"1 -I!+j, ) "-at aroon "r.,Artists on the campus have been Fraternity Men' and Club Five' hundred dollars is the quota Schedule Prize Scholarshipasked to submit designs for a poster Club Worn"en \Vill Con- that workers for the Margaret Green Examinations, Meetings,to be used for the Interclass hop. fer Tomorrow at 4 Memorial fU�l<.1 are aiming to reach to- Departmental SessionsThe posters will be used as advertis- morrow. This drive is to give finan­cial aid to women students of bothing matter on the campus and will be uRGE STUDENT CO·OPERATION the DELEGATES TOUR UNIVERSITYdistributed around the south side. graduate and ' undergraduate--- schools,. {p.urJue will be ,'I·'t.,.) aguinst the The contest will start today and close Delezutes from all campus fra}. L ....:>• ." " - Leila Carr and Hazel Jenny areMaroons on Stagg field this Saturday I next Wednesday. The person handing ternities, women's clubs and other or- conference of the academies and high. . still ahead in collections, each withIn- the first dual track and field meet in the best design will be given two gnnizations will meet tomorrow at -1 schools in relationship with the Uni-thirty 001lar8 to her credit. Then-of the outdoor season. The events are tickets to the hop. in Cobb 12A to decide on the policy vcrsity will be hcld on Thursday andare the teams composed of ten womenscheduled to, start at 2:30. ' Posters must b� in black-and white to be used' to gain "clean politics" Friday, May 13 and 14. General ses-each and all are working to reach theOne victory this season already lies and 11 by l·t. inches in dimension. and to abstain from undesirable prac- sions, prize scholarship examinations,quota.to the credit of Purdue, having down- Any lettering pertaining to the Inter- tices in campus elections. Each 01'- ' departmental conferences, a public"We urge students to respond moreed Indiana last Saturday by a slim class hop to be given June 4 at 9 in ganization has been asked to send one address, a tour through the buildingsgenerously to this fund than theymargin of 67 1-3 over 63 2-3. Chi- Bartlett gymnasium is pcrm. issable delegate to the meeting who will be of the University, and several formshave been doing. To reach our quotacago took the measure of the Boiler- and the design is left to the artist. empowered to sign the pledge. 'of entertain, ment are on the program,.each of the fifty workers should turnThe committee in. charge of the The program for the two days is.in ten dollars," said Savilla Millis,"clean politics" campaign composed chairman of the drive. divided so that there are four featuresof .Grant Mears, Prank Long, Col- on Thursday and five on Friday. Atville Jackson, Eleanor Atkins, and ten on Thhrsday a general sessionDEFINITE DRIVE FOR Francis Henderson has suggested that LOGAN IS CHOSEN will be held in Kent theater. , Super-NE''I.1, CHAPEL HOUR the delegates adopt the first of the AS PRESIDENT OF intendent Henry Buellesfield,· ForestIn Furnas, Rohrer, Reed and Mil- ,vv'IeI', the Hoosier team has four stan-. WILL START TODAY three propositions as drawn up by COMMERCE CLUB Park, will preside and the general, . ... the committee. 'The proposition is to topic will be "adaptation of school_'who ..... rill press the Maroons to the:)utmost in the several events in which obtain a pledge from each organiza-. Six Members Are Elected to work to pupils of varying, ability,", .t : 'they specialize. Furnas, one of the Plan. Circulation of. Petition tion to the effect that said organiza-. Serve on Executive Arrange Departmental Groups. 'of , Among Fraternities, Clubs tion will abstain from all undesirable At 2 another session will be held in',;fastest all-around distance men in the CI': 'Co· -I. -• te d' th h 'If and Dormitories practices in elections such as the ouncil ..Kent, Principal John J. Schobinger of.'" IUerence, IS en re In e a -. ' . \...... U' "'1 d two-mil R h ' forming of combinations, or the trad- . --- Harvard school presiding. The gen-t" nu e, nn e an wo-rm e races. 0 rer ---. . ,.'-"i; "dash'· d Rd' rte '!EED SUP mg of votes, etc. • John Logan was elected president eral toPIC will be "Selection of"teach-�. 1.1 a man, an ee IS a qua 1'- ,;" PORT OF STUDENTS f h . ..�.-:..:{". .'MUll· t ta di fi � . Publish Second Plan 0 t e Commerce club at the elec- ers and training in service.":.':_IUUer. ,;pr IS an ou S n mg g- --- . , t' t d _. CI . A ...-liJ, ..... :.: � .field ts" fi t . A d fi " . The 'second plan is that cabinets be Ion yes er ay In as SICS 10. Other t 6, a SUpper will be grven for the-·'':�L'Jnt·h .' eVI� , dwmd�mg trsh . In ef nite drive for the ar�nge_- formed to supervise the nominations officers chosen are: Mildred Janov- administrative officers at the Quad-.;: UUWl' . e Jave m an ISCUS rows ment 0 a new Chapel period will be- k d .. ,'r�� I di . d ., . - , and see that candidates for offiet!s s y, gra uate council member; Wil- rangle club. The last feature for the����sed·n tolanaF· . th di ta gUmd to. aYd undereothe .ausplces· �fti ��e \,"ere' well . qualified.' Thes.e cabinets .liam Winterhoff and Ruth Plimpton, day, ,viiI' be a session in -Kent with.,.-; , ��I'J!V .. , � ,. .', .urnas In e IS nce n ergra uate une:d.. The pe bon I J . "I bers: . • ' '. - .. }�> • -\:!.� .M .- , 'il have Oti h hi h '11 be" ul ''. would be empowered to rule out any umor .councl memo ers, Frank An- Dean Wdham .S. Gray of the depart- . � ,���...,e a�n� WI ave IS, ,w 0 W ic WI CIrC ated to this effe�t .. derson anfJ, Tl.. .. d ' .. � 1r..;_ .... �,. t .#�· ..... d .�... •.. �; ,':',#-I!" -: ,;:., a��ue:'inin�nbOt1i· ls'iis-'fo'tlows:- :cif'n-r.oMertO�·"ro-�·� -1!�!netlon�4f(�IS6118 � �e:on- ---'"':". ��9�QJ'S-� ��!���O::, �� .,,!!�� ,}lfl�� ���'�rg:�\�.!:�'-(�."""";::::;I!IIi�!_:- .... ' ',.. t' - d' . 'd. t 'k· Il .• . :. p mo� sldered not to De sufficientlyqfuuified phom�re councd members; and Edna '�The present status o�th� JunIor _hlgit, ' ;<,:�oun ry. an > In oor. rae: Slnce co ege spmt :and encourage campus { " '. . ".- . ,,:' v. Hewitt and Gilbert Beatty Freshman school" will be the' . era! . to' ic' '.' ,',<,·Oetober": Cbi�go, will, be further acthrities, we, tbe undersig.lE!d, peti- to carry the responslblhties �f�t.he of-concU �embers" 's h' I ' h·: � F·./ .... ',. strengthe'ned _, in the longer races h' tion that a new Chapel period be ar-' fice. A parallel pl,an was su�sted· .. c 0 �rs Ip.. am�.. n _ay, .. .r._ tai '··S . .' J M W . d' Th' ·od· • that a committee ·composed ,of, three The new, president and council Fnday 'YIll have five :features. on lts•. '-XIP, n peer, ones, . oore, . range. ,� IS pen w1l1 offer a con- ". ". b '11 be .. ta'll' d I' ,.,'. '.' '· . ·Bo' " . ·u . ." d" B rt' ky Th ."..1 • ' representatives each from 0. wI and �em ers WI InS e at the next program, the pnze scholarship exam .., .'�ers,: arns an a . e veruent time �or the meetmgs of the. '.' , - Com I b b t M ..'.., . '.':"'17: rsi' ty. • .t t .. th d h' d'a I .'. Serpent Nu PI SIgma the Marshals merce c u anque ,on ay 14, ll�abons beIng gIven at 9 In Cobb •. , �a, '. IS no s rong In eases Illerent cubs, classes and organIZ:i- '. " 1920 V te t th" I t' d' '. .. ' ..'... 'til I f M D· ld b . . . .' '. and the AIdes be formed to take over . 0 s a e e ec Ion to ay The exammatIons are open to all high� SID� _ e oss 0 c ona y InJury, tlons whIch are now much handlcap-. ." : '.: 'were as follows:, ' h' I '.' 'd db"" ': and. �1I have to depend on me. n who ped by lack of such a free period It thIS function.. ' . 1, s� 010 sefnlors rec��men .e h schYp'nln-," ',. ' . Th th'rd I • . '1 to�1.. 'fi For president: Clpa s 0 co-operating hlg 00 s, are speci'!llizing in other events .. Har- will provide a time for students to e 1 � an IS SImI ar.� i"ne rst J h �o A 0 th I" . •':.;.' � .. 1.._ be d B rtky h except that It was added tIUIt' an or 0 n A. Logan, v t 1 ano er genera sessIon wIll be; .. : .ns, �Ule, rger, an a , ow- meet one another and enJ'oy the .""- -Ell' HId 30 . .,' ., :,. '. to" od' t - ' . ...,- ganization either now existing or .s og un , held, the subject bemg Pubhc school· . ever, are sure gIve a go accoun sociations and friendships. of colleO'c '- F d t "1 b '.,. ." f- th· I ,... organized" for the purpose.lK!i empow- or gra ua e counci mem ers: textbooks. Prmclpal Arnold' Lau,'0 em� ves. life." ..1 llI'Id d J k 49' ''R k I I d . I' ..." _ . ered to see. that all organiZations h01d ,I.l I re anovs y, .. oc s an wIl preSIde.Strength of Team Doubtful Men and women with pet.itions wHI . i ' Leona Bachrach, 38 St d 't t't' 'th,'" h I' . to the agreement. u en compe I ors In e -sc 0 ar-In'the field'events, the strength of cover all the men's and '\'omen'� dor- ,For Junior council members: ship exams together with their·te�ch-. - "Full Co-operation Neceilsary"the' Maroons is likewise somewhat mitories to get signatures. Petitions ... (Two elected) ers, visitin. g'" s,�perintendents' " "<a" nd. , '. .• Organizations unable to �end dele-do�tful. Higgins, of course, is de- will be circulated in all of the libraril�s William Winterhoff, 38 principals will be mven a luncheon at. . gates to tomorrow's meetilfg "'ill be b&�. dable in the shot�put, provided hi3 and will be scnt to fraternities and ,Ruth Plimpton, 63 12:30 in Bartlett. The departmental,.�. solicited_ by mail or other .means so.arm i� in proper comlition. ·Hall, also, clubs. • Reed Zimm�rman, 32 conferences, in art,' biology' , commer-that, an unpartial represen,tation of'haS .been performing in a fair way in Need, Support of Students Roland. Barker, 35 cial education, English, 'ge' ogra' phy,the campus can be seCured.: "The fun- the pole vault, while Phillips and "The time has come for us � pUi;h For Sophomore council members: Greek and Latin, history, home econ-(Cont:ntled on page 2) , co-operation of all the undergraduate (Two elected) .• this thing through," Bernard l\Iac- . omics, manual arts, mathematics, oral .•I�, . ' groups is' necessa� if this'plan is to Theodore Janovsky, 64Donald, who has charge of the drive, be expression, physics, chemistry, and· /,. Large Issue of Phoemx Is a success," said Grant ,Mears yes- Frank Anderson, 59 "said yesterday. "Petitions for a new rda Th' Romance will be held at' 2:30 in theirP Sal Thi te y. " IS movement', has been Lawrence Semerak, 44t Chapel period havc been circulated ,bc:- respective buildings.U on e s started by members of' the Senior For, Freshman councl'I b'M. fore in a half-hearted way and con- . , �m ers: '1\1. L. Burton to Speakormn, g class, but all students should feel it a (Twc, elected)sequently nothing has come of them. ,\ The final. e'vent will be a public ad-moral obligation· to declare them- Edna He\\itt. 61We have arranged for a large number selves for clean election&" dress at 8 in Mandel by Presidentof canvassers to cover the campus in Gilbert Beatty, 61 Marion L. Burton of the University ofa systematic way and the result will Martin Emery, 30 Minnesota on "The Demands of De-URdoubtedly be satisfactory." GAVEL MEETS·IN COBB TODAY Felix Janovsky, 29 mocracy." President Harry PrattJoseph Koselka Jucl�on wi11 be the prcsiding officer.��;\1' Vol. 18.. No. 110.: PURDUE TO MEETi MAROONS IN TRACK,4f EVENTS SATURDA Yt1 First Dual Meet of Year \VillBe Held ThisWeek UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO, THURSDAY. MAY 6,1920 Price Five CentsSubmitted for Interclass Dance Leila Carr and Hazel Jenny Still InLead-'-- HOP POSTER CONTEST NOW ON DELEGATES MEETFOR CLEAN-UP OFCAMPUS POLITICS 5500 IS GOAL IN GREEN DRIVE ANNUAL CONFERENCEWITH HIGH SCHOOLSSET FOR MAY 13, 14Offer . Two Tickets for' Best DesignfiOILEIt:UAKERS DOWN IXDIANAThe thirty-second annual educationalmakers during the indoor season, The posters must be turned into Thehowever, and Coach Stagg looks for Daily Maroon office by next Wednes­anJther win this week, although by day.no means an easy one.Hoosiers Have Four Stars.i. ;J,'.�1The May number of the Phoenix isout this morning and will be on sale- 'all day on the cmnpus and in theBookstore at fifteen cents a copy. In-asmuch as there was a shortage of Any persons wishing information Prof. Dodd Will A'ddress Club oncopies for the last two issues, the on the petition sho.uld consult with "The Democratic � Case"....: MacDonald at the Dclta Kappa E.'1:ii- - ''staft" has orclered more printed this Cobb 12A will be the meeting placeIon house. A petition will be found f. month, and hopes to have enough for 0 the Gavel today at 4:10 instead of Students In Arts, Literatureon thc bulletin board in the Daily Ma· Cl . 0 d dall. asSICS 1 as announce yester ay. Science Verify EligibilityThe content includes an article on roon office for any who wish to sign Prof Dodd will address the Gavel on The preliminary list of candidatesthere. Pet1tioncrs ha.ve becn askc-l Th D C Th ."The Founcling of Blackfriarg" by " e emocratic ase." e meetmg for gracluation in the Colleges of Arts,to not sign more than oncc.Walter L. Gregory, "The Can," a of the Gavcl will be an open one and Literature and Science this quartcishort story by Gilbert Alclrich, an all �tudents have been invited. has been posted in thc Bureau o�article on mu�ical comedy by Edward SPAXISII CLPB TO f:: VE Prof. Dodd who' \\;11 uphold the RecOl'cls on the west wall outside Cobl)Waful, and poems by Maurice Lcse- MUSICALE TODAY AT.. clcmocratic party is �aid to be a. lead- 2A. Every student who expects toman, Janet Lewis and others. ing proponent of Wilsonian policies. graduatc in June next has been a..�kf�:i"I wish to remind people �nce A musical program will be given He is the author of "Woodrow Wilson to inspect this list to see if his namc, more," said Editor Waful Uthat con- by the Spanish club today at 4 in and His Work" revie\\:ed in anothel:" is thcre, and if it is not, to consu!ttributions for the big June number are Ida. �oycs hall. A piano solo by part of this paper. Prof. Dodd was Miss Gibson in thc Bureau of Reconlrin order any time now. We hope to Martha Block, violin selections hy imitcd to scn'e on a committee of not later than May 15.make it the largest and best magazine Norbert Smith, and songs by Viola historical research and ,when in Wa,sh· This'list includes only student, inever published by Chicago undergrad- Roth will be included on the program. ington was in access to .everything the colleges of Arts, Literature an�uates, and we �k the co-operation of S('nora Arte l\ti� 1\Iathia..� of Peru necessary for a close study of the war. Science. Students in the colleges ofthe campus especially on' th�!; June win give a popular Spanish dance. After Prof. Dodd's taIlc, there will be Commerce and Administration and innumber. All manuscripts must be in The Spani�h club has invited all who a general discussion open to an pres- the college of Education will conrultby Monday, May 17." are interested to attend the musical. ent. their respective deans .LIST OF CANDIDATES POSTED Beta Phis Announce PledgeBeta Phi announces the pledging ofand Harold De Baun, of Terra Haute, Ind... - _1- I� __ .G. O. P. COUXCII.. TO MEET,'\11 members of the Republican duhcxecuth'c council have been asked tom«t today at 5 in South Lectureroom 0' the Law Library for an im·portant session. Thc follo1\'ing a�cmembers: Charles Greene. �Ieh'inGriffith. Charles McBride,' Eleanor..\ tkinSy Winiam Gemmill, John Logan.Eli7.aheth Brown. George Bowden.John Joseph. Victoria Anen, JohnAshenhurst, Ed,.;n Nelson and RuthLovett.,) . ., J"', I ;....-, ... '" '.... :. - "'\. ... 2 .,_", ... �" ..... ','�\\ -.THE· pAILY MAROON, THURSDAY, MAY 6, 19�OJOURNALISTIC POLICYMr. Gurney, in a communication toThe Daily Maroon of Friday lastmakes- several statements with regardto the methods used by newspaper-men in obtaining news which no one}<'RANK COLLECI'ION EXHIBITwho has any knowledge of the actualworkings of a daily journal can allowChissify Books on Early Medicine--to go unchallenged. He asserts thatCatalogue Musical Volumes"reporters often put comments intotheir (other people's) mouths, fol-The Mortimer Frank collection oflowing one false statement '�ith �- books in early medicine, anatomy andother." Again, "it is a favorite trick"Jhysiology has been completely cat­of reporters for the daily papers toalogued anl classified, and » on ex­attribute to some person things whichhibition this week in Harper M27. Athe did not Sfy, or misapply things the end of the week, the more valu­which he did say." able part of the collection, includingIt is regrettable that Mr. Gurney,about 250 volumes, will be placed inspeaking from the vantage po�t ofthe rare book room -in Harper; thethe . assistant recorder's office, and remainder will be distributed withwith a long and varied expe.rience be-their respective subj� in the stacks.hind him, did not back up his charges A separate catalogue of the books winby' more specific- facts. In very, few. be provided and held as �py, �n casecases would he find- that statementsthe University should later decide tohad been published which those who publish _ the catalogue as one of theare credited with them did not make. bibliograpilical pub1ica�ons of .theTrue, persons who speak �ti1Y m�y Library. ,._regret an utterance when.It IS seen m The books. on music in the Hubercold print, and seek an avenue of es-collection have likewise been, cata­cape by alleging that what they. ae-logued. A copy is being held, pre­tually said is nie� newspaper �cti�n; paratory to the printing of the. ca_ta­but such a retraction does not merim- logue of. the collection. The pnntinginate .the reporter who wrote the of such a - catalogue was one of thearticle. stipuJa�ions of the Huber gift.Reliable newspapers of the. presentday do not fabricate statements, andI'URDUE TO M�ET MAROONS INin ease statements are quoted, it isTRACK EVENTS SATURDAYan invariable rule in newspaper of-fices that the authority be given. Ac­curacy is a cardinal principal of mod­em journalism.The "favorite trick" of reporterswhich Mr. Gurney alludes to of at­tributing to persons things they didnot say or misapplying things theydid say is not in the perversion offacts, as Mr. Gurney seems to think,but in "playing up" the most signifi­cant facts in a speech or interview.For example, if a well-known politi­cian should hold forth at length onsome dry and uninteresting phases. ofhis political career and then buried AUSTRIAN TEACHERS STARVI�Gdeep in that statement confess that hehad found that the Whole political Faculty Members Hold Meeting To-system was rotten to the core and day to Plan Aid 'that he had never held a job to whichhe was honestly elected, that particu­lar assertion would be in the head­lines, not the rest of his statement.Newspaper writers often have towork under a handicap because thepersons to whom the publication ofthe facts would be of the most in­terest are sometimes the most reti­cent of divulging them. Many per­sons refuse absolutely to talk to re­porters even when it is to their ad­vantage to do so. Under these cir­cUmstances articles printed may ap­pear prejudiced against certain per­son or persons, merely because theether persons wished their side of thecontrove� understood.When it is considered with whatrapidity the newspaper is written, or-The Student Newspaper of theUniVft'Sity of ChicagoPublished mornings, except Saturday,Sunday and Monday during' the Au­tumn, Winter and Spring quartersby the Daily Maroon company_.__EDITORIAL DEPART�IENT.JOHN E. JOSEPH .. Managm.g Ed!torWilliam Morgenstern, Athletic Ed�torHarold Stansbury Feature Ed�torJohn Ashenhurst '' News Ed!torRose Fischkin News Ed!torHelen Ravitch ....•...• N.ews Ed�to�Harry Bird N}ght Ed�toErnest Fribourg NIght-Ed�to,rHerbert Rubel Day EditorBUSINESS DEPARTMENTGRANT :r.lEARS---Bus�n�ss ManagerHenry Pringle .. Adverfising ManagerKeith Kindred •. Circulation �anagerLaurence Tibbits ..... Asst. Clr. M�Entered as second cla:ss mail � t!teChicago postoffice, Chicago, DlinOlS,March 13, 1906, under the act �ofMarch 3, 1873.Offices ..•..•....• .' •....... Ellis 14Telephone Midway 800Thursday, May 6, 1920 ����-�ce���I'�=��----�-�--�------------�lmoney can be paid at any time in thenext few months, but food �ts will Ibe sent immediately on SlgnlD� thepledge to prevent f�her increase ofsuch conditions. Contributions or sub­scriptions may be sent to Mr. John F.,Moulds, cashier of the University, .A party of fifteen botany stud�n�left the campus last Tuesday for Kar-Inok, Illinois, where a physiographicecological study of the Ozark moun-!tains will be made under the direc-Ition of Dr: Henry C. Cowles of theUniversity. The plan of work con-,sists of a study of the ecological sue- Icessions from the Mississippi swamp IIareas to the mountain summit typesin the Ozarks, with due regard to the I'influence of geologic formations upontheflonL��---- __ --_:::::::::::ganized, printed and distributed, it issurprising that so few' errors enterinto an issue. The Daily Maroon inits limited field is seldom guilty of thesin of inaccuracy, although Mr. Gur­ney has been moved several times inthe past to point out minute errors.In the case of Dr. Boynton's al­leged . arraignment, as printed in theChicago T rib u n e, the publishedcharges, whether correctly reported ornot, cast a slur upon the excellentproduction staged by the Senior cla�,and :it was to the interest of the Um­versity as a whole to see that the at­tack was answered. It is Dr. Boyn­ton's misfortune if his statementswere misconstrued by the Tribune.The article in The Daily Maroon,however, was not a criticism of thedoctor personally, but of the chargeshe was alleged to have made. Th�statements by members of the facultywhich appeared in The Daily Maroon,and which Mr. Gurney calls into ques­tion, were bona fide and correctly re­ported.The Daily Maroon regrets that anyinaccuracy should have appeared inits columns, but reasserts its policyof maintaining as truthful representa­tion of news as is humanly possible,H. L. B.(Ctmti1wed from page 1)Schneberger have been getting fairdistance in the broad jump, and arethe most likely men in th� high jump,as weD.A number of athletes prominent inother branches of sport have beenworking out since the end of the win­ter season, including Jackson, Hanish,Moulton, Red m 0 n, McWilliams,Blinks and Ries, but for the mostpart their ability is still to be shown.Member of the faculties and theirfamilies of the Universities of Aus­tria are starving, according to reportsreceived at the University yesterday,and unless help reaches them quicklythey must die. Several members ofour faculties have therefore decidedto start a subscription campaign to­(!ay for the relief of such conditions.A meeting will be held today at 5in the Quadrangle club, to which allinterested have been urged to at­tend. Further information regardingconditions in Austria can be had atthis meeting. Blanks arc obtainableSPOEHR ENGLISH TOF.FEE BARAt the Bookstore STUDENTS MAKE STUDY OFFLORA IN OZARK REGION =�pI-I{,� .,t :tit op.�. to,�( srd" w«.� 8,11' { 'i( ci\ f 1 ':if gaIf ( Pt.H .1, lo(Ii. > . an1� r dawa1 Nt,toEllimPOIGB!:Ent�sitJduetolsiqere1melent1fortoUlameou:ther2r.�$t&J10.bytority .of jECanc:ha1temwillTWBatrTODAY15c"THE BEST YET"Plenty of Snap_---- __ ------ ------------ ------_- ----- -----------,• • . and at Atlantic CityeA foe/:At Atlantic City, which affords a typical ,cross- _section of American society, Fatima is one ofthe three' best �llers in nearly every hotel onthe famous boardwalk.At man}" of them, indeed, including the Marl­boroug!t-Blenheim, 'the Traymore, and 'HaddonHall-'Fatima is .steadily the leader.4��e.FAT IA Sensible C{faretfeII!IiiIIi '1.,I!.jIr,. __ -"IIIjI� ,I TSIde'j of JI spec! will�in t;weeothcMigers,KidHolDevAll,andandand�ndTbeg:willqua:�the--SPTI,e J::s!-moug" �"rkis'''' BlendLeadership f.lcl� !'ueh as IrhcF·�c .ofi�rint�re"ling proof bnlh 0 atrmasple�!!i�;; taste and of the fact that ,farycan he smoked freely withoe: '-:{Jl'!'jabout "too many." •Three words expl:xil1 it:.""Just enough �urkIS11.,Not too mud. Turkisl r, as in over.rich straight Turki-b cigarettcs ; nottoo lillie fof taste, as in �)Jcnd8 less,.kilfully proportioned; lmtJu.st enoughTurkish--==- ==�========:::=::=:::::II."THE riAlL Y MAROON, TI-IURSDAY, MAY 6, 1920 - J�PLA Y FIRST ROUNDS OF ANNOUNCE WAR SCHOLARSHIPS I y. w. c. A. COMMI1TEE GIVES final plans for the supper will be I . WoocDawn SteDograpWcINTERFRAT. INDooR �O�IMUNI'rY SUPPER. SUNDAY made. Service'Board of Home Missions of MethodistEpiscopal Church Offers PrizesStudents wishing to apply for WarEmergency Scholarships given out bythe Board of Home Missions and The Campus Community committee.jChurch Extension of the Methodist I of the Y. W. C. A. will give a supperThe Interfraternity Baseball league 'Episcopal Church should write to L., Sunday at 5 :30" in tbe Y. W. C. ,A.opened its season yesterday with vic- M. Lepper, 1701 Arch St., Phila-; room for all University women. Misstories for Psi U, D. K. E., Kappa delphia, Penn., not later than .Novem- i Lamphere, Mrs. Goodspeed, ,Miss Tay- AD V E R TIS E R SSigma and Sigma Nu. The scores ber 1, 1920. Students who received I lor, Dean Wallace, Dean Flint and�reP�U�A�cial0;D.�� �h�arshi� �riq the �� IM�!M� Cooper �ill � the ��ts �I==========================�.8, Z. B. T. 2; Kappa Sigma 29, Delta 1920 and who wish aid for next year; honor!" / IChi 0; Sigma Nu' 11, D. U. 10. The must apply to this office for our II Tickets are thirty cents and may be Igame between Alpha Delta Phi and "Continuance Blank." secured before tomorrow noon eitherPhi Delta Theta was postponed. Any student intending to apply for! at the Y. W. C. A. office or from the ��!fi�g�g�!iI�!l!���m��iiiiii����_�i!51E1The day's play was marked by aid must have received honorable dis-l following members" �f the committee: iloose playing by all teams; home runs charge for service under the United I Elizabeth Harrison, Ann Lorenzen, Iand errors were the order of the States Government or its allies dur-l�ouise Apt, Lucile Mitter, Lela Karr, , That's as true inday. The only game in which there ing the recent World War and must I Virginia Hibben, Janet Walker, El�-Iwas any competition was the Sigma be a member of the Methodist Episco- I beth Jones, Mary Hess, Frances Dorr, life as on theNu-D. u. game. pal Church or in its constituency. He Allegro Nesbitt, Effie Wells, Grace cinders.Request Report From Teams must show promise of useful service Bennett and Marie Niergarth.All team managers are requested and leadership in the life of the com- There will be a meeting of th!to hand the scores of. every game to munity in which he resides; must fur- Campus Community committee today I ��.� ••• ��tI'.lltIllm�Di�iiiiiiiiiiiiii5!iiiiiiElbert Bushnell at the Beta house nish a statement of his financial re- at 4 in the Y. W. C. A. room when !!! ...immediatelv after the game. All post- f sources for the year, which will show I Ii Made! in 17 leads,ELD'.r DITVn� -. O'. I one or every �JL��poned games are also to be reported. need of additional funds; and must SPOEHR DEAR HEART need or �ref- HADmeet specific conditions and reqUire-I CHOCOLATES . erence. aGRANT GYl\1 CREDIT TO ment as outlined on the application. I .THOSE IN TOURNAMENT blanks. I Everywhere � masterdlalllintpencirKappa' Sigma. Psi u, D. K. E., andSigma Nu Win First GameS­Loost:" Playing Features All Con­tests-Request Report From Man-agers,Entries for Campus Club Tennis Con­tests Coming 'In Fast-DrawingsMade TodayStudents entering the "All Univer­sity" tennis tournament being" con­ducted by the Campus club and opento everyone but members of the var­sitY squad will be given 'gymnasiumcredit.Those desiring to enter the tourna­ment should do so at once before theentries are closed.The Campu!f club will give medalsfor 'the first 'and second places in the') tournament. Dr. Dudley B. Reed basarranged to give the use of the twelveCourts at 59th St. and Ellis Ave., t:orthe tournament .. Drawings .. will be made today2r.tl announced tomorrow. Play will.cart the aftemoon' of Monday, May10. The tlrst roUnd .wl1l be completedby Wednesday. The tournament is, tor all University men, both fratern­ity a:.d.non-fraternity, and is the firstof its kind to be staged.Entries \can be made through the ,Campus club box, 212 Fac:ulty E::­c:hange, or with the attendant at thetennis classes. A fee of ten eentswill be charge_d with each entry.TWO TEAMS �O REPRESENTLINE BALL CLASSES JUNE 8Battering Rams and Non-Skids Rep­ftseDt Divisiou-Publish Scores, of GroupsThe Battering Rams and the Non­Skids by winning five straight gamesof line ball will represent their re­a.,ec:tive divisionS in the finals whichwill be held on �riday, June 8.Tearns from six classes participatedin the play which Was concluded lastweek. The final results for the teamsother � the winners were: MiddyMights, Mercury, High Balls, Punt­ers, Rough and Ready and Campbell'sKids, each won three and lost two;Holy Rollers, Double Speed, DareDevils, Black and White, Reds, AfterAll, Punch, W. W., Klever Kickersand Midway Speeders, each won twoand lost three; and the Sure Kickersand Red Pepper Bums each won one�nd lost four.This week the team games squadsbegan playing volley ball and thiswill continue for the remainder of thequarter, with the teams winning thegreatest number of games playing inthe finals on Field day.SPOEHR'S FOUR LOOPSTORESFor Lunch DowntownI I'�aculty Members' Will Be GueSts atAft'air In Ida Noyes-SellTickets HOTEL STRANDPATRONIZE 63rd &: COTTAGE GROVE A VB.I Telephone Midwall 820University Students Work SoIidWSpecial prices on term theme 'WIGftSPOEHR PUDDIN�At the BookstoreOURRight training wins the race. eTHE TURKISH CIGARETTEFROM Bagdad .toFrisco, menin everywalk of life greatly,prefer pure Turkish•cigarettes ..The fact that "ordinary" cigar-., ettes cost a trifle less, sometimesappeals, to one's pocket, but never toone's taste. ."Murads are 1 00% pure Turkish - theworld's most famous, tobacco for cigarettes..Don't wound your pride or scramble your taste fora trifling saving. , .¥urads .are worth more than they cost-and youdon t have to sneak the package in and out of yourpocket In any company-you know what we mean.•, ,_Judge lorYouTsell-!20¢,1-,(, .... �iIt.iII ;",," .... r :.. :;""; " .�'" ,," ", ':"'.t .,. ....•r• THE DAILY MAROON, THURSDAY. MAY 6, 19204- ._.'_-_ -- - - _-"s, I' Bl:tt:k eyes within blue frames. asked to report to Harper MI3 be-I GEORGE 1\IASSLICH TO TALK' I week from 11 to 12 in Cobb 12A. The,;_;�,��"�.:.e.ca:n�us l 'm looking' through a huze, a maze. tween 12 and 11 today or tomorrow, I TODAY IX HARPER ASSEMBLY pins and rings arc of the regular-de-};rt", ,. .'llu,·t.e...�,!. '" " r--... Black eves, brin�ing- au subscriptions with them. .-- sign with the class emblem and the;-;_: 0 .: ",:� I Whatnvu 'know?" : George B. Masslich, principal of the pipes bea;' a special inlay and mono-\.....:_. .) - . ..4 �,\, , •• � � -"'--;;'!'� '-,:. \.j ;-'1-_! I' You seem to stare and laurrh The Athlt.>tic committee of the 'Wcll« school, will speak on "Social: zram.�1-� ��I I�< '\(( You sce m to know Illy shames. Freshman clas s will meet today at ;) _.'�cti\'iti('� of the Public School" to- ================...�...'\_�'-' II :. � ,.,"-.-.-�_ .. ', Black l'�'e�-- in Cobb 12,-\ to decide on the athlctil', , ' , I '-=======:::=:============�==�dav at t In Harper assernblv. 1 hIS 1:- IIIi:'TH E IntvrIrntcrun y };as(.·ballll'ag-ue 1 He pounded me so ! activities of the class. . .Ist art ed uff yesterday with a mess of i =-Younn Hed. the twenty-third lecture in the s(.'des'lhome runs, The close g-aml'� will ] EDITOHI:\LS Those nIl'IllL�'I'S of the Press corn- "Types of Social Work," given underconic btl'!' in the season. i OUI' st at e smon do a lot of soldier- mit tee of t he StaJ:J: Interscholnst ie t he allspice:' of the school of Com-,irur down at Washirurton. who failed to report yesterday will mere- and Administration. )11'.�OTE� OF TilE TICKET DIU WI�G :\11', English wants the Friars to I m�'(.'t today between :� and -1 in the �ta;-.�lich will discuss the social ac-The ... Alpha Delt s wanted a scat for :�l't out of the Reynolds dub. Let's Trophy room of Bartlett J:ymnasium! ti\'itie:" \\'hi�h he has introduced intoPat, the do�, and Tkkl't :\lanag-er buil,! a theater. I for work, �ailurc �o att�nd today j the \\ e!J=- .scho�l.,. ., .'.Perry Herst �:a\'l' them K9. (Be- __ will be reirarded as a Wish to he, Sonier J�" dr� I� Read)• Iasco Dooley is rospons ible for that PROF. COX of the weather bureau dropped from the committee, : The senior class jewelr'y committ,('C Ione.) prophesies three more weeks of cold announces that it has the pins, ring".... �.�t.._.(.._....,,_. • .._.� • .._..._tl.-C·.-.',.. I k 1Last year the Psi U representative, weather. ::\0 rush about that old- and pipe!" ready and wit take 01'( ersat the end of the' line, drew ::\0. 1.1 s tyle chapel hour, We won't be able SUBSCRIBE fOI" them this week and all of nextTh0 Whistlo cunuucnted, "Ain't that: to use it properly,!)(, .. ulim·'?" This y('al' the S. A. E.'sdrew ':\0, 1. What should the Whis- 510 - 512EAST SIXTY-THIRDSTREETPRINTERS andLINOTYPERSMIDWESTTYPESETTINGCOMPANYTHE O�LY visible results of the FOR I C LAS S I FIE DAD S.til' say now': )ray Day party are three spring capsWomen's oruunizat ions were on 1 ag-ainst which there should be a law.hand to buv tickets for the eirls who:. ,.,aren't �oing- to sell SCOl'cS. ! TH E appearance of the campus is-- l.mut:h improved with the SeniorFOSTEn. hall's column will appear! mustaches gone,in this space tomorrow. One has al-ready been written, but the Fos- NO wonder the geolog ists complain • :terette editor-in-chief doesn't think it of deforestation. .can be printed. THE DAILY MAROON , FO R SA LE - Splendid for divinitystudent. "Pulpit commentaries" bySpencer Ex cell. 51 Volumes.$:W.OO. ":W,OOO Thoughts" bySpencer Excell. G Volumes $!tOO.All books in excellent condition.Sec Louise Viehoff, 58�4 WoodlawnAvo. (135)AND GET ALLTHE CAMPUS NEWS, SPOEHR BLUESWEETSFor Happiness BIRD-Garcon.IOUR OWN PHOENIX , ANNOUNCEMENTSTHE CALL � -�-By Filbert Ostrich. I Skull and Crescent will meet todayat Rio . . .. etaoin cn�fwyp vbgkk at 7 :30 in Harper E40 to select newI met .. 1\Irs. PItfall . . . I members.. .at Rio . de Janiero. We went!mountain climbing together. Black Bonnet will meet today atI told .. . her . . . how much the y, W. C. A. room in Ida Noyes.I . . . cared. "You .. . . don't .----�she Members of Blue Bottle may se­cure pins tomorrow noon in the Y. w.C. A. room, Ida Noyes. .' •••••••••••• ::: •• : �.:. : 0" '•••• :.:: �. :«. :.� .• :-: : : :know," said, ....111!·. \11;::"you ...(Continued on Page 30)THE COARSE AND OTHERS-By Editor Eddie.Let's revolutionize musical comedy.See me in Blackfriars.' All Palestine dri\'e workers areSPOEHR CHOCOLATEDOUGHNUTSAt the BookstoreBLACK EYESThat fellow. bit me, bit me; .....•...tII••I,I•IIII••II ?FOR RENT1.75 IOne WeekOne Month ·4.50Three Months 12.00 Fabric alone doesn'tmake a suitSOMETHING more than ail-wool is neces-I sary.· Style-vigorous, youthful and digni-·fied. In' Society Brand it is built into the clothesby c'arefu"I hand-workmanship...,�J)titty lSrunb <!tlothtSFOR YOUNG MEN AND MEN WHO STAY YOUNGTheY,are designed for men who \vant correctand stylish, well-fitting clothes. They have anaIr of fineness that appeals to every eye. '."TheHub"�enry C. Lytton & SonsState and Jackson on the N. E. ComerI,I,,,,I,•!!L Remingtons, U nderwoods, I. IL. S. Smiths, Coronas I•ISee Them at IIThe University of Chicago Bookstore5802 ELLIS AVENUE �., •• _ _____._ -..a .------. .__ ._. __ ..:-: en.TRYAc- .Plat( .... tI"Mea"AalUae�CoIIUII'm .. 4Jteld.'l1I1U_7C::C..eaaiI.De of.I\�· (tile Ulltette •• f the- i'(.NeWlItercettiuer.i. tileTiet4is to ]lIotei CcoutiDll,ree8cBprieedtaiae4I tile C.