment. Apply to Mr. Glattfeld.W. A. A. TO DECIDE UpONNEXT YEAR'S PORTFOLIO .PUODUCTION THURSDAYTo A ward Prizes In I)hilo.: .• phy, Pol­itical Economy, Romance, German,EngJi�h, l\lnthematics, Chemh;try At the BookstoreThe Corn ExchangeNational BankOF CHICAGOPICK HELEN CONDRON TOHEAD QUADRANGLE FETE Capital, $5,000,000SurplUs & Profits, $10,000,000(Conti1lu('cl/rom page 1) Is the Largest National Bank in thecnce Falkenau, Theresa Wilson, Elea- Ul'lTED STATESnor Atkins, �.ona Backrach, Martha I With a Savings DepartmentBehrendt. Elizabeth Brown, Lyssa Under Federal SupervisionChalkley, Lillian Dover, Dorothy N. W. Cor. La Salle and Adams Sts,Hough, Marion Ringer, Beth Uphaus,Elizabeth Walker. Miriam Russell,Emily Hartman and Annie .May Open Saturday E\'en'gs until 8 o'clockI �,_---- �;� ----- ...TERESA S. DOLANSCHOOL OF DANCINGWhy be a Wallflower at that nextFrat or Class Dance? Learn toDance Now!JOIN MY BEGINNERS' CLASSEvery Tuesday evening at theWOODLAWN TEMPLE64th St. and University Av.. Instruction. 8:00.�:45. Dancingtill 12:00. \. ou WIll find the in­struction simple. you will enjoy themusjc and good fellowship.Admission SOcDancing Tuesdays. Thursdays andSaturdaysSome prefer the rapid and sureprogress to he found in private les­sons. These arc given at the stud­ios by �ppointnll'nt any time dayor cvemng.5401 Cottage Grove Ave.Hyde Park 68521305 . E. 63rd St.. Hyde Park 4496We Pay Highest Prices for SecondHand Clothing and Shoes. NoOrders too Large or Small.A. MARKOWITZRoom 412 105 W. Monroe St.Phones:Central 4S56 and Central 8574 Bring Your Savings To UsCOVV:HE'V'§Store for MenMen's Furnishings, Hats, Caps andNeckwearBILLIARDSCIGARS-CIGARE'ITES-PIPESSoutheast corner-55th and Ellis Aft.UNIVERSITYCAFEDecisions about staging the Port­folio, the annual 'Vinter productionof the Women's Athletic association,and two proposed chances in the con- Students interested in obtaining de­stitution will be made at an open partmental scholarshlps fnr the yearmeeting of the association to be held 11919.20, should apply in wr;t1D� toThursday noon. the departmentai examiner not laterW. A. A. member)'; will gather in I' th�n May 20. T_tli.!�(' schuia rships, arethe foyer of Ida Noyes hall at 12 and awarded annun!lY to students f!'c!!'!han' lunch in the refectory. At 12:30 i the Senior and JU'lj r: colleges. Ea.:�they will adjourn to the theater where I applicant must have «ornpleted threethe regular business will be taken up I quarters of work at the t;nhel'�ityfor discussion. l and also have fulfilled the require-The proposed changes in the con-: Ill�nts before receiving the scholar-stitution pertain to makirur attend-I ship..anee at the meetings compulsory and: The �cholarshlps to be awarded thisa new schedule for , ... inning points for: yenr .are: .membership. If the plan up for dis_I �hJ}osophY: Senior college scholar-cussion is accepted, it will be Possible! ship and �r�duate scholarship. Awardfor women to apply points, obtained I based. principally on the record ofat other colleges and universities to-' work m the Department. Apply toward th b . d f I Mr. Tufts.e num er reqUIre or memo . . .bership here. Winnin W A A fbi Political Economy: Senior collegeg . . . 0 s h .on the points basis instead of the sc olarship �nd graduate scholarship.method now used also will be voted A ward based on the record of work inthe Department. Apply to DeanMarshall.upon.I Romance: Senior college scholar­ANN 0 U NeE MEN T S ship. Award based on (a) standing___ I in Junior college courses, (b) exam-The Interfraternity council will inatio� on Alexandre Dumas, Lemeet tonight at 7 :30 in the Reynolds �estlO� d' Argent, for st�dents whoclub. All delegates are asked to be 0 er I- rench; and PalaCIO Valdes,present on time. Jose, for students who offer Spanish.Examination 9, May 22, Cobb 16C.BI k 1"- --'-Il-h Id . I Graduate Scholarship. Award basedac �nnet Wl 0 a meetmg "tomorrow at 12' th Y W - on (a) standing In five or more10 e . . C. A . th D b)'room. 1\1 b h • courses m e epartment, ( eVI-em ers ave been urged toattend. dent fitness for. graduate work. Ap-ply to Mr. Altrocchi.German: Senior college scholar­The Campus dub council will meet ship. Award based on (a) standingtomorrow at 4 in Ellis 3. in Junior college courses, includingcourse 6, which must average atThe Unlversity post of the American least B-, (b) examination 9, MayLegion will meet in Ellis at 4 Friday 22, Cobb 12B. Graduate scholarship.to make preparations for the Me-l Award based on (a) standing inmorial day parade. I course 11 and at least seven electiveI majors in Senior College, (b) evidentEXCLUSIVE I!'';TERVIE''�S Skull and Crescent will pledge to- fitness for Graduate work. Apply toWith Miss West day at 7:30 on the third floor of the Mr. Gronow.:Miss Ede West was reclining on a Reynolds club. English: Senior college scholar-chaise-longue when G. Howie Heels- ship. Award based on (a) standingafter Dope, our star interviewer, The Press committee of the Stagg in Junior college courses, (b) exam-called at her apartments. She ad- Interscholaistie will meet for work ination 9, May 22, Cobb 12D, on. thejusted her auburn hair and prepared today between 3 and 4 in -the Trophy material of courses 40, 41. Graduateto answer his ouestions. room of Bartlett gymnasium. sc holarship. Award based on collegerecord and fitness for graduate work.Apply to Mr. David H. Stevens.Mathematics: Senior College Schol­arship. Award based on (a) generalquality of Junior College work, (b)quality and quantity of Junior Collegework in Mathematics, (c) an exam-I ination on (1) Plane Trigonometry,'·JEWISH HR.HIATISTS" is SUB- (2) College Algebra, (3) Plane Ana-JECT OF MEETING OF 1\11- lytic Geometry. Graduate scholar-NORAH SOCIETY AT .. ship. Award based on (a) qualityand quantity of Senior college workMr .• Jacob I. Cohn will address the in Mathematics, (b) evident fitnessMenorah study circle today at 4, in for graduate work.· Examination,Harper MI6 on "Jewish "Dramatists." May 22, Ryerson 37. Apply to Mr.All interested have been urged to at-I Slaught.tend. Chemistry: Senior Col1ege Scholar-I,FROM THURSDAY'S Maroon: i"Each organization has been aked to •send one delegate to the hectinc, who !will be empowered to sign the pledge." 1WHY? We didn't know they soldthf_' st c ff any more. :-Garcon. !1--------'1The reception com mittee of the In­tcrclass hop will meet today at 3 inCobb 12A. Ruth Bowra and CatherineBellis have been added to the CODl-mittee.HAVE YOU SEENTHE LATEST STYLE INBELTS..THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BELTSON SALE ATThe Univessityof Chicago Beekstore5802 Ellis Avenue DO YOUWANT TOEARN$100 Per Weekin a great popular movementto combat the High Cost ofLiving?If so, interviewMR. RHEINFRANKWednesday, May 12thbetween 11 a. m. and 4 p. m.at Y. M. C. A. Ellis HallMADE 10 ORDEllEXTRA!No extra charge for·the extra choice-inthis store of wide se­lection.The Store of WideAssortmentsSuits andOvercoats$50,$60,$65and upwardsNlmLL TheTailorW!!Jerreats· So,.c ......... .w... Streect UP-TO-DATEServes the. Best Meals Inthe CityA Trial Will Convince You.Special 35-Cent Dinners.We have Commutation Tickets$5.50 for $6.005706 Ellis AvenueOpposite Snell HallWoocHawn StenographicServiceHOTEL STRAND63rd &. COTT AGE GROVE AVE.Tekphone .Yidwau 820University Students Work SolicitedSpecial prices on term tbeme workWoodlawn. Trust& Savinfs BankWOODLAWN AVENUEAt SiDy-Thinl Street-0--Nearest Bankto theUniversity of ChieagoDORIS HAT SHOP1151 E. 55th StreetNear UniversityYOUTHFUL STYLESforCOU.EGE GIRLSUniversity Studentsreceive courteous attention atTheFROLIC THEATREDRUG STORECigarettes Fountain ServingCor. ElJis Ave. and 55th Street(Adjacent to Frolic Theatre)Telephone Byde Park 761SPOEHR CHOCOLATEDOUGHNUTSAt the Bookstore